The Cholera at Pittsburg• PlTTsnuTio, Sept. 20.—There is no abatement of the. cholera to-day, as confidently expected yesterday. There have been 56 deaths re ported-since six o'clock last evening, and the panic is consequently increasing. - PITTSBURG, Sept.' 21st.—There - is still, no abatement in the ravages of the cholera. There have been' sixty deaths during the past 24 ben rs. To-day has, been generally observed as a - day of tastily* and -prayer. • PerrsatlaG, Sept. 22.—The Dispatch issues an extra this afternoon. and gives seventy-four deaths of cholera yesterday. and up to noon to day twenty-two deaths. The total number for eight days since-the commencement of the epidemic is..five hundred. DisEcoND Dilsrirc ff.] PITABBURG. Sept. 22, 9 P. M.—There have b ee „ s i x ty &nth* of cholera to-clay, and there is no abateinent)n the diseasebvisible yet. Tr - 7 The yellow fever is; increasing in violence , a t Savannah and Cliarleston,, and at Angusta,_i to an extent unparalleled in the history of those I cities. SURPLUS WHEAT IN INDIANA.'---A correspon dent of - the Oswego Times, writing from La port. Indiana. says that from 6,000 to 7,000 bushels of wheat per day are being receivedat that place. and that there cannot be less than $l, OcLt II wort o surp us gram mar, that county during the present seA_son,—. `'Ai .lIABLE UltOP Oh' POTATOES. —The West Chester Republican states that , Joshua ! N. Pierce. of Newlin township, has raised this "season 500 bushels of splendid Mercer potatoes from two acres of ground... A profitable crop, at. present prices.- PAPER FROM STRAW AND CORN StALE.S.-A mill has been started at Skaneatales, N. Y., for the-manufacture of coar i se,wer from straw and corn stalks, according to tine new process. ONE THOUSAND LIVES LOST !—The clipper bark Mermaid, arrived at San Francisco from Hong • Kong, brought news that two ships bound to California with Chinese emigrants, had been lost in the China Sea, together with 1000 of their passengers. MARRIED. On the 'l7th inst. brthe Rev. .I'. Serbler. !tfr. MARTIN' EINDIG to Miss MARY A. 'LANDIS, both of Adams county. On the 17th inst. by the Rev. P. Scheurer. Mr. WILLIAM WILDASIN, of York county, to Miss RACHEL CIIRONIS TER;of-A4amscountr: On the 18th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Deal' FERDI RAND 'Z— both of this place. On the sth inst., by Rev. Mr. Sentinan, Mr. JOAN AL FRED lIANiCEY to Miss MARGARET' CATI.EARINE EYLETt—both of Cumberlana township: • DIED. On the 13th inst., in Adams county, Rev. ABRAHAM ROTH , aged 81 years 7 months and 13 days. At Wiota. Fa.vate county, Wisconsin, on the 2lth of last Aegust, MARY AG.);EW, - ikzed yeam. The deceased lived many yeArs in Gettysburg. Adams eountr. On the 17th inst. Mrs. AMELIA, wife of Mr. Benjamin Deardorly, of Franklin township, aged about '25 years: On the lith in,t— in McDonough county, Illinois, WTI., LIAM ADAIR, Infant son of Wm. J. and Esther S. Pace, aged 3 months. (111)c lilarkels. - Corrected fronithe latest Baltimore,York.SclLannver papers BALTIMORE—FansAT LAst Flour, per bixrel, **B 00 to 8 06 Wheat, per bushel, 1 50 to 1 65 Rye, . . 64 1 08 to 1 10 Corn, • " 78 to 82 . Oats, . ti 49 to 53 Cloverseed, " ' '7 00 to' 712 Timothy,-" .. 3 50 to 3 75 Whiskey, per gallon, 4O to 41 Beef Cattle, per hand., : 425 to 7' 25 Hogs,. 5 50 to 6 50 Bay, per ton, ~, - 18 00 to2o 00 ,Guano, Peruvian, per ton, 50 00 tosl 00 II.O;OVER---.TINIRS9AT LAST Flour, per bbl., from stores, Do. ~ °. wa g ons , Wheat, per bushel, Rye, 4l Corn; 4 4 . _ Oats, " Cloverseed, .‘, . Timothy, ~ Plaster of Paris, per ton. YORIC-Fit10.11" LAST. . . . . Flour, per bbl., from stores, $9 .25 Do. 4i from wagons, 8 50 Wheat, per bushel, 1 80 to 1 90 Rye, Corn, Oats, Cloverseed, " it Timothy. Plaster of Paris, per ton, PROTIIION/Er . 1 1 it V. Tn Ilie Voters of -*lams county: F(H undersianed I. a candidate for the office . of PROI'I-1.4) N QT.XR Y. and solic its the support of his fellow citizens. Should lie be elected, he promises his best efforts to discharge the duties of the office in a satisfac tory manner. ROBERT McC U R D Y.. Cumberland tp., Sept. '25, 1854. Executor's Notice. DAN ID Gar EST's ESTATE.—Letters testamentary• on_ the estate of David (priest, late of Lati more township, Adams co., deed., having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same township, he hereby give's notice to all persons indebted to said estate Ito ,matte immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. JOEL Glt t EST, Ex'r. September-25, 1854. 6t • 3zrA T> Cheap Watches Jeirelry, . Ai 7 - H 0 ',ESA LE & R ETA IL. at the Phil adelphia Watch and Jewelry Store, No. 96 North Second street, corner of Quan'y, - Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, 1S caret cases, Sl9 00 Gold bepines. 18 caret. - - - 24 00 Silver Levers, full jeweled, - - • 12 00 Silver Lepi nes, jewels, - , - - 900 Superior QuArtiers, - ~ . - 7 00 Geld Spectacle s, --- .. - 700 Fine Silver do. .- - - - 1 50 Gold B ' Bracelets, - - - - :3 00 Ladies' field Pencils, Eilver Tea Spoons, s.t. - Geld Penn. with Pencil and Gold Finger Rings 37} rents to SRO; Watch Glasses, plain, V 23 cents, patent IS I; IA net 25; other articles in proportion. All goods w•ar ranted to be what they are sold for. STAUFFER & HARLEY. On hand, some Golci and Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower than the above prices. Sept. 25, 1851. ly c.! WEAVER respectfully announces to Administrator's Notice. 0. the Ladies and Gentlemen of Gettyshuig C , and vicinity, :hat he has resumed the Daguer -ONR A D - WAGON Letters of administration on the estate of - reotype business, at the old stand, in Chant-, Ta _ d wa2 , oTTeiv _ tare _ o _f___T rtme7towirs hi rr, _,_.bershurg-street,-where he will be happy to re- Adams' county, deceased, having been ceive visitors desirous of securing perfect granted to the undersigned, residing in the , Daguerreotypes el the•eselves or friends. ; Being furnished with an entirely new and same township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make costly apparatus, he is prepared to take pictures immediate payment, and those having claims in every style of the art and insure perfect against the same to present them properly au- satisfaction. thenticated for settlement. e , i rarir (Thames from 50 cents to . slo. - ' ALFRED 'l'. HARMAN, .idnt'r. I 13Re - Hogrs of pperatitig . from BA.M. to 4 M. August 28, 1854. 6t - - P. - ----- --- '. ---- ------ Tri dress avnid light, red, blue, os. pur ple. Dark dress a l / 2 .!( - 1. - ; much to the hei'uty of USLINS, Linens and 'rcking., fnr•3'e PUBLIC: SALE: THE subscriber, Executor of PHILIP SHRIVER, deceased,' will offer at Pub lic-Sale, on the premises, on Friddy, the 1 344 day (y . October next, A I' A-11, M, late the property of Said deceased,oatuate in Cumberland township; Adams county. Pa., four miles from Gettysburg- and one mile from Horner's-Mill, adjoining lands of the heirs of Andrew Horner, !ken's of John Black & others, Containing 128 Acres, more ,or less,' about 28 acres of which are Woodland, with a due proportion of Meadow.' The improvements are a Two-story seem .1-1011`>4.'1 :;•: w i t h Back-building , Bank -Barn, -Wagon Shedi-CornCrib-, Spring-House. Car riage House, and other outbuilding's ; a fine Apple "Orchard, and other choice fruit; a never failing Spring of water near the house, and a nevelt-ailing stream thru'aglf the Farm. Persons wishing - to view the farm are re quested to call -upon Mr. Wm. Snouffer, resi ding thereon. . .dtsa, at the same time and place, will be sold, _ F. . • -„ • 120 of said deceased, to wit: 2 fine Horses, 2 fresh Mich Cows wi6Calves, Yfrun‘g Cat tle, 3 Fat Hogs, Sow and' Piga, narrow-tread itlitt bed and ! hay . carriage. Winnow : . lin*: Mill, Ploug,lii, Harrows, Cultivators, Carriage and harness, Horse - Gears. a lot of Bags, a lot of Tools, Grindstone, &c. Wheat, Rye, Oats and Corn, by the bush el, and Grain in the ground. . . Also, Ilousehtild - and Kitchen Furniture, such as Bureau, Bedsteads & Bedding, Ta bles, Chairs, Clock, Carpeting, Stove and Pips } , Cuptioitil, Copper and Iron Kettles, together with many other articles too numer ous to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made knowp by ' - JACOB HA NK EY, Ex'r._ September 25, 1854. to VALUABLE VAL ESTATE, At Public`.4ale. , _ rfl HE aubsc . riber_will__Offerlat_Publicale, J_ on the premises, on Saturday, Ike 1411 i day of October• next, the followipgßeat Estate, to wit: situate in Cumberland township - , Adams co., on the Chainhersburg turnptlie,..2 miles frAnn Gettysburg . , adjoining lands of John - B. Mc- Pherson, Henry 5. Minnigh, Abraham - Plank, and others, Containing 180 , Acres, more or less, between 60 and •70 acres of which are Timber; land. The hind is under good 'fencing and good cultivation. The improve- o„, ':(4111ZA 11CONI, with a"rwo-siory Brick Back - -building, two- ! Tenant Houses, a new Bank Barn, Brick Stable, Wagon 'and Coro 'Crib, Black smith Shop, two welts of water and two young hearing Orchards. This is one of the most desirable properties in the county, and should command the attention of capitalists. - Also, A TRACT bF LAND, adjoining the -above, containing GO Acres, more or less, about 5 acres of which are Wood land. .It is imprOved With a,Two-Ki:orY - Frame Hoirte, and a Stable, with a neverfailimr well of water at the door. Also, A TRACT OF LAND, adjoining the above Farm, lands of Dr. Hall and John Herbst, containing - 44 'Acres, more or less, aboOt acres of which are Woodland. Also,. A Tarßayr OF LAND, on the Chamber:lm; tornpike, adjoining the above Farm, lands of H'enry S. Minnigh, John B. McPherson, and others, containing 'l6 Acres, more or less. The improvements are a TWo-Story $9 00 8 00 1-40 to 1 GU -1 06 75 . 50 6 00 2 50 7 00 Van • Vamp • with Back-building, Frame Barn, Wagon Shed and Corn Crib, a BlaCksmith Shnp, Car riage 17C ood-worker Shop, Trimmer Shop, and other buildings. There is a thriving ytuno Orchard on the premises, and 'a nevertailing well of water near the door of the dwelling. This property is -admirably calculated for a business stand. - 1 05 85 45 6 50 3 5o 7 50 Persons wishing to view the . property '.re requested to, cayriiiiott the subscriber, residlity, on the first mentione& Sale, to zontinettee at Il o'clock. P.M., on said day, - when attendance will 'be given and terous made known by - rr lIE President and-Mitnat2ers oE the: York and Gettysburg Turnpike company have declared a Dividend of One Per Cent., p.tyable on or after the 2Sth instant. - GEQ. SWOPE, Treas. September 25, 1854. 3t New Oxford Collegiate and Medi— cal Institute. VALENTINE SCHEER, Professor to the „Collegiate Department. M. D. G. PFEIFFER, Professor in the Medi cal Department. IHP. Winter Session, in the,ahove institute, -will cninmence on Monday. the 91h, of -October next, and continue till the last Monday in March tolloWing,. Tuitian;ree in the Collegiate Department $l5 00 °Contin ,, encies 1 50 " " "• Medical Department 20 00 'Contingencies 2 50 G . er m a 1 4 Ln ngy age 5 00 French do 5 00 Drawing 5 00 Music 10 00 ments always in advance. • - BOARD. Dodging , Washing. etc., the Principal, if requested, - will procure fur $lOO per annum, quarterly in advance. N. B. The semi-annual examination. clog ing the. Summer Session, will he on Monday. the 251 k inst., commencinu ;it 9 o'clock, A. M. M. D. G. PFEI - FF ER, Principal. New Oxford. Sept. 18.-1854. iOO 5 lii) 1 00 OW I S THE TIME! A FARM, FREDERICK HERR. Septerriber 25, 1854. is- Turnpike Dividend. POSITIVE SALE MINERAL LANDS. ifE undersigned, Executer of the last wilt T of ABRAHAM KEHL, late or Union township. Adams countv,deieased, under the direction - of 'the Orphan - 's Court of said coun ty, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises; on Friday; the 29th day of September inst., the Real Estate of said deceased, consisting of at containing 96 Acres, more or less, situate in U -nion tp., adjoining lands_ qClark, Zell & Co., and forming a part of Tract from which that was purchased in Consideration of the valuable IRON OR E upon it, and several hundred tons of which have already been mined by those gentlemen; it also connects withthe lands of Enoch Lefever, and forms a portion of the same ,Ridge from which there is now being taken, on both sides of the Farm, an abundance of as rich Iron Ore as can he found i n.the State. - This hart shows eveiy indication of possess ing great 'quantities of rich Iron Ore. The im provements consist of a TWO STORY DW A Large Log Barn, [ - lay and Strait, Shed, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, and 'other outbuildings; convenient to water, and the land is in a good state of culti vation, (laving been well limed. There is also a vatuable LIM ESTO.N E QUARRY on the place. b and an Apple Orchard. - • Otp rhis tract well deserves the attention of Capitalists, of those particularly who are en gaged in i the Iron business, and of Farmers generally. Sale to commence at 10 . o'clock, A. M., on said day, when attendance drill be.givem and terms made -known by JQS EPLI September. 4, 1854. ti 3 - MILL PROPERTY; THE slibscrilier, Assignee of THOMAS "BITTLE, will offer at public sale, on the premises, on Salurday. the 30th day fl Septem ber th..foll_o_wing Real Estate Of said Assignor, viz : • • A A 71. of Patented Land, situate partly in Germany township, Adams county, Pa , and partly - iii Carroll county,. Md., , 2 miles south of Utiles, town, on the Baltimore turnpike, adjoining lands. Qt PhilipKotijer, and others, containing 1 430 150 . Acres, more or less; of- which about -40 acres are covered with Wood, about .20 acres of . good Meadow, and the remainder arable land, in a good state of cultivation. There are strong indications of the existence of COPPER and IRON ORES Tere — is — afso on the same-a youno . thriving Orchard of choice Fruit Trees. The improvements consist of a Two-story Roughcast ol 'II II • Dwellin g . House, ' tIl 41 11i. I I i - and, WITCH KN, "a new BANK BARN, a Spririg. Horse, with a neverfailing spring-of water, and all necessary out buildings; there is also a good House and Stable for the Miller. There is likewise on this , Farm an excell6nt MERCHANT MILL The Mill is tiO . by 10- feet;.three stades high; the water-wheel is overshot, 24 feet high, run nina. 2 air of Burls, )air Of 1 :1;‘) hip« Stones, a Sinut - Maelline, - Praster reaker, a n all other necessary apparatus belonging to.a Merchant all nearly new. ft Savin situate in said tiermany township; one quarter of a toile distant from the above, adjoining lands of Jacob Best anrk2ibers, containing 75 Acres, more or less. The improvements are 2•Two-story Dwelling - • It LUC Ift 611_11!. HOUSES, a good Barn and Stable, and an excellent sprina near the dwellings. 20 acres ate good Woodland, 15 acres- Meadow, and the'remain der good farm land. There is a bank of 1110 N ORE on this iiroperty, suppo_sed to be of goad finality. Also an Orchard oicchoice fruit,, and A Carding and Fulling Mill. - tar Capitalists wishing-a bargain, will do well by attending the sale, as the property will be sold on the day above mentioned. Per sons wishing. to view the property will please call on the snhseriber, or on Thomas Bittle, residing on the first mentioned farm. Sale to continence at •I o'clock, P. Ni., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by OrAlso, at the same time an 4 place. a .quansity of Hay, awl a pair of Robber Burrs. September 4, 1854.• is VALUABLE FARIYI FOR SALE, r E[ F.: subscriber, intending to relinquish farming, offers for sale, on which lie resides, situate in Cumberland township-, Adanis county, near Horner's Mill, and near-the road leading from Gettysburg to Taneytown, adjoinimr c' lands Jamie Black, ' Dr. ..fuhrt Runkle, Eli Horner, •and others. containing 153 Acres, more or less; about 40 acres are well-timbered Woodland,-with a due proportion 'of Meadow. The improve ment, are a one and a half story Log DWELLING - HOUSE, EV ;or o,i 1 a double Log Barn, witlis - heds all around ; Wagon Shed - ,, Corn Crib, and other outhoild-. ings; and a well of neverfailing water at the door. Rock creek passes along one side of farm, and a small stream, which never fails, along the other. There is a Young Orchard of choice fruit on the premises. The land is under good fencing arid, good cultivation, a' considerable part having een limed, If the property is not disposed of at ,Private Sale before Saturday. (he 14th day 1 Octaber next, it will . be offered at Public Sale on that day, at 1 o'clock, P. M., 'on the premises. — Pe rso na -- w i shin g - t a — view — the — Linn are te quested tetall upon the subacribm residing tliereori. J ESS 81 - IARR ETTS- Sept. 18, 1854. is TO THE MILLINERY TRADE. JOHN STONE & SONS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FRENCH MILLINERY GnODS, Nu. 45 SuuthSecand street, Philadelphia, Nit F. now prepared to offer their customers and the trade. an tin usuailylarge and well selected assortment of RIR BONS. SATINS, VELVETS, I.* EATH ERS. FLOWERS. LACES, and every article appertaining to the _.Millinery trade ' igrOur stock being or oor own direct im portation, offttrs groat a , .!vantagea both in styles OF VALUABLE V.R LUS 8L..1; AT PUBLIC SALE. "'ALSO--; A NI OS •L EF EVi R, Assignee. VALUABLE FARAIS„ silo p.v . tsz. aa , i...t 4 aD asch ( 2Dtle AT PUBLIC SALE. THE Stihseribers, Executors of GEORGE', DEARDORFF% - rle . ceased, will offer Public Sale, on-Friday, 13th day qf Octu. her next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on 1116 prowl.' soo, part of the MANSION" PARIC of-said deceasci, i:ituate in tati int-ire township, Adams county; Pa., on that State Road, two miles fr(im Petersburg. (Y. S.) atijoininer lands of Henry !Anew, Jacob Livingston and t others, containing 150 Acres, more Or less, about 40 acres. being good Timherland—the -whole under good -fencing i -and -the arable part in excellent.coltivation. Latintore creek pass es through one corner of the tract. There is a One• Story DWELLING, a never failing Spring of Water, and a first rate young fieiir ing ORCHARD, On the premixes. The tract -will be offered - in- -one_ orAWo-iparts, as may best suit purchaser's. Alen, at the same time andplace, will he of fered the following Timber Lands And Town blffl ots - 25 - Acres of good Thilber-Lind, more or leas. situate in said hatimora town ship, adjoining lands of . .loseph Fickel, Henry Fickel, Warner Townsend, and 'OtherAn 8 Acres of Timber-Lind, situate in Dickinson township, Ontnberland county; adjoining lands of Jacob Sipe, Fran cis Coulson, and others. THREE TOWN LOTS, situate in the town of - Peteishurg. (V, 5.,) near the West ,epd, And bordering on the Car. lisle Toriipike. The lots - are well calculated ior building purfasee,""ind one of thent-bas , A never failing Spring 'of Water upon , it. .4- Also, on Saturday, the .14th of Oetqber neat. at 1 o'clock, P. M., en- the remise:l, will be' (Jam], . . . __ _ ~ .. ..... 1 :-.....4:1.U . 3. 9 . , : situate in pontington township, Adams coun ty, one mile from Heidlersburg, on the old Carlisle road, adjoining, lands of ?eter Michael Fissel, John BOletirand-others, con _taming, , 75 A cres, m o ore r less, with good proportions Of Titntiefand A considerable part has been limed. - The improvements-are a Araso n . TWO STORY GOO N ii II Ar4(11) 6 - raw 4 0. ":" fr 3 Good Barn and Sheds, an excellent Young Orchard, and a never-fail it.7 Well of Water near the door. e. Persons wishing to view the property; are requested to-cail upon the firist named Execu tor, residing in Huntington township, two I miles %Vest of Petersburg. a Attendance a no JACOB A. M Y ERS. JOH ;)F B. MTH EA 11 Y, Sept„ 11, 1851. to - Execulurs. PUBLIC SALE OF- VALUABLE REAL ESTATE • AvILL he off ered at public -sale, on the V T premises, on Saturday, the 71h day (If October next, the -Real Estate of PI l'Elt FIDLER, deceased, consisting of MEP 8 ' situate in Tyrone township, •Admns - connty„ --•- • • ' T eiN CI • • •- - leading.fro►n H►nover to Carlisle, :adjoining, lands of Jo4epli Hill, Jacob March, 'Ezra My. ers, Jacob Fidler, and others; containing ISO ACRES Or PATENTED LAND more or less, about 50 acres of which are well covered with Tirobv. - and about 20 acres are .Meadow, arid - more can 'be made. The iM provements are - , A TVIO BTon4 Log Mr : LUNG .If, a iur L' • Bank Barn, Wagon Shed , Corn Crib, Granary,_ Ca n rpenter's Shop, and Other outimildings; two never failing wells of water on the premises, also an ?Fr I r 4 ~~✓:C~~~i Ps? D , . 9 and Peach, Pear, Plunk and Cherry trees.— The land is under good fencing and excellent ctillivation. The Farm will he-art-red in two 'parts, if desired 100 acres, with the buildings, making nne part, and 80 acres the other. Each will have about 30 acres ultimber. - Persons wishing to view the propew are requested to call upon .he suhgerther, who will give all necessary . "titformation. Clear title will he given, and possession - on the Ist day of April, 1855, and if not sold will be RENT ED for one year. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by GFOI W E FID RIZ; Agent for Ike Beim August 23, 1854. t 8 ir4flAl 114171-1, At Public Sale. UHF -Sisbscriber, Attorney in fact for the Heirs 'of Feronica Hoover, Magdalena Hoover and Sarah Hoover, deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on the pretniges, on Saturday, the 711 i day ff October next, A Lot of Ground, situate in Murnmasburg, Franklin township, Adams county, fronting on the turnpike, ad joining lots or Widow Stoner and otherk, hav ing an alley in the rear. The ituproveuients are a One-and-a-half Story LOG HOUSE, !till Log Stable, Log Shop, with a Well ofti water near the door. The lot has a variety of Choice Fruit Trees on it. Sale to commence at I o'clock 14.41te after noon of said day : A ttendance given and terms made known by JOHN 110YER, Attorney in fact (or the Heirs. September 11, 1854. is fall Jtn Boobs,, Stock. Ey RE & LANDELL, Fourth and Areh Sts., Philadelphia, will he able to offer extra inducements to Country Buyers this Fall, as their Stock of Goods will be very and bargains from the New York and Philadelphia Auctions, daily received. Full assortment of the following: SHAW-LS. FLANNELS, NEW SILK, MUSLINS, F. MERINOES, _,LINENS. - WOOL PLAIDS, TABLE COVERS, M. OxLAINES, . BLANKET'S, CASHMERES. QUILTS, &c. Owing to the excess 'of linportations, we shall he daily in receipt of oRsA.r Joes, from Auction. EYRE: & LAND/MI. Fourth and Arch Sls., Philadelphia- KrTERNIS NET CASH, and prices low ac cordingly. - -Sept. 11, 1854. 3m A SIIES for sale at the Gettysburg Steam • PROCLAMATION. - MTH ER EA. ' S, :and Arthe Act et the ill General Assprobfy of this Stale, entitled. "An act to regulate the General Elections of this -Commonwealth," enacted on the. 2d of 1839, it is enjoined on. me to give Pub. lie Notice of such Election to be held, and - to enumerate in such notice what - officers are to he elecled; 1,, JOHN SCOTT, Sheriff of the County of Adams, do, therefore, hereby give this Public notice to the Electors of the said County of,Adams, that a - 0211.32 AL 11M2 r1113)11 Will be held in said County. on the Second Tuesany if October next (the 10th,) in the sev eral Districts composed of the following Tow nallips, viz : In ,the First-disirict, composed of the Bor ough of Gettyal•urg and the township of Cumberland, at the Court-house in Gettys , bursr. • in th_s Seeond district, composed of the township of Germany, at the house now' °rice - Pled by Levi Creps, in the town of Littler town, in the township of Germany. In the 'Mint district, composed of the town ship of Oxford, at the house of in the town of New, Oxford. '• , .. • . : • - - - . ships of 4.atituore- and Huntington at the house of Anthony Shanebrook, in the town ship or H untington. In the Fifth district, coniposed of the town ships of Hain 01.01'11)6n and Liberty, at the Pub lie School-housein Millerstown. In the Sixth district. composed of the town. ship of _Hamilton. atthe house now occupied by Dairid Newcommer, in the town of :East In the Seventh district, composed of the township MenaPen', at the public School house in the town of Bendersvitte. In the Eighth disttiet, composed oi the town ship of Stioban, at the honse,,ofiacob L. Grass; in H unterstowni in the Ninth district. composed of the township of Franklin, at the house pow occu pied by .laeob Stallsmith. in said township. In .the 'renal district, coin )osfd' of the township of Conowago, at, the house tit - John Biishey, in McSiterrystown. In the Eleventh - district, composed of die township of Tyrone,.at the house of Samuel Sadler, in lieidlershitrg. . . In the Twelfth. district, composed of the of - Ilountjoy . , at the house,t — itaiii. -- Snyder, in said 'township. . - district, composed - pi • the township of Mountpleasant, at:_the house of Anthony Smith,. in said township, situate et the cross-roads, the' one lending from-Oxford to the Two Taverns, the other from Hunters town tciliattoeer. In the Fourteenth district. composed of the township of Reading, at the - house of Mrs. Alh.ert, in Hampton. In the Fifteenth district, co - imposed of "the Borough and township of Berwick, 'at' the puhlk Seho9l-lionse in Abbottstown, in the Sixteenth district, composed of the rid am . at the Ititee-of-Viettula s- Moritz, In-said township. . In the Seven - vend' district, composed Yf the township of Union,'at the house of Enoch Lefever, in said township. "In the Eighteenth district, composed' of the township of Butler, at the public School house . in Middletown, in said township. At which. time and "daces. will be cleated One Governor , of the Commonweelitt . of Pennsylvania ;'. - One Canal Commissioner :- . One Judge of the Supreme Court ; One Member.of Congresi : • - One Member of AsseMbly • Inc 'lie •ff . cisiaisaia=mmimmil Onellegister & Recorder One Clerk of the Courts ; One Commissioner One. County Auditor : One Director of the PoOr ; and One Coroner. Particular attention direeted to the Aet of Atiserobly, !mewed the litti day of Febru ary. 1819. entitled "An act relative to voting at etections in Adams, Dauphin, York. Lan eluiter, Cumberland, B r Wren!, Centre, Greene, and Fide. viz: "Section I. Ee it colleted by, the Senate and Horne of Representatives of the Commonwealth of 'Pennsylvania in General Assembly met. sod it in hereby enacted by the au thority Of the same -that It 41111 be lawful for the intlaleit voters of the counties of Melon, Lancaster, Dauphin, York, Franklin, Cumberland, Bradford. Centre, Greene. and Erie, from awl after the passage of this act. to VOW for till catali dates for the vii mats officers to be tilled at any election on mie slip or ticket : Provided. The °nice for which every can didate is voted for, shall tie designated, as required by the existing laws of this Commonwealth. Section 'l. That any fraud committed by any person voting in the manner above prescribed, shall by punished by the exi.ting lawn of this Commonwealth." ();:r Attention is also directed to the follow ing section of the Act of tile General Assem bly of the session of 185 J let. to provide for the election aitidget► of the seve• ral Courts of tick Clunto , inwettitiv. 4. ,That the election for Judges shall bu held and conducted in the nerefill election districts in tin, s a me m em. no.. in all respects a+ eke:tons for representatives are or shall be held And eve ludo!, and by the same judge., inspec tors. an 1 other orli':e.s i Mid the provisions of the act of the General Asssembly. entitled i• An A..t relating to the elec tions of this Consroonwe.tith," approved the no , mel day of July. one thounand eight Winfred and thirty-nine, and its several supplements. and all other like laws, as far as the Pirtle 4441 ll , ' ill ['Orel' aril ai11011,311/11.. !shall be deemed and taken to apply to the election for jo Igen Provide!, That the abirenaid electors shall site for judges of the r.tupreine Court on a separate pi eoe Of Jaipur. at.sq--In awl by virtue of 14th section of the act, aforesaid, cc cry person, excepting Juiaittee of the Peace, who sic tll bold any office oF - appoilittnent of profit or trust under the thiverniiient of the Lulled States. or of any city or in corporated district. whether a CollaltliStliOneoll otllcer, or otherwi.e; a nu bordinate9.lllcer or ageut, who Is, or shall be employed under the legislative. executive or judiciary de partment. of this State, or of the United States, or of any city or incorporated district, and also that every member of Congreivi an I of the State Legislature. awl of the Select or ciimoton council of aoy City, or Commissioner of any lu corporatt.l district, is by law incapable of holding or exer cising at the same time, the Once or appointment of Judge, Inspector, or Clerk of any election of this COOlllll 1111111111111 l awl that no Judge. Inspvctor, or other onkel' of any such election. shall be elgible to any (Ace to by Dieu vote-I for. Maio—That in the fourth section of the act of Assembly entitled -Au Act relating to executions, wafer other pur piteev.” improved April Di. 1840. it Is enacted that dm afore said 14th section shall not be construed, as to prevent any militia officer or borough officer ' (ruin serving as judge, in spector or clerk, at any general or special election in this Comminouwealth." (O — A ttesition is also directed to the follow ing act, which it - is made my duty, to insert in the proclamation for the General 'Election in October next: AN ACT Far the Suppression rf the Manufacture and &tie-qt . Intoxicating Liquors, as a Beverage. W/Ullte 18. All laws to be efficient should have the appro bation and sanction of the People: And Wherc:ts. It iN represented that a large number. if not it majority of the citizens of this Communuealth, deeply impressed with the necessity of the passage of a Pro hibitory Liquor Law : And whereto', It is impossible to obtain a certain indica tion of popular sentiment relutin , thereto by means of pelt- Cons and remonstrances : Therefore. oeceties 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re. presentatives of the Comnionnealtla of Vernisylvania jut/Mi er:ll Assembly met. mid it is hereby enacted by the authori ty of the same, That the quiditied voters of this Common. wealth are ari%thel. at the places for boldiug the general elections in tifei?respective wards, horier i -,h, awl townshipa, on the eeconl Tue..lay of October next. to vote for nut against it law which shall anti' sly prohibit by proper and constitutional regulations and penalties. the inanufac .uoi sale of intoxicating liquors. except for medicinal, eacramental. mechanical awl artisticel purposes. Secrfox 2. That the officers authorized by law to - hold elections iu each ward, borough and township. of this Corn. numwealth, are hereby directed an I re lei red at the places fixed by law. in the several districts for the holdin ,, of the general elections in said districts. on the second Tuesday of October next. when they shall tie organized as ma election board, to receive from etch qualified voter of their arid dis tricts. a ticket written nr printed on the outside, "Prehib- I tory Liquor Law," and the tickets In favor of the proposed law shall coutaiu in the iu.•ide the words, "Fora Prohibitory Liqu. , r law." and those oppo.ed to the proposal law shall contain in the inside the word's, "Az.tinst the Prohibitory Liquor Law," which votes shall be 'counted. and returned to election shall he held, on the folios/0C &Ma)-, hi the re turn ju gs, who shall oast up and cattily ill the voila p4l ed io said • coubty. or city, to the Cafe of the Sevletert, of the Commonwealth at Harrisburg; directed and tzsentitted ivi - the - samermannertheiwtesfor 01 04 to be directed and transmitted, andthe said Secretary Ott— the third Friday of January next ensuing, nommusdints the said returorto the Legislature t le be opened and counted in the same 'manner the votes for_ Otollizor ale °Faced t og d' counted, and (moldered as the prayer of the rotate Conambnivealth relative to a Prohibitory Liquor Law.: . • Stories 8. That...all the election Taint of the State pre- , scribing the hero or opening and closing the.polio, the re. caption of votes, the punishment of illegal voting. the do- fraying the expenseept publication, and /Midi* of the gene ral elections and return of the same, and all other matters kncidont thereto. berand the same are declazial applicable to the election above authorised. B&CTION 4. That it shall be the duty of the Sheila of the aeveral counties of this Commonwealth to Insert a copy of this act in the Proclamation for the general election tole held on the seoond Tuouta, of October next. E.S. CASE, Speaker of the It of R. M. iIdoCASLII 4 I, Speaker of the Senate: Approved—the twenty-eighth day of April, one thousand eight hundred aoddrty-four. WJt. 81GL13.„. , And in and by an Act of the General 'As sembly of this State, passed the 2d day of July, 1839, it is directed. that the Inspectiirs and J ud,ges - be at the places of their distill - 04;ot] the day of the General Election aforesaid; ;A o'clock in the forenoon, to do and perform the - several duties required and enjoined on them in and by the same net. . And he it farther directed, in and hy the act of the - General Miser:l2ply of this Stale, afore said, that one of the ildges of each of the dif ferent district , : aforesaid, who shall have the charge of the ceramics nf the number of votes hiell shall hr --17 while ohm, iave been given for each candi date for the _different offices then and ttere voted for at their respective districts, shall Meet on the third-day after the election, which shall he on Friday, the 13th of October aforesaid;.at the.,COurt•house, in the Borough of Gettys burg, -then and- there to make a fair statement and certificate,ot the . numher of votes, which shall . have been the different district's in the county of Adams for any person or per. sons for the offices aforesaid. _ * JOHN scorr, Merry: Sheriff's Offige, Gettysburg, . Sept. ,18,.1854. ASSEIIII3LY. 7'o the roteCit: - t . f! Adana county: E ndersigned at the earnest solieitritiott 1, of many ,friends, conaented_to he a cendidatelor ASSEMBLY, at the next elec. tion: ~Sitetild the ,Freemen or Adams county honor tie-with their conftdence.. - it - shall he-tuy aim tulsetve them honestly', faithfully and to the beet of toy "ability W .. • • NI. 11., newt - Hen twp., Sept 4, 1854. -- tv .• ._ Prothonotary. the Vittere .% if 'courtly • R ATBN'tl 1.. for the favors and - evidences. k„,,T of confidence heretofore 'erxtendelf to nitf by my fellow claim's, and encouraged by - ntr. , ' inorous solicitations and friendly assurances. I aril huh* to announee myself B*A canal: slate for the' officer' of PRO rHON °TA pledging' myself, it •elected, to devote 'My best .elTetts . to a faithful an impartial charge of the duties of the office. , JOHN PICKING.::. East Berlin, Dec. 12,.1853.- . . . . . • - 74, 1 1 -he-4?-% ilers-of-d-donsa-xoutity r , „ . 1 11-11.2 undersigned will .be n, candidate for, the office of PROTHONOTARY, at The , . . next and respectfully . solicits your election, , support. _ RO_B ii: Err Sil KA DS: -Gettysburg, August 28; 1854. .Regipiterit :Da my ri:iendsand Fellow Pacts ufAckivaleft. N accordance with the; wishes *Canine/flue _L, friends, , 1 offer myself as an “Indeptisdenl andidate'.e, fo r i the olliee of REG;STER, 4EOOIIOEII of Adorns County. and folly solicit yotir votes arid •intluence, at the next General Election. Should 1 be!,tketecl, ever exertio on ni is a • h evidence niy, sense of your confidence. - by a faithful and iinpatimal perfointance of the du ties thereof: JOHN L. (311 13 N ATO Conowago tw p.. August 21, 1854. rrHE undersigned will be a eandidrile for 1 floe Office of 111(;1STRIt & 1iE(!CIlt -1)101, and if elected, to dis cliar,ge the ditties of the otlice with 'fidelity Hud impartiality. moon FuLwEILKR, Franklin towngbip,Aiiril 21. 1854. 7'n the .independesif Vaal of Wilms en. 11 AVING been solicited by tunneroits friends through the comity, the under-' signed respectfully. offera him-Reif aR an rede!; pendent cstodidate (bribe' office of REWST AN U lIIWORD ER, at the next election.. , =- Should 1 he so fortunate as to he• elected, I. pledge myself to diAcharge the dittiew.iti`suCh a manner as shall give general satitsfactioii. • . W. F. WALTER. - Batt twp., July 10, 1854:•• . , rpflEhlidersigned, encouraged . by the solie i ita lions of numerous friends. annontiees himself Rs R candidate for the oiliee . of SHERIFF' at .the next election.. and respect fully asks the support of his fellow citizens. If elected, I shall endeavor to discharge the ditties of the office with fidelity and imparti ality. l$„W; NEELY. - Freedom- township, Dec. :nt:, 1853. 71, ate of adorns counly. . • _ 11 - P ELL° -C - ITIZ S :—At the - solicits -1.7.° lion of ttninereus friends, I offer myself to your consideration as a candidate for. the office of SHERIFF, at the next election. Should I be elected, it will be my aim to ac knowledge the favor by endeavoring to• dis charge the duiies of the office promptly and with fidelity. HENRY THOMAS. Straban township, Dec. 19, 1853. FEL LOW C FITZ ENS t the request of many friends 1 again offer myself as a candidate for. the next SHERIFF.ALTY of Adams county, and pledge myself. if elect ed, to discharge the duties of the office sat isfactorily to all. MINNICIL Latimore twp., Nov. 7, 1853. CLERK OF THE COURTS. LOW-CITIZENS : —At the request of r many friends, I again offer myself as -a candidate for the next CLERK OF TI) E COURTS of Adams comity, and respectfully solicit your favorable consideration and sup port, pledging myself if elected, to discharge the duties of the office with punctuality and fidelity. J. J—UALDWIN. Monntpleasant town Tip, Nov. 14, 1853. STONES---STOVES N hnntl and for %ale, a g reat variety- of O(QK vovEs—very cheap.. Call an 4 see them. GEO. ARNOLD. Septemher.4, 1R54. - 4 TO ROCCO:.—Those wishing. to-select 111 from a large assortment of Madras and Boot Morocco, Pink and Lair Linings of a su perior quality and at low prices, should call e trly at the cheap store or FA HN ESTO C KS. Sub-Soil Ploughs, OF the beet quality, always on hand. and for sale, in Gettyebum, at the Foundry of T. WARREN & SON. 00 KING GLASSE.S—aII siz's and