r)rjENIING __ op , • , I'VE 13, -,,GITEEN C ETE Y, ANA_ - - Sale or 11oriall 101 5 Ors 714 November, 1854. Ell H President and. Managers are gratified JL : 'to be able to announce that the OPEN, IN p.c ENIONIES of.--EVer Green Ceme tery will Decal on Tiresthi,y, the 7th day rf November next, tit 10 o'clock, A. M., upon the Cemetery Grounds. Addresses will hedeliv. ered, and there will be other exercises appro priate to the occasion. The Music wilt be under the sub rintendence_of Prof. A. J. ROT• -TR RFI -With-4h 'e. 7 aid_of_his_vocaLcorps...._ On the :lame day - , at I th - e — re :will lie a Sale of Lots. The Company have -had the servicespf an exoellent Racal Archt :tect, tyho ttas furnished a complete andbeau tiful _plan, and laid out the Grounds into' Ave ,ttues, Walks, 'Lots, &c. About 1000 Lots Ceit►eteiy presents many attractians—it is convenient y situated• and very comma( "ous, the view is very extensive---liie scenery the finest in this region, embracing valley and mountain- , .-and the Grounds themselves art beautiful. - • The price of Lota-40 by 16 feat—W : loo, and the distribution by sale of premiums, for choice. The citizens of the town and the county are invited to attend the Opening and Sale of Lots. D. McCONA U G HY, Pres'l., IVIOSEt. 4 IMCI.F: AN, C. W. HOFFMAN, C.P. KR A 1.1111. _ • A.4IIA"M. ARNOLD% THOMAS WARREN, S. S. SCHMUOKER, A. B. KURTZ J. B. DANNER, WM. B. ' MEALS, M. JACOBS, JOSIAH BENNER, H. J. STA H LE, Sec' y.. .Board of Managers. 21—TOWN—PROPEPTY,_ Oct. I'6. AT PUBLIC SALE. IEX I TILL be offered at Public Sale, on the preatises,'qn Saturday, r the 11th day of --211`orieinber-next, A- Half Lot of 6* urn!, . r t- -•l1e 0111E4'111e .'; ween Baltimore. and Washington streets, in the Borough of Gettysburg. The improve-. meats consist of a Two-story Roughcast , Dwelling House 411 ,Back-building;a good S'CABLE, Stn. Side to -commence at l. o'clock, P. on said day, when ffttendance will be given And terms made known by • .1. B. DAN N ER. . .tlgent for .11-largarel Irwin. October O. 1854.. is Administ razor's Not ice. DANA EL, BAKER'S ATE.— jJ of a i linttlistration on the eslote of :Dr. Daniel Bake late' Of &W t Berlin,llla mil. ton townsliir, Adams coanty, deceased, hav ing been granted to the undersigned. residing in the same place, he hereby gives notice to alt 'persons indebted to said estate to mii.tP diate payment, and those havio j china - avilist the eametnpresent them properly authenticated for settlement. GEORGE BAKER, Admir. Octbber 9,1854. 6t DIAMOND TONSORS. -TIPTON & BROTHER, lahhionable Bar bers and Muir Drmers, can at all times 'be found prepared to attend to the calls of the _ .- people;at the lernp/e, in the Diatnond, - adjoin tng the County Building. From long expe- Vience; they flatter themselves that they can _through all the ramifications of the Tonso rial Department with such an infinite degree of skill; as will meet with the, entire satisfaction of all who may submit their chins to, the - keen ordeal of their razors. They hope, therefore, that by their attention 'to business, and a desire to please, they will merit as well as receive, a liberal' share of public patronage. The sick will be. attended to at their private dwellings. • Gettysburg, Jan: 13.1851. tf COURT PROC LA AI t T lON. • H P l ; 3 e ß si E d "I S t f h t e h s e e e v . eRr J. ( I :1 1 Com monl4ll' Pleas, hi the Counties composing the 19th District, and Justi and Terminer, and ci . eiirTNT Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other otrenilers in the said oistrict,and %I:Jmktutrt, It. Ressicra. and JOHN M AGINLEV. Esqs. Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas, and Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, anti General Jail Doliverv, for the trial of all capital and other alTenders in the County of Adams—have issued their pre cept bearing- date the 2,3 d day of August, in the year ()four Lean one thousand eiv.lit hundred and fifty-tour, and to me directed, tour bolding a Court of Common Pleas, and Ge [MI I Quar ters Sessions of the Peace, and General Jail Delivery, and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at G E ,ttyshtirg, on Jilundall, Me '2O. 1 le dull qf Slay. next—NoTtec Is HE iuE r (14vEN to all the justices of the. Peace, the Coroner and Coasta bles within the said County of Adams, that they be•then and there in their proper persous, with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions, Examina tions, and other Reinetiibrances, to do those things which to their offices and in that behalf appertain to he done, and also, they who will prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall be - in the Jail of the said County of Adams, and to be then and there t o prosecute against them as shall be just. JOHN SCOTT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Oct. 23, 15.54. . MACKEREL, Codfish, Salmon, Herring, Pork, flanks and Sides,:,:houlders, Lard arid Cheese, constantly on 'hand and for sale by J. Pai ars er Car., Market Street Wharf, PH I 1,3 D E 4P171,1. October 9,11351. 3/n Groceriem and Queenswa J. S. GRAM MEI?. defies the t.,iw county to produce cheaper and hetter Grnee les and Queeuswarethan he is now sellincr. sugar of first rate quality and hard to b al, for only 41 - FIP a pound, and every thing else in propor tion. [April 10. adies , Dress G00d. , :, of every style, 1)1 k Alpacca forl2ieent,; C,::Uniere 12i1 Debeges from 16 to 311 ,; Calicoes front 5 to Le; Muslins from: to 1).4.; arid everything etsein proportion, at the It;-•.i .- xtr)re Oct. 16. J. S. GRA:WAIF:It. 4o; Suaar and Wan.: (21tACKEIts, — 3O Ginger Nuts. Se)ich and Jenny Lir,,j --cakes.-(a-new—a,ttlae, and not to tw t ,/ sate.-cheap, by the pound or IPsq, at April 24. GILLESPIE'S. AIOR-CfCCOS.—Those W.1%..1111r i , 4•1e(! t •from a large assortment of Ma& and Hoot Morocco, Pink and Lair, Lining, a a su perior_ qsality and az low pri(!es. shruild call emrly-at the cheap store Qf FA H N ESTOC KS. - OOKING siv:es a nd .pri .. , , - - NOW IS_ THE_ -TlME'.__ 1 I I A 4. ''' Y -- cl- -- i .J u WEAVER respectfully announces -,to _. o...the Ladies and Gentlemen of Gettysburg • , . MARCUS SAMSON_- , end vicinity, :hat helms resumed the Daguer- , _ • I . IAS opened and is now iellint3; rapidly at * HAS hi s Office one door west ofthe ~iitheran reotype business, at The old stand. in Cham his Store in York street, opposite the - church, in Charnbershurg street, and op . bersbarg street, where he will be.hap,py to ,re a very large choice and cheap.assort-.. posite Grarniner's store, where those wishing; ceive visitors desirous of securing perfect :Bank, to have any Dental Operation perforated Daguerreotypes of themselves or friends. i mem of SU NI MER_GOODS; . to which he in- are respectfully invited to call. __ - Being furnished with an entirely new and vites the attention of the public. They have I It EP F. n'ENces: costly apparatus, he is prepared to take pictures. been. selected with great care in the Eastern i Dr. D: Gilbert, Or. C. N. I3erluehy, Dr. D. in every style of the art and insure perfect cities, have been bought, cheap for cash, and Horner, Rev. C. P. Kranth, D.D.. Rev. H. L. will be sold cheap- for cash - 7, cheaper thrun'at satisfaction. 'llailahPr,l).. 0., Rev. Prof. William M. Rey -4,,..e-Charges from 50 cents to 810. any ntlier establi?thment in &etlysburg. His nolfs l ,Rev. Prof. M..lacobs, Prof. NI: L.Stcever. fitrllours of operating from BA. St, to 4 stock consists in part of Black, Blue, Olive, i Gettysburg, April 11, 1853. tf P. -M . . i alia-Green (,LOTH, COATS, with frock, Vein dress avoid light,' red, blue, or per- dress. arid saelt coats; also Tweel, Cash:lie- _DOCTOR pie. • Dark dress adds much to the beauty of ret, Italian Cloth,•Linen Lustre, Cheek,Ging- .. thi-picture — KT .- n - 1 i-R_ 1854. -f— barn, Sca 'Grass, Dock and Surritner Cloth - JOHN- A- ._S WO_ P_E COR. COBEAN,O AT Tag 4 GETTYSBURG STEAM BULL, H F.; suhßrriber hos COrnyleted his new , • __ , - rue - (1 to• TIMBER. and CHOP GRAIN at usual. raies aiiii — fir,rt7noncei --- 4 1 7a - nottr's alid—vthers r e j t have Sawing and Chopping done at any dine. (~.-f-latinVer prices in_Cash will be paidfor Rye, Corn and Oats, at the-Steam Mill. (* - -Feed constantly un hand and fol. sale. - C. W. HOFFMAN. August 19, 18.51. ly Baltimore St Susquehanna Railroad, H ANG KOF 110[1125.—Way Pas . -.enlr,er. ij Train leaves Calvert Station it 8.15 aAt Arrives at York at 1 1 AAI Accommodation Train leaves Calvert Station at , 4.25 P m arrives at York at -- 7.42 P at Express Train leaves Calvert Station at 10 P st Arrives at York at 12 r 5! RETURNINCL, Way Passenger Train %sill leave Har risburg at 1.45 P Pa :• Arrivinu at York at - 2.45 p M Express Train leaves Harrisburg at 8.45 A M e Arriving at York-at- 9. - P4 A at . A. P. WINCKESTEII, - S'uper't. NI a rch2o, 1854. • . Hanover Branch Rail Road, Cll.l SG E OF I/O 1:118. TRAINS over the llanoier Branch road n ovvron — a s -- fal l ow s - T Ist Train will leave Hanoverat 9.15 A. M., • 3' r ••tk 1 a bia 'and Philadelphia, and return to Ilaoover with Passengers , from Baltimore at 12 M. This• Train connects also with the Express for Baltimore, arriving there at 1 P. M., stopping at Glenrock, Parkton and Cockeysville. 2d Train will leave Hanover at 2.15 P. M. wall Passengers far Baltimore, arriving there at 6.30 ; and return imtuediawly with Passen gers froth York, Sic., at 5.45 P. M. .3d Train will leave Ilanover at 1 3-4 . P. M. with Passengers for- York; and return v.ith Pagsengers (ruin Baltimore at 8 P. M. The Monday morning extra train will leave for Baltimore at 5.30; return at 7. A. M. EDWARD E. YOUNG, dgeht. Hanover, Oct. 16, 1854. ZINC PAINT. One-third -Cheaper than, y!'/eilr, Lead, and free from all Poisonous Qualities. PrilHE NEW JERSEY ZINC COMPANY having greatly enlarkr,ed their works, and improved the quality of their products, are . prepared to.execute orders for th r Stitpe. rior' Paints, dry, and ground ire oil, in assorted packages of trout '25 to 500 pounds; also Dry, in barrels, of 200 pound; each. - • Their White Zinc, which is sold dry or ground iuoil, is warranted , P E 0-nd is ur ,passed for Body and Uniform Wlitteness. .A method of preparation has recently been discovered, which' enables- the Company 10 warrant their paints to keep fresh and soft in the kegs for any reasonable time. In this re spect their paints will be superior to any other in the market. Their Brown Zinc Paint, which is sold at a lOW price, and can only be made from the l.inc ores front New Jersey. is now well known fur its protective s when appli ed to iron or other metallic surfaces. Their Stolle Color Paint possesses all the properties of the Brown, and is of an agreea ble color fur paintin , * Cottages, Depots, Out buildings, Bridges, &c. Dealers supplied onTilieral terms by their Agents, FRENCII & RICH ARDS, Wholrsale Paint Dealers and Immrters, N. W. cor. 10th L Nleyrket. nt4., Philadelphia. April 10, 1851. 6in • /0 ( - 4 [ - I va Arzla - 4 A., .14 444 4a vpi TE subscriber, thankful for past fltvors, respectfully informs the public that he con. tinues the Coach-tnakin business, in all its various branehos, at his Old Sltand, in fork street, (formerly where -he has on hind, and will manufacture to urder, Rollaway and Boat-body Carriages, utu:Gik:s..matsuik all ail the best matilltrials, ;Ina by - (he hest of 'workmen. Call and judLre for yourselves. 'LEONARD ti I: H. “ettyshiirg, April 6. 1846. RANDOLPH & LATIMER, P U CCP.' f7A, '?"\ I{N ). fbo. 66 South street. A L In 0 IR E. A TTEND partiruhrly to the sale ofl74ur, 4 .71 L Groin. Hall, (loversee.d, and ail kitals of Country Pri,duee, and aro prepared tofurni.sh bagx to person.; - wisbini to consign to them. November 7. 1853. lv 4' - FAT ANK'S . PATENT e.=••••• ..: X , , ..",,,, 0 . rIloo'"."--------, Sold at their Warehouse, 225 Market St., NILLA_DELPIIIi. Railroad, 1 1 av, Coal and Fantle rt.; sr ALES, set in any part of the eountry, by experienced v, orlinnen, and at short nonce. April 10, 1851. tiro . Executor's NOice. Gitt EST'S EsTATE.—l,otters testatnent,try on the es; d ie late of Lad snore towit4ip, Adams ec., der'il.,liaving been granted to the tinderskin.d, ~ .Erfin^ in the same tow nship, he hereby gives waice to all persons indebted to said estate to make -immediate pa: - ?raelikand-those h a vi n g against the wine to present themi properly ituthenticated for settlement. .1U EL GItIEST, Ex'r. Septetaber 1831. tit Second-hand •Carriages. FEW grind serctti- IV and BUGGIES to Gl)untry Produce, at C. Coach t•'actury. - IDEII.FIIIIERY of all kinds will be found 1 1 at - SCHICK'S. Fug VES and Stockings, all sorts and ARRI AGES, 11 for GAsli iOFFAIAN S August 14. Coats; alio a superior stock of P A.NTA LOONS, Consisting. in part of excellent and well inadePrencli Black Doe-skin Cits-siniere, Fancy Uasstinere, Salisietts, Velvets, Cord. Lirtm; - and - Oottaninfe.—T . he stock of VESTS coinpriiies every variety of manufacture—fine ac ." - iirM7 - Si!li, Vel vet, Italian 8 - i11:7, - w , fancy and buff Marselllei; Sunntnercloth, c. Fly Nets ! Fly -Nets! of a good quality; excellent - manufattfre, and offered at low prices. I have already dispitied of a large number of these articles and always to the satisfaction of purchasers. Also on . hand a large lot of TRUNKS, Hats, Carpet Bags, Urrthrellas,' Boots and Shoes, Window Shades, Vto I ins; Accordeons, Guitars, Flutes, Fifes, Melodeons, Mirrors, Razors, Spectacles, Revolting, Single' and Double Barreled Pis tols, Watches and Wateh Guards, silk and cotton Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves, Stockings, Spring Stocks, Shirts, and shirt Collars, and a splendid assortment of JEWELRY—M fact every thing in the way of Boy's and Men's furnishing line. 13.4i—Pirst-rate chewing Tobaer,to always on hand—a rare article, which chewers are re quested to try. MARCUS SAMSON. July 3, 1854. if TII E WA It GOING ON r .111 E; war in Eurriipt , is largely enp:rossing rublic ,ateotiorr,--und prices tte-ncmlly at - - goefig 111). But the undersioned wouldsugge3t to his customers and e`verybody else that hn has, just returned front the city, with the clic(' Jest and IEBI stock of C,'A , tt \LT.,f, u t, t'9 NTltSTeMffeetioli , • • • , he has ever` before offered. Call and judge for yourselves,, and if you do not .pronounce his. goods among the cheapest and hest you have ever looked at, then is he greatly mis taken. I is. stock comprises, in part, Coffees, Storms, Tea's, Chocolates, Syrups, Molasses, Cratikers, Oranges, Lemons, Almonds, Palm Nuts, Pea Nuts, Etiglil.,h Walnuts, Filberts; Confectionary, of a hundred sorts; Pepper. Cinnamon, Cloves, Soda Saleratus, Washing Soda, a large variety of Fancy Soaps, and eve rything else in his line. V. - J. -Cast' or Country Produce taken in ex• change for ,Goods. The Flour and Feed ini.iness is continued.. Highest market prices paid. WM. 61 I 1.1, E . -1)) E, In York Street:at the-Post (Vice Goltystthrg, April .2.4, 3 Cure .far :311! II 0 LIAO NV OIATIOIE (Wiz . ens tf the ()Lion,— ATO II have done toe the honor as with one voice, from one 'end of the Elninu to the other, to siatim the_ettaras:te . r of my Otettnent with your approbat:on. it is scarcely two years since I made it know n to you, awl alrea dy it has . obtained wore celebrity than any other medicine in F.( ) stoat a period. THOMAS HOLLOWAY 38, corner ty' Ann iva,,suu Nral roar. ASTONISHINGCHRE sou E LEGS. A FTER NINE YEARS' STAN DING. Copy of it Letter froin'3lr. J. W. Langley. of Huntsville, Yadkin co., North Carolina. dated Nov. Ist, 1&,3. R►sAl) Ifi 4 1/VVN VI/01UP% TO PitoPEgson 01,LOW A Y Sir, —lt is not my wish to become notorious;,neither is this letter written ibr the inere sake of writing, hut to say, that von r Himmel': cured me of one of the 1110. t liread rol cutaneous diselisos that.,lleqh is heir to, and which was considered by all tvlto knew We, to be o'nt irely beyond the reach of medicine. For : nine wars I was afflicted w hit one of the twist painful and troublesome sore loos that ever fell to the lot of man ; and after trying every niediciue I had ever heard of, I resioneil to despair all hope of being cured ; hut-a friend brought me a couple of large pots of your Oiniment, which caused the sores on my legs .to heal, and I entirely regained uty ',aid,: to my agreeable surprise and delight, and to the astonishment of :sly friends. . (Signed) J. W. LAN( LEY. AN EXTR NORDIN ARY CURE OR A 13A BREAST, WHEN NEARLY Al' 'Fill': Pot NTOP-1)EATII. Copy of a Loltor from llr. It Iliteaht, 'New Orkanq, No- VI I lbor !I tli 1 •:1:3 To PituFEssou Ilin,Loway, 343, Corner of Ann and Nassau Streets., N. Y. Doar Sir : It is with heartfelt gratitude 1 have to wham you that hy'the use of your Ointment and Pills, the life of my wife kJ:of; beeu saved. Fot seven yea Pi she had a Ltd breast, with ten running wounds; (not of a MIS ml hire). I was told that nothing . could her she was then induced to litie your Ointment an d Pills, .when in the short spare of three months, they of a perfect cure, to the astonishment elan who knew us. W.e ob tained your Metlirines from Messrs. Wright & Co., of Chartres-streA, New Orleans. send this from "Hotel des Princes," Paris, although I had written it. at New Orleans, before we finally left, at that time ; not know ing your address at New York. (Signed) R. DURANT. The Pills should lio tu.ocl conjointly uit h the Ointment in - ot the loitol% tug case.. : Flat Logs Con t raelvd-arhau a l.go Sore -111 ontv Dad lit casts Mill . .. Joint:, Du nut Fktulas tthoumatium :curt v Itutoong Gout. Stilt ilium rote-heads ULuidul r aI I" lithhtillS Chapped lewd.; ZSNI c' Nipples N\ °with+ *' Suit' al the E•tlabil:•tilliesit of Plotessor Ilot.Lowav, :38, Corner of Ann and Nassau Streets., New York ; also by all rospectable Dro2gists and Dealers in Medicines through out the United States, in Pots, at :373 cents, 87 cents, and 81,50 cents each. I'o be had Wholesale of the principal -Drug Houses in the Union. tti'—'l'nore is a considerable saving by tak , , log 111 la r , rer sizes. N. 13.—Directions for the 0-aid:l - nee of pa lients in evrry disortlyr are-affivtl to ttAt.'lt Pot.. July 3, ISSI. lyeow . , I 51 e "•in)11 ea 14 11111 • Sub 7 .(briber here!) 1' al Wel , : nonce to tho - qe Arlin have promi-sed WOOI) 'on at count, that he is in want of it, mind that indess it is delivered forthwith. W itliont am; ferther notice, the Aeon:nits wtil be placed in the hands of an officer for collectiort;:ind _money re ..quired. T. W • CI HAW I.S.—A hia lot of Bay Stan> Sh itvls, ',0n0 .. and Sy' err. ; Brodie and Tli ibet .Slntwls—a splendid variety, and 4.rnina at Ole • SC HICK'S. J. LAWI ENCE-ITILL-01:. I):, p - A l visG located i m manently in Gets ,tyburf2:: ofThrs his professional servicesto I lie pti6ll(%----0 !flee and residence in York stre,t, oppoE•ilt; the Ba rik. Getlystrtirg. April 21, 1854. ly P r "VIE subscribers announce to the travelling 1 public that they are now running a DAILY LINE OF S'I'•AGES, between Getty's:inner and Chairther'sburg4, leav itig► .i.tty , burg ar 7 o'.; nek,•A . M., and return in,r,by 7 u'eluejt, P. M., of satiric , day. Fare eiteh way 81.50. Stage Office in Gettysburg, at the "Eagle Hrde!."- GED It, TATE & CO. Aug. 16, 1852. Cheap Watches & Jewelry, . I t AT I 1(°1 I r ., l i , N i i,‘ ,. .1;1 ct andttE ' J l' e A I , L I , ry a t s t t h ( e re P N h i L o. .96 North Second street, corner of Quarry,, Phi ladel ph la. . • Gold Lever Il':tche:4, ralrjeweled,_l3 caret case; S2S 00 Gold Lepinel. IS caret. - . - 24 00 Silver Levers, full jonAeled,. - 12 00 i 1 V 1. , 1 . I.e.eiti , ,,, 1 i_iw - els, i. - .- 900 . k4up.;,ior quil.rtiers, - - - 7 00 • Gold r4pe , :tavlA-A, - • - - 7OU Fine riilver do.- . - - . ] 50 . Cold itrivielets., - - • i - 300 Lailiiiq' (I(ilii Perviils,. - - . 1 00 11.br Te 4 Spo,,ns. bet, - - Gull Pew, o,ltit Pencil and Silver Holder, Unlit Pti r o-r I{ in cents to $80; NNatch Glasses. plain. 123 cents, patent 1:4 Lu net 5; oilier articles in proportion. _ All•,eoods war- ranted to lie what they are cold for. STAT.FFER.& HARLEY. BEI Lepines, titili lower than the above prices. Sept. 25, 1554. ly HARDWARE STORE. r 11-11 4 ; subscribers would respectfully an nounce to, their friends and thepublie that they have opened a NEW HARDW ARE STOI:IP% in. /3-c!tirnnre Street, (HOW ?zing the residence if David Ziegler, ellysburg, in which they are opening A LARGE AND GENERAL ASSORTMENT ON 'at 1 . 411 1 )(13.'13/TE.Iii, C Ul' L El? V. COACH TH.LIII3LINGS 1 '1) `,:r Lrent-care, fivbings 4-' OiiNs and Dye-stuffs, ,in trrncncl, i !winding every description of arti cies t o the aim vu line, of bustties, CO which they N'issvice 'the attention of Coach-makers, iliackstuitos, - Carpenters, Cabinet- inai,ers, :Shoe-in Sld diets, acid the public gen erally. care havinlt been selected with great care and ptildiased for Cash, we gottee (for the Ready Al (Joey,'" to dispose of apart of it on as reisonable terms as they can be pur chasied any ' wh...re. We pole olarly request a call from our friends, and earnestly solicit a share of public favor, as we are determined to establish a char acter for selling Goods at low prices and doing business on fair principles. - JOEL B. DANNER, 1/AVID ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, June 9,1851. t - f _ 2000 TAAT)I.I-4'S ARE willing, to certify that the HATHA- L \VAN' COOKING STOVE is the very best Stove now in use, inasmuch as they will do mole Cooking, Roasting and Baking, and do it with less labor, and last as longagain as any other stove now. sold. These celebrated stoves are constantly kept for sale at a very_ reduced price, at the Gttysburg Foundry &Machine Shop where the subscribers, feeling delerniined to suit all persons, have also the Parlor, S'exton's Battimore ' .and Cabinch Cook Steve, and Air-tight and Ten plate Patr iot Stoves, of the must beautiful patterns. 'rite Pk!ylar Ploughs, which - cannot he surpassed for lightness of d eaught, 6 or in the character of their work, are constantly on hand for safe, and in Niew ofthe fact that the Mouldboard ofthese Ploughs is one foul th heavier than that of otherploughs, it is decidedly the cheapest that can be ob tained. ‘vITII ERO\V PLOUGHS and others, Casting . s for the Woodcock Plong,h, Wind mill Machiaery, Castings and Hollow-ware, WI every art lc usLally mad t; at Foundries, can be ob taint d here. -Illacksinithing and Shoe Making as ‘l , A lik EN dz,- SON. ISSI. tf A FRESH SUPPLY! . undersiomed has just returned from to t! City a large supply of Pl?Esll GOODS, whioli he is preporcd to sell at prices which cannot be brat. His stock consists of 44 BC C EE CC . 1 I .t.r. of all kinds, Sog - ars, Molasses, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Craelseis, Cheese, Piehied „Cu cumbers, &e. Also, Oranv , s, Lemuns, Fi IZaisTus, Prunes, &c. ‘l s n, Powder, `hot, Tjfiralsco, Si, , ga s, Gall's celebrated German Sitiokinq Totiaceo, and ,i v.artety nt other articles—Also, a fiist , rate assortment of the best qua!ities of LIQUOEI.S ana Brandies, of difPrent E. hunt, 11,11. ind Gin, Old Rye, &e.—all of which can he 11,1(1 on the 16wt-st terms at the Store of the sub:erther, in South Baltimore strpi , t, next door to the "Star— tr- Is ), always on hand a vari, II of Stone Jugs, S:c.---Give. us a call. MI ENi .‘S FEL ZJEGLEIZ. Getty:burg, MAy 15, 1851. - . . ‘>TOVFS'---STOITS • hand and far sale, a great variety of y STOVES—very cheap. Call and see thew. September 4, 1854. NEW' HARD WARE, tipltl\US, AXI4IS~, Fruits and Confections, GEO. ARN OLD. PIEI MEI --,T-M8- -WAY. IF YOU WANT a VE E ICLE, TH.IT .01CIAN'T BE BEAT! r[I!IE undersigned, -having purchased the -L Carriage-making - estai,lishment of Wm. Graham, respectfully informs the pUblic gerwrally that he will coritinue the sdid business at the old stand, in Waist' ingfon street; half fc square from - ChambeNburg street, Where he, is prepared to manufacture to order, at short-notice, - Carriages, Rockaways, Buggies, SULKIES, JERSEYS, &c. He (tatters him , ,elf that his work is a little ahead of any turned out by any other estab lishment in the place—having none but the best of workthen employed, and using none but the best uniterials. His prices are flintier ,c2.fx-'I.ZEPAI RING done ift shu Country produce taken for anything in .his line.. J. BARRETT. Givaysburg,March 13,_1851. -tf CO. R M. RHODES General Commissforerchant 122 W. L 0.1113310 Stresl, near Charles, • - DA LTIMORE, MD. pERU VI :XIV GUANO, No. 1, furnished nt th'i-; Governn u •rnt minimum „price of $50.00 for the Ton - of 2240 lbs., with a chnrge.ol St commission, purchasing ano forty arding. The same rate of commission will prevail, - what ever may be the established government price of the article. Guano furnished at the-importer's price and at the s.i - me rate of CcAnrnissiun. April 10, 1654. ly - Aral'"MAU lIVIA . 9 • No. 240 . Pratt Street, Baltimore. ISRAEL KNODE, Proprietor. 'JOHN G. KNODE, Superintendent. May 8, 1851. 131 TO TOE MILLINERY TRADE.. JOHN STONE & SONS, CcIPoRTERS AND DEALERS IN Aim -45 Sendh Second street, Philadelphia, RE now prepared - to offer their custotoe'rs and the trade, an unusually large and well selected assoitwuent of RIBBONS, SAT! NS, VELVETS,. FEATHERS, FLOW E RS, am every ar tele yule, Millinery trade. stock being of our own direct im portation, offers greatadvantaffes bothin styles and prices. [Sept. 18. 2111 n r afin `4 111 4 1" 413 - 280 Market s/ reel, above 8/k, Philadelphia. C. I.ll3uSitt Si. Bro., Proprietors. Mills 'louse has a eentraLlocation, on one (if the principal thoronglifires of the city. No effgrt spared to wake vitters couOrtable. t`s[.oo per ddy. inne 13, 1354. ly SPOUTING! SPOUTING! GEOI{GE and II enry %Vampler will make !louse Spouting - and pia up the saint low, for edsh or country pr ulnee. Farmers and oilwrs ‘.vklittiL; their li.oises, Barns, &e. spouted, would do well to give thew a call. &. 11. WAAIPLEIt. April 18, 1853. r 11\jj: 11. SKELLY respectfulty informs his old . cunomers and the public a eneraliy; that he continues the T.d I LORING BUST IN' ESS, at his old stand, in South Baltimore street, Where he will he happy to accommodate all who may patronize him: . All work en trusted to hi , ; care warranted to fit and be of most sub , tantial make. Thankful for past favors, he solicts a continuance of public pa trow.ge. .6,...) — The New York Spring and Summer Fashions are received. Call and see them. Getty sbutg,, May 1,1854: - lIA.Y WANTED. •pEUSO NS having Hay to sell, will do well by calling on subscriber, in Gettys burg, who is desirous of purchasing. The highest market price will be paid at all times. KrAs he intends having ,the Hay, after being packed, hauled either to Hanover or Baltimore, rite-prele - rence to haul will be given to those from wiiom he may purchase. .30 1,0 MON PO W Dec, 6, 155:2. tf TIMBER LAND, rVI E snbscriber has still a few more lots of -1- T 1 R LAND for sale, which will be disposed of reasonably. For information apply to _ X. D. PAXTON. Also a lot of LOCUST POSTS for sale. tiettysburg, May 15„1854. tf .IT 0 7. I' a 2 S hereby given, that the Partnership hereto I fore existing betA%een Tnoxtas WARREN a n d GEORGE WARREN. trading under the firm of T. Warren and .S.3n, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons knowing them selves indebted to said firm are requested to call and settle with the subscriber, at the Foundry, or their claims will he left with NV. L. C ANIP. BELL, Esq., for collection. April 3, 1831 New Clothine , store. Clothing LL kinds 01 IiNADY-MADE ING always on'hand, at lowest prices, at the st•lre of the subscriber, nearly oppoite the Entrlislr Lutheran Church, in Chambers berg street. cgrj --- Clothin , z, of all kinds made to order by experience d ver;rl: nan. Aug. 11. - C. NV. HOFFMAN. H 1111 Mir ARE. LARGE addition to our stock of FL-tril l-1. xrare, Carriage Trimmings, &c., has been made, and those in want of any article in that line, should not Cul to examine our stock. We pledge ourselves to 'ell cheaper than th© cheapest. Come to F _lli N ESTOCKS'. October it;, 1831. sub-soil rioughs, g - 1F the beet quality, alwayi on hand, and Xfi , for sale., in Getty shunt. at the Foundry of I:lapel - t rtieles.—To see a fine col ' !ee;I:u1 of rincy artieles:, at very reduc ed prices., 0 . 0 to F.111110: , h CliS', where van can set( et fro:ii,,o im• re uss - ortment. includiwr Sew ing- Birch:, Port Monales;,(7;ll):ls,l4'.lre - ;, F7ench werlied. Sv is:. Cambris!, llonoton and Buhl ni-rit—Collars, Top and Side Co i ‘ n b s . & c . &,.., all of whi.•ll can lie purclia-ed at the lowebt rates at the sign of the RED FRONT, QEGAI4S; and ToLacco, all flavors and prices 1:1, to be had at GILLESPIE'S. rrICKI `GS, NI LI SUNS, &c.--Some rrtore _l_ of those cheap Ttchinzs, :11 tishns,, Ste., have been received by • A. ARNOW. liffli T. WARREN. WARREN & SON. fall Dr') 6130 futi Stoat'. E Y RE: & LANDELL, Fourth and Arch Sts., ' Philadelphia he_able to offer extra--inducements; to, Country Buyers . this Fall, as their Stock of Goods will be : very fall, and ,hargains from the- New York and Philadelphia - Auctions, daily received. Full assortment of the following • • - - SHAWL S, FLANNELS,% NEW SILK, AIUSLINS, F. — MF:RINOES, LINENS, • WOOL PLAIDS, TABLE COVERS, M. DcLAINES, , BLANKETS, CASHMERES, QUILTS, &C. • Owing to the excess of Importations, we shall be dailyin receipt. of GREAT JOBS, from Auction. EYRE & LAN DEL L. 2 0-ur-tk-a-ul—hell-S4B„-Phile , lel I '4 OF-TEspis NET CASH, and prices low ac cordingly. - Sept. 11,1854. 3m FRENCH TRUSSES, Virk:IGIIING LESS TEIAN • cure i 1 • raja or, Rupl • ji%.% KNOW LE DGED by the highest med ca-1---trut 'tor t es-af PhiladelpkiaT - inclyrn parably superior to any other In use. Suffer-, ers be gratified to learn that the occasion now offers to procure not only_tlr,Nglifesf 1 , 1-nd most, easy, but as durable a Truss " as any other, in lieu of the cumbrous and uncomfortable arti cle usually sold. There is no difficulty atten ding the fitting, and when the pad is located, it Will retain its position without change. Persons at a distance unable to call on - the subscriber, can have the Truss sent to any address, by remitting, Five Dollars for the sin gle" "Truss; or fen for the double—with meas ure round the hips and staling side afrected. It will be exchanged to suit it not fitting,. by returning it at once, unsoiled. For sale only by Ahelmporter, CALEB B. NEEDLES, Cor. - Titfelftli Race Sts., Philadelphia. rLAInEs,. requiring the benefit of Mechan ical,Supporls, owing to derangement of the In - - ternal Organs, inducing Falling of the Womb, Vocal, Pulmonary,Dppeptic, Nervous' and. Spinal Weakness, are informed_ hat a compe tent and experienced LADY will be in anen te at the It • ms get a art or their exclu- sire use,) No. 111 TYti nr.rrH Street, first ' dour below Race. [July 3, 1854. • ly PROCLAMATION Orpul CONSTRUCTED to be worn next to the skin, producing - a constans current of UN INTERRUPTED ELECTRO NIAGN ETlSM—effecting IMMEDIATE RELIEF, PitbM'ALL- A CUTE PAINS, and a Permanent cure if 2Veuealgie Diseases! Pulvermacher's • Eiectrie- Chains were first used in France, three-years- since, for the cure or Nervous Diseases, and after being sabinitted to the most thorough trial, in every hospital in Paris, by the most learned professors .in that city, they were recommended to the Gov. erument of France, who. granted a patent for the discovery. During the years 1851.2, they were introduced in Germany, Austria, Prussia and England, and one year since, introduced , and patented by the United States Government.. Most .11 sionishing tures tit' Rheumatism, i i . St. Vitus's. Dance, Pai idol an 1 zzwelled Joints, Palpitation of the Heart, Neuralgia ofthe Face, Periodical Headache, Deafness, 'Blindness, — Pains fro , ll Indigestion,. Hysterics, Djspepsia, tteric. Pains. .Lvery Disease, termed Nery uus, is quickly and rapidly curect, by sireply wear"• inf.! the Chains fur a 'few honis each day. Tie chains Were first introduced in the city.' of New York, where they were exhibited to' Prof. Valentine Mutt, Van Buren,. Post, Car noehan, and others,• who readily discovered, that they possessed. Strang e• and Singular Power of Instantly Re lieving Pains, whenever applied, and by their reconamenda— tiOn and influence, they were introduced into. the different hospitals of New York, and are now in daily use in those institutions, in the treatment and cure of the above named diseases.- No Other Mechanical .&gent, • the world, can produce so many well au thenticated certificates of cure, from scientific Physicians and intelligent Patients r aa may be fc . innti in each pamphlet, which may be obtain ed (=rails at the Drug Store.of S. H. L El?, who is the sole Agtnt fur Gettysburg, and who will explain the manner . of use to all who may apply. In the city of New York, at the General. Office, SGB Broadway, there are being sold: daily, froth forty to sixty (11.aINS, and the sale and demand in Boston is as great in pro portion to the population, although they. have only been inuoduced three months I . The ()HA INS are easily worn, and are equally applicable to all classes of persons, the child as well as the adult, and are always ready for use—never get out of repair, and are as much an article of ornament, as they are a valuable means of cure. CAuTtoN.—Ladies who are enciente are requested not to wear them. The 'prices of the. Chains are $3 and $5, 8: and 30 Links, and-can be sent by mail, to any part of the State, by addressing S. 1-I.IIU E H LER., only Agent for. Gettysburg. SGB Itroadway, N. General Agent. For sale in all the principal cities in the United states. July 3, 1854. ly - PAPER-HANGINGS: TV LI 0L E S L E D RETAIL. E subscribers aredally adding to their ex tensive assortment of Paper-Hang-. lairs and Borders, some new and beau :lid styles for their Spring sales, to which they ask.the attention of the trade and the pub lic in general. The assortment embraces new DRAWING ROOM DECOR I:LIONS,. in gold, plain and rich colors; also, handsc designs for Passages, Dining Rooms, 6:e. Also, alarge variety of common and mediutz quality Satin and Common Papers, of new and tasteful designs. £.-Our city and conn try friends are invited to view the assortment,. confident they ,will find it t've largest in the city, and prices as Jow, as we hav_e greatly in creased our facilities, by introducing - many tie w improvements in our factory. IIi)NVELL&B ROTH FIRS', 207 Baltimore St., between Charles and Light . Z•ls.. May 8, 12;54. ly LOOKING GLASSES, Picture Frames, &c. , E invite-tile public to examine our-su perior stock of Plain and Ornamental Gilt LOOKING GLASSIS. PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMES, WINDOW CORNICESV - BRAC - KET — PABLES, We are manufacturing every descriptiou,orGlit IVprle and Fancy Trnod Fromes, on the InoSt pleasing terms. Also, Importers of French and - (german Looking Glass • PI a ws. Old work Re-Gi;t with neatness and de - spatch. /%',Y - Persons visiting Baltimore will do well lo examine our assortment. Orders from the country will be attended tJ faithfully and peumptly. M. BA.RRETT A: BRO.. Gifthrs, .11,ward St.. corner SArat,g-3,, ' opposite "W estern Hotel," Baltimore. May 8, 1854. 1Y - O you want CHEAP GROCERIES? 1 I Go to FA.HNESTOCKS'. arg. COM