comsrTurci zousg AzgorAtc-0415. *.3 - 1 . ..,* 4 3 . ~. , • , , z . , tb. .. - F.. 2 :, F., - ft. .. , . 4 .F' ' IC W' • la. 12 -' W `• `• - Ca ' CC. . .. CC "• . . - . . .: . . • . . JANUARY, II FEBRUARt, 111 limos; II APIII4 M ji lt, N kwa, one gad- 10 17 24 in Jur, 15 22 29 JkuGusTi 12 19 26 SEPTSMBER, 16 23 30 °Orem, 14 21 2S NovEmszn, 1.1 18 25 DEcsarinta - 2 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 36-31 the Alarkets. Corrected from the latest Baltimore,Yorktclianover mere BaLLTIMORE—FEIDAT LAS! Flour, per barrel, $8 62 to 8 75 Wheat, per. -bushel,' 1- 15 to .2 10 Rye, ft 1 20 to 1 35 Corn, il 85. to 98 Oats, a 54 to 55 Cloverseed, " . 6- 87 to 7 00 Timothy,. " • 325t0 3 50 Whiskey, per gallon, 43 to. 44 Beef Cattle, per hund., 350t0 4 75 Nogg, - . " 550t0 6 00 hay, per ton, 18 00 tea 00 . Guano, Peruvian, per ton; 50 00 tosl 00 nA.NovEa— Lasr. Flour, per bbl.., from stores, $B - 75 Do. ." " wagons, 837 Wheat, per bushel, - 1 80 to 1 95 Rye, 1 20 Corn, 4 6 85 Oats,-; " Cloverseed, " Timothy, " Plaster of Paris, per ton, YORK—Fatrur LAST Flour, per bbl., from stores, : $9 00 Do. " from wagons, - 8 25 Wheat, per bushel, 1 80 to 2 00 Rye,l 22 _ . - Corn, " 83 Oats, Cloverseed, _ Timothy. Plaster of Paris, per ton, -11:7Female Complaints effectually cured by nOLLOWAY'S PILLS,—Mrs. Mary Pearson, of Market-street, Missouri, (aged 45,) about two years, ago, was grown on a bed of sickness-for several weeks, her arms and legs became much swollen, and it appeared to the medical men whom she con sulted, at this period of life,lhat she was dropsical. She gradually grew worse, until all hope of her being cured was abandoned by her husband and friends. At this crisis Mr. Pearson persuaded her behave recourse to Itoiloway's Pills, and by perseverink with them for six Weeks, she was per fectly well. They are an excellent Medicine for young females, with obstructions in their health entering into womanhood. MARRIED. On the 26th ult., by the Rev. J. Ulrich, Mr. CYRUS G. DEALS to Miss ~ELIZABETH SHAEFFER, both of York Rprings, Adams county. On the 26th ult.. by the Rev. S. W. Seibert, Mr. WIL LIAM B. YOUNG, formerly - of this vicinity, to Miss INIAR GARET A. MASSER, eldest daughter of George Blamer, Esq.. of Shrew bury, York county. On the 21st ult , by Rev Mr. Reigle, Mr. EIIIRAIM MILES to bliss SALLIE A., only daughter of Mr. James Wilt, all of this county. . On the 2tith ult., by the Rev. iamb Ziegler,Mr. MICHAEL HEAT/UCH to Miss CATHARINE E. BURNEY, both of Mountjoy township. X 0 TICE. AS I have rented out my Foundry, to take effect from and after the Ist day of April next, and being anxious to-close up the bust nest" of the same, I hereby give notice to all persons having claims against me, or the late !r9 ofr WARREN & SUN," to present 'gm fur settlement, and those knowing them • Ives to be indebted to me, or said firm, in I,ney or trade, are requested to call and n s ia.lre, Rile:nett by that time, as atter said date I ,call be away from the foundry. I intend this to be the only notice I shall give, and all persons,interested in the same, will do well -1,,t0 give it their-i-nmediate attention; as after the above date i intend to place all my claims in the hands of an officer for collection. Jan. 1, 1855. T. WARREN. TAKE NOTICE. THE undersigned wishes all who are in fiebted to hiln-by note or book account, to call and, pay lip on or before the Piral day of February next. Those who disregard This no lice will find their accounts in the hands of an officer forcollection. Jan. 1, 1855. A BR'l4. ARNOLD. Dissolution of Partnership. HE partnership heretofore existing be tween TIPTON .Sr. BRO.. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued at the old stand, in the Dia mond, by J. W. TIPTON. January 1, 1855. A Good Family Horse for Sale. rH E; undersigned has' fnr salea good 1 , 74 j FAMILY HORSE—dark brown, six years old next spring. gentle, and sound as a dollar. For further information apply to .Dec.lB. 3t J. L. HOLTZWORTiI. I=l 2 3 9 .10 16 17 23 24 30 31 12 19 26_ 11 18 25 15' 22 29 14 21 28 13 20 27 12 19 26 13 20 27 12 19 26 111 15 22 29 16 23 30 10 .17 24 111 13 20 27 12 19 26 16 23 30 111 10 17 24 31 14 21 28 15 22 29 16 23 30 15 22 29 12 19 26 13 20 27 11 18 25 M 13 20 27 12 19 26 11 is 25 10 17 24 31 16 23 30 10 17 24 31 6 13 20 27 16 23 30 'l5 22 29 14 21 28 14 21 28' 13 20 27 12 ,19 26 11 18 25 10 17- 24 12 19 26 II 10 17 24 31 16 23 30 15 22 29 16 23 30 I-5 22 29 14 21 28 13 20 27 12 19 26 111 13 20 27 12 19 26 II !:PUBLIC- -, SALE , Valuable , Persoual Property. THE Subscriber, intending to quit farming, will sell at Public Sale, at his residence, in Union township. Manks county. Pa., on Wednesday and Thursday, Me 21st and 22d of February next, the following Personal Property, viz : 13 20 27 libaa 111021?), Seven Cows, Nine Head of Young Cattle, Hogs, two Narrow-tread Wagons,(one nearly pew.), one Grain Drill, Pennock's Improved, itearly new; Lancaster Winnowipg Mill, nearly new4•Grain Rake, Roller, Corn Shel ler, Rolling Screen, good as new ; first-rate Cutting Box ; Wood and Hay Ladders, Stone Bed, Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Corn Forks, Grind Stone, 2 Jack Screws, an excel lent Cross-cut Saw, a lot of Shop Tools, Horse Gears, Log Chains, Sixth Chains, Cow Chains •artd Halters, Breast Chains, Butt Traces, (a good article,) 3 Spreaders, a - first rater:Feed Trough, - Rakes and Forks of all kinds, with many other Farming• Utensils.— Alio, a large variety of 10 17 24 10 17 24 31 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 Household & Kitchen Furniture, viz a large Cook Stove, Pipe, &c., a ten-plate Stove and Pine. Tables ' Beds and Bediteads, one Kitchen C upboard, Iron Pots and Kettles, Meat Stands, Tight Barrels, and other articles of Household and Kitchen Furniture too num erous-to mention'. Also, a quantity of Apple butter—and a lot of seasoned Mill Cogs, (a good article.) Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.. on each of said days, when attendance will be .given and terms made known by AMOS LEFEVER. `J. F. KCEHLInt, Auctioneer. January 1, 1855. . is 16 23 30 111 M NOTICE TO GUNNERS. mHE undersigned hereby notify all persons - against. trespassing' on their premises, either by Gunning or otherwise. They are determined to:enforce, the law-to its full ex tent against all viho disregard this notice. Ja'cob Hersh y, David Head y, Samuel Hartzel, Susan Hartzell, David Schriper, John Hamilton, George Starry, Thomas Scott, ' Thomas 61 ,. . Henry T. George A. Keckler, Miller, Jacob Hankey, David Keckkr, Henry F. Minnigh,- Isaac Deardorff', . _Frederick Herr. Jah. 1, 1855, 3t 15 22 29 13 20 27 -3 10 24 Otitis!) Perlobicals. EARLY COPIES" SECURP:PRTE)II - VMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS.- 15 22 29 LEONARD SCOTT & .00., New York, continue to re-pubiisb -the following 1. THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative), 2. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig). 3. THE NORTH 'BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church). 4. IMES THE 'WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Libirkl) 5. • BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory). THE present critical state of 'European af fairs wilt render these publications unus ually interesting during the forthcoming year. They will : occupy a middle ground between the hastily written news-items, crude specula dons, and dying rumors of the daily Journal, ,and the ponderoui Tome of the future histori an, written after the living interest and excite ment of the great political events of the time shalt have passed away. . h is to these Periodi -cats that readers must look for the only really intelligible and reliable history of current events, and as such, in addition to their well .established literary, scientific, and theological character,we urge them upon the consideration of the reading public. o::rArningements are now permanently made for the receipt of Early Sheets from the British Pubfisheis by which we are enabled to place all our Reprints in the hands of subscribers, about as soon as they can be furn ished with the foreign copies. - Although this involves a very large outlay on our part, we shall continue to furnish the Periodicals at the same tow rates as heretofore, 'together with the. following Premiums to new Subscribers: 50 6.00 3 00 7 00 50 6 50 TERMS AND . PREMIUMS. of [See List Premium Volumea below.] 3 00 7 00 ' PER ANN. For anyone of the four Reviews and one Prem. vol. 83 00 For any two ' '• 44 R one A c fo 00 For any three 44 " " two 14 7 00 For all four of the Reviews " two 4/ 8 00 For Blackwood's Magesine:',..-,,,;:',V, 44 3 00 'orlilackwood and 3 Revieiri - t.15..± , ..three.. ~ 14 9 00 For - Blackwood arid the 4 Iteviewee4three ~, ]0 00 Payments to be made 'in '''tittc cies in advance. Money current in the State where issued wilt be received at par. The Premiums , consist of 'the following works, back volumes' of which will be given to new Subscihers according to the number of periodicals ordered, as above explained : PREMIUM VOLUMES, FOREIGN' QUARTERLY REVIEW (one year). BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE (six SSOIllils). LONDON QUARTERLY ItRVIEw (one year). EDINBURGH REVIEW (one year). METROPOLITAN IVlAbhAzimetsj% months)• . , W E S T MINSTER REVIEW (one year). Consecutive Premium, volumes cannot in all cases be - furnished, except of the Foreign Quarterly Review. To prevent disappoint ment, therefore, where that work iw not alone wanted, Subscribers will please order as many different works for premiums as there are volumes to which they , may be entitled. A discount of twenty-five per cent. from the above prices wilt be allowed to Clubs - order ing four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: Four copies of Black wood or of one Review will be sent to one ad dress for $9; four copies of :he four Review's and Blackwood for $3O; and so on. * * *So premiums 1011 be given where the above ailov• - ance is made to Cluds, nor will premiums in any case be furnished, unless the subscriptiin money is paid in full to the Pub lishers without recourse to an agent. Money current in.the State . where issued will be re ceived at par. In all the principal . Cities and Towns, these works will be delivered, through Agents, FREE OF POSTAGE. When sent by mail, the Postage to any part of the United States will he but Twenty four Cents a year for '•Blackwood," and but Fourteen Cents a year for each of the Reviews. Remittances and communications should al ways be addressed, post-paid, to the Pub lishers, LEONARD SCOTT & N. 13.-4,„ S: &.. — C&Thave recently publish ed, and have noir for sale, the 'FAN 11 ER'S G IJ I DE," by Henry Stepheris, - of and the late Prnt. Norton, of Yale College, New Haven, Col7lplete in 2 vols., royal octavo, containing 1000 paps, 14 steel and 600 wood engravings. Price, in muslin binding, $6. Jan. 1, 18.55. STOVES---STOVESI ON hand and for sale , a great variety of COOK STOVES—very cheap. Call and see tbern. GEO. ARNOLD. September 4, 1851. CLUBBING. POSTAGE. 54 Gold &reel, New York. LIST OP _LETTERS, Remaining in ihe-Post Wee at Getty - 44,4, i January 1, 1855. Armstrong Mary Kerns _E'mily M. , Beininger Marc. Latshavr, Peter Bream V. 2 Miles .Catharine Mrs, Seisely Geo. Miller Elizabeth Bell lames . McLellan 'Capt. "Jno.,_ Coffman Jacob H. , afire el the Late Colton Emily H. Maser Geo.' Chambersi Rebecca O'hliel Peter, Cuvid Lavinia Powell W. S. T. Deshon Daniei Read Daniel Diggs Susan Schierenbeek Mr. 2 , Deitrich. Wm. H. Schriver Margaret Don. Abraham Slonaker David • Dottarar M. E. Stauffer Abner K. Nagy John . , Swartz Hiram Hager Mr. Tate Robt. Hamliton Elizabeth Warings L. Hartzell Mary E. ' Wierman T. T. Harman Sarni. • Wetherall Wm. E. 'Herman Jacob Wilson Mary Heriter Jacob • Zittle Horatio Huffman Louisa Gerinan Letter. Kazenmaeyer Madan Claudeßeget,Monsieur Keiffy or Haiti) , Sally - - - WM. GILLESPIE, P. M. oz..r Persons calling for letters in the above List will please say they are advertised. January 1, 1855. : • P ALS. HE COMMISSIOIERS of Adams conn- JI: ty hereby _give notice that they have fixed upon the following' times for, the hold ing of appeals for the several Boroughs 'and Townships of Mains county, at the office or . the County Commissioners at• Gettysburg, when and where they will attend to hear peals, between the hours of 9 o'clock, it. and 3 o'clock, P. M. . For the townships ot ,Mountjoy, Germany, Union, eollOwa,,,ao, Mountpleasant, Berwick, Oxford, Straban =Hamilton. Reading, and, Ty ronP, on Thurs day, the 25M of January next. he townships of Huntington; Latimore, Menallen ' Butler, Franklin,. Hatniltonban. Liberty, Freedom,. Cumberland, and the Bo rough of Gettysburg, on Priday,.the 261 h of January 'next. JOHN MICKLEY, jr., JAMES .L WILLS, g • GEORGE MVERS, Attest-4. AITGHINBAUGH, Clerk. Dec. 18, 1854: td REGISTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby giv.en 'to all Legatees and other persons concerned, that the .ddnainieration Aetounte'hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphan's Court of Adams county, for confirmation and allowance, on Monday, the 15th Januarritext, viz 1. The account of Jacob Hankey, Executor of the last will, and testament of Philip Sehri ver, deceased, who was Administrator of Wm. HurtzelVoleceased. ' 2. The first and final account of George Chrittinan, Administrator of Henry Holling er, deceased. , WM. F. WALTER, Register. Register's Office. Gettysburg, } December 18, 1854. TEN WATB.331 7 111 t WEI . NEW ESTABLISHMENT. PLOTIIING MADE TO ORDER. rp HE: undersi,gned'takes pleasure in inform ing the citizens of Gettysburg and the public generally, that he is prepared to furnish GARMENTS of all kinds, for GENTLE -'MEN'S WEAR, at the shOrtest notice, arill in the latest possible style. Having opened a Merchant Tailoring establishment, in Chain - berstnirg-streeti-opposite - tlie - L - Uth erari - c tin rch and secured the services - of experienced work men, he feels confident of pleasing all who may favor him with their patronSge. Coun try produce taken in exchange for work. J.; S.• GRAMMER. December 4,1854: CHRISTMAS & NEW' YEAR. Choice and Valuable. Books. T H AVE, just received from Philadelphia and New Yolk, the best English and Ameri• Can editions oldie beat Authors in every de. partment of Literature, known as standard ' Authors of value, and BOUND IN A MOST SUPERIOR MANNER, in the choicest library styles of calf extra, half calf gilt and altique, Turkey Morocco, &c: &c., forming altogether the most superb collection of Books which ',have ever had the pleasure of offering !.to my, numerous friends and customers ;.and which, together with an 'unrivalled stock of Elegantly Illnitrated Works, gyp 11311 2:43 2,01 ft• Prayer and Hymn Books, Superbly' Bound Books, and best Editions in Library Bindings, now displayed in tempting array on numerous loaded counters, form altogether an .endless variety (torn which toselec_t_ehristritas and New Year Presents, Tully'keep up our well-known, reputation or offerinfr the finest assortment of desirable Books in the richest and most substantial binding. The und,er tgix,ned invites the attention of every individtial in Adams county to call and visit now, while the assorunent is full and complete. , • Ki-Prices to suit the times. KELLER KURTZ, Bookseller and Stationer, Dec. 18. S. E. Cor. centre Square. The Democratic Union. SEN! I-W E KIN during the session of the Legislature at Two Dollars. The Demo cratic Union will, as usual, be issued twice a week during the coming session of the iieg,is lature. No energy or pains has beer. spared to impart additional interest to its columns, and to mate it a faitbfal and efficient'chronicler of passing events. The services of able apd competent reporters have been secured, who will not fail to give full and elaborate reports of the daily proceedings of both branches of the Legislature, and sketches of the most im portant debates,entirely free from partisan feel ing. The installation of the new State Ad ministration will give rise to many new mea sures and the establishment of numerous laws, which will undoubtedly be'of great importance to every one that feels an interest in watching the movement and management. Those who desire to obtain faithfni accounts of all that transpires, will attain their object by subscrib inf for the Union. Tetras : For the whole year, $3,00; for the session only, $2,00. . Any perton procuring five Subscribers for the session and 'forwarding their names, with an enclosure of Teti Dollars, which is current in their neighborhood, will he entitled to one copy of the Union, during the session, free of charge. _Payments-made — by - m - all. Adi ress, .1 A 0013 ZIEGLER. Harrisburg, Jan. I, 1855. NOW READY. Ir . ELLER KURTZ'S Holliday Stock of i . Elegantly Illustrated and Standard BOOKS, adapted for Citristma-; and New Year Presents, the Drawing-Room Tahle, &c., are now ready for examination. Also, CHILDREN'S BOOKS, in endless variety. Kurtz's is a perfect storehouse of delight frr the little ones, where they can purchase from the sitn . lest To Book ui to this otLe • • - live colored eeition. [Dec. IS, 155,1. PROtECirION'Atii.INST OSS - BY IRE • llEsunaersi g ned informs pro — perty-horder 3 that he has been duly appointed Agent of the- PNRRY C,OINTY . M UTUA L k'IRE INSURANCE' COMPANY, and that he is the e , nly Agent in Adams county for the'same. He wili.take original, and renew old inso landeS for said Ootnpany,' sincti its'. tn. corporation, in' 1843, has secured the perfect confidence of the people of Adams end the adjoining 'counties, fit being authorized to effect-insarences in any part of the State.) Its integrity and ability have been fully and satisfactorily demonstrated. The gradation of rates of Insurance is adapted to the mutual interests of the whole Company anti the class of the - insured property. -Every person insur ing becomes a member of the Company_„_an May act -in the selbction of officers and in the direction of its, operations. Moses *CLEAN represents the members ih this'county in the Board . of Man agers. C. RB7ll, is President, and 10HIN CAMPBRLI. Secretary. Office in Bloomfield, Petit' county. Office of M.& W. McClean, Gettysburg. Deconsber-25i1854---tf—,--' DERR'S HOTEL, AT PRIVATE SALE. TH E subscriber, wishing - to - remnva - to4he- West, ofrets at Private Sale; that truly ds.lL9 Situated in North Market Street, Frederick City, Md: 'The improvements consist of a large and substantial Two-Story ; ' ' BI LICK ITIOUSF fronting on Market Street, fifty,- fiVe feet by thirty-nix feet deep; attached is, a 'brick Back Building, sixty feet deep; thest'are also a Brick Smoke ,House, -Hog Pen, and - other out', Windings ; a large paved wagon yard and a Stable, capable of Stabling-forty horses, with a neverfailing well of excellent water adjacent and a pump stock in the sane. - The main building was thoroughly repaired two years age, the wood work bentg.entirely 'new; the bar- and kitchen are supplied with Hydrant Water and the first floor with Gas. There are good, dry and airy cellars, divided into three apartments, under the Whole build ing. Attached to the above property is a large and commodious • STORE ROOM , fronting on M'arket Street 20 feet, with a depth of 40' feet. This building was erected two years ago by myself, of the best materials and possessing all - the laodern improvements re quisite for making it a superior room for any Mercantile branch of business. It has an open front, supported by cast iron pilasters, - into - vihictrthe startlers fold'ThereWa dry cellar under the whole store. The advan tages, the , whole of tkia property possesses over all, others of the kind in this city, ar , well known. Located in a square where there is a larger amount of business done than in any other; commanding the travelling trade of the whole . goithern portion of . Frederiek and Carroll . counties , and the adjoining coun ties of Pennsylvania, and at this time doing a snceessful business, which can be increased from twenty-five to fifty per cent., by a, small addijional investment. This Property being so well known 1 deem further comment un necessary, as persons wishing to purchase can call and satisfy - themselves of its numerous ad dantaires. ' - - - . - TERMS will be made to- suit purchasers, 1 by giving satisfabtory security. WM. H. DER_R. N. B.—My Stork of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES will be sold with the property, if desired. . - Dec. 11, 1854. 6t PROCLA MA TION. WH ERIK AS the Hon. RoIIRRT J. Pinup, President of the several.Coutts of Com mon Pleas, in the Counties composing; the 19th District, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jpil Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the said district,and NABltiii. R. Miasma, and Jolts M nOINLE V. ESqS.Jiudges of the Courts of Common Pleas, and JUsticea of the Courts of Oyer and 'fermi ner, anti General Jail Delivery; for the trial of all capitaKand other offenders in the County of Adams—have issued their pre cept bearing date the 244 day of Novernher,in the year of ou.r Loan one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, ~and to roe directed, for holding a Court of Common Pleas, and 'General Quar ters Sessions ,of the Peace, ,and General Jail 'Delivery.'and COurt Oy - erand Terminer, at G etty slut rg, on illondrey. Me isMdayrif Jeire y. next—NOTICE .18. HERESY Gtvra to alt the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Consta bles with inilre - eaid Comity of Adams, that they: he then and there in their proper persons, with their ‘lnquisitions, Exit Mina dons, and other Remembraeces, to do those 'things which to their offices and in that behalf appertain to be done, and also, they who will prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall be in the Jail of the ,said County - of Adams, and to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall he just. 11 ENItY. THOMAS, Sherif. Sheriff's Office, Dec - . 11, IBM. t v iaa l Val 4127 1 92a11 E are pleased to announce to our many NY ,are and custnmers. that we are prepared to - Wier -the CHOICEST ASSORT MENT OF GOODS ever opened in the coun ty. We have been enabled to purchase our Nall Stoek at such prices as have never before been heard of, and we challenge the county to produce a larger & more general assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, or at as low a price as we offer there to the public. For quality and cheapness, we assert that our present stock - car - not' be equalled in the county, and to prove our assertion we int. vice the people to corns and judge for them selves—confident that their verdict will sustain us in our efforti to furnish them with the CHEAPEST AND REST GOODS. Coburgs of all colors, French Merinos, cheap er than ever known; Debage Alpacca, Mous Delaine, Cashmere, Alpacca, Mohair Lustre. Brocade, cheapest Black Silks ever offered, Gin hams, Chambra Shawls. aquaPe anti long •Bay State, Broche, Cashmere; Dress Trim mings, Needle Work, Swiss 'and Jaconett, Edging arid Insertion, Flouncing. French Worked Collars, Bonnet Ribbons, &c. FOR GENTLEMEN—We have a choice assortment of Clothg, Consimers, Over Coating, Castvinets, &c. Come early and se lect your 1-roods—look hefor_e_you h_u_y—el: • where. Don't forg t the Store at the sign of the Red Front. S. FA.I-1N ESTOCK & SONS. • October 16, 1851. - • Rail Road Election. • FOR the accommodation of citizens of town 1' and country, who are not yet supnlied. there will be another Poblic Sale or Burial Lots, o'clock. P. M., on the Cemetery rounds. on /I/outlay, New-rear's day, 1855. at 1 d Already nearly 200 Lots have been Rnad Company." -will meet at the Court. rrESiockholderso— f :he “Gettysbura Rail Some $3.000 in stock have been subscribed.— house in the Borough of Gettysburg, on This will be the last sale during the present .The. enterprise is therefore entirely successful. day, the Sth day of January. A. D. 1855, at 2, winter. o'clock, P. M., of said day, to choose, by a majority of the votes present. a President and Twelve Directors for the ensuing year. . JAMES _a REED, .S e ey. i DERFUM ERY of all kinds will he found / Dep. 11, 1854. to .1_ at SC HICK'S. 'Bicittante t TeunkPleotjlthe t & the Dancing Girl! TH E abovecelebrated Statues, , together With APe s en Stainettes in Bronze., and sever.'hundred llia,rstficenk Oil' Painti ng Form 'the collection of priies to be distributed--I uniting the memhets of the Cusmopolitin krt Association at the Suit annual distribution, in January next. Tag COSMOPOLITAN ART AND LITZRART .33- SOCIATION, Organized far the Encouragement and General Diguston of Literature and the Fine Arts. on a new and original plan. . • This popular'Art Association is designed to encourage and .popularize the Fine Arts, and disseminate wholesome Literature through out the country.,A Gallery or Art is patina -neatly-- ill indetind mitl-conteirr-Ar-valuabl ccollection of Paintings and. Altatuaryb for the annual ""'distribution of each year. 'The best Literature of •thelday," will be hunted to the subscribers,"consisting of the popular Monthly Magazines, Reviews. &c.. _ The c n itttlitree,ofmanagement have the plea sure-of-8111'10U ncing-ihat-the Firet-Nennal Di, %antler) will' take place an the 30th or Janua rr_.ll_Bo_o3lt_which_oecasion_there_will-he-dis- tributed or allotted •to members, Several hun dred -Works of Art, among which is the origi nal and' world-renowned Statile of the GREEK SLAVE. by HIRAM PUWERS,'hosting over ,five , • and -dollars! umnther with the ,beatotful Statues of Vaitus. ACCHANTe, and the D'ANCINO GIICIL . ; and fifteen Statuettes n - B ironze, imported_ from Paris; elan, a large collection of Our. Psyrrinos, comps ising some of the best produgtions of celebrated American and Foreign Artists. The Literature issued to sehscribens con sists of the following'. Monthly Magazines.--.- Hariltea, Putnam's, .Itniekerbneker, Block wood's, Graham's, Magazine of Sri; and God ey's Lcrdy's Book, and ,the Quarterly Reviews re-printed in Now York : Edinburgh. West -mitutter. London Quarterly, and North British. • • PLAN. FOR ,TVIE ' CURRENT YEAR. The payment of three dollars constitutes any .one a member of this Association, and entitles him to any :one of the above M agazineifor one year i nnd also a ticket in the distribution of the Statuary and Paintings which are to be allot. ted to members in January. , . Persons taking five member Ships ere entitled to five.of the Magetineri one ,year, six tickets in the distribution. • Persons. on beco m ing mernhers, can ha . tte their Magazine commence with any month they choose. and rely on its ffbing - mailed to them promptly on the, first of - every month, direct from the Publishers. Latelra Living. Are, weekly, is furnished one year and two memberships for *IL The net proceeds derived from the sale of memberships are devoted 'to the ptirchaie df Worker of Art for the ensuing year. Books open to receive names atthe &stern ; office, New York,or Western office, Sandusky. The Gallery of Art is located at Sandusky, (the Western office of the Association,) where superb Granite Buildings have been erected for it, and in whose specious saloons the splendid collection of Statuary & Paintings is exhibited. TH E A D VANTAGES SECURED by be coming a member of this Association are -Ist. All 'persons receive the full. statue of their subscription al the start, in the shape of sterling Magazine Literature, ' 2d. Each . member,. is contributing toward purchasingeboice 'Norio; of Art, which are to be distributed among themselves; end are at the same time encouraging the , Artists of the country. disbursing thousands of dollars through its agency. Persons remitting tends for membership, should mark letters, "RegiotereC" andletate the mbnilt-'witli-whichLthey atabs-their 'mags- - zines to =coannience, and also Their poit 'dfice address in full, on the reeeipt of which, a cer- tificate of ineinhership. together with' the mag. azine desired, will lie forwarded to any part of the country, , Those who purchase' Magazinee at Book stores, will observe that by joining this Assoc elation, !hop receive the Magazin; 'and" Free Ticket, in the annual' diistribution, all at ' 'the same price they now pay for the Magazine alone. , Persons subscribing any time , before the 30th of January, are entitled to the Magazines fir -1855. CLOSING OF THE .BOOKS: Subscriptions will be received up to the 30th of January, at which time thedistribution will take. place., . Illustrated Descriptive. Catalogues ofthe whole collection, to be distributed, will be sent free of charge on application. atiinewor the Asanctatioe, at the Knick erbocker Magazine office, 348 Broadway, New York, and sit No. 166 Water street, San dusky; 'Address, (at either office s ) for membership, C. L. DKRBY, ACTUARV C. A.& L. A. clZber tz,s. 1854. GRAND I+ LO! AL CONCERT. ONE NIGHT ONIY! frl.ll , l' "Sinning ,Birds," assisted, by the "Philo-Harmonic.," will give a Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music, on New. Year's night, (J anuary Ist, 1855.) at the Court- House, on whirl' occasion will be presented a MUSICAL FESTIVA6,in three acts, enti tled, "Flora's Feast rf Flowers, or /Re Ci.owning of the Queen of Ike Fairies." Representations of the fairy Land, with Forrester. ' Myriads,_ Rides, Zephyrs, &.c., participated In by up wards of GO children. After the Festival: a pleasing variety of Songs, Glees, Chorusses, Catches. &c. -Particulars in small hills. mission 25 mite.. Children half price. JAW-The "Singing Birds' " last'appearance for at least one year.. . A. J. POTTERFIELD, Dec. 18. tc - Conductor. NOTICE TO' HUNTERS. IS is to notify 411 persons from,trespass ing on our premises, (being in Strahan tnwnship,) by gunning or otherwise. We therefore are determined to enforce the WI ex tent of the law on all that disregard this notice. Joseph Wilde, John Herbs!, George Howard, Daniel Spangler, Peter -7 rustle, .Chrislian _Benner, Willid,n Spam!ler, ' EphraiorDeardorp • Daniel Stallsmith, . John M. Brinkerhoff, David S. Sheffer, - Daniel Benner, Henry Monfort, Wm. Wible, John Wible, J. B. Leas. John. Bender, Daniel Lady. Dee. 25,1254. 3t • ' THIRD SALE OF . U.aapacss EEN_CEM_ETIE 1). McCO'NAUGHY. Preet. H. J. STAHLIE, Seey, " [ Dec 11. • >lthelfESl - 111110 r idur - ' "IItANUFACTUJISR AND RIVINTOIL: or, Safet*• Patent. Square 17prlittt . - .:: Wood Box Matches, "No. 106 - NoriA Aura St. (abbbe Rose;) nip- MATCH ES ha ving become an indlspenia= . ble article in hotisekeePing, .the •suir se!iber after a great sacrifice of time and:mc:ney, ii enabled to offer to the Public an article' at once coMbining Utility and Cheapneu. The .inventor knowing the danger; apprehen4i) on account of the flimsy manner in 'BEhioh Matches are generally packed in paper; has by ,the aid of New Steam :Machinery of his iiwn invention. succeeded in getting up I SAFETY P &TEN 'f' SQUARE_UP-RIGHT—W-OtlD OX ;lids bat ie far, as much that it occupies no more room than the old round wood box, and, contains at ,kust Two Hundred: per,' Cent. more. Motihedi : *hie!) to Shippers is considerable advantage; it ia en tirely new, and , secure- against - moisture . - aild - -- spontaneous combustion, and - dispels ell drin;. . -r - on - nt - tiFsportation by means of',Railydad;; -- 'teamboat or any other mode of ConveyanCe. . , • -s are packed so a 'one gross or more they be Shipmed to. any pest of the World with perfect ,safety. They. are the most desir'able article Inatome Consumption, .and the Southern and Western Markets, that have ever been invented. _ . .. s DSALIMS — a — nd SHIPPERS will do we:l to'cill and examine for themselves. AprOlhese Matches are 'Ff'.IIOI.92VrED, to be superior to ftnythina. heretofore fiffered 10 , itb.s Public. JOHN DONNELLY, ~ 106 'North Fourth. Si.., Philcurp , December 18,4851._,58. 1 ~' 'b Fkl Fixed up in the-Niewl Cemnand kelp! Reid all 144, and say Ivhether it not, right. szvr . wirvr,s or BUSINESS ON :TIN CAS!. P,RINCi• PLR, "QUICI! BALKS AND, SHORT I , llolrfiTS T HK subscriber has :km retureed,frotts ,the City with, a Tay large. sod /fineassort ment uf Rate, Capa,ltoots.and Shaeir of every description and fastiioe. will; khe gilt sell on gon4 terms, (or, Cash or , twegutvalrott. t, have, done, a, heavy - CreOil bestnece,,,fer nearly 24 years, and the, conseturce .4144 been a. heavy loss on sales. 1 ,uowinteii to devote my ; whole dile to my Stove, andAcoma large assortment of HATS and 81104014411 d 801.ther11,811 cheap , atrany body else can, for Cash or its - equivalent, _payment .ln, Ahbtt time, and for Country Produce punctually v eked: *heV, w:Onled-r-apti ,en=deoroy eats .k eept up,my , Srackotui Gude. onchr ter term'. :Come and see the,Goudsapd judjge • foryourselves: ' , , Cientlemen's and, Ladies' Gaitere c anskine, Jenny. Linde, Ilizrer4 Ties. dra. • , and Gbiiid ren's Shoes. el ways.on Boots and Shoes made ..tii;order-vbeetteser required. • Philadelphia'Bate; Citizens,' Cobirt, tirio* Nothing, Widieltieaki);l64. , such., and old ,'Frien'S' Far -and WtinFkliith;'o3- gether wiih insn ii;lpys"'and, Hap and Cap e, of all lands anif"sizei.' • ' ' • Pr.itXTON' t Getiyabnrg. - ,Ontaher,l6lBs4. " THE 'WAR' GOING 00'1' HE war, in Europe ) is, large . y.engrosstag publkc agantinond , _pfierVin i fild going up. rltut the undersigned wouteauggest to his sustainers * and .overyhotty ; ehnt,that,,he has just returned „float, the„ city 1,14 e cheapest and fruit stook of, . ,CeENDAI Nuts, Cosfeatiarittry t raw .84404 (*Cs he has ever before offered. Call and judge for yotireelves j • and if you '4O - not pronounce his goods among the ebeipeidend.b,est you have ever looked at, 'then in he greatli.mos. taken. His stock' cOmprisei, in part, 'Coffee'. Sugars, Teas, iiThexiolatee, SyruPs, Mo)ejelkill• Cradkere, Oranges; Limns, Almonds,`Pitin N utq, Pea Nuts, 'English Walnute,,'Pilbe, 011 Confectionary, of a:, hundred sorts Cinnamon, Cloves, 'soai wolhinir Soda, a large - Variety df Fines everything else in, hieline: OtT'Casli" 'or 'Ciiunt4 Produce takes 14` eg change for Goods. The Flour andlreed_husiness is continued. , Highestmerket trice* pettl4 ,, WM. GILLESPIE ! -, ks. ' • • - lii.York Slititt4 dt MtNuri gisie. Gettysburg, April 24•,' , 1854. • THIS IF YOU W411 1 7' ;.of V.E,# 7TAf4.:4* ..CAN'T.IIII6 BEAT: THE' 'ondersignedi' having .purchased•' tiie atitabliiihmene . of • Wiri: Graham, resiiiiatfillY Infortiit 4 "lbe public generally. that , he - will • eontihae the -said business at the old stanCin Washingtontitiett, half a Sillier!! from Chamberaburg street,where he is prepared to nialufacture to order,. at short notice,...' Carilaret .Itooktilave sOLgtes. JERSEYk, He Bitters' himself that his work • itr'ti little ahead of any turned out by . any othefestib lishnient In the . oam—having` none but' the best of workmen employed, and using 'none but the best materials. His prices are.moder ale. seer REPAIRING done at short notice,. Country produce taken for anything' in his line. • J. BARRETT. Ge:tystrurg, March 13, 1854. tf . • READY-MADE CWT, ING. George Arno ld H . AS now entered in the Clothingbnsiness extensively, and has EXPERIIINCED -WORKMEN in his employment, constantly cutting out and making up. out of his own cloths, Over Coats, Dress Costs, Pantaloons, ,Vests, Monkey Jackets, &c. &e. All kinds, of Clothing. madetto..otder, on short notice. Constantly on- hainViridlfOr sale a great variety of Clothing, of. bit Own , znans . (dotal-lag, as cheap as the cheapest. Cell end see them. We cannot be beat. . - October 30, 1854. , „- iralat i altAra „ No. 240 Pratt Street:, Baltimore. • AS RA NO DE4---P,soprietor, OH N'4l:-KAI 01208 Stsittrivatendetzt: May 8, 1854. -ly - . Second hand Camages.,., , A FEW good second-band CARRIAGES and •BUGQIES to be .bad for.thob or Country Produce, at C. W. HOFFMAN'S Coach Factory. August 14. Ladles , Dress Goode , pfevery , style. 1 bik Alpacca for.l2i cents; Casnroefel2i; Debeges from 16 to 37i cents; Calicoes from 6 to 12; Miislins from 5 to 14; and everythirs else in proportion, at the New Store o Oct. )"." • J. S. GRAMMER. !ME =2 Fl E =EI MIE $ MM