A PICT VU WORTS 1111,110LDIlle. .Hanging between two 'wean windows, anii_catching the light from-`.a larger one opposite, In one of the - offices of Adams Express Company, at 59 Broadway, New Nork—the office occupied by Mr. W. H. lila, head of the delivery department -is . a plainly ibikthed . but neatly framed chremo about 2f by three :feet in size, • which is lookeu upon by hundreds otpeo .daily, on many of whom it has a won derful and salutary effect. - It represents a flight of half a dozen rough stone steps leading from the swarded bank of a placid take to a little rustic temple set in the rugged side of•the mountain which rises in stupendous proportions in the back ground all cavered with a rank luxuriant growth of foliage in brush and tree. In the open door ofthis little temple stands a half concealed figure, ;with an arm and band extended,' holding forth a small, dimly defined package, while seated on the swftd at the foot of the steps an aged pilgrim, bare footed, lame _and decrepid,. bears a staff in one hand, and in the other holds before his dith eyes a .small bottle, Whose labor he easily scans., This label bears the words "St: Jacobs Oil the Great German Remedy." _ Simple as' this little ehromo appears in its utiOst-ntatious po sition, it has an influence which it would be difficult to estimate. "It is to 'that picture 'and to the persuasions. of Mr. Hall," sad Mr. Edward J. Douglass, a gentlenian connected with Mr. Hall's de partment, "that I owe my present ability "to perform my work. Some Weeks ago I was violeutly'attacked with sciatic rheu matism, and hour by hour I grew worse, and nothing my family •or the doctor could do gave me any relief. I began to think in a few days that my case was liii - peless and that I was doomed to be au invalid and helpless cripple for life. But at last I thought of that picture which I had so often Icioked at with but 'little in terest, and then Mr. Hall came to my bedside, and taller; me how St. Jacobs Oil had cured him of a worse and longer standing case than mine, urged me to use the same remedy. I did so that very .night, directing my wife not to spare, it but to apply . it thoroughly according to -_the directions ; this She did with a large piece of flannel Cloth saturated with the Oil, and then bound the cloth to the satu _rated parts:. The next rimming I was free'from pain, and although a little sore iu the hip, was able to dress myself, and the next day resumed my duties in the office as sound as a dollar. Here I am now in full health and strength, having had no touch of rheumatism or other pain since. Whenever I see one of our drivErS or any other person who shows any symp toms of lameness Or stiffness, I point him . to the pictnro in M i r. Hall's office," and then direct him to go for St. Jacobs Oil rt! once."—N. Ewing Telegram. • TENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE LADIES' BENEVOLENT - ASSOCIATION. Ten years of faithful earnest work has been done by this society,' and when we think of the vast-amount of good which - has been'aceomplished we are confident that no one regrets its organization. Self -- denial and untiring effort have been ne cessary to make it a success ; these have been cheerfully given, and not without their reward. The libe -- al support and co-operation we have had from the com munity is duly appreciated ; also the kind- ness of Mr. Wickham -in still furnishing a room for - our use: Just at the opening. of:. the past year one-of our most efli lent workers was iUni deftly taken from us. Very sadly have we missed the cheery voice, active IAI - ids, and encouraging words of our dear friend Mrs. PrOsper Smith. Ever ready for ev ery good mork seeking opportunities to relieve the ptwt and suffering, her warm, sympathiz;ng_heart. won the lore of all, and very keenly has her loss been felt. May we, who . selNes'are • yet spared, eri. gage with still greater diligence and zeal in our Master's work. Mits. It M. WELLEs, --January 31, 182. Seeretarv. ITEMIZED IT Comfortables, new, 1 ; sheets, pairs, new, 8 pillow eases, pairs, ne .v, ; men's double gown, new, -1 ; men's overcoats, Second-band, 2 - ; boys' overcoats, second. Land, 3 ; men's coats, second-band, 12 ; boys' coats, second-hand, 13 ;`boys' vests, second-hand, 5 ; men's vests, second-baud, 4 - ; men's pants, second-band, pairs, 15; boys pants, second-band, pairs, 5 ; boys' shirts, seetind-band, 3 ; boys' shirts, ncw, 4 ; men's shirts, second-band, 20 . ; men's drawers, second-hand, pairs, • 2; men's drawers, new, pairs, 2 ; boys' I-ts, new, 2 ; boys' hats, second-hand, 3 ; boys' col lars, second-band, 11 ;- women's dresses, new, 2 ; watiten's dresses, second-hand, 2; women's night-dresses; new, 5 ; women's flannel skirts, new, 2 ; women's wrappers, new, 3 ;women's drawers, new, pairs, 4 ; women's chemises, new, 1 ; women's che mises, second-band, 2 ; women's bonnets, new, 2 ; girls' dresses, Second -band, 14 ; girl's night-tireSses, new,- 2 ; girl's a: roes, sew, 4 ; girls' chemises, new, 3 ; collars, new, 2 ; girls' flannel skirts, new, 4 ; ilanncl skirts, second-hand, 5 ; girls'cloaks, second-hand, 3 ; girls' draw ers, second-band,,pairs;! 6 ; girls' under waists; second-hand, . 4 3 ; girls' - under- Waisti, new, :1 ; infant's dresses, new,'2-; infant's dresSes, second-band, 7 ; infant's blankets, second-hand, 2 ; infant's skirts, second-hand, 2 ; infant's skirts, new, 1 ; infant's wrappers, new, 2 ; sacqites, sec ond-band, S ; stockings, second-hand, Pairs, 44 ; stockings, new, pairs, 13 ; shoes, new, pairs, 13 ; Ehogs, second-hand, - pairs, G ; rubber shoes, new, pairs, 20 ; hoods, new, 4 ; calico, yards, 90 ; factory, yards, 22 ; buttons, dozen, 7 ; thread, spools, 13 ; medicine bottles; 3 ; raspberry vinegar, bottles, 3.; jelly glasses, 6 ; can ned.fruits, quarts, 7 ; baskets prbvisions, ; milk, quarts, 40 ; Christipas dinners, 4; coal; tons, 121 ; cash, $13.35; provisions, ♦CSSOWLEDGYLS7P Thant:ticklag. Mr. 4. 0. Blight 5 tons of - 'donated LY-1 1 se al erti Donate.' I , y a ;toy, TIIP.A,UREICS tIATEIIEN IterelptbA,JanuAry ISt:. ra*r ß euts t. January Balance due society, lu Tr e:u uten•liauds Mn. 0. D. KINNEY, Treasurer. MosEs How, Esq., of Haverhill, Mass., strongly endorses St. Jacobs Oil for rheu matism, etc., from the observation of its effects in his factory as also in his 'own family—so we see from one, of Lair Massa chusetts exchanges.—Brideeport (Conn.) Standard. Jegat. Sheriff's Sales. By - irtue of sundry writs issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County and to me directed, t will expose to public. sate, at the (tun Boost. In Towanda 'Borough, on Friday, February 100882, sti o'eklelt, P. If., the following desetlbed proper• ty, to wit: No. I. One sot, piece or ;oriel or laud. situate In Wysox tolrnalatp (lota Nos.a and Bof Block No. ,of Mencar t idorgan & Moody'. aut.-01'1810u of East Towanda), bonodad north by luta Nos. 4 and 8 of MN% 11. tact by Pennsylvania avenue, icui Maa MOVlttiael milt by WW2* ford ittreet t . all Improved. no buildings. Seized and taken inna,e_tecutlen at the suit of Morgan Moodrit administrators vs. Jno S. Kennedy Margaret Kennedy. N0..2. ALSO—One other lot of land, situate iAt Leßoy township. Wan inded north by ld,ol - Robe Mason, east by lands of Mary Kellogg. south by. Towanda creek, and west by lands of Clarence Mluard; contains 7.5 acres. more or 6.5 ed, with I framed barn and 1 orchard of fruit treLS thereon. fretted and taken into C.:v.(1;1M . ; at the snit of John. W bearey vs. Thns, A. Meet 9 uey. No. 3. ALSO—Ono other lot of land. situatr In Pike and . Ilertick tcrwnshipti, bounOvd north by lands of Joseph Lee, liarace Porter and A chibald Coleman; ea:a by land of raid A rei4l.-cid CO , eUrtO. liOlerr TRW. and others; south by lards of Ho:felt Titus. Gurdon Stanton and Thomas Peet; .west by . lands of said Thomas Peet. Eliza Thomson. Asher Holies and Joseph Lee; eontattis 5S acres, more or less, about is improved, m roved, with a fraeddweillal; bons., framed .barn, a raw mill with nl.chir.ery and ?arum, water prictit:go and right of.. nay thereto belonging to toe same. Stized and taken Into execution at the - suit of Zophar Putt Jason Fosse t t No. 1. ALSO—One other lot of land. situateln (Timone enemetelvo. Mande/ ant lh by b.ods or Hem ace Webster, east by land of S. IL Lindley: south by Tow oda creek. and west by land:, of the estato of Roswell Rogers, deceased, and Warren Cook.; contains 100 acres, more of lc, c, all IMpirmr.4l,,irjo, 1 framed house. 2 framed barns, I tiasseen hausei and orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized .r d taken into execution at the suite !'• Pomeroy Boo:, vs. David Litallev and Soktnen No. i. ALSO—bile other lo; of 1:11:(1, situate in Towanda Borough, Wooded north by !ands of Mr. Cooper's estate, east by William street, .s-mth by lands of James McCabe. end Wert by Slain street. with f framed house and other outbuildings there on. Seized and taken Into execution at tin' suit of L. L. Moody's a nointstrator and Wm. 11.1dergan s adininiStratoix - 5..1. M. Mitchell: No. 6..AI.SO—One either ieit of !awl, situate tni , South Waverly 11.07hugt bounite3l xi tattoos,' Re. lug lot „No. 11:.aceardlogt to plot and' survey made for U. L. F. Snyder by itustoil Smith ; cc.urius 95 4.10 perches, and, being ci fee: On a sin." , on the ntrth side, 171 feet on the west side, 1:5 7-10 feet ou the east tide, and Ss feet on the :•mll2 ; aU improved. Se zed and taken into execution at the suit of The Bradford Lo in and Llni7diiig then of Athens Towiotiip vs. (7. W. No. 7. other lot of I:md. situate la Wysnx township, beht:4 lots Nos_ 4 and 5 or 111nek . No. 1 - N of Mer,ar, Storgnu S ll•cdy's of East Touanda, north by Col em Block and lois No.. 1, 2 anda Block No. 79: east be . lA3,lford :Meet. +tliti hy meter, .m/4 west by . TtWanda avenue and lots Nos.], 2 and 3 of Block No. 14 ; nil improved. no buildings. 1.. , •1t,a and taken Into execution at the snit of organ & Moody's:Administrator vs. J. P. I - nmalislivs. No. S. A 'other lot I,: laud, situate Iu Wells toy.iishtp. bound. .1 north ny :ands of B. Itoeltaetlt cast by lands of Ilan let "proem, so:3111 and aast•by lands of Ifurls,ir. ; aetc, all Unmoved, with an orebard of fruit treiis thereon. ALSO—Otte ether lot of land. situate in Wells township. boubdrd twrill by lands of Win Canfield, Wade Beardsley. J. I.7lalyk..a . nd If. John son; east iii lands of 11. Jubwon ; scout by lands . Of, D. Nockwelt, 11. >+.n, Michael ib•mso t and the imbilchighway„ and west by lands of G. A. Got., rConitalils. 146 acres, nins, or less. alrgit 123 iniptsuyed, with I framed lions,.! i Ira twsd 1.1.1 se harti awl au orchard of frnit itee,thoreon. and talten Into ea , ,entionCtst the tult of wed. I.:milli:an, Z. - .e.„ vs. Michael Soildi: ALl.so— , inn other loi 01 lima. situate in Towaiola Borough. tymild..il as follows: fiCgi oiling at the east side et Main street at a coiner feet south of the steatu 1.1.1a10g win Ist ;• Mimeo snuilil erly ploog itic , it 15.) Slo .43' east a;.ont 134 feet no Itarelay Coil Cmnpany's Intel: I hstwe•lso feet toll', south east corner of (1. F. 11.,:=.qn's lot : andig south line Mason hit alimit the pta..: of bcgliming, Islth I I ft:1111,4 barn, - I coal 31“1 coal slkeds, tress...bug and rallioa.l track thri No. 11. A oll'ix lot of la:v1. iitn - .te in Tov , 'ailda Bor4 ugzi. I,oundc-d forth bi Lorin of O. I). ItarCleft, ,a , t be Charles south by an a l;, : y. ;Ind y en : iiehry ‘VeSt." 4 :l Ihti feet flout Cliarlc, Striel and t fet.C.!,, , p, o w ; 1 frame , lliouae and other untold:dings thoze,,n. - No. 12. A LSO—t;he (0.1•. r lot 1,1 laud. 111 'Toa alias Rfortnig?l.l:ouLlol north Vy 11:11g.- ,treet, east by Third I.ireet, .outh lawls of Perth 11,10,-Icer awl W:c:(te.iii, wc•-t by CL: s. Seolt: abouz trout on Third street id , l ab~art 25'1 feet deer, with : fialned I.6tt,e n.. 11 utlt,/ ouv- Lui;illugsth.:ecn Selz: awl taken ildo suit of The National Erik of To. ve. Jate'esit. I.9;iimey. • - •No. 13. A1.....5. 1 1—f. ire other tut of land, hituate in . l lt . Wglrry tows,-hip, Lsawthol north and west by ' Land: of D. 11. Itarnhatn. east by the publi, 11l v..`ay, and south by lands of Tonnia, t3ucl:: eautaini !z. an acre, more or less, all linprot ed. aid, I :lam ea house, 1 - f ranted shop:and 1 frapicd Allogle ralll thtreon. Selzoil aml taken into eXt.7lllinl: at the salt of Syhatins Vaidn.i..lilrY.S - ailtion:strators yr. r 311lik F.... 4 2,0p,r. No 11. Al it—Ott, ocher lot or. I.oil . shanty In Now Albany Itor-urrt, 100ti01.0.1 to:rilt by I.E.ils kr, , atti at the Mary A:',Ali,t. , r lot, east br .snhivon & fiTirt r . Liu, Itabroail, Ehlilh by lot Ilk ,my (April 1577) ei.nye:;l•,t by E. ric o rt„ ; ,, Jr.. to ..,,,,,,..,, Sa.ve. and a i - .` by a ICi-foO, at,,-y: hi•turt lot No. sof Bloc% No. 7 f,!: 1% Gr o rton, Jr,. pm: • or the siri.,g,„ of, No.w: Albanv, with a part y ffidsheil frainoil dwel.Ung house therms, le,-17, , •d and tahett Into exec‘cilon at the slat of E. Overton, Jr.., vs. S. W. . 1 !Chaptikan. " NiZl. - , ALSO—llefenilant'lilirtereat in a lot of I +nil shunt,' In Allots BoroOgir, hounded tiorth..by lauds of It. A. Stnith mot Thomas Grantham. rant by Maui street. toalli by lands of W, 11, tit,pheikr, 311 , 1 WWII by 111 , 2 Ir!eqUohannn river, with a t.wo-. !itory, framed dwell' ar; Loase, outhouses, and a few .fruit are,, t r eivOl. No. le. A 1."40.-.1111/(1141 ccc In'orest !none. ether lot of.--land 4.111tal .4 In Athens norough, tedng the uudlyideel t, part of that certain lot boutoled by lard , . of- A mina 14 - caron. cast by lands of C. \V. _ Capp, laidis of John NI. 191,, and wesf by Matti Iflreet: 110 ilOprON COIOIIS. No. 17. ALSO-Allot d .feiolont's interest In the loin nambeied SI. 11:2, 17,2. C.:, 1 4 :2, 202, 2:3. gso, 290, 301. all. 321, a3l. 301, :171. 3 4 1, 311.4 01 a... 1 404 In the plot of lands situate hdthe pail of I,lllcns Itorough. made for the lato Judge Fd want Herrick by 4. /I 41011 I:II - key; no Improv-ments. Ized and taken Into exeetn ton at the lull of ward I'. Iletulek. trti-tee, vs. Edsvaid 11erilek. No. 19. A 1.;90-1).)e other lot of 1.7.1. -I . .nale hl Standing 4.4 tone vd.voslnf., h0ur..14.41 teeth by 1:110174 Of Luke 110nu...•a.d by I!, r.:'•!le highway. sot.:h 1./10.• of 1:1.. - hatd detr.lng. alt I lands of Widshin ‘; t.noe coOta' to- e 0... titt'aer alemt 50 I.:gaoled, cats a framed hone, a frain..l 0 4ra, and an orchard of fruit Ind, there44l. and taken Lido 4•1..1.111.11 at li c e full of N. 1:10101.re and E. T. Fov.:. ad:nib's:Lao:4i of 1.. 1,. M j .ody,' dec.42ased, vs. S. T. 141)41..1. 'and Sarah 114•13; - .p. No. 1 0 . t--4 1 I1,011:Cr lot of !Ad,: NI :Cate lit North ToW:.1111:1 ~ ..V.10,1111., bounded and desellkol as fellows: (begin at the I.orthea•t coroor of a lot now or lately In poss.., Inn of Fre.!til t 1.0.:1Vr.n. worth; then. e and,g 1;no of same sout11 , 41:1;:rly 6-1.• p• ri-tes to a Comer nn lin • f or late of J. F. Mean.; Ihenee along Ihi e of same a toolheaSterly dlr.,. ion a 7-'.O pc reb-s to a corner; thetira a ton thwe:tet direetlon .g 1 0 , 10 p . rehes to a earner; then,. south 01 9 01st a 7-11) pet (-nes tO the place of bogdming; tea tying to a former own er (ref to c lath (tom the notch end of r:sald lot for pubtledi,e a. a street; contal , :s an acre, orate or 1e,., all Impr....led, with I framed tuft bullgings, tdol. a few fruit tree, there , o. and ea 1.1 1 .4 i/xoetnion at the SUIL of John J. Weh7, Ml• Intel 1)ortiooly. No. 20-.1.1.00-91 0 4 other lot of land., situate hi 4,tiftoy 11.011.141 p. bounded and IlleSmltitOl as fOIIOW4 : Begin:lll.g at a 1....40.11.4 SOI:OIWCSt VOrl/er Of lot No. 11. fotmetly owned b? , Pattie% lireen rtfuning. thence east along south line of said So. II cgd 9-10 rods to a post the no: lbw est corner o.* lot No. 9, now coined by Adam limes; thence MC We,: line of lot No. 0 and lot .No. 4 1 1 410 rod ' s to a pod: thence tees. e-1.1 rods 14. a past utt eatt tine , lot . No. : theta , .1:1. along ea.4t line of toe I,ts , 9.10 red.. Yh p1a44.4 of I.egi rtnit o acres and Co perches, mote or le s. and pat the suit of I.4aae N. Nltsslng•r v., El:W:1:4 :k. N.,_l. A ollicr or of !rind. incite In Towanda iier;ll by _poplar Mzert, aiat by lot of Nos. Mary E. i•ite...ge i Month tis . lanils of J. F. uvid .Ins. ' GOSW(4II, V 1111.11%6 fi ained dwelling house. outhon.e. and fruit !hex etin, Seittcl and taken into execution at the milt of E. W. Male vti. I). V. Sieolgo. No. 22 ALSO-00c 0111er lot of land, situate In All•any lloroogh,teonnoleola/A de/..eriloctl,as folloow•: Reglnning at the * nor Lea-t corner of Slain and' streets thence 0.01 It -1 0 30' 4-tst h 0 kr.. to 0 , col her: thence s , 01•11 .S7. o tra,,t al a'. 101 fret to M.; switch •,u Sullivan 1 State, Line Railroad ; Incur., along ,aid taltroad switch a feet tow corner on .May street; liwoce along •3 d Main ail e•et wo , ,t annul 170 feet to the lola •r.• of 149411,01 fig:, being tel Xo. 7 /of It!Oek N. 7on Oreetoolo. Jr.. map /of the college of Now Albany. , 4 -17/41 and taken Into vxeolti ill at•the suit of t. Overton, P. W. No. 23 ._:Al.So—fltie' , other lot of land. - sil nate In No: th Towandv toww-hip, .ountled aial des 111. 1 ,1 Jts foi'o‘a s: llegliinlng at the northwost r, rner :1 Aultin Tolttard lid': thence ale:gliar, of I.titoo swills 24', 0 ej-.t .i.• 19 perches 10 the north line of a Int lately ,Avtied Wen. 11. gall thence along line of S 3111.: ?081111 e•:° W: , l 6 1.10 p, relies ; thence northwest. rly V 6 10 perches to a corner": thence norll: .0° va‘t 6- 0. - in pert hes to tlie-pla. , e of tw o 7.1111114; ; pet Chen. 131"1, ..rrlvno: IS feet along (rent 4-f 'said lot rese:v.,l fir a pnh'lC road . 1 t- a I . olllit'Sfnl:ivr, ;1.3 .new (Tell Ili-Oil the -groali - 1,; Intpr‘.‘,l. 'Alin a_ few fruit trees r e lieve, n. d anci taken 11110 ev..-eutl.-n at - the Fait of JOLT .1. Wehh Patrick ltyan -No. 21. A I.SO—The defendant'. Interest in a hit of - . land situate In tgnynchip. hounded and de.erlk...l an fk•llown : 11-gluntng at a u'l.w}tlto oak of Mrs. I- .1. \{ - riles (Terry Ion: thence south 11 eant. 65 1-10 reirlie:: to a 'take ~ n d 6 , 0nc1. of lot Ni.. 11 : thence south 75'8 0 -west :at e 4 perTh to a stake stone, ; thence north 65 0 West 40 p , rellei to ae: one .rn-r; thence nOrth 51 0 West SI prre he, to an 1:ot:wood corner; thence north ea-t 141 perches to the place of begin. 'dog : etiOTSLls 57 acr,o., more o r less, about roved. xv 11 lt I ft - 3111Ni 6.0.4., 1 (iii house, 1 frallled barn, and a trio Trutt trees thereon and 'taken into ex..entlon at the Inttof I.:await! Provost 51. P. Pm:They. No. 1.5. A i.so—blie mho' lot of land. situate In Athens township. bi.Llll,lVti multi hi lands,of - Itote• man and Splan. east by EVIIIS of It. Williston's estato and Abram Hunsicxot. south by lands of smith and Urittith an , ,the party of, the lit st part, 'and west 1,,y• of James Me Antic; contains no uv,ro or less,. about 200 lintoovetl„ with I framed home, 2 barns and sheds attached, I tog. house, I hi Ilk house, and a few fruit trees there:,(.. Selrod and taken Into execution at the suit of Wm. Garlock vs. C. Ilonstekor. No. 26. A ISt t—Ono other lot of land, situate In W.ysox township. bctindod north I,oand Knykundad, east by the pubic highway leading from E. no:let's to ,'oust Hill south bpland of Charlet , .1. If. Martin, and west by land of Charles Wurtemburg and E. 6. Out it :,(..011!:41I/b 22 af•res, moreor le.v, at te an 1,0 improved: Stithl largo fram ed house. 1 flan: , ,,- barn nit It .1 flamed 14 , 03 at tached, I framed cider milt bultding with the II:- tut es, I framt d grAnat yin or hi r utbui ngs.- and an otchaol of fr,lit (tees th,reon_ .s.O A I.Stt—one other tot 01 land. situate in Wysix township, boonded north and e.tst by Lind tow or late of V. E. A; J. E. Plo;le4 unun by land 11 ,, W or late of Francis .1. Alio:Land V. E. & J. E. Plollet, and west by land of Fr:isleis J. Allen and the public Lighuay leading !roar: J. E Pbolet's to fund 11111 ; - ctmtains ad acres.' wore'or all lin proved, with 1 flamed barn, I pear orch.trd, I grape orchard. I tiptoe iirchard. 1 peach orchard, and other fruit trees thereon. fielzed and taken Into execution at the milt of A. 1i.1.0111 vs. 4`.,/. Webb, 'administrator of M. U. Owen (ileceaiod) awl P. li. Owen. MEI 1 . 1.00 S 00 /21..8.0 1 )...60 EMI No. 2 .4- ALSO—One other lot of lathl, Minato In Towanda Borough, bouna. 41 and tle•crlbed as tot. tows: Beginning at a post ohrnor of Centre street isso4v...e ritt.nra hr th 20* weal ISO feet to a stake ' • :thence by lot det'ded to Sirs. M. Moody north 70 0 east to feet to a stake ; thence by lot contracted to Patrick to-tethe south 200 etst i5O feet to a stake en Packer - avenue ; thO , C, , by Packer avenue- south 70 0 wort Su feet to the place of beginning ; remains :,:v, striate feet, and being lot No.l of Block Ni.. 4 of Sayre a Corn. pang's asldltion to Towanda, witlf.l framed honor, other outbuildings, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken Into executtertv at the bull of Orerfon & Elsbree vs. C C. Wodif. WILLIAM; T. HORTON. Sheriff. She Omce, Towan/a, Jan. 1 1 ., ISq2. STONE.-Flag ging, C.LPS Sills and , guar of 'Blast excel!eiit quality and durability; airy building atone, a hatniile of be seen at It. A. Packers new building at Sayre, Oruors IlltsaVaad 000tama takas. ALTIy to tbia °Soo or J. IC 8110414•Alti. "Ptoratioek tire." Teltimithi S Mar• gaisatfomo. --t y 44 4 4. . • _ •;l rats, tad tetaatmeeri wi:'Ner3 tril , rlr4 ft five FOO atz at SR,.) y.r , --itc.ipertt!rns : r T .L...,;;; ; z.gl fl: et,, Ir.:I/sc!, etc. Ecxlf,,lr it. D. IL F. EarlY a: CO.; Detroit, Mitt. THE HOLIDAYS ARE OVER ! But we ether ie the Bete Year with joy and.prido. Anti Id. oplr.r to matte occry one feel hippy—at least for tho present—M. L. Setif:I:BURG, I"rot:rletur of the Great Batten (.73!ithing dose. Just opaind la 31-tans's - Block, Main street. Towanda, ea.. has d,cided ra errer the entire rtottk of CLJTIIING. Itttpry AND SHOES, HATS AND eNeS, nud Gents' furuisit inglioods at sisughtering pricer, to char out the Morr and to make room for their heavy ~.tnek of spring and Summer ti ,- ,rds, which 1.: already Petng manufactured Tor the Tonanda Brandt. we alto wish to call .our- kind attention, that we. are gof g to change quarters on the flyrt of April. 18.2, to No.-2 Patton's reratid door iior.h of Bridge st.; curl owing tO Fetal:MA we want to eidec our oor Winter stock in oraci to go into our new location altli Note cowls. New-Sty es, and Now l'atterwF—andhat; h. , will nut trade now shall art - .-r have 3nothei -. t:tiCth an opportunity. REMF.ME:EIt—The sna.4 nn.! !..lall be (.1 0 ,4..ci cur at any price rillhout dray, at: (la. Hos- Clwlltlig 410lie0 101can5's Main Nuve t, Pa. L. SCHNEEBUII..9 Towania. 5.3,.:t15'2-4x3 DIENTXSTELT 7 - Drs. Angle & Hollister, (Over . Dr. Pratid office.) TO WANDA. PA. 1)r. Angle having return,..l -front the IVe4. has forme' a pritterglip with Dr. I!..llist , r In order to tncet the r.fpliretLeat:t of their growing practice. SFeehil attet•uttun is gi‘.ll to the Preservation and Treatment of the _Teeth. , Filling, Extracting, and tho? Corre ction of Irregularitie s Execnt.tflii 3 e:tref 61 an i fit3unttr. Cos, Ether, pr Chloroforrri istercd. ARTIFICIAL TEETH Itiserti lc. r. AlituObtlet, cuntiuu , 3lls um, ?Co] gni:Alit:, AU the lateit I:kettle:II atilt ,•tier Imp:l:yea In• rotneutF, Ifir:t!e liwrdlions atilt- render tti t .in Iris te(11,41,, to rite path tits are i•mp!o}ecl. pate. i, taF: , •u With nervo,l4 aad it-skate patter:V.4. ALL rlllLttS ItEAS9N ABLE. .E. IL ANGLE, D. D. S.. F. L. HOLLISTER, P. D. S. Towanda:Pa.. nee. 22. 1S6I: eft OTWARSON, Manufacturer of all kinds of Upholstered Work, wholeale and - retail. °. SOUTH SIDE MUDGE STREET, 'TOWANDA Over Myers Meat Markc4.-5•Jan.S2. JAMES McCABE Has removed to CORNER MAIN & BRIDGE-STS intikthg. Irhta Ileakuarters, TOR GROCERIES CASH PAID. FOIL BUTTER, EGGS, Sze. GOODS SOLD AT TILE LOWEST LIVING RATES JAMES McCABE: TORalleia, April 29, lbweLyl STEVENS .Sl, LONG General Dealers in GROC . E.RIFS, PROVISIONS, And , COUNTRY PRODUCE, HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR• NEW STORE, CORNER OF MAIN & PINE-Sts (The ohi stand of Fox, Stevens & Meccur.) They invitr attention to their complete asmrimen auS very largo stork of Choice New Gcoda which they hare always on ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE PRODUCE TRA-pE, - And Cash paid for desirable ktads. M. J. TONG ' GEO.STEVF.NS. Towanda, Apr! 1 Mg. AT 51A Rik ET' • .• E. EL RUNDELL, f Would respectfullyaunonnee that he Is e'ontinutng the 311rket business at the old stand of MuHoek Rundell, and will at all tunes keep a full supply of FRESH 'C....A °I, 4 ,tiii , 71 . 0 Y OYSTER'S Constantly on hand. Country dealers supplied at city rates. • FRESII 4i; SALT MEATS; GARDEN VEGETABLES, FRUITS, &c. Or All Goods delivered Free of Charge E. D. RUNDELL. Towanda, Pa. N0T.27, Ipp. Padre -liarbo. THE . OLD_MARBLE *YARD STILL IN OPERATION. The undersh.ned baring. mtrebased the MAR BLE YARD of the late GEoBGE .siceADE, de sires to inform the public that .iarl•tg employed experienced meu hgis,rel.ared tt 13 all kinds of irerk lu the 11.1. F.: MONUMENTS, READ STO:krES, • MANTLES an() In the very best manner and at lowest rates. Persona dehiring anything in the }larbie line are invited to call and examine work, and save agents' conimlSAlOn. - • - JAMES VeCABE Towanda, Ps., Wow. lb, Ws. . • : 24(1 CUTTER SLEIRS! • • FINE SWELLED BODY eXTIERS, of bold makes In market, for sale at very low prices. Cutters supplied trimmed and furnished to order, Special Inducements to all buying or giving early orders. Cutters furnished with either heavy steel or card shoes. Wlll dellver Cutters crated- at any railroad station at saint prices as hold at my ware. house. Send fur ilvscrlptiors and prßia. - R. - M. WELLES,. -Town& L H:V A 14 L BY • . PENN. 6. NEW . YORE : .11,t1.1L'804.9.9 &era.ugementor-rassenger TrainsiAitalts JELNIIAUY 1, 18E5. EASTWARD. I WESTWARD.- 1 15 ai 7 1 3 iSTIATIONs. 1 81301211 _ . !....._. - ~...!. ,i, -.Jr. ,„ , , ---..,, : 03:7 7.0; ...1 7 13 3 ti larrarall.lo 2 5 0 1; 2 1 :...1 9201...11urrat0...: 51.7 i 'NZ , ;' t.-Roeneewr.i c 30. , ..11(.3......1 ....' .. IsyOus...! G 33; t 131! ....1 ....I . ..Gigleva.. l 833;1 09! 1 [—lthaca -5 1,0.11:;5; ..1.... i .. Auburn ... 8 3141 as: .... _l.•. Owego.:. - 0 10i1 43; 9 00. 1 3 451-• • • F.7 1 012a • • 9 15;.: 10; 9 10; 4 10';.. Waverly . ..1 10 1;2',: 30!10 CO: 4 s.. ut ..Sayre.....l 1914;7. 34'19 05.4 31 1 ...Athens...{ ...1....110 131 ~..1....01111n.. 1 10 451 09:10 4315 1,51... i 0W AY td..! ....;....; ;034; 513 Wy'ruklngi ..r;....;11 031 _..l4Ea'gSt - one.l ..........,...:11 19 5:8 Itutu'erfield; ....;,... ~1 4 19; ....IFrenchtocinl ..15 35'1130 . 5131. 1 .Vyaltiglng 11 42.3 57)11 50, it 03!: Laceyville.l ....!....111 53 a o7;Skin's Eddy; ....;4 12!12 111, 6231 Nieslioppett 1 ....!'....;12 16: 5 221 0101190 rand. 1.2Z3 1351 1 04. 7 tOITun k han , it - k 1 ....;....; I i 5 .7 20'. La Grange.; ... .1.....1 i 24• 7 3,51:...Fa115... 1 1 05 ; 0 10 .1 43 1 g 03 11.&B June'Ll 1 35;4 30 11.‘0; Is TO Wilk -11nrrel 3 13;7 31. 4 50;119.1'.0i 'ell Chunk 4 41!5'T.9 .0 3.l . l:loW.Alientuiin ~ 6 eil•A 49 owi pa 15'.Hrettoehem. I 53:•19 00, 040 : 12 50 1 :-.Eaitun._.; 6 5311010, if 40i 2 2.0'..i111134,1p1113 8 0.3 ' 9 15; 1.1 3:6 NOW York A.m..r.01:r.0CP.51, No: 7.;2 leaves 11 - yalosleg at G:041 A. it.. 'French town 6:14. Rolnliwt St r ondlng Stone IS'y....ott.lng 6:40, TIINVIA.I(I3 SI ilatt 7:ls. A tbens 7 v2l. Sayro:7:4o, Wavrrlynis,Arrivtng In Ell:11ra at 85% A. 31. - So. 31leaves Elmira at 5:15 P.M, W'averly . 6:6o. Sayre 0:15. Athens 6:;M, 'Milan 6:30. I.7kter 6:404 Wysauking 7:05. S:atoling Stone 7:14. Itummergeld 7:22. Frenehtown 7:32, arriving at Wyatt:slug 7:45 E. 11. Trains S atol 15 von daily. Sieeping ears on trains 5 awl 15 tlf`eXtit'll Niagara: Pails, and Philadelphia and aud betweeh Lyons an.) New Ye: k without ellangcs Parlor car? co Trains 2 and S between Niagara Fails _Philadelphia wirheat yhaage, and through coach to and (runt Itlebester via Lyons. W5l. !STEVENSON. Supt. Snyrp. r;.. Jan. IriS2 P. ar N. Y. R. It. 4.1 • 161 , C ‘• Chicago & - North-Western RAI LTV A. 17 Is the OLDEST BEST CONSTRUCTED: BEST E-Oitt VP ED and hebee the LE_All .1 IV fk . RAILWAY • —OF VIZ—. • WEST AND NORTHWEST ! It is :Ile• short and best mute between Chicago • and nII points in Northern Illintib;, lowa. Dakota, Ni'Vornlnp„ Nelirtska, (*ail tomb, Ori.a.in, Arizona: Utah,. voiorAda, Idaho, Montito.. Nevada, and for COUNCIL BLUFFS. OMAHA DENVER, LEADVILLE, SAIT, LAKE, S.IN FRANCISCO 'DEADWOOD, SIOUX CITY Cedar Rapids: Des Moines, Columbus, - awl) all Points In toe Territories - , and the West. Also. for MilWankee,'Oreen Bay, Oshkosh, Sheboygan, Mar quette. Fond 'diti Lam Watertown, _Houghton. Nem:bit...Al:ma:Ma, mt. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron, V0:7,3, Fargo; Bismarck, Winona. LaCrosse. Olvattmna. and all_ points in Minnesota, Dakota. isconsin and the Northwest. - At Commit Bluffs the Trains of the Chlettgo & North-Western and the U. Y. R'ys depart from. arrive at and use the same Joint Union Depot. At Chicago. clitse connections are made with the Lake Show, Michigan Central, Baltiniore It Ohio. Ft. Wayne .and Pennsylvania. and Chicako & orand 'Fronk It'ys. and - the Kankakee and Pan tiandle Routes. ch.ae con necti. , 2lB Wide (71 Jove/ion Poiriltt. SI Ii the ONI.Y LINE runnitm Pullman Hotel DininPCars ILETW Chicago & Council Bluffs. Pullman, Sleepers on all Night - rfrains• Insist uj.on Ticket Age - nts srlliug von.Tickets via this road. 1 ,- ;*ainlne your Th•Lrts,and refmo to buy if they do not rend Over the Chicago North-Western Hallway. • • . If you wish thy. Rrt T.ntolinr„ Accommodations 34111 win !my your Tickets by this route, air AND. Wf6l. TAKE. !CONE 01 . 111•3:. All TiePtTi'Agents Se!' Tlek.,ts by this Lino. MARVIN . lIIIGIIIIT, • 2d V. - P.Sc Genl Chicago. 20 YEARS OLD STA N D Are now better prepared than. eyes to _ supply the public with first-class FURNITURE! We manufacture our own goods and warrant them to be as represented., PARLOR SUITS In all the leading styles. .13E1,1E0011 SUITS In Walnut, Ash, Cherry, C ( IT I VACE SUITS In all desirable styleS DINING-ROOM, KITCHEN AND • OFFICE FURNITURE. INUNDERTAKING . . • , \via, we furbish _ the finest , . HEARSE and Equipments. a larger .and better stock of PASK ETA and TRIM M !Nail, with a large expert. ruse in our business, ix e golirantee as low, lf - not lower, prices than 'those svho' have not as good facilities as ourselves. at - - - ' ,-,-- - ~- .Q.',;:i. B' We. furnish Chairs, Pall and Corpse Pre servers, tree of charge. And then purchase where you can do the best. J. 0. FROST'S SONS Towanda, Sept. 22, ISSI. FREE TO EVERYBODY! A BEAUTIFUL BOOK jog THE ASKING fly apulytne„ iergonaliy at the nearest ()MC° of THE 1 :SO,lt' MANUFACTURING CIE, (or by r.ta. yard aLa distabee) iatty fulatt person will be pr,,e .Ted whit a beautlf4lly illustrated copyor • a Neu .took eutitled Story of the Sewing Machine, SHELVES containing a handsome and obetly steel engraving frontltplece also, 2S finely. Ograred wood cuts. and - bound in an elaborate blue - And gold lithograph• ed cover. No charge wha - eil.r is made for this ha dsomo book, which can he obtained only by, ap plication at the branch and subordinate offices of The Singer Manufacturing Co. THE SINGER MAIIVEAOTIIIII3G-,00. • Prtnofpal Orbee, 34 Union Squire, GET YOUR 1013 PRINTING cone at the lIWORTER OVPWT. aPipaita the' rAturs Timms. lwavrantla. Caloric' wart a aroAsalif V•Umils. )Tli 1:(-- • AT J. 0. Frost's Sons - Of every desei iption. CALL ! ENAMINE ! COMPARE! CENIUS REWARDED, —on Tur. ifPift; Now-:::Is..:-. , !rfnE':: -- !:-Ti3itg TO BUY CHEAP OF THE : BEST AND ItO3T :RELIABLE CLOTHING - nott:lN THE COUNTY OF BRADFORD. .; r.31.14..11 18 14.0...18 1 034 1511 ()Nig 40 1130'8 10112058 00 , 950:0 201,44 i.... 8 40L....18 RP ... 7 411-- 8 141 .. .. .... 8 301....1 3.. ii 30i . 1 0 2,51.... 5 25 1 12 . A6 151 15 1 4 4511501 . /. 3T.30 44 1114V5 20 1 23 1 4 34113415 10,1 35 1 ...41125;.... 1 1 1 08 •• • 11714 551257 3 ~5 81:03'4 431246 :105.11;...;1237 ....:104.11.... .i 1 2:10 i —1027 . .it:24 1...'1027. • .....11217 ,'- 1 1 14, 1 4 03,1207 1 3 . 02 9 50'3 46:1150 ....'9 43 :...11145 .... 9 27 8 27.1129 1. . 920 ....1112 920 —.11112 t 2 158 5S 3 01 , 1052 1 ... 845 —.11048 1 .: 827 ,tOB2 I 1 . 35.8 01 2 25;1010 108 7 ;. , 0 2 03,9 45 11105, 1155.7 25 ~ ( 01....,1051 a 24 ! 9 5b . .....1045 6 15 i r I 20 ...!-IIOIS 5 50 ' 8 00'....i9 00 4 15 I 6 301....17 40.3 40 'P.M.%11..ii1A.11 P.M J. K. BUSH, BRIDGE STREET, TOWANDA, Has received the LARGEST AND BEST selected stock of CLOTHING-! GENTS FURNISHING GOODS TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS Ever brought to Towanda or Bradford county, and is now offering the best - made and finest. suits at LOWER PRICES t Than you will have to pay for pooOnade Clothing at other places. All his Clothing is manufactured expressly for HOME TRADE, and WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. CALL & EXAMINE BUSH, BRIDGE-ST., TOWANDA. Tnwanda, 1,1881 WINTER ei SPRING At.tlm CLOTIIIW HOUSE of M. E. Rosenfield Main-st., Towanda; yoh will find, The Best Goods The :Latest Styles The Lowest Prices His .ISIMLNSE STOCK embraces a the latest styles, in great variety, of • READY-11ADE CLOTHING For Men•s, Youth% and flop's wear, from the finest and heaviest cloths to the cheapest and lightest grades fur the trade. GENTS *FURNISHING GOODS This department is complete, having a Nll line iat Hosiery, Collars and Cuffs, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Iteadyquwdo Shirts, 1V inter Uu tierwear, A. very large stock of the. newest style Sin every quality. Also. UMBRELLA:3 f TRAVEL ING BAGS, Etc. - - REMEMBER—That you can save money by purchasing at the old-established Cloth ing House of • • . M.: E. ROSENFIELD. 20 G. H. WOOD & CO. PHO7OGRAPHEWS, Are now WELL. ESTABLISHED in their NEW GALLERY, and are mas:lng all kinds of PHOTO GRAPHS and TINTYPES. They are introoncing a new style of Photographs. MINETTS, which they make for o.ot. PER DOZEN. They make 4 TINTYPES, Card Size, for 50 cents-4at one sitting. They also make a specialty In copying, having a number of agents canyastdug (or them. live us a call, and see work and prices, at PATTON'S BLOCK, COR. MAIN AND BRIDGE STREETS. Towanda, Pa., Dec. 8, 1881 JOHNSON_ MAN UFACTUIiFG COMPANY. STEAM ENGINES, Portable & Stationary Circular Mills, ISHINaLE MACHINES, CORN SHELLERS, Field Rollers and Plow Points, ) GRIST it .SAW MILL MACHINERY Of all kinds, or repairs for the balno BOILER MAKING Or relishing of old Boilers, putting in new Heads or Flues, a specialty. - We- hare facilities for turning out FIRST- C LA.92 BOILERS. on short- no tice. Portable and Stationary Engines Of any' size made to order. Afro, Brass and Iron Castings. We use the best Iron and our work Is done by sidlßd mechanics. We guaran. , tee all our work, Quotations given on Dtsston or Iticbards. , n Saws, Rub. bcr or-Leather Belting. , • Foundry and Shops on Pine-st., back of Nfinuntal tnnu 7 R. Tnwastan. SUSQUEHANNA COLLEoIATE IN. ATITGTE.—SECOND WINTER TERSI dill begin MoNDAT, JaN. 23, Dn. Expenses for board, tuition and furnished room, from 4172 to 4180 per year. For catalogue or further particu lars address the Principal. EDWIN E. QUIN LA N. A 11 el vownm• inlre T. 1101 GET YOUR 'Kew Tort. "REPORTER" O,FFICI Hats and Caps, GLOVES, MITTENS, *C. 1882 ,= 1882 EMEI HATS AND (14PS MANUFACTURERS . OF 'JOB PRINTING . 6 D0211.11 •T 111.... ..: .' : . i.' . p:.r.p : Tg'.4..: : _ ;: pq; . Fall di Wiater,ilBBl. ATTENTION IS INVITED to our first-class • Heating Stoves.: They are too well known to require any. commendation-- New Heels, 107estminster, Crown Jewell. We also hare a line of CHEAP BASE BURNERS, the best of their class in the market, and_ w e ll adapted for supplying a demand for an , efficient but inexpepsive heating stove. WOOD. HEATING STOVES in great variety. READ 'l l l-I±S: Happy Thought Ranges Sold in Towanda and vicinity by A. D. DYE & CO A LARGE STOCK QF. Wood Cook Stoves, CARRIAGEMAKERS' AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES And a general stock of MCA n WARE. MAIN. STREET, TOWANDA Towanda, October 0 1631 INSURANCE! C. S. RUSSELL, Agent, • TOWANDA, PA, FIRE, LIFE, AND ACCIDENT POLICIES - Issued on the most reasonable terms. - None btit reliable companies represented. Losses adjusted and paid here. . Towanda, Nov. 18. 1879. • - QUAKER CITY sArraiy , OIL ! - Crockery C i p, w o llAß . Store. Offers the Quaker City or Improved Headlight Oil ! By the Quart, Gallon or round, At the Lowest Market Prices. This OIL . . Is absoutely Non-Explosive gurus up dealt With a Men. tight; does not smell. crust ttl , kii or smoke, and Is guaranteed tube nmelthet- ,ter than any other Headlight oil sold. In this market. The numerous accidents resulting from the use of common kerosene should wArn all to • use only safe oils, particularly as . the cost Is but astrifle more. " • Job lot of Decorated-Porcelain FRUIT DISELES At 35 cents each—worth 75c. LAMP hbODS! Burners, Chimneys, Wicks by piece or yard. New styles of Ilan; ing and Student Lamps at very low pricei. y'nwanda. JAn. EO. IRAS , Agents wanted Coe the ILI& end *oat of G j ur i riELD - The only complete gory of. his noble life and tragic death.- Fresh, brilliant, reliable. Elegantly printed as Engin& end German; beautifully illustrated; handsomely bound Fa'test selling book ever pub. liihedaolhin ILlSlpatn. LLD. CAUTION. .Domn,ku,idb7am"p" . .igricatetgUYWlA" which the country is hooded. They are utterly worthleas au outrage upon Oro memory of the great dead, d a base fraud on the public. This. book is mince a e new. - The only work worthy the theme. bend .in Stamps for Agent's Outfit. JONES BROTHERS At Publiahers, Philadelph la. • WANTFD! Hay, Straw and Crain For which we will pay the RIGHEST MARKET PRICE', delivered here • or at points on L. V. R. R. Having four of Hedrick 's. Perpetual Please, with a capacity for baling AO tons per day r we are enabled to receive large quantities of hay and straw at many of the principal shipping point. of this and adjoining counties. We are also agenda for the initroved Hale Ties. ACKLEY 4 DEAN, • , MAIN ISTILICET, TOWANDA, PA. oMos airer Petah A Simple num uarslool. lIMIMM GREAT_ GERM DESTROYER hAit.B.rs PROPHYLACTIC FLUID FainemimmemErr i lng of SMALL A• SMALL PDX t'OX Prevented. . -.ERADICATE.D: ; [leers purified and . ih e aled. Aliangrelle prevented ' 'j Mill cur. 11. Contnxioti dettro - yrC ll 7 Bollll4 `rY eared. purin ,„:l4 °mid% rapid- Slick itootus and made ' h . • • enie..ll In a i Pe g i d o t ar: S I k , 1 ° 0 3 • , , 'retter dried up. nd refreshed batli• Ine Hirt, iv perfectly harm : Ninid "added . to . the? 'For•Note Throat it Soft White 'Como rug!.• cure, uy itA NO Intpore Air 'mob hartiiiO4, and 'ptlritl , . 1 ; by *rim Darbri.: Fluid aboot. To Purify the Breath.. Cleanse: the 'teeth, it eau idirpa•••ed . Cata , rh relieved a I .ll,Cholera dl4kipated. eared.' • :Ship Fever prevent Eryitipelao cured ., eild.iy Intros I clii2Vol In-: In en,.s death_ fu the seamy. . I always Scare pieiented. be tired- a' ont- ! the -I,!elnoVes • forpSe--lIIVIII prevt•nt. odors.. 1 any unplpri:eilit ;An Anti for An!- . mal ii , f ti S h 'eg . ..t 4 ab , le Pei- SCARLET •Fi 1,:;,g - ,;,- - 0,„„ -FEVER ems apt Inmlt a.,.TliaVedihy its I,e. CURED. l- YV kowFer Eradicated. • In fart iris the great Disinfectant and Purifier H. ZEILAN .& C 0.,. 3.l :thisiacOirlt , lClu•ailsts, SULG PROPRIETORS S.JI 7 .111T1ERS Swedish Dyspepsia Remedy ! The chief ingredient and • life-giving element of this great remedy Is an herb conummy known as Bliterment, although bufrarely found In thlsriondu; excepting it, the extreme No lb vi.est. It Is gat.heruil In profuse abundance by the Lap andeis In the bleak and snow-clad mountains of Norway and Sweden, and has, In connect t.oit with other lug - Trifle: Ls, been used among them selves exclusively for year. , :15-000 of the gu e m,,t, remedies for Dyspepia, Kidney and Liver Com plaintever known. In pfacia , g this preparation bet re the American public we. candidly bulky- that we have filled a ioug-felt want, by givi••g a inedicine that will not only temporarily relieve, but 'will peshively - cure Dyspepsia, liblnt;, and :Liver Complaint. and all their vat i•eis eff..c ts, such as sour, stoniaeli. sick 'headache.' pains in the back,. palpitati•li of th,, hear, costiveness, indigestion, yellow skin, swim. ming of thetn-ad, fullness at pit of stomach. Jew spirits, &e. Three dos. a will relieve the worst case. Ask vt,ur drupgist for a battle and be convinced. rrice,h cents. • 243.1anik2-yi. 1 41:kLI FETiI M SLIRPAS S OTHE r lip 1/ . 4SOIMPI Z IO I).UNION SQ.NEW YORIN CH I C.A G O. ILL. ' ' 't.- 4 -77 C) O RANGE MASS. Inebicat 1 • ll' ayip +l. B - o,y am :.. i. q ?i, .. 9 • 4). .-1 . .. - ..• • .., , • ~.. • UNFAILING . • FORESKIN. REMEDY such As . DISEASES TEITER.ITCR.SORES. PIMPLES. YSIPECAS . RINGWORM. .. ants - &c. .%„.............. . ..... 00000 , • 1.• :T.- ' -114.441'; ' 41 "%. 4 . 0 ,00 0 " .. E . 1N .. , Ir , • f :., . - , - .. .. :i -;:. THE GREAT CURE FOR Symptoms are ni;',lstare, stinging, itchin g, worse at 'night; rectos as it' Idu-nurtas were crawling about the rectum; tho:rivate parts arc often affected. All9l pleasar.t, econo.anal and tositivn cure, SWAYNt'd VI N T3l t , ..NTiI superior to any article In the market. Sold Ify druggi.t.ror rend 50 eta, in 3.ct. Stamm. 3 ik.nts, EU-5. Ad . fir,,s, Da. S WA, YNC d: Sea, Phila.,Par Diphtherial , • cold Or more tnroat ma./ not seem tO ..mount 4.0 Much, mid pro aptly attend! L . ) can eft,lly bo cured; but netrlcetAs often follow...it by convnotplion or diphtheria. mtliteine tuts ever licen discovered which acts u•lipttel4l7 and surely 1 I sucit eases as I. 3 l,:tfitY PALIi ICILLILit. The pr0:4:17 Use of tilis-in - catifaUe, replcay hag say , ttl , msands cr lives. " I‘k.:11111( PAIN KILLER. Li 13dt an experiment. It - bas b: en bcqore the kab".le for forty years, and Li most, valued wlta•e, II In best known. A few extracts Ti]i voluntary t.stlinonials tead - a3 rOP.OWS: Painlir.itnlnvitatannlyttattca!r,ld rt.r,t - fl for' 9 , !(11 irr tli p r t te. , ...7.,ty-Jit.7l Yrcra, nod /I.lxo St. h la:I a aura. S. N. Y. rcr:t'.lriY l'•••!: - . t 11.0 r u-ad Kr.t.l.nr., and vattpt :ta La - ..ar.i.....i.t5 , •mi,dy 4/1 , 1 vc.ra received .ta rrltcf froz, and rDre fLn a. red on.• your in7rllll.: - .l4trLz_*!:xly.-1.11..0.8..ErEi:E'l /.);.%.•.,:it,ru.' 1 ILlva jii.t.rezr.•etarl frnm a 'very' Whill Ilvet:r.le. .. . 110 r.::1- I tr!, , l:t /Vit-lE-a vo T ill Levl r - Ivitti''l :t.—f'. Ila:e PAS:I:KILT F:Ff. Ilk 1./y1.:::::!:f r fr-VtY y0.1.7F r.nd !kr. i:II011•2 it to 01 11 I 1.1.F.R in 12.,y twrnty. ti,e - yfar.; has:: fonnd uo nlecticto. , • to tz.ke iti place.-31. liyr.t4 N. Y. . I'ar•uTi~pit.v-~~Ou+tli aril erollp it the tett I , ...neelrzt.tun Ave 1v0.,14 nut be 111:1101it P. Not T 4, Liberty Fer yl.lrt7 I have used PAI , .; far robe: nzat chaprol end ntiti(le: a the tett teeter Oirere EL —6 Ea Moo rE1:,1% I:alikagtoti, - I VhA'ElllTGrine' eeverols - with bronchitis, and my throat wrs re, inOatto (1-1 t•nn .1 r e.ireLly v•wallow any food. I was r.41)17ed t ) try your 1u:. inl after t.:l:lli.tr was con:I-lady cured.—T. W1Lh174' , 077. Dr. NVALT().I.7 wr:te4 from rol-b,octon: Your PArs KILLER. eure4 di' latle,rta .ud Forothront.Eoa.k:rln. UrevalePt here, and h: 4 n(..: txtn knov,n, to fail in .a ciiiid Inntane.c. ¶.1k14 fact you ttould make known to the wo:ld. IVIrs.I"LI.EN trrit,e • 'My on tat; e 1 1 ' ; ntly Pck with di oh ilit-A. f' wr, and cold (11'114. SO many children have. Wed Inre.l utls afraid to c.::11 a- and tried your PAIN HILLI7II.. NllO 11.17 , ?11 on" Sunday, and 071 {VIA:M.4I3S was clear. It was a wen cure, 11114 it cot art be knou.n to the nor in.)thera who an: losing so many clnidren. Fix Chills and Fever PAIN K irLi.v.u. has in Null. IGeures when evc . rythingelsr falls Delays ere chingernus. A bottle lidid.d;it in the holit" is a Ealeguard that. o fon.:lly shOlild. e without - A-11(Irtig,gistssellIG at 50c., and $l.Ol . p-r bottle: • PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors. . Providence, R. I DIPHTHERIA •PREVENTED. rr.erattat, BY Feln - pary 2 , 1, IsS2 irE GREAT THE MOST POPULAR it jam and fonaghold. Matters Concerning Family Life VIE FAMILY TABLE. . If there is anyone plademnre than another conducive to good :fellowship and happiness it is the family table. They know but little of the pleasures of life' whO live in boarding-houses, or have no homes of their own; Who have never gathered as their owl-ru ble-or at the table of a friend in :the sweet communion such *occasions af ford, 'or `never have participated in . light and agreeable table talk—the " feast of reason and flow of 'soul " that at such times abound, and make one more'in love with himself and with his kind. If peace and _good will do not prevail at the family board,, where shall we lOok for it? Womtist eat, and we love ; to eat; and this necessary and agreeable em ployment should be made also a sea son to cultivate a kindliness of heart, to strengthen:lles'of, a ff ection, and to possess one's self of-the grace and ease of - movement and mind that a school of this sort always -imparts.. And not only - When the friendly - visi; tors are present should the gathering around the social board be found a means of grace; but in the home Or cle at every meal. Lit the children be taught punctuality, and . the hus band made to realize that his timely presence is a necessity to perttet family unity, and the wife and moth enshould so arrange her affairs as to alwayS ready to _take her .accds:' wined chair. • One can hardly real, ize how much ' this regular.: and prompt assembling of the family 'to. gether at meal times strengthens family ties, and what a. good. influ- - enceit exerts_ on' the giowing chit- Iniked it is almost a necessi ty to the right development of child hood... What a .good . .send-off to the day's labot?' - a, 'pleasant family meet ing and chat over the bi eakrast table afford.. Every housekeeper- in pre paring meals • should lie punctual, and then endeavor to impress the portanee; of the smile virtue upon other inembf rs of the 'household.-- Illt - EAKFAST- RUSKS: Two, cups of sweet milk, two eggs, two teaspoons,of cream tartar,- one teaspoon of soda, half a'cup of white gnsar, about four small : cups .of flout Beat the .eggs very light ;, put the, cream of tartar in the tfOur, and.add the soda the last thing. Bake in a long pan in_ a quick Oven. PROTECTION FROM FROST. It ; may be well to remind those who giow window plants,.that by re moving them :away from the win dolys,.ihnd arrangim , a cover of news papers over, them,they may ,be pre served from harm, in severely : ccild . ni! , lits. • With the plants, .fts ourselves, it is not so much that comes in:, as that the! beat goesYtif, and -often a 'slight protection • will prevent the'escape of heat. APPLE 4INEC The surest , v9 . - ay to .procure purC' apple vinegar, says Scribner's Month-- Iy,is to make it at home: You will find it an easy matter to save all the parings for this purpose. Put the parings in a stone jar and . acid just enough warm water to wet them thbroughly. Cover- with a coarse piece of Muslin and set in - a warm place until the Pruientation ..begirta. Then strain—first tliraugh a coarse sieve (this will remove the. skins); thin through a. piece of toweling. After this hag settled, drain it oft into a stone jug. Tie a coarse rag' over the mouth, to keep . out insects without keeping out the air. Stand in the, kitchen, near the..stove, until is sour enough for use: Then cork and set in 'a cool place, ready 'to use. Almost before you are aware of you are well supplied with good-vin egar, without its having cost any thing. except a little labor. A CURE FORPOISONAVY. 'A specific for the eruption pro duced by the poison, oak, or..poison ivy, so COM MOil in the: woods and along the old fences i ; has been .dis covered by Dr. S. A. BrOwn; Onited States Navy. This speeiffc he• finds in thomine; which he- as used with unvarying success in at. least forty, cases. lie uses the drug dissolved in oil, cosmoline, or glyc,erine, in the . strength of from ten to twenty drops -of bromine to the ounce Of oil, and rubs the mixture , on" the affected. partsAhree or four-times is day. The bromine is so volatile- thA the solu tion should be ienewed every twenty four hours. The eruption never-ex tends after the first thorOugh appli.. cation, and it _promptly disappears within tweety.four, hours if the ap-. plieation .is perSisted in. OATMEAL PUDDING Mix two ounces of fine Scotch cat, meal in a quarter of a pint 'of milk; add to it a', pint of boiling milk; sweeten to suit taste, and..stir over the fire for ten minutes; then pul, in two ounces of sifted bread crumbs; stir until the mixture is stiff; then add one ounce of shred suet and one or two wclbbeaten- eggs,iand a little flavoring Or grated- nutmeg; put the pudding in a buttered dish and bake slowly for an hour. • ' TREATMENT OF TILE HAIR. Every one is anxious to' have nice hair, vet many mistaken courses are often pursued to retain it. Girls', hair should be allowed to grow tolts full length very early. •it retains-its soft flexibility lonanr, if' it has other proper treatment. also, e ' As time pro gresses. Sharp Combs. should never be used to clean'the 'head; they irri, tate the roots of the hair, and after" all fail in the desired object. There are Innumerable oat's, essences and . pomades vended for the hair, on the assumPtion that they improve and nourish it. According to the expe-,, renee•of the 'lest perruquiersall.such• applications, - any unguent in particu lar and however sanctioned by tra dition, are injurious • When the body is in health, nature supplies the . scalp with in abundance of oil exact ly fitted for the hair, and when not in health no external application of artificial oil can take the pke6 of the. natural. In ordinary circumstances regular buljnot violent brushing is preferable 'for maintaining _cleanli ness and glossiness. • - . • . The hair, like:corn, , needS cultiva tion, but a gentle combing or brush ing every day is all that usually required. If the head should become ,affected with scurf, which the. brush tines not remove; the following pie trietlfod of purification is 'said to be, efficacious and liarmlss. Beat up an egg anil rub it well in all over the head, then pour over it warm water, which while removing the egg will likewise carry away all the scurf; lastly; dry thoroUghly with a towel. The head may be held over a small tub during the process. After this the l.4id will be very clean and e the hair will take on a fine gloss wttb a brush This simple treatment of the hair will mostly make it retaig its origi. nal softness and beauty until quite late in life. , • Men become bald because they wear close bats and caps. That this is true we cannot doubt from the fart that women never go bald, and - . the toil of their beads are so expoged. rho Lewis says you see a man lose a hair below. whe"m the hair tont:lips his skull, not if he has he - en bald fifty years. 'A fur 'cap has been known i to prodtice baldness in a single . win, ter . A black high silk hati . , the tor says, should baize five- litindr.,l holes through the top, so that ti,"e re shall be more - hole than bat. If - the nap is combed back the wrong way, and after the -boles are made it ii combed the right way, no, c n wiN ever observe the peculiarity, and the hatt•rs say .it will wear lotigvr capse it is dry instead of antral. It is a wonder men do not ventila! e their heads-better, for a bald 1ie4 , 1 'insist be, to say-- the blesome in .11y-time. Thi.; veliti:. - latiou no doubt should br=io and parents should see to it that boys' bats are not tio., Warm au ,l close. With a full lieitd bf hair one has not much, need - for ()Met' head wraps; and the lighter the hat,;., ! lions, coiffures, etc:, -worn, the bt_tto:r for the scalp. HOUSEHOLD HI NT"s It is.not good to work too ion , / • fore'' breakfast." Never ,dip the'. irory handle; (..; knives in hot water. A gal who assists her moil.er in the house work is worth tuerry I,at terflies'W fashion. • Bind a cut with cobweLs ap,l brown .sugatt to -stop the low ( 4 i blood; • or if ypt.f. cannot proc , n7: these, with the Eike dust of ti a. Peas and Beans for Stock . . A eery important part of thi! fanm er's winter work consists of a trt-: .oughly :and - .carefully -t work of the coming season, brin;:! to bear the lessons gained in tiie perience of the seasons licit are ~,e lO. - Of all men the farmer is the oni., v. if he would attain any ci;nsiileraii' . l! degree Of. success , "thirk ahead." Bearing this thing in.mind, the following article - from the cultural columm_of_ the l'hiladc-iiihiA Record will bt found very prolitNiil e readirro., even in `mid=winter : •A" sadly.rieglkited -matter t! cultivation 01 leguminous plaw.. True, clover•, is -gro A n in all sections wh4re it can" he dime, but clover is a costly . eiop on smne land. ,To tike its place. we have peas an.rl which belong . ' to the A clover seed is a, dirttinutivc b , an, and were it,not for its' market value clover seed would - be. invalua ble for feedint , . Bat we Can prodtwe pea's and beans on- thelightest and even in sections that pro duce good crops of clover these art_i cles.,ghoutd. be grown. Tim - , they bring good prices in market is knlwn to those who endeavor to eOrP them; but. it 's their qtialitt.; for feeding to stuck that we wish to consider. Corn and meal are used far ft,otl principally because—they contain griat deal or nutricious matter concentrated form. :jut this matt , ..r is mostly carbonaceous or Tat. pro, ring. Growing stock+should ant kept in a fat condition,, for the . , de mand of the system is .chitttly for muscle-producing matter. Tlittre no concentrated material on the that ftupplies this desideratum in :;,1!, and. - `'though nature has TM - Ili , ' t farmers with splendid agynts for thts purpose in the shape of pPas a• beans, the opportunity is Iva proved. For early pasture or soiling after rye a piece: 'of land bro,ulca,ted.- to tall-growing, green peas, with - is invar.iable The writer of tit . once kefit a cow:up to a flow of *will: . till late in the Season by a sueces,:ion of such crop., 'and that too on a hilt,/ . white sand land. It is - not known by some that, if these vines are (to and nicely cured when just-abont i t t blossom .they will furnish- a go;ft crop . of nutritious hay,_but if not I ut at flowering 'time - the leaves crumble away.. -Ground peas or.beans are econom ical for feeding owing to the great I saving they . em et. Farmers are tempted to part with them at. : 4 2.1ti • bushel, and they often bring moie than that sum ; but if we will -toll and reflect that this meal, mixed ha f and half with corn meal, will enable us to 'dispense :.w!th- one-third the quantity of hay, -a great saving is • made thrOugh.the winter For young calves nothing can phial - it.: -1f the farmer has no convenience for grind, mg them - the peas and beans can be cooked_ into . " mash " in the ordi nary way, and if thus given liberally - to stock, especially to; the .younger portion, will:push them rapidly for_ Ward. Pigs will . grow, - fatter on it than on anything else. Young . heif ers becimie matured s r, ral months sooner. By the use of pea or bean Meal. wheat straw can be used. in place of hay, and, taken as a whole, kis almost a necessity On welbr...gu lated 'farins. Bear in mind, as stated above, peas.and beans. will not fatten stock as readily - as Corn, nor will corn make the stock grow as quickly as the regumes... 'Bence in Winter we •should-feed these artißes together n order to'get'the best results. crops can he grown a"s" cheaply as corn—peas in a much shorter time, - and beans fully as.- easy. The c.lw pea is a bush .variety, and grows 1. is.'N : tall. Our ordinary white -bean wiil answer for quick.crops. the marrowfat is preferable.. Thvy cal . be produeed in drills or broadeast. . Peas will stand some - frost, illy] may be put - in early for vine-Beetling .before tither green material is.rtadv. - Beans cannot stand frost,. and the grower should wait till the . groumi warn" They Can be saccessiveiy -fol lowed till fall. Peas will produce several crops (hiring the season. ta ',• the same land, and cow peas can - ) , e grown between corn if the -corn ,is planted -four feet each way and. t% Or's ed Only in one direction: The 'crop: are easily harvested. having but feeble root-hold they •itie pulled- pp anti carried to the..barn, '‘Nhere, they are threshed at such times as will not perinit of other out-door 'Work. WAFFLES.—One pint of sweet milli, four eggs, one large cupful of cum rice or houliny,-a flour ti , make.a still batter, baking poWder iii the proportion of three teasptvin,lo to a quart of flour. IT•is reported at_Ronte that the Poi , o has consented to allow Cardinal' [Alio -Oliowskyo the Archbishop of'Posen, tv it:- sign his see. The Cardinal is cinaii(lorvd the chief obstacle to a reconciliation b tweet' the Vaticaiiand Germany & • ==ffl3 _ . $l5OO per year can bo easily.made at luipie working ior E U. Itideuai & to., JO Barclay Strktt. New York. Sru tt.:. their catalogue marl *lull pat - ticulani. 1 yr.