4'arni and Toehold. THE SCHOOLBOY. We bought btm a box for Ms books and things, And a erlcket bait tor bls bat ; And he looked the brlghtestand beet of kings Under Ms new straw bat. ' Ni a banded Dim into the railway Mein With a troop of Ma young compeers, Awl 'remade as though it were dnat and rain Were filling one eyekwith team. We looked In bls Innocent face to sea ? • The sign of a sorrowful heart; he only shouldered his bat with glee And wondered when they Would start. 'Twas not that be loved not as beretofore, For the boy was trnder and kind; But Ills was a world that was al before Aud ouri was a world behind. . . • `Tim not his ftutterlng heart Was cola, Vor the child was loyal and true ; And the parents love the love that Is old And the children the love that is new. .I:Petr,?,' ft Free Press Rural Economy—Various Hints. -The work of the season is now fairly on the. ftk-rther, and it is impart ant that every hour of the farm la borers be' economicallyij filled. The heavy and regular - Work will of course be well attended to, but there 'are many minor items liable to he overlooked. • The farmer should _go-over, every thing on: the farm—in-doors and out —regularly, at least, once a week, to see what is out:of order, what needs attention, and make minutes of ev erything on the spot for his Memo randum book. A card in his vest Locket, where it could be quickly reached, will prevent any item from being forgotten . till he can transfer it to his more 'permanent book. Among the smaller items,. import ant to be attended to, will ; probably be found. :broken toots, implements out of place, rubbish where it should na be, rails or boards lying on the ground;",boards off of fences, gates saffaing manure nnpiled, carriages or rniggfes unwashed, loose stones in -the farni-: . road,.etc. Many'of these things may be put right on.§rainy days; or during acci dental Fenix° moments; and• to - facil itate thiS work the following memo randa may be plainly and largely Written. and posted up in a work shop, or under a shed, where the workingmen may see it at . any • time for directions: WORK. FOR RAINY DAYS AND)SPARX MOMENTS 1. Clean, polish and oil tools. 2. Repair any broken tools. 3.. Clean and oil harness 4. Shell corn. - 5. Put all tools neatly in place. • 6. Sweep floors of barns: and out houses 7. Grind hoeS and spades. s. Sprout and sort potatoes. -9. Keep cellars sweet and clean. There are many other matters which should be timely attended to, such as examining kitchen drains to see that - :no unwholesome air comes from therm ; repairing leaky roofs ; providing perfect cellar drains ; mak ing dry surroundings. Of the . house. using gravel . for walks preventing slop puddles at the kitchen door, and keeping clean •surroundings of the barn. The farmer should - 'know the con tents of every field - on his farm, which, he easily Hnscertain nen- . rately et:Qtl ; !ii for altLcommon par- . poses by the tt!,e of al tape-line and the multipli , ation 'Cable... Measuring poles, of different lengths;. from six to twelve feet, Will be useful . for vari ous :mailer .irpos'es. such as meas uring poi i ions of fences, ditches, gates, buildings, timber, and in gar dening and planting trees. A grad,. uated pole eleven feet,,long, is a con venient length for:'measuring small portions onarni, as three lengths are two rods, a_ length and a half one rod, ele. It Would be too short if only 'eight and a fourth, or WO cum bersoniC if sixteen and a half feet long —Clnrittry Gentleman. . ABoti. REPAIRING I.; Ul LDINGS. Th 6 barns are usually empty at this season, and now is the best time=to make the necessary repairs. If ex polence has shown the stables to be inconvenient, let the improvements be made be!ore the barns are again fill - , ed. Thcre may be some holes in the roof, and a little patching may save many times its cost, if done in season; in short, leaks of every kind about the buil,lings should be promptly stopped. Look well into granary for mouse holes, ilfrough_whic% the pro fits of a whJle field-may pass. They may be closed with a strip of tin. ,The work of half a day in looking and closing these places;-. may be the. Most profitable of >+ny done on the farm• a The roofs, the floors, the sides, the doors, and all other_ parts 'Of the barns, should now• beiput in • good order, and another coat of paint 'be applied if th , !.last one is beginning to Wear through. A stich -in time saves more than nine in such repairs. —American .--1!/ri , oll a risl for May. • DfsrosAL In the course of years there will accumulate .on every ganden, a quantity -of un sightly stuff. Broken crockery and glassware, old fruit and tomato cans, worn old saucepans, and other wastes of the household. These can not be composted ..or turned to any useful purpose, and if allowed to be scat tered about, make the s.utrouthlings unsi:itly. ()he of the best methodS forgetting rid of such stuff, is to dig a dry well, and provide it with a cover too heavy for children to dis place, anti deposit all such rubbish in-this.. When tilledtO within three feet of the top, take a piece'of timber and pound - down the contents as cow= pactly as possible, and fill. hp with 'earth. - The well- thus covered can be planted over, and answer a good purpose as : a local be another receptacle can be made -for future accumulations.—Agriculturist. DEVILED LOBSTEIL—Take a thice _ pound lobster and . .pick it to pieces with a knife and fork, do not, chop it, but cu., Op fine. Add to it half a teaspoonful of ground. mustard, a pinch of cayenne pepper and' a tea- - spOtinful of salt. Jake half a pint of rich milk and cut into piece of - butter the size of an egg, -..and let it boil on the fire; then put-in the beat. en yolks of two eggs and stir rapid ly. When it begins to thicken turn in the lobster and let it get heated through. Then put it into the opened_ lobster shells, and sprinkle bread crumbs all over if with bits of butter Over them, and brown in the oven. Serve in the shells. •. STEW,—This is the stew that is mostly made in Ireland. Put some slices of cold boiled corned beef (nev er fresh) into a ste*pan with a good deal of water, or thin stock, two large onions sliced, and some cord boiled potatdes (whole) - and a little pepper. Stew gently until the pota toes.are quite soft and have taken up nea ly all the gravy; some will break, but they should be as whole as pesai ble.. Turn all out on a flnt dish allot kern PRESENTIMENTS. An Investigation of Ike Causes of Those Dark Forebodings Which Wake Powerful Men Weak. Goidtrii Ru le Much apprehension .has been occasion ed- throughout America from the 'an nouncement nsade by Professor ,Proctor that the return in nineteen years of the great comet of last summer will cause tire destruction of the earth. But while nc4-. Tie are becoming so strangely exerctid over this_atinoencement, , an event of far. more serious importance, a ich is taking place to-da_y, seems to be almost . wholly overlooked. The nature of this Most. vi tal subject can be best explained by,rclat-. lug the folloWiug experiences : Bishoit. 'O. Haven,.knovru to the en tire land, wits unacconntably awateireti one night Out of a sound sleep, and *lay awake until morning. His mind teemed., Lunesually active, and he not only 'review ed his last life, which had been "airevent ful one, but laid extensive plans for the future. He did not feel especially ill, but could not account for the unusual ac tivity of his brain, nor for the.restlessuess which teemed to possess him. In the morning he had but little aPpetite, but , was apparently welt in other resPects..:ln '3, few days; however, lie'le,:au — to feel restless an Morbid, although' he tried earnestly to overcome the feeling which had taken - possession of hint: But try as he would the shadow of some evil seemed to follow hire, and he was conscions of a gradual sinking and wasting away of all his physical faculties. Ho had been an earnest and diligent worker, and in his zetq frequently -ewer-taxed his strength. and being absorbed in his duties failed to observe the conmiun Symptoms with which he was afflicted, - thus permitting the work of destruction to go on unheed ed. But the end finally came in a Most pererriptory manner. Shortly before his death l he wrote a letter—the last one he ever indited—in which-he sp-grks as fol lows : " A belief that death is near affeits raids differently, but probably all who are in aliir condition of physical and mental strength instinctively shrink from it with an indefinable dread and horror. A. dy ' ing man is, no more able of him - tell to foresee his own destiny or the destiny of those he leave's than he was before he be gan The recent sad and sudden death of lion. Clarkson N. P6tter is one of the most serious warnings ever given in the long list of inntimerehle cases of fatal neglez,•t i . It is not iiufficient to say that _many other brilliant men, including, Ever ett, Stnuner, Chase, Wood,: Wilson • and Carpenter, were swept away by the same fatal trouble The question is,,weie these, men sufficiently careful of their health, and could they have . been saved ? .The Albany Argus, iu speaking of Mr. Pot• ter's sudden illness and death,.says : One of the physicians. who attended Mr: Potter here was interviewed last ev ening.' He stated - that Potter's ina bility to converse had for some thineserv ed to baffle the physicians in their efforts to determine the root of his illness. It seems, however, that Mr. ,Potter,' some two years ago, suffered a slight attack of kiduerdiseas.e. Unwise dependence upon a robust constitution- and naturally per fect health, and neglect .of proper cloth ing, doubtless sowed the seeds of a chi ease that •needed but sonic such personal neglect us that of Tuesday morning.to de- Velop. From the symptoms at first shown, it was thought that hi?s'only trip* was nervous prostration ; but his hng cOutin nancdin a semi-unconscious state led to the belief that his illness was sated in a chronic difficulty more mysteiions and dangerous." • Up to the latter part of last year Mk Edward P. Hook,.a member of the New York Stock Exchange, bad everything to encourage him, and make life h4ppy, but was the victim of unaccountable uneasi ness. His experience as described by one. who knew, folltiWs% ," At unex pected times, and on occasions when he had the greatest reason to feel . joyous he was irritable and hhunted with :strange feelings of discontent. He endeaVored to check these feelings and appear_ pleasant, but it required a-great effort to do so ; af ter which he would again relapse into his former Morbid mood. This feeling con tinued for a number of months, when he came conscious of an added sensation of lassitude. He was tired even isa'rn rest ing,-and although no acute pain, bad dull, aching serisatim.s in his'! limbs and ,variouli parts of. bis Shortly afterward his head began' to ache, most frequently and his stomach failtid to digest properly. : Being told that he was suffering from malaria he consulted an eminent physician, who informed. him that his kidneys were slightly affected; and gave him medicine to restore them.' But he grew worse instead of better. Fie then consulted other eminent doctors of another school and was info: med that he had a brain difficulty somewhat in the iiia tme of a tumor. but in spite of all efforti to the contrary,' he continued 'to groW worse: At tins! time his condition was._ terrible. What Were at first simple symp toms had devehiped to terrible troubles,- ife.was flushed, 'and feverish, constantly uneasy, and yet always weary. He had anintense appetite one day and very lit tle the next. His pulse was irregular, his breathing labored, and every moment of existence was a burden. These discs trous symptoms continued. his face and body became discolored, .his heart was ir regi'ilar in its action; and his breath came in short, convnlsive gasps. He grew con stantly worse, notwithstanding the ut most precauti : ms of his friends and final ly died in the greatest agony. After his death an ,examination as to its actual cause was made, when his brain was found to be in . a perfect condition, and the reason of his decease was of an en tirely different. nature:7 • , . . I The -experiences wliich„have been cited, , . above all had a common cause and were each the resift of one disease. The dis ease, which so-deceitfully, yet surely re move-1 the .pcmple -aliory' mentioned was Bright's disease of the kidneys. In the ease of Mr. Rook the examination after death, while showing the brain to, be in perfect condition, revealed the terrible fact that he was the victim.. of a slight kidney trouble, Which had gone on un checked, until it resulied in acute Bright's disease... The leading physicians and sci entists of the world are fast learning that more than ore half the deaths which 'oc cur are caused by this monstrous scourge. - It is one of the most 'deceitful maladies ever known to the human race. It mani fests itself by, symptoms, so slight and common, as to seem unworthy of .atten- Con ; and yet these. very insignificant symptoms are the tint stages of the worst complaint known in the history' of the world. Thousands of people have died from troubles that are celled heart die eiv.e, apoplexy, pneumonia, brain fever, and similar diseases, when it was, in fact - Bright's disease of the kithiesß. The ray ;Agee of this disease have been grtiltly in creased front the faot that nail l Meat '• " 17, :i • 2.! : - TWroye-<5. tsig4,,..Eg'4err`ft7A 14., V r :A77 Y ' ' - years no way was known to prevent .its -beginning nor check its increase when it bad become once fixed upon the system. Within the past two years, however, we have learned of more thin four hundred pronounced . cases of Briglitia disease, many of them much worse than those shine described, and most of whom had been given up by prominent physicians, who have been completely ourett The means used -to accomplish this end has been Warmer., Safe ; Kidney and Liver Cure, manufacthred in Rochester, N. Y., a remed, that bias won its way into the confidence of the public solely upon the remarkable merits it poties:es. As a re suit, .it is more widely used and thorough ly praised than any medicine which has ever been before the ierican public. In deed there is not a drug store iu the en tire land where it cannot be found. - . Although Bright'S diseage• is so..oollm= mon in cities, it is still more prevalent in -the country. When eminen' physicians is the largest eitiest are not able to recog nize. Bright's.oiseits,•, it is only natural' That in the coimti y,: where there are few, physicians of any kind, i-nd those few so unaegimiuted with the disease as to call it by seine other name, it 'should rage ter ribly and yet unknown to the ones who are suffering -with it. Thousands of peo ple can look back ana recall the death of friends from what was_ suppokti to be some common compleinti - when it was re illy.l3riglit's disease; AND NO ONE KNEW IT. The terrible pleuro-pneumonia, which has teen so dreaded,, is usually the result of uremic or kidney poison. Lung fever car be traced io a similar source. Most cases of paralysis arise from the same dif !lenity, as well as innumerable feireis; lung, throat, head and bowel troubles. A -vast number of ladies have suffered and died from complaints common to their sea called, perhaps, gene - ral debility, when, could the real cause have been known, it would have been found to be Bright's disease, inwiquiraiiing under an other name. In marked; cofitrast to the sad cases which have been above deseribJ ed are the e..periences of mmy prominent w people who were as low as any of:the per sons mentioned; but who weie remarka bly restored to forfner health and vigor' by this same remedy. Among this num ber are the following prominent - names : Col. John C. Whither, Atlanta, Ga.; B. P. Larrabee, Boston, Mass.; Gen. C. A. Heckman, Phillipsbnig, N. J.; Rev. P. D. Buck, D. D., Geneva, N. Y.; Dr. E. A. 'McManus; B &More, Md ; Edwin Fay, Davenport, lowa ; Rev. A. C. Ken krick, LL. D.; Rochester, N. V.; J. S. Matthews, Portland, Mich.; C. W. 'Bast wood, NeW York ; : Dr. A: A. Ranisay, lowy ; Chancellor C. N. ilme, D.. D., Syracuse, N. ; Dr. S. P. Joites; Ma rienette, Wis.; T. S. Ingraham, 0,; Henry - T. Champney, Boston, Mass.; Elder James S.' Prescott, North Union, 0., who is a prominent merhber .of the Shaker comniunity, and man* oth ers. To all candid minds the force ofithe above facts must come. with special Ov er- They show the importance of prompt-- ness - and attention to the first symptoms of disordered health bofoie 'disease be, clines fixed and hope departs. They show bow this can successfully be, done, and that the daiigers Which await neglect can only with difficulty be remov.d. • ~Rebicaf. TRUTH -- ATTESTED. Some Importent Statements of 'Well-Known r, People Wholly Veriftel. In order that the public may fully realize the genuineness of the statements, as well lithe power and value of the article of which they spark, we_ publish herewith the far-simile signitures of par. ties whose sincerity is beyohtl question. The truth of these testimonials is absolute, nor can libel/acts they announce be ly cured. - PiIILADELPIIIA, Pa., Mar, h 19, 1881 H. H. WanNitt & Co.: Stra—Theaindersigned, member of the staff of Forney's, Prom etc has been a sufferer . for years with kidney troubles. The use by hint of !your Safe Kidney and Liver Cuie has been followed by beneficial results. - I know the gentleman whose signature is above, Mr..W. H. Brady, and I can say that any statement made by him derserves to be considered the exact G~ • • '' • Rociitsrtht Ti, Y.;Jan. S, 1881. 11. 11. Warner et C,S., Rochester, 1.: • - Uxxrt.ssi EN : Having received from the use of Warner's saw Kidney, and, Liver Cure very marked benellt, - 1 can cordially recommend It to others. (I). D., Professor of Greek In the Rochester Uni versity and New Testament reviser).. `Thousands of equally st tong endorsements—many of them In cas e s where hope was abandoned—have been voluntarily given, showing the remarkable lamer of Warner's Sate Kidney and Liver Cure, in all disea es of the kidneys, liver or urinary organs. If 'anyone who reads this has any physical trotible, remember the great danger of delay. Feh.l6-S2. la a Positive Care. for fill limos Paha Cal complaints mid W;balinsaassi suroatison to eeriest Camila impelstleaT It will cure entirely the Word form of Female Come plaints, ell ovarian trottbks,lnflaMmation and 17leers tl en, Falling and Displacements, and the consequent (pine! Weakness,. and Is particularly adapted to the ( bangs of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the ukase in an early stage of deve!opment. The tendency to can. etrom humors there bebeck ed very speedily by its use. It removes faintness, flatulency. destroy...l:terming for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, deadaebes, Nervous Prostration General Debility. illoolessuess, Densondan and 4resUon. ' That hellos ot talartny down, eapahtqt pathoralatt and backache, ta shwa permanently cared by It, us. 7.: will at all Urea and' underall ciretunstratore aet haniony with the lows Oat, govern the female astern. For the (woof kidney Complaints of either as this Compound b connriassed. LYDIA E. PINEIII.IIIII Trorrikinz cot- I'OUNDIa prepand at MS and Weston( Avenue Lyna.Mass. Prieasl. I xbottlaforlS. Boot by Inas form of pills. alp Lathe form of lozenges, on receipt of prim, IM fir box for ettbor. Mrs. tinkbam frooksanswees all letteroof tagclr. Send for ptimpb• let. Addtat• so *Mom. , Xastios this Awn, No faadly_ should be without LYDIA E. ITRIBLEII LIVER pus. They awe eonetipetica. balcouwen ma_ torr e :lty of the liver. .116 cents per hex Soh) by an DruggistaMib Let VXECITTQRS' NOTICE.— Let tent testamentary having been granted to the undersigned. under the last will and testament of Darwin P. Gillett, late of Sheshequin twp., dee'd, all persons lndettisd to the estateof said decedent are hereby notillett to make Immediate paytitant,. And all baring tape:. against laid estate must pre. sent the saine - dulY tkehelautliked to the Under. skguld allttleme" Vitt** titurrr, = Illtepibqulth Ps, teiniteiwo, Xpostork CM Mil 111... FOR MAN AND BEAM THE BEST NINO EXTERNAL LLI i 1 01 1 0 1 Z it, -=--- . F01t..:-,-= ,r 25 -1111101 4 1'111i =NEURALGIA; J lmi.l .l CR A MPS, ' • -Sprains , , Bruises, ummi Burns and Scalds, = Sciatica, Backache, Ina Frosted. Feet and els Ears . and all other Paw and aches. It is a sure cure for iIIIE Gas, owns, s F atdies, ca 180198 31 kg.. an .. H ORESESI. mom One trial will prove its merits. .Its effects . are W. -INSTANTANEOUS. Every bottle 'warranted to • give satisfaction. Send ad dress for pamphlet. Price 25 eta and BO eta. per bottle. Sold evetywhere. lIIIIIC IN* Jobsash Ist treprhters, laribita. Tt. GREAT GERM DESTROYER PROPHYLACTIC' FLUID SMALL PO ; ERADICATED Contagion destroyed. Sick Rooms punned and made pleasant. Fevered and Sick Persona relieved and refreshed by bath ing with Prophylactic Fluid added to the water. - Molt White Coma plezions sneered by its use in bathing. Impure Air made harmless and purified by sprinkling Darby's Fluid about. To Purify the Breath. Cleanse the Teeth, It can't • be anrirassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. Erysipelas cured: Boras relieved in mtantly. Scalia prevented. Removes all unpleasant odors . . . 'SCARLET FEVER CURED. In fact It Is the great Disinfectant and Purifier. J. H: ZEILIN & CO., Manufacturing Chemist!, SOLE PICOPMETORS February 211. 1882. • Agricultural Machinery Best and Leading Kinds R.A. WELLES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER, Spring Tooth Harrows These Implements are unequaled for thorough preparation of all plowed ground for crops. They will cover at one operation broad-cast grain nearly as well as a grain-drill will put It in, and should precede the drill In preparation of the Soil. These Harrow's should, by all means, be used upon Fall plowed ground. They are remarkably adapted to rough arid stony, as well as for smooth, ground. Township Agents Wanted. Wiard's Chilled Plows These -are the very best chilled plows In the market for general purposes and upon all kinds of ground. -1 ask for fair and thorough tut•trialt for these plows in competition with other leading chilled plows. Decidedly unequaled for hard and stony, law!. Forme's' Favorite, Champion and other dialse Drills. If you deelro to buy Grain Drill, let me quote pekes. • , Auburn Farm and Lumber Wagons For either one or two horses.' With either thimble skins and wood axlea. or. with Sheldon's best whole-piece ' , Anchor Brand" Iron Axles. These wagons are well proportioned, well flni3hed and painted. easy running, best In quality, snit cheapest good wagons in the market. They hare my own Improved brake:And are Warranted in every respect. Call and see them; Enterprise Adjustable Traek and other Churn Powers. A full line of Churn Powers adapted to any sized, dairy. Powers dellteradiree of charge at your nearest railroad station.• Improved Tompkins .Connty . rotors. These Cultivators are unrivaled for con venience and utility. Are of my manufacture. Are just - what every farmerneeds. For sale at rrbotesrle and retail. - Tompkins County Leader Wheel Rake. This is a truly valuable Wheel Rake. la adapted to a greater variety of work than any oth er. It is a good, well made and durable implement. I will warrant it to give satisfaction. Is made for one, or, two horse's, and Inter-changeable. Thomas Smoothing Harrows and Acme Harrows. These are valuable Imple ments and cheap. - X Star Hydraulte Cement by barrel or . f ar load. Imported libperial.Portiand Cement. .Thi. Is several times stronger than thcbest. American centts.. I would recommend 11 for tarsi coat finishing , cliterns . and other spe cial work" Where great strength is desired., !tor sale in any desired qnantity. SIDE-111a _and LATEST IMPROVED Re. versible glows. I West Oneonta, Clipper Chilled. Dyer, and other good ones. .CHAMPION BARBED Fence Wire. This barbed wire Is well Worthy the attention of farm- It Is cheap. erncient, yet not dangerous.- It recommends itself at sight. Send 'for specimens and_prlces. Platform Wagons, Open and Top Wagons, &E.,- cf best styles and makers., I sed no shoddy work ; will Warrant to my customers as good wagons and at lower prices Mao they Can get wagons made to order. • Chain Pampa. Good and cheap. Madly set Carriage and Buggy Tope, •GoOd tops in every respect and at very low prices. Made to At any Buggy or Platform Wagon seat. Are you•Goinit to Paint?. lan supply you with Nixed Paents of may dulerd shade or color ready for the brush that I will warrant to be bitter and cheaper than any leading Lead Paints that you can buy. LIIBRICA.TIXO 01L8, NEWTS Fgl , T flit In any quantity, at wholesale and retail. Prices low. PULLIAM'S Warren Bolster Springs. Very desirable. . Threshing Machinery of Best and Lead ing kinds. C. Aultntan & Co.'s Monitor Tnetion Steamers; ailller's_New Model Vibrating Thresh ers and Cleaners; Harder% Wheeler's. and Gray's Horse Powers. Threshers and Cleaners. I - would especially bats attention to Gray's Machines. Balky 'Syrtis; Teeth Merrowe, BEST QUALITY LEATHER and RUBBER BELT ING. CORN SHELLERS, FEED CUTTERS and LAWN MOWERS. Will • deliver -most kinds of my goods at any railroad station free of freight. SEND FOB SPECIAL CDICIILARS AND PRICES. or what win be Oil better, VISIT MT WAREHOUSE. To,ande, Pa., Nara 22, 13r.41. FTSQUEHANNA CoLLIGIATI Df• enure Toe SPRING MUM Inn bents ONDAIr. APRIL tett, 1112. ZoomsOs for baud, tondos and foroisbetl room, from $172 to Mrosed proper yrorst ear. o Tor eatelocom or bialkor mem , rs „ma . 1517 nfelLiathltiktir -1 "Piwt,filoc•es. DJ BB I.'S Pitting of SMALL PDX Prevented. niers wined and healed, Gangrene _ prevented and cured. reort=heafed 41d. ly. Searvey cured fa a short time. ; Tette! dried Itlperfeet!r harm less. For Sore Throat, it it a sure cure. DIPHTHERI PREVENTED. Cholera dissipated. - Sbtp Fever present. ed by Its use. • Incases of - death lo the house,lt should always be used a'out tho corpse-1111 prevent - any unpleasant smell. An Anal?tope -(or Anl- -null or Vegetable Pol lens. Stings, he. Dangerous effluvlas of sick rooms and bosplt• ale removed by Ks,use. Yellow Fever 1 Eradicated. = TOWANDA, PENN 4. IL M. Welles. BRIOA-BRAC. Wm" rAi doubt, auuhdls. Olaf & 301111•011'1 Arnica and - Oil Liniment, for external use, is equally gocid. • • &am fates sire MUddllg as anitage- 91500 per year can be easily made at home working for. E. G. Hideout., & Co., 10 Barclay Street, New. York. Send for their catalogue and full particulars. 1 yr. Witoso gives trifle meanly, is meaner than the trifle. r • TnE result of my use of St. Jacobs Oil for rheumatism is L.have been recom mending it ever shwa, says the Mayor of Chicago, Hon. "Carter H. Harrison; in the Chien!) Times. Daintier is a school in which truth sl ants grows stronger. • • - I Jamas keep your medicines in stock Downs' Elixir is selling better than any Cough Medicine I bare, and with good re sults. C. M. SMITH; Druggist, Clarkston, Michigan. Wit believe a business impossible is the snreet way to 'nuke it so. Da. BAXTER'S Mankrake Bitters give the best satisfaction of any Medicine I sell. They have, advertised themselves; said I warrant every bottle. , • . N. DEICATEF, . Druggist, Zeeland, illchigan. Tbe rolection of Gern;ral Roscrans as chairman of the Democratic Congression al Campaign Committee hiis caused much dissatisfaction in the party. This has readted according to a dispatch from Washington to the Louisville Courier Journal, in a decision to reorganize the committee'• by adding four outside mom- , here to it, and forming them in a separa te committee with Congressman Flower as chairman. Mattis Disease, Diabetes, Kidney, Liver or Itrinary Diseases. Have.no fear of any orthese diseases if you use Hop Bitters, as they will prevent and cure the worst eases, even when you have been made worse by some great pnff. ed up petended owes. • A Harmon') man went to a lawyer for advice. After receiving the retaining fee' the lawyer said :. "Stite your case." "Well, sir," replied the client, "a man told me to go to h--. 1; and I want your advice." The attorney took down a vol ume of the Connecticut:l statutes, and of turning over a few leaves. answered : " Don't you do it. The law doesn't cora pel you."—Neto Haven 4',,owrsat. Sensible Adviee. • Do not allow skepticism to overrule your better judgment when an, article of true merit is placed befoic yo u. If you are dyspeptic or your kidneys and liver are affected, delay no longer;,.procure a bottle of Swedish Bitters, the infallible remedy. It will-do more for , your case than we can say about it. See advertise inept and testimonial•in this paper." Mn. EVAIITS says that a sentence go'ng the rounds , attributed to him, is an at tempt at condensing one of his dispatces protesting against the dismemberment of Turkey. It was founded on an incident Which occurred at one of his Thanksgiv ing dinners at - home. "I had a roasted New England goose, well stuffed f with sage, with plenty of apple sauce and the usual accompaniments. At the close .of the meal I said : 'My children, you now see the difference between , the condition . of affairs before and after dinner. Yon then saw a goose stuffed with sage ; now you see a -sage•stuffed with goose.' " Whitehall Review. Tooted and Found Worthy, In order to bring mote fully before the notice of the people the valuir. of a true and tried remedy, we hereby give the fol lowing reliable testimonial lrom - one of the many who haie been cured and whose reputation for veracity cannot - be ques awed : • WOODBURY, N. J., March 20, 1882. SW.EDISII BITTERS GENTLEMEN : I have suffered with dys pepsia and its horrible effects for many years. Have spent hundreds of dollars with physicians and in patent medicines, with no avail. I have been unable to eat meats of any kind, and could not retain water on my stomach, and could net sleep at nights. I was indeced to procure and try a bottle of your Swedish Bitters, and can conscientiously say its use was follow ed by beireficial results. • I can now sit down and enjoy a hearty meal of meats and vegetables cf any kind, and have gained sixteen in three weeks, and can cordially recommend it to others. Yours respectfully, • AIIOUSTTJS PREM.. - Proprietor of Woodbury City Coach Line , Preh's Livery and Aocommoilation Sta bles. aprl3-lm. RIIIIII a 21SM Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Serene:: of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ingsland Sprain's, Barns and Scalds General Bodify - Pains, . - Tooth, Ear- and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals Sr. Julius Ott. We a safe, sure, simple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entail* tut the competitively trifling outlay of SG Ceuta, and every one _suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof .of its • birections to Eleven languages. BOLD BY . ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALMIN IN MEDICINE. • A. VOGEL= & Ralthsem*,•llM..; 17: it 4. THE NORMAN . STALLION , 4 . 6 G4II,I3EITAI'. Will make the anion of IBM able turnery stable In Milan, Bradford Candi, ra. TERMS 1115 to insure mare in foal ; !near - &nee money due April 1, left. At a test of the qualities or heavy horses, made In New York City In August, len. by request of the Western breeders, before the , following named committee, the Norman-French horse far excelled the Clydesdale or any other large horse ms account of feet, action. endurance, ease of keeping, ke., and Wing In the market from till to .100 more than the Clyde; farmers were advised to breed nothing but Nointaus : Signed—J. H. Dammam. A. M. litlem.• New York City ; Itiebardsalrooslyn. N. Y.: P. J. ROM, J. D. Decker K. Newarais and Jo*. Lamb, Chicagoan. "OAXBETTAII. • is a dapple gray. a years old; It bands hums:o we!gbs late pounds, rub SAO style and act kta His cotta are In good demand at = u s. He le owned b_y - • Poi • 111: TAlMMlTHNintkunii. RE ME .' .• . • .s • • g dt :v UNFAIUNG . FORK REMEDY gmAg DISEASES TIMII.ITCII,SINIES. PIMPLES. PELAS INGWORM SEN I 1 .171 E GREATICUILE FOR MN PILES Symptoms are moisture, stinging, itekthg, worse at night; seeing as it pin -worms were crawling about the rectum; the private parts are often affected. Ass truant, economical and positive cure, Swatwal TNRNT is superior to any article in the market. Sold by druggists, or send 80 di. In &et. Stamps; 3 Boars4l2s.Address,La,swsraa&Sea,P6ila 'a. A'Never-Failing Cure for Burns, Scalds, Bruises. Cuts, Sores. etc. After Ibrty years of trial, Perry Davis• Pain Killer stands unrivaled. It is safe! It acts immediately ! It never fails! : Editor of the St. John aches B.) P a in s , so r es inflesh wounds, aches, pains, sores. etc., It 13 the most efectuat rancdy we know ot. , fatally should be 'without a bottle of it for a single hour. • Prom the Cincinnati Dispatch: - We have arra its magic effects, and imam It to be a good article. Prom 1.8. Potter. U. S. Consul at Crefe/e, Rhenish Prussia: After long years' of use, I am satisfied ft is positively eßicient as it healing remedy for wounds, bruises, and sprains. W. W. Sharper, Valdosta, Ca.. says: It is a panacea for all bruistz and burns. From R. W. Adams. Saco, hlo.: It gavermo immediate relief. R. Lewis says: In forty years' use It never has failed me. Wi W. Lum. lticholville, N. V., says : • I use your PALN KILLER frequently. It relieves pain and sor enests,ana heals wounds film magic. . J. W. Dee says • - Forscaldsand burns It has no-equaL PERKY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER is not a new untried remedy. For forty yeah it has been inconstant use; and those who have used it the longest are its best friend.; IN *access is estirrfybeenuseof its merit. Since the Pain KMer was first introduced, hundreds of new medicines have come and gone, while to-day tide medicine is snore extensively used and snore highly valued than ever &lure. Every family should have a bottle reruNfor use. ?Much pain awl heavy doctors* bilis may Often be Bared by prompt application of the Pain Killer. Ihdiir inonf medicinal. itism'reitylVe - even in the hands of a child. it once fboronghly, and It will prove Misvalue: Your drneeist has It et 25c., We. and $l.OO per bottle. • PERRY DAVIS & SON. Proprietors, Providence. R. I. THE MOST.POPULACt 47\ LI FETI M syRpaspEseOTHERS 0111SOR1aPk&e. o. k 30 utooNIQ.NEW YORK € . l-1 ICAGO ILL. - 1 -.'=9 ORANGE MASS. r? 601iii18 Rewarded -Olt TUE-- Stay of Searing 1 7 A handsome little pamphlet, blue and gold cover, with nuMerous engravings, will be GIVEN AWAY To any adult person calling for it, at anY branch or sub-ottlce Of the Singer 3fanufacturini Codipa- ny, or will be sent. poet 'paid, to any person living at a distance !cora our °Mee's THE SINGER MANITEAOTIIEING Co Principal Office, 34 Union Square, Near York LOYAL SOCK COAL! -1 YARD PRICES: Stove and .Nut, per ton, Small _.Nut, Until furtlicri-notice we will deliv . er Stove and 'Nut sizes of . LOYAL SOCK COAL at 2 5 _Cents Advance over Yard Prices. SmAll Nut to remain the same as as formerly, 1. 0. BLIGHT," March i 6, 82-01_ Supt. Meriff's ' . By - viitaieptimildry irrittiojrn out of -- ttie . Coosiot_goaitoos , Ploal Of Bradford coolity and to me directed, I_ will es toWale saM,!ltt the Dena Hedlle 1n INiwantaaouitti. on -i - : Fruovt . MAY ilith e. , j 8132, : :- i . '_- . . . . D .- ~__ . .. . . - . : it 1 otlocik MX., Os fol lowing 403einbaProPer'' is, toWlts •s- '.- .•'-- 1.. .. :- 1 - - • . No. I. One lot, place or parcel or. land, sans lir Towanda borough; bounded north bY4atnila of •Wi- • jow Lewis, east by River street. South try lands of am: - ulthrao, andtest by lands of .Elsbree a Da. use and otter !midi; of B. A. ebantberlls i - being 100 feet fronton Hirer - street, running back 11 . 00 - feet, with 1 trained house, trained barn, and a few Zluit trees thereon • treated and taken Into eseee: on at the suit of Pre hick Merril e executor of stab A. Mercer. vs. Bs r...n ChsmWr.ln and Dena a , Sweenv. No: 2. AMlD—Defendant tit life estate la a ant ar and In Athens twp., bounded north by lands of A. i oVaugh flat-No. b), MlSsqray (lot No. 43). and , Hiram and Susan Thomas, (lota Nos. 54 nod 71); east by lands of Hiram and 'Masan Thomas, South by Sayre Land Company sod south Virst street, - d west. by 1 bones avenue. Excepting and re . mNaing therefrom lot N '3 .sold to J. A. Wood ward, lotlie, 4 sold to Park_Wolcott. lot No fr.sold . to A. MeVangh. lot No. 47 Sold to BIrs: Anna Tut hilL•lot No. 48 sold to Etyriu. let No: 50 owned by Nowise Shaw. - lot No. 62 owned by.lirs...Atina Tuthill, and lot No. 53 owned by Andrew Zeller ; being lots and parts of lots No. I oast hairy Nos. . 44. 45, 48, 49. 51e54; 71, 72. 73, 14. 73. 75 and 77 ae i cording to a plot'or enrvCy made by Z. F. Walker, for Thomas it Pierce. June 23 A. D. 1431; all -11n ' proved, with I twoetory framed hensothereon. No. 3. ALSO—Defeintant's interest in a lot of land sltuatein Athena:township. bounded Borth by lands now or late of Sjia.4 Fordham. east and .4-nth by lauds of Hulett. and west by the Su ettehrintia . river; - contains 42 acrns , more or'less, about:lo !m-, proved.; the said land having been contracted _by Wm. IL Pierce.: H. W.' Thomas and . Howard El mer to Elijah %%reorder, by contract dated Jan. 31, .1878. with a two-story Dotted house thereon. &late] and taken lute eseetition at the butt of 411- rem Thomas' mar vs. Wm. It. Plmee. No. 4. A LSO'-Defendants , Interest hi alot of ' land striate' In Towaiela borough bounded and described as fellows: Beginning at the sontheast corner of landa Fri, H. C. Porter in the centre or the highway : thence westerly along the eolith line of 11. C. Porter's&Rd MI ,reds to a corner t thence southerly stung the buds of Joseph Powell 0 rods I moreer lees to he corner of lot of the ree-er,ves try and warden of Chi lit Church . t, thence twit ...; s warm . ), along t 0 north ',line Of said; church lot to l c west corner of V. M..Watts' lot; thence northerly along the west line of said Watts' lotto the north eorneeof said 1 'atts' lot; being It feet south from south line of said Porter's land; thence eaxtwardly along the north line of said Watts' lot to a corner In the centre of sold highway ; thence .along the centre of said highway It feet to the Vireo of le - ginning,' reserving nevertheless the right to raid W.. 51. Watts. hlirheirs and assigns, to use. the 12 teat In width between his north line and said Por ter's south line front said highway running west to . said Witta'llne as an alley. Being same land Cob' veyed by B S. Russell and wife to Harry Mix arid John D. Slontanye, deed dated Oetobee I.lB6e:unit ; recorded In Recurder'soMee for Bradford County, ; In deed book No. 111, page 35, ate.; all ImproVed. 1 no buildings. ' . . .. , No. 5. A LSO.t. Ine other lot, piece or parcel of land situate In Towanda litirough. hounded and': described as fodows: Beginelegat a point on Wes- I' ton street the northeast corner of a lot lion. ()woo by Mt At Stiaw ; theme' easterly along Wfitoit street4l.feet to a Cursor; thence southerly along lands Of J. V. Wilcock* alinut 85 , ret to a center MI land2of estate of Mrs. 11. C. Ward; thence along l lands beloeging to estate of Mrs. t. C. Ward 41 feet to a corner, being south-act col tier of 31. At-1 Shaw'ai_land ; thence northerly along lands of IL A. Shaw about 55 feat to place of begitintro , 3 said , lot being 41 feet, :strict measure , on Imo of'We'ston ' `,street and nit line of lands of Mrs. H. C. Ward, ' grid about-55 feet deep. Being same piece f land I sanveYed by .1. V. Wilcoeks and wife to John H. Monte - nye by deed dated June 24, 1873. and record- . ' ed in 'Recorder's Office for Bradford Cennty, lii 'I deed hook No. 111, page 37. &e.; all improved, with" I board faro thereon. Se zed and t“ken into exe cution at the suit of William Steveuson's me vs., Jno.D.Mentauye's atiml nlstratorx,w blow and Child. No. 6. Ali —One ether lot of Mud, situate in ; Athens tap.. :and being le,. the Southwest cerner , ' of 1.4 , No-8 lo Bunch \Waverly', as distinguished on 1 ama made for Wm. W Shepard and ot ' , ers, cum. I 'emoting in the centre of Bradford street 111 the ; i 'Nebt tine of sal lot No. 8. runtile,e math 014 ,old no -t 1104, 80 feet ; thence cast ' mot parallel ' with ' Bradford street 50 feet and 3 inches; thence se,th andiparallel a it h the west line of 1.." No. 5, 50 feet to the centre of IT millet d street ; thence west In the centre of lirmifor street to the place of bi•giu. , nine; he the sine More.er Its*. Being the s,ute . premises deeded by party of first pa 3t hereto to , party of the second part, by deed dated the- r,t,th day orA pal, 1877; haviug a t w•-slory flame dwell ing and oto hense thereon; all Improved. Sidzed and - taken into executien at the' suit of t.,:tuot Divers use vs. C.Tultlo E .Meeker . . ' N 0.7. Af.9o—tine other lot of" land, situate in Orwell township. bounded north by - lands of 6. - r.. and Caleb Allen, deceased : east bylands of Caleb Allen. deceased: John Bingham. Leatorer Maynard and Aurora itobinsoii ; south by lands of ßalph Pickering. John I. Eastman and S. A Chat 'fee, and west by lamls of S. A. Chaffee:and . Geo. Friable; _robtains 1:13 Ler's. ;nor, or his., ahont 125 Improvori, wltll - 2 framed houses, 3 framed hams, sheds, other ofttbutkling,, nisi fruit treto.thereon, and being sante land as described in deed recorded in Bradford county deed book so. 83. page 23. &c. Seized and taken into exeruttoosat the suit of Ruth Ann Boyst's Lse vi.. David Ford and