' l' 'I T • ALI% -GOODS AG A.IN ! 1 FRENCH' TRUSSES WATCHES JEIVELIIY , '9 I , . -99111cu[so LESS TlLtdr 234 0m...9..5. StiverWare -A' Fait ry , iir;oorts. , _ •1 .liPt % c i j li : ~....i i :. i For -- tiie Cure if Hernia or Rupture. • A CINNPVi. LLOGED by the bighestmed gerA Choice Assortment of the Finest Qual- i + •,, ~ , - . jiy, for Saletit the Lowest Cash Prides, at 1 Vilest just opened one of the largest, pret-1 ical authorities of Philadelphia, incom , .• - ' 1 . i i c_ll3. Elltonhead 9 s; - witsyri - ti - e; i t i a a n ( ( ) 1 0 - c D he s ap e e v i v t r s i t i o rwir,t clZs oi FALL & 7- - I ±- 1 - fr _ .rii _ Gruty... mt_l_i_l_y superior to an other in ii.se.. Suffer _Nl!! he gratified to learn t latT - 711"iii ocr,asion NO. /134, SOL T TO SECOND STREET. 1 ' , Nen re not -only tli.i /ig-htest and p etwe e n tim e an d u n i an . w es ' t . s id e .; p h i lad i a. ; hurv,, and he 'invites the public to call, f'Yaln. ' ers -' inn -and judge for then selves--no trouble to .n""' "."'r B to rili : lP,.assortruent euibt aces aLari:eand Se-.! 5 i r ,,,,. (;,)„,is.- maid cum . '', but as dittrride a Trusi a S any other, His now stock embraces a very , in lieu of the eurabrints• and uncaminrtable aril l_ lett - Stupf;rf Pine Watchis,Jeavelry, vilver ! large variety of , ---- - 'ilra're, 4/bata' Ware, plated with fine Silver, iis 1 ---- , ' , rip usually ';o ld . There is no di liiciilty mien ' ,Sposut,, Forks, Ladles, # . c.-441' Goods, Falai- Ladies? Dr* Good, ' d,„ ;. ,. ilit, liitin2, and vi hen the par t is located. _ purl looney _Jrtieles of a. sapeli_nr_qwitily. . de- ;'such is Silki, Tow Sating, Mous DAines, It 'slit might its positni n without r i,„,„ r' „. seri/pig tbe eitaminalion of those mho d e sire to ; 13mti 1t azines. French NI ernioes. Deflageii, P - er,,otoi at a distance unalile - to 7;n11 oil the procore the beg rinda al the Lowest Cash Prices.. Alpaceas, Coliiirt Cloths, Ginglianis, Cali- ;„slitiseriher, can have the Truss sent 11 any' Wvirig a practical knowledge ~ of the birsi- , cot's, &c. &c. &c. . I address, by reiniitilig rive Millar:, for the, sin• i ness, and all available facilities for I mpoitinfr ' ' In the line of Gentlemen's Wear, he gin Truss, or 'Pei; for the double—with inedg tn ' hind , Manufacturing, thesubscribir confidently , has selected a choice lot, of all styles and i are round the hips and slnterr s id e a tr eeti .d... invites purchasers, believing that he can sup- -, prices : Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Sall- l Ii will be exchangedto suit it nut fitting, by at .. . I iicti;. Kerteley—Je.ans &r , e kJ , - , - .; rni .trttirtrr ;t ,at /Air a var.e..t!...1• His stock - of Pii:VVY 000/)S is also very fine, and too numerous to euinnerant. Ciill and see. ' Thankful for past favors, SCIIICK' H;)liCitc it conlinuanee,of public patronage. li e w ill always e n deavor to deserve it, by selling good Goods, at the lowest living prices. •• quick rbes a 11(144)1141—P rafits,l-is_his_inuttu October ',3, 18:4. 4. y t tem on e - . I 1 establishment in either of the Atlantic Cities, Itinas:of Diamond and Pearl jr.wel ry and Silver I,Vare manufactured to order; ‘iithin a reasonable limo. oz:r Watches, Joketry. and Silver Ware tailhfully reliaired. WM. - B. ELNONII EA 1). .a few doom above the at St. 3ittrket, Wwst stare—may - be seen the famous 11111 D CLOCK, which -commands the admiration of the Scientific and -actions. . October 2, 1854. ly • --- THE' WAR, GOING ON! Fr HE war in Europe is largely engrossing .1 public attention, and prices generally are going up. But the Undersigned on la suggeat to his customers and rtverybody. else that he has just returned from the city, with the daayeal and beat stock of . GE&nEM, `latTr?, Ruts, , Confecitionary, Fancy Soaps, &c., lhe has ,ever before offered. Call and judge for yourselves, and if you do not pronounce :his, goods-among the cheapest and best ymi have .ever 'looked at, then is ,he greatly [nis i taken. His stock comprises, in purl, Coffees, S 110 rs, .Tea s, h oco la tes Syrups, Molasses, Crackers, Oranges. Nuts, Pea Nuts, English Wall - nits, Filberts; Confectionary, of a hundred sans; Pepper, Cinnamon, Cloves, Soda-Saleniats, Washing soda, a large variety of Fancy Soaps ; and everythim - else - in his line. -0•- - Cash or Count - r-TProduce-iaken to for Goods. The Flour and Feed business is continued. Highest markei prices paid. GILLESPIE, In York Street, at the Post Office. Geitysbuig, April 24,.1854. ' TO THE 1111CLLICIVIERY TRADE. JOHN STONE Sr, SUNS, IMPORTERS AND DEALEIO IN FRENCH MILLINERY .GOODS, No. 45 South Seconeetreet, Philadelphia, ARE now prepared to offer their customers and the trade, an unusually large and well velec•ed assOrtmont of R 113 HONS. SATINS, VELVETS, PEATH ERN, LO ‘,V PACS, LACES, and every article appertaining to the Millinery trade. - 0;-Our stock being Of our own direct im portation, offers greeted ventatze% hot lu n styles and prices. - - (Sept. IS. .2a, ailitilarancy uppj :15 a ivo Market street, abave sa. phikailphio. G. I. Bush 14 Bro., Proprietors. • flpH IS House has a central locaiion, on one of the_princlpal thOrAng_lifaree 'of the Ito effint. spared to wake visitors emu:unable.. $l.OO per day. • .IFttne 12; - 11354. ly (....'2 1 4;1331141.= Ci 91.16.1. Ca) B. M...REIODES, General Commission Nerehant, 122 W. LOMB:911D 5/reel, vicar Charles, BALTIMOO, MD.- 1)1 AIMAN GUANO; No. 1, furnished at Government minimum price 01850.00 - for the Ton of 2:140 lbs., with u charge of $t commission, purchasing ano forwarding. The &sine rate of commission will prevail, what .ever may-be the established government price of the article. , Mexican Guano furnished at the importer's price and at. the same rate of conimisiiun. April 10, 1854. ly - UttRDWA - E A LARG addition to our stock of Hard ware, Carriage Trimmings, &c.. has been made, and thosein want of any article in .that line, should not fail to examine our stock. We pledge ourselves to .ell cheaper than the cheapest. Come to FAHN ESTOC ' October 16.1854. Administrator's.; Notice. R. DANIEL• BAKER'S ESTATE.— Letters of administration on the estate of Dr: Daniel -Baker, late of East Berlin, Hamil ' ton township, Adams county, deceased, hay. - ing been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same place, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make inictie 4diate payment, and those having clatcusagainst the same to present them properly au theuttc:ated -for settlement. • • GEORPE BAK-ER, Adsn'r. October-9, 1854. 6t TIMBER ______ LAIN, H INZIL E subscriber has 3till a few more lots of -- 'IIMBER LAND for sale, which will be disposed ofreasouably. For information apply . to J. D. PAXTON. -Also a lot of LOG UST POSTS for bale. Gettysburg. May 15, 1854. tf ITOTIC,III • Ts hereby given, that the Partnership herPtc,) I fore existing between Ttroatss W KitEN owl Gcottot- Witattert. tradingr under ti o• Warren and San, is this day dig... 1% od by littallal consent. All persons ktio%, iwr thvitt ---setres indebted tosaid firm are req , lested to call on I settle with the subseri her, at the Fotkitdry, .or their claims will he left with W. L. CAMP ' IREM, Esq.. for collection. .A,ptil 1, 18.54.. toßoccos.—Tholte wishing to seleri .411 . from a laree annotim ent of !Chas awl ' tfoot Wirocco, Pink and ti: Linings of a to, pettier 'quality and a: low places, ahrnild (.01 early at Itimekeap store of N AHN EsTo c hl BTOVES"—STOVES ON 1... a and for carte, a great variety of COOK STOVES--very cheap. Call slid' see %bent. aEC). ARNOLD.. /851. • SPOUTING ! SPOUTING ! EOILGE and Ilenry ‘Vainpler will make House Spouting and put up the si)iiu lo w; fur cash or country produce. Farmers.and all bothers wish trig their Houses, Barns,• ,Scr, spouled, would do %%ell to (rive them -a call. &. 11. W A :111"1,ER. 14111ALVDAGIJ ICR Eo'r Y PF Likeness A p rit• 18, 1853. _ll ill*, M rs: deceased. - The per. ' --isuntr iritetat itt in - possession will •he t i rilicKlN GS. NI I-3SL I S. &c.—Soto." Itewortratikity sealing it in the uutdersi nett those the tp Tic Li tug s„ sit us 0411. GS©, wAxp i um ; cba3s beau zeiaaiye.43 ttax A. AliNalwa. eqer before offered to the citizens of Adams county, consisting, in part, ae jullows : - Black, Blue and Brown French Cloths, Fancy, Felt and -Bealver Cloths for Over Coats, ,Newest Styles,) Black and Fancy Cassi• mews, Tyveeds; Jeans, Camsinets, &e. &c., fur Men's wear, Silks, Moues de Lain., Alpacas, Mennoes, Plain and Fancy Sack Flarmcis, also a beautiful assurtment.of Satins and Silks `for Bonnets, Bonnet Riblirim, and a great va riety of other articles. all of which the public sire respectfully requested to call and examine for themselves,ibelieving that it is only access.... ry to see our goods, price them, and examine, to induce • persons to purchase. A large lot of Trunks Also received, which will be sold . low. A-BRAtII-ARNOLD.-- 1 . October 2, 1854. tf or at as low a price , as we offer them to the public. For quality and cheapness, we assert that our present - Bloch cannot be equalled in the county, and to prove our assertion we in vim. the people. to come and judge for theni set vs—cmilideut that their verdict will sustain us in our efforts to furnish them with the CHPMPBST .I ND BEST GOODS. Coburgs of all colors, French Merinos, cheap er than ever known; Debage Al pacca; Mous I)elaine, Cashmere, Alpacca, Mohair Lustre; Brocade, cheapest Black Silks .eyer offered, Gingm has, Cha mbra Shawls, square and long I Bay State, Brovbe„ Caelnere; Dress Trim mings, Needle Work, S‘‘iss and Janiert, Edging', and Insertion, Flouncing, French Ainikeil__ lellarv, Bumrei_Rib_hous, ke. k GEN EM EN —We blue' a choice assortment of Clotlft.i, CasSlatters, Over Coating, Cassinets, &c. Come early and se lect 'your goods—look before you buy else where. Don't forget the Store at the sign of the lied :Front. ti. -FAUN ESTOCK & SONS. October 16, 18.54. which he will dispose of nt VERY REDUC ED PRICES to all who may f'ivor hiin with a call. His assurtmetxt consists of - the fol lowing: _ -FlanEels, Plaid Silks, F. Merinocs, Linen, M. Delaiues, Blankets, Wool Plaids, Quilts, Debeges, Cloths, Cashmeres, Cassinets, Persian Cloths, Satinets, Calicoes, • , LT 3 11. SKELLY respectfully informs his 'Li, old customers and the public generally, that he continues the T.3//.011/St; BILNY- Ni!:SS, at his old stand, in .South Baltimore street, "here he will he happy tojtecommodate ail who may patronize him. All work en• trusted to his care warranted to fit anti be of I most substantial make. Thankful for past favc.rs, he solicts a continuance of public pa tronage. The NI; HI York Sprint and Summer fashions are received. Call and see thew. Gettysburg., May 1,1851. T. WARREN. MONEY LOST! IT is an ,ESTA BUSH ED . FA CT that ma ny' persons lost money by not pon:h:ssincr Goods at the welt known CHEAP STORE, of Abram A mutt!, at his (dd stand, pit tha South East corner of the Diamond, where - he is - nowTreceiving the cheapeSt, prettiest and begt selected Stock of Fall and Winter Goods, `llll 4111111111754 NTE are ylepsed to announce to our many ' friends ;Ind customers, that we are prepared to offer the CHOICEST ASSORT MENT OF (00D.3 ever opened lathe coun ty. We have been enabled to purchase our Fall Stock at sue.hrices as have never before been heard of, aturwe challenve the county to produce a .larger & more general assortment of Fall and Wintei , Goods, LOOK TO. YOUR INTEREST! inulersig,ned leas just returned from AL Philadelphia with a large and fashionable CST:t)T2 (DI Ginghams, , -Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, Veils, K:e. Also. a lot of Grocerieg and Queensware, which were bought low and will be sold low t'or Cash or country produce. To punctual customers a credit of six months:. J. S. GRAMAIER. October 16, 1851. tf rocerlem and Queensware.--= Jr J. 8. GRAM `l ER defies the town of county to produce cheaper and better Groceries and Queensware than he is now selling.. of tirA rata quality anit hard to beat, for way r hi? a pound, and tverything else in proltur• Lion. [April 10. r 4 adles' r3ress Goods, 01..yrry.mk, I hilt Alpacca for 12 cents; CListinicrol.....l; Delieges front 1G to 37i cents;-Calicoes 5 to 1.2; 11u.Ii ns 1141415to 18. i; and •er cry thing,', else , in proportion, at the New Store of Oct. 16, J. S. 6RAAI M R. Fur sale only ',}y the Importer, CALEB 13, NEEDLES. rir Race Sls., Philadelphia L A DIESI, req the .. , eriefit of ,Vechan ical .Supparlx, owing to ,derarmemont of the In ternal Organs, inducing Palling of the Womb, Vocal, Pulmonary, Dyspeptic, Nervous and -S pinal—Wea-k-0e44,-;Hre—i tiff i• Pll4 d-t-Ital-a-co4npe tentt and experienced LADY will be in ;men .• ttee-ai-t-h-e--R-oonts, (xd rt i jirrt for-their ciLla. sive use.) No. 114rri I Street, first door below I,t,me. [July 3, 1854., ly fait iot-iy-toob , .s,l 7 tiltetock. L ANDEL L Fourth and Arch Sts., Philauelphia, rilll be able to offer extra indueementlo Country Buyers this Fall, as.their Stock of Good.; will be very fell, and bargains from the New York and Philadelp-hia Auctions, daily received. Full ass-ormient of the following: SHAWLS, NNE :LS, NEW SILK, • IMUSLINS, I. MER !NOES, LINENS; 'VOUI, Pl. A WS, TA (IL E COVERS, th:LA IN EN, BLANKETS, . CASHMERES, QUILTS, &e, Owing to the excfss of ImporlationF, we skull be daily,iu merlin 01 GIiKAT Jons. from Auction. EYRE & LANDE I. L. ond ./leck Philadelphia: Cl.:,' / "'TEILIIS NET (A:4l, and tow ac cordingly-. ,Sept. 11, 1651. 31a. 0 OK ---(2a A Ic;S I.4T- 1 Pictfire Franses, E p r t invite ( l ) t e e k i! o u fh Plainto e i x n t d i ;i r e , n o r i t i , r e n s; Gllt LOOKING G LASS ES. - Rill A I A N PI (;TU Hi A 'A/ ES, All` r CUR NIG BR A C . K . ,ET TA LILES, 'Ste. ea re manlla:luring e'very description of Gilt -Work and blacy W ind Fr oteii, on the •innst pleasing terms. Also, Importers of rre'nelr and German Louhing G !VIA, Plates. work lie.- Gill With iii•Thr:,s aud despatch. tv.-E.3". Persons v Baltimore will do Weil to e x am i n e ma . a.ssortment. Orders frrnn the country- will bo attended tJ faithfully and promptly. M. BARRETT ;iv, BR o.,. i fihttr's, 5 MIN tri . Ste.st , ,g e. oppomillt • N't.N4tirrti otel, 7 ' May 8, 1854. ly PAPER-HANGINGS. WHOLE S.l L 8,7 ND RE 7' IL. ric I , ', sitbs.iribers are daily adding to their ex tensive assortment GO Pa per-111fanr.,- IWO and l3order.4, norm' new and beau tiful styles' for their :Spring sales, to which they ask the attention of the trade and the pub lic in general. The aqsortment embraces new DRAWING ROOM DEC OR ATIONS, it gold, plain and rich colors; also, handsome -es-igris-for-P7mtittge,r;- 14i rri-n , ,z--Iteurns, Also, a Inrge varit ty of cuniinon and medium (paltry :Satin and Common Papers, of new and tasteful designs. (?r-,:y' Our city and cunt'• try friends are invited to view the !. assortment, confident they will find it tyre largest in the ejty, and prices `as low, as we have greatly in creased our facilities, by introducing many new improvements to our factory. . HOWELL & 11110111FMS, - 2Knaitilutiro tretu eel' Charte d and Light Stg, May 8, 185.1, 1y RANDOLPH & LATIMER, PRODUCE \Lit L 515J.4.4 4 •Li 9 Av. 6ti South street, 111 A L'd'H 1111 0 111 C. _Lk'I"I'ENTII pmiirtilarly to the sale of filour, Grain, flag, ( bwe:•seed, and all kinds of Country Product., and are prepared tolurnish sbags to persons wishinii to consign to them. November 7, 1833. ly _NOW IS TIIL"IIAIE! EAVER respectfully announces to O. the Ladies and (.lentlemen of Gettysburg and vicinity, that he fins resumed the Daguer reotype bloduess.. ut the old stand, in Chatn hershurg street,-where he will be happy to re ceive visitors desirous of securing perfect Daguerreotypes of thwesel yes or friends. Being furnished with an entirely new. and. costly apparatus, he is prepared to take pictures In every style of the art and insure perfect satisfaction. ki.t4;" . 1 1- inirges from 50 cents to $lO. /1.•'..114 - 11o.srs of oyeriting from 8 A. M. to •1 P. M. icce i r In dress avoid light, red, blue, or pur ple. Dark dress adds !Hoch to the beauty of the picture. .Sept. 18, Is3l. tt COL. IL COBE 1N a. 5 GETTYSBURG STEAM MILL. riIIHE subscriber has completed Iris new Steam Mill, and is now prepared to SAII TIMBER and CHOP GRAIN - at usual raws and short notice. Farmers and others can have Sawing and Chopping done at any time. (*.- Innover !.rives in Cash will he paid for lqe, Corn and Oats, at the Steam Mill. KrFeed constantly on hand and for sale. I`, W. HOFFMAN: Augiiist 1,1, 18.51. ly - - - NIOND -TONSO P I'Ox & 13 It 0111 EH. Rohiima/ili: lim bers and Hair Drescrs. e'ran at till times be limed prepared to attend :o the C.l Rs l't the p#74lillo,at the 7 etuple, in the Diamond, adjoin inu the County Fruit) long t..pe rience, they flitter theinsel VCS that illey can go through all the ramifications 01 the r a . O3lSO•• ria I ileparlment with such an infinite dc, , zree of s 411:, as will. meet with the entire satNtaetion °In!l who .nay submit their chins to the keen onloal of their raters. Tile) 11,00, theret, , ,re, that by their attention to and a desire to please. they will merit as vt t ii as receive, a liberal share of pulilie pat rotia ore The sick %yin he attended to at pril,llV d liettysburv,, Jan. 13. ISSI. tf • OUKIN(; (14 ,ind ces—itt Q / 1) ‘ /,)*,‘• Sl/ : 2 :;' r and Nv:lter (itirpr.r c/i a n d .1,- ,•ig •1-7( Ill'W o:kii tt Jilt) tire.t.„ cheap, b) AT THE COURT-PII6CI 4 A NI itION. ' -•{ r , l iP .' "`"?r , =''3. ,- -2 1?..., fe'e , 7‘ T , P ... -1 4 ' V . - ' kfr) Z4O 4 i'..1•1,' ..L. .t."... , I4)d -•.2 1 ,-11:J.-gtizi,, , ,t7 3 - W HEREAS' the-Hon,-RonEn - r -J. Ftstigo, ' - Cheap - Watches 4 Jewelry, President of the Several Uouits of Com- l ' non Pleas, in the Counties-eomposing the i Nur HOI.ES A L E & - RETAIL, at the Phil ]9th District, arid instinct o of the Corts of Ove , r - adelphia I,Vatch i and Jewelry Store, No. .96 North Second street, corner of Quarry, and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery-, for the trial of all. capital and other offenders in ,Pltita'telPhil• the s,,il uistrio, alai Namunt. R. RussEr,t, and ' ( ; `l''''''' rtva ;"" b " r " il i' wde ' d ' ""' l ' 3 reesi .- e in, ..-; ‘,. ,•t. - 1 - JOH N M-AGINLE li. E , ris•Jiidges of the Courts of r'ilver Le , er , , hili .I'''•ded: - • ('Omln On in-Pas, and Jnstices Of the Courts of •,':l''''l.l";"'''').'''''', - - - - Oyer anti Terminer, too GO,ntr,.l .Tali D. I tverv, r.,, 1 7,, 1 ,-• ( --. ) ;v,7,-..,7 - ' - - .. - - tor the trialul all capital a a. id other 0 ff,, i , t 1 t ., t ,. ; F ,1-- -11 . -...y1i. . - - _ • - .. „,, iii the County of Adatns--thave issued their pro- L,,:,1,.;,-;1,.1;...-•. - . 1. - . - - - - (fro o "pt- liettFief2;-- date the-'33 , 1 -day- of -Aug,w-t, in i'i`e ,t; Tt./ ;`1.1:111.. - A, - -_ - - - _:.; ra, the yearof oo r Loot) one thous:and eight hundred ' 6 "" i''-'''''' "itit I'etu•il ''"4 l l'ils." Holder, - -1 00 Fin C;01(1 ger Rings 371 cents to ti'-',.'80; Watch acid fitty•four, and to me (Erected, for holding a Con rt of Common ],''lets, and General Qom.- : Grasses, plain, 1 ' 2 3 - cents , P' l1 -tit 1 - 8 ; other- articles in proportion. Al! goods war- Delivery. fSessionß• of the P,.aee, and - General Jail . ranted to be what they are sold for. Luoet 25; Delivery. and Court of Over and Terminer, at . Gt tt •shil rg, on Mundt . • The 20th din n' Nov. I • - STA U F E'ER &, 11 AR. L EY. n , .c/—. (ITICE ts • EREBY G IVEN to al the iiititic(. , " of the Peace, the Coroner and t;onsta-_ hies it hitt the said County of Adaius, that they he then and there in their proper-persoqs, with ' their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions, Exainina ; Lions, - and other Remembr 'netts, to d o those things w hint] to their °Hives and in that behalf appertain to he done, and also, they who will prbseenteligaiust the prisoners that are or then 4- I _s_h.tl_l__4e in _Llte__Jati_ or the said Cou_til , .y Adams, and to be !hen and there to prosecute against them as shall he just. .10 lIN SCOTT, Shery. Sheriff's Office, Oct. 23, 1854. A FRESII SUPPLY! undersigned has just returned friita the City with a large supply "of FI?EZI I GOODS, which he is prepared to sell at prices which cannot berbeat. His stock consists of ROCER,II ES, of all kinds, Suprs, Molasses, Coffees, Teas, Kish, Salt, Crackets, Cheese, Pickled Cu cumbers, &C. Also, Fruits and .Confections, Oranges, Lemons, Fors, Raisins, Prones,&c. —Also, Powder, Shot, Tobacco, - Segars, ceitlfrated German Smoking Tobacco, aml a vari,ty of ollwr artic!cs—Also, a first rate assortment of the best qualities of L I Q. 1.1 0 "1.• S Wines ano Brdnd if's, of different kinds.N. E Rurn; Ilollaaid Gin, Old Rye,. ke —all of which can be 11;111 On LllO lowest trim, at the :lore ct=rill SCIL3i - C - rib - lit - in — tiolith Baltimore street, trttxt door to the —Star" office. (g 4 ..r Al , O, ways On hand a variety of Stolle &e.—Give us a 'call. • MI AN IT EL ZIEGLER. rGaiy ;burg, May 15, lbsl. NEW , II 'VRI)W_VR.E STORE. E subscribers would res - pectfully an nounce to their friend: and thein.blie that they have opened a NEW HARDWARE STORE, in. Bali; !Imre Street, adjoining- the reNide nee ff Drvid Ziegler, Get: y.sburg, to which tha) dre openinvr, A LARGE. AND GENERAL ASSORTYIF . NT OF ILUt D WARE, I ,H 0 T ,'• (4 Et 9tl Oft! ES, CUT L Eli 17, COACH TIZI:111`.:INGS SPUINGS, 'AXLES, a)) , Lb.) •=z (Et:bar—ware, !-31)oe Paints, Oils, 'and Dye-sitzif , s, in gt-neral, including every' description of arti Iles in the aIAn! lines of business, to V. -F-fTsi t they invite the attention of C °tic h-outkeri, Blacksmiths, Ca rpecters, Cabinet- makers, Shoe 7 nLikers, :Saddlers, and the public gen erally. 0 urstock having been selected with !;real care and purchased for Cash, we guarantee (for the Ready M oney,) to dispose of any part of it on as reasonable terms us they can be pill chased any where. We particularly request a call from our friends, and earnestly solicit a share of public favor, ins we are determine - d to, establish a char acter for selling Goods aLlow prices and doing bushkss on fair principles. JOEL, B. DANNER, DAVID Gettysburg, June 9, 1851. a --- - - - DA_ 1 IN ,LINE IP A It E It EDUCED! V 'III sqhseribers animunee to the travelling -111- public that thy! , ar. now running a DAILY LINT . 0 F STAGES, betwFen Cletty'sbutg: and Cliambersbarg, leav ing Gettysburg at 7 o'..doeli, A. :11.", and return ing by 7 u selook, 1': AI., of sante day. Fare eaeli way $1.50. Stage Office in Gettysburg, at the "Eagle Hotel." Ur Eli It, '!'ATE & CO. Aug. 16, 1852 Baltimore & Susquehanna Railroad, COIA.NcE OF 110151;5,_way , p,i,:,, , r. Train leaves Calvert Station at 8.15 A5l Arrives at York at Aceottirtiodutiun Train leaves Culvert :Station at A.rrives at York at Express Train leaves Calvert Station at lo r 31 Arrives at York at - RETURNING. Way Pa4senger Train will leave liar- rishurg at 1.15 P ai Arriving at York at . 2.15 P 31 Express Train h-ayes Harrisburg at 5.45 A la Nrriv nig at York at 9.5.1 A AI p. W INC I I ESTER, Super'l. arch'.2o, I S 5-1. Hanover Branch Rail Road. (11.1 NG E OF lIOURS. rpRAINs over the Hanover Branch road , now run as folk)WS Ist Train trill leave Hanover at 9.15 A. M., Passetioers for York, Ilarrishurg. Colum bia ar i d' Phiharlpitia, and return to Hanover tvith Passengers from Baltimore at 1-.1 NI. This Train emineet. also with the E‘pregs for Baltimore, arriving there at 1 P. M., stopping at Gleurvek. Parliti ; li and -2,t1 Train will leave Hanover at .2-15 P. NI. tenh Pastamoers for Baltimore, airiving there at t; 30 ; and return iiiiiitedtately tt Ittl Pasbcn gers from York, k\.tL., at 3.15 P. 11. 3d Train vt, ell:mo)er at 4 3-1 P. M. with Ilasswii , ers tor York;' ante return %% ith Pa , senoi rs tone) Baltimore at S P.-. 11. limlay moriitag t•N.tra Iron 1,$1:1 leave for Baltimer,• 5.30; lutiiin 7. A. al." 1;I)\\ ) t.. V 01 N ,i. H.olover, Oct. 16, 1z.,51. '4 11' K (7.1t 1 ,11-ot. I k rr i n ,r, tHr4 1!1,1 Nide!4, Lau! LIM/ itq lIV PAL Sw 61: St kci S:rtc: I'll L 2,11 ON:is C.) u , 1% t" ISE T , + ^ 4.4; Lepiries. lw.ver thui aiu abuvit prices. 11F1, willina to certify that the HATIIA ik WAY COO N STO E'is the my bast Stove ifuCv in use, ipastulleh they will do mole Cooking, Itarastinit andi3aking, arta j ii, v‘ lilt loss _Lilo st as lone . a eain as any other stove Pow sold. These c t'brated stove, are eunstattfly kept farsale at a vry , „ . reduced.4tricd, at the Gettysburg Foundry Zr. Madhine Shop where th . e subscribers, feeling determined to salt p ersons, have aI so the Parlor, Sexton's 1 Baltimore Air-tight. Peakskell, and Cabineb Gook Stove, and Air-tight aud Ten plate Par ' lot Stoves, of the most beautiful patterns. tieNavar which cannot I,tl surpassed for lightness of draught, or in the character of their IA ork, are constantly on hand for sale, and in view (tither:let that the M on ldhoard oft hose Ploughs is one fourth heavier than that of otherldoughs, it is decidedly the clica - pyst ttrat eau be ob tained. W PLOUGHS and others, Casfinffs for the Woodcock Plough, i ad mi I waohi,cly, (...1:1-lillf7S an d Hr, I w7l.'v;l re, tiritL every article ti:;uali l y mad e at Found 60%, can be obtained here. (t - :7-131aclisutithina and Shoe Making as usual. - T. Wl'AiZl ENT & Den. 2-2,1851... tf TTA % T IN G located periitane»tly burs. u(1 rc,bis prgfet.isiondl services to the public. ()dice and rebitleace . in York ,treat, op-pot...ail the Bank. I Gettysburg. April -24, 1851. ly . • •. LAWitEiCE II Hit ..I\l v - A _ ==;-* - ,T TLA his Office one door we.q.of the Lutheran IA: idiot - eh, in Chan , bershurg'street, and op po tit store, where those wishing to h,tv ,ttly o pi! ,e a performed are respectfully invited to E G E R 6. NCES: 1/r. D. Gilbert, Dr. G. 13crluchy, Dr. D. Ln - ner, Rev. O. P. Kranth. 1).1)., Rev. IL L. Lit-Higher, D. D., Rev. Prof'. William M. Rey nolds,Rev. Prof. M Jacobs. Prof. M. L .Sttever. Gettysburg, April 11, 1833. tf Tins wAy. IF YOU 1P .. .11-VP- ~? I Eli I(.' I. 1: THAT CA :9; ' I.` BLI Li.!,13,2:a.' : ' TH E undersig - ned, haiiing purchased the 1 - Carriae - e-making establishment of Win. _Graliamrespectfully_informs the, puhlie generally that he will continue the said business at the old stanch in" Washington street, half a square from Chambersburg street,i,nere Ihe is prepared to Manufacture to order, at I shirt notice, Calri ' . a, - es, Roolvaway - s, . Bp.gtios, suLK I ES. iERS E VS, Sze. He flatters himself that his ‘‘nrk is a little i ahead of any turned out by any other estab lishment in the place—having none but the best of workmen employed, and using none but the best in iterials. Ills prices are mode'- , ate. ki--Z3`'REPXIRING done at short notice. Country produce-taken for anything in his line. J. BA it tz. Err. Gettysburn .. , March 13, IPSI. tf ILAS taken NI r. SrEvENsoN's office North \Veit. Corner of Centre Square. 11cference.- 1 .1 On. Thaddeus Stevens, Lan ciriter. Geuysburrg, January '2., 1854. E. Et. BUEHLER', wry ; : \ 2, '24 1.1 9 TILL faithfully and promptly attend to all business entrusted to him. Ile spolks Ike Gentian langia.ze. Office at the saute phut , . in South Baltimore street, near Forney's Drno• Store, and nearly opposite Damter & Ziegler's Store. - 2U. D. n'CON IUG IIY, ATTORNEY .. .AT LAW , (Office removed _to one door West of Buebler's Drug Book-store, Chambersburg stfeet,) Attorney & Solicitor for Patents and Pensions, I)OUNTV Land Warrants, Back-Pay sus ) pvmled Cl:kiosT: and all sillier claims atrams t the Government at Washington, L). C.: ako American claims in Entrland. Land War rants located and sold, or bought, and highest prices given. Agents engaged in locating warrants in lowa, lilinoi s, and other Western States; and 'antic; for sale the.-e. 11 A M m 7.1.2 r nt FT 1 E in the south-west corner of the Stplarc, formerly occupied by 'Ale conaughy, Esq. \V iLI attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care. " OF ; ICI: on the south side of the Public Square, two (lOW's west of the Sentinel Auz.:2'.191853. oli!ce E ,t/li - 4 . riber, 111;101:101 int past favors, respocdully infmus the puhlic ttyt ht eon. tiirtes ;Ito Co:vh-inakili, business, in all variut, his 01(1 ,Stand, in York %% here he h un It old, •t4O sill taanuracture to order, Rooli - lway and Boat-body Carriages, qtr, I. Fu , e 0 thane a!: tit •11(•tit IL 'ut ( .. ..1.11 'r t's. A. ti r\:lll,D OE INB Mil Sept. 25, IHSI. .ly .2000 I,A DIES 1)0C1 1 04t JOHN A. SVVOPE, DA VII) WI ILLS, .Attorney at Law, 0:,,1 -4— "Apilly to him personally or by letter. Gettysburg, Nov. 21, 1533. ly W._ A. WGINLEY, TrinIERNEYAT LNW. Gettyslmra, May 15, 1.451. WM. B. McCLELLAN, Attorney at Law. I).A t - t HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. . Citizens of the Union,— TO U have done the the honor as with one : voice, from one end of the Union to the other, to stamp the chorocter of my Ointment with your approbation. It is scarcely two. years since I mode it known to you, and alrea— dy- it ha ohiained more celebrity than any. other medicine in so shirt a period. THOMAS HOLLOWAY. ~'_'4 00 ou 1.1; 01) U ( 7 00 7 00 I;,U ZB, corner of .ani, ...Vassau sts., New York._ ASTONISHING CURE OF SORE LEGS.. AFTER NINE- YEARS' STANDING. Copy of Letter from Mr. J. W. Lartgley, of Ilvot=ville, Yaxlkla. co., North. Carolina. dated .Nuv. Ist, :1633. REAL) HIS bit Ai 'A' OILDS. To PROFESSOR lioLLowav : —I t is not my wish In become , n , .torions.-ne-i-thet is this. letterwritten for the mere sake of writing', but .do say, that your Ointment cured me of onCof the most dreadful cutaneous diseases that tlec.h. is heir •io, and 'which was Considered by^ all, who knew me, to be entirely beyond the reach of' medicine. For nine years I - was afflicted. with one of the most painful and troubLesomn sore leusthaL_e -4.14 he-lig of marl after trying, every medicine 1 had ever heard of,. de.s-pair--.111-fro p being cured ;- hut a friend hrought me a eouple of large put . 3 of your Oinhnent, which' caused the sores on. my legs to heal, and I entirely re:paned inyl health, to my azreeable surprise. and and tc, the 'astonishment of nay friends.: (Signed) W. LA.NGLEY. AN EXIT ORDINARY - CURE OF A: BAD BREAST, WHEN NEARLY AT THE POINT OF DEATH.. Cory of a Letter from Mr. It. Durant, New Orleans, No- To PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY, 38, Corner of - Ann and Nassau Streets, N. Y. Dear Sir It is with hear:felt gratitude I haVe to inform, you that by, the use of your Ointment and Pills, .the life of my wile has been, saved„. For seven years she had a bad breast, with ten running wounds, (not of a cancerous na ture). 1 was told that nothing could save her :. she was_then induce-d to use your Ointment and Pills, when in the short space of three months, they effected:a perfect cure; to the astonishment of all who knew us. We oh tdned your Medicines from Messrs. Wright & Co., of Chartres-street, New Orleans. 1. send this from t•H otel des Princes," 'Paris,. although I had written it at New Orleans, before cc finallrelc - at - that - tim - 101 . ot - k - rro w ing your-address at New York. (Signed) D URA _ The Pills stould Le wq. , l conjointly with the , Ointment in olost of the rolluwing cases : Contracted and Lumbago Sore-throxtba Ail Lcgv Had 13:estAs I'i>tuLi, MEE IBM Bun , ns Cr lan till-r 1' hi i 1 i!:u us CtiapptA }Laud, :•:,%'ellingt; Sow Ott the Establishment of Prokssor I IOLLOWA V, :38, Corner of Ann and Nassau Streets, New York ; also by all respectable. Droiigists and Dealers in Medicines, through out the United States, in Pots, at 37 cents,. 87-cents, and $1,50 cents each. To he had Wholesale of the principal Drug Houses in, the Union. Ct. - ,7-'l'l) , re is a considerable saving by tak larit-er N. I.l.—Dtrections for the guidance of pa— tients in every disorder are affixed to each Pot.. July 3, ISSI. lyeuw PEMCLAMATIOX tly of Ortttpburg, -Electric 7 4 , Irk 1 4 $ Tr.), )L- 1( Cl/ ‘tl-.4'' rION:STRUCTED to bewOrn next to the. ship, producing a constant current of ux- I - --r.\--rz-trtturre-D -E-LE:CTItOMA NI T 1 hl—?ffe cr I:\II‘EDIATE RELIEF, Fi?O,;.Nl - °A CUTE PAINS, and a Permanent cure qf Neuralgic Diseases! 9 Pti vermacher's Electric Chains were first used in Prance, three years since, for the cure• of roux Diseases, and after being submitted: to the most thorough trial, in every- hospital to Paris, by the Most learned prure,4sors in that city, they were recommended to the Gov ernmeot of France, who granted . :1 patent for the discovery. During.the Pears 1851-'2, they were introduced in Germany, Austria, Prussia; and It:nu - land, and on e yea r since, introduced. and patented by the United States Government- Gloat ..listuni.shin ,, Cares of St. Vitu,'s Dance; nliottiliati;lll r ,r e I Jointi, Palpitation of the Heart, Noe:al : 4la of the F; ice, Prio. heal Headache, ll:due• till udtie , ., from indigestion, 11 . ) rlc. , 1.1,pe psi a r:veri j itrosed Aervons, i. quickly and npidly cured, by simply wear ing the Chains for a few hours each day. The chains were first int rod used in the city of New York, %A - here they were exhibited to Prof. Valentine Mott, Van Buren, Post, Car nochan, and others, who readily distuvered that they mssessed - Strange aid__Sing - ts tar Power of Instantly . l?e- whenever applied. and by their recommenda tion and influence, they were introduced into the different hospirds of Nev York, and am now in / /city nog in those institutions, in the treatment and ruire of the above named diseases. So Oilier Mechanical .3;zent, in the world, can produce so many 'well au thenticated c.rtificates of cure, from scientific Physicians and intelliLfent Patients, as may he found In etch pamphlet, which may he obtain• ed oratis at the l'iru-g Store of S. BU trit, - WhO . the — i:ole . Agent for Gettysinirg . „ - and who will explain the manner of use to all who may apply. In the et ty of New York, at the 'General Office, 568 Broadway, tin-re are being sold daily, froin forty to SI .7 g and the sale and demand in Boston is as great in pro portion to the population, althoofzh they have only been introduced three months ! The CHAINS are easily worn, and are equally applicable to all classes of persons, the child as weli as the adult, and are always ready for use—never get out of repair, and are as much an article of ornament, as they are a valuable means of cure. CAUTION.—:Ladies who are endemic are requested not to wear them. , The prices of the Chains ares 3 and $5, IS and 30 Links, and can be sent by mail, to any part of tne State, by addressing S. H. BUEH LER. only Acent for Gettysburg. I. STEIN EltT, 563 Rroadway, N. Y., General Agent. For sale in all the principal cities in the United States. July 3, 13,51. ly No. '240 Pratt Street, Baltimore. IsuAEL KNooE, Proprietor. JOAN CL EXUDE, Superii ent. :11ay IS-51. Iy r) A h scriber liercby v,:tres nonce to those who Ince proiaised him WOOD on ac count, that he is in want of it. and that unless it I t delivered forthwith. without any further notice, the Account -3 ill he pLieed :la the hands clan officer for eollectioh, and the money re . {hired.T. WAIZ It . 'l'l. l o;.e. of ur pritro:ii who iri:t — n.l t,a t'v. `^',11),1_•.'111[i011 I a ‘- e t c_ ;:i i: A:s`;G' . " ,LS hey V. 0.1 . 3E .Curt fur 311! VClnber 9th, 1553 ti l Juintb Itheumatisur scurvy Salt illivuin Sure-heads 'e ti•:•4 = Pait.l,4 Pa 1725, WoolLWanted Skin .dieeapea L Ice. ~