The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, December 18, 1854, Image 4

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    the farnier's toluntn.
sr NEL 1.. a: siiiimintsr
As inn *ewe riding
%musk ' , math Ins no`oniny'
liiradeer,into.were , high t -
And. t } twlght , ye l tiunt . hie, t was hard'',
• tgti" -
That you and 'yours were not condemned
" • Tb .... 344?,n slaye a ie.
Comte. eee Atka lifo - lirelftrVeSt : 7110I1111; . ::
5r '.p4irn garden, lifed'Asnit te/e
Co itll weitV eta"! all
bodit..4 .141 * 4ll * OP?rt
JOADINizer tia* 4ntrott ten 7- , E•
vinpollyi with, Figkrous k n ell
tAok* best4hay atty.
• , *
;, The aof . ,partsltes_Esitnaeters_joy,_ _ _
.7, A404 4 4 11 *
A.,„The.leatherkpeeidn, obsp".their wings,
And.lead their young ling train.
.Perchance the , hoary grandstre_ eye
The 'glowltyi 4
-'sceiter surveys, '
And ttraitbes. s blessing en ble Lace, i<y i s
424. r evening prOs".
TheT Mr`tet# iyer IN their frietell-4.: -
''. ~' Tbo 'l43llser of the soil;- . • '
- - ',"rbe c wirth;: *Or -- rootherigirei--them-b :.
' l "beiirtlesir patient toil.
. ,
.11 . ., IC4..bmii' ioln them:round their eAitey hearth, • '
~;- 1 - ----' llbil, sitearttelttpleawarw - wei
' :Mg le; c*.n .better judge how blest
The' EsllOf)ris lere nay be.
:7:3' : . r I-4: ' • , •
prises every variety pt manufacture-fitie black ;
Satin, silk, Velvet, Italian Sjtk, white, fattey
and hultMersei I les; Su m trier C loth, &A. - 1 t% I so,
. constantly on band • a large lot ni,T•RUN KS,
- , • Huts Carpet Li gs, Umbrellas, Honts &Shoes,
•= - Figriit!io Farm " I F 134 !•• • Winifriw; ISigdes. Violins, Aceordeona,'Gui:
~,,, ~,,, , • Barn Building. , . tors, Fltit.Fireq, , Meloileons,,Mirrors, • Ra
„i: te *enniylvania there is no completes i %ars, Spectacles,,,Spoons, iNatclies.& Watch
Withoucattarn, and the plan of construction is i•RollQ'tia; silk andcotton Handkerchiefs; Cra
almo.s'wiifortn. A bank barn is deemed' an rvars, Suspenders, Gloves, Stockings, Spring,
indisiensabie necessity. Theimmenseamatint l'Stneka,Sitirts„ . and , Shirt (301lars, and 'a splen
4ollimener thus invested, and the proportion i'llid assortment of I'EWF:LIIY—in fact every
1 thing in the way of Boy's and Men's furnish
whicliit bears to the value of the land itself,
is very ',satisfactory evidence of its pracifcal i ing Hue. - =
value. ; ..'Notwi thstanding the impression `that i ' (* - -rirat-rate , Chewing Tobacco always on
hand—k-ram article, which chewers are re
-elastain-other-Statew-ort-this subject; in -- iny :
~, ~
c Judgitterit.;',therecatrbe no gdoll and profitable' ' quested to try. '' t
fanniogwithmitit: Jhesnbject has„therefgr i e," ,
spffiment importance to,varritni the ensidera,-
tionaaithetherthiS Plan, Ash •Ititilfelin,t has' riot 1 '
been improved upon. .--,',1:21 !I; ",.; , • ~„,,•.i- . ..1.
There can be no d'otibt,'Wthe great superior
ity of the two storied hank-barn.. That plan
of structure which will most conveniently econ
ohilselip.e and lator
. vvill ,beist,proinote the
fanOils,ipiilsisl I Liarint,rleicili4ith • kind',
expittierite has ihetsirtytiOt e • great,eupetiorityl
of that 44014 .iti‘orntfierti ..' The- differencei
between them cannOrhe better expre exl,tijan
a' fi'Y SaylegritHat ihtilitiviiiiid' b rifri 'he's ` i°o lOW
~,,,....,,,,011eittib're the tither '4' and' its` ou delve
into th9(tplieit one.' it; Of,:'ectirt•ii, ' iiqut re's a
corresPontlinglieicht; of, irta.tliratbanki:--n0t.,.50
41glirhtivrAtil Painity'not n hi had, On ' 6101'4
; ,, fruilt /of 'folliiik latiii.,' : ',"l`he"nilper fidotit have _
a',,” ' . An asticerife r et alibirit thelovret; - •The
t ‘•
X,4 1 . 4 . - - ' f 8 1, 1 00 ttar., tti 11 W it , l ItTe/l4 ca
,..,,,a, „, -"!,„.,_ hake height ant.„deith of twenty
- -- 4 ' flatii'srit lifell'Uirciiingl V •Yettr
Pliditikiiittiont* the 'Middle- Of , ft.t'ziat.l3:qu pi,ich
Aintirdetion . andintiOwnlothe' hoi,toni of the
LintiarViehichi is em 'it leverWitiitheldwdi floor,,
lattidAlpittkiiii height iitatietVditt'sry btPli. l But
be' - par tiehliii irkattnc 'Of 111'4 114 - 'tilts 'irlinianie
tUilfrifsstonw*-hidhP'resiillit frStit' 'it'higli and ,
,deepMiast-Ltlittraiti lilt hay 'is 'Prirsied io;to 'al
Itspationstichiariliiiefir incredible - to' any one
'whtflutkiintiesiietiencedi,t ,
'A-fiiii: tilling the
fisow,lniatiyfulll . 'ytkrilre led ' to' tr i ender at iks
,eiflaeltylttriliceiVe tricire.''. I'rieed MAY 'Xild,
.'," that lilteithert'partti-orthe. barn areitilproved,
in theit: , teriVettleifee itneitutee 'hy'thiS siMPle
stiterattintlin,Oincipl4`;-that the Xike of your
barn is made to consist in its' heightinstead of
its, lengtiiiiitdpreikith'*lt,, °erlby rut save, in
point ot oc*enge . ., theextensiVe ropllng,,end add
• - •Aldtiagittiiyoiirligight:',O_ fi f tittll; Which you' do
itakelfroinitkiefigili and- breadth ;' and
*rhittleti.gifitils"; thet Ihilcte df,"prOlii re in 'Pack
. ingoliwayllritraie tavirtgoelabor, iiiiAuiritig
,bait one-'-orltOrci bind& tO put ytitir grain in a
mituill.rileir, Viten 'triro .or ' thh4 or' perhaps
,•*mr•Vitroultl• - he itililifexi in on Of greater space.
I. oßovitisighnt-onotiaSint .iircontreniOnee arta
+t t" To‘threith'grititi4ith a marline 14 ,
quires fonri.'five tat six haiidS--Ahe•, mini her
nir do-
Tending ulkei the eoetilencti . of putting &trey
thelstraw. , is tiisy to tiercinve the'illiference
inputtinrawliftterlitrln'tildwit and overshota
serettieFtr*belOwAher:threshing floor.' a ri d in
thiarion!a le-vet*its it , '`And so(41 after you
begin to get tiour,:yiniv grain thig stat 9 • Of the
van atisec rittd-it'ivill' he' filo& that One or
two hands liss kite' reqtilred.' 4 ' • '''' • ' - .' -
The cavieity of the tentrnian himk-,harri will
allow you - to thresh_ froth one hinkred to` one
liundrechtind -fifty buitiels ht 'a, time, and then
you must stop discharge your hands; and oc:
cupythirnexttlay"Or two in cleaning up and
getting your grain out of the way, whereas in
thwimproved.haru the threshed grain peases to
the lower floor, is not in!.. your way, and :you
threiiiVon'initil you are done. And in a burn
'thuStensttneted inure than double'the,inianti‘
Wean be threshed In i day. 'ln the' common`
barn, with the machine I use, it requires about
twenty-two minutes to rife threugh ten dozen, •
end-twenty seven,ntinutes ,to cave it up ; in
the improved ,one all thAinie lifeivin e ,.. up, be
ing mote than one-half,
,is, saved. -• Thcsarne,
machine, which will thresh one hutidredibusil' i
els aday ja.the fhrtiler, with cskle hand lessiwill
thresh Aro hundred bushels in the latter. ,Oite,'
of the ilrfrer, tioors is nsed ler , cleaning, your,
mid - the ;other- for, garne'rs ; , and both
constantly iisttfal,for,inany,other [mimeses.,
I "FOrkluPot.t to firtners --the examination of
thi.l r poprovement hefnre, the,y build a - barn. -
-', ' f Nov. ;'' . - i',/ ". iFREDFAUCK. WATTS.
Ciaidet. l3, 1.554...,- - ,
Hens , gatiiiiffitErggs,
'Pen 'kr
3liefoiklA tip for ;fatt e ning as soon as
, • •
yon pl ase. fal a tet,:tbey have '!onee ,coismenced
cating.',fheif efis; ~
There ; is no cure' or ,them,
We spetlkirdni e.Xperitice, s ays the .editor ,of
the lifoiari'isritt *th Guardian. . ; Two, years
. ttgo 'entire 'establishment,
consisting of adozgn porkings,waS'eendeturied
in like maniiiit. 'We fear' that we had taught
'the fekla habits of cannibalism by giving them
_the ahellir of their own eggs to eat. We tried
tnild gave them
bol Lgt4 Pea/ding hot; and after a first taste
ed their bills in. the gravel, : tarned the
and over a,
4 fevc: times wit err feet,.
then when • it,, T was ready Tor eating, fought
ellq."'scratchid over:,ilm. dainty morsel,. • and
swilletvedit lief* our eye S- , The cockerel. ,
who; ele'ri father <it a 'family: ought to have
icsxatsii beiterand set a'good example, strutted
sboness: if hehig,tily approved the transaction.
and" nceisionally , selected a daiiity wor.;el of,
ther,i , illt for' hiraftlf, t g w
hus beeoininorse t hal ►
nn secoiptice" in, ;the infanticide.—After this
Vie' adopted another expedient. We gown egg
blown, .104d:tilled the ,shell' with a composition
of mostird.'vinegar; aloe's, salts and other hor
rible, associations... The fowls got one good
dose and ranupanttdoWn the walk`chatteri ng
end shaking their heads with en expression pf
interiii‘disgusi, which was vety iudicious to
tratneai4:.,lytlEe Ali{ Samuel-Weller tt the liar
rogatie:Spa, they only tasted the liquor'orter ;
/but the'paiiihinent was useless, as we got no
- rtrore y w. ; „ ; • •
- 0004]* . .liobil for Kw.
_lkVitt*royt Aiijcltitural Society, i t wits
lattii4c494r. lAF, Methuen, Mass. took an
recoarairtiir pie ot saute. litter, and
-- ketety*o l taciiiii - nora wneekked, or.tuerety
with'Water. Tc; later /at be gave aa void
meala - trale .or Cooked. Da me on
untn:olied ineal leereased tune* more
~ than
*boeezm 0 0 raked, the expeliinent ult.; tbca
1014)(gais *alted in. fav-ot of raw
fict. you can - ite - acconiaratated - by-callint-,
R.C:ty:l; SAM at'
!ne4 l itow, rapidly at his - Store- t
York s treet, oppiisite the .Bank.„, it very-!
iihOie r e 'and 'cheap, isitOitnien't of
ai ' lt Or
. n ,/ 1 9%
AP which be invites the atter - ion of the public.:
They Scare been selected with great care in the
A:astern cities, have been bought, cheap for
- : - -ctiab,and - will-bill sold cheap for cash--cAeopert
akirn at: any, other iitablishosent in' Gettyabarg.l
7 - 109, - ; steel: , ftonsiinfii, in part of Black.
,and 'Green 'CLOTH COATS. with
, ,
frocit,oress and: sack coats; aleo -Tweed,
r-Ca-grinere.-analtaliarveloth_; alsoa large stock
of 0 V MI; COATS, which , cari7t_he heat in va
iie(y.rtinaTitY cities; also a
verysuperior aviek Of PANTALOONS.
part Of, ;excellent and ,wefl „node
frenek -I)Ori•skin. Casaitnere.l, - Fancy,
Satirietts, -Velvets,
,Pord; :j.dinen
and,Coitonade.. The stock of ,Vli;STS‘..corn.,
November 13. 1854. tf
rpitig: ' vicar 'lin' , 1 4 :0"r'ripe Is i s igetf engrossing
public attention, and • viten - generally are
going irp - . -- But the undersigned would suggeat '
to his,enato Prt and , ;.eyeryhody:,elise that he'
has foto 4... he, 'city, - tk r i th the
cheapest and beat stock-of
: 61 P il h g .V 2 1 1 1° 't 5 744 a '
, reQufeationary,.; Fancy: Soaps,.,Eo:,
he ;kis ,ovei;geinre ‘offertil.i and judge
forlotirselvPis,! - and if yon do''-not pronounce
.his goodS Ille'ehenpest - and beat' - ynn
have evtir tooked- at. 'then ,is he greatly , Ink , -
' taken. Fl f34ock. own pri eT, in p!rt , , C ()frees,
Stiitare:Tilt El, 6eotalek;; Sy itipM, , M
Cry nkeri,Pi . antee' : Voin'ong, Alniond.44 Palm
N Pea' •N nt ish Waltiu ts; Filbert's ;
iennfeetiOntir:y,'of hundred carte;'Pepper,
einntnon; Olotieti,''SOda : 'S'aleraitii, Washing
=Soda, 'if - large titrieiji• 41' Fancy Soaps, and
everythint else
,-cOr Ocuritry : -Prodnee taken in ex
'Change for -
The , Flour and Feed business
is coniltitied : ,
„: liiihent 'Market Pticeti paid.
In '}'nn. Streel,at the laps(' Office.
Oeliyithull.: A pal 04,
- ABRAM 'ARNOLD has 'ns . ro-.
turned from the Laster!) cities, with the
largetit and best selected stock of goods. for
Men and Boys'-wear ever before - ofrered,which
,imeticueelomakil*Up, at th'e Stai:d; where
he invites all wite'iViihio' purchase CLOTH.'
MO, Mis10:01 - : -
<65 C3thGiaC 1 etatt .15i llt ail an. 9
and .by gapd Iwprkmeii, .to calraiul,eamihe
Tija stock *fOre_, purchasing, elsewhere, as he
'i's;determ fined lo' liittfet 7 s - ell any ‘plothing . Store
or SlOp Shop
,ire thOown
flaing:iecured the services of one 'of the
beit'CUI"PliMS in the Country, lie is prepared
'to . tudk6 6' M
p:clothing at e shortest notice and
'ln she ' heist style: His motto is .Quick Sales
and SmaJl Profits, -
rr H E alit.lttiWor„ , Tettehe itt - ' rected to'
,the 36itiseclion of the. new tichool Law,
Whiell'retidil ' its hollow's :....." . ItAlatt bathe duty
Jar (Warr 'reacher einployied under the proiti'-
sions of this Act, to make nut and file with the
,Board of Directers ur Controllers of the
trict, at the end of each month, a Report, set.
ling forth• the •whole number•ot pupils attend=
ing ,achool tiering that month, • designatin g
whether snitl4 or female; the nuMbei of days
each , attended,: the• books used •and branches
taught; and until each Repert shall have been
made. it shall not be• lawlel for the - Board of
Directors.lto, pay such Pearlier for his or her
services. The Reports made in pursuaece of
thn'Teregoing pinvistotts; , Slialf he regalarlV
'filed by the Secretary ok'the ,Buard - ot three
tom or Controllers, Jind shall ,at all times he
subject ,th%theitifspekiolt , dlevery4iiizeit of the
, .- '
..-fr:The Reports,' AS above, have just been
publised. in handsome style; and the stibscri-'
ter trusts will Janet-the approval of Teachers
• -
•hh:i,LEit F U RTZ.
November 13,1854.-
NTEI).• -
PERSONShavirig Flay to RelLwilldowell
by' callint nti - the - -sahaeriberi :Gettya
bufg, Who:is'.4loSirouti of.purellasing.' , Tire
highest market price. will be paiti nuall
•LIZrA.s • heiintentie having. tire Hay. after
being- packed'. hanled. either ,•to' Hanover or
Baltimore, the -preference v. lino! v, i l l be given
to those frote w hom *he tnav porch:Ara.; • •
• • • • •tit.) 1.0 M 0 N• PO WEBS.
:Dec. 6, IRO.. • tt' , • • • •
. -- Af1314,114 1 :AT 111.9:11 1
no - rket sheet, 1164 4 WA, • Philadaphitt.
C. I. Bush fi Bro. Proprietors.
qll-11S.H nose has' 41 Item ral ion ; nn one
J,„ .of the orkompal thorimOtrares city,
No efrort...ipo,retl, 40 make vimters comfortable:
81.00 per day.
Jtuie. - 12, , ly
''lrLiliii:4l,A r lIIVIT
No. 240
JOHN G. KNOI)E, .Siiperiialemdcul.
Aldy 8,. 185.1. Ay ,
StelPSoil I' lourgits,
ihe beet qua:ity, always on hand. and
for tieqramirtr.:at the Foundry o f
T adieS l DreMS (roods. of wrery Riyte,
b-lk- Alpaeca for 1-2 k crnts;. merit 1.23;
I)..begts from - 16 v to 371 nIS; ealienes Iron'
to 12; M u lin froin 5 to IRJ; and ••everYthing
rice in prop ,rtinn. at ilte'New Sion.
Oct. 16. J. 'S. GRA
fIOME,ON 1':I CO A 1, !—Ti see th ol e
cheap Goodsjost received Itv
Oct. 2. A. ARNOLD:
cec—rat , SCHICK'S.
- I)ERFLI MELLY of all kinds will hp filtini
411. SCIUCK'S.:
*ixid, up ia_ the -Novi Come and Bee TTs
• Read alt and say w4etherlifislaol
sithse'ither hh!ijsist Te r tetrilti trMp / Old
tlity, with it - and' Aim 'asiiiir,t.;
tnentr i nt L. •• /. •
Itat4(CaPit.Bodte and Shoes
of every deseriptionund fashion, wh felt; ha:will
sell on gond terms, foreash or its - equivalent.
1 have done n heavy Credit twines* far
nearly years, -.trtid, the cons
,clitertoe -has
been a he avy nn 'sales. I . now in t end
datinenty whaler tine& to my Stnre - ,'-and keep a
larze It!fillallient - of 11 AT! Sed 'Bll 01;8, and
*ell. them Its cheap as anybody else can. fur
Cash, or its equivalent. payment - in a abort
time, and for Country .Produce punctually de.
livered ,when wanted—and - entirely destroy
the old habit of lent/Credit. By" this plan 1
Stock. and sell Goode an het-
Ge - wts - niE triTdrcze
ten terms. o'Cokne"an
for, youriselvett4 ' ' .• •
GtintiernerOs anei Ladies'..Gaiters; Eldoking,
lenny.Linds, .oxfoisl Ties; &e.; and'
ren'A Shoes, always on hand,: • • . 1
Boots and Shoes made to order - whenever
„-, Philadelphia make. of Silk Hats, Citizens',
Cohan, Know Nothinri, Wide AWake.'
stith, and old men's Fur Ind Wool Hats, to
gether with trien'S.:b4yi'and eltildi:en"S Hats
arid Caps,, of alll'olllls-rind -sizes.
. Gettysburg, eletOheri
For the the Fall a'nd Winter Campaign pf 1.85-4-55.
boars 841,
Tsubscriber invites the attention Oldie
eitizens;of Adorns. brinety, to .his large
antt splendid stock
varying r.trtiCe!••frozu cents to $4;
Fur, 'Plush, Cloth, and Glazed. Caps,
-. Ar frosp : l•2.* to $4•59
(Men's and lloys') - , from' St:to S 5-4 Buffitio
and Gum Overshoes, Gentleatea's and La
dies' sizes; ,
S if 0
comprising every "viirietY of Gentlemen's,
Boys". Yentit's. Ladies' and Misses" Shoes,
of Country. City and Eastern manoTai•ture,
which - We offers formate on the most reasona
ble terms for Cash, or on' the usual credit to
undoubted prompt paying cm.tomers.
Feelire.graleful for the ineu3i-favors already
hestowed 7 by his. friends, he 'still' liqes to
,share-their patronage by unremitting attention
to their calla. . .
filir'The subscriber's connection with the
Beok and Stationary business is still continer
ed, and be earnestly invites the attention of
purchasers to. his present unrivaled 'stock of
Miscellaneous an School. Books, Stationery,
&c. , [Nov. th
,11 AS just opened one of the,largeat,.pret
fiest and cheapest. Et pcJis of ALL &
'VVILNTI , M GOODS ever brought to Gettys
burg, and he invites the public to call, exam
ine and' judge ,for theinsetves-r-no trouble to
show Goods. His newislock etnbraces a very
large variety of ,
Ladies' Dress GoOds.,
such as
,Silks, Titre Satins, Moos Delanes,
Bombazines ' 'French 'M eri noes, De Rav,es,
Alpaccas, Coburg Chiths, Ginghanis, Cali
coes, &c. Szo, &c. "
In the line. of Gentlearen'm Wear, he
his ,selected a choice lot, of all styles.and
prices : Coths,- Cassinieres, Vestings, Sati
nets,,Keniucky Jeans, &c. &c. - •
His stock of P./hvc Y GOODS is also very
fine, and' too numerous: to enumerate.' Call
and see. '
'Thankful for past favors, SCHICK-elicits
a continuance of public patronage. He will
ala%riys endeavor to deserve it,' by sCiling good
Grids, at, the lowi>st living prices. " Quick
:pules and ' Profits," is his rhotto.
' , October '23, 1854. ' '
.•atata .4111 1 32Z1, - ,
AAT' E are .pleased to announce to our many
friends and customers, that we are
prp'pated to offer the CHOKES ' ASSORT
MENT 9F" GOODS ever opened in the coun
ty. We have been enabled to purchase' our
Nall Stuck such prices as have never before
been heard of, and we challenge the county to
produce ti larger &•more general assortment of,
,Fall and Winter Goods,.
or nt as tote a . price as we, offer then) :o the
public. For quality and r aheaPness, we assert
that tnir present stock cannot he equalled in'
the:county, and to prove our assertion we
vite the people to come and judge for them
selves--confident that tWir verdict will sustain
us in our efforts to furniAt . them with the
,Cebtirgs of aßcolots, French Merinos, cheap
er than ever krwwn; Debago Alpacca, Mons
Delaine, Cashmere, Alpacca, 'Mohair Lustre,
Brocade, cheapest Black silks ever olfered,
inLthams,:Chainbra Shawls, square a nki Inn',;
Bay State, Brodie, Cashmere; I),ross isrim
mirws, Needle Work, Swiss and Jacnnett;
Edging, and Insertion. Flouncing, French
Worlod Collars,.Bonnet Ribbons, &c.
FOR GEISTP:M . EN—We have a choice
asf4orituett% of tilolits, Cassinsers, Over
coatinir,,cfassnets, &c.. 'Come early and se
lect your, goOds—look before you buy Plio ,
where. Don't-furgei the Store at the ,, sign of
the Red Front,
.october IG, 1854.
F:Lucy Articles.—To see a fi ne col.
lection of Fancy articles, at very reduc
-ekl prices, go to Fahnestocksi, where you ca n
select front a lartre assortinent,including Sew
ing Birds, Port ,Monaif.S, Ca/MS.P.ins,
worked. Swtsii, Cain Honoton and
nett Collard, Top and Side emnhs• life.
all of which an he purcho . sed at the I nwesi
fines at the sign of the RI!) FRox.r.
r IN GS, MUSLINS.Rze.—Snine mere
of those (+rill) Ticking:, Minflins. Aze.,
haw. been rer«iveid•hy . A. ARNOLD.
Li . HA LS.--;A him 1 0 ! of Lay State Sh - aivls,
1. Gnu.; and Square ; Bruche and Thibet
Shawls—a splendid variety,•and tri:vin2 at the
cheapest rates. at SC HICK'S
_ .
101) A, Suznr ;111(1 Water CIL k ERN,
1.1 Ginger Nuts. SC-itch and -Jenny Lind
Cakes. (a new article, and not to he beat,) fui
sale. cheap, by the ilound or less, at
April 24. GILLESPIE'S.
:LIME= .11,11 L, M. D.,
AS h;aoflieennedoor wester the Lutheran
church, tiprstityg street, and pp
;psi te ararrunfee store, where those wishing
likv"f; any:Oe ntal Op e ration 'Ferran:tied
are . reepeofuily)nv,ite4,to, call. _ ,
Dr. D. Gilbert, Dr: a, N. lierluohy,DT.,D,
Horner, Rev,. C. P. Kraut!): D.D., Rev. H. L
-13aliglier, D. P.. Rev. Prof, William M. Rey
nol(l6,,Rev.—lpcobs, PKof. M.L.Stcever,
Uellystrurg, April ,1 1., /853. if '-
HAVING located permanently in Gettys
burg, °Pre filerpiofessional services'
the' ptiblic., Office and - residence in York,
street, opposite the' Bank.
Gettysburg, April 24, 1854. ly
(Office' 'removed to 'one ilooi West of Ituebler's
.,-DrugAßoolt.-store, Chanabertiburg-street,)
Attorney &. 'Solicitor 'iftir Patents,
and -PeaSionis,
BOUNTY Land ,Warrants, Back-Pay ens
pended Claims, and all other claims
against the Government At Washingten; D. C.:
also A tnetican claim sin England. Land War
rants located and sold, or bought, and highest
prices given.
.Agents engaged in locating warranie in '
lowa, 'lllinois, anti other Western States; and
lands for sale the-e. •
()..Apply to liint . personally or by letter.
Gettysburg, Nov. 21, 1853. ly,
_ Attorney. at Law, -
HAS taken Mr. STEveNsorea office, North
West Corner or Centre Square. . •
11e6rente.;—;:fun. Triaa - daitt t~vene; Lam=
caster. -
Gettysburg, January 2, 1854.
-er s.t. -
4 . 4 r "I2 IYrIZS I Y SEW
Wl f ) 4 l i is ti i l n ru es il s Y a en rid tr ' „ P slead mi) t i o lY l a „ i r i n end- f t / o e
spe.aks Jhe Ger mrth laitgunge. Office 3 t the
same" place. "in' SOnth Baltimore street, clear
Forney's Drily: -Store, and nearly opposite
Danner d,r,' Ziegler's &re. • [March 20..?.
Attorney at law.
~FFICEI on the south side of the Public
Square, two doors west of the Sentinel
office.' Aug. 22, 1853.
nFI•'IUE in the south-west corner of the
Stpiare, formerly occupied by 1). Mc-
Conaugliy. Esq. Will attend promptly to all
business entrusted to his care.
Gettysburg-, May 15, 1854.
TE stibseriber hereby give's notice, to those
JL who hat;e promised him WOOD on ac
count, that he -is in want of it, and that unless
it is delivered forthwith, without any further
notice, the AcCou tits willbe placed in the hands
oCan officerlor collection, and the money re
quired.. T. WARREN.
Tundersigned has just returned ~ from
the City with a large supply of ,F-14181-1 .
GOODS, which heIS prepareil to sell at prices
which beat. His stock consists of.
or all kinds, Sugars, Molasses, Co ff ees, Teas,
Fish; Salt, Cruckevs, ,Cheese, Picided. Cu•
caw bers,.&e.
Fruits and Confections,
Oranges, Lemons., Figs, Raisins, Prunes, &c.
—Also,. Pow-der, Shot,. Tobacco, Segars,
Gail's celebrated German Smoking Tobacco,
and a variety of other articles—Also, a .first
rate assortment of the best qualities of
Wines ano Brandies,of different kinds,N.
Rom, Holland Gin, Old Rye, &c.-- t all of
which can he had on the_ lowest terms at _the
Stere of the Subscriber, in South Baltimore
street", next door to the 6,Star'',office.
0 - -Also, always on hand a variety of Stone
r. 1 .Z..c —Give us a call.
Getty May 15, 1854.
RE,*illinOrteeriify that the 14 4.IIIA
AA- WAY COO-KING .STO V 14.1 is the very
best Stove- tyckv tin use, inasmuch ns' they will
do more Cooking, HOa - Sting and Baking, and
do it with less
_labor, and last se long againas
any' other stove now sold. These celebrated
stoves'are' constantly' kept for sale at a 'very
reduced price, at the
Gettysburg Foundry ScHlachine . Shop
where the subscribers, feeling determined fo
snit all persons, have also the Parlor, Sexton's
Baltitnore Air-tight, Peakskell, - and Cabinch
Cook Stove, and Air-tight and Ten plate Par
lor Stoves, of the most beautiful patterns.
The Seylar Ploughs ;
which cannot be surpassed for lightness of
draught, or in the charaeter of their work,
are constantly on hand for sale, and in view
ofthe factthat the Mouldboard of these Ploughs
is one fourth heavier than that of otherploughS,
it is decidedly the cheapest that can be ob
Castings' for the Woodcock Plough, Wind
mill machinery, Castings and Hollow-ware,
with every article usually made at Foundries,
can be obtained here.
( . "—Blacksinithintr an d Shiw Making as
Dre.3e,lFlsl. tf
tfllTlll%'i , ''.?4, - 4'; 1 - I'SCEL!gl'a
Cheap Watches k Jewelry,
AN Had°,l,i`i 3 , B 4 -4 1.1:' . 1 1.„1; . :RililrireAr‘ipli iath
l ryS t lO e P rPN h T i o l :
9G North Second street, corner of Quarry,
Geld Lever WittcheA. full jeweled, IS caret cases, SIS 00
Gold Lepine , . 1%, caret. - . - - 2,1 00
Silver Lever.. full jel% eled, - . db. 1:.: 00
•::-'il , ;er he pium. j...v.e1,„ - - - 900
:Stt).erior quarlierN t . . . . - 700
th.1 , 1-sll eel:l,, . . - 700
Fine Silver 1/11,..• • / M)
• .
Ili e,ll ilr.weleti. - - 3 01)
tarli.,' tioll i'eneil4. ' - . - 100
Sitter Te.t Spoon-. s•kt.. -- 500
1.;1•1,1 Pen, 1% ith Len •il .in.: Silver Holder, - - 1 00
“.1111 ri l? tiej,s , 47i et'lltri u* - O; Vki ale!), pl , iin, 123 Grills, patent ISi; [.. 1 1 net 25;
other articles in proportion. All goods war
ranted to be what they are sold for.
ST A V F F E It .&.- El A RLE Y .
On hand, smite C;o16 and Silver Levers and
Lepines, still lower than the above prices.
Sept. 25. IRSL ly
U Linens and Tick i rtv a. for crate
T H. SKELIGY respectfully , inforrimf'his
0 • old ciiittorricre and the public gene'raily,
that Ate, continues= the TAILORING- Ban! ,
NESS; at his old stand, in Sentb Baltimore
street, where he. will be bripprtoaccomModate
ail =who may patronise 'hits.` All - work en.
trusted to 'his -care warranted to fit' eird__'he of
most substantial make. Thankful fur 'past
favors, he toilets-'a continuance of pufilic,pai.
iron age. - ,
flOr The New York Spring Ain& &owner
Fashions are received. Call and ieelherii:
- Gettysbni,g, May 1, 1'854. - • ,
A LARGR -addition to our stock of Hard
-13.. ware, Carriage Trimmings, Ste:, has
beep made, and those in want of any article in
that line, should not fail to examine our sleek.
We pledge'nurselves to cell cheaper than 'ihe
cheapest. Come to- FA H N E'STOC K3'.
October 16,1854.
. .
.WATCHt S„ . J
sitreiivare J . Fai9ey -
A Oiace Assortment, of ti* finest
• ,ity,_ll?!.:§ale at the Lowest. Prices, at -
Wm. B. , Eltonkemrir
Betweeri'Fine and Union. West side, Phitad'a.
EI E a94ortment embraces a Large and se
-1 lei: Stock ur Fine Watches, Jewelry, Si/vcr
Ware, Rawria Ware, plated with fine Silver, in
Spoons, Forks, Ladles, 4.c.—Jet Goods, bins
and Fancy Articles of a superior
.quality"' de
serving the examination of ;hose who desire to
procure the besigoods at the LuwesteaskPrices.
Having a, practical kno Wedge of the he fa
rness, and avallablelacilities for importing
and Manufacturing, the - subscriber confidently
invites pu'rchasers, believing that he can sup
ply them .On terms as faVorable as , any ether
establishment in either. ofihe Atlantic Cities.
Az:7-.All kinds. of
.Diamond anti-Pearrlmwel
ry and 'Silver Wa're-Manufentured to order,
_within: a_ reasonable • _
(j Watches,. 4evvelry and Silver , Ware
faithfully repaired. - . ,
- —WM. B. turo.HEAD',.
Is 4 Soutb. 24 Bt.,
- • it few gore above the 2(t St. Market, West*Shle.
D?" I n the South 'Window of the Store, ma
he seen the: famOns - BIRD' 'CLOCK, whiCh
commands the admiration of the scictit.ific and
el)ii OHS. • •
October 2, 1854. -ly
THIS W • ,
THE undersigned, having purchased the
. Carriage-making establishment of
Graham, respectfully informs the public
generally that 'he will continue the said
business at the old stand, in Washington street,
half a'sqUa re &Om Chambershurg street, where
he is prepared to manufacture to order, a;
short notice,
Carriages, Rookaways; Buggies,
'He flatters himself that his - Mork 'IS a little
ahead• of any turned out by - any other estab
lishment in • the place—having none but the
best of workmen employed, and using none
hut the best materials. His prices are moder
ate. 11.REPAI RING done at short notice:
• Country produce taken for anything in`liis
Fine. - J. BARRETT.
Ge-ttysburgh 13, 1854. tf"
For the 'Cure of 'Hernia or Rupture.
it t CKNOWLEDGED by the highestmed
ical 'authorities of Philadelphia,',lncOm
parably.superior-to any other In use. • • uffer
ers wilt be'g,ratified to learn_ that the occasion
now offers io procure not only the lightest and
most easy, hut as durable a Truss as any other,
in lieu of the cumbrous and uncomfortable grti•
de usually sold. There is no difficulty
ding the fitting, and when the pad is located,
it will retain its eirisition without change.
Persons at a distance unable to call on the
subscriber, can t . have the Truss sent to any
address, by remitting Fire Dollars for_the sin:
gle Truss, or Ten,for the double—with meas
ure round the hips and stating side affected.
It will he exchanged to suit it not fitting, by
returning it at once, unsoiled.
For sate only by the dlinpurter.
Cor. Twelfth el" Race: Sts.,' Philadelphia.
LA aims, requiring, the benefit orMeehan
ical Supports, owing. to derangeinent of theln
'erne] Organs, inducing Falling of the Womb,
Vocal, Pulmonary, Dyspeptic, Nervous and
Spinal Weakriess, are informed that.a conifie
tent and eiperienced'J f kov willbegin-atten
dance at the It ooins,.,(set apart. for their exclu
sive use,) No. .114 TWELFTH Street, first
. dooc,below—Raco., [July 3,.1854. ly
- -Picture Frames, &c.
NATE invite the public to examine our Rll
perior stock of Plain and Oriminental
We are manufacturing every description of Gill
Work and Fancy Woud Frames, on the most
pleasing terms. Also, Importers of riench
and .German Looking -Glass Plates. Old
work . Re-Gill with neatness and despatch.
Ate — Persons visiting Baltimore will do well
to examine Our assortment. Orders from the
country will be attended to faithfully and
M. BARRETT zz; BRO., Gliders,
• 82 Howard St., corner Saratoga,
opposite "Westernßotel," Baltimore,
May 8, 1854. ly
WEAVER respectfully announces to
04 0 the Ladies and Gentlemen of Gettysburg
and vicinity,.that. he has resumed the Daguer
reotype business, at the old stand, in Cham
bersburg street, where he will he happy to re
ceive visitors desirous of securing perfect
Daguerreotypes of themselves or friends.
Being furnished with an entirely new and
c o stly apparatus, he is prepared to take pictures
in every style of the art and insure perfect
va-Clitirges from 50 cents to $lO.
Siarßows of operating from 8 A. M. to 4
P. M.
Jkirln dress avoid light, red, blue, or pur
ple. Dark dress adds much to the beauty of
the picture. Sept. 18, 1854. if_
Tut: subscriber has completed his new
Steam Mill, and is now prepared to SAW
TIMBER,and CHOP GRAIN at usual ra,es
and -short "notice. Farmers and others can
have sawing and Choppinir done at any time.
`(Hanover prices in Cash will he paid for
Rye, Corn and Oats, at theta/Steam Mill.
0::r Feed constantly on hand and ale.
Augrist 11, 1851. 1y
__ _
f ri SUES for sale at the Grzysburg Steam
triii - iiiEti s Kßtiiii 60 ; 1 4- lin't
1 "4: ny icing lostzunii 3 OY rinrinircbasi no!
bonds st Mews!: knOwn PH RAP' STO:ftg,
DI Abram 'Ainol4,l; o:d stand,: OO
Sociih ast'corierr ofAbe , Disinnlik, r iihgre: be
% 'is no rii6.olie!riti,Cif‘. fireniiiii and
l'besi seliieteatoetil of
• rah- aiii*tar;3ol7•.Gai•Odii, -
egerbefore .00zeifs of. Adams
as. follows
131ael;. and . -Vroarrt, French:" Cloths,
^Fancy, Fel t.a &Rea to: r gipthls. for, Civer teats,
Newest .s4l,t,ts„)= t Ailack; and ,Es may_ ;Mos i •
rfi r eies:TYyreOgr.Jftri# ica*llittots,4zet Ote,ifor
Itiermoes, , Plais:St#:• Floansis,
ai l to a beaatifa I assorropot otS`atios -ma Sit Its
for. BOnnets,-, fiost44, ttiMoo,-aad.,a,freat va
riety others ft hish . - - ths pshiltr
are respeettiajty retro:l44Ni, tozalk,a!:4 .etantine
for thearts, s, g9lvp_suboliauirtg 014 k /l. i.S IM,lrneeVssa
ry to see oeoflS t jqiee tbian f a ad eraaaaftwi to
joctu l *:pew.ns;,ts ,, porr-Aitf#:' A rage '; lot 0
Tr!Palcs alhO'regeitd, 4 wirckwilt
Oeiober 20.80. •
..„. „
• .Gtl6igil, Atriod.
inr AS now entered IA Ittn, Clothing ipteinclo
_Et extensivnly,. and has,
tx.,r!gitiKrs p x;Vggi. KivitN ,
in his rniikiyinert.t, cppetant!y cutting oat and
making,. up, out of his.ow:n niQatlev 0, vPr Caal9*
Dres Coats , P.!atatagnav Vega*, -.Monkey
&c..4ce. ,
All kinds of IClC9tlifirfg" Fob
short notice., „CQnstalitlY , 9n:llan.d and. for nale
a gica r tyarietynf,Cl(ol42, 0%44 PW.4 1 .: 111 44 11 -
,fiteturin4, as cheap tie tha_.theppes4 -,C411-030
nee diva. eanßot**ll.-
r4PTATt - RAX.0,0 1 00 4.
WHOLE 541.4 41firTh ROT.RIL'
TH g subscribers are daily addiag
tensive asgoriment of- IPPaper:4larit
lags arid. Borders, .stsuq- per and:oMo-,
styles for their Spring- wales,' to'ishich
they ask the attention . of -the trade 'and
_copra). The assortment O . A -ramp new
DRAW 'ire• t+ -v'ti,ln
gold,' plain -and-rich co lorevalschttildsoin
designs-for Passages, - Dinitnt ROMs. Sm.
Ai so, a large variety of commonand nuedittin
quality Satin and 'Common Papers - of new
and tasteful designs. larOur eity and coun
try friends are intrid to view the alsertMent,
confident they 'wilt find it the largest in the
city, and prices as Tow; as we have greatly-in
creased our facilities, by introduein many new
improvements in our factory. ' • -
207 Baltimory St., between ellarTee had sat.
May 8, 1854. ly
. 3 Cott for "
noLLowtvios OINTMENT.
OU have clone me the honor as with one
1 voice, from one end of the Union to the
other, to stamp -the character of my: Ointment
with your *probation; ft is, scarcely twe
years since I madelt known toyou, and alrea
dy it has obtained ,more celebrity than 'any
other medicine in so shr ! rt a period.
• „ T,EIO.M.t/,WAY.„
38; corper:of;,.9n 407. Nassau sta., New Yotk.
Copy of a Letter from Mr.- J. W Lanier. of Thratsvillai
Yadkitike4North Carolina. dated Nov. 114 7 1858.-
trF ig
p D I -11:' WORDS.
To PitBoli 01.1.0 Sfr,-.ltis
my wish to become notorious, nOther' 'ks.lllo
letter written for 'the m e re
.sakeolwriting; : blit
to`Say„that your f Oitittile,at cured ine_efone oj
the-most dreadful cinariegui diseaseS that flesh
is heir to, and-which was COnsideie . d "by, all
who knew me, io'be entirely beyond the reach
'of medicine. For nine years'l was' afilieted
with one of the most "painful and trou:hiesmn‘
'sore legs that ever fill to„the lot o(man; and
after trying every medicine I
,had ever heard, be,
I resigned to despair all hope' of being cnied ; -
but a friend brought me a "couple ofiargep,qt, .
of your Ointment; which caused the'.sores,o,a
my legs to heal, and I - entliely 'regained
health, to my agreeable surprise and .4elight", w
and' to the astonishment of my friends: '
' (Signed) J. W,,LANGLEY. '
Copy of-a Letter from Mr. R. Durant, New °Awns', Nod
vember 9th, 1853.
To PaoFEsson HOLLOWAY, 38, Corner of
Ann and Nassau Streets, N. Y. Dear Sir .1-2 ;
it is with heartfelt gratitude I have to.irformr
you - that by the use of your Ointment anti
Pills, the life of my wife has been saved.
Vor. seven years she had. a
,bad breast, with
ten running wounds; (not of a ;cancerous
tore). I was told, that nothing could iave her:
she was then induced to use your Oiritment,
and Pills, when in, the short space of three
months - , they, effected a perfect cure, to the.
aStoniShment of all Who knew -us. 'We ob
tained your Medicines from Messrs. Wright
& Co., of Chartres-street, New Orleans. 1
sen.d, this from "Hotel des Princes,'.' Paris,,
although I had written, it at New Orleans,
before we finally left, at that time, not know
ing your address at New York.. .
(Signed) . R. I) utRANT.
The Pills should be used conjointly with the' chnti font in
most of the following cases
aid LegoOontradted and Lamb - age Sore-t roats
Bad Breasts ' Stittloitits ' Skin-diseases
Burns Fistulas Rheumatism Scurvy •
Bunions Gout Salt Rheum Sore-heads
Chilblains Glandular Scalds tleeni
Chapped hands Swellings Sore :Nipples Wounds ,
*** sold at the b:stablishinent of PIESeSSOT
HOLLOWAY, 38, Corner of Ann and Nassau
Streets', New' York ; also by all respectable
Druggists and Dealers in Medicines through.
out the United States, in Pots, at 37i cents,
87 cents, and $1,50 cents each. To be had
Wholesale of the principal Drug Houses in
the Union.
(* -- "Thete is a conSlderable saving by tak
ing the larger sizes
N. B.—DirectiorirfOr the guidance of pa
tients in every disorder are affixed to each . Pot.
July 3, 1854. lyeow
ri-lurroN & BROTHER, F'ashi'onable
bers and flair Diwsers, can at ail times
be found prepared to attend to the calls othe
people,at the 'I emple, in the Diamond, adjoin
ing, the County Building. From long expe
rience, they flatter themselves that they can go
through all the ramifications of the TO1180•.-
'a I emr - turent - will . i—such an infinite__
degree of skill, as will meet with the entire
satisfaction, of all who .nay stihmit their chins
to the keen ordeal of their razors, They hope,
therefore, that: by tli - eir - attentiorr - to - business,—
and a desire to please, they will merit as well'
as receive,-a liberal share of public patronage.
The sick will. be attended to at their private
d wellings.
Gettysburg, Jan. 13.1851. tr
W A. ARNOLD is:, ri ! vv. receiving a large
Lot of Queensware;.ivh, , he will sell low.
611 and see. - Oct. 2.
poN NET Velfets,Si itti:4,!nd Silke, ver y
P low, at ' NDIFVK •