Frons,_the Citinge Nolunteer: TO TIIE PUBLIC, An Outrage by Carlisle Kno*Ziethings. the undersigned, Hotel keepers - in On Tuesday night last, as the- members_of 1 Gettysbura, find it the Know Nothing order of this borough were necessary, in order to 'sustain ourselves and sneaking, with stealthy - steps , to their place' of ena bl e us to keep up our houses, to raise our meeting-(-Education Hall,) one of our most re- j prices, owing to zhe lame advance on-all kinds spectable German citizens happened to be pass- ;of provisions and produce. Otherwise we will ing said building, when he was accosted by a be aliNed to shut up our houses:- • The:refore balf-dozeU of cowardly ruffians, who demanded we have agreed to publish a list of our prices, what he wanted? The German, not knowing ,which the public can see by reference to the the character of the men who.surrounded him, ' , hills, and thus guard against advantage being re - plied - 1 "wanted nothing," then seeing the V tali/ of them. G. W. MICLELLAN,- hall lit up'he inquired what was going on ? H. D. WATTLES, The Know Nothings who held him a prisoner, JO H N •L. TATE, made no answer to the inquiry, but asked him, i - ' R. SHRIVER. "what is your name, where do you live, what 3t - do you follow ?'- 1 at the same time taking hold of the German by the shoulders. Receiving po satisfactory answer,' they shoved him vio lently from them, ordered hitnao be gone, and then pelted him with stones. Four times was be-struck_with_stones, _once- on-the-head-and three times on the body,-bruising and injuring him in a very serious manner. - The German 'thus wantonly assaulted! is, as we have said; one of our -most respectable and industrious cilia !its, and a member of the Lutheran church --of this place. A more peaceable man is not to be found 'in Carlisle, and the assault was as uncalled it was cowardly and dollish. Because this Nor man happened to be a Ger man and a Lutheran, - (for be it known the Lutherans are as much detested as the Catho . Tics by a full-blooded, Kniiw.:Nothing,) his life was put in jeopardy. Can villainy or devilish ness go.farrher ? .- -While on this subject, we would just inquire by what authority our School Directors of Car lisle grant the use of Education Hall to these Know Nothings '? This building belongs to the people of Carlisle, and we, .as a tax-payer, . protest against -its use for any 'such unholy_ and villainous purposes ? Are our Directors all Know Nothings, that they grant the use (free of charge, it is said,) of Education Hall to a set of men who skulk through alleys, over fences, and through stables to attend their Tuesday night meetings ? No man who is not of the order, is safe to pass that Hall oh a Tuesday night, for he is almost sure to be in sulted or stoned. We therefore ask our Sc - cot - Directors to abate this nuisance, and if they -fail to-do it the tax-payers of the town, who own the property, will abate it _themselies. They have no notion that a set of men, some of them strolling strangers andgamblers,.and but few of them tax-pavers, shall take posses -- siorr of one of the public buildings; to hold their traitorous' meetings. Let, the Know Nothings meet in Dickinson College, or ,any other place; but let not old EduCation.' Hall be longer polluted by their. meetings.' I Q :`,l riot' occurred at - Newark, one day last week, between a "Protestant Association" pro cession and a number of persons opposed to them, when one man VVOS killed, and a Catho lic Churen- almost demolished by persons be longing to the procession. UEJ Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Ohio and the adjacent States has passed a resolution not to admit to church membership any person belonging to secret societies.- _ _ MARRIED. On the '24th ult— by Rev. J. Ulrich, Mr. GABRIEL SMITH to :%Irs. ,tA.HBARA tIARBOLD—both of this county.' On the s.uoe day, by the seine, Mr. JOHN SNUFF to Miss CATHARINE: WALLET—bothof this county. On the 31st ult., by the same, Mr. JOHN LEHMA'& to Miss LYDIA. (ikNSLElt—both of York county. Near Frizzleburg, Carron county, Md.., on the 31st-ult., LYDI MeDEIIMOTT, wife of John McDermott, aged 37 years: On Wednesday morning last. WILLIAM HENRY, infant son of J. 7- and H. M. Hollebaugh, of this Borough, art 4 months and 29 days. On the itit inst.. MARY OLEVIA, daughter of Henry and Ann of this place, aged 10 months and I day. " oo Monday last, GEORGE . HOWARD, ~ on of J. G. Frey) of this place. aged 1 year 10 months and 25 days. On Wednesday lust. at the residence of Col. J. D. Paxton, in this place, FRANCIS HERRING, infant son of Rev. Wm. 111. Paxton., of Pittsburg, aged 3 months and 4 days. In Fulton county, Indiana. OrNES MILLER, daughter of William 'McCreary, aged• 26 years 2 months and 10 days, formerly of Adams county. On the 2cl inst., Mrs. BARBARA KECKLER, wife of la. cob Keek.ler, Esq., of Are.ndteville, aed 72 years 2 months and 14 days- On Saturday morning last. after a short illness, Mr: JOHN POR mt., of this borough, aged about 46 years. Near this borough s on Saturday morning last, Mr. HUGH .11VOLACGIILIN. At Baltimore, on Tuesday last. IDA VIRGINIA, young est daughter of Andrew J. and Harriet Miller, in the 4th year or he • age. mit Corrected, from the lateqt.Fialti morejork& Hanover papers B.U.TI3IORE-FRIDAY LAST Flour, per barrel,- Wheat, per bushel, Rye, Corn, Oats, c 4 Cloverseed, " .Tintothy, , 4 374t0 4 00 Whiskey, per'gallon, - 39 to 40 Beef Cattle, per hund., 550t0 8 25- :Hogs, • “. 550t0 6 75" hay, per ton, 18 00 to2o 00 Want), Peruvian, per ton, 51 00 tos*2 00 HAN OvEß—runts DAy LAST Flour, per bbl., front stores, Do. " wagons, Wheat, per bushel, • Rye, t 4 Corn, 4.4 Oats, t 4 Cloverseed, " Timothy, Plaster of Paris, per ton, A YORli-FitIDAY I.lst Flour, per bbl., from 'stores, $0 25 Do. <<. from wagons, 8 50 Wheat, per bushel, 1 85 to 2 00 ltye, 1 05 Cora, B5 4 4 Oats, Clowerseed, " 6 50 Timothy. " Plaster of Paris, per ton, To the Honorable Jur!Lfes of the (mart-of Qua,- e • ' ter Sessi.ns If ~*;ams county. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on about 50 Acres of which are Wnoilland, with of the said day, when attewlance will be- Riven and f. , THE petition of Isaac HoemoN, a due proportion of Meadow. The improve ii township of Hamiltonhan, in said county, terms made known by metes are a Two-Story t.! respectfully showeth : That he occupies a .1 AC', 013 Elf CH 0 urz, .9(int'r. if!re' :'. e house in the said township, which has hereto- -Ely the Court—Eden Norris, Clerk. Double Log House, wias ',611;. ii II 1 ;,,...;:; ;:. fore been used and occupied as a public house August 28, 1851. ts A GOOD BARN. AND SHEDS : . 111 ..- 1 •:a! . _ of entertainment, and ii - s desirous of continuing -- --- ---- a never failing well of water near the dwelling, t:- , o to keep a public,house therein; he therefore . .laA.l! I.:‘lr--u-- 4 two excellent springs on the farm, also ;,-1 Or r prays your honors to grant him a license to chard, together with Peach, Pear and Plum AT PUBLIC SALE. keep a Public House at the - piece aforesaid, ~ trees. Kr-Persons wishirer to view the farm WILL be offered , at public -sale,-on-tile . from the date of the preseift session of_ your are requested to call on the . I;:xecutor, residing is honorable Court until the expiration of the 1- premises, on .1 Itur6day,lhe 28th day rf in Ntourojoy township, or on Mrs. Trostle, re resentp license year. License having been September inst., siding on the farm. tt: , , ._' granted, at the last April sessions, to Peter . A Tract of Land, f ;nig,. to commence at 2 o'clock, P. M., on Sehively to keep a public house at the place (late the property of LUDWIG MILLER, ! said day, when attendance will be given and !- 1 - aforesaid - for - one year, and- the --said Peter deceased,: situate in-Germany- -t - - t.nwil-snif+ -, Ad — terms - made known by Schively has removed from the said house— wits county, on the Baltimore :urapike, 2 miles MICEI tk Kl. , _-TR-OST-LE T LIEV , 4-----and-lie-will-ever-pray-,---- i we-st-of - Littlestown, adjoining. lands of David ! August 21, 1851. I. ROBINSON. , buck, JOhn Miller, and others, containing ; _ : . The subscribers, citizens ofthe township of 33. ACHES, more or less, under.good• fencing -- 110114thq ll 's Ointnitnt and Pills, the only in-:-- ExecullOrN Notice. .=--1 - 14-iiiiltonhan f -latheecomity-of-A-loins,--ree - oirt- - and g..ui t:ti itivdai - . 11 1. 1 fallible Remedies for the Cure of Eruptions : r A It Y McCONNELL'S ESTATE.— E! mend the above petitioner, and certify that the rate Woodland, and - 10 acres excellent \lea- ; and Blotches on the Skin.—John Younelove , I_,lelrers testamentary ,oi b..- es_i a tp,,,fm t ____. inn : 0 - j- - ; l4. y ern ab o ve mentioned is necessary - dow. The improvements, are a Two story (aged :2.6) was a great victim through the fol- ; r y M c C oll - i - o -- TIT,-late of Gettysburg, Adams co., t to accommodate the public and entertain stran gers,And travellers; and that the petitioner v above named is of good repine for honesty and - ' 1,01...1 HOtSE. . 4:71,1 lies of youth. to eruptions on the skin, being deed., 'invitee; been granted toile untlersioned, a good 1.13 , 61. Barn, with Sheds, and other 1:::: covered with these` unsightly blotches; in fast, t residieg in Muiintpleasant twp,lie hereby gives out buildings ; a neverfailiref well of ''' he was utterly unfitted by- his appearance to notice to all persons indebted to said estate temperance, and is well provided wits house- water near the dwelling, and variety lif fruit enter into society. This young man, eight to make immediate payment,and those havi n g room -and conveniences for the lodging and. trees. e:-i'-Persons wishing to view the pre- weeks hark, tried'Efolloway's Ointment and claims against the same to present theni ; accommodation of strangers and travellers. liaises are requested, to eall uport--Mr:-.1-ehn--Pillsand - by - the - joint -- nse - of - ltiese - remedies, properly authenticated_fetvale ceart o -•• Peter Schively e _Rialus C__,Slwope..._.A.,,_ 11., Miller,tesidi-n-g-on-the--adjoi-rang, - fa - rm. — ll%-blood - was so cooled am• pi - iFffied, that the ; -WM: H .'L 0 TT, ger. 1 -7- 1 - InCreary, John McCleary, D. B. 'Blythe, J. Sale to eminence at 1 o'clock.TP.-M:,- on whole pf _the blotehes d isappeared cand he - now -- 6t ! - . --- 1 - 3ririkerbotr, - Wit - L - stii - dyi - Thornas New filar', said day, when attendance . wilt be given and enjoys excellent . health. - These menfeines ao. t/Kaugh,-J-ames- HJ Marshall, A -{id rest.- ten Is made kile‘ . .,n -- b - y --------- "DHE Li Ents-:----- 7 v-virr Dilarshall,larnes Wilson. ESePt- 11 .1 1554 - . l"! September 4;-1854. ts ;,- DIED. $8 75 to 9 00 1 60 to 1 90 1 08 to 115 80 to 80 1311 4G to 50 6 75 to T 15 K 75 1 GO to 1 80 1 00 80 50 6 00 2 50 7 00 Sept. 11.'1854. NOTICE TO ASSESSORS. ft-E. f s elected - at-the last Spring T Election are hereby notified to attend at the Commissioners' office, in the Borougif of . Gettysburg, to receive blank Assessment Du plicates and the necessary instructions, as 101 : lows :—The Assessors for Union, Corrowago 'Berwick, Oxford, Hamil ton,' Reading, Mount. pleasant, Germany, Strahan, and Motintjoy, on Wednesday, the .11t1r - of October next; and the Assessors for the BorOugh, Cumnerlan - d, Freedom, Liberty; Hamiltonban t ,Franklin, .13utier, Menallen, Tyrone, .Huntington *and Latirnare, nn Thursday i the 12th rf October next: By order'ot the Cotnintssioneri, , J. AUG'HINRAUGH, Clik. Sept. 11, 1854. td - • Clerk of the Courts. THE undersigned will be a candidate for the office of CLERK OF TFI E CO URTS at the next election. JAMES RUSSELL. Franklin twp., Sept. 11, 1854. fall Dr!) Trocrobs, full Stuck. • YR.E & LANDELL, Fourth and Arch 11 1 A Sts., - will be able to offer extra inducements tb Country Buyers this Fall, as their Sidelc of Goods wiH be very full, and bargains from the New York and Philadelphia Auctions, daily received. Full assor.ment of the following : • SH-AWLS, FLANNELS,_ NEW SILK, _ MUSLINS, F: MERI NOES, LINENS. WOOL -PLAIDS, TABLE COVERS, M. DELAINES, BLANKETS,_ CASHMERES, QUILT'S., &c. Owing to the excess of Importations, we shall be daily in receipt of GREAT JOBS, from . Auction. EYR,E & LANDELL, Fourth and Arch. Sis., Fhittuielphia. TERMS NET CASH, and 'prices low ac, cordingly. Sept. 11, 1851. 3m TO PERSONS 'OUT' OF EMPLOYMENT $5OO to $l,OOO a Yiar. A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY AND DO GOOD. Book Agents Wanted. E subscriber publishes a number of most valuable Pictorial Books, very popular, and of such a moral and religious influence that while good men may safely engage in their circulationohey will confer a public bene fit,and receive a fair compensation for their labor. Kr To men of enterprise and,tact, this busi ness offers an opportunity for profitable em ployment seldom to be met with. f)7P-Persons wishing to engage in their sale, will receive promptly by mail, a Circular con taining full particulars, with "Directions to persons disposed to. act as Agents," together with the terms on which they will be furnish ed, by addressing the subscriber, post-paid. ROBERT SEARS, PUBLISHER, 181 William Sired, Mw York. Tn press, and ready for Agenls by the Ist of Oetigier, 4 tSears'lilastrated De scriplion qf the Russian Empire.'"- Fur further particulars address as above. Sept. 11, 1854. • At Public Sale. THE Subscriber, Attorney in fact for the Heirs of . Feronica Hoover, Magdalena Hoover-and Sarah Hoover, deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, on Saturday, the 7th day of 'October next, A Lot of Ground, situate in Mummashurg, Franklin township, Adams coumy, fronting on 'the turnpike, ad joining lots of WidoW Stoner and others, hav ing an alley in the rear. Theimproveinents are a One•and-a-half Story ) LOG 0 US E,. it Log Stable, Low Shop, with a Well of 1. water near the door. The lot has a variety of choice Fruit Trees on it. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock in the after noon of said day. Attendance given and terms made known by JOHN BOYER, Attorney in fact for the Heirs. September 11, 1854. is A LOT OF Cr-ROUND, At Public Sale. IN pursuance of an Order of the Orphan's Court of. Adams county, the subscriber, Administrathr - of JOHN 110TH, deceased, will offer at public sale, on the premises, .on Saturday, the 30th day of September next, the fuliowing Real Estate of said deceased, : tl LOT OF GROUVD, containing 8 ACRES, more or less, situate in Butler township, Adams. county, in the imme (hate vicinity of Middletown, adjoining lands of Francis Knouse, William Bream, Henry Hartzell and others. • A portion is in Ti umber. The improvements are a one and a half story Fraorne Frame Stable, with - Threshing Floor Nl' ft attached, Log Shop, and other out, buildings ; an. excellent Well of- water near the door, and a first rate young bearing Or chard. ('Persons wishing, to view the property are requested to call upon the sub scriber, residing in the same townahip, ,or on MN. Roth, residing on the lot. $0 56. 33U 7 50 VALUABLE FAR IS, al 0 USI " T.lll.1 6 1:4.1:119 5 - enc.:97 - ch-e...s" , mxra - a r—ta' . .aDegf3 a AT PUBII.IIC SALE. ' T HE Subscribers, Executors of GEORGE DEAR DORPF, deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on Friday, Me 131 h day of Oct°. ; her; next, 10 o'clock,, A. M., on the prerni, part 'rthe o MAITSIOIT I'AT4M, of said deceased, situate in Latimore township, Adams county, Pa., on the State Road, two miles from Petersburg, (Y. S.) adjoining Al landS of ,Henry Lerew, Jacob Livingston an' oth - containing 50 Acres, more or less, about 40 acres beinc• good Timbeiland—the . i whole under good fencing, and the arable part in excellent cultivation. Latimore creek pass es through one corner of the tract. There is a One. Story DWELLING, a' never failing Spring of Water, and a first rate young bear ing ORCHARD, on the premises. The tract will be offered in one or two parts, as may best suit purchasers. - - Alto, at the same time and place, will he of fered the following Timber Lands a• • ' ; • Lots: . 25 Acres of Good Timber-Land, more or less, situate in said Latimore town ship, adjoining lands of.loseph Hoke!, Henry Rickel, Warner Townsend, and others. 8 Acres" of Timber-Land, situate in Dickinson township, Cumberland county, adjoining lands of Jacob Sipe, Fran cis Coulson, and others. THREE to ldtlWN LOTS; - situate in the town of Petersburg, (Y. 5.,) near the West end, and bordering on the Car -1 lisle Turnpike. The lots are well calculated 1..1 building purposes, and one of them has a never failing Spring of Water upon it. - 7' Also, on Saturday, Me 14M of October . next, at. 1. o'clock, P. M., on the pretnisei, will be offered, •T x. situate in H untington township, Adams coun ' ty, one mile from He'idlersburz, on th. old CarTisle road, adjoining lands of Peter Miller, Michael-Fissel,-John—Bolen,-and uthers,-con taming 75 A eves / more or less, With good proportions of,Timberand Meadow. A considerable part has been limed. The improvements are a , _ . 111 1” 0 ". TWO STORY LOG • 0 ii ii i! iabac.. ll ar:,(ij tub? 4 aEi V!! .9 Good Barn and Sheds,' an excellent Young Orchard, and a never-fail-. ing Well of -Water near the door. .Persons Wishing to view the property, are requested to call upon the first named Plxecu tor, residing in Huntington township, two miles West of Petersburg. ' Attendance'given and terms made known by . JACOB.A. JOHN B. M'CIi.h.3ARY, Sept. 11, 1854. is Execators. PIMA Si,g REAL ESTATE. _ TN pursuance •Of an Order of the Orphan's Court of Adams _county, the' subscriber. Adiministratur 'of JOHN STU VP, deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, on Friday, the 29th day af September next, the fol lowing valuable Real Estate of said deceas ..„ ed, viz : TIPAST O.? LENZ Containing 96 Acres, more or less, situate in Butler township, Adams county, near Fisher's till 11, adjoining lands of. Adam and Wm. Gardner, Jeremiah Diehl, Esq. John null, and others. The improvements are a Two-story lraine Weatherboarded sau • .16 • fit • Sr, Kitchen, Log Barn, Corn Crib; and other outbuildings ;'a Well of never•failing water near the kitchen door, and a good thriving- APPLE ORCHARD. The land is under good fencing and excellent cultivation. Also,- . A Tract of Woodland,- containing 14 Ac res , more or less, situate in Tyrone township,,. Adams county, adjoininv, lands of Widow Eekenrode, and others. It is well covered with Chestnut and Black Oak 'rim her. Persons wishing to -view the preiniqes are requested to call lipon the subscriber, residing in Butler township, or upon Mr. Abraham urst,residing on the tract first mentioned. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance, will be given and terms made known by JONAS ROTti, By the Court—Eden Norris, Clerk.. August 28, 1854. Ts. 821falbirc . 5 rrHE subscriber, Executor of HENRY TROSTLE, deceased, will offer at Pub lic Sale, on the premises, on Friday, the 22d day if September next, the following described Real Estate of said decedent, viz: A FARM,'' situate part in Franklin and part in Cumber land 'township, on the Mu 111MaSbli rg turnpike. 3 wiles from Gettysburg., adjoining lands of Jacob liankey, David Beecher, Jr., E. W. & H. J. Stable, Widow Gintling, and others, CoMaining 142 Acres. cure any lease o t es in, even of twenty years standing. VJILUiIBLE MILL PROPERTY, - .IT PUBLIC SALE. THE subscriber, .Assignee of THOMAS BITTLE„ will offer at public sale, on the premises, on Saturday. the 30M du,/ tf Septem her inst., the following Real Estate of said Assignor, viz : — 71. $ of Patented Land, situate partTy in Germany township,' Adams county, Pa , and partly in Carroll county, 244., 2 miles south of Litties tovn, on the Baltimore turnpike, adjoining lands of Philip Kohler, and others, containing 150 Acresonore or less, of which about 40 acres are covered with Wood, about 20 acres of good Meadow - ,and rifie rernaiiider arable - land, in a good state of cultivation. There are strong indications of the existence of COPPER and IRON ORES on this tract. There is also on the same a young thriving Orchard of choice Fruit Trees._ The improvements copsist ,of a Two-story Roughcast Dwelling House; 1; i‘ Spring House, with a neverfailing. spring of water, and all necessary out buildings there is also a good House and Siable for the Miller. There is likewise on this Farm an excellent MERCHANT MILL. The Millis 60 by 40 -feet, three stories high; the water wheel is ovetehot, 24 feet high, run ning 2 pair of Burls, 2 pair of Choppin r ,ff Stones, a Smut Machine, Plaster Breaker, and all other necessary apparatus belonging to a Me;chant Mill, all nearlY new. ;.-•-•A LSO-- arm, situate in said Gdfmany township, one quarter of a mile distant from the above, adjoining lands of Jacob Bost and others, containing 75 Acres, more or less. The improvements ara TcVo-story D welli ng HOUSES ) a good Barn .. and Stable, and an excellent spring, •near the dwellinos.- 20 acres are good _Woad land, 15 acres : Mcadow r and- the remain der good farm land.. There is' a hank of 'IRON I ORE on this property, supposed to he of good quality. Also an Orchard of chtiice fruit, and A Carding and Fulling Mill. ' , ?:-Capitalists wishing a bargain, will do well by attending the sale, as the property will be sold on the day above mentioned. Per sons wishing to view the property will please call on the subscriber, or on Thomas Bittle, residing on the firSt mentioned farm. Sale to commence at I o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will, be given - itrid terms made known by -A MOS LEFEVER, Asixnee. ():7 Also, at the same time and place, a quantity of flay, and a pair-of Rubber Burrs. September 4, 1854. is POSITIVE SALE OF VALUABLE MINERAL LANDS. • run E undersigned, Executor of the last will of A BRA HAM BIEHL, late of Union township, Adams county, deceased, under the direction_of the Orphan's Court of said coun ty, "writ offer at Public Sale, on the premises, (in Friday, Ike 291 A day of Srptensl;; inst., the Real Estate of said deceased, consisting of a A 4 1 4 it 4•414 z 'containing 96 Acres, mare or /ess, situate in U nion tp., adjoining lands of CI ark, Zell & Co., and forming a part of the Tract from which that was purchased in consideration of the valuable I ICON OliEu pin it, and several'hu nd red tons of which have already been mined by those gentlemen ; it also connects with the-lands of Enoch Lefever, and . forms a portion of the same Ridge 'how.. which there is now being taken, on both sialtof the Farm, an abundance, of as rich Iron Ore as can he found in the State. This tract shows every indication of possess ing. great 'quantities of rich Iron Ore. The im provements consist of a " w e. TWO STORY DWELLING , 111 A Large Log Barn, Hay and Straw Shed, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, and other outbuildings; convenient to xatet, and the land is in a good state of culti vation, ha vi m^ heen well limed. Ther e. is also a valuable. LIM ESTONE QUAItRY on the place, and an Apple Orchard. KrThis tract well derves the attention of Capitalists, of those particularly woo are en gaged in the Iron business, and of Farmers generally: Sale to commence at - 10 o'clock, A. M., on said day, when attendance will—he given and terms made known by JOSEPH_ DYSEIIT, Ex'r. September 4, 185!. is NOTICE Ol RULE. - TN the matter of the Inquisition on certain I Real '.lstate of SOLOMON ALBERT, late of Reading township, deceased. At an Orphan's (lourt, held at Gettysburg, on the 24th day of August, A. I). 1854. On motion, the Court grant a Rule on the Widow and Heirsand legal representatives of Solomon Albert, fate of Reading township, deed, to appe‘ar at the next Orphan's Court to he held on the 26th day of September, A. 1)., 1851, to accept or r• - fuse ttie Real Estate attire valuation made thereof ; arid also should the same not be taken by said heirs, then and there to shew cause why the said Real Estate, or any part thoreof, should not be sold agreeably to the intestate laws of this Commonwealth. Attest—EDEN NORRIS, Clerk. Sept. 4, 1851. Id - ' STOVIA:S---STOVES hnnd and for gale, a great variety of 1 / 'COOK STOVES—very cheap. Call and see them, GEO. ARNOLD. Septeiril,er 4, 1851. For Sale, very Cheap; N E of GAR DNER'S PATENT CLO -1 J'VElt HULLERS, together with:the Right of M omit pledsant, M .flintHr, Genimny, Union and Conowago twps. If not sold, I will give the Machine to be worked on the sliares irtrall, -- or - eitherof the above township , ;. Gettysburg, Sept4,_lBsl.- August 21, 1851,- , inane and Tickinas, forgale I• - ANNA MARGAR . SCHICK'S. I August 21, 1854; 6t Se - A Rare Chasee for Capitalists VAL UA BLE - - MILLS AND FARMS AT•PUBLIC SALE. THG subscribers, Executors of WILLIAM LOU DQN, deceased, will offer at, Public Sale, on,the premises first named, on Friday, the 29th day tif._ September-next, the following Real,lllstate of said deceased, viz: r_PLVD. a _ situateviri Liberty township, Adams county, Pa., 4djoinint.r, 'hands of Gregory P. Topper, Samuel 11 , 1 cay, the Company Mills, and others, containing. about 76 4C . gES of Land, having thereon erected an entirely [ii.r\4l Ifil3 5 1 LlOll, - with two pair of Burrs-and one-pair=of Chop ping Stones, with room .for another. pair of Burrs. Thomachinery is all of the most ap proved kind, - and the Millis calculated to do a large business ; which the neighborhood af fords. A good SAW MILF. is attached. The improVements area large-Two4Story DOUSE, ii•;111 Frame Back Building,, Cooper Shop, 111 - • tone Spring tiouse„an excellent Well of Water, a good Orchard, dui. —A 90 — ‘444 • Covitaluism 16:1 Acres, more or less, in the immediate neighborhood of the above, abniit ono htilf being- cleared; and the balance covered wish excellent Timber. ,The improvements tireji Two-Story 800 Vane bolist pg it, • Stone Bank Barn,•(nearly new,) Wagon Shed, Corn Critr, - and other out buildings. There are tour' never failing Springs on the premi• sea, one of them being on the edge of the barnyard— and an excellent Orchard. , A Tract of Woodland, situate in Liberty township aforesaid, adjoin ing lands of Gregory P. Topper, James Moore, and others, cootainteg about 25 Acres, about G Acres of which• have been-cleared. 4(•••4rP'ersons, wishing to 'view _the _alone „Properties are requested to call on either of the Executors_the first natned residing in Gettys burg, and the . laSt named in Liberty township. 131.'rqiale - to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., on said days•when attendance .will he giVen and terius wade known by Jon B. DANNER,' ,L. McKEE, • --- Executors. !elf the above Farms and Mills are not . Sold on said day. they •will be RENTED - at public outcry, tr.r one year. August 2.1, 1854. •ts PUBLIC SALE QF VALUABLE R E AL- ESTATE. wild. be offered at public sale, on•the If premises, on Saltardoy, Me 714 day of October next, the Real „Ks tate of PET ER PlDLER,.deceased, consisting of - I:Vmrrcio-e-f\ s , • shunts in. Tyrone township, Adams county, Rho' t&lne Mile from New Chester, on the road leading From Hanover to Carlisle, adjoining lands of Joseph Hill, Jacob March, Ezra My ers, Jacob Fidler, and others, Containing ISO ACRES OP - PATENTED LAND pore or less, abotit 50 -acres of which are well covered with Timber, and about 2O acres are Meadow, .and- more can •be made. The hit provenience,- are ••"3"tek A TWO STORY LOG DWELLING G 17 3 n Bank' Barn, Wagon Shedi' Corn• Crib, Grannry, Carpenter's Slui - p, and other otalmildinge; two never failing wells of water on the premises, also an CYPlCr 'e k ‘r ( r) D 4i, 9 !slid Peach, Pear, Plum and Cherry trees;-- :The land is under good fencing and excellent - The Fenn will be offered in two parts, if desired : 100 acres. %vith the buildings, making one part, and 80 nerds-the other. 'Each will have'ahout 30 acres of timber. Persons wishing to view the property are requested to Call upon the subscriber, who will give all- - necessary information. Clear title will he iziven, and possession on the Ist day of April, 1855, and if not sold will 'be RENT ED.for one year.. • . dale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M.,. on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by GEO It 1 4 7. FUME% - Agent fur the Heirs. August 23, 1851. to A VALUABLE FARM, PUBLIC SALE. IN pursuance of an Order of the 0 Ohan's. Court of Adams county, the subscriber; ap pointed Trustee for the.salof the Heal Estate of ji EN It Y M LS, deceased, will offer at public sale, on the premises, on Saturday, the 301 k (lily if September next, the following val uable reef _F of said deceased, viz : . A .FARM,, Containing 132 Acres, more or less, situate in• Tyrone township, Adams co., adjoining lands of Jesse Group, John. Ebert, Joseph Cline and others; about 2s acres are Woodland, part chestnut, and aliout 20 acres Meadow. The improve,nacnts are Two ONE-AND-A.l3M' STORY AA IP II 1 1 f l yl intljfj . , 44 (one of than a double house,) a good Barn, Wagon Shed and n ewn Crih, Spring House, &e.. There is a never ftiling spring near the house, and water in nearly all trie fields;, an Excellent Apple Orchard, and Peach, Pear, Plinn and Cherry trees. The land is under good fencing and excellent cul tivation. Persons wishing to view the property are requested to call upon the subscriber, residing in Fluntinrrtort township, or on Mr. Uriah Gardner, residing' on the farm. Sale to •:.ornatetice at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terres-nrade - knia - w - n PETER, MILLER, Trustee. By the Court--Eden Norris, Clerk. Autztist 28, 1854. to Adatainis•ratriVs Notice. TT EN R CF ANI BEIZS'S ESTATE.— ' (.otters of administration on the estate-of Henry Oita rhors, Lite of Ninuntpleasant town-- ship, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residtlig in the same township, she hereby gives notice to alt persons indebted to said estate t_n_ma_lie_imme—, diate payment; anti those having claims against I • arZU&b,t4 =ALM the santeto present Clientproperty auth — entioatedl T UST receivedat the Store of EMANUEL for settleinrnt. Office, a large supply of Baltimore-cared Hams. . July 24. MI T CHAMBERS, • ' Adm'r. ASSEMBLY. - -' • - To the Voters of Alums county HE undersiened, at the earnest solicitation, of many friends. has' consented to he - a ; candidate for ASS CM WEN. at the next eJe'e ! tion. Should ' - ' the Fre'einea of °Ailarnetoiriity honor .me with their confidence. it shall be my to serve them honestly, faithfully and to the best of my ability. , WM. B. WILSON. Menallen•twp., Sept 4, 1854. ASSEMBLY.: To the Independent Voters rf Adamtt 1 1 ELDING to the constant importunities of very many friends, Whigs and Dem ocrats, I hereby announ ie appalls - eendidnie for election to the LEGISL AT UR R, indepen dent of party considerations, and respectfully solicit the support of the Freemen or Adims _county. . - g. NeW Oxford,Sept: 4, 1854. PROHIBITION.'` T OFFER myself as a candidate to represent the citizens of Adams county ino the next LEGISLATURE. Should 1 receive their confidence.and be elected, 1 shall endeavor to retain their confidence by faithfully represent ing there to the best of my ability. ' Mountjny tp., - Itily 31,1854. CLERK. ADIF TILL COURTS. , 1 - 4 1_13LLO w.urriz the - reqnest many friends, 1 attin-offersityself;aa candidate for the next CLERK OP, THE , COURTS of Adams county, and. respectfully = solicit your favorable consideration and sup.. port, pledging wyself if elected, to discharge, the duties of the office with punctualityand fidelity. !.? ,L J. BALDWIN. Mounlpleniant township. Nay. 149.1853. SatitIPPALT74. TO the Voters - of' Adams corunly.. ELLOW-CITIZkNB:—At the solieita.: r tion of numerous friend:el, I OPr myself to your . consideration as a candidate for the office of 81114:RIFF, et the next eleetion: Should I be elected, -it will be .my . aim tiiac knowledge the favor by endeavoring_ to, dis charge the duties of the office. promptly end .with fidelity. HENR Y THOMAS. . traban - townshi I) eo. - : 19, - i 853: . Allow citizens of the county if .Rricrms: 91 - 111 K undersigned, encoura2ed by sulk:its tions of numerous friends, annOtruces , himself RR candidate for- the . office SHEaIFF, at the next election, and respect. fully asks the iiipport of his fellow' citizens . . If elected, I shall endeavor to- ischnig&the duties of the office wadi fidelity and iattpartial ity. • ISAAC LEEPER. Cumberland tap.; Jan. 6,1864.' F.ELLOW CITIZENS:—Aube request rot many 'friends . 1 again 'elTer rnyrielf air candidate .for the next SHERIFFALT-Y . 4, Adams energy,' and pledge Myself.' iftlect. ed, to dfselwigk'tlie duties of , the - oftice sate, isfactorily to ell. DANIEL 741NNIG11. Latiittore twp., Nov. 7, 1853.' sott riIHE undersigned, encottraged by thoefiliCi; itations of numerous` Mewls. apnetinees. himself as'. a candidate for_ - the 'o ffi ce of - SHERIFF at the next election. and-respeCt fully asks the support of his *flow citizens: If elected, I shall - endeavor to discharge Ott duties of the office 'with fidelity and irrtnarti. ality. • ISAAC NE ELY.' Freedom township, - Dec. 20,-1853. •-„. ICONTIN Ull to be a candidatefor SHER., !Fr,. and shall tsubtitit :my: claims - to. the decision of the people. • 'SAMUEL E. HALL; Cumberland tp., August 28,1854., Prothonotary. T ", To the Voters of dittams'etitin r ivi ' R KFU L fur the favore r and 'Rend i'neett of 'confidence heretofore extended to nie by my fellow 'citizens, and eneouniged-by nn- Merolla solicitationa and friendly assurances, 1 ism induced to stmounee myself as a candi7 (I.:te for the, office of 1 3 120 . 1110 NOTAR Y, pledging myself, it elected, -tti : d'evote my hest etrof ts to a .faithitil stet 'impartial 'dis charge of the duties Of the office. ' .JOHN PICKING.: East Berlin, Dec. 0, 1853. • Ti the Independent VPlers of aidame 40.- • I,SLLO VV CITI4ENS:--The ttndersizned will he a candidate for thR office of PRO THONOTARY, at the nPxt election, subject to the Ballot llok.—Should I be lib Ai/inslt° as to be elected, I pledge myself to discharge the'dotitta•of the office wilh fidelity par tiality.- • THOMAS BLOCHER. Butler twp., April 3.1854. ''• , • : • To the: Voter's of Adams county 1 tmlerAitrited will be a candidate for T the office of PROTHONOTARY, atf the next - election, and respectfully solicits your support. , RO B Hirr SH EA DS. Gettysburg, August.2B, 1851. . -, , ‘,.'Reglier & Recorder. . . Ta the Independent Voters of Adams elf. '' : ' ITAVING teen solicited by numerous 1 friends through the county, the under. signed respectfully offers himself as an Inde. pendent candidate for the-office orREGISTER, AND RECORDER, at the twit . election.— Should I be so fortunate as to be elected, .1 pledge myself to di:kharge the ditties in such a manner as shall give - general.satitifaction. .)._ W. i'' YALTER. Butler twp., July 10, 18.5 , 1.' ' • To my Friends and Fellfito Vat s f Adams ea. 1 N accordance with the wishes-of numerous " friends, I offer myself as an "boirpiruieni, Candidate" for the office of REGISTER &. RECORDER of Atlanta county, and respect;.' fully solicit your votes and influeoce, at t he . next General Election.' Should 1 be - elected, evely , exertion on my part shall be madeio evidence my sense of your confidence by a faithful and impartial-performance :of the du. ties thereof. JOHN L. GII BERNATOR. Coriowago twp.. August 21, 1854. THE undersigned will be a candidate for the Office of REGISTER & RECOR DER, and pledges himself, if elected, to-diti- Charge the duties of the office with fidelity and impartiality. JACOB FULWEILER. Franklin township, April '24. 1854. Administrato& Notice. ( - -1:0 Nit it D — W - A - GONIMS ---- KSTA. Letters.of administration on the_estate of Conrad • Wagoner, late of Tyrone township, , Adams county, , __Aleceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same township, he hereby giies notice to all Rerions indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and thoie hiving claims agatnst the same to present them properly au thenticated for settlement. . ALFRED T. HARMAN, Adis's. August ,28,-1854. 6t AM YOUNG.