;11:1ITY, TlIF,' 1.!.C . 1t) in F. 4`c):k; r oN onrrysi-it7II6,•IIBNA" A,: Ncliclay f.ez,;l"li 1,-.-71UW( ==EMEt r'x"''""'~: Dor.a?qnWe N.c'-tiona/ Norainationl. ,j A .1.11';$, .I>cArey val 71' n r,io t i'res I; 13R ECK] N ItiDG E, of Kentrz eky: , I)..l. 4 4oerartiP -41,Ectun3 :NT .4:inc.:E. (if tklabia 51.01 k y, 1.1V,2‘.111.1411e11y cuuuty.. , :JYttiT;i4l: T. 4 4eronti. , - 1..660)1V.:Nctici9g . , , 13. Alrlaitua '1 4,11 ell ‘ r lll.er liriartNn:l;i:);:i co. 16 7LW Witto, 16.. JUDOS I) . l9Alke J,Jlin I?lttNair, .17,11.eury .5. Statile, .1. If. Brinttirt, . 18. ,191mAq) - - ..";> 7. I.4vid Lirtury, • 19.44p)1,0'4.ir.ue5, 20. J. 4, ! 1. .1;11(11m - 14.n, AVi ;tan arc, ;.I Jutwblacr,. J t; AV. thigiles,„ Tlt.m..i.Juntingliitin, Otiterlymt,, 2-1. Jolul Vita...co:At it?!iitcs.• . C;6:zsg G E',.31: : ,;1 (:ICri:T, c.;i; C s 'd'i r l . plb:.* !:14v.ty.., J. 11,1 ifflr JACOB fp.144, JR., Of , Moritgornkry co Wi t reyof " ' JORN 'ROWE, of: Franklin '6lnnty. - For Couvres3, • • • •-• 1 LSON REILLY, .of eliantlAraburg, t M BREWE Frapklin . . r iik9Abaii. tv o , Judycs, Gettysbur g . 11 ESE, y Lk', 1/.4l.lotilloaitilt. Cuiltni;thsioner, • JOSIAIf - BEN'NEIt, of - Stratan, CIIII.I§TTAY 0.451 D lAN, 4f iNione.llen: ,11crwisik, • othy, ' WILLIA tiettysburg;- • tibrtoitil Survello, ,, , EDWARD - ApINTiltE, of Liberty. 4014 042 *4 • -7-5 - -rt.z4fez:-; • f • , ' 4 . 1 4 j4 fT ••°"`• • ' • • fill as ", ‘ ,' ;• " 4 ' *". 's l. '•• • • " • ;4. • .;: ..• MIST JIE ,- PRESIBITAI I ~ ()NUE : .mpiaw. UNTO TIM ! DE.IIOCRATIC - 11 - EETING ALL' rrni:i T liE ELECTiON .. - - Buchanan. and Bleckinridge , - . All or - tho -- villintenap of-,tito .C4N. STITUTION and the UNION ;pi the are- 2 . All who are apposed.. to the seetionai and dangerous deAlgua of tlia.Black Republicans— Milli - lie are opposed to the dark and pro rwriptive purpoSei and practli;es of Know Nythingivia,..--and, is ,sivirt, - All - Who favor,good government— Are - icquestecl te ags'eirble ot the places and 1 designatell, to hear the' issues in tho pre'sent campaign feizriessiY, can, :idly.-and eleveutly_diseussodi At Fairfield, en ifoliclai), the. 2.2(1 of .Septem. , ins ityitt; nt 61 o'clock. its the _ At I'4 cSite.rxy4tuwe,..-ou 2'ite,;:di.ty, the 23'd, at '1 o'elOck the afternoon: • ' .' 2 - . At I.,ittleStown, at G?, o'clock in tho ()Toning of the- sazue day. , -At-- - .N..ew Oxford, on il'eclee3dity, th-0-241=1* t - 1 o'clock - in the afternoon,. At the Election PolI, in I\touritpleasaat township, at in the eveaing.,of the ame day. At East ribtrsclay, the 25th, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, At Newlltester, at is the even. wg of the sani s day. A t ;:`..itinumaSba rg. un 1 - rd./day, the 2Gth, et 1. 0'..;10c1( in the aftornoo - ri, At *Bret:l4'3, pa Alarsh Creek, at Gl:o'clock in the evening of the snare day. At Benth-rsvillo, on iSittarday, the 27th, at .'elock in the afternoon, 3lidilletown, at Gi o'clock in the eveniag, kit the stunt" day.- w:11 l , c allresseq by 110 - 11, •;).N ItEILLI - , De::3):Yratie date fur (-;ullArt,ss ; IV. 1., the bt".11.),%-z..t.:t- z‘r., 1 ,:tl;lte fpr State Su; ~ t.ir—a- a 4l Lir ot!. , ,ir chanlpiolis of tin; Goon uLD INleetiiig st utlita po:itts in Cat: eounty.mtt:, lit' 13y- order of tho C.. t; Sept. 1, EC:=I 1:'. t:,(1., an old line Whiv; of Phillel•?l , , , !i`: - a, a:: formerly a mew- her of zhe B• 41. ; - tynnia, a letter in favpr of 13 uelia; tf2....captui;l of. snore,, (art old iine addros I,efare. r large liarriAut,T, Pa., a day or ==l barre, Gu. w. ; old line - WY auaouul.cedli:, 1:1L,. fur Si,!Lat.,,z.,.l"\.: , riiil.:l:4_,F; ' foi* Fran'4l:ll H,"t on 11eini, ,, lay n w. f...;5(.1 . ., Of t 1 i .I.ttt• ,Y 442 fr for; uut - —••ggmb•-• 'Jr ;!,:11..-It I:ufm; Cboate,'llaniel Webster, and James lin- r. Choate's letter, which we publish on 4,?aarst, c„ i • 4a,n,41,, 110 l7 Mal a f ugh s `J 1: HAW PUS/ 'N, a :(' N, •. 4 in: t 114 C .1; et t4F fr the*nntrw , - '• • . • i , 1)471 , di • IN YlBl ; its i:►rl - 4.1 . rhetoric onid only tiave come from Ow - 4 ‘iii" itt; i r.," fits Choate. This letter reayh t•veiy - vottritrovgliwit this wide coun try, and will touch, as with magi(' power, the Which will bound at its kind ling; fie laue01; • _ The rmtiorati party struck - a heavy blisw at a - 'voArapliical party at Cincinnati ; :Ind its grit advocates base been. an'd.n.tp (.1!;r it-yeuttretr ,.. merTie in -the ibe#ol• Such aid, however, as 'it has iatdy, reecimd eonics nt rho right time fruity the right qaaft:t i eri at a time When the danger froM fa- ,• I , l ,Li e joj, is ,ft.,;11'43(1 tfre, greatest., c.nd from a quarter that will suunuon hosts to tho.roscue, We'do not talon tO enderrate the -ahility or • the stamlingor the patriotisai of those distin, gaished Whigs who have heard the., call of their country and joinel the ranks of the only Mitifmal party.—lt is the lot of but few to at, • tsin, among their politiesti,associate,s, a repu -tution fi,r the qualities 9flaghtoned 4ctiun and comprehensive statemnUinship - as has SOW' . utor Pearce, :/f . Maryland ; few have the point - of pea - and solid-reputaticit-Of-Wm-,13,-Reedi or the_wisdum and patriotism of Josiah -Ran dall, of Philadelphia.; no statesnian in Maine has attained the emineace•of George Evans ; tienators Eeti'jamia, of 'Louisiana, Pratt, of Maryland, ;OW stood de vervolly ,high in the ranks o 1 Oa old AVI3 igs ; and like thiise distiliguished politicians, scores, of others . . 4, tJ, Sarno' stamp;':of line talents and .liigh•porhoual character, have struck ef feetive hltiwsitt, the madness of the hour., All hemcr In , them for their patriotic service'. Bat this lust ,m4iiticent protest against the Madness Ofa geographicall party, is, as it - were, • front. n,Whigof first repute. Ii is the voice of a patriot " . .of wide national reputation, calling upon his countrymen to act•worthy of 'them selves, and of their. priceless heritage.; to act in such a mannerus will redound to the permanent wvlrarc,of th4ir country.; Thus does one of fore Most Wit . gs:of the - nation, rising at, a single bound above sthe minor. net,work of party prejudice, and opin ion, •and prefaretio3; sound the clarion note, that sOminons the putt iot. to the major ilut,y of action for his country ! Rufus Choate in such a Way says, "1 MIYE MY VOTE'iAII .54.1fES C1L4,?47AN," AO who is tjalTI6S 13uchauail as among the emiactit men of' ,the .Deumerniie party ? Is he worthy of the statiou for whi4 he is aasignilted? - I,ot Dauiel IVolkaar,an wirer l :Previous to the Presidential election of ) 4 818, Mr, lhiclutnan xafule - a;, poi6n.ful speech' at - Washington in favor of the election of'Lewis Cass; to' whlch P, Webster replied lu roll 'at a IVhig meeting -hold in p i thouli mai on the 24th of October. " In corinnencing his.Eipeoch, Mr. Webster s ahl,......"G en uomen, -iavrthi&mornfng, aapecch-dedivermlinAitasli ingt4U by the present Secretary of State, Mr. Bilaiallan, aENTI,JEMAN wire Is "Of 0110 TILE FIRST, IN NOT TUE VERY 314S', OF lIIS FAIITY, 'POINT Or CH A RACIER AND STAIN ]INO; 7.N THE cQt.::irey. Differing from most of the senti numts in this speeeh, /41/7/ dii ilB u thor be,ere'd it and J.O licc to ecty, that it 1,7 cc manly sigeek ," licre then, we get this conjunction ono of the foronost Whizs of the nation in point of patriothma and character, announces 1,h5 deter mination to,give his vote to Ono who, accord ing. to llrobstor, in voila, of oltarac , tor :ink' s",t4nding, is the forc - no:it Democrat ! .Such is this splendid protest against 11 geo graphical party;that will live awl spook long ai:ter tht.i lead that conceived it sllaiii rest be 'wadi the soda of the valley, It is: groat Muir, it comes dew!' upon both wings of the oppo-sition-witi a Htantti»h.etrec:t:l-ts- eI la rat! tor is well described in the Traveller, "It is by long odds the heaviest shot that has boon tired in .the einapaign;ancl it goes booniing and crashing through the timbers of the ropabli. can .hip" in it: wny that startles hor sectional crow and requires them to summon all hands to repair ,oa,mages. But mortal pilot cannot save sueli4 craft. She has no , business in a !Tutted States port. Slip flies nsi4teen starr ed hunting, and there is no suCh Americau country to give her ships papers, ller desti ny was determined on at Cincinnati; But the thing deserves a total wreck, so that designing captains shall never refit her, awl again de lude await i tontionocterew. Thu shot thrown into her hull between wind and water by such gunners as Senators Pratt, Pearce, Benjamin. and Juner;, and ex-Senator Choate, and by oth ex-Siwat,,rs and patriotic Whigs, Nvill drive her on rucks that will split every timber in tier. . A Third Hi?.--The Witte, of ‘rhile at Norristown, a few' clays since, refused to enter into a political debate with the Rev, :qr. Aaron, on the groulnl "that hi:•1 self-respect as a man and a Donmerat pre eludi! l him from eng:!g•ing in o public discus :,ipn with a proAssiq minister a the (10:ipel, who -,vas in the habit of Jiesuerating his pul pit ;)v turning it into a political rostrum, and who hal pollutted his clerioal rubes by the a•: , 1 filth of stagnant abuse, and who it traitor to his profossiun, to his eouiltry, and to the Constittaion." It is a pity that every elerieal brawler who forNal.es his legitimate calling; on Sunday an•l turns the? tot of God into a don of political could not receive the t4ttnto withering relyakr , rl'h Fret:lent Tien on the Ftlliaure Electoral Fremont . papozs aro rulilishing- with s:l:lt:Aim' the name:i of the four Fi-emont ,tier:, Dulli(:1:I and 11 ellsr. th.' Fillmore Elt;etoral 'jacket, and: Int,utl;.;r uf freavint as thaL thIT , are it s 1 )I SAN :" Oman. =II Tir'Art. \ -- era 4 'JEe Nast be a Statesman," "To be qualified to discharge'the duties of lirestident:of the United States, the incum- ! 1,(-nt4u4,:;41ave more than! nit,iptary, 4044) 7 - I Itice 2 „ en f#/,...betittust be a 010toMpan.'" - Iteury i ~ ;1, cb , ),, A 1 ,,,,1 f,, ' i ' Ttk '':g 1 1, It' • , i , . I A 1 . ii ' ognize the tttol 0, s a imatmt o f - f lEx !;11/1.-A v. Wll at_ t *bfk,'Nfoity kOl/ e. "C`aqt ilia 4 ,°olunteer, doesA a( ititinis l fer to I supporters Of that man of little mind, Jelin (!.. Frenamt ? The incumi+ent, of the Presiden- hill chair `,'neft.((/ he 4 fr(tittimnitn,",said thefath- er Of the late Wiii(.; party. Aid yet Wo find Linen whoprofeox(l, during his life-time, to be kvideid - by, tha -, sontithents, of Ilocii ; CLAY.,I impporting l'7•Almout_ for . bit iPresideney—a . naa,t.e. a no experience, 1101-Inowlpdve Of our foi_e_iin ant &anis tie tan-Fr:i f -ITO 'lftind*te.corli-i "iiiith'inil 4ija r i l il - ( l,ialThi, - ;iria . .Aalf"Wefi . .(l, - ! but 'there 'is no datiger of that„) will,he tho rare - cat's 'p aiv in - the hainti 'Of'''&ignih)g I 4 ' demagogues. • Were froxy CLAY now living, ii with what eitreine conteinpt would lie Scowl ^1 upon 016 nerninatioti of the Black Rquittican I cundidate? ' Who can (lOWA, ' hut that id ilia yoke coals! Ittain. be lu 116 'would einniSel lii i 4 friends' and- Ws countrymen i 1 to support Mr. Bren.tx - AN in preference to 1 PutvottrT ? -It is - an Iffstilt to the memory 1 of litxrty et,Ar•-4-an insult. to his .clad--1 dren-- 7 -fur the „Papersin the interest Ai r Pak:MONT to appeal to the old friends of the decestiied statesman to support their sectional candidule. It, - is an instatie-the--realleiends of thelee sage of Ashland to ask-them to joie the motley crew, Who carry in their proceso 4)118 the traitor flag of sixtuat, dap. if EN LCY CLAY hies a very decided Whig - in politics, but at .he hitiqc time a liver, 4 his whole cOontry -a patriot, who-was at'all tinier ready to yield a point, if by so doing he could preserve peace in all Lk Slides end territories. But be de opita34. an AhohihMist froo t ,his soul, awl the man who would have dared to speak ofa disso lution of the Union before hint, would lutVe withered beneath the glaticAf his eagle eye. Some yearx ago, (in 1`S;;9) when the danger ofthis sectional organization was less than it is now, Mr. CLAY gate us his advice in the following words. Read it, friends of lik:ins- CLAY 1 Read it, ye followers of the sectional ,candidute-of the Abolitionists, Junfi C; .FaE YO,CT ? ".kbolitioniBm licail:l no longer be regard "e ll as an imagimiry ihsogi,r, 'The Aboliticinists,, j lot me stiflll6l', snet•ei , lt in tiloirpre•4ent aim of uniting (116 i nio - 1 bito ON of the fired Slalti. (ix ' (oto wan ago inst (lie i aotiitu Os o f I/u. ;glare thitor, * I'leit,n, on. one .virle 11.111 Invet union On i 11;4 wilier, (Hid this pon.e.v.s. ill' pi , ,lp i y i enl co nN oli.. I,llalion 4 icill tie oftewlvd irill,i nil (h t . .; d o l f . n t pnt.,. Unit 1ec.4., einlill! , i.'ori int.q,d,,n.v mut inipfat:ible imilmosilies, which ever (legriolvil mi. clefored I Jinni (.44 nfrlnre." Virtual dissolution of ' tlni I.tnion.will hare taken 'piaci.. 4f,liii s it the forum (if its e:zistenve remain. * . 1 ' ()ne 'Ner.;- lion will sin arl 'in nielitp;inf) (2nil 10.41:le in 1 (1f/rand 1 / 1 0 014 , y. 7' br'roll ilion of opinion will 1 40Mil be liAlf(m.(:(7 - lig - ilir'' ,:10411 .; ; I: . iihns. I ivii! 1 Ilpt • latelliilt f() , dilSeribt) SI:WICS which IjlAt bappily lit, eoni.onlod froin onri•ic.w. Abori i tioplsts tliclipwlvtle 'mi lli , 'mlirink back in dis limy itnii horror lit the thintemnlntion of (logo int,:ml fields, conflAgrated cities, .murdered • in babitnnto, mod Ow overthrow of the fairest i fabrie, of hlu i ntn mil/Q:1)1)1(sta. that ever rwie, ti) I _ ta - . RI/in/ate the I/01MS or eivill:i.ed MOO VZ 'The Fremont Know Nothing papers are ClOWing oi'er the feet that Binton Cameron, John_N, Puxvinnee afal Jud - ge Kelly are for fremont, and never fail to :+ay that these-in. dividuak Wero pOrliirAVla DelllOCrattl. Thitt they werc,'sevoral years ;Igo, the.occupants of orlices given - theur through the Democratic perty; is very true ; but it is e q ually true lest this fact not he overlooked when you hoar the 11 now -Nothing 'boast alludtel.to—that af ter .getting from the Demoerney - all they wadd, mill there remained prospect of reaping inure, they sought and palm] a .„ 4 -, w pujitieul bed in NNOW - NOTII IN UISM, and now, tot a reia`47'epi e ace, are fur Fremont, This is the policy of the Pormsylvanizt, Know,Noth ing party, And .11cli it is in this county—in tlitn town, dark lantorulto 'organ Ira). ex rei c trey hes down- t he name of Filkaoto aivi 1.1111 up that of Fremont, "Popery''4lcul _the__"Furcignars" arn •Hilis placed in tl,l back ground for the present,--to be repro daceil Al soon as the Kaikts exeitement•has eozvell, In; it surely frill after the election of Mr, Buchanan, in November next. I==l:= Vd) - ' , We, are reliably infoymed that the Pr e . bunt metAing ta Nero Oxford,. nn Saturday %reek, was attended by just 70 parsons, in cluding men aiul hays--and tln probably hall the voters in attendance wont there and (Ninrc away decidedly Opposed to Fremont ! Whether the managers organized a Know N)fhirig , , "Superior COuncil" in the evening is not kM)wn to the publie,but such was their ;system one and two years--to lold an open meetintr in the 'afternoon and a secret ono at night, the latter devoted to putting candidates through the sywariny proce:;s, ho Pb lii Sun has the follow ing! "Jr MIR KENT.-- ' i ' his vinerahhl kilown throughout the legal world by his cum 'neut.:tries on the Constitution, and 4s one of the, greatest Constitutional l i twyers in the U nion, goes heartily for FREMONT." 117)1v the Editors of the ~ ..11., z have learned ),‘ the preference of the &de Chancellor, '.lino - n throughout, the legal world by his Coteen- tarie.,," upon the All-exolting topic, of tbo t .i ay, unless through the reliable medium of spirit ualkt communleation, we are unable to tell. as "this venerable jurist," to the best of our information and recollection, departed this life some nine years back. Newspapers arc made to say queer things FCMletinWSt Di. s t resv ;,, ,l regrot to loam that a Effie ly)y aged about five years, sou of Mr. St mox BE \ no, of this place, was so dread.. !idly scaldc , il on Tuesday afternoon last, that le died in jaw Clan twouty-fur hods after wards, aft;.r suTering this most exerutiating pains. _lt appears that the accident oi.curred to aactupting, to Iraw off suale lv.t still slop .at harrel they.lial just bra il4 ht hamo 'roin the dist . .!leryL—iie was standing 4/Lli:a .0r0t. , 1 t such rapidity that I , e,fore the "ellild-(•oula ; wholo wa,; c()%eriA 1)./E111:2*, 1:::::::: I==ll Lavers of Your Courttry, Bead!!! The British Against Buchanan. , . A 14 hart time stgp.- 1 : b4.41:tr.114,urg, Patriot int,' irtnwe piablishol.l. O'prn ti p Low Inti obe of ' , - re e . t4 ns 066 Eroglish gove,innetitiiyhiqii 3122- ,• 'lll, Ant theojitere4,oivr rii t tlfp-atlankjeVniffiles and the part they are perff:rmitig iu (Air conte.4. It will be remembered Chet the nrtiele front the rinir..,9, contained - the following hold.anet significant avowal Presidenzy will,be a trying one to English infece•At3, and oituit, be axitici ,pated,, it possilile.," Since thr, appearance of the rumy article another gallish ,lpurpal 7 the Lonapn etc ; 4eenirples 6 .l , detfee'or th 4 111;1114i out ()richly in oppusitiOtt ildp.iluehanan. It says t . - • ‘'We should . be merry' to Nee Air. IlttObitnan: elected, beeatise , ho is in favor of preserving the: olnatioLdrinsti totiOns as they exist, A.V I) UNITY. Olr TIIF, STATES. 'Mire Is, no , iafetv for .Europcon ntonarvhi cl govern. , merits ; if the•progre..Nice spirit, of thi3 Dentoe roily of the United States allowol to so iTentl. - , EI;ECT AMY 13140%V l'il LOA; Ol+' 'rIIE ILNITED 81',ATES IS EFFECTED!" There, reader, yOu have the secret of Eng- . lish oppo4itiou to the Democracy and their candidate fur the Prividency. .Mr. Buchanan Would pre' , 4erve our tswriTrrtoNs A 4 TOES' PX -IST, ASO VIE 17vi'rr OF 1-nr-; sT.krEs! . Who would lia.vc expected so candid an s,t(inii;:sion? it is .just . tho reverse of 'their previs,us maey, heretofore they -have secretly 'aided and abetted our n 1 p' by "money and', counsa We are`xeloiced at their change of taet. In previous politie.4: contests theoppo sition have denied' the charge that they were allied with the Biitish, and so wily Were their eciubutors, that it was 4111 - 1:ult ,to establish their connection. Now, howeVer, there is no, room for Ilenid. Their al Het spealc. out open ly and unequivocally*: They say;' "There is , no safety fur European manarchial g4ern-: ments, if tli - e progressive spirit of the Dcmuc-, racy. of the United Staten is allowed -to sue-. ceed."—What say you to that, At erican citi MIS 2 Ifu,y"lu.widh to perpetuate the utona,r-: clues of the old world? If so, crush out the,' progressive spirit of Penioernry. east your , votes in accordance' with the dikates of mon 3ecome the instruments of thoseii who would sapthetandatiou of your free in stitutions that the'tottering thrones of I.ltirope may hr, ,saved. If you are tired of enj4ing the blessing,s• liberty, ouose "bree,wi,?ires spirit of Detnocro...y." If you wish to surrender the-mble,lierita*which Wits pur chased by. the toil, the blood, the lives of your fathers, consult litteresl:;,, i ' awl aid them in .provantinga Buehunan Presiden cy.. Ifyou desire - a - dissolutibit gtoricius.- l'uiou .-which is theenvy, commands the respect of th world—if you are auximis to; engage in, a civil war aml inibrue your hands in the blood of your brethren, then an n 4 ate - British allies of Black PoPnlilleanism refine :4 —elect John C. Fremont, to you will be irat,7_, The Army Bill and the Mechanics. The refasol of the Ilouse of Congress to __pass the Army bill is likely to produce very serious consequenves to a large number of workmen employed in thti various government establishments. At the National Armory, tit Springfield, the Ent - per - intendant lids been com pelled to discharge all the workmen, about two hundred in nunLr, for . want of appro priations to pay them, All the other govern- Merit establishments acting under the war department will probably have to be shut up, not only taking the bread our of the mouths of thous - ands, but' depriving a large muuber of respectable 'Workmen Nvho are employed in this city at "soldiers' work" of the only means they have of making a living. About fifteen niiTlrons ofdollars \Nina woulirrtTdistributed among the industrious working population of the country, will be shut up in the publie, by the action of the , House of .Con- gross.— Led :jer, neutral, COME A Fart l() Pond& Over.—All of the ibld criers (says an exchange,) in the war of 1812, whatever may be their political predilections, should rote against Fremont. When in the - United State, Senate in 18:':0, he voted against inuctoline‘nt to the "Bonnty Land Bill," introduced by Mr. Underwood, of Kento , :ky, extending, its benefits to "Widows and minor children" of deceased soldiers in that war.— k, humane iirOvision Fremont voted ogainst, and on aocount of it every old soldier in the war 0 4 :142 should vote a:_rninst him, If any body doubts 'this vote of Fremont, they will 1111(1 it recorded in the ailwresional 016.'.e for the Thirty.iirst Congress, uu p'ages 3005 to 3007, A V o i,y•from corre , pondent, of tho Boston Po.y.t, Ivriting from Wkeonsin, says: ~,"We• aro all alive for Old Buck in these Parts, There never was a time since the days of the hero, Andrew Jackson, in -which the 11 mooracy were so wull united as at p're , ,ent. That he bo elected there is no doubt. You may put down Wisoom:in as gooit for ten thous:op! majority for 1114'llanan and Breekin ridge. Roll on the hall. Nino , huurlred cheers for Old Buck and the whole Union." Fill qr the Famous "C . :tarter Ouk."— Hartford, Conn„ Aug. 2.1, 1856.--The "Char ter Oak" fell this morning., at a quarter bafore ulie o'clock,..with a tremendous crash, and but sis feet of the stump now remains. This fa mous tree wus far past its prime when the charter was concealed in it on the 9th of Max-, 109. and was probably an-f 4-1 tree when Co lumbus discovered the Now World. It stool upon tho 01d Wyllis estate. .ziow o w n ed ,by Ilon. J. W. Stuart. Crowds of citizens are visiting. the ruins, and each one bears away a I,oi•nion of the rimer:ll,lo tree. f•,:iy - Copf7ii , zs at its I.lto airTrepriat el the swu ofii' , 2.:; : ")(1,1)0t) to Le cal oawl iu the District, of Cult:Labia. = Answer to Septa. Iligkr's Resolution. ...f . Fremonri 'Fiiiy (.4,/, operatiwz., uow To_soTAßLioll A $, rifr , WELL STMIF.p x. , ...41 1% ITEt rt,LE. 1 ~' tiBE 1 1 BU I REtlslll.ll...)l,ltilliD,lTE IND3T ,A':'::' y.f'll Tjki'llt ! ?R3IENT ,3,.., i..1 ,- -. ~,,, ...,_. •"" 1 $ 1E 7 4garx-inliwei 7 / , • ._ 1 nd Dolton!. rho trill xay Fmim,olit is Ifpufst or Capable,? ; , Irciin the IVa"bington.l:/liun, Aug. 20 On Saturday the reports of-the various De- I in answer to Senator Bigler's reso-' hition were .sent-in to the Senate, and a euf•- ; Bory exaliiiiiittiou of the.fivets 4.Hd frortt [the rectirds theroYin'e6itiainCd fil4ittelf 119 in an; moun e ing that their .publieation will develop tkinue trupspitions connveted with Col. Frcx- L i utointlt tnatut;l2l and military operations ill of-attzkiivoit. A15.Waut1it4.4...444414:4ta.4., ljeret4fore there has been ,a veil of romance, --a sort of ebtrut tltrowlihrounil,thec ,- .t trans , actions, whi!rehy "they' have:eilided public scrutiny, and while we have been of -- 01 - kinion that; under the glare 4 magnifica achieve inents and adveututesc'thitlie wel-e covered up speenlatiops and peeulations of large :znd. small degree, yet we tt'uife?:s we 'had no 841e ((nate efowepti9ll of what seem; ricrar -likely to be unfobled in, the'fall light of ,Itz,y. leretolore ut have heeu emu pf:ll,ed to grope in the dark, having only i,ioloted fact, from which we might draw inferenees or. pre, ,, nmp.. lions, and, therefore, however well grounded they Wight have beelt, Mill there was rovm for doubt. But in these report.t the connecting eireumstanres and 'facts All appear, like the, linls of admin. They follow each other, an/ bring the mind irresistibly to a eotielusiun tai to Fremont.. It has linen a matter of wonder bow a young armv °fryer, with no know,u or visible means or I:.egf rec 6, :should suddenly - be enableA to esi tabliNii a large "ra./o ' // , ',," tilled with beards of Pattie, &e., atol • Cuter into supplying - Indians : with p: -.Er in unheard of quantities, and thu4 be enal l ied, in a short time. to prefer a# elaint :gainst thl?,g,.over.un.zent amour/brig to several: hundred thousands ocaojlitrs., Equally sitr-h ' prising was it that be should haye I.ll , apy; with which ti) T airdilise t t S' , panish claim to, sixty ofhl leat , ues of of faholou„value, tie Yen? rooks anti stones of lrhieh, *e are told, are glittering 'with gold! So, was , it in explicalde to. the uninitiated, who are norant of the manner illwhich against the piveriinurat are sometime gotten , up, how, in 0 service of fire or six unu,ths, a small hai talfon of men, ntunlwrin . ,, , oerl4ps. three to four hundred, should incur liabilities un account of "subsisteiice. "supplieS." itmountiug to more than a, million of 011ars !. Rut those rep ort:4 and accompanying, thou-' tnentg explain an., They unravel ' the myste; the thousaud. cattle at the ; rate of a beer a, day for e.tolt s-Adier, and - "oth er thing- hi p : roportion"--,suoh; are those' claims, heady all, it seems, ee.rtiiiol to as, "correct and just," and “applied - to, the pull lie ::e.rvi . c6" by the nnumb:date Black lietta ettn(li!hite , for * C. Fre • ft' " meat. - notwit s anmn , r, te wi \Olio!' these claims were gotten, up. b4oke - tt up; by the eertifteateef LieUreiMut• 'Colonel Fre-, wont, ahil the great influence brought to bearfl iu their ffivor,,it appears that only / : * ::1 10,610,1 , or about ortil-:::erenth 'kir/ qf the 4.4 : /ole: amount"; were recommended ror alkwance and pa) men t„' Emtrr T.u66.4:0;, - n r,ARS STILL .orrsTANDING and Utiphia, and! which Ivo are quite sure will never' be paid l; until John U.' Tremont is elected President. •; Old 'Straban. Making Ready A large and enthat , tie meeting' of the friend's of livc.trANA7. , ; and BaEcKt,NatoGE took! plan. at Hunterstown.. on Saturday afternoon. - Aftor planting a beautiful Hickory Pole,. 125 fiat high, (none of your clu.„.stint sprouts !) the u6:7..emblage vests called to order _by' E. (,'roldsborough, on whose motion the . following gentlemen wer.e chosen' irffieer3 : Prem . /kat, 'lsA.;“i ri:ce Pic.,..;.(lckts,,CaPt.,Henry Wilmot . , Jere ' mirth Slaybaugh, ,James L. Neely, Capt. Isaac Li glt tner, 1)r. I). S. PotTer; Jame,4 Alan, Simon :llelhorn, Jacob Cashma,n,lleurylVertz, Joseph Martiti, John Bushman: • Serret,cric.:l, Waybri:_;.ht Ziergler, I\L'Creary, T. C. Brinkerhoff, John Taughin baugh, Henry S. Fin 4, Ileury J. flyers, Juries Fink, Ileury Baeher. • The meeting tva-: then addressed by E. B. Ilueliler Esq., William IgcClean; Est.j„' and S. J. Van;lersloot. Henry lZeily, Esq., and Stable ako made L few , rentarks, when tile. :meeting adjourlickl „ill' rounds of cheeriii - or . -14-o—c-a•we and im_cand'ulates. The meeting was inuch larger thatiwe expected, and ear nest in feeling, encouraging the hone for an : extraordinarily good likeount front the , 0141, Spitball box in_Octtier_and Nketnber A largo de le.gatiog from this-place atilended, with stirring martial music. and a splendid new bunting Flag, with thirty-co;!, stars upon it. " l rill, rllita, le ' us l !" xx xr Franklin Township- in Motion! Our friends in '3l.ummasburg and vicinity bad a good time of it on Saturday evening last. They met and organized a Buchanan and Breehinridge Club, and elected the following otlicors: President,- E. W. Stable. - Viva Presillent, George Throne. Secre,tary, Janios Russell, Esq. Corresp'g Seeratary, IV in. D. Guhreoht, Esq. Treasurer, Henry J. Brinkerhoff. Es ecutive C'ommittee, Samuel Hart, Wm. 1), Gobreelit, Cornelius Daugherty, Samuel and Benjamin Deari.lorlY. The meeting wa addressed by 1111 7 . Stahl° an d w ni . tioliretlit, Esq.; who handsome ly and foreily set forth the principles of the great Democratic party of the Union. A Con stitution was adopted, and numerously sign ed—many former opponents of uur party com ing forward and enrolling , their names as members. Tlie most perfect harmony and enthusiasm pervaded the meeting throughout. The regular meetings of the Club were fixed for the second S;aturday of each month, which will bring the next meeting on the 13th inst., at 6 o'clock in the evening. The invitation to attend is general, without regard to old party distinctions, as was the ease at the meeting now being noticed. The - Club is determined -that - Franklin t o wnship shi l ll do its duty, and to "Follow uo Fla" tina does nol 1, - cep step to the music c/' the Union." zr z irrred. I)ougl,lA4, - the negro, has _with .lrawn the tiultet of the ttl)Jlitionists front his paper, mid givv, two eolaraus of re.a.lnirtti for bapi)c)rtiug . Frcatot taid Daytua, 1==212 We-The r.tvpf . cfirr ich i'reFident Pierce callektan f Congress lras 7 1q4 Yet The 11 rroy .of the United -r tern is stillrr'" ipnry ..? . (led fur. The Demo - ditatirand Unidti , in in both Houses Zia - o tr*every c4gOonttp -effort to Irl a bill T rin-pote in t , t 1611.1.1 form—hut the see trlio,triier:rtunately. throtigil Know 3tiothingism, hold a majority tlll - .! House, it 4ont's . are d•etermined that no hill shall pass until aftei the - Presidential election, lrping to ri„..sist in keeping up the Kansas excitement lip refusin! , the President the means , to put doNtn, vi(ll;eitee an' turmoil in that territory. They insist upon pro - visos whi . ch are unusual and in direct contravention of the. very spirit of our institutions, andzkitt to anvtlting. - to egri7"titirthere' dangerons section*. desigtre. It is t0".1.,0 , hored,:boweret‘•. thatr.nra)ill will b e passed, in order to alloy- the :wiregi4 of 06vcril' nieTit to Moie,l'atul'' die PfeAaent the • , • meauo tosupprs I C)learnsis : 441 - to ep Kansas or anywhere else, We shall Por th'e r c4impite; A .;, ,, c4 11p1Ton..--4 meitlicr . hppeil nor ex p .c pt,- ed that yOur neighbor of. , the,.` , Star" would p as s by, in silence, the.strong and• reed/ittin ohiectionablo ticket, put in nomination On the 11th ult„ by the -true friends. of and-re ligious liberty in the . county of /4411t118, had he done so, I would have thought le a of the men• that were almost unanimous -12; nominated on, that day. In that-44441A their orthodoxy as ; Democra i ts i , as haters al-141. 1 .ov: posers attic - proscriptive and i . /e . ceptisie:titder of the ;lark lanternites, might res'sontibly be suspected ; since, two years ago,uool4otrt t o "Star", man, almost openly advocated the itiat tion of some of the Democratic, neminee§,-,, , - even, after they hasi. -as aw•rworn- they were not• connected with, Or friendly es ip the midnight, faction that it afterwards appeeed both theyand he, ladonged past-justorar has proven 7thefaet that, be, cannot brlielc;the ,Ftern thauttenance.ofau honcit Dena inert! t, 7 4-,4h at he is forced •to . wince.l)eiiov ,the,riare-rtf krup,h turn as compose present De/not:retie tic ,et of the eouuty. Thisj,cing so, andjixoling,At impu::sible to, lasing up any 'Charges again:lt them of a specific-nature,,hp is oompelleCto resort to genevalities and_ insionattons the must unmanly and ridiculous, in: his desperate etl,rts to , regain that. county, which. i,t i s .84,k11- by some of his own party, he turaed _over, tp the Democracy, I,y - hi; duplicity and inconsiS tency, two years ago . lie scemi rather distressed at the,,idea 'Of tu Mr. Beuner's nomination. and nic...lion to the Cincinnati, Platform, I/cop:use he alleges,. Benner was formerly opposed to the extensionof slat cry, hut seems to forget that his. own I Firemen( ::,'keere'r3/' th o a”complished;llitti ; poV- Charles Martin, a few years: an g was :me of the 10,..-yo-ri and Touilext:bem: , erats I;in the county--diametrically trpposedl to the fs trarti:eoloitzed nod, u!wOnstit utionat party platform.that he now clings to fur the sake., of . • , Zui Charley' t-: eh an ye of sentiments ,was 0. li., iii the esitot:lhe Stav i and: order„ l tu I reward him fur,.his revolutignary : they set:him up), te.' o n doSeated for Treasurer. • in, opposition -to Mr.. ! :`3eiticii;.. and, now give him ,the ; *ecretaryshint.ta _hisYresideney, .11 I). A. Bneliler, .by . ,wayiela-further rffiri,pm. 7 - In view of this; it is presumed that Charley is good_ for at lett4 a year to. come, and hence they all. can, join k , the , chorus ; ef ,"Charley oer'rthe water" , 4:lw(lau , t , ' • But the noutinao4.4l of Mr.,ll.elly for _Asso ciate 'Judge soaps to lie t tle . aorest, thorn of all the side of our late "(atholic.friend f " Lie Itad again inilulged lit til4, il 4 ,vpe 'that no lulu* natiu4s wen/41:11e ; made ; from what 4 e call); call.; the,-Ciltro-no the Deutocra cy,'' so that he could bring his seetarianTar tilleey to bear, agaiml our ticket, by a-repeti tion of his sord'ulappeals to the relig,i , ..us pas sions and pre; adic,os of his "k'atholie friends." . A year ago, shwa it' happened that., : nil Catholics were put in nomination, he crowed vier the rosult like a shanghai, and declared: that lie knew heforehand that such would : be the fact, be,;ause. he. said. there 1...:as an under , current of genuine Americanism pervading I the ranks ()I' the 1)0.1144'111W," that was j oppo?,ed to CathOlicistn, notwithstanding the, proles ! siont s J . the Icaders ,of the' ,pa to the- c!,ultra rY• This Yeiir he has turned over:another )leaf,- andastouisb es his r (\oilers - with the ills emery that the le:lders of the Democriatic par ' ty. "squirmed and balked" in regard . to the nomination •of Mr. Reilv, "Lut his friends were persistent.. and the 4bution had t o `go - Now, when the fact that the said e41.41-4-vot-es-o at 441 W - 3S - 41e1c,.. :-- gates that composed the Couxention, is taken into the account, duly considered, the truth, (or rather the falsehood) of the a,ser tivris of the Star' will at once Le as evident, as LaNI;0111g any _ But the Star announces that 31r, Beily-is nett merely a Catholic, but ",, A , Ca.thoyie of the Niptiyhtimt sect." It seems from this that *o Catholics, like the Know. Nothing s, are rtivitt: ed into at least three sects, and•tliat lief has the happiness of, belonging fee the 4rci iold fVt 0110. - 11011, f'w• .Star ; but wily not go , thromfgrthe_ r6ligions ceremonies ECM thus eonnueneed ? Why stop with )Jr. on a suhieQt so sprinusly impi:rtant ?:1),4y not eldig, li ten the nativris ii: - regard .to flip T.cl ttlletS and tendencies ut the either candidates ? Why make the (liAtinetion htvor of but one man? . Is this, measuring out (Noai and extlot justice to :Ili mon ? Is .at . t.l•vating all your L./L./it:l alike? Had.: some Lingering l)ennierat indulged in expressions of lhis kin.' two years ago, (about the : time that "a word to.our Catholic friends" waz..l 11#- ing indicted) at the expensu of iin."old lira Catholic Whig,. the Star chamber man would have rushed to the defence of his "Cathokie friend" with ,as much promptnezl atukakierlp. ty us he evinced a year ago,. against luti,then quandom friend ):Ir. Harper, an',l 'l'oo associates of the borough of,..i'ottysburg,,wlte4 j thee-, in order to save the country, thought,4 expedient to constitute thetuseles a County Convention of "old line IVidgs.." and i. 1441114 two of , their number delegates to a ,State Cniu- vontiou that was about to convene at Harris. burg on mighty important husine. , & .Besides, the num of the Star would , do well to doane his own roligioas proclivities, as many have cause to do uht his meritightneever sineo he advocatod the election Neely (two. yearit ago) by. day, and plotted and laid pipe for Wilson by night. VAS Way of un doing ut night the good that one pe•rfortnsdur ing.tho light of day • dues not acoord with , the spirit or teaohir4,N ef.auy reli f ik , us. seer that I know of, and I feel cerzain that an explanation and justification on the part of the Star, in,re gard to the dowhie part he performed on thtt occasion alluded to, wont(' he the source of great consolation to the more eonse . teutious porti,,n of hi. rick, who the h.•. must have serious scruples at times, in Syrialowing'jlis tent.hinge, and folloNving his meandering foot:. 6:tept. The 2\ - : , tc 17,11: Denu - wrewy.—The Demo cratic inePting (1:1 ovt3iting week, is reprevnteil as the la.rze , t ta ,, .eting ever held in the Park, in that city. It is eqtitaatel that -11,,t le -s than 5, persln-: were present, why were adttracd ft-y:x lice; Lliffereut s Lauds.