The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, December 27, 1854, Image 2

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    - -
• 7 SALE•
• ,
liar, Cliorry, Plum, A
ri-cor.- NI - ft - food and NeciantiP, carefully
,0.-wierl. - Log*. size Grape • Vale's. 'Straw
berry nod inApberry plants, Silver Maples,
brge and straight. Apply to'
Cunevitiville,' Del. co., Pa.
October :23, 1854. lui
ol Abram Arnold, at his old siited, on the \ 11 , , ,, , p 0 I." (;01)DS - ev tr e tI • }.
South East corner of the Diamond, where he iv ' ‘, • ve - hav ' u been
Cll 2 l - ."l i ' 1 " ' 111t i ll 1 e " lin° .dO It with less /allor, arid last its lona li zal -- / - , _ nonnee —heir trienti ‘ s and tit - event', .h,
i 110 purr! 1 4s ( ou r . any other stove now sold. These celebrated 11112' hive °Pelted . a \L" - HA RI)IV A RE
is DOW receivintr the cheapest, prettiest and rt II („,; 1,, 1
• 4 , . Inv • at such i prices as have never before stoves are constantly kept for sale at a very S I ORE, in 11a111/18)re , i lrec/, alljoining- llie
Lust seleeted stock of heen heard of, and 'we challenge the county to .
- ~ reduced price, at the re,riderece , fiJavid Ziegler, Gellpburg, in which
l'all :mil 'Si' !tiler IGooillm, j reduce a larger & more. general assorrnient of ~
Gnttysburg Foundry &-Inachine Shop
'!" -- tliey are opening
egef before offered to the Citizens of Adams irsii I and iii'l in ter G(ro(isy A LARGE ASO GENERA I. ASSORTMENT 06 .
county, consisting, in part, as follows : where the subscribers, feeling determined to
nr at as low a price as we offer thorn :o the
.1 . 1. ‘,.. - I,D WAItE,
Bllek, like and ).11rown French Cloths, suit all persons, have also tKe Parlor, Sexton's
public. Fur quality arid cheapness, we assert
Fancy, Felt and Beaver( loths for Over Coats,
sisal our present sleek cannot be it'itialled in 13altituore Air-tight. Pea liskell, awl (chinch ii ~.o .l'
Cook Stoye, arid Air-tight and Ten pliste Par.- ii. 1
'Newest Styles,) Black arid Farley Ctis9P ..,
the county, and prove our assertion we in- I "..: Aili" Et: 1., -
..Hll, -q ___„, - -I—'
- ,
rneres, Tweeds, Jeans, Cassinets, &e. &e., tor 'or Moves , of the most beautiful patterns. 4
vita, the nee le to' eonie • d • 11..,...=..Wj..- •
\lon's wear, Silks - , - Mous de Laine, A !piens, ,- t - oil Jad„e fur them• -The Sey la r Ploughs. _ .
G 11 DC, 2T, Iti ES -
selves—confident that their verdict will
Nlertriofts, Plain and Fancy .-;:telt Flannels, . ~ . "which cannot be surpassed for lightn(ss of
also 1 t -to I ri t i
us in our enorts Limn with the t CI 7 'l' I. E ft, N' , (•0A C II 'IT 1M MIN (.;.`_.;
a beautiful assortment of Satins and Silks draught, Of in the character of tlieir w ors, '
. I fit{ Bon -nets, lion-net 12-ilthon, and a oreat va- (7/ E.l/)/•,'S'P . 3.VG /i/•:,S'',l' GOODS. are constantly on hand for sale. and ill view SP I: I NC, •;-,
Pelween Pine and Crawl, 11 cal side, Philad'a. , , „ 1
! r i my 411 . 1)111pr articles, all nt . Whit'll the. !Midi() .(.. Olin r‘f Sof all colors, French NTeritios elle:: - I-
I ol the faet Heil Ole 'NI (et" dboard oi 1 hese Pio n eh s
T lif; assortment einbtaces . a { ; netts oriel .Sc- !
, are 'respecifelly requested 10 call and eyaritine .Pr lila; ever known • Del • • •• • NI • t•' NI ' - is one fourtlchitaVier than that of oillec,ploto'rils,
' lest •Slaclc ' c Fine 1 rafriteB! ' ' 4 '" lr 11 ' s '' il v f i . fur thettieelves,dutheviiiir that it is only neeessq.. 1),,1.,i nt . , c. l „i ime ~ ' Ai
~1 . 4 , ( \`/ 1 1 1 ' . ", La i' """ , ; 1 ; , A, 'the,
I 11-irr.• I. 0.3 . ...':e...:,... ,, y chearept that can be ob
liare, dlllata ;rare, plated wit/aline, in ry to our ote t els price 1111'111.1)11d ..X.itri in t-, to v' j ' r 'it' P t .' i '...t d t'll • " d ' iir ' gr . •.' . ' i
iroetti e, cheape , l ~,,:ir s: ' , lt tis ever nitereu, la inen.
Spooas, l'arirs, Ladlts, 4 , c.-4,;l C;Huds, Flll,l ' 1 ; 1 1 . .' . I • 11. l it! (- I
4 nee peN , 115 01 pUre I.ISP. , arge lot ..111 1 ,,1a1f4. Ctiarnbra Shawls. square and long - fj„ -- ",f WITH ERO \V PI, 0U G EIS and others,
(aid Paacy .irlicles of a superior quality, de- 1 , -fuels'll Imul t il 1. it - ts, • P t
i t mi t; ;i t s° received, y 1 %A. ll' .. -V- • ~4y "tate ; ..tritc.te, ('ashmere; I)ft.lS`i 'Prins- (j/iSillterS 'for the Woodcock 'Plough., NA i lid
serring the examination eh hose w Ito- (Itt.lrrt to A lilt ANI ,t It NOE!).
TT — 'the best - - ''ti i• ' " I ; 11l 'Heys, ,Needle NVorL;, Set iss ari d .1 4 e,o r ietr, trill .. machinery,, 'Castings and flollow-ware
--7 .1 - ) 7 i IC , li :1,1,1 Insert:it ---- t 4- ' '' 1 - r French" -- -• ' 2 -- ' " 'l " 1 j ' ' ' .
WATCHES, J EWE 14 111 7- ,
SiirrriVare .9* raory Goods.
ge 3 rA Choice Assortment of the Finest t,lual
ity, for Sale at the Lowest Cash Prices, at
Wm. 11. Elionhead7l4,
procure t h e pee" pious a, .de Lamtest s. , 1 ,
Having a practical linowiage, of the ! nis i. - - --
Itess, and nil available facilities for Importing . THE IY:11 , 1„ tit `u ON!
and. Manufacturing, the subscriber confidently • ' III I'
war in Europe is hrgely ettgrossimr
invites purchasers, believing that lie can sup.. public-attention, and prices generally are
ply them on tenn i s as favorable as any other
gointr LIIP undersigned la oul.l sit
establishment in either of the Atlantic Cities, to h i s customers and ~,,e ryh„ i l y eke that he
(KrAll kinds of Diamond and Pearl Jewel- has returned from the city, with. the Silver Ware manufactured to Order, d ieripc. , l . an d hot stoc k o f
within a reasonable ti e •
rs , “ r, r 4
Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware ;1' I,
faithfully repairtd.`-- Nuts, Confectionary, Fancy Soaps, &c.,
‘v M. B. Euro NIIE A 1), -
Nn. 1 5 44 ~,Ott, ltd SI., I I ha has ever before offered. Call and j1111!VI
row doors above tho 2d St. Imt•ltt,t, e•t I d 0 . for yourselves, and if you do not pronounce
'h t-the South 11 indOW of the Store, way his. goods among the cheapest and best you
be seen the fatuous 13(1Z.1) CLOCK, which f Lave ever looked at, then is he greatly., inis
commands the admiration of the scientific and ta k en . llis stook comprises., in part, Coffees,
urions. Sugars, Teas, Utocolates, Syrups, Molasses.
October '2, 1854. Itr Cravkers, Oranges, Lemons, Almonds, Polio
Nuts, Pea Nuts, English Wuluuts, Filberts;
Confectionary, of a hundred sorts; Pepiter,
Cinnamon, Cloves, Soda Saleratits; Washing
Soda, a large variety of Fancy Soaps, and
everything else in his line.
—Cash or Country Produce taken in ex
change fur Goods.
The Flour aurd - reed beasiness
is continued. Highest market prices paid.
Wlll. GI I E,
York St reel,4ll-the—kusl-Vire.--
Ceitysbur4, April 21, 1851.
TO' T5ll 11111,141INCIR IV TRADE.
•' - JOHN STONE &• SONS, ,
No. 45 South Second strcel; Philadelphia,
RE now prepared to offer their
,cl.l strutters
and the-trade, an unusually large and well
selee:ted asserunent of ItII3I3ONS, S ATINS,
LAI3ES, and — every fikade appeflitinin - lu lrc
"llfillinery trade.
0:7•Our stocli being of our Own direct im
portation, offers great advantages limit i n styles
and prices. . [Sept, IS. tin
280 Market 81; eet, above Bth, Phi lodelpkia.
C. X. Bush St : Bro., PrOprlelors.
TRLS House.has a central location, on one
of the principal thoronghlafts, of the city.
No effort spared to make vibiter comfortable.
$l,OO per day.
.June •li, 185 1. ly
B. M._ R 1-10 I)MS,
General Commission Merchant,
122 W. LOMB3HD Sired, near Charles,
pERUVIAN (WA NO, No. l, furnished at
the Government rnimintiin price of $50.00
for the Tun of 2:210 lbs., with a char2.e of
commission, purchasing sib, fors% ardina. The
same rate of commission will prevail', what
'ever may be the established government price
'of the article. _
Mexican Guawrfernished at the importer's
Price and at the same rate of commission..
April 10, 1854.—1 y
ATittill3ArA Car6Vlrk
No. 240 Pratt Street, Baltimore.
ISRAEL KNODE, Prnprielur.
JOHN O. k NODE, Superinle►udeni.
-May 8, 1854. ly
24A(YI 11)..ih .14
Ii E subscriber hereby gives notice to those
-.who have promised him WOOD on ac
count, that he is in want of it, and tli . at unless
:it is delivered forthwith, without any further
notice, the Accounts will he placed in the hands
of an officer for collection, and the money r.
T. WA RH .
JAST - 0 - Y - LEPTE
'Remaining in the- list Office at Gettysburg,
.I.Y,,vetaber 13, 1851.
.Armston 'Elizabeth, MeCaugity Robert,
Amrneak M. Berithart;Maring Margaret,
„Blocher William W.,.Miller Isaac,
_Bream Francis, 2 illtissellitan I.). & P.,
Bozman .1. K., Noel John, _
B rown Sarah, Peters Miss Mariah,
Butler James, Reuss Mr.,
Burrell John, - I{ , ,tidthaler C.,
Coltdstrsith Roseau°, Saddler Mr.,
I)ustinaun Kasiiar, Safg,eant Moses,
Frazer W Schierenbeck Mr.,
Graham William, 2 Scott David 11..
Hart Miss Lizzie, Scott Abraham jun..
laines Spangler Abraltatit'l.,
Sustn, -:tevelts 'l'in't ~
Ilortier Elizabeth A., Seiger Peter,
refer Isaac, Tolan
11" tan David, 'foot Susanna IL,
lit em 4. w., Wert 13erkliert,
Lohrie it‘ah. 1‘ eaver Phihp,
Lotster Ariboi ne , NVltite Paid.
Persons Nii ng for It.tters in the attpve
List will please sas s , t h ey are advertised. ,
November 13, 185\
II A III) it- ig
,t LARGE addition to ork s t oc k of Ilard
.l:l_ ware, Carriage "I'rittimin zs , &, r ., his
been made, and those in want of ant i article in
that line, should not flit to exatitine o. r s t or k.
We pledge ourselves to sell cheaper lith o the
eitearelt. Come to FA I-IN ESTOCK - ,... , .
t)r Loiter It, 1851.
d aninistr:t4C,rfN F
fr la•tters of atlinittistratii'm on in -0 - It" of
1)r. 9.iniel Baker, late of I.;.t:t 11-tinil
- township, Adams county, hay
ot4 botto:.ttr,anted to the nit.trr-o4tted, rusidtwr
in the !cline place, he lieft-hy 11')Iit!e to all
per-. ttnlehted to said estate to 111 die laittie
.fiiate went., and thosel - tayta rs ol4t
I.lw sdaso i 0 preSrat•thellll/1'01;. tiy autlien:wa
for sett!ement.
C EOR GE 13 A jthu'r.
Oott,!wr 9, ISSI. tit
(I.4)rerit.-g evieeivo.rart..—
k .1. GRANimEIt defies do- t.,wi t
ptud tree ette,yer and better t;
a i!.l :ire than heir nom sel I i sti•rdr
el tir-t quality and hard to beat. 1.4. wdy
Fl l' e3VerYthillg II irrOplir.
tlOl4, (April
.thew Dress Goods, of er , ry style,
A 1.4. for 12 ,1 ,' cents; Cast4inere I 1 „; , p.s 11-`oft: 16 to 376 cents; Calicoes if 0111
.5 14, 1;2; ‘1 IJ • Item 5:o l q) ; ;and evprytli
Nt . 194 4,
s l./1 - I.4rni, at the New Store
Oct. 16. J. S.-G'll.-111MEIt.
. .1 4 ; ..1 r. - 4 '..) , ; -- I , :ii.'•:, , 1 " ' 90()() I ki).l P.; - .
- I .
ftIOPIEY LOST ! I ~,1::: - ..c,),...3 ,r,,1.,.. 44.4 1.1,4 a 4-4 .;.,4 ; . _ 4i • AP - , .
I . ! 1 .
. v 6 NE w illi c2 , %,, certify that the !I ATI! A- , I VIII) \\T"A• ii . , il l sToRF
_ J.
17 E are please d to a:tr - Inner: to our many : At_ W:1 V .4:001%1M: STO V I.; is the very - 4 -
• ir - f r • frieno4 and coe-tomers. th q :, ‘4,-,, ale hest Skive now in use, inasmuch as: they wit' !
:.volitd respectftilly an
p..nared to 011P1 thC (31101(;IS'I' ASS()I{T• •. do tint( , (1 COOkilig, itti:,lsil iisl4 :t rid lial,lng, - , and i Tr;IE- -- "IF“4.?-riherc
_ . „... ...._ .to their friends and th - epN,lie th•
T is an ESTA sII El) FA (71' th;it nia
ny p'rsoiiS lost :nurse) b not nnrchasitnz
(;ends at the well known (HEAP STOUE
C.;;,1 , I ;,
SKIMLY respectfully informs his
J o old customers and the .public irenerally,
that Joi continue; the Ti//bO/iI,P; BLISf-
Nt.:SS, sit ltis old stand, in South Ildilimore
street, tvlicre he will ha happy to accommodate
all who may patronize hint. All .work
trusted to his care Warranted to fit and he of
most substantial — make, Thankful for past
favors, he solicts a continuance of public pa-
4;i- . l)" . The Nov 'Yr,rlc
. Spring. awl Summer
I , Vxhi , ins are.weeiyvd. Call and lice thew.
Gettysburg, May. 1,1851.
Intritnu'ri ,frinib!
- - Ti) the Citizens if the United Slates: -
r osT humbly and sincerely thank you for
the inimmise patronage which yoti have
beAtowed upon my Pills. 1 take this oppor
tunity of - stating that my Ancestors were all
American s, and that I entertain for all
shat concerns America and the Americans, the
most lively.s3impathies, su much so that I ori
ginally compounded these Pills expressly to
suit your climate, habits, constitutions, and
manner °Hiving, intending to establish rays( f
amtukg you, which I have trove dune, by taking
premises in New lurk.
38, Corner of -lan and Nassau, Sts., .:Vei.o York
The citizens of the Union suffer inueli from
disorders of the Liver and Stomach, scarcely
any are free from these destret.tive maladies,
hence life wears fist. The fair sex, perhaps
-most handsome in the world. up to a cer
tain period When. distressing, to say, many PRIOCL 931 17.'11931
lose their teeth and good looks, while yet in fill . fill' Citi; Nlll 11f d , lrthplittrq.
the heyday of life ; such sad evils !nay bt%el-..
feetually renivilied•by continually lie, pitor the Pu/V l w 2l2 ;ACher's HEY(IS•O- I:lce:Ark!
blood pure, and the Liver and Stomach in a `De s - Ve 4( :' , r , ''' r= , r- , v t . ' f\ `e 1\ 'r; 1
V ‘,../ :./ J. _CI L ',/ C.: , ..D....1....L.LV s.;;,
_h ea] thy, act ion, _witer....llf.e. sv_ill-tiow smuotbly.,.. ___ ________ _
and resemble plants in a genial clime, where ( lONSTRUCTI•JJ to he worn next to the
, skin. producing a constant current of I.IN
aD Vterna I spring appears to reitrii. As it re
gards the preservation of the human frame, IN i•tonteervo Pa.t.a"ruo At,••GNETIsilt —ell', ctina
and the duration ut life, much may he offected, I\l\l ED I ATE I? ELI EP', FROM ALL A . :
and I say fearlessly, that health and lift. can CUTE P.‘INS, and a
he prolonged for warty-roars beyond their or- \ lit rpittnertl rare of NeurrilJzie Diseases!
dinary limits, if Holloway's Pills are taken to Pulvermacher's Electric Chains were first
purify the blood according to the rub,rs laid used in France, three years since. for the cure
down for health, contained in the directions (it Sereints Distases. and after being submitted
which at•compatly each box, to the most thortmob - Trial, ill every hospital
A ('ASE OF WEAKNESS AND 1)EI311.- In Pills, by the most learm dprofessors in
ITN. 0V 10 1 7 EA RS' STA N DING, that city, they were recommended to time (I/o/-
cll B Ei) BY 11 01 . 1 . 0 w . N . yts, it 1 I . Ls . eminent or France. ‘‘ Ito omitted a patent for
lit , discovery. During the years 1851-2. they
('ol> si of a Le•llerft burt ('apt../,/let .Inhiisun,„lvlor
. ve w 1 . ,,r/e. &licit Jan. sm, 1 ,, ;51. , were introduced in Germany. Austria, Prussia
and England, and nun year since, introttutted
To PituFxssort fi 01,1,(wwkr. 38, corner of Ann
a New York. ra n i Nassau Streets, s ir.—l , 14 and patented II)• the Fruited States Government.
110+1 , Istonishini , ( mires of
with the most heartfelt pleasure I have to in- ' ' '
initra di , e. st \'osl.. I) lliet‘.
form you that I have been restored to beak 1 nit i 11 1 1 lilt.
h .' k 111,. , nll 1 , . 0., I'4ll 11`kil.11, iOW Ih•dit,
anti strength by taking - yntir Pills. For the '6 , m0,, , ~rti,,• Fico, l',, t,. ft .I Iles I , r•Ilo,
I' •,o , ' . ,) I ol u , it..o,
1.1i,i ten years, I suffered from a deraturement 1 1:',..„ ° :::,,T.:,, 1 ' 1 t:',':;,','..,,a t . 1 -, ,,,,,• lon.
of the Liver and Stomach, and was reduced /;,,.. 67/ 1), Nr'fl•zi , f r I'M( (I 1\ rr r 11:13.
to such an evreinity that I gave up toy ship, is , ri j e l i l r .Hkil rapidly cured. by simply wear
never expecting to ~u to sea any more, as I in '• the Chains for a few hours eaelt day.
had tried every remedy that was recommended Pio ell tins were first introduced in Co city
to me, it'll all to no purpose; and had given o f N e w York, where Hwy were exhilatted to
myself up to despair, when I was at last re- Prot. V dentine Mott, Vin Burl'it. Post, l'..,ir
commended to take your Pills. Aficr astng, I north tit, and others, who readily discovered
them for three months, the result is that 1 ant that they possessed
now in better health than I have been for s/ - 1S• 'P
. 1' I l r II
~I' a lige (111( Sin tt r l' an'e , n ns an i ll 0-..
eleven years past., aiiii t indeorl as well as ever /bring. /'oils,
. was in my life. N'Tru are quite at liberty to , twoover fipplioil, and by their recominenda
make this kinr"\ - vit for the lum,•lit of others• lion and influence, they wore introduced inn
I remain, Sir, voms itt , peett . iilly, the diTertnt hospitals of New York, and are
(Signed) iIIIIN .101INStiN. runty in daily use in those insiitutions. in the
These celeleraterl Pills ore Wromit rill 1 / 1 1 r gime I !Ala treatment dud enreof the above named di , e,tses
in Iht fidl ,ming Lonsp . riial.:— .\-,) Oilie r 3/, rfig n - ic , / I .hz•t Hi,
ii,dvioy ii,,a I,•he in 'he world, van produce so In illy• well an
t... 01 - tho u , \ in 11.:.• , ',.0!
'•'....1s emnpinoit , Kitni Vk • la, .1.11111.11 •• III• sill ir 11111 Critifieeltf.": I.t . core. ti o ut ..,-1, nfpir
4 % , tao• . ion nio ••;sili Fvut LI.- 1....:rtil 1r li•-• 1,,,,i ( . .mplaint, P/tiro . ,•irliiq anti iti/CHt'ont Pa fit D/ , , as may be
1 .• ..1 , -", u, I ~,il, 1 , , s, . ,o, ~ti 1.'11.1. Pik-, '
(I, 1).411/.11.'41 1J 111 1111.' 6.,11t . 14, 1 , i 0,„,,,,, t
~,,,, loon,: in each pun i thlet, ta inch tummy hl.‘ 1011 WI.
/11, I, i"t od.II I. Os /%11/-: , :it •It• .1.1 1 11,.111i I(i ' , l ITN, at the Drtio Store of N. IL Br El?-
, 011 11, 41 'N.tIolils 1.1.1 \ i• 11,10 0. VI., tik DA I. P.. I?. who k• the sole A tytqlt fur G ell N • , lnirkr,
%t I. i•ofAl k k NI ; M ~.i k i l •-'. ri ,„„ „ I , , L .,,, ••.e,.,.
lint t+ ho will explain the manner of rise to all
*•„*Sold at vie Establishment of l•rooe , ,sor '
I I Ay, 3i. Corner at Ann and Nasal, ” ' .l ) ni I ' V ;11 ' 1 ' 11 " .
L 1 the el t V Or New Yor%, at the General
Streets, New York ; al s o hy all rosprittahle
!Immix% ,1 ~ tilt -re are !win , * , o ld,
Dri t tro-igts and Dealecs in llctficines thrott,l,_ Omee • ' '
o „, o w D ii i t ,.d dates. in 13., , ,, ,,.,
a ". 7
ci.ffi,,, . d ii:y, from fnr! y In six! y (11.7 INS, and the
)...; cents, and ‘,...,,::1 . :, 0 ( ~,,,,s piivh. 'l'o lie hush htle and tient-mil in Boston is as great In pro.
~ n , altliongit they have
\A Itidesale . of the principal Drtor 'l ooses in portion to the popul iti
the Union. t r olly been introduced three months !
------------------ --- 'f'l l ,7-1- ---- , --- . --- , - ;;:".
,F,-,.;,' There is a considerable savl te r by t i k. . II ":"."' 4 .sll \ ""rn-inci Ire iselly' l lY
° - ' applic drle to all classes of
~ persons, nit c:iild
il l u file I • ur.ri't , 'iZf'''s.
a \\ (di as the aditit, or'. are always ready 101
N. IL_Di r , et y m .. ; r„ r t h e tro id,„-,„ of pa _
le,e—nrl i r net out of r, p•lir, awl are ;is ninth
tient, in every disord, rare tfrixed LO eolCh BUY...
itli a rti 'its of 0rni,,,, , j , . .1..., t h e\ are a 1,-.duili!i.
June '..11i, 1' , ..i 1. 13' CoW
- _ _ 111r.dli, (4t el/n•. 1 . 1 ' T' ~ X .-1,1,1100, ‘.% flu are
1 ve
, rtici• Arcitrles..—To sop a lint , c.i.___.ittr'7'.ite l'e‘ inl , 11•.1 'Olt to h t , I. them.
_....,_- ,I
m , of 1. 4 o i cy Nirics, .:1- very --- re,ine- The } , ricf.. !lithe ('ii •in , . ire .4 z3 :in '1 5' 7 41, l';'
ed prices, go to Fah itestocks'. ta here you can and 30 Links., and ran 1,.-•...,,,i It \ ii , l it. to ao y
select (roil a large assortment, inclildlll(r S.•W- part of the St lte, f‘vxictiressioo. ~:,. IL ii I.; L
ing Bird , , Port %tonnes, Cabas, runs, F:enrb Itr,l?. only \„"t l'r'''tr-v''''-'l"r
worked, Sittss, t'dinii ri ... 11(.1;0 , 0,n and 1;,,1.i. I. STEINEIrI". r_iii ,
- Uric -1 way N. 1•.
General Agent. Fo , ~ .ile in all theiirincip•ll
nett Collars, Top and Side ('„nth,, &it. &rt,„
all of which can be purcka-, d,t the i,,,, c-r e11i, ,, in the 11 ititeobStates.
fates at time sign i i t the EFL) FRONT. 1 July 3, 15.5.1. ly 1
;1I1( user en,, 1 7 71 Ate,z,
11i;;rked Collars, lion net Ribbons, &c.
FOlt GENTI.ENIEN—IN e have a choicer
rtssortutent of Cloths, ('Qv sinters, OVer
(;hating, t'assinet , t, Conte early - arid so
lent your I.:,ronds—lnoit before you buy elsr;•
where. Don't for„ a. tire Store at the sign of
the Itt d
October 16, 1851:
TIAS Just opened one of the largest, pret•
!lest and 'cheapest stOeks of l'A &
NA, INTER GOODS ever 'bronlit to Gettys
burg, a n d he invites the public to call, exatit•
ine and judge fur themselves—no trouble to t;Ooils. I lii new stock embraevs a very
large variety of.
Ladies' EPress Isloodw,
such as Silks, Turn Sitios, Mous !Manes,
Bombazines, French lklerinoes, lia , reS,
A Ipaeelf3,. Coburg Cloths, Ging - Ikons, Culi-
Rze, &e.
In the line of Genf Yeineres I'Vear, he
has selected a choke lot, of all styles and
. prices ' :',_ Cloths,
_Cast:noel-es, Vestiugs, Sad-
tick; li.ent,unky .Ival, &a. &a. -
•Ilia stock of P- - I.ltY (;00/)S aka vpry
fion, aril too ntimerous orman-rute.
awl bee.
Thanlifttl for past favors, SC MON solicits
coutittudoce of public lidtrottage. lic will
always en d eavor to des(!rve it, by senile!, vocul
Goods, at the lowest livitiv; prices. Quick
Sules and Small l'rofits," is his
October 23, 1831. -
fru undersi(;necl has just return/II trout
I } liilodelphia with a large iud fisitionable•
c•Olyi 0,:)0
:41 t.t6s.t l•
,vill di40,0 of at V ERN' REDUC
ED 1 ) 1{ lC ES to all who ttr-iy favor hi hi with
a call. Ills assortment consists of the
lowin ,r:
SiM\Viti, Fin tIi.PIS
Plaid Silks, Muslins,
. ierinoes, Linen,
AI. Del:tines, lihnikets,
ids, (.111ilts,
Debege. , ;, • Cloths,
C.,ashineres, - - Cassinets,
Persian Cloths, Satinets,
(.4alicoes, Collars,
Ckinolinins l .11;indkorchief, , ,,
Ribbons, Veils, &c.
A ko. a lot of cro,ries Queonswaro,
-which were bouirlit low and will Ito sold low
for Cash or country produce. To punctual
customers a credit of six months.
October 16, 1851. t.l
"91 V,"
NO N.:5" 01•111 s,co
ie all Le 6l)ta i rted liPre. -
—l3lacksillithinfr and Shm. `lNl:vkinf.r, as
I usual.• - _ ' l'. NVAItRENr & S(),N.
I f)Hc.:22. , 1 k5l. tf - •
L , r , 4 .7-•
Cheap Watches k Jewelry,
=lin to LENA & t ETAJL, 4t. the Phil
adg.lphia Watch and Juwelry Store, No.
96 North Seuotul street, corner of Quarry,
thaa jewele , l, 14 c:tret 00
1,4 , \ .•1, lull 3t,',.11.,1,
Ft: p , -11• , •1
1,,, , 11.•,• 4,4,11 l'etwil•
.1111 >ilvor -
(;.11 , 1 hr's :371 eents to SRO; Watch
61l,tsses. plain, 1..33 cents, [went 181; Lunet c. 1,5;
other articles in proportion. All goods war
ranted to be whrii they are-sold for.
STA tiFFER 62, 11:111 LEV.
On hand, f4ollle (;old Ind Silver Levers and
Lepi nes, still lower than the above prices.'
Sept.3s, IHSI. ly
It YOU 11'. 1 1.1 . 7 1 .1 1'I'; E 7114 T
C Ak.":"A' im.ikr: •
TH E. ututersii2, - tied i having,- purchased the
(;i1 rriage-malitir Cstabliahmcnt of Wm.
Graham, respectfully informs the public
generally that he v4ill continue the said'
Nosiness at the old stand, in Washington sitrem,
half a square from (.; hambershurg street, where
he is prepared to manufacture to order, at
short notice,
Carriages, Racklways, Buggies,
sK ES , ', .1 E &e.
11e flatters himself that his work is a little
ahead of - any turned out by any other estab
lishment in time place—having none but the
licst of workmen employed, and using none
hut the best materials. Ilis prices are moder
ate. r.S.:II'IIEPA 1111 N ( done at short notice.
Conntry produce taken for anything in his
J. 13-A It It ETT.
Gettysburg, March 13, 1851. ti
1 )0 C"1 1 0 R
- _
T •NVING located , permanently in (lettys,-
Inir•f - . (acts his professional services to
ihe public. Office and residence in York
street. opposite. the Hank. •
Gettysburg, IRSI. ly
J .1 5 M. D
Irks his °nice one door wes't of the 'Lutheran
ehurch, in Chanihersh rg, street, and op
posite Grammer's store, where those wishir.t.r
to have any Dent al Opera t performed
are respectfully invited to call.
Dr. 1). Gilbert, Dr. 0. N. lierlitehy g Dr.D.
Horner, Rey. C. P. Knuth, D. D., Rev. H. L.
11,ing . her, D. lb.; Rev. Prof. William M. Rey
nolds,Rev. Prof. M..lneobs, Prof. M.L.StLever.,
Gettysburg, April H, 1853. tf
_ALL Imlay_ all
rAS taken Mr. STIe,VENISON'S office, North
West Corner of Centre Srptare.
Thaddeus - Steveifs, Lan
Gettysburg, .Tannary 2, 1851. •
-',.7:1:•(-1 ( t -)
11, 1 1. 1 ,
1 1 ) ;11th i ful , ly and S
u p
t rotin promptly ly o
iiu. lie
Gerniall language. Office it the
s %me place.. in ',-;011111 Baltimore street, oc;ir
V oi Store, and nearly opp( , nte
I).nt.ier &; Ziegler's Store. [Mareli
1). ).PCONA U( 1 1 111
.reniovkil to one dodr IVC2st of 'Buehler 's
I ik) Ok Sit) , C!1 a. 1 )01%, b l'g ~tl'CCt,)
Attorily Solicitor for Patents
anti ElPeasiOnfi,
)01-NTY LiAti 'Warrnts, Back-Pay sus
-11) Claims, and all othcr claims
agiiin , t the Government at ‘Vashington, 1). 17..:
also Anitnican claims in England. Land Wdr
rants-loc.ated dna. sold, or bought, and higliebl
prices given.
Agents engay,ed in loeatinr , warrants in
lowa, Illinois, ,tn,i other Webtern :.tittes;
lands lor sale there.
.„....,7"-IPitly to hint peNonally or 1 letter.
Evttysburg, N v. :21, ly
IV. A . EV,
(AFFI('E in the 5 , ,,0.11-k‘ost ec.rtter of the
4 f S,lnare. fortnerly ocrujelr,l hv I). Al v _
(7,on.ttyrhy, 1.: , 11. Nllll altrr,tl proitiptly to all
bu-lite.sseittrostetl to his e;lre;
(;ettyshurg,.. 1l ty 15, ISSI.
Attorney at Law.
()FFJCE on the SAluth side of the I ) ,
Squaw, two doors west of t h Svntinvl
Auz. , 1153.„
• 4/ ••1 41 ."4
II suhqe:rilwr, th.itil,rul for pa,t
re , :pectl iitl4)rrtis the j)il`l 7 :ie th:it h. e , )11•
thkileq the tilts! 1, 1 •, { :i ttc
hrlitc-ht , -, at ht. orii
(rorwei iy !
hi re: he
11,1%. (ill h unl, and twilittl - aittore order,
I lior,sltaway and Boat-body Carriac;e:3,
iti7(,;(;;;;,-4. ,JEtts*.EY 1‘: l(;()NN;
all of the bt , t find by tht- best of
tvorLweil. Call and ju,fre-f.,r yorr,011:04:,
I. .N
A IZ I:ti 11. -
Gettysburg. Ai)ril 6, 1616.
- •..!.4 00
11.: 01)
7 Go
7 uo
3 r 0
, _
b 00
. I uu
C •
- /-• •
ties, '&1.11141 Itite—sta:lis,
n ri-viral, including e'ery (1 eseri oil of arti
I • C
)1 1..1e 4c) o`.• t,' tier, S• I tte t•IS 10 IA ir
they invite the attention of t2o:u.:11-inaliers,
- • • '• - alters
Shoe-makers, Saddfes, and the public gen
Our stock- having, been selected with great
care and purchased fur Cash, we ruara nice (for
the Ready' Money,) to di,pose ul any part of
it reasonable terms as they can be pur
chased any whr,re.
‘Ve particularly r.equest a call from our
friend A, and earnestly sdlicit a share of public
favor, us we determined to establish a char
acter for selli Goods t low prices and doing
business on fair principles.
I. B. DA N ER,
Gettysburg, June 9, 1851. tf
- -
V E fl E I) U CE the travelling
puldie that they are naming a
between Gettysbuig• aria Uhanitn leav
ing Gettysburg at 7 A. M., and return
ing by 7‘o'clock, P. M., of same dity. Fare
each way $1.50.
BtAge , ollice in . C;;ettysliti at the "Eagle
Hotel." UEH R, & CO:
Aug.. IG, 1552.
,Baltimore - lt — Susquehanua — Railroad,
ii ANGI' OP 110 qs;—tiny Pasenrfer.
'Train leaves CalveEt Statioo at , 8,15 ANI
Arrives at Vorli,at
Accommodation Train leaves Calvert.
Station at
Arrives at Yorh at 1.42 r 11
Ex prebs Train leaves Calvert Station at 10 P nt
Arrives at York at P
Way Pags•onger 'Frain will leave Tiar
riNburg at I. Isr
Arriviou at York at 2..15 P.M
Expres-i Train It aver Ifarrisburg at 8.45 A NI
Arriving it York tt 9. r 1 A M
- A. P. WINCIII ST ER, Super' t.
Marclr2o , 1 .351.
Hanover Branch Rail Road.
TRAINS over the Hanover Branch road
_I . now run as. follows :
Ist Train mill leave I lanoverat 9..15 A. AI.,
with Passengers for York, Harriskrurg,Colum
bia.atud Philadelphia, -and return to Hanover
with Passengers from Baltimore at 12 M.
This Train conneets-ako with tile Ex press'for
Baltimore, arriving there at 1 P. M., stopping
at Glenroek - . Parkton and Cockeysville.
2d Train will leave Hanover at 2.15 P. M.
with Passengers for Baltimore, arriving there
at 6.10 ; and return immediately with Passen
gers from York, SLe., at 5.15 P. M.
3d Trailw.v ill leave Hanover at 1 3-4 P. M.
with Passengers for York ; and return with
Passengers from Baltimore at :3 P. M.
The ll'onday morning extra train will leave
fur Baltimore at 5.30 ; return at 7, A. M.
Hanover, (Jet. 16, 1351.
undersigned has just returned from
the City with a large supply of FRESH
GOODS, witicli he is prepared to sell'at prices
which cannot be beat. Ilk stock consists of
CI it 0 413 E E E
of all kinds, Sugars, Molasses, Coffees, Teas,
Fish, Salt, Crckeis, Cheese, Pickled Cu
Fruits and Confections,
.Oranges, Lemons, Pigs-, Raisins, Prunes, &c.
—Also, Powder, Shot, Tobacco, - Segars,
Gail's celebrated German Striokino Tobacco,
and-a variety of other articles—Also, a first.
rate assortment of the best qualities of
wines ann Brandies, of different kin,tls.N.
Rum, Holland Gin, Old Rye, &c.—all of
which can he had on the. lowest terms. at the
Store of the subgeriher, in South Baltimore
street, next dour to the —Star" office.
tr:: - /—Also, always on hand a variety of Stone
Jugs, &c.—Give its a call.
Getty Irurg...l l .ay 15, 1331,
. _
CT I C," -
TS he Oven, that the Partnership hereto
tore existing - betwe.tto Tu toi \s W A nitEN
a hd G IA - A unEx, trading under the firm
of T. ‘Varren and Soo, is this day dissolved by
inufbal conceit„ All persons know ing them
selves i adeht ed to said firm are requested to rai l
aml settle with the subscriber. at th e F oun d r y,
or their claims ‘,‘ ill he lert with W. L. CAMP
BEI,1„ ESq. , for collection
April 3, J>3l.
1 !E oltocco:-3.—Those kv(shiln2; to select
from a larire assortment of :Il.idrds
Boot :11ortwoo, Pink aod I,iuing . s of a su
perior tlity ;toil at low prlcec,, Rftroild rail
t the,-it p store of FA (IN ESTO('Ics
N e 1 , 1 1 1 11 1( 1 1 c
s nl ,
( 1; ) ‘ r . ; 7, •A 4 l e
v a e ( y z r
and see them. GEO. ARN OLD.
septembor 4, IS'5l.
aus "la
S 11 \ I) 1(;1 1 EIZEOTYPE
( \X A NIP,I.I:It, d -per
haviwr it in posses-Iton ‘vill he Itborilly
rewarded by sending it b: :he onder , t , rned.
0 et. 3a. G O. N.V A 'AI Eit.
7 ,„,,,,E);,) h;lvitiLY; It;iy ti , dn
1• on the szoi . lo3crilo -, r. in (;or!vs.-
Imp , : who is tipsirotiQ of plirchasintr, -The
\,‘ ill ht- , n!i , l times.
- As he intuits s :hp •- j i ttr
parlsod, It,iuirti citiler to 11,N l ov or or
13, , iiiwore. 01 , 2 prolon'two I be stilt n
1.0 010 o& V: II OM h( , in tC pnrolnlso,
p ()
I) , e. 6, ISS-2. ti
' 11)\TE (1\ ! COVE t .-
e ‘ 11,:10 tiouJsitit•l riCi iv( t 1 hv
Oct. ' A. ARNOLD.
11 A NI
4.'25 P AI
Ilmv.tra St.. corner Surati , glt..
9111)0 , 4ito ••Westerullotel?"
— TO Sec. I! o t
• •
W E VER respectfully announces to
e the Ladies and Gentlemen it Gerty s l, mg
nod vicinity, that he ha; rf-s f,u od the Daguer
reotype busiritss, at the old stand..
bersburcr street, where ,tre wili be happy to re
ceive visitors (I - estrous of securing perfect
Daguerreotypes of themselves or friends.
Being furnished with an entirely new and
costly appiratus, he is prepared in. take pictures
in every style of the art and °insure perfect
sa tisfacti on.
Pri>‘"Charges from 50 cents to C4lO.
~3~Hossrs of operating from 8 A. :11. to 4
P. M.
In dresB avoid light, red, Moe, or pa r
pie. Dark dress adds touch to the heant) ut
thy picture. ;Sept. 18, 1'!. if.
rum E sidiscriber has completed his new
1 . Steam Mill, and is now prepared to SAW
TIM BER.and CHOP GI;AIN at usual
and short notice. Fanners and others can
aye ing . and Ch '.,tr•dorie of
a .io,pping•clone at any time.
• Hanover . prices in Cash will be paid for
Rye, (torn and Oats, at the Steam Mill.
_Feed constantly on hand- acid for s
August 11, 1854. ly
For the Cure if Hernia or ltapture.
CNNOWLEDGED by the highest mild
• ,
authorities of Philadelphia, incom
parably superior to any other in use. Suffer
ers NEI be gratified to learn that the occasion
now offers to procure not only the lightest and
most easy, but as durable a Truss as any other,
in lieu of the cumbrous and uncomfortable arti
cle usually sold. There is no difficulty atten
ding the fitting, and when the pad is - located,
it will retain its position without change.
Persons at a distance unable th call on the
subscriber, can, have the Truss sent to any
'address, by remitting Five Dollars for the sin
gle Truss, or Ten for the double—with meas
ure round the hips and stating side affected.
It will be exchanged to suit it not fitting, by
returning it at once, unsoiled.
Fur sa!e only by the Importer,
• Cu.. - Twelfth !thee Sts., Philadelphia.
LADIES, requiri - na. the benefit of Mechan
ical Suppfrrls, owing to derangement of the In
'ternal, Organs, inducing Falling of the Wouih,
Vocal. - Pulroonwry, Dyspeptic, Nervous and.
Spinal Weak tiess + are la fornuld that a compe
tent. -
and experien,ced LADY will be .in atten
dance at the Rooms, (set apart fur their exclic
siva use,) No. 111 TW MYTH Street, first
door below. Race. [July 3, 1E35-1.: ly
,iril(Soos Cult toth.
TYRE& LANDELL, Fourth and Arch
-Sts., Philadelphia, will be able to offer
extra iinlucements to Country Buyers this
Fall, as their Stock of Goods will be very
full, and bargains from the New York and
Philadelphia Aucti.ons,.daily received. Full.
assnrimela or the following: " •
Owing to the excess of Importations, we.
shall he daily in receipt of (MEAT anus, from
Auction.. - EYRE & LAN DELL.
Fourth and .drch. Vs., Philadelphia.
(g`j—TErtms NET CASH, and prices low ac—
cordingly. Sept. 11, 1851. Stn
Picture Frames, &c.
DTI: invite the public to examine our,
perior stock of • Plain and Ornamental
CO ft NI C ES, I3RAC K E'I"PA &c.
We are mannfdctoring every description of Wit
I lurk and Fancy 11 1 4ntd Frames, on the most
pleasing terms. Also, Importers of French ,
and German Looking Glass Plates. Old.
work lir-Gilt with neatness and despatch.
Persons visiting Baltimore will du, welt
to examine our assortmeut. Orders front the
country will be attended to faithfully and
Alay 8, $8,51.
11'IIOLES.11LE -V -R T.II L.
rum E - -mhscribers are daily adding to :heir
tensive assortment of I'aper-19a nr,—
ings and Flordeir4,:,otne new and beau
:Hill styles for their Spring sales, to which
they ask the attention of the trade and the pub . -
(ic in oeneral. The assortment embraces new
gold, plain and rich colors ; also, handsome
designs for Passage:3, Dining Rooms, &c.
Also, a large variety of common and medium
quality Satin and Common Papers, of new
and tasteful designs. a-.) — Our city and coun
try friends are invited to view the assortment,
confident they will find it the largest in the
city, and prices as low, as we have G reatly in
creased our facilities, by introducing many new
improvements in our factory.
11()W 1311071-IER4,
'207 Slat ti inure St.. bets mu Charle: , and
May 8, 1834. ly
~,.4 . _
•-e e s e )
L/ 'J.
Flu. Gil,
EN D partioul trly„ to the sale of nitir,
(;rain, Ilrry, (blec...-secd, and al! kinds of
Country Protinco, and aro prepred fofurti - ish.
to petson-; wishirrj to cuasign to theta.
Noveinher 7, 1 y.i3. 1 V
rill ()TON B OTI I ER, l'aNitionfilde. Bar
bcrs ant! flair Drez;sers. can at all times
be found prepared to attend to the calls of the
pfomle,ol the 7 cmple, in the I)tainond, adjoin
*Mir the County From long expe
rience, they ti itter thents.elves that they-can tir,e
throtorli all Elie ramifications of the Toilitio
-11)'-diva•li3lleitl with such an infinite
ileoTee of !•hill, as will meet with the entire
sateztaetion of di who ~tay submit their chins
to the heen ordeal of their razors.. They hon e ,
therebire. tlbtt by their attention to
and a ilez,tre to I,!ease, they will merit as well
receive, a liheral sh.tre of publio patronaire.
The be - attjnded to , tit thi , ir private
(.; si;,:rg, Jan. I Q3l. tf
00r,iNG G L k•SES—aI •;iz , c anrj It
L'!()I)A, tiu , rlr and VV:ltcr CU AC:NI-Ms,
(:ir , rer Nut S. N . c ;! - it an.i
1'a!0“:. (.t new artiriP. ahtl tint t he heat.) fut
1)) the i , ‘J1.1:1(.1