THE BRADFORD REPORTER imbadise eivemiltartw igesieg ay mipagrAk Atiraivocz, A t the Egmont= Radium Pari4t., Tolniida, • SUBSCRIPTION: 41.50 per peer. 75 Ants Sly six months, 50 cents- for roar meths. Sm. ple Copies lent tree ea appllesWer. ADYZETISING Itkl'tEls 12.13 lo.lsl In. 410. X C. X'l". 1 Col.* .sop.oo. ism LOOl 5111, 4.60 0.00 5. 1540 54.01 2.10 4.50 i 6. • 5 , 11. •• • 10... ISM 4. " 7.001 5.00 is.t , :15.. • 21.00 80.00 ' • 12.000. • , 01. 50.00 100.05 Time i Month 2 Months. 2 Months. S. Months. 1 Year... - Tbe It/moat= has the, largest eircniatio=i is me Most desirable advertising medium la ford County,. Llst silWayagpin to the impoctics of-advertisers. : • Executors and Admintitgators Notices, 12.110; Auditors Notices, r Se. 'Professional Cams not exceeding four lines, 14.00 per year; additional Mrs. el. 0 0 each. Local Notices and Legal Advertising, dye mitts I;.r line. Table and Flimsy Wort, double robes. on COS or,Marriages and Deaths inserted tree. swl: Notices Ave cents per line. 1. - ocal Correspondence. giving the neigabothood news from all parts of the county, oolicitetL• 'pastiest gabs. L. HILLIS, ArroaNsy-AT- E. LAW, Towanda, Ps. - • N.J S. RUSSELL'S GENERAL: • sra.cws AGLIWT. Towanda. Pa. • JOHN W. CODDING, ATTosiarr- AT LAW, TOWSON Pa. Oftice.- 7 4:1Ter Klebrs Drag Store. NI W. BUCK, ATTORNEY-AT -1:1 LAW, Towanda, Pa. oMco.-At Treistutirs Otliee, Su Colin Rouse. • JOAN W. MIX. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND U. ti. Conxissiormit,,Towanda, Pa. tigice—Norit side Public tquire. • TIAVIES & HALL, AOORNEYB - Tonal:ma, Ps. Office—Northwest iier State and Main streets, up stales. TLSBREE & SON, .ATTORNEYS AT•LAW, Towanda, P. (. EL.sIIIILE DECK & OVERTON; AT-Law. Towanda, Pa... . T u~.''f. u ?KC*. WA: OVERTON & SANDERSON, AT- TORNETS...ty-LAW, Towanda Pi. iHTON, JR. - Joint 7. sizancaso2t. • r , ..I)fIERSON & YOUNG, AT- I'OfiNEYS•AT-LAW, TOWallull, Pa. Mike -31, ur Palk street. rli FAISON, WILLIAMS & ANGLE, AiTOlt xEts-AT-11..Aw, Towanda, Pa. Mace 3!a 1: st reef; opposite posi.oince s. WILLIAMS T1R.411 E.. BULL, SURVEYOR. Surveying 5 , .(1 Draftitig. • Or c,--Ovel• C. P. Welles' 99-Cent SU); e, Main sweet, Tu .auda, Pa. JASDREW •WILT, ATTORNEY • Ar•L:Aw, Towanda. Pa. Oface—Means's street. over Decker Brothers' store. .M. 12, conul , ed In German, • • • V. S. M. WOODBURN, • PRIMP CTAN AND SURGEON. Oflice-4,AC 'residence on 'nlaia s;t:4ot, !Int door north of M: E. Church. p() r),N EY . A. ME RCUR. A TTOR 1. NEV4T-I.AW, Tii;.anda, Pa. Solicitor of y 3 —lt., (Far teular attention paid to business In tbt .brotiau...Court and to the settlement of estates.- 1:11 ~ —l iiiiontanye Block. KELLY, DENTIST: Office y • -Over M. E. Rosenfield's. Towanda, Pa. Its,ned on Goid, 131.yer. Rubber and Alum e:e base. - Teeth extracted without pain. T 4 l I). PAYNE, M. PHYBWIAN 4. I A. - ND gol.-017We over W. G. Tracy's la. ioatanye Biock. Ofliee hour% from 10 to 12 A. M. awl from 2to4P. M. Special attention gi,. s to diseases of the Eye and Ear. • CL. LAMB, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, . North Franklin street, Wilkes-Barre,. Pa sik-elal attention glr . en to collections to Lu 7-ri., r.:01 Lackawanna countis. References: . Hon.. P. 11. Morrow; First National Bank, Towangs. A AusTiN & -CO DEALERS IS PINE- GROCIIIIES AND PROVISIONS. . Cannock" Fruits, &c. 200 awl 202 ; Wwer street, arid 103, 105 and 107 . hralu btrt-'t. Gwir, Y. Y. • A. Arslls., 0. D. GOODRICH. C. A. AUSTIN. LC. PALMER, MANUFACTURER . and Wholesale and. Retail Dialer In Me, 1k I; and other Lumbers, Lath, &c., lltldgbury, to.] County. Pa. IT EN Rl' HOUSE. CORNER MAIN :via Washington streets, First Ward, To. es. Mews at all hours. Terms to suit the Large stable attached. Was. HtNRY, I etOr. 11 i) NV ARD WILLIAMS, PRACTI c iL , PLrMBEA NM/ GAS FITTER. Place of • It Ira doors nort hof Post-Offtee. P•umb• lug. Gas Fitting, Repairing pumps of all kinds, an;; :"..1 kinds ,of &Jew in . promptly attended to All .1 silting work in his Tide should give him a call. r. • y r T JESSITr, .ATTORNEY AND e COUNSIILLoIt•AT•LAW, Montrose, Ps. Judo, .1,,50p having resumed the practice of the 1:0V ia Northern Pennsylvania. will attend to any kg, huatness Intrusted tohlm In Bradford Coun ty. Porsons_wishing to consult hlm.can call on H. E.q., ; Towanda, Pa., where an : can be made. ENRY, STREETER. Arroa• AL' N Y ANp COUNSELLOII-AT-LAW, TOWiride, - *T. OTTARSON,_ Manufacturer of all kinds of Upholstered Work, wholesale and retail. • tlk - 111 SIDE BRIDGE STREET, TOWANDA over Myers Meat Market. 4,1an.52. J. J. ANDERSON, DEkLER IN CHOICE GROCERIES ' 3 Provisions, Tinware, Hardware,. Ready made Clothino' • Hats and Caps, , --Dry tit ' ls of all kinds. Confectionery. Choice Imi tts Cigars & Tobacco a:ways on band. AR DEN SEEDS , of every variety. fresh and new. ilia exit rimier enables him to select the best goods, xylil-h he Is .selling at the - lowest Ilvlng prices. (\ arty Produce taken. - for which rho highest Wei mires will be paid. • 11 rrickm tr. Pa.. Smaytatn."-. THOS. LAWRENCE MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN CHOICE CONFECTIONERY 135W.,WATER STREET, ELMIR-A,N: Y. EMI Country orders PrOmptly Attendetrto. EImILI, N. Y. April 20, 82.3m05. A TTENTIONI-The undersigned wislies , to Informal' interested In FLOW bat he has a larg.i and healthy stock of Bud. ding Piaui!, which he otters at reasonable prices ; al , ' Vegetable Plants In their season: Thanking lily Pitt ous for past. favors, I solicit a continuance of tic saine. ' JAMES C Main street, Towanda, Pa. A I3I IINISTRATRIX'S SALE..— .lane A. Partridge. adminlstratrix of L. M. Par. r:dge, will sell at nubile sale, at her residence in. Milan. ea.„ on SATURDAY. MAY 2 0 th.18132. at 1. o'rloric, A Y., the personal property of the decedent, consisting of horses, harnesses. wagons, mowing machines, and , other farming utensils; — nets in the ground, &c. 'Also, a new lumber wagon belonging to Jane A. Partridge. TERMS Or SALE—Sums under fin, cash ;.over tlo,Attne months credit noteswith approved secu rity. - JANE A. PARTRIDGE. Ml:an. Pa., Ilmay?2t.' Administrattix. AD M I NISTRATR IX'S NOTICE —Letters of administration having been gra..led to the undersigned upon the estate of L.' M. Par.ridge, late of Elmer twp., deceased. notice Is hereby given that all persons Indebted lb the said estate are requested to make Immediate par lut.z.t. at d all persons haring claims against said estate mast present the same duly authenticated to the undersig..ed for settlement. A. PARTRIDGE.. Milan, Pa., littlayA24lsr. Adatinistratrix. ADNIINISTRATOR'S, -NOTICE. —Letters of admlnistrattnia cunt tartamento I:nue:so basing been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Anna - Sibley. late of Towanda Dor ugh. deceased, notice Ipheieby given that all Indebte4 to the said mite . re re quested to make immediate paymantiand all persons hay ing claims against said estate *oust .present the same duly amhentleated to the undend rand rer set. tie nmnt. ISAAC W. 8 SLIM. Towanda, Pa., SmaySt•e6*. Ado) nistrator. DMIN I STRATRIX'S 'NOTICE A —Letters of adminlattatlon cum tastansesto osnexo having - been ranted to the nuderatsned upoo the estate of Theodore !meet Sprint. field township, deceased, notice le hereby men that all persons indebted to the said estate are Ireo quem ed to make Immediate payment, and all per- WWI !laving claims vain:a said estate most preeldit the same duly authenticated to the undend ated for settlement. . KIM Z. 1. WILDZ EVllllll4* Peet MEM MARI** 101Tctleft1C, Propors., VOLUME = XIIV Decker• Brothers NEW STORE, 128 & 180 Means Block Is one of the prettiest stores in Tolman', and is filled with an ELEGANT AMOR TRENT of ' SPRING GOODS Which will be sold at PRICES LOW AS THE LOWEST. FULL LINE OF HENS, BOYS AND YOUTHS ci owl AND U Clothing UU, L. sLasitsr.. LATEST STYLES OF HATS AND VAPS W. J. Yotrxb FULL STOCK OF FURNISHING GOODS, VALISES, TRUNKS, CANES, UMBRELLAS, &0., = Celluloid Colds and. Gaffs, 1 D I=E! And the best line of NECKWEAR in the County always in stock. far Call at our tore and examine Goods and Prices, and you will be sure lo buy. :Towanda, Pa" 20apre2. OLOTHING Hard Times Seared to Death "I eaanot-tell a lie, I did it with my Itole hatchet," when i knocked the coven of my Onmentie cases of LOW PRICED SPRING GOODS, and now I AM ALL READY TO GIVE YOU A WELCOME THAT MEANS BUSINESS: 4 I have laid in a new' Sming Stock of Mens', Youths', Boys' and (.;lildiens' CLQTRI CLOTIUI'IO Which is positively a surprise to all. I astonish the sightseeer with an twirl rats& collection of elegant styles and bean:lto (stoles. I delight the purchiser ,with prices which were never before so low. I afford all an opportunity to secure the newest and best Spring garments at prices within their means. THESE PLAIN PAbTS demand Our attentlna, and we respectfallj "a l gae 'au - early-ea aadnatlun, and Invit : e It. M. E ROBEPIRELD, TOWANDA, PENNA. Spring Clothing! A LARGE STOCK of NEW STYLES just received at I. B BRIDGE STREET, TOWANDA. HATS & CAPS The BEST and FRESHEST stock A FULL LINE OF Gents Furnishing Goods AT Want. TBAVELING BAGS A large stock of NEW and DESIRA BLE goods at BUSH'S. 1111 ti' If you want a SUIT of CLOTHES or any goodvin his line at BOTTOM' PRICES, call onJ. K. BUSH, Bridge Street, Towanda. Pa. -28mad32. COUNTY tCOMMISSIONERS' MEET For the information of the publics the County Commissioners hereby give notice that they will hold a session of the Board every Tuesday at the Commissioners' Office in the Court House at Towanda, and that they will bold a meeting of the Board at the County House, at Burling ton, the First and Second Monday of each Month. Those hiving business to tring before the Board - will govern themselves accordingly. Diann, BRADFORD, - MYRON lEVIOSIAY, CO. Com& M. F. itAmpoN, Attest : Wm. Lzwisi Clerk. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTI E. r la —Letters of admhtlatratlou bathos bees granted to the unilerslgoint -upon the ostoto of ourorgo is W. Quick, late of WURotrtop. deceased, nle s bosh/ die that altpwooss masked to the Bald estate are requested to make Iteinedlate payment, and all persons bolsi 'chid= maid mate most pram cfor nue Mal i:aged to the onflenlipood for voulomont: t l au l Arf 11 41WItoof Rig - • • - • _ -:• - • • -,,.., ...,;,~de.^ye4`.~..,~_,~-~ -s.._ _ ..Mss' .._. .~ _?'=,'i ME =I till ISMSNk OM in town at BUSH'S. TRUNKS mos. EMS ERB El Madan with the meet, btoirtepta, In *ben eche a shadati Uae Like the dadt In evening skies! Then wham. bets entddne the sun, 00 4 en Wan, nieathest In eae, Aa the bedded etemeadete ram I luanwnt. elth telnetint feet, *been Ma brook acd'rh►er meet, Wentalhood and childhood fleet! - hig, with a timid gtaniai s . - - On the brookleVs swift advance, On the rivers braid expanse ' Deep and still, that gilding stream., Beautiful to their Must seen, - As the river of a dMam. ' -Then why pause with indeclaion, When bright angels in thy vision - Beckon thee to fields Blyslan? Nearest thou voices on the shore, That our ears perceive noMore, Deafened by the cataract's mar? 0, thou child of many prayers! Life bath quicksands. Life bath snares? Care and age come unawares ! - Like the swell of some sweet tams, Morning rises Into noon, May glides onward into June. .ChildbOod Is the bough, where slumbered Birds and blossoms many numbered : Age, that bough with snows encumbered. Gather, then t each dower that grows,, When the youfig heart overflows • To embalm that tent of snows. Beara Illy In thy hand; Gatti of taus cannot wlthatatell One touch of that magic wand. Bear through sorrow, wrong and ruth, Iu tby heart the dew of fouth, Oa thy lips the'smlle of truth. 0, that dew, like halm, shall steal Into wounds that cannot. heal, • Even u sleep our eyes Both seal ; ♦nd that smile, eke sunshine, dart Into many a sunless heart, • For a smile of glod thou art. UNCLE JOHN'S FORTUNE 'Oh, Kate, mamma has just received a letter from - Uncle John ! He's .really coming back from Australia to settle at last. All the heaps- of money he has invested—yes, that's the word—invested in some—some thing,- I don't know what, but will nearly Jouhle his fortune!' . . - 'Nearly _ double it ! Oh Nellie,' cried . Kate, dropping her aunt's dress she was mending, 'only think. We are his only relational' .1 'What a selfish little thin you are, Kate!' remarked Ellen Ora, shsw, throwing herself on a couch ,by her cousin in her mother's boudoii, which she had rather impetuously entered with her good news. i 'How .can one help being selfish when one is poor ?' laughed Kate Wakefield.. 'lt. is all very well for you,iwhose father is alive And well to-do; but Jack and I have only ourselves to look to. I have to turn and' turn my dresses until -1118 quite ashamed. I stick s new hew -here, and a new bow there, but I'm not foolish enough to fancy people think it's a new dress. Ah me, Nellie ! I do—do so wish I was, rich V' and she clasped ber hands On her knee, and fixed her large gray eyes-at vacancy, .as if she were filling`the latter with her visions of wealth ; probably she was. • 'What a mercenary girl you are, eoz said' Ellen. 'You don't think at all about dear uncle John himself —only his money !' 'Each of us thinks of what most concerns us, or what we most want!' retorted. Kate.. may help - poor Jack, who only gets n.nety pounds a year I repeat you are rich, or your father is.' 'He is not, Kate. Ton know it's as much as mamma.can do to keep us up to our position in society. But it will be different now, for dear un-. ele John says, as he has no relations save ourselves, he hopes we can man age to let him live with us. He can see about our renting a larger house on his arrival Mamma is gelighted, and she says he will be, sure to keep his carriage; while if we try to be amiable he may keep horses for us to ride. Only imagine! Will it not be. grand? ,How the people will won der and. envy.' 'What a lot of suitors you'll have, Nellie! Who knows but that Sir Hugh Stafford, when he comes—as , as they, say he will, next month—to reside for the -winter at Beecholm, may be One of them !' A bright flush rose to the cousin's cheek, though she exclaimed, 'What nonsense. Kate!' for the fact was, Ellen Grashaw was very pretty, and such a onion had. not only entered her head; but also her mother's—one of those worldly-minded women wi.o render their lives wretched by a con stant fight to keep their heads higher than their neighbors, and to make five hundred a year pass for a thou sand. Mrs. Orashaw, indeed, was already secretly hue) , in devising means for new dresses to make Ellen look her best, and to give one or two , parties, ostensibly in the Baronet's honor—really to 'throw the young people together.' • - 'Papa; proceeded Nellie, 'used to call uncle John "the fool of the fam ily"—.a mad speculator. I only wish, in that case, papa had changed places with him, , • 'When*ill he be here, Nell? Does he say 1' 'He starts the second mail after hilt letter, therefore he will be here in a fortnight. Thereto mamma calling 1' she added, springing up. 'I hope , It's not to dress yet; for. I have not done these bows yet,' re marked Kate, renewing her stitching. Mr. Orashaw was s tolerably well tollo merchant, who. would have a safer balanCe at his binker'aluid not his inclinations in regard to 'appear ances tended in the tame direction as his ;wife's. What an 'old man of the sea' to some persons aria those wordseWhat will Mrs. Grundy say?' Thty excused themselves by saying it was for their children's benefit Horace had to make a position -in the world, and Nell to be settled. j The two other members, of . the, familyy were Kate mid her brother Jack (employed in a bank). :When they; had been left. orphaus MM. Gra shs,w had consented to reveive them into the &tally, SS their' keep wotiJd be a mere nothing, considering one mint : We toga dinnOrt beaus" 'of wldlif Wadi - • • •••,••-•- ' -Z. 'I=Z•`••••-?4.2a.V...efig! T.`••• • • • • ...- - 7• , : : • . ' • , ; : - - • • • 1.5 •-• " - • • - ••• • • • .•••;,.:;,' : • , ,e 1; :t ' - - •P- - • - „ , 71 1,, AMMW , ..- -----. , . . INIV ENI NE EIRE VMEMI MEM EMI —ptagfellow. BEI Ing fA . Z • 11681 1 1`9*,..;': - _i: ; B*r.Op..:, - PMI s t'._:,;_.A_, ; :_'.: ; , PMPO:DAY-: : ;c : . 1.04t4N0i,:::,:m,Tr i .,?)-:::1.8 . 8a . , Xste Mill pay out of her smat in come of - slaty pounds ayearOesides making hirself,Useftip, and Jack out of his salary, weakl go into her own private purse, and afford -many toilet luxuries. Besideth'she knew, as /Tell did, too, that society, who vfm ignor" ant ; of any payuient being made, `spoke highly of their kindness to their poor relations. • Their sole other relation was 'uncle John-4 fatless, sanguine spirit, who had been always going rto make a fortune, and who = had at last, •in Australia, done - so. Ho had- gone there when Nell and Kate were chil dren, so all they knew of 'him' was that he was very kind, and was ever sending pleasant letters arid hand somapresents to his little-nieces and nephews. When 'Nell danced in ber joy from the moul t Kate at work on her aunt's dress, thought of these presents, and his to he feared men tally commented on uncle John's coming home in a very inercenary fashion.' 'Supposing,= as Jack and 1 ure i c)* phans,, be were to adopt us l' She ponders. 4 At any rate, if he be en rich, he will hardly let his sis er's children remain so poor. If he does not do something 'for Jack, I—l • shall hate him V Then, her eye resting on a darn in her dress, her mind revelled in the better toilets she might possiblY have when uncle John came home. ' treele John ! Before' two days were over everybody in Monkbonrne ktiew him, otitis immense wealth, and how he was tolive with the Gra. 4 1shaws, who were bin-only relations. Mr. Grashaw dtopped into the estate agent's -to inquire casually what mansions or' small estates were to let in the neighborhood. Horace talked of uncle John at his club until the members were „sick of uncle John. Mrs. Grashaw and the girls made visits and rece.ved them on purpose to let Monkbourne society know all about him. . 'Very stuck up,. proud people those Orashaws I' remarked Mrs. Sti,bbin 'Always - were. 'Now they will be intolerable!' rejoined the doctor's wife., 'Ari to that. Kate Wakefield, she takes no pains to i hide her 'finer cenariness I' . • 'Well, there's an 'ex cuse for her, My dear. It can't be 'pleasant, I'm sure'—with a heatnnss.—no be de. pendent upon Mrs. Grashaw's chari• ty !' 'The train will be ..tluf 1:30 no doubt,*that he'll.arrive by,' remarked Mr. Grashaw on the day of uncle John's coming; as he contemplated the recherche lunchnon'prepared. I 'l hope. my love, there is nothing to make a hitch in his welcome?' It was a moment of grew. excite ment. Nellie flitted everywhere; Horace - lounged- about, assuming in difference; • Sate sat at the diawing room window, regretting her 'brigh bonnie Jack, who was so overworked be t!ould not get a holiday. Sudden ly, as .a cab stopped at the door, she sprang up and rang to the rest.- 'He has come! Uncle John has come!' she exclaimed. • I, 'Gracious 1 Why.- hu must have got .up at dawn !' ejaculated Mrs Grashaw. 'Where are Nell and Hor ace ?' A fluttering bevy they proceeded into the hall" to receive the lucky speculator... The page had already thrown wide the door, and coming up the step they saw a tall, thin, gray-haired man, with stooped shoul ders and a sad, careworn visage. 'Welcome to England Welcome home, John !' cried the. merchant, wringing hiS hands. 'Dear me, how' delighted I am ! I congratulate you, brother!' The : vreicoraes and 'congratulations were echoed all around. They cies tered abdrit him like bees round honey. Horace took his hat, Krite his walking-stick. 'Ab, George !' exclaimed • uncle John.rn a feeble voice, as he slightly waved his hands, 'let me sit down . somewhere. I have mutlfto tell you. 'Horace, fetch the wine; your un cle is fatigued after his journey. Nu; we will go into the dining-room at once,' remarked - Mrs. Grashaw 'Much to tell us t' 'laughed her husband. '1 should think so, Jcbn, after your long absence.' They had all got into the dining room': now. The softest chair was pushed forward , by Horace ; Bate gave a shake to the cushions ; Ellen brought a foot-stool. Uncle John dropped down wearily. -- 4 06, George I' be exclaimed, almost piteously, 'how can I tell you—how a hundred timei I have wished that I had never written you that letter— much has happened since then. -I am'—the gray headliropped on the withered .hands—{ruined Had the listeners suddenly been confronted by the face of Medusa, they could not have been more aghast —more silent. The) were horrifiel —paralyzed. The first thought - of Mr. Grashaw, indeed of all, was that they had been grossly •. 'What do you mean;. John?' de manded the . merchant 'That the speculation in which I foolishly invested my all, George, was but a bubble', It burst a week before I 'started for home. It has ruinlhundreds.' me I I wonder if he thinks this is his home .?' reflected the mer chanti.7-Vircumstances alter cages.' 'Whatever will Monibourne eay-Y'• thought the wife. 'We shall be a perfect laughing Stock. TO have a pauper instead of a millionaire on our hands • Rom* and Nano looked at each other helpleislv. Kate felt inclined to cry. Then she filled a glass witifwine and hand• edit to Uncle John. 'How very al= °ions that girl is!' thought ber_aunt. 'I always said yea were the idiot of the family,' John,' remarked the merchant, huffishly. 'There; we may, I suppose, have luncheon ! then you can tell us about it.' inquired Jack Wakefield, eagerly, on Kate waylaying him as he was creeping upstairs -to change his coat after returning ;rem the•of• flee; %as he . Come.?' 'Yee, Jack.; and, oh I' so toil- We! ri;lint.4ll4.htrie a . beg; „ _ _ irstb' - ' . 19111pilefliiO4,,Witibm•WO .;, l':::: . ,;.',.:,:- , : .. : ':;.: ::4 '..' - ' : ! - -:. :::::: 1 ,;, - . : ; i : .• , '"-", - -.; :. ' .. .: 17 ,j..;' : '-.L':::: , 3:;:774.;;;;::':-.::•1*:':,,, _.;....:'..i.:4''';71-:,-;',-V,snl:j.t.i-i-;',•••"?.:',';',:eii;',. -; 7,:; - .P.4 , -,;* , ..., 7- - t . .. , ... - :: - .: f:: - ,file ,- . 4,,,-- .Y. -- N - ,- , ,-:-:::. ,- ._:: , ..-: , ,,a, , .N-:-i,-Aff; ,- (,.. ,&.'.4..,V-I,'-'4,t.e.1;,:.44--,1.:-.,r,i-t",'iltz.o*-74,.,...a-i,...,...--,,, . . • _ IMARDlogali 01P,DIUMOIARION 124DX AZIT ENE lin 1, . f., , r:s - ~,v .f ..: ~;;;; •:,....,.,.-:..,-.:::: •,, • ~.. .-,r"- ( 4.....714.5:1, , ;5:: '.. 1 ." -- ', 7 , .:.7 I 1,,, ..f...•,17.:-.!....--,, , . ~ —,,...,-,, 7 7,,,. , 7 ..._.. ia,, c 1 , , '•-', • ri,- , r • ~__ - ' ',-... -,,' • -..-, -- 1 : ..,:.,—:' : , - • ' - -f,::.,2` . ~ •• - • MEM 'llietbble, , saya, and he hes been ru• ~, • - .roor old nixie John f'• exclaimed Jack, aympatiteticadly. - . • 'Yon - dear, ,dear„ .•-darling, boy cried Bate, throwing her arms about 'his neck ;. 'that's the•first kind word any one his - add of - him- here.- Oh I Jack— l Tack. .1 fear aunt -and uncle Grashaw will make a gnist difkience to him: it be could. money 'Whir - be virouldna v hs e his v h e el l pel Where ie he r And Jack, Ao longer thinking of his officecont, walked into the' draw inglVOllli and' Warmly igreeting the old man, temaxked, heartily.: 'Welcome hone, uncle John I Kate' has told me all. I'm sorry, 'pm my word - I am ; but never limind xis DESPETIANDUM,, you - - know --better luck next time.' . • 'Heaven bless you, my dear boy— thank, you rejoined uncle John, gratefully; tornlreagybe was awak ening to his position. And such a pleased, radiant expression came over his features, that,, like a flash, an idea sprang up in 'Mrs. fliashaw's hend.that uncle John was 'pretending poverty to test their affection.,- But her husband soon negatived that There was no .pretence; but hard, bona fide, implacable ruin. Monkbourne did laugh - and did sneer. That might have been some excuse for the Grashaws.; • but before a fortnight was over.. , uncle John found himself so much in the way that, hurt, pained, he announced his intention of leaving, and no one asked him loramain. • That evening, however; Jack came into his room on the third floor with Sate, and the two made a proposi tion. To let uncle John in his great trouble go and live alone was' more than terrible to these silly young people; it was impossible. -- Would uncle John like them to put all their tiny incomes together, arid take a little cot Age just onside the town and live in it ?- Kate would be the most economical of housekeepers. 'Unele John sat aghast. 'And you would do this for me, my, children ?' be exclaimed. 'You would give up your fine living and the fine guests here at. George's to—to—' 'Be quite as happy elsewhere,' laughed Bate, kissingi him. 'You musn't refuse, uncle ; I will not hear of it ! You eau's tell how merry we three people will be together!' don't doubt that in'my case, my love,' answered uncle John, ,h3toking into her bright face and reaping Jack's hand. - - . 'Then it's agreed, uncle P. remarked Jack. • • 'Heaven bless you, children, how can say no?' So it was settled. The Grashaws were at first,ind'gnalt,'but later re: joiced in the ground it gave them to break with their relations. especially with,those ungrateful Wakefields. But there they were wrong. Grat itude had been the cause. All the real. gifts and benefits Jack and Kate had received•frem any one had been from uncle John, who had never asked or wanted a return. In a fortnight the cottage Jack had had his eye on received its` . ten ants. .It was very small, but. very I pretty. rom.m.orning to night Kate flitted about it, seeing to this, the n . that, i venting nice little surprises:'-- into Lich uncle :John heartily en. ,tore, —for dear iOld Jack's dinner; tea,' as she. la 4ghingly termed it. - Sheno longer thong .t of turning her dresses so often , I nor 'sticking a new bow here and ;new bow , there,' but in her dark stntfdresses she looked happier, handsomer, than she ever -had at he Grashaws. 'lt's quite like setting up house keepingAr one's self!'' she laughed, merrily. - - The cottage wan isituated at the other side of the town to that where in wan - the - GraShawn,:house, ad Kate rarely met them; . bap, she .'heard of them and their doings from one or two of those mutual friends who, ad miring the part the brother. and sis ter had played, let up their ac quaintance. From one of these she learned how i Sir Hugh Stafford bad arrived at Beeeholm from his 'world wanderings, and had been feted ac cordingly by all the elite of, Monk bonrne, the _Grashaws among the number. 'There will be rare pullingcaps for the Baronet among the mothers with marriageable daughters!' laughed the old lady, Kate's inform ant ; and entre nous, my - dear, your - aunt,,Mrs. Grashaw, will not be behindhand P Kate, seated in the little parlor at work, found subjects for long trains of thought out orthis.. She wondered fl if N lie would win the Baronet ? Sh was pretty enough. Then would u t aunt hold her head high . ?'.° Her cogitations were arrested .by the sound of voices. 'Looking from the window, she saw that uncle John had halted at , the gate,' ,apparently to taku leave of a friend—a gentleman of about thirty, with a pleasant, in telligent lace,..but—such was Kate's mental remark-- mote manly than handsome. . *Uncle back and no tea l" - she ex claimed, springing' up. 'Time flies , when one is thinkingl Why, uncle is bringing bis friend in! If it's - to tea, he must just take what I have got!' • - Then the door opened,-and , uncle John entered with the , stranger, who Kate saw had exceedingly fine brown eyes. : 4 .51y darling, said uncle 'John bays met an old mind. Pardon me Jlt i, r put you out'at all, but } could. iot refram from iningiziglim home to introduce him to' my young hem. factors.' "5. • • •Beneraetors ! uncle JOhn:-."' Oh, pray, sir, do not , believe that,' smiled - Bate, blushing.' 'Ours is -rather a mutual 'aid society.' • 'I think I should like "to join it' Broiled thestrauger, and those brown eyes' dwelt very admiringly on :the young girPo. face.. 'May I ll' 'I fear it is impossible,' she rejoin ed. t We limited in 'number as in c.apital. Then she looked -at uncle John: ± • *:.!' ; - Pard Ut e t yout on t forgo tip -Introduotion. :My 14pa, Risk - BIM ERE _. ~=.:.,.-e:,..:•.-6-.,,,4:'frra.'_4'i,•.,_,:;.?.,•::?, ‘.- - tt • . HEM MEMO ' i ` ; MEM -i'l t `?'• EM== :a~,~~ ~.~:- EM ME MEE 'Whose plaCe would low long bare been filled by another,' said the Bar onet; bowing. Ant for your Miss Wakefield, who, 'while I was In Austridia . years ago,' saved my life, at the risk of hill n, from rascallybishmagcr.' , - ";'I. Dever knew then,' langbed uncle John, that the young red garibaldi attired digger was to blossom into an English, Baronet.)_ • 'Neither did I for a certain ; but next mail; my , cousin's _death reached me.' <: - 'You'll - stay - , Sir itigh, tar tea?' Kate had been overwhelmed upon hearing who was uncle John's friend. Now she felt. ready to sink on the floor at the -invitation _given; cape islly when - the Baronet accepted it. 'That is ' lie added, turning to' her, 'if Miss W'akefieldiwill not and me de trop; but will accept me as an hon. orary member of your 'society.' What was that in . his voice, his manner, that - put Kate at once at her ease, and made her : quite sincere in sayingi she would be delighted ? Whatever it was, she never , felt less nerv.ons in preparing tie evening meal, and never did it go off better. The conversation never nagged, and the'. Baronet seemed as he had known them for years. Then Jack came in, and the hours ilipped away, until nearly ten o'clock; when Sir Hugh took - his leave, asking Jack to walk part . - of the way with him to smoke a cigar, 2 When •Jaek returned be was radi ant. ;Sir Hugh bad found out how he had been stuiying, and how he had 'passed examinations with eclat, and had promised ,to procure him a place under Government. 'Oh, dear,' thoUght Kate, smiling, as she retired to rest. 'What would aunt Grashaw say ?'. What would she, and what did she, and ,what did all lionkbourne say, when it was known how constant' a guest Sir Hugh Stafford was atthe cottage ? Of course it was as apa troll i The Baronet was generous and pitied John—wanted to make him /a return for that Australian af fair.' But Kate,- though she called herself silly, foolish, vain, could, not help fancying that there was another reason for Sir. Hugh's coming t. and she was right. -One evening, when the Baronet had had them to dine at Beeeholm, and she had stepped 'on to the terrace, waiting for the gentle men to come from the - dining-room, he joined heralone. He was a man that a dinnevdress came. Kate thought it patticularly so this 'eve ping. - •Admiring the: view, 'Miss- Wake.- Held ?' hc-sketl. 'Yes; it is worthy admiration!' she sm iled. _'lt is beautiful!. How proud you. must be to say, 'Pm mon arch.of all I survey!"' Abruptly lie-had drawn nearer, her band was imprisoned in his ; . his brown eyes Were looking, it. seemed, into her very,soul, as he said: ;‘Miss Wakefield—Kate— I Have come to you here to ask you if`you . will share that pride.? -If you, whom so honor—you, the.. only woman I ever loved or can love—will be my Wife ?' . . Then she learned how this fancy had been won for the brothel and sister on learning uncle John's story of - his return home, how he had been curious to see them, and =how be had luvell Kate from the very evening that he did. 'You wilt not refuse me, dear. 2 1 he whispered, in conclusion. • She lifted her eyes to his, and, as he drew ber to his heart. ICAte, trem bling and happy, did not resist,. It, was a great surprise and disap pointment to most all Monkbourne, particularly to Mrs. Grasha,w, who, however, was condescending enough to . forgive Kate, and let Nellie act as chief bridesmaid. ' • -.Years have passed . ; children's happy voices make musical the ail; of Beeeholm; and, rise up to uncle - John's ears, oftea,summoning hjm to the_ window. He is still 'poor, ruined uncle John;' - but he doesn't feel so, for he declared that Sir laugh and Lady Stafford's behavior towards him makes him -experience a sensa tion, as if he were rather conferring a favOr than receiving one. Good Writers Who Write Badly. Among journalists and . "literary fellers," says , the Brooklyn Eagle; one is prepared to look for remarka bly illegible scrawls. That this is not always the case numerous autograps in our Collection prove. George . William Curtis' signature, although showing some signs of unusual care, is written in an easy running band, as, legible as print. , Whitelaw .Reid, although not, a fancy writer, evident ly gives his opmpositors no trouble. Admirers of Charles A. Dana would hardly imagine that his fine editorials are written in a small neat Land, and with a pen dipped in violet ink instead of gall. William Cullen Bry ant wrote.legibly ih an old,fashioned style, though rather nervously to ward the last. That A. Oakey Hall could write well, even under trying circumstances, appears. from a polite note, of his, dated about a week be fore he thought tit .to disappear sud denly from New York, some years ago. •Eli Perkins is a better penman than any one would believe upon his own unbacked assertion. Bob Bur dette• could, with • the necessary knowledge of mathematics, obtain a position, in any mercantile house bookkeeper. Longfellow wrote in a really beautiful Italian hand. and Whittier and Holmes rival him in their, own peculiar. styles. Murat Halstead is certainly the worst writer in the World, and the sight of what purportsto 'be hia signature would lead one to _doubt the truth of his whole paragraPh. • - • Answer This: • • - ' Clin ycni 1114 it me or Bright's7DiseaSe of the Kidneys, ,Diabstes,' Urinary or Li• ver Complaints that is curable, that flop Bitters ban not or cannotcure ? Ask your neighbors if they can: . EcoLurr that trideamikariOrfectiaa, and that perfeatke,tritle. Wow. 104 - 010!: 'Ws slips fttkr th- 61 1, 040 7, Oft_ MOP Watt* :41:L.r.:77 - =.l': , .Y:lk. , :='_,' , 'i! ,. ;tag n -~...~. ~~,