The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, October 16, 1854, Image 4

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    ,LETTERS - •
Remaining in the Pus! Office al Gettysburg,
October 2, 1854. .
Allison Francis, ' Neely Miss Margarel.
_Arendt David O'Neil James A.
A nnstrono Sarah ts. Plank John
Beecher, Hoover &Co-Powell Miss Mary
Black William 2 Scott Abraham Sen.
Byer Jacob Steinhour Henry
Baston E.irls or Wm.Stewarl David
Campbell Study David Dr.
Leary_John _ .Slothour William -
•Clond Miss Sarah Stern Jeremiah
Fikely Win. Shaner Catharine
Gibson Joseph H. Esq. Shriver Sallie Miss
Gintling Peter Sterrett Miss Clem
Hart Miss Mary Stoinbo Betsy, deb'd.,
Hursh Miss Angeline to the heirs of,
Haldeman Henry_ Smith S. B.
Herring Michael Slatah Mrs.-
Ilewit G. B. Esq. Slyder Matilda
Hieronymi Anton . , Snyder Miss Hannah
Thomas Misseatharine
Hunter'L. 'rrostle. Jacob B.
Lightner Nathaniel Vogel F.
Long - Henry ' O . Walkers Alexander M.
Lou Mies Elizabeth C.Wattman John
Lott William H. Weikert Jacob
Mayer W. H. Wentz John
McGuire COI. M. W.. 2W ilson Missi Susan
Mclntosh Hugh German-Letter.
Miller Peter B.- Frederick Bolster.
Miller Peter
—Persons calling for letters in the above
List will please say they are advertised.
October 2, 1854. '
rpHE war in Europe is largely engrossing
.1 public attention, and prices generally are
going up. But the undersigned woulo sugg.est
to his customers and everybody else that he
has just returned from the city, with the
cheapest and best stock of
" qtun (
1.4.03 IA r" c - t .rerm (-4
OB ra
,ti J.:7Zailltr69 t.)9
Nuts, Confectionary, Fancy Soaps, &c.,
he has ever -before offe:ired. Call and judgc;
for yourselves, and if you do not pronounce
his goods among the cheapest , and best you
'haie ever-looked at, then is ice greatly mis
taken._ His stock comprises, in part, Coffees,
Sarars, Teas, 4 Thocolates, Syrups, Molasses,
'Crackers, Oranges, Lemons, Aitnonds, Palm
Nuts; Pea AFuts ; ish-W-alnuts,-Ft I bens l ;-
Confectionary, of a hundred sorts; Pepper,
Cinnamon,,Cloves, Soda Salera;us, Washing
.Noda, a large .variety of Fancy Soaps, and
everything else in his line.• •
0-easli or Country - Produce taken in :ex
change for Goods.
The Flour and Feed basiness
is coutiived. Highest market prices paid...
- In Yorlc Street, al the l'ost Office..
Geitystiurg, April 24, 1854.
XDEItSONS [plying Hay do well
by calling on the- subscriber, in Gettys.
burg, -who- is desirous of purchasing,. The
highest market price' will be paid at'all times.
- As he intends having the Hay, after
being packed, hauled either to Hanover or
:Baltimore, the preference to haul will be given
to those from, whom he may purchase.
Deo. 6. 1852. tf
711111E.subserilier has 3til 1 a few more Yets of
TIMBER LAND for sale, witielt will be
disposed uf feasouably. ror information apply
to . J. D. PAXTON.
" Also a lqt of LOCUST POSTS foi gird
Gettysburg, May .15, 1854, tf
TS hereby given, that the Partnership hereto
fore existing between THOMAS WAttyliN
and Geottux WAttagN, trading nutter the firtu
01T. Warren and San, is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. All persons knowing them
selves indebted to . said fi rm are requested to call
and settle 'With the subscriber, at the Foundry,
or 16'4 claims will he left with W. L. CAMP-
Esq., for collection,
April 3, 1851.
- .
SHl , PrilwaT /Pitney GaiPtlx.
1, - A7Clitiice Assortment of the Finest Qual
ity, for Sale at the Lowest Cash Prices ; at
----- ' Win. B. Eltoniltiad 9 s,
Between Pine and Union, West side, Philad'a.
1 4 ;•datiortment embrace:, a bar.t!e and Se
. lee/ Slack 1,,c-Fine Watehes,Jewelry, Silver
IVare,.dlbala Ware, plated with fine Silver, in
s pans . F ur ie s , 4fre.--Jel Goods, Fans
and Pitney Articirs of a superior quality, de
, kiervi of); the examination of linage who desire to
pr o cure the best goods at the Ltavest I:ash Prices.
Having a practical knowledge of the, bilsi•
ness, and all available facilities for Importing
and Manufacturing, tin:subscriber confidently
invites purchasers, believing that he can sup
ply them on terms as Invorable as any other
establishment in either of the Atlantic Cities.
All kinds of Diainond and Pearl Jt4el..
r y and Silver Ware manufactured
,to order,
within a reasonable time.
IN etches, Jewelry and Silver Ware
faithfully repaired.
Vi; I. B. E LTO At),
No. Ist r eeth s 1 St.,
a few demi , : above the '24 St. Market. West:Side.
•In the South 'V indow of the store, tn , ty
be seen the famous BIRD. CLOCK, which
commands the admiration of the scientific and
curious. .4t
October :2, 185* ly •
•Sta A r , "7.
c.) o
Cheap Watches & Jewelry,.
WHO LES AL N 8t R K AI L, at the Phil
adelphia Watch and Jewelry Store; No.
116 North Secolid street, corner of Quarry,
Philadelpli i 4.
l;old Lever Watches. roll jeweled, IS caret cases, ..F2S 114)
IloltiLepines. vi - - - 21 11:1
Silver Levers, toll je‘v.(led, - - - l 2 ( 1 0
.:liver Lepines, jes ob., - - . . 9NI
II write Quartier. 7 - - - 7 (P.
tiv)ld Spectselss.
- - - 7 ohs
Flue•z_Ailver do. . - .- - 1 f.O
bold Bracelets, -- - . 3 Ut)
L - elies' Gold I.e(s(ils. - _
- - ' 1 OU
Fulver Tea Spout], s(•t. . - - - 1". 00
trued revs, witu een...l and Silver Holder, • - 1 00
GOrd, FitiVyr t: tiois 371 ruins to'/Z 0 0; W dtch
Glasses;plitio,l2i cents, parent 181; Loner 25;
oilier articles itt proportion. All goods war
r.inted to be what they are sold for.
STA 11 FF ER & F - 1 A [Mt' Y\.
On hand, Annie Gold -Anil Silver Lever'i..xind
I,,yines, stilt lower thantlie above prices. \ .
Sept. 25, 1854. ly
(WM E ONE, COME ALL, and tell your
1,..) neighbors to come, to the More of the
"Two Extremes," and see the splendid :steel;
of El ATS, CAPS, 13001'S AND SHOES.
now opening, of the latest style and of every
variety, suitable for the Spring and •Sinumer
season. for Gentlemen, Ladies and Children.
hive wade arratitrementS tit have Boots
Second-hand Carriages. a n d skoes made to order, hy the hest of work
,_ F K L W good- second-hand CARRIAGES l In "' and of g ood loaterw, in the quickest
A, and "BUGGIES to he had for Cash' Of possible tune. W. W. PAX TON.
Country Produce, at C. %V. HOEV,MA WS • Gettysburg-, April 3, 1854. .
Coach Factory. August 14. i k_ SPLENDID . 4 assortment of BONNETS
- ----- and-BONNET RIBBONS, of superior
Af ORO . CCOS.—Those _wishing, to select quality, to be had cheap at
I, from a large assortment of Madras and April 3. GRAM 11 E R'S New Store.
i, .0. Morocco, Pink *ad Lai:. Linings of a su-
4 ..•;10r quality and at luw prices, should call L' KING GLASS ;-all sizes and ri
t,... I j at the r lic.ap stun: ui r ALIN ESTO Ch.S. ' ' ces --a i - ' SC IlleK`'‘'i'.
F - AtiN FISTOC & SONS tfave just re
• ceived and are ow opening one of the
largest & most compiee assortments of Spring
and Surnmei Dress- Goods ever offered to the
public. Our selection having been made with
great care, and our stock purchased at reduced ‘:
)vices, we feel sre,ared to resent—induce-1
meets such as are rarely o tire.. to ur stoc -
of Dry Goods has never, been surpassed and
with. the addition of our last purchase, 'com
prising as it does Cloths of all prices and
qualities;.Cassimeres, Vestings, Kentucky
Jeans, Plaids for Children"; Berage De Laines,
M. De Laines, Berages, Berage 'Alpacas, Cal
icoes; Gingliains, SHAWLS, (Cashmere,
Thihet and White Crape, of every variety,)
we cliallen,te the county to produce their equal,
as regards quality and price.
Having added•-largely to our variety of
"Groceries," we are prepared to furnish the
finest qualities of Syrup, Molasses, Suzar, &c.,
&c., at reduced rates ; - our stock of Molasses
and Sugar is regarded as the mostp_complete
ever offered in the county. We deem it need
less to enumerate, as.we
° have always on hand
a complete assortment of Dry Goods, Groce
ries, - Hardware, Queensware, &c.,
To satisfy you of the truth of our assertion,
we only ask you to call and.examine for your
self, -if you want bargains. Call early at
April 3, 1854.
"KNOW NonniNT GS."
r IIE "Know Nothings" will meet at the
store ot J. S. GRAMMER. not to sunder
fortber parties. but to examine his extensive
stock of .
New Spring and Summer Goods
This being, his second arrival, which consists of
Ladles' Dress .Goods, such as Silks,
Bereges, Berege de Lain, Jaconet and French
Lawns, Debage Alpacas, Alpaccas, Linen
Lustre, Calicoes, Ginghams, Charnbria Ging
barns, Cambric and Swiss !Viuslin, Linen
Cambric Handkerchiefs, Collars, Sleeves,
Black Lace Veils, kdgings, Gimps, &c.
For Gentlemen:—Cl(}ths, Cassimcres,
Italian Cloth, Cashmerets, (of every 'color,)
and an assortment of Vestings, Coconades,
_Liners (of every kitl) n and also a fresh sup
ply of
which will he sold very low. His stock of
goods have been selected with'great care, and
bought exclu ely for cash, and he guarantees
to disposdoNallem on as reasonable terms as
they can be purchased elsewhere. Terms:
Cash or country produce—to puncttud cus
tomers, a credit of six months.
Gettysburg, May 2:3,1854. .
NEW d 11.111V.1L -AND
A • lAMST everybody is auricled to the
Store; of .1. L. :SCHICK, in the Three-
Story building, Soulh West corner of the Di
amond, to see the large and splendid stock of
/- .1; Ce .. 7-1,. co) 7c..? - z; a
he has just brought from the, cities, and he is
of course making any number of Halos. But
"the . more the merrier," and the busier he is
kept the better• he likes it. ills assortment
embrace:4 Lad ICs' plreSS GOMIS of every
description, such Silks,,Barege do Lakes,
°hail I, Barege, Lawns, Drap de Beige, Alpaca
de Beige, Alpacas, Bombazines, Silk Down,
Linen Lustre, Calicoes,, Ginghams, Chambra
GinghanTs ; Swiss, ini;onet and Cambric NI us
!ins, in every variety ; Crape and Cashmere
SHAWLS; Laces, Edgings, (;imps, Dress
Trimmings and Buttons, &e.
--For—the GNILI yl lie-has Moths, CaßPi
metes, Cashine • inn Cloth, limp iiN Ete,
Vemings,(it large and beautiful variety,) Cot-
ton des, Linen Cheeks, Way Linen, (smut , -
th' few and Itrst 'rate,) Handkerchiefs,
tavats, Suspenders, &c.
He endeavors at times to. sell cheaper
than any other Store in town—and that he suc
ceeds in the endeavor will be proven by givintr
him a call. "Satan profits and quick sales,"
and no trouble to show goon. s.
April 3, ISSI.
LA ° ZHL3 3
opened and is now selling rapidly at
his Store in York street, opposite the
'Bank, a very large choice and cheap assort
ment of SUN - 1M Eli. GOODS, to which he in
vites-the attention of the public. They have
been selected with great care in the Eastern
cities, have been bought cheap for cash, and
will be sold cheap for cash--cheaper than at
any other - establishone n 1 in Gettysburg. 1-)is
stock conskts in part of Black, Blue, Olive,
and Green C Lon' CO ATs, with frock
dress. and sack coals; also Tweed, Cashme
ret, haliait Cloth, Linen Lustre, Check, Ging
ham, Sea Gras, Duck and Summer Cloth
Coats ; also a superior stock of I' \Ni'I'A
LOONti, consistinir in part of vxcellunt and
well made French Black Doe-skin Cassinutre,
Fancy Cas,tinere, Satinetts, Velvets. Cord,
Linen, and Cottontule.—The stock of VESTS
comprises every variety of manufacture—fine
'black Satin, Si l k, Velvet, Italian Silk, wh;te.;
fancy and bull' Marseilles, Stmunercloth, &c.,
Fly Nets! Fly Nets!
of a uood quality, excellent manufacture, and
offered at low prices. I have already disposed
l ot* a large number of these articles and always
Ito the satisfaction of purchasers. ' Ako .on
hand a large lot of TRUNKS, flats, Carpet
Bags„ Umbrellas, Boots and Shoes, Window
Shades, Violins, Accordeons, Guitars, Flutes,
Piles, Melodeons, M irrors. Bazars.-Spectavh's,
Revolving, Single mid I ouhl lianeled Pis
tols, Watches and Watch Guards, silk and
cotton Handkerchiefs, Cravats,. Su , r.
Gloves,StockinUs, Spring Stoo ls, Shirts, and
, .
sotrt (oiiars, and a spiendid • assortment of
IEWELRV—in fact every thing in the way
of Boy's and en s furnishing li ne .
4 - 7,i,ir-First-rate chewing T. )1);!eco always on
hand—a rare article, w hull chewers arc re
quested to try. MARCUS SAMSON'.
July 3, 1851. tf
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes.
Sign of the Red Front.
E. B. 13UE11.1LEA,
A!,..:vaz - rn Ti ITC 4 46 TV 3 • •
WILL faithfully and promptly attend to
all business entrusted to him. He
speaks the German language. Office at the
same place, - in South Baltimore street, near
Forney's Drug Store," and nearly opposite
anner &-'Lieler's Sto o.
Attorney at Law , L
lIAS taken Mr. STEVENSON'S oftSe, North
West Corner of Centre Square.
licference.—Hon. Thaddeus Stevens", Lan
Gettysburg, January 2, r 854.
(Office removed to one door West of Buetder's
Drug4-Book-store, Chambersburg street,)
Attorney & Solicitor for Patents
and Pensions,
)pOUNTY Land Warrants, Back-P4 sus
pended Claims, and all . other claims
against the" Government at Washington, D. C.:
also AineriCarYclaims in England. Land War
rants located and sold, or boughs, amhhighesi
prices given. _ „
Agents engaged in_ locating warrants in
lowa, Illinois, and other Western States; and
lands for sale there.
1:7 -Apply to him personally or by letter.
Gettysburg, Nov. 21, 1853: ly
Attorney at Law.
(AFFICE on the,south side of the Public
k Square, two doors west of the Sentinel
office. , Aug. 22.1853.
W. A. 111'G TALLY,
.4111 4 0 RN 1E le ArLA W.
in the south-west corner of the
Square, Formerly. occupied by D. Me-
Conaughy. Esq. Will nttend promptly to all
business entrusted to.his care.
Gettysburg, May 15, 1851.
1)OCTOlt •
- 11yANING located li - email - witty in Gettys
li_b_urg,,_offers_liis_professio_nars_erxices to
the- public. .Office and residence in - York
street., opposite the Bank.
Gettysburg, April 24,'18.54. ly
H. SICI.I.,LY respectfully—informs his
J., old customers and the public genera lly,
that he continues, the T 311,0 RING BUSI
NESS, at his old stand, in South Baltimore
streec.where he will he happy to accommodate
all who may patronize him. All work en•
trusted to his care warranted to fit and be of
most substantial make, Thaelifut, for past
favors, he solicts .a continuance-trf public
tr&,i;,`•Tlie New York- Sp, n awl Su
Fashions are rerived, (-) all and , see them.
Gettysburg - , May 1,1854.
New Clothing Store. •
,t LL kinds of HEADY-MAD t ; LOT I I
.A; ING always on band, at lowest prices,
at. the stare of the subscriber, Jonearly opposite
the• English Lutheran Cliurelt, in Chambers
burg street. K"relotliiiez of 'all hinds [nude
to order by experienced workumn.
Tyr/ 0L E 8 L JI N 0 >rr;T.glL.
9111 othscrihers are d ttly adding to ;heir ex
tensive assortment of Paper-11a ng
lugs and 'Borders, some new and bean--
:Hui styles l'or their 8 priny; sales, to which
they ask the attention of t he trade and the pub
lic: 'wmeral. The aisortmont embraces,new
gold, plain arid rich colors ; also, handsome
desiglis for Passat2cs, Dining. Rooms, &c.
Al so , a l a r al l variety of common and medium
quality Satin arid Common Papers, of new
and tasteful designs. rii-Jr - Our city and cuun•
try friends are+ invited co VIM OW assortment,
&minima they will find it tae largest in the
city, and prices as low, aq ‘ve have greatly in
creased our !:ieilitie•s, by introducing many new
improvemems-in our factory.,
110 KM, & nuoTHERs,
207 lialthimre St., between Ch:u•les am] Light zqs,
May 8, 1853. ly
Picture ,Frautes, &c.
W T. ' E t; t t?l :t e •k il I a t i o n e l x „7o in reirt o r t i l t r en s t l ' i ll
ANDl 3 ltYl'Uli E PR A nES, NV NDOW
CO R NIC 17,5, 13 RAC K El"rA 13 LES, Sze.
We are umnofacturi lig every description of iillt
IVork and, hancy twd Frames, on the most
pleasinv, terms. Also, I m porters of
and German Looking. G hiss Plates. old
work Ile-Gill with neatte-Iss and despatch.
Persons v ti ng Baltimore will do well
to ex,tmine nor as•iortment. Orders from the
country will be attended to faithfully and
M. BARR ETT & 13R0., Gliders,
lbiw,tra St_ ennwrSitrattp.,
oppw.ite •'Wosturn Hotel," Italtimure.
May 8, 1854. ly
Cob. R. COHAN,
grim stibseriber has, completed his new
I Steam Mill, and is now prepared to SAW
TIMIIER and C . ! Hop GRAIN at usual rates
and short notice. Farmers and others can
have Sawing%and Choppinir done at any time.
(~.,- " . " :7- 1 17inover ',rives in Cash will be pail for
Rye, Corn mid Oats, at the Steam Mill.
(R7—Feed constantly on hand and for sale.
W. 1' F 31 A N .
August 1.1; 1851. ly,
- --
1 11 ✓PATENT
Sold at their
A-tii,4-4 Warehouse, 225 Market St.,
run.Al43 . .1111. t •
It road, Hay, Coal and Partners' SCALES,
set in any part of the country, by expenenced
workmen, and at. short notice.
`April 10, 1851. Gm
'EOM; E and Henry \Vampler will make
jr House Spouting and put up the saute low,
fi , r cash or eon eountry prod %lee. Farmers and all
others wishing their Houses, Barns, &e,
Spoilted, would do well to ud ye them a c4ll.
&. H . WAMPLE R.
April IS, 1R53.
- _
CODA, Sugar and W a ter CRACKERS,
Ginger Nuts, Scotch and Jenny Lind
Cakes. (a new article, and not to be beat,) fox
sale, cheap, by-the pound or less. at
April - 21. GILLESPIE'S.
el LOVES and Stocking - s, all sorts and
sinus, at SCHICK'S.
C. \V. 11OFFMiN.
Al' Tit 1,1
WIRE subscribers would reipectfully an
nounce to their friends and-theptiblic that
they have opened a 'NEW HARDWARE
STORE,. in Baltimore Street, adjoining the
*(l'ne • o David Zie"ler Get! sour' in which
hey are opening
STEEL tity.4l6)'
GR tle Cal - ES,
- I. \
, "IC
‘CeDav-ithtir, 51)oe mbings
Paints, Oils, and Dye-stuffs,
in general, including every description i of arti
cies in the above -lines of business, to which
they invite the attention of Coach-makers,
Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Cabinet-Makers,
Shoe-makers, Saddlers, and the public gen
Our stock having been selected with great
care and purchased for Cash, we guarantee (for
"the Ready Money,) to- dispose of any part of
it on as reasonable terms as they can be pur
chased any where.
We particularly request a call from our
friends,.-and earnestly solicit a share of public
favor,.as we are determinedtai establish a char
. acter for_selling Goods at low prices and doing
business on fair principles.
Gettysburg,-June 9, 1851: tf
rIHE undersigned has just returned. from
1 the City with a large supply of FRESH
GOODS, which he i%prepared to sell at prices
which cannot be beat. His stock consists of
Glt 0 Elt I IF.
of all kinds, Sugars, Molasses, Coffees e .Teas,
Fish, Salt, Crackets, Cheese, Pickled Cu
cumbers, &c. Also,
Fruits and Confections,
Oranges, LernonS, Figs, Raisins; trunes,&e.
Gail's 'celebrated German , Smoking Tobacco,
-and a variety of .other articles—A 150, , a first.
rate the best qual.ities of •
. . ta r I Q 1.7 .0 rfi3. S
Wines ann Brandies, of different kinds,N. E.
Rom, Holland -Gin, Old Rye, &c —all of
which can he hart on the lowest terms at-the_
Store of the Subscriber, in South Baltimore
street, next door to..,the "Star" office. -
(Also, always On hand a variety of Stone
Jugs, &c.—Give us a call.
Gittty ;burg, May 15, 1854.
IR E - '7l - 4fri r- A 1..
lIAS his Office one d nor west of the Lutheran
church, in (; ha in bersli tirg: street, and op
posite Grammer's store, where those wishitar
tottave any aiema 60 p ea 1I Oa performed
are respectfully invited to rail.
Dr. D. Gillie - rr, In. C. N. Iltr!itchy, Dr. D.
RUv. C. I'. Kruoth, I). I)., Rev. H. 1,.
ll;tuglier, D. D.,- Ro;v. Prof. William NI. Rey
polds, Rev . Prof. NI . Jacob:4, Prof.:M.L.Stuever.
Gettysburg, April 11, 1553.
_ - -
00 0 LA D 1 14: S
L i RE willing to certify that the
(JOKING STOVE is the very
best Stove now in use, -inasmuch as they wii
du wore Cooking, Roasting, and Bakino-, and
du it with less labor, and-last as long again as
any other stove now sold. These celebrated
stoves are c - onstantly kept fur sale at a very
reduced price, ;it the
Gettysburgroundry Er. Madhine Shop
where the suhscribers, feeling determined to
Snit all persons, have also the Parlor, Sexton's
Baltimore Air-fight, Peak skell, and Oabinch
Cook Stove, and Air-tight and Ten plate Par=
lot Stoves, ofthe must beautiful patterns.
The Seylar Ploughs,
which cannot be surpassed for lightness of
draught, or in the character of their work.
are constantly on hand for sale, and in view
ofthe fact that the M on hiboard of these Plotig,hs
is — a . e fourth heavier than that of other p laughs,
it is decidedly the cheapest that can he ph.:
tr y- w EROW PLO[IGIIS and others,
Castings for the 'Woodcock Plough, Wind
mifl Castings and f-1o11ow•-ware,
with every article usually made at Foundries,
can be obtained here.
Blacjisalithilig and Shoe Making as
usual. _T. WAR EN & SON.
1)0c.:22,1851. tf
Trill E subscribers announce to the travelling
.11- public dial they are now running a
between Gettysbuig andiOyambersburg,
iug Gettysburg ar7 o'.;locic, A. M., and return
ing by 7 o'clock, P. M., of same day. Fare
each way $1.50.
'Stage 0 lice in Gettysburg., at the "Eagle
Hotel." GEED?, TA'L'E & co:
Aug. J.G, 1852..
lA3'l 197t2.14
9111 E subscriber hereby gives notice to those
..11- who have promised him WOOD on ac-
count, that he is in want of it, and that unless One-third Cheaper than ,I , Vhile Lead, and free
it is delivered forth‘vith, without any further I from all Poisonous Qualities.
notice, the Accoutits will he placed in the hands l rrillE NEW JERSEY ZINC COMPANY
or an officer for collection, and the money re- I havino " rea 1.1 v enlarged their works and
_ e. - , e . 1
quired. ... improved the quality ot their products, are
i • 11 . 0 ' eel - 4 es a i -1141 4O eensware. _ prepared to execute orders for
l their Superior
kr J; s. ( ;it km NI ER defies t h e t „„., 0 , Paints, dry, and ;;round in oil, in assorted
;Pauekages of from 'sto 500 pounds; also
co - utity to, produce cheaper atid better Groceries
and Queens ware than he is nowselling. Suirar ,Dry, in barrels. ot 200 pounds each.
Their White Zinc, which is sold dry or
of fir_[ rate, quality and hard to beai, fot un/y
ground in oil, is warranted PURE and tensur
a 1 , 7 P a pound, and everything else in proptir.
Lion. [April 10. passed for Body and Uniform Whiteness. -_ -
A method of preparation has recently been
- - - ---
,1 ri -ri . - 3 .l . eß k Ti• l a Tri.
_,,a, ,, , , ,),9
i.LA discovered, which enables the Company to
441 Q ..12,71,A 44.7144 4 'al warrant their paints to keep fresh and soft in
280 Market street, above 81/1, Philadelphia. the kegs for any reasonable time. ln_this re-
C. I. Bush •Si. Bro., Proprietors. . spect their paints will be superior to any other
rip HIS House has a central location, on (Inc ' in the market..
_l_ -of the principal thoroughfare's of the, city. I Their Brown Zinc. Paint, which is sold at
a low price, and can only 'he made from the
No effort spa - red to make visiters comfortable.
$l,OO per day. Zinc ores from Now- Jersey, is now well
. i •
June 1:.'„ 185 , 1. -•ly - known fur ts protective qualities when appli--
--- ed to iron or other metallic surfaces.
t i laney Articles.—To see a fine col- Their Stone Color Paint possesses all the
lection of Fancy articles,-at very reduc- properties of the Brown, and is of an agreea
ed prices, go to Pahnestocks', where you can ble color fur paintinir Cottages, Depots, Out
select from a large assortment, including Sew- buildings, Bridires, &c. ,
ing Birds, Port Monaies,Cabas,eans, Prench Dealers supplied on liberal teems by their
worked, Swiss t Cambri, El onoton add Bubi-gent s , FRENCH
nett Collars, op and Side Combs, &c:X-c. i Wholesale Paint Dealers and Importers,
all of which can be purchased at the lowest ' l
N. w. eor. loth & 'Market As., Philadelphia..
rates at the sign of the RED FRONT. April 111, 1854. Gua -
- •
EG A US and Tobacco, aft flavors ant prices ; A r USLINS, Linens and Tickjrauq, for sale
oto be had at • GILLESPIE'S. . 4 ...1.1 at - SC:HICK'S„
1-WilF,\ rimr4
44 40 4111 :44.0 4a 44. YI 4,11 ' Qi;
r HE subscriber, thankful for past favors,
1- respectfully informs the,pub,fic that he con.
tinnes the Coach 7 making business, in all its.
various branches, at his Old stand, in York
street, (formerly — Buphingham's,) where he
has on hand, and will-manufacture to order,
•n17:7 77 m - r ---7— ' -7- gea;
all of the best materials, and by the best of
workmen. Call and judge for yourselve - s.
Gettysburg, April 6,1846.
New Oxford Collegiate mad Medi
cal Institute.
VALENTINE SCHEER, Professor in _the
Collegiate :Department,
M. D. C. PFEIFFER, Professor in the Medi
cal Department.
.Winter ession, in the above Institute,
wil: commence on Monday, the 9th rf
October next, and .continue till the last Monday
in March following.
Tuition Fee in the Collegiate Departrrsentsls:oo
to ntingsneies • 50
" " " Medical Department 20 • Oil
eillltingencies 2 50
- German Language 5 cio
French do 5 00
Drawing . ' . 00
Music OO
,t-Z.3 - '"Payneents always isimadEance.
- BOA HD, Lodging, Wash ing, ..:- etc., - . the
Principal, if requested, will procure for $lOO
-per annum, quarterly in advance. -
N. B. Tye semi-annual examination, clos
ing the Kummer Session, will he on Monday.
the 25th ins:., cornniencingat 9 o'clock, A. M.
M. D. G. PFEIFFER., Principal.
New Oxford. Sept. 18, 1854...
tavoccnics! cattoccims!
in the
W E have
G viri
o received
ever te
l fr a e r re e d s t
county. comprising
-25 1-111ds of prime SUGAR,
60 Barrels of best N. MOLASSES,
ti t-}hds of finest quality of SYRUP,
touether with a large assortment of COFFEE,
RIC l, TOBACCO, &c.,. to which we invite
the attention of purchasers, either wholesale
or retail. Now 'is your time for cheap and
desirable Groceries ;.the place to fUrniSh theta
May 15.
,Sign-qf the — Red Front. .
adies l 'll3ress Gooifs.—Ladies,, do
.1. 4 / you wish handsome dresses:, fin Sprint: ,
or - Summer ? It so, call- immediately at the
long established cheap Store, where we are
prepared to exhibit the most beautiful. variety
and prettiest patterns of Dress Goods ever
opened. Do not defi'r the matter too long, not
lose the opportunity of Selecting from the en 7
tire assbrtment. If' you wish to save money
and at the same time secure for yourself the
prettiest apparel worn, call immediately at
• April 3, 1851. FAHNESTOCKS'.,
WEAVER respectfully announces to
1.:1 0 the Ladies aridjGPntienten of Gettysburg
and vicinity, that helms-I-el:411111Pd the Daguer
reotype business, at the old stand, in Cham
bersborw street, where he will be happy to re=
ceive visitors desirous of securing perfect
Daguerreotypes of thweselves or friends. . .
Being furnished with an entirely new and
costly apparatus, he is prepared to take pictures
in every• style of the art and insure perfect
tl:,"Ctiarges from 50 cents to $lO.
Nr-t'•Ho'irs of operating front 8 A. M. to 4
P. M.
• t?jy-In dress avoid light, red, Wile, or pur
ple. Dark dress adds much to, the beauty of
the picture. Sept. 18; 1851. tf
Ad2ninistratoes Notice.
Letters of administration on the estate of
Conrad Wagoner, late of Tyrone township,
Adams Bounty, deceased, having been
granted to the undersigned, residing in• the
same township, he hereby gives notiee to
all persons indebted to said estate to make
iumiediat - e - Payment, arid those having claims
azainst the same to present them properly au
thenticated for settlement.
A Ll'IR 'I% HA-RMAN,Jdner.
August 28, 1854. fit
For .the Cure of Hernia or Rupture.
c li.N 0W I, ED by th e 1)1,0 es t tued
ical authorities of Phtladel:phia, iticorn
parably superior to any other in use.. Suffer
ers be ffratified to learn that the occasion
now oilers to procure not only the, lightest and
most easy, but as thimble a Truss as any other,
in lieu of the cumbrous and uncomfortable arti
cle usually sold. There is no difficulty atten
ding the fitting, and when the pad is located,
it will retain its position without change'.
Persons at a distance unable to call onthe
subscriber, can have she Truss Sent i 3 any
address. by reinitiioo. Film. Dollars for the sin
gle Truss,ot Ten cur the donble-,--with meas
ure round the hips and statiug side affeeted.
It will be exchanged to suit it, not fitting, by
returning it at once, unsoiled.
For sale only I .)y the Importer,
Cor. Twelfth c) - Race Sts., Philadelphia.
- n—LAniss, requiring the benefit of Mechan
ical Supports, owing to' derangement of the In
ternal Organs, inducing Falling of the Womb,
Vocal, Pulmonary, Dyspeptic, Nervous and
Spinal ‘Vealchess, are informed tlmt-a compe
tent and experienced LADY will be in atten
dance at the Rooms, (set apart for their exclu
sive usr.) Isk. 114 'l' W 1.; I,KII-1 Street, first.
door below Race. [July 3, 1851.. 1 y
X4c ,frirult!
To the
,Ctizens of the Slates:
Illlo‘Bl7 humbly and sincerely thank you for
the 'immense patronage which yGa
bestowed upon my Pills. I . take this qpiibr-:
tunity of .stating that my Ancestor's were all;
• merman itmel s, an .to en • • '
'hat concerns America and the Americans . , the
most lively sympathies, so meek so that I ori
ginally-compounded these Pills expressly to,
suit your climate, habits, constitutions, and
manner . of living, intending :o etablish myself
among you, which I have now done, by taking
premises in New York.
38, rorner of „Inn and Nassau Sls., New runk.-
The citizens of the Union suffer much foam.
disorders of the 'Liver and Stomach, scarcely
any are free from , these destraettve maladies,
hence life wears fast. The fair sex,, perhaps
the most handi - orne in the ;Thrld, up to a cer
tain period when, distressing, to say, many'
lose their teeth and good looks, while yet in
the heyday of life ; such sad evils may he ef
fectually remedied by continually keeping the ,
blood pure, and the Liver and Stomach 'in a
healthy action, when life will flow smoothly,
and resemble plants in a genial clime, where
an eternal spring appears to r.eiatt. As it re
gards the preservation of the human frame,
and the duration of life, much may be effected,
and I say fearlessly, tirdt health and life can
be prolOnged'for many years heyorxl their or
dinary iinaits,if Holloway's Pills are taken-to ,
purify the blood accordina to the rules laid
down: for health, contained in the directions
wfiieh accotitpany each box.
Copy. of a Letterfrom eapt. John Johnson, 4stor
House, New York, dated Jan. 5/h, 1854.
To PROPPISSOR 38; corner of Ann
and NaSsati Streets, New York. - S;s;.—lt is
vvith,the most heartfelt pleasure l have to in
form you, that I have been restored to health
and .strength by taking your Pills. Fos the
last ten years; I suffered from a derangement
of the Liver and Strunaeh, and was reduced
to - Such an extremity, that Igave up my ship,
never expeeting_ to go to Sea any more, as I
had tried every remedy that was recommended
to me, but - all to no purpose; and - had given
myself up to despair, when I was at last re
commended to take your Pill's. After using
them for three months, the result is thati aro
row in better health than - I have 'been for,
eleven years past„ - and indeed as well as erer
I was in my life. You are quite at liberty to
rnak6 this known for the benefit. of others.
I remain, Sir, yours respectfully,
Thc,se celebrated Pills are wonderfully efficacious
in the following:Complaints
Debility Head-ache
Dropsy Indkre-tima
Bilious Complaints Erysiiielnsiaundice
Blotelie.i on the Skin Female I rref.rularitiag Liver Complaints
Bowel Complaints Fevers of all kinds Wilts - '--,.-
Coreitipation of the (lout Retention of I.7rine•
13e)vb els Scrofula, or King's Stone and Gravet
Secondary Symptoms Evil Venereal Affections
%Vorins of all kinds Weakne4s - - from whatever cause.
* * *Sold at the' Establishment of Professor
HOLLOWAY, 38, - Corner of-Ann and Nassau
Streets, - New York ; also by all - respectable
Druggists and Dealers in Mrdieines Ilt/rongh
out the United S'tates, in Hoses, at 373 cents,
87 cents, and $1.50 cents each. To he had
Wholesale of the principal Drug Houses in
Z . 'rhere is a nonsiderable saving by tak
ing' the laruar sizes.
N. j3.—Directions for the guidance of pa
tents in every disorder are aflixed•to each Box , .
June 26, 1854. ly euw
ter CitiMls of Cnthishurg.
Pulrermacker's liydro- Electric
u t of ivra Te,tr% ir-19 - 6e
V '5/1:7 4 Si.•l, ‘f,..‘,tlc...L.r_CcLigt.)9
rIONSTRUCTED to be worn next to the
skin, producing a constant current of ITN.-
Permanent cure tf Neuralgic Diseases!
Puivermacher's Electric Chains were first
used in Fram:e, three years since, for the cure
of ffitrvotis Diseases, and after being submitted
to the most thorough trial, in every hospital
in Paris, by the most learind professors in
that city, they were recommended to the Gov
ernment of France, who - granted 3 patent for
the 'discovery. During the years 1851.2, they
were introduced in Germany, Austria, Prussia
and - England, and one year since, introduced
and patented-by the United States Government.
Most Jlsiouiahfno• (urea of
Rtienntatism. St. Vitus'B Dance,
Painful:thAl Sul-Tle4 Joints, Palpitation of the Heart,
:Ceu'ralgia of the Face,' ,
.Perithlical newt:wile.
Ily.teries r llysiteib44t.
Eery Disease, termed Nervrius. -
is quickly and-rapidly cured, by siinply wear
ing, the Chains fur a few hours each day.
The chains were first introduced in the, city
of New York, where they were exhibited to
Prof. Valcntine - Mott, Van Buren. Rost, Car
nochan, and others, who readily discovered
that they possessed
Strange and Singular Pnwer of Instantly Re
lieving Pains,
whenever applied, and by theirrecommenda
tion and influence, they were Introduced into
the different hospitals or New York, and are
now in daily use. in those institutions, in the
treatmentand cure of the above named diseases.
No Other Mechanical Agent,
in the world, - can produCe so many well
thenticated certificates of cure, from scienqic
Physicians and-intelligent Patients, as may be
found in each pamphlet', which may he obtain;
ed °Taus at the Drug Store of S. H. BUEH
LER, who is the sole Agent fur Gettysburg,
and who will explain the manner of use to all
who may apply.
In the city of Ne'w York, at the General
Office, 568 Broadway, mele are being sold
daily, from forty to silly (11.11 SS, and the
sale and demand in Boston is as great in pro
portion to the population, although they have
only been introduced three months !
The CuAms are easily worn, and are equally
ap_plicable to all classes of persons, the child
I as welrag - theiaii - Frand are always ready for
I use—never get out of repair, and are as muck
an article of ornament, as they are a valuable
means of cure. CAuTtox.—Ladies who are
eneiente are requested not to wear therrh.
I The prices of the Chains are $3 and $5, 18
and 30 Links, and can be sent, by mail, to any
part of the State. by addressing S. H. BEEN
! LER, only Agent for Gettysburg.
1. STEINERT, 568 R road way, N. "V ~
General Agent. For sale in all the principal
cities in the United States.
u l y_3,-1853
f" ,‘ r%7? fl . 1 1 ,:?..s(a
, SV•c./ VI Li j: t• -1--1 , ,
Ao. 66: Youth street, '
.1 L T I 11 0 R E .
4 T'rEND particularly to the sale of Flour,
Grain, Hay, Clorerseed, and all kinds of
Country Produce,.,and,are prepared to furnish
Lars to persons wINnEr to consign lu them.
Nuvetuber 7, 1833. ly
fro in- I tuligestitm,
t vric Pala .