- - NOW . ISA TITEA I IME 0 WEAYER, ..fiisltfally announces to• O. the lardivettrid Geitilenten of Gettysburg and vicirrity; - zhat habits vastmed the :Daguer. I =xtrutrineits, itt the old stand,in,Citam- VrOodi where, be-wittbe happy to re ceive . visilers desirous of securing perfect 'Pairuerreoripes of themselves or friends. „ B4itfurritified'ivith . ‘ an 'entirely trew, and 'Caftlfappitatin. he is prepared t otal e pictures jii'every style of the art and insure 'perfect es,tifactitin. 5 •::. ' 1 'Charges' from 54 'cenvi-toilltlO. ~, Itonns .ocoperatin g froni - 8 A. M. to - 4 o ily. , • may* dress avoid light,:rett, blue, or pur. 44.,.);1ark .- dAss adds 'much to `the beauty of Akifit"S li t'T , _ . sePt 1% 1-1354-7-if-'- 1119,- - I , OV."'WANT A WELL 311. ADE AWI) citEA? • . 'SLIT INAINTEIIILOTHING t • - _ 7y Octcan he accommodated hy calling on mA - R - p - us -- sinso N', — who has just ,opened,and is r.ow' selling rapidly at, his Store ank • Ige, choice and cheaPassortinent of 'Fall. avid - Winter Goods, do which he inviteirthe attereion of the public. Thifitive been selected vrith great care in the 'Eastern cities. have been bought cheap for ,cash, and will he, sold cheap'for cash--cheoper `than at any other establishment in 'Gettysburg. Hic stock cinisists in part of Black, Blue, I Olive and' Green CLOTH COATS, with 'frock. dress 'and sack coats; also Tweed, Cashmere:an-4 Italian cloth ,; also a large:stock ortIVER (. 0 tTS; which ea niche beat in va riety, quality or prtie. out of the cities; also a very superior stock,,of PANTALOONS. con sisting ,tn- part of - extnAtent and well made Fremil; Mack Doe;skiii Cassitnerec: Fancy eliminate. Satinetta; ; Velvets. Cord, Linen nali,Cottonade t ,-.The stock of VESTS corn pliant every variety of manufacture—fine black - Velvet, Italian Silk, white, fancy and butt Marseilles, Summer Cloth. &c. Also -. cOristaritly - onband a large lot of TRUNKS, nits; Carpet B gs, Umbrellas, Boots & Shoes, Witidow. Shades; Violins, Accordeoria. Gni -tam-Flutes; :Fifes,. Melodeons,- Mirrors, Ra zors, Spectacles, Spoons, Watches & Watch Guards, silk and .00tton Handkeroliefa, ra 'Suspenders Gleies; 'Stockings,' Spring Stittlis;Shirts; a nd Shirt Collars. and a splen. • II; • ; • Issortmen o - " . - . 16 the. way`of Be 's and Men's furnish . - . ins tine.- (11ririt-rate Chewing Tobacco'slways on band-a rare article,. which chewers are re iinested istry. MARCUS SAMSON. November 13; 1854.. tf r -- 7111 - OST -- F T bran . ESTABLISHED 'FACT that ma ny persons-lost 'money by not pnrchasing Goods at the well known CHEAP STORE •of Abram Arriola, at ilia old: stand, on 'the South East oorner of 'the' Diamond, where he is now receiving-the . cheapest; prettiest and lbest-nleeted Stock of . and Winter Goods, Watt_ edof e ,o,re er to . the citizens anis Acounty v consisting, in part, as follows - Pack.: Blue =apd -, Brown French Cloths, Finc,y, Felt and Beaver Cloths for Over Coats, (Newest i Styles.)) ,B),ack and Fancy Bassi. meres, - Tweeifi. JeanW p Cassinets, &c. &IN for -Metes wear; Silks, Mous de Laine, Alpacas, Merinos Plain; anti, Fancy Sack. Flannels, 'also I beauiirul issoiimerit,'Of Satins an4,Silks :frir-11otinitit;213onnet: mkt _ of otho rii rtielea; all cif -w bicii the public titti-ttopectftillyrecinetitod to call 'and . examine 'forlinimsetveshibeliezingllitit it is only necessi -473i to sieif oritgoods, price them, and eraMinP, to induce persons to parchnie. A large lot of Trunks ofao'receivet4 which will 'be sold low. ABRAM ARNOLD.. • . - 43cieber '4, 1854. - if .. , • . . • • ~ ~ • .. , . - T. RAI 7 E - REMOVED' fro m 1221 est Lom- X-hatd Street to the new and cant Muclious iVarehouie; Mi. 141 Ifical RraU eilre4t, near :,/441, opPosite - the Maltby [-lease, and will .eanhatte my: Pk:NE[4AL 'COMMISSION - .BLISINES,S., for the - kale of 'TOBACCO. .P/Vtitif • and COUNTRY PRODUCE, of 441 'kinds; and will att.:Md . to-the 'execution of `'order's for Purchasing. • J„shall continue my. quail° AgeracY, itivlng increased" faCitiirea for supplying the .best article, as usual, at' the government's itnivest ' price—tha lon , fif :2240 Ihs.-.—with a moderate charge of commission fur purchasing and forwarding:. • - 1. . _ of haying manufactured' phosphate of Lime, a, superior ant, which l•will -warrant to becure. I have Connected with :mi, htisiness, and shall at all times be supplied , from the most 'crilehnited manufactories in the •U rtion, a large I supply of .higaltitalttiriaill limple me ntm, ,of every description, warranted. to which I: ask _particularly Ate attention of Farmers and deal ers: Trus i ting, by strict attention, to, all busi ness c onfiqed to my charge,'l shall tnerit the _patronage! p f 41its public, . . . B. M. RHODES. ' Bart.,L.4 Nolembet 27, 054. -•-.......5.-- .1..:1-___ _____ _ l over .Braneh Rail Road. 1:411 1 , - - i rad; vog • OF HOURS 4 4 ,1441 S. over the • Hanover. Branch road now rut, as follows : Ist Train Will leave Hanoverat 0.155 A. M., With - Passengera for York, Harrisburg, Colum bia ar4 Philadelphia, and • return to Hanover with... Passengers from. 13,altimpre at 12 M. ;11;4! Train connects„also with the Express for 'faith:time- arriving there at 1 P. M., stopping at - Gienroelf, Parktpe:A:nd .Cockeysvil le, ... 2d Train *will leave Hanover at 2.15 P. M. witb Riersrtgellii for Baltimore. arriving there at - 6 30 i arid - return immediately 'with Passcn• gers from Ylarit,&64..at 5.45=,P. M. ,- - ld•Train will leave Hanover at 4 3-4 P; M. with Pasiengers for York; and r..turn with Pagserrgers from Baltimore„ at .8 P. M. The. Monday morning exihrtiain will leave for Balthamro at 5.30,; return at 7. A. M. • . EDWARD E. YOUNG..Igent. Hanovei. Qct. 16, 1854. , , teciuntiol SPOUTING! irllCOßAltiiiiit Henry Wampler will make 11 1.j1 :HOOsetipouiing and pet lip the same low, for cash or country pro - 11step. Fermi:re and All others wishing their Heitse,a, Barns. &r. *pouted; would dp well to give them a call. IV AMPLER. April 18; 1854: • is - 4E- H'i : .. # • , 280 Market *free,. ahave:Bl*. Philadelphia. - 10; 1:1110M1111t. ,Proprk!.torg. a'eeriiraflocati6O; on 9oe • principal thoconlifarra of ihe city. No effect lipitred to make vi‘tteta comfortable. V`o9 per:iti4 4 . • • • • -Joao 14;44354. IT • lrY) 'yOu waiit qfP.AP 11}10Cr$:10-Es I_l Go to ,r,(HNINTOCICS3. 1-1 1,00,1F1S lad Scot An d 41zatfat ' . SCHIC - LiTTHE TUTS Bt 'KNOWN! rip arr. 44 $ 1111 A 111144 D- l 'has'.just re ' 1. ibirapd from theXsetern cities, 'with the largest and best Selected .stock of goods. for Nlerrand Boy's' wenr ever before offered,which he is iicw anakingtili : at the Old Stand. where . he invites alt wfio wish to - purChase CLOTH ING' made' of 03.4 D =al tZ23. l 2Clistr a itierta9 and by good workmen, to call and examine his stock' before purchasing elsewhere, avhe is determined to undersell any clothing Store or Ship 'Sh - op in the town , or country. - • Having secured the services of one 'of the heat CUTTE ftS in the country, ne is prepared to make up clothing at - the shortest natio:wand In the, best style. His motto is Quick Sales and Small Profits. • _ October 1851. tf WATCHES,J E WEL R Sil verwure 4 -franc?, Goods. iiar.A Choice Assortment of the Finest: Qnal ity, for Sale at the Lowest Cash Prices; at - - NO. 184 SOUTH SECOND STREET, - : e f t ,,iers - Pine:and - Unioni - Weal - side, - Philadtcs. Ir HE assortment embiacma Large and Se x /eel Slunk of Pine Walehes,Jewelry, Silver Ware, AlGala Ware, plated wit4fine Silver, in Spinns, Forks, Ladles, ¢'e.--Jet., Guilds,:leans-- and. Pansy dirtioles of a superior quality; de serving the examination ,of those who di,sire to procure the best goods at the Lowest Cash Prices. Having a pradicalicnowledgt of the busi• ness, and all available facilities for Importing and Manufacturing, the subscriber confidently invites purchasers,Aielieving that he can sup ply them on terms u favorable as any other establishment Is either of the Atlantic Cities. 0::(7A:11 kinds of Diamond and Pearl .Jewel ry and Silver Ware manufactured to order, within a reasonable time: 0r Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware faithfully repaired. , WM. B. ELTONHEAD,. No, 184 South 24 St., s row doors above the 24 St. Market, West Side. 'Erin the South Window of the Store, may be seen the famous, BIRD CLOCK, which commands theadmirdtion of the scientific and curious. - -- October 2,' 1854. 1y ' Jurorai for January Court. GRA NID JURY. , lliamiltonbori.4 ;nes H. Mariholl, Jooopli ' Kittinger jjocier—Geo, H. HowitL Francis W. Knuaxe. - • Borough—George g. Bringnian, William Culp: Helmick—Daniel S. Barnito, William Oitt. Oxford—Elias Slagle. Frionklin-4Nlctor K. Hallway, Jacob Kookier. Ilbertf2—Lewis Wertz. I.utiolure--:3llchael Shrlver. Gittys, fridiu L. Taaghinliiaug4 Freedom—How( White. Sathel Miller Cumberlanil—DaYttl lkieagy, (leo, Busbmau iitrWa7 T 3 17111h1 ITT/77n GrENBRAL JURY. • Mee:What —Mous; Smith, Jonas Routzahn. Hamilton—David _Bollinger. • Oxford—J(lM House. , P, Young. David Sell, Benjamin Forrey. Moo ntpleasant—i% nthony Smith ,JlLlues Po ist, Solomon Toot, David . Claps:o4lo. . • nansiltonban—Robert Blythe, Joseph Culbertson. Stmban—Yrancis Monfort, tiantool W. Hoffman, Jeremiah ahriver. Borough—Franklin D. Picking, George H. Swope, john Weigle, Henry 'Meals Peter Johns. i Mouutjey—.Jesse Ob,pivUlAlle, Watson Barr, Henry Benner. Liberty—Jacob Shover. ' Tyrone--Solomon Itoutaahn. Franklin—=Jacob Lower, John Hartman, of . J., Moses Itallensperger. . _ Germany—Daniel Crouse. Huntington—Juiries Davis, John D. Docket: e lan:ma Townsend. Cnniberiand—Jacmb Benner. Freedom—John McCleary_ Butler=L'harlei S. Wright: • Dec. 11, 3854, SIJ-PPLY!---; THs undersigned has just returned from the City with, a large supply of FRESH GOODS, which he is prepared to sell at prices which cannot be beat. - His stock consists or GROCEIRIES, of all kinds, Sugars, Molasses, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Crackers, •Cheese, Pickled Cu• cutobers, dtc. Also, • Fruits and Confections, Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Prunes, die. —Also, Powder, Shot, Tobaeco, Segars, Gail's celebrated German Smoking Tobacco, and a variety of other articles—Also, a first rate assortment of the best qualities of LIQUORS. Wines tine Brandies, of different kinds,N. E. Rum, Holland Gin, Old Rye, &c.—all of which can be had on the lowest terms at the Store of the subscriber, 'in South BaltiniorL street, next door to the "S tar " office. 4-'•!Also, always on hand a variety of Stone Jugs, 4o.—Give us a call. EMANUEL ZIEGLER. Getty ;burg, May 15, 1854. -VIELgTo - Cheap Watches & Jewelry, LESA & ft ETA IL, at the'Phil ade%phia Watch and Jewelry Store, N o. 9t; North Second street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia: Gold Lever Watches; full jeweled, 18 caret ca.sea, 828 00 Gold Lepiners, 38 caret. - 24 00 Silver Levera, full jeweled, - • 12'00 Lepineki. jewels, ' - • - • D 00 Sukarior Quartiers, . 7 00 _ Ciald Specifteles Nine Silver di). ' ~ . ... . 150 Gold Bracelets, • . . ' . 300 Ladies' Gold Pencils,• - - • - 100 Silver Tea Spoons, set, - . - . - 1600 Gold Pews. with Pencil and Silver Holder, - - WOO Gold Finger Rings 37i cents to $80; Watch Glasses, plain, 121 cents, patent 18i; Lunet 25; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they are sold for. STAUFFER at, HARLEY. - On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines, sill lower than the above prices. Sept. 25, 1854. ly .2000 LADIES ARE 'Wallin to certify that the !7I ATHA.- AY__COOKING STOVE is the very best Stove now in use, inasmuch as they will do more Cooking, Roasting and Baking,•and do it with less labor, and last as longagain as any other stove now sold. These celebrated staves are constantly_ kept for sale at a very reduced price, at the Gettysburg Foundry tr. Machine Shop where the subscribers, feeling determined to snit all persons, have also the Parlor, Sexton's Baltimore Air-tight. Peakskeli, and Cabineh Cook stove, and Air-tight and Ten plate Par lot Stoves,'of the most beautiful patterns. • • The Seylar Ploughs, which cannot be surpassed for lightness. of draerght, or in the character of their work, are constantly on hand fore sale, and in view fthe fact that the Moii;dboard oftheseTiou is one fourth heavier than that of otherploughs, it is decidedly the cheapest that can be ob taintlitr"so Ozy. ERO W PLOUGHS and other's, Castings for the Woodcock Plough. W hid mill machinery, Castings and Hollow-ware; with every article usually mad eat Foundries, tan he obtained here. _ (r:rillacksmitlaintt and Cho* Mnkine 58 1:14110. T. 'WARREN & SON. tf if - 10 M 1 4 : ON ! COME A kielhofe . 1 ood spat received by Oct.:. ' A. AIZNOLD:j ... , ritQCIL&AMATION To OE eitijgas, of tittiplittrg-;----°— J Palvernitatlier's Hydro!. Electric VMIIIIO VIIIINB . OONSTR6CTED to be worn, next ,to tbe N.,),skin, producing a constant current of ' nrt iNTRRRUPTer) *l.MeTito maorieTtait---effecting IMMEDIATE RELIEF, FROM. ALL A CCTE PAINS, arid a • ; , . Permanent cure of Neuralgic Diseases! Pulvermacher's Electric Chains were first used in France, three years since, for the cure of Nervous Diseases, and after being submitted to the most thorough trial, in every 'hospital I in Paris, by the most. learned professors in i_ that city, they were recommended to the Gov ernment of France, who granted 3,patent , for , the-discovery-.--Doring-tlielear4Bsl-4,-illey-, were introduced in Germany, Austria, Prussia and England, and one year since, introduced and patented - by the United States Government. Most Astonishing. Cures , of Rheumatism ' Rt. Vltun's Dance, - Painful and Bi:relied Joints, _ Palpitation of the Hurt, Neuralgia of the Face, • Periodical Headache, . _Deafrillettiness 2 Pains from Indigestion, . Hysterics!, Dyspepsia, tunic Palm, ' 'Every Disease, termed Nervous, itoptintrly - trrid - rapidly Cured,- by simply wear ing the Chains for a few hours. each day. , Theehains were first introduced in the city of NeW,Yoile, where they were exhibited to -Prof. Valentine Mott,•Ven Ouren, Post, Car nochan,-. and others, who readily discovered that they possessed ,Strange and:Singular Power of Inaletotly •De- lieving Pains, whenever applied, and by their 'recommenda-- don and-influence, they were , introduced into the different ,liospitals of New Yo rk, and are now . in daily tore in those institutions. in the treatrilatit and core of the above named diseases ; ' No Other Meeh'anical Agent„ in The world. can produce so many well _au thendcated certificates of cure, from scientyie Physicians and intelligery Patients, as may - he found in each pamphlet, which may be obtain ed gratis at the Drug Store of S. H. BUEH LER, who is the sole Agent for Gettysburg, and 'who will explain the manner of nee to all who may apply. > In the city of New York, at the General Office, 568 Broad - way,. there are being sold daily, from forty . to sixty CH4INS, and the .sale and demand in Boston is as great in pro portion to • the population, although they have only been introduced t hreamonths The Caams are easily worn, and are equally as well as the,adult„ and are . always ready for ine—never get-out of repair, and are as much an 'article of ornament, as they-are a valuable means of cure. eAUTION.—Ladies who are emirate are requested not to wear them. The prices of the Chains are $3 and $5, 18 and 30 Links, and can be sent by mail, to any part of the State, by addressing S. H. BUEH LER, only—A gent—for_Gett_ysbu rg. I. STk;IN,ERT, 568 Rroadway, N. V., General Agent. For sale in all the principal cities in the United States. July 3, 1854. ly 1101.1LOWAY'S. OINTMENT. - Citizens if the YOU have done me - the honor as with one voice, from one end of the Union to the other, to stamp the character of my Ointment with your approbation. 1 t is scarcely two years:since 1 made it known to you; and el rea dy it has obtained- more celebrity than any Other medicine in so sh6rt a period. 38, earner of Ann sr( Nassau sts., New Turk. AST_ONISIIIN 'MIRE OF SoRE LEGS, AFTER N IN E YEARS' STAN DINO. Copy of u Letter from Mr. 'J. W. Langley, of Huntsville, Yiulltin co., North Carolina. dated Nov. Ist; 18'43. READ lIIIS OWN WORDS. To PsoFEssoa Hom.owKir : Sir,—lt is nat my wish to become notorious, neither is . this letter Written for The mere sake of writing, but to Say, that your ointment cured me of one of the most dreadful cutaneous diseases that flesh is heir to, and which was considered by all who knew me, to be entirely beyond - the reach of 'medicine. For nine years 1 was afflicted with one of tl:e most painful and troublesome sore legs that ever fell to the lot of man; and after trying every medicine I had - ever heard of, I resigned to despair all hope of being cured ; but a friend brought me a couple of large pots of your Ointment, which caused the sores on my legs to heal, and I entirely regained my health, to my agreeable surprise and delight, and to the astonishment of my friends. - (Signed) AN EXTUA.ORDINARY CURE OF A BAD BREAST,.WFIEN NEARLY AT 'MIK POINT DEA'rH. • Copy of a Letter from Mr. R. Durant,' New Orleans, No ' vember 9th, To - PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY, 38, Corner of 'Ann and Nassau StreetS, N. Y. Dear Sir:— It is with hear:felt gratitude I have to.inforin you that by the use of your Ointment and Pills, the life of my wife has been saved. Por seven years she had a bad breast, with ten running wounds, (not of a cancerous na ture). I, was told that nothing could rive her : she was then induced to use your Ointment and Pills, when in ,the short, space of three months, shey .effected a perfect cure, to the astonishment of all who knew us. r We ob tained your Medicines from Messrs. Wright & Co., of Chartres-street, New Orleans. 1 send this from "Hotel des Princes," Paris, although I had written it at New Orleans, 'before we finally left, at 'hat time, not know ing your address at New York. /- (Signed) R.'D URA NT. The Pills should he used conjointly with the Ointment in most of the following cases : - 700 Dad Lep Contracted and Lumbago . Sore-throats Dad Breasts Stiff Joints Piles , Skin-diseatNes Burns Fistulas itheumatistn Scurvy Bunion l'hilblains Chapped Lamle Swelling* Sore Nipple* Wounds **• Sold at the Establishment of Professor Hot.Lowsr.'3B, Corner of Ann and Nassau Streets, New York; also by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines through out the United States, in Pots, at cents, 87 cents, and $1,50 cents each. To be had Wholesale of the principal Drug Houses in the Union. frrThere is a considerable saving by tak ing the larger sizes. _. N.4l.—Directiong for the guidance of pa tients in every disorder are affixed to each Pot. July 3, 1854. lyeow LA(37 - avitars THE subseriber hereby gives notice to those who have promised him WOOD - on' 'ac-' count, that he-is in want of it, and that unlesa it is delivered forthwith, without any limber noti ceitive - A - cc - anuts - w i Wire- pl ace d in the hands of an officer for collection, and the money re quired. T. WARREN. Sub-Soil Plou:hs, OF the beet quality, always on hind, and —for Gettyshorr,' t the Found ry Jot T. WARREN & SON. N[ A P C o li rk Eß H E rti ( i:s , Canodd fis h , aidesS at on ,tl Shoulders,t. r rin g. rd and CheFse. Constantly on hand and fin , sale by J. Palmer 1 1 / 4 , Co., Market Street jr - horf, P I 111,.11)F: II 1.1. , Uctvber .9, 1654. - LOOK TO. YOUR. INTEREST! rpHE undersigned has just returned tram , Phitade!ptiia with a large and fashionable " UCTI-2 (0 1 1R14 which' he'will dispose of at VERY 'REDUC ED PRICES to all who may favor him with' a call. His assortment consists of the folk lowing; SHAW - 1. 2 _ FLANNELS, PLAID 'MKS, M USLINS, F. MERINOES; LINEN, M. D E.1,..A IN ES, BLANKETS, WOOL PLAIDS, QUILTS, D EBEG ES, , CLOTHS, CASHMERES. CASSINETS, PERSIAN CLOTHS, SATINETS, CALICOES, COLLARS, GINGHAMS, , HANDKERC'FS 2 ITEILS.Akc. Also. a tot •of groceries - and Queensvvirre,' which were bought low and will he - sold low' for Cash or country produce. To punctual customers - a credit of six months. • J. S. GRAMMER: — - October 16, - 1854. tf $1 Curt for 311! •THOMAS HOLLOWAY. J. W. LANGLEY. Salt Menu► Sore-heads DM Glandular Fcalds IIA_RDWARE STORE. T HE .subscril3ers would respectfully an nounce to their friends and the public that they have opened a NEW i-lARDWARE STORE, in"_Baltimore Street, adjoining the residence of David Ziegler, Gettysburg, in which they are opening ,a large and general ,aseort - - tnent of HARDWARE, Iron" Merl, Groceries, CUTL E RY, COACH TRIMMINGS SPRINGS, AXLES, , , G 3 Tb Ilt lIE tebar,mare Shot Sinbings, Paints, 01Ilty and Dye-stuffs, - general lc le ding-e very-Ale pt iort-of-ar ti dies in the above lines of-business, to which they invite the attention of -Coach-makers, Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Cabinet - makers, Shoe-makers, Saddlers, and the -public gen end ly. • - . Our stock having been selected -with great care and purchased for Cash, we guarantee i the Ready Money,) to disposesof„any part. of it'Am as 'reasonable terrnsas they can be pur chased any where. We partiduiariy request a' call 'from our friends, and earnestly solicit...a.sliare,ot public favor, as we are determined to establish a char acter for sellinii:Q6aa`at low &ices and do ing business on fair principles. JOEL B. DANNER, - DAVID ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, Jane 9, 1851. tf AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNION! TIM E AsigiacAN — A - zwaTs t- U - storr - weirld — re spectfullysannounce to the citizens of the United States and the Canadas, that for the purpose of cultivating a taste for the fine arts - throughout the country, and with a view of enabling every laMily to become possessed of a gallery of Engravings, By the 'first Artiits of - the. Age, they have determined,' in order to create an extensive sale fur their Engravings, and thus not only give employment to a large number of artists and others, but inspire among our countrymen a taste for works of art, to present to the purchasers of their Engravings, when 250,000 of which are sold, 250,000 GIFTS, OF THE ACTUAL COST_ OF $150,000 Each purchaser of a One Dollar Engraving, iherefore,rec_eives not only an Engraving richly worth the 'nioney, bat also a ticket whir) entitle& It rin to one of. the Gifts when they are distributed., For Five Dollars n highly finished Engraving, beautifully PAINTED in OIL, and FIVE GIFT 'no Kiirrs, will he sent; or Five Dollars worth of splendid Engravings can be selected from the Catalogue, and sent by return of mail or express. A cdpy of the Catalogue, together with a specimen of one of the_Engravings, can be seen at the office of this paper. For each Dollar sent, an Engraving actu ally witrth that sum, and a Gift Ticket, will immediately be forwarded., The Committee believing that the success of this_IGRKAT NATIONAL UNDERTAKING will be materially promoted by the energy and en• terprise of intelligent, and persevering .Agents, have resolved to -treat' with such on the most liberal terms. • Any person wishing to become an Agont, by sendintes (post paid) $l, will receive by re turtvof mail, a One Dollar Engraving; a GIFT TIC KET, a Prospectus, a Cataiugue, and all other necessary information. On the final completion of the sale, the Gifts will be placell in the hands of a Com 'HITTER Of the PURCHASERS to be DISTRIBUTED, due notice of which will be given throughout the United States and the Canadas. CM of Gifts : 100 Marble busts of Washington, at 100 •' •' Clay. 100 66 4 Webster, 100 o 1, Calhoun,loo 10,000 50 elegant Oil Paintings, in splendid gilt frames, size 3x4 feet each, 100 5,000 100 elegant Oil Paintings, 2z3 feet each, 50 5,000 500 steel plate Engravings, brilliantly colored in oil, rich gilt frames, 24x.30 in. each, - - 10 fi,ooo IC,OOO elegant steel plate Engravings, color- .. . ed in oil, of the Washington 3lonument y 20x26 inches each, 4 40,00 e 237,000 steel plate Engravings, from 100 dif ferent plates POW in iiossession of and owned by the Artists' , Union, of the mar ket value of from 50 cents to $1 each. ' 41,e00 141rst-clams Dwelling, in 31st st., N. Y. City, 12,000 22 Building Lots in 100 and 101st ate., N. Y. City, each 25x100 feet deep, at 1„000 22,000 100 Villa Sites. containing each ten thousand feet in the suburbs of Pico' York City, and comManding a magnificent view of the' Hudson Hirer and Long Island Sound, at , 5,000 20 perpetual loans of cash, without interest, or security, nts2l . lo each, 5.000 i 0 It t‘ 11 100 4 . 4 5.000 100 41 41 " 50 " 5,000 250 ti ii 11 20 LL 5,000 I 2000 II 1/ as 6 ii • 10,000 U Ice nt Reference in regard to the Real Estate, F. J. Visscher & Cu., Real Estate Brokers, New York. Orders, post paid, with money enclos ed, to be add teased. .1. W. HOLBROOKE, Seey, 505 Broadway, N. Y. The Engravings in the Catalogue are now ready for delivery. November 6, 1854. 6m Baltimore Baltimore fk. Susquehanna Railroad CH ANGF: OF HOURS._ Way Passenger 'Train leaves Calvert Station at 8.15 h. M 4rrives at York at 11 hi Accommodation Train leaves Calvert Station at Arrivo. at" York at Eitirre - s - sl'rahrte - a - v Arrives at Yolk at 11 11Rfil i NG. Way Pnsgengei Train will leave Har- TiSbli rg at 1.45 P m Arriving at York at -- - • :2.45 P m Express Train,leaves Harrisburg at 8.45 Ara Arriving aEl'ork• at 9.54 A M A. P. WINCHESTER, Super't. Mareh2o, 1851. (4 U A E P A LI' V o - A t R n E i A NI) ,, GRO . C i ERIE I S i - r — ue i nt o f glieenNwate, %hid, he will sell Inw. I:411 and see. Oct. 2. A T 3 3 \ Are - s - C'aivertStalion at lii P 3 . 1 12 P M JN ursuarKeof the, Act of AtAv_ern . by.y, "passed the 27Th day of !illy, 1842, the fol. JR. lowing statitnent is herithy - pitbflehed by.ttie COMmissioners of Adams ecooty, which exhibits ihe -- ,amonnt. descripfictft and value of the Real and Personal Property, T rades, Occupations. and Professionaj made taxable by the several Acts of Assembly of this Commonwealth : • _ IZ I — ct "CO "1 -'• r• I ' 0 a .. 1 - '1 „." . F., .., c4 "P, • 0 c 0 ... • , ---- 9 . = 2, 1 ,, •-• 41 *5 °l:= 0 - 0 'l5 'd -, (/' -• 4 4, - ;- c. '- " I •f-t . 11 ' - •" • I W I :, I 13 ri' - ' , . Th c.,._-.- 2 'or , A:* .7, —..1 n :7: 5 5.' .: ' ("I=7 7: n l i s '• I n .- s. ....`l . i ' 1 n cil - ' 7 7,- tig. k - i .:7 . 1 11 r ... - . :. 0.......5,.. 5 .,..,.., 0 .a- oz ,c. _ ,_: g rA ...., ~= _, ex e"L- 0 a- a . col -, 0 , 0 t . z i •-• = 0 r.r.: g: ' .:.,..,p...r . = . 3 .,g , = 4 l. ....l i • .•,,, . 6 . , -• rP,. il • . z- - :91 ..-,-..:a I E I ;-- I F -,‘) - - s 'I - ri: :- ,f,,, jPt`` f 'f C - a l El (ii ri .1 .Fr • in 1 cm t 0 1 ( C., F . t-r; .4 ; - .Fl t'l - --------, ,- . . ,----. 4 Borough, 5931 60759 1 5 719515940; 45915 ' . I 'l3ool 2501 1475,927 00 1918321 'nurberland-7- ----_ - Y--'2-.173641 18330 -18315; - 81 251,6301, 134 1 ,i 3501 2'7801 3 011 Germany, • -' 142732 1 . 8346 , 26052: - 7225 i 180 10801 J : 1825! 500 Oxford, • f . 159478 1 10170 038561 • 6970 i 1900 11 1 ' log 13621 Huntington, • .i , . .. , 2177601 16407 611X%69; '0445 , . - _ 32W ,2 00 4 , ._ Latimore, 138809 i 11962 308591 5620. -, ... 0 , Hamiltonbruk 290851, 19373 238461 1 105* .. 340 70 ; 30 Liberty, - . 139354; 9145 107491 :_4050 • .. ~,,,. t , , :. •• !„50 20 212 15 3i1 9 . 0 50 0 12601 1 00 Hamilton, I 7: - )v, i 1 8119 D 2i71101 -DlBo' .... , • 1959i , Menallen, . : 160264' 16114 195141 ; 738,51 ~ , .. 2615 1 i 13iiiiten, 2515881 19882 192531 , $10.5i. ~ 175 ._ 402191 " 100 . , Franklin„, :2 , 59'2271 ...4 4 60 . .. 3269 05 t 1 0810 t • .-, 2 6 0 - r' - - - --- - 3147; -.' 250 ~ • e I k 3 •' - • ' ' 4 ,' , 4 17,7 °' . . • 134 9 1:3 2 ;;'': 8 97 1- 0 3 2' . . 1 6 6 15%1 ;9 ' 4 3 '51 . ':. . ---. l6BOl 200 , • 21 1 46 5 6 6 7 4 ; 1 . .: 0 1e 0 di MountioY. • 1723031 11121 12279; • -38991 Mount lease . 1 , 247606!, 16110 271661 - 59101 . .. •-- I. . 21881 -• " Rending, ' . - 223455 1 14074- 283321 561 - Berwick; .98961; • 5460 2129'Z 4795 - - 1175' :4 tit, . . Filmdom, 81106 4655 10667 1 ' 23101- - :96 -- . • 60Z.1 ' Union, 210703' 8906 45520 40701 ; 80 --.- )84 1 . - Butler, 150411 1 13436 1 4 X4 4 '5760' - - - 1 2495 , . , —........., —. ••••••••••••••, ••••••••••••••• ..., •m•••••••• •••••••••••• •••••„„..„. ,„....... = 1 .................... • Total, 9995234'260821 57098818613 3 65901107E01 . 430,1369 I.sr.) 43291457 50 Attest—J. AVOIIINBAUGH, Clerk. 'December 15, 1854._ , • NEW Yo FIX December i, 1554. WITH the present Number, enkthe PoUrth Volunde; and the second year of -Puinum's Monthly. . In commencing the undertaking, the Publishers were fully aware that in a time ofimmense intellectual activity, and in a country of great and various literary rival ry, where, in the ahsence of an. interna tional.copyright,• the elioieest Works .of the best foreign genius ,aTe-10, be- ; had for the taking, the-task , was nOteasy, ncfound ing and .sustaining e. llagaztne, at 'once live/Bath:tits sympathies; and national in its :one. - The continued and increasing favor with which the Monildii has been receiv ed, is the best possible proof, that the :task has been in some -degree fulfilled. The New Volume of the MagaZine com mences under the best possible atispiceS. Its position is now assured. Two years have demonstrated the extent of its circle of friends; and that circle is constantly widening. The Magazine haS not only the sympathy, - but the actual literary sup port of -- the most eminent-authors in-the-- country. The - greatest care is exercised in' the selection of articles for its pages, front the immense number of MSS. re ceived—a Munber - imiw . amounting to more -than eighteen hundred. In' so great - a press of Jnaterra' I to be considered, the" Publishers appeal confidently for patience to- all who favor them with their contribu tions, while they heartily thank - them for their good will. While care is taken that nothing in the remotest ileiree offensive to propriety or good taste defaces these .pages, and the ablest talent is secured to make a Magazine, which, for - variety of interest, and excel- . !mace of tone. shah be iurpassed by . no sim ilar publication in the world, the Publishers assure the Public that their motto is still on. ward, and that every year's experience will enable them more fully to-deeerve the favor which they 'so gratefully acknowledge. , , Subscribers will - plcase observe, that, under a necessary rule,..theliWagazine can be sent only so far as the sub ' ale paid for. The New Vnlume corn men" ': "..ith the lanuary number. It is intended that tiii? ;fib volume shall be the best 4 yet issued. A fine Omsk' will be given in 'very second number or oftener: - TERMS :--$3 pe r annum, or 25 cents per number. Two copies for $5 ; five copies to one address $ tO. C te!gy men and Postmasters sup plied at $2. Those remitting $3, promptly i n advance, - will receive the Magazine tree of post age. $lOO $lO,OOO 100 10,000 100 10,000 The publishers have no Agents for vhose contracts they are responsible. Those giving or ders to Agents or to their respective Booksellers, will look to them for their supply of the work., Dec.. 15, 1854. FRENCH TRUSSES, WEIGHING LEBB THAN 2) OUNCES: For the Cure of Hernia or Rupture. AC.KNOWLIMGMby the highest med ic-al. anal - 00es of Philadelphia, incom parably superior to any other In use. Suffer ers will be gratified to learn that the occasion now offers to procure not only the lightest and most easy, but as durable a Truss as any Other, in• lieu of the cumbrous and uncomfortable arti cle usually sold. There is no diificulty'atten ding the fitting, and when the pad is located, it will retain its position without change. Persons at a distance unable to call on the subscriber, can have the Truss sent to any address, by remitting Five Dollars for the sin gle Truss, or Ten for the double--with meas ure round the hips and stating side affected. It will be exchanged to suit it not fitting, by returning it at once, unsoiled. . For salc only jy the Importer, CALEB B. NEEDLES, Car. Twelfth 5 . ) , Race S i ts., Philadelphia. OrLADIE?:.I, requiring the benefit of Mechan ical Supports, owing to derangement of the In ternal Organs, inducing Falling of the Womb, Vocal, Pulmonary. Dyspeptic, Nervous and Spinal Weakness, are informed that a compe tent and experienced LADY will be in atten dance at the Rooms, (set apart . fur their exchs lave use,) NO. 114 TWELFTH Street, first door below Rice. 113_,_185 4. 1 y 4 .- . 4 2:5 PM 4%42 P .P.l ALARGE: midition to our stock of Hard- ware, - Carriage 'rtimmings, &c.. has been made, and those in want of any article in that line, should not fa il . th examine our stock. We pledge ourselves to sell cheaper than the cheapest. Come to FAUN ESTOC KS'. October 16.1851,- tOROCCOS. 7 —Thpse wishing to select 1,1 from a Luce assortment of 'Madras and foot Morneeo. Pink and Lair Linings of a su perior quality and at low prices, should call edrly at the cireap store of rAt I N ESTOC --NIALITION. I_AND __ISSESSMENT FOR JBsl' PUTNAM'S MONTHLY. A New Volume. AF:NEWAL . OF SUBPCRIPTION. IittiRDIVAIRE. JOHN MICKLEY, Sr. .: 1 \ .41A MES J. WILLS, Cunimiasioners: GEORGE MYERS, . , R...GOI3EAN; ‘, AT :THE , GETTYOBII,RG' STEAM MILL. mil El subscriber has completed his new Steam Mill, and is now preparefi , to SAW LTI BER, 'and CROP GRAIN at - trssal rates and • short notice. Farmers and others ear, have Sawing and Chopri_ing•done at any time. Ctti-Ilinover prices in, Casli will be paid for Rye; Corn and Oats, at the. Steam:NM. `(Feed constantlY - on• hand and for sale. • C. W. HOFFMAN. Arrgest 14, 1854. ly _HAY WANTED. PERSONS baying Flay do well by caning on the -s6beeribet, in Gettys burg, who is !iesiroas of jinutilasing. The highest market .rice -wilt be'-laid at all times. 13—As he intends having the Hay, after iiicelcel; — liailled"'"eittarlfr•RUbr'er-tir Baltimore, -the -preferfiiien tolgenrw ill be g,ivel3 to thOse froth wii6M" he &air 'Ouretase. -." SO 1.0140 N W ER S. Dec. 6, 1852. tf . J LAWRENCERILL, M. p., AS his Office one door west of the Lnth eras church, in C harnberstiarg street, and op-, vosite Graarmer's store • Where those wishing to have any- Dental Ojperajiwiperforrned are respectfully invited to cart. REFERIRSCgsz Dr. D. Gilben, Dr. G. N. Berieetty, Dr. D. Homer, Rev. C. P. Kraut)), D.D., Rev. H. Daogber, D. TY., Rev. Prof. William M. Rey rxold s,R e v. Prof. M. Jacobs, Prot M.L.Sicever.: Gettysburg, April fl, 185,3. tf • • DOCTOR JOHN A. SWOPE : TirAVING located permanently in Gettys burg, offers his professional services to the -public. Office and residence in York street, opposite the Bank. GettyShurg,, April 24, 1854. 4 M'CONAUGHX, - AT RNEY AT LAW, (Office removed to one door West of Buehler's Drug & Book-store, Chambersburg street,) Attorney & Solicitor-for Patents and.PeaStons, BOUNTY Land Warrants, Back-Pay sus pended Claims, and all other claims against the Government at Washington, D. C.: also American claims in England. La nd War rants located and sold, or 'bortht, and highest • prices given. Agents engaged in locating warrants in lowa, Illinois, and other Western Mates; and lands for sale there. - Kr - Apply to him personalty or fry letter. Gettysburg, 'Nov. '41,1953. .ly DAVID , WILLS, Attorney at Law, HAS taken Mr. STEVENSON'S office, North West Corner, of Centre Square.' Reference,—Hon. Thaddeus Stevens, Lan caster. Gettysburg, January 2, 1854. ' E. 11. .1111JEUILER, 11,T20,2112.1 IVILL faithfully and, promptly attend to all Business' . ent rusted=—to him. Ile speaks the Geiintue ktnguaoe." • offie '3t:the same place, in SOoth'Baltimore Street c :near Forney's Drug Store, and nearly opposite Danner At ‘Zieglees Stors., , ' • • [March' 20. WM, B . : NI.aCLELLAN',, k Attorney at Law. OFFICE on the south side of the Pii?? JF Square,- two doors west of the Sear office. Aug. 22. Fkfit, W. A. _ AI / GIN - LEY ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. (AMOR in' the south-west corner of the ‘_.l Square, formerly occupied by D. Mc- Conaughy, Esq. Will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care. Gettysburg, May 15, 1854. - nittnlimci JH. SKELLY respectfully informs his . old customers and •the public generally . , that he continues the 719ILORING BUSI NESS, at—his old__stand,_in South Baltimore street. where he will'be happy to accommodate all who may patronize him. All work en trusted to h is . care warranted to fit and be of most substantial make. Thankful for past favors, he solicts a continuance of public pa- tronage.. - nee-The New Yark Spring and Summer Fashions are received. _ Call and see them. Gettysbmg, J.Vlay_ 1,1854. T 00 KING, GLASSES—aII sizes and .pri ces---at SC HICK-;•_;. STIES foe sate at the Gettysburg .team IMill. ~~