The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, December 25, 1854, Image 3

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- An Exciting and Painffl-Sce ne.
Speakingof the recent loss of' the Schooner
It IL. Johnson, the Cleveland Phrindeq/er says:
At Chicago, whence the ill-fated vessel last
sailed, Capt. Snell, her owner and commander.
put her in charge of the mate, who was with
leis brother, and left her to make her war down
the lakes, while he took the railroad for the
purpose of getting a special insurance upon her
in Buffalo. She weathered the storm, passed
over the flats and beat her way down to this
lake, when the big North-wester of Sunday
caught her this side of the islands. The next
seen of her was at daylight, Monday tnorning,
about two' miles-west of Fairport and twenty
rods from shine, beached, and the men hanging
in her rigging. Alit lay broad side to, and
every tißrher over so as to bring her
masts l l Ater, and of course immerse the
poor fellows clinging there for life. She was
firstdiscovered -14--afauri I 3r---of-farrners-1 iv i ng
opposite on the bluff which overlooked the •
wre ck. They immediately despatched a mes
senger to the harbor for a life-boat. They
watched the sufferers on the wieck until one
by one they were washed off. so that when the
te-boat started_for_theirrel ie f,-_ there-were- but
thrce remaining. Intensely - excited - did they
boon the boat on, which for two miles was
T owed amid the surges and breakers that hid
one-half the time the rescuets from view. Two
wore of the sufferers are washedoff by the sea,
and yet the boat has some half mile to row.
One. probably the most hardy and robust of
them all, remains. He seems lashed to the
rigging and rises and falls with it, to nearly a
perpendicular. The boat is almost -to him,
`when suddenly the mast disappears again, and
rises no more I All on board, nine in number,
have been lost, and none left to tell the tale of
their sufferings. Portions, of the wreck com
ing ashore, revealed the fact that it was the
Schr. R. R. Johnson. . The farmer's house we
have described was the very home of the mate,
and the family on shore who had sent after the
boat was the family of the mate. In all prob.:
ability the man who hung so long in the rig
ging was the mate himself, as he was a reso
lute and robust man. •
An esteemed friend informs us that he learns
from Capt. Galligan, br.,ther of the young man
who was mate of the vessel when she was , lost,
that the wife of the unfortunate Snell, uncon
scious at the time that her husband was in
. such a critical situation, came out in front of
-- het relidence and waived her handkerchief to
encourage the almost despairing mariners.
Such an occurrence is as rare as it, is thrilling
and deplorable.—Language is inadequate to
truthfully.depict it.—Buffalo Post.
SERiIOE.-Mr. Rosevelt, a lawyer .of New
York, who sailed in the Baltic last week, en
route for - St. Petersburg, it is said, is - to be
raised to a Generalship in the Russian army.
Several other Americans, it is reported, went
out in the Baltic'to proceed to Russia. The
N. Y. Sufi says :
“Mr. Rosevelt has been engaged for the last
two months in sketching the plan - and calcu
lating the costs of a campaign—all of which
are reduced to paper, and capable of being
rolled up into a compass sufficiently small to
enable him to secrete it on his person without
fear of detection. There are several persons
of standing in this city who
. are familiar with
the plans, having got their information from
Mr. Rosevelt. They state that it is the inten
tion 'of the Czar, in, the spring, to open the
campaign on the most formidable foundation,
and tp,carry the war into Great Britain itself."
ROAD.—On Friday afternoon week, the locomo
tive Wisconsin left Richmond for Pottsville,
with a train of empty coal cars. When the
train was approaching the Manayunk tunnel
the boiler of the locomotive exploded, blowing
out the end over the firebox, and rendering
the engine a complete wreck. George Long,
formerly an engineer on the road, but recently
living in Baltimore, where he leaves a family,
was on the engine at the time of the explosion.
He sprang to the ground, but . was so badly
scalded that he died in a short time. John.
Lynch, the fireman,.was much mangled.-and
so severely scalded that he survived but a few
• minutes. Lyuch lived in Dauphin county,
where he leaves a family. Charles Miller, the
front brakemann-of the train, had the top of his
head carried away, and was badly scalded.
He died instantly. A lad residing in Reading,
who was on the train at the time, was badly
scalded. and had a leg broken. Ile was sent
, - to Phil's. on the passenger train, on Saturday
morning. A man named James 'Topple had a
leg broken by jumping from the engine to es
cape the scalding steam.
in a recent lecture. shows that the country be.;
tureen Missouri and California, in the latitude.
or nearly the latitude of Maryland, is well
adapted to settlement and cultivation, and ca
pable of forming five great States. Kansas he
would divide into two States, Eastern and
Western Kansas. These two States will each
have a territory of fifty thousand square miles,
and, according to Mr. Benton, they will prob
ably be ready for admission into the Union
within the next two For the third State,
Mr. Benton takes a section of the Rocky Moun
tains from the 37th degree of North latitude
to the 41st, making an area of sixty thousand
square miles. For the fourth State he takes
the valley of the Upper Colorado. This region
forms a part of the Territory of Utah, and the
process of settling it with white inhabitants is
"already begun. The fitth State comprises the
remainder of Utah. - - -
J? An old author quaintly remarks:—Avoid
argument with ladies. In spinning a yarn
among silks - and„faiins a man is sure to be
worsted and twisted. And when a man is
worsted and twisted he may consider himself
wound up.
' I .4 11irected from the latest Bahl mo re,York&lianorer papers
Flour, per barrel,
Wheat, per bushel,
nye, 46
Corn, ~
Oats, tli
Cloverseed, ~
Timothy, ..
Whiskey, per gallon, 43 to 44
Beef Cattle, per hund., 325 to 75
Hay, per ton,. 18 00 to2l 00
Guano, Peruvtin,-per- ton, 50 00 tosl 00
li ANOVE Et— T c otr LABl'.
Flour, per bbl., from. stores,
Do. 4 ' warrous
Wheat, per bushel,
Corn, 44
Oats, gig
ClOVerSeed, "
Timothy, 44
Plaster of Paris, per ton,
Y 0 RK=:-:Faut-terA, gar
_._ .
Flour, per bbl., from stores, --- --0
Do. " from wagons, 8 2.
Wheat, per bushel, 1 80 to 2 00
Rye, 64 1 20
Corn, Cd 80
Plaster of Pans, per ton,
Hot.LowltisZiLts,* certain cure for derangements
of the Stomach and fiwels, Liver Complaints, Loss of Ap 7
petite and Ililious Disorders.—These Pills-hax;e a wonderful
effect upon a di , organized system immediately mom the'
fluids` thus the moat impure blood becomes totally changed.
Persons who nse, them for a few weeks cannot fail to meet
with a cure of any of the above cases, and those who may be
unfortunately affected with disagreeable or offensive breath,
cannot do better than avail themselves of these Invaluable
On Toeibisy evening last by the Rey. P. Anstaydt, Mr.
of Ephraim Martin, all of this place.
On the _lst inst.. by Rev. D. P. Rose.nmiller, Mr, JO
SEPH BOWERS to Miss SUSANNA, daughter of Jacob
Harper. both -of Adams - county. -
On the 19th ion., by the ROY. E. H. Holfhiens; Mr.
JAMES H. RLIGLE., of Latinwre township. to Miss MARY
HURTING, of Mountpleasant township, Adams county, Pa.
On Tuesday morning last, near tiraeehtrn, Md., Mrs. SU
SAN 11EITLER, wife of Mr. Samuel J3eitler. (formerly of
this'eounty.) aged 52 years 3 months and 27 days.
On Wednesday. the 13th inst.. at tzProspeet Hill," bis
resides Froderick,_sl4., Col. LEWIS KEMP, in the
58th Nice.
— On ' . . - tlfelfith inst.,-in Hanover, CLARA
ISATL t daughter of Itev. D. P. , Rosenmiller,
aged 1: 7 days.
THIS is to notify 01 personS from trespass
int on our premises, (tieing in Straban
township.): by gunning or. _otherwise. We
therefore are determined to enforce the fill ex
tent of the law on all that disregard this notice.
. Joseph — Wible, Jokn'Her, ,
George Howard, Daniel Spangler,
Peter 'L rustle, - Christian _Benner,
William Spangler, Ephraim Deardorff,
Daniel Stallsmith, John M. Brinkerhoff,
David S. Sheffer, Daniel Benner,
Henry Monfort, = Win. Wibk,
John Wible, J. B. Leas,
John Bender, Daniel Lady.
Dec. 25, 1854. 3t
- ,
THE undersigned informs property-Itelders
that he has been duly appointed Agent of
INSURANCE COMPANY,-and that lie is
the only Agent in Adams county for the same.
fle will take original and renew' old-insu
rances for said Company, which, since its In
corporation, in 1843, 'has secured the perfect
confidence ofd people of Adams and the
adjoining cot a, -Or being authorized to
effect Insurances in any part of the_State.)
Its integrity and ability have been fully - and
satisfactorily demonstrated. The gradation
of rates of Insurance-is adapted -to themutual
interests of the whole . Company arid the class
of the insured property. every person insur
ing becomes a member of the Company, and
may act in the selection of officers and in the
direction of its operations.
0:::rHon. Moses Meenzaff represents the
members in this county in -the Board of Man
agers. C. ROTH, Jr., is President, and JOHN
CAMPBELL Secretary. Office in Bloomfield,
Perry county. , _ .._ , - .
Office of M. & W: McClean, Gettisbuig.
December 25, 1854.
s tf
- ' -------------
A Good:Family Horse for Sale.
HE undersigned has for sale a good X 7 A ,
FAMILY ORSH—dark brown,
six years old next spring. gentle, and sound
as a dollar. For further information apply to
Dec. 18. 3t J. LLHOLTZWORTH.
KELIM,--Kt.J_Rr4'S Holliday Stock a
blegatly Illustrated and s .
BOOKS, adapted for Christmas and New
Year Presents, the Drawing• Room Table,
&c., are now ready for examination. Also,
C 1-1 ILD 13 EN'S BOOKS, in end less variety.
Kurta's is a perfect storehouse of delight for
the little ones, where they can purchase from
the simplest Toy Book up to the most ex pen.
sive colored edition. [Dec. 18. 1854.
ITH the present Number, ends : the
Fourth Volugue, and the second
year of Putnam's Monthly.
ry, wti
the bek
the tak
ing an'
to its tone. . 40 :
The continued and increasing favor
with which the Monthly has been receiv-1
ed, is the best possible proof that the task
has been in Some degree "fulfilled.
The New Volume of the Magazine com
mences under the best possible auspices.
Its position is now assured. Two, - years
have demonstrated the extent of its circle
of friends, and that circle is constantly
widening. The Magazine has not only
the sympathy, but the actual literary sup
port of the most eminent authors in the
country. The greatest care is exercised
in the selection of articles for its pages,
from the immense number of MSS. re
ceived—a number now amounting to more
than eighteen hundred. In so great a
press of material to be considered, the
Publishers appeal confidently for patience
to all who favor them with their -contribu
tions, while they heartily thank them for
their good will.
While care is taken that nothing - in the
remotest degree offensive to propriety or
good taste defaces these pages, and the
ablest talent is secured to make a Magazine,
which, fur variety of interest, and excel
lence of tone. shah be surpassed by no sim
ilar publication in the world, the Publishers
assure the Public that their motto is still on
ward, and that every year's experience will
enable them more fully to deserve the favor
which they so gratefully acknowledge.
*8 50 to 8 62
190 to 2 10
1 20 to 1 35
80 to - 90
54 to 55
6 50 to 7 00
3 25 to 3 50
5 50 to G 00
88 75
8 00
1 80 to 1 9 5
Subscribers will please observe. that. under a
necessary rule, the :tlagiziiie can be sent only so
The New
Volume commenreA with the lanuary numser. It
is intended that the fifth shall be the best
yet issued. A fine portrait will be givediii every
second number or oftener.
3 uu
7 UQ
TERN'S; per annum, or 25 cents per
number. ,Jl`wo copies for ; five copi6s to one
eddies.: :$lO. Clergymen and Postmasters sup°
laicremitting 4;3, promptly in
advance, will receive the 9fabasinelree of
The puhlishers have no Agents for whose
contr,cts they are re;ponsible. Those giving or
ders to Agents or to their respective ilooksellers.
will look t' them for their supply of th. '-
Dix. 15, 1854.
6 25
3 -50
7 VI
A New liroltume.
NEW YOliK, December 1, Itis4.
king, the
in a time
, and in a
works of
bad f.4►r
Of found=
, - at once
d nationa
ntid for
ii h: "SitsOng Birds," assisted by the
ii.l'hilo-Ilarnionics,"- will give a-Concert
01 .Vocal and ,Inserimiennil Music. on Ativ.
Year's ni .4 ,Th!, (January I tit, 1855.) at the Court=
House, on which occasion-will be presented a
MUSICAL FESTIVAL, in three acts, enti
tled, "Flora'-a-Feast of Flowers, or the Crowning
(f Me Queen of Me Fairivt." Representations
of the Fairy Land, - with Forrester*, Nyriacts,
Fairies, Zephyrs, &c., participated in by up
wards of 60 children. After the - Festival, a
pleasing variety of Songs ) . Glees, Churusses,
Catches,. &c.
• le.4wParticulars in small hills.
(I ission 25 ets.--Children half price.
pa -The "Singinz Birds' " last appearance
for at - least one year.
Dec. 18. te ' Conductor.
Choice ond Valuable.lgoolks.
HAVE just received from Philadelphia and
New York, the best English and Ameri
can editions of the beat Authors in - every de
partment of Literature, known as standard
Authors of value, and BOUND IN A MOST
SUPERIOR MANNER, in the choicest
library styles of calf extra, half calf gilt and
antique, Turkey Morocco, &c. &c., forming
altogether the most superb collection - of Books
which I have ever had the pleasure of offering
to my numerous friends and customers; and.
which, together with an unrivall - e - d -- s - t - oTk: of
Elegantly Illustrated Works, if/
Prayer and Hymn Books, Superbly. Bound
Books, Editions in Library Bindings,
now displayed in tempting array on numerous
loaded counters, form altogether an endless
variety hom which to select Christmas and
.N-ew Year Presents, as to fully keep up our
well-known reputation oC offering the finest
assortment of desirable Books in the richest
and most substantial binding. The under
signed .invites the attention of every individual
in Adams county to calk-and visit now, while
the assortment is full anecoinplete. - •
0:*-Prices to suit the times. -
_ BoOkseller and Stationer,
Dec. 18. S. E. Cor. Centre Square.
Baerhante,Ventis,Flara,lfebe, & the Dancing Girl!
Gll E - above celebrated StatUes, together
with Fifteeu Statuettes in Bronze, and
several hundred Magntficent Oil Paintings,
form the collection of prizes to be distributed
among the menthe's of the Cosmopolitan Art
Association at the fist annual distribution, in
January_ next.
Organized f.•►r the Encouragement and General
Diffusion of Literature and the Fine
arts, un a "new and original plan.
This popular Art Association is- designed
to encourage and popularize the Fine Arts,
arid'disseurinate wholesome Literature through.
out the country. A Gallery of Art is perma-.
nently founded,' and. will contain — a valuable
collection of Paintings and Statuary, fur the
annual distribution of each year. The best
Literature of the day, will be - issued to the
subscribers, consisting of the popt.lar Monthly
Magaziees, Reviews. '&c.
The committee of management: have the plea
sure of announcing that the First Annual Dis
tribution will take iilace on the 30th of Janua
ry, 1855, on which occasion there.will be dis
tributed or allotted lo members, several hun
dred Works of Art, among which is the 'origi
nal and world-renoWned Statue of the GREEK
SLAVE, by HIRAm PowE:its, coding over jive
thinisand dollars! totrether with the beaettful
Staines of VENUS, BACCHANTE. HERE, Femte,
and the DANCINt4 GIRL; and fifteen Statuettes
in Bronze, iteliorted from Paris; also, - a - large
collection of P
_ AINTINGS, composing some
of the best productions of celebrated American
and Foreign Artists.
The Literature issued to subscribers con
sists- of the following Monthly •Magazines:—
Harp - cr's, Putnam's, Knickerbocker, Block
wood's, Graham's, Magazine if art, and Grid.
ey's Lady's Book, and
. the Quarterly Reviews
re-printed in New York : Edinburgh, West
minster, London Quarterly, and North British.
The payment of three dollars constitutes any
one, a member of this Association, and entitles
him to any one of the above Masraz nes for mie
year, and also a ticket in the distribution of the
Statuary and Paintings which are to be allot
ted to members in January.
Persons taking five tnentherships are entitled
to five of the Magazines one year, and to six
tickets in the distribution.-
Persons, on becoming mernherS, can have
their Magazine Commence with any month they
choose, end rely on its being mailed. to theta
promptly on the first of every manth, direct
from the Publishers.
Ginell's Living .94e, week's, is furnished
one year and two inemher4hips for 'fin.
The net proceeds derived front the sale of
inennherships are devoted to the purchase of
Works of Art for the ensuing
Books open to receive names at the Eastern
office, New York,or Western office, Sandusky.
The Gallery of Anis located at Sandusky,
(the Western office of the Association,) where .
superb Granitn Buildings have been erected for
it, and in whose spacious saloons the splendid
collection of Statuary & Paintings is exhibited.
coming a member of this Association are
-Ist. All persons receive the full value if
their subscription it the start, in the shape of
sterling Magazine Literature.
N. Each member is contributing toward
purchasing choice Works of Art, which are to
be distributed among themselves, and are at
the same time encouraging the Artists of the
country, dishursjog thousand's of dollars
through its agency.
Persons remitting funds for membership,
sh - ould mark letters, ‘.Registered," and st4te
the month with which they wish their ma`ga
zines to commence, and also their post rffice
address in full, on the receipt of which, a cer
tificate of membership, together with the mag
azine desired, will be forwarded to any part of
the country.
Those who purchase Magazines at Book
stores, will observe that by joining this Asso
ciation, receive the Mugazine and free
Ticket in the annual distribution, all at the
same price they now pay for the Magazine
Persons subscribing, any time before the
30th of January, are entitled to the Magazines
fa 1855.
Subsciiptants will be received_l4) t o the 3ath
of January, at which time the distribution will
`take place.
Illustrated Descriptive Catalogues of the
whole collection to be distributed, will be
sent free of charge on application. •
0::7-0flices of the Aasociatior, at the Knick
erbocker Magazine office, 348 Broadway,
'ew—York,--and_at__N4-166 Water_sup-et-,-Sai
dusky, Ohio. Address, (at either office,) for
December 25, 1854.
- - - -
bcn hit' able Mat Ostatc
ON Monday, / he 131 day of Januar.7l,,al 1
P. M.. - will — be niferiil at -
Salo, on thy irrenat4es, in the Borough of Gel.
tysburg, the very . tleSirahle
spnt - t-t-v rt.T7 Twm. ft , TN
of Dr. Davin Gri.utax, now - occupied by
MOSUL J. F. & 11. J. Fahnestock, consisting
ot a full Town Gni, fronting on Baltimore and
East. Middle streets, and ininiedia-tely opposite
Fahnesto•ks' Store, having upon the corner
Large Twu Slaty Brick
DWELLING -1101TSE, v1:1
• 4 .
with extensive Brick Back Build
ing on Middle Street. . Also. a TIVO STORY
FR.NME IiCILOLVG, fronting nnßaltimore
street, part of which was formerly occupied
by J. L. SchiCk's - Store, with a well of . water
and other improvements upon the premises.
Dr. GtLBSKT spared no expense in fitting up
tie - ouee, nnd enclosing and improviffir the
grounds with choice trees, vines, &c. There
Is a perpetual insurance in the Franklin Fire
Insurairce Company of Philadelphia, on this
property. This presents a rare chance '
to €o2h!
cure a residence perhaps the most desirable in
the Borough.
Also, at the same time, that large
Frame DwellinglEfouse, '1
two stories
.and an attic, fronting on 'est
High Street, west of the Catholic Church, and
nearly opposite ihe. Associate lief. Church,
with Lot of Ground, and outbuildings attached,
having an alley on the North.
These properties will be sold upon accom
modating twins, whiCh will be made known on
day of sale, and also, to persons who may
meanwhile enquire, by"
Attorney in fact -for Dr. D. Gilbert.
December 18, 1854. is
THE - undersigned intending to remove to
'the City of Baltimore,- will *fret nt•Pub-
Sikle, on !Tuesday, the 2d of January next,
A Very Eligible St()) e Stand,
together with 45 ACRES OF LA N D,situated
in Monntjoy . township, Adams couniy e ebout
one mile from the Turnpike. road leading from
Gettysburg to .Littlestown, 5 miles from the
former Mid about The same distance front the
latter - place ; 'the road - from Ernmitsburg to
Hancver . passing the Store, and only 9 miles
from the terminus of the Hanover B. R. Road. ,
The improvements are a two story :gam .
BLE, a good well of water near the door, and
a fine stream of water running through the
tract. In the last 5 years, 1.200 bushels of
Lime have been put on the land, and is more
over well set with - dlever. There are on said
tract about 7 Acres of good Meadow and 8
Acres of excellent Timber land.
The undersigned .has for the last five years
been engaged in keeping Store at the above
said place. and is grdtified ii► being able to
say, that during said time he bas done a,first
rate cash business ; - maid property is very hand.
somely - situated in a healthy neighborhood
and will therefore make one of the first homes
in the country. Persons wishing to view
said property,will please call on the undersign.
ed residing on the same. Possession and a
good title Will .be given on the first day of
A pri (ilex t. A LSO
At the same time & place will be sold a lot of
Poch as ready niade CLOTHING, HATS,
CAPS, II -I.IID \V Alt Rie.;with a genera:
variety of farming ituplements as follows, viz:
Plows, Harrow, Cultivator, 2 heavy sets of
Horse Gears, Cutting h•'x, Cart, Chains, Bar
rells, Tulis,2 Stoves and Pi peß,with a variety of
illonsOwld %Si. Michels Furniture.
Sale to Commence at 10 o'clock on said day,
Whelk attendance wi II In. (rivets and terms made
known, by L A \,‘" It MN CH DI
Dee. 18, 1854. , to
- NT, °T ICE is hereby given to all Legatees
111 - and other persons concerned, that the
ridsnininralion .Iceounts hereinafter mentioned
will be presented at the Orplidn's Court of
Adams county, for confirmation and allowance,
u n Mo n d l y, th e . 15tb, Janunrs next, viz
1. The account of Jacob 11 , inkily, Executor
of the last will and te , tament of Philip Schri
ver, deceased-, who was, Administrdtur of Win:
de , ;eased.
2. The first and final accotint of Georg.
Chritzinan, Administrator of [leery Hulling
er, deceased.
WM. F. Wft,,J,TEtt, Register.
Register's Office. Gettysburg,,
December 1.8. 1851.
r Mn M COMMISSION MRS of Adams COllll
- hereby give notice that they have
fixed upon the following times for the hold
ing of appeals fur the several Boroughs and
Townships of Adams county, at the office of
the County Commissioners at Gettysburg.,
when and where they %rift attend to hear ap
peals, between the hours of 9 o'clock, A. M.,
and 3 o'clock, P. M.
For the townsdiipm nt Mottntjoy. Germany,
Union, Conowago, Mourupleasant, Berwick,
Oxford, Straban, Hamilton, Reading, and Ty-
Tone, on l'hurnioy, the 25th if January next.
For the townships of Huntington, [Allmon.,
Menallen, Butler, Franklin, Ilatniltonhan.
Liberty, F'reedotn. Cumberland, and the Bo
rough of Gettysburg, on Friday, the 261 h of
January next.
Attest—J. 'ALIG;HINBAUGIII, Clerk.
Dec. 18, 1851. td
A r.;4::, ra4rli , d.aoe? r-Nc-.--L-k
tv iv ...LSI ti Li (YZ!...ti o
Special Meeting.
AT the last meeting of-the Adams County
Agricultural Society, it was resolved that
subjects connected with Agriculture be discus
sed at the meetings of the Society, and that
the first topic for ingstry be,__'`77ic application
of Lime to land." A specs! meeting was also
ordered, to take place at the Court-house, in
Gettysburg, on Me frat *Saturday in January
ocri, (being the Gilt of the month,) at 10
o'clock, A. M., at which . time the above sub
ject will be taken up; and it is expected that
there will be a 'general participation, particular
ly by those who have used lime in agricultural
s ocesses, and whose observation and experi
ence have furnished them with facts of a char
acter snore or less valuable. The meeting will
doubtless he an interesting and instructive
one, and all are invited to it.
By order, .1 NO. MeGIN L EV, Pres' t.
H.. 1. STI±HI,R, See'
Usxember 4, 1851.
r. LC KINGS, USLI NB,&c.—S;oine more
i orthose- cheap Ticking%, Mnslins, &e.,
have been received by A. ARNOLD.
USLINS, Linens and Tick inus. f(Jr F:de
subscriber, wishing to remove to th e
.Weat, ffers at Private Sale, that truly
" •
angy:,, • -
situated -. in North Market Street, Frederick
City, Md. The improvements consist of a
large and substantial Two-•;tory .
It Hi) S F. ) • e
fronting o • n
Market Street, fifty- •
five feet feet deep; attached is a
brick Back Buittling, sixty feet deep; there are
also a Brick Stuoke• House, Hog Pen, and
other out boildinvi; a large paved, wagon
yard and a S:ahle, capable of Stabling, forty
horses,, with a neverfailing` well of excellent
water adjacent and a pump stock in the same.
The main building was thoroughly repaired
two years ago, the wood work being emixely
new ; the bar and kitchen are - supplied with
Hydrant INater and the first flour with Gas.
There sire good, dry and airy cellars, divided
into three apartments, under the whole build
ing. A ttached to the above property is a large
and commodious
fronting on Market Street 20 feet. with a depth
of 40 feet. This building was envied two
years ago by myself. of the best ma rials and
possessing ail the modern improWtents re
quisite for waking it a superior room for any
Mercantile branch of business. It has—an
open front; supported by cast iron pffaiffers,
into which the shutters fold. There is also a
dry cellar under the whole store. The advan
tages; the - whole of this property possesses
over all others Of the kind in this city, are
well known. Located in a square where
there is a larger amount of bAsiness done than
in any other; commanding she travelling trade
of the whole Northern portion or Frederick
and Carroll counties, and the adjoining n
'ties of Penns) Ivania, and at this :into doing a
successful business, which can be increased
from twenty-five to fifty per cent., by a small
additional investment. {'his Property being
so well known 1 deem further comment un
necessary, as persons wishing to purchase,
can call and satisfy themselves of its numerous
advantages. _
TERMS will- bi made to, suit purchasers,
by giving satisfactory security.
'N. B.—My Stnrk of .D 10 7- 000D.S AND
GROCERIAS 'will ho sold with the property,
if desired. •
Dec: 'll. 1851.. Gt
oN Saturday, the MA 9f noemberinalant,
at 1 o'clock, P. M., tli undersigned,
Executors of the estate of 111111 RV BOWIOIII,
late. of. Mountjoy township. Adapts county,
Pa., deceased, will sell at. Ptiblic Sale, by vir
tue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Ad.;
atus county, on the premises, •
124 IlurrEN
amid deceased, situate in the township afore.
said, adjoining lands of John flatly, Melchor
W o lf, John Bender', and others, containing
lON ETY-EIG irr ACRES, more or less.—
The improvements area two-story
''''Log - 111)weHing s •
1 ,
40: • .
: ri , r with a Ston Ki tchen attached, a
-•-• ,',1;• .... Log. Bain, and 141 necessary out
buildings. There, itra well of water near. the
door. and an ORCHARD of choice fruit. of
all kinds, on the Premises. There is a' fair
proportion of Meadow and Tintherliind.. •
ga"Attendance will he given and terms
made known on day of sale by
J. 11.. DOWERS,
Dec. 4, 1854, • Executors.
To Prevent' ilormes front running
at Large. -
BEit ordained by the Town Connell of the
Borough of Gettysburg, and it is hereby
ordained by authority of tho same, that any
perstin or persons peruthing any Horse, Mare,
Gelding, Colt, Mule, Jackass, or other beast
of burden, to moat largo upon any street, alley
or public highway, in maid Borough, shall upon
conviction thereof, forfeit and pay fur the use
of the Borough a sum not lose than two dol.
litre, for evcry such offence, besides costs of
R. G. HARPER, Burgess. -
Attest—B. G. McCitaattv, Scey.
Dec. 11, 1854. 3t
U...eDctuts a
IN E Val( EA It C. - CCM Ercuir.
irgit the acenturnodatinn of citizens of town
INtd country, who are not yet supplied,
there will be a notNer Public Sale of Burial
Lots, MI illuntlfiy. New-Year'R day. 1855, at 1
o'clock. P. M., on the Cemetery Grounds.'
Already nearly 20t1 Lots have been sold.--
Sonto $3.000 in stoek have been subscribed.—
The enterprise is therefore entirely successful.
'Phis'. 111 tie the last sale during the present
H. J. STAinac, [Dec 11.
- _
George Arnold
JJAS now entered in she Clothing business
ex ten iively and has
in his employment, constantly cutting rut and
m:ckiccg op, out of his own cloths, 01,51 Coats,
Dress Coats, Pantaloons, Vests, Monkey
Jackets, &r. &c.
All kinds of Clothing made to order, on
short notice. Constantly On hand and for gale
a great variety of Clothing, of his
. own manu
facturing, us cheap as !ht cheapest. Call and
see alum. We cannot be beat.
October 30, 1851.
YOq.,lici.VP a V 1: IC LE- THAT
THE undersigned, having purchased the
Carriage-makiffir establishment of Wm.
Graham, respectfully - informs the public
generally that he, will continue the said
business at the old stand, in Washington street,
Italia square frmn Chamberslturg street, where
he is prepared to manufacture to order, at
short notice,
Carriages, Rookaways, Buggies,
He flatters bitngelf that his work is.a little
ahead of any turned out by any other estali.
lishment in the place—having none but the . .
best of workmen employed, and using none
but the best materiAls. His prices are moder
ate. 1 REPAIRING done at short notice.
Country produce taken for anything in his
line. . J. BARR ETT.
Ge:tysburrr, March 13, 1854. tf
3AU GYI37:1 1
I.ll q
No. 240 Pratt Street s Baltimore.
IstrAEt, KNOUT. Prnprielur.
JOHN K N 01) E, SuperiieterideJa.
Mnr 1831. ly
ritOCLAMITtorc -
'tß"Sthe Hon.
ftlgr j.Fisßit es „t of theeet t:uita of Corn -
nom Pleas,.. in the Counties composibg the
lath Distriet, and J 'mite of the Cootie of Oyer
and Terminer, and General Jail . Delivery,' for
the trial of all capital and other offenders in
the calif oistriet,and Salmon. R. Roasters. and
JOHN MitOINLEY, J7oans.ludges of the Courts of
Common Pleas, and Justices of the Courts of
Oyer and Terminer, arta General Jail Delivery,
for the trial 01 all capital and other offenders
in the County of Adams—have issued their pre
cept hearing date the 24th day of Noveinberein
they ear ofour LORD one thousand eighthund red
and fifty-four, and to me directed, for holding •
a Court of Common Pleas, and General Quar•
ters Sessionp of the Peace, - ond 'General Jail
Delivery, and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at
(Icily shu rg, on Monday, Ike 151 h day of Jan' y.
tieXt.---NOTICE 'IS to all the
Justices of
_the Peace, the 0 orotter . and Coasta-,
hies within the said County of Adams, that they
he then and therein their proper persons, with
their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions, Hannifin.- -
lions, and other Remembrances, to do those
things which to their offices-and-in-that - behalf'
appertain to be done, and also, they who will
prosecute against the prisoners that are or then
shall I, he. in_ the Jail of--the-said
Adatns; and to be then and there to prosecute
against them as Sholl he just.
H _ THomAS,Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Dee. 11, 1854.
Safety Patent Square Upright
Wood Dos Matches,
No. 100 North Pinirth St. (above Race,) Phila.
11IATCHES become an indtspenett.
.1. ble - article in ,housekeepiing, the sob'.
scriber after it great sac, (Ace of time and .money,
is enabled to offer to the Public an tinkle at
once combining and Cheopneo. The
inventor knowing the danger apprehended on
account of the flimsy manner in - which
Matches are generally packed in paper, booby
the aid of New Steam .Machinery of his own
invention. succeeded in getting up a SAFETY
BOX this box is far preferable, in ae much
that it. occupies no. more room than the old.
round wood box, and contains of least ,Two
.11one/red per Cent. more ,Hutch es, * hich to -
Shippers is considerable advanta g e,; it is in
tirely new, and wore against moisture. and
sontuncons comipticin, unit-dispels all dan
ger- on transportation by, means of Railroad,
Steamboat or-any ether mode of ConveyanCe.
These Matches are packed au that one grime
or more may be Sltippe(k tirany part„of ,the
World with. perfect safety.. They are,,tha
most desirable article fur Home Consumpttoni:
and the Southern and Western Markets, that
have ever been invented. • •
DEALERS and SHIPPERS will do well
o call and examine fur themselves.
6Er'7hese Malebo ore WAIIIIANTED 10.
be superior Ai anythitur.herelttrore iffered to the
Public. . JOHN DO, NE
• 106. Norlio Fi rlh .9.„ - Phi/arra.
December 18,1854. 1118. - • .
Mill Bond Election.
rinil3 Stockholders of :he "601.318bUfg Rail
Road Company." will meet at the Court
house in the Borough pf Gettysburt, , on Mon
day; Me Silt day if January, A.D. , 1855, at 9
o'clock, P. M., of said day, .tu choose, by a
majority of the votes present, a President and
Twelve Directors for the ensuing year.
Dec. 11, 1854. to
Administrator's Notice.
JACOB SM Y ERS'S HSTATE.....' ',anent
of administration on thilistitte of Jacob
Smyers, late of Huntington township;
Adams county, deceased, having listen
granted to the undersigned, residing in the
same township, he hereby gives notice to
all persons indebted to said estate to make
immediate payment, and those having claims
against the same 10 present them properly an.
thenticated for settlement.
WM._ D. SHYERS, Jim',.
November 13, 1854.: '6e ,
Collectors, Take Notice.
rp HE Collectors of Taxes of the different
1-- -, townships of Adams county, are hereby
notified that they will be required to settle
their duplicates on or before I , riday. the 29th
day if December next, an which day the Com
missioners will meet :at thiir office to give the
necessary exonerations.
RGE - ,
AtlPSim•-4. AUGHINBAUGIis Ck7k.
November 27, 1854. if
AME to the farm - of the subscriber, in
Hamiltonhan township, the last of Octo.
ber,TWO BULLS—one supposed to beabout
two years old, red and white spotted, with a
small bit cut but of the under part of the right
ear—the other supposed e three years old,
a reddith brindle, with some white spots, no
ear mark. The owner is - requested to come
forward, piove property, pay charges. and take
them away. DANIEL SNYDER.
December, 11, 1854. 3t
TEM TM Town= 7714.1 r,
MHE undersigned takes pleasure in inform
ing the citizens of Gettysburg and the
public generally, that he is prepared to furnish
GARMENTS of all kinds, for GENTLE
MEN'S W EAR, at the shortest notice, and
in the latest possible style.. Having opened
a Merchant Tailoring establishment, in Chem.
bersburg street, opposite the Lutheran church,
and secured the services of experienced work
men, he feels confident of pleasing all who
may favor him with their patronage. Coati
try produce taken in exchange for work.
December 4, 1854. •
1. O. Of It. M.
YOU will meet every Friday evening, at
63 o'clock, in the Wigwam, (McCan
aughy's Hall.) Punctual attendance is m
quested. AUG. SCHWARTZ. C. of R.
ser Persons wishing toconnect themselves
with this Tribe, will please apply to any of
the members.
Gettysburg, Nov. 13, 1854. 6m
YOU will meet for parade at the publics
house of Muses Raffensperger, in Mum
masburg, on Monday, the Ist of January next,
at 10 o'clock, A. M. with arms and accoutre
ments in complete order. A full attendance is
requested. J. F. BAILEY, Captain.
Second-hand Carriages.
A FEW good second-hand CARRIAGES
1 - 1. and BUGGIES to be had for rash or
Country Produce, ut C. %V. HOFFMAN'S
I Coach Factory. August 14.