Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 02, 1882, Image 3
njaifota gtportet Towanda, Pa., March 2, 188 a. .; ESTIMET; IN TUE rOSTOF VICE AT TOWAND AS 3iAIIk_MATTEIt OF THE SECOND CLASS. I:OCAL. AND GENERAL, NEit.ll6xiorss 3lo!sixty was a beautiful- day. iiALPII, Tuesday evening. St:curtn your seats for Widow &cloth. UNTIL Lent is over, weddings are no , fashionable. • .Tnis. is thought a god time to clip grape vines. Sr. PATRICK'S day in the morning will soon be here. Winow 13Enbrr Monday evening next, at Mercur TiiERE aresevcral persous sick of dipli.; Iberia at 'Grover. _ Tits, knowing ones - prediet a good fruit crop nest summer. SynsentnE for the ItErotrrEn - and. get all the. home news. T4RE is nearly twelve hours of day light 'n each day now. SMITH BROTHERS have purchaßed II Eh:lnee's milk route. SEnvlcEs will be held each day during Lent iu Christ Church. • Tut: new bank building at Athens is nearly ready for.uccupaney. Anse STEmnuno - has purchased the Watto Island '7 at this place. E smallpox--scare appears to bc,suU o-uling throughout the country. TENtriznAlicE Meeting' at the M. E Church this (Wednesday) evening. C. L. TILIC' lost a valnable horse Bun day Light. iti'dipd of '' pink-eye." • Mum. lIINGn.6I, the Boy Orator; `at Mercur Ilan; Tuesday evening next. . Mut. BrimEss as "Widow &Ott." ,Mercur Hall, Monday evening,_ March 6. THE peach prognosticating fiend starts ont with the assurance of a fine prospect.. CONsIDERABLE matter prepared for this department is unavoidably crowded out. THE crossing between the Ward House and the Argus building — should be ke paired. . .I,ENtoN juice, -in day, water, taken twice or thrice a day, is said cures rheu matic gout. ANornEn year of peace ro the ward lletan join Vendor and the ground-hog. -LA Pont F. had a thunder shower, a snow storm aniir its Borough el•xtion ou Toes day of last week. . . . , .10sENt A. BET.T. has been appeinted Pnst Master at East Troy, and T. B. Moore at Fassetts. FIVE hundred - feet of new hose has. recently been purchased for the use of the Fire Department. Tun Presbyterian S. elable meets at the residence-ot James Macfarlane, Esq., this (Wednesday) c,enina.: Tun letters of our eorrespondenta at Troy and Sayre. did not reach us in time for insertion this week. TUE Sunday stlbools at Burlington and West -Butlingttiii are reported as in, a very 110 m -billing condition.- ,\s3O United States' Riker cer tificate has been counterfeited and Abe cotinterfeits are - in circulation. . . Tux Canton Sentinel last week enfer ed upon its twelfth year of publication. It never was beau than now. • SA 7F.1. of Loßaysville, has chased Ilahlwin's farm in Pike, and 11 take possession April Ist. I== DIPATITERIA it very prevalent in Owego. There were three deaths from it on one street in that ,village last week. Am. the nrchins'have - taken advantage i)1 the mild weather - and eammeneed s- the spring game of playing, marbles. lookg now as if four persons would he convicted of murder in Susquehanna County at the next term of court. Tim census Of 1889 ranks,. Pennsyl vania third among tobacco rumoring States ; Kentucky first and' Virginia second. Tun Tunkbannock Reptblican, is now printel from new type, which makes that ex-ellent paper much more easily read. FcnnuAnY aas a mouth_of almost un p3ralclled mildness, notwithstanding the grond-hog - predictions to the contrary. Itunort says that thred children of Patiick Barrington, of South Waveily, are now sick -With smallpox, in a mild form, - Tor cditof of tie Argul has found the editorial pencil lost some months since. There were two origitiarCdirofialS laSt ‘‘cek. • 1=!11=1 Cuenca of the Messiah, (I."niiersalist). I:ev. 0. L. - .Aslienfeltee; of Jersey Cit4r, will preach next Sunday, morning and ev ening,. • • THE Cornet Band at Wyalusing. will give it a grand *concert in the Academy Ball, in that village, to-morrow, Friday, CONSTABLES elected on Tuesday of last week, should not fail in 'attending the special term of Court to be held on Mon day next. _ Ttm tanneries of Tioga .County con-_ the bark front thirty-five acres of l - ,and every day, or ten to twelve tlkOusand acres annually. •lNTn•t:s cif the Peace n•ill bear in mind that they must file acceptandes in writing to the. Prothonotary within fifteen days after their election. ' 11=:111 nt' was brisk at the Court Home last Creek. Judge McCollum held court in the Court. Ilooth r and,Judge Morrow in the Grand Jury boom. TEE next Presbyterian Sociable of )T ctuto9 Wilt he held 'at tho house of Mr. .t. M. Gliggs, Tuesday - evening, MArell :tli. All are invited. —E. M. Farrar, of Orwell, gave us a pleasant call on Friday. lie is the man who makes "led*, the nicest " maple sugar of any person in " these partS," T - trF: disease known as typhoid pneumo nia prevails to a considerable extent in and about Owego. *Several deaths Have occurred fromjt within the last few days. • 11E- Lellaysville.Adrerti.te.r nays - that Miss Laura Peek, a li;tle girl of ten years, ;did daughter of Rev. L. Peck. has . just finished piecing a quilt with 1340 p woes iu it. Tim Argus man wants this Deputy Pkiithionotayy put out. Better . try put ting him out yourself, Ashmun, it would be a good excereiso and I - elieve your mind. TiH friends of Rev. A. W. flood of . Athens paid him a donation visit at the thald room on Wednesday - evening of last week, the amount received was.near ly SAYS , tile, AtiltlllS Gaulle of -last week : "There will be a meeting held at the Bch, of Iroti.e at Greene's Landing, on Sat tmlay, March 4th, for the purpose of tak ing up the matter of organizing. a new township from AthenS, Ulster and Smith: Held, Alt iutererted ere requested to be sAliorf ..TswELL and Percy Maxwell of Troy, lost their clothing etc., at-the're• cent burning of the Chester Military Academy *here they,. were - attending school. ROSENFIELD IS now opening his spring stock of clothing. ' It is a very large an tine one, and t he invites the public to call and inspect it. See his new ad in anoth er column. TEIE Post Office Department has ruLd that no advertisement or band-bill shall be allowed to be put on the wall or any where in a room the rent of which is paid by the government. • . • _ cOL. ON:WELTON and N. CI? Elithree Esq:,' propose to put under Cultivation about hundred acres of cranberry marsh, 'sit uated ou the Barclay Mountain,. which they aro the owners of. A RECENV donation for the. Bev. Ales MacGowen, pastor of the Baptist Chnich, Canton, held at . the residence of Burgess Estell, in that. village, netted the •Rev. gentleman the sum of $lOO. ME case of Brady vs. Lock - wood, which has been in our courts for the, past twen ty-one years, was last week brought to trial and resulted in the juryfinding a verdict in favor of the defendant. ' .- Tur, prognostications are that we • are to haye an early spring i at least the meagre amount of frost in the ground will not require many warm days to get it into condition to commence plowing. is rumored that several of the husineSs places of Waverly wiltere long start branch stores in Athens. Better have tue main stores in Athens and the branches in Wa verly, in our judgment. Athens is a grow ing town. RPX. C. 11. Mtricul,t)tof the Reform ed Church, having,ticieTted *a call from DieVton will. preach in the M. E. Church at Pusbore - ou 'Sunday March the 6th, at DI o'clock 'A. 35., and at Over ton at 3, P. 11.-, ITE.xtry SrEau, an . emploic , - in .the bridge sniws ;a, Athens," had both feet badly crushed Saturday, February 18th, by a large piece of iron falling oa them. Fears are entertained that he may lose a portion of both. 1 • , . 1 Dsn of the OWego Divines announced as the subject for his discmirsc the.follow ing : "The best man in Oliego." All of the editors of that place atended, each one feeling impressed that he was the in. dividual referred to.. SPAERIFF DEEGAN, of Sullivan county, last:week, brought back from New*Jer sey, Itemsnyder, who was committed .to jail in that county last summer, on a charge of highway robbery, but made his escape before his trial came on. • Yoe m: Hickey, of Canton, who had his skull fracttuyd and jaw broken by a kick from a horse two weeks since and who did not - regain consciommess until four or five days after timaccident, it is now thought will get well in time. , Um - does - the mythical bear that came out abd looked at the weather on Canille mans resymble a newspaper man ? 'There is a conundrum that .sonic of our contem poraries can wrestle Ac it Thentington Jour4lll. Because he cannot toll a lie. Tut : : revival- meetings of Ihe Waverly Baptist. Church, which juivo been.,held since the " week of . prayer," closed Thursday evening. About fifty have pro fessed conversion. Seventeen' 1144 thus' far been 'received into the chtirch by bap tism. _ IT cost Pittston SS2B ,to pay damages where a man received injuries hy a fall upon a rotten sidewalk. There aro pit falls in Towr ndalready to inflict personal injuries, and it is 'only the town's good fortune that accidents of a similar nature have not occurred.. CC= A. W. WILRON, now a resident of this phiee, - was employed as en,gincer and blacksmith at the oil" well that was . sank between hero and Alba smite years ago, and lie asserts' equivocally that oil was found. Deer.trl drilling - and torpedoes might have produced oil in paying (lan tities.—Canten. Sentinc/. • • THE Wellsboro Ayitiftf.i, says "We understand that 31r. A. 'S.; Turner, of Elmira, has bought all the hemlock tim ber of Messrs. Hoyt Brothers;•in Morris, and Will at once Wild- a large saw mill near Babb's. It is said that' Mr. will Manufacture about twenty Million feet of . timer . annually." • - • - FRANK DATA*, of. Leona, has bun pit ting new maChinery in his carriage shop and fitting' it up in lirst class style. ,Machinery from the shops of the Elmirit Stati, Reformatory has been procurred which will ado largely to the productive )(over of Mr..Dalv's establishment. TIM Dirnoelr correspondent of the Montrose fiepnbrican, writing tinder date of Feb. 20th, says : "Oliver Cage of Standing Stoue. left this place on '.'nnday last, rather inysteriowdy, without the knowledge of any one.. lie -laid some money, and it isTeared hr, has been foully dealt with." , . I=l Dunrxn , Lmt (until Holy ;Week,) ser vices will be held at thirkst Church as follows ; Sundays, (except! the Jirst Sun day of the Inonths,lo4 commindon at 9.a. nr.; other services as usual ; Mon days, TueSdayg, Thursddys and Sittur days, evening prayer at 4', , Wed, nesdays, Matim., and Lenten , 13,eading at 11 a. M., .. THERE is much excitement, and kpros- I pect of considerable 'trouble over the re- 1 suit of the recent -election in south • Tlra-:, wily. The bridge party elected their en-1 tire ticket by, fourteen majority.. It• is ; now unllettooll that warrants, have been itsued, and nine of those Who voted in fa-11 vor of the bridge will be arrested for ille gal toting._ - ON a clear evening - during this month the heavens present their most Magnificent display. Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, and Ven us, are visible, while in the soutlkern part the Might star Sirius. the grand constel lation Orion, the Hyades and Pleiades are all on a line westward ; in the north the POlar star with .the brilliant constella thins add toile lustre of the vie A'. ' Tun Literary Society of. the Graded School elected the following_ officers for the ensuing term- On Monday evening : Pro'llident—Martin l;ennis. President-11;*rxy L. Burns, - Ttary—lienj. Knykendall Ti•easurer;--Guy The society meets 'Monday. evenings Tun Waverly correspondent of the El mira Aderribter sent that paper the. fol loiving under date of Saturday. last : "It is reported that Miss Place died quite suddenly at•her residence near this place, Wednesday:* It waz, her I birthday, and ar rangenioniS 11 - ad:been made for- an exteti sive social orcasion•at her residence that night.. Miss Place moved from ,Tovranda about a year ago.'' " • I=l=l THE matinee, yesterday, • was very largely attended, and at night the opera house was crowded,-not even standing room after the curtain rose. At both en teitaititoetes he audience *as delighted I )eyond measure. Neil Burgess arid his compauy will be sure lo halt at Toledo on their return from-the Pacific coast, and a royal reception wilt await them.— TOM'', Commercial,- May 2,1 e. . 10:211 Two barns arid a tool. house on, the premises of Bacon, Delmar town Ship, Tioga county, were destroyed by fire on the 17th. About 10 tons of bay, 50 bush els of buchwheat, a ton of feed and. a lot of implements were burned in the build ings. Mr. ;Bacon estimates his loss at $2,000, upon which there v; - Urinitssurance of $1,300. The tire is helieVedJo have been accidental. ONE of the largest' audiences ever as-_ rambled in 111ercur Fall, was that of Moo ney evening, to, witness the production by Gorman Church Choir - Company, of Gilbert and Sullivan's ,u.l'atieuce." In our judgment the piece is:. pot equal to Pinafore, yet it is nevertheless ;miming, and contaitis-many sharp hits nt the as. ! thetic lunacy. - Although the solo singing was not remarkable, the cliornsel: -were _excellent, and 'the acting, for "church_ choirists, ' very good. We -believe the audience, an a whole, were -pleased with the entertainment. 13amai s we psibliithed brier titre:at Isom an editorial In- the Ttufkhannock Worker, the editor thereof says we have beetilaboring undara avert) attack of o damphoolkihncas.' " We acknewlddite the own. ; and had we printed the whole article lima which tbe' extract Was taken.. we doubt our , readers would., be at q* present time clamoring tor:our in =Oration in an insane asylum. A. O. Etenniels building , several new toruses in Athens.--111rournu. Correct,- exception': Al• cis building no new houses In Athens, although 'he couldn't do better with Lis heaps of mo ney. Seth Elsbree, one of our most ener getic boys, has built four new houses. and has bought a lot on We‘t. Bridge street.• and will build three more this spnrig. Such men are worth something to a town.—Athens Gazette. • JOHNNY WATKINS, a littla son of Clar ence Watkins, of ercone's Landing, came near being seriously injured on Thursday last, says the Athens Unzettc of Saturday. Ile was with his graudfather'in the wood yard and by some moans a polo rolled from the pile and kwucg around striking the boy knocking him down and bruising his face severely. Fortunately he fell in a depression which preiented • the. stick from crushing out his life. • . TliE next lecture in. the Institute course will be given by Prof. E. C. Eldridge . . of Elmira.' His theme be Art. Long study on this subject in this country and Europe especially 'fit him . for . :its discus: sion. Competent judges have pronounc ed h;s addresses very.. fine.. We trust a large audience will 'greet him. The lec ture will be on Monday evening -Mar& 6th, at 7:36-,p. in.; • -The lecture like others of the kind will be fine.' AN infant eltild of. Peter. Welch, cif south Wavorly,'died of small pox Tues• day afternoon, and was-buried that night. Mrs. Welch. the mother of the child, is dangerously ill of the dread disease laud recovery is very doubtfirli. Tho are in poor circumstances but the _wittier'. ties have secured two nurses for them - and render them all necessary assistarice The three children of Patrick Barringam who have been ill of the disease, are doing well. S. N. HAVENS, editor of the Plostsbiirg .Regiiiter,. narrowly escaped .a journey beyond, the riser," one day last week. The Wellsboro Agitator gives the follow ing pattietilrs; Not . feeling well, he Went to the drill; store'of Dr. Ingham and called for someinedicine. It 'was put-up acccordingly and laid on the counter. On leaving', be piCked up the wrong package, carried it home and took a dose, and,. but for the timely ' aid of a physician,. Mr. Havens would .:probably have "passed in his checks.P TM:RE hasheretofore existed a preju dice against "snow ice" in favor of char ice, which would seem from a test report ed by an exchange to - be not very well founded. It says that two cakes of equal size, one of "snow ice" and the other of clear ice, were "placed in a tank of Water to dissolve. The cake of snow ice lasted three hours longer than the cake-of clear ice. Prim that test it would look as though ice harvesters.bad been rejecting as worthless that which;is really the most Br -special request, Ralph Bingham, the Boy Orator, will visit this place again: oti Tuesday - evening next, March 7th. Mcicur Hall has been secured for the en .tertainment, and no doubt will be well, tilled. The progriumne of readings and' recitations to entirely different to m that ;reudercd - by Master Ralph on his previons visit here.. The price of admis sion,will be )5 cents,—no _extra charge for- reserved seats. Children under 12 years of age 2 cents. Tickets for sale at Kirby's. SAYS the LeßayOille Aiivertimr of last week : "John roster, an employe of Jas. Marsh, While rolling logs on Saturday last, accidentally let the log roll on his leg,. and in which position be was unable to - extricate himself. ; He yelled to the • full capacitytof. his ivoice when Miss Hattie Marsh citric} to his res cue, and rele:ised him from his uncom fortable position. Mr. Foster got terribly Squeezed, (by the log we-mean) and we are glad to say that be is, able to hobble about. . ; : I= Or Wednesday evening of last week ex-Sheriff VanFleo, P. ,Keeney, Esq., and GeorgeTairehild, escorted Mrs. Su san Mann, William Brown, Sherman Bradley, and Judson MeCarrick, to Cher ry -Bill, near Philatlell.hia. The last named four, will be guests of the Eastern Penitentiary for a number •Of months' in the -future. Mrs. Mann for four years and one month ; Mr. Brown, one year and three mouths ; Mr. Bradley two years and six months, and Mr. MeCarriek two years and one month. • arousing, says the Eimira Adrerif aer, to watch a mail when he is about to wot k off a punched coin with a hole filled with tin foil. tie takes it front the handy place where he reccutly.deposited it and throws it down, while his eyes wander far off in another clirecti:if. The surprise depicted on his countenance when the'de feet is pointed out is Inlaid to witness. He 'wonders where he grit it and fumbles around for -another' which ; goes a scrutiny quite la contrast with his former sang froid r -- I SATURDAY, the 18th inst., was a day, prolific in accidents for the Aii,waga gri cultural Works at Owego, as three of its employes were injured w:that day ; Frederick B. Gould,. had his right hand caught in a belt. The forefitiget of his hand was Awoken and the - thash of the second finger was crushed. Earl Fergu son cut a deep gash, thiee and one-half lincliss long, in his wrist with - a knife, (with' which he was whittling a stick. Frederick Vali, Gordor, . Lail bis ,- hand, caught in the Machinery and Injured, M=:=l THE Grand Army Boys of this: place, commemorated Washington's Birthday, by "lighting a campfire" at Military hall on . Wednesday evening of last week: Capt.' Wilt presided and..comrade Albert delivered an address apptopriato to the occasion. lie was followed by Senator Davies and Col.. 11. li. McKean. The familiar camp-lire . ; . song "Beans," was sung and then beans, hard . .tackand cof fee were served. The occasion was a very pleasant-one- to all present. , Com rade Albert's address has been solicited for publication. - . •-•419.1. Sor rn alts' G HAVE STON ES. —The United States "movernment now prepared to'. furnish neat marble gtave Stones, free of charge, for all soldiers of the late War who died prior to .14:eb. 3, 1876, and Whose graves are not •already marked. -The Moms of all such Whose graves arc focat-,. .-ed at Towanda or surrounding townships ,should be sent to Capt. Geo. V. Myer of this place immediattly,with the following information Soldier's fa name, age when 4i lied or 'd ied;; ti ate of death, rn n company and regiment, name and loca tion of cemetery in Ivbich. buried. • ; -.130.•-.- • Tug return of .Widow Bedott to this house is one of the events of the season. in the impersonation, Mr. Neil' Burgess certainly luau no equal. The sallies of aighter which nearly'• every moment break from the audience at the expres. Rion of featureb, or - of speech by the Wi dow, fully attest the great pleasurt, , af forded by the performance. Mr. Burgess. is supported by his own company:. Mr. Sttiedart deserves a goodly share of .hon. Or for his artistic impersonation. ; 43osion Poit, December 1:1st. Will appear at liter cur .flall, _Monday evening, /Watch. 6th. :Tickets may be hasp and seats reserVid. at -•1101.- Tar: dwelling house of 0.1. Squires, of Pike, was destroyed by fire on Friday night, the 17th. It is supposed to have' caught from a spark of fire snapping from the stove into some shavings which were in front of the stove. The Leßaysville Adrelliser says' Mr. Squires was away from hoine at the time, and , Mrs. Squires dud the children slept up Stairs. They were awakened by suffocation , from the 'smoke laud Mrs. Squires,' who 'is always thouglitful, at once tied a . sheet to the children and . let them down from the chamber window, and - she slid down a plank which was placed there by Barbara Garris; the, hired girl—thus escaped without injury. Nearly .i 1 of the household goods were -destroyed, and the-loss largely exceeds the insurance.. _ s • Timm, were very . in4renting and en-: tertaining services at the traded School house, In this place, on Wednesday or Jost week, ttuAt were Ilotolied to bj !Arils and '"=The ' :services -*re . in-,inertwer-rk Am and Longfellow, and werohn dinlbe high achoOl - room, whlels-wae*PPrePriett" lj and tastefully deobrated for the mow. ion; , :The programme: was somenbst lengthy but >WCI , sustained' throughout' Bev. 1)i, Ta3lor, didivered au 'address in thenilerneon MaLongfellow. In `rich: nem of thought ; in beauty of nerd paint ing, andilinish. in illustration, it was one of the Ileverened gentleman's beet eff orts, and was listened to with that close, attention, by both adults Nand _children, from beginning to editing,.: that ;0017 de notes interest in an understanding of a speateri words. - - A fiumrvAir county correspondent of thequnkhannock IfepuNican mites thus about the country in the vicinity of where the "Wyoming Oil Well," 1s being bored : "Theportion of Collet township not "the MOuntidn," lies idong theLppey waters of Mehoopany creek. t in cludes a part of "Sciota Hollow," bleb If being made famous by , the (fit well recently- -,On one side of &iota is conical hill known as "Round Top" on the other side is the -narrow. but high rito, known as the "Tyler. Moun tain." ' This mountain was once covered with magnificent white pines and was the paradise of the shingle makers;_ for the, owner of the land lived abroad and col lected no'rent. Those who love 'a fine prospect should visit this mountain on a fine day. From its northern brow. it ap pears as if all northern Pennsylvania and a part of York State were visible Ai interminable vista of hills and "wood and waters and the abodes of men," are spread'ent before the spectator. The eye is delighted and bewildered by the vast panorama. The Tyler divides Sciota from Coney Corners, which is the busi ness centre of the township and the - place where elections aro held." PERSONAL. • —Ma. Henry 'Walbridge is quite ill. it. 8. Thurber is ill with rheumatism. —Sheriff Horton is still confined to his room. —Miss May Adams is visiting friends n Rochester. —Ed. Walker has returned from his trip to Tennessee. —Mrs. 74. 3. Long is visiting in Water bum Connecticut. —Mrs. P. L. Hinman died in Elmira, Tuesday morning last. —Miss Ida Blood, of Athens, is visiting friends in Albany N. Y., Delos Rockwell, of Troy, is vis iting at W. A. Chamberlin's: • • . Heaverly has taken a position in the Citizene National Bank. • —LH. N. Allan, of this office, has been quite ill for several days past.: L Clarence Hunt of Orwell, who haubeen dangerously ill'of late is, conval escent. -Lix-Sheriff Van Fleet is assisting in the ;Sheriff'w °nice during the illness of Sheriff Horton. I r —Mrs. Henry Carpenter, :of ..AtheaS, who has been ill for three :months past, is coOvalescing. —There is no truth in the reported ill ness of Mr. H. A. Packer, at 'his winter borne in Florida. • —Rev. C. LI. Wright, of the M. E. Church, has been a sufferer for some little time past from'astbma. —William Phelps, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Smithfield township, died on Saturday night last, of pneumonia. This is the-third- death in the family since January 'loth' from the same :disease. • • 1 —C. E. Terry, Esq., of the Tunkhan nook Denaoorat, was one of the pleasant callus .at our sanctum on Monday last. He is* genial, suushinny companion, and swings the quill on one of the neatest printed and best edited county papers in the State. ? Come in again. • bad the - pleasure. of meeting Lieut. Califf, successor to Lieut. Adams, Quartermaster of the Regiment stationed at Tampa. Ile arrived - on the Matchless Saturday in company with Lieut. Adams on a tour of inspection ; also to relieve Lieutenant Adams. They both left here Thursday for Dry. Tortugas ; on their return Lieut.; -Adams will take the first steamer for Plattsburg N.Y., the 'scene of his new duties. During the five, roars that Lieut. Adams, has been sta tioned on this coast he has won a host of friends who sincerely regret his departure, but as duty calls him away, we know no man whom we would be better pleased to see occupy his position than Lieut. Califf who is a most worthy successor to a tried and trusty man.—Key Wiest .Mmocrat =I KILLED BY THE CARS. ' Tluimas Whitney, a resident of this ace, employed on the State Line atd ullivan Railroad as brakeman, met with an accident'-on Saturday morning - last that resulted in his death. Just before reaching the summit this side of Dushore, Mr. Whitney attemptedlo set a brake on a-car, when the chain broke and bo fell to the ground, striking against the bank along the track, and rolling under the ears, a wheel cutting one of hie legs off near the thigh. He was not seen to fall by any one, and was not missed until the train arrived" at New Albany; station, when Conductor Lull telegraphed the facts to the agent at Dushore, Mr. Blair, who immediately 'started in search of the missing man. The injured man was found by Mr. Blair in the wagon road,. Where he crawled from the track after be ing hurt, but it was an hour or more of--. ter he was injured, and ho was nearly ex hausted from loss of blood. • He was at once removed to a hotel at Dushore, and his parents who reside in this place imme diately hastened to him, Superintendent Blight kindly furniShing them a special train. Everything . possible was done for his relief, -but ho gradually declined until about one ,o'clock, Sunday morning, when he was mercifidly relieved by death be fore I.:action from paralysis' to the system had taken 'place, so that be suffered no pain, while his mental facilities were clear and" keen. He never lost his conscious ness and explained the cause of the acci dent as above. The remains were brought to this place on Sunday morning by spe cial train, and interred in the Wysox Conetery on Monday afternoon. The de ceased' was the only child of Mr. and Mr 4. L. E. Whitney, who reside corner of Lo cust avenue and Cherry street. He is spoken of by those who knew him well, as having been a dutiful son, and an ex emplary young man. AT a regular meeting of Columbia Grange' bold Feb. 22d, 1889,. the following Resolution were adopted : ~..,Whereas death has 'invaded our ranks and removed. one of our most highly es teemed and useful Brothers and whereas we as a Grange desire to place on record some token of our regard for the de-ceas ed Brother. Rerolved, Thit in tire death rit. our Brother, Dimmer Lilley, Who departed this life on the 18th of February,, we' re alize that Columbia Grange has 'suffered an irreparable loss and 'that one who ad ded so largely to the enjoyment and profit of our Meetings has been called from his sphere of usefulness here, to the reward which the Groat Master .above bestows upon those who faithfully discharge theii duties in this life. Ilesolved - --, That while we rdourn our deceased BrOther, our sorrows are allevi ated by our faith that our loss is , his ines time ble gain, that having" performed Ids labors faithfully, he is now permitted to enjoy that hliSsfuluess which his active Christian life Prepared for. R%ftotnetf, That we can best show our veneration forfour Brother's memory by striving to emulate his many virtues and by a close devotion to their - precepts of our order which Were exemplified in his daily walk and wer4 so dear to his heart. Resolved, hat as a Grange we tender to the bereaved widow and children our heartfelt condolence in this time of their great sorrows and . affliction and point them for consolation to the only sure re. fuge of tbo afflicted, Him who bath &Aid that be doth not willingly afflict or grieve the children of men. _ Resolved, That the "amity of our deceas ed Brother shall ever bo objects of our deepest solicitude and we commit them to him who tempers, the wind to the shorn lamb. Resolved, That as a mark of respect the Charter of this Gr.inge be draped; in mourning and members wear their mourn ing badges during sessions , for . thirty `days rind those resolutions spread. on the the minutes and published in the .liur IPlndmon and countiApers. C.E. OtAtilillioj 00111 c. jr-B. The Sidewalk Backbit, and - -Dance 'Will hitid.inthOilinsiatenr rni Friday - evening :Mardi 11d. All ` ate eonlially invited, to attend. -DAD ACCIDENT.I , . .. Ou Saturday morning laak In- Burley Chilson was agitating - his , father, Hiram Chilsok4.Awho lives on 'the iLas just- le. . tb ß il low the. Nail Worts—lw operating a - rir straw and stalk cutter, his - hand caught between We feed rollers of a chine and the band and a portion o t q forearm wXs:drawn .beneath. ; the knives and cut intolunallideces before the ma. chine could be stopped. ' Dr. Pratt was called and at once dressed the wound , , the, young =an is doing as well as ~ ld be, expected. Young Chilson is a.," t twenty years of age, and a very industri= ens anti exemplary young. roan. A wide circle of friends will regret to bear that he has met with so serious an accident. C. L* 8;C. e The next Meeting of the C. L... 8 ., C. will be held at the residence of Mrs. d. Hitchcock on Pine - Street, Friday, March 84, at p. The work of the evening wllbo a review of the first two chapters of Mackenzia's "XIX Century ;" also the questions and answenfon "XIX Cen tury," from No. 1 to No. 25, inclusive, contained in March number of Cbautau quail. Essays will be read as usual. All who are interested in - the work of the C. L. S. C. are cordially invited to attemd. • Mackenlita "XIX Century" Seaside Library Edition can be found at Whit combs book store. MONROETON. L. M. Hall, Esq., of Towanda, lectured here on Wednesday evening last, on The French 'Revolution." The lecture, though delivered ; in the midst of pressing de mands of business, revealed--a -tborough investigation of the subject; diserimina. tino insight into the character of the act ors ; and a right view of the orig, rela tions, and results of the revoluti . The speaker entered into the spirit of his subject which is full of solemnity. Re is a young man of great promise. Aside • from his intellectual ability and training,-. he has an extellent voice, alluent slow of choice language, earnestness o f spirit, and a pleasing Lidress. Thia wan the last lecture of the course. The table of our intellectual feasti which -were well provided for at the w*mence went by Dr. Stewart, continued to be supplied with:every - *ariety•of provisions in rich abundance to the last. As a corn: mitten, we sincerely wish to return our warmest thanks to all the speakers for their promptness and liberality. And we wish them God speed in their woid. loex Er.wxr. COURT PROCEEDINGS CONTINUED WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 22. 1182. Peter Brady 'vs. E. Lockwood, -et • al— Ejectmeni. Verdict for defendants. Br-a. sone tiled for a new trial. Batt Golden vs. L. S. Oates—Appeal. Evans Maynard for plaintiff ; Peck & Overton for, defendant. Verdict for de fendant. Reasons filed fora new trial. David Wainer vs. Charles Coykendall, et al—Capiaa; Evans & Maynard and Rodney A. ,Mercer, Esq., for plaintiff; Peck & Overton and Arthur 'Read, Esq., for defendants. Verdict for . plaintiff of $25. Reasons tiled for a new '_ ,Richard Bustin vs. W. F. S qu i rt * e t a l —.Seim•facing. S. N. Calif and ill. C. Elsbree, Ems., for plaintiff ;.H. J. Madill. Esq., for defendant.- Verdict _ for plaintiff of $111.75. Wright Dunham vs. Elsw orth , Gabon), et al—Trespass. Case:_settled. B. W. Lane vs. J. J. Griffith, et al-- scire facies. Rodney A. Mercur, Esq., for plaintiff; James Mod and James T. Hale, F.aqs., for defendanti. Verdict for plaintiff of $1,250.48. - Citizens' National Bank of Towanda vs. A. Conklin—Assumuilit. Peck &" Overton for. plaintiff ; Gridley & rone and Ova rton & Sanderson for defendant. Verdict for_ plaintiff of $164.92. The First National Bank of. Towanda Vs. A. Conklin—Assumpsit. L. M. Hall and Rodney A. Mercor,'Esqs.,, for plain tiff ; Gr:dley & Payne and Overton & San derson,jor defendant., Verdic for de fendant.. Pearson & Company. vs. Atwood Jab way7-Appeal. New trial refused. bray & Stern vs. M. Hendleman—Debt. Rule gmnted.for a new trial. In re the alleged lunacy of Watson Tripp. The jury find him a lunatic with out lucid intervals. W. Russell ap pointed Committee. - Wesleyan Church vs: Samuel Powell, et al—New trial refused. Wheelock vs. A. Williston's Administratef. E. D.' Buffington, Eaq., appointed an Auditor to - distribute the fund. 11. D. Ingham vs— Cyrus, Avery—Rule for a re-hearing refused. Hiram L. Scott vs. Mary Le: Scott—Case referred to L. Elsbree, Esq. - , Master and Examiner in Divorce._ •`= Luther K. Comstock vs. dary H. Com stock-L-Divorce granted. Myron _Armstrong vs.. Dolly Armstrong —Court direct subwerut in divorce to be issued. The following Sheriff's Deeds were ac knowledged Saturday, February 20th, 1882 : TO John J. Webb, for horse and lot in North Towanda. Sold February 10;1882, as the property of Michael Dermody. $2OO. To John J. Webb, fOrlot in North To wanda. Sold February 10, 1882, as the property of Patrick Ryan. $2O. To Mahlon C. Geronld, for house and lot in Towanda Borough.. Sold February 10, 1882, as the property of. J. M. Mitch ell. $l,llO. To Citizens' National Bank of Towan da, for house and lot and coal yard; also anoti.^.• house and lot all in Towanda _Bore Sold February 10, 1882,as the property of James Phinney. $1,610. To Henry Streeter, for house and lot in ToWanda Borough. s&d February 2, 1882, as the property of James -H. and C. M. Phinney. $3,050. To N. H. Cowles, for house and lot, in Towanda Borough. Sold February 10, 1882, as the property of D.. V. Stedge. $l,OOO. • To Morgan & bloody's Administrators, for two lots in East Towanda. Sold Feb ruary 10, 1882, as the property of John S. and Margaret Kennedy. $125. • - To Ella .T. Herrick, for lot of land in Athens Borouqh. Sold February 10, 1882, as the property of Edward Herrick. $lOO. To E. T. Fox,. Administrator; and . N. C. Elsbree, for a farm in Standing Stone township. Sold February 10, 1882,• as the propertyof S. T. and Sarah E. Bish op. To E:-Overton, Jr.; for 'oriel lot in New Albany Borough. Sold February 10, 1882, as the property of Thomas A. McCraney. $l5O. ,To.f. M. Pike and C.. M. Can fi eld, for one lot in Athens township. Sold Febru ary-10, 1882, as the property of Abram Hunsicker. $1,200. To Mary T. Longt, for three lots. in Troy Borough and township. Sold Feb ruary 10, 1882, as' the property of Fred 1.0111:. $10,680. To William T. Davies, - for house and lot in Towanda Borough. Sold February 10. 1882, as the property of C. C. Wood. $116.50. . To Edith C. Bullock, for two lots in Springfield township. Sold February 2, 1882, as the property of W. A. Bullock and J. F. Bullock,. Administrator. $BO. To. Denton G. Lindley, for one 'lot in Canton township. Sold February 10, 1882, as the property of David and Solo- moo Lindley. $7O. To Edward Overton, for one lot in New Albany Borough.' Sold February 10, 1882, as the property of P. W. McDon nell. $lO. To Jesse Sumner, for 112 acres of laud in Smithfield township. Sold February 2, 1882, as the property of John Bird. $650. To Morgan and Moody's Administra tors, for twtylots in East Towanda. Sold February 10. 1882, as the propertY of J. P. Cummiskey: $75. • ' To Ildward Elmer, for one lot in&Oath 'Waverly Borough. Sold February 10, 1882„is the property of C. W. Farley. To George C. Atwood, for one lot in Wilmot township.. Bold February 10, 1882, as the property of N. P. Frutchey. $80,50. To 8. F. Robinson, for ono lot in bury township. Sold February 10, 1889, as the property of Milton R. Cooper. $lOO. To Isaac N. -31essInge, for oho lot is Leßoy, Township. " Sold . February 10, 1882, as the property of Edward Folk. $lO. To James Foster, for one acre of laud in Towanda 14ironglu- , Sold December 1, 1881, as ; the property of fiftitoom Harnett. • to,atotiri-Mildwilir for Sad tit IA Booth Watit Boreuittu - floki no* "miter l,' 1884 Irpetl§l: .;d To Prowls A. i )linuk i,_l for 42 - mos or bat to Orwell towtatip. SW or Doom. bit 1 1 as-P/0 Mtie,tp. BOROUGH Azip Towmanp °MIL:IM OttMin elected. in the several Township", Boroughs and Electiis atria: hi, Bradford eetanty,st. the election Wild retortion' 2114 IMA letfollovie. to ' ' •; - - Judged lUdon—WS Dunned. Inspectors-1i W littendelk . C. Domed. School Direetent—J D Becker. r. Seaford. &Wee of the Peace —Walter Bair& Oundable—Alakatta ankh, _ • • Road Conuriesskoner—ndelho Ilkddle. • - Amman—SP Van Bide. - • :..Auditor'—B CI (overt... • 'hemmer-6 L Coved. Town Clerk--O le Coved. ' • *imam • . Judge of Eleetkru—Dwight Kethun. bupeetorw-0 A Gilbert, [ ion School Directon—F N Dtwors, That- Kluffder• Ounstalde—Matike Mks. • . Road tkinuniaddrier—K II De Long. Assamor - --B e• Chinon. Auditor—Rtissel Miller. Treasurer—ll L Haight. Town Clerk,Meary Westbrook. . /MUMS SOBOLTiII—CATIITi2B AT LAIRGT. Assenacw---F A Allen. ' • • ' Cotistable—Charles Fitzgerald. High Constable—lD F Jones. Audttont—F L Khmer, for 3 years; Lee ;dank 2 years; F M Writes, I year. Justice of the ,Peace—Jolni s Williston. • School Disoctors—Charies Kellogg, fora years F. T—Page, 3 years- H F Maynard, 2 years. Burgess---A.A. Prince. pa - Borough C fibilmt, St Meath. Geo. Wail, Di P Murray,- Mirk Thmpson, F A Gillett. - . Overseen of the Puor—F T Page, HF Park. ATRENA BOZOCGR, WARD OFIFICIRRIF4DOff "WARD. "Judge of Election—F A Allen. - litspeeton-A, W Clapp, Geo. Meniek. " • -.: - ATHERA 'DOROICOTP-4VDORD WARD. Judge of Election-0 W: Tripp,. --'• Inspectors--J E Merritt,- H F Maynard.: • , : arinna vowniiiir—ornczals AT LARG R. • As S Morley. - -: I Auditor—Robert M Hovey. . : - School Directors—N V Weller, AsabelSnapp, 611-mrph H Harris. to All vacancy). Road CAmunimioners—Thomas Paul,. -W - K . Green. , Constable—lo Pratt. - Treasutrr—Neeley, Khmer. ': - Town Clerk—N F Walker. . Justice of the Peace—Geo. Campbell Township Trustee in Academy, ete—Manson El. sbroe.' , DIRTItIeT ornent. to—Durnuer O. I Judgo of Election-41w Pfister. Inspectors—John Morley, Frank Lincoln. District Amessor—Srthur L • oarrnicr O. 2. Judge of EttliotionTolut Dailey; Inspectors—hell W McElwain, T District A ssessor —teßoy Thomas. •Randall marmer So. 3. Judge of Election—B F Coon:lough. Inspectors—ll r McKinney, John DoswOrth. District Assessor—ll W Thome. ALBANY TOWNIIIIP. • Judge of Election—B U Richards. Inspectors--Wm E Vandyke, 'Geo W English School Direetore—C A Brown, J T fleeted. Constable—John M Jones. .. -Road ConAlsaioner—il li Vanloon. - . ! Amessor-James Terry. .. - - ,:- 'l . l Auditor—E A Benlamln. - Treasurer—J T Ilested. Town Clerk—C A Spear. : 1 .• ALMA 30101.7011. . • '4 Judge of Electiotf—Geo D Evans. i • luspectont—D Al Reynolds, C 8 Nilson. School Directors Goff, Chas Crandall. Coluttahle—J fi Reynolds. Assawor—Chas. D. Crandall. Auditor—Goo. Dewey and Xll. Packard each receiving the Name number of votes. linnzelo-0 Morilipmery. Connellmen--Geo W Quinan t C e Hookerl Janie„ II Fellow/I,M I.Pnekard,Williani Reynolds: I= Judge of Elekion—C B Wheeler.. Inspectors-21 0 Burnes, Omeara Nichols. School Directors—P P. Burnes, W P Lnne Constable-0 S Travis. Road Commissioner—D S: Lenox. . , Assessor—lf H Allen. - Auditor- 7 B K Gusain. Treasurer—R S Lime. Town Clerk—A Melville. nunt.tsaTos WEST. Judge of Election—W D Damage. Inspectorm—D Ballard. Isaac Perry. School Directors-OW Rockwell, James Darrow. Justice of the Peace,—Arthur B McKean, Cou.statill A Phillips. Road Commissioner—l 3 L Rockwell, Assessor—C T Swain. Auditor—John Blackwell. Treasurer—l J McKean. • Town Clerk—Homer Rockwell, nuttuscrrost nouortin.: Judgiof Election—Harman Kingsley. Inspectors —I n Warner; 14 L Nich ols. School Directors—ft Murdoch, S MDickerman, COristable—W M Lake. Assessor—J It Me'echy, Auditor—CA Ford. • • Rurgess—Job Morley. Councilmen .M Clark, Geo. Esnenwine, Milton }Lundell,. J Hill, , Luraan Parkhurst., William S Wright. BARCLAY. Judge Of Election--Oco. hapecitors—Wm. Dayton, Louis Thtiniton. • School Directors—Martin Lynch, Michael Cos. Jeremiah_ O'Keefe. • Constable-Patrick Tinitiney. ,Bond Commiationer—Timothy Megindrew. ;A4sessor—John Carroll, , William V Duggan, each receiving RC votes. • 'Treasurer--a W Blake;ley. Town ('clerk—Win. J Nancy. CANTON TOWNNUIP, T Judge of Election—A It Rumen. Inspeettirs,-F.r.nt Wiliiams, R M Foster. ' School Direetom—C B Taylor, ER Ilickodk Constable—Alfrett Smith. • Road Commissioner—Shadraela Anacmcw—lienry Matson. . Auditor—Charles Warren. Treamurer;—R G Brown. Town tleik—J NReartialey. I . CANTON BOROVGII. Judge of Election-F: IL Warriner. Inspectors-4. 1 W !topper, 0 tirktekett. . School Direetors—F A Owen, W R Lewis. .Inetiee of the Peace—John Meredith. Constable—lt 'Manley. High COARiabie—E O'Donald. AssemsorW W Smith. Auditor--O F Krlae. Trotsurer--C.IK bulloek. • Town Clerk-3 3liiitlitehell. Councilmen—ioh Wan Dyke, n B Parson:l.J V Stone, A D W 00014, F A Owcn. COLrYBIA. - Judge of Electionl-W P Wilson. • liavectom—Frank Soper; J . ohn Bowen. School Directors—Lewis Mow -Horace Wolfe. Road Commissioner—Abe Buchanan, Assessor—John Morgan. Constable : StephenWilson. Auditor—Lewis . Soper and G L Gates, each re- - ceiving 97 votes. • Treasurer—W. W. Young. Town Clerk—ll. L. Bbidsi. • FBANKLIN. • Judge of Eleetion—J L Roof. Inspector—Asa Stevens, A B Crandall. 'ScheoLDlrectors—Peter Coranton, -D John son. • • Justice of the Pence—Perry 0. Dodge. . Constable—T F Jennings. • Road CommLssionerS. , Williams, E H Cra ton. • Assessor7—Nelsozi Gilbert. Auditor—C li Smith. Trensurer—lra Varney. Town Clerk—Zero!' Rockwell. OItAIMILLZ. ' • . Judge of Election—Wm. Vrinnan. inspectors—F 0 Miller, Patrick Many. School Directors—A Saxton, A M Titus Conttahle—W S Packard. Road Commissioner-1i li Paster. fAlismoor—ilenry W Jennings. • A uditor—SylvesteePutnam: ' Treasurer—S M Manley. - Town Clerk—PredttayleS. EEM3MI Judge of Election:4l;6am). Inspectors—M A Overpeck, George Blocher. School Directors—John S Angle, ti 8 Overpack. Road tOmmissioner-Rhel Fuller. Justices of the Pmee---W A Wetmore, John Mc- Pherson. Constable -L-D A Hillis. Assessor—G W Elliott. • - • • Auditor-41mm Foyle. Treasurer—J J Anderson. Town W Durand. LircriPlELD. Judge of Election*-I.t Crum end Elijah Mann, • each receiving Si votes. ' Inspectors—W C 'Merrill, Win. Wright. Con4ahle—W Ili Caroler.C School Directors-3P. Qu'upbell. P 3 HadloCk, A E C'atliti. Hadlock and Catlin each reorivir 95 votes. Itond et miminotioner-0 P Wolcott. Assessor-3 P Struble. t - A flitor--Cluirlert Vanduzer. • . Treasurero. C Evenison. - • 1 . '' TowrfClerk-71.evi 3torse. - . . LEROY. Judge of Election-=.l I) Ke lley Inspectors—Person Bailey, L 1) Hobert. School Directors—E W Wilcox, CT Morse. - Constable-1. A Wooster. Howl CommisStoner—ll W Assessor-EM McCmney. Auditor-3 V Ulm. • . Tressurer.-11M Holcomb.. Town Clerk—J N Holcomb. ' ILAVISVILLIC 8080. Judge Of Election-11 0 ( a dding. Inspectors-8D Wlll4llllll . ,Gelloy Coleman. School Directors-41 N. Johnson, C-S [haven b J rry. ustice of the Peace—L L Bosworth. Constable-4 M Benham. . Iligh Constable—HS Taylor. • , Assessor—Geo. W Auditor—Cleo. W Brink. Councilmen --James II Johnson, 0. o.Canflidd, 0 H Little; • sicurriog lowaidoe. Judge of Election—timinci Irvine. . Inspectors-0K Benedict, P P Bull. Sehixil Direetora—T L Vantiorder, Irvine. Coustablb-4 Griggs. Howl Cornmiesioner—C N 1 •1 Anse:woe—Charles Scott. • 1 1 . Auditor—Geo. "Irvine. Tresieurer—W Scott. " t • Town-Clerk--E W Stevens. xcuotor, noaovau, • • Judge of Election—ll C Tracey. Inspiwtera—Charles Smith, William B Holton, School Directors—l. I. Lyon; 0 H Rockwell. Constable—John Dougherty. High Constable—U J Chuhinnic. ' Assemor--II H Ingham. Auditor—E B Young.' . . itorgrs4—E 1. Fowler. •. • Councilmen-11 J Sweet, F L J H Sum mers, 0 F 3liugoa, Jaime, Dunftv, u L hfcClure. NEW ALIL% BOW. Judge. cif neelkm--Joeseph Campbell. Inapeetora—t. Ileverly, Wm. Hahn.. Sellout Directors-1, Haverty, Wm. Babn Conitable— C C Wood. • ' High Constable=e H Mum*. - . : Auditor-11W, ' Overieits of Ponr—P P Umtata% - 0.14 *wins. Iturs-41. W NichoLls, ripp.lltaini sub sew Ousaailmess-=BAllasftis, Was. Baba, I II M eas. RS Elabla i Alt &Rah. ~Aseassaak—,Bl3orasaby: • ' sad g e*Oniitiion-at mu.. - l e =clhomr-A 14 Besitiikin tteargo A w - School iNreatomp-Oweis nal ofi m ie flood Comtglimioner-Wsn. It madam ColustAle-Eartow - JI Hattlea. - • . -Amiamor-Itainpton asampths. 4 , Anotltt. ekubbnct. Town Clerk-4 P Coburn. . - • Traisuree--11 1. ease. 1 ovanron. Judge etElettlesa-Jamen Pared!. - Inerectora-stanas Planing, Daniel Maretiy. School Efratcas-Patrick Fawley, Mamas Mullen. Justice of Pr Johns Neiman!. • ' Constable--. Road Conamialette-- lee tward Pinery: Anariar-Faidok Andltor-C M Williams. P Traware-Fred Heicluner. • Fown Clerk-Edward McCann. - - wilco Towner/MS. Judge of Eleettesi—Korgew Tawas. Tospeotorn—lillten Tyrrell, B. W. Blerens. • Bekaa Dinostono.. O. Barns% B. - ROM Co. A Conslasioner—Ransiord Brin k. s e e k . &lake of tbe limos—C. W. Reynolds. Constable—M. B. Beeeber. Aaseseor—D. G. Northrop. Andltor-41. B. Tupper. • Tremaret..4sUas Hine. ti 'Town Clerk—W. C. Brink. • MIDOSITIIT Towsraliir. Jodie of Eleetion—Weilon Baldwin. Inspeetors-alea. Blibtnalre, nouns Allen. noel toss— Bug Allen, Coteau Col. tins. Raid Couniladoner—B. H. Doty. • Coastable—Peris Brown. ' Asseeser—Dasid Unison. Ariditos--A.. B. Bambara. , ' Treasurer-0. W. Mesa. 'Town Clent—C.B. Rea.. • • 10711 Z Judges! Veitloo—L. D. ilium.. ,floPectoro—Y. A. Bradley. M. D. Rockwell. Sellout Directors—W. W. XectlY, b. F. Lent. Constable—C. W. VanWlnkle. Road Commtsslottee—Rlekard McCabe.. Assesser—P. M. Towner. . Audltor--Cbas. Dougherty. ,Treaauter—B. F. Wettes. Town Clerk—W. S. Murphy. • Roma nommen. - Jody of Election—E. E.' Spate Mtg. Inspectors—di. B.: King, A.7[. Wattles. School Dtreetors—B. L. Smith, C. H. Stone. • Constable—lL G. Wilmarth. Assessor—D. B. Barnes. Auditor—W. L. Moodx. Burgess--C. Illney.• Connell—J. W. Whitaker, W. S. Kinney, A. C. 31qCsallne, D. Chaffee, 11. D. Canty 8111F.StligISIN. Judge of Electlon—Benjamln Smith. Inspectors—T. B. McAfee, Leland Grille. School DireetorsH. B. Lent, J. M. Vought.. Justice of the Pence—Wm. Snider. • Constable—Geo. Road Commissioner—E. W. llortin Assesson—W. H. H. Gore. Auditor-4. H. Chaffee. • ' . Treasurer—B. C. Fables. Town Clerk—D. W. Chaffer,. . - awyrunittro Towitantr. Judge of Election—James Flra. - Inspeetom—r. H. Elsbree, H. M. Mealy. Sebooltilreetorr—A. S. Newman, Jeue Sumner. To 111 Vacancy—L. T. Adams, C. B. Blue. Constable—A. E. Blakeslee. Hoed C t ommlssioner—Eugene Hingsle.. Assessor—S. J. Thomas: Auditor—A. K. Dutton. Treasurer—Sansuel 'Hamilton. Town Clerk—E. G. Garrey. SOUTH WAVZSLY 101E0170M Judge of leleetton—Shennart A. Gemang. Lumen:lv—John Thompson, Silas VanGorder. Reboot Directors—Alvin Strange. W. P. Plumb, James KcArdle. • - Constable—tieo. Edminster. High Constable-Ate/an der Harrigan. Assessor—Wm. T. Carte. Anditar—Thomas J Moore. Town_Cierk —Lee. Northrup. oVerseers of Poor—Nathata Edminstor, Joseph B. Horton. Burgess—Geo. Barrett.. - Donnell—Jaw M. Post, Jno.W.Stevene, Michael McCarty, D. L. P. Clarke. So' Inn ciursW Judge of Election—Hiram Sample. Inspectors—Jud. Mason, J. C.'McMullen. School Directors—Walter Mason, O. H. Berry. Constable—Jahe 8. Dean. Road Commissioner—T. A. Andrus. Assessor—David Chase. -- ' - Auditor—J. M. Berry. ' Treasurer—O. 0. Turk. " Town Clerk—C. 0., Pitt. ' * TOWNSHIP. Judge of Election—A. W. Puller. Inspectors—A. Trask, Austin Leonard. School Directory—A. M. Grace, Butane! Hark. Rem. cunstable--A. G. Bailey. Road Commissioner—L. Allen. Assessor—A. M. Berry Auditor—K..3f. Merrill. • - Treisurer—H. W. Gates. Town Clerk—P. C. Burgess. STANDISH STONE TOWNSHIP. Judge of Election—G. L. Vannes*. Inspectors—Asa Ennis, Geo. E. Vannes& • School Directors—T. J.-Roof. R. 31. Bostwick. Justice of the PeSce—Jared Hart. Constable—Philip E. Grace. Road Comrolwioner—Achatitts Stevan*. Assessor. -Jonattan J. Stevens. Auditor—Charles Stevens: Treasurer—Hiram Vannes'. Town .Cierk—lared Hart. • SIMS - ANIS. UOUOTIOII. lil MI Judge of Eleetton—A. L. Tlotham. • Inspeetors—T. D. Gray, D. C. Strait. School Dlreeton—C. E. Waldo, W. L. &Autos. Cotistable—D. I'. Wheeler. Assessor—James Kenyon. • Auditor—Lewis B. Gregory. Orereeers of the Poor—John H. gillgore, Adel. bert Ballard. Coaaell—kdelbest Ballard. P. P. Peet, C. L Kenyon. W. H. Mosher. 41141301 William. W. L !Montan. Bustester Ripley. - - TOWANDA DOROCOn. Assessor—Allen McKean.. Constable—William Keyser, Kip Constable—John U. Orentt. • •. ' - School Dtreetors—Jno. IP. Sanderson, J.Andreni . tAndltors—C. M. 'Myer, G. 8. Smith. kounclimen—ist Ward. M. E. Rosenfield, J. A. Bull short term ; 2d Ward. -Clark E. Porter full term, Edward Walker short tern ; ad -Ward, W. G. Alger. Judge of Election-Ist Ward. J. P. Keeney ; _td Ward. 1). W. Scott ad Ward. Isaac Smalley. Inrocctore—tat Ward, Fred J. II nngerford, Mi chael Ronan; 24 Ward, Morgan Widens, Jesse L. Schoonover; 3d Ward, John Mclntyre, Jourph Onan. ' Ward Assessor-Ist Ward s , J. Laughlin '• 2d Ward s Eugene A. Thompson ; Ed Ward. .1. H. Nevins. TOWANDA. NOATIr. Judge of Election—J. A. Hicks. - ' I nspectors—Jno. Taylor, lfeaiy Lefler. School Directors—J. DI. Ayres, F. H. Granger. Constable—G. C. Holton. Road Commissioner—R. Granger. Assewor—Samuel Hawkins. Auditor—Jobe W. Lane. • . Trimmer—S. A. Mills. Town Clerk—Thol. Hawley, D. C. Foster=4lo. Tow/L.7mA Tangent?. , Judge of Election—O. R. Bowman. Inspectors—P. L. Ward, Wm. Welch, Ir. Constable—Leßoy M. 130wman. - Road Commissioner—John Bowman, L: A. Mtn gos—tle. Assessor—B. F. Bowman. Auditor—G. H. Fox. E. A. Hine two years. .. Town Clerk—E. A. Thompson. - - School Directors—lL - L. Scott. Francis Gregg— tie ; B. F. Bowman I year. 'OT toirnentr. Judge of Steettoa—Gee. Dillon. Inspectors—Theodore Stanley, Simon Stanton. Sehool Directors—Geo. T. Taylor, Chas. Manley Road Commissioner—Azor.Rockwell. Constable—U. N. Fish. Aisessur—Lather T. Loomis. Auditor—Harrison Graeno. •-• Treasurer—Myron MeDowell. Town Clerk—N. A. Maynard. . JUdge of Election—Albert Morgan. • • Inspectors—P. W. Hover Edw. P. Ballard. School Directors—E. 0. Traei. Thos. McCabe. Justice of the Peaee—B. A. Constable—A. A. Pomeroy. • Assessor—B. C. Kendall. • • Auditor-Alpert Morgan. High Coustabie—J. A. !chock. Burgess—A. K. Linderman. Councilmen—lf. S. LeonArd, E. Van Dine, U.M. Spsuldleg. B. 11. Hobart, L. H. OUver, Isaac Cleaver. . Overseen of the Pior—Chirles N. Ctrobs, Vet C. Porter.. ' TCFCAROZA TOWNSHIP. ' Judge of Election—M. S. Browning. Inspectors-Ik. J Taylor. 0. J. Smith. School Directors-8. S. Jame*. H. aboraway. Justice of the Peace—J. N. Lake. , • Constable—John Clapper. Road Commlastcner—Jno. M. Taylor. Aueseor—kltred Ackley. Auditor—H. L. Taylor. Twmanrer—R. K. Bosworth.. Town Clerk—P. W. Loam. TERRY TOWNSHIP. •• Judge of Election—C."B. Thompson. Inspectors—John Friable, J.ll. Corson. • School Directors—J. Warren, J. H. Eeboonover Constable-81mbel Dworman: — ' • Assersor—J. A. Elsner, 3r. • Auditor—etas. Thompson. Bond Commissioner—J. H. Wines. Treasurer—H. Titter. Town Clerk—J. H. Seboonover. Judge of Election—James liteltortaa. James Van Dyke—tie. Inspettore—E. F. Mereefese, A. 0. mien. Reboot Directors-If. 0. Shaw. JUNI' D. Bar bour. Justice of the Peace—Jean 13. Anthony. Constable—Wm. H. Van Dyke. Road Comet/Wooer—Henry Mon. . Assessor—G. B. Rockwell. Auditor—Hooston MeEteney. • Treasurer—Wm. Mather. .• Town Clerk—Jackson Hollenbut. WAR11,111:N TORNPUIP., Judge of Election—S. 8. Brainard. , Inspector—H. 8. Vanorman, W. IN Chaffee. School Director—ADel Prince. If. R. Bowen. Justice of the Pertee—Nathan Toting. Constable—Willis P. Brown. Road Commissioner—N. C. Wheatoo. Assessur—Samuel 0. Chaffee. . - Auditor—lL P. Taylor. Tremnrer—ll. Whitaker. Town Clerk-8. L. Rowe. WELLS rownantr. India of Election—Joe. Conrtwright. Inspectors—Edwin Swims, H. P. Swaps. School Directors—Emmet Miner. A. Porringer 'Justice of the Peace-O. W. Noble. Howl Commissioner—Sherman Tuner. Constable—R. L Wickham. Assessor—John W. Penal. Auditor—Asa Wilcox. Treasorer--Wm. Town Clerk—C. H. Titus. • WILMOT rownenlr. Judge of nettlon--Jno. Bowman.. Invectore-..1. Douglam. J. J. Glexaersmlth School Dlrectors—J. A. Wilson, 11. Blarney. Road Commlssiontre—Sam'l Cloy, Jacobi:Woad Constable—D. D. Dlelfenbancb. - Amosielobn Bcbock. Auditor—lL Pme. Treasurer-If. B. Ganible. ToWn Clerk—L. T. Gamble. - ' seletuudX TOWNSUIP. Judge of Meet tow—T. White. Isepeeteee-11: V.ltecete i NDlsed Cook. botteol Dleeeiono.A. D. Isbell% Abel Beard ruO 11101t017131111. ULSTER rowssuir. Jodie et tie Patea-W. N. Oft*, jr. Cosstabio-.0. G. ELUL . • - Rod Car sabolow-WUsey &gem Anitow , -41. Inner: - Awiltar-J. Jaltway. - Treasarer-0. 15. Sant. Tows Cluk-43. B. linos sfronismr. Jed* of Electlow—lst Dbarict. Wit.' S. cost Hn ; sd Dlstelet, Ldw. Decker. et MOW Ow . . A. Wood. am.; C. C. l i ar= Distrtet. U.B. Peck. J. VArtrmr. . School Mzleirli...ltobs. ft. Lamb& I. N. Or. - • Justice of their eneo—Wlfm. A. Pierre. Constable—E. R. Blabop. . Bard Conuntslonor—Wm. H. King. riorsowtiJoba B. Hind& Awdltor—Otopien Strickland. • . Tresomer.-Aibert Lent. - - Town efork—Chas. E. Bartlett. ' WIrALCIIING TIIIIINOUIP. Judge of lileettos—ist Disttict„ J. K. Brown ; 2tl District, B. Brimfull!. Inspacton—tst District. A. W. Swage, IL J. Blalock 24 Insfiet, raw. C. Ingham, liirans ticket Directors—J. F. Balaban Ow. W. Lang. . Justice of the Paw —L. B. Camp. bad Onsatissionar—J. H. Howard. . Asseteor-41. R. Stow. Au/Mr—L. D. Chamberlain. Tesuarer—James BeasmonL 'brim Clarke—Z. L. Dank!. REV. DAVID CRAFT'S LECTURE. Triz Itay. DAVID CRAFT, of WyAIWA. lug, _lectured.before the s tudents and friends of the Susquehanna Collegiate In stitute. Tuesday evening, February 21st. " Use Yowl Eyes," was the subjec t - of his . thciught.• " ' • He addressed the students as being ,in the - lower departments of knowledge, and est i , not yet havin 1. 1i entered into the m and music of bra awl geometry. They bad not the history of thought. He won call their attention to a subject which is a practical crystalization of all the knowledge they acquire in school. Teachers have found that pupils in stu dying-arithmetic often mistake the rule for the principle. It is aw easy thing to commit, but it is harder to rise the eyes of our understanding, and know for our. selves. The atudent should see for him. self. and understand for himself. - The object of all study, the objectof all inves tigation should be to understand. God never designed this world as a prison, but to -be the home and dwelling-place of man: .It ought not to be a prison. God bas made it fair an] beautiful. It affords enjoyment.. It is useful: Those who go through it with their gip shill, make a sad,busineas of living. I We need not look for glorious sunsets. God has placed beauty all around us. We tread under foot things beautiful beyond compare, which we do not even think about. The little weed is a thing of beauty. Stop and examine it, and without any suggestion from a teacher you will find there is won derful beauty in its slender form, and in the delicate fringe of its leaves ; and this is Only an illustration of what is on every hand. We have not learned Ito use _our eyes to enjoy these beauties. In this neighborhood there are about • one thous and different species of plants. To ob. serve these in our Walks and rambleN would afford us great pleasure, and open to our minds new knowledge and thought. About fifty years ago - a alone. cutter discovered the remaining forms -of sonic plants. He examined_ them, and as a result of his researches the knowledge of the red sandstone formation was given to the world. Hugh Miller baislue come famous in the study of the rock, be cause he used'his eyes. We may use our eyes also. There are rocks all around which will till our minds with knowleOge, and our hearts with joy. When you • use your eyes you will be surprised 'at what you will learn. Nature will -open -her treasures of knowledge, and hidden, and inanimate formS will glow with a rich ins tre. Mental discipline is a wondrous ac quirement. .Man may acquire this when, 'and where, and how be pleases. He may know his powers and capability ; know in each particular case what be can do. Man can do what be pleases. Patient, perse vering, indomitable will, will accomplish whatever it desires to do.. All knowledge is one. In beginning, different depart ments of studies are necessary.- As we get farther along all forms of study come back to one original thought, to God. All knowledge is one even as God himself is one. Some one has said that an undevout student of nature ismad. He who can not see the traces of God Almighty in the forms of nature is blind. Going through the world with ; eyes open to material things is not the only thing necessary. We should make use of our eyes ju socie ty. Misunderstandings would be less frequent. Society would be more harm ni and pleasant. Men make mistakes in business. If they would stop to see, the mistakes would be avoided. Isaac . Newton, when asked in what respect be -considered he surpassed others said-: If he excelled others in anything, it; was in seeing, and knowing things which others did not see and know. • Go with your eyes open. Have determination to under stand things, and their relations to one another. You will gain . broader grasps of truth. This world will be a new world. The forms mixed, and• in disorder will come out- symetry and order. Perform, yourself, your appropriate work, thus you will be fitting your work for a high er. a_ grander, a nobler life. Here in school you stand on the shore, with the : wholo ocean of knowledge before you. When you leave this place, go with. _your eyes open. • All about us lies thought which'we can never fathom, heights we cannot grasp, in the blade!of grass, in the twinkling stars, in the niusc ofthe storm. When we learn of God wei will not look upon this world as a prison. We will ap preciate its beauties, and behold it as the handiwork of God,..adorned, and beautifi ed by him for the comfort and happiness of man. S. C. J. Local C:irrespondence. ULSTER. 'Rev. Charles H. Wright, of Towanda, gave us his lecture entitled, "Knights of Honor Knighthood," at the M.E. Church Saturday evening, the 18th ult.,. and the large and appreciative audience that wel comed him plainly shows -the estimation they have of his ability as a. lecturer. Among those present from out of town were. the following visiting "Knights" and their ladies : Mr. Clayton Gerould, Mr. If. Tracy, F. A. French, and Misses Laura Wood and Poesy Jones, of East Smithfield, and J. Mersereau, or Sayre, who with the lecturer were tendered a re: ception at the Van Dyke Housekby Ulster Lodge after the lecture. The itinsio fur nished us by the visiting brothers and sis ters was pronounced by all to be excelent and the thanks of our Lodge - were duly tendered for the same. The Sunday School Aid-Society - met at the residence of I. R. Schoonmaker, last Saturday evening, and a good time was ujoyed by all. - More anon. - * * • 6 March 1, 1882. EAST SMITHFIELD. Sugar-making has been the order of the past week with many of our farmers. Mr. Yenta, our hardware merchant and tin. smith, has been. very busy manufacturing tin buckets for holding sap, Last week another of Smithfield's fair daughters passed from the state of single blessedness; at the same time she changed her name from Miss . Emma Brigham to Mrs, Crittendon. She has the- heartfelt *verity of her friends. Mr. E. E. Hyatt's auction sale was said to have been one of the largest ever known about - here. Mr. Hyatt- has sold his farm, and intends to leave Smithfield in the spring. Rev. N. J. - Mitchell, of Centre County, is to fill the aT,pointment of Rev. J. G. Encell -for a few weeks. Mr. Mitchell preached in this place about forty years ••Sevend of-our musical young people at tended a lecture at Ulster Saturday even ing, the 18th ult. Protracted Meetings were continued at the Baptist Church all last week.- The Elmira Sunday . Tidings is now sold on our streets Saturday evenings, in opposition to the Tslegran. It has that appearance at least. The Orson who can drive from Milan in the shortest time, sells the most papers. The Smithfield communication in the Tidings last- week caused considerable excitement The boundaries of the village were given, and the names of the principal families. The writer seems to have a special antipathy for some parties about town. Among others Silas Zone,. "that literary fellow who writes for the Athens Canty., and the licensed hotel." Last week Mr. Zone presented a card- to the public, stating that he , is not a candidate for any office. He thinks that he gas not endowed with natural ability enough to be School. Di rector, neither boa be the proper appreci ation of the (Wilde) lily and sunflower to he a candidate for Collector ; but he thinks himself qualified to perform the arduous duties of Justice of the - Peace. Now Mr. Zone la - either indulging in ear ailimA or be has recently; emigrated from the Fee Zee Islands; or the utmost' limits • orrirsagleland. . II theme two petsoas wowe o o4 ll .' .46 6 stooks to the topioe el the day, and do little would esenoegre tank the Nelda to the inaarjy. and on the whole less annoying to the few. Winter schools will moos ahem Ihnot have only one week kager to eonthron. The Graded School wM IliOle linendsy, March 9th. Putdie mania to theater. noon. AU are cordially invited tonnes& Fetruary 19; 1894. • Rev. _Mr. Foabluder , audited 'by his amiable wits, have oomageneed s anise of meeting; at the N. Z.. Church ht place. man a came is a imod oar, Ind wish them y "con verts. _- The question of our having h daily - Mail is being agitated. As no one opposes it there will probably be a routs fro. Ho. act's Ferry to Asylum before lone Mr. 0. A. Gilbert has taken the agony of the Morris' & Ireland Safe. Mr. P. if. Hagerman has having his residence fregooed. - H s i has seven rooms and two large halls done in the latest style, and no two rooms alike. Mr. Hagerman is a men fcir Impecrremente. February 20, 1082._ SNEDEKERVU.LB. EDITORS REPORT= :—Hating a (SW spare moment I wiil try and giro you an item from this part of old Bradford. 13no deherville is forted light miles from Trnh in a. Nortisbru direction, and six. teen miles south of Elmira on _the "N. C. R. R. Mr. W. IL Snedeker - has built a new r saw and planing mill on the granule ,where the old one was barnixl bit fall. Rumor has it that Mr. 8. will erect a grist mill, also a mill for pressing hay, and a few tenement houses to accommo date the men employed in the works, with Charles Mitchell as Overseer, J. L. Porter, head sawyer, M A. Porter - raise the steam, and Doctor Johnson to deal out fun and facts, manage to use 11 hours of every day, and by using part of the night to good ad Oar merchant, Ja vi z i Mn, has been , confined •to the house for some weeks aw ing to a relapse of fever, but is again con valescent, and we expect to see his genial face once more behind the counter. Mas ter Jerry has conducted the badness dur ing his - father's illness. Quite a task for'. Muter Jerry. Considerable sickness - prevails in oar - town, but under the treatment of Dr. Cole, of Dunsy's, all ate doing well. Mr. IdcGlen, of Granvfile, is with us learning theyoung mind to shoot. Broth. er John has been rusticating in NI/Marna- - port fora week, but is here again. - If anything serious comes over us, you may hear from me wain. Yours, PAT Houma. February 19, 1882. • BUSINESS LOCAL. 1511 r TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS wm be held as : Nardi O. 01111414; 11, gb•-, shequin; It, Terrjtown; le, Wilmot P. 0.; le, New Albany; 21, Wyaluaing ; 13. Aeltley ; 24.-Leßga. 23, Rummerfield; 2a, Orwell Independent; $O, Rome. April I. Monroeton; 3, Burlington; 4. bat Smithfield; 5, Austinville: e, OratwiThr 5, Canton: 15, Athens; 22, Troy; 29, Towanda. may I, To. wand. G. W. RYAN, wl. County Superintendent. Cr WANTED !-A. GOOD COOL VISA nriA WlELLicigs Wyalusf rig, Pa. ntebB2. tom" COUNTRY PRINTING OFFICE FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale his , hand press with a complete outfit for & Country Printing Onice. Material In good condition. For terms inquire of E. 17.1itrittan, Laporte, PIA-ft rir By all means buy the White Bewrc ng Machine of 31. C. • WsLI.O. Agent, Towanda. • Pit. fable. Mr L. B. RODGERS challibges comps. Utica for quality ol goods sad low prfeeson Sash, Doors; 1311nd s and Moldln4 a, and a 1 ' beans; as. taigal. taugittl. cir The Davis Sewing Machipe with Its Vertical Feed does a tarp range of practical ;work not possible on any tinder feed machine. U f Cam" REMOVAL.—J. S. LUXE has le mma his Undertaking Establishment .from. Bridge street to moms on Male-street, over TlM laza k 60RD021 . 8 Drag Store, and WOOD7OIII, k VAN Doas'n Boot i Shoe Store. A fall line of 'Undertaker's Goods from the cheapest to the beat. jan27,11. J. S. Ap.r3r,Agent. t If the mother is feeble it is to sibb that her children should be strong.Lyau r,. Pinkbanes Vegetable Compound is a perfect spe cific In all chronic diseases of the sexual system of women. Send* to Lydia Z. Pinkham, 2 3 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mint.,for pamphlets. 7 Pr You who lead ledentazy Printers, Tailors„Sheen:tabors, ete., will dud great relief from the constipation from whichyou so often suffer, by taking 811IIIMOUr Liner liegals tor. lit lea simple, harmless, vegetable ea:ppm:nit, sure to relieve you, and can do you no harm.2mar. "I Cam Bid Delawe.!" STNAcras. N. Y. BePt- Is. l$SO - H. WAIINER k Co.: Sirs—Tbanks to SOOT Invaluable Safe Diabetes Cure. I can now bid defi ance to disease. W. CI. Anisirritoso. ?tea jillpurfistantis. VOR SALES---Wishing to retire from the retail business. are oder Ice sale or stock. fixtures and good•wtii in the Grocery and Bakery baldness, next to Ward House.- The foul ness is long established and in prosperous =edition. Possession given immediately. Apply to • D. W. SCOTT 1 CO. Towanda, Pa., ittuaraUf. • XECITTOBS' NOTICE. tersiestamentary having been greeted to the on erstgoed, under the last will sad testiness& of Elizabeth .1. Thomas, late of Piketowpshlp, decessed,ell persons Indebted to the estate decedent are hereby notified to make Immediate payment, , and all hazing claims avinat said estate must present the same duly soasatleated to the undersigned for settlement. WM. T. D.lllll . ZS, H. HOWELL, Heath, Pa., Welt:. Executors. DMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE A —Letters of administration !saving been granted to the undersigned epos the estate of Charles Eons, late of SmithOK deemed, sunk* is hereby given that all perooms Indebted to the said estate are requested to make Immediate pay ments, and all persons harts' claims against sa id estate must present the sante duly authenticated to the undersigned for settlement. HAREM CO l / 7 114, East Smithfield, Pa., tat& Administrant& ADMINISTRATOREV NOTICE. 7,etters of administration having been ad to the undersigned • upon the estate of Xf= 11.01138, late - ot Albany townablp, deceased, tor' flee Is hereby given that all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all persona haring claims against said estate muit present the same , duly-authenticated to the undersigned for settlement. • L MICRARL ROUSX, PATRICK BYRON, New Albany, ititebta. Administrators. MOTICE.—The County 'Commis sloners have fixed upon the following dares for holding appeals at the Conindasioaers' Ogee In Towanda Borough for the several townships and boroughs of-Bradford County: Tuesday. March 21-r Asylum, Terry, WllMot. Albany township And Overton. Monroe township and borough, Fran Iln nod Granvills. Wednesday, March n—Leroy_,_ Canton township T .and borough, Armenia. Ann. toweselvand borough, Columbia, Sylvania and Hattington Won. Thursday, March 23-1111 th ingtan tewnskip sad borough. Spring fi eld. Sm South Craildr. Rldgbury. Wells, Sheshequln, Litehlielik Wind ham. Warren and Orwell. Friday. March 24—Rome township and borough, Herrick, Pike, Lellaysville, Tuscarora. Illeyarns/mr, Standing Stone. Towanda North and Ulster. Saturday. March 25—Towanda towashipand Dor ought' Athena tgmistdi and borough, Barclay sad South Waverly riTRWIRM .01r TUB ROAM , Atiest—Wt Luau Lawie, Cie*. bearrt. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.' xi. —Letters of adtalalstration hasty* been John the Undersigned .mum the estate,' of John C. Parks. Tate of Sheshequln twp,, deceased. all persons Indebted to the estate of aid demdena are hereby. notified to make Inuasillatecg meat, and all baring agalast and ss most present the same duly autbeaticated to .the undersigned fur settlement. JAMES 0. PARKS. Administrates. Shosbequin. Pa.. rebruary. fIRPRANS , COURT . SALE..—By wlrtue of an order isared out of the Orphans' Court of Bradford County, Pennsylearda, r ra. dersliffied„ administrater of lira estate of Adolphus Slater, late of Burtingtod township. dammed. will expose to public tale on the promises. on fIATIIit. PAY, MARCH 11th, A. D. M. at I o'clock, P.n. all thateertain lot, piece or parcel of land Meat; In Burlington township. bounded aatchiscHbed as follows: liegionlog at the southeast maw of Clark Slaters lot ; thence southerly atom the west line of L. Y. Minden% tot shoat .1 ti sods to a chestnut for a borne? ; thence westerly by lands of Philip Lynch 106 rods to a birch; thence on seam line alms the lands of add Philip Lyme' sad Da. rid S. Luther about sf rods to a post and stoats for • corner; thence northerly - aim; lands of Jobs Bolayer 117 rods. more c o w ia l= „ to a post sad stomas for a corner ; thence by lands of Burma Luther 'af rods to a hickory or a cornet; thence northetly by lands of said Lather an Inds, more or less, to a corner; thence easterly aims lands of John Sheridan about SS rods to a corner; thence southerly by lands of Clark Water about tared' to it-corner ; - thence easterly Wow the lands of So said Clark Slater shout 10e reds to the pion of be. ainnlnd; contents 154 Sawa store or lees. • OF SA Llt—ftell on the properfar being street down. PM oa conansatloo, and rersietadat in one year with interest. PaitTlni, lidaiseasaer. !batistes, re% Yee. 01 II 1