Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 18, 1882, Image 4

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    ,gartn end -fousithald.
The yellow orchard blossoms 1:1011 &QOM
The tall and stately oaks,
And from her nest 14 yonder pumpkin tree
- The tuneful crocus croaks.
The'coullnower slowly seeks Its gloomy cell,
The son's too warm for Win; . _
And purple daffodils, ale '
Hang from each burdened
The plumage cabbage pipes a merry lay
Beside the turtle dose;
The crow is srarhling In the turnip vine
His melodies of lone..
Oh, come, then. lady, come and stroil with me
Where streami of elder sow,
'Nesth the umbrageous sweet potato tree .._._
I'll whisper soil and low.
. „
Well talk of enall4gi. innd views and swine, .
And you shall Sharon part •
Of cocustlesi other itay-time joys that thrill
Tour farmer-lacer's heart.
Are Milking Qualities Inherited?
Editors Country Gentleman.—Mr.
T. Alex. Seth, in your issue of April
13, has an article on "Jersey Breed
ing and' Families." In which he
writes: "Thave frequently heard old
armers say that a la, ge milker never
transmitted her qualities to her
datighters." Please -permit me to
say to Mr. Seth, by way of backing
up ',Ad farmers," that I came to
Mississippi in June, 1 1838, visiting
the neighborhood of a:relative of my
wife, In' search -of a T home on Big
• Black. A little heifer was brought
up, with`a calf, and the attention of
the lather of my wife and of 'myself
was called to the little dun-colored
heifer.. The owner's wife declared
that she was not two years old. My
wife's father_, (Mr. *Montgomery)
bOught , the heifer. I had selected
a,place near by belonging to a • Mr.
McMorris, a bachelor broth& of the
-owner of the cow. ;Mr. Montgomery
presented to my wife that little dun
cow. She proved to be a very'su
, perior milket I have 'often sat by
and seen a large bucket filled
,at a
_ - milking. ; tbe milk
.bucket we used
was made from juniper, brass hoops,
and would hold, I suppoee, full four
quarts more than the "blue bucket".
—a 14-quart bucket—and_this from
only range feed • She was known
say from 1S:11 to 1536 as the best in
the vicinity. •
From yerq had six or seven hit
!-=, and they were taken care of and
proved. Although each succeeding
Calf proved no better than_ the first
or second, I still hoped to get one
good as "Ohl Dun." Ido
;leve i.ny three or her calves gave as
much as their dam, and I have said
that all were not worth as much•. as
.'My recordls as follows "The
• - best cow I ever owned died, ISth
'(I '4-13) ; cause unknown; Our
`Old Dun,' aged nearly 15 years."
Two or- three years after a Mr. Park
- man
_llll cow generally said to be
a "best cow." 1 bought her and had
.a quarrel, as after I bought, several
wanted her, and offered one-third
more, and I'arkman wanted the
extra money. I -refused to give
More than his own priCe. That cow
never pi•odueed a calf Vali' as good,
-• and 1:ot one worth. keeping.
Notes on Potato Culture.
The . small crop of potatoes last
year, and consequent high price, will'
induce the attempted culture of a
large area the coming season. Pro-
Vided judicious culture is practiced,
there is little to .fest of any repeti•
lion of the last season's experience.
In my experience and -observation
the potato crop - need not be serious
ly affected to the extent of last year,
IT unfavorable weather, provided
tight methods are pursued in culture.
Suitable soil must be giVen, which
must - be properly prepared by plow
ing,, fining end fertilizing. and the
potatoes must -be p'anted deep, and
"yen it they arc kept from weeds
tare is little da.•ger that a . good
crop will nut bc.. realized. Such at
least has been my experience.. The
greatest" drawback On suctess is the
Colorado potato beetle, but then one
cr two seasonable applications of
- Paris green will suffice to keep them
" in check so that little fear need. be
apprehended from th6ir, otherwise,
Deep.planting, obviates any neces
sity of making large or conical hills
about the potato plants, although I
like to raise the ground about them
a little, to allow better facilities for
the sun and air to act on the soi
By planting on fresh soil, and deep,
we obtain better - ' - q-nality, which last
is of - as great, or greater consider
ation than quantity, By planting on
new soil and not using rank ferment
ing manures in the; soil we usually
obtain a tuber which does not have
any strong of • objectionable taste.
:.. Good wood. ashes, potash, salt, lime
and several other kinds ofjertilizers
suit, the potato. Plaster of Paris
(gypsum) is one of the. best for ap
plication to the plants up to time of
blossoming; this tends to keep them
in iealth aside from other benefits
The high price will warrant extra
attention and care of the crop.—
: - Coyntry Gentleman. -
Evils of Paturing Meadows.
• Theepaq year has tested the argt,
ments for and against this practice
to the fullest degree, and from pres . -
.-It appearances the coming season
%-111 confirm the result of -past obser
`rations. which is that, during such
trying seasons as we have lately ex
perienced, the practice of paSturing
losely any land-:--meadows in par
t: -ular—is bad. I have closely oh.
served this method, and long since
become satisfied of its detrimental
effect, and firmly believe that the loss
much greater than the gain. When
•r, land was first slibdtied, the soil
was filled with roots and partially
decayed vegetable matter, and was
little injured by the treading of
Stock. Its virgin fertility enabled it
to withstand the constant drain upon
its resources. Now nearly all obit.
..soils are easily compacted, and great
ly damaged by the treading of stock
when wet, as they usually are in 'the.
. fall. Most of them need. all the
growth they -can get to maintain
fertility. During the freezing and
thawing early this *inter, meadows
which were eaten closely suffered
much more than those which retained.
a g ood second,growth, and according
to my experience. will yield from
one-third to one-Of less than those
which were not pistured.
It far better to pr ovide a soiling
crop for fall feed than to pasture
meadows. Many inside fences can
then be . dispensed, 'with ; in fact, on
many farms the land occupied by in
-0e fences, and the labor consumed
et building and - repairing them, will
produce more feed than is ever stolen
-from the meadowg., to say nothing pf
- the deluge done thn got4t‘
_,,.o7stmtPy ffontiontdti,
Fates Notes.
The nearer; a fattening animar ap
proaches maturity the_greater is the
proportion of fat in the gross in
crease obtained.
Cotswold - shcep have large, hand
some frames well covered with flesh, -
and, a great propensity to .fatten.
Thdir mutton is apt to be • 'rather
coarse grained.
• Putiour or five lisvl beans in .a
pot atil cover them an inch deep. 'lt
is real fun 'to see theft come up.
Take care of the plants and .sot thew
out without disturbing the roOts.
In England. the farmer examines
and -selects sheep that excel in pro
dueing mutton, white in America the
Deference is for sheep that' produce
the heaviest and best fleeces. -
Deeply rooted crops, as wheat, red
clover • and mange], are the best
fLted to resist drought; while shallow
rooted crops, as grass and torniPs,
are those that suffer most.from it.
Whatever he has done, or neglect do in the. past, the farmer who
has land whfch can properly_ be de
voted,to that purpose Ehduld :make
it a point this year to set a few fruit
trees. _.—
The pigs on the great cheddar
dairy farms in England are never .
fed on whey alone. It is thought
more profitable to hare a greater
number trian'the whey Will support
and then supplement by supplies of
other food. -
Horses are social animals, particu
larly so in•the case of young horses - .
They thrive best when-in the society
of others, hence the advantage of
pasturing several in one. field whc
The beef of Hereford cattle is pe
culiarly tender and fine grained. For
quantity as well as quality of •meat
they are not excelled._ The eapa.
bility of the breed as quick feeders
and economical producers of meat is
Corncobs are very Naluable,.es--
)eeially after they' are reduced to
asbes.•'They contain a great pro
portioii of• potash—ahout :25 per .et
and _the= ashes can be either used
for makin:cy, soap byleaching them: or
spread ou the soil. - Cobs furnish a
quick, hot fire.
Household Notes
CELERY Sour.—Make agood brofh
of a shank of. beef and • let- it stand
over night. Skim oil' all the rat and
thicken the Broth with a little flour
mixed with water Cut into small
pieces : add one large or two small
buncheS of celery.; and boil in the
soup until tender. Season with snit. and pepper. Ju . A before serving
add a cupful of rich cream.
Ettopti. TROUT.—They mast be split
up the belly ano cleaned. Wash and
drain ; then salt and dretlge with
flour. Some persons like half Indifoi
meal and flour or cracker crumbs in
which to roll them. For a dozer
good sized trout fry six slices of
good salt !pork ; when brown, take
ont the pork, and put in the tout.
Fry a nice brown on all sides, serve
the pork vvith them. In Caledonia - .
those famous trout are liked
best cooked as the angler cooks them
in the,simplest way—dredged with
flour, and fried in a pan containing
plenty or hot lard. Epicures
that no prpper and lit le salt, should
be used with game:fish.
Parboil some sweetbreads; allowing
eight medium-sized ones to a can of
mushrooms; cut the sweetbreads
about half an inch square, siew until
tender; slice the mushrooms and
stew in thelignor for one horn• thi;n
add to the sweetbreads a cOtTeecup
of cream, pepper and salt and a table
spoonful of butter.
SMALL BIRDS, RoAsrEn.—Clean by
washing quickly in one water a!ter
they have been drawn. Season with
salt and pepper. Out slices of salt
pork very : thin, alai, with small
skewers, fasten a slice around each
bird. lltm a long skewer throulto
the ne6ks of six Or eight, and rest it
on a shallow baking,-pan; put into a
hot oven, or before a but lire, and
cook twenty minutes. Serve on toast
When to Prune Trees.
There is nothing more deserving
of admiration' than a well-proportioil
ed tree.. When left to groW natural
trees usually assume an outline
that is pleasing, but when pruning is
. 'understood and applied the
general 'appear ince of trees can be
much improved. If pruning be judg
ed by what is seen around us. it
would he difficult to assert that it is
s'enerally beneficial; for too often it
has resulted in the permanent injury
of trees, and certainly to the dis
figurement of many streets in our
cities and villages, On a plane
where young trees have been recent
ly planted there is room. for the
primer'e skill. There are many
small fruit orchaMs in our town.
where pruning has been understood,
that contain pear and other trees,
models of symmetry. Pruning should
commence before a. tree is. plantelt
In digging trees there - are usually
some roots bklised, and, these roots
should be ptuned off; otherwise
fungus will attack the disease:; parts,
and fungus around the roots is the
mortal enemy of trees. If' the trees
being planted are fruit trees, such as
pears and plums, the branches will
generally need pruning ; and here at
the start is where '''the greate;ft
amount of know! dere is needed.
hard-boiled eggs, lay 'them into
water till quite cold, pUt the yolks,
into ti small bowl and mash therii'
tine, adding the yolks of • two raw
eggs, one teaspoonful of salt, one of
dry mustard and a little cayenne;
stir this well always one way.; when
well mixed; aid sweet oil, slowly
stirring all the time, until you have
used a third of a bottle ; then add
a large spoonful Of vinegar or lemon
juice: then more oil as before, usino:
in all two-thirds of a bottle ~ thuti
another spoonful of! vinegar. When
well mixed it must tr. light • and a
nice color. Set on the ice for two or
threehours Notllnore than twenty
minu es before using the - salad, mix
with the chicken which has been pre.
pared about half the dressing ; stir it
up well, and them pour on to the
meat one, wine-glass of b-st Vine!rar ;
stir this. up Well—it will. turn the
chieken very white; if it requires
;noi.e salt, add it now. 1 - lace the
chicken in.the centre of a flat dish
large enough to lay lettuce around
the meat; iwiPe the luttuce with a
napkin or 'soft clo,li as dry as you
can, and lay Around the meat ; then
with a spoon put the rest of the
dressing on the lettuce.
-1,3 enTrTN...—The SPRiNG 'Mint bewe
MONDAY, APRIL ard. lan. Expenses for
tenni, tuition and turrdsbed room; from 1112 to
11e0p r year. rer catalogue or turthar parties.
Mrs Idantse tbo
WOW% arN tilt. Flr4rnitAilr, As
- -, --- , g:Rov.v•- - 4T -~w,14cie...44z-r 7 - • ';- • '
. r.
-.- -5," 1 .r.:• - >"
• _; f.
• - •- •
; , , - • •
Disease is an clismi, not a ctris. itS origin In
within: its fusaltegations t:ittiunt • Hem*, to
cure the.dlsoase the Comae must !Pt removed. and
In no other way enu A cure ever—lus effected.
CURE 14 established on Just this pilnelple. It
realizes that
• 95 PCP cent,*
of all diseases arise !min deranged itiOneys end
liter, and it strikes at unite a , the root of the thin
cnity. The elements of which ft is cotnputted act
dipsetly imou these great organ's, both as a food
and 're:toper, unit by placing llustu in a !tenuity
condi:um, urice tliseiee nun p.tin train the system.
Far tie.. innumerable troubles caused by MI..
h eal thy Kidneys, I.iv.r attti trgans ; for
the lii:fireW•ttigllisortlers of Winn a; fur tialaria,
anti for plt,:deal derangements genet-at y.
great remedy has no equal. Itosare of ituflUstott,
I UlWtt 1 , • Itt: and conettel loss sat •to he just as gned„
For Diainies, ask' fur WARNER'S sIFE..OIAs
For by all dealers.
• 11. WAItNE'R
,c 0
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for till tlanme Pal,f t Comp canal Wenicraissea
iko eon:moat to our best ara,asta le yu puha lon.
It ,::Icere entirely the tro rt form or
nti erarlantrouMen,lnflonztGatinn end Accra
Con, I.r.l:;ng , mai Ill,plecententp, and the censeguent
and la particularly adapted to the
;it and expel turners from th.nterns fn
nu early Oar° of derel N 0..; . .1:1.1 cialcry to can
ro Us h unic,ratitere I e duo]: est Ye :K!!.!Csny 1,3" Its Vat).
It removes falnincs•, flatulency. d etrayet all erarlez;
for ritual:ants, eta relieves ❑ealcite., of the:stomach.
It cures Pirni ing, • Ilierions Prostration.
1.1 usertil Debil327„Sleeple=ttse, .Dtpre.tden and Lodi
pad: n.
. . ..
'fliat fecllng. of bea:ing darn, causing rEn, weight ~,
and bac . .:ackie, 1c always paritatacitt:y caret: byte u".".
:runt all time; and under all circata,tances act la
ha:altars' with tLe In %vs that rover!, lie femMo az-Et--in.
Mr the cui e of I:Mt:4 , y Conitii4r.iata of 'either sex Ulla
Comm-oind . „.
7.TDLI F— riNI;ItAm.9 yrcr,...vome COM
rOI.7ND is prepar.d at . 233 and 1%"...t0rri Avenice,
LYll3,:qas". nice Slz ;or scut
174 the form of pill", al , o in tbs. feral of lozenge", on
receipt of price, Ci rer hoz for eitlicr. Pintharrt
freely answers all letiorz of nquirr. Sen:l for pazukh....
lee: Addrocs as above. 2.roc::ea tills Paper.
No for:lily &Mull be wit hwe i,TI)IA L. rn - r:Tr.4
1`71.1..5. They cure ciaastipatipn, billousaere,
coa.l . tub fr:icy of the Ilrer. ernt.cor tor.
L ; Sold 1y i:11
- 2 ' 7trv. ~,„,,,...7 FOR MAN AR BEAST." I
- - i ,
,• t.
-, 4:t.tter • THE BEST
..s. 4,...., EXTERNAL
'''''* 47:11 Ell i jsE DY i
-. —FOR-- g
• ' - ITI
•4 i==3 -k-•&• 4k- '. • -
- v i I W2nl NEURALGIA
' inspiiio - . prip iik ppoo, :.
• ' . 'tt.lllo . l ll - 09 ',.
EiZiEs§ 4..
i . ' . -.. Sprains, Bruises, ':'--
' eip72.4
Burns and. Scalcid, j.:,.;,'
k tr-mgri- 2 Sciatica, Backache, =
. I c
. . ' Frosted Feet and
i • Ears, and all otheri.
f. 4
l' • .: ' 'Pains arta .4cliei ...,:
~,. • It is a sure iterelod:
i .„ Galls, Strains, Sept:hos,
- 1.- . "4
sor , a to on • '.
T' ,--.. r , - , ~ T
i ~,,,,,,,,Ac ii oEI SES.- 4
One trial will - prove its
merits. Its effects are
1 7
.1 FiSTANTAri COUS.' ,
SC' e. -a.....•4_, Eery hoof , ! warranted, to
glre sail .-..,( .•
gt4(11,•953 far p;
Price 4.:5 e! , .. D11(1 50 rte. per
4 " -- bottle. ::-Lad everywhere.
Eig4 l Itezry, Joluasna L' Lehi, Troprlctors,
Burlington, Vt. 1
A Never-Failing cure for Burns,
Sc this, Bruises, Cut's, Sores, etc.
forty ye:trs or trial, Perry
Davis' Pain hiller stands '
It is sate! It acts.iniluediately: It, •
novel. rails!
Edits; of 1713 John (•I. L.) Poeta, rays: ;
l'..:•••,11 oundi.ncla s, E..l•res. etc.,
It Is 11m r - ...lm•dy irc brow of.
y•iillc4 a Lottle of It
l•r t • 5. a. hour.
From Clactl.lati Dispatch:
• 1...• s tivets, and knov,
From I. S. _'star, U. S. Cozmul• at Crefele,
11.1ricaili Pans:do.:
^tier lxi.; ye '.rs r f us. , , lam Fath• - tled !t •
1 - 41) rs a. healing' rgutlly
I .;• , ;:gI U 131 - 1115 iad
W. W. Eilarrnr,o.ol.l:l, Ca.. rays:
111,1 a 11 'll I T nit 1 , b and burns.
From P... W. Adar. , ..S,
It 11:11.\,/ lmaitui:te r,
E.. /AWL'S Flll.. :
In fort .• y , :ars'n'.r.. , It P , v. , r has f allcd lap.
W. W. Imm, - Iticholvills, IT. •
• I IL::: 3.:ur LL I!: r (411PI:tiV. It
re;ierc.i paluandsorcusba.:4l:;l I‘at.ll6lll - Ids
ilkc. ni.;
J. W. Dee says: .
For s.•••„:1d...; and burnsit has no fqual.
P1:1:IIV :DAVIS' 7."AIN 1 - is not
a nen' un:rietl remedy. I , or forty ,years
it has bora inconstant use; and those Isito
have te,e<l it the longest • r 1/t
Its s'neces4lllr7lffiet bet-2z,,.r. of its Merit.
‘ - lnee the rain Killer was t' int red Lard.
!+q❑•!rrt < of ruso- turdl vines have 63111 C and
gone, Avi:ile to-.1.1v Chits ioetlicine is more A
e.Xten.iti viy 145 vii tail puere Itit.;tif:,- valued tt
..t Every family stioul4 have 0
la bottle r y'r. , 7:ifor ty , :, Mach pain:tau I‘Cary
tloetors' tre!Fr ±•-f• ,c4rci by pre 3 l i pt
application of the
even in Lanik ' t •
of a child. I: t ry it Olive It
prove its value, . Your I bse it
and (41.00 per bottle.
PERRY DAVIS & Proor'ctar^,
- Letters of adminJstratinii • having been
granted, to :be under-4;4rd ilium the estate of
warren tiser. late of itonia township. deceased,
make. Is 4 + - 'lo.y givAn that all p. rsOus Indebted to
the' said. estaie are requested to make Immediate
pay:liens, and at per cons bating claims against
all 4411.1 e me.t preoint the F:11110 1 11113 ' autheuti•
eated At the u n der , g eA Ml' .erti..tiwnt.
A. LAlAKEll,.Athnl,lstrator.•
7.•t{fq.KouNlintnbtration h sr log been rant
ed to the nodee.tgoett, npott• the e<tate of . Dude)
II: (Inborn. rate of Wan ett !tsp.. deed, netiee la
herenrgiven ih4t p-r.o inde. red to the said
estate are requststed to make Immediate rayment,
and all h-ts , las hating 'etalras agaltpt eatd,estate
tr}ust On-stn the same dnty •,..itheutt(atetnt the
undtimiginl Iss settlement,
/I UM ;.? 1 , 0 pu
~~' _~'-
nPa th•r enre
_ . a~~' -r
f - PsOWirs
180 - #:.;
cure dy. e. sperZ .. esitlnins, suds
ria. kidney sr liver ecanplsdin,
and other %gusting diseases.
_ ,
enriches the blood and purifies the
system; cures weakness, lack of
energy, etc. Try a bottle. _
, •
is the only Iron preparation that
does not !color the teeth, and will not
cause, headache or constipation, as
other Iron preparations will.
Ladies and all sufferers from nen
ralgia, hysteria, and kindred com
plaints, will find it without an equal.
G. H. WOOD & CO,
Are now WELL ESTA BLUM ED in their NEW
GALLERY, arid are teak leg all kinds of PHOTO
GRAPHS nod TINTYPES. ,They are introducing
a new style of Photographs. called MINETTS,
which thyy make for ai.CS PER ,DOZEN. They
make 4 TINTYPES, Card Size, for SO cents-4 at
one sitting. Thty also make a epectalty in copying, -
having arrumher of - agents canvassing for them.
4ilve us a call, and bee a °tit and prices, at
Towanda, Pa., Dee.BBl. .
R es E
5 alllabeled.,:arAtirnEtoical traca P ft ti P !r n %e l T .
12 AT $2. IC ft fa. ! lined safely by mai/
20 " 4• 33 5. pcztvisidtoinpoilas
73 " 10• 100 " 13•
inc. 4 Ri.e g than m hments Drew, sea we
the only yoncern making a spwitA Bolder
of u l i V43, g sr Lance l l l:uses for dam
l es the Rose,to ppwl e ast r Ogiisfeeitr,,ll FREE
ACENTS Sl5 T 7840 PER.
We have stores In 15 leading Cities,
from which our agents obtain their supplies quick");
Our Factories and Principal Offices are at
Erie. Pa. Soul for our New Quahogs° and
terms to agents Address
31 _
Hay, Straw and Grain
For • which. we will pay the HIGHEST
MARKET PRICE; delivered here
or at points on L. V. R. R.
Hiving four of Dedrick's Perpetual Presses,
with a capacity h.r baling 50 tons per day, we are
enabled to receive largequantitiesof hay and straw
at many of- the principal shipping points of this
and adjoining counties. We are also agents for
the improved Bale Ties..
Ifira noar rqtnh k-Vre.ov4l newlo.lll
Stevens- & Long
Have on hand a LARGE STUCK of
SEED selected from the best New
Crops and warranted true to name.
- They have also a full stock of GAR
DEN SEEDS in bulk and package;
selected from the Crop of 1881 ; to-
gcther with a complete assortment of
all goods in their line,—all of which
'aro offered at the LOWEST MARK-
ET PRICES, and warranted to give
Tho undersigned haying purchased the MAR
RLe. YARD id the late OKOP.GE MeCA BE, de
sires to inform the public that aaelng employed
experienced Men.• he is prepared to 49all , kindao
work in the
lotto very beat manner and it lowest Wis.
.Itblio*Oileetring sorbing In the Marble line are
torobpOndereptitio work, awl agobte
liitilitat V I " livirta
- -
".:* ( - 11 1
77. t he 1:
e 0:m billl 'i s
the west modetik -
81500 paper eau beeped, toads at
bogie -Toriilog for E. G. Hideout., it Co.,
10 Barclay Street, New York. ' Send for
their eatalogneend fall partilmhus. .1 yr.
TnintitATloN of gbean :Patrick, dress.
ing for s party- 7 4 '11es*, now, and I
shan't be able to elt on these - baits till
I've worn Omni a toltne or two." •
Do not allow , skepticism to -overrule
your better judgment when an. article of
true Merit is placed before you. If you
are dyspeptic or your kidneys and liver
are affected, delay no longer; procure a
bottle of Swedish Bitters, the infallible
remedy. It will do more' for your ease
thin we can say about it. See advertise.
went and testimonial in this paper.
Brrres "I ten you r gentlemen, that
dog ft,' mine is an intelligent critter."
"Possibly," muttered Fogg; "but you
wouldn't think it, judging from the com
pel* he keeps." • t
Rip Van Winkle slept a good while,
yet had his sleep occurred about fifty
years ago, when-Downs' Elixir first at
tained its reputation, on awaking 'he
would have been able, to rear - olze this
friend of the afflicted, and might have
taken another - twenty years' - nap, and
.waked up to find Downs' Elixir at the
eud of half a century the most popular
and the best Cough Remedy known. Also
Baxter's Bitters for Bilious ,Cliseasis, not
so old, but good. •
How to quiet a mule : Arkansas has a
mule that Will stoplticking if the Lord's
Prayer is recited to' him. It so amazes
him to bear an Arkansas man pray that
he - forgets all about kicking. •
An kidney and urinary complaints, es
peeially- - Bright's Disease, Diabetes and
liver; troubles,: Hop Bitters will surely
and lastingly cure. Cases exactly like
your own have been cored in . your own
neighborhood, and you can find reliable
proof at home of what Hop Bitters has
and can . do.
PREFERENCE : " What part," asked a
Sunday:school teacher, "•of the burial of
Sir John Moore do you . like
,b6st?" The
boy was thoughtful • for a moment and
then replied : " Few and short were 'the
prayers we said." _ •
Liver, Kidney and Bright• Diseine.
A Mediane that destroys the germ or
cause of Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Kid
ney and Lives Complaints, and has power
to toot them out of the system, is above
all pride. Such a mediciae is Hop -Bit
ters, and .positive pr..lof of this can be
found by one trial, or by asking your
neighbors, who have been cared by it.
SAD : Brown—" 81 old Tighttist is very
sick? Have they given up all hope?"
Fogg—" Yes, all hope.". Brown—" Very
sad, islet it ?" Fogg—.•' . Very sad. They
did - have strong hopes until yesterday,
but now they fear he is going to g,etwell."
In a recent call upon Mr. W. 11. McAl
lister, 206 Front street, general agent for
the sale of the Star Chewing TobacCo, he
thus spoke to one of our -reporters :
was tortured with pain from acute rheu
matism, and'cired not whether I lived ;or
died. I trie 1 St. Jacobs Oil —just two ap
plications of which:entirely cured me."—
San FraneiscojCal.) Call.
Angle ..& Hollister.
cover Dr. Pratts office,)
Dr. Angle having returned from the West, has
formed a partner•hip.wlth Dr. Hollister In order to
meet the•requlrementa of their growing practice:
Special &Mention la given to the
Preservation and Treatment of the
Filling, Extracting, and the Correc
tion of Irregularities
Executed in a careful and gentle manner. ,
Cas, Ether, or Chloroform Admin
Inserted on Gold, Silver, Aluminum; Rubher, Cel
luloid and Continuous Gum, and guranteed.
All the latest Electrical and otner improved In
struments, which facilitate operations and render
them less tedious to the patients are employed.
Especial pains is taken with nervous and de•licate
patients. ALL mums REASONABLE. •
E. H. ANGLE, D. D. S .,
Towanda, Pa., Dec. 22. MI.
Elmira, N. Y. April 20, 82.3m05.
LORD CLYDE will mate the'
season of 1882 at the farmer the
subset iber, me mile west of the
4 village of East 8 ithileld. Both
• Sire and Dam imported. Itte - 41
by Wm. Cosier, Northport, Long
- = Island. As we give the breeders
name and address In foil we can assure patrons
that we are- not offering the services of a grade
horse.. Tausis,llBs., wt. A. WOOD.
East Smithfield Pa., April 5, 1882. '
Will make season of 184 at his owners stable in
Granville. Bradford County, Ps., except Satur
days, when he will be at Troy. is known as one
of the best general-purpose hor es to the country.
:as be and his colts were awarded ten first prank'.
ums at the last County Fairs. For particulars
• 27april2. • - West Burlington, Pa.
The celebrated NORMAN STALLION—eire and
dam imported,. weight LAO Ms., iron gray, nine
years old and pertect In form—will mate the sea.
son of 1882 at his owner's stable, two mils north
from Wyalusing. Money due April let. 1888.
0. W. GOODELL. .
Wyaluslng t Ea., May it, 1887.4 m•.
Will make the reason of 1882 at his owner's stable
In Milan, Bradford County, t'a. TBBMS—
" 4 1 15 to lumre mare to foal; Maar
epee money due April 1, 1882.
At s test at the quallUes of heavy horses, made
in New Yes* City in August, 1881, by request of
the Western breeders, before the following named
committee, the Norman-french horse far excelled
the Clydesdale or any other large horse on account
of feet, action, Yodurance, ease of keeping, Ike..
and bring In the market from $5O to .100 more
than the Clyde ; farmers were advised to breed
nothing Mit Nornsams: Signed—J. D. Dahlman,
A. M. Stien. New fork City; EL Newman, V.
Richards. Rronelyn, N. - T.; T. J. Berry, J.,D,
Decker, M. Newgass and Jos. Lamb, Chicago, 111.
AM BETTA " Is a dapple gray. $ year* old,
16 bands high, and weighs 1450 pounds, with fill*
style and action. Rh Colts are in good demand at
big prices. Bela own dby
Sumsr-mr. B. S. EDMISTON.. Milan. Pa.
Stepho - L Doughm."
• This celebrated sTALLTos, formerly
kept in gradient County, Is bark main and will
.matt tge season at. MS Criraerestable a; Itennisid
NOLL 01111011111011 t
Seimlble Advice.
A Long Snooze.
Fear Rot
Its Star Still Ascending.
Tiro bnertisement.
Country girders .Promptly
Attended to. -
Neuralgia, Scia6cad.lisn6age,
Backache, Soreness of the -Chest, .
Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, thrall
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scald:, General Bodily •
Tooth, Ear and Headache,Frostod
Feet and Ears, and a ll
•Pains and Aches.- -
.4 %!Z e r s ure t" equal. ' " t i n s =
Item y A tig en but the comparatively
trifling outlay of SO Cents. and every one suffering
.rite pain am have cheap and positive proof of its
Directions In Eleven Language&
Raltiessera,lll/1.. 17:A. .t.
[OPMCDVY II q:'''i i;lificko
[Pitting of SMALL
RelALLreo -
Ulcers purified and
Gangrene prevented
and eared.
lAvsentery cured.
Woundshealed rapid
sei6swey cured in a
short time.
'retter dried up,
it la perfectl y harm-
For Sore Throat it
• Is a ante curl,
- ! I
ressltaxion destroyed.
Sick Rooms, purified
said [wide pleipant.
Fevered and Nlek
Persons relieved
and refreshed by bath
tuff with Prophylactic
Fluid added to the
soft White "Com.
plotions securnd
Ills able in bathing
Impure Mr made
harmless and purillyd
by sprlii , ling Darby's
Fluid %bout.
To Purify the
Breath. Cleans-
the Teeth, it can
Cwta'rh relieved aid
Cholera dissipated.
Ship Fever prevent.
ed by Its UtW.. .
•In eases of death in the
house,it Should always
he_ used about the
• corpse—itwill prevent
any unpleasant smell.
Au ,smitil lot, for AM
mat or Vegetable Poi
sons, Stings, Etc.
Dangerous ettluvias of
I.lek moms and hospit
als removed bY Its use.
Yellow Fever
Erad l leatOd.
' _ 1
,lEl'Yollpeinis cured. ;
norms relieved lu
Scars prevented.
Rernovste all iinplimsan
In fact It le the great
nt P u rifie r.
raisin fe • . a
MiMufacturhig Chemists, SOLE PROPHIETOBS.
rebrunry 2d, 1882. t •
Tested.,and FoindWorthy'
order to bring more fully.before the notice of
the peoplethe value of a true and tried remedy, we
hereby g ve the , following reliable testimonial from
one or the many Who have - been cured., and whose
reputation.tOr veracity cannot be questioned :
WOODBURY. N. J., Varch 20,1881
Sulizoisrt EitrEmt Co.— Gentlemen : I have
suffered with dyspvsla and Its horrible effects for
many years.: Have spent hundred* of dollars with
physicians and in patent medicines, with no avail.
I hay. been unable to eat meats of any kind, and
could not retain water on my stomach, and was
unable to sleep at night,- was Induced to procure
and try a bottle of, Bitters, and can
conscientiously say Its use was followed by beneti.
clal results. I. can now sitldown and enjoy a hearty
meal of meat* and vegetables of any kind and have
gained sixteen pounds In three weeks,and can cot.
dially recommend It to others.
'ours respectfully,'
Prop rietorof Woodbury City coach Line, Prehil
Livery and Accommodation Stables,
The above statement can be relied on. •
• Ex-Alayor of the City of Woodbury. N.
4 Pk. LI PET( M E t-,1.
011001101 3 10 1 Ca l k .
CHICAGO ILL -9-=----, - k
fe.../C). 'ORANGE MASS... r•
Stove and Nut, per . ton,
Until further'notice we will deliv
er Stove and Nut sizes of
at 25. Cents Advance over. Yard
Small Nut to 'remain the same as
itati;S:sl4 Q
gsaf ,
Now KM*. $ l4 Oitifica STORE
yip* DILL C. roarmis Hilite arrow%
!Isla greet; will silo:vista* 44 i _-
GfrIZ003111 : Z•IIIIS
Ye. Baihai Aitoyustirtimuc ON . naiDez
STRZZT.I_ - L. fieboooonr is desk. Tb. two
stores are aboaerami by Telephone. Mr. Hem eau
Dow Link aidialled chat eau Stn rite
•- _ -
expeee =Mee . Ida to select the beat
roods.malaage` a) toll eta LOW,PIRICI.
Too eau gain yoa
• .
_goods delivered to the Borough • ITIZZ.
IrAllleZgli will do Well to call watt their? rod a)
sod get THZ CAbU. Towne/de, 'Sayan.
- Has removed to
. • making It hls
Towandi, Apiil 5.,1,83001.
i=ii vAI r .f- - F;'V #D).kirl
General Dealers in
COUNTRY PRODUCE, :al ;A :46 (qv, N i
(The old stand of Fox, Stevens t Motor.)
They Write attention to their complete assortment
and very large stock of Choice Sew Goods
which they have always on hand.
And Casts paid for desirable kinds.
Towanda; Apr! 1 1879.
—Dealer in—
Choice Groceries,
Provisions, Hardware, Tinware,
Woodenware, Heady Hada
Clothing, Hata, Caps,
- Choice Confeet- _
inuerv; ate.
(Country. Produce talcen,.for which the
Hlbhest Market Prices will be paid.)
alwayi On hand.
Perfect Satisfaction Guaranteed. It
will pay you to give me a call. '
Wellsburg., April 20. 82-Imers
Would vespectfullyannouncetbat ha is continuin the g
Market husineu at the old stand of Maock A
Randall, and will at all times keep a full supply of
:FRESH - •
Cosuitantly on band. Country dealeri supplied at
city rates.
FRUITS, acc:'
ITT All Goods delivered Free of Charge.
Towanda, Pa. N0v.27, 1679.
- • • C. M 7 MYE R,
Located in
Keep on band,
air AUgoadadkivered tree or charge •
_ C. W.
tmemplee. Pe._ wo, lA, net
Oe Rewarded
$3 So
Story of the Soting Machine.
2 00
- - _
A handsome little psunpblet, blue• and
rid cover, with nutheions egirra' viati, will be
To any adult pert= Wittig for It, at and - !mei,
or subarea of the elniter llisuafaeturlog Comps.
ay, or grill be sent, pan paid, A* any person living
at, a Came. trim oar once,.
YAft i t_
Ammtlie -Appntlmmit.
Theo vaidoro of forefign . - ad dot:oaths
noivaamumoaataarim d ittirwers, brokers, user.
Minna &alum persons keeping billiard tables. sad
irandere of potent - medicines. INSICTIUM in Brad
-ford County, will.tote ntdice Cum Meyers appals.
od mid Messed by 'be undersigned, Appeaser not
Illseitvaatils led Inter license owes for toe year
1512, as fellow, to wit I
. .
LIM of wandOril of foreign and dOlnestie bier.
,• • in tile 430anty Of Bradford for ISO: .
• Masa Tax
Aglaia TOWllllldieorge 70x - 'l4- ' 700
• 11. Moody
sithenalVenship-P. Z. Weller • 14i- 700
W. P...lfiltuandorf 14 - 7 00
-,t B,H Pat. lb • 14 TOO
• Z Bradley 114 CO. 14 700
M. L. Lynch • . 14 700
W. H. Bode 14 700
• • Thos. Bmulls It CO. 14 700
_ ,• _ .- - Mrs. Z. Bidleman 14 IT 00
Alban. 301.110... D. C. Gray 13 10 00
.1 J. 8. Williston ken. 14 700
... N. Knasbrongh • 14 7 00-
Prank Doutches 34 700
__. .
• Wm. Wagner, agent 14 700
Prank Genblies . 14 '7 00
- • If. L. Drake. agent 14 700
• • N. J. Knaresboro - 14 7 00
. D.P. Park • 10 20 00
11..1. Creoles . 13 -10 00
. Pinch & Leonard 13 10 00
1 •• .; ' • John Peterson - 14 7 00 .
F Z. Walker -- 14' ' 700
• 'T. Mufica ' 14 ' " 700.
. J. Pater ; -14 700
'Wolcott *Gobi 14 • 700
0. L. - Full. r • , 14 - 700
N. P; Chaffee. 14 700.
. . • - Mlteh..ll Bros. • 13 10 00
• " • ' G. T. Zreanbraok , 14 700
• P. L. Kloner 13 -10 00
' I -•' Fitch & Kinney - . z , 11 15 00
- , WT. Page : 13 , 10 to
. . f
. _ J o seph Hines 'l4 700
E. N.,Frost & Son 14 7:00
A. Franenthal 'l3 10 00
- - , Loewas & Frelmuth 14 700
Hall & Lyon , - 14 - 700
• 41. II: Stinson 13 10 00
B. L. Baldwin • • 14 ..7'oo
-J. W. Carroll • • 13 10 00
""Easterbrooks & King 14 700
Frank YanLoan ,14 700
Alba Borough -O.P. Young 'l4 700
431 H Webb .-14 7 00
• Jobn•lrvin 14 7 00
Albany Township-S. M. White 14 - 700
• . .1. T. Rested 14 ' 700
Burlington West-A: C. Blackwell 14 -- 700
Burlington Borough-W. H, D. Green 14 • 1
7 00
John R. MrKeeby •14 ; 7 : 0
Win. D. Blackwell • 14 7OO
Barclay 'Township -B. F. Myer . 14 1 , 700
W. J. Thompson it Co. 3
. 100 00
• R. A. Abbott 8 30 00
' ' • P. T. Lynch ' - 'l4 •7 00
Macfarlane it Sons .11 15 00'
Columbia Township-J. Ryan •14 ' 7 00
• C. IL Gernert . 14 700
- ; ' C. 0. McClelland •14 700
4. 1 Furman & Hibbard • 'lB 10.00
*. Wm. Benson 14 700
; • J. H. Strong ' 14 700
Contest Township-Beardsley & Cowell 13 10 00
H•., 0. Holcomb 1,4 7 00
..„ Vermilyaolk 'Sons 14 700
J.. 11. Wright ' 13 10 00
Canton Borough-M. C. Preston .., 14,' 700
..- ,W. H. Clayton 14 700
• 13. U.:Estelle
.. 13 ' 10 00
• -
L. , Yachsberg - 14 700
• T.. &M. W. Pierce l3 10 00
Mix J) Whitman 14 700
Grilfin & Bacon 11 15 00
Louis Moran 114 - . 7 00
W. Owens 13 10 00
C. Taber 14 700
C. E. Jennings - • 14 700
James Kenny .14 700
Coe & Fairies - :3 10 40
• C. A. Kelso . • 14 . 7 00
Stone & lffrise -14 700
- Kilmer & Moody 13 10 00
B. S. Dartt 12 12 50
' W. 8. Cranmer. 14 7 00
C. W. Beardsley . 14- 700
M. 31. Trout 14 .7 00
Lyon & Selden " 14 700
James Tripp .. 14 .7 00
G. M. Coon . 14 7 00
-G. L. Morgan 'l4 .. 700
G. H. "White II 700
Clark & Wbittnan H 700
. •, ; Crlppen & Bros. 13 10 00
- • Burt, Thomas & Co. 1020,00
, 'P. J. Strait • 14_ = -_
7 00
• J. Fennell & Son. 14 7 oil
Franklin Township--C A. Child 14 7. 0 u
, IJ. D..& N. C. McKean 14 • 'T oo
.'''W. F. Strand 14 - 7 00
, .
Granville Township-C. McLachlan 14 700
Taylor & Manley -.. 14 7. 00
• .Isaac Bash 14 700
8. Putman, agent ,14 700
... Porter Bros. . 14 7 00'
.: S. T. Riggs 14 700
Baxter., Phillips i Co. 14 700
Herrick 'rownship-J. J. Anderson •14 700
D. W. Titus . 14 700
Litchfield TownshiA. B. Armstrong 14 7 Oft
• Leßoy Township-8.8.
-8. Tears - 14 700
Hugh M. Holcomb 14 700
• IL A. Holcomb • 14' 7 . 00
Leßaysville Borough--G. W. Bailey 13 10 03
J. W. Carroll . 14 7. 00
F. D. Robbins 14 700
D. G. Bailey - 14 .7 00
- T. H. Boiworth 14 ' 700
P. C. VtinGelder, 14 700
. . ; J. H-Denton ••• _ 14 700
.1 Bosworth & Lyon 13: 10 00
Gorham ,& Coleman 13 10 00
L. L. Bosworth 14 7co
• Carl & Pierce •, 14 700
L. P. Backman •14 700
A. S Baldwin & Co. 14 700
Monroe Township-J. W. Irvine . 13 10 00
J. 8. Harrington 14 7OD
Proctor & Mil .12 12.50
Monroe Borough-11.'0. Tracy - 14 700
0 F. Mittens -- :14 700
A. L. Cranmer 14 700
E. F. Fowler • 13 10'00
Ingham &Griggs 14 700
I). M. Mumma 147 00
•L. G. Holton •14 "7 00
I Summers & Walker 13 10 00
• D. J: Sweet 14 700
D. J. Street & Co. 14' 700
New Albany Borough -S. D. Sterigere 12 12 So
•F. P. Corcoran ,13 10 00
'C. Tubach 14 700
-4 • . J. G. Sax - 44 -7 00
Orwell Township-B. J. Ridgeway - 'l4 7coo
-I ' Case & Cowles . 12 12._51)
-4, " '' • J. P. Cohorts • 13 10,00
• -
G: G. Corbin - , 14 T. oo
. . C. 31. VauWinkle 14 7100
W. A. Sibley • 14 7..00
' ' G.. 7. Niirton 14 700
Overton Township-P. H ickmer 14 7 '
, F. Osthans & Ce. 12 12 50
Pike Toinship-11. A. Ross & Co. , ; 13 1 ,, 00
W.C. &A. B. Burrows 13 10 00
, .
A. G. Stevens ,• ' .14' 700
31. Thorns - 14 700
Rome Township-E..L. Lent ' 14 7 04)
Rome Borough-C. C. Stewart , l4 - 7 op'
John Whitaker 14 . 700
George Nichols 14'. .7 00
31.; L. Maynard , 14 • 700
' Kinney & Towner . 14 700
. • . • Wm. Rico 14 700
, litowLlog & 314mi1l 14' .7 00
Ridgbury Townsblp--H. C. Evans 13 •10 00
Ciali , lg & TOttoo •'' 13 10 00
• . C. Rbinson 10 00
Standing Stone To J
wnship o -F E. Rush 14 - 700
Bostwick & Bros 'll 700
Shethequin Tofinshlp--J. C. Childs 14 700
._ . , Orsboro & Bros. 14 ;7 00
81/11/&fiettiTOW2ls&lll.-D: IL Ford •14 7 0..
•-. ' Berman & Allen 13 10 00
W. E. Voorites; 'l2 12 50
--- • C.-B. *Riggs - /4 7 oft
8. W. Yontx • '44 • 700
J. 41. Phillips 14 700
, D. G. Pholps . 14 700
: .A. E. Childs ' 14 7Ou
. ,
E.• S. Tracy & Co. 13 10 OD
Town B. V. Nichols 14 7Ou
Springlitlid ship-R: B. Gleason 14 7 Cf.
F. A. Mattocks • 14 - 700
:-; W. T. Daly - 14 7IX
South Creek Township-H. E. Chase 14 -7 00
. .
W. 0. Pitt 14 • .7 04.:
John .Gordon • 13 10 Of
' . -• • G. W. Strong • 14 7.00
Troy Borough.-.J. at Pierce I Son' 14 700
B. O. 311chell 13 10 oft
Bliss, Wilions & Co. 11 .:- 15 00
Gernert & McCollom 13 . 10 00
_ . .
E. J. Lee - .'' 14 700
. If. Wolfe 14 700
Beardsley & Spaulding li . 15 00
D. Mitchell r 14 700
Hobart & Porter 14 700
J • Joraleman I . 14 7 0
- Hickok & Peck 14 700
• - •
' tre. E. Spaulding ... 14 700
C. FL Card & Co. 14 7 4'o
Enterprise Mfg. Co: 14 7I t
- Webster & Booth - la 10 Ot
L. H. Other 14 . 7 04
Newberry. Peck & C 0. 1 .1 ,%•. 15 oft
..__ Redington & Leonard 8 30 0.
, - Mrs.)... L. C. Belles 14 704
DobbinaJohnson & C 0.12 12 5.
, , E. S. Jewell "13 lo oft
Stewart & Bros. 14 . 704
Dewitt & Ballard • 14 7ei
G. Brae ley • 14 7.01, C. N. Grohs 14" 701.
- Dewey & Co. • .14 7'00•
. 1 F. H. Huffman ' 14 700
• J. II) Baldwin 14, 7 00-
- John Grant " 14 7.00
' Frank Green 14 700
Parsons & Stryker .13 10 00
Troy Toirnship-J. 11 Dexter 14 700
Sadler & Bali, ' 11 •7 00
•1 1 AJ. Horton- ' . •14 -7 00
TentTOOnship-W. &J. B. Horton 14 '7 04
• . F. N. Dionent _ 14- 7 Oft
• t/
JP. Horton ' 14 • - 7 On
- ' W. C. Schulze • ''• 14 -7 of
Townshipa. J. Slivara •• 14 700
towandellorOugb-1). M. Clark' -
.14 7 00
, I , • : C. B. Porter : , -13 •10 00
, • ! _ Mrs. E. .1. Mangos 14 •7 of
!'. -- Clinton S. pitch - 13 ' 10 . 00
-W. A. Chamberlin 13 10 00
'1 B. P. Whliomb . 13'. 10 00'
.. H. T. C. o , agent 14 7 00 ?-• E. F. Ditt ich • 12 12 5-
i• . W. G. Tracy - 12' 12 50
. C Holmes & Passage -12 12 54
• , E. D. Brandon • 14 - 700
~..-' J. F. Corser. , ' 11 15 00
Ackley & Dean Mt • 14) -00
• C. P. Welles -- .12', 12 50
.• • - R.. 31. Welles_ 14 700
~ • , T. R. Jordan 12. 12 50
8. L. &8. 11.-11. Co. 11 15 00
„ .
• W. M: Mallory 13 , 10 00
• A. M. Titus' • • 14; ••• 700
.. Powell & Co. ' 3' 100 Ok.
- Wm. V. Brown 14 7to
J. 8. 0 rippin 14 700
-.-, Thos. Muir& Co. 12 12 60_
D. W. Scott . , 10 n) no
C. T. Kirby , ' . 'ld .10 00
' M. C. Mercne 11 15 00
' M. C. Meteor. No. 2 1 14 700
' C. F. On se. agent 14 700
,3 - E. Walker ' 73 - 10 00
G. L. Ross ,14 -7 00
'0: L. Ross. No. 2 • • 14 700
• • J. o.'Frost a' Sous -11 • "15 00
M. liendelthan - 14 • 7Co
. Dr. H-.C. Porter & Son 13 10 00
-Nathan Tidd 14 7'oo
M. L. Scbneeberg - 12 12 50
• ; - Sweets & Gordon
.13 10 00
- Rd': Mouillesseas - 14 7Ou
IL • Jacobs - -13 10 00
81 Woodford . I - 10 00
. .. Turner & Gordon 14 700
Evans& Hildreth . 7 40 00
: A. D. bye & Co. : 7,40 00
trowels .& Friemntl . l 10 20 20
• Decker Bros. -11 11 00
..-. • • Linker & Vou ght . " • 11' Woo A. N Nel.on • 'l4. 7 00
. .lif. 14Rosenielff 10 Ito et)
.. , . G. W. Clark., .• 18 10 00
C. P. Dayton - ' • - 14 700
• •
Dayton it Angl; 111 ino
.' Steven* Lon • , 7,d0 00
-i ' ' • .•J. Di Patch --•- 9 ,141 g ob
~ % -, , . • .-littrt,'• Multla •"- - I .: co.
' p
• Jobs Bull ran 14, 74 4
. - -
H. Davidoir k Bros. 14, 700
, .1. V. WllJebek 14 0
. . - .W. Myer • 14 703
.1, P. Yenned 14 7
. - M. C. Wells 14 7
~_ liansilehnse&Daiddow 14 7pp
_.- James McCabe 10 7,0 pp
Robert Itelateek_ 34 7pp
7....W.BwartOut - 14 . 7 op--
Bil. JJ Larkin ' 14 700
14 7op
• • - Jobe lathe
_ ' •X. Carman - - 14 -0 4
••.' • H. M. Cowles 14 700
Humphrey Tracy II Ho
J. 11. Shaper „ 14 7op
M. . Shaw & Co. o ,op
Korth Terwan 2.
daTinnwhip—J. M. Ayres 14 rOO
Guy 0011 on 14 7pp "
. , S. A. Mills 14: 7. - p0
Illikter Towpahip—A. Watkins _ 14 700
It. D. Tomtit 14 : . 7 op.
J. Slathers - • 14: , -7 00
d. R. Seboamaker IC -7 to
James Irvine . 14 7op
• .. A. Olmsted 34 7op
IL Shaw 71 700
Wilmot Towniblp—Cbsiles Khogsley 11 700
- G. H. Morton 12 12 50
, Ingham & Rodgeis 14 7op
M. C. Perry is 1., oo
Warren Township—W 0". Bostwick 11 -7 op
J. 1 1 . Kinney & Co. ' 12 12 S 0
- J. F. coop.r 1; 704
C6ll:son & Klngsland•- 14 7to
Wyldoling Township—Bosworth & Co. n 1 , , r: 4, )
- '
B. J. liaßock 14- 700
. ''.. E. 8. Keeler 14 7co
. , D. W. Corbin - 14 700 .
. ,
Lewis & Brown ' , 12 12 50
• . Clark liollenback .14 700
J. M. Allis 14 7to
Gay_kwd.Sumnek t & Co. 12 . I - 2 50
J.• IL Howard It 15 00
E. S. Puller 14 701
•R. J. Fuller 4 14 7AV
Smith Bros. Ji 15 00
J 111.13 man 14 700
Windbags Township—Win:lf. Enthell 14 7to
• - M. Beldleman„ agent 14 7re
Mrs. L. E. Barrington. agent 14 7CO
Wygox Township—George klmith 14 700
' - D. Sleben .14 7to
A. Coolley ; _l4 7op
Wells Township—John Beeman 11 7op
List of persol*s engaged in , tbe sale4or ruilit
medicines In the County of Bradford for the )ex
tugs ..
Athens Townshlp—W. F. Eimendorf .- 4 t:. CO
Athens Borough—G. T. ErcanbraL:k 4 - --, SO
Joseph !fines 4 SCA
Cinton Borough—Mix & Whitman - 1 SCA
Clark & Whitmitu
Colombia Township—F. F.'Morgau , r. (0,
Gransllle Township—Taylor & Manley -4' SCO
LeaSOSTlili Borough—L P. Blackman 4, SVI
P. C. VanGelder ' 4 .., .o
Monroe-Borough—D, J. Sweet 1 :, Oe
H. C. Tracy ' 4 sos
New Albany Borough—S. D. Sterlgere . 4 r :, CA
Borne Borough—Wu'. Rice 4 : :-... 00
Troy Borough—B. B Mitchell I AO
Stewart & Bros. 4 Ico
Towanda Borough—C. B. Porter 4 ' 5 (A)
C. T. Kirby " , 4 :. oe
• Dr. IT . C. Porter & Son 3 --u, re
Turner & Gordon • 3 -I'. -0
Hitter Township—J. B. Schoonmaker 4 IGO
Wyainsing Township-1. M Allis_ 4 5 r„ ,
Volney Hornet
.. 4 , SGO
• Smith Bros • 4 5C4
List of brokers In the_ County of Bradford for
the year 1800:
. .
Troy Borough—Pomeroy Bros.
Ltst.of persons • engaged In running billiard ta.
blew In the County of Bradford for the year
. Taut. T.
Athena Borough — Ralph Loconla 2 40 co
Carlton Borough—A. J. B era • 2 10 ~..)
Smithfield Township—H. F. Farnsworth 1 - 3' , 0
Troy Borough—C. 11. Mt:Gm-gal . 2 .n. 1.0
Frans Hull. 10-pin allefi 3 , , , . (el
Towanda Borough—T. R. Jordan 3 7, - ) on
. James Nestor. Jr. 2 .1 ,, (0
• W. M. Bolan I '3O on
Ornell Kellogg I 30 00
• •B. B. Tkl , l - 2 , to Oo
List of persona engaged In runulng brevrertrs In
the County of Bradford for the year li , S2 :
Towanda Borough—A. Ler
, List of persons engaged In the wholesaie
business In th 6 County of l'pradroril for the tear
11111.3 : '•
Canton Borough—C. W. BelrdAo 13 27, 1.13
Towanda Borough— H. Noble - 13 *:5 (11
John Griffin - 13
John Sullivan
J3hri" Cummiskey
TAKE NOTICE: All who are contented In tni,
apprlsetnent. that an appeil will be held 'at
Tre.asureni Office In Towanda. on the florl:
MAY. A. 11. leB2, between the hours of 9 0r,1.4:
A*. W. and 4 o'. lock 1. 31. of said day. when and
where you may attend If you think proper. • .
It. M. PREYNE, Appraiser
Dated'April 15, MM. -
Agricultural Machinery
Best and Leading Kinds
R. M. WE
I ,
Spring Tooth Hlrrows
These Implements are unequaled for thororgh
preparation of all plowed ground for crop , . Th-y
will cover at oue -operation broad-cast grain nel,rly - ,
as well as a gratu-drill will put it ln. and Shr t!iti
precede the drill In preparation of the soil. Tto-e
Harrows should, by all means, be used upon En ',-
plowed ground. They are remarkably a. apted to
rough and stony . well as for smooth, ground.
Township agents Wanted.
Wiard's Chilled Plows
These are the very best chilled plows in th
market for general purposes and upon all kinds of
ground. I ask riir /air and lhoroogh lest•triris
forthem plows In competition with oth 7 r bellingrhilled plow's. Decidedly 114evecard forizard and
'stony " land. ,
Farmers' Favorite Champion , and
other Grain Drilla. If you deM t'- 1 , 1 , y a
Grain DWI, let me quote price&
Auburn Farm and Lumber Wagons
For either one or two horses, With '.eithr'r
thimble skins and wood axles. or, with Sheidon's
heat whole-piece 4 • Ancher• !Valid " Iron - Axles.
These walfeas are well proporliOned, well finished
and painted • easy nming, best In qtmllty, and
cheapest gobd - wagonrln the market; They, have
my own Improved brake, and ■re warranted to
every respect. Call and see them.. •
Enterprise AdJnittabie Track and other
Churn Powers. A full tine of Churn rowers
'adapted to auy sized dairy. rowers delivered free
of charge at your nearest railroad station. .
: •
• Improved Tempkips County Culti
vators.. These Cultivators are unrivaled for con
venience and utility, Are of toy manufacture,
Are just !AIM every farmer needs. For - sale at
wboles•le and retail.
Tompkins County . Leader Wheel
Rake. This Is a truly valuable Wheel Rate. I.
writpted to a greater variety of. Work than any ..111
er, Mix a good, well made and durable implement.
will warrant It to give satißaction. Is made tot'
, die, or, two horses, and inter-changeable. -
• Thomas Smoothing Harrows and - f
Acme Harrows. These-are valuable Imp!e
!tienta and cheap.
...XX Star Hydraulic Cement by barrel
r ear rind . :lmported imperial Portland
Cement. Thl. la several• times t atronger.tlin
he heel American cements. l'woulti recommend
It tor la.t coat finishing of cisterns and other spe.
cial work where great strength Is desired. Vor
+ale in ' any desired quantity.
verslble Plows. West Oneonta, Clipper
Chilled. Dyer. and other good ones, .
CHAMPION BARBED Fence Wire. 'll.l,
barbed wife is well worthy the attention of farin
a s It Is cheap, efficient, yet not dangerous, It
recommends itself at sight. Send for speclin,i,
and prices. .
Platform 'Wagons, Opera and Top
Wagons, &t.., .1 best styles and makers. I ... I.
no shoddy work •, will warrant to mr customer: t.:
good wagons and at lower prices than thiy can 1;;.t
wagons made to order.
Chain Pampa. Good and cheap. Easily set
Carriage and Buggy Top*. • GoOd top
every respect and at very low prices. Made to nt
any Buggy or Platform Wagon seat. -
Are you Going to Paint? I can pupil,)"
yon with Mild' Pornfir ut auy d.stred 1.113 . (le C r
color ready for the brush that 1 will warrant to ' , e
better and cheaper than any leading Lead l'allits
that y,ou cap bay. Rlt re ATI NG 011.1a,NEa'rr.
FO 'T OIL In any quantity, at wholerwle and tetail.
Prices low.
PULLIAM'S Wagon Bolster Spring'
Very deairalqe.
-Threshing Illnehinery of Best and Lead•
lug kludS. C. nultmati & Cr.'s Monitor TrAction
Steamers': Hiller's -New Model Vihrsilnic Thrr , s ,
ars and Cleaners: Harder's, Wheelers, and f;rurf
Horse Powell, Threshers and Cleaners. I sveutd attention to Grays Machines.
Ridley Spring Tooth Harrows, CEA'
AN a. con?: SIVELLE,RS, IF F. kap CUTTER:, 31,1
LAWN AIOW EItB.. Wail deliver toast hint ,
uy.goods?t any railroad. station free of freight.
PRICES, or what *III Ws still better, VIIT M
R. M. Welles.
Towanda, L'a., March
ters testamentary having been grimed rte'nu eralgued. under the - last um and testament et
Dirtriti T. Gillett. late of Shogbequin
all persons indebted to the estate or mod derede:t
are-hereby notified to make Immediate care,. n.,
sad 1111 haring claims against said catate must .re
lent the lame duly anthent rated to the , ceder ,
VW/ fa lettlegient.
yryg.%; Fr A 0113.EfT+,
Fig ClWatai,
1011110011 t.
Cluu 7 , r
2' r
13 :5 (0