Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 27, 1882, Image 2

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Towanda. Pp., April 27, 1882
McLEAN, the Queen's assassin, his
been acquitted on the ground of in
IT is a poor-day for daily _newspa
pers when then• is not a cyclone or a
- strike.
NEWSPAP..r. men will rejoice to see
the-new two cent .postage bill become
a last.
THE county of the great grumbler,
C. Spyker; Wolfe, retently elected
01110)S to be re-districted; giving
the Republicans fifteen districts and
the Deni - crats six.
Doasn' returned and pleaded not
guilty and had the forfeiture of his
recogniianee stricken pit
IT is stated on very good authori
tyshat M. S. Quay will be the editor,
of n new paper to be started soon.
SENATOR _MITCHELL is still the'
target at which the waspish editor
the PhiladelphiT Times fires his
TUE Chinese bill as amended, re
stricting immigration for - ten years,.
Massed the House on Monday by a
vote or :2.)i• to :; •
:7ZONI t: papers are urging Chas. S.
Wolfe fo:. r'ongressman•at•large. Ile
will hand,• reap any such reward for
his political infidelity.
InE indictment in one of the Star
Route cages was quasbe.:l because
the intial letter only of the christian
name was given insteal of the full
.troGE 131.AcK comments . bitterly
upon the fact that inirelandthe pop
ulation instead of increasing is tie : .
creasing, having been reduced from
9.00 in 1f44 1 , to
,5,600,009 in
CA - SNos and: Campbell, the dele-
gates from Utah, have been rejected
by Congfeas. Cannon on account of
polygamy and'eampbell because
had so few vples. There will be a
new election.
A LroNzo r has been nominated
ley .the Pre.hient for the Austrian
mission : 1 -I'll- -gentlemenwho have
sO' persistently asserted that he would
succeed Mr. Lowell, will please make
a note of thk nomination.
THE Con;lres , ionSl ConzonitteeprO
pose to give Dr. Bliss iQ.:',,C(O); .
w- Ag-
ne an(l 4 ll:imiltor $15,0(10 --- eh;
Boynton Q.lo.neo, and recommem the
promotion of Barnes and Woodward
who cannot receive any fees 'on ac
count of their military position
THE irrepre_ssible Pc Lesseps has
induced the French government to
seriously consider his project for let
ting the sea into the desert of Sahara.
It would be a terrible blow to 'the
owners of camels and for their sake
we willinely chronicle fact that
the ekpene 4vill probably postpone
the work for some' time.
ring "up
,to. (hi something, one
knows just Ultat, and injure some
one, nobody knows how.. If there
were intrigue and !fraud anti an Ob
jectionable candidate were set up
by Don .Catneron cr by any tnan or
number of men, whose. candidacy
was distasteful to the patty at large,
then there would he excuse ;and-ne
cessity for such action as is taken
but at present it is unnecessary and
unwise. We beliefe the convention
will nominate the party's choice —The Democrats dare not Make a di
if it does no one 'should complain'; rect issue between free trade and protec
even if the senior Senator has his Lion, fOr the reason that the South, "which
waking up to the importance of sus
taming a variety of .ndustries, begins to
appreeiatc thefact that protection is'the
lonly principle under which they can grow.
I --=lSpriii,7field - Union (Rep.).
—All the political 'Bother in Pennsylva
nia• is not confined to the Republican
party. Much -dissatisfaction exists in the
ranks of the Democracy. Even the hope
of victory through unity does not seem
to bring harmony. In Philadelphia the
bitter feeling existing between
factions has caused -the organization of
two city committees, each claiming to be
j. regular.
-j —The South Carolina ! , Bourbons -are
said to have arranged. the champion ger
rymanderiug scheMe.* As reported in the
Bo4lan Journal, it consists in blotting out
all the present county boundaries, and
recasting the counties so as to be able to
make up seven solidly Democratic Con
gressional I Dislrieni. Iklf. Mackey, who is
in Washington contesting the seat of Mr,
Greenland with 'Ls seal-oil bibbe
Dibble, has been notified of the scheme.
—We can assure the ,a.t)tildiliejmischief
is far enough north for practical se I i- makers •tha:,the Bepublican4 of Maine,
once to go, and the : certain disap- I,llrom York to Aroostook and from Wnsh
pointment which explorers in Arctic 'ing" ton to Franklin, : stand united and
earnest in the purpose of redeeming the
regions must eNPect, ! ought to
tdithisocintintiance of offorts that • State of Maine this year. In that good
work the East-And West will not stop to.,
ear result in death or failure. Geo
ng at - each other, hitt ther seek.
graphical knowledge is a good thin*, it fli o - insp tau iie n and strengthen their ra bietbren I l i
and the . demands of a I pliOgressive jin every part of the State. With hearty
tiefetelants in the South Caro- age ought to lie answered ; but it
f i and friendly greeting to our comrades in
lina election eases have been found certainly does not pay to7kill off men . the West we promise them that the eas
guilty, notwithstanding the pressure • of brains and courage' in securing j tern Districts will contribute a full and
generous share of the gains that are to
of public sentiment bronaht to hear
what is protiiless knowledge at best
• I
in their behalf: Agents collected • What benefit Would we derive from swing the State back:into the Republican
line. Bangor Whig (Rep.).
money all ti,rough the State td de- an intimate knowledge of the regions —lf the committee of investigation
fray their expenses; the prosecuting front the north pole down to Alaska?' into the 'Chili-Peru business was set' in
attorneys were kno‘in as a ''rene. If. the whole territory were mapped motion with.the;eXpectation of trapping
gale" and "Brewster hirelings," and ' off into counties, townships and 191- ias big-game as "Jim Blaine, of Maine,"
it is wastin valuable time. Even Ship
every effort, was put forth to procure lane lots, no one could live there. As
an I erd confes g
ses that he never had the
acquittal. * The evidence was tob now, it would only be fit for icebergs .
convincing. however, and a verdict_ of and
, : polar bears. No one but a lung- slightest suspicion that Mr. Blaine had
the slightest connection or interest in - the
guilty was fouutl. After the verdict tic would ever think of ',taking a trip Landreau, Ceche . , or other "schemes of
two men declared that they signed the there, and he might as* well freeze in spode in -Perth Yet, if there were the
• sealed verdict under a misapprehen
the 'States in 'January and save hi s -least room for suspicion, who doubts that
sion and under fear of bodily pain, traveling expenses. . Shlpberd, with his malevolent disposition
.but Judge_ Bond ruled that their If! any one will seriously examine toi ! eard the late Secretary; would make
avowal wa. too the most of it?—Cincinnati CommeaciaZ as they had the record of Arctic explorations, he .(R e p.)..
`aigned the Verdict and had_ made n . o .
will fins that no t : altiablo! knowledge —Seim, of our exchanges have seen fit
nster . tion of tknir dieggTeetnent hag 1,90 n froquired, and that the advise the blends of Barrimy Tilden to
13.S,TnAN6 of Tioga has
resigned the' j , Osition of Marshal of
Dakota to which-he was-recently:ap
pointed In t4c !'resident.' The pros
pects fora Sate made from the wes-
tern territory are not as promising as
when Mr. Strang, Was appointed and
he evidently : didn't wish to waste his
time in an office merely ministerial
where there was so much hard work
to do._
TliE trial of • :le Malley- boys and
lilanche Doti:.;lass for the Murder of
Jennie Cramer calls up again the
mystery- connected; with her . death.
That they • are,_•responsible for he
death cannot he doulited. but wheth
er their responsibility is direct or in
direct is a questiob resting in what
at present-seem. very unsatisfactory
evidence. UnleSs something more is
discovered the e•v - idence will be en
tirely circum.:antial.
banqua given John .11tuse:i
Young was a very grand one, and of the cafe where it was
held was elaborately decorated.
Among the decoratimis were the flags
_American and China, tropical
fruits and planfQ, a fully rigged ship,
and a profusion of Choice. flOwers.
Mr. Young ntade l a very pretty speech
in'which he said he never sonf;ht office,
and that tlw Chinese Mission came
to him unsoli6ited ; that he went be
cause the po;-ition came to him in
such a manner that its acceptance
mas a duty. The haniluet was given
bY the Sty! us i li b
the jury was disetharge( -1 . The prob
abilities ArOliat the two men made,
their avowal under fear of bodily'
pain unless they did something to
relieve the ballot corrupters from the
sentence of the law. More prosecu•
Lions are to follow.
-The recent conference of inde
pendents in Philadelphia resulted in
the appointing of.. a committee to
consult with a committee of, the reg
ular Republican organization and, if
'possible, arrive at soma amicable ar
raagementt respecting the nomina-.
Lion whicil: shall unite the Indepen
ents and the Regal -as. The claim of
Wolfe to have everything conceded
to the party of which he is the recog
nized head, shOws that the bossism
which he denounces is the Very sys
tem which he- practices, but Senator
Mitchell is more
,conciliatory, only
insisting that
_the two: places• con
ceded to the Independents shall be
filed li` them. Aside from the' al).
pointing of a committee to confer
with the regular organization nothing
definite was accomplished There
was a considerable talk, and especial
ly outside among-politicians, rt..good
deal of exc.tement concerning the
action of the political gathering, but
that it will create any% strong ripide.
in the coming convention or change
th6, - nominations is improbable. From
the:presentoutlook the coming men
will be acceptable to Republicans
generally, and will come from both
Cameron atilt anti-Cameron branches
the party. There will iiquestiona
bly be such mutual compromises as
shall give a ticket co:nposed of men.
affiliated with both branches of the
party, men who can claim the sup
port of the whole party.on • grounds
aside frOm the usually. sufficient real
son that , the party has placed them in
nomination. That Charles' Spyker
Wolfe will be permited to dictate
terms and nominations to the Repub
lican convention we do 'not believe.
The autocracy of Cameron as charged)
by Independents, even as described
by Wolfe himielf,is mild compared .
with the dictatorship whichalone can
satisfy the insatiate Charles. If
Pennsylvania politics require a czar',
if the people's convention convened
according to - t h e—pa rty's cm store,
cannot make proper n• mina ions;
then itAs well look around
fi3r a ruler, but-let us not choose tids
chronic demagogue and malcontent,
whose intoltq.alice ; will hear to noth
ing except the full satisfa4ion of his
uni:e4sonable::nil unwise itelnands.
We do not believe in nominations
which overt s ide:pub:ie sentiment or
insult the peoples' wish. the P.e- .
publican voters are soVet - elgn anit
thear 'choice ought to be„must l
respecteil. Leaders • must lead., not,
rebresent, not. dictate,iflth4
expect recognition from the masses,.
and lOyal.iervice from *.he eleetors-i
But of what do men now complain ?'
What is all this fuss. about? A;ect•
Beaver is the coming candidate falr
GoVernor, Senator Davies for
tenant-Governor. 'Public sentiment
and the honest iyish of a majority of
the Eepublican vote's in .Pennsylva
nia are for these-In:en, and'ttr.!re is no
reason to expect unsatisfactory nom
inations for the otl.. positions. The
party will. is not outraged and t4re
is no good cause for all the fuss 4nd
noise which Wharton 'Barker is Atir
The loss of the Jeannette and pro
bable death of Lieutenant DeLOng
add another chapter to the uninter
rupted- history of danger, disappoint
ment and.death attending Arctic ex
ploration. Brave,• intelligent men
have risked their lives and lost
in a vain attehyt to find. an open
polar sea and b . northwest passage ;
and still the disastrous work goes on
bringing, at short intervals, fresh sac
rifices. Isn't it about time to retire
this north pole Juggernaut, and try
and rest contented With the certainty
that a polar sea is.of no practical use
if the' thermorneter would reaister
fifty degrees below zerd'on it for nine
months in a Year ?
tory is one of disappointment alone;
From the time the ilitated expedi-. 1
tion of Sir John Fraukliia sailed,
there have been .only failures todis
cover anything,. and almost as- fre
quent failures to return. The men
who- have died in the . frozen, desolate
North, praying for a .ray of warm
sunshine, have 'been victims, and
their relatives and friends have not
the consolation giVen to those whose
friends have died- in making import
ant discoveries. No,human being is
happier or wiser for thb nntold-mis•
cries suffered among the polar. nows .
.icebergs; and we belieVe that
until some Means are found to defen d
menagainst the murderous cold, Or
the knowledge sottght is shown to be
of some value, that the useless killing
ought, to stop.
Engineer Melville has no hope of
finding his_enprades alive - ; and he
will be fortunate if he brings his own
company back Lome again. 'hat he
will learn oile: valuable' fact is im
probable, and the, most which can be
'reasonably expected is that he may
find the remains of Lieutenant De-
Long and his
. unfortunate .Men.
'When he returns, if :he ever does, it
will be a proper ' time tor practical
scientists to admit the poverty of
developments that characterize these
exrlorations, , and the uselessness of
Chaff. and Cornment.
Tillen missed the Presidency, but
his dog took a premium 'at a recent
dog show:- --- •
More amusing than the
. gambols
of a comic trick unite are the antics
of the party of J. and J.
The Arizona cowboys - arc to he
suppressed, but farmers will not con
sider the suppression a. war on dairy
The saddest — individual in America
to-day is a Mormon •prophet with
eighteen wives to hiS hair, and .
no delegate to push his Pension hills
through Congress.,
A recent Democratic journal an
nounces the fact that a man by the
name of Hendricks live out in Indi
ana. Wonders will never cease; we
supposed he was dead years ago.
"And must we all fade 'away in
the sweet-spring time, blighted - by
the breath of a riotous and Unqpiet
Attorney-General," is the querulous
sung of two-, hundred and thirteen
graveyard insurance companies.
For; some unknown reason Alex.
McChire doesn't like eithet% of our
Senators. Perhaps the editor:of the
.TinicA" would like to occupy a Sena
torial chair himself, and is soured by
the "never forever" of public senti
ment that bats'hitu out. _
" How Anna Diekinson dresses
Hamlet," is the title of an article in
a Binghamton paper. In our opinion
that headline is slanderous and.inis
leading, for it is .highly improbable
thitt the -gifted Anna does 'not, now',
and never did dress Hamlet. Besides,
Ilaldet is dead if history can :be be
lieved. .
Nothing excites more sympathy in
the hearts of generous newspaper
inert than the.. painful attempts of
their Greenback brethren to induce
a belief in `their own minds that the
National party is alive. Right blind
rlY they sit by the poor little dead
:4party, and seek by bold utterances
! to infuse life into its spiritless body,
instead of pronouncing in fit terms
dip • final eulogy On its lifeless form:
They} persist. in watching and nursing
! their fOrmer pet, regardless of ahe
fact that; the food .upon which. it fed
was, withdriwn years'ago, ' and that
it lonff since starved tea death. Their
- 1 dotage. is. as pitiable as it is remarka
ble. •
Political Gleanings
keep' an eye on bim test be should fall
the. wiles of such sharpen; as fleeced
Charles Francis Adams. If anyone insists
on coupling the names of Tilden and the
bunko players, all oldie advice should be
given to the bunko mil ; fcr if the Gietati
Reformer ever got a chance . at , them, be
would, at the close of the exercises,'
pocket all or the Wealth of his adversaries,
real them a long sermon on the evils - of
gambling, and wind up with a patriotic•
quotation from yhOmas Jefferson.—AL
bany Express (Rep.)
Personal Notes.
—Secretary Chandler's money is invest.
.0 in Nevida silver mines. lie. is itrt a
capitalist but his fortune: is inusideved
large in New Hampshire; utheie lawmen
are rich.
. _
- —Governor Heyt showed commendable
respect to the memory of the late Judge
Ross, of Montgomery county, ir. declining
to nominate a successor until after the
—Secretary Teller is round
shouldered, and is usually attired in a
loose suit of, black. His face and fore
head are long, and his manner is that of
a shrewd business man.
—Charles Robert Darwin, the well
known scientist, is de3d. Darwin was ill
some days - and was supposed to be recov
ering, but bad a relapse on Tuesday; of
last week and never 'rallied:
—Mr. Arthur's little daughter!s a pret
ty child, chubby as a. cherub an altar
piece, and owning a pair of, large brown
eyes that look brightly out from under a
fringe of short brown hair.
—The venerable Alexander H. Stevens,
sitting in his invalid chair, in the open
aria before the Speaker's chair, is the
most impressive figure in the. House . of
Representative S—a little old ntau, with
the'figure of age and the face of a child ;
with eyes of flame, the voice of a mocking
bird, and the words of wisdom.
—The wife of Senator Malaine has won
in Washington the distinction of 'wearing
handsomer Jewels , than does any other
- woman in alai
s ociety. Her diamonds
used long ago to be matter of comment ;
and Alen she returned from Europe late
ly her husbanil presented her with addi-
Oen:4 to her jewel-case valued-at $40,000.
-4udge Black and Ron. Wayne Mac-
Veagh are opposing each other es the
leading lawyers in the case of the contest-•
ed will of the late Cameron, brother of
Simon Cameron. Two - wills have been
found disposing of $1,500,000, the last
one giving most of the estate to the tes
tator's daughter, Mrs. J. 13. Packer. The
second daughter contests the Will on the
groundsof forgery: or of "undue
and produces another. giving
equal shares to the sisters.
—Neil Burgess 11._ssecurcd a patent "or
a stage device to . be used in a new - play
that he has written.', its objects -is is to
represent a horse and wagon—with occu-
ants—traveling along a street. The
front of the stage represents astone wall,
the top of which is a little above the
stage floor. Nit it , the. stage floor is an
endless tread anangement much the same
as that torn 1 in a common "horse pe*er," .
the top of which is even with the- floor ;
on this endless tread the boric walks and
the wheels of thii Wagon rot aie,, the horse
and vehicle heir { kept from actual pro
gression by n concealed star. While the
horse is. thufrwalking
,and the wagon'
wtieels are rotating, apparently advancing
in one directicih, a phnorama 0r houses
and trees-at the back of the stage mere
from one. 'conceltled role to another—in
the opposite i tifrection. The illusion is
perfect: ,
State Notes
i —The - si i all.pox sliii littgcrs at Mount
roily. • - .
.; —Easton has the longestisblie walks in
t h e country. • , .
--The police force of Williamsport is
being reduced. - . .
• —The email-pox has entirely disapp!ar
ell from Allentown. •
oats , - crot of the Cumberland
valley has been Owed.
trout 5 - t reams of M'Kean county
have been ruined by waste oil running
into them.
—Lumber is increasing in price, to sneb
an extent in Pltiladelobia, as to Abp the
Completion of bfindieds of buildings now
in course of,'ereptiou.
—Governor Hoyt appointed . Charles 11.
Stinson of Norristown to succeed the ate
I ltoss of 3tOntgoinery county. The
new judge was'at one time a member of
-the State Senate and is altepublican.•
• —The ..Deniocratic County Committee
of Bedford elected Frank Fletcher and
Walker F. Mooreeprmtentative delegates
to the Democratic State Convention with
instructions to Support Hon. James H.
Hopkins of Pittsburg for governor.
—There are - ip Pennsylvania. 22,202
pensioners, who ;receive annually $5,140,-
862.. There are how on the pension -rolls,
in the whole country, 269,851 pensioners
who receive annually *:"..)9,263,469. .In
this stint the heavy arrearage pensions are
not included.
—One evening last week - a tornado
swept. up Chestinit Budge ;Mountains,
Westmoreland county, levelling acres of
timber land. At Mount Vernon the house
of William Wirgi 3 Over - was razed. to the
ground, his wife killed and seven chil
dren seriously idjairerl i two fatally.'' -Terry
Stauffer's child «as fatally infured by a
falling building and -Joseph Glausbury's
house was blown down, a family of five
injured and a 6 , 44 The-'roof of
the house was carried; two mile;. Three
persons in Jdpob..l.Miler's family were in
jured by a falling hause and.ene killed.
Statistics recency published show
that 319 colleries in ibis State, employing
7 . 5,169 persons, and Icorking. an • average
of 275 days during - the Year 1881, produc
ed27,929o2B,tons of anthracite,- and. the
total amountOf wages paid to employees
was $29,545,781. In the bituminous region
the number of {nines- worked', was 382,
employing 31,530' persons, who produced
15,692,92.1 tons and were paid' $14,540,-
0 . 57. The number of coke ovens in-Penn
sylvania is o,64o,!which produced 2,176,-
403 tons. If to this would be added the
petroleum statistics of the State, it wotjid
make ti splendid showing of-the heating
and illitininating capacities of Pennsyl;
vania. •
General Nevis:
—Late frosts have clone much damage
to. fruit crops in some sections
.of the
- -Japan is now fulbtof schools, and the
University of Tokio hai over' two'hunOred
students. •
—An amendment to the constitution of
New Yorlewill be submitted to the penple
of that State this year, making the canals
—lt is said that Frank James is o:gan
izing "Death' Avengers" in 'lttilisouri, and,
proposes to kill'every personreoncerned in
the death of Jesse. .
—The intention of ;Russia to reduce her
army 4 37,000 does look as though she
was preparing to begin a Panslavic ernj
*MS against Austria.
--Five hundrod English colonists have
%it Sankt to settle in Minnetiota.: ; They
take with them 104000 in cash. Emi
grants of this cl,►ss • mako the country
healthy, wealthy and wise.
dispatch fronkVictoria confirms 'the
report of the steamers Euphrates and
&cambia - sailing from Hong Kong, to
arrive this month , with 3,000 Chinese to
work on the Canodia Pacikßailway.
—The revenues of, the Postale.) De
partnient, in the quarter ending Decem . -
ber 31st, 1881, were $678,424 over the ei
renditures, showing that the Postofilce is,
now practically self-suppOrting. • .
—Tiventy-four wagonloads of furniture
and household articles,' taken from the
White House and sold at auction recently.
teased $11,000.• The 'crowd included
many `prominent persons, and numbered
fully five' thousand. The bidders Were
very spirited.
—The graves of the Confederate , dead
were decorated and services held at Ithe
Confederate'Monument in Greenwood
Cemetery, New Orleans, on the oth in
stant. Among the handiome floral offer
ings were three preheated by the Grand
Army of the Republic. •
—lntense,sufferink is reported on the
Labrador coast. The inhabitants - are
Without food, except seals, seal oil and
crusteacea fish. Two or three of the peo
ple have died of starvation. The Indians
having no means of subsistence, :Are
swarming down upon the settleis.
—The House Committee on Niblic
Buildings and Grounds agreed to report.
to the House favorably the bill anthciriz
-ing the Secretary of the Treasury to sell
- the site of the old New York Posteffice at
public auction to the highest bidder, pro
viding that it shall not be sold for less
than $500,000.*
—The House Committee on Territories
directed Representative Richards to re-.
port to the House *favorably the bill to
extend a Territorial form of Gov: mment
over the entire district of Alaska. Rep
resentative Dawes, of Ohio, was instruct.
ed to report, to the House adversely the
bill to create a State Government in the
Territory of New Mexico.
..-The reception 'given by the President
to the diplomatic corps; Senators and
Members, with the ladies of their families,
was largely . attended . ,Colonel Rockwell,
introduced the guests, the President hav
ing the assistance of 3tiss Polger, Mrs.
Brew * Ster, Mrs. Teller, Mrs. Hunt and
Mrs. Bancroft Davis. In the rear of the
line were the Misses Ftelingliuyseu, Mrs.
.John Davis and other.ladies as assistants.
--.The State Department puhlishot: in
the March number 'of the Commereiill
Refiltions a comprehensive report by
Consul-General Merritt of London upon
the. British expOrts to • the United States,
embodying tabular statements froni all
the Consulatei in -the three kingdnms.
"Last year's report,'",writes.General Mer
ritt, "exhibited' the very large increase; u
the value of exports from the United
Kingdom to the United States of 11593,
493,295.90, or a total - increase oc.nearlyr
95 per cent. on the value of the pi eceding
year. This.ye4r's complication' from the
same source exhibits a decrease of $33,-
487,228 '31,• or nearly 17 per cent, for the
year ending September 1891. The
decrease was in fourtCen Consulates; the
increase in elelen. The total-.value of
exports from this kingdom to the United
States for the year was $158,786,061.90..":
Detailed reppris from all the principal
Consulatei in Great Britain, describing
the condition of comtnerc,e, accompany
that of General Merritt, and are published
with it. .
What kliairnsan CoOper says of Bea
ver, Davis and the Election—ll alne
denounces Shipherd-Illa lira
matte defence of Garfield.—
Independent Conference,
Senator Mitchelland
Wolfe present.—dc. -
Senator ;Cooper,' chairman of the
Republican : State Committee, freely
expressed his views as to' the effect
upon the coming campaign of the
action of -the Independent cons-ulta
tion with Senator Mitchell, and as to
the issuesiwith - which the proposed
conference of committees represent
ing the -t:wo kings of the Republican
party could 'deal. Mr. Cooper's opin
ions were individual,-since he had
nbt hear from Senator Cameron, Mr:
Quay, or other 'callers of the regular
Republicans. " am certain,'
Mr. Cooper, speaking' . like a party
enthusiast; " I am certain that the
ticket .nominAted at Harrisbura will
be elected, whatever else happens.
The harder the fight thy bigger the
majority. Even if a Wolfe conven
tion is held and an Independent tick
eknominated, the Harrisburg ticket
is sure to win. Btit, of course, Minion
now will make the. fight easier. The
only two names I
,can give an likely
to be on the Harrisburg ticket are
General Beaver for Governor,- and
Senator Daiies for Lieutenant-Gov
ernor: They are obviously the choke
of the party, freely expressed. For
Supreme Judge the Independents
would be.satisfick With Rawle ; but
1 have no opinion: yet as to who will
be nominated.
Laying both hands on the table
before 'him, Mi. Blaine leaned over
toward the committee, as he finished
reading these letters, and quietly Ob
served that if there was any strength
in the statutes and the Conimlttee
had no disposition to be merciful to
a perjurer, Shipherd should be sent
before a Grand jury. In-vehetnent
tones he declared Shipherd's story
that lie had told him of his offer of
$250,000 of stock in the Peruvian
Company to be flat, absolute perjury,
a.story made out of whole cloth, an
irredeemable, absolute-lie.
The dramatic scene 'Of the exami- :
nation was Mr: Blaine's vindication'
of the . imputation "plat, by Shipherd
upon General Garfield: Shipherd
swore that Hurlbut "told him that
General G:srfield, after -an examina
tion of the PertiViAn Company's
claims, had 'pronounced.. them valid
in law and equity. 'Mt. Blaine •pre-•
seated his.reasonic'tor doubting the
truth of this interview, and he feel
ingly alluded to the death of both
Hurlbut and Garfield in • low husky
tones ; •he spoke Of his close person
al. intimacy with the - martyted Presi
dent, and his disbelief that General
Garfield:would have endorsed • a
scheme of ~each Magnitude that it
have- gone through the- State
Department without consulting him
Theto-was a momentary pause, and
the witness hesitated for- the first
time since the leStiMopy.began. " I
would take the most solemn oath that
conscience could bear that-the Presi-,
dent died without hearing of Shipherd .
or the ,Coehet claim," Mr. Blaine ex
claimed. It is. uuconceiVable - that,
the -President Should not have spok
en to me - gboue the matter, had it,
.been called to 'his - attention.. The
story is , monstrous. It- is lying and
perjury. Falsehood, is this .man's
employment and peijUry his pastime.
WASHINGTON, April 23. —The fact
that -Senator . Mitchell partiMpated,
in a conference of Independent Re
publica** in Philadelphia yesterday,
which included Charles S. Wolfe and
other representatives of the. 50,000
Republican bolters of last year, has
been a sul4ect of considerable dis
cussion here to-day. The conference
included also representatives of the
Committee :of 100, which his been
lighting the Philadelphia - ling', and
of What are known as the Continen
tal Independents, who, while strongly
opposed to Senator Cameroni rule,
have nevertheles4 held to the policy
of supporting nominations when one
Thq appointment of a committee,
representing all 'the interests in the
conference, to ask a consiiltation
with repiesentatiyes of the Cameron
Wing, is regarded by .Pennsylvania
Republicans as an important action.
The statement was made by Senator
Mitchell in the conference that the
Independents :Republicans must be
allowed to name for themselves a
candidates for the two places, which,
it was said, they could , have on the
regular Republican ticket.
&maps Arizona, April 25. —.
Stanleans Metas, ageci nine , years,
from Steven's sheep camp, - states:
.the 18th inst., before daylight,
the Indians attacked the camp white
we were all asleep. Father 'end 'fiVe
other men attempted to get , their
guns, but the Indians overpowered
them before a shot .was fired., An
In'li , n put the Muzzle of - his gun .
it;g:tinst the. head 'of one man • and
blew ,his brains out. They . .kil.ed,
mother and my two brothers by beat. ;
big their brains out with stones..
They tied father and'tortured - him
most dreadfully. He begged of theta
to: spare him, but they 'only tortured
him the more. When they were
tired.of torturing him, one of • them
split his skull: . with an axe. - The
wife of a friendly. Apache. who
worked with us, - saved my life . by behind her and begging
thCin to spare' the. When all the
Mexicans were dead except me, the
Indimis left.
rub e srphr.w who, arrived with--,the
boy says there ninety-three warriors
in the attacking party.. They Said
they were going straight to the San
Carlos ageniy to kill 'off the whites
awl get, more Indians- to join them.
The present on.break .is the most,
disastrous that has. ever occurred in
—Extensive preparations_ are: tieing
made here fora grand military and
naval display during the week,' at
which the President, the Secretary of -
War, the Secretary of the Navy, Ad,
miral Porter. the heads of Bureau,
and other dist it(fuished. visitors, will
he prestiP 7 Tht• events which dreW
them 11(.1 n the !.raduatkng eker.
e; tin duty at the
Artillery School and the transfer of
the commend of the - North Atlantic
Squadrbon by Admiral Aryman to
his successor, Admiral. George 11,-
Cooper. The flagship Tennessee at ,
• rive from Port Royal this morning
and will be joined in a few days by
the Enterprise and Alliance.. The
Alarm, Tallapoosa. and Speedwell,
will bring the, President and party
from Washirigton. The • officers of
the garrison and .fleet will give a
grand ball at
,the Hygea Hotel on
Friday evening. . •
- 001101 E, "N. Y., April . 24:—The .
flarmony *ills are closed. to-day. .A
1 platoon of police "re on duty in the
' vicinity and the streets are deserted.
There As no excitement. The em
1 ployes who worked their - notice will
P=he paid to-morrow, all the others will
I wait until the regular: pay day. The
icommittee of thirteen, which became
1 famous in the strike two years ago
has,been revived, Soliciting Commit . -
I tees-were organized• to-day. Public
opinion is strongly with.the working
class in:resistance to ten per cent. re !
I duction. :A - protracted struggle is
eNpected. - The operatives number
iJOU. •
MILWAU KEE. April '24.--A- disas started at EatrClaire this
evening. At midnight it was still
raging. There is danger or the
ialiole.toWn burning. A special from
Eau Claire-- says that . silty-three
builuingi were' burned. Lcilis $250,-
0 (). •
MAcos..oB.. Al,ril 24.—A fearful
Cyclone • struck the lower. -
.edge of
Bibb county ou Saturday
passing into 'Calm, Jones and
Wilkinson counties, plowing a track
of 800 yards wide; and mowing
down* fences, farm buildingtk etc.
Samuel Gore. father of the . ex-mem
ber of congress, and Miss Lockhart
were killed. •
SELMA, Ala., A Aril 24.—A disastrous
Cyclone,pasSed through Dallas county
on Saturday . evening, at King's
Landing. :Three negroes were. kill
ed . At Grave's Ferry, two others
were killed. A 'number at the latter
plaCe were seriously injured. At the
former place a plank striiek a negro
woman in the back and penetrated
her body, killing her. Houses were
unroofed and great damage done.
JACKSONVILLE, Fla., April 24.- 7
The .steamer City of Sanford was
burned five miles above the city at 4
o'clock this morning, on her • way.
from Sanford. The tire was ,discovt
emit, issuing.from the
,forward hold
from among .a quantity of pine wood.
An.alaim was given and the purser
aroused - the passengers. In order to
prevent a panic he told_ them not to
be alarmed, as there. was ; plentfof
time. This caused some to iose a
valuable cpportunity. • The boat wax
headed for. shore, and.iii a few min ,
utes grounded in three feet of water,
but the, fire drove the engineer from.
his post and the engine could not 'be
stopped. Aoattempt,ivas made t 6
rescue the passe igers ny having
them go aft and jump overboard,
.but notwithstanding their efforts
nine persons;...and I probably more,
Generaidealets in Grocerleo and Produce, corner
Main and Pine Signets.
Flour per bbl $6 76 64 a5O
Flour per sack fl 75 ® 2 15
Corn Meal per 100... Cji 2 00
Chop Need, ka 2 00
- ,
Wheat, per bush.... fl 30 (d 1 If 35 65
Corn 00 , '..14 95 0.
Rye 60 (.4 . is
Oats - . 00 49 15
Buckwheat ' 60 6* 4
Buckwheat F10ur.... a • ......•,.
Clover seed - 3 50 ea 5 75
Pea Vine ilover:.. 5 00 (4 6 25
Timothy. wester n ,.. -. $2 75 al) 3op
Beane, 62 lbs., .. ..
~.. Q . • . .3 00 0
Pork. mess -
.64 bbl. $2l 50 a, 23-50
Lard . 0 12 15 eit
• Butter. tubs ' 0: 21 25 44 24
Rolls 2.2 0, 21 21 (21 25
Egg's. sresh ; 15 (41
Cheese l4
rotatops. per Wish.; 11 0 (d) 120 100 t$ 130
B eesw*i • ,20 4g) :2 :
Peache4; dried :- 12 @ 15
Rides . ' 05 (41 : 06X
V0%181E1112 73 a I IS.
Daimon Stipp 50 (4 51)
Sheep Pelts f 73 150.
Yellow_ 05
- 1' "Igtililitierifiejitiit'S
GEO.' L.'
NOir occupies ti CORNER STORE-op
- posit. DR.II. C. minim DRUG STORE,
Mao WWI, with a Large chi? k of
STREET: J. L. Schoonover Is cloth. The two
stove are connected by Telephone. Mr. Rom can
now feel satisfied that be can give the
, .
His exprrience enables him to 'elect the best
goods, which he is bound to sell at a LOW PRICE.
You can always get a bargain If you
All goods delivered In the Borough FREE.
FARMERS will do well weal' with their Prod es
and get THE CASH. Towanda, 13apta2.
—Dealer in—
Choice Groceries,
Provisions,. Hardware, Tinware,
Woodenware, Ready • Made
Clothing, SIAM Calm"
Choice Confect
(Country Produce 'taken, far which. the
Highest Market Prices will be paid.)
always on hand.
Pericct Satiefactiou Guaranteed.: It
will pay - you to give me a•call.
Wellsburg, N. Y., April 29. Ft-ituos
C e p Crockery
rt 9Storo.
PACKING TRUNKS 24 to •40 inches
very cheap. RETTER,TRUNICS
Traveling Bags and Satchels
RUBBER BAGS 10 to 22 inches long.,
Ladies', and-Gents' SPLIT LEATHEfi,
.Best Quality.
Bags and Satcl4els 10 to 22 inches, cheap.
Medium and best 'grain LEA.TIIER
Several. entirely NEW LINES, and at
prices that defy competition. . ,
Decorated Chamber Sets!
Just received,. Entiitly new Patterns, and
to be sold at the LOWEST 'WTIOLE
- WIIOLE-4ALE prices. Job lot of
• . •
Buckeye. Lanterns,
-Large size only 85e each; our fornier price'aud sold by some at $1.25.
IS 2. First four cases are to h triecl.the first
week of May Term : .
C. P. Lawrence V 9, Ursula S. Hawk...:ejertment
Chas. Johnson & Co. vs:Towanda W. - Works.appeal
E. T. Parker vs. Albeit Carmer do
C. 1,. siewart vS. Phl' Baraes. do
S H. -Farnsworth vs..J. cobbl isne
William Harrington vs. A. F.' Bra..t , trespass
W. F. Coburn's uze vs. Q. D. Culver net. fa.
Miami S. P ke's 'pc vs. C. If unsicker repict in
Leonora Meath, et al. vs. .11 hn Carroll....trespass
N. C.Thompsetilvs. Emily Allen. et al..ejectment
Delphine Shoeiikers use vs.' 1,. H. Faulkner do
Josiah Iltill vs arthe .1. Long— appeal
M. C. Cannon vs.:Martha .I.'l,ong do
Michael COIPIlladliVS. John .1 Tnomplum....caplas
H. E. Jennings' iise vs. Frederick
. - do do do
11.11. Hickok vs James P. tfoi ejectment
...o%kerton & Eisbree, et al. vs. Anna H. Cowles; etc..
scl to
Charles Thacker Vs. Ely. Wright. et al scl fa
James Wood v 6. 'M. A. Cash, Adtulnlstratrls. do
Ilar.rl I a,ll"s Admlnistralrlx vs..fas. - Woud.assitt
Olson Hickey. Exr.. vs. Gen. P. Reynolds...appeal
A. W. Taylor vs. Samuel .T. Steve .s ejectment
J. J. Warner's Estate vs. C. Warner appeal
Clara Illvby v Iturton Camp do
Sullptenas Ist week returnaulc on T111:11$11AT,
May 4th, tt 2 o'clock P. 31.
übpumas Ibl week returnable On MON DA Y, May
Bth. at 2 o'clock P. M. .
Towanda, Pa., April li, 1512. Prothonotary
ICE.NSES.,— Notice is hrelav
• given that the'ftillmvltig applications for li
censes for ;tote's eating-houses and merchant deal
ers have been tiled In this Mike. and And the.same
will be presented to the Court of Quarter begsions
of Bradford County, on AIONDA - y. MAIVIsti -
ISS2.. for the considerAtlon of said Court :
• (31:-L. 8011, Monroe Borough:
Mitrris Fieliol s tg. New Albany Borough... -
V. D. Willcox. Nt-re Albany Township.
Jatnes .1. Daimon, Overtnn Township..
Martin Crewley,'Soutli Waverly Borough.
F: Landm.tsser. Standing Storm Township.
.lames A. Elliot. itidgbury Township.
.D. S. Kennedy.•Wyttori Townshin.
.Tames 11. Johnson. I.eltaysville Borough.
..T. Morgan Brown, Wyalming Township.
John B. Wright. Wells Township.
.I.D. ibmgherty, Wysoa Toamsttip..
George Z. Slotry. Monroe•TOWTI hip. •
Elliabeth Carr. Ithightny Town Ship.
, Wm. Henry. Towanda libtrough, let WaTd.
Charle, 11. Seeley, Towanda Borough, Ist Ward.
Asa W. Dimwit, " • " "`
Bedtime(' Caton,
D. $. Redfield. South ('reek.
.1. I'. Rogers,'Sneshiprin. _ -
(Vs.:Rice. Athens Donate], ist Watt'.
A. J. Noble. Troy Borough.
.1. P. String. Columbia Township.
Thomas R. Jordan, Towanda Borough. •21Ward.
- J. S.Themson, Wya using Twp; (Camptown.)
Ornell getlogg, Ton - ai.dti Borough,`2d Ward.
O. 11. P. Disbrow. " Ist Ward.
S. B. 'Md. E " • • " 241 Ward.
• B. W. Ennis.
Daniel Brown,'Dlster. Township. (Milaii.)
Henry Barrett, TM( anda Borough, let Ward.
John N. Wolfe,.r.lanton Borough.
Warren Smith, Columbia Tap., (Arts.tinville,l
llareett, Towanda Horo, Ist Wail
John Lines, .`
J inwg Finnell. Canton Borough,
John ti. Wo fe, •
A. J. Beers,
B. F. Myer, Barclay Township. -
Washington Pitcher, Athens Township.
M. B. Calkins, Brirlington Borough. .
J tines Commisky. Towanda Borough, lit Ward
C. W. Beardsley, Canton Borough
11. W. lkiehic•, TOT:MI(13 Borough 1 Ward John Grltlin, "let ard. W •
• • pEci. W. BLACKS! AN.
Towanda, Pa., April 1, M 3,2. • Clerk.,
PPLICATION IN DIVOR C E. A —To Leonard Yates. In the Court of Com•
moil Pleas of Bradford County, No. 11S, Dec. T..
ii s Yon are hereby notified that Frances A..
your wife. has applied to the Court of Common
Pleas of Bradford County for a divorce from the
bonds of • matrimony. and the said Court •has ap
pointed Monday. Mar isr, Br In the Court
House at Towanda, for !venlig the sald Frances A.
In the nreintses, at which time and place you may
attend If you think proper. -
C 30 1 12. W ti. LI AM T. IIt)RTOS, Sheriff.
A'y To
Edmund L. Woods. In the Court of '
Compion Pleas of Bradford County, No. aii
Tenn, 1881, Yon are hereil notified that ' Anna,
your; wife, has applied to • the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Bradford County fur a divorce front
the bonds of matrimony, and lb-. said Court has
appointed Monday. May Ist, 1882, In the Court '
House at Towanda, for :hearing the: said, Anna
In the premises, at which tinie and place yon
map attend If you think pro'pper..
f;aprall. 88"11.LIAIII T. nmeTnir. atomic
—To Emily C. Rogers. In ' the Court of
Common Pl.-as of Bradford County: No. it. Dec.
T., 1881. You are hereby uotifled that Mereur . L.
Rogers, your busba• d. bail applied to the Curt of
Common Pleas of Bradford County fora divorce
from the bonds of matrimony, and the . Said Court
has appointed Mon.My, May let, 1182, In the
Conj. Blouse at Towanda for bearing the said
Merenr L. in the premises, at' which time .and
place you may attend If you thinkproper. J .
aaprin. WILLIAM T t IiORTON, Sheriff.
-OR SALE'--Wishing to retire
. from the retail
b usiness '
Ire offer for sale our.
stork. and good-will in- the Grocery and.
Bakery business, next to WArd House. The bust.
ness Is lung rslabllAltd and In proverouseontlition.
Vosseselon. given Immediately. Apply to ' -
! 'D. W. SCOTT It et..
fevreode .re . . 1
e tesd.
Mercantile Apprasems ed.
The vendors of foreign nd domestic
merchaodbe. distillers s d brewers. brokers, mer
chant dealers, persons keeping billiard tables; and
vendor* of patent medicines, flatirons*. lb Brad.
ford County, will take notice that Moyers *pyre's ,
et and elute by the undersigned, Appraiser of
mereantlie and other license taxes for the, year
PS& as follows, to wit:
Lid of vendors'of foreign and don:matte war
ebandlse . lnAbo Courtly of Bradford for 1s82:
- Close Tax
&Byline Township—George 707 t , 14 700
_. . U. Moody 14 . T tO
&tints Toinealdp—lP. E. Weller .14 700
•W. F. Elniatalort . 14 700
8.11 Put& • 14 ' 700
. E Bradley & Co.' 14 .700
• . •M. 1.. Lynch 14 700,
W. 11. Bede ' 14 700
. . . ..
ThOs. Smalls& Co. -14 700
Mrs. E. fildlentan ' , 14 7 00 .
kittens Borough—L. C. Gray ' 13 10 00
J. 8. Williston * Co. 14 7 00
- N. Knasbroogb .14 7- 00
- Frank Danielle/ ' 11 700
i Win. Wagner. agent 14 7.00
Frank Genbllss 14 - ^` 7 00
If. L. Drase. agent 14. 700
• N. J. Knaresboru 14 7CO
It. N. Lowe ._ . ' 12 12 50
D. F. Park 10 '2O GO
If. J Cowles ' •I 3 10 00
- Fined Jt Loonard 13 10 CO
. John Peterson ' - II 700
FZ. Walker 14 700
T. Multock : ..• 14 700
.1. Totter 14 '7 00
Woleott.4 Gobl 14 7 00
4/ . . L. Pull. r 14 7.00
N. I'. Chaffee 14 7 00
Mitch 11 Bros. 13 10 00
0. T. Ereanbrack 14 7 GO
Y. L. Kloner IS .10 00
. _.. • Fltch 4 Kinney It 15 00
Y. T. Page • - 13 30 to
Joseph.lllnex . 14 7 00-
-... E. N. Ftost 480 a 14 700
A. Franentbil - 13 10 (0
.. .
Loowus .4_Frelmuth 14 7 00,
• Hall & Lyon • 14 700
0. If. Stinson . • • la 10 . 0 a.
11. 1.. Biltliriu 34 700
• J. W. Carroll - 13 30 00
Eas.terbrooks 4 King 24 , 700
• Frank Van Loan 14 7 00
Alba Borough—O. F. Young . 14 ; 700
G. If Webb - 14 700
John Ina' 14 7 00
Albany Township—S. M. White l4 7 00
J.T. Hosted 14 7 00
Burlington West—A: C. Blackwell 14 700
Burlington Borough—W. 11. I). Green 14 ' 700
,John B. 31.•Keeby --- 14 7f 0
'Win. D. illackwell 11 7 00
Barclay Township—B. P. Byer 14 700
.W.. 1. Thompson
& Co. 3 100 00
R. A. Abbott . 30 00
P. T,Lyncli
11facarbom & Sens 11 IS 00
Columbia Township-4 f Ryan 14 7 (0
-- C. H.:Gernert 'll . i 00
C. 6. WClaaand 14 7 64T
Furman & Hibbard 33 10 00
Wm. Ren.mon " 14 7 00
J. 11. Strong H.. 700
Canton ToAshlp—Reardsley St Cattail 13 10 . 00
11. D. 140:comb 14 7 00
. ,
.• Venally' & Sons . 14, 7OO
J. 11. Wright 13 10 00
Canton Botongh—M. C. Preston 14' r 7 00
W. li . • Clayton 14 • 7
_ . .
. . , G. H. Este4o 13 'lO 00
- 1.. liachsberg l4 ,7 e 0
T.'& M. W. Pierce 13 10 00
Mix & Whittuan 11 7 00
. )
Grifka kr. Baton 11 lk 00
Louie Moran • ;14 700
W. Owens 13 10 00
' C. Taber - 14 700
C.E. Jennings .... 14 , 700
James Kenny . 14 700
•. Coe & Palrlee '; :3. 1 0 00
• .. C. A. Krise • . 14 -7 00
Stoop & Krise • 11' 700
Kilmer & Moody - 13 10 00'
• . .••• • B. 8. Dank 13 12 60
W. S. C Mil mer . • 14 7 'Oll
c. W . ..ll..ardsley 14 700
M. a. Trout 11' 700
Lyon & Seldeu • 14 - 7 00
• dames Tripp • 14 7 00
44. M. Coou 14 - 7 00
G. L. Morgan •11 700
' . G. It. White • , 14 ' 7 Ott
Clark & • Whltman , 14 7 00
Crippenl: Bros. 13_ 10 00
Burt. Thomas & Co. ' 10 20 00
S. J, Strait,
J. Fennell & Son
Fromiclln Towashlp—C. A. Chll4
J. H. & C. McKean 14 700
W. B. Strand l4 7 00
firlnville Township—C. McLachlan 14 700
L. D. Taylor 14 • 7 00
Isaac Bllsh - • 14 700
S. Pod man., agent 14 7 GO
Porter Bros. II 7 00
_ . S. T. itikgs. . . -14 700
•Ilaxter. Phillips, & Co. 14 700
Herrick TownShip—J. J. Anderson 14 7 00
D. %V TI (u 1 14 7 00
Litchfield Townahtp—A. R. Armstrong 14 700
Leßoy Township—ll. S: Teary ' 14 7 00
Ilitmh-M. Holcomb' 14 700
H.. 1. Holcomb - - 14 700
Lellsisville Borough—G. W. Halley us_ 10 00
.1. W. Carroll , 11 700
F. Li Robbins , II 7 (41
D. G. Batley .14, 700
T. 11. Bosworth 14 7 00
' .F. C. VanGelthir 14 7 00
.1. 11. Denton 14 ' 7 00
_Bosworth & Lion - •13 10 00
Gorham & Coletnan 13 -' 10 00
L. L.7l , sworth ,II 700
L Carl & Pierce - 14 700
L. I'. -Markman 14 7 00
A. S Baldwin & Co. .14 700
.11Ontoe Township—J. W. Irvine • - 13. 10 00
J. S. Ilarringron ,' 14 700
Proctor & 11111 - 12 12 30
Monroe Borol.o-11. C. Tracy . 14' 700
10. F.lllugos * 14 700
A. 1.. - . Crantner ' , :t,;. 14 700
: E. F. Fe: , ler l3 10 00
71 • ! Ingham & Griggs 'r ..- - 4 -14 700
, I/. M. 11 (11Inall .- :14 700
f . 1:. G. 11011 on 11 700
Summers & Walkertr 14: 10 00
1). J. Sweet ' • • , 1'( 700
D. J. Sweet & Co. ._ 14 7 00
New Albany Borough—S. G. Sterigeie . - 12 12 50
• F. P. Corcoran 13 10 00
. C. Tutiach > 14 700
' . J. fi. Sax ' 14 7 00
Orwell Township—B. J. Ridgeway 14 700
- ' Case & Cowles 12 . 12 50
• J. I'. Coburn 13 10 00
li. G. Corbin 14 7 00
1. C.M.- Van Winkle 14' 7 00.
' W. A. Stloey : 14 700
11..1. Norton 11 7 00
Overton Township—F. 111cimer 14. 700
Ostlimis & (7e. l2 12 50
Pike Township—ll. A:. Ross & Co: . 13 1.. co
W.C. &A. B. Burrows 13 10 00
. . ..
• A. U. Sterttis - 14 7CO
M. Th. loth ' II 700
Rome Township--E. L. Lent 14 • 700
Rome Borough—C. C. Stewart 14 700
John 'Whitaker IA 7.00
• .George Nichols 14' 7 00
M. L. Maynard •11 • '7 00.
Kinney Si TOwner 14 700
• Wm. Bice • 14 • 7 0*)
Browv:10g & Merrill 14 700
Ridgbury Township—H. (7. Evansl3 -10 00
Craig & Tinton , - 13 10 00
J. C. Rohlanson , 13 'lO 00
Standing Stone Township—F E. Gush 14 7co
Bostaiek & Bros . 41 .- 700
Sheshequin - Townstilo—J. P 4'hids 14 7to
Orsbori, & Bros. 14 7 00
Smithfield Township—Lt. D. Ford . 14 700
• - 'Newman & Alien. 'l3 10 tO
• W. E. Votirties 12 12 50
C. it. Itigga - 14 -. 7 00
S.. W. Tants 14 i 00
- • .1. 11. Phillip. ' . II - 7CO
I). (0 ['help. , • II 700
. .
, • A. E. Childs 14• 700
E. S. Tracy SiCo. 13 _ 10 00
E. V. Nichol* - 14 - 7.00
Apringtheld Township-zit: B. Gleason 14 7(0
F. A. Mattocks a - 14 700
W. T.' Itaiy-s. 14 700
South Creek TownshipL'4l. E. Chase 14 700
• --- W. rt. Pitt . II 700
John tiordon l3 10 CO
. - 6. W. Strong . : * 14 700
Troy-Borough—J. A. Pierce - a Sou 14 ~77 00
B. IL WOMB 13 10,00
__ Bliss, 4411i0)s SCCo. 11 15 00
Gernert'-'k McColloin 13 10 CO
E. .1. Lee 4 • 14 • 700
_- ii. WMN •.. • 14 .7-00
• .-,-.-- Be.ritstey Sc-Bp3ll . hilDg It 15 00
• '
.. . I). Miteheit • l4 7to
Hobart & Porter 11, 71;0
.1 Joraleman. 14 7 ce ,
Hickok & Peck 14 7 Ott
C. E. Spaulditsg - 14 700
C. IL Card & Co. 14, 7co
- . . Enterprj.e 311 g Co. . 14' 710
Wooster & Booth 13 10 00
1, li. Oilxer - 14- . 7 GO
Newberry. Peck & Co. It 15 00
Itcdingtim k Leonard S 30 00
• Mrs. E. L.p. Beries 14 700
Dobbins,Johnson & C 0.12 12 AO
. - E. S. Jewell 13 . 10 00
Stewart & Bros.' 14 700
' Dewitt & Ballard '. 11 •7 00
G. lira. Icy ' 14" . 7 00
C. N. Grohs 11 700
. - Dewey & Co.,' 14 700
F. 11. Huffman. 14 • 7to
. .1. IL Baldwin 14 700
John Grant_l4 700 I
Frank Green • ' l4 700
Parsons & +Stryker - 13" 10 00
• Troy Township—J. 11 Dexter 14 700
- ‘• Sadler & Ball . 14 7 vi)
A "J. , llorCOn 14 7 ('0
Terry,Townshlp—W. & .1. It Ronan* 14. 700
F. N. 141..ruent 14'. 700
. J P. Horton 'l4 700
W. C. Schulze * 14 700
Tuscarora Township—A, .1. blivitra 14. 7 00.
Towanda Borough—E. 51. Clark 'l4 700
• C. B. Porter 13 10. 00
Mts. E. .1. MingoS 14 700
Clinton S. Fitch 13 10 00
W. A. Chamberlin 13 10 00
- . S. P. Whitcomb . - 13 10 00
It. T. C. on 4 agent 14 700
- E. F. Dittrich • 12 12 5•
. . W. (I. Tracy 12 .12 50
% . 110104 eh & Passage • 12 12 50
- E. I). Rundell . -, 14 700
• .1. F. Corner 'll. .15 (4)
Ackley & Dean . - 13 , lo 00
C. P. Welles 12 12 40
. It. M. - Welles ' 14 700
T. 11. Jordan 12 12 50
. . S. L. &S: R.' R. Co. 11 • 1500
W. M. Mallory 13 10 00
• A. 51. Titus . 'l4 700
Powell & Co. " 3 100 00
, : • Wnt..T. Brown 14 7CO
.1. S.-(irippin . •14 TtO
. • Thos.' Muir & Co. 12 12 50
i L I). W. Scott
_lO 20 00
I C. T. Kirby
M. C. Mercui ' 'l3 10 CO
11 15 00
31.. C. Mercur, No. 2 -11 7CO
- - C. F. Cr( sa. agent . 10 700
E. Walker
.13 • -10 Oro
G. 1.. Hos% • 11 • 700
G. 1.. Boss. No. 2 1;1 .7 00
.I. 0. Frost & Sons 11 IS 00
• M. Ilencle'Mais II 7CO
• .. . , . Dr. II .C. Porter & Son 13 ,10 00
• Nathan Tldd. 14 700
• , .M. L. Schneeberg 12 12 50
(warts & Gordon . -13 'lO 00
Ed. Moutilerseaf• 14 '7 00
11. Jicolts . 13. 10 00
- S. Wootlford : 13 i 10 00
' .
Turner & Gordon .14 r 700
• Evans & Ilildreth 7 , 40 00
A. D. Dye & CO. 7 : 40 00
. .
Loowns & FrieMUth 101 'AI 30
Recker Bros,' , 11 IS CO
Darker & VOtlght - 11 15 00
A.-15; Nelson 14 700
51 E. Itoseolleld , 74) 20 00
• G. M. Clark *l3 10 00
C. F. Dayton ,* -11 700
'.Dayton & Angle 12 12 50
• Stevens & Loll 7 40 00
J. D. £elrlt '-- -.- 0 7.5 00
,`Shorts St"Sinith . 14 7CO
' •1 IC. Bluth
~. 11 10 00
lc. B. norm!' 11 - 10 00
• John Salllawn • 14 7 0
. .
EL Daytime k Bite. 14 7in
J. V. Wlllcoek ' -1s 00
C. M. Myer . 11 7 (u .
J. P. Vsnlrleet - 14 7
- K. C. Wells • 14 .7 Co
• ilaaallawla a Davidow 14 7to
- .
Joiner McCabe . 10 ' 2 )11
.• •-- ---- • 3304 1 114 MCIOIO4/3 • 14 7fo
L. W. Swartila 14 ;Go
. M. J. Larkin . - 11 7Q.
John Kline 1 4 7 CI )
K. Carman 14 7 (~,
IL N. Cowles 14 7 110
• • Humphrey Drs.* Tracy 310 ) tl,
- • al" 11. elhaylor 11 7 ..0
• ' M. A. Shaw a Co. 0 2 - , 1.1
North Towanda Township—J. M. Ayres 14 .. 7. 00
Guy notion ••• I 1 7 tc,
S. A. Mills . 14 • 7 I,n
Ulster Townsblp--A. Watkins 11 • 7 r,.,
A. D. retreat 14
• .1: Mathes - 14
J. D. ilehoonmaker - 14
• .
; James. Irvine 14
'A. Olmsted . 14
• . H. Shaw - 14
Wilmot Township—CO:irks Kingsley -• Li 7 ~,,
- . . G. H. Horton riz 12 .•.,-;
Ingham & !lodgers 14 7"(,9
H. C. Perry 13 1 , , (4
Warren Township—W O. Bostwick Id ,7 ~,,
; . -J. It. Kinney & Co. . 12' 12 :',.
• ,
.1. V. P.ooper- i t
• .
• Chil,on & Klinssland 14 7 ~ i 1
Wyalustng Township—Bosworth & Co. II i , (-0
11. J. Halloek It :: ro
E. 8. Keeler 14 7I II
• 0. W. Corbin 14. 7 r.. 1.1
Lewis & Brown ' 12 12 •,,,
Clark Hollenback ' le - 7 (..
J: M. Allis 14 7 ~,
Gaylortl,Fiumuer & Co. 12 I . : - ,,,
.1. li- Howard II 1 - , T.,
• E. ti. fuller 14 . 7 (4,
1t..1. Fuller . ' - 1 i 7 (,)
. .
Smith lino..
J 11. Gunn it • 7
Windham Township—Wm. 11. Itus:Zil ii 0.
M. Beillernan. ageht 14
Mrs. L. K. Harrington. agelit
Wisox Township4ieorge Smith 14.
• D. Mehan 14
A. Coolsty
WON Townnitlp—John Beeman . 14
tlst of perso-s engaged lu the site of pacfp
medicines In the County of BradfOrd f, ,r the yea
Athens Township—W. F. Elmendort ." - i 1.! -; (..
Athens Borough—C. T. Erraubraok . • i, i
- '
Jaiieph Illnes i 7. ~
Canton Borough—Ws - & Whitman !4 ; ...,
Clark & Whitman ''.- 4 7; ~..
Columbia Townshlp—F, F. Morgan
Granville Towushlp—L. D. Tayior - t ;i.
Lettarsvills Borough- 7 1. P. Black-man t 7, ~
P.C. Vila:eider 0
Monroe Borough—D. J. Sweet • 4 :• ,
If. C. Tracy • •- I 1 i
:gin Albany RtWougli—S. D. Sterlgere 4 -,- ~
Rome BortiugliWto. Rico - - •
Troy Burough—B. B Stitched
Stewart &
Towanda Borough—Cr. - .8. Porter
C. T. Kirby
•.., -
Br. 11. r. Porter
Turner & Gordon ;s s„
CisterTownithlµ—.l. B. Sclexintnaker
Wyalusing Township—J. 11 Ailfs ,
.. •
• Nomey HOmet
Smith Brun
• Lint of broters In the County of ftfadf,r , t
the year las'4: •
Troy Borough—Pomeroy Bros. -
List of persons engaged In running t , !111.+1.1
bleu 19 the County of Bradford fur the
Athens Borough—Ralph i./00111i4 2
Canton Borough—A. J. B era 1, ~,
Troy Borough—C. 11. McGoegal 4.r
Fran% Hull. 10-plit alley i
Towanda Borough—T. B. Jordan.
• S. B.
Lkt of . persons engAged In running brevvrrli, I
the - County of ktraeltord for the yearnzyct
Towanda Boroogh—A. I . oiler
List of pergons engaged In the whnlesale ti la
beelne” In the Ceenty of Bradford fi,r
ran : •
Canton Borough—C. W. Benrdiley 23, 21
Towanda Borough— H. . Noble .., 13 ..-,
John 6 ritln 13 .
John titintran 11 1..:
John Curnualskey 23
TAKE NOTICF.:- .. .‘11 who are CMCOT I,i'
apprisetnent. that an appal will be held :Ir . Id
TrPasitrer's °Mee in Towanda. on the
M A 1E42., between the hours of 9 0
A. x f . and 40. look). )f. of 'odd day. when
where you mac attend If yon WO: proper..
R. M. PHU V E. A ppr;t4N
Dated April
I 4 7 00
II 7 00
14 7 00
Is hereby given, that there hare Leen tl'. d i
th. office of the Register for th.` Probat,. of W
and granting Letters of Administration In aro: f
the Comity ,of firatiford, State of Pennsylr.mi,
accounts of. administration upon 'the foilos in
estates. viz :- .
The final :ter:mint of B. K. Iluthr. AiltninT.iia
for of the estate of Pally Luther, late of Buriltict...
Township. deceased, . -
'The float account cf Allen- White and -A11..' .1
3.fluts, now Burlingt..n. k.:zreutiirs of the Cod is it
and testament of E. B. Mitatp, late of Berrie.
township. deceased.
' The final account of Thumas E. Quick, de -ceased
Guardian of Viola Wins t.m (now litinsiturer) ml
nor child.or Allen Winslow, latit w
of tne Toshlp o
will:ant, deceased, by I Is Adinl i
Mstraturs, J. S. an,
P. A. Quick,
.. 1
The first - and final at-count of 4, eorge C. sboe .. nts
ker and Meylot M Van Doke. jAilmlnistraitirs o
William ll.gby, late of Le Boy Township. ticcea , til
The final account of G. M. Toter and Ralph T.
zer, icxectitors of th last will; and testament o
Guy Tozer, late'bf Athens townShlic- deceased.
The final account or J. F. and' EffieWhalen:llx
ecutors of the last will and, testament of Join
IWhalen, late of Warren. deceisrtl.
The final account of William ,If. nankin, A.l
ministratoppf the estate of S. S 'Halsted. late t,
Ittitglittry Township, deceased. 1 -
The final account of E 'r. Fok and ti-orge sir
'rens, Administrators ettitt t,orribtento :la ~.., •.• 4.
. the estate of Joseph D .31...tanye, late of the It,,r
ough of Towanda, In Bradford tnittnty, Penns:. iya
nia. ' - ~
The second and final account Of E. T. r,kr.E
ecutur of the last will a d testadola of Icailian'
Bennett. late of North Towanda, deceased.
The first and . flqal aceount of SlTltronia
Adminktratrit of the estate otrieorge smith, 1:4;
of the Towship of 31ouroo. deceisod.
The first and partial account ;or E.-1,. Man',
Executor of the last will a Al of
W. Clark. late of Caoton lt , .rough.'doeca‘od.
The final aCCOUrit , if A 11. Ex.o.
of the la.d. Avid and testament of Actin . I
late of TU.4.'2 rOrt T”VVII•11 if d,teased
'The float account Of Chandler W. Brink, Adioa
latrator of the estat •of 11.thjainin prink, 'fat,
the Town hip of Pirko, deceased
The final aconiat ut I)
trator of the estate of Timothy O'Brien, fate of :
township of A, thew, deeea,ed.
The L fl oal aceonnt of Richard Bed for
F.YeentifTof the last will and testament of,
tat of Joel Barnes. late the township of i.v,
ton. derea•ed
• The tit.a: account of I. B. Coburn. Exevutor
the last *ill atol tes anient of Wilmot Coteirn. L t
of the t9ivii.shlp of Tll , l.3rOfit. derea•ed. •_.
The tit st and tf flat 1 4 ,,1. 6ti•tt or F. T. Fox EN•..
tot of the last *lll and testament of ..laute,tplh::. ,
late of the Town•ht p of Towanda. ilec•-a-ed.
• Thi - linst and final acrotint of .10..e,01 113ish, •
hilitihtratot of the etqate of A.. 1. I.loy, late
Thr final a' alit 3r W. A IVetioor , .. Adml;
tratorof the of ttarneN Lt e of ;
tonshship of if -rricV.',deeea.:::,l..
The final 3 , COlint of W. A. Wetntor.e. Adintn:
trator of the e,,tatti of 1.(1%e Dolan, t a t,. t;
town-htp of Herrick. dect . aNe.l.
The tlttAl arrount of W. A. Wet loon?, A dot;II
trator ot the ottate of Mar"; Renal:ill, late
the township of Itertleg. itett•a.e4t,
th0.0.,..00tt or W. .1. NVoutiore.,.A,lK:o
tr.o. A.l It ! Leo t.
town..Lll. t 11. ,I•
.41ta ti ❑ t It. NVl:litgi,
tgt•„f i :,.• t•.:at." I.`
111 , ir Theft, 1:'.11 , 1ti.e%
nr4 - •;oltiii, Executor
the l;o4 -.l.!•an I t •••:ito,tif of :lell-1 - ,.11 M. lion:
1 , 144 1,1- Ott/hall
0.4111 , •1 r..,.. 3 a ..I,;.args v • Cala
to I,o' f.• , ' • o'l To urtit i•it ..! I). .4•2., at 2 o'clut•
4 0. 111.1/ 101; ,;
Rl'llA N S' (1? )LT- T NOTI r.
ik NI /114.1. ff 10. 1% I hat
•th e • 4.ei4 •4•: 421-1 k of t,o•
c4.tirt in no!! f:4l- !!1., CooatP 4.l Itrada.rd, Nate 4
c,t-ot idrolirrty Set t•lf I
eX, Utter. 1.11.1 T's To the tvi.low 3
of -.n.viz :
e,f .lola 1.y114.14, late of k sine.towoallt
Emt,tr, of 1 1;:tylonl, late 't Wr:sloslo
it: 04.4
Es?.. :oof 1:.?),,l;a tat!: of Cloyinuall, .1
4.4 a•i..l. .
I.'...tate. of Milton E. I,eyinour. late of Sprlogtl.•
Ekate Of Mithael Rome, lat.. of. Albany tun
Estate or J [pain late of Ittirllnkton tots'
Fli t.ft . PaStql.
Estate of chattes. F. coma, late of tStnitlifie
township. deceased. '
Esiate OfII ioc, late of A hells townshi
Est ate or Datt late of Rome t
deceased. •
Estate• Of David .tteierc4 t , lbw of Frtolci
}:•tate of ileZ• 2 klah l'arsotig. late of
Estate of Warren Wolcott, lat e of Pik e t o w h shi
And (he same will h • preiented to the 0ri.1...t0
Court ol.Brail ford cot. y, a*: a.. itrittrut,' C•
un Towaiot.r. f.r C•mnty. on rh0r..1..
the 4th day of May. A. D. 1.452, I.
for.nnat ,rontirniadon.
virtue of an order Issued out of the Orphar
Con rt of Itrodford County, Pennsylvania, the_i:
derslgned. adinlniqrator of the,. estate of W•
rett Itieer. deceased, !ate of Rome, township
sell at putdie verolue; on the premises, on SA Tr
DAY. MAY it, is%2 . at I (schwa e. a „tin. fohowit
property: All that lot:piece or parcel of land. st;
ate iu the to. tistilp of Rome; cuunty of Brad for
B ate of • Pennsylvania, bounded and described
fellows: Beginning ut a - postand stonr;l In the li
of Joseph Vought now C 0. Russell;.theoce ale
the line of said Russell ttert•.V,a east 223 per'
es 1...5 corm ref : lands of said Russell: thence t;.5
25 3•10 perches to a corner In the line of 11.
11.cetnan's land; tnenee south-1 0 wait Is ti le perr
vs to a corner of• -"aid Beeman thence along ti
Bee of land% of L. Beeman estate south 6.1 0 wr
114 $.lO perches lu ata angle: thenci• along the ii
of John Russell's estate nbrtb 594 west :I
porrh. , slo a birch tree for a turner; thence n.q•
21 perches to a post and stones the place of begl
tang; efllltaltis $0 acres, More or less: as tlCetird I
A. 1.. It•chards and ivlfedo the-said Warren 1,1.,k
by deed dated January to. 1876, and recorded
Bradford county deed tart ..N0..1.29 page si,
TERMS OF SALE-11100 on the propeatybeit
struck it own aril tit. remainder .m.contirmsti n
the sa'e- L. n t II: 2:.
itome. Pa, 134ptS2.a:t. Administraror.
Letters of admh.istration C4O/. feAfia Hr.., having I.certi wanted' to the underm.; :,
upon the estate of William Packard, lam -
the toe:m.l.lp of ( : utg fl, . deceased. honer
hereby given that an perk us indebted to
for sa
-eatate 4tre requested to make immediate pare:,
and all person, La. lug • elalue. attm , 4 4 f said c•:. ,
must present the same duly authenticated M t
undersigned fur settlement.
ritnton, Ta., 43prn.wm
r L
T'' 1. T
James Nestor. Jr
VV. M. Bolan
Ciao .7",
. .
1.-7.1 t., fl.
fw.L:z[l.l.t. V.L Arrii
.t.Nt Es rt. vi t:1;t1._41,11..
F. B. FAC4AI: f 7,
- I ,
7 I
: t
7 41)