The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, September 11, 1854, Image 4
NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS ! Altilik*:; bail just reioraed • &a* the Citywith iho - hipag44,; edgopesto "god ,But Sgieetgi Statfr ty Sprint and Sumner Goods, -*ever befog* offered to the town or country. consisting - in part olGermari, *French and Do -mantle Cloths, Black & Fancy Cassimeres, Satin & othoi-Vestimphltalian Cloths, Coats, Gill:whams, Tweeds; Rye Jeans, Barege De Lames,• M-i - De Laines, Ginghama, and n great variety of Goods too numerous to men- ANN a large assortment of Bonnets, Parotids. &c.. • Otreall and see, as I am determined to undersell any establishment in the !Conn or County. • April 3, 1854. TIMBER- - LAND,-. - INCO3II 6:AM/to. VIBE subscriber baa. alai a few more lets of AL TIMBER LAND for sale, which will bd tlicpeseetqreasonably. For information apply to ' ' I. D. PAX'rON. 'Also a lot of LOCUST POSTS for sate. 'Gettysburg. May 15, 1854. tf "KNOW NOTHINGS," /PRE 141Cnow Nothings" will meet at the _store of .1. S. GRAMMER, not to sunder former parties. but to examine his extensive stock- o f , We* Spring and Summer Goode This being his second arrival, which consists of Ladles' Dress Goods, such as Silks, Deregest, - Derege de Lain. Jaconet and French ,Lawns, Debage Alpena, Alpaccas, Linen ri. hams Chambria Ging- hams, - Cambric and Swiss un in, tuen 4Carabric Handkerchiefs, Collars, Sleeves, Mack Lace Veils. Edgleas• Gimps, Ste. ForGentremen:—Cioths,Cassimeres, 'ltalian Cloth. Cashmersts, (of .every eolor,) end an assortment of Vesting's, ent:onsties, Linens (of every Mad) and also a fresh sup ply C.VINZDt/SoC9lltoti3lo.Ssa which Will be sold' very low. His stock of goods bur) been selected with great cars and -boutht eicinst rely for cash, a nd_le guarantees to dispose Of them on as reasonable terms as they-can-be-purcbased .elsewhere. Terms : Cash • or country produce—to punctual cus tomers,' a - credit of six months. ' - d. S. GRAIVIMER. Gettysburg, May 22,1:854: Nal ©©UL MARCUS SAMSON HAS, opened and is now selling rapidly at his. Store in Volk street, opposite the a very' large choice and cheap assort ment or SUMMER. GOODS, to,which he in vitee the attention of the public. They have .been selected with great care in the Eastern ,Itnee- been bought -cheap for cash, and will be sold cheap for cosh---cheaper than nt any fuller establishment in Gett.yaburg, His ittoeir-consists in phrt of 'Black, Olue, Olive, and. ,Green CLOTH COATS. with frock, dress.and sack coats; also Tweed, Caeltme mt. Italian Cloth, Linen Lome, Cheek. Ging. NUN. Sea Grass, Duck and Summer Cloth coats; also a superior stock of PkNTA ZOONS, consisting in part of excellent aad well,made French Black Doe-skin easel mere, Fancy Casstinere, Satinetts, Velvets, Cord. Linen, and Cottonade.—The stock of VESTS cotnprisen every variety of manufacture—fine black Satin,Si!lt, Velvet, Italian Silk, white, - fancy and blff . Marseilles, Summerclothi &c., _ &c. Fly Nets t*Ply Nets! of a good quality, excellent manufacture, and offered. at low , prices. I have already disposed of a large number.of these articles and always 1e the satisfaction of purchasers. Also on hand A large lot of Tat, N KS, Hats. Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, Boots and Shoes, Window Shades, Violins, Accordeons, Guitars, Flutes, Fifes, 1114:Aeons, Mirrors, Razors, Npectaeles, Revolving, Single and Double Barreled Pis- tots, Watches and Watch Guards, silk and cotton Handkerchiefs, Cravats. Suspenders, Gloves, Stockings, Spring Stocks, Shirts, and shirt Collars, and a splendid assortment of JEWURY—in fact every thing in the way, of Boy's and Men's furnishing line. SifirFirsurate chewing 'Cobacco always on hand—a tare article, which chewers are re %pasted to try. MARCUS SAMSON. July 3, 1854. tf 11M120BAGI No. 240 Pratt Street, Baltimore. ISRAEL KNODE, Prnprietor. JOHN G. KNODE, Superintendent. May B, 18&4. ly Tiffs WAY. JP POU W 21 1 1 71 d V E RICLE T1147' CAN'T BE BEAT THE undersigned, having purchased the Caltiage•making establishment of Win. 'Graham, respectfully inforini the public generally that he will continue the said business at the old stand t tn Washington street, half a square from Chain tiershurg street, where he is prepared to maoufacture to order, at Ithott notice, Carriacese - Rookaways Baggies t Sl7 LIMBS, JIMSEYk, &c. He flatten himself that his stork is a little ahead _of any turned out by any other estab lishment in the place--having none but the best of workmen employed, and using none but the best materials. His prices are moder ate. Sarß EPAIRING done at short notice. - Country produce taken for anything in his line. J. BARR Gettysburg, March 13, NU. LOOKING GLASSES Picture Frames, &c. Wg invite the peblic to examine our Inv ?prior stook of Plain and Ornamental Gilt LOOKING GLASSES. PORTR tyr AND PIC'rIIRE FRAMES, tAINIJOW !CORNICES, BRACKE'I"FABIAiS, &c, Wean manufacturing every description of Gih Work and Fancy Wood Pronto. on the most pleasing terms. Also, Importers of French and Gentian Looking Gies , Plates. Old work Re-Gillwilt *vainest and despatch. pay-Persons Baltiwore will do well ---- Vretaraiiie oar atwortraent. -- 0 - rd ere - front the eountry'iwill he attended to faithfully and incla,Pq• ETT - & - Biti3 - .leters; 82 Recarit A., unser Baraboo, epiguhle "Westecalitetet e n litstOluaore.. nay 8, 1854. 13? .IriRESS - GO 0 DS, of every style, De Sage flange deLaines, Silks, Liana, with "frialetinceAe suit, for sale,ekesp at _ Apoil a. GRAMMER'S New Store. *Mee Dress Gosada.—Ladies who _LA wa nt splendid assortment of INIESS - GOODS,- -finb-it-to edvan -, twee by latildt ea the insdersipted and are pwistasio 31t1644*. r it. AR-NOLO. 1 eized. NEW „ HARDWARE - STORE mHR gabs:critters would respectfully an nounce to their friends and thepuhhc that they have opened a NEW HARDWARE STORE, in litaltiosore Sircel, adjoining Me residence of Antic! glegkr, Gegyslnsrg, in which they are opening 41. LARGE AND GENCRAIL ASSORTMENT Or • HARDWARE, STEEL, GROCERIES, •- j- CUTLERy, COACH TRIMMINGS SPRINGS, AXLES, t;/ 41/1)) ED 2d 2.1 le. li g 9 ki • • debar-mart, Olioc Lfittbittgo Paints, Oils,. and Dre.ituffs, in general, - -including every description of arts cles in the above lines of business' to which they invite the attention of Ceeeh-makers, Blacksibithi, - Carpenters, Cabinet-makers,, Shoe-makers, Saddlers, and the public gen. Our stock - having been selected wit great care and purchased for Cash, we guarantee (for the Ready Money,) to-Aispose of any part of it on as reasonable terms as they can be pur chased any wissre. We particularly request a call from our friends, and earnestly solicit a share of public favor, as we are determined to establish a char acter for selling Goods at low -prices and doing business on fair principles. JOEL B. DANN DAVID ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, June 9,1851. tf '2OOO LADIES A RE willing to certify that the .i.-lATHA. alt. WAY COOKING sTovii is the very beat Stove now is use, inasmuch as they will do more Cooking, Roasting and Baking, and do it withiess labor, and last as long again as any other stove now-sold. These celebrated stoves are constantly kept for sale at a very reduced price, at the Gettysburg Foundry & Machine Shop where the - subscribers, - feeling - determined-to snit all persons; have also the Parlor, Sexton's Baltimore Air-tight, Peakskell, and Cabi nob Cook stove, and Air-tight end Ten plate Par. lot Stoves, of the most beautiful patterns. The Seylar Ploughs, which cannot be surpassed for lightness of draught, or in the character of their work, are constantly on hand for sale, and view ofthe fact that the Mouldboard of these Ploughs is one fourth heavier than thatof otherploughs, it is decidedly the cheapest that can be ob. 4- WITHEROW PLOUGHS and others, Coatings for the- Woodcock Plough, Wind mill machinery, Castings and Hollow-ware, with every article usually mad e atFoundries, can be obtained here. ct:rBlackamithing and Shoe Making as usual. T. WARREN & SON. Dec.22;1851. tf STAUFFER & HARLEY. Cheap Watches Er. Jewelry, WHO L ESA L & RETAIL, at the Phil adelphia Watch and Jewelry Store, No. 96, North Second street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watclies,'loll,loweled, IS caret cases, ezg 00 Geld Lupines, 2$ caret, . 00 Silver Levers, full jeweled, • • 12 00 311rer Lupines, jewels, • . PO Superior Quartiers, " • • . . 7 'OD Gold Spectacles, • • • • . 700 Me Silver do, . • • 2 60 Gold Bracelets, • . . 300 Ladies' Gold Pencils,. • ", . -. • - 100 Silver Tea Spoons, set, • . . . 6 , 00 .Gold Pens, with Pencil and 81lrectiolder, 1 00 Gold Finger flings 373 cents to $80; Watch Glasses, plain, 123 cents,-patent IN; 1,9 net 25; other articles in proportion. All goods war ratited-Ao be wfiarthey are sold for. s.rA U F 'l4' ER Oz, HARLEY, Successors to 0. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower than the above prices. • August 29, 1653:. ly A FRESH SUPPLY! IHE undersigned has just returned front the City . with a large supply of FRESH GOODS, which he is prepared to sell at prices which cannot be beat. His stock consists of GROCERIES, of all kinds, Sugars, Molasses, Col Tees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Crackers, Cheese, Pickled Cu cumbers, &c. Also, Fruits and Confections, Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Prunes, &c. --Also, Powder, Shot, Tobacco, Sega ra, Gail's celebrated German Smoking Tobacco, and a variety of other articles—Also, a first rate assortnielit - bf the best qualities of _LIQUORS, Wines and Brandies, of different kinda,N. E. Rom, Holland Gin, Old Rye, &c.—all of which can be had on the lowest terms at the Store of the subscriber, in SOuth Bultiniore street, next door to the "Star" office. !"Also, always on hand a variety of Stone Jugs, &c.—Give us a call. EMANUEL ZIEGLER. GettY4burg, May 15, 1854. BOUNTY LANDS. PERSONS entitled to Bounty u Lands i under the acts of Congress of the - nited States - can have their claims prompt ly and efficiently uttended'to by application either personally or by letter to the subscriber, at his office in Gettysburg. Claimants whose applicationsimve been suspended on account of deficiency in proof may find it to their advan. tage to call. Li e co. ,oi __.. x ; _ buildings, Bridges, &c. Dealers supplied on• liberal terms by their Agents, - FRENCH & RICHARDS, IVholesale.Paint Dealers and Importers, N. 'W. ear. 'Kith& Market sta., Philadelphia. April 10, 1854. 6rn ___ • • _ TAILORING. TACOB SH FIADS respectfully informs his tj friends and the public generally, that he continues the Tailoring business, in West Middle street, south side, a few doors from Baltimore street, where he ' will be happy' to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom. Thankful for past • r favorsOwsnUeits a continuance of public pa DAILY LINE. . AN'T'I-NEBRASKA I tronage. ett - r•Country produce taken in ex. FARE It Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. change for work. •., • I Gettysburg, August 8, 1853. ly fr LIE subscribers announce to the travelling COME ON E, COME ALL, and tell your 1 1 public that they are mow running a neighbors to come, 'to the Store of the 1 HAY WANTED DAI LA .- I. IN E --0-F—ST A G-E S,- •'-`Two-Extremes," and see the splendid stock 1 . between Gettysburg and Chambefsburg, leav- of HATS, CAPS, 800 PS AND ---- SITOES. iIERSONS having Hay ts-s-eltwilhi-o-well ing Gettysburg at 7 n't:lock, A. M., and return- j now opening, of the latest style and of every 1 by calling on the subscriber, in Gettys- Ti g m-y-7- 6 4-etoct i -la ; - 1 14--- i -a-same-day- i —ariety,siiniblo fo r _thgi,_•,•Sprino and Summer burg, who is desirous of purchasing. The each way $1.50. s %i I season, for Gentlemen, Ladies and Calaren. highest mark - et - Rice will ho petit" at .11-times--.- Stage Office in Gettyshum. At the '"Eagle 1 have made arrangements to have Boots Ctz:r•As he intends having the Hay, after Hotel." GEH lI., r. TATE & CO. and Shoes made to order, by the best of work- beity t racked. hauled either to Hanover or, Aug. 16, 1852. men, and of good material, in the quickest Baltimore, the preference - to hatil will be given 1 4,______ Gettysburg, April 3, ,pespible time. 1 1g 8 V 5 . 4 1 5 . V. i,, PAX , ON. to those from whom - he may purchase. -..,-„1-4, SOLOMON POWERS. -- --- -- -- - --- - ' - Dec. 6, 1852. tf ei_rocerieg land Queensvrare.— kJ J. S. GRAMMER. defies the town of CLOTHS,CASSIMER ES & VESTINGS. county to produce cheaper and better Groceries V) —The Gentlemen are respectfully invited and_Qugensware than he is no's selling. Sugar to call and examine coy stock of Cloths, Cassi a &Pate - qualiky and hard to beat, for un/r,ateles and Vestings, direct from the Importers, - ....._ 42.-Ri-P-a_poutcand_e • ..srliing elsr in p_rsvor,before purchasing, Qs I • cannot he undersold. (lotio [Alar4 10. . Kr I he fee charged is $5 i n each caiie , pay able upon the delivery of the warrant. The subscriber will also attend to claims for Pensions for Revolutionary or other services and the location of lands. The sale and pur chase of Land Warrants attended to, arid the highest cash price paid for the same. R. G. McCREARY, ' May. Li, __tf._ _ Attorney_at law— lat? GlaTlßil. T " R sabscriber hereby gives notice to those who have - . promised him WOOD on an eotint, that lie in in want of it, and that unless at is - delivered forthwith.,---without any- further notice, the kecou sits will he planed the hands . nd the-tnoney T. WARREN. va an o cor or GREAT A'T'TRACTION'. FAWN EST° C IC & SON S,haire Jima re ceived and are now opening one of the largest & most complete assortments of Spring and Summer Dress Goods ever o ff ered to the public. ` Our selection having been made with great ate, an& our stock purchased at reduced prices, we feel prepared to present induce. ments such as are rarely offered. Our stock of Dry Goods has never been surpassedi.and witb the addition of bur last purchase, Com prising as it does Cloths of all prices and qualities; Cassimeres, Vesticigs, Kentuebt. Jeans, Plaids for Children, Berage De Leine», Mr. De Laines, Beragea, Berage Alpacas, Cal icoes, G ngha ins, 'SHAWLS, (Cashmere. 'Tibet and White Crape, of every variety,) we challenge the county to produce their equal, as regards quality and price. Having added _largely to our variety of Grocerlem, -- vre.are prepared tolurnish the finest qualities of Syrup, Molasses, Sugar, eze., &c., at reduced rates ; our stock of Molasses and Sugar is regarded .as the most complete ever offered in the county. We deem it need less to enumerate, as we have always on hand • a complete assortment - of Dry Goods, GrOCEM, ries, Hardware, Queens are, &c„, To satisfy you of the truth of our assertion, we only ask you to call and examine for your- self, if you want bargains, Call early tut FAHNESTOCKS', • Sign of the Rd Front. April 3, 1834. NE:W . ARRIVAL AND . A GREAT GATIIERING I A imosT everybody - is attracted to the /IL Store of J. L. SCHICK, in the Three- StoTy bitilding., South West - corner - of-the Di amond, to see the large and splendid stock of :i3"CiSKr Cq2.coackcillsze„ he has just broug .t rom tis cities, an. — 6 - 1 of course making any number of sales. But "the' more the merrier, "and the busier he is kept the better he likes it. His assortment embraces Ladles' Dress Goods of every descrip_tion„such as Silks, Barege de Laines, Challi Barege, Lawns, Limp de Beige, Alpaca de Beige,-Alpaeas, Bombazines, Silk Down, Linen Lustre, •Calicoes, Ginghams, Chambra Ginghams; Swiss, Jaconet and Cambric Mus lies, in every variety; Crape and Cashmere SHAWLS; Laces,. Edgings, Gimps, Dress Trimmings and - Buttons, &c. For the Gentlemen he has Cloths, Cassi meres, Casismeret, Italian Cloth, Drap de Etc.. Vesiings. (a large and beautiful variety,) Cot tonades, Linen Checks, Gray Linen, (souse thing new and first rate,) Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Suspenders, &c. He endeavors at all times to sell cheaper than any other Store in town—and that he suc ceeds in the endeavor will be• proven by giving him a call. "Small profits and quick sales, " and no trouble to show goods. J. L. SCHICK. April 3,1854. THE WAR GOING ONI rilfiE war in Europe is largely engrossing public attention, and prices generally are going up. But the undersigned would suggest to his customers 'and everybody else that he has just returned from the city; with the cheafissi and belt stock of 011)Zi12123 9 MIT; Nuts, Confectionary, Fancy Soaps, &c., he has ever before offered. Call and judge for yourselves, and if you do not pronounce his goods. among the cheapest and best you have ever looked at, then is he greatly mis taken. His stock comprises, in part, Coffees, &wars, Teas, nhoccdstes, Syrups, Molasses, Crackers, Oranges, Lemons, Almonds, Palm Nuts, Pea Nuts, English Walnuts, Filberts; Confectionary, of a hundred sorts; Pepper, Cinnamon, Cloves, Soda Saleratus, Washing Soda, a large vatieiy of Fancy Soaps, and everything else in his line. .o—Cash or Country Produce taken in ex change for Goods. The_Flour _and Feed business is continued. Highest market prices paid. WM. GILLESPIE, In York Street, at Me Punt Office. - Gettysburg, April 24, 1854. IROC ERI ES G ROC ERI ES A l I ,C 11; f j . ( u i s wi cr . e. s ri e - v -t e i rr - oir a m e d st it to t c h k e comity, comprising 25 Hhds of prime SUGAR, 60 Barrels of beet N. 0. MOLASSES, • 0. Hhds of fittest quality of SYRUP, together with a large assortment of COFFEE, RICE, TOBACCO, &c:, to which we invite the attention of purchasers, either wholesale or retail. Now is your time for cheap and desirarile Groceries; the place to furnish them is FAH N EsToc Ks% Sign of the lied Front. PAPER-HANGINGS. May 15. - WIIOLESRLE AND RE T.HIL. E subscribers are daily adding to :heir ex tensive assortment of Paper-Hang ings and Borders, some new and beau tiful styles for 'their Spring sales, to which they ask the attention of the trade and the pub lic in general. The assortment embraces new DRAWING ROOM DECORATIONS, in gold, plain mid rich colors.; also, handsome designs for Passages, Dining Rooms, &c. Also, a large variety of common and medium quality Satin and Common Papers, of new and tasteful designs. Se - Our city and court• try friends are invited to view the assortment, confident tiny will find it the largest in the city, and prices as low, as we have greatly in creased our facilities, by introducing many new improvements in our factory. HOW E 1 at BOTHERS, 2.07 Ualtirnore Bt., between Charles a&1 Light Sta. May 8, 1854.: ly 27'0' lOM IS hereby given, that the Partnership hereto fore existing between Titorthts W mom , ' and Grottos WARREN * trading under the firm of T. Warren and Son, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons knowing them. selves indebted :o said firm are requested to call and settle with the subscriber, at the Foundry, or their claims will be left with W. L. CAMP BELL, Esq., for collection. April 3, 1854. , T. WARREN. _ PATIGANICS PATENT 1 .,,7 ,,, Sold. at their' --- -. Warehouse, 225 Market St., 3, It , 11cr:,-c ;,f - PHILADELPHIA. Railroad, Hay. Coal and Farmers' SC ALES, set in any part of the country, by experienced workmen, and at short notice. April 10, 1854. 6 . .. NEW STEAM SAW MILL. undersigned have in operation in 11 Goldsborough, York county, Pa., one of the largest and most complete Saw Mills in the country, and are prepared to cut to order, any size, quantity and quality of WHITE PINE AND OAK LUMBER, ,and hare it delivered at any point on the Bal. e►inore and Susquehanna and - Hanover - Branch Rait Roads. They have also on hand an as. sertment of White Pine ' BOARDS AND PLANK, Hemlock Joists, Scantling and Fencing . , Also -Ash, from It to 4 inches thick ; Shingles, Laths, Worked Flooring, and Weatherboard ing, tit,p. &c. q+ All orders addressed to SraTiric - e= will be promptly attendediO: KILLIAN SMALL, Juno 19, 1854. Stn SPOUTING! SPOUTING! GEOUGE: and Henry Wampler will make House Spouting and put up the same low, for cash or country produce. F'armers and all others wishing their Houses, Barns, &n. spouted, would do well to give them a call. G. &. H. WA.MPLER. April 18, 1853. LEATMIER. FRITZ & HENDRY,' QTOII.Y., 29 North 3rd Street, Philadelphia, ►Ntoruceo:Manufacturers, Curriers, Impor ters, Commission and General Leather busi. ness e _ Wholesale and Retail. StZ'Manufactory 15 Margaretta street: August 29, 1853. 1y If You Want. a' First-ltate CARRIAGE, GIVE US A CALL! PNF undersigned would most respectfully inform th eir _ friends and the public gen erally, that,thTiy have entered into partnership for the purpose of pursuing the Carriage-rnak ing, business, in all its various branches, and are located on Washington street, one lot south of ,Chanibersburg street, Gettysburg, Pa.— They have on hand, and will constantly be prepared to put up, at short notice, Rockaway & Boat-Body Carria ges, Charlotees, Buggies, square Carriages, fie. They feel safe in giv ing the assurance that their work cannot be ,surpassed by•any other-establishment is the place, having none but the best workmen em ployed, and using none but the best materials. l'hey invite calls trim all who desire to pur chase anything in their lino—their work and terms cannot but please. Repairing done, cheaply and expeditiously. Country produce taken in exchange for work. MICHAEL MEALS, B. G. HOLLEBAUGH. Sept 26, 1853. ly New Clothing Store. ALL, kinds of it EADY-NtADE CLOTH ING always on hand, at lowest prices, at the stAre of the subscriber, nearly opposite the Enzlish Lutheran Church,• in Chambers burg street. Kr Clothing of all kinds made to order by experienced workman. Aug. 14. C. W. HOFFMAN. taarta.ua2lllCl THE subscriber, thankful for past favors, respectfully informs the public that he con. deeps the Coach-making business, in all its various branches, at his Old Stand, in York street, (formerly Buchinghanes,) where he has on hand, and will manufacture to order, Rockaway and Boat-body Carriages, LIUGGIBS, JERSEY WAGONS,44c., all of the best materials, and by the best of workmen. Call and judge for yourselves. LEONARD STOUGH. Gettysburg, April 6, 1846. ZINC PAINTS. One-third Cheaper than White Lead, and free from all Poisonous Qualities. THE NEW JERSEY ZINC COMPANY having greatly enlarged their works, and improved the quality of their produces, are prepared to execute orders for their Superior Paints, dry, and ground in oil, in assorted packages of from 25 to 500 pounds ; also Dry, in barrels, of 200 pounds each. Their White Zinc, which is sold 'dry - or ground in oil, is• warranted PURE andunsur passed for Body and Uniform .Whiteness. A method of preparation has recently been discovered, which enables the Company to warrant their paints to keep fresh and soft in the t kegs for any reasonable time. In this re spect their paints will be superior to any other in the market. Their Brown Zinc Paint, which is sold at a low price, and can only be made front the Zinc ores from New Jersey, - is now well known for its protective qualities when appli ed to iron or other metallic surfaces. Their Stone Color Paint possesses all the properties of the Brown, and is of an agrees 'll7 lorfor,-0-ottrlstri-DiTet-sr-Got. ,A2iil 3, 18Zr4. -PROCLAMATION • no fie iDittitus of ertbishurg. PulVertnaeliter's Electric vaLTAn man - 9 ' CONSTRUCTED to be worn next - to the skin, producing a constant current of UN INTiRRLIPTED , ELF:CTR/ M AGNETIifd--fiffecting IMMEDIATE RELIEF, FROM ALL A CUTE. PAINS, and a . , Permanent cure of Neuralgi c Diseases! Pulvermacher's Electric Chains were first used in France, three years since, for the cure of Nervous Diseases, and after being submitted 'to the mast thorough trial, in every hospital in Paris, by the most learned professors in that city, they were recommended to the Goy ernment of France, who granted a patent for the discovery. During the years 1851.2, they were introduced in Germany, Austria, Praiista end - England, and one year-since, introduced andpatented by the United States Government. Most Astonishing' Cures of Rheninatlim St. Vitue's Dance Painful and Arena! Joint% Palpitation of the Heart, Neuralgia of the Face, Periodical Headache. Deafneite, Blindnees, Paine from Indigeetion, Hysterics, Dyspepeia, I;teric Paine. Every Disease, termed Nervous, is quickly and rapidly c ed, by simply wear ing', the Chains for - a few h. re each day. The chains were first intro, -on"- - of New York, where they were exhibited to t Prof. Valentine Mutt, Van -Buren, Post, Car nochan, and others, who , readily discovered „... that they possessed Strange and Singular Power of Instantly Urging Pains, whenever, applied, and by their recommenda tion and influence, they were introduced into the different hospitald of New York, ,and are now in daily use in those institutions. in the treatment and cure of the above named diseases. No Other Mechanical Agent, • • Wbf. B. STAIR. thenticated certificates of cure, from scientific Physicians and intelligent Patients, as may be found in each pamphlet, which may be obtain. Pd gratis at the Drug Store of S. 11. RUE:fi t-RR, who is the. sole. Agent for Gettysburg, and who will explain the manner of use to all who may apply. In the City of New York, at the General Office, 568 Broadway, there are heing'sold daily,' from forty . to sixty "(..1137N5, and the sale and, demand in Boston is as great in pro. portion to the population, although they have, only been introduced - three monthA The Clf A 'Ns are easily worn, and are equally applicable to all classes of persons, the child as well as the adult, and are always ready for', use—never get out of repair, and are as much an article of ornament, as they are a valuable means of cure-. Catriort.—Ladies who are enciente are requested not to wear them. . The-prices of the Chains are $3 and $5., 19 and- 30 Links, and can be sent by mail, to 'any part of the State. by addressing S. H. BUEH LER, only Agent for Gettysburg. I. STEIN EBT, 568 Broadway, N. Y., General Agent. For sale in all the principal cities in the United States. July 3, 185.1.' ly • 1.10Z14VTA7 2 % PILLS. To the Citizens of the United States-: IMOST humbly and'sincerely thank you for . the immense patronage which you have bestowed upon my Pills. I take this oppor tunity of stating that my Ancestors were all American Citizers, and that I entertain for all ;hat concerns America and the Americans, the most lively sympathies, so much so that I ori ginally. compounded these Pills expressly -to suit your climate, habits, constitutions, and .manner of living. intending to establish my self among you, which I have now done, by taking premises - in New,York. THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 38, Corner of 3nn and Nassau Sta., New York. PURIFICATION OF THE BLOOD, The citizens of the Union suffer much from disorders of the Liver-and Stomach, scarcely any are , free from these destructive maladies, benne life , wears fast. The fair sex, perhaps the most handsome in the world, up to a cer tain period when, distressing to say, many lose their teeth and good looks, while yet in the heyday of life; such sad, evils may be ef fectually remedied by continually keeping the blood-pure, and the Liver and Stomach in a healthy action, when - WWl' flow smoothly, and resemble plants in a genial clime, where an eternal spring appears to 'reign. As2it re gards the preservation of the human frame, and the duration of life, much may be effected, and I say fearlessly, that health and life can be prolonged for many years beyond their or dinary limits, if Holloway's Pills are taken to purify the blood according to the rules laid down for health, contained in the directions which accompany each box. A CASF. OF WEAKNESS AND DEBIT.. ITY, OF 10 YEARS' STANDING, CURED BY HOLLOWAY'S ,PILLS. Copy of a Letter from Capt. John Johnson, Astor House, New York, dated Jan. 51h, 1854, To PROFEPSOR HOLLOWAY, 38, corner of Ann and Nassau Streets, New York. Str,—lt is with the most heartfelt pleasure I have to in form you that I have been restored to 'health and strength by taking your Pills. For the last ten years, I suffered from a derangement of the Liver and Stomach, and was reduced to suoh an extremity that. I gave up my ship, never expecting to go to sea any more, as I had tried every remedy that was recommended to me, out all to no purpose ; and had given myself up to despair, when I was at last re commended to take your Pills. After using them for three months, the result is that I am now in better health than I have been for eleven years past, and indeed as well as ever I was in myiife. You are quite, at liberty to make this known for the benefit ia r_others. I remain, Sir, pours respectfully, (Signed) JOHN JOHNSON. These celebrated Pills are ialinderfuilmfeaciaua in the following complaints .--- Ague', • 'Debility Read-ache Asthma„ Dropsy Indigestion Dilious - Gbmplaints Erysipelas Jaundice Blotches on the Skin Female Irregularities Liver Complaints Bowel Complaints Fevers of all kinds Piles Constipation of the Gout Retention Otrrine Bowels Scrofula, or King's Stone and Gravel Secondary Symptoms Evil 0- ..`" 'Venereal Affections Worms or all kinds Weakness., from whatever muse. On the question, will the House agree to the second proposition, the yeas and nays were taken, agreeably to the provisions of the 10th article of the constitution, and are as folfows: YEAe—Messrs. Abraham, Atherton,' Ball, Barton, Beck, Beyer, Iligham, Boyd, Caldwell, Carlisle. Chamberlain, Cook, Crane, Cummins, Daugherty, Davis, Deegan, De France, Dunning, Edinger, Eldred, Brans, Fry, Gallentine, Gibboney, Gilmore, Gray, Groom. Gv - in. Hamilton, Hiea tand, Hillier. Hippie, Huusecker, Hunter, Hurd. Jackman, Kilgore, Knight, I.aury, (Lehigh,) Lowery, (Tioga,) Lino, Magee. Maguire, Ilandereeld, 11'Connen, :11liee, Mono -Etcyn---Moritgortery. Moore, Moser, Muse. Palmer, Parke, Parmlee, Patsmore, Patterson. Porter, P.awlins, Robert'', Rovre, Sallade. Scott, Simonton, Smith, (Berks.) Smith, (Crawford.) Stockdale, Wheeler, Wicklein, Wright, Chase r Speaker-71. IsiAir&--.Messrs, Adams. Baldwin, Beats, Bush, Byerly, Eckert, Ellis, Bart. Herr, horn, Hummel, M'Corrilys. Mil ler. Poulson, Putney, Sidle, Stewart, Strong, Stratbereja Ziegter—'.lo. _So th e question was determined in,the affirm. att ve. - SECRETARY'S OFFICE, HARItIaBIIEG, July 1, 1854.1_ PEN.VSYL SS. - • 7 do - certify that The above and fore- T . adies' Dress Goods.—Ladies, do SEAL. going, is a true and correct copy of l you wish handsome dresses, for Spring the "YEAS" and "NAYS" ttikorton the or Summer 1. If so, - call immediately at the "Resolution relative to an amendmeik9f the long established cheap Store, ,shere we are Constitution. of the Commonwealth," as the prepared to exhibit the most beautiful variety sane appears on the Joutnals of the two and prettiest patterns of Dress Goods ever Houses of the General, Assetiibly, of this opened. Do not defer the matter too long, nor !.C ommonwealth for the Session of 1854. lose the opportunity of selecting from the en- Witness my hand and-the Seal of said office tire assortment. If you wish to save money 1 this first day of July, one thousand eight hue and at the same- time- secure for yourself the dryd and fifty-four.- ---- C. A, BLACK, -- p r ettie s t apparel worn, call immediately at ( Secretary of the Commonwealth. 135 - July * * *Sold at the Establishment of Professor liott.owAv, 38. Corner of Ann and Nassau Streets,_Ne_w___York; also by all respectable_ Druggists - and Dealers in Medicines through out the United States, in Boxes, at 373 cents, 87 cents, and cents each. To be had Wholesale of the principal Drug Houses in the Union. ,There is a considerable saving by tak ing4ha-larget sizes. N. B.—Directions for the guidance of pa- Cents in every disorder are affixed to each Box. tLUA 26, I 55.1. Ly_eonr S 0 icr I) Intrirou's Irinitt! AND LIVER AND BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. anOti. c.lOll PEONY-UM Amendine is to the - Constitution of the Commonscetaith. Storms I. Resoked by the Senate anti Noun o f R epresentatives of the Cotnmonweallh_e Penn sylvania in Genera/ Besembly -mei, That the foliowing'amendments be and the same are hereby proposed' to the• Constitution of the Commonwealth, under and in accordance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof, to wit: Pitt/POSITION 1,"1.0 BB -ASTMS Xl. SUCT/ON 1. The aggregate amount of debts hereafter contracted by the Commonwealth shall never exceed the sum of five hundred thousand dollars, except in case of war to re pel invasion, suppress Insurrection, or to re deem the public debt of -the Commonwealth, and the money so raised shall beupplied to the purpose for 'Which the debt may be contracted, 'or pay such debts, and to no other purpose. SeCTIOW 2. 'to pay _the public debt of the- Commonwealth, and debts which may bereaf- ' ter be contracted in ease of war to , repel inva— sion, suppress insurrection and to redeem the public debt, the Legislature shall at their nest session after the adoption of this,,section into the Constitution, provide by law for the ewe. tion of d sinking .und,which shall not be abol iehed till the said public debts be wholly paid, to consist of all the net annual income front e pu ,ie works and stocks owned by 'the i33llwelonwealth, or any other funds arising under a revenue la* now existing or that may be hereafter enacted, so far as the same may be requited to pay the interest of said debts semi annually, and annually to reduce the principal thereof by a sum not less than ,five hundred -thousand dollars, increased yearly by tom pounding at a rate of not less than five per cement per annum ; the said sinking fund shall be invested in the loans of the eenimonwealth, which shall he cancelled from time to time in a manner :o be provided by law: no portion of Me h ali-e-ver-bo-aNdied_4o4ing pay ment,of the debt of five hundred thousand dollars mentioned in the first sectiorief - this ar ticle, but the said sinking fund shall be applied only to the purposes herein specified. Ssoruns 3, The credit of the Common wealth shall not in any way be given or loaned to' or in aid of ,any individual, eompany. cor poration or association, nor shall the Common wealth hereafter become a joint owner or stock holder in any co:npany, association or corpo ration in this Commonwealth or elsewhere, formed for any purposes. . SecTiox - 4:-The Commonwealth shall-never - assume the debts of any county, city, llortinah or township, or of any corporation or associa tion, unless such debts shall have been core tra.cted to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, or to defend • the. State in war. • PROPOSITION gy TO err' l wricze - Prohibiting Municipal Sobseviptitms. - The Legislature shall never authorize any _ county, city, borough or township, by yore of its citizens or otherwise, to become a stock holder in any joint stock company, association or corporation, or to raise money for, or foam its credit to, or in aid of any safh company or association. E. B. CHASE, Speaker of the House of Representative". M. M'CASI.IN,, Speaker of the Senate. In Senate, April 2S, /854.. Reserved, That this resolution pass. Yeats 92, nays 6.—Extract from thelournal. T. A. MAGUIRE, Clerk,' In-Hoeseof Representatives, April 21, 1854. - Resolved, That this. resolution pass. Teas 71, nays 20.—Extract from the Journal. ' WM. JACK, Clerk. SECRETARY'S 01PliCU I Filed April " 1854. C. A. BLACK, Secretary - of the Covrimonwealth. .PIIII7VSYLFANIA, SS. SECIIIMEN I S OFFICE; Harrisburg, July 1, 1864. n ...---. 8 A 6 go ! ndg o l ee n r a t i f i y r u t o h a n t the c shove t a copy o r of ...,.... the original "Resolution relative to act amendment of the Constitution.," as. the same remains on the file in this office. • In testimony whereof I have hereanto set my band and caused to be affized the seal of the Secretary's office the day and year above written. C. A. BLACK, *S ecretary of the Commonwealth. Journal of the Senate. ' 66 :Resolution No. 562, entitled . bßesoludow proposing amendments to the Constitetion of tile Commonwealth,' was read a, *Ant irate. Onthe question, will the Senate agree to the first proposition, the yeas and nays were tate*, agreeably to the Constitution, and were as follows, viz Yves—Messrs. Bnckalew, Darlington. Dais ie.,- Intgnsons. Fonlicrod, Frick, Fry, Goodwinalaldernan, Hamilton. B. D. Hamlin, E. W. Hamlin, Holster, Hoge, Jamison% McClin tock, McFarland, Piatt, Qaiggle, Sager, Slifor, and: McCaw iiii, Speaker-23. NAYS—Messrs. Crabb, Creswell, Hendricks, Riuzer, Ran. kle and Skinner—C. . So the question was determined in the affirm a save. • . On the question, will the Senate agree to the second proposition, ,the yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the Constitution, and were as follows, : Yaws—'Messrs. Ihickalew, Darsie, Furman, Fonikrodr Fry, GoodwinPaldeman, B. D. Hamlin. E. W. Hamlin, Hendricks. Mister, Hoge, Jamison, Kinzer. McClintock, McFarland, Platt,- Price, tluiggle, Slifer , 'Wherry, Meta/Ain, Speaker-22 rs—ldemn;. Crabb, Creswell, Darlington, Hamilton, - Kunkle and Skinner-6. So the question was determined in the affirm ative. Journal of the House of Representatives. "The question recurring upon the final pan sage of the Resolution, the first proposition was agreed toastsllows, itz : L YEA,„„,e,..r.braham, Adams, Atherton, Ball. Barton, Beyer, Bigham, oyd, Bush. Byerly, Caldwell. Calvin. Car lisle, Charnberl n. Cook, Crave, Cummins Daugherty, Davis, De France, "ng, Eckert, Edinger. Ihdred, Evans, Foster, Fry, Gallentine, Oilitioney, (Mowry. Gray, Groom, (twin, Hamilton, Hart, Herr, Hiestatxl, Hillier, Hippie, Horn, Hummel, Hunsucker. Hunter. Hunt,. Jackman, Kilgore, Knight, Laury. (Lehi,gb,) Linn, Magee, Maguire, Manderfield, M'Connell, M'Kee, Miller, Morogban; Mont- Fernery, Moore, Moser, Muse, Palmer ' Parke; Faro-ilea, Pasismore, Patterson. Porter, Putney. Rawlins, Roberts, Bowe, Sallarle, Scott, Sidle, Simonton, Smith, (Berks,) Smith. (Crawford,) Stewart, Stockdale. Strong, Struthers, Wheeler, Wicklein, Wright, Ziegler, Chase, Speaker-44, • lius—None. - - `-' 'SO the question was determined in the affirm a ti re.