Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 25, 1882, Image 3

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    I I
§ta e, afrita , trterb
Towanda, Pa., May 25, 1882
And School of Telvgraphy,
ELMIRA, N. Y. A nrsVelass institution in every .
respect. For circular address
F. Y. ALLEN, President.
No better teachers can be fofind than
those at *lien's Business College;Eltnira,
BY all means buY the White Sewing
3laehine of AL C. Wati.s, Agent, Towan
da, Pa. • ,
Tit 6 Davis Sewing Machine with its
Vertical Feed does t.large range of prac
tical work not 'poi - Able on any under
fettd machine. ' tf.
Fon practical business education at
tend the Allen Business College. Elmins,
N. Y. Terms reasonable. Satisfaction
guaranteed or money refunded. , •
L. B. RODGEII.B challenges competition
for quality of goods and low prima on
Sash, Dix•rs, Blinds and Mouldings, and
:It building material. 3attg-tL
- Finches, Linnets and Whistling Ball
Finches—all fide, imported Birds=at C.
P. WELLES' Crockery Store. -16 mar.
PROF. J. C. MILLEit, the principal of
tbe.Pennsylvania department in the Allen
Business C'ollege, is one oft-the most skil
ful pe n men and successful-teachers in the
United States.
PHONOGRAPHY, which is fast becoming
a necessap Adjunct to a business-educa
tion is taught in a thorough and - practical
manner_hy l an experienced : phonogiapher,
at the Allen Business College. -.
VAT( R.—Frmers will find ihis excellent
improvem:nt every way superior to any
other, and' decidedly the cheapest and
best to buy and use. R3I.7ELLF.S.
May 24.: .
Do you-ix-ant to buy a Sewing Machine
at your owii'request? You can do So at
the. Auction Sale of Machines, On Monday
next, at one o'clock P. N., at the store in
Patton's Block, formerly occupied by H.
Jacobs. • may2l
I wits. offer . at Auction,
_on' Monday
next,. a variety of Sewing • Machines.
Many of them work good, and do as good
sewing as when new. Come and exam
ine. • z 0. A. BLACK, 'Agent.
Towanda, May 25;',-IW2.
TUE actual:business department of the
Allen Business College is one of the,most
co.npleto in the country. Tiie students in
this department transact business in all
,its various fOrms, and make or lose in
'real :money, - according to their shrewd
nes-A in doing business. • -
S..ALLYN. 'has rempv.ed
"his Undertaking . Establishment. • from
Bv.dge street to rooms on Main street,
ovvr TURNER& Gottnoti's. Drug Store,
and WORPFORD sk. VAN . Dotm's Boot It
Slioe Sto i c. A full line of Undertaker's
Goods from„ cheapest to, the' beet.
jan'2l,•'Bl. ALLYN, Agent.
' WHEEL RAKE3,7--Farmers intending
to buy wheel hay rakes will consult their
be!-t:interests if they do n't order any
other rakes before they inspect mine. I
sell- the reliable , "Tompkins County hn
;j);•.,red Le•lder, foot and band dump. The
(bates Lnek .-Lerer and the Surprise
Rakes. All rood and cheap. Specialin
tineemeute to Cash buyers.
_Maw , • IL M. WELLEs.
- .Sew Advertisements.
wheel Rake and Cult lvators—R. M. Welles
Sewing Machines—G. A. Black.
swayne h Son.
Notlce,to Scboonmaker.
'A:tutor Cane Machinery-4". Wood.
NEXT ;Tuaday is Deoration Day.
Tut barefoot ..boy now runs about the
streets. .7-
!Liss fishing will be in order et, the Ist
of: Juno
THE .ManSfield advo
cate of license.
THE Montrose toy factory is advertised
to start this week
THEnE is - ! talk of building a new M.. E.
Chuich at Laceyville.
THE BRA I DFORD REPOitTER is for sale .
Cro B 0 )k Store.
pos‘6flice at Bru:sh vine,' Bradford
y, ha been .diseoutinued.
_ : S:4IEY have the,East Troy band at Gran
--; • -
villC - Center for .Decoration Day.
Pr is said that Eldridge- Park in Elmira
m ill soon be ii.. , , F oodhed to tile public.
I'nE East Troy Cornet Ba qi will play
Lt Granville Centre, Decoration D..y.
Ttf Conanesque Valley telephone line
will pay an annual dividend of-thirty per
THERE will be an excursion on the Le
high Valley road June 22d to Philadel
phia and return.
PURE - escape ladders are one of the new
immyentents introduced at the Mans
field _Normal School.
A mtscrtittvous trio of boys attending
the Institute last Tuesdaypikht sole the
bell and bid it in the ciste;rn.
MISS LUCY EvANA, of Binghamton,
dropped dead while carrying a bottle of
sacrament wino to church on Sunday,
May 14th. . •
. THE stores and btsiness• places in To:
%swift will be closed on Decoration lay,
at 2:30 P. M.., and will remain closed for
Abe day. .
Binghamton Latest Hems claims
The largeht circulation of any pap r in the
y. This is a pod recorsi for two
" MR. AND This. BFER have been to
Towanda tolook after a legacy," accord
ing, to. the Vernon correspondent of the
Pal l iton Gazette.
. . .. _
. .
_ ERADFORD inid Susquehanna counties
are developing largely in coal resources,
• and- as a consequence. InCreasing their
ra — iliaairfacilities.—E. s . • . '
AtAVNTILY is to have a Musical Normal,
to begin July. 10th and close August 4th.
Other weltiknown musicians will be press
eat, including Prof. Ryder, pianist, of
Morfnorrox.—Rev. IL Hughes, of Bir
kenhead, England, who is making a tour
of this country, and who has rare abilities
as a preacher and lecturer, will preach at
the M E. Church, on Sunday, the 28th,
and lecture on the folic wing Monday es
cuing, on "Pleasuesq," Admission 24)
DOH'T al a t° 0 1 0"
(Or the elun=ll) arit Ite,Nll!
you are leetnnabefore aellinit It for*
prig*, but will sealleestedoebf •
a note about it.
Tara is the way Rowland, of the
field gaper, ahiei his castor at edit°
Barnes.) The alliterative cum 'who
the Agitatsi - calls na ltd
field." Oh; beware, bewLseuxl Mum
A YOUNG Man of Port lialTit was 40.1
gaged 'tonus7 a young lady, but else
retrograded o n. las. He, then look a. step
further and proiaaseit to her mother.
They are now Sassing that girl together.
- --
A meetinkoe i ta committee on-P. ,
nent Certitleatai :for this bounty * yid
held in the Gratied School of this Omni,
on Saturday, May 26, at 1 (Mock, P. Y.
Applicants matt have all the necessary
legal papers.
WITH two OT three exceptions all e
our exchanges , last week bad the f9llow
ing item : The poet says : "Into nob life
some rain must 1a11.7 People in this !e
-gion have received more than their share
the past week.
TRAIN No. 9 on the Lehigh Valley rail
rod, due here at . 8:00 P. M., commenced
rubning through to New-York on Mon
day of last week, and will hereafter be a
through train. It reaches New-York
'about 11:15 same evening. '
THE Popular Science Monthly for June
has valuable articles by Prof. Tyndall, P.
IL Cushing, Daniel Kirkwood and others.-
An article on Darwin is of special in
terest, and altogHther the Hufgasine keeps
up its reputation for valuable literature.
-place, met with serious accident is El
mira last SatuOlay. While assisting to
make up a conjruction train on the N.
Y. L. it W. Railroad, his hand was caught
between two cars and so badly crushed
that it had to be amputated.•
- Ttis. River and Harbor Bill has been
amended to include an item of $15,000
for, the improvement of the channel of
the Suiquehanna, between Wilkes-Barre,
and Pittston, and - an order on the War
Department for a complete sUrvey of the
river from Pittston to Athens.
WE print the following decision, which
is of importance to voters and politicians :
JUdge Elwell has decided that the " two
months" residence in a district required
by the constitution as a voting , qualifica
tion means " from a given day i44kne
Month -to the day with a corresponding
numbetAti the ensuing month. -
WE nt erstt that it is a common
thing . 11. 1 31m ., *.O'firtain cure for children
haiino . lle 'whi*Vng,cough to take them
to the g - figworXeto: breathe the fumes_or
ammonia and sulphur from the purifying
pans. It is nothing new, however, for
this remedy has been resorted to for sit
least titeen to twenty years past.
ATHENS Gazette: Mrs. T. A. Camp,. of
Camptown, has opened a millinery shop
at Bayie.... Fitch & Kinhey have done
away with lamps, and now have gas in
their store and shop. Others of our mer
chants are . going to•put in gas.... Stephen
Evans, of Litchfield, this - week received
$1,870 from the pension bureau as back
1 1 4. sr
THE Fierald asks What becomes of
the Bibles ?" .'SOme are put in the
up stones to cherches; the rat;e_eat up a
few; the Talmageian school orclorgymen
Lang the covers to pieces on a great
many ; a few dozen are burned up in in
sured buildings, and the:rest are worn
out by patien t
. '
, editora in Republican,
newspaper ofFices.l
A %Yap=Ly girl, speaking in prayer=
meeting and giving: expression to•thejoy
and confidence she " t feel as
if I was ready.; itai minute, to tall into
the .arms 'of Beelzebub" Abraham!
You mean Ahrahem !" hastily corrected
a brother sittifikneur. •" Well, Abraham
then," was thii*ponre ;'"it - don't make
any difference. 'fb4'ri3 both good-men !"
A LITTIM girl in 13,2ci4ster has - become,
affected -with , St. \Tithe daime, which, it
is: said, was caused:by.jimping rope.—
E..r. Medical men say that this is one of
the most injurious of exercises, especially
for girls,,Ard that it frequently leads to
disease. "it is well known tliat deaths
Ofteh occur from over-exe;iicm at t this
amusement, which is one thit should be
entirely prohibited by parents and teach
Tnn Tnnkhannotk Standard says : Au
increas of ten per cent. in the wages of
the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company is
contemplated. That iis good news for
the railroad boys.
The directors of . the Lehigh Vlley
Railroad Compat.y decline to make a ten
per cent. advance of wages to- their em
ployees. There Is much bad feeling on
the subject.—/farrisburg Telegraph.
BY a recent decision of the Supreme
Court, a promise to pity on Sunday is
binding when made for+ church purposes,
whether it is-to erect buildings cr:ally
ministers, organists orsextous t - or for any
other purposes connected-With the honey?.
olent or, religious operations of-Ohurches.
The Court held that these uses , could not
be classed as "worldly employment 'or
bhsiness" intended to be forbidden by
the statute, but were properly included in
"Works of charity," which' are not pro
S. L. &S. R. Co.—The following
officers were chosen at the election of the
S. L. & S. R. R. Co., in Philadelphia, on .
Wednesday last
President=-J. Raymond Claghorn...
Superintendent and General Manager—
I. 0. Blight. •
&er•tary—O. A. Baldwin.
Treasurer-13. C. Davis. - •
Direetnre—E. M. Davis, Edward Lew
is, William B. Bullock, J.T. Andenried,"
Charles M. Foulke, N. N. Bette, Edward.
Hoopes. -
TUE Supreme Court has decided thatif im
a passenger jump from a moving train at f,
or in the vicinity of a station at which
th train was expected to stop be does so a
at but own risk, and cannot recover dim- 0
ages for, injuries sustained. Those who m
persist in thrusting their beads and arms at
from - car windows, in standing on the
platforms, in jumping from trains while
t :
in motion, or in disobeying any of the b
rules which the railway compabies have
made for the protection of limb 'and life, 1 ..
are not entitled to recover dama&ii for in-
juries thus sustained. . - of
TERRIBLE ACCIDEBT.—Athens daseets, th •
of May 17 : Yesterday afternam,,about 5 of
o'clock, as LealeTerrick, son of N. Ker- no
riclF \ of this place, was returniug from w
the creamery
_with a pail oflut6rmilk, a f
he came around by the old depot, and- in fo
crossing the platferm by the water tank, im
slipped and fell under the engine bf the pa
gravel ti ain just coming in. His left leg
was cut off below the knee, and the right u
one broken near the hip, bat is so badly m
mangled that k will have to be takes ofE . y
At the present writing be is wiry icisiOnit he
UM* ien slight ktipei hilmillyforc
Y 1 W 611 , 4 ?-= It W M " that 4 10
t PriTitilestha mat *Pat*
to bv let to $ amakfMat "Oa'
. A._ V. C. Itill;-LA1:, grombient
ahlati4ai aid **a of Ufa
recently removed to this village,
reetiogo. very tine vevideitce on
, 'of II; T. einver's; :on - Cho.
P. 8. linlburt has
a call Mom a_ohureh in glow
salary of .1,800 per annum.
ly will not - eitti upon MI neii
Imre nntilantiuno, in the Interim
tOs planate :of thn *nth
Esau was run over,by.thmige
team last evening and had a leg
The tiMan attadied to a Imam"r
• corning down - Bt dge street,
.y turiked the corner to gCp,o9 l ffn
• t, 14etkey who was very drunk,
to.etoss the street in' front of
falling, one wheel passed over
• git behow the knee. - The
to MAD was taken, home and
- reduced the 'fracture.
sill in Ids rooms, to atop his
win unable to do so In time 'tO
accident; which would not liar)
Kam been sober.--Reidete.
- keepers rebellion in Wells
giverethii world the folioling,_
copy "frOm the Garotte: A
in this born' recently received
from a German at' Germania,
al folkows N..8.-_-11 my
team have to stop op Om-street
ve to direi3ht my goals to an
..t. I woad which somebody
w how this things stand." We
.e letter is of the &al
. toni who . once wrote us the fol
ique epistle : "Mr. L. ha! not
barl flour se I'• ooMtpy it myself.
.. bring more by this pot slay
aid like to:see 'tho canal opened;
road; the dam replaced; a dosen
ufactories started ; a hundred
::s built; j ; fifteen miles of good
k in place of the hemlock; every
lding and, fence repainted; the
brightened ; ` the loafers at w ork;
s reformed ; the boys broken
g; the churches-better attend,
library encouraged; the. mer-
Ging more business and adver
:as sickness; fewer doctors, a
pply of gossiP and more happi
e would like to see the milieu
,d.expect to if we live long
• .iofte says N. J. Gaylord, of Wy
, aa an interesting relic, some for
old, in the 'shape of. a political
t, used during that spirited and
le campaign in which General
ran for President. It is a wog,
n heavy paper of a very - flne
he border ancientind elaborate,
the tep,is a good cot• of the' log,
the door of which stand" the
bard cider—both prominent fea:
t bested canvass. It is a rare
as memorial, worth careful pre
as.those who - took part in .that
ial contest are fast passing. off
• if action. • • • •
Ar SAVRE.-A fire broker oUt
i• afternoon of last week in the
••upied by a Mr. Wok; in Sayre,
e time threatenea . lto destroy the
• •ut by the applieation of water
f • by a "pail brigade," the dames
• =bed. • The fire started some
t •re it was discorkeresi. Had the
h • reed it would no doubt have de
s • e whole row of buildings, stores;
'• he east side of the track. . -The
h • wned by Mr. Thomas..-4Afheag
r Evidently Sayre needs a go - o(1
fi rtment, and the sooner • one-is
o • there the better it will he for
y of.the Plains." -
D u. ffe was observed during the
d• tttake the nails from over the
w ol the stole and - being suspected
th was w *tehed at night by four
m ontlide and two inside. Disk
i. e and went through the window
tote when the men made an ef
fn rest him ; but he fired on theM
tw escaped through th e WindoW,
th g ona shot at him. Dickinson
w ted or surrendered himself to
o lakeslee, on Sunday, and bad a
h efore Justice., Harkness. He is
on uteen yiiars 451 d, but, .we under
eta ecidedly fast, and given to vi
cio formances. His parents are said
to people, very much diStressed by
th ward son ; and we hear that the
yo n was induced to give himself
up officer by his father's request.
h talked of contract between the
e and New York, Lake Erie •
ul ern road was signed in behalf of
ie gh Valley Railmad Company at
g lock Saturday morning by Mr.
. ker, Mr. Hartshorne, .'president
F t d, being in Europe. The con
ac for ten years, and as soon as the
tuck is in order the Lehigh Vat
y pany will run passenger and
ei trains through to Buffalo and
ak e. The Lehigh Valley Company
ave control of a large line'of
and this new arrangement with
le is what they have
be iect originated with Mr. Packer,
ho is understood,• contemplated
iak the 'coritract a year ago. The
ma 'a said to give the greatest satis
cti the Lehigh Valley Company,
ho obe congratillated on their good
art as they are now enabled to com
3te the great western railroads,and
nre a source of gieat profit to
Umira Sunday Tidings:
• 1
. Pa., will soon put on city airs
• its fast growth and substantial
.• eats. ' The large additions to
.. • shops and many other minor
eats, - are making the demand
very great. Man) new cottages
. .nrse of erection, and plans for
work will commence on them
The new depot, a - mudel by the
11 be occupied June. let. _ ,It is a ,
• architectural desigb, and one of
• - laid . out depot buildings in the
- Around the depot grading, has
ne- and seed sown,- and neat and
• _walks have been laid. & gang
•n are engaged - in grading:lay
. Its and otherwise beautifying
which, when dune, tbill be one
!meat plea* of property in
Pennsylvania. ,Near the south
- ner of the park is being erected
ry three atom front brick block-
-1. It will have all the mod - ern
~' - ,is ind be , first class in every
r. It is being built by Robert
or, without whom Sayre Would
- - mint to mach. Other
, re contemplated, and ere many .
expected that Sayre will Own*
near nlighborsi and .00 3 0 Y : the
Ig ii ouslntr ognow.Airdi __-_
.::' , .'17'.1•:::... - . - :7 - ... - .., ,, L:ti- , :..- -- i. ,
''s l . 4 *7:5 ll 4 7 A T VW‘;
'11 1 14 1,, . ‘1 ,71 . q ' t , `": :Cti;V
" -7777 4 • • • -
was an attempted mreeny from
of W. T. Daly, at Wetooak last
ight, by_ a young man named
red" and sixty_ more bare been
. ,
•: i ‘ ,! : :;---,-- t - Z . " , ? ,, aik.;.:;;„::. - z - , ,,r - - ':',.
- . , ,,:.' , ..9:i; - ',.fr, , ,:, , ,-,-', , :. ,-, :i.i , -.7,..,...,..-,,, ~ . „.-....,
:_osaisint •Amtisot: villon .
laishaba,alct*t r ili:O'4,l l c
SW has foit-leo - *li-,a,0 4 . 001 0 1 .
abodidaa:i ill*
11 , 111 ,bilasiin , TAF*Trai; miaow
°ix:6o4 a realitiaaleaa. 3 tßvislap Items; '
near tmoi!*: Of &ilia-Ames
for aoldiorii-ixiiiet - ilove
st.,:the But
Tle7 riefjW4l i b h ai c b UrsntY.
four Peret*el for erid twenty?
three' Steel
egreed terve!'ceieit!ree.. 4ll i ace 431611 i
:Union , aiiiiiiCaition i :for .s*.edisisi
the 24tli of Juni - .4Awo Ago& :A:ierfett
of sl6o' a . side== was pi d: itr
Peck's hands.:'....Thirgneieitexe . ,_ of
Canton2graied school teok#100: 'at Me.
ciple chink, TiewSdip eftereonn.. .The
gradiatei for IffB2.wert.44oo.
man, ]Moore" Lake a mit pa )10 7
ler, who received their .diptilail froin
Prof. Ihttritt.. l ...l'he :commOtee bating
charge - the trotting races fat
coarse-July- have _belied :eireithiri
offering pursei aggregating Skiff. w;.. - Jno.
Griffin is build* quits an eitimmive barn ,
in the hillside hick of big- residence...—.
John Taylor, recently idianeque, died
at Burlington...last week.' Hie 'funeral
took place from the DisciPle Church on
Sunday last, - and '''vras attended - by the
Grand Army and n goodly number of
friends. • • 1
\ . The Towanda Library hiislately added
tits folloWing books to its ca talogue :
he Land of the Midnight SIM:— i,. Du Chink'.
tem and Lamb Yug.*en of Letters.
Tales from Shaltspeare LaMb.
Carlyle ' • Fronde.
_ _
Knickerbockers New York ' Irving.
, ..
-European Sneezes • Pitman.
Six Months in the Sandie!Ch Islands.. Bird.
Natural History , Wood.
Sybarts . 4
- -E. B. Male.
Ciuhirers Travels ' ‘
.• Swift - .
till-Bias ' Scr.Alet.
Hypeiion - Longfellow.
In the Distance 0. P. Lathrttp.
An Echo `ot Passion • - 0. P. Lathrop.
Tom Sawyer ' Mark Twain.
The prluee and the Pauper • - Mark Twain.
Hammer and Anil' . ' Splrhagen.
From Night to r Light Spielbageti.
Problematic Characters Splelbagen.
The Lamplighter
Frankenstein Mrs. Shelley.
The Green Gat% - ' Mrs. Wiatar.
Maids. '' ' Mrs. Wistar.
Matid-to4istie _ - Mrs . -Wlstar.
Tha1...141e Moorland Princess Mrs. Wistar.
-Mine. Lucas
Aspaala.... , . . Hamerling.
Eunice Lathrop Bplister - Noble.
\ ,
Spinoza,' , ' ' - Auerbach.
On the Helshii -•- , Auerbach.T.helPrereit -_. .l A
, i re . Alexander.
Westward tin A ' Kingsley.
Ben Hue ••. ' - '-‘ Wallace.
The Romance of aMummy •
Capi Cod Folks—. ../..'.
, .
Itatiricellernay - Lever.,
Henry Lorrequer . - Lever.
'Felix Holt Goo. EL tot.
. .
Twice Tuid Tales • Hawthorne'
Zenobla • ' Ware:
Nineteenth Century.. 4 ' _ !Mackenzie.
The Luck of lioAring Camp Bret ii arte f _
Tales of the 4.rgonauts . Bret iikr,te . .
Poetical Works. etc ' Bret Harte
• .
Tolemachms 1 . Fonelmi t
History of Germany • ' - Lewis.'
Wit give below a'notice of - Ca_P't J. H.
Hurst taken from the Tombalonejtspitaph
of 31ay. 11. Cap't Hurst is a Bradford
County boy and hisimany fr i ends will be
glad to learn that his courage arid ability
are appreciated in the western field where
he labors; and the members of the 141st
regiment will be gratified to learn'of the
whereabouts and fair fame of their for
mer comrade. We hope the Captain will
be successfnl,in preventing the .pre-emp
pen of his scalp by the, rascally red skins
he is fighting:
"Captain J. 11. Eurst-has been ordered
by the department commander"to join his
.company at Fort Huachues. In this in
stance it may not- be amiss to state that
the people of Tombstone and vicinity owe
.the Captain a deep debt of gratitude for
the services rendeied during the recent
campaign. Qidefed in Tombstone at the
outset as an intermediary 'directing officer
for scouting ,o,erations in this vicinity,
he performed his duty with such profits
lency and dispatch mi to merit j the ap
plause of a 11..: Nothing was left'undoue
by him to calm the excitement, and the
quick manner in which be ordered troops
from point to ] point when the exigencies
of the occasion Seemed; to demand it, has
created for him • a shads' corner in the
warm heart of Tombstone. Besides this
Captain Hurst is deeply interested in the
growth and development of 'Arizona.
Having large inyestmintii in mines and
other industries iu this' Territory with
which he has been identified since 1869,
it is but reasonable to' -Suppose that he
will rejoice in our growth and 'deplore
any set back to our prosp rity.
CaptainJlurst served the
of the Rebellion in 141st,Pa. inthe
army of the Potomac; l was one,Of Kear
"ginal "red patch division," fa
mouliTor its bravery ;arid as ~ b rigitiating
the distinctive Army Corps badges. En
. volunteer service as sergeant and
mustered out at the end of the:war. as
Captain. Graduated intef , tlie.:ie - gular -
annifrom the school of war in'lB66 :And
was brevetted for 'gallant and meritorious
service' in - the battles of the Wilderness
andr Spottsylvania. "Was wounded at
Fredericksburg, at Chancellorville and at
Spottsylvania. His company had the hon
or of capturing' at the 'Wilderness the
first flag captured from the; enemy by the
Army of the Potomac under the command
of General Grant, that or the Thirteenth
Regiment North Carolina Volunteers.
He has partiCipated in nearly every 1..-
dian campaign on the - Faffifle Coast since
1869. Was with General Cook, and did
gallant service in campaigns against the
Apaches in this Territory in 1871, 2,3, &
4. Was in command of Camp Rucker in
1879, when Juh Geronno and people
came in from Mexico and - surrendered to
'the-authorities, and agreed to, go on the
San Carlos reservation.
To alt - e:i-Ekddio , re, Sailors, and Citizens
Generally : In accordance with the cus
tom of the` Grand Army, of the tiepublic,
and in pursuance of General Orders No. 6
from the Department•Headquarteis, yoti
are reipectfully requested to be present
and assist the Officers and Comrades of
Watkins Post, No. 68, G. A. R., stationed
at Towanda, Pa., In decorating the graves
of their deceased comrades, on Decoration
Day,'-'yttesday, May 30, 1882, at 2:20 Y.M.
Courteously Yours,
A loan exhibition for the benefit of the
Methodist -Episcopal Church; of Barer
took place in the M. -E: Church there,
(=morning on the 28d instant, and - will
'continue eight days. A daily five c lama
paper containing the loan:, will be pub
lished each (try, and will be an interest.
ing f•ature of the entertainment. Fred.
B. Evans, of Athens. has charge of the
editorial part of the publication" The
loan is in the,hands _of, a:competent corn
mitte, and there is every "prospect of sink
ing it a grandr snare —Elmira Adoerti-
A PURE strengtherdWg teak; free from
whiskey and alcohol" cures Ayspepaa, and
simitaidimmaes. It has never been equal- -
el. Brown's Iron Bitters. . -
=-: AO* so. : lniiiaiine:OlDeiisoraiiatiDai . .,
.:are - di*, :14:: : iinst . Isi ',4l74priV: for i o*
_t.,.., ,- i,, , ,:.,:ikei,.7:=.4.:,',..*,,L1:: - ,i4t:
Y• ,
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-•:••' .ftelnitl....
~yi :•.--- --:- ‘'l-'
~,,ualuis.l ' '
- ' ;.;.4.11.•
.:Ensms:',.7- it-vorl.r. .., iii a i . ,
- ...q 3tkiu
-.aim— ftlizi., - --- old" ~. -,.
: —lia ... ettr,'
416:* f a .
~ - _:vons,
zot4, - I:leuirssedsy _ 700Cior.
7simaisg li i
1.17074.:A;04.11:7:41, :ose,C4preactwll!l4--
milk - _
, • - lliot, - - ' isa„
1317 " --
B. B. WlCzarr,
D. Wificarr,
Committee on Invitations.
:. - - -43ap6urtilowtoz Winti,tojiglidel!
*AI I.l6lll4loklFith 'lb Matti IMII*IOOII
. 7 ,:.,......441424.031104di4.14 (4,!:thridletiked:
-,a4lf' , left flit-Ininobi,- where thersill .
spOd:s fewArtiekikvisitigit tolithini - lad
fiiendii.':,..,,,- 0
.:: - q- 'i , _ij;- , ..i .Z.-. , ~,f 1 1 ,' , .• - J.
-."-FP ll lk •tro*,
_:: 4artliiiVick ;1 0 ** 4 _; il:k
the 'l4rOV *4 .i . ailict - Tim** _
,lir Hr.
Jones' destb. . _ _ , ,
OOOigoi.;11orton sod , Oife, of
.lair3 4 ** l 4 wi4 . cielabrate • tiOr goldel
_wedding in . 4lnuik, ,
, •
Davica: A. J. ykyton,Cieorge
Ennis and Clark B:.,'Porbis ire away on a
ilabhtic ezetkildoW.
—Judge,tame . ilteWstii is "seeking re
creation with , rod intiliniiVi
Creek, Wyoming COonty l , ,
The kar of Columbia Poaiy flaVe re
quested Judge ElitO:to i.crept S-1101311011..
Lion for President dodge.
-Rev. Hugh Hughes lecture* in the
Methodist Church; op Friday evening of
this week, on o ! ) \Pleasures."
Morrow stud D'A Overton Esq.,
went to Bowman's Cloak near Tunkhao.
dock, Tuesday tor .a few days trout . fish.
lug. • , ' -
—Rev. J. G. Ewell, pastor of Diseiple
Church, Bast Smithfield, will, preach his
farewell sermon oext Sabbath. He goes
to Ohio.. . .
--Mrai M. C. Mercier and
,Miss Fannie
Jewett went to NeW York On . Wednesday
morning to attend the Olden weddleg
of a relative.,
' IbietaLsict was in town last week,
ready to . whip any man who said he was
dead. He certainly looked lively enough,
and as if he might live & thousand , years..
—Dr. S. M. Woodburn gave a very ex
haustive lecture Wien: , the 'advanced de
partment of the Public School, last Fri-
day afternoon, on the &abject of "Th e:
Nervous System."
-On July 15th, L. F. Gardner, recent
ly of this place, will address the students
of Eastman's Business College; Pough - -
keepsie, N..Y. : The Influence
of Commerce oil CiviliXation."
—Robert A. Packei• has contribitted
towards building an Episcopal
Church in Tankhannock: Nearly half
of the amount required for the building
has beet: secured, and .fork will bei begun.
next month.
-Dr. J.F. Elliott, 'of Camptown, is
now at home, having recently returned
from a voyage to the West Indies. His
trip`was a professionarone, as he ''was
physician on board a Untied . States mail
_ship. He has been suffering . from' Mala
ria since his arrival home. •-; - -
—Mr. , Henry Kirby, of. Athens, died at'
his residence a halt mile west of the vil
lage, on Wednesday of last week, and
was buried in Tioga Point Cemetery on
Friday. The •femoral services were con
ducted at the house bb the Rev. A. W.
Hood, pastor of the M.E. Church, assist
ed by the Rev. George P. Watrous of
the Baptist and the _Bev. Mr. Sawtelle
.of the Presbyterian Church. The funds - al
was largely attended by the business men
and Citizens generally. Deceased was a
brother of J. P. Kirby,- of this place.
—Hon. Thos. E. Cochran, of York,
whose illness we mentioned a few days
since, died Tuesday afternoon. He was'
the only' surviving brother of -Mrs. E.
'Reed Myer, to whom his death is a great '
bereavement. Mr. Cochran was one of
the ablest and most prominent men in the
State. He wawa conspicuous Member of
the Constitutional Cenventions of 1837
and 1873. In 1859 he was eleited Audi
tor General of the State. In every , posi
tion. Publio and private, In was noted for
strict integrity and marked ability.-,-Rip
view. ,
The . funeral of the late I:firma ThOtn
as took place Tuesday, from his late resi
dence in . Sayre, and waSvery largely at
-tended. The Bev. Mr. Brunning, pastor.
of the Uniirmsalist,ChutihatAthens ik
dated, assisted by the Rev: Geerge
Rosentnuller, rector of Christ's Church,
at Sayre. Tte funeral was attended by
R. A. Packer, Assistant Postmas
ter General, R.A. Elmer, Williani Ste
vepson, superintendent of the Pa. ',A' N.
Y. Railroad, and many other prominent
gentleman of Waverly; Athensinal Sayre.
—Major Merrietc,,,ofTioga County, is
spoken of fey - Governor ; but, it is .under , -
stood that Sumter Mitehell is in favor of
giving the place to a Philadelphia num.
Again by the 'ilecrfe
,conr : infinite
Ruler; many have cause to mourn the ab
sence of ono whose presence in life was a
source of pleuure.
Mrs. Maria Tine P. Murray, of Athens,
after a long and severe period .._of suffer
ing,"died on Friday afterturn t May 19th.
She was borri NovenrUei 5, '1825, and
came with her parents froth England
when seven yeats of !age, • Thomas
P 4, her father, was well known as an
upht prosperous - farmer, who lived be-
Green's Landing . where his son
George_ now resides. •
The deceased married Mr. Ederard
Murray, who lived just across the Che
maim river, until his death which occur
red, in August, 1884. Mrs. Murray from
early Watts a devoted Christiai lady,
and, very highly esteemed by „those of her
own faith as well as by all her neighbors.
During life she frequently wrote °omen
uicationa in her denominational orgau,
the "Si of the Times," and was very
strong i the faith of those who believe
in: the ductrine of a people chosen of God
and predestined to enjoy -Bits glory: By
her req+st Rev. Mr.
her Chrtitisti views at the burialtervices,
which ccurred on . Monday, May 22d,
from liek residence in Athens, which she,
,had re4ently purohased and Am - Pied.
'She seletted some time before her death .
'Suitable hymns of praise and triumph, to .
be snug at the sad houi which she realiz
ed-wati rapidly approaching,' anti ilui= 4th
verse of the 924 Psalm as a basis for
marks by her pastor. •
ids she lay _ owe bed of suffering, So her
remains reposed in the plain casket oral-.
;planted with rich flowers whose perfume!
- - N,
delighted tbct,seuses as the social Ito of
the departad had beicu a pleasure, 03 all
who him . , her. A '' urge omtoootoo of
friendleFere brattembisoe, notwithstand
ing the elimenis were !metalling pad he.'.
quent 'bowers of rain beat down upon
.., - .
the earth. : ' . -
.., Three sons and two daughters, with
brothers andilsteisind sefieral gtandebil
„Arun and other relatives, will mbui9her,so
l'olety, but her fititly-tinta such :iluit;they
should noi,tnoutu as thope without- boa,
A blur] neighbor:and fond parenthas leb e
us, and for her Itirtues and influence we'
shall- /Pin bac. Nftenvi, -but ;member,
Off tgliMple wh ite rone,iter-4011. -, -.
,1';,,.'.'---::-":, .'
- 7 . • ''''-- " . • • [4'
Away TO ,litliAtillilitOttni AM) *On wit
r, , • owanow
inning,' on toestad'oll'Ate SOW
I WO*, itiOtli 841,149410 1 a0r I,olleArc,.
'Aulthition aorAgaf Pa 4: are In
oft‘ It• - ..M14.47#11#0,1,,oalst;
Newin * * 1 0. 1 444 Pr•
fionklegii, keeper of tin inine.' The
thin and attention of- Oen gtmlinue
and thou wincio lolly onapiod,oddr - the
'imply oases dati*PCS!,o 3 o an
institution ' Of 015 kind NO admirably sod
r-.• •
There his been 1111* the o.l**it
this : date . "t w o. hleitred . and' tweet,
mites adiaittie There are now - in the
tesidding one hundred . and itirty. 2 l'There
bare bees twenty - deathat 'eleven
Wit bees discharged; tweatptivo have
been adopted by fete Wee to thle eeeetYli
with the exception , et two etellivel/
county, Pa- Iwonty-fesi harebee o ,
Vied on the - count - Y*le a very: 6emoirtit
plat of ground intring been set aelde for
a annetery, on the west side of , the main
rood on an eminence Overiaot4g the, far*
te the soutbesit.S.
) The attending phisiohtn; _C.
of West Barlinghni. 'ieportif the'
general sanitary condition of the imam.
ti 1 ; 1 good, buk twev_d est4s
,having as Yet
occurred from acute disease* There have
been twenty cues of fr., none of which
have prolred Intel excePt in the cameo(
the forper stewitrd t ,Mr.ji. M.. Fero-
son; who died in ibeeecond oriels or re
lapse, having beini , . • sick ." with:, fever
twenty-one days . His manikind a cts and
self-sacrificingnaturnendored him to the
inmates of the institution, and - to all who
'knew him. May his deeds - be. imitated,
and his. narneand meniory . liie.on tilt the
"good . time4.oming," when 'and where
hospitals, asylum's'. and .poor ,houses will
be no longer needed. -
• Prom twenty , to liftyote undermedi
cal treatment all the time for chronic dis:
mune, and many. are very old and infirm.
A majority being women in? chil
dren, but very work can be
_done' by' the -.inmates ..while most of
them need almost constant care. .L
"T: Campbell attends• to the farming.
Quite an 'amount of grain has been sown,.
'a tnrge field of potatoes planted, besides_
a 'good large garden; five hundred fruit
trees have- been .s$ out; thr.i . e. hundred
choice apples, ' the balance pear, peach,
plum, quince and cherry. Twenty cows
are keit oii the firin Sr the supply of
milk and butter.
• Visitor's will be surprised to see such a
ninnber \ or. poor intffetinemortals as are
pollected,herOrom our county, but must
be impressed *with the,fact thailmah an
institution wit(innelli needed, and that
the deserving Kier; 404 afflicted are well
cared for. It is a credit to our county
and to the Board of Commissioners, un
_ det whose efficient management the-build
ings were- erected, opened, and thus far
'so economically: yet generously provided
With food, Awl, clothing, medicine, etc.
If, any man feels discontented with his
present; condition let him take a look a•
the . inmates.of this place, and he'will go
hoini r einitteted with his present lot, with
florae, . health ond.. hard _work, and feel
like praising God for all his mercies and
.The superinTendent's wife,
M Palmer, is a laq admirably
to the'position*:enc4ieS; her' 'etieerfut
disposipeni t
.01! . aI InOtOtridkindWo,rdo
to all,'fiii:l34ppreelited. , j:,
nes! ,Itelfird"b l * eft° of 09: 01 9 -
dren have . dilly - instruction 'lnitielconi
inonTscitool.;branchni.. :the keeper - aid .
steward a re ttuBty, patieet Lind ireful:
men, sed:Vm cotiety may -rettestinied
that ail will tiefrighlwithiheroin eharge.
fluntsfropann_ CRA.VON..
- 1
q::,'PßOlie '4i TO 'B2;
A. glance at the above dates iralicatei
lapse of fifty years ; au interval of time,
thougli_brief in one sense, yet sufficiently
long in another tukorlt great and varied
chang4 in.ntany - ,of the affairs of life. , It
is. impossible for'us to look back over the
past fifty Yeart,nven - though we give but
a fleeting thought to the minor events oc
curring in that time, and think too lightly.
of the more importankones, without
in ail its force the truth of the old
adage that "Time works great ihanges."
But it is not of great changes that wis
are to speak;. not , of those_ resolutions,
moral and physical, whose influences havb
been -felt by nations, and which will con
titian to be felte.- , by generations , yet to:
come. Thisitnot our theme. WO wish ;
to speak of "change, though in itself
paratit ely light, because of its lical
tine, yet of: considerable importance to:.
those interested. We refer to the change,
now • t perhaps, to only those who,
'on - the.23th slay of April, 1832, witnessed
were Interested* in the Wedding core
triony, which
„united as man and' wife E.
C. Kellogg and . A,ovina Bweet,Of Monroe
: -
~ dt k ril 25th, 1882, was the fiftieth anni
-vey of that union, and it was proper
ly obseryed at the Kellogg
three ;ides Bondi of lifenroeban.
gnesta,*.the aufaber of abnit tbirtoq be
gan to assemble at an early hour. Nor
did they come empty handed. ?resents
Appropriate for the occasion were—bestow
ed, and each gift was but a symbol "of the
deep lcile 'Within the beart of .the giver.
Dinner was - anhoinTed - at , two o'clock.
In attempting to picture the dining•room,.
with its tables overflowing with all that
could excite the appetite or gratify the
taste, of 'an epicurean, iiur:descriptive
lanais ail; awe could not 'do justice to
the scene, we will make no attempt. The
hours after dinner were passed pleasant
ly., The older guests wore:. content to
visit among thernielveii; reviewing' the
past, while the younger element of the
gay company 'enjoyed themselves in a
more mirthful manner. Mr. and- Mrs.
Kellogg have reared , a family of ten chil
dren, five were with them on this occa
sion, the other five have gone before and
are awaiting the great reunion where
partings and farewells are unknown.
May this aged couple who have attained
the ages of seventy-five and sixty-nine be
spared many mom years; and may
many happy days be enjoyed in their
pleasant society. ' aIIEST.
Nelson Packard's use vs. J. F. Fox, et
al—Ejectment. Plaintiff talus a non suit..l
GOrge Fox's Executor *lli George F.
Reynolds—Appl. .N 1 Q. Elaine°, Esq:,
for plaintiff; H. J.' MEM, Esq., for de
femiant. Verdict for-plaintiff of $256.53.
A. W. Taylor ' Va. Elatnuel.J. -Stesvinti:r—
Ejectment. Williams ft Angle for plain=
tiff ; Gridley it Payne for defendant. Ver
dict for defendant. Rule for a new
Lavideastes Administratrix vs: Jamas
Wood-Assnmpsit.• H.:.1 Madill. 'Esq.,
for plaintiff; James 14%, Esq., for 'de
fendant. :Verdict for defendant. Rea
sons filed for a nevi trial. •
• Hattie Gay ye. Charles Gay; Betsey
Dealker - ws. - Henry Melton ' Subpanni is
divorce lamed in eadr case!:
Ediirla it ins:hulas vs. Lucretia Zaclut- .
ethistnAlk 661 044 Allap j f),Or
ifi dig it* in 4igi to* *De%
. ~..
, (7 1 , 0 0 :tern ali: i i • W ei tiriCOL —
CoWtAIreCCSIMA:jo I O I 4; piodatee-
Vt;',itoiltf - *ti; &ee
Itehithe Wheaer
DieteceW granted in;atilt
. ;Miry Rhebehsys...o.4...lthebein.
torch fro= bed stn4 % 14iord, granted. De.
hOlint to pn costs and Walser slim.
=taw* dm&
Corrisk a al. Ciao settled and jwigmeilt;
for plaintiffs of.s2B2.9l'sed costa;
/0 re the petition
_of .lohn Ferguson to
ohm:obis owe to Adam . Men. Pray
er of petitioner grouted;
First Natheril Minket Athens, Po. r
Edwin Drake. New trial rehned.
, -
Thecallotring Eiberirs Duda were ite
knowledgeol Wednisday, May 10th, for
land sold May sth: _
ToClara E. Manley, for lot of land hi
Canton townshiy. Bold tug the property
of W; M. :Gregory. Conakieration, $lO.
To Thoiiias Brook, for lot of land in
,Waverly borough. Bold u the
propertiof'o. E. Decker.' $lOO.
To Jonathan Stevens, for lot of land in
Standing Stone toirusbili. Sold as the
property of Jared Hart. $898.69.
To Elizabeth J. MeQuiston, for two
lots of land in Towanda borough. Sold
as the rroperty of John D. Montanye.
To H. W. Thomas, for two lots of land
in Athens township. Eold as the proper
ty of William B. Prince. $2O.
• To George E. Delleek, for lot of land
in Manton Orongb. Sold as-the proper
ty of Leßoy Granteer. $25.
To E. W Hale, for lot of land in To
wanda township. -Sold as the property
of J. J. Gripiths. $1,355.
To: Byroe A. Chamberlain, for lot-of
land in Toi6irida borougn: Sold as the
property of B. A. Chamberlain and D. L.
Sweeney. $15..
To William Angle, for a lot of land in
WYsoz: • Sold April 27tii, as the property
of X. 3. Webb, Administrator of M. B.
oowen,.a.nd F.
,U. OWen. $255.
.34 - ry Long, et al, qe . Fannie P. Daupf,
et al. Arthur' Lled, Esq., appnieted
Master. .
Tim - Fling Rogers vs. N.. Y. L. and W. R.
R. Co. newt. .of viewers confirmed
finally. "
W. S. Pierce's Administrators vs. W.
Bramfiall, 'et al. Auditor's report filed
and confirmed ui si. Exceptions filed.
James Fox's Executors vs. S. A. Ran
dall, et al. I. McPherson, Esqi., appoint-
ed an Auditoy to distribute funds
by Sheriff's isle of defendants' teal estate.
In re the assign, ent of W. A. Rock
wpll for the benel3t of his erediteis. John
'O.l Williams,. Esq., appointed . -Auditor to
distribute funds in the ban is 13f the As
signee. 1.
'William Moore, 2d, vs. G. M. Angier
.I:Andrew Wilt, Esq., appointed to dia
tribute funds raised by Sheriff ' s sale .of
defendant's real estate.
Hubbel Manley's Executors vs. Caro
line E. Manley. .1. McPherson, Esq.,
pointed Au itor to distribute funds . rais
ed by Sheri s sale of defendant's real es
H. G. Gilbert Pierce vs. N. Y. L. and
W. B. 11. Co.; John Sullivan vs. same ;
i'utrick Lynch vs. same. S. W. Alvord.
IL H. Scott, G. H. Van Dyke, J. T. Hale,
`Amara Watkins, M. S. Warner and C. B.
"Iliussell appointed viewers in each case.
S. Pomeroy vs. E. L. *fluky.. E. Over
ton, Esq., appointed Maiter and Exaiiii
" J. E. Cooper's use . J. P. Cooper,
Administratof, Garnishee of Giant W.
Salsmait. Rule for
_judgment against
Garnishee. •
cI A. S. Parsons vs. A. J. Layton. =Ruse
to take of judgment of non snit.-
_ E. T. Fox, Assignee, vs. V. E. Piollet.
'Rule to satisfy judgment.
Patrick & Foyle vs. Sally Davi , lson, et
!- ; al—Ejectment. J. P. Kirby'a use vs. D.
R. Blackman—lssue ; C. L. Stewart vs.
Philander Barnes. New trial refused in
each case. • •
R. Mere - netl use vs. E. E. Buffing
ton, et al ; Henry Streeter's use-vs. E. E.
Buffington ; James Van Dyke vs. Charles
,Wells, et al ; Nelsen Vanderpool vs.' Sa
rah Vanderpool ; Bulled Clark vs. S. A.
Dewey; Jacob Tall vs. B. C. Coilson ;
Thonias Golden vs. Jonathan liadl3ek.
~ R nlea discharged in each case.
T. H. C. Dickinson vs. Amos Welch ; Jew
ell tt Pomeroy ys. J. A. Linderman ; G.
W. Edmiuster vs. Emma E. Nelson, et
; William Scott vs. S. S. Piece ; Sophia
ItMcCereok vs. A. M. McCarrick, et al.
Rules made absolute in each case.
Sheriff acknowledged the following
deed to William Moore, 2d, for a lot of
land in Athens, Borough, sold April 27th,
1882, as the , property of G. M. Agier.
$1,200. '•
Court-appoint James Sweeney and C.
F., Lyon Auditors of Barclay townsbiP to .
011. - Nacancies.
:B. T. Fox's use-vs. J. F. Satterlee ;W.
vs.'E. T. Fox. Rules made ab
soltite.l; .
LoCal Correspondence.
The recent warm weather and fine
rains push vegetation, though it is very
backwarcl.for the season. •
Farmers are busy pianting hoed crops
now,.though a few planted several weeks
Hand planters are coming into use quite
generally,' and
. by them corn and seeds
are much more rapidly disposed of than
by the t old way.
Mrs: Mariannb P. Murray, a lady gen
erally esteemed, died on Friday. and on
Monday relatives- from Elmira, Towanda
and other places gathered to perform the
last sad writes, and deposit the remains
in the beautiful ,Tioga Point Cemetery.
A large number of friends attended the
We•have learned of the death of Hiram
Thomas, an aged and respected citizen of
Sayre. , He is well known in thilvicinity,
baying been a. farmer of the first clam for
many years, but retired by age some time
ago. His death was sudden but not un
iiapected; and occurred Monday morning.
The temperance lcetnre at the Presby
terian (March Suudi,y evening, is said to
have : beep excellent, going to the founds..
tion.of the evil. • .
Rev. Mr. :Watrous preaches his fare
well sermon at the Baptist Church next
Sunday morning,. baying resigned . his
Decoration Day will be properly ob
served In this, place, and should be wher
ever the dust of any who fought the bat
ties for freedom hallows the coil.
An almost constant dream of teams
hauling building material may be seen
upon our streets, and new houses rise ' so
fast one .au scarcely keep track of them.
• Mr. teporte Campbell. and his .sister.
Delia. left Monday afternoon for Cald
well Comity,' KADII4I4, to visittheirbrother
:who`residesthere and perhaps .to remain.
We wish them *WO Pad Se**. trip..
314 24, 184
! igo.'Oß wpfiniftv7 _
&mai, ripariiiii Of a piit44l - loaii
Jog eUstlo l d WAU ; 7 11116 .• - **a
Timm ties WM a mnabeer . of setup tits
on one stamMTam family movitig MOM
within a meek.
Tha corn that, was planted 'Agora; the
lasi rainfall iailt fill to maim its appear;
anca in dee tuna.
The arethiteg that vas repotted a Ora
days ago turned out to be a myth.
Mr. Joe) Penh% who baa lame suffer:
lag. severely Inflammatory ..theuteatliai ?
baa recovered vies to again . be able to it-
tend "school.
Our stagidrivei, Mr.lesse Norris, who
broke his, leg some time ago, by falling
'a : imams his
The song that was to be sung last 'Fri
day Welt at Mr-Irene/tie, was not sung
but will be next rritlay night. '
As there are no weddings , , deaths, or
Waits, to chronicle, although we are an
ticipating some weddings and tearing this
will get tiresome I cloke. •
Benjaimin Ross is very ill with
plenro-pneumonis, but there is, a slight
change for the better since figiuday.
Dr. E. Mills attended the State Medi
cal Society which -convened at Titusville.
He repots a pleasant trip and enjoyable
Mr. C. S. Thomas has gone td Kansas
on a prospecting tour.
Mr. Alvin Pabrer bas a very al, horse/
.and as it is a valuable:one he is naturally
anxious as to the teriaination of thellis-
• -.,,..-T.,--t:7,-.;:t‘-`,11,•-•=.2-:,,,t':;;;;.:Ti;--,•!:.',--r.':•.:-.,':.:.:
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May 19, 189,9.
Mr. 0. P: ForTpst and-family have gone
to Ashton, - Dakota, to trythe beauties of
pioneer life. We wish them success
their new avocation. • -
Decoration Day will be observed> as
usual by our G. A. R. boys and citizens.
Rev. J. L. King, of Smithfield, delivers
the oration.
The AL E. Sunday-school are adding
one hundred new volumes to their librag.
We have noticed in your columns sev
eral articles in relation to thenet proceeds.
from the sale of butter from sevelal.dal
ries; but think we can give as good a rec
ord, considering the number of cows; as
any one in the county. Mrs. C. C. Mal
lory, of this township, has four ordinary
cows.•from which' she made and sold last
year .7 21 pounds of batter, which netted
her $2lO, besides what milk and butter
,they used in their family of three persons;
and raised beside four calves which sold
for $2O more. Thus we dud_ they netted
in buttek alone $52.60 per cow, and $57.50
per cow including - calf. Next
Mrs.! M. E. Chubbuok, of Towanda,
visited her parents at this place last Fri
Mils/Ll:lathe Foster, of Cottland county,
N. daughter of Rev. G.. W. Foster, of
this place. is visiting her parenta. She
intends staying the summer. - .
Miss•Loa Shaw has gone to Hornelbs
vale, N. Y.,'on a visit to her aunt, Mrs.
Theodore Decker..
• Mr. H. E. Pitcher has gone to Barton,
N. Y., where he has, employMent during
the summer in the school at that place.
Mss Nettie Fuller, .who is employed in'
the dressma [ king establishment of, Miss
Annie Cooper of this place, had a very
narrow escape from drowning on Sunday
evening. She and a yourig man were en
joying a boat ride upon the placid waters
of the Susquehanna near here, wken their
boat tan upon;a-Wire cattlefguard (which
being submerged was _not noticed by
them), capsizing and 'precipitating the
occupants into the river. Their cries soon
brought assistance in the persons of Chas.
Crawford and O'Meara Ayer, who suc
ceeded iu recuing them; but it was along
time before consciousness ';returned returned to
Miss F. It was as narrow * an escape as
any one need have ; had not help arrived
instantly Miss Fuller would never have
A kr• Walker, of Waverly, has rented
the - blacksmith shop lately occupied, by
0. G. Pitcher, and intends to commence
btisiness soon.
The Governmeut headstones for un
marked graves of soldier 4 of the late war,
for this place and Sheshequio, were re
' calved by C. G. Rockwell, last Thursday
evening, and the G. A. R. boys. are put
ting them in place to-day.
The Waverly Adeocat. deems our vil
lage "ancient," butt we cannot claim that
title while .Waverly is so . near us. Try
again, Kinney. e t a
UlSter, May 23, 1882.
Two funerals were held at the borough
church on Thursday of last week, resift
tivelyet eleven o'clock 'A. M., and_ three
O'clock - r. 11. Firlst,:that of Alexander
Lane, son of Daniel Lane, aged forty-sev
en years, victim of pneumonia. Sermon .
by Rev.. David Estell., He was a Union
soldier in the war of the Rebellion, and
'leaves - a' wife and five children. The sec`
and was Mrs. Maynard, aged eighty-eight.
Sermon by Rev. B. Garrison. Both were
interred at Luther's Mills cemetery.
The Township Commissioners met on-
Saturday, mid let the job to to-build the
bridge across thegulf, near John Isbell's,
to James Pruyee t for sixty-five dollars.
Mrs. William Thoinpson, who lent her
mother's, Mrs. Dr. G. P. Tracy, has an
infant daughter. The lawyer would have
been more delighted hid it been a eon.
R. M. Pruyne lost a veritable young
horse ..recently. He crawled under the
manger, knocked the boards off the barn,
and slid out, hanging by a strap around
the neck, and a strong halter which bore
his weight, the hind parts only reaching
the ground. - • • = "
Miss Susie Wrisley was-taken sick, and
'the school is closed for the peseta.
Miss Martha peardsleo, who has been
on the sick list for several Weeks,". is re
ported as intpriving.
Miss Eliza Hanes is teaching her first
term of school at Slater Hollpw.
A very good:musical treat was enjoyed,
by a few persons, at the hotel of L. idor
rie,'recently. Lawrence Kendall and son,
Wilbur, two of on: best musicians, were
invited - there to test the merits of a high
priced violin from the -mask ,store of
Meagre. Holing 4e; Passage, of Towanda
The instrument bore all of tbe tests, and
Vas pronounced I very fine one.
Mrs. Deborah Kendall, widow of the
late Elam Kendall, is leienty-eight years
old, and leas straight as an arrow and as
spry u a girl of sixteen. • Some time since
she deeded her house.and seven acres of
land to H. 0.1 Barns; her son-in.liw, and
*as to make her home with him. After
ward site cionged her mind and wanted
her property back. and. Elora , * promptly
made her outs deed and pat her in full
ci ossession again. I a
May 22, 1882. . •
ar ,Let the pour buffeters from female
eoraplatntstake courage mid rejoin that a painless
remedy has been found. -WO refer W. Lydia IL
PlnkbanVe Vegetable Compound. It Is pennant.
at 2SB Weston Avenue, Lynn, Mass. And to Wra..
Mahan* for parapidata.
or The Liver is frequently She seat of
disease Oita to generally umiak for ape* Its
regular action • deptods, In Jlb groat ateasara, the
pavers of the ' stomach, bowels. brat's, and the
whole asfronsaystent: acipdase that- Important
ludas by taking Simmons' - Liver ator, anti
you lifilseat most pf teedaisee eat - aetb is !le!!
- , -
.".' • iffdest ass 11**teffriffis
No ;sll. 6.- I A. Talthift/A. Hay
: - GisMMAL Oionift l / 4 - Its. 2. ,
, _
Thi Medal sammorift exercises and decors.
ties 'of addiersi VMS *DI be elmerred try this
Poston Teentay. Nay Nth.- •
..__ 2d, Pasts, Canymy. Tim Depistmeat,
Merit Seelettes, end sd - ether etgaisbeti toddles
will memilbie in the Comet llama Masts at 2.1111 r.
The edema will apt* peseeftly as 2.414 and
-Merck to the fintetery, where the meal espio
eftmles will be obeersed.ftaf Ca A, Ninth BMW
nest, N. G. P., will Are One Miley., afterstiets
thil comrades will deftest* the grans. After this
eeremonlessed decorstior. of graves the solemn
MU be reformed, and starch to the Court Hams
Squire, where the address will be delivered by the
Bev VD, Haas:- ,• • - • ' •
' Mt. The Committee of Andersen:a will pro.. r
vide seats in the square for the o maths.
40. The, ftibila rinstally are cordially toasted
to parUeipste la them exercises. and moist the
(Med Army the Uvulas the' seri.
Item of those of
who died that br
Me sidles hoseeteg
Ziottokilers and releUves of emseidiae_nre
•Piellalf_ Vied le laps MO the misde of the
young the objects of them beautiful invitee sod
"ftresionles in order to perpetuate the masa ,
serraime of decorates of soldier's* Owes. •
. Citizens are requested to dltilllW Sege
balfeasst during the day. • '
Stk. Programmes announcing the formai* of
the column. line of marehorierestooleshod
ciaea will be distributed before leaving Court
Haute Square.
7th. The decoration of meddlers' gnome St Libirsti
Comers will take place at 10 o'clock A. N., 5..4 be
in charge of S. V. C. Ed. • . Thompson. At Obeid; -
OM o'clocv, sod at Ifornbrook as 21" and wfLL _
be in charge of J.Y. C. II; B. McKean. •
• By order of _., -
A. A. ST. JOHN, Commasder.
`J. X. ZDSON, Adjutant.
Tim Towanda Rifle 'Team last Satur
day made the - f?llowing score:
E. Walker, Sr., - - 43
I. McPherson, " - - - 43
E. Walker, Jr., , 42
J. M. Eason, 40
A. P. LaPlant, . . 40
H. Bowman, , 39
A. B. Smith, 39
E. H. Angle, - 36
J. A. Wilt, 36
F. P. Grady,
James Calligan, 29
After the usual practice of ten rounds
each, the two having the best record, E.
Walker, - Sr., abd I. McPherson, chose nio
ani five rounds were shot by each rUen4 7
ber of the competkive teams,. -
being as (Wiwi( :• •••
E. Walker, Sr., -
E. Walker, Jr.,. ' • 1
H. Bowman, ,
J. A. Wilt, 1
A. B. Smith, . .
James Calligan,
Charles Davis,
J. M. Edson,
I. McPberisoo,
a: P. LaPlant,
E. H. Angle, -
James Shultz,
F. P. Grady,
Roy, May 16th, 1882, by' 11. K. Mott,
Esq., Mr. Orange .1. Ingraham,- of. Gran
ville, 'and• Miss Emma , Garrison, of Le
Roy, -Pa.
Roy, May 16th, 1882, by if. K. Mou,
Esq., Mr. Jobn Shadden of Scotia, — Pa.,
and Miss Betsy A. Ingraham, of Gran
ville, Pa.-
OLIVER the Pres
byterian Parsonage, Athens, 13th inst.,
by-the Rev. W.-H. Sava-elle, Mr. A. Jas.
Oliver, M. D., of Williamspott, and Miss
Libbiel,ovejoy, of Sayre.
Atbecs, May 14, Isaac
Hicks, aged 44 years.
MIIRRAX.—In Athens, May 19, 1882,
Mrs. Edward, Murray, mother of M: P.
• HOLLENBACK.—In iiehclitown,Pa.,
of pneumonia; George F. Hollephack,.
aged 45 years. • _.
LANE.—In Burlington, 15th inst.; of
pneumonia, Alexander Lane, son of Dan
iel Lane, aged 44 years. .
The underilgned herby Oro notice of their in
tention to appitat the next Term of the Coat of
Cornwell Pieari of Bradford County, for a charter.
of incorporation of "The Methodist Episcopal
Church of Neve Era," the obleit of said corpora
tion being the support of
ro public worship.
JOHN DYER. ' • -
Factories :•1417, 418, 419, 421, 423, 423,
427 to 420 West 28th-st., New York..
It no -jilivertiscusents.
First-class in avAnfi)arsiontsr; and
Can show Fischer Pianos that have been
in use in Bradford Co. for 34 years.
The following list Is $ few names of those using
LERAYBVILLE—R. M. Co°ll4lol, Hon. J. H.
Marsh. P. J: McCauley.
WYALUSING—W. H. Mother, John B. Stal.
ford E. B. Stone. C. S. Hornet. J. Mlles Brown.
FRENCHTOWN—Jos. A. Hornet.
MONTROSF.—Wm. S. Cox, H. A. Croaman,
Daniel Coon. D. G. Scott, R. S. Bush, Prof. C. H.
COLL EY— , Fred Saxer.
DUSHORE,-H J. Tonkin. Judge F.B.Pomeroy.
NEW ALBANY—S. D. Sterlgere.
CAMPTOWN—D. D. Chaffee.
HEURICKVILLE --Jerry Anderson.
SUGAR RUN or Snalthboro—C. S. Stowell.
PRICE, - $195 TO $375.
EASY TERMS. Other. lustrurneuta 'taken la
exchange. Organs at very low figures. Write for
catalogue. E. 8. KEELER,
General Agent for .J. k C. Plschhir Plano.
lama? etw. Wyalualng. Pa.
The undersigned, desirous of reducing
thole larp stock of
Coffins, I Caskets, I 'Robes,
Win from this A a t r - N rril
'date offer them.4ol. V OID
that there Is no friendship4n trade.
tArTion.u.a.ars COFFINDIMUN
. Such sa you have beln paitnt $2O tar et
Such as will cost you 1125 or*lO.
Bus If
SO ir wi trel it s P E tl s ' ul l t X)l3llLlL
• YOU and no one else, a' by tt.
Furnibed s very MODERATE Pilo.
when desired..
FROMM so s= .
TwriossiPa4l,MlN rAis: I
I ~ ~
, -