Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 11, 1882, Image 3

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    Oadfoul -It atm
Towanda, Pa. May :882
Dr all means buy. the White Sewing
Machine of IL C. WELL; Agent, Towan
da, Pa.
Tut: Davis Sowing Machine with its
Vertical Feed does a large tinge of prac
tical work. not _passible on, any under
feed machine. • . _ tf.
L. B. Rononns challenges competition
for quality of goods and low prices on
Sash, Dars, - Blinds and Mouldings, and
at building material. • 3ang-tf.
Finches, Linnet' and Whistling Bull
Fmclies—all fine.imported Birds—at C.
P.;WELLES' Crockery Store. 16 mar.
11):movAL.—J. S. ALLYN has removed
lis Undertaking Establishment from
Br lige street to rooms on Main street,
over TuRNER 3c Gosixis'is - Drug Store,
and WoonFoßD 6; VAN DORN'S Boot At .
Shoe' Store. A full line of Undertaker's
goods fi.'om cheapest to the best.
jan27,'Bl. J. S. ALLYN,Agent..
11. M. ~F P. K. BENSON, of Jackson,
suequehanna County, Pa., have the reptf
tation of making the best Butter and
Lard Packages manufactured in the State.
unrivaled for beauty, and. as a reliable
package that imparts no taste to the but
ter. Dairymen who use this tub ones will
buy no other. Their agents will call on
Bradford County merchants at, an early
dl•ay. 11may-wl.
—This is a ,new„and perfectly reliable
band corn_ planter, and is the best and
cheapes . . now iu the market„ It will
plant corn, beans and peas, also pumpkin
or not, at will. It will pay for it;
if in one day's use. • PEON ONLY
$2.50, AND WARRANTED. Tell your
itt•hzhbors about it, and not to pay from
:?-1 to zi4.:10 for a planter not as good.
For cash with the order I will deliver two
o , i more planters in one lot at $2.50 each,
-nny railroad station or by any -stage
hi.c running from Towanda, freight pre
paid. Farmers can get tipclubS and send
f ,, r planters. -For sale at wholesale by
1110 dozen. R. M. WELLES.
I%lwanda, April 26.-3 w,, •
ew Advertise mewls:-
i 11 ktratrjx'sSAle—Estattrof Lat,Partrldge
AdttlittlArstilfs' Notice* •
‘to . tetittural—Eureka Mower.
t, t Edge Butter Tulp—H. M. &P. K. Densou.
ildttort. Not lee—Theo; C. Disbrow.
Et Ives. and Plants-1 awes C. Irvine.
i.. 0 t Ilaneuus—lrou Bitters, G. W. Goodell.
April eolit:wltlralropplug rain
R'itlowa and lilacs brings again, •
'rho w WO° of returning b rds, •
trainpbt-lowing of the herds;
fhe aeallet'inaple-keys betray
What potent blood bath modest May;
Mir fiery force . the earth renews, •
T fie wealth of forms, the timill'of hues;
What Joy in rosy wavesnntpoared,
F i.svzi from the heart of Lore, the Lord
- - Ti:1)k: has a new sign
s, nonL:exhibition Friday Et% ening.
Inf.: dandelion green now flourishes.
T • ,i 1 wells at Bradford are drying up
W giNs failed to vaccinate against oil
rm. Fire Department has purchased
,0.1 feet of new hose.
1:}:, - -.1:v.rt? seats fur the School Exhibl
t scarce. ' _
.We noticed a pair of English robins on
Saturd.ty, •
n'e delay our paper one day to give the
to_; urns from the State Conventioni
1: weather has its compensations.
11=4; the cola sua•' there were fewer
c4".1,,r loafers
%Ai - it-win county farmers are each
year increasing their stock of fancy and
41, able cattle.
Tit, ladies iy Wellsboro have made
on w•hisky'and have prevented all the
1.-iels from obtaining lieenies.
lu•v. S. G. Davis, of . 01cott, N. Y., will
1,, ;tell at the Universalist Clpirch - next
morning and evening.
There were iu various parts of the
sia..e 437 oil wells dried in April, a num-
Levexceetlil in only four months of-the
1,, -t tive yea' ra
W judge that Leßaysville- sheep are
t•iiliarly addicted to having lambs, no
than three being noticed iv the ht
vr of that place. f
TiE next session of the Northern Dis
ti.e._ Convention of Good Template will
at - Sliei4bequin, Tuesday and Wed
ru.6y, June flat and 7th.
TII 1: people of Rome will observe the
o Fourth of July by An old -fashion=
e i eplebration. lion. George ;Landou
twill° orator of the day. ,
W . F.T.LE.4 has recently added a
tli , u - oughbred, purchased of• John Weut
a.irth, of Chicago, to his already fine
c. , 11c,:t ion of blooded stock.
; TIN: Troy Farmers' Club discussed
tcoeing," at their List meeting, but
it is of the barbed-wire: or . the
cak-your-bead variety is not . stated.
AN exchange says prairie dogs will dig
I hundred feet for water. That's noth
hiz. There ore men in Towanda who
\V. old dig ten thousand feet for whiskey.
POST, No. 74; will obierve
)t.c9ration Pay with appropriate cereniO
nits at Wyalirsing and Terrytowu this ,
ycar. - Iter. Mr. Blaodgood will deliver
tlx oration.
S( [tool. teachers whose rum king is no
alive foto! to fiye in every branch are not
t ',tilled to certificates, under State Super
iwendent iligby's diiections' to County
:Sorerititendents. -
r E Conductors' Biotberhood of ,Wa-
Lad a meeting Monday evening - at
the n vtidilovs' flail, and a Very pleas
ant time is reported. Thetis Wel C several
vihiting conductor&
Mrs. Anna Plummer, of Greene's LSud
i:-.4.11as returned home. She spent - .the
with friends in Hertford, Conn.,
and is accompanied home by Miss Susie
Mceia'y of that
Wi - ,1.1.::u0tt0 bag a.'daily, 'called the
lily Record, published at the Agitator
olio. Probably quashing the indictment
in the Whitney case will cause it to re
tire permanently.
The Elmira Educational Society have
sllit out invitations to the leading per`sons
of Towanda especially interested in edu
c &on to attend: tho. meeting of the
Society, on Friday of this week.
• GEORGE GItEI and wife, and' . son; of
'Waverly; were asphyxiated by coal gas
that escaped from a stove, on Saturday
night, April 29th. Mr. Green died on
the following Tuesda, and Mrs; Green is
peimanently injured: The son will prob
ably be alt right in a few days. •
Dim, ()asthma shirts, soiled overalls
tacked in cowhi4e boots, and resplendent
white vests make s startling amilnatiois
for the masculine form, but such is tbi
costume we" noticed last Sunday..
Tin Lawrence Guardian gave its en
tire outside to a circus last vreek.
Qracken must bus had "comps" for the
whole county ; and even then it must
have galled him to spoil his paper with
such unheavenly matter.
CHARMS WELLES, of Macedonia, will
have about six acres of tobacco and lour
or five of potatoes this year. Tobacco.
raising is just beginning in his section,
and there will probably be several smaller
pieces in the neighborhood. ,
"Loki may they waive," is the good
wish of the Leßaysville Advertiser for a
recently wedded couple of the vicinity.
If this means the waiving of the _use of
broom sticks, flat-irons, and other imide.
meets of &math: warfare it is all right.
L. C. Palmer of Rid;:bury sold recent
ly to J. S. Allen of Bethleham, Pa., 200,-
000 feet of pine lumber at prices tuning
from $l2 to $15.50, per per thousand. The
lumber will be used in Sayre for building
60 Company houses for the Sayre Land
Co., and 40 for Howard More.
THE young blooded roosters of our bor
ough turned things upside-down general
ly on Saturday night last, and many were
misplaced. It seems the boys must have
fun or bust. , No serious damage was
done, however, to boya or property so far
as we could learn.--Leßayseilie Adoerti.
ABOUT two hundred Italians, at work
on the Pine Creek Railroad, induled in a
little strike, lark Monday. They had an
impressiim that some other laborers were
receiving higher wages than they, and in:
order to ascertain the facts therstruckf:
for half a day, at an expense to them•
selves of $150. WellAbore Gaulle: -
' Um: out for that Cheat, a traveling
dead beat, bvho offers yori tea for a thirty
cent fee; and warrants a prize to each
one -who bi4ys. The - result will just be,
you get very poor tea, and the prize or
the swindler you'll nevermore see.—Ez.
From the man with ilre tea ; and from
such poetres, 0, Lord, protect me.
A YOUNG lady in Athens has nearly ru
ined her matrimonial prospects, by r- (er
ring to " in the presenci3 of that
Towanda chap whose name is Bill, he in
his 'verdancy, supposing she had reference
to " that other feller," when she only
meant the new stage line.—lVarerly Free
Press. That is a lie:Bill. There is no
such young man here. •
A max in Alba was arrested last week
for shooting . a trespassing cow. This is
right. A man who shoots a cow for tres
passing on his premisesought to be pun
ished ; but if tiTere is any titatue which
makes it an offence to shoot a neighbor's
hen that is scratching in a man's garden,
let it be repealed as repulsive to natural
liberty and common justice. •
WILD pigeons are nestling on the head
of the West Branch of Pine Cxceliand its
tributaries, hi Potter County, about
twelve.. miles . from Coudersport. • The
nesting is 'reported to be `about twelve
Miles long, and ezteuding westward dai
ly. It is said that there are iboixt six
hundred men in the nesting , section
some estimate the Dural* at 1,000.
WE hope every one wko can gOt in the
hall will buy a ticket, and those for whom
there is no room Will buy two and stay
away. Always 'patronize a home show
when the Money is to, be used for any
worthy purpose. This one is for the ben
efit of the school library and laboratory,
and every one interested in the education
of Towanda childt should help to swell
the fund.
THE Sayre correspondent of the Wa
verly Tribune says : "The latest agbny—
scarlet stockings and a red bow id the
throat, are affected by some of our Sayre
belles. . They look well .these moonlight
nights." We would like to in4uire what
business the aforesaid correspondent has
to perambulate t the stieats of Sayre and
examine the articles be mentions? Cor
respondents should be more modest. •
Johnny Adams who pleaded guilty of
larceny, was sentenced to the house of
refuge, and Morris Doll convicted of
larceny and barning buildings, was sent
two years to the peLitentiary. If the
boys are guilty of the, numerous incen
diary attempts which have startled the
town, they deserve the most severe
punishment, and there seems littleques
tion of their guilt. ° It is probable that
further developments will follow, Adams
and McDonald were acquitted on - the
charge of burning.
At a regular meeting of the Naiad Fire
Engine Company, No. 2, held Tuesday
evening, May 2, 1882, the following offi
cers were duly elected for the ensuing
year : '
President—William S. Mace. • '
Vice-President—A. Horton. Dean.
Secretary—Goo. C. Burbank.
Financial Secretary—F. H. Coolbaugh.
Treasurer—Thomas Merdeth.
Foreman—O. E. Bennett.
First Assistant—l.. P. Spaldine.
Second Assistant—Ed. L. Smith.
Pipemen—G. E. Frost, Hiram Morcur,
A. Horton Dean.
Fire- Police—C. P. Wellet, Tho. Mere
dith. ' .
Trus,ces—O. E. Bennett, C. P. Welles,
A. D. Coolbaugh.
Member of Fire Board—E. B. Pierce.
GREAT, excitement exists in Montrose,
owing to the failure of W. R. Beckworth,
who was connected with the toy manufac
turing firm of Ciandall'a Company. ~11is
liabilities are reported to be ;100,000.
Beckworth was at one time' engaged in
the manufacture of toys at New York
City. Reaching Montrose last fall, be
became one of- the firm" of Crandall' &
Company, but subsequently left the com
pany, after which be made extensive pur
chases of their goods. The utmost confi
dence was felt in his , ability to meet all
obligations, and it is believed that unfort-,
unute speculations are the cause of the
failure. Fears are entertained that the
company may be dragged down with
The reception given by Mrs. John C.
Adams for Mr. and Mrs. Maurice is des.
eribed as a very elegant affair. The
bride's cOstume was a cream colored satin
merveilleux, the front embroidered
crystal, court-train, printed_ corsage, rind
heart shaped neck filled with tulle, stud
ded with crystal. She wore a crystal col
lar, diamond ornaments and corsage bou
quet of Marguerites. There were over
one hundred guests, and many of toe
ladies had elegant costumes ; but there
is no room for full descriptiOns. Tne
elegant refreshmenti-were furnished by a.
lady from Binghamton, who has officiated
at similar gatherings in Towanda. before.
The music was furnished by the Tiogs
hose orchestra. Taken altogether it was
one. of the most stony" gatherings the
town has seen for many month!, and Was
. 1 thoroughly enjoyed by the many guests.
Ain= big rem big Webs, ligfish
awl other huge spring productions bad
been daily ebronick4„ Us - Athena eautts
comes out with a storyof X street twenty,
rods long - _has ihirteesc.attriioiie
ptuw lulks residing on it. This jtory
may be tin 4, but we, want the evidence.
Trot out your girl, not necensrily: for ex
hibition, bat to verify your count, and to
enable us to see what you mean by tho
terms, young and Mt:satire.
Mr. Dami Rams ' aged 71 years, was
taken imddenlrandviolently ill of sffao.
tion and disease of the heart, at the upper
depot in this place, last Friday morning
and died at his residencii% Monday after
noon. The funeral took place Wednes
day r. x, the obsequies being conducted
by the Masonic Lodge, of -- A. Y. M., of
this Bo:Ough. The services were very
largely attended. Mr. Rabin was one of
the older inhabitants of this place,
having come here nearly thirty years
ago as a suPeryisor•of the North Branch
OAllai. When tha canarwal abandoned
ha was employed by the P. & N. T.
Rail Road -Co., and was one of the best
of that Company's officers. He was a
man of integrity and ability, and will
bo snitch missed and long remembered.
Ws have received from William B.
Rowland, of Albany, N. Y., theilmt copy
.of Outing, - a monthly journal, _ putlished
at one dollar per year. : It is neatly print
ed on tinted paper, and is especia'ly in
teresting to pleasure seekers and those
contemplating summer excursions. We
give an extract from the salutatory :
fluting is designed to afford useful in
formation, practical suggestion and pleas
ant entertainment to all who seek for re
creation at whatever season.. It will de
scribe pleasure and health resorts, and
discuss their growth and tendencies. It
will tell what the busy worlp is planning
for itself in the way of rest and diversion,
and record iss successes and failures.
It will print sketches of travel, fragments
of sporting experience, and sober hints
how time and money may be most wisely
used in seeking recreation. Pertinent
and timely book reviews, entertaining
items Irons the pleasure resorts in their
season; and newsy paragraps covering
the field of out-door sports, will have
their place in each issue.
Tn Waverly Review, spe'ktng of
Owen Spalding, says : "He was, at one
time, the. most active citizen. Waverly
possesses', and did more tban'any other
person who ever resided here to build 'up
the -, village. He. erected the first' brick
blocks built on Broad street, some of
which ho owned at the time of his demise,
as also some very flue lots on the business
street. It was mainly through his enter
prise and generosity that the viliage now
boasts ono - of the finest parks, public
School building and cemetery to be found
in western New York. He also gave the
lots on which the churches now stand
that were ereJted prior to 1860, and the
first streets of our village were laid thro'
lands owned by him. _ Nearly all places
of iminess, including the banks, were
closed during the hour of services,ln
spect to his memory. The firemen turned
;out in a body.
THERE, is considerable, 'excitement in
Tioga County over the license question.
and by the efforts of the ladies, the hotels
at Wellshorg Westfield, Blossburg and
Tioga have been deprived of license. The
proprietors of the Wellsboru , hotels are at
a kiss to know how to "acr, and semi) of
them declare that they will shut their ho
tels entirely, and the first day after li
cense was denied them no omnibuses were
run to the trains. What the result of the
temperance agitation will be is a matter
of doubt ; but it is probable that in a
short time the meetings of the temper
ance society will become an old story
and the profitable vice will triumph
through the inactivity of its opposers.
Drunkenness was becoming epidemic in
Tioga County, and it is to be hoped that
that the laws made for its prevention will
be enforced, - even if it dOes result in loss
to the traffickers in whisky. We under
stand the hotels decided to close on Tues
day morning.
FRON Tioga County gapers, we learn
that on motion of Elliott & Watrous, attor
neys for Floyd Whitney, the indictment
against him for murder was quashed for
the reason that the Grand' Jury was not
legally constituted. It is said there has
not been a legal jury in' the county for
years—no one bad objected to the previ
ous venires, and the juries were supposed
to be all right. In many counties a cus
tom is acquiesced in that is really illegal,
and this is especially true in the summon
iog of juries. For 'the information of at
torneys we pint the objections to the
jury as constituted in the Whitney case.
Will Bradford County juries bear the test
of similar objections?
1. Because it'does not appear from the
returns to the precept that the persons
who acted as the Grand Jury at the Au
gust Sessions, 1880, were legally drawn,
how they were drawn, or that they were
drawn at all in pursuance of the precept
directed to the Sheriff and Jury- Commis
2. The Jury Commissioner made no re
turn whatever to the venire- and there is
nothing to show that the jury returning
the iudictinnt was a legally Grand Jury.
3. The precept is irregular and void, in
that the direction of the Sheriff and Jury
Commiationers is •to draw twenty-four
persons to act as j9rors in our Court of
Common Fleas, Quarter Sessions and
Oyer and Terminer and Orphans' Court.
4. No order or precept of the Court, or
two judges thereof in vacation, was mace
to the Clerk of Court co:. Quarter Sessimis
of the Peace, directing him to issue, as
the direction of such order, to
the Sheriff and Jury Commissioners a pre
cept commanding theta to impannel and
the Sheriff to summon a Grand Jury of
tweffty-four persons, to act as the grand
inquest of said county for the August
Sessions of said courts in the year A. D.,
1880. e
The Bradford county medical society
met at the office of Dr. D. N. Newton, in
Towanda, on Wednesday, May ad, as per
agreement, the President, Dr. E. D.
payne, is the chair. The meeting was
called to order at 1:45 r. m. The secre
tary read the minutes of the last meeting
which were approveu, after which Dr. C.
K. Ladd read a report of a, case of
aneurism of the abdominal aorta., Dr.
Kilbourn presented a case of tumor on
the inside of the knee of a child about
two years of•age t and asked the opinion
of the Society upon the case, which was
A case of ankylosis of the shoulder
joint in a girl of about 9 years was next
presented. The society decided the case
to be one of bony ankylosis in which no
active surgical ibterference was called for.
—The name of Dr. Carrie, of West Bur
lington, Dr. Charles_ll. Reed, of Wysox,
and Dr. M. E. Anderson, of Say; e were
then presented for membership, and after
being acted upon by the hoard of censors
they were upon motion made members.
The committee on the fee bill were ex
cused from reporting.
The President next appointed the fol
lowing named gentleman to act as dele
gates to the annual meeting of the Penn
sylvania State Medical Society, to meet at
Titusville on May 10tb, llth and 12th: D.N. Newton, S. P. 'Colt, T. B.
Johnson, E. D. Payne, C. K. Ladd r end
E. P.. Allen, with the following named
gentlemen as their ensilages : F.
43 .. - N 4 iw,Otco*; , ..,:F.:ootcini - c,is, - iksoil:.
-burg, - 00 J.
We.44iiiiti.. 7 '.;c : .;, l _.--: . - • ~-,':-..::.,- ~ r . ..:'. ~-: ?,,- ',.:',.,:,-
Tin) Freakiest Di. >T. 0.
.7nbuson - lus - ter #fi;t, Frsii
'rile society- i4lowyneirte meet sit tile
same pinto on -the . first •Wedne!4y
' Tune s 18 " : v• IC. -Ltifut
E., - o.l ) Aytce, - sectstaii.
—Mrs. James T. Hale is visiting in El-
—Miss Lillie Menne is visiting Dienes
in New York ;icy. _ -
-Lewis M. Hail, Esg-, went to Phila.
delpbia on:Monday.
—Miss Lillie' Stewart has returned
home from Chambersburg.
—Nelion Bosworth and wife, of Wya
!using, are dangerously ill.
—Senator Davies mgisterel. at the
Lochiel House while at Harrisbnig.' .
—R. A. Packer and Mr. Rosenmuller
have retrained from their western trip. •
—lion. T. Overton was 'unable to at.
end 'the Convention owing to ill health.
P. E., Allen, of the Gazette and Free
Prat, called at our office last Thursday.
—Owen' Spalding, an old and respected
citizen of Waverly, died on Tuesday, May
—Mrs. &Aro Morrow is homo from
Clifton Springs, where she has been for
he. health.-
Maj.. Merrick of Wellsboro, will do
liver the Decoration Day address at Can
'n this year. .
--Judge Elwell says it is some otier
man's bonnet that the gubernatorial bee
is hived in. •
—Mrs. Williamson, of Cincinnati, I has
been visiting her father, H. W. Patrick,
Esq., of this place..
--Tbe fish will have to suffer soon. E.
Walker and L. M. Osborne are fixing up
their ho3t, torches, etc.
—:0. H. Adams lost two fingers fn
Gordon press, Mon-iay. Re was working
in the Canton Sentinel office.
—William Mallory now occupies _the
former residence of M. C. Mercur. on the
north side of Chestnut street.
—M. J. ' and daughter. attended
the wedding of Captain Horton's diugh
ter Ella, on Wednesday of last week.
' —Rev. G. , P. Watrous, pastor,of the
Baptist church at Athens, has resigned,
his resignation to take effect in July.
—The Elmira Advertiser says Towanda
is to be congratulated on so
valuable a vocalist as . lSTis. O. A. Baldwin.
—Frank Griswold had the misfortune
to lose part of a linger—the- fourth' on his
right hand— at Hicks' planing mill, last
week: •
—H. E. Taylor, -'printer, has trans
planted his person'and constitution from
this office to the Towanda Joisrnal office
n Towanda.—Leßayi vale Advertiaer.
—Mrs. Henry Bradley and Miss Leuter,
both of Olean, N. Y., have been visiting
Mrs: Graham Macfarlane during the week
past. Mrs. Bradley is sister-in-lavi; to
Mrs. Macfarlane.
The REPORTER makes the following
weather predictions - for 1882 :
We prophecy for-January and February
a varied assortment of cold weather with
little snow, and but a few" days of good
sleighing ; and some unseasonably warm
days that injured the lumbermen and
spoiled the roads. '
FOr March% we ) predict that we had
warm days and cold days ; warm snows
and cold rains ; a great deal of mud with
plenty of ice mixed in it ; and cloudy,
gusty, rainy days interspersed with those
that were sunshiny and pleasant.
For April we prophecy rains and snows;
mud and dust, feel and flowers ; fresh
onions, lettuce, and three thunderstorms.
There will be noticed in May a slight
snow storm 'about the second, followed
by sunshine on the third and rain on the
fourth. Brief storms
, will be =menaced
by the removal of your neighbor's bens
from your garden to some shelter ; and
longer ones will be shown by the determi
nation of the aforesaid fowls to remain
until every seed you have planted is up
June, July and August will be noted
for several days that will be
,a few de
grees warmer than the ordest- inhabitant
ever witnessed except the year —, when
there was a week that the temperature
could not be registered by any ordinary
thermometer. There will be seven of the
most-severe thunder storms known for
years,. and twenty-three persons and one
bundled and nineteen head — of cattle will
be killed by lightning. People having
valuable cattle will do well to put light
ning rods ou their horns, armed with de
flecting insulators to throvi the electricity
off scent. The comet - will produce frosts
and:intensely hot weather, in such , pro
porinis, and at such times as the capri
ciouscreation shall see lit ; bat with the
exception -of some injury to pumpkin
vines, and the total destruction of several
fine melon patches, the meteorological et.
fects of the coinet will not be dangerous.
September being the ninth month, the
weather will be used for proving several
theories advanced by. Vennor, the Enrol
rzn, and. other persons and papers re
nowned as weather wise-acres. Frosts
will injure fall feed between the first and
thirtieth ;•and barefooted boys will weep
when gent in the morning at five o'clock
to the back lot after the cows. Farmers
having late corn will do well to provide
theme:lves with coal stoves, and furnaces,
as, owing to the season, the supply of
green corn will far exceed the demand.
October will be remarkable for nothing,
and will follow , last year's almanac as
closely as it dare, and not lay itself liable
to the charge of plagiarism.
November will observe its usual order,
following immediately after October, and
will giire-all the Other months "points"
in, sudden , Changes and general mean.
'fleas. Daily
_newspapers' will harvest a
large crop of suicides induced by the
abominable weather, and yearlings and
Calves will be seen with bent lacks, hid
ing under snowy hay stacks. The clouds
will get leaden and cold, anchor-ice will
gather on the stones in the bottoms- of
streams, and wild geese will say good-bye
- to the North, and take their annual
Southern trip; stage drivers and rail
road employes will whip their numbed
fingers and swear, and plumbers and coal
dealers will be happy.- _
There will riot be much snow in Decem
ber ; and the young man who Tromises,
without capital or credit, to take' his girl
a sleigh-riding. n Christmas, will be cam
paratively sa Santa Claus will make
his trip with a Herdic coach and twelve
Ken•ucity mules, and children who listen
for the !patter of reindeer hoofs on the
roof will be disappointed. • It will , be a
good mouth to scour new cutter shoes, to
stay at home from church, to wear your
gas bill is wrong and water rent too high,
to change from beer to whiskey, and to
lay-in your wintersfock or
_coal and °d
ui:hang. There will .be Many changes
in temperature, s beak good eirsting;Teur .
er Ave Someday key dip; en idaludiiii4
'of mud mind one betrothal); butt you' will
not know for - certain when tbis storm will
eclie":entil January -iatt 1 13 8 8 - , Persona
hay* Cubans's . tutbepse will "do ySell to
**vide hodiette ,for 'the* 'earl/ -le the
meiib, to. protect frem frost and
ethei daegeng of the sawn; this will
be a bad month ter fowls oral! iiinde and
esPecialii forturkeys. Diphtheria, _sore
throat.' and colds, will:annoy every one ex,
cept the doctors during, the first thirty..
one. days of tbe:montb, after which -leis
sickness may to ea Peeted. All the pumps
in the. Eastern and Middle States will
freeze sip, except th i ctio awned by milk
men, anti sei era rani:cid accidents, caus
ed by the frost breaking the rails will be
recoreed. The , month' will be one of
marked individuality, and 'will be fre
quently re erred to by old resideute as a
precedent. After It is over our monthly
supplemental weatker report will give a
slightly mow extended, If not more aced;
rate, report than is .given „in this goitre'
prediction. . -
A' correspondent at Nichols writes: Fri
day morning, there Was a very pleasant,
quiet, wedding at the house of Mrs. Els
breeon this village, Thursday evening.
Miss_ Freddie 'Everitt, daughter of Dr.
Edward Everitt, of Barlington, Pa., was
married . to Thomas: Pagctt, of Elmira.
The guests were limited to the families of
the bride and groom.' The Rev. James
Weller performed the ceremony, and the
happy couple Went to New York On the
nine o'clock train.
mco.:DAy. le2
The following named persons were
sworn in as Grand Jurors, with G. 11.
Van Dyke, of; Ulster, as, Foreman Wil
liam Allen, Pike ; Horton D. Beardsley,
Canton Township; Dennis Crowley,
Rome, Bartley Dunn, Franklin ;. Myron
Eddy, Towanda Borough ; HowelL How'. .
ell, Warren; D. Floyd Hildretb, South
Creek • Charles' JerOleMan, Columbia';
Asnitar Judson, Litelitield ; Patrick
Lynch, Barclay ; Judion N. Lake, Tusca
rora; David , t Lenox,, Burlington Torn
ship ; W. T. Lloyd, Leßoy , ; George
' Towanda Township ; „Hiram
Meeks, Wilmot; C-arles C. iPaine, Troy
Borough ; Edward .Stratton, Burlington
Township ; Henry P. Smith, Sylvania
Borough; 13,1 as Titus, Herrick ; Nelson
Tyrrell, Windham.
The Grand Jury disposed o' the follow
ing eaaes
" TRUE lIILT 8.. t
COM NM. John Adams, Jr., and. Morris
Corsi. vs. Monis Doll, John Adams, Jr.'g
and John McDonald—ltiiruing and set=
ting S. a to buildings, 2 c;iFes. .
Com. vs. Adam Snyder, two cases—
Selling liquor to mint - its and without
Com. vs. Frank Tallady—Assault••.and
battery. • •
Com. vs. A. W. and . Victor French—
Cutting timber trees. I .
Corn. vs. John Woodburn—Larceny.
Com. vs. A. 111. • MeCarriek —False pre
tense. •
Com. vs. Henry Ayers—lquisance.
Corn. vs. Michael Sullivan—Assault
Com. vs. John Mulholland--Selling li
quor to minors. -- • -
Coin. vs. Ernest Thompson—Selling li
quor without license.
. Corn. vs-Patrick Gillis--Attempting to
burn buildings.
Com. VB. Prink Wane—Larceny.
Corn. vs. Levi Wiun—Larceuy.
Com. vs. Joshua cud Charles Ifeath—
Corn. vs. William Adamy—Yorcible en
try. 11. P. Shepard, prosecutor, for costs.
Com. vs. C. C. .Antie4ale—Assault and
bati o sry. J. G. Durrett, t ‘prosecutor, fur
costs. -
• Com. vs. -Thomas Parrell - -L-Assault and
battery. William Farrell, prosecator,
for costs.
The Grand Jury Was discharged • Wed
nesday, May 34. ,1
The following licenses were granted :
• G. L. Bull, Monroe Borough.
Morris Kellogg, New Albany Borough .
• P..D. Wilcox, New Albany Towuship.
James J. Harmon, Overton Township.
Martin Crolvley, South Waverly -Bor
F. •C. Landmesser, Standing - Stone
Township. • •
James A; Elliott, Ridgbury Township.
D. B. Kennedy, Wyseo, Township:
J. Morgan Brown,' Wyalusing Town
shit). •
John R.-Right,• Wells Township. ‘: -
J. G.. Dougherty, Wysox Township.
George Z.- Slotry, Vonree TowtiAhip.
Wilda& Teary, • Towanda Borough,
First 11 ard. ;
Charles 11. Seeley, Towanda BOough,
First Ward.
A. W.y. Diromock, Towanda. Borough,
' First Ward.
• R. Caton, Towauda Borough, - First
0. 11. P. Disbrow, Towanda Borough,
First Ward. -
D. - S. Redfield, South Creek. ' ,
J. P. Rodgers, Shoshequin.
Chsrles Rico, Athens Borougb, First
A.. 1. Noble, Troy Borough. '
J. P. Stony, C dumbia Township. .
Thomas R.,Jortlan, Towanda Borough,
Second Want - .1. •
Ornall Kellogg, Towanda Borough,
Second Ward. - ,
B. W. Ennis, Towanda Borough,. Sec
and Ward.
J. S. Thotripson. Wyalusing Township.
Daniel Brown, Ulster Township.
Warren Smith, Columbia Township.
A. J. Beers, Canton Borough.
John N. Wolfe, Canton Borough.
B. F. Myer, Barclay Townsuip.
M. B. Calkins, Burlington Borough
- James Cummisky, Towanda BoroUgh,
First Ward.
John Griffin, Towanda Borough, Fit-at
M. W. Nobles, Towanda Bitrough, Sec
ond Ward.
C. W. Beardsley, Canton Borough.
Com. vs. Joshua and Charles Beath—
Surety or thepeace. James H. and John
W. Coddiug, for Commonwealth ; W. J.
Young, Esq., for defendants. Oa bear
ing Charles " Heath discharged, Joshua
Beath sentenced to pay the; costs of pros-
ecution, and to give bonds to keep: the
Com. vs. John Woodharn—Lardeny.
Defendant pleads guilty.
Com. vs. John Adams, Jr., and Morris
Doll—Defendants plead
Com. vs. H. W. Miller—Selling railroad
tickets. 'Defendant pleads guilty. Sen
tenced to pay a fine of $5 and costs - of
prosecution. _
Com. vs. Frank Tallady—Assault and
battery. District Attorney Fanning and
McPherson it Young, for Commonwealth;
1). C. DeWitt, Esq., for defendant. Jury
find defendaiit guilty. ' '
Com. vs. A. W. and . Victor French—
Cutting timber trees. District Attoi bey
. Fanning and L. M. Ball. Esq., for Com
monwealth ; D. C. DeWitt, I•:sq., for de
fendants. Jury find defendants guilty.
Com. vs. A. M. McCarrick—Falso pre
tences. District Attorney Fanning' and
I.r. N. Williams, Esq.,- for Common
wealth ; McPherson 4k, Young for defend
ant. Jury fled defendant not guilty, but
that he pay the costs. -
Corn. vs. Ernest Thompson—Selling li-
quor without license. District Attorney
Fanning and L. M, Hall ; Esq., for Coma .
monwealth ; E. A. Thompson, - Esq., and
McPerson & Young, for d6fendint... Jury
find defendant not guilty, but that ho
pay the costs.
Cow. vs. Morris Doll, John Adams,,,Jr. '
and John McDonald, two cues tiled to
gether—Burning and setting fire to build
ings. District Attorney Fanning and
John N. Calla; Esq., for Commonwealth;
James Wood, E, bvertou, Elsbree
and John W. Codding, Ems.; for de cad
ent& . Jury find Morris -Doll guilty sod
John Adams, Jr., and John McDonald
not guilty.
Corn: vs. Michael - Sullirgittsisault
and battery. District Attorney• Fanning
and John N. Cali, 'Esq:, for .Corntiron
wealth.; L Evens, - Esq., for defendant.
Jurrtind defendant not guilty,. and the
proseciOri Michael Maxsingtrmi' , to pay .
tbn Wats. _ ,
Cow vs. U. I~atiiimort6; 'two tiais,
. _ .
•-aelling &per, tOpinenut of kit - cm-4a.
temperate habit., . and , tlejling littler on
dettglii".Waatil7 iikkf PianWeellthi..."l.
Attempting to lintifi building.; Mom. Ink
O. L'JOrdim-qqq - Fakbib enter: -, `Chirly-ent
William. IP'Obilitiatti=-Pelout.ins assault: .
Com. ' es. C. -.-11.1.Plink.Selling Aquae'
without thawfse„ ;Tim &Menses 11313110thi;
tied toliptainhir Betaions: ' .
_,_ln re the applhiation 4t 'tie of
Monroe Borough to le# On additional as.
of five mills on the t , .Prayer of
the petitinner , grantixll -_ : .. • . .
In the matter of t taking of the Sus
quebanna Bridge at theus Borough as a
tree county bride The report of the
Commissioner ap 1 , inted to assess dam.
age oin this case' -, and'confirmed ni si.
B. E. Loomis appointed . Deputy Con
btable of Ulster Township. , •
• L. L. Post appointed Deputy Constable
of Shesbequin Totinship- .. . .
P. H. St.ertuan appointed Deputy Con
stable olAthens Borough.
C. P. Lawrence va; UrsulaY. Hawk and
J. D. Hawk—Ejectment. J. F. Shoo-,
maker and 'D'A. Overton; Esqs., for
plaintiff; Evans 4 - Maynard and E. Over
ton, Esqs., for defendants. Verdict for
Charles Johnson & . Co. vs. Towanda
IYater Works—Appeal. James IL and
John W. Codding, Bags., for plaintiff ;
H. Streeter and N. C. Elshree Esqs, for
defendant. Verdict for plaintiff of $ll5.
C. L. Stewart vs. Philander Barnes
Appeal. Patrick qk Foyle for plaintiff;
McPherson qk Young for defendant. Ver
dict for defendant. I
William B. Fairest vs. Doll C. Forrest;
Julia Forbes vs. Allen Forbes ; Irene M.
Gamblems.'Newhit B. Gamble. Sublice..
na in divoiew awarded in each cue.
&twirl S. Zacharias m Lucretia Zacha-
ribs ; Armstrong vs.: Armstrong ; Mama
tosh vs. Meintnah. Subpcoua in di
votes awarded in each case. _
Cyrus Tabor vs. Susan A. Tabor ; Bai
ley vs. Bailey ; Munn vs. Munn ; Lord vs.
Lord ; Van Winkle vs. Van Winkle.
Sheriff directed to make proclamation in
each case.
Sophia C. Allis vs. W. W. Allis ;Nene
-ICIOII vs. Yeomen; Gates vs. Gates ;
Wheeler vs. Wheeler. Cases refereed to
L. Elabtee, Esq., 3laster and Examiner
in Divorce. •
Thomas Golden vs. Jonathan and Rob
ert Hadlock ; Warren Ayerte , use vs. Sam
uel Johnson, et al.; Jacob Tall vs. B. C.
Chilton; BladfordLoan and Building As
sociation vs. Frank ani Lauretta Case;
May & Brother vs. William Henry; A. L.
Thomaa' •use tel. Samuel Johnson. Holes
to open judgment in each case. - -
E. T. Fox vs. Michael Kirwan.—Rule
In re the lunacy of Sophia Platt. - ---Jolin
A. Coddiug, Esq., appointed Commis
A. K. Lent vs. James H. Webby Ad
ministrator. Jelin N. Califf, Esq.. ap
pointed an Auditor to-distribute"funds.
Henry Ward,, vs. M. C. .Mercur
et al.—Rule on plaintiff to 'pay bill !,
eists. • . .
L. T. McFadden va. JOlin N. Wolfe.
Albert Morgan, Esq., appointed an Audi
for to distribute funds. f
Iu the matter of the litnacy of Benja
min Bronuell.—E. P. Allen, E. Mills Jr.,
mid H. W. I T-homas, appointed Commis
sioners. :
Uu motion of John F. Sanderson, 'Esq.,
Edward: Welker, Jr. end James Fred
Phinay we're admitted to practice in the
several Coats of BradfOrd County.
-On motion of James Wood; Esq., Vic
tor E., Piollut, Jr.,- was admitted to- prac
tice in the several Courts of -Bradford
- .
Oo motion of Davies & ' tall # John G.
Williams and John E.' Davies were ad:
witted to practice in the several Courts
of --Bradford -County, - whereupon they
were duly sworn.
The following Sheriff's Deeds-wefts ac
knowledged : - _ -
• To Elvira L.-Bong; for a lot of land in
Athens Towns - 111;1)1P. Sold April 27, 1882,
as the< proper* of James Baron; Jr.
$2BO. . '
To Andre* Yetter, for a lot of land in
Athens Township. - Sold April 28, 1882,
as the property of. Amos and F. C. Tiit
hill, I'. T. $155.
To L. Kenyon, for lot of land
iri Albany : Township' Sold April 27,
1892. us the property 'of' lialph Stevens.
$2.000. _ . ••
To David T3; - - Hill,. for Aot of land in
Lthens-Borough. Sold April 27, 1892, as
the property of. Patrick Curley. $4lO.
To. A. K. Lent, for two lots of land in
Wysox Township.- Sold April 27, • 1882,
as the property of James H: Webb, et al,
Administrator of M. B. Owen. $2,250.
• To S. M. Diekevman, for lot of land in
Burlington Borough. Sold April 27, 1882,
as the property of George C. Hill. $205..
To George W. Bailey, for. four ' lots of
land in Pike Township. Sold April. 22,
1882, as the propel ty of Earl A:Felbusb.
The following 'additional licenses were
granted : .
11-nry Barlett,- Towanda Forongh,
First Ward.
S. B. Tidd, Towanda Borough; Second
• Thd following prisoners were eentericeci:
Com. vs: Frank Tallady—Assault and
battery. Sentenced to pay a fine of 00
and costs of, prosecution, and .undergo an
imprisonment of six months - in the Coun
ty Jail, and at the expiration Of sentence
to give bouds conditioncd , for good behav
Corn. vs. John Woodburn—Larceny.
Sentenced to pana fine of $lO, coats
prosecution, and undergo an imprison
ment of nue year and five months in the
Eastern Penitentiary. '
Com. .5. Morris Doll—Setting-fire to
and, burning buildings. Sentenced to pay
a tine of $lOO, costs of prosecution, and
undergo an imprisonment of two years in
the Eal.tern Penitentiary.
' Corn. vs. John Adams, Jr.—Larceny.
Sentenced to the House of Refuge.
S. 11..Parnswerth vs. J. Cobh—lssue ;
Leonora Heath, etc., • vs. John Carroll—
Trespass. Cases.settled.
N. C. Thompson vs. Emily and Alonzo
B. Allen—Ejectment. Rodney A. Mer
cur, Esq.. for plaintiff ; Williams &
gle for defendants. Verdict for defend
• Com. vs. John Mulholland—Belli:lst ii
quor. to minors. Benjamin M. Peck, Esq..
forCommouwealth ; L. N.-Evans 'and N.
C. Elsbree, :Esc's., for defeadanc. Jury
and defendant not guilty, but that he pay
the costs. • .
Miami S. Pike's Execfitors vs. C. Hun
sicker —Replevin. . Evans & Maytml'4,
D'A. Overton and H. C. Baird, Eims. for
plaintiff; N. C. Elsbree,.Esq., fordeleud
ant. Verdict for plaintiff of $521.75. • '
Eileen Packard's use vs. James V. Fox,
et al—Ejectment. J. H. Shaw, &q.,"and
Peck & Overton, for. plaintiff; Williams
& Angle aid Delos Rockwell, Es4s., for
defendants. On trial
• Emma Redfield vs. D. S. Redfield.—
Rule to open judgment.
Hattie Decker vs. Daniel W. Decker ;
Anna Woods vs. E. L. Woods. Cases
referred to L. Elsbree,-Esq , Master and
Examiner in Divoice.
G. H. Vandyke, administrator of Isaac"
Vanness, deceased, to Wm. Russell,. 47
acres in Ulster;' consideration, *1,341.
WM. Russell to Win. J. Clinstead,:47
acres - in Ulster; consideration, $1,341.
W. A: Wetmore, adminbtrator of Luke
Dolan, deceased; to John Sullivan, Jr.,
50 acres in Standing Stone ;, consideration, •
L. Montanye, adminstrator of tied.
I). Montanye, deceased, to Wm. A. Cham
berlain, 5 lots ill-Towanda borough ; con
siaCration, $3,013. .
less° MyerS to Tracy Finley, lot in
East Towanda ; consideration, $55. ,
.Wm. Koons and others to J. K. Newell,
lot in Terry.
Jesk Stalfordlo A. W. Savage, land in
Wvalusing,Consideration, $lOO.
Joel Carter •to Julia 'Caotleld, 6.1 acres .
in Pike ; consideration; $1,300'.
Charity Youtz to Chester Stewart, 19
ac h in Rome ; consideration', $4OO. • .
Jas. Pitch to Alvia hind in Al
bany .; i...tinsideration, $OO. •
S. D.Sterime to A. W. Eitel', land in
Albany ; consideration, $66.67, •
James Lee to Edward White, t. acres in
Albany ;•Consideration, $lOO.
C. S. -Russell, 'assignee of W. A. Rock
well; dece&edi to J. P. Kirby, lots in
.Towanda borough; consideration, $8,470,
- Thomas Watkins to (4e6.11. Munn, lot
in - South IVaverly ; consideration, $1,05.
Mary Long to Seymour "Jenney, lot in
Athens borough; consideration, $l5O.
- W. T.' Horton, • sheriff, to itGeo.. W.
Bailey, 4 lots .in Pikti•;cOnsideuition,s3,-
. Pavid-Talnier to Jacob .Rockwell, 71.
acres in.Canion;''consideratiOn;s3,soo
Wilber :and:-Pehitßeekwell, cxe
:enters . of -Reuben Wilber, •to Stephen
.•. •
• • - , -•-
- Iltida,l3•Scres . in, • Coiambi& ; considcfs
tion, . • .••
and:tithe:re; to FIRS:
Kingdy;..l6t in ;Athena. boro ; considers.
lion, VW.' - -• • ,
Edwards to Michael ikihind, &
acres in -- Windharn . and War en;_:xon
lideration, $1,004.• • - ••';•-• - .• • .
Tohn A . :•' nought •to Jas WOOdi'Uff,
acres in"•Tusiirors;, conside ration,
l $15420
SwardVertnilyikto Ricart,
facie in GniVei, Canton twp ;• Considers.
Charlotte Woodruff to John - A. Bought,
3 acrd inTuScarom ;. consideration, $l5O.
• Emma P4edington to R. F. Reding.
ton,lot in Troy tarp; consideration, $5O.
Henry Bingham to John. Trikcy, 18
acres in Smithfield ;. consideration; $6OO.
Ilan-hall Bullock to :Chas. Wood, 12
acres in. Smithfield; consideration, - $3,-
GOO. . .
C. 11. Wheelockto J. E. Patterson, bznd
In Sayre village; consideration, $120.•
Mary Gough to S. S. Cirigip, 93 acres in
Alice Malone to Thomas Woodfield;
143 k acres in Wyalusing ; consideration,
Edson Rockwell to Albert Johnston,
10 acres in Litchfield;' consideration,
11235. , • .
Volng'Spaulding to Esther Greenleaf,.
2 acres in Canton; -consideration, $3OO.
'Sayre Land Co. to • Catherine Watson,
land in South Waverly; .consideration,
$250. .
A. B. Cass to J. G. Dougherty,4 acre in
Wysox ; considertdion, 1 3,575.
11. ..Crayton Edmond Kelley, 78
acres in Franklin twp : consideration, $l,-
Hen Wilson to Jos. Roge. rs ;60 acres
in Wind - limn and. Warren ; considera- .
tion,. $1,750. '
Adain Murphy tO 4 Leander Galusha, 2.5
acres in Albany i consideration, $525.
A. T. 'Alley to J. W . ; Packard, 6 , acres
in Alba Borough; consideration, $125.
Joel W. Packard to Sarah Dewey;
acres in Albo borough;. consideration,
Cvreiteus Form* to Abby Forrest; land
in Ulster twp ; consideration, $500. •
,Harris Murray to John Murray, 30
acres in Athens; wnsideration, $4.0. •
11. F. 31eKinnes to Jas. E. Ha 11; 102
stems in Litchfieia; consideration, $2,-
,i •
I‘lichitel .Sliettliatt to Daitiel 0. C a rey,
lot in Soutit Waverly ; TOlLBideratioll;sl,-
Hubertibiot to Irving .llancoc•k, lot in
South Waverly •, consideration, s9so—
Ells - Worth" to Edward Boardman,
113 acreS in Windham ; consideration,
Matilda Park to Wm. Mason, 50 acres
in MotirOe.
Sabin Allen to Kate Tyrrell, 52 acres
. in Orwell . ; consideration,',s2,loo.
Michael Sheahan to E. 0. Poole, lot in
South Waverly ; consideration, 1400:
• John Hartman to Eben Lilley, 30 iicres
in Leßoy • consideration, $2,200.
Howard Elmer to the BnulfUrd Loan
and* Building Association, land in Athens
township. •
• C. W. Sanderson to A. L.. Cranmer, lot
in Monroe borough ; consideration, $750.
Wm. T. Horton, sheriff, to EliiraLang,
land in Athens twp; consideration, $4BO.
Ax invaluable strengthener for lie
nerves, muscles, and digestive organti,
producing strength and appetite, 'is
Brown's Ir►n Bitters. -
44 1 a Eaeb avid Every Inatasare.”l l
WILMINGTON. Del., Aug..l3, 18.41.
• H. H. WARNRII & a physician I
have recommended and prescribed your darn Kid
ney and Giver Cure for persons &Minted with kid
ney trouble, and in each and every instance they.
were cured. • ALFRICD WALTO.i. H. I).
M' Thrd eta, hopes and interest of
the rice refit on - the purity. health and strength of
womanhood. We take pleasure In referring our
readers to the remarkable efficacy of LydlK E.
PlnkhaureVegetable Compound In all that classes
of diseases from which wbmeh stiffer so much. •
or Rave derived some benefit from
the one of Simmons , Liver Regulator; and whit to
give It a further trial.
"I bare never seen or tried such a simple, effica
cious, sattifeetory: and ple4satit remedy in n!y life.
"11. HAINES. St Louis, Mo."
Meals at all hours. Terms to suit the times. Large
stable attached.
WM. fiII:NRY.P noroizioa.
• Tnwandla, July 2. '7O-tr.
SPRING, 1882.
~_~~ ~ _
POViELL 840.
Would armounce that` they have re
ceived, and have now open for insptc
tion, their SPRING STOCK OF
CARPETS. which aside from being
larger than in formerlyears, compri
ses a greater variety of STYLES
AND; QUALITIES, consisting of
Body Brussels,
Takstry Brussels,
Extr4- Supers,
-Supers, _
_ a
- Ciitton. Chains,
Hall and Stairs. {
SELS CARPETS, together. with a
LARGE .and CHOICE aksortinent of
•• ,
Bordead 10 Pain VOI4 MATS *6 "f qr
012W41146*' lefilartt
Will cut a slx•foot swath ata essy as a side mat maebloo.Wlll cut four feet, and with less diaft. 4 11 -2 Edies
leaves the grass to such condlthr that It will cure In one half the Ilene. and dispense with the use of
the - Hay Tedder. It Is.esp:clally adapted to the cutting of Green ?odder or gosttags.• A-- thorough
trial It requested from all contemplating the purchase of a mower the coming season. lend for de.
serfpftee circular, or call on EUREKA MOWER CO., Towanda, Pa
B. L. REARDSLIM, Warrenham
0. L. RUGG, Tuscarora Valley.
tlli• The EUREKA MOWER 'snow-manufactured only at TOwanda, Pa. The Company has beta
thoroughly reorganized, comprising men of experience, ability and abundant capital. No CVO Or
expense, is spared to select the very best material and stilled workmen. EVERY MACHINE 18
We would call SPECIAL ATTENTION to= this Depattthent.. We
have constantly in stock a full Ike of COMENS:sind CASKETS.
S 5 - OR $20,00
P 2 00 " 100 00
Further than this, we guarantee our WORK AS-GOOD and. PRICES
AS LOW as any place in the country. Give us a trial and convito your
selves. Don't,foiget the place.-
BilOge. . Street Furniture StOre !
We are now prepared tolshow our IMMENSE STOCK OF :SPRING
FURNITURE, and feel confident that we can give you
every line.
chamber Suits; - 820 to 8150 each.
; Parlor Suits, 850 to 8100 each.
Dining Ch t airs, 50e to $2 each.
Lounges, 86 to 820'each. , _
,__ Mattresses, $3 to 820 each.
WASHSTANDS, CRADLES, Am, AT. - 27-apr4f.
-llr-EATED LANDS.—in pursuance of the :143
dote c - . Assembly Diming reference to the asseO• 3 4 3
Bent of taxes upon unseated lands,in this Com- : 343
monwealth. and. the sale of the same for non- . 343
paynient, 'there will be exposed to public sale at' , 400
the Commissioner's Office in the borough of To 30 1
wands, on the SECOND 'MONDAY OF JUNE, A. ' 400
D., lgel. being the 12th .day, of said month. at i : 4 , 0
o'clock p. m., the tracts of land assessed under , 343 7
the following -warrantke names. unless prior; 343
payment of taxes and Costa be made: • ' ! $OO ,;
Acres. - Wsrautee Nunes. :. Taxes. ' 400
% ' HarclayLeumainghint, D. H. - . $12•54 1 . 33 6 _
1:0 • • Hags, George 22 l 9 4n o
155 .*. Elltzicumer, Jacob 2O 3" r 311
. .
300 .
,ledlY; - Andrew , 39 is ; t- 5
400 Ladly, Peter • - lot flo
330 - Ladly; Joseph ' 43 v: i 4 2 0 , -
212 Stuart, Waller ' • 27 63 , z2e_.: -
,263 Stuart; Deborah • 3 4 6 2 , 1 VW
200 . LeßOy—Beck, Henry 19 as I 375
21)3 • Bratee. Frederick 13 5, CV
191 Monroe—Anderson, Jacob 16 231. 10
361 Benner, Jacob - 30,31 I 4 ' 4
Benner, Jacob, Jr . 32 V. i 375 -
Ca:stater. Fred •
Oiatater. Harman
Cunningham. D. H.
Gray William
Hampton, Peter:
Hampton, Thema'
HOPkitti , - Robert
Hags, Peter.
Dully, Samuel
.Ladly,Alugh .
. McAdams, Ephriana
"North, Peter '•
North. lames
Stewart, Walter
• Wallace, Nancy ,
Wallace, Samuel 1
Ito.e, David • -
Bigger, Hobert • .
AI There will be ex - Posed to public - Sale at the same time . and place, the following lots,
feces or parcels of improved or seated lands, situate as hereafter sot forth, for non-payment
of sundry taxes assessed in the; years 1.979 and 15e0..11.4 the same have been duly returned to the
nonnty Commissioners by the Colloctnes of the several districts:
-.1 . _ crt• 9 : ~ ~ r -- ti - , ------- .
- - ` r " 0 1 - 4 . 0 1 . m
1 d a. .
' TO wlro3l ASSESSED. ) --1-z... , 1 V 1 `....., ; V V,
PI I 7 la I W at m
.- - 13 F. - s ' • •
. .
_ - a ~,
---t 0
------ --- -- - ----F --------,----7 , - 7 -- 1 17: , - 1 ---- ' ----- , --. '----.
1 ALBANY. • •
1872 ,ueorge Ouips $ 2 801, 4 00 ,6 5 00 : •
.. 'G. F. ?Jason 21: -30• 30;.,...,
.. !Mary Ann McAllister • 11; 15' 15 , ...... . ...
. . .
t ..
1880 0. F. ?Millen ; 4 le, Sk... . • •
' ABMENTA. 1 .
/14 . 12 L. A. Cue estate 143 , 2 01, 2 C 0....... .....
.. tr. C:Muttleubtutg • '- - •" 4 20; 6 0 0 ; 7 NO •
...... .....
a: - ICkinrchillStratt, -- • - i • 90 1"17•
.• ( Wm. Kinch ... • •••• ...... ••••••••• ............... :t -1 .. .. ... ... .-.....; 2 3 28 3 i.
W. P. Case ! , 4s;
Imo W.'l'. Case ' • .
• 45 45 1 6-1
-.. Raleigh Williams ' ' " ' l' 40 1 150 222 - -
.. g. o,3lnhleriburg... ....... ...1 000' 6 00 1 9 o._ , .....
ADMEN'S 00110: , . i ,
1372. Sarah A. Dorsey,.. . ,
...... ,
' ' ''
1 Gs! •
1 151 1 ,......1 ... .... .....
/ a Henry Halleck
Imo Henry Benjamin..., . .. .
.... , - 2 3 1 1- 1 15 1 „...
Wcirr unntncoron. , 1
1879 'Charles Perry 95 4 62! 3 / 3 . 2 955.....". ...- '
.4 Stephen Taylor . 1.0 - 2 25; 1 6 0 ' 2 25 1 „...
188 Charles Perry • 99
.. Stephen Taylor • . 40 , . 2 - 1/5 ...
1879 Robert Stewart; • 57- 49:5 6 ; . ; 33.......
. .
LX HOY - ' • 1 - , :
' . Reuben McClellan - • 24- 1 40, 12 0 140 ' ~.4
.• HoorgeHemniinger ' - 150" 2 101 1 50. 210 ....
, • togotoco. -• •
1840 belatuar Tayler 1 4 43; 3 421 -
' , FINN. • 1
18 9 Athens Building and Loan Association.... ~.12 lots; 35, - 1 281...... „...
...', Ileurc Pepper estate ; 2 45; 2 4 5 1 1 ili .:.... ...:.
4 Jonathan Dimond -
• - STANDING 1 - I'OllZ. • 1 i _
" Luke Dolan state - •
180 .
.. Pstricklt. Quinn
,N; .524 - 42 .....•t.....
Phineas W.Terry"...”-- . ..41 52; . 43 ••...•. .....
,„ Mrs. J. L. Johnson - ' ,!,,,; 7t
.; • • • • • .1
1.63 1
.. Michael Haunahan - " -
„, Martin Mack. - - :.'..,.... ••• .......... . .... •............,.. ...... 1 110 1 2 12;
- • ''' -- -Ivwar•Pa novo. - - 41 ,1 .....
INN Holmes k Kirby - *- "- ._ 3 lotat 3 65; 5 50i 3 sol 4 40 ! .
A. S. lioDoliald 4 ' 1 lot 1 Sri 1 2 6 - 1 28. 1 05'....
- William Henry 1: 1 lot; " 103 1 1 14 , 110, 120"
- ..
- Go z7ge W . Heath ~'.. 1 101 l 3 601 6 0 0 , SCO- 4 oo .....
.. • - George E. Stedge.„....., t 1 lot? 10:'4' - /
4 6 1 1.43 : 116 "
a .... ..
~•.. J. 4. KaransuGh
• ••• ••• • • • ' 3 T.:J. .4 7 01 , 4 7111 3 60 1 -
. W - W. Browning ' ..I lot i 7t; 10 0 4 100; ;,. 60 , .....
. 1880 W. W.Brownlng..;.. • 1 lot 1 051 125 j 105' &I,
! TOWANDA Twir,• , • ' ; - . I, i t
1879 James Boyle - - ..... .... ,
1 1 lot' 35! 55 1 22!
.. D. N. Newtcn ;4 Iota; 5 O 1; 7 : 15, 2 86;
.. Nettie McGill . ' 1 191 1 '3‘.“ 2 1 ri
: i
.. Patrick Solllvan 1 lot 7'. 1 1-10 ; 4i;
.. Sat terlee,k Russell... .... ' - 2 lots 77 I'l o l • 441... ••
2. 1-
.' James Harp • I lot 41 i - 1 6 ; .... - , .
• .
.. 1 Isaac Lamoretiz .. 1
,2 lots 3'. /41 22; ••• -;
' 1880 O. B. Harris., , 544 • -.• •• •
. Isaac I„amoreux • • 21ots; 3t.1 , 3 0 ; 11,....._ ;
„ George Emery : I
1 101 l : .3k -3 1 . 1 111
TROT now. ,-• I . 1 1
1879 Wilson & Baer t , - i 1 tw 224 ; 1 874••••.• 1
' .a t
.. John Oweni • ~,,..; . 84 96, 184 . ,
.. -K. F. Bugg • , b •i• 1 001 1 fls! 123
.. Merahen mi ol o og
•••••• 1
2 8i:71 2 1 2C00 ; .12711 1.. ... .....
4840 iNorils & *II Fargo • '
.. lelershen Maiming • - 1 1 44, 1 05, •
190 • ,
, • •••• • • ,
.. R. JP, Nage ' ••
-• -1 ; 1 21. 11r1 14,
.. J - ohn Owens ..... •.. . ......,••••• 1 1 1 211 811 121 I
.. 4
, .
;Willman & Welt. ' ' - ; ' 1 14 MI / 4 50 i /4 6 0 111 so
...... •••• .. .............. •••••• ••••••
11 51. 11. tanning ;. 1 3 Oai 3 08; 3 0tri.„....1 oGo
... .
„ ;Edward H0rnet............; I..ri I 71; 2 751 1 1 . 76
..,..., _ ..
.. i, - oysouro. • ; -, • :
.. :own,' k Lnutr. - • ' 110 1 Ki.....• , - 1 24........ 3G o
...... ,
• . oralla Whalen •••• • . tO; 1 46. 1 •••• ••' . -/ 0 :' 3Ca
.. John Willie 50; 1 WI- .... . 812 ...... 200
iWin. Ilesci•t ' • 1001 1 811 ' 3 OW__ .. 1 360
... Cale & Lewis 11.0. 2 Oat .... ' 1"60 - "4 03
.. ,Sarah A. Keene ' - ; 400 1 6 Ok;•••••• ; 4 'AI .
.... •
Thos. Waltman. Jr ......! 1 C v i ! •••• • • i 2 4: 1 0 1 .....1 .....
. 4
ii-.lCotice isi" hereby given tbst as .tcnoant standout tu lay Mile asiotaaotswili b•iwyrtro.
1 cue when laud Is sold at tbotirq? 4 P*l. 111 14 unless thewtaw us oosolled . With ths
' besdidll impaled for sac , --.-
. .' - ZIIIS 112;74T. Si•taditt,
• Office, April 4110. , , . .
B. B PrERCE, Bridge Street, Towanda, Pa.
Spring Beds, 3to 812 eachN
400 Siddens. tleorge
400 Bee ol Y, Joseph
294 Temple.. Pater
400 - Temple, Samuel Tniciimra—rieb 4 ; Henry ,
- Bunt, Job
Porter, James
5,1 Wilinot;--Allen, John
78 . Butler. Polly
75 Hollenback, John
97 ' , Marsh, Samuel
200 , ' Stowell, C. S.
250' Stowell. D. B.
231 Terry—floss , . Elisabeth
401 ; Morrie, Israel -
c Leahy, John
so - Morris, Benjamin
E. G. VAN DYKE, East Caste's
9. W. BESLEY, Kalifornia:
11mai9341111. ,
Warrantee times.
Overtoh—Bets, Henry - - 42 24
Betz, John ' 42 24
Retz, Joseph - - 42- 24
_ . Betz. James . 42 24
Bysorr - IfenrY • 49 20
Cashier. Harman - • 44 TO
• ' Cooley, Joshes- 49 20
. • Castater. Joseph - 43 20
lidge, Peter. ," 42 24
Fritz, Samuel J 42.24
Hags. George . ; 00 90
Hags, Nathan .; '" 49 20
Ilaga. Peter ' -.
41 , 33
" Hardy. Samuel 49 20-
Hardy, Jaynes /A 09
Hardy. Henry ," - 27-73
- Harris, Ann 41 98
- Hollingsworth, Stephen 49 20
Dwily, Heigh - ' 13 OS
Ladly, Andrew • 12 30
Moore, George 4r, 09
Seeley, Peter ' 49 20
.I Palmer. Thomas .", 12 30
t. Seeley, Henry 49 20
Seeley, Jonathan - .44 14 -
1 Siddens, Andrew 49 33