43tatifori gepottet Towanda, Pa., April 27, 2882. E 'lt RED IN THE POSTOFFICE AT TOWANDA AS MAIL MATTER 01 , THE SECOND CLASS: BUSINESS LOCAL. • By all means buy _the White Sewing Machine of M. C, WELLS, Agent, Towan da, l'a. 'NE Davis Sewing Machine with its Vertical Feed does a lame range of Ow, tie.ll work not poissible on any under feed machine. - tf. T,. B. RO DG En§ eliallmgesedmpePtlon for tpi ility of goods and low prices on Saoi, not.rs, Blinds and Mouldings, and at building material. Sang-tf. ELEGANT ' SING !NG ',CANARI Itit--G Finches, Linnets and Whistling Bull Finches—all fine, imported Birds—at e'. '. Crockery Store. 16 mar. • Miss S. D. BLACK, Agent for the Dress Milkers' Magic Scale, will be at camp ton n April 20th, where she will -exhibit We invention"; All ladies are cordially in vited to come arid bee for themselves" its iisefuluess and convenience. april2o. AZIF.MovAL.—J. S. ALL has removed his Undertaking Establishment from Bridge street to - rooms on Main .street, over TURNER & GORDON'S Drug Store, WOOpFORD & VAN DORN'S Boot & Shoe Store. A full line of Undertaker's Goods • from 'cheapest to. the best. jaw27,'Bl. 3. S. Aza;TN, Agent. J. H. Kimmins. yoti want a well-fitting stylish pair of ,hoes for summer wear,,go to Simmins awl leave your measure. Mr. Simmics is a !hie workman himself, and employs only such to work for him. lie puts the best stock into his goods, and is confident he eau lit you if you lot him try. His prices :lie very reasonable. Pattous blOck, over tore lately occupied by H. Jacobs. April 28,'S:?. NORTHWESTERN HAND CORN PLANTER. —This is a new and perfectly 'reliable corn planter,' and is the best and c t, , ;ipes . now in the market. It will r! ut c‘nai, beans and peas, also pumpkin or not, at will. It will pay for it in one day's use. ONLY $2 50. AND. WARRANTED. Tell your n,•!,. 4 iihors about it, and!not to pay from to $4.50 for a planter not as good. I.',a• rash with the order I will deliver two planters in onelot at $2.50 each, .ioy railroad station or by any stage Lac innning from Towanda, freight pre- Farmers can get up clubs and send t',.l planters." --- -For sAlis at wholesale by ' • R. M. WELLES. Towanda, April 20.--3 w: LOCAL. AND GENERAL. W. G. TIIAT-X - has a new sig.], TPIST t(l ' dust. Ashes—to the river. Troy u post-office Ints . been improved Th,orito had a three dollar foot race Iteently.- TUT: East Troy band will have new uni f.i n this spring. 111 . 4-E:. and wild geese are reported on t I.tke at Eagleimere. =CO W astsro ItT and Lancaster., arn - hay ilvely newspaper wars. - Burs are arrested-in Monrootou for , ball oiNthk street. • .11 - sTt( es commissions ate now ready at the Ite:tister and IteZi)rder's officer. 1. " L TEST Nims stiid there would' be a ‘1,..1.11114 in Waverly onlWednesday. . . .1r last we bare seenl evidence of the •l:ucmcnt. that al !Mt us is in blossom. Till: man wihnut a coat nom ). invites r. 1 s, ealarrlial fever and pneumonia. Tii Golden-HornedMinstrels are-corn in M:ty ;at leapt so says the /Ovine. • •.\.,_;:loo • !pipe b'folofiging to 1411%1 - Guy 1101100, droiiped deiorat Liberty Corriers t eck. EM it EW ARE of pethit:.rs; turn from -, them patronize home merehaLts whom you ~.11 trust. Tiff , . second Institute •nine got away th , first nine, the other day, by a , o" , ry of 13 to fi. . Waverly ..4drocat4 asks if all " but -1!••• of whiskey are not alike?" Such af : fc.ete , l i;!,.nortnee is pa,inful., THE camptown woolen mill is not 1% ; . - 11, bat is iunninr. on full time 'with ~ litional help and machinery. r T ANT GENERAL LATTA has issued ges tomilitia organizations through t!... State fon use in quelling riots. Dn. Ih•Lt., of Owen, 'preaclted a Bei= mo:: last Sunday on Going-a-fishing. It hineli more proper to preach it than to ).: - .o.tice 00 the Sabbath. A M BF - Attu:yin; boy bad his nose bit !co Icf recently, 'ny a pet doz. That boy w.il.tprobanly keep his nose out of other businesi as long as he lives. Amur...showers are not bringing May 11., ( • rs.-- ReprilJlicon. We should s just yet. It is rather premature 'or !lowers, or our almanac misleads 171:ot-spats can't be. too tight for the de- LI:ohls of good society: H.Exehange. The wooers can. This is one of the minor fiolerences between a man and his trou st•l =I Fly ? , •Qr::.., .1. P. JoNEs and .L A. Swart:- IV, I V,j, of Towanda, have leased the McKinney giist.mill, located abort four IT 11 . 41.1t9rth of this place.— New Milford .1(1, Mixer. Tun 14)st OfTioe Dejiarinent haw ruled th.it mi advertisement or hand -bill shall h,• allowed to be pet on the wall or any- v.1 , 0:e in a room, the rent of which is paid I.:, the Government. THE Wyoming Mniorral is becoming by the chronic insanity, of the II ri.barg Prf riot, and last week prints ;i ailide on the Jeffersonian revival taken fiolit its leader. - • Ssow banks are still visible along the line of the Gravity, on the'lloosie moun 13ins, above Waymart.—llonesdate Citi, ~I . They were visible here in small c;;latitities Friday last. WE are informed', that, a ncw• diseate kn.,..rn " fence shows," is becoming ep'•lemic among editors in remote part the West, for which the only known remely is press tickets. Wayue County oil well is slowly di-seendiuw• Chinaward, having. at thiM reached a depth of 1,740 feet ithout striking either Venango sand or oil.—Wayne Independent. • , Wutr.r. tearing down an old lionsti,in ( Lathan towns' ip, Tio a Coliiity, I.llla sit;ce. one of the workmen found . a 11:1! set Of dies . for coining bogus silver 'l ll :itters.—.ltiorthern Tier Gazette. \Vm. Cnuts.rt %a, who zOmmitt, d the dangerous; assault uflon W. F. Coburn, had a hearing before Justice Codding Monday. Rail in the sum of $1,500 was taken for his appearance at court. THE Bradford County Medical-Society "ill meet it the office of Dr. D; N. New ton in Tow•an-la on Wednesday, May 30, et 1:30 P. M. - ertA . s. K. LADD, Secretary. E. D. PAYNE,9Premident. Turs had a German down to Policeman (corge Weiler's yesterday ,morning ; aright pounds.-.—LuteAt Neu% %IF weighed on a standard scale? The Nht.i;zitt reuses rather too much fora girl baby. MAPLE; b agar tbieves are - reported quite plenty at Cherry Flat s.-- Weliaboro Gazette. - The day for female pillars of, salt is past ; tut maple stigar individuals still flourish , if our trustworthy exchange is to be be cvetl, Tan itaMni4.• Bays; "Ovbr a hundred A ittettoui correspondent of the Adver- Sutioupassed through Milton last week, Hier says : "There aqui a rtlll3loll of the on foots in search of some delightfni,heal large and' respectable family of the 'Wa thy spot, whet° they will go on the town , termans, at the home of John Waterman, ship, and make it interesting to the tax- I cote of the brothers, oa Saturday last. payers." '•I About thirty-flve persona were present, - representing the families of six brothers and three slams. A :substantial and ele gant- diui er was dispotiii of, and the af ternoon spent in mtisle, conversation, etb. The oceaston that called them together was the departure of one of the trotherii for his Western home." Tice witching season of the year has come again when the frisky tramp takes uis bundle and ci , dghl and starts on. -his annual ;summer - excursion. Handle him gently ;,he is a sensitive plant easily kin , ed by harshness. - - PARK . I, üb . urcb, was crowded last Thursday evening with people attend ing the exh,bition, of the Microscopical Society of that city. The work of the So ciety is receiving recognition from scien tists in other cities. "You are about as honed a looking man - as I am," remarked an inebriated individual who invaded our sanctum last week ; and Koine way we •haven't felt at :dl proud since. Compliments don't please us much anyway. Ttte Tioga County Record warns New Yorkers against indulging in profanity af.. ter May 6th. The new statute against Swearing ,takes effect on that- date ; and evil men will spend their spare time this week swearing ahead. MuITATED stockings, or stockings hav ing a separate compartment' for each toe, is the latest feminine foolishness. Between putting on stoCkings o that kind and working on tight gloves- the belle of the future will never bb able to catch a train. bin. D. F-CLAIIK, of Towanda; wns in tcwn on Monday, last. Mr. Clark, being a tiFenian, made the acquaintance of some of the Owego flie 'addles, and he learned fOrthe lirst time Unit Towanda money was not good in Owego.— Tiogn County Ikeord. A WOMAN in tinsquebanna County struck and killed an old man named Don ahue, because ho would nut allow. a girl living wall him to ~ z o to church with her. The case has j:ist been tried and resulted verdict of murder in the , second de g re! ' . . IM=11!ISI Tile ladies of the Baptist Church, -at Waverly, evidently know how to run it church fair. The fair and festival held last week realized over six hundiei dol lars. The fancy work is said to 'have been very tine, and:. - judging from . the amounts realized we should say it was ra ther expensive. .IrsTtetgets ougler glolw+ sights when a jury duds the defendants not f4uilty, but. to pay nine -tenths of the costs and the prosecutrix one-tenth. This is what a Luzeruc- County jury did recently, and who can guess what they 4 bought, or on what basis of division and right the .ver dict was framed" OVER in, Weeds Port, Cayuga Connty, N. Y., there seems to be a bitter light over a petty post-office between ; IX 0. Bowen, of the Cayuga Chief; and a man by the name of Van Gelder. Tue latter gentleman we do nut know, but the name is enough to defeat him. Put him Mit.— Rayevitie Adrertiser. A BLACK mare, s abont live years of ago, was stolen from the stable of Sir. Jere - 3T: Bittner, in Gni!ford township, last SllO - night.. For recovery of _mare and c:mviction of thief a reward will be paid. Any advice coirct!rning the whereabouts of either should be forwarded to Chief of Police Cwft..—Vait4w Tun Lebanon Jail, from which two prisoners recently escaped, most be a very . unbafe place for a man having niOili ey to sleep in; if it can be as easily enter_ ed as ‘ the 'Courier statci. It might. be a good'plan,to lock the old gaol occasional: ly to keep..thieyes from stealing the pris (niers clothing. THE cards are-nut for the wedding re. r.eptiou of BenjaMin Maurice and wife, formed; May Adams: The reception take 4 ',Lice May 4tt„Tbe marriage which we understat d took place in February, has for some reason been kept, secret from all e,cept a few relatives and intimate friends. TnEjurors in the .case of the Athens bridge, after an e. amination of the struc ture, and after hearing the evidence re ported that in their opinion the .bridge should I e made . free. They vatted the bridge a . $12,500„an amount higher than the lirSt4urk found, and lower than the valueiplAced by several bridge builders. .a. Miss DARR had a narrlw escape from a dangerous burning Tuesday thinning. She was emptying ashes in the yard.when her eh,thes caught, lire and she :vrould undoubtedly have been seriously injured if she had not thrown herself on the :,•round and remained quiet until the flames were smothdred by Reed. Smalley. Timm: are. already five hundred men, Ititdi, Swedish, Italian, and Spanish, at work on the new Pine Crick Railroad, and more are coning every week. The home life of thet3 men is not very invit ing,-Most of them Itvim in - the shanties, as thiek'as a drove of cattle in a yard.; and not much eleanfier in same cages, if the stories toll of them.artArue. Tut: Germania Bop given - Priday ; nighi. wtbi a success. There were about fifty couples, several being from other towns, and Inc ‘,‘ mazy " w - as indulged in until she early risers were thinking of building iheir morning tires.- Au exchange in speaking of the dance says the Towanda girls arc pretty, but that being a matter of history and not strictly a part of the affair proper, ,we omit the statement. Ws.. have received .from East Smithfield a communication relating to the post-Of lice appointment from a " iend of :both applicants" which we omit, because it would lead to more 'dirtussion of the ques tion, and would not result in coo& to ei ther party. From the statement of our correspondent we judge both .applicants are deserving men, aud• it apvears 'that both are more or, less disabled. _ T. liArmoxn tojbAntionx; the President. of the State Line ina'Sullivan railroad, is entertaining" Robert • Glendenning, Robert Buist, Reuben Lukens' and Win. B:, Bullock' at Bernice. The gentlemen are li-reci by both bdsiness and_ pleasure, and the inspection of railroad :Property, examination. of timber lands and other matters of business will altegfate with fishing and pleasure excursions. Wonuin's Journal says : Why have we nut mbre girls called by the no ble or graceful appellations- of Agatha, Alethis, Arabella, 'Beatiice, Bertha, Ce celia; Evelyn, Ethel, Gertrude. Isabel, Leonora, • Florence ? ' M ildred, Philippa, Pauline, Ilthla, Clarice, AnnabPl,. Irene, Zoe, Muriel, E feile , Eugenia, Eupbetnia, Christabel,- Thete4a, Marcia." Antotiiii, Sibylla, Hosabel, Rosamond, etc. Wi. don't know, but. if we have a thousaml g:rls we wouldn't call one "etz." _ A (71. rm ER cow died recently, - and upon rxamination an axe was fond in the ani, mars - stomach.—Agitator. This and sim ilar stories are going the rounds or our euehangea, and we wish to state that a Bradford County cow was recently killed,, that hid in her stomach seven lengths oil stove pipe, a portion Of the Andre monu- i meta weighing two tons, fair coal dumps, :a brick :church and a small steam saw mill Vt-e have another cow in mind to be killed main, which will probably beat this recert IT isn't often that a horse loads himself into a -wagon ; but that is: what one did last Thursday. A team was bitched to a wagon opposite- -the green, and.-being frightened by the -cars- the . horses com menced jumping aturat last one . of them climbed entirely intaithe wagon where he lay struggling until the wagon was tipped over and he was releaied. Ilitching horSts in the street. is a practice which ,in many cases is poor economy, it is always an annoyance. Cannot something be done to prevent it? • General Orders No. 1: • 1. The folio-Wing named Comrades are hereby appointed committees to-repare for the proper observance of next Decora tion Day, Tuesday, -May 80th, viz ' Colman e of Arrangements—J. A: Willi A. D. Albert, O. D. Lyon, C. T. Vallow•. - ell, L. S. Blasdell: • - • . On Roteera—G. V. Myer,• Chairman ; C. F. Crotis, E. G. Owen, W. Gale.. orilnritation*-11. B. McKean, Chair;- - man ; E. Overton, D. - W. Scott. I On Finanee—E. A. Thrinispon, Chair- ESMEItALOA will not be, played here' man ; B. } M. Peck, George W. Kilmer. - • next week as we announced. The ladies i 04 Musk—S. McClen, Chairman have received notice from the Madison J. M. Hatt, G. W. Kilmer. ' Square Company - that they. will not be To take charge of eeremonies'at Hellen I emitted to produce the play, and conse- A. 'Thompson. S. V. C. quently they will have to give it up. The At Ghent and Horn' Brook—ll. B. Mc. foolishness of the refusal is on a par with •Kean, J. V. C. - with its meanness, for the people of To- I , Cominittee of Arrangements at. Hollon %%midi% will - remember the discourtesy ; W. Gale, George W. Kilmer. when tne company come next year, and !.Committee Of Arrangements at Ghent • • the many who would have gone to .Com-, —W. E. Stephenson, 0. G: pare professional :acting with amateur' Committee of Arrangements at Horn will now stay away; and a feeling of IV- Brook-.F. Cortez Rockwell, Surgeon.• sentment will keep.many more from a t -1 Ensost, ' -A. A.. PralltN, . - • kip:stank Commtaden WE wore shown through the fine atom i-of Powell f& Co. yesterday, and we think the display of g oods the bestme ever saw in a store outside.of a city. Ths stock in the dry goods, carpet, dress goods, ladies furnishing goods, and Win and shoe de partment, is.' large • and selected:, with care, and everything was convenie ntly ar. ranged for examination.. The stole is one thaw the town ought to be prohd of as well as the owners, and the fact that the sales . were+ unusually large in March, shows that the people of the county ap preciate their efforts. - " BRICK " POMEROO4 old press. used so many years in publishing the REPOR TER, was shipped by us last week to Da mon &- Peets, New York. The press-Was used by the' irrepreisible a' Brick "' in printing the Alhenrilin at Athens,• and many of his brlliant mtterauces were:giv en to the Wqrld through the mediutri . ' of the old WPshinton priess, whicht.hasltone into rirraw'r• bands. WO gave Mr. Pom eroy a clum6e to par base ,the: old relic of his younger days when: neither . fame nor a frequently disrepittable notoriety were so common with him as now ; but he is evidently man devoid of sentiment, that is rentiment , lett costs something, us he lefuses'our o lir— - • T.IIE causes of the " northern lights," so called, are not difficult to understand. The longeoutinued north winds have brought along with 'them their surplus electricity which always prevails Wore as coolpaied the South istud as the South ern atmosphere, in its regative condition, looves northward in the higher regions to restore atmospheric equilibrium, .nature makes an effort to also restore the electri cal I.quilibrium. The passage of the elec trical element from the lower to the high er atmosphere to accomplish this end is attended with all the phenoMena we call 'anthem lights. IVhen the electrical equilibrium, which has beet' disturbed, is restored the plieuomena Ceagb• - •'' Wafierly 11 droerte. • . THE Athens correspondent of the Elthi ra Gazette says: Our side-walks are in a horrid condition; and as yet no st .ps have been taken to have them.repaired. Would it teit be SA ell 'for our officials to take the subject-into consideration, and have them put in proper shape before the borough is called upon to settle a bill for. broken Hon. John Keller is selling a large number of buihing, lots near his res idence, at Olen Valley, and building has rapidly commeleed ....Charles Parks has fitiishee and tog occupies his palatial res idence which adibi: largely to the beality of that enterprising. hamlet... . Among the _manufacturing interests about to be established, there is a mammoth pretzel factory-to be put up by a- stock company and surietintended by Keller.... A brew ery is now talked of, and will probably be built during the summer. Leis ARNOLD Imt with a serious ac cident on Monday while goinz with his stage between Potterville and Leßayii yille. lle was lixina a tug when his hOree kinked, striking him on the right side of the face near the nose, inflicting serious wounds on both upper and under jaws. Po, tunatelylust at the time of the. acci dent his brother Seneca, Mr.. Wilt of this place, and other gentle.nen came along and cared for the injured elan who •con tinned senseless for soma time". Mr. Arnold was placed- in his stage and his brother went as-fast as possihlel for a physic:an, while the stage was dritien in the . direction of medical- assititanse. There oral considerable• excitement for a few. moments, and the prompt, action of Mr. Wilt prevented a runaway, and the care of all' the , gentlemen present was given in making;Mr. Arnold as comforta bleas circumstances would permit.] . I. A CONSTITE:CIONAL Amendmen# Mass County Convention, will be held in Mer cur Hall Tuesday, May 2, 1882, at 1,20 r.. 11. Called in pursuance of a resolution of the • Towanda Auxiliary Assodiation. All iriendsi of the measure are earnestly iirgv.l to attend. Clergymen. and Ladies especially invited to engage in the' work and be present. Ex-Chief Justice A:gnew, of.the - Supreme Court. and President of State Association, has been invited to be present and address the ConVention. .Judge Jessup, of Montrosn,. was , alSo in vited, but will be unable to atteno on Re- . : count of professional engagements. _ln. expressing his regrets, the Judge. adds "The people are beginning to awake .to the importance of this tnatter. It ought to have the sympathy of every tax-payer, and the hen co-opertion of every right minded man in the State." Hon. George Laudon and others are expected to 'be present and address the. Meeting. 4 Conte out and hear this important question fair ly discussed. --0. J. CIIMIBUCK, - Corresponding Secretary. 1 - 17'g received list Saturday the following letter from " " POmeroy "1 - ours of Bth at hand. As I am!work-. fug out of the printing business rather than into it, and hive no use for any eth er than a fast power press, I do net care Ito purchto•e the hand press you spqnk of, althon<da I thank you vpry much for your kind offer to Inc. The accumulating cares consequent upon the steady increase of minim , business I am engaged in, and re spi.nsibilities which Cue same bring, will before long requite all of my time SO that 1 1 , can give no part of it: to the printing business other than to devote an Geur or so each night and morning to the pen busineSs. . - • "Again, that press never brought me any good luck, and I do not really .care to bring an unlucky thing into my office. Not that. - I believe in fatality . of such things, lint, it is-always well enough to be on the safe side !- With best wisltes, Very truly and fraternally thine, M. POMEROY." • ! THE great scheme on foot at the county t now is the proposed dredging. and damming of Ille'Suelinenanna, riVbr to mike it navigable from its mouth 'Co the York State line, or Caitlin- up if neces sary. -- Congressman - Scranton his been drawn into the business and ap?ears much' interested in it, and promises to do bust, to get-a preliminary appropria tion of $lOO,OOO to scrape out the river bed between here and Tunkhannock, and to enliSt the efforts of all the members whose constituents a e among the river lying dihtriets, and get a. survey of the whole stream. If this survey :results -as many are contidentit will, then $150,000 more will be. asked - for to complete the work to the' head waters. There are not wanting very many in .this section who liaVe the utmost faith that tile Susnne hanua may be made navigable its entire length for all times of year except those few mouths when the river-is ice-blocked. Thu advantages to the business future,of thiS region that might grow' out . of a great hi hway like this would be incalcu-, lAN, But like everything else, the measure has its enemies and unbelievers in the practicability of the scheme.—_ Pittston Gazette. 1164DQVA1ITS86 WATKINS POST. No. 67. U. A. TOWANDA. April 22, 1852, ./v 7 - -." `. 4 -3 7 • MEN —Hon. P. D. Morrow is at Clifton Springs. - —Hiss Espy has s clans In elocution at the Institute. —A daughter of the jailur,llls. Smith, died on Tuesday at South, Ildl. - -L-Dr. Taylire and finally left lust Wok for their new borne, lo Troy; N..lr. i Alni. Judge lughatil was in toisu last weiek as the guest of. Mrs. Watkins. I d —Miss *min Smith, East Stroud , - burg. Pa., ivisiting hie in Wyalulibig and Towa s. , t. —Bisho Howe will be at - Christ Chuith, djiril 217tu. to confirm thole rea dy for continuation. —Rev. (. F. -Rosonmuller and wife are 'having a trip on the lakes with. Col. R. A. Packer in his sawn yacht Emilie. • —lt is said that tbe. Ron. Jobn I. Mitchell will be one of _the. delegates to tte tkati Convention from Tioga• County. .Tay Chapel, formerly a resident of Towanda, and at present a correspondent of a Philadaphia paper, was in town list week. —Miss flora Kinney, of Waverly. who has been visiting her sister, Mrs.. E. D. Buffington, of thin place, returned home Wednesday. —The Rev. J. C. Brainard, the efficient Methodist Minister of Nichols, has re moved to Charleston. lit.. Rev. S. F.• Wright takes his plare. —THE Denioontts of Bradford County want Judge Elwell, of Columbia County, nominated by the Democratic Convention for Governor.—Muney Luminary. • —Owing to-tailing health, Rev. J. H. Weston, recently located at. Wyalusing, but now of New Milford, Ps.. is obliged to give up pastorate labor for the present. —David Camera% Esq., Of Wellsboro, has been appointed Second Assistant Dis trict: Attorney - of the Wes ern District, assisting William . A. Stone, a former VVellsboro man. —WILL Simmons, who has been teveral years with the Novelty Furniture Compa ny, of Athens, has gone to Elkland. in Ting.i Ciounty, where he will ,establish furniture manufactory of his own. —John,Devine, of North Towanda, was seriously 'njured on. Monday. He ivas helping William Gunn to move when 'his team became frightened, throwing him to the ground ana running over him, frac turing some of his ribs and inflicting oth er injuries. WE havb received the following letter from Ron.: V. E. Piollet, in answer to au inquiry regarding crop prospects for the 'year : Wirsox, .April 20; 1882. bear Sir : —Your favour *slang me to give youltriadea of the condition of crops in Bradford County hay and winter grain. and the Prospect for a crop compared with 1880 and 1881, came duly: to hand. In reply, winter grain has suffered from two causes. Ttie < last fall's, extreme drourb, arid our open and variable winter season.' - W'th few exceptions winter grain is standing thid on_the field; and is not as proinising at this time of the year in 1880 or 1881. The season is not sufficiently- advanced to speak with certainty at .to_ the pros pect,lof one coming !grass croli. There are grave ; apprehensions that the gi ub worm, which destroyed our pastures and meadow land the latter y part - of last sum mer and autumn, may prolong his v;slt. There are many pasture and meadow fields that will not recover until they are re-seeded. The protracted freezing and thawing this spring hai thrown out the diver roots, and injuriously affected the other grasses which are depended upon for our hay crop. The promise is not eonal to either of the two preceding prim - There will he an increase of the acre age sown of our oat crop, induced by the present exceptional 'market prices. I judge from present appearauce that there will be an effort to increase the corn o. op this year. The tobacco plant is notpulti vited to much extent in our county. The dairy product is the main article of Brad ford County's export, and will continue to be the main reliance of our farmers. The census of 1870 shows that Bradford County made more butteethan any other county in the State of Pennsylvania. Reference to the market reports of our chief export cities place . Bradford County butter first in quality and price for the dairy product. I should judge there will be au increase of our dairy product over either year you mention. Bradford County is essentially agricul tural,. and our farmers exceptionally in telligent and enterprising. I think there is a general disposition to diversify our farming more than heretofore. The cultivation of vegetablei is justified b) our proximity to the coal regions, and will undoubtedly' engage more attention and take to quite an extent the place of cereal produets and hitherto special luis. band ry. Phis brief note is writtrn out of corn plimiut to your desire to be interested in tike agriculture of the county you . have adopted as a journalist. Vicron E. Pien.LET. . . AN exchange says :. " Last Monday, an appalling traeedy occurred at Emporium. A man named Preston Gowers deliberate. ly shot his brother-in-4*, Clarence Linda ley. linthen cut his wife's throat, and wound up by killing himself, the throe deaths occurring inside of ten : m.nutes. i G wore was jealous of his wife and Linda ! y. The men had been to work together dimming the day, and after they' had eaten supper, 'Glowers walked out. , Ho soon returned, and meeting Lindsley as the latter came out of the house, shot 'himi The men had both been drinking.' They were about twenty-five years old. Linda.: ley was married to a sister of Growers'. The . woman 'murdered .not the second wife of -( sowers , they having been married a year. Gowers was dot .consid ered entirely sane. Lindsley when sober was inoffensive and industrious." - _ s REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS • Mrs. Lucinda Morgan to Mrs. Eunice Case, 77 acres in Columbia twp ; consid eration, $3,000.4 • - Isaac Kelley to T. S. Wilcox, 118 acres. in Leßoy ; consideration , . $l,OOO. Claton Wooster to Lumna Mott, acre in Leßoy • consideration; WO. • J. B. M. Hinman, executor of Clark Sweet, leceased, to I). N. Newton, 4 acres in Mame; consideration. $35. Amaziall Gillett to Nelson Gillett, 50 acres ,in Ridgbury , twp ; consideration, $250. • 4. M. Wattles to Lewis T. Lent, 51 acres in AVvioit ' • musideration, $3750. • •Richardßuston . et al. to Lewis T. Lent, 95 acres in Nye° ; contaidenttion, $1075. Sarah J. Green to' -- Stiles, • 1 acre in Troy.;.consideration, $l5O. Tinsteesef St. Paul's church, of Over ton, to Geo. O. Murseltban ' 13 acres in Overton ; consideration, $39.5..;q Sarah M. Arver to Caroline 'Kenyon, j acre in Athens boro. . . . . • John F. Means to Jas. Lynch; 98 acres. in Towanda twp ; consideration, $l6OO-.. Jas. Lynch to John Fanning, 38 'acres" in Towanda twp consideration , $1450. Ellen Word M i ller and John Holmes' to ElizaEoth :Lewis, 140 acres in Monroe; cOnsidemtiOn, $l5O. • Daniel Si'Wyatt to Edward Bride, his interest in 89 acres in Asylum ; consider ation, $2,000. F: R. Lyon to G:. F. Lyon and C. Hall, land in Athens borough ; consider ation, $28:.14,18. • Lyman Gates to Seth Gates, 162 acres in_SMithfield ; consideration, $2,000. Lyman Gates to Henry Gates, 200 acres in Smithfield ; consideration, ;14110XL Wyalusing Educational Union to Wya lusing School District, 4 acre in Wyalus• ing ; consideration, $1250. Samuel Owen to Frank Peck, lot In . Canton born ; consideration, s'4oo. Ira Lindley to Martha! Wannest, 4 acre irk Leßoy; consideration, $BOO. tßridget Granger and Horace . Granger. tO. E. T. Fox, 20 acres in North Towanda ; consideration, $lO5O. . * Albino Hulett to Wm. Hulett, 33 acres in Athens twp ; consideration, $5O. R. F. Holly to C. L. Lowry and' heirs, 50 acres in South Creek ; consideration, $lOOO. F: W. lieges to Chas. L. LoittrY, 50 - sterna in South Creek : - eonaiderlition,ssoo. Horace and Samuel Poinemy to A. B. .Tobnson, lot in Troy born: consideration, $OOO. Albert Lent to Albert Lent, Jr.; 120 acres in Wysox ,• consideration,- $3OOO. Albert Hitchcock to John W. Hollen track and Wm. M. Amsbry, lot in 'Emu rola twp ; consideration, $lO. Lame Middaupll and others to. S. AV. Kollinback andWm. - 1=80.04 1$ Tuitimeri Voris Ifdrudq . 121 PERSONAL. . If. :iota in Burlington ; ninaiderittiori, $5OO. 'Sarah Bantesand others•to Lunian Pat- Haut, 128 acres ln'Onniville and 4 acre in Canton;: onnaiditration, $2800: 8.W.. Wilcox to Sophronia Smith, A 7. acres in Monroei; consideration, $300., - Sophronia Smith, adruinistrator'of Geo: Smith, to B. W. Wilcox 57 acres in Mow. roe.; .emisideration; laBoi* • • Goo. W. Bailey to Sabra &a-hanger, acts in LeHaysVille ; catsiderstlon,sBoo. . James Vann to S. F. Wright, 1041 acres in Sheshecptin ; consideration, $38.30. IN MEMORIAM. PAItTII WOE. Mi. L. M. Partridge died at. his • home on- Lauiel near. Milan, Thursday, April 20, 1684 f aged $9 years. The de ceased had been a.faitbful member oldie M.-fir Church - for:l2 years. His 'pleasant manners and address gained -the. respect and love of all , who were favored with his acquaintance. . LIM Af nEItTLBY. Lida A. Dainty died in Asiddsburg, April 9, aged 4 years 29 days. . Lids was the only child of Thomas anu Badalu Bentley. She was a very bright and affec tionate little girl, the idol of her parents and grandmother, who miss ber very much ; yet they feel that what is their Loss is their darling's gain. They have the heartfelt sympathy of the ueighbor hood. Little Lida, thou haat left us, And thy leis we deeply feel ; Yet It's God that has bereft us, And. through Him we try our hearts to still. JOHN M 11141.1111. John Miller quietly =passedaway after a brief illness on Mcitiday morning, April 17, 1 1 882. Mr.- Miller was born in Now Jersey, August 29.1802, and was there fore nearly :80 years old *hen he died. lie came to Ridgbury when quite a young man, and' commenced to clear laud and at out a harm, for his enjoyment in after life. In this be was eminently successful, for by hard work, ecanomy and stlictly temperate habits, lie became one of Ridg bury's foremost farmers art's , citizens. Early in fife he married Miss Charlotte Coleman; - a - most estimable lady, which proved to be a happy union. They en joyed this relations abqut 55 yeats--a re lation In happiness and number of years that but few mortals are permitted to enjoy. M. Miller was `the father of elev en children, three having died when quite young : eight' still survive to mourn the lo•is of their respected father. The funer al was held on Wedneedty morning, April 10, froin Ws late residence. A very large concourse of people were present to show the high appreciation in which he was held by them. • The funeral service was preached by P. 8. Everett, of Wellsburg, N. Y. Thus has passed away another of our old.landmarks, 'a worthy citizen, a • d a kind and indulgent parent. P.S.R. H. grALDisio. At a regular meeting•of Athens ] Lodg: No. 165, I. O. 0. F., April 11, 1882, t e following' molutions were uJaninions.7 'Passed - WHEREAS ? Almighty. God in Ifia ini nite wisdom has been pleased to Ireinoite from our midst our beloved brother, I'. G., A. H. Spalding, we his associates act uated by a deep sense of gratitude to the deported for his valuable services to this Lodge, deem it fitting to testify to - the fraternal esteem in which We have ever held him by offriing same slight expres sion of respect to his memory; therefore, be it Resered, TI atAn the death of P..G., A. •li. Spalding, this Lodge can keenly real. izee the loss of one of its oldest,and gen-, erally active, earnest and useful members: always laboring to promote add protect its best interests, and whose wine counsel was eagerly sought-in our Lodge and gen erally appreciated. Rosa/ved, That the unblemished integ rity and many virtues of the deceased, justly endeared him to all-who knew him, in this community as ?. worthy eitizontu every respect, while his purity of charac ter abd benevolent disposition were ex tended toward , relieving his fellow-men proved him a true Odd Fellow. Resolved,, l i s i tt in this hour of their tnla t painfal a fiction, we tender the fam ily of the departed our sincere condolence hoping they may and consolation in the conviction thatAheir sad bereavement is his gain. - Ressived„.That the foregoing be pub lished in three different papers, and a copy of the resolution.. be went to the family - of the deceased. - F. W. BROWN, COM. v. H. NORTHRTP, Local Correspondence. OVERTON. S?ring has bad inotber bad elapse. Miss Libbie Blackman is visiting friends at this place. Mr.. andi Mrs. Orrin Heverly are the happy poagessors of a little boy. His weight is ten pounds. Miss Stephens, of Towanda, has . started a millinery establishment at this place with good succe,fs. r. Reuben Parks is slowlk recovering from an attack of iiiitimmatory rheuma tism. . Joseph, lieverly, has begun active work towards the: building of a.' new house. Stiecvy is sick with erysipelas. L. V. Hcverly is home on'a visit. And so we are to have a change of postmasters. Wonder how soon the new one takes his place. , T VERNON. 0 VELMON, April 24. { FARMERS' VALLEY The wooden wedding of James Kenyon and wife, on the - 18th- instant, was well attended, and there were many valuable presents and a gixid time. The boys who started lo hunt Indians, came back to stay the first night, and will wait for warmer weather. Freeman Pierce his bought at team Consideration, $2OO. • • • M. W. Pierce is happy. Not a•boy. o girl. but a pension. , . .Mr. Wheeler is stilt quits feeble. When is the Christening to be? Our Sabbath School flourishes. Miss Alice Ryan will teach our district school term, to commence the first Wed neitday in May. This is the third term . -for Miss Ryan in this district, and there is no use changing teachers as long as the patrons are satisfied. . • Mr. Fred - McCollum, late of the firm of Gernert & McCollum, at Troyi having ,withdrawn from the mercantile business, will, we are told, (melee° his farming as usual.' Sowing is mostly done with us, but Vennor gave as an. April fool ;:on the weather question. Mr. Tommy Hines has gone; to the Sunny South for the benefit of his health. Isis return is indefinitely postponed. We miss hitrgenial face, and hope he pay re gain his wanted health. April 23 1882. PARKS. CREEK Mr. Stephen Russell is very low with typhoid pneumonia. This disease is quite prevalent in this locality. Among the others who suffer from the same disease are Miss Cotton, Mrs. Samuel Walker and Mr. Amerman. " It is reported that D. B. fitrope . and Polly •Prince were married to-day. They will returu horn their wedding tour soon and -reside in this place, to the satisfaction and joy of m thy friends. ' Our school of ?7 pupils is taught by Miss Emma L. Case, of Rome, and she is doing finely., - , We have a new school house, so the old "barn" is no longer occupied. ' Mr. James Ellsworth has Bold hiS farm to E. Broadman and hair gone to Michigan. Mr. Itlceaslio, of Rome Borough, 11 . 1144 sold his house, lot and blacksmith shop to Mr. Anson Case. The former moves to Athens. The select school at Rome, taught by . F. Hexed', haiclosed for want of pat ronage. - - Mr. Thos. Hill has returned from Ito pine woods of Cameron county and is n r busy on his 'fan* = - Miss Amanda Bostwick, of Windham, is visiting friends in this place. Miss Sarah Gable is about to leave for an extended visit_ to Apalachan, N. Y.. where she will be the guest of Mr. 'Na• thaniel - Sherwood. • -Mr. George Gable ha* a fine Iron - gray colt of the Bettrand-Pateben stock, which promises to make ohe of / the thieet F 940. Usti th* country 4 - Nh , Grnmari AVralA "SC 'rho new doll); wail route from Asillont to Hothirt'a_rerry - been let to E. L. Jarmo& Ho. .-oM.ft*W tattyltlig the mail on the 24th inst. - Mr..e Ili E. Gilbert; of, Asylnut; bits ptiti• chased a span of Ktntticky .mulee, - ,threei yeartfold for s3Bs:' Tett/ weeks agn.they -were mot halter-broke;' now ho uses them for all kinds of teaming, upon, his farm ." .. . . . On .Monday - We tasked - .Mr:- M. F. Cor bin, of Silvaraoitid found bim sitting in. a chair by. the stove,: ' The swe ll ing is nearly all not of •• hii Cage, and in a, few' days the doctors _win try and ,set thlow sr and up•r.jairs Which - arnbroken,. and take Out three teeth which- were driv en from t heir places into his month:- •It is with ,dillienity that he carries-on a conversation with his many viiiitoril. , If inflammation can be kept out he • will un doubtedly recover. , - •.•\ • i . 1 Mr. Fred D. Kerrick has presented the. First Methodist church or ;Asylum an elegant $l5 eight-day clock. The•church has abundant reason - to thank the genet= . ons . giver. ! • . . There seems to be a lei-. prOspect now for a hay cro., Stlll it is- too soon to predict the result with ceitaitity. N. P. 81.-• . Rev. S.-P. Gate.* of Canton} exchanged pulpits with Roy. G. P. Sewall on Sun day last, add preached very able and-ac ceptable sermons morning and evening. . Rev. J. G. Encell,. of, Smithfield, was hero last week'and delivered his two very interesting lectures, giving flue Stereopti= con views with o the same. Mr. Encell - ki au able lecturer and his pictures tqe among the Bost of their kind. His long- personal- acquaintance with' President Garfield makes his lecture on that topic one - or superior interest., and his lecture upon travel in foreign lands shows him to be a close observer of fads and people. Dr. Bowers; of Philadelphia, will lec-, rum the afflicted on. diseases of various sorts, and ou the miibjecc,,of anatomy. He .is to renntiri,three days,* • - Teachers' examination , was , held here Saturday, April 22, when all of a class of thirty passed very creditable examina- tiOns. Some of the certificates granted were of an excellent grade. Prof. Ryan was accompan ed by Mrs. Ryan who made pleasant calli upon friends here. Mr. Lewis E. Crane is recovering froin a severe attack of typhoid pneumonia. Will 11. Grant is doing a fine business in .Auburn; N. Y., as - engraver—a busi nefis.for which be is well qualified. LACEYVILLE AND VICINITY. B. W. Edwards and John Baldwin have returned from Texas... They report' a pleinimt trip and that the wheat drop: looks fine in that country. - Christian is clerking for 0. H. Smith. John is a ; genial fellow and a. good saloFnan. . • . Miss H. E. .Toues has returned from New. York *hero she has been purchasing goodg, and is now ready to furnish her many cuitomerti with any "thing in her line of trade. • William Mahoney is happy. It is a boy.. Miss I.Yorat Pattuu has returned from Sullivan county where she has been visit- tg for soine tiinte past. • There was a necktie and- maple sugar party ato4-, residencg; of M. L. Kerney last week fiirl i he benefit of the Methodist. Sunday sclniol - "Skinner's Eddy. A good time waz enjoyed, and the funds of the school was largely increased: The, fierce tight that took place bet Ween W. G. Cuhurti and William Christian a few days ago. was a disgraceful affair and ought to have been prevented by the officer and'bystanders.. There is rejoicing at Cheater E. Camp bell's, because it is a girl.. Weight, . ten and one-half pounds. . Our farmers Are wide awake sowing large fields of oats and planting potatoes. It is hoped that Bradford County will not have to depend on Ireland and Scotland for tubers again. • Hon. George W. 'Moscrip is at work on the south side of : Sugar Creek Oiling stumps and clearing - up a neglected field for. a crop. He has been at consiMrable expense putting his buildings in repair, and, is slicking up his farm generally af ter the manner of a good farmer. Rev. Mr. Troxell is an earnest and pop ular preacher of the Gospel, and is very good at raising money for benevolent pur poses by collection. - • - Miss Margaret Milder, from the West, arrived here on Saturday last,ft . and is a guest of Mrs. !Maria Morley, her sister. Mrs. Merab Windwfirth; of Springfield, Pa., was visiting her many friends in this place last week. L. King, of is to de- liver a lecture at :West Burlington, on Friday excning next. Subject, "Rebel Prisons,'!" , - • M. E. Quarterly Meeting at Burlington Borough, on SaturilaS? next. Dr. It. 3lurdock is reported siek. The.lino (?)of lie "bean pole" Was eseor ed.by Constable William . T i neke be fore D4fintre. William Wright, - - on Fri4y of last week, where he pleaded guilty to the charge, and was fitted twenty dollars and the costs of:proseentiott. . JBB2. - Tour correspondent has not been dead during the past few Weeks, neither has he been asleep (all of the time) but has beeu removed from the borders of civilization. This accounts for our silence. • . During, the month several' important dents have transpired, which:have , all been made known to the publie through lout paper. The excitement oecasitured _by the burglars had scarcely subsided, when fire made its appearance in our midst. Previous this two of Smith lieliPS young ladies Chose a Wedded life and were made happy, These events have not been Without their warning le4. sons. The sneak-thieves taught us that the locks and ,k ys of stores, dwellings and even postoffice have been no, protec tion to property. They yielded, even when - inexperienced boy:thietees made a effint to overcome then]. The-tat -est weddings show to a certainty, that the maiden in - her teens, as well- as the ven erable matrons who have, passed through the several stages and finally .turned the last corner ' is subject to the matrimonial' fever. The flames ha o: taught us that the old buildings which - have _stood for generations, and with no insurance, are not proof against the destructive de ments. A few dollars premiums paid once in a few years is a slight .toss corn pared-to the value of one's home. Our: schools open :Monday. We under stand that two or three districts have not been presided with teachers as yet. $l4 per Month is paid this season, and teach ers travel for their bread and butter a cetera. • . • • portions are now on. the sick list. Among them are Mrs. Asa Phyllis and Mrs. Joel .Harris. OCCIDENTAL. . some graielms been sown. At the last: teachers'. examination here not one of the applicants . who had attend ed the graded school during the last few years failed to get a certificate. Several parties froni adjoining townihips were not so fortunate. . X. • EDITORS. BRADFORD REPORTER : Among the many locals in the REPORTER, we see nothing of . late from Ghent, and think it about time that our gown was . beard from.". , - - Farmers are very busy' getting in their spring crops. If you wish to' sea some tine farms, choice. stock, valuable horses, - etc.; you must visit the old reliable .farmers of Ghent, w: , o will also show yo - u how to "farm for profit." . We have had our share of -sickness : Mr. Bailey Belo id, whose life. was -des paired of but a few days since, is now im= :proving under skillful treatment of C. 11. D. Cole.. of Sheshequin. 3lr. Miles Merrill, is Suffering from au abscess, or periosrial swelling of Die jaw, which has now snppurated ,and is. doing well under - the core of Dr. T. B.4ohnson, of your borofigh. Mt. It: Young his sold his snug little . farm to Dr. W. C. Ransom, who has just ; taken possession. Mr. Young has taken apartments in the house otitis son-in-law, Professor AV: P. Morton, anti - has por chased a Mimi in - North ;tome which is being cared . for.by his 'grand son; F. Yonng.: - ' • • ' • Mr, L Yottlist basjost completed his flue The litetteil end grate"- ASYLUM. TROY. ANON BURLINGTON -SMITHFIELD GHENT ITEMS. Mg is very skififulfy dime by an o'd gen tleman seventy years of age, who has worked in the Palace Car Works of. flosa ton ' Massachusetts, and is the finest work we have seen outside of the loge cities. When you come to Ghent gke us a call. If yoU - certer by way of Mr. Chas. Valhi's, bewaie of the dog. " lie !s dangerous, but iii usually kept chained. ' If you use this we will try to be more interesting And newsy next time. ,vI3III6TOPIIER CRAYON. : April 24. 1882.,, SOUTH LITCHFIELD. . MESSRS. EDITORS ;— Our ol d mend,' the Reronl'Ess, is stilt a . welcome guest to many of oui best Istmilies, Bach week Ai seems to be more heavily laden with the choicest locals and general news. Our Sabbath Scholl is prospering finely under the Superintendency - of Mr. J. Wo ols.), assisted by Rev, Alonzo Babcock.: Church services at Bumptown, at 11 O'CIOCIC. A. M., and (Our o'clock P. as., each Sabbath. The Church has been furnish ed with carpet, lamps, ztovesyete., by the, proceeds from mite societies, sociables! and coneertr. Our summer school .begins May Ist. The North Rome school, .of twenty-sev en pupils; is doing well in charge of, Miss McCabe, of that village. Mr., Eugene tent, the enterprising, merchant of North. Rome; has a very val uable collection of ;relics du the line of coins of different nations, bank bills, etc., among'which noticed a Colonial cur rency bid of denomination six dollars,. is sued by the Maryland Colony in the year 1767, or nine years before the Revolution, and so well preserved that the signature. is quite easily read. His collection al- Most, if not quite, equals that of Mr. Pe. leg'Peck's, of Sylvania, Pa. •. whicli is re garded by, many as being tt:e" test in the county.- 001 r. Smull, the prosperous tanner iof Athens, has purchased a valuable timber Met in this place, and soon the bark peeleris and a steam sawmill will-be busy in theii. all iy below, and to the west .of NIT. W.' W. Mi;leis, iTlio, by - the way, has better music in his own family than they can make. Mr. A. E. Arnold, of :13umptown, 114. one of the tinest tbree-year-old colts in the county. lie is a beautiful iron. grey oaf the Bertrand Patchen stock, weighing 1;100 piminds, and with Careful training, twill make a fast horse some day in , the near future. Oats kvill be cheap after the harvest, if the season is favorable for them, or a least we judge so, by the large amount - being sown. , It this is worth space you may exec to hear from us later: ONE OF THE "F. B. cnonv." April 19, 1882. ATHENS NOTES. People are very busy, no person being ; idle' that wishes to work. .There mAy found in all places idlers of both sexes that would like easy places and high sala ries for their presence, 'but none of our willing workers iu town or country are out - of employment. We occasionally see an able bodied *ramp, -however, and pity the people who encourage such ',ractices by feeding-them. The fields begin to assume a spriri appearance, and an unnsoal ammo. ofi ma-leg grain is to he sown, judging by to fields already plowed. Scandal mongers, persons desirous of injuring neighbOrs, and blackmailers, are busy in %rations places, but, those thus far attacked- will not be injared ieriou'ily by their designing. 'Tis strange how soon a person's vittuos are forgotten if any chat t le b brought against him, no matter front how low a source and stronger still that those who have associated in friend ly'irays "should s 4 easily lend a listening ear. The 'deal Ido -not escape,=-widows . and orphans are of respected. minister s are-numbered wj h those sought to be.in jured by the .le Creatures in human form, and virt is decried. Mr. Ira El tree is this- week, engaged in the . second ,‘trial of his-suit with the-Erie railroad, for damages re ceived in getting off a train a few years ago. -The jury-disagreed in the first Dr. E. P. Allen, of this place, is 'a wit ness in the case. Rev; Mr. Vatrons has resigned his pas torate of the Baptist Church, to take ef fect in July. Mr. Ira Minier, of - Green's Landing, having lost a horse, -, some of his friends: quietly circulated around, ano the result of their missions will be asubstantal pres ent that will go far towards replacing the loss. Who says that is not a Christiani community? • .• -Some Of the G. A. R. bays visited their Smithfield brothers last week and - report a; very pleasant. time. -Such "representa tives of the •order are bound to have a good.tinr, and their popularity insures them a weleome. • • .* April 24, 1882. WE are strongly disposed to regard that person as the best physician who. does most to alleviate human suffering. ;Wk.: ed from this Standard, Mrs. Lydia L. Pinkbam, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass.; is entitled- to the , front rank, for her Vegetable Compound is daily working wonderful cures. in femille diseases.. Send for circular to the above address. - Warner's %safe Kidney and.Liwer Cure "ar Have derived some benefit from the um) Of Simmons' Llver . ltegulator, awl with to give It a further trial. • HON. ALEX. H. STEPENS, "I have n-2 , ver seen or tried such a simple. ettica ciwe, satisfactod and pleasant remedy in niv.llte. H. HAINES, St. Louts, Mo." MARRIED. JENNINGS—CAM PTO N.— Inleßoy, April 23, - 1882, by H. K.' Mott, Esq., NI r. Isaac Jennings and Miss Katie Campton, both of Franklin, STROPE—PRINCE. 7 -At :the 3... E. parsonage, hi Rome, April . 20, 1882,._ by Rev. S. B. Keeney, Mr. L. B. Strobe and Miss Polly Mince, both of Rome. cTURDEVANT. HOWELL. By Rev. B. Jones. .19th inst., at the brifie's father's, Mr. E. C. Stnidevant and Ms's' Lucy E. Howell, both of Albany; N EWM AN—ANDRE %V S.—AC Athens, April 22 1822, .by the Rev. B. Drum mings,•Mr. John E. Newman to Miss Lo ceJO. Andtews, both of Sheshi.gnin.. _ _ COOLBAUGH—ENNIS.—At the Meth odist. Parsonage, April 25, 1882,. by Rev. Cfiarles,H. Wright, Mr: Henry J. Cool baugh and Miss Ada Ennis, both of To wanda. - ' TOMPKINS TURNER. —At , the .Metliodisi, Parionage, April 25, 1882, by Roy. Cluirles Wright, Mr. George M. Tompkins and Wis . Ida Tiirneri• both •of 'Aleshoppeu, Pa. PHELPS—tIARRIS,—At the home of the bride, April 19,, 1882. by, Rev. J. Lloyd Jones, Mr. Laporte •H. Phelps, of zlnringfield township, and : Miss Ella M. Harris, of South Bratich. DIED • 'HILLER.—In Ridgebnry, April tab,' John Miller, aged 80 years. FULLER.—In Springfield, April 13th, Mrs. Merely, Fuller, aged 82, years.. BROWN.—In Aurora, Illinois, Mrs. Frank Brosin,;formorly of - Wysox, I'a. • 'TAYLOR min Granville, Pa.,_•April, 12th. of erysipelaq, Laura, wife of Vo hiey Taylor, aged 51 years. H AHKNESS.—In Springfield; Apr ill 180, - of general debility,. Miss - Sophia Harkness, aged 60 years. .• HULL. In Troy, April 19th, of gener al debility, Mrs. Lydia Ann Hull, widow pf the:late George X. Hull, ag4d 69 years. V. tiNNESS.-In Wysox, Maid) .30, 1882, of ineinurauous croup, .Susie, infant daughter or Horton and Marie Van nese. • . PECK—In Troy, Pa., April 18tb, of pneumonia, at the residence of her so% George L. Peck, Palmy, widow of the late Jonathan, Peck, aged 82 yearn. DROCL A hiATION.--: WHEREAS, Mon. PAUL D. Moaaow, Piesideet Judge of toe lath Judicial District. consistleg of the county of Bradford, has issued hit precept bearing de e the lath day of March, 1842. to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sersion of th 6 Peace, Com mon Pleas and I trphans' Court at Towanda. fur • the county of Bradford, commencing on Monday. 111 A Y 1et,1882, to continue three weeks. Notice Is therefore hereby given to the Coroners and Justices of the Peace of the county of Brad ford, that they be then and there to their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with records. Inquitrit ions and other remembrances to do those things which to their office appertains to be done:'and those who are bound by recogni zanees or otherwise, to prosecute against the pristo nets who are or may be In the jell of amid county, are to be thee and there to prosecute against theta as shall he just. Jurors are requested to be punc tual in their attendance, agrerably to their pot Ice. Dated at Towanda, the f.l day of Pebitiarl. In the • year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred Amd elghty•two o anti of the ludependente of tits Halted Stipa one hundred and alga. - - WILLIAM T. 11128117/4 ENE UNDERTAKING! We would call SPECIAL . ATTENTION to this Department r We have constantly in stock a full lice of COFFINS and CASKET& COMM, CASKETS, Further thin this, we guarantee our Virt.).R.ll AS GOOD and PRICES AS LOW as any place in the country. Give us a trial and convince your. selves. 'Don't forget the place. Bridge Street Furniture Store ! We are now' prepared to show'our IMMENSE STOCK OF SPRING FURNITURE, * and:feel confident that , we can give you BARGAINS its every, line. Chamber Suits, $2O to 5150 each. Parlor Suits, $5O to sloo,each. Dining Chairs, 20c to $2 each. Lounges, $6 to each. - Mat t tresses, $3 to $2O each. - Spring Beds, ,s 3 to $l2 each. AIso—FEATHER WHATNOTS, GLASSES; MARBLE TABLES, EXTENSION TABLES,. ROUND and 'PILLAR TABLES, .BUREAUS WASHSTANDS, CRADLES, &c., Rc. • 27aptql. Mein Abvertiorsotts. eLYDESiI At.F. STALLION.— LORD CLYDE will make the season of 1682 at the farm of the subsctiber. one mile west of the village of East El Bilgeld. Both Sire and Item Iniported. Bred be Wm. Cozier.' Northport, Long r - " , Island. As we give the breeder's name and address In full we can assure patrons that we arc not offering the services of a . grad.f horse. T1:n515,05. W. A. WOOD. East Sofithfleld Pa., Aprll 5,1582. WANTED! Hay; Straw and Crain For which we will pay tbe HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, delivered here or at points ou L. V. R. R. Bath; ne of Dedrlck • s Perpetual Presses, with patty for baling 50 tons per day. we are ena ed to receive large quantities of hay and straw • many of the principal shipping points of this and pdjninlng enuntlex.. We are also agents for the improved Bale Ties. ACKLEY & DEAN, MAIN STREET, TOWANDA. PA. Clfflwo nv... I•vrnh k T miry** qt .r*. nn<lll.lllll THOS. LAWRENCE MANUFACTURER AND DEALER I. CHOICE CONFECTIONERY 138 W. WATER STREET, ELMIRA, N. Y. Country orders. Promptly Attended to, • Ira, N. Y., April 20, 924Inurs SPRING, 1882; CARPETS= POWELt & CO. Would announce that they have re- ceived; and have now open for inbpta tioni their SPRING STOCK OF CARPETS. which aside from being larger than in former yea're, conipri- sea 'a greater " variety of STYLES AND QUALITIES; consisting o? Velvets, Body Brussels, Tapestry. Brussels, Extra. Supers, Supers, Ingrains, _• Cotton Chains, Hemps, Hail and Stairs. ELEGANT BORDERS To watch :VELVET AND BRUS SELS CARPETS, together with a LARGE and CROLIE aisortnient. of SMYRNA, VELVET & BRUSSELS RUGS AND MATS Bordeml 4nd MOW CUIR MATE for (lottolfsit - EVE E. B PIERCE, Bridge Street, Towanda, Pa. ALMON BAXTER'S BAY STALLION Will inalce . scason of tat? st his owner's stable in Granville. Bradford . County, Pa.. except &mot days. when he will be at Troy. Is known as otm of the best generrt-furpose bar es lirlhe country. as he and his colts were awa , ded ant premi ums at the last County rain. for particulars addreia ' ALVON.BAXTEtt, 27spra2. • West Burlington, Ps. This celebrated STALLION, formerly kept to Bradford Comity. Is hoet aiwln wed will make the season at 4sts owner's friable at Noiantaln Lake. - ' A NEW DEPARTURE! The undersigned, desirous of reducing their large stock of - tOrmitit 85 00 to 12 00 " Voir /Omits/in/ids: VOL, .DOUGLAS, " Stephen A. Douglass." . 4. O. NICtiOLS, Mountain Lake. April 4. 1882-amte. Coffins, I Casksls, I Robes, AND TRIMMINGS, Wlllfrom this A -L-4. rx COST ! data offer them This ineins busiress, as it is a trite saying that there Is no frlend,hlp Irt-tratie. IF YOU WANT A NICE COFFIN for ZIG' TT DOLLARS, such as you hare been paying fib for; or an EXTRA NICE ONE FOR US, such ar will cost you Ca or/30. CALL ON US , : but If you prefer to PAY DOD. IILF; PRICE SOMEWHERE_ ELSE. suit yourselves, as YOC and no ooe - else, ruler by It. Our NEW and ELEGAN T • WHITE HEARS-E: Furnished at a very MODERATE, Price when desifed KIO. FROST'S SONS Tos antL‘, Pa.. :::Ipre:-ienos. Erlich's! 33.5 E. 'Water St ELMIRA, N. Y. Solidixllargais -IN----- Silks Silks Silks Diess Goods; White Goods Laces Laces " Linens Linens Hosiery Alid EVERYTHING ill DRY GOODS. Solid+llargais Our Opening was a Grand Success, and we thank - all for their attendance. B. Erlich & Son $l5 Earot avatar-:t., yl 820 00 100 00 - Laces
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers