The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, December 18, 1854, Image 3

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    . , .....
4 , Americans .Erlist Buie Amenqa: . 1 THIE.ESCAPE OP MISS BuNit..ET:—Ttie Fred- ; - 117- CFIRIST3I As rS comina l ..the. gtx)d o pld jolly time, when
This is
the captivating yet sp e c i ous mo t to crick Citizen has a long letter from, the Lady every one's heart is supposed to erponftwith kin ily syro
insci bed upon the banner of the new -pmscrip. Superioress of the ...Sisterhood" at Efrain ts- pathy to all monk flfi, and to one's special friends in
dy likes to receive present at that kindly par
't ns
tine party which glories in the cognomen of , burg, in relation to the escape of Miss Bunkley. tieular: veryli
We make the following extract : r se:ezon from his friends. and in return he expects to make
‘‘Know-Nothings," in order to swell its ranks , - .
from the ignorant .and unsuspecting in the ; .4 C i te Btateitient put forth - thatletters written ; some. Now -Esttsa Rcwrz knows that, and, in order that
. community. Now, at the first glance, this. ,to Miss Bunkley by her father. and others-of
there may be no excuse for those unwilling to invest, and no
l oo ks v ery lair and patriotic : but, did it never , her family, were withheld from her, or returned disappointment to those who are anxinisto_do so, and no
. "
strike any one that behind this rallying cry of , tO the writers. is altogether untrue; they were, obstacle in the way of those not overburdened with this
the- new organization was concealed the most I invariably delivered to her. Her letters to her! worid'igoods,'' he has provided himself with aselect, beau
aristocratic principle ever - promulgated in this. family or friends were always sent as address- 1 UM and ones P assortment of books and foncyartlcles. Thus,
free- land--tlitit within the petals of this fair •
; ed. On one occasion o nig, when, after her many 1, he has variety for those who are hard to please--die can sup
rose lurked and rankled the deadliest poison ? Professions of a desire to spend her life as a Sis- i ply the generous, and almost giveaway to this po. •
B e it remembered that the whole meaning of ' ter of Charity, ,she spoke in a letter to her lath- ! Just call in and examine his stock, and under f or expand
ing influence of the season, thebeauty and taste of his goods,
the-motto—" Americans must rule America," , et of spending six months at St. Joseph's, T ask- '
and their astonishing cheapness, he is sure to sell.
upon vvhillinew party islounded, is th e ed her meanince. and she that 'she did ,
exclusion o pted - citizens from office — noth - i not wish her father- to know her intention to be- 1 froLurror ,- ; biNvisNT.—A kliraeulous Cure pf Ulcerous
ing more. The opinion entertained by these ;( Conte a Sister, though he suspected it.' I then told . Sores'.—Auusius Cook, a compositor, in the office of ono of
patriotic gentlemen then is, that those who fin i her -not to deceive her father: that God would :the papers, published in Philadelphia,was_afilisted_lbr_a
the various offices in this republic are the rulers ; not Wesslier - urniertakiiiwif - she did. and I ad- ' liing time with scrofulous sores on his arms and lege; his
and not the servants or agents of the people : i vised her to write it over again. She did so, and case in the end become so despe rote, that it. appeared evident
• that the office-holders are our masters and 'e the totter sent. I cannot now remember' I ' hircre:t forsake his employinent. A ald
however, pe..-
their constituency bond slava , ; thus ignoring whether she took the first letter back or left it i 'waded him to use Holloway's Oiotmeut, and to take the
and setting" themselves up, in opposition to the with Me to be destroyed. This I presume is the , Pills according to the printed directions, which he did. if
whole-theory upon Which our republican sys- .incident which has been perverted into a charge j ter a short time, he found himselfToonsiderably better, and
tern is based: Was this the idea of JEFFERSON 1 I ag ainst us, that we, destroyed her letters to her jby persOveriniwith these remedies, in a few weeks ho was
_ .
who, fresh from the perils of the Revolution,
repttdiate4 the “ divine-right" of-Kings to rule,
and laid broad 'arid deep in our glorious con;
stitution, the foundations ofcivil and religious
liberty; and the inborn right of TEM raoet.a to
govern themselves? Was not the precious
blood spilt in the "time that tried men's
souls,'? the price paid for the establishment
of self-government and the great dogma of
popular sovereignty And are we to he told
now, by this new school of political philoso
phers, after tealizing for over half a century
the, proud position of a representative Democ
racy, that the maxims of our fathers were, a
Action and a failure—that we must prepare
our minds, to acknowledge an.aristocracy of
office-holders—whether they be Congressmen
or drunken policemen—with power to do as
they list, beyond the above responsibility
to the penple, who make them What they are I
Out upon such cringing sycophants and para
. sites, who are unworthy to breathe the air of a
free land—who have not learnt_the first lessons
of Republicanism—and who are not entitled-to
- the proud name of American citizen.
There. is neither point nor force in the..ap2l..
plication of the precept, that "Americans shall
rule America;" and-it only falls friTriftlie lips
of turbulent and base demag,ogues, as a cheat
to delude their gullible followers. Americans
always have, and always will rule America, so
Icing as our laws, National and State, retrain as
they are. So long as Alteelective franchise is
' extended to the poor as well as the rich—so
long as the doctrine of "no taxation without
representation," is asserted/and maintained—
_so long as religious tests are kept from our
statute books—and men are left free to wor-
ship. God acciirding . to the dictates of their
own consciences, with "none to molest or
make them afraid"—we need not tremble for
the subversion of our Jibe/riles, and Americana
will continue to rule America, through their
accredited agents chosen from all the walks of
life, and from all religious persuasions. But
if in an !tour of madness and folly, the people,
inflamed by their Sectarian prejudices and
bigotry, (the most dangerous foes to the peace
and tranquility of a State,) should introduce
the deadly Upas tree of Know-Nothingism
and religious proscription into the councils of
the natiow to overshadow the land, and blast
and wither the wholesome and pristine vigor
.ofuur institutions, from that moment .we may
,date the downfall of the Republic.—Penn
Political Preaching.
The Albany atlas bitterly attacks-the Rev. '
Washington Vanlandt, " who preached Clark
and Raymond instead of Chfist crucified, in the_
pulpit, the day before election."
But, adds the editor, he is not so bad "as the
preacher who traversed Schoharie county. pro
claiming that Gov. Seymour was a papist, and
had one of his daughters in a nunnery." The
story told from the pulpits of,Madison county
that Gov. S. kept a grocery up stairs in his
mansion, 'required the capacious maws of three
of the cloth to give utterance to.
Whereupon says the editor:
"Our adviceis, that when such men rise in
the pulpit, `and so far destroy its sacredness as
to denounce by namesuch menus Gov. Seymour
and other leading democrats, and to cast false
aspersions upon them, the democrats in the
congregationshould rise in theirseats, and, with
all the respect :due to the place, contradict the
4 'There is no other way than this: If the
church is- to be turned into a political meeting
room,: either let the congregation have notice,
so as to stay away, or let them have their full
right of debate and discussion, as well as the
stipendiaries of party, who throw out these po
litical challenges from the pulpit."
Qualification of Jurors;
In a criminal case now on trial in the United
States Circuit Court, Chief Justice Taney has
decided the following to be the proper quali
fications for a juror to try the issue : -
"If the juror has formed an'opinion that the
prisoners are guilty, and entertains that opin
ion now, without waiting to hear the testi
mony, then he is incompetent. But if, from
reading newspapers or hearing reports, he has
impressions on his mind unfavorable to the
prisoners, but has no opinion or prejudice
which•.will prevent him from doing impartial
justice when he hears the testimony, then he
is competent."
The general obseriance of this decision in
our courts, coming as it does from so high a
source, and as. legally correct as it is in ac
cordance with common sense, will have the
happiest effect in doing away with the chican
ery that in too many instances excludes men
of honesty and intelligence from the jury box.
ENGLISH WAR EXPENSES. --The whole cos t
LO iloghind during, the Continental war—from
'lO3 co 1815 inclusive—was L 1,159,729,250,
,somewhat about $5,798,645,280. This
gives an average, one year with another, of
fitty-three millions sterling per annum.
But in the later years of the contest the cost
was he.ivier, it rah thus.:
.In 1812, war expendittiTe, £103,421,538
In 1813. war expenditure, t 120,952,957
In 1814 6 war expenditure, 116,813,889
Jn 1815,(a month's campaign.) 116,491,051
What the present war against Russia, will
cast gnglanii, time alone can tell. That it
will be an immense sum there can be no ques
On the 3d of the present month. Mr. Mo ms()
Bickford, of Pal myra,Me., had his chest tapped,
and the almost tricredible amount of _nine pints
of - fluid, it' all itscharacteristics resembling
pus, taken therefrom.—The Portland Adverti
ser says :
The operation was performed by Dr. J. C.
Manson. of Pittsfield, advised and assisted by
Dr. Benson, of Newport. The fluid was situa
ted in the left, side of the chest, and consequent
ly the heart very much displaced ; so much so,
that it could be distinctly felt beating two
--inches upon the right of the sternum or medi
um line of the body. - - It however lerad I tally re
ceded during the operation, and after the en
tite evacuation, was4Fd beating in nearly its
natural- position.' -patient immediately
began to amend, and is at present doing well.
llis case has for sometime past been considered
hopeless, but the** now .a prospect of — his
in o er un
ness at St. Joseph's and desire to leave."
She furtherstates that-there_w as_mlnece ssi t
of Miss B. escaping from a window, as all the
doors when locked at night have the kepi re
maining in them on the inside. Her trunk,.
clothes, two watches, and the sum of $2 621,
belonging to hey; were delivered to, her after her
escape to Creagerstown, by two Sisters of Char
ity, according to her written request.
SLEEP.-A letter from San Francisco relates a
curious incident that occurred there recently.
Her Britannic Majesty's exploring ship Plover
arrived at San Francisco a short time since,
from the Polar Sea, where she had been ice
bound since 1847.
When she left San Francisco, seven yearsago,
it was a mere trading station. resorted to by
a few vessels in pursuit of hides, and the town
or place contained only a few abode: houses.
The captain and crew expected to find the same
San Francisco in 1854 that they left in 1847.
The captain, therefore; . sailed into the bay
without a pilot, and approached the city in
the - evening. He was much amazed at the nu
urertn" he saw. When he awoke from
his dream of seven years, the next morning. ho
foUnd a noble city_ occupying the site of the
andenl San - Francisco. He had knoWn nothing
of the Alexi war and cession of California to
the United; s, - and the many other great
events that a .taken place during the time he
had been locked. up in the frozen regions of the .
North.. l' , -
is stated that the monkies in the neigh
borhood-of Trinidad are (lying, in great num
bers, of cholera. Persons who have passed
through the woods report that hundreds are to
be seen tying - dead on the ground, where they
have fallen from the trees. It is said the same
thing was observed while the small pox epi
demic prevailed' 'in Trinidad, the monkies
dying of that disease in equally large num
Knhe Know Nothings had a ratification
meeting at Worcester, Mass., on MpAday eve
ning, the 20th ult. One..of the principal speak
ers was W. J. Watkins, a colored man, and
one of the editors of 4`red. Douglass' paper.
Ile stated that nearly' all the colored men in
the State voted ,the Know Nothing ticket.
That, says an exchange, fully accounts for the
extraordinary strength of the Order.
land, Ohio, a few days since, a horse in the
stable of Mr. W. K. Adams, ran his tongue
through a crack in a partition between two
stalls. - It was caught by another horse, and
the first one drawing back, bit his own tongue
completely off. It was found in the manger of
the next stall. Probably such an accident
never before occurred and never will again.
SmALl.Pox..—This disease has almost as
sumed the form of an epidemic in some of the
cities. In Boston, last week,. the deaths by it
numbered fourreen, and in Cincinnati fifteen
victims fell by it during the same time.
A Good Family Horse for Sale.
THE undersigned has forsake good
FAMILY HORSE—dark brown,
six y.ars old next spring, gentle, and sound
as a dollar. For further information apply to
- Dec. 18. 3t J. L. HOLTZWORTH.
NOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees
and otlier persons concerned, that the
.rldministraliun'Aecounte hereinafter mentioned
will be presented at the Orphan's Court of
Adams county, for confirmation and allowance,
on Monday, the 1.511 t of January next, viz :
L. The account of Jacob }lankey, Executor
of the last will and testament of Philip Schri
ver, deceased, wbo was Administrator of Wm.
Hartzell, deceased.
.2. The first and final account of George
Chritzman, Administrator of Henry Holling
er, deceased.
WM. F. WALTER, Register.
Register's Office, Gettysburg,
December 18, 1854.
THE undersigned intending_to—remove to
the City of Baltititore, will offer at Pub
lic Sale, on Tufsdny, the*2d gf January next,
A Very Eligible Store Stand,
together with 45 ACRES OF LAN IY,'situated
in Mountjoy township, Adams county, about
one mile from the Turnpike road leading from
Gettysburg to Littlestown, 5 miles from the
former and about the same distance from the
latter place; the road from Emrnitsburg to
Hancver passing the Store, and only 9 miles
from the terminus of the Hanover B. R. Road.
The improvements are a two story
BL E., a good well of water near the door, and
a fine stream of water running through the
[tract. In the last 5 years, 1200 bushels of
i Lime have been put on the land, and is more
over well set with clover. There sre on said
tract about 7 Acres of good Meadow and 8
Acres of excellent Timber land.
The undersigned has for the last five years
been engaged in keeping Store at the above
said place, and is gratified in being able to
say, that during said time he bas done a first
rate cash bUsiness; said property is very hand
somely situated in a healthy neighborhood
and will therefore make one of the first homes
in the country. Persons wishing to view
said property,will pleasecall on the undersign•
ed residing on the same. Possession and a
good title will be given on the
. first day of
April next. ALSO:
At the same time & place will be sold a lot of
Furth as ready made CLOTHING- HATS,
CAPS, HA 11 WARE, &c., with -a geneta! _
variety of farmingimplernents as follows. viz:
Plows, Harrow, thiltivator. 2 heavy sets of
Horse.' rs, (tuttin g h.)x, Cart, Chains, Bar
rells. ." Stoves and Pipesolith a variety of
Toone'id SL, Kitchen Furniture.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said diy, rOR CII RITNI AS.—The Great Tulle
when attendance wi!l be tri ven and lernas made . i Brother Jonathan.-200 copies received.
known, by LA WREN C,E DI ETZ. Price 123 rents, or i 0 eopi..9 for $l. For
Dec. 18,. 1851. 10 ' sole at KELLER K(JRTZ'S B.)ok:Aure.-
comp etely cured, and is now able to .work with renewed
Oa the 7th Inst., by the Roy. Kingston Oaddard, Hr. W.
W. KURTZ to Miss ANNIE, daughter of S. Al . Bunn, all
of Philadelphia city.
On the'lsth ult., by Rev. Robert Johnston, Dr.WILLIAM
C. STEM .. liss ELIZA WATSON, both of Hatuiltonban
tostaship. .
On the th ult. by Rev. P. Scheurer, Mr. EMANUEL
WILI.ET. of York ' county, to Miss „ELIZABETH UNGER,
of Adams county. - '
On the 7th instant, by the Rev. D. P. Rosetnniller, Mr.
both of Berwick town.hip, AttalllS county,
On the 12111 inst., by the Rev. Jacob Ziegler, Mr. AUGUS
TUS HOOVER. of Graceham, Md., - to Miss ELIZA BYERS,
of Hamiltonban township, Adams county.
Oa the 7th inst., by the Rev. J. Ulrich. Mr. JOSEPH
FREY, of this county, to Miss CATHARINE SHANEFEL
TER, of York county.
At Indiana, Pa., On the 7th Inst., by the Rev. Andrew
3.P.llvaine, J. E. BELCH. Esq., of Hollidaysburg, (former
ly of this place,) to Miss ELIZA C. M'KENNAN t of the
iormer place.
On the 12th • Inst., by the Ref. Dr. Hider, Mr. W. H.
MOOREHEAD to Miss LIZZIE A. QUINCY. second daugh
ter of the late Capt. John D..Quiney. all of Baltimore.
On the 23d ult., by Rev. Mr. Deininger, Mr. HENRY
WIEST to Miss SARAH JACol3S—both of East Berlin.
On the 30th ult., by Rev. E. F: Hoffheins, Mr. GEORGE
HOOVER. of Hamilton township. Adams county, to Miss
MARY ANN SCHUTT, of Heidelberg township, York co.
On the same day, by the same, Mr. JOSIAH WOLFF, of
Oxford township, to Miss ANNA MARIAKIHIL, of ...11ount
pleasant township.
On Tuesday last, Mr. SAMUEL WITIIEROW, (Plough
maker) of this borough, aged aboat 70,:years.
On the Oth inst., very suddenly, 001. GEOBOE ICKES, of
Abbattstown, aged about 05 years.
On Tharsddy week, Mr. WII.LIAM WALKER, of Mount
joy township the 71st yair of his age.
.On Wean y week, in Mounijoy township, ANN
STONER. aged SO years 5 months and.l4.daya..
Suddenly, on the 3d inst.; at Lewisburg, Virginia, Mrs.
LIZZIE E. wife of Bee, Wm. Barden, of the - Baltimore
Annual Conference, and daughter of the Rev. Mary Slicer,
_aged 24 years and 6 months.
On the SOth ult., in Adams county, LEANNA, infant
daughter of Samuel Brown, aged 5 months and 9 days.
On the 4th inst., at Martinsburg ? Fa., JOHN J. W. son
of Alfred'and Mary Ann M. Miller, (formerly of this place,)
aged 2 yearn and DI days.
The victory now is obtained;
lie is gone his dear Savior to see ;
His wishes he fully has gained,
lie is noir where he longed to be.
Then let us forbear to complain,
That he has Howgone from our sight :
We soon shall behold him again,
vo new and redoubled delight.
Corrected from the latest Baltimore, York&flanoye r papers
Flour, per barrel, $8 50 to 8 62
Wheat, per bushel, 1 90 to 2 05
Rye, 44 1 20 to 1 35
Cora, ''',` 77 to __B4
Oats, t‘ 50 to 54
Cloverseed, "' 6 50. to 6 75
'Timthy, " ~3 25 to 3 50
Whis o key, per gallon, e 41 to 44
Beef Cattle, per. hund., 3 00 to - 4 25
Hogs, 44 5 75 to 6 50
' Hay, per ton, 18 00 to2l 00
Guano, Peruvian, per ton, 50 00 tosl 00
Flour, per bbl., from-stores, $8 75
Do. " " wagons, 8 U 0
Wheat, per. bushel, 1 8.0 to 1 90
Rye; 44 1 25
Corn, 44 85
- Oats, 44 • 50
• Cloverseed, " 6 00
. Timothy, " 3 00
- Plaster of Paris, per ton,
----- ---
YORK—P.IIw ir 1. am
_ Flour, per bbl., from stores, $8 . 75
Do. f 0 from wagons, , 8 00
Wheat, per bushel, 1, 75 to 1 90
Rye, 44 122
Corn, 44 78
Oats, di . 47
Cloverseed, " 6 00
Timothy. ‘, , 3 50
Plaster of Paris, per ton, 7 00
Meru balttable flea( Estate
ON Monday, the Ist day of January, at I
u'ehick, P. M., will be offerer! at Public
Sale, on the premises, in the Borough of Get.
tysburg, the' very 'desirable-
"NFU' -
of Dr. DAVID GILBERT, now occupied by
Messrs, J. F. & H. J. Fahnestock,-consisting
of a full 'Town Lot, fronting on Baltimore and
East Middle streets, and immediately opposite
Fahnesto:ks' Store, having upon the-corner
./2 Large Two Story Brick
with extensive Brick Back Build- •
ing nn Middle Street. Also, a TWO STORY
FR.I.ME BUILDING, fronting on Baltimore
street, part of which was formerly occupied
by J. L. Schick's Store, with a well of water
and other improvements upon the premises.
Dr. GILBERT spared no expense in fitting up
the House, and enclosing and improving the
grounds with choice trees, vines, &c. There
is a perpetual insurance in the Franklin Fire
Insurance Company of Philadelphia, on this
property. This presents a rare chance to se
cure a residence perhaps the most desirable in
the Borough.
Also, at the Ra me time, that large '; • ! 1 , 1 ,
Frame Dwelling Rouse, ; ; '
two stories and an attic: fronting on 1, est
High Street, west of the Catholic Church, and
nearly opposite the Associate Ref. Church,
with Lot of Ground, and outbuildings attached,
having an alley on the North.
These properties will be sold upon accom
modating terms, which will be made known on
1 day of sale, and alsoto persons who may
mean w hile - entfilie, by
Attorney in tact for Dr. D. Gilbert.
1 December 18, 1854. is
ATM! will inoet for parade at the Public
_house of_Moses Raffensperger, in Mum--
mashurz, on !if , » lrfay, Ike Ist of . Janttary ne xt,
to o'clock, 4. M., with arms and accoutre
inorw; in complete order. A full attendance is
requested, ,
BAILEY, Captain. i
C. 1) 11IGHERTY, O.N,
Choice and Valuable Books.
HAVE just received froni Philadelphifiand
New York, the hest
.English and Ameri
can editions of the beat Authors in every de
partment of Literature, known us standard
Authors of value, and BOUND IN 'A MOST
SUPEBIOB .MANNER, in the . choicest
library styles of calf extra, half calf gilt and
antique, Turkey Morocco, &a. &c., forming
altogether the most superh"Colleicticin'of Books
which I have ever had the pleasure of offering
to my numerous friends and customers ; and
which, together with an unrivalled. stock of
Elegantly Illustrated Works,
• : • ISMEZINZ9 itm
_Prayer_ avid lips n—Bonles — SityerbAti — Biitind
Bucks, and best Editions in_ Library Bindings;
now displayed in tempting array on numerous
loaded counters; form- altogether sit endless
.variety how which to select -Christmas : and
New Year Presents, as to
,fully keep up our
well , known thation or offering the' finest
and most- substantial binding.
signed invites the atten•tiun of
The under.;
ry inditild_ual
n Adams county to call-and visit new, while
the assortment is full and complete.
(I**Trices to suit the times.
Bookseller and Stationer.
S. E. Cur. Centre Square.
Dec. 18.
THE "Singing Birds," assisted by the
• "Philo-Harmonics," will give a Concert
of ,Vocal and Instrumental Music, on New-
Year's night, (January Ist, 1855,) at the Court=
House, on which occasion will be presented a
MUSICAL FESTIVAL, in three acts, enti
tled, "Flora's Feast of - Rowers, nr the Crowning
of the Queen of the Fairies." Representations
of the - Fairy Land, with Forresters, Nyriads,
-Fairies, Zephyrs, &e., participated in_hy up
wards of 60 children. After the Festival, a
pleasing variety of Songi, Glees, Chorusses,
Catches, &c.
Air-Particulars in small hills,,
SW-Admission 25 cts.—Children half price.
*it - The "Singing Birds' " last appearance
for at least , one year.
Dee. 18.
TELLER E jntl k y 11.11Z'8
Standard S l of
BOOKS, adapted for : Christmas and Now
Year Presents, the Drawing-Room Table,
&c. are now ready for examination. Also,
CHILDREN'S BOOKS, in endless variety.
Kortz's is a perfect storehouse of delight fii;r
the little ones, where they can purchase from
the simplest Toy Book up to the most ex pen•
sivecolorededition. [Dec., 18, 1854.
hereby. give notice that they have
fixed upon the following, 'times for the 'hold . -
ing or appeals for the several Boroughs and
Townships of Adams county, at the o ffi ce of
the County Commissioners at Gettysburg,
when and where they will_attend to hear ap.
peals,between the hours. of 9 o'clock, A.. M,,
and 3 o'clock, P. M. -
For the townships of Mountjoy. Germany,
Union, Conowago, Mounipleasatit, Berwick,
Oxford, Straban, Hamilton, Reading, and Ty
rone, on Thursday, the 25th if January next.
For the townships of Huntington, Latitnore,
Menallen, Butler, Franklin, 'Hatniltonhan.
Liberty, Freedom, Cumberland, and the Bo
rough of Gettysburg, on Friday, the 26M of
January next.
Attest—S. A UninrthA UGH ' Clerk.
Dec-. 18, 1854. td
Safety. Patent Square Upright
Wood Box Matches,
No. 106 North. Fourth St. (above Race,) Phila.
MATCHES having become an indispensa
ble article in housekeeping, the sub
scriber after a great saerffice of time and in c ney,
is enabled to offer to the Public an article at
once combining Utility and (Weapon's. The
inventor knowing the danger apprehended on
account of the flimsy manner in - which
Mateheta are generally packed in paPer, has by
the aid of New Steam.Machinery' of his awn
invention. succeeded in getting up a SA FETY
BOX ; this box is far preferable, in as much
that it occupies no more room than the old
round wood box, and contains :al least Two
Hundred per Cent. snore Matches, which, to
Shippers is considerable advantage ; itsa en
tirely new, and secure against moisture and
spontaneous combudiion, and dispels all dan
ger on transpoitation by means of Railroad,-
Steamboat or any other mode of Conveyance.
These Matches are packed so that one gross
or more may be Shipped to any part of the
World with perfect safety. They are the
most desirable article for Home Consumption,
and the Southern and Western Markets, that
have ever been invented.
DEALERS and SH!?PERS will do Well
to call and examine fur themielves.
ftienese Matches are W.91111.41V7'ED to
Le superior to anything beret fore qffered to Me
106 North Fourth St., Phi/acra.
December 18, 1854. $B.
WHEREAS the Hon. RORP:IIT J. Flgtqh.,
President of the several Courts ot Com
mon Pleas, in the Counties composing the
19th District, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer
and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for
the trial of all capital and other offenders in
the sail district', and SAmeet, R. Russets. and
Jotim M riotivt.Ev, Esqs. J udges`of the Courts of
Common Pleas, and Justices of the Courts of
Oyer and Terthiner, anu General Jail Delivery,
for the trial ot all capital and other offender;
in the County of Adams—have issued their pre
cept hearing date the 2tth day of
the year of ou r LORD one thousand eight hundred
and fifty-four, and to me directed, for holding
a Court of Common Pleas, antrGenera I Quer-.
ter, Sessions of the Peace, and General Jail
Delivery, and Court of Over and Terminer, at
Gettysburg, on Monday. the 15th day affan'y.
neri--NoTice is lieneav GIVEN to all the
Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Cortsta
-bles within the said County of Adams, that they
he then and there in their proper persons, with
their Rolls, Records, !moist:ions, Examina
tions, and other - newer:Air:irides, to do those
ings which to their offices and in that behalf
appertain to he done, and also, they who will
prosecute against the prisoners that are otthen
shall be in the Jail of the said County of
Adams, and to be then and thtire to prosecute
against them_as shall he just.
Sheriff's Office, Dec. 11, 1854.
A LMANACS FOR IRss.—Harrerstown,
.1 - 1_ Lutheran, Presbyterian, Cbrisliari, Far
toe r' s and liousekeeppr`c—at
Dec. 18. KU wrz.s BOOLstore.
rtirsuattce of the Act of AsselM4 - passed the 27th,day of July, 1842, the fol
lowing statement'is hereby published by the Oorninissioners of Adams ei?ulitY,
which 'exhibits the amount, description and value of the Real and Personal Property,
Trades., Occupations, and Professions, made taxable by the several Acts of Asseinbly
of this - eimtmon wealth :
a: • 1 7 ri t : l • B:I es rri :I CJ =" a l c w 't n' .1
7.1 c ... gs‹
file (......,.. :
~.c 1 ~... „,.,, r ,
Er . i t i.S g g. - .2.5 . , , 4 il ct litii 2 `l t ....:7,
fp ~. Es. , 1 6- L e C.r t = g J. ai 2 . = ;4. •rcr v t c ., , ... .6.
b-) _ t c_ i „,. o r.:l .04,.. 0 .0F
.... g ..F. .C. 0 , ce % I ...ti " ;; I: 1 4.5 0 ,n. . 0 4 0 7
o B I El ' c 7 co ' 9Li . 4 .0. 2. , ; " 0 „ e .1 - - • F..
se - ... la 8 1 r..: 7 ; '`' e ii 1"; 2 ,iF l el 47 2 ' ail
0 3 . - =l. al •-1• 10-
..-.: , -1 taa ii- i 0 ri •-• z' - , act • .7
a — ..... n, ~,,, 1 _ . , , c g ~, z- ..„, ci c ~., ..
,I , 1_ • - •
4444 .
Borough. • i 918321 59`11 1 6'1759 5
•' ' (F
Guinbiolutl„ :57:61' 183301 183151 8125 , 6bol 134 1501 2784) .3 00
Germany, 142732 8346 _26052 7.225 lb%) 1000 1625 500 -
Oxionl, ' 159478! 10170 63856' 6970 1900 100/ 1362 , ,
Huntington, 2177601 16407 50059 1 ' 12445 3210 2 00_
Latimure, • 138809'
, , 11962 30859; 5620 '
. 4 111, .1 43 : 4 :';' 105'25 8340 350 • 2315 950
Librety,' . 139554 1 - 9145 10729, 4050 ' 1260 ___ T l_tia-__
Hamilton, _____ -172)5041-----9090 unsib--- 9-r Bo— .. - -- 1959
Mennllen, 160264' 16114 1951 - 7385 2615 1 00
Btraban, 25158111 191 4 82 19253, 6105 275 4020 1 00
_Franklin. 25922T44468 32613:•• 10810 260 • 3197 250
Cenowago, 195520 130 162181 5133 - - 1564 100
Tyrone. 134938' 971/2 02501 4945 ' 1680 200
111ours1i.iy, 172393 11121 12279 1 3890 • 1000
Mnentpleasent, 24780 & 16119 27166 • 5910 2188
Heading, 2234* 14074 28372 5695 - 2465
Berwick, 96861 5460 21292 4793 1175 200
Freedom, 81106 4656 10667 2310 c 96 611§ '
Union, 210703' • 8906 45520 4070 , 80 1591 '
Butler, 150411' 13436 19314 5760
1 2495
Totet, 3895254 261/821,570988181+133 16590110780 1930;130f1 751 43291 07 50
Atieftt-4. ' I Clerk.
• December 15, 1854.
-- • -
lAN Saturday, the 301 h 'of - December instant,
1./ at 1 o'clock, P. M., the undersigned,.
ExecUtors of the estate of HVINNY' Bowtots,
late of %motley township, Adams county,
Pa.,,deeeased, will sell at Public Sale, by vir
tue of an order 'of the . Orphan's ,Court of Ad
ante county, on the premises, •
qa ch alaiit UPCIIII:P=. I9 -
of said deceased, situate ,in the township afore
a6-I,;ndjoining holds of John Dudy. Melchor
Wolf, John Bender, And other's, coniaining
NINETY T EIGHT,ACRES, more or teas.*
• The imponetnnto area two-story
„.:,..- • Log Dwelling', - •
iI :.
-,. .14: w ith a'S tone kitchen'atteelied, a
-' 4,.. .,:' , '? .. .‘'':. Log Barn, and all necessaryout
buildings. There is a well, of water near the
door, and an ORCHARD of choice fruit, of
all kinds, on the premises. There is a fair
proporthm of Meadow and.Tintherland.
- `-Attendance will. he given and terms
made known oii day of side by . .
Dec. 4, 1854,
0R2111.A.11V2 9
To Prevent horses from running
at Large.
BE it ordained by the Town Council , of the
Borough of Gettysburg, and it is hereby
ordained by authority of the same, that any
person or persons perrnitingany Horse, Mare,
Gelding.-Colt, Mule, Jackass, or other beast
of burden, to tonal, large npottany street, alley
or public highway, ir, said Borough, shall upon
conviction thereof, 'forfeit and pay for the use
of the Borough a suns not less than two dol
lars, for every such offence; besides costa of
R. G. HARPER, Burgess.
Attest—R. G. Mcettsmtv, Sees,.
Dec. 11, 1854. 3t •
Za3 1 32.XX 4 31111:1 Uso CO la MI
FOR the accommodation of citizens or town
and country, who are not yet supplied,
there will be another Public Sale of Burial
Lots, an Monday, New-Year', day, 1855. at 1
'o'clock, P. M., on the Ceininery Grounds.
Already nearly 200 Lots liave been sold.—
Somes3,ooo in stock have been subscribed.—.—
The enterprise is therefore entirely successful.
This will be the last sale during the present'
D. 141cOONAUGHY. Presit.
H.. 1. STABLe, Sec'y. • [Dee 11.
Bond- Election.
rpriP, Stockholders of the "Gettysburg Rail
At Road Company," will meet at the Court
house in the Borough of Gettysburg, on Mon.
day, Me RM day fl January. A. D. 1855, at 2
o'clock, P. M., of said day, to choose, by a'
Majority of the votes present, a President and
Twelve Directors for the eiisuirm year.
JAMES G. REED, &c'y.
Dec. 11, 1854.' le
Administrator's Notice.
Titcoti sm ESTATE.—Letters
rl of adinin is tra t ion on the estate •of 'Jacob
Srnyers, late of
. Huntington township,
,Adams county, deceased, having been
granted to the undersigned, residing in 'the
same township, he hereby gives, notice to
all persons indebted to said estate to make
immediate payment, and those having claims
againstAlte same to present them properly au
thenticated fur settlement.
November 13, 1854. 6t
Collectors, Take Notice.
THE: Collectors of Taxes of the different
townships of Adams county, are hereby
notified that they will be required to settle
their duplicates on or before Friday. the 29t4
day 1 December next, in which day the•Cotn
rntastoners will meet at their office to give the
necessary exonerations.
Cm aiixafnnera.
Attest—J. AUGHINBAUGFI, Clerk. -
November 27, 1854. tf
Notice to Trespassers.
THIS is to - notify all persons from trespas
sing on our premises, (being in Berwick
and Hamilton townships,) by Gunning,► or
otherwise, as we have received more or less
damage Itons.those that fear or care nothing.
We therefore are determined to enforce the
full extent ol the law on all that disregard this
William !.,Gilt, Daniel Miller,
Franciirj7Wilson, Reuben Wolf,
F. wg,(f, blacksmith, &nine: rvilf.farnter,
Henry ',toy, Jacob Ifray;
Cyrus Wolf, Illickael Hyman,
Gtor,tre Null, David ..I.larels,
G(D. Flickinger, George Jordy. went
Di.e. 4. 3t , Mrs. Motztril.
JOSIAH 130 Vl' Ela,
JOHN ! NCKLEY ; - - jr. -
JAM ES J,. W 11,•14S, Commissioners.'
rpHE subscriber, wishing
,to remove
r to the
West, Utera at Private Sale, that truly
Mutated in North Market Street, . Frederiak
City, Md.. The improvements consist 9f-a
large and Substantial Two-Story
111 RICK noir/sr?,
fronting'cin Market 'Street,_fifty-
five feet by thirty-six,feet deep; atlaCh44lll; a
brick Back Building, sixty feet deep; there are
also .a Brick Smoke, House, Hog Pen, end
other out" buildings; a large , payed wagon
yard and a Stehle, capable of Stabling forty
horses, with a neverfailing well of excelleht
water adjacent and a pump stock in the same.
The main building , was thoroughly repaired
two years ago, the wood work being
new ;. the bar and' kitchen are' supplied „with
Hydrant. Water and the first, door with Has.
There are good, dry and airy cellars, divided
into three apartments, under the whole build
ing. Attached to the above 'property is a large
and commodious
frontingon Market Street 20
,feet. with ',dep . *
,of 40 feet. This building was erected !SW`
„years ago by myself, of the best materialsand
possessing the modern improvements -re
quisite for making h a superior room. for any
Mercantile branch of business. It has ,, en
open front, supported by cast iron piletiters,
into wbich the shutters .fuld. ,There is also a
`dry cellar under the whole store. Theadeas*
'ages. the whole of this property possesses
over all J.ithers of the kind in this city, us
well known. Located In "A sqUare where
there is a larger amount- of husinesa done than
in any other; commanding the Installing trade
of the , whale Northern portion of Frederick
and. Carroll counties, and the - adjeining court
ties of Pennsylvania, and at this time doing
successful hominess, which can be increased
from twenty-five tu fifty per cent, * by a , small
additional investment. This Property being
so well known 1 deem further comment eget
necessary, as persons wishing to purchase
can eall and satisfy themselves of itenetnerous
'ld vantages. . •
TERMS will be made to suit purchase's;
by giving satisfactory security.. '
N. B.—My Stock-Of DRY 4QODS•AND
GROCERIES will he sold with the property;
if desired.
Dee, 11, 1854. 6t
CAME to the farm of 'the Robseriber. in
Handltonhan township; the list of Oeto
bet.; 'l l W 0 131.11,i,S—one supprised to bo about:
two years - Old, red end whitespotted, with a
small hit cut out of the tinder part of the right ' ,
ear—the other supposed to he three years
a reddish brindle, with"some White spots, no'
ear mark..' The owner is' requested to come,
forward, prose property. pay charges. and take
them avilay.- DANIEL, SN.YDER. i
December 11, 1A54. 3t
1. O. of R. l►l.
you will meet every Friday evening, at
fii o'clock, in the Wigwam, (McCon-.
aughy's Hall.) Punctual attendance is re
quested. AUG. se, H WARIPZ. C, -
'Persons wishing toconnect themselves
with this Tribe, will please:l 4 4ply to any 4,
the members.
Gettysburg, Nov. 13, 1854. Ern
TEM WiirmuTEl3 Ma;
rpH E undersigned takes pleasure in intitini;':= ;
ing the citizens of Gettysburg and' the,,
public generally, that he is prepared to furnish
GA4I.3IENTS of alt kinds, for GENTLE
MEN'S WEAR, at the shortest notiCe r , and
in the latest possible style. Having opened
a Merchant Tailoring establishment, ineltain•
bershurg street, opposite the Lutheran church,
and secured the fttryiecenf experienced work- .
men, he feels confident of pleasing all 'who
may favor him with their patronage. Coun
try prodgine taken in exchange for work,
December 4,1854.
IN THE MATTER of Ole intended
cation of JOHN A—Dicirs, for License to
keep a public house in Hampton, Reading
township, Adams county—it being an old
The subscribers , citizens ofthe township of -
Reading, in the county of Adams, recommend
the above petitioner, and certify: that the inn or
tavern above mentioned is necessary to aceotn
modate the public and entertain strangers or
is of good repute.tor honesty and temperance,
and is we!, provided with house-room and con
veniences for the lodging and accommodation
of strangers and travellers. • •
John Miller, Andrew Brunei, Jr., Saninel
J. ifeardortr, D. M. C. White, Jacob Smith,
Michael Hanes, Henry
_Alfwt, John Baker,
Cornelios Sinith,,_Benjamin Chronister, Jacob
Mill er , Jonas ehronister, Gibson Myers.
December 1., 1851. 3t