Ii=EitEMOOMI WIII'AV ER respectfully, announces . to -,01 2 '-fliel.,adieS and Gentlemen of Gettystimg resunied :the •Diigut.T . - rv ityK - tworas; at the 'old Stand, in fiarn ters.borg street, where he will be happy to re. ceirmlo .visitArs,'clesirous of securing perfect Daguerreotypes of themselvea or friends. Being furnished with an entirely new and . costly apparatus, he is prepared to take pictures its, every - style of the art and insure perfect satisfaction. . -- f'hfronrB ce its tr , so: Serliours of operating from 3 A. M. to 4 P. M. Lae.. In dress avoid light, red, blue, or pur ple.' Dark dress. adds much to the beauty of the picture. Sept. 18,1854. if - Administrator's Nuitice. CONRAD NV AGON ER'S ESTATE.— Letters Of ildrainistration on the estate' of • , a • o yrone towns tip, Adams county, deceased,, ha;i lig been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same township, he hereby gives notice to all pemorfs indebted to said _estate to make immediate payment, and those haviiii.;, claims against the same to present them' properly au thenticated for settlement. ALFRED T. HARMAN, .&Iner., August 28, 1854 6t I'RENCH TRUSSES, . IVEIGUISO LE MAN 2.34 omicEs. Fdr the cure of Hernia ur Rupture. ACIiNOWLE.DGED by the highest med ical authorities of Philadelphia, incom parably superior to any other in use: Suffer ers 'NM be gratified to learn that the occasion now offers to procure not only the iightexi-and most easy, lint as durable a Truss as any other, in lien of the cumbrous and uncomfortable arti cle usually sold. There is no difficulty atten ding the fitting, and when the pad is located, - it will retain its position .without change. Persons at a distance unable to call on the subscriber, can have - the Truss, sent to any address, by remitting Five Dollars for-the:sin gle Truss, or Ten for the double—with meas ure round the hips and stattog side affected. It will he exchangettto suit it not fitting, by Yeturnimr it at once; Unsoiled. For sale only by the Importer, (:ALE, B NEEDL ES, Car: Twelfth-4e-liaceSts,, - --Philadelphia.- VTLAINEA, requiting the benefit of Alec/ion icritSupporis, owing to derangement of the In few! OrranS, inducing Falling of the Vionth, V r ocal,' P'ulraonary, - Dyspeptic, ,Nervous and :Sputa( Weakness, are informed that .i compe tent and experienced LADY - will be in atten-• dance at . the Koons, (set apart for their exclu sive uie,) No. - 111 'l' W F INTII . Street;' first door below Race. [July 3, 1854. ly fail On) Ooob9, full stock. 4 :5: RE & LAN DELL, Fourth and Arch ...E.A•Sis., Philadelphia, will he able to offer extrd iiiduceilithns to Country Buyers this Fall, as - their - Stock of .- Goods will he very full, and, bargains from the New York - and Philadelphia - - Auctions, daily received. Full assortment tlitm_followlu bur A FLANNELS, NEW SILK,- MUSLINS, F. MERINQES, LINENS, ' AWOL PLAIDS, 'l'Alfl COVERS, M. DELAIN ES, BLANKETS, - CASHMERES,' QUILTS, &e. Owing 'to the .excess of Importations. we sh4ll he daily in recv.ipt. of GREAT JoBS. Prow Auction. E E & LA N1)11:1,L. Fourth andrrlL Sts., Philadelphia. CktrTgams NET CASH, and prieei low ac 7 cordlugly. . Sept. 11, 1851. 3m . ZINC PAINTS. OniAird Cheaper than White Lead, and free _irons all Poisonous Qualities. r EIRE N NAV ER§EY C COMPA N Y ,having greatly enlarged their works, and improved the quality ot their products, are prepared to ettec ate orders for their Superior dry, and ground in oil, in assorted packages of fronr":ls to 50Q poOnds; also Dry, in barrels. ot '2OO pounds each. Their, White. Zinc, which is sold dry it grAund iii oil, is warranted PURE and unsur p ksed for 'Body and Uniform W-lineness. A -method of iireparation has recently been discoverod, which enables - the Company to warrant:their paints to keep fresh and soft in the kegs for any reasonable time. in this re spect their paints will-he superior to any other in the Market.- - Their Brown Zinc Paint, Which is sold at a low. price, and can only be made from the Zinc ores from New Jersey, is now well known for its protective qUaliiics when appli ed to irrinqif other.metallic surfaces. Their• Stone. 'Color Paint possesses all the properties of the i3rewn, and is of an agreeit• ble color for paintincz Cottages, Depots, Out buildings, Esid.res, &c. Dealers suppliod on liberal terms by their Agents, FRENCH & RICHARDS, ifiro/esa/e Paint Dertiers and lin mrl ers, N. W. vor.10:11 & 7sl.trket its., rhll.l.lelvltia. April 10, 1854. tinn PAPER-HANGINGS. TVHOGES.ILE .4Ni) IrrH K, :iibs:•rilters are d oily adding to their ex- Jen:Ova assortment of Paper-BLUM- Imo and nordep4, some new and beau tiful,- styles for their Spring sales, to which they ask the attention of the trade and the pub general.„ The -assortment einliraces new - DRAW !NG ROOM 1) El:01? ATIO., gold, plain and rich colors ; also, handsome designs for Passages. Dintro . Rooms, &e: Also, a lar;Ye variety of common and medium quality I•atin and Common Papers, of new and tasteful designs. g , -.2„Y'Our city and coun try friends are invited to view the assortment, confident then will find it tie largest in the city, and prices as low, as we have rrreatly in creased our by introducing many new improvements ill our factory. hiO\VKI.h& Erts, 207 Kati:lioro beta cen Charles and St.+. Nay 8, 1 H5l. ty LOOKING GLASSES, Picture eraettes,-&e. AV E invite the publie to examine our , u• - perior stock of Plain and Ornamental f;itt:LOONING (11,ASsES, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMES, WIN1)0 CORNICEN, 1111.-kCI.Z.EI' TA 81, Es, We are ma nu:at:luring tbvei y d riptinii (AGO it orik and t oar ! , ( ' tit,(l ff ifleB, uu the mast I)lw4shig term-1. Also, I 'importer.: of Frenrh ;ad German I,qukiip.r, (:las. flan s. ()id work Re-Gi,') kith ilc;ilti.N.l and iif'Sp.mirb. v iSili i 3 iluinore will do w e:I t , , ( , xamine our a•= ? Tuimout. Orderi from lb,• entry will be iitiei.ded 1-.) faithfully and promptly. M. BAI R fTrr & lilt 0., Geleltm c 2 liow.trl . cnnvsF.artlwa, oppo4ite ••IVeteru isaitiawre. May 8, 18517 TIRESS GOODS, of es,-ery style, De al Barege deLtines, Silks, Lawns, with Trismittg.tto suit, for sale rheap . at April 3. GRAM M ER'S New Store. gliPlaidEßY Of all liTas wi!l be found . D. AUCONAUGIIY, • -----! 1 A FRESH SUPPLY! - AT - TO - 11 . N E't AT L - AW -- i . ' I rp I g tinii t.rsigned has just returned front (Office removed to one door West of Buchler's j_ 'the City with a large supply of FRESH Drug kilook-store; Cliamhersburg street,) ; GOODS, which he is prepared to sell at prices Attorney 1 4 4, Solicitor for Patents which cannot be beat. His stock consists of ; and Peasiouo, l - GROCERIES, POUNTY Land Warrants'', 'Back-Pay sus- of al4 kinds, Sugars, Molasses, Coffees, Teas, pended Chini, and all other claims Fish, Salt, Crackers, Cheese, Pickled Cu against the Government at Washington, 1). ()•: : cambers, &c. Also, also A merican claims in England. Land ‘V ar- 1 Fruits and Contections, rants located and sold, or bought, and highest i _ prices given. ! Oranges, Lemons, Figs,. Raisins,Prunes, &e. —Also, Powder, •Shot, Tobacco, Segars, Gail's celebrated German Smoking Tobacco, ' ..gents e - riga - greir - in' llseating --- we rra nts —trt. lowa, Illinois, anti other Western States; and lands for sale there. Kr-Apply to burn personally or by letter. Gettysburg, Nov. fa, 1853. •ly - - , WM. I* McCLELLAN Attorney at Law. .‘ PFICE on the south side of the Public two doors west of the Sentinel Aug. 22, 1853. office E. B. iIIiEEILEIC, a.ra. , m(vo rir,,a`tr p l elt,zl r. 6 v vAILL fditlifolly and . promptly attend to 'IT all business entrusted to him. lie op% , aks the ,German language. Office at the same place, in South 13a1timore street, near Forney's Drtiv, Store, and nearly opposite Danner & Ziegler's Store. .• [March 20. DAVID WILLS, Attorney at Law, • , I.AS taken Mr. STEVRN3 O ' N 'I S office, North IVest Corner of Centre Square. Ileference.—Hon. Thaddetis Stevens, Lan eaglet. Gettysburg, January 2, 1854. W. A. AMINLEY, AVIO,BNIEY AT LAW. in the south-west noroer of the J Square, formerly oei-upied by D. Me- Crinaughy, P.mq. humid promptly to all business entrusted to his enre. Gettpiburg, May 15, 1854. - - JOAN A. SWOPE,., lIAMC; located permanently in Gettys burg. of his professional services to the public. °Mee ,and residence in York f,treet, npr?site the-Bank,- . Gettysburg.; April :24, !854. .ly ,NOTICE TO ASSESSORS. $1• - sessors s elected at the la; , ,t Spring F.lection are — lU - ;i•eby Dotifit:d to ;Wend at the Commissioners' office, in the Borough, of (;ellyslnir.z,_to receive blank A ssesslnent Du• plicates and. the necessary instructions, aS tol :—The Assessors for Union. Conotvazo, Berwick, Oxford, I lainilton, Iteadirer, Mount.. pleasant,- Germany, Sirdban, and .111ountjoy, an Irednesilay. the. 11th of October 7a-xt the Assessors for the Borough, Cumberland, Freedom, Liberty, Ha t miltc.mban, Franklin, Butler, Nlenallen, Tyrone, Huntington and Lathnore, on Thursda y. the Nth if October next. By order of the ( 1 J. Cl'k. Sept. t I. t(1 r Ni( - 0 • I.r.A _1 la LAILI LI .1 PTH. SKELLY- regpvellidly informs hi, A old customers and the ptiftlin genprilly, that he continues the 7'.4//,011/,Ve: BUS/- NESS, at his old stand, in 8 rash Baltimore street, where he will he happy to accommodate all who may patrottiiit him. All %yolk ow trusted to his care warranted to Ii( and 'be of most substantial make. Thanlsful for past fiwr,rs, he solicts a continuance of public pa tronage. 11 -, '"The New Ywk, 4.4 dring 1114 'lt mei Fa Ahe ons are re'eeived. U.ill arid see thew. Cotty4ittig, NI.Iv I, 185.1. New Clothing Store. t 1.1. kinds of It 1..:A1)Y-AIAI),E (31,01`11. J. I_ IN(i akvays on it Intl, at lowest prici;s, at the st-re of the subscriber, nearly opposito the 1:n lisp Lutheran Chore'', in Chdaitters tior!2: sireet. 0::)—(11othin7, of all kinds made to or(!er by experienced wrlitssan. Aug. H. C. \V. llOr 11 EAT ,11 . 7.1 1 . 11,1(1 1 R)iN I F AcowedltN-C-STO( K & SO'NS have ju•zlye• O. cowed ;Ind are now opening one id he larirest aioq complete tetsiortments of Sprite, and Sum met. Dress Goods ever offered - to the , . ptiblie. t_rur selection fla gyin tieen nt ide' with .great care, - and our stuck purchased a: reduced prices, wo feel prepareil to present indure ments such ito are rarely offered. (}nr steel; of Dry aniuls has never, been surpassnd and %vitb•tliti addition of our last pun:Wise, eoni prisinr as it does Cloths of all prices and qualities; Cassimeres, Vesiings, KelitticVy Jeans, Plaids for Children, Beragv De ',allies', :11 De Lanes, Reneges', Ber,orti Alpacac, Cal icoes, Gingliams, • S AW LS, (Cashmere,: Thihei and 'White Crape, of every vartety,) ch- a ll e ng e the county to produce their t:qual, as regards (parity and price. Having added largely to our variety of Groceries, We are prepared to furnish the finest qualities of Syrup. Molasses, Siorar, &e., &v.., at reduced rates ; our stock of Molasses and Sig air is rec - arded its the West Coniplele ever ralered in the county. We deem ititeed- less to enumerate, us we have al wa vs on band a CoMpleto a`o , l"rtittelit of Dry Goordi•c Groce ries, Liard‘vare, Queensware, To satisfy you of the truth of our assertion, ire oniy ask you to call and examine for your self, if you Want bargains. Call early ia II N ESTOC KS', April 3, 1854 COL. 11.forE ) . . GETTISBURG STEAM MILL. 7 lIIE subsyrilwr has completed his rIPW Swam M ill, anti is no w pr,l:,tred to S,c Tl Eit and CH(1I) (ot \l\ ~t anti 41tort notice. Fanners and othyrs van s a , r inir an d eltorpinlr dot„' at ally tune. C* -- -ilAnnvyr pricc-s in rash will he tar Rye, Corn ard Oats, at the Shim 11111. (o—Peed constantly on 11,1nd :out tar"..al e . 11OFF)1.1N. August 11, 1851. ly ;..... i ,r ---, r. -• • 14A IIZ RA NA.'S 3 .'"1 ) PATENT r,,, • / 1t,.._ Sold at their ..•- --- ,,,,A•Z'ai-:-•:`.. -- -4.A Warehouse, 225 market St, 1,9 ... 4,i•-r-.. - - poi 1-101:1,Pil lA. teo j I?,tiltu. l .it, Ilay, Coll and Fanners' .il .- :_A LES: set in abyp,irt of the country, by experienced workmen, and at short totice. April 10, 1551. Gin SPOUTING! SPOUTXNG EORGE awl Henry \Vamplet will make A. 31 !louse Spouting, and put up the same low, fm- cash or country produce. Farmers and all others wishme. their II mist's, Barns; &c. spouted, woo Id 44) well to aive them a call. G. &. IL NV AMPLER. MEE Sig n ,171 . he Red Front arid a variety of other articles--Also, a first rate assortment of the best qualities of • LIQUORS, Wines ann 43randies, of different kinds,N. E. Run, lHolland Gin, Old Rye, &ó.—all of Which ean he had on the low,st terms at the Store of the'snlFieriber, in South Baltimore street - next door to the “Sta " r i A always on hand a variety of Stone Jugs, &c.—Give us a call. EM AN TAM ZIEGLER. Qetty3burg, May 15, 1854. - HARDWARE STORE. rru rE: subscribers would respectfully an nounce to their friends and fheptildic that they have - . opened a NEW HAI? DW E STORE, in Bolti more Street, adjoining the residence if David Ziegler, Gettysburg, in which they are opening A LARGIC AND PF,NERAL 'ASSORTMENT OF HARDWARE, E 11, licak SI)P . Gnat; FRI - CUT L ERY, COA•CI-1 TRININIINGS SPRINGS, AXLES, - 11 . 6 -a- 13s T, T:bay-wan., !.1(loc Paints, Oils, and Dye-S1 tiffs, in general, incltidincg every description ofarti cies in the above lilies of hugeness, to which they invite the attention o f lioN„ 13(w:1:smiths, Cl - Cr - penters, Cabinet- makers, Shoe-makerS, Saddlers, ands public gen eralf y. Our•stoelt lotving been s seleeted-Vvith - great care a-cd purchased for Gash, we (ani ra ntee (for the Ready M witty to dispose o f any part of it mr.as reasonable terms us„they eau *ue. pur closed any ficl:-.re. • . We particularly requPst. a call from our friends, and earaesily solicit a share of puhlic favor, as We are determined to establish a char acter for selling Goods at low prices awl doing business on fair priuctpl~ s. .1 0 F.: 14 B. DANNER, DA V f I) Et; LER. —Gettysburg; June 9, 1851. tf BOUNTY LANDS. IpERSONS entitled to Bounty Lands ,1 under the acts or Congress of the 1.; - 11 ' 4 . sited Statrs can have their claims prompt ly and efficiently attended to by application either personally or by lette'r to the 'subscriber, at his office in Gettysburg. Clainiants whose have been suspended on aerount of deficiency in proof {pay find it to their advan tage to e;t11. Q - 'The fee charized iss ill each case, pay able upon the delivery of fife warrant. The subscriber %vitt iilso attend to claims -for Pensions-for - I:evolutiandry or other services and thelue,itiiiii of i dn ds„ The s wo ale and phr- Ctbase of lAnd arrant , : attended to, and. the highest cash price plod for the same. AIeCREA I/ May 17,-I tf. Attorney a: law. EG :11 0 A N.. J. L.lWiteliNGE 1111,L, M. 1)., TIAS hi s 0 flii.e one door ‘v ust-o-11-14-e-Lifili era n clinrel). in Citullter;littrg - street, and op po,.ite Grmmer- 9 s stare, where Ilicen , wisititi„a to have any tl) eft la i Oppea 1 Iva' performed are respeetrtilly invited to cull. It E EUIi N C S Dr. 1). Gilbort, Dr. C. N. Its ritielty-, Dr. D. Horner, Roy. (''. I'. Kral' th,.l). D., 1?ov.• I!. L. 1). I)., Roy. Rvy nl)ltl,.,l6,v. Prof. 11..locobs. Prof. M.L.Suever. Getty , dltirg, April 11, L-53. ti' `)i WO LAI )I.liS IRE willing to ceo.ify that the 9ATIIA - W Al . COOKING S'ro v K is the very best Stove now in use, itiasinueh :es. theyAviii do inolo Cooking, Roasting and IJaking o oild du it With less labor, and last as long again as any other stove now SOW. These evlvbrated stoves are constantly kept for sale at a very reduced price, at the • 'Gettysburg i'ouudry ii-Tilachine Shop where 016 sithso,ribOrs, fete liner determined to Ault all persons, have niso the l'ariur, Sexton's lia!;itnore Cainitch Cool: Stove, and :fir-ii lit and Ten plate Par lux Stoves, of the most'heautiful patterns. frailty lar which cannot _he surpassed f 1 - 4lt or Itnese of d mug ht, or in. the character of their work, are constant ly on hand for sate, and in view ofthe fact t hat the Mouldboard of these Ploughs is one 10111 heavier than that of other ploughs, it is decidedly the chea_pest that can be ob tained. WITII E I? W PLOUGHS and others, eastintz . s for the -Woodeneli Plough, V\ ind mill machinery. Castinurs and Hollow-ware, N%ittt ivery article usually mad e at Foundries, c a n he obtained here. C. -- -I.llacksinithing and Shrn Making as WARREN & SON. 1F151.. tf DAILY LINE. " . .ti Alt E It I:: I) I C E rilllll: — .., , llYse'ribers• a itoonnee to the t ra vellin g th.tt they are now multi 11(r a I) AI 1. E OF STAG S , between Getty si)titt.r, and Chawhersburg, i tt;4 tietty.:lm rit••at 7 o',,loelt, and return larrthy 7 o'clock, P. NI., of some day. Fare , cult Ivav-51.50. Stlao Odice to Gertvshorg, at the "Ea2;le [(owl." G Ell It, TATE & CO. Aug-. J have made arranoements to have Boots an d shoes made to erdcr, - liv tne hest or work men. and of good niateriai. in the quickest possihle time. \V ..W. PA X . I'ON. Getty sin/ I . T. Apri I .3. 1 ••454.- - rrl sr "..! -, 71 I S herehv given, that tfiTs Partnership hereto quir'ed. - fore .existino• between Tnomas IV A IMEN - __ ^ - - and tkoncrE -,\V :OMEN, i rad i nLr under the firm Ci mee el es awl queens ware.— 0 1 T. Warr en and S.m, is this day dissolved by J. S. (:R I\l NlEll defies the town 0: mutual consent. All persons k now iiig them county to prod.oee cheaper atd hett„ Groceries selves imlehted to said firm are req nested to call and gOOOO-wa - re th.lo ko is now sell lng . Sogar aril settle with the sobseri her. at the Foundry, of first rate quality and hard to beat, for may or.their claims will he left with W. L. CAMP a. Ell'a pouud, and tsvery thing else in propor- , BELL, Esq.. for collection. ttun. ' Ll.prti 107 - T April 3, 1631. T. WARREN. ~ •Na Nk4 4 rillt stil) , ,,•rilier W.roh v .rives notice t 0 those -5 ` " II " II•t" Pr'11111•'" ht a ''" ) O 1) 01 ' de count, th.it lie 1.4 in v‘ ant of it, and that sullez it I , : deli vurcil fortl,with, without any further Ow Account.; A-4111)..pl,iced in tlie hands rif:ltl fAieet tor ciatietion, and the ni'inioy T. \V \RR EN. - iliLo3- 3, Crr fur-3,111 - ' ' =' a noLLOIVADS OINTMENT. eitizenstf the Union,— - you have done me the honor n as with one . ITAS opened and is now selling rapidly at voice, from one. end - of the Union to the' his Store in York street, opposite the other, to stamp the character of my Ointment ! Bank, a very large choice and cheap assort- with your approbation. It is scarcely two meat of SUMMER GOODS, to which he in- i years since I made it known to you, and alrea- ; vites the attention of the public. They have 4 dy. it 41as obtained more celebrity than any ' be'en selected with great care in the Eastern ether medicine in so short a period. cities, have been bought cheap for cash, and ° THOMAS HOLLOWAY. will be sold cheap for cash 7 —cheaper than at 38, corner of Jinn 4 , - Nassau sts., New York. 'any other establishrnent in Gettysburg. His ASTONISHING CURE OF' SORE LEGS, stock consists in part of Black, Blue, Olive, . A rrEu NINE YEARS' STANDING. and O reert C LOTH COATS, with frock, dress, and sack coats; also Twee 4, casiene..; Copy of It. Letter from Mr. J. W. r ? angley, of HuntAville,. Yadkin co., North CArolina. daied Nov. Lit, 1653. ret, Italian Cloth, Liner, Lustre, Check, Ging- 1. 1 READ HIS OW N W ORDS. ham Sea Grass, Dock arid Summer Cloth , Gnats ; also a superior 'stock of P -Ni'.- i To PROFESSOR H OLLOWAY : Sir,—lt is not my- wish to become notorious', neither is this . LOONS, conskting in part 'of excellent and '-, tt leer written for the mere sake of truing, but i well made French Black Doe-shin Cassimere, Fancy Casstmere, Satinetts, Velvetc, Cord, to say, that your Ointment cured rue of one of i Ole most dreadful cutaneous diseases that flesh l -Lin-e-m-aaici--C-otto-tia-e...—:che-siock-of—V-EST., ' ' comprises every variety of manufacture—floe black Satin, Si'k, Velvet, Italian Silk, white, MARCUS SAMSON fancy and 'buff Marseilles, Surnmercloth, &c., &c. Fly Nets! Fly Nets! of a good quality, excellent mahnfacture, and, offered at low prices. I havi already disposed of a large ninnher of these, articles and always to the satisfaction or purchasers. Also on hand:a large lot of TIUJ N KS, Flats, Carpet. Bags. Umbrellas, Boots and Shoes, Window Shades, Violins, Accordeons, Guitars, Flutes, Files, Melodeons, 11irrors, Razors, Spectacles, Revolving., Single arid Douhle -Barreled Pk tots, Watches and Watch Guards, silk end cotton Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves, Stockings, Spring Stocks, Shirts, and shirt Collars, and a splendid assortinent of .IEWELRY—in fact every thing in the way• of Boy's and Nien's furnishing line. Ist-rate chewing 'Cornice° always on hand—a rare article, which chewers are re-; quested to try. MARCUS SAMSON. July 3, 1651. tf A MEETING OF TUE "KN OW NOTITINGS."- grit E "Know Nothito,ts" will ineetat the stop ? of J. S. (I l? MM ER, not to sunder former p4rties, but to examine his extensive stock. of Nr - Spring and - Sum - itier . _ Goods This lull no. his, second arrival, which consists of ILDretiN G 09615, SAlell. ;IR Sims, BeregeS, lierege de Lain, Jaconet and French I)Pimge AlpAcca, klpaccas, Linen Lustre, Ca ticoes,.Clingfiarns,_Cliarnbria Ging hAins, Catrihric and Swiss Nlthdin, Linen' Carnbrc Hdrulkerch ie is, Collars, Sleeves, Black Lace Veils, Edgings, Gimps, &c. For Gentitemen:—Cloths, Ca'ssimeres, Italian Cloth, Cashmerets, (of every color,) and an assortment of Vesting s, Cottonades, Liners (of every kind) and also a fresh sup ply of which will be sold very low. His stook of t rnods have been selected with gteat care, and boug . ht exclusively for cash, and he guarantees to dispose of them on as reasonable terms as, they can be purchased elsewhere. Terms: Cash or coontry produce—to punctuhl cus tomers, a credit of six months. J. S. GIZAINIMER. Gettysburg, May 22,1854: NEII all RIG II L riND A G R EAT GAT RE RING ! A LNIOST everybody is attracted to the I, Store of J. 1,. SCHICK, in the Three _ S•ory Imikli-ug,-South W est corner ,of the Di zimond. to see the large(and spleiidid stock of Cf:?". CrID OCU _Ct5 9 he has just broirrht from the cities,-and he is of titturtM nothing any number of sales. But "the more the merrier." and the busier he is kept the better he likes it. His assortment enihraves Ladies , illy e.tiTS Goads of every description, such as Silks, Barente de ',Miles,. Chant llaretre, Lawns, Drap de &lac, Alpaca de liri,e, A Ipaeas, Bombazines; Silk Down, Linen Lustre, •Calieo;;; - , Gintrhams,-Chambra Cain hams; Swiss, Jaconet and" Cambric Mus h US, in every variety;_ C rape and Cashmere SHAWLS; Laces, I , ;(l;zings, Gimps, Dress 'Fri mill i Ur,.! and'llettons, &c. For the Gentlemen he has Cloths, Cassi mews, Cashineret, Intllan Cloth, Drap de Ete, Vcs l ing-s. (a large and beautiful variety,) Cot tonailes, Linen Checks, Gray Linen, (some thing now and first rate,) Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Suspender, He endeavors at all times to sell cheaper than au other Store in town---and that he sue eeels in the endeavor will he proven by giving . hint a call. "Small .profits and quick sales," and no trouble to show goods. J. L. SC WC K. April 3, 1851. TI! E IVA It GOING ON ! P 11111.; war in Europe is largely engrossing luahtic attention,-and prices generally are goinz up. 'Nt the und ersi ned woulnsuggu3t to his customers and everybody else that he has Jost returned ffotn- the city, with the cheap's/ and btx; stock of Pr - c-7" '/- 7 \ Nuts, .Confectionary, Fancy Soaps, &c,, he has ever before offered. Call and judge *for yourselves. and it' you do not pronounce his goods among the cheapest and hest you have ever looked at, then is be greatly mis taken. His stork comprises, in part, Craves, `mars,--Teay,, l',llocolates, Syrups, Molasses; Crack,ers::Orateres, Lemons:, Almonds, Palm Nuts, Pea Nuts, English Walnuts, Filberts; Cmitectionary, of a h nod red sorts; Pepper, C Munition, Cloves, Soda Salvra;kizi, ‘Vashino Nod 3. a large variety of E'ancy Soaps, and everything else in his line. (*---.Cash or Country Prodlice taken in ex ohange for (;liodsz. Tale Hone and Feed 11)nxiness is continued. 11-ighest market priovs paid. «'\i. (11 1. i. Est' IE, o rm. Street. 171 the Ceityshur!*. April :21, 1.;31. A N"PI-N E BR ASKA Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. IUVE 0 N E. COME ALL, and tell your nrialsbors to come, to the Store of the o Extremes," and see the splendid stork of HATS. CAPS, 800 I'S AND SHOES, no w o p e ni fo r, of the latest style and of every variety, suitable fur the Sprinif and Summer season, for Gentlemen, Ladies and Children. is heir to, and which was cons) ere• y a who knew we, to be entirely beyond the reach of medicine. For nine years I was afflicted , ; - with me th.e most painful and troublesome sore legs that ever fell to the lot of man; and after trying every_medicine I had ever heard of, I resigned to despair All hope of being cured ; but a friend brought me a couple of large pots of yonr Ointment, which caused the sores on my legs to heal, and I entirely regained my health, to my agreeable surprise and delight, and to the astonishment of my friends. (Signed) J. W. LANGLEY. AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF A BAD BREAST, WHEN NEARLY AT THE POINT OF DEATH. Copy ()f a Letter from Mr. R. Durant, New Orleans, No vember 9th, 1553. To PROFESSOR _HOLLOWAY, 38, Corner of Ann and Nassau Streets, N. Y. Dear Sir : It is with heartfelt gratitude I have to inform, you that by the use of your. Ointment and Pills, the life of my wife has been saved. For • seven years she had a bad breast, with ten running wounds, (not of a cancerous na- Au re). IWaS told that nothing' could save her: was then induced to use your Ointment and Pills, when in the short space of three months, they effected a perfect cure, to the astonishment of all who knew us. We ob tained ,Yonr Medicines from Messrs. Wright & Co., of Chartres-street; New Orleans. I send this•from "Hotel des Princes," Paris, had-written-it-at-NeW-Orleans 114 ore we finally left, at that time, not your.addre , :s at New York. , ' (Signed) R. DURANT. Thktrins should be u.s.vd conjointly with' the Ointment in ' Most of the following mses Legg Contracted and Lumbago Sore-throats Bad Breasts Stiff Joints Piles Skin-dh.eases Nnius Fistulas Rheumatism Sem I{nnious Gout ' Salt Rheum Sore -heads Chilblains 0 Lai:tut:lr Scalds Ulcers Chapped - liand, Swellings Sure Nipples minds ' * • - Sok' at the Establishment of Professor HOLLOWAY, 38, Corner of Ann and Nassau Streets, 'New York ; also by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines throtigh out. the United States, in Pots, at 373- cents, 87- cents, and :Ftfl,so cents'eacli. TO he had Wholesale of the principal Drug Houses in the Union. - (Li-There is a considerable saving by tak ing the larger-sizes. N. l3.—Directions for the guidance of pa tients in every disorder are affixed to each Pot. July 3, 1854. lyeow PR0C1..4.1114.T10111 i n fly eitigus of Orttuuhurg. Pulvermacker's Hydro -Electric ir\te,L -c•t , , r‘ VLi ty SU., S 3 V .I.lC—Cid,..C4lt)9 CONSTR UCTED to be worn nest to the skin, producing a constant current of UN INTERRUPTED ELEXTRo mAGNETrim--o&cting IN' MEDIATE RELIEF, FROM: ALL, A - - CUTE PAINS, and a Permanent cure of Neuralgic Piseaso ! Yudvermacher's Eieetrie Chains were first used in France, three years since, for the cure of Nervous Discuses, and after being submitted to the most thorough trial, in every hospital in Paris, by the most learned professors. in that city, they were recommended to the Gov ernment of France, who granted a patent-for the discovery. During the years 1851.2, they were introduced in Germany, Austria, Prussia and England, and one year since, introduced and patented by the United States Government. Bloat Astonishing Lures ( I f Rheumatism. S Dame, ofo I 3nd Johits, PalMMtiou of Dm. Heart, Nouralm.t of tho Face, Perooiical Ile:Macho, Link-,4, Lilindue , :s. Pain from lutigestion, flysteric •, tteric l'ai 1.!;ve.,7 / Disease, termed Nervous, is quickly and rapidly cured, by simply wear ing, the Chains for a few hours each day:. The chains Isere first introduced in the city Of New York, where they were exhibited to Prot'. Valentine Mott, Van Buren, Post, Car nochan, and others, who readily discovered that they possessed ,S7range ana Singular Power (f Instantly Re lieving Pains, whenever applied, and by their recommenda- tion and influence, they were introduced into the different hospitals of New York, and are now in daily MSC in those institutions. in the treatment and en re of the aboyemained diseases. No Other Nechrinici7l.lgent, in ~ he world, con produce so many well au thenticated certificates of ewe, !ruin scientific Physicians and intcl;i4cat Paticnts, as may be found Iry each pamphlet, which may be obtain. ed !rafts at the Oro! , Store of S. H. L ER, who is the sofa Agent fur Gettysburg, and who will explain the manner of use to all who aid.) . 3 1)1' 1 3% In the city of New York, at the General office, 568 Broad)ay, there are !wino' sold daily, from forty to-sia - ty CILIHNS, and the sale and demand in Boston is as great in pro portion to the population, although they have only been introduced three montifs . i. The OnarNs'are easily worn, and are equally applicable to all classes of persons, the child aN w e ll as the adult, and are always ready for use;—never get out of repair, and are as much an article of ornament, as they are a valuable means of cure. UarrioN.—Ladies who are each ate are requested not to wear them. prices of the Chains are $3 and $5, 18 and 30 Links, prul Cali be sent by mail, to any part of the State, by addressing- S. H. BU LER, only :t Lent for Gettysburg. I. STEIN Eli'!', 563 Uroad way, N. ~ General Atrent. For sale in all the principal cities in the United States. July 3, 1554. ly DIAMOND TONSOR.S. ruirroN & BROTH ER, Fashionable Bar bers and Hair Dremrs, can at all times he found prepared to attend to the calls ,0 the poople, the.? emple, in the Diamond, adjoin ing the Comity Building. l'rotn long expe rience, they ft liter themselves that they can go through ail the ramifications of the Tottiso.- iliq'ittetintieril with such an infinite deoree of as wil! meet with the entire smiitaetion of all who ,nay submit their chins to the keen ordeal of their razors. They hone, theret,,re, that -by their attention to business, and a desire to please, they will merit as well TiTFeTeliie, a liberal share of public patronage. The sick will be attended to at their private dwellings. Gettysburg, Jan. 13. 1851. tf Mill. On the question. will the House agree to the second proposition, the yhs and nays were taken, agreeably to the provisions of the 10th article of the constitution, and are as follows Yr:As—Messrs. Abraham, Atherton, Ball. Barton, Deek, DeAer, Tiigh.tm, Lloyd. Caldwell. Carlisle. Chamberlain, cook, Crane. Ctuninins - , — D.fughertv, Davis. Deegan. Der France. Duntinar, Eli rarer. Eldred. Er an.. Fry. Gallentine, Gibbonov. 131-ay. Groom. (ilrin, Hamilton. Ilie,i tand, Ifrlfier, Hipple,Hunsecker. Hunter, Hartt. Jackman, HAtore, Knight, baury, (Lehigh,) Lowery. '(riogn.) Linn, Magee. Maguire. Mandeitiel‘l..3—M'COnnell. M'Kee. Mono g.han. Montgomery. Moore. Moser, 31use. Palmer. Parke, Partulee, Pitssmore. Patterson. Porter. Rawlins. Rohm ts, Rowe. Sal lade. Scott, Simonton, Smith,. (Berks.) Smith, (Crawford.) Stockilale, Wheeler, Wicklein, Wright, Chase, Speaker-7 1. NrVs—Messrs. Adams. Ril hymn, Beans. blush. Byerly, Eckert. El li-.. Hart. Herr. l[ern. Hummel. 31*Combs, 31t1- Peal-on, putney, Stewart, Strung, Struthers, Ziegler—So. So the question was determined in theaffirm. alive. SF.CRETARY'S OFFICE, HARiti4BURG, July 1, 1854. PE NSY Lr.l SLI „S's. I do certify Ilat the above and fore- SEAL. g oing, is a true and correct cop y o r the —l,-F-As" and ..N.‘ vs" taken o n th e ...Resolution relative to an amend nit tit of the Constitution of the Commonweaith,'• as the saute appears on the Journals of th e two Houses of the General Assembly, °cu l t s Commonwealth for the Sessiibn of 1854. Witness my hind and the Seal of said office this first day of July, one thousand enrht hun dred and fifty-four. C. A. BLACK, e Getty sburg...Srea r_e_tam_d_sta Comokonwealch. . July 17, 1854. .31n R.F0' . 07.7g - Tlll4 PE:ZY2a-glnk. Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth. SECTION' 1. Resolved by the Senate and House of Reprtientalives if the U4nrtmonto.ealth of Penn sylvania in General Assembly met, That the amendments, be and- the s ! irtke are hereht proposed to the Constitution, of the. Commonwealth; under and in -accordance wiih , the provisions of-the tentifartiele thereof, to witi PROPOSITION 1, TO BE ARTICLE 41: Seems I. The aggregate amount of debts hereafter contracted by the Cautinonwealtle shall never - exceed The sum of five hundred thousand dollars, exceps in case of war to re— pel invasion, suppress insurrection, or to re deem the public debt of the Cotitnionvaalth, and the money so raised shall be applied to -the purpose fo: which the debt may be contracted or pay such debts, and to no other purpose.. NeeTtoN 2. To pay the public debt of the- Commonwealth, and 61)6 which may hereaf— ter be contracted - ace o f w_ar_to_reper_tit-v„ sion. suppress Apsurrection and to redeem the public debt, thnegislature shall at their 'next. session after the adoption of this section into the Constitution, provide by law for the crea tion of a sinking fund, which shall not be-ahol— ished till the said public debts be wholly paid, to consist of all the and annual income iron the public works and stocks owned by the - i3otinonwealtle, or any other funds arising under a reionue law now existing or that may be hereafter enacted, so far as the same may bar requited to pay the interest of said debts semi .annually, and annually, to reduce the principal thereof by - a sum not less - than five hundred thousand dollars, increased yearly by eorn pounding at a rate of not less than five per centum per annum ; the said sinking fund shall be invested in the loans of the Commonwealth, which shall be cancelled from time to time in a manner to he provided by law: no portion of the sinking fund shall 'ever be applied to the payment of the debt of five hundred thousand dollars mentioned in - the first section of this ar ticle, but the said sinking. fund shall be applied only to the purposes herein specified. ticurierr 3. The credit of the Common wealth shall not in any way be given or loaned to or in aid of any individual, company. eor.; poration or association, nor shall the Common wealth hereafter become a joint owner or stock-, holder in any company,. association or corpo -ration in' ibis Commonwealth . or elsewhere, formed for any purposes. SecTinx-4.l'he-Commonwearth--itralf-never— a-ssome the debts 'of any county, city; borough or township, or of any corporation or associa tion, unless such debts shall have been eon tradted to repelinvasion, suppressineurrection, - or to defbend the State in war. - PRO.POSITION 2, TO BE ARTICLE XI. Prohibiting Municipal Subscriptions. The Legislature shall never authorize any county. city, borough or township, by vote of its eitizenti or otherwise, to become a stock hOlder in:any joint stuck company. association or corporation, or to raise 'money for, or loan its Credit to, or in aid of any such company or association. E. B. CHASE, ,Speuker of the House'of Representatives M. M'CASLIN, •Simaker qf the Senate. " In Senate, April 28,1854. Resolved`,•That this resolution pass. Yeas 22, nays 6.—Extract from the Journal. - - T. A. m (3. u 111 E, Clerk. In House of Representatives, April 21,1E554. Resolved, That this -resolution pass. Yeas 71-, nays 20.-=Extract front the Journal. • . W M.. JACK, Clerk. ISECRETABY'S OFFICE, Filed April 29, 1854. C. A.-BLACK, Secretary. orthe Commonwealth; PEN.NS.YLF.d.N./.3, SS. SECRETARY'S OFFICE,' Harrisburg, July 1, 1854. , I do certify that the above and fore- s ' going is a true and correct copy or 1....-- , tie original "Resolndon relative to .. rAL• an amendnient of the Constitution," as the same remains on the file in this offi-ce.- In testimony whereof I. have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed.the' 4 'teal the Secretary's office the day and year move written. C. A. BLACK, Secretary of the Commonwealth, Journal of the Se'nate. "Resolution No. 562, entitled 'Resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution Of the Commonwealth,' was read a third timer On the question, will the Senate agree to the first proposition, the ye is and nays were taken, agreeably to the Constitution, and were as tollqws, viz : ts—McNsrs. Buckidow, Darling,tnn, Darsie. Furgnenu, Foulkroii. Frick. Fry. Gocitivin. Haldeman, Hamilton. II Hainlin.-E. W. LLunlia, Meister, [loge, Jami,on. McClin tock. McFarlau.l, Platt, Quiggle, Sager, and MeCttli- , lin, Speaker—'23. N IYS essrs. Cra6b, Creswell, lientlriekA, Kinzer, Kun kle an..l So the question was determined in the affirm- ative, On the question, wilt the Senate agree to the second proposition, the yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the Constitution, and were as fo; lows, viz.: YLAs—messrs. Bnckalew, Darsie, Ettrgti , on, roulkend„ Pry, Goodwin. Hal,fenian. D. Hanain. E. NY: Ilanalin.„ llondricks• Itci ter, Hoge, .ininiAon. Eimer. McClintock, Piatt, Price, (tuiegle,lifer, 1.1 iterry, McCaslin, 4eaker—t2 , . N ws—Me•Nrs. Crabby Creswell, Darlington, Hamilton, Kunkle:Ma Sk So the question was determined in the affirm- at: ye. Journal of the House of Representatives. ' , The question recurring upon the final pas sage of the Resolution, the first proposition was agreed to as follows, viz: ‘ s—Me.,;rs Abraham, Mains, Atherton. Bail. Barton, Beyer, Bighatm Boyd. Bush. Byerly , Citiltivell, Calvin, Car lisle. Chamberlin. Cook. Crane, Cllllllllilti. Daugherty, Dark, De France. Dunning. Ictert, Edirr,;er. Eldred. Ertias, Irkter. Fry, Oallentine, tiibboney, Gilmore. Gra,y, Groom, Hamilton,. Hart, Herr, Hiestanrl. hillier, 'Hippie, horn. Hummel, llizaqucker. hunter. Hui tt, Jackman, Kilgore, Knight. ',miry, (Lehigh.) Lino. Nhigee, Maguire, Manaertiebl. Mliee, Miller, Monaghan', Mont- Poinery. Moore Moser, Muse, Palmer, nuke, Parmleo, Pasmore. Patterson. Porter. Putney. Rawlins, Roberts, Pone, Sallade, Seott, Sidle, Simonton. Smith, (Berks.) Smith. (Crawford.) Stewart, St. rh,lale. Strong, Struthers, Wheeler, Wright, Ziegler, Chase. St.e.tker--8.Z.): N So the question was determined in the affirm- ati ve. ]