nadfota grportet Towanda, Pa., March 3n,180.- ENT ERED IN TUE POSTOFFICE AT TOFANDA. Ai MAIL MATTED Or TUE SECOND CLASS. LOCAL AND GE.NERAL. W1(2.3: the courting at midnight Is ended, And he stawidirlich his hat in-:his 12st; While she lovingli lingers beside...hi - in; - To bid hint to tar and be ftssed, IiZM busy the thoughts of the future -1:oa bet yell' his thoughts he don't spealt. Ire is wondering how they can manage T 3 live on slx dollars a week. Al' 111 t. 4th TIT F. Ilarkeye mitn. (`•:{cccs next Saturday DON'T shed your,flanuels yet. ATTIt\D the Cau&ises noct Saturday. cot:Tyr is in session at Troy this week. •TnE maple sugar season is almost over, EkSTF.R April 9th and 'Cite getting ME Fivz men were ba'uged in this State-on ritla,y last. WF:had a genuine thunder shower on londav last. . 111 - TTEit is the scarcest ever know in his market Now is a good time to buy your next rioter's , Wot - Ln not a furnace and rolling mill .ac in Towanda? THE:Itt: is talk or starting a co-operative tule at West Granville. lIONEMPAI.n, Wayne County, had an '4,000 !frt. on the 17th instant. t; EO. WEIC;STF:I4 . of Troy, is about to 'en a marble yard at Canton. LAY in your garden seeds.—Ex.- Thank on. Wo prefer a feather bed. WAX candlos for parlor illuminations re becoming the toStbetie rage. • HAZEL KIRKE to-Morrow night and aturday night, at llrtsriur gall. THE diamond this time, &policies on le lager of a Main street lady..-. Tun Ward House regieter shows. a big tr:iness . at that popular hostelry. SyNnAr was a real spring day, and ,t,y people were out enjoying it. EA-Tr.n, April 9th, will be 'the seren 7 .ciittraipiversary of Lee's surrender. 1);:c}:En BnoTT!Ens have removed their ?,:iting business to the Means Block, A I.AnoE brick barn. is being erected n the rear of the International Hotel. 1,1 it'that you put in an appearance your respective Caucus next Saturday. T. F. PonTr.n, of West Granville, re ittly ~ 1 1(1 fifteen head of cattle for 1,900. 11 , 1. the Bridge Street Clothier, has k;',Ouble store fitted up in elegant style.- WA um maple sugar .it Baptist Cliiireb, is Woiluesaay evening. All THI: sparrows are already building nesti, rep'aratol yto increasing their . • .11)e.. Toi•Prcsbytery Lackawanna is to r it lionesilale the third Monday in •C. 'M. C.A.;Nox has sold his Billiard on% in Athens to Curren Loomis, of EM! M. E. and . fleorge Beecher will open a tnalkot at tellaysville, in a few vck4. • : 4 1.niNe, began on the 2flth inst., a F t 11:56 M... and sill last l 2 days 20 hours aril minutes Communion will be administered Presbyterian and Baptist Churches NI Sunday TielvAND.t is to have' a telephone bx . Tunhhannork Republican. please. will be several handsome monn ents , reeted in Riverside Cemetery the wing summit. Ti:.: North Towanda Sunday School t 6 levently been supplied with an excel nt new Jibrarv: kTitr. 'moist Monday last. Looks as ~n4 l l the April showers had gotten a previous." - (;i:r.i.:N peas have made their appear the Wilkesbarre market. They 11 at $1 per peck. r year $'1,11:1(3 were paid out in this f salaries Of County SupeHutend t, .4 . C:0n0 - non Schools. :':.`•'aritm.r., an employe of they. N. V. jt, had a caboose run over his Tuesilay,,at Sayre. -- _ Tiri:ltE, 1 :Itamlct : In this county "Texas."—Wcativro Gazelle. 1::1! 0 - (lisgrace for Hamlet. %cr. NORTHRUP, of-West Granville, I . o fat t friqn one orbit; fOet, CI 15' last w ek , with an ax. rnasox in planting trees should bear ;:. , 1 that it costs no more to raise a et` than a meless one wan 'Milt ni"ney, •if he is wise, in, property inthis section. ; .1 is lionnd advance. Tn!: Burlington 11(mq:eye • man„ Bob 4 tie, i, to lecture in Mercur evening next, April 4th: Tuy.. KniOnsof Pythias hall has been y beautified by baring its ceiling ls,,inined and its.walls paired. I'.•n evening of genUine • pleastire, !- , 01 the lecture at Mercur Jiall, on ut min) . evenin , * of next week, April 4th. A v:osr. who 'has not a cold and a -11,d>seis is entirely out of style. h.ive both for the Past ten d4s. foundation walls for tfie Humphrey t( ;hers Tracy buildiiig are being '-z)me very large stone are being Tu r. Loyal Sock Game Association, of V.lll CI ty, have k illed during the f ,, rty-tivc dogs caught pursuing Tiny Rifle Club had themselves im.;!zrap'ted one day last week. It is 14 , 12::t the camera was not completely Ti": revival meetings at West Gran no, owilui-ted by Bev. G. W. Snapp, ~ idled in the conversion of about forty I= 11. M. W mid...A. has beautified the exte -r,or !Ili brick building, south - of • the Nat ionitl Bank, by giving it, a coat ME 4 :1.1T.t cif Chemung, wt) lost a about two mouth , ago while at -or'. on the railroad, died last week of 1~ ~!: ~ x.l'.l' I I IS Faid that Judge Jessup, of Mont- I•I, 1x 1/1 . I!(IS more _money for blooded -ti , ati any other mau in Sum-timbal:l i . , ti , ‘ REPORT says there will be a line or Herdic coaches run between Athens, Waverly and Sayre, to commence some time in Aprll. , ROBERT :BIJUDE'rrE 3 the famous fun ny man of the Bur'ington Hawkoe, will lecture in Vercnrila!l,` Tuesday evening next,, April 4th. • ' POST MASTER BAEDWELL, of TUllkhall -120Ck, is the inventor of a stamp canceller, and he last week received an order for 2,000 of the machines. Flow Mustaches will rise and fall , will be discussed by the Hawkeye man, Bob Burdette, at Mercur Hall, on Tuesday ev ening next, April 4th. Tun TualOannock bemocrat says that J. T. Jennings cleared list Sear $8,500 from.his wire ferry across the.l7"usquehau ua river at Mehoopany. —Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Packer have re turned from the South to their home in Sayre. It is said that Mr. Packer's health is verrmuch improved. TnE " Oil Fever," is not raging so gen.. erally in Wyoming County, as it was a few weeks ago. Most, of those who were attacked are convalescing. CHESTNUT street gets muddier every day. The water pipes are evidently leaking, and Unless something is done the whole street will sink. SAVE that,they have grown larger, there has been no alteration in thn holes thro' the side Walks in many parts of the town, within the past two monthi,- SM Ott onions, known as "button. ea ions," are selling at five dollars a bushel in the southern part of this State, and retailing at twenty cents a quart. lIFX. DE LA -.11/orrn, of Indiana, lec tured ou " Money and Monopolies," at tl:e Court House, on Friday last. There was but a small audience - present. Tnn Presbyterian Mite. S A 4elety will meet this•(Vetinestlay) evening at Chas. .D. !Humphrey's, on Second street. AU are \ cordially invited to be present.' .TAMES R. TAYLOR, of Vaughan Hill, is making, arrangements to build one of the largest and best arranged barns in the eounty,:during the coming summer., TOWANDA has many . , beautiful 'shade trees, but still there is room for more. A town can searcely have too many of them, especially off the main business streets. IN 314ntogomery county they have a new disease , which only attacks grey horses. It is called - 4 11elanosis," and all otinir colored horses are exempt from it. SUBSCRIBERS will please not forget our notice of a few weeks ago. Those chang ing their residences this spring will noti fy ns of theivdd address as well as .their new. JOSEPH Dtbmxo, of Dushore, is having lumber placed upon the ground, prepara tory ti) rebuilding his furniture and *wa gon sltbps recently destroyed by fire in that village. • • THE *ontrose Record is of the opinion that the prisoners no* confined in the jail at that place, are the toughest lot ever imprisoned there. Six of them are indict ed formurder. ' .G. 111. Iloyr, of - Green's Landing,. left $.47.50 lying on a table in his residence 'on Monday night of last week, and when he "woke up in de monin" that $47.50 fad, flown . away; IT takes about 750 ties to lay one mile of track.— Wellsboro thiseye. The editor of the Gavtie is evidently learning much in reference to railways since be has tak en to pedestrianism. TnE important case of Thorne vs. the Towanda Tanning Company, was decided by the arbitrators on Saturday, in favor of the defendants. Thn amount claimed by the plaintiff was $63,00.0. . Tim Dushore Reciele reports. the. tele phone lino between . that place and La. porte as progressing finely. The poles are nearly all on the ground, and the holes dug for placing them. - ' llEv. H. IiAmr.LIN is to deliver alecture at the opeia house, Troy, on Tuesday evening of next Week; for the. Benefit of• ClUslin Post, U; A. 11., of ihat place. His subject will be "Self Mastery," Mn. DANIEL. FfuxstNoEit, of Colley, Sullivan-County, is engaged in the raising of swe , t potatoes, and is said to raise some very tine ones, fully equal to those coming from the South or Jersey. • . PRIAM Lodge, Nn. 2'47, L O. 0. F., of Troy recently purchased a very fine pc] organ for use in their rooms. It• is of- the Etsey manufacture. Cost $315. So says the Register of'#at place.. • • • "Al come and men .go."—Anony. old Anip. tip us your• flipper. .You are right. lint the men whci"come and go" over the sidewalka in many Parts of this village, tread a .dangerous .pathway.. • A REOljAli meetirm of the Bradford County Medical Society will be !held at the 61lice of Dr. D.:N. Newton, in To= wanda, On Wednesday,' April.sth, at'l:3o Cit As. Sec'y. END SAYS the . ; Sthithboro correspondent of 1 the Owego Timm : '• A Mrs. Wilmot, of: Tuwanda, has rented a, house of E. V. Poole and moved here. We learn she is.. to keep ready-mule cfothing for ladies." There will bt a maple- sugar party at the residence of Dr. E. Mills, on Saturday evening., April Ist. The proceeds to, be fen• the benefit of the Sunday School Li brary. All are cordially invited to attend. Ono. VERMILYA, of Grover was some . - what, injured by_ being thrown out of a wagon one day recently. The team he was driving became frightened and ran away, which was the.causeof his misfor tune. AT the Waverly charter election Tues day, Imes R. Stone w s elected Preii dent ()lithe villapfor the third time ; T. J. and C. G. Hanna, Trustees ; .1. 1). Bliley, Collector; 11. C. Mercereau, Treasurer. . - • . W I LLTA It BR InGS, pith° "Sayre House," Sayre, recently purchased the Spencer pigs property for $2,225. But, four years ago in would have required four times that amtnutt to have purchaSed the same property. Ti:4 Prothonotary of a county . having but One Law Judge may, in the absence of that Judge, on petition, grant a. rule to slims cause why an, execution shall not ho hayed, and stop proceedings mean-: while. (P. L.; p. 166.) GEO. L. Wiwi Will soon hayo two fine grocery stores are on Bridgci St. opposite J. K. Bush's clothing store, the other on the corner, opposite H. C. Porter's drug itore. The two stores will be connected by telephone. - • Doun.Witios says the "finarusel platr hum ob dis kontry am so lackiu' in de enfluininate of perinscurity, as to obscu- . rate de ' plausemness ob de question." Those who listened to the 'Rev. De Ls Martyr, on Friday evening, think Doug is right. • - _ "Cnenon -is written. cin the face of everyibing."-LAtioho. And old antiny mons was right. Pavan . the sidewaliakin this village change. theY ate constant ly-changing, apd generally from bad to A. numbscrun editok reinarks that when he asked his girl to iiiatry him, sho replied, '1 don't mind. He has since found outthat she don't.—E'z. There be other editors who have found out the same thing. Tat Bradford Reporter says "the buds are swelling *admen the trebs will leave." Wonder where they'll go to.—Blouburg Register. To maim many a shade that will be really' delightful along about July and August next, you bet. IT is a mistaken notion that a line store in an eligible location, surrounded by at tractivisigus, is a superioradvertieement for the experienti of the Most enterpris ing Merchants is that it pays . better to spend less in rent and more in adiertising. A CARD from Rev: C. AI Raentond says a recent statement, in this paper is in correct. Thati there is no C. A. Reynolds at Time Centre, and that . the sermon on " Heaven and Hell," was well attend ed in the morning al well as in ! the even ing. ' Samvso3trrrmai who resides on South Hill, losta very valuable cow not long since, the con , was opened, and a butch er knife *as found in • her stomach, sup posed to have been left .in some potato parings which was fed her.—Leßayseille Advertiser,. THE atat i e Superintendent of Soldiers' orphans' schoola has issued a circular an nouncing that the custom of holding ex aminations immediately before the close of the schoOl term in July will be depart ed from this yeat and the examinations held in May. • t WE acknowledge the receipt of several copies of the now morning paper recently started in Binghamton, by Wales and Mentz. It is celled the Latest Morning News, and as neatly printed and well edit ed—especially its local department. !Vire wish it sticcess.- SunscRIDERS when they , notify us to change their - address on our list should be careful to notify de also of the post-office at'which they have previously been get ting their paper. A failure to do so fret quently puts us to a great deal of trouble to find their names. THE body of William Goodwin, „who was drowned in the Sttsqnehanna ,river, near Scottsville, Wyoming County, from accidentally falling out of a boat, r.bout the midlle of last Janaary, - '7 l as found in the river on • some drift 1 , 01, opposite Plymouth, on Oth instant. '' I , REV.. c._DAt:t.owEta. addressed the Graded - School on " The Les sons to be . Derived from the Life and Character of the Poet Longfellow," on Monday morning last. Quite a goodly number of our citizens attended and at.: tentively listened to the address. ODD FELLOWS should remember that the new law of the grand lodge makes it obligatory on all members to be in Foss °salon of the degrees before ,July lit if they • participate in the' proceedings of their lodges, as after that date all lodges will transact business in the third degree. WRITES an Athens correspondent, tin der a recent date : 'Miss Lang has laid out another street, and continues to sell lots for building* purposea. She is the most business like real estate owner in the village, and others, could materially advance our interests if they would do likewise." , Fr is reported that TOwanda is to have a new Democratic weekly. That's right; go ahead. :Towanda has the point where the establishment of a paper or two doesn't affect 1 1 her equilibrium in the least. She will • soon have a newspa per office on evoty street corner.—Biotra burg Register. A. Imam is current that the Tehigh Valley Railroad Company have porehasel the Rochester Branch of the 'Erie. The Elmira Advertiser says the rumor !proba bly originated from the fact that the Le high has recently made a new contract with the Eric, and it is said a very' favor able one, too. , j THE Troy Qazetfe says that the Ent•,r prise Mfg Co. of chat place has orders pouring in upott it from all direc' tions and ingreat quantity. Last week they re ceived an order for 40 of their animal powers from one firm and their supply will have to be increased or they will run short on regular orders. ; • • THE first story of .a two story building recently Completed in Canton is to be occu pied by an auction room and liquor store, and the second story as a Justices' office and a barber shop. - Now if some one will start an undertaking establishment in the basement of that building the com bination will be complete. P-ETITIOu praying President Arthur for the pardon of Sergeant Mason of the penalties imposed by the recent court artial, have been quite generally, signed in this place, only a few persons refusing to add their names to the long lists of those who think that the impulsive • sol dier has suffered quite enough already for his act of shooting at the assassin of the late Prekident. Our Continent continues to surprise us with its strange typographical fancies and itsa esthetic pictures. The "curiosities of Heraldry" in the number of March 29, is characteristic of the odd conceits of Judge Tourgee as a conductor ; and the typography of the poem on the flist page illustrates the design of the periodical to supply something new in literature. ANOTHER comet has been discovered. It is in the constellation Lyra, and is rush ing towards the the rate of 2,000, 000 miles per day. At present it is about 130,000,000 miles away. It is estimated that it will come within about 80,000,000 miles of the earth, and at perhelion will be within 10,000,000 miles - of the sun. It is thought that it will develop' a tail of enormous proportions. • ALMOST everyday, in looking around town, buggies and wagons can be seen on the different crossings, compelling ladies and gentlemen to step in the mud in or; der to pass. Crossings were not made far this, and it is about time the offenders should learn this fact. We think there is a fine for this, and if 'ono or two were compelled to pay three or four dollars it would stop the practice. Says the Leßaysville Advertise* of last; week : "The spirit of enttrprise has caught the people at Warren Center in dead earnest. Mr. John Cooper ane Mr. John D. Kinney .have each purchased large building lots near the one roCeritly bought for the Baptist parsonage, and propse to erect stores thereon the pm ent season. We learn that several other dwellings are also to be erected on the adjacent lots. Enterprise and push is now the'order of the day with the peek ple of that place r " • Timm will be a contest *ikelannitlan by the young 'men of iiiasquoluinas Collegiate Inatitute, Monday - woorning next, at Mame Half. Committee at Avrard--Pn;feesoi of tatayetini Shperiittentlent Ryan did Prolhatir best: . Exettitiw,iiniintealia at eight o'clock: Admission free. Tun SuOrem. Court has attncioneed &ch.:ions in the 'following toms from this county : Piollet, Meaniii 7 - . :Afflrtneth Munch vs. Werth Aiiirmed. Evans vp. &Maley. Affirtned. Manley's Appeal.. :Affirmed. Colwell vs. Rockwell. Judgment rs. ttnefl• Os Tnesdayi of last week, the well at Lovelton, Wyoming County § Was torpe doed. Stockholders were present to wit• news the ekpeothd How ft oil' bill ohne came. The company directed that the hole be kept bailed out fcii a few day; when, if there be no showing of oil, the well will be abilit&med acid work oh No; 2 commenied, which is tot:Mixt oh thb south branch of the Mehoopany creek. THAT the people of TunklUtinock are still'. sanguine of finding oil, notwithstand ing the failure of the Lovelton attempt, is evidenced by the followirg, which we clip from the Demoerat of last week I " We understand a project is on &it look ing towards tl* location of an oil well, or rather a well wherein it is hoped oil may be found, on the property - just north of Ilungerford's platting mill, in this place. The necessary power for drillingia to be furnished by Mr. Hugerford, from his en gine." • 1 IT has been discovered that ,perfumes exert a healthy', influence on the atmos phere, converting its oxygen into ozone. Cherry, laurel,' clover,. lavender, mint, juniper, fennel and bettanlotlt develop tit- largest quantity of ozone. flowers without perfume do not develop it, but the flowrs of narcissus, mignonette, he liotrope nd lilly of the valley develop it • i in close v ssels. Odoroes flowers, culti vated in marshy places; would be valu able in purifying the air. . . C. T. McKnissv, of Rodger's platting mill,' was finite seriously injured by being struck on the head ,by .a falling plank. The plank was in use its a prop to steady a large sill that was being raised by a jack-scow, and becoming •loosened fel. and struck Mr. Meg. on the head, cutting an ugly gash. He was insensible for some little time after being atritek, but rallied shortly after being conveyed to hia home. It is not thought that his injury will prove of a serious nature. 0: F. HORTON, son of Ha-ry Horton,- the Now York broker, was badly bitten by a dog at L. J. Culver's. in Sheshequin , . on Sunday morning last. The dog was owned by Clinton Rhinebold, and was at Mr. Culver's. Young Mr. Horton 'go. ing into the room where the animal was patted it on the head end spoke to it, when it sprang at him and fastened its teeth in his cheek, tearing an ugly gash, that will undoubtedly disfigure Mr. Her. toe's face for life. The dog was shortly after shot and killed. • "Lar'r HANDED men" was Rey. Mr. Condo's subject at the Presbyterian Church, Tankbannock, last Sunday even ing. Why wouldn't a sermon on " Wart eared Mules" draw a crowd 1 1 — Towanda Journal. Bright idea. Brother. Turner, Mr. Conde in all got humor says come down here and he - . ill at.dress you on Your text ; but you mustn't be offended if the sermon takes a personal turn.—Tunk hanttock Republican. Llt is-quite evident that, at last, "Greek has met Greek." The Journal has the floor. • Two defiks a day, remarks an' ex change, will supply a family with flour. This is all very well indeed, .but what is twenty cents worth of flour stood for?— Elmira Advertiser. The Advertiser and' its exchange are both wrong. Two drinks a day never supplied flour to any family in which the drinks were consumed ; but two drinks have often taken flour -from families needing it. Twenty cents worth of flour, Mr. Advertiser, ie good tar four loaves of bread. If you were ever hun gry you evidently know what a. lost of broad is good for. • A NEW theory as to the cause• and spread of pink-eye is now being advanced. It is believed that owing to the drought of last summer, which extended over nearly every section of the country, a larger amount of dust, grit and refuse matter than usual settled upon the bay crop, and that this hay, fed to a perfectly healthy home, produces irritation and consequent disease. It is further believ ed that if hay is wet thoroughly , before being fed to horses there will be less pro bability of the animals taking the disease. JAMES 9AMRABRANT, a •farmer of Che mung, who lived on the Dry, Brook road, was - instantly killed by Brie e xpress train No. 8, on Wednesday, while trying to cross the track near Holbe4's crossing. It was snorting very hard at the time of the accident, 'and it is supposed he did not bear the .train. As the Lehigh ex press was following, the train did not stop, but the Lehigh brought the body to this station. Mr. Qarrabrent had lived in Chemung county since 1840, and Would nave been 70 years old nest August. He was much respected by all who knew him. He leaves a wire and one son.— Waverly Free Press 24th Inst. A BRADFORD City paper gives the fol lowing account of an accident that recent ly befell a for Mer resident of this place "About two o'clock yesterday afternoon, David Waters, - who lives at 69 Corydon street, near Bushnell, • and was tenderly of Bradford County, met with 'a serious accident while working on a rig on Geo. Mulach's lease, up the West Branch. While the men were lifting the sand reel into position it fell, striking Writers on the left leg, producing a compound com minuted fracture midway between knee and ankle. The injured man was taken to his home and attended by Dr..Alling." At' last accounts it was feared the limb would have to be amputated. AN Athens correspondent says that lumber is being put upon the grounds' in that plaie by Piko Canfield & Co., pre. paratory to putting up the buildings to ne used by them in the brick business, the dimensions of which' are as follows : The shed for kiln 'purposes will be built 77 by 250-, and the building in which their machinery will be plaCed 10 by 200, con• taming their engine and four brick ma chines. They haven*" almost a. haustless supply of brick' material, and with the present outlook and demand, we opine that the time is not far distant when it will be looked upon as one of the - greatest manufacturing interests in the northern tier. We wish them every success. Tnx Camptown correspondent of the Tunkhannock Repubikon, writes as fol lows in his letter of lid week : "The stone (many of E. B. Barnes, situated by the side of the Cascade, from' which his grist mill-takes its name, has been leased to victor Campeross, foreman of Browns combo 4 King's atone work!? OfetdlC,' 7,t;74,77":14'4•71•5,7•44-f.r.f.v.:-..41.--;70,...;y7.,y. --,vg7,---v.r.. 6 ,,..,,,,,,,.• ..,,,,-,....,,,. • • - ~..:.•-•,,,Z.;?::-4-,.,,T,Tri.4.•-",ft-. :., Wg; . T. ) .-- ; .-±:yvi..x- -. :k;,,,!., -„ , , ?•14., ,4 , , ,a..iF6, 7 ,(6- e ....., .. r.-- . , -. .., ,, ,- -• Yom, _ .., : ___ • q..,i...f.,,:-.1„,,,:',..57.,:,,,,y,if,,:,;,v,-....;.':,•-..,-,.:7:;',::;?"-ii._!;Tr-c'F,:2-1.i•-.V,,::::''',Fl•-';'-i'4'.::-....;;,g4-.`";t:.:',C,,..:':''-S';:';7,-1:.;ii.-i,;.`-'.,-;: .::-•-.:"-.';'..--:!:'•'-::-.-j'::.'::,?::-1-',,.'-='-::':' -'-'-''''..*-4.'-',:;,..:•--',":'7:-:':-';'-'-'-:::.1-:,:::;-:.'-,.:7-:---:?:- -.':::;-1,..*:'.-......2-7,,-,-,'."1.:-.'!:.;. '7:,::;-:,---....::',...-_:.',-.:,-.:t-,:t.,,,,,..z.,;,:.,=`..--,'„'.,_--:,,,-.."".':-::'--f-7-7,.,-4:-.-",-;-,-'--',i •:.',,:,:-..--.:::-'.--:-:::,_-..7, . , . lam:-on if zee* OS the Ali iestatit Mr. disaporess, 'eciomisited by s Yr. _Wile* a capitals* and large contractor, ,o(Neer Tuelt,:wleins it is; named is be beanies putted; WA beat& auk% pcmdlient chat.* of 'elated the 1 tor Prose of paratioris for settee Operatione, which it is laid will scion commence. with se* assay Machheery and a large fortis of them . films Moat ait of a **Perk* *lai ty, Sall ralige bolt Oro to ilet feet Micheal*, and Ste said to equal the atom from the famous quarries of Wyoming Comity. We holm our Tomb will camel every inducement to those gentlemen • to bOild shops here and go.. to work on a lorgSeciikt. Should the enterprise prove itieoesS a Magid to Wysinang nay be looked for tieet.lf ' aiiiebrs we* in o#ot britdrori kncathpnieut t ft O. d, 1 11 . 1 at the last regular meeting : T . U. P.—H. S. Clark. IL C. -Heath. B. In—G: W. Blackman. C. dirdneE &ribs— J. W. Van Tayl. Treasarer--j. IL - Coddiog. 0. &-L. St,,,BlaadeU. T. lerey. O.—M. N. Chubbnak. let W.—A. J. rbsher. Rd_ E:—John btibtee B. Rosenfield: 4th Ti r Et l i P. Welles. lot G. to T.-0. N. /tooth. .2d 0. to T.—G. H. Smalley. Texas seems to have been a misunder standing with reference to the Union Church recently built at Vaughan Hill. A correspondent writee . as follows : "On the llth inst, a meeting was held fir the Union church atVaughan Bill for the par. pose of efaihining the . tumiunit and et peones consequent Walt said church: Quit:. a large number were pn:- snit and , considerable interest manifested, especially in the remarks of 8. 8. Butts, the secretary, and prime mover in the en terpiise, which preceeded the examination of the accounts. There seems to have been a misunderstanding in the minds of softie, about what hind of a church *as to be built, and 74. Butts dwelt at length upon his theory about the matter. We understand that Rev. Angel, pastor of the charge, will give his view of the matter in the same house on the 27th inst." PERSONAL. -:-Deputy Prothonotary Eaten is attend ing. Court at Troy this week. - -Mrs. Graham Macfarlane returned from West Virginia last week. —Prof. "W. B. Owen ; of Lafayette Col lege is visiting relatives in Wysot. —Mrs. C. L Gladding, of Columbia, is visiting relatives and friends in this place. • P. T. Gillett a prominent citizen of Sheshequen, died on Wednesday of last week'. - —Sheriff Horton has ec; far recovered from . his recent illness as to , be able to ride out. —Mrs. F. A. Lewis, (nee Moody) left for her future home, Topeka, Kansas,:on Monday evening. —D. F. Pickering, ex-postmaster, and a prominent citizen. of -Elmira, died on Monday evening. —Mrs. - E. 0. Goodrich returned last week from a visit to friends in New York and Philadelphia. . • —P. H. Sumner, of Vaughan Hill, has returned from the New York Etlectic School with the title of M. D. —Rev: F. W. Bailey, of Brooklyn, will preach in the Church of the Messiah next Sunday, , ruing and evening. —Cot simian Jadwin arrived home last ' suffering somewhat from In disposition.—Hanesdate —Dr. A. R. Merrick, editor of- the Worker, Tunkbannock, was among the callerarat this office on Friday last. - -Rev. S. L &vier of West Granville, has accepted a call from the Sabinsville Baptist church, of Tioga county. • - -Henry Powell, of East Towanda, Las ao fak recovered _ from his recent severe ill ness as to be able to be out of doors. —T. P. Patch, for more than twenty years past a resident of this place, has gone to Corning to reside with his daugh ter. D. Kinney, Esq., liar gone to Min neapolis, Minnesota, with a view to locat.i log there for the I practice of his proks Sion.. —Captain W. A. Benedict, :one of the oldest residents of Wysor, died at his residence on Fridsy, aged about seventy five years. —A. J. Noble, who has run the Adams House for the last two years in so aCcept &ha, si manner, has rented the plaCe for another year. —B. A. Long, Esq., has been appoint ed by the Governor' T Justice of the Pesos for Troy', to fill the ; vacancy caused by the resignation of F. Hoffman. —Cyrus D. Camp, formerly editor ~of the Tunkhannock Republican and at present a resilent of Minneapolis, Minn., visited-relatives in town hurt week. —Hon. A. H. Miller one of the most Widely known and highly respected ciW ZetllS of Owego, died at his -residence in that place, on Friday, aged about 64 years. —Dr. Eleacock has been appointed a member of the Council, by the Court, iu place of J. A. Cronin, who was elected but could not serve, as he is post-muter. —Dushore .Reeitto. —Charles W. Whooper left on Monday kir New York City where he has a situ ation with a wholesale honse dealing ip tinware and house - furnishing hardware. —Canton SentineL - —E. F. Goff,.Bsl. of Waverly, form erly of this place has been appointed agent at Waverly for the United. States and Foreign Advertising and Collecting Company of Utica. —George Lawrence, of Windham, has lately submitted to a fiery severe surgical opera t tion, for the removal of a tumor, fronwhich he has suffered for a long time.. He is reported as doing nicely. - 7 Rev. P. S. Kohler, of Berwick, for merly pastor of the Overton mission, this county, has received and aoceet#l i call from the Presbyterian Church -itMonroe ton, and will remove to that plies within .a short time. . —From papers received from there, we learn 'that Mr. and Mrs. Clark' Wilson, of this place, are setively engaged in Gas pel-Tempemnce work, in Dublin, Ireland, and that they will go thence to Seetland about the tint of May. 4.J. W. Freeman, known in this viola!, ity from his connection with the Pittston Comer, - and latterly a reporter for tier Sunday News-beater, died in Wilkes-Bar re, TneSday evening of last week, of con snmpttim, aged thirty-four years. - • . I —Miss Frances Tears, wbo is .giving spoolsl attention to the practice of paint ing in oil, .goes this week to Philadelphia to enter the "School of - Design for Wo men," one of the best art schools in that art-encouraging eity.—Troy Gasats. —.Terre Kingsbury and Charley Scott, of this place, who have been employed in lb? to Franco Sham- 10 Elmini, for some monthi paet t bate gone tio" AO* Ohio; to take laciratife totbiltidna in it toot union abotOry. They are' both' excellboi men. 43Sinuel and Simeon -Drieftiss, some 'Yam igd reildents cif this plaoe, are now die Mier* bl itkeitensitfeedthitig fioubeß in. Milton, this State, sad are doing a vett lane business. They are'hotis pleasant fellows to deal with, and we are glad to jteariff their prosperiff. - -.4in the first o f April Mr. Charles Peitoll will ether this ettiplo it W. G. Tracy as book keeper. Charlie has filled the same position with N. P. Hicks, -most satisfactorily, for the past yam. He is not only *geed accountant, but a strict ly honest ; indnatrcous young man, with no bad elitmtagant habitasileriets We can truly and conscientiously add , an un qualified efidorsement to the I'iongoing., ,--EX43herili, J. Mcrnroei smith, has been quite ill recently find hat beefs stop ling for several weeks at ToWanda for medical treatment and to rest, away from the perplexities of work. He is improv ing, though `still weak.' lie returned home the last of tho vtel.ik and received a set back whiCh is probably only: tehipor. ary and his numerous friends- will ex pect to seer him about as usuOL 7 -Tray Gaulle. I U. Brown, of Rome, an experi enced engineer and teacher, who has been ih Colorado for the past six months, paid tts a pieasaiit visit yestertll4 , on his way to Rome to visit-his family. Mr. it. holds a lucrative position in the coal depart ment of the . Union Pacific R. R. Co., and is well pleased with the West. He, will return to Denver with his family in a few weeks. Such , men can illy be, spar d at. the East, but help to make the West prosperous.—Reviets, .Tuesday. • —Miss Minnie Ballard, of Troy, Brad=l ford County; has turned her attention en tirely to 'iterating), and , eXpresses her be lief that, nett to religion, it is the only subject worthy of attention of an intelli gent being. Miss Ballard is quite an en thusiast in this respect, Is` a young lady of decided talents and has written some very pretty things for the Press, which have appeared in the Philadelphia . and New York papers, and in the magazines. —Bellefonte Watchman. —Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cornell, who have had, charge of the County Rouse since it was opened for the - reception 'of paupers, have concluded to return to their farm in Columbia, It was the desire of the Commissioners to retain them, ftmling that they here the , right people in the right place and-that their administration had been very satisfactory. To the effi cienzy and carefulness, the kindness and energy, especially to' the kindness of heart of Mrs. Cornell, who has , been a mother to many of the weak, weary and unfortu nate there; much is due in the success of the poor house.—Troy Gazette. THE SAYRE RAILROAD SHOPS. A few minuts spent in the Sayre-Shops recently, showed how systematic and bus iness like everything is conducted therm; and how tvry small the chances for mis take, fr aud, or misunderstanding in re gard t o,any item of expense. . In the morning at ten or fifteen min_ utes before seven; every man reports at the office who is ready for...wink ; and he is marked by number as on band. If any man fails to report befOre seven he is obliged to lose an hour and commence at eight. At fifteen minutes one all report again and are again marked, any delinquents being compelled to lose an hour. In the middle of the forenoon, and also in the afternoon, an inspector goes around to see that the men aro all on hand and at, work; and marks them by number.. In this way it is impossible for any one; to be away over two or three hours without detection. The men are all - numbered and the . work which they do, all shows en.ctly upon what it Was and how much time was consumed upon each job. Each engine used upon the road has a separate. account, showing hos much i costs for coal, oil and daily running ex pense!! ; how much for repairs, etc.; and how far it runs. In this way the compa ny gets a general idea of the respective values of different engines ; their strength and capacity for continued service. The books show what man worked upon each piece of work; and how long so that in case of defective wot k the person doing it eau be readily discevered— The material used is also.. closely cht,ssitied, slowing clearly what _is used and the expense, and if Anything-fails the blame can be distinct ly traced to the proper- cause. Nothing is omi ted which &in throw light upon the expense of an engine or any of the machinery; or upon the conduct of engi neer and Workmen regarding the careful, economical discharge of their duties. " • ' The system of book-keeping seems per fect, and after a, balance sheet is taken there is scarcely a possibility of mistake. Everything is systematic, and classified with such particularity that a novice can readily understand the prictical workings of the plan, and see the benefits secured by it. The men cannot shirk without de tection nor slight their work without dis covery; and the dealers who furnish them with material cannot supply poor without being found out. tack' engine has a de bit and credit account ;.and no engineer can be reckless or extravagant without the officer's knowledge. The men who originated and perfected this system de serve great credit for iheir skill, and we do not see how it can be improved upon. We are indebted to the officers of the Company for favors shown, and to Mr. It. IL Winlack for an explanation of the sys tem of accounts in use; SCHOOL REPORT. 7'. the Directors and Patrons of Seh r ool No. ;5, Burlington District : lo presenting our report for the term ending March 1882, we submit the follow ing : Number of males registered during term, 23 • 46 r e ma i es . t• 26 Total, • , . - Average attendan c e, !em females, Total, , Percentage of attendance, malos, " " " females, " Number of pupils sick, visits by Directors, " patrons and friends, The' following pupils are worthy of die, Unction in recitations, deportment and attendance combined, during the term Emma Gillett, Ella Price,_ Rillia Price, Mary Lynch, ElletiLuther, Florence Lu ther, Johanna Lynch, Edna Luther, Mary Graney, Ella Graney; Mortie Strops, Phe- DO Strops, Addie Strops, Tula Schrader, Josie Sullivan, Maggie Sullivai3, Bessie Dibble, Cora - Bailey, Henry Schrader, Thomas Lynch, Maurice Lynch, Frank Sullivan, Willie Lynch, Thomas-Fanning, Francis Lynch, John Strops, Adolphus, Strom Cortie Schrader, Charles Simons, Elmer Dartt, James Jaken, William Car; man, JolLa s pak;-.r, Thomiii-Baker. Th. , following pupils • were in attend ance every visy during thoUrm Lynch, Ellen Luther, Maggie Sullivatr, Florence Luther, Frank Sullivan. J. F. gllpavArr, T e acher.. ME MURDER AND SUICIDE. A letter from Sandwich, - brings the following particulars of a . tei r _Able tragedy that took plate hear that place on the 12thinstant. Zerab gall, ;1' son of Orrin gall, formerly a resident of Btirlingtoni this county, has rot; some time: p4t lived near Sandwich with a Man by ,the name of Gordon turd, a 'fanner: On Saturday, the 12th instant, when the . family were all away from the preouism, except himself and the lad Zerab, he went tnthe . barn where the lad was . engaged in doing dhdr€s, and without Cause or pro -ovation deliberately shot twif balls from a revolver through the boy's head, and then cut his own throit. Not severing an artery be returned to the heave, prO T cured a razor and axe, returned again to the barn where he proceeded to shocking ly cut and mangle the dying boy, and af ter again attempting to take his own life bit - gashing his throat, finally ended his existence by hanging himself with a rope tied tna rafter. It is supposed the un fortunate man became suddenly insane. The boy who met with such a tragic deathwas about thirteen years of age, and wan a brother of W. ,C. Hall, who hail but just 'returned ,to his home iu Sandwich from a pleasant visit t 0 friends in this county. LEFT HIS HOME. Lennie Bisbee, aged Years, left his home in New Milford,. Pa., Thursday, March He has red hair and gray eyes, and wore a black Coat and cap ; black and white check woolen shirt with strips of red braid on front ; gray vest and . pants with striped duck overalls over them. All trace of him was lost near o Little Meadows. where he was seen aturday, March 1&h, carrying a hatch et.. He calls bin name Jack Freeman. .Any infOrmation leading to his return to his sorrowing parents will ho gladly ril -1 calved and suitably rewarded. Any, per non-seeing. this boy will please detain him and address John Bisbee, New' Milford, Susquehanna County, Pa. REMEMBER! The Republican Caucus Meetin . o are to he held SATURIWIr of this week. In the'townohips froth 3 to,A P. m., and in ther.lorciughs and Thti Pistrlct of Athens Township from 6 to B.E. M. C. L. S. C The next meeting of the C. L. S. C. will-be held at the residence of Mrs. L.• R. Coburn, on Second street, Priday ev-. ening, March 31st, at seven o'Clock. The lesson of tliC evening will bo a review of XIX Century, first three chapters of book third. Essays will be read as newt. A $20.00 BIBLICAL OFFER. The publishers of Rutledge's Monthly offer ten valuable rewards in their Month ly for April, among which is the follow ing: We will give $20.00 in gold to the person telling us whicl. is the middle verse in the New Testament Scriptures by April 10th, f 882... Should two or more correct an swers be received the reward will be di vided, . The money will be forwarded to the winner April 1 1:ith, 1882.- Perions trying for the reward must send twenty cents in. silver (no postage stamps taken) witktheir answer, for which they will re: ceive the May Monthly, in the name and address„of the winner of the reward. and the correct answer will be published. This may bo worth $20.00 to you ; cut it out. A ddress—liumi.lDGE POBLIBBI CG Comp , Easton, Penna. Local Correspondence. ULSTER. Our sick list arc on the mend as regards the majority. Mr. J. G. Howie is somewhat better, and his friends are much pleased to hear of it. I was sure I was not mistaken in my prediction of last week, for . on Wednes day last Mr. Frank C. Flood led to the matrimonial altar Miss Jessie Olmstead, the ceremony. being solemnized by . Rev. Mr. Sawtelle,4recently of Athens. We wish then?, a long and prOsperous life. 'I am quite 'sure we Will have. more of this kind of nows to report in a - short time. " Look out for them." OnfFridar and Saturday last there were four car-loads of tobacco shipped from Our station. and several more car-loads yet to deliver. The Rockwell boys delivered as their shai °Me above, 27,143 pounds from fourteen acres, and pocketed as the result the plug. little sum o" $4,072.42. Michael Kennedy had 11,051 pounds from five acre's, and pocketed $1,657.05. Pretty good for the boysiind plenty of " pocl et change:" . , Mr.-John Alexander, of Wilkes-Barre, is visiting his old friends and acquaint ances at this place. Mrs. George Birney, Sr., moved to Ath ens last Saturday. She intends to make that her future home. The sidewalk committee have finished the walk on Smithfield street, and the remainder oLthe fund is to repair the old walks and extend as much new walk as will permit t Mr: C. L. Thomas intends starting for - Larned, Kansas; about, 'April 'lst, on a prospecting, tour. Mr. M. F ! :,Elsbree, wIo and child, of Athens, were guests of •their parents over Sunday. As 'soon as the mud gets settled we ex pect to see the work of building the • new houses spoken of last week. More anon, • .*** . March 28, 1882. SMITHFIELD. EDiTOR BRADFORD REPORTER :—No ticingj'a piece in your last paper on the closing exercises of Smithfield Gradeff School, we thought there were some pu pils not mentioned, who deserved notice. Among-these are Floy Cole, who sang very sweetly in a solo, also took part in a charade keceiving much praise for the ex cellent way in which she "scolded her children ;" also_Jesse Bird, Neil Driscoll, Vonnielind . Nellie Nichols, Angie King and Carrie David. The- recitations by Low Adams and Susie Riggs were very fine. E. Z: Wood and Fausta Jones sang a duet - that was good. M. Stella Crowell has just returned from visiting her many friends in Elmira, canton and Columbia. • Addie Hamilton was pleasantlysurpris ed by her Young friends-vt her home; last Saturday evening. Susie Riggs has Jjust returned from spenditiga week with Mrs. John Palmer and Missjessie Ransom, in the Eastern part • of tile town. She had the pleasure of celliug on her teacher and friend, Mrs. ; F. C. Dayton, at Dieter.• PATSY. •WE print'tbe following extract from a letter to William Coo, written by J. 11, Jennings of Now Mexico - 1 RIVER SAN J RAN, ' NEW MEXICO, Mn. Co' Rummerfield, Brad ford County Pa. DEAR COUSIN : Yfmr letter was gladly received some time in November, and I will now try t4,c) answer SEM=i It in: tbe beet way lowa ' thodgh I hare little of importance to write: . Nearly all the people Of this place are Mormons, and since they are putting forth every effort to freeze the Gentiles on t, they are little oompitey to me. Yon have perhaps heard that Willis is at Wind Gate arid .1 am alone. This makes MO very lonesome } lout be will perhaps be home in February. Wind Gate is about 115 miles south on the Ittlantie do Pao fflo H. IL The Atlantic k Peel& IL IL company are talking very strongly of tximmetaSing work on a road leading from. Durango through this `plans to Wind Gate very early in the spring. If I remember rightly. I did not write you an account of the triple cross which I had the pleasure of seeing erected in the eastern sky, by the one who knoweth all things. On the 25th day evening of February, 1054 nearly One year ago, the moon rose about dark, and before early bedtime, one horizontal and three perpen dicular strips. of golden light were seen forming in the heavens: The moon was the centre. Across her face the horizon tal strip, and the central, vertical strip for*d. These parts appeared ,to be about-One foot in width and were very orilfitta,—little less brilliant than a bright blaiing fire. On each side of this central cross was another one but, little less brilliant, These three crease* were connected as the shape of the dia gram below indicates ; and over the cen tre cross high in the air was a semicircu lar cloud closely resembling a .crown. At the beginning of the Christian era, the Savior and two thieves were crucified on a similar group of crosses, and who can doubt that this providential sign is a token of the close of the Christian era? It produced such an effect upon me that it will probably, be fresh in my mind'as long as I live. far By all means buy the White Sew. ng Mullins of M. C. WELLS, - Agent, Towanda, Pa. febl6, ar' L. B. RoDOERS challenges compe tition for quality of goods and low pricesonlSaab, Doora,Bllnds and Moldln 4, Nand al 1:m11(141g ma_ terlal. tang34l3 Vir Elegant SINGING. CANARIES— Gold Finches, Linnets mind-Whistling Bull Elneh'es —all fine; Imported Blrds—ac C. P. WELLES , Crockery Store. . - • lemur. Beside our JOB LOT of SHOES that we are selling at about half the regular price. we are receiving a large and very fine line of BOOTS AND SHOES for Spring and Summer trade, which we are offer ing at VERY LOW PRICES. lemar-w4. far The Davis Sewing Machine, with Its Vertical reed does a large range of practical work tlet any under feed machine. tf REMOVAL.-4. 8. ALLYN ha re moved his Undertaking Establishment from Bridge street to rooms on Main street, over Ten- Yin & GORDON'S Drug Store, 11 . 11 d WOODFOrl) VAX Domes Boot k Shoe Store. A • full line of Undertaker's Ooodi from the cheapest to the beat. jan27,li. J. S. ALLYN, Agent. ar- Thousand's of ladies have found sudden relief from ail their woes by the use of Ly dia E. Pinktiant's Veg.table Compound, the great remedy for diseases peculiar to females. Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkbant, 233, Western .Avenue, Lynn, 3fass., for pamphlets. Suffering Is Needless. SHOWMEN, N. Y., June 21, .1881. 11. If. WARNER & C1:1:1 Sirs--I find that palpfta- Hon of the heart, - shortness of breath, dyspepsia and pains In .the• kidneys yield easily and grace fully to your Safe Kidney and I.,Ter Cure. RonEnT 11. TIICRETON. ti' "All the health Fenjoy, and even my life I may say, Is in consequence of Simmons' Liver Regulator. I would not take one million do/fare for my Interest In that medicine. "W. H. Wlt.soil, Welborn. Fla." OVERTON —RITCRIE.-4n Leona, on • the 22d of Mareh,t- 1882, by the Rev. Orlo Roberts, Mr. Alfred Overton, of Monroeton, to Miss Hannah Ritchie, of Glen Union. Pa. TOWANDA MARKETS. REPORTED BY STEVENS k LONG; Generaldealers In Groceries and Produce, corner • Main and Pine Streets. WEDNESDAY EVENING,MARCH zombi. risz:Lrim Flour per bbl $7 00 (4 860 Flour per sari - —. . ft 75.0 .2 15 Corn Meal perloo... • 1 65 0 1 75 Chop Feed, (4 1 75 Wheat, per bush.... el 23 oel 30 ' ' 9 Corn 75 0 0 Rye - - 70 0 0 Oats 4 . 45 0 47. Buckwheat 0 0 Buckwheat F10ur..... - 0 . 0 Clover seed 5'75 tad 6 25 Pea Vine clover 6 00 (4 625 Timothy, western,— • - fa 00 0 Beans, 62 Ms, es 300 . 64 Pork, mess ' . 0 bbl. pp oo @ VI. 00 Lard a 12 15 Butter. tubs , 32 0" 36 0 ' Rolls . " • 32 0 35 ' 0 Eggs, fresh . 15 0 Cheese Potatoes. per bush Beeswax Peaches, dried Tildes Veal Skins... Deacon Skins Sheep Pelts.. Tallow -ESTRAY.—Came into my nclos ure Wednesday, March • 22, lee., one Iron Gray Gelding Colt, four Sean old, star in, fate, 14 hands high, weighs about 950 pounds. The owner Is requested to Nolte property, pay charges and take the Horse. W. P. PAYSON. Orwell. March 10, 1882. DISSOLITTION.—Notice is here• brgiven that t..e , partnerstlp heretofore ex isting between the undersigned, Thomas L. &null and William P. Small, under the firm n- me of Thomas Small's Sons. Is dissolved from and 'after the 31st day of December, 1831, William Ir. Smull retiring from said firm. The undere geed, Thom as L. Smut:, is charged with the settlement of the firm business dated March 23d, 1852. - . THOMAS L. SIKPLL. WILLIAM P. MULL.. March 30, 1882-3 w.• NOTICE.—The undersigned here. by give notice of their intention to apply, at a% Court of Common Pleas to be held In and for the County of Bradford on the first Monday_of May next, for a charter of hscorporatlon of "The Stand ing Stone Cemetery. Association," the object of said Association being the maintenance of a public Cemetery, MICRON KINGSbEY, - WHAM VAN NESS, T: J. ROOF. HENRY FISHER, J. J. S RUMENS, F. E. BUSH, JARED HART. THE NORMAN STALLION -7 Will make the season of 11482 at his owner's stable At a test of the qualities of heavy horses, made . In New Yeck City In August, lASI, by request of the Western breeders, before the following named committee, the Norman-Prehch horse fat excelled the Clydesdale or any other large horse on account of feet, action, endurance, ease of! keeping, &c., and bring In the market from •O to 1100. more than the Clyde ; farmers were advised to breed nothing but Normans : Signed—J. H. tiahlman. A: Written, New Fork City ; H. Newman, -S. Richards, Ilrooslyn, N. Y.; P. Berry, J. I). Docker, M. liewgass and Jot. Lamb, Chicago, 111.. " GA3fIiETT A " Is a dapple gray, S. years old, le bands high, and weighs 14t0 pounds, with fine style and ;talon. His colts are In good demand at 'big prices, He Is owned by 3oniar•rnS*._ RAS: E ISTON,MIIan. Pa. FOR SALE -;-Wishing to retire from the retail hostiles.% we offer for sale our stock, fixtures and good-will In the Grocery and Baltery.buslores, next to Ward House. The heal neis Is long established and In prosperous condition Possession glren Immediately. Apply to - D. W. SCOTT di co. Towanda pa., 2mar6ll-tf. S ALESMEN WANTED. Goixl reliable men to act as Agents for the sale ;of my New Grape., and many other New pp,. elaltlea r together with a full line of Nursery Stock. No peddling. Previous xperierice - not essential: Live, active men earn good wages. Sal ary and expenses paid. For terms address, gtring 'ull name, age, previous oceunaticm, and reference. OEO. A. STONE. Nurseryman. Rochester, N. 11,_ XECUTOBS' NOTICE. Let: y i ten testamentary having been granted to the undersigned, under the last will and testament of Elizabeth J. TM:Mum late of 'Pike. township, deceased, all persons indebted to the estate of said decedent a e hereby notified to make immediate payment, and all having claims against said estate most present the same duly authenticated to the undersigned for settlement. WM. T. DAVITS, H. HOWE ICAatb. Ps., tifebB2. • - ELL,ntors. ( BUSINESS LOCAL. D CORSEWS ! MARRIED. PAYING @ 18 01 04 . 20@ 22 12 @ lb CORISECTZD BY U. DAVIDOW 6 $lO OS 64 O 6 75 kil#l IS 30 Oto- 50 # LYX OS 30mar-w3 " G-AMBETTA," In Milan, Bradford Comity. Pa. TERIIB— to Insure mare In foal ; Insur ance money due April 1, 1682. Mllf , Tr3 les SPRING, 1882. CARPETS= POWELL & CO. Would announce that they hive re ' I calved, and have now opea for inspec tion, their SPRING STOCK OF CARPETS. which aside - 41'nel being larger than in former years, compri ses a greater variety of STYLES AND QUALITIES, consisting of Velvets, Body Brussek Tapestry Brussels, Eitra Supers, Supers, Ingrains, Cotton Chains, Hemp, Hall and Stairs. ELEGANT BORDERS To watch VELVET. A$D BRUS- SELS CARPETS, together with a LARGE and CHObE assortment of SMYRNA; VELVET & BRUSSELS RUGS AND MATS. Bordeted and Plain - COIR MATS for - oxtside doors. 11 - Crockery C o p Woileg 99-CENT - Store. OFFERS AT VERY-LOW PRICES A GREAT VARIETY OF- TRUNKS PACKING TRUNKS 24 -to ;10 inches very cheap. BETTER TRUNKS _ IN ALL GRADES. Traveling Bags and Satchels RUBBER BAGS 10 to 22 inches )(lug. Ladies' and Gents' SPLIT LEATHER, Best Quality. Bags and Satchels 10 to 22 inches; cheap. Medium and. best grain LEATHER SATCHELS IN ALL SIZES Several entirely NEW LINES, and at prices that defy competition. ;. CRATE OF Decorated Chamber Sets! Just received. Entirely new patterns, and to be sold at the LOWEST WHOLE- WHOLESALE prices. Job lot of Buckeye Lanterns; Large size only 85c each; oar former price $l.lO And sold by some at $1.2 5. Spring Clothing! A. LARGE STOCK of-NEW STYLES , just received at X, BUSH'S BRIDGE STREET, TOWANDA. HATS et CAPS The BEST and' FRESIIEf3T stock in town at BUSH'S. A FULL LINE OF Gents Furnishing Goods AT IRISH'S. TB (INKS TRAVELING BAGS A large stook of NEW and DESIRA• RLE goods at BUSH'S. I If you want a SUIT of CLOTHES or an g oods in his line at BOTTOM PRIC • - call on J. B. BUSH , Bridge gitvlet. gwands, Pa. Minsarn. ~~~ 16martf.