L.,...1 THE COMPILER. "Ltrikirrr, TIIR UNION, AND THE CONSTITCTION ," GETTYSBURG, I'ENN'A,:, Monday Morning, lan. 20, 1857. 'TRAITORS• (WO. WAGONSELLER, of Schuylkill, WILLIAM B. LEBO. SAMUEL MANEAR,,of York. stir The probable political complexion, of the U. 8: Senate on the 4th of March vie.x.t, if all the vacancies are filled as expected, will be as follows: Deinocrate 37 ; Republicans 20; Know Nothing , . 5. -Col. (Bonne Scorr, the newly-elected Canal Comtnissioner, was qualified on Tues day week, and took his seat in the Board. Col. Iliszsir S. Morr was elected President, and MOS. L. NVII..SON Was re-elected Clerk, The Board - now consists of Messrs. Morr, PLOVER and SCOTT. Col. SCOTT is a gentle man of sterling integrity, is practically and thoroughly posted upon the working of our State improvements, and will n►ake au *able and .efficient officer. • Tonnage Tax. We perceive that an effort will be made In certain quarters to induce .the Legislature to 'repeal the tonnage tax on the Pennsylvani Railroad. Similar attempts have been made upon preceding Legislatures. but hitherto with only partial success, The tonnage tax , is an imptirtant item in the revenues of the State, and we trust the Legislature will be in . no hurry to remove it.-ILirria&urg Patriot. serWe trust so, too. Lobby and Special Legislation. The Philadelphia Times ountains an article under the above caption, which says, 'The unsophisticated public would be hugely aston ished .at the numerous fees, perquisitio, and -stuns of money slyly put into the pockets of their representatires,und willingly accepted by them. Bribery is a hard word to use— but it is a lamentable and shameful fact, that members of the State Legislature and mein bets of Congress are bribed—aye, bribed—in to the support of many bank and railroad and land bills, which would otherwise be rejected, And the worst Of it is, that bribery has been organized into a system. All members of our Legislatures are exposed to temptation, and too many systenultically abase their functions so as to get rich." Another Inauguration will be re membered that the Democratic Association of the Twelfth Ward of Philadelphia are to give .a ball in this thy on the third of March next in honor of the Presidont. etect, James Bu chanan. The old theatre building on Louisi ana-avenue is engaged for the occasion. Its .upper and lower rooms aro sufficient to ac commodate two thousand perions. We doubt riet-the citizens of the metropolis, and especial ly the Pennsylvanians residing hero, will con tribute all they can to make this a gay and brilliant ball. The price of the tickets will be five dollars. Fifty citizens of Washington and Georgetown have been appointed mana gem tenet in conjunction with a like number in Philadelphia.— Washington Star. Iter4 Washington letter states that Mr. Cadwalader, member of Congress from Phila delphia, who recently =deft speech against Know Nothingism, was shot at in the evening while walking ‘.:'an 14th street, and the ball passed close to his .head. . Counterfeits. Bicknell's Detector gives a description of three dangerous counterfeits: Harrisburg Bank--10's spurious. Vignette, female, figure 10 above, male and female on the right, canal on the left. Columbia Bank-s's spurious. Vignette, three female figures—on lower right end, me .dallion head of Washington ; on left end, five large ferrate figures. Girard Bank, Philadelphia, Pa.-10's—gen eral appearance good; can be detected.by no ticing on right end two figures, male and fe male, embritciug—on the genuine, there is a medallion head of Girard ; also on the good notes, the word-Ten around the margin is in large letters—au the counterfeits they are quite small. tarßev. Isaae 11. Kelso, better known as the author of that infamous Know Nothing work entitled "Danger in the Dark," some time since sued Robinson & Sharp, proprie tors of the Cincinnati Enquirer, for libel, on account of strictures published upon the au thor in connection with the work, and has ob tained a judgia sut for one cent damages. Not much "danger in the dark." after all. leir During the late Presidential canvass, and at the moment a gallant Senator from the South WaS pruelainiiug the oortain election of 2lr. Buchanan, a feather dropped at him. feet, 'front the wing of au eagle that was flying over. The gentleman preserved the quill, aDd, to-day, had it forwarded to Mr. Buchan an, to write his inaugural address with. it was not plucked by man from time wing:. but was the free .opfiof our national bird.— Wadi. dlexa.ndrhi The Lan -miter iatelligeneer says the above statement is correct. Senator 'Brown, of Mississippi, is the gentleman referred to. The qui! is now La posbestoit o r. cue iannn, at Wheatland, where we saw it on Friday last, : ipital.—TheConneautrille Courier grave and, ia accordance .rich the request the 1:r tells its readers that, "during cold weath -44-gallant )Sen.t.Lor," 'it will be used by thy' ttr.„ all persons should he careful to avoid fall- - President elect in writing his loangural A.;- tag upon, the icy streets." This is capi tal— dreg S Its sell-preserv;:.titin %souk]. s/4ecri to ' Ki`Lebo, Manear, and W3,4,,n..ei1er, 'ere ' tviinnui9ll tt4 all to "amid" breaking out r beret is effila in BAILLI2ore vu fuez , AL9 u , : itl! uo:oks, ••diarii G. culd we4ther," or .at an: ,itlier week. , tau! 1!==1 CoL Jonn W. Forney. sfirThe defeat of Cul. Joir:v W. Fulmer fur United States Senator will only endear hint the more to the Democracy of Pennsyl vania. Ills services to the party, his integri ty of character, and his high sense of honor, have secured for him the atliniration of all true Democrats, and the rempectef the honest men , of all parties. Col. FORNSS is emphati cally a self-made man—the architect of his own fortune,, lle possesses indomitable ener gy, and is one of the ablest writers in the .United States, as the opponents of the Demo eratic party in this State, who have felt his keen blade. can testify. His defeat, we re peat, will only cause the Democracy of his na tive State to cling the closer to him, and they will !lice together when they see him placed in a position commensurate with his worth and talents, Tho Flack Republicans, if they ezpect to crush Col, Foastsr, by means of bribery and corruption, have counted without their host. We wonld rather a thousana times, occupy his position to-day, than that of his successful opponent, who will sneak into the Senate Chamber like a thief in the night, there to insult by his presence, the wisest and greatest men of the rinqqa, THE TRAITOATHOME. On the evening of the 1 th inst.,.the Demo crats of Schuylkill county, where LEIto and IVAcossEwut live, held a meeting at Potts ville, in which the leading Democrats partici pated, where their traitorous Representatives were strongly denounced. Denunciatory re solutions were passed and ordered to be sent to every Democratic member of the Legisla ture. Among the resolutions we find the fol lowing WIIgREAFI, The Democracy of this county have been astounded with the information that. the persons elected to the House of Represen tatives of Pennsylvania from Schuylkill coun ty, 'have perpetrated the crime of a most gross and flagrant betrayal of the known wishes of the party who have elected them, and .their Own solemn and oft-repeated plelges, by vo ting for Simon _C.oneron fur United States Senator, after his open and notorious action as a leader among the Know Nothing and Black Republican Fusionists of this State, in opposition to the Democratic party, and the integrity of the United Statteti. Risorved, That the conduct of Wm. B. Lebo and George Wagonseller, in connection with another traitor from York county, in voting tor- Simon Cameron for United States Senator, in known and opeb defiance of the wishes of the entire Democracy of Schuylkill county, is a direct violation of their repeated assurances and professions before their election. Resolved, That for such traitors we know of no adequate punishment provided by law, and can only express the oxecratiot► of to deceived and outraged constituency, who will treat these Arradds and 600rgeys with exclusion from all social and political intercourse.. On Saturday evening week, the-Democrats of York county 'assembled in large numbers, in York. and passed among others, the fellow . ing resolutions : Resolved, That the conduct of Samuel Ma near, in voting for the Blank Republican- Know-Nothing candidate for the Senate of the United States, in open defiance of the wishes of the entire Democratic party of this county, and in direct violation of his often repeated pledges, is an net of Treason and Infamy that will.sink him to the lowest depths of degrada tion, and wake his mime despised and scorned by a ll honorable and high minded men. Resolred, That Lebo and Wagon:o/er of Schuylkill runty, the infamous associates of Mintear in his depravity and - villainy, are de serving of nothing but scorn and contempt and should be shunned and loathed by every honest man as a destroying pestilence, which carries terror and contagion on its poisonous wing. Res/Weed, That Samuel Manear be request ed to resign forthwith and permit the seat which he now Occupies to remain vacant, so that the pollntion of the traitor may no longer be an eyesore to his honest and faith ftd colleagues and a disgrace to the State Cap itol. Resolved, That the open boast of James .11: Anderson, of Carrol township, that he had the entire control of Manear. and yet - refused to exercise his influence to save the party from betrayal, although -at Harrisburg, has for feited the'confidence of the Democratic party: Resolved, That the Democracy Aif York County, now assembled in County I .,lleeting, boridyr revoke the appointment of James M. Anderson as Senatorial Delegate to the State Convention, which assembles on the 2nd of March next, and appoint Maj. Charles 31. Smyser, of the Borough of York, in his stead. The reading of the resolutions was frequent ly interrupted by applause. and were adopted without a dissenting voice and amid great cheering—when the assemblage adj cornea to the Centre Square, where Lebo,Wagonseller, and Manear were burned in effigy, in the presence of a large crowd of citizens. 'That the election of Simon Cameron to the United States Senate—the highest legis lative branch of the National Government—is an outrage upon the character of the Com monwealth, and a foul blot upon her honor, no right-thinking and properly-informed man will allow himself to doubt. Aside from the antecedents of the political JOBBER, Cameron, himself, the base and corrupt moans by which his election has been secured ought to con nect with the very mention of it terms of earnest and indignant denunciation. And yet there is a class of mean-minded Know Nothing Black Republican editors who seek to palliate the infamous transaction, by doing, ?—isot by lauding good qualities 'in U;unerun, for he has none; not by puttingthe choice upon the ground of expediency, for there was no such ground ; hut, by ahn-ring Col. Foaxr.v, his opponent! A more damna ble subterfuge never entered the heads of bad men—a grosser wrong could hardly be.. con ceived, and could only be perpetrated by the worst of our race, whose hearts are dead to every honorable feeling, and who are as desti tute of principle (and under like cirentn stanres. would be as easily &Arca?) as Wag r ► DM = What was Thought of Cameron, two years ago, by his Present Friends! orr OF rugm OWN mourtrs 41.11 R TIINY CONDEMNED!!! From the Gdttpthurg ." Star an'i Banner,", of Fehrtiory 23d, 1855. 11,, S. Senator. lerTuesday next le the day to which the Senatorial Conventi9n,etan de adjourned, when another Wine made to elect n United States Senator. Opinions vary as to the prob able result, although the prevalent improseion seems to be adver46 - to Cameron's chances. If the anti-Cameron Americans and old-line Whigs and Detneerats can unite on an accepta ble candidate, Simon ie gone. But this we take tole) improbable. The must likely result will he a failure to elect, and a postponement of the issue un til next winter—which is proba bly the beat that could ho done. In the mean time the press of the State, with unusual um. nimity and severity, is down on Cameron and all connected with him. He fares badly alike with Whiz, American, and Democratic edi tors, end if the Press has half the potency over the Legislature it should have, Cameron cannot be elected. As a sample of the tone of the Press of the State, we annex the follow lug strong article from the Lanca3ter Tri bune: SIMON CALSTION AND Tin U. S. SENATE. If the question were submitted to the voters of Pennsylvania, whether Simon Cameron should be United States Senator, we ere con fidentthat there would not be 25.000 affirma tive votes. and yet he ham contrived to get a nomination in an American caucus, and to re ceive 59 votes in open convention. How has this been effected? No one gives him credit for any ability, (except cunning.) for learning or general information. Perhopi by looking at some other candidates and their means, some light may be thrown on the subject. __A man by the name of David Jayne, who is re ported to have made it fortune by compound ing Sarsaparilla, Burdock, Elder blossoms, Pinintain, and other cow fodder, having heard thnt offices wore sold at Harrisburg, repaired thithei. and caused proclamation to be made that he had inure money than Cameron And ten men were actually found to vote fn-'him in caucus. It needs no Witness to prove what convincing arguments were addressed to them.---The same men. after having fulfilled their contract, improved their time by voting on the other and final ballot. for Canteron.— They were shrewd operators Look at'a few of the districts that supported Cameron. The whole valley of the Juniata ran corruption. We do nut mean that the worthy members of the District were corrupt ed—but we do mess the influential citizens who -attended as borers, and influenced the members, did it for a consideration. What operated on the monliers of the Western slope of the Allegheny- —ot Anti-841A ery Allegheny and Washington-4e make theta WI in hoe with a Nebraska!? We ate aware that they hoot there that they bore fortified themselves" by having in their p iekets Cameron's pledgo fo go for the repeal of - the Nebraska law, to move and .support the re peal of the Fu tire Slave law, to prohibit slavery in the Territories, and resist the miesion of any stare States into the Union. They well - know the sincerity of.suelt plo.tges; given at a pilich, by a man who lobbied at Washington for the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, and who in September last, help ed to pass resolutions endorsing such repeal, and demo niacin g Know Not ogism. We doubt not if they will pick tlie . pockets of the Demo crata who voted for hi m--Frailer, Ballade, and others—they will_tind them to wally Well fortified with I;ledges of directly contrary t !nor. Wit why need we speak of other districts? Let um take shame onto ourselves, and roll ourselves in sackcloticand ashes, all of its, for we are all guilty, fur having voted for North. Gross, Shuman and hi a district which on a direct, test would not-give Cantor , on one thousand votes out of tweaty-tive thousand. four of her representatives have dared to vote fur him in open day ! Two of tl , em have drawn their last of ccial breath. The other two will linger a little longer, ho- C1111i43 the pc iple will have ito_i_4lAortunity to slnughter them. It was not to Is 3 believed that any men would violate all previous S olututi pledges. Hat let us pause and wait. We yet believe matay will reverse their steps. One thing . is beyond a doubt-=whoever hereafter is mhted k.littnerou's forces—whoever votes for him who has not alreioly done so, will be known as a purchased commodity. We believe tame such will be founa.. Don't Drown Them. Several weeks ago we said that any Den o crat who would support the oi,position candi date for Senator, ought to be thrown in the Susquehanna. We now object to the carry ing out of our own suggestion. on the ground that it would destroy the value of the shad fisheries. Horses, cattle. sheep, hop, dogs, cats, racoons and skunks are frequently drown ed in the Susquehanna, but this, does not deter people from eating Susquehanna shad. But if Lebn, Manear and Wagomseller were thrown in, there is notes dog in the world that would smell at a Susquehainna shad frien - that day forward. We can conceive of but one use that can •he made of these traitnis, and that-is to cut them up in inch bits and scatter the pieces over the monutaineus parts of our State, to poison the rattlesnakes.— Val. The Buzzard's Feast.—Two years age, ;Messrs. Taggart, Jordan, Ball and several others, 'refused to vote for Simon Cameron for U. S. Senator, saying that they had been in vited to a buzzard's feast, and that they would not partake of it. The same kind of feast was amid prepared on the 13th inst., and those gentlemen not only very greedily partook, but heartily enjoyed it. Mr. MvssEi.usis, of this county, also took a helping hand at it, notwithstanding the pretence of "old-line whiggery" which was set up for him by his friends before the election. The Senatorial Treachery. It is attempted to pallitate this outrageous treachery in some quarters, by asserting that Col. Forney owes his nomination to the pre ponderating influence of the President elect. That Mr. Buchanan was his friend, we have no doubt, and that he should hare been is equally clear, for at all times, under all cir cumstances, whether his prospects were bright or apparently hopeless. Col. Forney was al ways his friend, sacrificing place, and profit, and power, rather than forsake his benefactor. He has made infinitely more effort to place Mr. Buchanan in the Presidency than that gentleman ever made for himself, and we doubt whether Col. Forney has a single ene my in the State who was not placed in that relation toward him because of his unyclding support of Mr. B. We have yet to learn that the sentiment of gratitude is a thing to be condemned and scorned, or that it is not lliter The trial in relation to the validity of equally binding upon the greatest as well as the will of Martin Ebbert, deceased, in the the least. Court of York county, week before last, re ____Dar___XlVashington-letter—writer-to_one-of-k, If Mr% Buehanarti - th - em - expetsed - n - prefer- -salted Fna real-wt city papers says a vat of proportions suffi- enee for Col. Fo rn ey, it was but jost—Ahe just jury was out 24 hours. cleat to float, when filled,- a man-of-war, would and proper workings of nature. Who is there not hold all the egg-n gg and apple-toddy to • " Qestion Col Ferney's fitness, or his &tar drank in that city nn Now Year's day. his tion u to the principles ot his party? There. are nnne, who themselves have a character to generally conceded that the eggs and apples sustain. Then is Mr. Buchanan disfrariehiS discovered a quality which seemed to intoxi- ed—lare he not express an opinion—because elite every one who wed them in such eon nee he was elected President. The follv•ef this excuse for treachery only proves more palpably tint). The soientitie world is at a le.Ss to at toe criminality and the corruption of the trai ' tribute the effect to any other t;aun. turs.—C.in!vit D: Warne Pittsburg Uaioa says : •'There is one thing from which we derive some consolation; that is, that of sixty-eight Democratic Legislators. but three could be found mean enough. despicable enough to support Simon Cameron, while every man - of the opposition voted for him with apparent cheerfulness. But three Democrats could he bought to aid in the work of infamy, while silty-four Republicans and Know Nothings deliberately selected Cameron as their caucus nominee, in preference to worthy and excel lent men. We have this little crumb of com fort." From the Carlide Volunteer. Rejoicing Over Bribery and Villainy. Our neighbor, the editor of the &raid, goes off into extaxims over the election of that i desperately wicked and corrupt man, Simon I Cameron, to the Senate of the United States. The editor nays he rejoices at the result, end considers it a great Republican and Americen I triumph! Our neighbor must have a poor :opinion of the honesty of his renders and his party when he insults atm with his reieic ; inns over the grenteet piece of rascality that 1 ever disgraced our Shite. The editor who / can roice over the success of Cameron—a I man steeped to the very eve-lids in corruption —must be lost to nfl 'reuse of propriety, o_ol ! the finer feelings of our nature. The three ', Judamee in the Legislature who were perches ;ed by the gold of Cameron to betray their 1 party and their principles, have earned for ' themselves the scorn and indignation of every honest man. As they walk the streets they will be pointed at as the vilest of the vile, and ' their names will be regarded as synonymous iwith dishonor to the end of their worthless existence. But, much as theSe three traitors I may be despised, much as the finger of scorn I may point at them, what must be thought of i that monument of. corruption, Cameron, whose monev - was used to foist himself into a position such as none but men of integrity should dare aspire to ? It will nut du fur our opponents to say that there oral:ion:lds in re gard to the:manner in which Cameron was elected. No line doubts that he was elected by the aid of money. The, three miserable rascals who were purchased, attended the Democratic caucus, and one of thorn. Lebo. voted for the nomination of Col. Forney, and the two others, IVagonseller and Manear, voted for Mr. Robbins, and the three voted (in mucus) for the resolution declaring Colonel Forney's nomination unanimous. It was, therefore, after the nomination of Col. Forney that these men were seduced from duty and from honor by the glitter of Cameron's gold. Such an act of scoundrelism and unqualified turpitude, we have ,never been called on to record, and for the honor of our State and her honest yeomanry, we hope an. example may be made of the culprits engaged iu this fraud, bribery and treason. And this bribery, fraud, eorrirptien and villainy, the editor of the 11,ralti "rejoices" at.! We can't believe it—we have a better opinion id'our neighbor—we have too high an estimate of his integrity to believe that he was serious" when he expressed himself pleas ed at the election of Cameron. Even hall 1 Cameron been elected without a resort to col-- rupt means, no honest man could exult over I it, for he is not the man for the exalted posi -1 t i o n of United States Senator. This p,saion I should he r , :creed ler men of principle fled 1 sterling integrity. Cameron posse,4ges neith sterling er.of these ((utilities. Re never was minuted hy principle. 3nd he would sell the Know Nothing and Black Repultlieau parties tce. mg prrow, if by so doing, he emild line his own Pockets and rteeomplish his wicked anal dam nable purpose*, Doling his eonneetista with the Democratic party be did more to bring the men and measures of the party into disrte pute than any Hundred bad men belonging to , it. lie never had the eurdidenee of the real men of the party, rind was alwaye regarded a wily demagogue, ever ready to gamble in polities, Ile is a frt man tie represent the Week Republicams in the U. S. Senate, a nd his nomination and election lay that poly. over honest and worthy met , . re evidence of the debauchery and dishorteety of that des seicahle and rotten faction. Rejoice over the election of such a man. indeed—rejoice over the bribery of members of Assembly! We would as soon rejoice over the. saucy: of the highwayman, or the desperation iir the des perado, who murders for money. Shame, slime on the man whose conseiefree is so stultified as*to rejoice over - sueli prolligavy. Kicked Out of Decent Society:. The Chamhersharg Spirit says :--Satre %near, of York. one of the dogs who sold hinetelf to Cameron. was boarding at Wilt's Ilota Six Democratic members who were hcarding there addressed hint a note request ing him to (cave. ILe took the hint and left. We print the correspondence. Manear's hit ter proves him to he a fool us ClP:lrly as his cute shh‘yedlt int to be a knave. The dog tried to sot up a dignified bark at the gentlemen who kicked him out of the house. but Came-. run's collar fit his throat too tight, and he could de nothing but whine. Iflinuisauna, Jan. 14, 1857. Ma. SAMUEL D , !ar Sir :—The undersigned, boarders at the "Pennsylvania feel that they can no longer (without doing injustice to them selves)'meet you on those t erms of perfect el - ill:1'- 4y which members of a high and honorable hotly should have for each other. We, there fore, hope that knowing year presence to be disagreeable to us, you will without delay leave the house. B. Nunenmeher, Jesse Pearson. Michael Hoffman. Franklin Mcllvain, C, M. Leisen ring, John C. Evans. January 14th. 1857. C. 111. Lcisenring, J. C. Evans, .I\imin macher, J. Pearson, Hoffman, P. MAI- %ma: I have received your note of this date, in re ply to which I have to say, that feeling that I have done nothing which. as an independent Democrat, I ought not to have done, I am un willing longer to associate with persons who evince by this note, that they have so little knowledge of what is becoming in members of a high and honorable hod P. and who, on this account, are not fit associates for gentle men who can associate on terms of equality. As I cannot consent to meet such men on terms of equality, it is my . intention to leave a house of which they are inmates. SAMUEL. MANEAR. 1 Col. Forney and the Cabinet. 1 The Baltimore Republican e an old true Dem- I ocratic paper, Sap : "We have now One hope, a ms-eet, Cheriehed t hope. and speaking for ourgelveg, we ex- I prom that hope, that Col. FORSEY nutty he ) called into the next Clibinet, than which no step, in the future of the Democratic : I party could be more popular with the peo- ,' i ple.'l In the same traih speaks the N. Y. alfirrorp4 an opposition journal : s"f he defeat of Col. FonNl:v." pnsn that pa per. "as a candidate for the U. S. Senate, will very likely, by the force of re-action, place him in the Cabinet. We Hilmar] not be sierprised to see . Col. FORNEY Postmaster- General on the 4th of March next. lie im better calculated for the executive post than for a seat in the Senate." State Treasurer. Monday last was the day fixed by law for the election of a State Treasurer, by the Le f 4 islature, but both branches having adjourned over from Friday until Monday, a majority of the members left Harrisburg, on a visit to. Philadelphia and other places, and in conse quence of the snow storm were unable to Let back ; a quorum was not present-on Monday, and consequently no election was held. •it will now require a special act of the legisla ture to provide for an election.—Carlisle Dem. Varna Abolition Governor of Ohio, Salmon P. Chase, utters sentiments in his last Message, which had they been enunciat ed by the Chief Magistrate of any Southern . State, would have :Caused the Black Ilepar licans of the North to throw up their hands in holy horror; and shout lustily "Nullifica tion," but. Coming from the Afiulition Gov ernor of Ohio, are approved by the Shriekers fir Bleeding Kansas, whose gory wounds Chase attempts to re-open by advocating nul lification I A Bible waR raffled off at a coffee-house in Louisville, a few days ago. It was put up at $lOO, and won by a Southern Kentuckian, who threw 44. " zerWitat a eemmentarr on the demorali sation of the age. We have read that the Saviour drove money changerti front the Tem ple, at Jerusalem, hut. it was left for" the to gamble a*ay the l•Word of POSTSCRIPT: Br .5..1 ruiwit /10eSy a mail which reached this from; Ili/mover on Saturday evening we have more.and othilpapurs to 'Thursday morning. Ftuta them rce glean. the following items, &Erne germ SY e..fi , al to have been one of equally intense severity, northward, east ' ward and southward. Telegraphic. - at:wallow frtau Pitiladelphitt, New _Yolk, Boston, and farther'north ; Washington.. and beyond that swath ; ropreset.t tsrrii,te bLwing and drift ing,. with a, freexiog cold rarely known. • in Saltintore, at theinaersection of streets,. the piles of snow were anm eight to fifteen feet deep.. end in Pbiledelib a. and New York akuttt"the sawn_ All the lines of travel were *closed', ;aria inuaeuse labor has been expended in opening theax. As a sample of the work= gang.,'s of tive i • six, seven and eight heavy freight engines were.synt from lEhtliiutore to force passages through. tle drifts on the Isaltinarre and Ohio Railroad; but wren 'lase failed in many instances, and' ras - Ora to the &novel and cart was had, some ty . the aids being fun to are top. W ith extraordinary labor, all the Radroad lines front that city, except that to ,Philadelphia, were opened by.Wedn es ' day—and trains on the latter were expected. through d uring the next day. Work on the RailrfNuls east and ,north has been much of tie sane eharactor. Qfe"Three I'h•.rofl' Frozen to Death.—On Monday Morning, before daylight,. a. milk. wagon was caught in a snow-drift near Market street bridge,' Philadelphia, and daylight re vealed a dreadful spectacle o f a woman an d meupants—frozen to deatil,— Another woman was also frozen to death in the 10th ward. ler Shoeki7og Apir.--Oti Wednesday last, a prescription was pat up at the drug- store of Mr. Letfer. Lonbard and Eden streets, selti more, as. ordered by a physician, for a child of Mr. Eckert. The child died shortly after . taking the medicine, and the matter being brought to the attention of the druggist, he tasted a part of the same, to show that it was not dangerous, when in a few minutes he fell and soon expired. Dr. Arnold then tasted it, but swallowed none, and he was at one time s oil) 'sod to be dying, hat when last heard from was better. "Cyanuret of potash" had been substituted by Mistake for "chloride of potash," Another sad warning. Xtia"lllriess (If Jr. Giddings,—Mr.(lidding, of Ouio, dropped down in his seat, in the House of Representatives, at Washington, o n Saturday week, from an affection of the heart, -Medical aid was at once had, and ho is nux much better. tar War has been commenced between England and China, grovringout of griersnees sustained by British merchants. At last ac counts, the British fleet was bombarding Can ton, and the issue was not doubted, The Chinese fleet had already been defeated, bar Arrest.--Jas. W. Simonton, the Wash ington correspondent of New York Times, has been arrested and imprisoned at the in stance of the national House of Representa tives, for refusing to the names of members "who had approached him and desir ed to know if they could not, through him, procure money for their votes on certain bills." Quite a "scone" ensued when he was brought before the /Louse, on Wednesday. ta'Missouri U. S. Senators.-11un. T. potk has been elected for the long term, and H o n. J. S. Greene fur the short term. Both are Dem"crate. iter ...Vicaragua.-- Returned Nicaraguans give coutradictnry but generally rather &is inal accounts of the state of affairs in Nicar agua. '"•••••-.•• t maintaining a nuisance" recently at Exeter, Serit is said that the notorious Frailey, of _Schuylkill county, received the nomination for I England, it was shown on the part of Mr. State Treasurer at the hands of tho Know 1 Abraham that his neighbor, Mr. Minty, haul Nothing and Black Republican members. ; (',iv IT BE ?-But the election of Cameron ' a cock which crowed one hundred and 6fty times in °0 minutes. The learned Judge should cause us not to be surprised a: anv thing, Frailey is a regular Ilarrishurg thought this was an amount of crowing which er—'`no more nor Jez.b." Clod bare the Cum- . humati nature was not bound to put up with, nwuwealth ' NIG lifl" S MAIL. PEN AND SCISSORS. ....The old adage, "too cold to snow," w as at fault yesterday a-week. The severe wintery weather extends South and West of us. The James River, irginia. Las been frozen over, end the winter in New Mesico has been the hardest known there for Many years.- - ....A man in Fulton county, in this State, bap just been convicted of theft, for taking his own horse from the poßsesmion of a Sherif, who held the animal under an attach ment ; the court decided that such an operation WWI stealing. .... A child beginn;ng to read becomes de lighted with a newspaper, because lie rends th e na mes of things which arc familiar end will make progress accordingly. A:newspa per in one year is worth two quarter's school ing, to a child. - ....An ardent Fillmore man in Farmrille, Va., pledged his word before the election, that in case Buchanan came in he would drink'six bottles of ca4tor oil at one time.-- We have not heard that he has "pi; d up" yet. ....A couple named Jerry Better and Louisa Well, were_ married at the cathedral in Cincinnati, on Saturday. Louisa was Well, but now she is Better. ....Wonderfill. : —Congress has now been in session nearly six weeks. and have had "narry" fight yet! That dignified body is evidently improving.—Jamodosen Dem. Neither Sumner nor Burlingame have bees in their seats this winter, we believe—a fact that will explain why there has "been narry fight'," and also the "improvement" alluded to. .The man who could not stand it zany• longer had to take a seat, and now feels quite comfortable. • . , ..Why are . railroad cars in no danger from lightning.? Be' wise every train has a conductor. A husband advertises thus :—" My wife, Annie Maria, has strayed or been sto len. Whoever returns her will get his mead. bmke. - As to trusting. her, any body can Rio as he thinks fit; for. as I newer. paymy own:, debts, it's not likely I'll pay been.", In churning butter, if small granules of hatter appear which do not "gather r throw in it a lump (Shutter, and it will form a-. nucleus, and the butter will "tane." Nat less than seventeen bears have. been killed in Lebanon county within the last. ....Lemon juice is much relied on by the• physicians in London, for curing rheumatism. Three tablespoonfuls per day is a dose for a man, . Glorious. Times for 'leg' ;—ln the reign-of Queen' Ifirgaret of Scotland, the par— liament plosed an act, that :may sintiekm 1:1, high or low degree, shoull.havethe liberty to choose for a Ittisand the mar-ion Whorntshia• set her fancy. If a man refa'sed to marry her, he was heavily fined, according to the•valno of his worldly possessions. The only groimd. of exemption wits previous betrohgtl.. A Sad Occurrence. On last Friday zik , trisn?o/ Mahaln Rohrer,. Is widow lady risiding nt Tighltnantnn,)ell" home for the purpose of visiting some neigh ?ors. She locked her two little children, agef one-and= Hum years, in the house and took flier key with her. :The eldest one was very an.; i ,US to accompany its mother, but she po-• sitively refased to take it, tearing it at home to take care of the youngest. During- her .41Kerrte th*Frhouse.took fire, and the chit dren being locked in,.burned entirely up. It . is supposed that the children were laying with the fire;ttn•l thus seltire to.the which being of logs was totally destroyed.-- The occurrence took place between two Ala three o'clock iiLthelliternoon. 'Phis is a sa.l warning to parents never to I.zre•f-armalifehil-• dren alone, especially where there is any tire.. —Hagerdown Chrmikle. fler The small pox is prevailing to an. alarming extent in Stove, Vt., and all the, Pith- - lie gatherings are forbidden, and schouls•nre• stopped ; pest houses have been provided, Lunt the Congregational clergyman has gone to . one of them to devote his services to the tar The Legislature of .11.1i,....55uri have' awarded the position of Lieutenant Governor to Hancock Jackson, the Democratic candi-• date. It will be recollected that the returns,. as first sent in, elected Newland, the Know Nothing candidate, but it was discovered that a mistake had been made in the returns from; oiie county which reversed the result. A.sup— plementary return was made by the elerizte the county where the error was, stating the. fact, and it was duly recognized by the Leg— islature, who proceeded to do substantial jus— tice by awarding the place to Jackson. WY - We learn from the Pittsburg Post that a gentleman named Dr. James M'Elheney, re siding about twenty miles distant, along the banks of the Ohio river, arrived in that city on Saturday with a large arm chair, a walk ing cane, a broom, (all carved from hickory in the most elaborate and ingenious style, by his own hand) and two wild turkeys, all of which he had borne on his back the entire twenty miles, to be forwarded by express to lion. James Btchanan, as a New Year's pres ent. On laying down his precious cargo in the Diamond market, the rowdies of the appo sition, learning his mission, succeeded in stealing the turkeys and cane, but the , poul try was subsequently recovered through the assistance of a gentleman who witnessed the theft, and the articles safely lodged in the express office, and have, ere this, no doubt, reached their destination at Wheatland. A "Ntli.ia act" Defined.—At a trial for and a.sarded to the plaintiff