f 1.4, •,r - Tin .Si re, Arc. 1 0,ANIUBI:V.' COOK' informs pia friends ea and the public generally, that belhs on hand, , at- Ids Shop •nearly opposite the Post- Oflles. a very •large and well-made assortment TiN-WARK,-which he will veil at prices which einnuf fail to please. He wilt also execute to order, with promptness, to a work mak-like manner, and with 'the best materials; all kinds of 1 1 10 ETSE SPOUTING, Al ETA L IAO ROOFING, HYDRANT WORK, &c. Gettysburg, Nov. 12, 1855. -tf New Segar & Tobacco lIANUFA'CTORY: CANUEL FABER, Jr., would respectfully ,informtheCitizens - of the town and conn 7 ty,`that he has oyened a Segal: - and 'rohaceo manufactory, in Baltimore street,' next' door to Fornarfi Drug Store, Gettysburg, where he will - constantly' keep on hand a large variety of SEGA RS.; of the fittest' flavor, and ai the lovveat Ewing price 4. CHEWING TO BACCO he has the clioicest kinds--also a capital_ article of SN F F— r al I - of which he offer 0 is- low as the lowest. Ile only asks a trial; convinced that Ire can. gratify every taste. lie hopes, by strict attention to business and, a desire toplease, to merit and receive ,a share of - Public patronage. Ikla o y 7' t 8.55. Washth#loo.lnotely Abuftstaum, Adams Coutq, Penn'a. THE _subscriber . °respectfully informs the public that-he has opened a Public House of Entertainment in the borough o,f Abbotts= town, where_he will be happy to entertain all .who,may call with biro. Having had many years' knOwledge' of the business of hotel keeping; he flatters , hirnself that his efforts to please will he satisfactory. Give the "Wash ington" a call. FRANCIS J. WILSON. 'February 18, 1856. tf 2,090 Pieces Wall Eaper.• CIO BE AN & PAXTON have opened an unusually large assortment orliVall Pa per, of every style and variety, from 123 to 40 cents a piece. Housekeepers and -Paper Hangers are invited to-'call and examine the stock, which is superior to any thin: heretofore offered in this market. Only 123 cents a piece, Of :14- cents a yard, for Wall Paper ! Gettysburg, Feb. 25, 1856. Lost and Found! AT THE CHEAP CORNER, Fail & Winter Goody, • OF' eVpry deseriptior, will bp Aoki very low Tor cash. Also' a variety' of SHAWLS!, and REJOY-JILIIDE CLOTHING, very cheap. Call aad see. Gettysburg, Oct. 29;1:855: -Notice. N the Ceuta Common Pleas of Adams 1 - --- - enuntY-LNo. 2, January term, 1856., Whereas JACOB TRIMMER did file his peti tion fur 'Divorce a vinFula malrimonli, against ANNA MARY l'atrarmt,- tested the 27th day of September. A. D., 1855,..ana made returnable the 19th day of November, A. D., 1855: And whereas an, Alias Subpoena issued in said case; -returnable the 21st, day, of January, A. D., 1856, the term of said Court: YOu, the said Anna Mary Trimmer, are requested to'he and _appear - in your proper person, in the said Conn,. on' the 21al day of April next, to answer the petition of your husband, said Jacob Trim tner,.atid to show cause, if any you have; why Ite'sbottltr not be divorCed from the bonds of saa,triurny. HENRY THOMAS, Sheriff. Another New Novel WORKS orfiction are-now considered as part and parcel °fall intelligent house-: bolds; and 'scarcely a family will be without our new novel entitled "The Fireman P,'—the most ,interesting , work of fiction Corn the press of 1856. - T,he reader's attention is caught with the first chap ter, and "finis"..stares him in 'the lace before the interest lessens. The book is like a 'moving panorama of ever varying, al ways admired' sneceasion of new and Pleasing scenes and 'exciting incidents, each chapter being more interesting than its predecessor.— A feature that adds to its lasting merits, is the fact of its high moral tone—not a single senti ment being inculcated that the most fastidious moralist could object - to. "The Fireman" will be a large 12mo. volume of over 400 pages ; beautifully lustra ted—pric6 Si—mailed post free on receipt of price. Sold by all booksellers, and agents in the,cars., Editors giving this entire advertisement a few insertions, shall receive a copy free of •posVige. ROSS, JON ES it TO USE y, No 113 Namars St., N. Y., and N 0.24 Clark Street, Chicago. Feb. 25, 1856. 1856---Spring Stock of New Goods. VASHIONABLE SILKS—FuII line of `Mai( Silks —New style •of Spring Shawls—Dress Goods do. do.—Linens of strong fabric—Muslins of best long cloths— Sta - p!e Hotisekeeping Goods. ()—Men's ' ear o t ie new-sty es. EYRE & LA.I4I3ELL, Fouri4 and .Brch Vs.. Philadelphia. P. S.—Storekeepers, Families and all Good Nett ('ash Boyers are respectfully invited to examine this Stock of New Goods before poi.. chasing, as we prefer selling low and sellityx all the more goods. (—Storekeepers may often find great Jobs from Auction, as we at tend the Auction Sales of New. York and Philadelphia. [March 1.-3 m Own Dryers.' HE atter.tion‘ of MILLERS is invited to a very superior article for drying CORN, Which can be had at all times at . — Jan. 14. WARRENS' FOUNDRY. ' Plaster of Paris. THIS useful article can be bad in any , quantity of Feb. 25. COBEAN & PAXTON. raticp siatlonery. QQHICK l4ps all'liinds'of Fancy st.ition, ery, and sells it as cheap, if tira than anybody else in the town or the enaffly if you don't believe it, call in and see It tin selves. .1:1 11. 7. OAPS.—Fancy and Common Soaps, in i f rO 'endless variety, to be hati elm , 1 1 at rIHEESE. Sti,Targ. Itic4!, and avi•ry descrip k) don of GROC ERI ES, to be !Ild at FA 11 NESTO C KS'. • DM:SS Titi 11 111 N Gs. of al! kinds can be had at SelilCli'S as cheap as the cheapest, if not a little cheaper. COAL STOVES, Alf various pattPrns and sizes. constantly on hand and tor , 4•4 1 4., Dee. 24. VI/Altai:NS' FO UN DU V. I)LANKITCS. Ehawls and Flannels, ir—ry chest) at liN itS; I'01: f ----- . 913-M-S- I tn i f -evria l - W e, fir s l ip a t — r - llVEltiilll:ln7—itte 1 Arrzes t acc •r intent tit N '. l' . % now nrtiel,P or SILK a nd vu..lNE.srok , ;(o4 ! 1, howl wi,l be 191iitti at Sl'Hi 4 !K'S • WOOl, IH / 1 / 4 , E. and Silk lined 110'E, 1 His '...sitirt: e riut.te...4 evAry arlirl.. i a Hie It i for . 1f0;111. at 1" .11.1 \ li: , T01)1i. ii ROTH EftS, Ilu in erj Linv--.arid be Wili:tiel) clitap. i Uct. 15. Siva tyr Iht licd Frina. JrJOB P#INTINL; DONE JOHN HOKE. E. ZIE(;I,ER'S. dri4T, Teria - eilo'ei ifie — g : ISTEW.B Et ppLy IP. p !WINTER GEORGE ARNOLD has' joist finished making tip, and has on hand, as large a 'stock • of 'READY • MADE • CLOTH LNG, 'suitable far the Fall and W inter Season,. as has ever been offered to the Public In! this place. - His. CLOTHING is all of his own manufacturing, and well made. of the very best materials, and none of your CITY-MADE TRASH, which has been put together in a hurry by crushing the poor seamstres s with a mere pittance fur her labor, or done with the 'loop 7 stitch of a Sewing Machine, which ifone stitch gives.tway the whole seam is tfoße.:-* W e 'give fair wages, have our work well done, and Made of the hest materials,:and our young - ladies come in with the garments with smiling countenances and 'cheerful hearts. We have now on hand ; bats' of all grades & colors from 1 to 20$, Pants 50 eta, to 10$, • Ve.sts At Ot6. to made of all, colors,' and in every variety of style. We have experienced workmen em ployed constantly cutting out and making up all kinds of Black, Blue, Olive, Claret, Green, Brown and Drab Cluths,,Coatings,Cassime , ,s, Satinetts, Jeans, - Vesfidgai Drop.cis, Shirts, • Having just returned from the East, we •haVe _now on baud, in coanectiOd. With our Clothing Store, ,a very targe steel{ of cheap C rot h s,Cast.,lineres, eassinets,Coati ngs,Jeans, &c. &c. of every variety of color. We have just receiVed the Fall, and Winter Fashions, and if We cannot Pleafe:ylM', in a garment made up we can at all limos take your me-- sore, and Make up a . garment that will please on short notice. ,14 e, v.911' not make :the bold as,,ertion that, we will - Sell 5 per cent: cheaper than anybody else, but that we Will sell any article in outline as cheap as the cheapest, and a little eheaper; and a good deal better. 'Give us a call, examine and judge for yourselves, Come one, come all, to the CLO'T'HING EM PORIIIM, at the Sand-stone Front (f GEO. ARNOLD. Oct. 15, 1855'. tf ' _ Gettysburg !Foundry. I'VEW I'lll.ll. pi-1E iinrletsigned, having entered into part nership to c.irry on the Fonudry he tic s under the firm of WAR HEN & SONS, hereby imke known'to the citizens of Adams and ad joining counties, that we are prepared to wake everything . in our lino Of busine4s. We have constantly on hand, ilia I I ATE! AWAY and other Cooliiitg Sioyes, the Parlor air"- iigla and ten plate Sluves,"of vari,o us sty les and sizes, Profs, ,Fettles and Pans, and -all other Iron, Cooking Utensils, Wale Iroos, Wash ing Machines, Ash-plates, Boot-scrapers,'&c. Castings for Mills and 'other Maebinery, PLOUGII C ASTINGS of every description. &c. We make the Seylar, Blocher, amid differ ent. kinds of Witharow Ploughs. We have also got different patterns of IVencing" and Railing for Cemeteries. Yards: and Porches, which ran% be beat for beauty or cheapness. 0O All the above articles will be sold cheap for Cash or Country Produce. (*-= LA C 111 N G still e.oati nuod. BRASS -CASTINGS and every thing. in our line inade'to order. TIIBESIIINCi 111.11C11 INES repaired at shortest no - lice. Being Moulders ouiselveF, we will do our work swirl. TIIO NIA S WARREN, Al A ItTIN WARREN, HIRAM WARREN, • THOSIAS A. WAIU GettyOurg,ll:dy L 4, 1855. tf lIIMIEME=III _ Spoutiog CIEORGE and henry Wampler will make ou se Spouting and put up the same low,' for cash or country produce. Farmers and all others wishing their Houses, !Jun.:, &r. spouted, would do well to give them a call. G. &. U. WA:lll'l.Elt. April 18, 1853. Haw Wanted. UNISONS having Hay to sell, will dowel! .L by 'calling on the subscriber, in Gettys burg,. who is desirous,of purchasing. The highest market price will be paid at all times. 0:7-As he intends having. the flay, after being . packed, hauled either to Hanover or Baltimore, the preference to haul wilt be given to those from whom he may 'purchase. SOLOMON PO %VERS. Dec. 6, 1852. tf J. Lawrence fill, M. H., - , IJAS hisOflioe one door westofthe Lutheran church, in Chambersharg street, and sp posite Crammer's store, Where those wishing tohave any ilDpntal OperatiOn performed are respectfully intited to call:. • REFERENCES: Dr. D. Gilbert. Dr. C. N. lierluehy, Dr. D. Horner; Rev. 'C. P. Krauth, D.D., Rev. H. L. !limber, I). U., Rev. Prof. William M. Rey nolds,Rev. Prof. M.,lite'obs, Prof. M. L.Sttever. Gettysburg, April 11 - , 1853. - tf David A. Buehler 37 1 T0 It NEY 3r 1,3 lir, W ILL promptly attend - to collections and all business entrust: , d to his care. ftv-O(fice in the Diamond, adjoining store of A. B. Kul= Gettysburg, Feb. 4,185 G. ly • _ D. litTonaughy, ATTORNEY AT LITT% (Office removed to one door West of Buehler's Drug & Book-store, Chatnbersburg street,) Attorney Si, Solicitor for Patents 4 l and PenSions, I)ouvry Land Warrants, Back-Pay sus' 3 iteniled nun all other claims againsq the Covorinuent at Washington, D. C.: also American claims in England. Land %Var. nuns located an d sutd, or bought, and highest prices given. Agents engaged in locating warrants in (ova, lilinets. anti other Western .States;„and land , for sale thee. Erjr ‘vidy to him personally or by letter. (;, livshurg, N0v.21, 1853. E. 4.ll'.7.aeltier., .11'T 0 R I'E 2' .9T L.gTr', 7 11. F. ElithiuMy and promptly' attend to L 4 ;1 1 I - neSS entrusted TO flint. lie. speaks Mc German latiglzgc. Otliee •it the sauu f li i ce. in South Baltimore stree-L, near Portiev's Drittr Store, and nearly, oppo 7 :n e Danner 4 - 5L.' Ziegler's Store. LIN Ltrell -20.- Win. I'. YVCIlei lan. .ITTORNEY .177 1,.9 TT'. ( -. .,I•'FICE on the smith site of the 1 3 111111 C i‘leare, two doors west of the S.' entinel Aug. tRS3. qio e . ISialeket, atilt Long Shays s. rill! larro , :t and elielpest in town. Also, Oros; anod4;—tlin prettiest lot in town—tip ho lilti at the store of • 1 :11 , iv. 19:5"). GEO..kit.NOL`l ..--Ready-made Clothing:- AyAnon SAMSON has' just returned -11 l -from • New York, 'Philadelphia, and Baltimore, with the largest and best assort ment of RE..811.1 1 411.4 DE --CM7 RING, ever' brought to Gettysburg,' made rip . in magnifi cent styles, and most approved fashions. In reg,ard_tp worktnanship, they can't be excelled by any customer tailor. • Having. enlarged my place and stock, I am able to sell Ready-made Cloth/rig of every de scription. elteaper than ever offered before in this or any other place this sine of the - Mini:- tic. My stock -consists in part of COATS, of all sizes, prices, colors and kinds, made up in a superior manner. - PANTS st. V ESTS, of the latest and most - fashionable-styles, and every kind of goods suitable for winter wear ; also BOOTS Sr. SHOES, arid a large assort ment of Gentlemen's and Pays' Furnishing 'Goods, consisting in 'extra. - quality linen-bosom Shirts, Sosperidi.m, Gloves, Half I lose, Col lars, Neck and Pocket Handkerchiefs, and an extraordinary assortment of black satin and fancy Self-adjusting Stocks, arid various other fancy articles; together with UMbrellas,7'runks, farpet Bags, flats, caps, Boots Mid shoes. M y Goods are selected and purchased - .under the most favorable. ciretanstances. ' Quid; Soles 4f• Small Profits;' is always the motto I am determined to carry out, at the Money-saving I'lotkin:4 E tnporium in York street. A personal examination can alone satisfy eustOrners of the comprehensiveness of my stock, which I am sell ino at least 20 percent. lower than can be found at any of my com petitors. . it. 2 - y-1 am also prepared to sell wholesale to country merchants desiring to sell again, Ready 'Made Clothing at ctiwte.rt RATES THAN CAN RE noucter IN THE CITIRS. It you doubt it cal; and examine for yourselves. MAR(' US SAMSON. N. B.—All Goods bought of me wil l he ex changed if .they do not-prove satisfactory. • Gettysburg, Oct. 1,1855. • . A LARGE ANDC HEAP LOT OF GitOCEDUEN, FmAN UEL ZIEGLER has just returned from the city with the largest lot of tiItOGERIES . he has ever before opened, io which he invites the attention 01411, convinced that lie can offer RARE RARGAJNi. Flea hate ulyo a fine lot of lIANIS, SHOULDERS, ; FISII of all kinds ; Mantles, Lemons, and other fruits ; Crackers, Nuts, Contect,lo.is ; Segrars, Ti_lracco, Snuff*, and a general variety ~f every th from a needle to an anchor," almost. Give him a call, if you want co ;AIS 'What's cheap and good. ()::-Countfy Pr oducetaken in exeliangn for Goods. play, 7, 1855, New Itard ware StOrc. r i litE subscribers would respectfully an ' nannee to their friends and the public that ihvy haver opened a N E V-1 LA RD-WARE :STORE, in Baltimore St rvel. urlj'ioi7 elhr reiitleher tf David ler, Gettysburg.. in which they are opening a large and general assort ment of Hardware, Iron, Steel, Croterieg, C ITT L E U V. COACH •TR 1 11 - .11. NGS, SPRINGS, AXLES, lebar—mare, ..f . 11 , 11111 V, Paints,.oiis, and Dye-sluff - NI, in general, inc!ndintr every de.ctiption of arti cles in tht, .Olo;ve lines of hilNrili•ss, tr, .N litrfr they invite the attention Of Ci)aeh-makers„ Mack - sin iths, Carpenters, Cabinet - makers, 'Shoe-makers, Saddlers, and the public gett er...lly. Our stook having been selected with great care and percher.( (I for Cash, we gulrantee (R a . the Ready Money,) to dispose of any part of it on as reasonaide terms as they can be pur sed any' where. We particularly request a call from our friends, and eitrnestly solicit a share of public favor, as we are determined to establisliTh char acter for selling Goods at low prices and du ng business on fair principles. JUKE If. DANNER, DAVID ZIEI;LER. Gettysburg, June 9, 1851. tf Alarvilluus Remedy for *a Marvellous Age; Effolloway's • Ointeuent. TM: GRAND EXTERNAL REMEDY. By the aid i.f a micrescope, we see mil lions of little openings on the-surface of our bodies. Through these, this Ointment, when rubbed on the shin, is carried to any organ or inward part. Diseases of the Kidneys, Clis. orders of the Liver, affections of the heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Astbulas, Coughs and Colds, are by its weans effectually eured. Every house wile knows that salt passes freely through bone or meat of any thickness. This heal i int Ointment far more readily penetrates through any bone or 'fleshy part of the li ving body, curing the most dangerous inward com plaints, that cannot be reached by other means. Erysipelas. Sat t Itheu .0 curLutic littnors• No remedy has ever done so much let the cm .fd' s, I: in areo. messes o, e la ever (trip ley may assume, as this Ointment. No case of Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Sorg. [leads, Scrofula, or Erysipelas. can long Ztliscand its influence. The inventor has :ravelled over many parts of the.globe, visiting the principal hospitals, dispensing this Ointment, giving- advice as to its application, and has thus been theineans of restoring countless numbers to health. Sore Legs, storc . nreast. , , wounds A; Ulcers. Sarno of the most scientific surgeons witv rely solely on the use of this wonderful Oint ment, when having Lo cope with the worst cases• of sores, wottnds, ulcers. glandular swellings, and tumors. Prot'. llolloway by command of the Allied GovernMents, dis patched to the, hospitalsof the East, fat shipments of this Ointment, to he used under the direction of the Medical Staff, iv the worst eases of wounds. It will mire any ulcer, glandular swellino.„ stiffness or e - tintraction of the joints, even ut . :2o years' standing. Piles and Fistu las. These a•nid other similar distressing enm- plaints can he etTectually cured if the Oint ment be well rubbed in over the parts affected, anir by otherwise follo‘‘igg the printed direc tions around each pot. hulk the Oinlaspnt and Pills shauld be used in the fillowing Case,: Bunions Piles Sores or all kinds !Wrap , iuu.utoativtn Sin ains Chapped 'lianas Salt I:lietim Scald. Clui,ll.l.ons Fkut DiAoa.4es Swelled (; lands )"' I , lu LIN fY• Lt t..tOS MEI 1 11t1.11.1._n Sort• Ertipti6n.So..e o.tts * :so!' at the I , '..wiblishmenit of Professor ot,LowA y. Po, Maiden Lane. New York. and ~41 Strand, London, and by all respectable Druggis`b. and Dealers in Nledici nes through ! out the reitea Sultes, and the civilized World, lu l'ot , ..at ..!5 cents, t3 - .).3 cents, and *1 each. ty - 7.-Ttt ,, re is a ronsiderable saving by tali, the larv,er sizes. ' N. 13.—Direetioes for the rrnidanee of pa ; tients in every disurder are ME xed co each Pot. ! J u l; 155. l ,j ruts Manover H. Railroad. rr RAINS over the Hanover Branch Rail road now run as folloNVs: . First Train leaves Hanover at 91 with Passengers for York, Harrisburg, Col utritAa and Ptrilade.lptiia. -• This Train also connects with the Express for Baltimore, ar riving there at 1 M.,.stopping at Glenrock, Parkton and Cockeysville.• • Second Train leaves'at 2 P. M., with Pas-1 sengers for Baltimore and intermediate places, and returns with passengers from York, &c. .1. LEIB, agent. I Franklin Inn. Corner of High & Hilton streets, Baltimore. COL. THOMAS JAM,ESON,: (lately- of York, Pa.. - ) has leased the Funivicwi Ns, carn6.. - i!f High and Ililien streets, Valli- Inure, Md., and will entertain guests on mod erate terms. lie hopes to give entire satis faction, and will spare no effort to merit the approval of all who can appreCiate a well regulated and borne-like "IMO. Give him a trial. o [Balt., Dec. 10, 1855. 3m opposite Calvert Station, Baltimore, Md. rfll - 1 undersigned having leased the above 1 Hotel and put it in complete order, is pre pared to acenrrimodate his friends and the travelling public. The • proprietor will be piviseil to see his old friends,.and promises to make ti,""&ir stay comfortable arid satisfac tory. ilagga(re taken to and from Calvert Station free of charge. T_HE undersigned respectfully inform the ,citizens of Gettysburg and the public generally, that they have opened a GRA N ITE FiTON E- YAR D. on South Baltimore Street, opposite the residence of Geo. - Shryock, where they are prepared to furnish Granite Slime, dressed in every style, for Monuments, Poor Silk and Steps, and emery kind of building and ornamental use. Also, Cemetery Blocks always on hand,and a general variety of Dress ed_Granite. - The undersinmed having; had considerable experience in their business, reepectftilly in vite persons wishing. anything. ih their line to give us a call—as we are prepared to furnish the SWIM article C I - 1 EXPERThan it has ever been heretofore' offered in (ettysburo., HENRY S: BENNER, PETER . BEITLER. JAI. 7, 1856. Sur l i XT;tit. T. KING respectfully announces to his friends and the ptiblie generally he continues the T.9/LORI NG BUSINESS in the room adjoining. the 14 1r', .ore of J. 1---.awre-rtee—Scric-k-;--and frc;t in on the Diamond. Ile has made arrange ments to receive regularly the LATEsT FAsn toils, and it will be, his c onslant aim to give entire satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. rkt-,...)"'Colintry produce will be taken in ex oban,re for tvork. IN M. T. KING. Gettysburg, Dec. 17, 1855. 1-y 1 RUSSES ! TRUSSES ! ! TRUSSES ! ! :..ill. Needles, TRUSS AND BRACE.: ESTAB• I,IS IAIEN T, s. (.or. ef Twelfth and Race e , Phi adelphin, I 'iPil TI Rof tine Fausell Titesscs,' combining extreme lightness, ease and durability with correct construction. Hornial of ruptured patients can be suited by remitting. amounts, as below :—Sending number ,)1 inebes round the hips, and stating cliff-, affected. Cost or •Single Truss, $2, Double—fss, sti, $8 and $lO. -In structions as to wear, and how to effect a cure, - S ifil if • loin possible, sent wit, he runs. A !so for sale, in great variety, Dr. Banning's Improved Patent Body Brace, for the cure of Prulapsus Uteri; Spinal Props. and Supports. Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest Expanders and Erector Braces, adapted to all with Stoop Shoulders and Weak Lungs; English Elastic A hdotni nal Belts, Suspeusories, Syringes— malt- and fe:nale. ,C4Y-Ladies' Rooms, with Lady attendants. [Aug. 6, 1855. ly 1-1 P NV ATC H HS AND JEWELRY, Wholesale & Retail, at the Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store, No. 96 NOrth Sceond street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Miatches, full jeweled, IA caret cases. $2B 00;X;old Lepines, 10 caret, $24 00; Silv'e'r Levers,. foil ,jeweled, $l2 00; Silver Lepines, jewels, $9 00; Superior Qoartiers. *7 00 ; Gold Spectacles. $7 00; Fine Silver do., $1 50; Gold Bracelets, $3 00;. Ladies' U'Jd Pencils, 81 00 ;.Silver Tea Spoons, set, $5 00 ; Wild Pens, with Pencil and Silver Holder, $1 00 Gold Finger Rings 371 cents to $80; Watch Glasses, plain, 123 cents, patent 181 ; Littiet I - 25; other articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be wkat they are sold for. On hand, some (.old and Silver Levers And Lepines, still lower than the above prices. Oct. 1, 1855. ly China" Glass and Queensware Geo. .1/. !tee, Successor to J. C. Bokee M PORTEU and Dealer in C lIIN A, GLASS and QUEEN SWAIM, 41 North Howard Street, (brlwten Fllytltt and hexing , t on s : re d N „) Bauimure, Md., respectfully in vites the attention of Dealers,tn an examination of his well assorted stnek before parch.tsing elsewhere. [Feb. 19, 1855. ly F • AIINESOCK BROTI ERS, having: the exclusive sale of CALEDONIA ROLL ED IRON cur Gettysburg, would call the at tention of buyers to this make of Iron—the best in the market—which will be sold at lite lowest rates. ‘Ve Beep a large supply of HAMM ED lltON constantly on hand. Call at the sign of tho CHICK has on hand a more complete as sortment of ChM's. Cassfinieres, vestirigs, &c., than ever—and offers such inducements to purchasers as cannot but be advantaLleous to them. Gentlemen will find his store well supplied with all kinds of goods suited to their wear. sti[l JaiulY I Vetlet 011 Soren jL. SCHICK has now on hand a large an d s pl en did assortment of Jewelry, cow visitor everything, in that line—Breastpins. Ear-Rtmis, Fing, - er-Rings, Chains, ° &e. all of which he is selhoo at the lowest liyi profits. Call and examine fur yourt•elves— 23 rouble to ,how goods. Jan. 7, 135 NVoun,l% id all kinds Shoemakers. come this way. -- Ml.:elle/Ines: DOMESTIC (300 Ds ever LI IIINESTOCK BROTHERS will sell v nu ,M ORO (":COS calgthi—tn_lx_elLv-iburg. Come and see, and judge fur yourselves. 00. the.ehelipest lot ever brought to the c. rs a ta-1.1.••-• \SSIMEIES, 0vr...11.t0 and d eq i ra h; ( GLOVES & HOS:I ERV—a farce variety-- )•; st:Eing -11 good and cheap at SCHICK'S. ' Altril 16. JOHN HOKE'S. July 23, 18,55. tf S7usquellanna Hotel, JOHN BARR, (fornserly of Penna.,) July .9; 1855. tf PROPRIETOR. New Ekablishmenit. GBANITg STONE-Y.dRD. T - Call and Sec Us AT 'TIT: 'NEW STAND. Sinufrer & ST A U FF ER & HARLEY Caledonia Iron. Dec. 10, 1855. Jewelry! Jewelry! SIGN RED FRONT IZED FRONT. I' Oct. 15, 1855. GREAT ATTRACTION- AT Frazer's Cheap Watch A: Jew ry More --- ALEX'? FRAZER respectfully i n f orm s the public, that ho has just received a large and splendid assortment of rich and new style GOLD JEWELRY of all kinds,. inclu ding Breast Pins, Finger Rings„ Ear -Rings, of [Pre most fashionable styles; lob. vest and guard Chains, Cuff Pins, Watch Keys, &c. Also, Albata Spoons, Fancy Vases, .Watch Guards,'- Keys, and Chains, ` l c Goa) & SILVER WATCH ES, . ; • - • 1° , e?"‘ together with a large assort- - linen' of Mourning Goods, suitable for persons in mourning, and numerous otner ar ticles in his line—all of which will be sold at the lowest cash prier s. ra'As I have purchased all my zond's from regular Jewellers, I will WARRANT them 'to be what 1 pronource them. Of this pur chasers may rest assured. tfriP•WATCOES - AND JEWELRY RE PAIRED, as heretofore. Give me a call, in Baltimore street, a few dr,ors from the diamond, if you want 'good Jewelry, and the genuine article, lower than the same can be purchased any -place-nut_of_4l4 • ALEX. FRAZER. Gettysburg, Nov. 5, 1855. tf New Goods. EO. ARNOLD has• just returned from Jr the Cities with a large lot of DRY GOODS, GIVCI4.:RIES. QUEENSW ARE, READY MADE CLOTHING, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, &c. ; among which are English and French Cloths, Coatings, Cassi. metes, Satinetts, Jeans, Blankets, Flannels, and an endless variety of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, together with almost every article in his line of business—all of which will be sold as cheap, if not a little cheaper, than any other establishment here or 'elsewhere. Anil as to Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts, and Ready-made Clothing, we challenge corn. petition. flaying now furnished you with Goods for upwards of 40 years, I have at all times endeavored to pursue a straight-forward course, and furnish any and every article in my line of business upon the very best terms, and will continue to do so.—Give us a call. Oct 15, 1855. tf G. A. 1555. New Goods! - r E subscriber tenders his Acknowledg rnents to his friends and the public for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and respectfully informs them that he has just returned from ,:he cities with a splen did assortment of N EW GOODS, comprising in part a fine stock of Detaines, Sto.vls,Ging hams, Gloves, Stockings, Ribbons, Collars, Muslins„ Irish Linens, &c., all of which will he.sold at the lowest cash prices. He deems it unnecessary to enumerate the different arti cles which comprise his stock. He would earnestly invite all to call and examine before purchasing- elsewhere. Oct. 15. tf J. S. .GRAMMER. New Firm and Noisy Good. run E subscritiers, having' bought, the stock of Boots. Shoes, Hats and Caps of KEL LER Ku laza, purpose continuing the , !mai ness, at the old established stand, South East Corner of Centre Square, where they have just received a fresh supply of the above goods from the cities of Philadelphia and Baltimore, comprising all the new and desirable styles of Men's Boys' and Youths' Silk, Fur, and Slouch HATS. Men's, c sll . lßoys' and Youths' Fine Calf, Kip, and Grained BOOTS & SHOES, with a large assortment of Ladies', Misses' and Child's Walking and Fine Dress SHOES, GAITERS, &c. (urn Dress-shoes, Buskins and Sandalls in„every variety. We would respectfully announce to the citi zens of Adams county, that we haVean earnest disposition to please the particular taste of every one who may favor us with their patron are, and.respectfully ask all to call and see. - The business will be conducted under the Firm of COB EAN & PAXTON. ALEXANDER CO B EAN, DUNLOP PAXTON. Oct. 22; 1855. rr HE subscriber having disposed of hii terest in the Boot, Shoe, Hat and Cap Business to Messrs. CO B EAN oz PAXTON, respectfully asks the continuance of his friends atm customers to patronize the New Firm. KELLER KURTZ. Oct. 22, 18:15. F. H. Smith, - DORT MONNAIE, POCKET BOOK, AND DRESSING CASE MANUFAC TURER, N. IV. cur. of Fourth 4 , Chesnut 84., Philadelphia ; always on hand a large and varied assortment of Port Monnaies, ' Work Boxes, Pocket Books, Calms. • Bankers Cases, Traveling Bags, • Note H olders, Backgammon-Boards, Port Folios, Chess Men, Portable Desks, Pocket Mein. Books, Dressing Cases, Cigar Cases, &c. Also, a LTeneral assortment of ENGLISE-1, T • • ViIMIBEAM•IIJI Fine Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Razor Strops and Gold Pens. Wholesale, Second and Third Floor 9. F. 11. SMITH, N. N. corner Fourth & Chesnut Sts.. rhilada N. 13.—0 n the receipt of $l, a Superior Gold Pen will - be sentto any part of the United States, by mail ;--degcribtng pen, thus, medium, hard, or soft. [April 2,1855. 1y Diamond Tonsor. TOTIN W. TIPTON, Fashionable Bar e) ber and Hair Dresser, can at all times be found pi-Oared to attend to the calls of the poop le, at the 7 mph., in the Diamond, adjoin ing. the County Building. From long expe rience, he flatters himself that he can go through all the ramifications of the Tonso rial Department with such an infinite degree of skill, as wit! meet with the entire satisfaction of all who may submit their chins to the lit;en ordeal of' his razors. lie hones, therefore, that by his attention to business, and a desire to please, he will merit as well as receive, a liberal share of public patronage. The sick will be attended to at their private dwellings. Gettysburii, Jan. 8,1855. tf Kid GIOVCS. iA DIES' White, Black, and colored KID j GLOVES. at 623 cents, worth 673. Gentlemen's do. at 75 cents, worth SI 25 just received from New York Auction by FAUN ESTOCK BROTEI ERS. Ready-made Clothing, CLOTH, Coating, Cassimeres, Cassinets, Vestincrs. &c.—the largest variety on hand and constantly makinv. up. The hest barvins in town at the Waiting Emporium at the sand stone front of Nor. 19. GEE. ARNOLD. Card. *ass - is t he, Time, FOR CHEAP DAGUERREOTYPES! Si WEAVEft . respectfullY annouTtCP S . 10 • the Ladies acid Gentletneu of Gettyshulf.v, and vicinity, :hat he has res timed the Wallet , reotype badness, at the old stand, in Chain berAhtirg 'street, Where - he will be happy to re- ceive visitors . desirous -, of securing- perfect Daguerreotypes of themselves or friend'. Being furnished with an entirely new and costly -apparatus, he is prepared to take pictures in every style of the art and 'insure perfect satisfaction. Ar2"."Oharges from 50 cents to $lO. St - fellows of operating from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M . dress avoid light, red, blue, or pur ple. Dark dress adds much to the heauty of the picture. Feb. g, 1856. tf Stacks of New Goods ! 7'he Cheapest the Prettiest the Best! L. SCHICK haS returned from the city gy • with the lamest and hest selected stock of •FALL & WINTER GOODS he.has ever had the pleasure of offrring to this community. CALL. AND SEE FOR - YOURSELVES! ewi ' n t nete d • Si k• and attractive stock—the litnits oftitn adver tisement will not admit of it. But if you wish to select from the choicest lot of I.Ladies 9 and_Grentternestes-s your eyes ever beheld, go to Schic) October 15, 1855. PHILADELPHIA ADVERTIS Evans , Fire & Thief Proof Safes k FOR Merchants, Lawyers, Farmers and others, having Books, Papers or other turib /es, to preeerv_e from __FIR k.l,ox_B LARS. Day & Newell's(Hobb's) BANK LOCKS. A CA RD.—Tne. "Pam PROOF SAFE," that preserved our Books, Papers, (Ye., during the "Great Fire at Hart ' s Buildings," was pur chased of OLIVER EVA NS,'6l S. 2nd St., Philadelphia.—Getz 4 . Buck.. Refrigerators & Water Filters. EVANS' Premium Ventilated Refrigerators for cooling and preserving meats, butter, milk, -water and all articles for culinary purposes. WATER FILTERS, for-purifying brackish or muddy water, whether affected by rains, Milestone, marl or other causes; can be had separate or attached to the Refrigerators—a small quantity of Ice cooling the whole. in . the warmest Weather. PORTABLE SHOWER BATHS, for the use of warn or cold water. IN ATER CoaLEits, for Hotels, Stores and Dwellings. STOW Taucxs, for moving. b xes, bales, &c.— SEAL 'PRESSES, COPYING do., DRUGGIsT do. OLIVER EVANS, No. 61, South Second St., 2 doors below Chesnut. ( ESTABLISHED IN 1835.) Feb. 11, 1856. ly Tailoring. Removed a Few Doors South ofthe Otd Stand. • old customers and the public generally, that he continues the I'2ILORING BUSI NESS, near his old stand, in South Baltimore street,' where he will be happy to accornmodate all who may patronize him. Ali work en trusted to his care warranted to fit and be of most substantial make. Thankful for past favors, he solicts a pontinuance of public pa- tronage. IterThe ..New York. Spring and ,Surnmer Fashions are received. Call and see them. Gettysbuig, April 9, 1855. To Those Who Wish Farms. TO have , fertile LAND at a cheap price on e(7,111 terms, your attention is called to the .. RIDGWAY FARM AND COAL COM PANY. Twenty-five acres or more -in pro- . 1 , portion, are given tor $2OO, -payable in instal- ~ inents of $1 per week or 84 per month. - It ' is located in Elk county, Pennsylvania . , and has one of the best markets for its .produce in • •ho S ta-te-,—T he-soil-is a-rich-luand-is-not to-he surpassed for farming, as examination will show. It has the best' elements of pros perity, being underlaitl by two rich veins of Coal, and will shortly be intersected by four railroads. The timber is of the must valuable kind. Title unexceptionably good, and war rantee deeds are given. It presents a good and substantial opportunity to commence fanning, providing for one's children or mak ing an investment. Further particulars can be had from the pamphlets which are sent to_ inquirers. Letters answered promptly. Ap ply or address SAM'L W. cATTELL, Sec retary, 135 WALNUT Street, north side be- tween Fourth and Fifth sts., Philadelphia.— Fti I 1. i n formation is contained in the pamphlets. Feb. 11, 1856. 3m • IMMEDIATE RELIEF FOR THE Too r ACII E THERE is to he had at the drug steres'of flueltler,—Getty;:butgv-and---lune a- A. Elder, Ent rnitsburg, a nigist elleclual remedy for Me Toothache, which properly aecordina to directio.ns,) cure the most violent TjutharheinstahlaneouSly. Should the pain in course of time reappear, the same ap plication has to Ire made agra.n, and after two or ihree_applications the cure will' be effectual. _ 177, 'Price 25 cents per phial. August 27, 1855: ly Flour : Flour THE undersigned continues the Flour hus iness as heretofore. He sells by the barrel or any smaller quantity. By taking SMALL PROFITS he can buy as hitrh and sell as low as anybody else, and by always endeav oring to keep none but the best, he hopes to merit and receive a continuance of liberal pa- trona fze Oct. 8, 1855. Removals. THE.understgned informs the public that he still removes the remains of the dead, and is prepared to an to any distance to bring them here. His charges are lower than ever —and as low as the lowest. A. W. FLEMMING. Gettysburg, Sept. 10, 1855. --- Bush's Allegheny House, NTO. 2tio Market st., above Bth st., Phila. delphia. Terms, $1,23 per day. June 4-, 1855. ly C. T. BUSH. T UST received a larcze and splendid assort ment of QUEENSWARE at G RAM M ER'S Store. IRON. and a are assortment of HARD WARE, chpap at FAHN ESTOCK BROTHERS. )IZOC H SII AWLS—a splendid— and fashionable article.--111St brought from the city by SC HICK. Ladies, cam - }-rand exarni as them. fi ALL and see PA 14N ESTOCKS' cheap 1.0 C ,4 , ,tinteres, Cassinets, Sze., if you want Bargaini. QHAW LS.--The larlest and handsmnest (7 lot of Low* and Sqaate SHAWLS evet broutrhi to this.town can be seen at - FIONN El' GOO I)N. cileh as Vplvptg, s:qtii,s.. %% ill he foutid in unpu:alieleci variety at SUB IC WS 111 EMI WM. GILLESPI E. At the Pust Office.