Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 02, 1882, Image 2

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    Xltidfori Nepotter.
To%yanda, Pa., March_ 2, 1882
TOWANDA, Pa., March 1, 1882.
The members of the Republican Stand
ing Committee for the - County of Brad
ford are requested to meet at the Court
House in iTowanda Borough, on TUES
DAY thel tith day-of MARCH, at one
O'clock P. it., to fix the time and place for
holding a County Convention to elect
delegates to represent the Republicans of
.the County of Bradford in the Republi
can State. Convention to be held at }tar-_
risburg on the 10th day 6f May next; and
to take such other action for • conducting
the ensuing campaign as- may be deemed
.neeessary.• A full attendance of the
• members of the Committee is desirable.
The following named gentlemen C,./M
-, prise the Committee :
Alba liorough--Geo.
Armenia—D.l). Alexander.
Asylum—A 1.. Thomam. •
• Athens Borough, Ist Ward—Dr. Mischa%
Athens Borough, 2.1 Ward—Geo. E. 1)a)48.
Athens Townaldp. Ist District—Frank s. Morley
- Athens - Township, 24 DhstrlCl—lllram Bible.
• Athens TOwnshlp, Sd Distrlct—Clarence Blood
; 7- Barclay—C. H. Johnson.
Burlington Township-•Y. L. Morgan.
- • Burlington Borough—C. A. Ford.
Burlington West—lsaac McKean.
Canton Townshlp—Daniel "tines.
- Canton Borough—F. A. °web.
I . olllllllib---tames H. Strong.
Franklin—lL B. Ktllourn. •
OratAttle—Samuel Manley. .
Herrlck—Henry Blocker._
;c1 :..y.% co. NV. Brink.
Lelioy—Leroy Holcomb.
• I.llclin "Al—Chester Ste liint.ey.
3lontiie Bonnigh—H. ckwell.
Monrus:Township--lattrn, D. Cutoutlugs.
New Albany—Daniel Brown.
orwell—Wllliarn Piektrlng.
Overton—A. ntreevey.
Piko-31. F. Warner. -
Ilidgbury—E. A. Cooper. •
• iiOnit• 11,,rough--Atexander Keefe.
: Ltotoe Township—Charles Dougher.y.
: ,, h...slurtin—y. E. Horton.
n11110111..1.1-I.l'. L. Chamberlll).
' 'oath Creek...S. 11. l'ettenglll.
South Wivi!ily—.7nlitt Thwupson.
:•-iningtlt.l444 itiley
ts'tnntitng-5! , .e.41en. , E. Vanness.
_ `y 1v L.-KcOneln•
T et t y—.l
. Towanda 11•,rotigti, - i1 t Ward—l. licPher!..oo.
Towaiitla, Korough,';:d Ward-41. I A 1:..u.
_ Towanda BOLOUgh, .2,2 Ward—L. E:sbrev. -
Towanda Tunostdp—Geo. 11. Fut.
Towanda Huth-1). T. 'ouster.
Troy Borough—O. P. Aitaimc.
Tur.rkrur.t"-W Winn Sbuniway.
Eister—ti4o. B. Rockwell
Wlttliot--(ioo. F. Inghatn.
Windham—T. E. Writer.
Wyaltt•lng, Ist District—T. E. Myer.
-Wya'usn.g. •.Nll)lstriet--latnen Dounhne.
Wysox, Ist Histri, t—c'ol. F.. bitncy.
Wyinx, 21 I)istrict—S..l. Ross. -
W. J. YOUNG, Chairmaii.
THEILE is some uneasiness in En
rZijie over the speech of 9en. Skobel
loll', and by some a war between
and .I;ermany and Austria
1T- Is ti pleasure to learn that Oscar
has discarded knee-hrGeches, and will
dress like
_a civilized Englishman
during tike' rest of • his s6:rt• in
America. -
TnE-bcars had it all their own w.iy
last Thursday. Stocks tumbled from
live to - MI per cent., causing great
dkulay in the camp or the bulls and
large, loss upon iinvifyspeculations.
Got:1.o and Gowen are lighting for
the control of—the Central Railroad
of New Jersey. At. present Gould
seems to have the—inside track; but
Yin railrond_matters -no one can tell
bow it will cnil until :tiler the e!ec
THE llarrishur,g, Patitiot says lion.
Butler li. Strang. is to have the ap
pointineasof tni'ted States .J edge of
Dakota. - No better appointment
could he made, :gr. Strang stands
in .the front rank among the able
men of Pennsylvania and will honor
tike:libsition to which he is called.
.i .-4 5.2.F - 1 - Tz .1011 N PORTER Will receive
back pay when confirmed
by the 'Senate . as colonel of the regu
lar artily. Confirmation is a - good .
thin: , when it brings in sueli - an
amount as this: We wobld be eon
tir.ined in almost any position except
that of Demoet l atie l , editor or Con
gressman fur a 'siMilar.
T! IF. Emperor of Austria loses
loyoo by the collapse of the
Union Generale of Pitris. This stun
is a lar2lt loss, one which . would
make many men hard up, and . even
Ferdinand will miss it when the
huntiiig season comes. There is one
consolation, however, he ill not
need any More money to pay election
"TIE Democratic party deprecates
any affiliations, with Mormonism,"
says a recent resolution of 'the Utah
Denfocraq.„ We arc -- thankful if
therels Anything, except peftiat that
the Democrats deprecate. Observa
tiOti had led us to believe that the
party cared- for nothinii; N but victorY,
and would affiliate with equal alac
rity with'MorMon or Gentile to se
THE editor of the .Irfires dips his
pen- in gait and, with relentless bit—
terness sweeps the BEroarEa out of
existence, because the.editor remark
ed that the Jelfersonian 'Democratic
party was dead. We hail intended
to publish a Reptibliean- paper for
the citizens of BradforAti. - ounty, one
that should in a will . waS- oppose the
Democracy = ,-and answer, far-as the
human Mind riviv "the' da77z.ling ques—
tions of the - :Ar,7 man..4ha. dieam
is oV.I--4 and as we sully gather to
qther the remains of what, a. brief
week' since , has - the editor of the
REPORTER.nnd count the pieces which
are left„.e wonder at our‘own pre
sumption: We might have known
better; we might harp *foreseen' that
the masked battery of satire run by
th'e man, before which so many
brave editors have fallen, would not
spare us, and that we should meet
with the fate of all who. oppose him: .
Butwe lid not foresee, and the re
sult; is .that we have 'been rudely
buried into the common cemetery' of
his opponents.
LiSten to the terrible arraignment
which we must answer: . lie 4ys
We are your ,, , and, not satisfied with
the itisgrike, which this niisforyne
entails, he acids the additional count,-
and hew, " Young and new." Think
of it. The witheringsareasm, the
malignant . of• that accuia•
tion leave ns but one coil - fort: Time
vtillture it, and we hosts thy genera,
ble genius who guides the : destinyof
the Bradford Deindcracy will remem
ber that he, too, has been guilty of
the'same crime. But this is . not all ;
we are asked whether we • are.
"crank or absolutely.
, a lunatic?""
We will .answer, seriously, that we
are neither. Crimes that time can
cure--we will admit but - incurable
ones, even while common with our
contemporaries, never. Au " abso-• lunatic " is so disgraceful a
character tli!st we shall forcier deny
its fitness when applied to us.
Another . 11131,0. we deny alto
gether, "Wanting to . Say something
.W.o can steitl sinart, things
enough from the Argus to run .our
paper, as long : as the present editor
Lt'ascontrol, and, Eillo)sing the exam
plc-- of our pitying. senior, we shall
feel at liberty to indulge in this lit
erary robbery. The fertile mind of
the "aged and' old" editor of the
.Argus must furnish the wit and
domlor " - newness " is so
cruelly . censured.
Wejiave also paternal advice from
ou ged censor: " You, should - at .
least' write decently, becau ,e people
read," says the !min of years and ex
perien-ce. Thisiiogood -advice, wor
thy of attention from tlic 'adviser;
but if the peo . Ple to read, God help
the readers of the ...Irwi(.s.
He closes with this sentence, from
which there is n' reprieve : " The
new editor will have few_subscribeis
and Will be compate - Ttto return : to
the rural sivulcs of 'Tioga hills."
31.tyhe so; we don't know. We may
he driven hack to the "crank-filled
woods of Tioga . county" by the per
seentiOn• of the i lrfpis . , but we think
not We hope tor better things, and
trust that so 'onyx as the Republican
party is' suited with the paper we
shall continue its publication. It
our hope is fulfilled, -some time we
may be old and wise, and know how
to run a paper; we may own somei
railroad stock, earned - by unselfish'
party service, and draw large dio-.
.lend. ; we miv outgrow our new
ness :dud be prepared to -alinihilate
audacious opponents. - . The time
in the'far future, and we can never
hope to wield the caustic,-facile pc*
of.our ancient antagonisLimitiwecan
iniprove, and hope to at. lea ~ t write
6; without unprovoked per
sonal attacks upon our political op:-
THE nomination of •the If
coiConklino for •Judfre of the Su
prt:'!' Court 'of the tailed States in
the placc. , of Hunt, has renewed pub
lic discu , sion of his acts, and news
papers known. by the recently ac
quired titles of "stalwart, " and
• 4 half-breed," are •in acri
monion's debate over the Illness of
Conkling for the place and the Policy
of the nominati'ai. • •
The -bitter tights of, iConklinr - - and
Illaine•and thloTevotion of thcir fh
lowers haVelf-ii.)ade it difficult for
eitner 4- et,frifist judgment of his
charactaiYnad - incrits. 'They stai - id as
,the ackiii*ledged leaders of the an
orikl4eTaetions of the Pelmblicon
ank the -partiality of friends
and liitternes . i , of enemies alihe. pre-
Vent a fair dis•enssion on the question .
of their al.tility or patriotism.
No faiikininded man will deny that'
,r:,.i.,2, - natton was nits
-take, aixtt —r ,) ,, to - his party' ana to,
4 firmself, aitt-t&Li r.ct, deserving the
censure of tile Men who electe:l him.
Ills WartneSt frienik renTetted the
step,.ad althofmblsome of them de
-I.fer,diit, there alinost,T . Universal
sentiment thatiVwas unwqrrantable.
, That is past. The Republican:party
wiselY,:ikeided not to retain him in,
the .prrsillon he had voluntarily ire,
signcdand he turned quietly"to his
private work. President Arthur has
bropqht hi to public notice :
hy nominating- him. to the vacant
~Jmt promti . nd the old question ar
his conduct comes' utLyAtn , , }Ai! 7 new
one,•of hislitnessfor the figitlon for
whiell he is the nomißee. •,
TJiat Conklin; is an able-;7:ineor
ruptible man, his enemies admit; and
that he make a good Judge there
can be little - doubt. his integrity
and ability are a guarantee that -his
c'm' uet Judge be upright and
capable', anti while the appointment
is personally displeasing many,
there can be little doubt that the
nomination is a *ice one. -It re
moves a disturbing elemAt from pol
- and if; the otlice is ace.e.pted
wilnici - .Something toward healing .
the umweessaryllueneh between stal-
Warts and half-In - to:14. It", if accept
ed, will 'be at'virtual retirement from
polities andswilli be a rcsignatian of
the political se4Ptre which Conklirr
: has so 10 - ngswiltied in
_New York.
Ccii, pfoud,-ha i iTlity as he is, with
.great political influence which he
has, he has never keen 'corrupt, and
has carried his points by sheer intel
lect:Mir strength and skillful
rinev.' If he takes the seat of a Su-:
prime Court Judge lie will wear .the
ermine_ worthily anti with no' fear
that his past, ie ord will aver show
anything which Will shame him', so
far as his personal, integrity is eon
PitonAntv no More thoroughly or:
. tranizd effort wasevermade in the
`uter9st of reform than the one just
rmadcj b% the citizens' committee of
Ailadelphia. Corrupt officials have
Been the curse of Life city for years,
and 4 last the citizens;•regardle'ss of
arty, made war on them. ' The re
sult was the complete success of the
, reformers and the overthrow of 'the
1 - len whose political charatter • has
.been a;seatutal to the Quaker City.
That the result will he beneficial in
r •
its effects upon both parties, and will
teach party managers wisdom , arid
tl)e necessity tor' . good . nominations,
Cannot be doubted. , • -
Deniocrfits will, perintp - s, consider
the :vault a, Republican defeat, as the
Harty has a majority in the city, but
when . tie - election comes where the
vote has political significance, it will
be semi th it the Republicans who
, voted alike against corrupt council
men ogtouli parties will support the
nor inee's of the party whose prinet-
Pies hare fiustained the nation's life
and protecteu her honor.
Tut: gayeties of Paris are consid
erably lessened by the collapse of the
..banking iistitution, the
Union Generaie.,. A great 'many of
the wealthy people of the city had
large investments in the enterprise
and.lts failure iS ruin :to them ; and
the costly costumes prepared for the
carnival will be sold by the costu-
The enterpriie was blessed by.
Pius: IX, but.that slid not save it
from bad management and failure.
N - otes of the Great.
—Adelina Patti has rettimed to few
York delighted with her western trip..
—Mrs. Oir Ball N - 110W hard at work
urkal her memorial volume elneeraiUg
—Peter,llcrifie was on 2 of 11. e. protui
at,nt number of tire re eat Grcentx.lek
in New York.
-President G.I; field's inulory i, to bo
pev i , i.tuatcti in Wisconsin by giving his
natn6 to a new connty. •
' =Generrl going, to spend a
I'6l - Wight - in Nol . c () leans, taking iu,the
Mardi G . as celebration.
--Mr. Aldricit'is:now engaged upon his
biogtapliv or N. P. Willis forth° Ameri:-
ean.Sit.n of Letters Seriea.
—Gustive Dote is at work upon thp
statue.of Alexandre Pumas, which is
tended for the Place 31alcsheibes, in
`-31. liouzaud , Mine. Nilsson's hus
band, who .became insane dui hi the ex;
eiteCent 'attending the recent financial
reeently - in the 'lunatic asylum.
—The attempts to induce Blaine to trot.
in DemoCratie • harness eniiiinne, but are
cf(rtain to fail. Blaine has nothing .ih
common with than
Cony men , . . ,
'Bonheur- is :painting a
-.eri r. s of head of animals which, are to
be St eeeEsiVOy reproduced by 4nY.uglish
eng_aver.--, Two of these; tht head of a
/ sultindid'iild`lititvand that of a
lookinii,donkey,ave now ready.
--President. Arthur did . not heed the
qnju rietion of the delegation of temperance
. ivofn:Jl , ,nr the example of 311 s. IlayeS- at
diplOinatie j dinner on Thursday even
-Seven kinds of wine Were ineladed
'in the bill of fare.-Cincinnati" Oaralte.
_ Castelar has published an -ar:
tic'u on General reeentspecch.
expresscs fears of a. coming Slav in
vasion of Europe; and declares that it
behooves the Latin races, in the intorest
of civilization, to•enter into; a close -alli
ance with the German peoph:.,
—The Philadelphia • .Press say:: : If
Mr. Conkling accepts, it may prove the
happiest svhition of severalrproblems." •
—The ,New Viirk Milo! says "The
nomirat ok)ly -one hiterpretatiott—
Coulding's pc: manent retirement from
—lie e::-Confederates in Congress are
A g‘oci (101 More ready to vote. against
General :Grant's. retirement than they
woulii have been in 1864 . .7 18G - 4—Phila.
Pre :s.
—The Senate at Washington is_always
ineliutd,las it was in a recent debate, to
sneer at the way the house does business;
but the approaching close of every ses
sion till& the regular business further be
hina in the Senate than in the House.
Washington Repubitett i .says :
" Mr..Conklinm's spotlesS integrity, nu
surpassed natural .gifts, great, learning,.
eapni:i:ty' for worki_sligniiy . of character
awl n 14101131 fame, inake.:hiS appointment
one the 6ountry• will unanimously
pronomnce eminently fit to be made."
—The Ucading ..z\l/cA ignores all aspi.
rants for the Dermicratic nomination for
o , ,verii - Or except' lion. James 11. Hopkius,
‘tf Hon. - Robert E. Paittison, of
Philadhphia, and • lion.. Eekley 11. Coke,
statd•Senator from LUZCIIIC county, and
Ihin•.;s that those, named are the foremost
hi the race, and one of them will be the
I .
nom moe
. •
—The. isburg Patriot finds that
"ohe of the ablest and most influential
leaders of i the independent Republicans of
this State; 'Butler D. Sttang ; is to be
gently 'put out of the way by appoint
thent ak United States Judge of the Ten t
ritory of Dakota. This is a • way the
bosses have of getting rid of-troublesoine
Independents." .
-The New Yolk Sun says : "We are
glad to be able to state, in justice to Mr.
Cenkling, that he has .not : sought the
justiceship of .he Supreme Court, and,
that he did not even know that the Presi
dent intended to confer such a oomph
mentorpouliim. Mr. Conklin.; possesses
many of the ifualities whi3hare'necessary
to 'a Judge. Flo is able,' learned, inde
pendent, proud and incorruptible.'!, •
—The New,York Tribicue declares that
the; nomination of CoThkling is grosOy
because it is-a "flagrant abuse of the
appointing power to. use the Supreme
COurt lithe' to- pension a broken-down
Public man, who made himself to the last
degree odious to the people." The -Tri
-I,llne begins its. article - thus " Gititeati
has made a Supreme Judge as well as *a
President, and: he is not hung yet." •
:.—The New Turk lleratd sayS : "If it
v.e.rti consistent with Mr. Conkling's
ciarac'ter to be warped by merely
sonal considerations; from that, disincli
nation to accept judicial duties, which he
signified eight years ago, the proceedings
Of Senator :Hoar yesterday' might have
some influence iu determining his choice.
When Graiit nominated Senator Hoar's
brother to the place of Associate Justice,
Mr. Conkling opposed his nomination'and•
ittwas rejected. - This allusion to Ate ru
tiVes for the coarse of Senator Ibiar is a
'sufficient explanation of it: bu . : we regard
Mr. Qonkling's.-setise of . profe-sSional
honor to the bench - ffir *superior. to such
. .
—FioM the Beston Adrertisfr : The
discussion in the House on. L 4 ..aturdy
rreves that - the silt er folly has not " - died
out . yet. lt' would be impossible to con
ceive Of a mire useless \vs.. ste of- money
khan is involved in the Manufacture of
silver disks to be piled up intbe treasury
ivaults, which.are pilekup there because
nobody wants them and because every
body, gets rid of iltem as quickly they
can. The Government now has on hand
enoui - ‘ll to supply every possible demand
for ten years to come. • There is not a
person who is or has ever been connected
with do administration of the finatidial
departmtu4 who does not think that the
further cola age of deflate is oieler,S. •
WASITINOTON. D. C., Vettetaijr 2,4,46 n:
With the advent of Lent„ the fitahimm
ble season at Washinekm-makes its exit,
the doors of the stately - mansion are cies.
ed the duke, squares, and triangles be
come deserted, and-fashion for a little
while takes a rest. ~.The columns of the
local press no fonger teem with elaborate
descriptions of the beautiful butterflies
that flutter througk the halls of fashion,
and the penny-a..Misr puts away his note.
bnok and pencil and takes a snooze in the
sombre light and soft atmosphere of the
church., Sermons, charity fairs, the mop.
titication'of the flesh, and the - deelutition
of fish are now the next in order.
To those whose Positions in public life
"compel themxlitring -certain period to
receive and entertain - with o i ien doors,
the advent of VeriVis doubtless loolredlo
aiwelcomert* t' from the idle parade
whkih the wages7ifsociety demand. From
ail Who; happen to till prominent pOsitionfi f
civiltur rnilitary , howeVer quiet in taste Or
fioniestic in habit fashion inexorably de
ittands,that with glad smiles they shall
make welcome the lianker, the lawyer,
rtic'Sliocillyiteqvhose passport is • his 'ple
thoric purse, and the individual of cheek
:whose - capital. consists in nothing bat.
pure: unadulterated.brass..
While there - lins'iTuring the *inter been
almdst a constant stream of entertainment,
in what is known as r the higher circles of
life, the past season has not been unusu
ally gay or brilliant. ,At the White House
'n6 attempts at display' have been made;
and the few dinners that have been given
have been notable only for the elegant
manner in which everything was provid-.
ed, n;> pains be:ne spared to make their
all that the most epietirean taste could de
sire. The 0. P. B. (other people's brand)
of Wine, however, which was en much in
Vcwile in the 'days of President Hayes,
aine4 the-incoming of President Arthur,
ii 'k Salk has been entirely disponied
witli ? or kept at all is 'held in reserve to
' ti
. •
ckle the palates of the goody goody ad
vocriti's of Civil Service Reform.
The fashionable hatch:, to be even with
theii• aristocratic neighbois of the Nest
I.7.Yid have too du ring the season inaugu
rated; a series of entertainments whereby
theiiip.ea's could revel the night
the Soft music of the maizy waltz. c and find
iv the morning prints glowing &scrip
tions of their elegant_ toiletes as well as
to learn - that koni plain/ Mrs. So-and-so
they had sudderly emerged into the Hon
orable:Mr. So-and-so who giaced the oc.
c isinn Kith robes. entrain, with corsage
afa PcimPadory, etc., etc.
Tlie4 "Judges," the' "Kernels' 'and
the ";slajalis" have - also had their . little
'enjOyMents - and from the extra hue that
has been given to their ruby' complexions
it is eVideot that they have had a toler..-
bly giiit,sea„son and a.few square meals.
The oflice;Zeeker is their particular, victim,
and 'past few Months their
name haslieen legion. For everyplace in
tine gift of tlie.Administration from the
•Cabisiet'deviO : to the coal heaver in Capi
tol Ckypt,ilheid. .has been a steady and
persistent‘presSure 15:y - those who had "fit .
Mtn" the late rebellion id'r had very par
ticular and special claims upon the party.
For the vacancy on the United States Stt-:
;item° Bench there are now on file in the'
Department Of Justice: twelve applica
tions, and. no less than fort - p.:6.°n appli-,
cations fur appointinentto the vacancy in
the Cmnt of ClaiMs. ° • •
In all
.the avenues of fashiOn while
there has not teen an unusual or extraor
dinary effOrt display, there was evi
dently a feeling of relief when the-curtain
was rung down and' the home circle was
again left to be no longer - .invaded with
the footsteps of the idle votaries of fash
And now that the season is over. and
fashion'has turned 'its attention to chari
ty fairs and charity balls, for sweet
charity's sake, we suppose that our legis
lative solons will settledown to-the work
of legislation—the passage of appropria
tions and the drawing of salaries. So en
gaged do some of 'our legislative solons
become in pursuit of these duties that the
interests of their constituents are 4:lften
lost sight of or not regarded at all. a mis
fortune whose shadow has. fallen on any
a " dcestrict," from which the Fifteenth
Pennsylvania District has ever been ex
In the Senate, it appears that Senator
Cameron, of Pennsylvania, has - given his
views in a speech of considerable length
on the subject of the.tariff. Senator Cam:-
eron, 'it is well known,' has heretofore
held atlof from much speech makirig, but
so ably has ho succeeded that thenceforth
if.trillbe a question whether his constitu
ents will not look for more .frequent eff=
forts in this `direction. The attention
which the Senator usually gives to legiala
tive mattera — evinces the :fact
.that his
views upon the tariff: onestion, with its
various complications, will 114, well worth
the attention of his constituency. A pe.
rusal of this speech Will, without doubt,
reveal the'fact that the Senator . is routh
b. , tter posted and has a greater interest
in the Welfare of his State than it 'could
be supposed from the manner in which
ho has been in many quarters so persist
entlyw:ssarled.-- From the pronuneiamen
tos, comments and friithy vaporings
the Opposition press,
. - on what they are
phased to.term "bossism" and the
" Cameron. ring," it 'lworild lead to the'
supposition that the subject of legislation
was of minor importince, and that the
only interest held by the Senatoras wor
thy of consideration was self protection,
the spoils of 'office and the rewarding of
Senator Dawes, Platitudes on Civil! Ser
viel:delivered last week in the Senate has .
been taken up by the Democratic press
and published and-proclaimed as a move
in the right direction of Reform. During
the short time that the Democracy was in
Power anal `controlled the patronage at
the Capitol- they gave evidence . of their
sincerity in,the adoption of 'this much lov
ed system by spending their time in kick
ing armless and legless soldiers- Out of
place. But now, since the tables are
turned_ a change has come.over *the spirit
of theirdreares; and their ravings about
Reform reminds one of the old couplet
"When the devil was sick the a monk would
But hen the devil t ofwell the devil a monk was
During the past: month, to the disap
pointment of many; there has been but
few changes on the political chess board.
The President has given evidence that in
any move that he may contemplate be in
tends to make baste slowly. The antici:
;coated changes in the Cabinet and promi
nent offices have not yet been made ; if
they are to he - made at all, and, cons°.
quently many who bad nourished a hope
that dissensions would be engendered
that would prove disastrous to- the har
mony of the Republican party, are being
sadly disappointed.
That the Administration of President
Arthur will be open and honest 'in all of
its measures, recognizing no faction, and
forwarding the interests of no political as
piraut,is a fact that is being very gener
ally admitted, although' in some' quarters
it Owns --much diseceten_ ts - . llo oeniiva*
with forebodings and , ontioons guliteit of .
the head.. But the fact, howevur distaste.
fat it , may be, or damaging to political
ambitions, mug nevertheless be acceptad,
President Arthar, -by his - manly and
stritightforrud, course is. rapidly gaining
the confidence of the public, and iiheing
regarded atfone in whose hands thu reins
of government may with 8064 be trusted.
The Senate Conimittee having - reported
back to the Ilousn the Apportionment bill
without amendment, the same was on
Monday last passed, by that body. There.
fore the $25 bill will without doubt be
came a law, as dm: President's approval
is taken to be a Matter of course. The
bill adds thirty-two members to, the
House, and it will require some extension
of the hall -to ptoperly accommodate,
them, unless then tessity should lead to
the adoption of th plan of dispenei;*
withT the desks altogether, which tint".
beeniurged on , different ocimsions. , Oda
plan contemplated the location of desks
in the old • hall adjoining, now used for
the exhibition of statuary, where triem- .
bora could do their writing and of confin
ing the ball of the House proper to legis
lative duties exclusively. In the English
House of Commons the members sit upon
plain benches and have no desks.
Tor the vacancy in the- .United Stat . s
Supre. e Court it appears that ex-Senator
Conkling has been , tendered the place,.
the President having this day sent in his
name to the Senate for confirmation.
-Yesterday the bill plachig Ganeial
Grant on the retired list officers
with three-gitarteri pay l was pissed by a
large majority in the Etenate. 31.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27.—At ten
o'clock this morning the doors of the.
House of Representatives were open=
ed to holders of tickets for the mem
orial services, audit' less than half
an hour the galleries were filled, .a
large majority of the spectators be
ing ladies, mosly in black. - There
were no signs Of mourning , in the
ball, even the full length portrait of
the late 'President, James Abrain
Garfield, painted by E...F. Andrels,.
of Washington, being undraped.
The three front rows of desks had
beeiCreplaced by Oaks to accotrnti .
date the invited gaesa, and the Ma
rine Band was stationed in the lobby,
back of the Speaker's desk. : .
• At 11:30 Generals !Sherman ' Sher
idan' Hancock, Howard and Meigs,
and Admirals Ammen, Rogers -and
Rodgers entered at the north door of
the phamber and were assigned seats
to the left of the Speaker's dcak,'and
a few moments later the members of
the Diplomatic Corps, in full rega
lia, were ushered in, • headed by the
Hiwaiian Minister, as dean of the
Corps. The Supreme Court of the
District, headed by Marshal. Henry,
arrived next. Mrs. Blaine:Occupied
a front seat in the gallery reserved
for: friends of the President. At
twelve o'clock .the House' was ' called
to order by : Speaker Keifer, and
prayer was offered; by the Chaplain.
The Speaker then- announced
. th - 'at
!!ilie . House was assembled and realy
Ao perform its part in - the memorial
'services, and the )resolutions to that,
effect were read by Clerk .31ePher- .
At 12:10 the Senate was an
nounced, and that 'body, - headed by
its officers, entered and took their
assigned- seats. The Chief Justice
and Associate Justices •of the Su.
preme Court,in- their robes of office,
came next,' aryl were followed by
President. Arthur and his Cabinet.
The President took-the front seat on
the right of the _presiding officer's
phair, next to that occupied byCyru!
- Senator Sherman and Representa—
tive McKinley (Ohio); occupied seats
•at the desk-on the - right and left
the orator of the _day. Mr. Went,
.the British Minister, was the only
member-of the Diplomatic Corps who
did net wear the court uniform.
A delegation , of gentlemen from
the Society-ofthe Army of the Cum
berland ac4as ushers at the main
entrance tObe rotunda and in the
various corridors leading to the gal
leries. -
The arrsgements throughout the ;
entire Hodwing of the Capitol for
the ingress and seating '0f. 3 .1111 the va
rious classes of invited guests were
so .admirably planned and executed`.
by Sergeant-at-Arms Hooker thiit
there, was no contusion or over
crowding, although every square foot
of available b apacelwithin and near
the hall was fully occupied.
. At 121'30 the orator of the day was
announced, and after a short - prayer
by Chaplain of the House F. D.
Power, President Davis said : "This
day is dedicated by Congress for
memorial services of. the late Presi
dent of the United Stites, James A.
Garfield. -r present to yon the Hon.
James G. Blaine, who has -been fitly
chosen as orator' for this historical
Mr. Blaine then rose, and standing
at the clerk's . desk, immediately in
front of the two . presiding officers,
proceeded, with impreisiVeness ,of
manner nod , clearness atone, to de
liver his trilogy from manuscript:
Owing to the late time of receiving
a copy of the address, we are unable
to lay it before our readers this week : !
The eulogy was concluded at 1:50;
•having taken just an hour and;:a half
in its delivery. We Mr: Blaine gave
utterance to the last solemn.words
the spectators broke - into a storm of
applause, which: was not hushed for
some moments. The address' was
listened to'with - ";an . intense interest
and in solemn ; Silence, unbroken • by
'any; sound :except a sigh of relief
(such as arises rom a large audience
when a strong 'tension is removed
from their miri s) when the 'orator
passed' from h44l,lusion, to the differ
epees existing: the . Republican
party list spring- j., , Bencdiction was
then offered bOhe`Rev. Dr. Bullock,
Chaplain bf th - teriate. The Marine
Band playeif (the 'Garfield . Dead
March" as the ,. invited guests filed:
out of the Chamber inthe same order
in which they ad Mitered it. The
Senate was the • last,tor leave, and
then the Ilmite was',;kalled to order
by the Speaker. ;,,
. Mr. McKinley. of Ohiol, offered the
following resolution: .
Resolved, The . Senate concurring,
that the thanks of Congress are here
by presented to the Bon. James G.
Blaine for the appropriate 'memorial
address delivered by him on the
life and services of (fames- A: Gar
field, late President of the United
States, in the Representative Hall,
before both' houses of-Congress and
their invited guests, on the 27th of
February IsB2, and that.lhe be' re
quested to, furnish a copy for publi
Resolved, That the Chairman of
of the Joint Committee appointettto
make the necessary, arrangemefits to
carry into effect the resolutions of
Congress in relation to the memori
al exercises In honor of James A.
- _
Oarlleldbe minded to coma:tunic - ate
to Mr. Blaine, the foregoing resolu
tion, receive his answer tkereto and
present the: same to. Howes o
Compel?. The resolutionjwas adopt
ed unarumotudy. •
Mr;- McKinley
_then Offered the
Boxplv_ed, That as a further mark
of respect to the memory of . . the de
ceased President of the United
States the - House donow adjourn.
The resolution was unanintously
adopted, and' in accordance there
with the Speaker at 1:50 declared the
-House adjourned until to-morrow.
L':—Williamsport capitalists hive sub
,scrilx!d $7,000 toward a paper mill for
that city.
—Leading citizens of Titusville have
subscribed $123,000 towards another bank
In that place. '
—The new shops of the Pennsylvania
Railroid CoMpany at Altoona have been
nearly completed. • .
bell 'weighing 1,200 pounds Was
chat at the Rester shots last
week for the use of the. shops,
—The session of the Pennsylvania mil
itary academy at Chester will be resumed
at Ridley park oa Wednesday, March 1,
abd the cadets are all expected to-icturn.
*At a meeting of the , stockholders a
the Pennsylvania Military Academy locat
ed at Chester, Pa., it was decided - to re
build the academy on the old site, and to
transfer thevschoel temporarily to Ridley
—Merchants in the 311101 towns along
railroad lines complain of the constant
interference of drummers and outside so
licitors for Orders fir goixis, which have
f. tendency to entirely destrly the retail
trade in many towns.
—lt is said that President Gowen de
dares that the Reading Railroad will
never pay $487,000, revenue taxes on the
wages certificates, as the legal authorities
hold. All:the road's mortgages must be
met before a sale of stock can be made to
satisfy the government's elaim.L
—Francis Kirkpatrick, of gonth Coven-,
try, 'Chester county, age twenty-one;
whileintoxicated, and while being taken
holm in a wagon from a - sale on
Monday, brd his neck broken..4lis com
rades were drunk, and they'fpitchefi Wm.
into the rear of the vehicle, paying,rtio at
tention to hini until they arrived at his
home, whlnthey found him (load.
Seven thousand doikrs have in far
been received by the - _cOmmlttee for the
relfiefrof suffers from the latb tire at
—London. Febuyary- 22. Sir Stafliird
Northeote!s motion expelling Mr. Brad
laugh from the houSe of commons' was
passed by a vote of 291;t0..83.
—The has ordered General Sko
beleff to retorti to St. retemlotrg. It is
expected that lie will at riN e cry shortly,
when be will be tequirca to explain • his
recent speech.
—Newark, N. :I.; Feb. 25. Wl;liatri
',get, aged twelve years, einployiqk in
Cathie's needle factory, w 4; passing a
coil of wire.tbrouglithe rollers this Mum-.
ing when the wire - broke, and coiled
around him, cutting him k iu - tWo and
.1; ill.
ing him instantly.,
-John P. Gould, of New York; pre
sented a memorial signed by nierchants,„
mannfacturerS, mrchanici, farmers, taN- : *
pipers and others to the Ways awl Meaift:
Committee at Washington last wejlli.-;
which was upwards - of OM feet` long. It
asks tha.t,the:tax on bank • deposits and
the tw4hrit stamp on checks and drafts
may b4lir,cilished.
—3[i^ 5 ilson:.a conaMissida merchant
of S.t. Lquis, is the owner of a horse that
is just recovering from a well defined case
of small-pox. The - horAe was taken sick
about a Month ago, and the forMation of
the • sores and their deVelopment Were
identical with the development of 'sin ill
pox cases hi humans. The, animal 'Filf
feicd nizttit deal, th.' pngtuhs as large
as oi eyes_ iii over the, body passing out
of the deist!.
—The' Wayne inflependlat states that
a gent lemanrof that county has in lila pos
sessiona imwder limn that was once own
l)y Tom quick,famons Indian
al 'yer of the Delaware,l a century,ago.-
• It
ja.,\COvered with rude jack-knife engTav-
Jngs of birds, animals, fish, an:l' river,
on each side - of Which aee bouses,chnrches
and streets, supposed is be a representa
tion of New York city. , Just b:lqw the
city is an engral Mg of a fort, eirl on an
other part of the; horn: in printed . letters
and figures appears the following : "Made
in' the year 1777 by Tom Quick.",
Souerwine, aged sixteen
years, employed in the Jordan rolling
mill, - .Allentown. was last Friday-the vic
tim of a painful accident. A bar of red
hot iron was) passink through the rolls,,
and k the boy, who is a "catcher'," was
about ready- tn catch 'the • bar whit his
tongs when another noy accidentally
struck the iron - . The blow caused the
bar to.take a Sudden upward turn, passed
in tinder the vest and shiit, scarred the
chest, and in its upward - coarse struck:
UM chin and passed clear through - it and
the root of the tongue to the roof. of the
month. The boy pulled out the iron and
burned one of his hands badly. The other
employes 4tood still froM horror, brit the
boy's presence of mind and pluck did not
for Sake him, and accompanied by his
father he walked to the office of •Dr. Mar
tin, about half a rage distant, where his
injury 'was treated. - The hole in the
.chin is big enough to adinit a finger. The
boy's course from the mill to Ithe doctor's
olliCe could be traCed by the bleed he lint
on the way. His recovery is probable.
. -
Generaidealers. in Groceries and Produce ; corner
Msin.and Pine Streets.
WEDNESDAY - EVEM: , .:(3, FEB. 2'4.1852.
Flour per hbl. _ .
' . *7 00 0 8 60
Flour per sack ' 11 7 5 (4 2IS
Corn Meal per 100.... 1 65 0 1 73
Chop Feed, • 0 1 75
Wheat, per bush.... 11-25 0 II 30 0
Corn * 7. - i- 46 - 0
Rye 70 0 - 0
Oats - . . 45 0 "47 I
Iluekwheat • 75 (4 I .@
Buckwheat F10ur.... 12 75 0 200 1 ,_,•••
Cloverseed - - 0 00 44
Pea Vine clover 1 0 . a5O
Timothy, western,.. 13 23 0
Beans, C 2 lbs, .. ..... ' (4 300 ) (4
Pork„rues‘ 04 bhl. 120-00 (4 122 00
Lard ' _ (4 12
E 15 (4
Runv.. Rolls 27 oal tter, tubs 28
' '0
ireah • ..= €5
Cheese -
Potatoes. per.bush.. 110 (4
Beeswax 20 0
Peaches, dried 12 0 16 -
COIIIIaCTED BY 14.15AVIDOir é 41110.
Hides (4 7
Vea Skins • - - -06
75 0 2i
11 0 25
Deacon Skins 40 (4 -GO
Sheep rake 1 75 0 1 50
hereby notify the public In general that I
have this day purchased the goods ii the store
formerly owned and occupied by M. L. Schnee
berg; and, as I am compelled to realize the money
thereof to iettle his liabilities, I shall for the next
two weeks sacrifice the engirt stock of Clothing,
Boots awl Shoes at almost any price. Now as the
time lase very short, I would advise everybody to
call at once at the Boston Clothing House, Mesas's.
Block, Towanda, Pa., and secnre the greatest bar
gains in that line ever heard of.
Writing Oxen and
DO,fry COWL .
The subsCribers will sell at public sale,
at the residence of Jacob' W. Wilbur, on the•Wysus
rend In Windham townrhlr, on
Saturday; March 11th, 1882,
'Beginning at 1 o'clock r. M. sharp, the following
Four yoke of Working Oxen, ranging In age
from four to seven years, and in weight from 2.500
to 3,000 Iba. per yoke. The shove oxen are- well
matched and well broke.
3 ead of tine _young Dairy Cows , coining In
the lattey part of March and first of April
The cows areirell selected and-Will Suit anybody
in need of dairy cows. Gentlemen, come and ex
amine and Judge for yourselves.
Also, cue stock Bull. '
Also, at same Hate and place, live horses -two
heavy farm horee's and three light road hoiles.
These horses work Well In single or double harness
and are gentle and kind. .
Also, twolltuggy Wagons-:-ono Cortland wagon
and the other secont•hand. of Gorhanfa make..
TERMS. OF SA LE. Three tuonthe credit wilt
be given, with hateiest and approved security, One
per cent. discount.will be allowed for ca , ,h.
West Windhalp, Yawl.
Hard Times Seared
to. Death !
" I cannot. tell a lie, (lid it V 6 Rh my
mue butcher,- when' I k the c' of my
illllllellSe eases of LUW PRICE!) - SPRING
(WOW, and HOW
I have_ laid id a new Spring Stock of
Dien;', 'fontlis% 110).6! and ChiWrens' .
,Pisa anr, intr - rrt
Which . is positively
.4 surprise to
I astonish "the sightseeer with an unri
vaY4l collection of. elegant styles and Iteaueiftif
rilelight the purchaser 'with prices
which wtru ittiver before S, ICVV.
. .
I allbrd all an opportidity to FcCIIIT the
newest ant bolt Sprlnggat the nts t prices v. Mau
tnor mede , . -
THESE PLA IS FA(` 1%.; ili.mmid . yom•
a entlon. and w.; reql •ctiull;, iolvi,e al early ex
a 1 luatl.4l, and Inrit%; tr.
tuf v. SE FIELD,
For the next
, •
we Will sell our stoek
Of Parlor Sitits-tind
. Patent ltoekeri;
to , make 1'()m for
is - no s'ilvertising tio(lge
bnt 0, 'Alt: INS•JUS I' WHAT 1
In our fmkturrAK
'NG Dept. we have a
large stock of Collins
and thskets (mar
antee satisthetion in
this hue.
At Bridge Strnt, Funatture Store.
Towanda, Pa., March 3. ISB2.
N. H. DQ ,
Thil saleable ma rein
the discovery of which
many, yeara' close study,
.:„. the cause, the symptoms,
Commutation, Coughs,.
Croup, distluna,Pleurlsy
Whom, Spittluz
- -l.' and every species of oppr.
MaudL beendry g% ad w
its „ _ _ _
rig i invariably manifested, convincing the most in•
am credulous that
•Is net incurable. if properly attended to.— .•
siO Consumption, at He corrnuencemept, is but a
slight irritation Of the membrane which covers •-•‘,
the Lungs; th en an inflamed en, when the LT... -
cough is !nor!, observable, but rattier dry; then prig
sr and the praise -
fluthccl and cb"
•in curing. the
.) este remove
ad fnfatnuti
[dam and finall;
cough and make
Torts the strengtl
:es the (eyes'. I
astringent artic
Ire sus to be int
lint; whereas
Ts the cough,'
literally desire)
t is entirely gs
cough is cured .
Trees for pamph
'cure ofpadrrxmal
lets, and 61.00 pet
&LORD, Taps.; Bar
8:8 18
—M(11414 •of gplininWrat! m.
granted to the underAmed upon the estate of
Wilis A. Phelps, late of Athens, deceased,
notice-Is hereby given that all persons Indebted to
the!said estate are requested to make immediate
payment, and alt pers-ns having Matins against
said estate must pre4ent the same duly autheuil
eatedlo the undersigned for settlement. :
Milk; Pa., 2martr?... Administrator.,
—Letters of administration basing been:
granted to the undersigned the 'estate of ,
liesekiati Parrons,;late of Litchneld, deceased,.
notice Is hereby given that all p , ..rsons Indebted to
the said estate are requested to make Inuuediale
payment. and all persons 'having claims Agatha
said estate must present the same duty authenti
tWed in the nnitersigned for settlement. •
• EMMA PAR:SOtiti,
Litchfield, Pa., iltuaraii".. • Admit,latraulx.
Receipts and Expenditures of Bradford count
From January Ist to . December 31st, 1881.
,i - .. -•- Ezpemiditures.
-a .
tlit 00 !State [Amalie Hospital
To amount paid Auditors
Bridge contracts
• 6.0% 64 I Copying Indices, Register's Office. ...
• .
Bridge repairs : 2664 19 : AuditingaccountirProt'sand iteg'softir c ..
Bridge.vlews 127 00 i Copying judgment docket, Pl'ot's ontr,...
Bradford Coun'y Agricultural Society... lO9 On.: Newlin & Armstrong, attorneys for n risi s
Constables for snaking returns to Court ..,... ! ford Co. in two suits for Bradford I - 0
and attending at elections - 802'44 ' ' for the reduction of the State tax
Assessors.. 2.533 97 ;Expenses of Towanda Bridge-163,1k
Costs In Commonwealth sults ' 4,7-24 54, watchman, lights:and repairs_ „ . .....
Counsel to Cemnalsalonera.. ..
.• 50 60, Elliott & Watrous, attorneys for Bradford '
Crier and Tipstaves of Court ' 679 09 :. Co. in [no suits Of Towanda Bridge Co.
District Attorney
: VAC COI 'VS. Bradford Co, In 2 eases at Wellsboro ' 4, 1 1 ;
Election expense.l 1,711 40 I Witnesses' costs and CM - Routes for 1ir3,1.
Fuel and lights . - 1,610 til I ford Co as dal In 2 eases at e 1141,,,,,, 1” I
. 5 .
Grand Jurors- KW) 31 Court - costs—witness' costs for plaintiff ni
Traverse.jums ' 7,342 93; 2 cases at.Weilaboro, Toivuti,l3.llo,l2.
Insuranceon public buildings - • • 73 001 • Co. ys. Bradford Co ',
Repairs, fnruiture, fixtures and labor onJudgment- and Interest limn date thal
public buildings and grounds 950 70 i County took rWrssession of the bridge._
Coroner and Justices holding Itopicsta.., -271 24 I Davies & Carnoclian, attorneys for Wad.
Jury CotutollthiOtterll and c1erk.......... , 279 44 I lord Co. In 2 stilts in the Sopreine cool t
Blank bookstn county omces ' 663 94 I and 2at Wellsboro. Towanda Whi g s_
Postage and stationery ......AllO Ca ; Intareht 4' n Juilgtneut from 31 arch '!I to
Public printing 1.028 30 ''Dec.:Wier 19, lasi, at "'blot' tine tl
Prisoners' support In jail ' 2,184 67 I• . debt and Interest was paid ----= e
Prisoners' support In penitentiary. 1,348 4,1 I Davies 4 Carom:bait awl. Dal le•;•'& lia:1,
Sheriff, conveying prisonets to penile:ll. 671 41. 1 ,, "'from 1876 to ISlLittiorncys• feet i n
Prothonotary, Quarter Sessions fees 463 GO i Bradford County Coast •
Bent of room Troy Cour., ' - 110 00 : Dividing townships. and boroughs -thin
Sheriff for sunimonlng jury ' ' 167 GO ' election district - I' -
Sheriff, fees In Commonwealth'..sults ;1.41 9i 1 Dr. C. K. Ladd, Jail physician ...... •. ....
Tax refunded , . 134 4! i Sherill',.prodanixtious '
%V ild rat certificates . 1:1 73 i Daidel liradtora, County Coiriml-s:on.r.
Making duplicates, lir - ' , 75 001 J. W Hurst. County r (g ai n i,, , , ~,,..
.... -
Stenographer of Court '' 1,217 12 31. F. flan won, Comay Cbmin i.,i01,..r....- --
Bounty for return of stolen bones '' -- - - 34, 50 i William Lewis, Clerk
Insurance on Towanda Bridge 180 09 I -
Damages for loss of sheep by dogs In 1580 842 41 I Total
. .
To amonutpaid for completing the Poor. I 11 . M ;IE., ck. z•v•
House atid constrtit Ong Insane Illospilater 3,605 T 313 ol on the I t Jalo;ary
Stock and labor 1,470- 1.1 1 ,
• • ~/
Fixture's and furnishing Insane hospital • /. 5111 - 42 2 set/00;11de. harness, $l9 r Marfs.rn i
31ainretianco A 2,540 - gem $75; 4 manure rorlor, t.'"..! ;
. 1 , 2( ;' ) 20 whiftletrees, 44 ; 2 gr,s.s4rytlies.
Supportof poor inane in lunatic lio,pitals 1,151 00 j b„,„ h 2 , : „ !1 ,1, 3 ,„ rr,
Tranvortatiou of FA,- . 135 corn plough; 13; picks,
Transportation of poor Insane froul'llar. I yoke, 11. 40: 4 hogs.f.4o; Inn::‘,
risk erg, haut;ille and Warren lunatic
.):; ; 40 bwAs. turnip,
lumpitals to County-House—
.2oo 4:1 20 a onions /I " 4 , ) pwanrsti‘..,
Dr. C. W. Carrier, roor-house physician 3:10 0 ",: churn and p4wer. /Pi:. I Matto/in •csb...
A: M. Cornell. Superintendent . GOO Ito • tiCt: bbls. corned to, :n.f.1.14,
Tai oti loans, / 60 eider h: Iv. lleelral:r.,
, wheat 17. 4 0, • :OL , of corn pail, 25 of On, of oars , 17. - ; ;
- ,
.)10wer, $7'.: .',00 feet of fel:cc !: , .::nl 7 , 11,*1
I posts, $l2-.50; 1 faimlng•inill. to: 1 1
I shelter. fo; Ewes—bandraltes,pll .
die., t 5.54.1; I keg wrought nail,
I -graimeradles, $7.5m:: plough.. 41s; I
gle.harness. drAgs, gra l in.e
; 1 ricirl•roller. f2s ; 1 c, in,
pairs bobsiel2lis, $5O : 2cams
1 . 44. !tk. '4 0 : pairs L • : -.1111"ri's
; 1'13.50 ; 9 coa s ts, 7 pairs pants and 7. le,'
$05.5: 2o cows, A•;&'5): 5,-;,1
:leers, •l 5); I r i r
.63 tons of hay. $O5O _ e/•rtist.“l::-.
Mine in the pnatinacy:.!.:9 ,
Total valuation:—
Armenia . D. AlCxander
Asvlunm.T D. Kerritk...
Athcne It ( 7. W. Can het
Athens W. I)nottanr..
A ihany T!W.I. Kenyon..
Alba 11 • •I F. W. 31111er....
Burets)* T.... ~'d.Cantwe I
thirlington 1 S . Travis .—.
Iturlingtou .. !.1. Phlll
Burl i egtrin 1t... I M..S. touglass
Canton T Ayres
Canton B iW. C. fzechrbt
Cr•ltuntila T [E.:11(7(111re_
grank T
GrinvUh T W. 3. P - ackard
Itcrrtek T U. F. Rogers..
Litchfield 1`....! W. H. Can% er
Leßoy T. !L.A;Wt,stef
Leltayhville 8.. I F, H. Cuffing
3lonroe T in' A.11:411074
31on roe It. Flonett.,
New Alnany B. qieo.Wltrox...
Orwell T I , A. A. Allyn...
erverton T W. Sick.... ..
Pike T.... 'NEE Iteectier
Itidgimry TBrown ...
Rowe T.... . Ilikle
Rome B /.F. Wilmot ...
en. Cl, lids
Smithfield D. Phelps.
So, Waverly 8.. 1.1. Westbrook...l
South Creek T.; 1G e0..1 enkins . .
Springfield T ; G. Ilaßey
Stand. stone 'T. I F. J. Kingsley,.
ii) ; lvanta. B. ....
Towanda ..
Wirkhatn;.. ; 1
Tawanflalloi.Tl r. Clancy
Towanda T !F. W. F
Troy 11, .... .. ' Slimart.„..
Tray 'l' • - ...111.N.Fi51i
Tvrry Mtn man
Ulster T ' l li. Bartholomew
Warren W. P. 11" we n
T.... ...".111k - -It; sham.
Wihnot. T , I). lilerreni,ael).
Windham G III:I
wy m y t
Wyn:using T... mb..i ru
Jtiiin Grant, Treas.
- ::49.10unt balance In treasury ;torn lat - y aMoun exonerated to ('ollectos
By ,
wort m
1.22,97 - year 1,5v1
R uplleates for includ„ rea.ssexsinents 87,0'..3 '4; - Percentake of Collectors fo m 1; 1....
ecelvtd fromlaze Treas'r, Wni Bunyan. Z,I 17 no Supt. Ryan, Temnerllissniu..... -
Cnunty tax received on rentrs ed lands% •64mi i lntere,t nri Cmtuty loan -
Incidental reeelValS Illrders reflitell4,-,1 during year 72:0.
I- es:velvet! from George ]buntlnunt g -23 00 • Treasur corn., er' corn., s per cent . nu $30.11:,:. 04 :;s..
yit 10.0a0 cu Treasurer.; •om., 2 IK r ce . fit. on ~.17'3,0:fu ,;7
Overdraft at Citizens Natien , lll:llk G.OOO 00 INlanee In 'freu,susy Januar.)
. .
. -
JOllll H. Gennt„Treasnrer,Jn Account With Brintiorti county l'oor Dintrict
. .
, . .
TO amount balance, In Treasury from last . ,ty ao -,0 11 , 0..•x0ncc,4: 4 ,1 t.., Co • 14-4 - tort; fur
- ;report ----1: *959 30 '' - 3 ear IN, '
i -•
i ~
Duplicates for year ,tfoil ~-,-^',-
.. 21•En2 4S Pc 4 c , t , Llg''" of (.g t: 'to: ; for dear 1521... i,oqi 7,
Poor tax received kieircrturned lands 1,1 10t." . -4st on :road', •
Caili rcc'll from smr . - t4oor-linuse rat tn. .. 31: 31 I Wrjle!, I eileelrled thli'll4; year j.,
.. . : ... ~t . -1
Ca , hretelved from Asa. Forrest ••• • 174 I'o 7. ll•3ls!tri•l'A rem, I pe t e mu . ~i , ,2:,.,•i...r: 75 ::, 447
Cash reccivcd ot, Pout pkt clot bond-- 10,1,60 CC4. Ticasnr,rs ecto., et- nr. un ;.{ , ),.:1,,,,,t
11.11 am A! 114 'Prcosury Janualy 2, Iss' :4; - , • .
. •
' .
. .
. ,
• .
We, the undersigned, Commissioners of i.aitl County, do hereby certify that
foregoing is a true and eerce,.t. statement of the reeelvals and experplitufes of the 'aid Peun tr. mil . f
the Puor District which it , curitposes, Irma, the first day of January. A. D, ISA!, I. the thirtptt: it.. ~ t *
December, A. 1.). IsSt.' both d.tys Inciustve.
NV iluess our hatub) and catmint slat atTuvi audit, rejilla., th i a 1101 day of jaw nu t, t', A. I).:•,_,
• ' I I NNW]. Itt:4l , Po!flt )
.7'll-ItttS KlNttsif.k.V.- :.f..: , rcitt.
M. F. DAN:tap, • 3
• , .
• .
BRADFORD CoI.INTY;':!•:.i.:-
- "
We, the undersigned, Auditors or said County, do 100 eby, cell if/ that Iti'N.l4lvt
examltml the foregoing statement and the vouchers tor the iteni= theretn euntaine,l, and mid th. m :•
be correct. '
Commisaiouurs• ()nice, Janniry la, 1952
Statenent of Indebtedness of Zradford County and cf
Bradford County Poor Dist;rici as- of - Jan. 2,1332.
County Loan for'lBBl
Overdraft for 1881...
Less cash hr-Treastiry Janulry 2, 18S2.
Bonds issued for 1880
Birds issued for 1t. 4 ,81 •
Less Cash in Treasury January 2, 188:1
Total Actual Indebtedness as of January 2, 1882.
• ittiVle, Clerk.
Vey jklovertiseautio.
--=O1? TIIE
M !!HOf%P.
!18,073 b i
County Tax und.Poor Ton.
e 174 20' 8158 151 - 17,43
710 90 C 94 u; *fe
1020 71. 813%091 JAAI:
1922 66. 1 1774 121
590 581- 1017 . 26. " "10Z:19 ,
10051 i 93 - 211
903 22j 5 , ,2 00' 291) 51,
071 91; 027 99, 11 4 1 '
523 561 497 09! 4 49
101 021 91 29. 2 82
1178 sN; 1090 451 21 2t
529 681 501 19! 2 11
1291 43; 11.6 12! 2 :••9
412 97: 3.9 91 3 59
775 - 221 . 31 2 1 .7 46
555 90 T 507 03 5 !
2 25
829 681 771 7 0 1 10 00
700 27' 659 411 6.12
251 3.5 236 69: 19
725 51: 632 1 21 1 5 33
170 221 164'8, 1 5,
46 451 43 17; 1 01
951 241 900 51! 4 03
265 801 207 92 40 93
1122.511. 1061 37! 5 2%
869 Ni 822 1 1 11 ' 3'61
7"5 1
7"' 6.42 56 1 7 2 9
97'94. 92 5".! 55.
1228 021 11 4 4 741 ' 1 9k'
1,417 671 1332 09, IS
46.3 77j 419 051 22 6s,
606 731 573 71' 2 8".
1211 HI 1178.0 ; 5 - 14 -
i.. 51 87. 525 09: S
111 311 108 roi
.3091581 25 1 ,1 92, 57 99
329'90,; 309 82 '1 93 ;
641 51 1 01)1 40! 21 40.
112.8 01 10.31 13:. I I 0
_l3ll 95. 1210 39 0 97,
625 63 - 557 :55
479 621 41S 59 10 3- 1
714 27" 07.5 33 '3 2:
1664 92. 1005 421 - 0-5",
902 79 -8.52 4. 1 : 5 15 ,,
530 55' 490 19" 11 4 51
859 99 612 53: 4 911
537 75 876 41, 15 181
1057 95 , 996:947 1,4=5.1
p 1 1.i3 r, 34554 ti:qt:l:N .3'..7 ' 1•1‘•/0
7- .• • •
rer, 10 Account .. , With the ('onnh• of Ilradtord
$78,303 h 2 Ttlta.l
1-‘, 3 1
<'. P. W
..10S. T. 11
Ay W. MVO!) Y.
. ~-~=~.
•^••• • 4...e0,1• 0 %•••• • " *****
DEOFIDi IN hfc..lPl,of:l, COT‘I.I
I: .1:54/. I Volt Till. i-•
4, 5
3f; 1
4 42 7•1
-131 51 4^:.0 5 7.
sml - .35 457 .12 91 1,
11:0; 77 1055 3 4-s :` ;- 24
75 !':16: 3:: ;4
31.' N 72 It.
- 215 51- / I.
5.1 15 . 52 35
5;1 '
:317 71' 300 ) I ....,
174575: 7(.977 ;
721 , 0' '227 ;
-1 11- 54; 429 22
210 50' 2114
41 1 4 78' 4.:2 25
; 417 13 3N3 9;
132 4'l
4:17 31' 4' 34
• 145 T.. .
27 74 •;7,
111 124 4 , , 2 5 ,
"r. 2.1 97 :-,
615 72; 46-4 . 2
432 RP' 4"5 5:09
57 43 N 4
)))17,7); . ; 7.. 7 " 4 1
207 51'1: -
3;3 1.6, 1:i
7.1 , 3 7.4 45.
3:12 31 31. b.! 3.r
91. hu 74,
37.1 , 1 64) 31
4 0 I'3
33 02
20 10
77 40
62 4:-.
2r) 47
":.t; 6 41
111. 9 , ,
:)4 71i
1 I
1: 911
, 7s•
10 9;
5.. k
3'i r
4 S)
61 :Sr i
7) 11
31 II•
I_ i _ l
27 r , 1
Jll 11 tt7l
"I t
¢b / I
14,1 5 . .. i. 1.1
173 •ii 417
Z 62 14 1 Ff.:4 CG, 4:
11 41 -
27'.1 1 , ; , 3;4
414 4
.;31 cf;. 11'.7
44 S
. S.
12 7
4 1
12 47
5-5 :.: 3 1.;
All '.:91 S 5. 7
4'15 45
545 00 . 511 U 0 n It;
605 'l' -10 ),4
17 tl!I
1%; ltj
_,... c,
1. h
SIO,NH) 00
rt,tlo t t
$16,000 to
li`,i • 0
I 11
:C: ~~ ) 1 111 li I 1~~ 1
$1:r.:'•I 11
3 .'il"; I
yr: i . ,