Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 26, 1882, Image 2

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    Xltadford J lorttx.
Towanda, Pa., Jan. 28, 1882.
Governor of New York did not
grant a pardon during the year 1881
OLuo Democrats are consolidating for
Groaos H. P.MDLETON as a tandidate
for President in 1884. •
IXESELY E. ROCKWELL, Secretary of the
United States Fish Commission, dropped
dead of heart disease at his residence in
Washington at 11 o'clock Sunday night.-
He was seventy-pne years of age.
GIEFERAL EGLET, the President
of the National L'nion League of America,
has called a meetingof the National Com •
mittee of the Lague at the Ebbett House.
Washington, on Tuesday, February 7, at
noon. •
TIM sub-committee of the Post Office
committee have decided to report a bill
reimbursing postmasters for losses under
ose thousand dollars` by fires, burglaries,
etc., where not due to the negligence of
' the postmaster.
TTIO,SE ttepublicans who are always
straining their eyes and cad,geling their
brair.s to find something wrong in the
pa.ty areibe men who tinier do anything
hit I.:,te. and this they do as often against
r...r their party.
TOISACCO Will be planted on a very ex
tensive scale tbis year. Possibly the
area sill be doubled, and with the im
proved seed and skill in cultivation, the
crop of 1822 will be the largest ever pro
duced in the woild.
ONE bf our exchanges bas discovered
that by expunging the three A.'s from
the initial letters, in the names of CIIES
the remainitut initials mill be C. J. G.—
Arriut consultation with theChiefJus
tice and Associate Justices of the United
States Supreme Court, Attorney General
BREWSTER basdecided to revive the prac
tice, of appearing in the court in all cases
affecting the publ;c interests.
Tnt WOLFE. Independents complained,
remarks au exchange, that the Republi
can convention was called too soon,,and
as an evident ~- of the truth of what they
-say, bare called a convention of their own
to meet only two wet s later.
" Tilt Senate. COmmittee on Pensions on
Saturday unanimously agreed to report t.
bill granting . to Mrs. LINCOLN $15,000 in
-cash, to be available immediately, as re
lief, not as ar - ears of 'pension, and filing
ber future pension at $5,000 per annum:
Font thouFand and thirty-Uina ship
wrecks took place throughout the world
in 1651. These disasters, added to wrecks
made on railroads, if the latter could he
put together in an aggregate, would make
a' sum total which would appal the bravest
—and all this for the furtherance of com-
PPESIDENT .ARTIIER, it is said, has
formally taken • possession of the pew in
St. John's Cl•urcb, Washington, which
was occupied by President MADISON and
other Presidents who . followed him. The
Treasurer's books, however, show that its
occupants, without exception, insisted
upon paying the annual rental.
attachment`was granted Thursday
against the property in New Y.'rk of NV.
11. ENoLtsrr,' the Democratic candidate
_for Vice• President at the last election, in
ibe suit of WILLIAM D. MURPHY for $l,-
, -
200, whi •h be alleges Mr: ENGLISH prornl
_iced him for . di livering speeches In Indi
ana in behalf of the Demo4ratic ticket.
DURING the entire session of the Forty
sixth Congress th re were about seven
thousand bills introduced in the House.
Thus far during the first session of the
Forty-seventh Congress nearly four thou
'sand bills have been presented, nearly
three thousand of which are already in
print. The number of private bills intro
duced during the preient session is unpre
:IT is a singular circumstance, says the
Adrerfiter, that untie of our home binder
ies can compete with those of England in
binding up 'the thousandsof pamphlets
which have accumnlated in Cornell Uni
versity. The reason of sending abroad is
thus set forth: that the work "cad be
done in England more cheaply and better
than here," including the oust of trans
portation there and back.
THE Harrisburg E erring Telegraph an.
nounces that Mt: CtiA ni.Es 11. BEttoxEu p
the late proprieto., has disposed of the
concern to a joint stock company, the
members of which are CHARLES n. BERG
NER, F. U. BERGNER, T. F. Itimsos, S.
BARR and M. W. 3IcALAnIEY. Mr.
WiLsoN is to be editor and C. H. BERG
NER business manager. The new arrange.
meat will take effect on the first of March.
TnE government prosecuting officers
who have been preparing the information
in the Star Route cases have nearly corn
-pletea that work, and are now only await
- ing the termination of the GUITRAU trial
to bring the matter before the Gfanci
. Jury. The cases which have been select
ed are as near as possible representative
of the degrees of fraud alleged to have
been committed ; the - prosecuting officers,
however decline to give the names of any
of the parties for whom they' will ask in:
la the reunion of the f Assoeiation or
the Army of Northern Virginia, at New
Orleans, on Saturday night. Mr. JEFFEII
- Davis was •present and made a short
speech, in which he said the cause was
not lost but only sleeping. Referring to
the stirring events of the late war, in
which those before him had participated,
be said : " You have done your duty iu
the past, and may God spare you to do it
- in the future should ever the necessity
again arise." •
nual report for 1581 , says that the in
spections of the National Guard resulted
in a more satisfactory showing than in
any previous year. tie considers thelawt
on the subject as nearly perfect as the;
can well be made. Six new armories
were erected during the year, making a
total of fifty-three_companies now virtual
ly under their own roofs. Bethinks that
no recruit should be remit ed who cannot
well afford the time for attendance at
drills, encampments and inspections. This
is well enough in theory, but gentlemen
of; leisure are not plentiful in Pennsylva
nia, and the few that can be found are
nos !bud of
. I . lraniosel *nerd. Service.
TEAT sterling 'Republican sheet, the
Lebanon Courier, expresses the Wowing
opinion which we most bey ily endorse :
"No Udell service" that shall create an
office-holding class that will ripen into an
aristocracy with a contempt for the peo
pie, will be the 'verdict in America, as the
subject becomes more discussed and bet•
ter understood. Any proper reform to
improve the integrity and responsibility
of office-holders is commendable, but the
idea drifting on in this proposed reform
into the aristocratic policy of England - is
"a horse.lof another color," and will not
- be-tolerated - by the American people.
_ (
ONE of the most remarkable instances
of cool and deliberate impudence on re
cor: says the North American ha's been
shown by the widow of, a Senator from
Tennessee, whose terra, would have ex
pired in 1865 but who was expelled for
treason to the country in 1561, in a pre
sentation of a claim for his salary for-the
*hole of the term to which be had been
elected. As might reasonably no pre
sumed;the claim was promptly rejected,
and the indignant widow and her friend%
are no doubt taking consolation from
their defeat in composing woruy anathe
mas to bi;:burled against the - officers of a
perfidious And 'ungrateful country.
IF the bill settling upon Mrs. GARFIELD
a pension of 0.000 a year for life, be
comes a law, says the Philadelphia Worth
merka n, it will be impossible for
o:'e tc charge with having treat:.
ed the late President's widow with illiber
ality. It has already notified its inten
tion of assuming all the expense connect
ed with Mr. GARFIELD'S Sickness, and to
add the pension suggested to all that has
been previously given will be a generous
act.. How far Congress can properly take
cognizance of the contributions of which
Mrs. GARFIELD has been the recipient is,
bowev i rr, a questiOn as to which there is
room for some difference of opinion.
EnvilE there seems to be no doubt that
fi f INCOLN 4 owing to physical infirmi-
ty, Akin
. straP.ened circumstances, and
that tlia l p nsion voted her by Congress
some yetirs ago is insufficient to st.pily
her reasonable and necessary wants, the
bil. iucti.asing her pension $5,000 a year,
and giving her the sum $15,000 in cash,
which has been unanimously adopted ny
the Sena'e Committee'bn Pension , , is a
proi , r one, and will bardli meet with
any substantial opposition/ In view of
his services to the Nation, the Republic
cannot do too much for President LIN
COLN'S widow. It is not enough that she
should have the means of subsistence.
She should have the wherewithal to live
in comfort, and to satisfy ad the many
needs incidental to her advancing ytars
and enfeebled condition.
- Readers of newspapers may have
noticed Of late that certain parties j
to political controversy are in a man
ner stiff red up. There has ,been con
siderable music in the air, in fact,•
the New , ‘York Herald having sound
ed the' key-note through one of its
correspondents, and the Tribune hav
ing chimed in rather discordintly
than otherwise. The beginning of
this fracas was the publication of a
private despatch- from Mr. W rrr.-
object of the dispatch 'was _both , I rd
question to influence Presider,'
FULD to stand firm in his removal of
Collector Merritt and the notninati , m
of Judge llonEtrrsos for the Collec,
for of the Port of New York. The
terms of the despatch are suet; ,that
there j ean be no doubt of Mr. REID!Js
The publication of this I 16patFli in
the Herald was 'made the basis of a i
charge of conspiracy - oetween Mr. 1
REin,and a few others Navin t for its
object he humiliation' of Mr?: CoNx-
LING. That charge may he dismissed
as of ti : consequence. There' is no I
proof - Offered, beyond the despatch
itself, that such a conspiracy tvasen-
kered'irfto. Mr. REID published the
despatch-in the Tritiume with caustic
comments. • He avowed the author
ship of the despatch and declared
that he would stand by it to the end.
But as to the morals involved in the
publication of the private letter Mr.
REID has something to say and . says:
it ' most outspokenly. We •asSune
that nobody writes a private and
confidential letter expecting it to be
published in public prints. There is '
what. may . be called an i nalienable
property in a man's private corres
.the title to which rests in
the Writer. So we may as Well admit
that to deprive any one Of such prop-
erty by making it public property is
neither good manners nor goad mor
als. But when such a breach of
manners and morals occurs it is no
questionably- true that the peculiar
Property right of the author tertni 7.
natis and cannot be reclaimed. -I "
What does the despatch show ? It
shows. that Mr. REID, exercising an
undeniable, right, did endeavor to in
fluence the President to insist upon
the' nomination of Judge RODERTSON .
It also shows that the disagreenient
between the President and the Stal
warts was probably widened by the
counsel -of individuals who do not
claim to be Stalwarts. It may. be
said to show what everybody ought
to have known-tthat the course of
the President was not, wholly deter
mined by liis owit • will. In other
words, certain gentlemen who think
a P i resident ought not to be clay . in.
the hands of the potter did undertake
to mould
_and shape the policy of the
late President. We assume that such
endeavor is entirely legitimate, if uti
lertaken With goodintentions. But
we hold that a mans who essays to
shape the policy-of an administration
is estopped from abusing others who
essay the same thing under similar
Now if Mr. REID is willing to stand
by his.despatch .we should like to
know whyhe is so bitter in . his de 7
nunciaticd of the exposure. That he
feels outraged, by the publication is
natural. But Im o la not-the only man
whose-confidence has been betrayed.
Such exposures are rather common;
Buttifter sharply. criticising Mr.
PONtitiNG for his alleged control of
-the polioy of Gen. GiIANT'S AdMiLliii!
tration, Mr. REID does not relish be
ing exhibited before the America!
people as one who did the thing be
had so severely condemned. We
suppose that this nccounts for the
excessive indignatioi displayed by
Mr. REID. After baring denounced
the tactics of 31achiavel be goes not
care to be discovered in the practice
of those tactics.,
Well, it is not pleag . ant.. _lt has
been charged that President ARTHUR
is under the influence of Gen. GD.,NT
and that the Stalwarts are .shaping
ARTERTICS policy. Is this wrong?
If it he wrong for Gen. in
fluence President ARTHUR, suppoging
he can do it, was it right for Mr.
-Rm to influence President GAR
FIELD? •This question eovers the
whole matter in. controversy. For
. if one man may rightly, do anything
affecting .the general publi4 why
should any other man abused for
doingiareeisely the sante thing? And
;dist is the condition of the than who
does, as of right, what he denounces
as wrong when done:by others? . If
revealed in • the performanceof
act how can he gip on denouncing
the other sinner? This, it appears
to us, is the situation - sp far as Mr.
RE Dis concerned. It is certainly
not a pleasant situation. he is
not improving it. by Abusing paan
who stole his clespatil. , That bay
better be dropped. The • despatch is
public property and. all it goes to
show will nodoubtiheused by the
Stalwarts, • •
• A DIFFiCULTY ha* arisen in respect of
the ceases deficiency approbation of $540-
000, and the .President .withholds his
signature. ; First Comptroller Lai renre
take&the point that as the money to i-a : -
for clerical labor was advanced under as
signment of claim, the appropriation in:
its presۥnt form is in violation of the Re
vised Statutes, as it- should have- been
made in favor of the assignees. It ap
pears that the bill must be modified or a
new one enacted. • ' •
AT the session of the State Temperance
convention held in Harrisburg Thursday
officers were elected and - a resolution was
adopted approving
.the introduction in
public schools of education on the psycho,-
logieal effects of acholiol on the human
system. A formula of 'a prohibitory
amendment to the State ConsCitutiOn, 'to
he presented , at the next fess LAI or- the
LogKature, was also act - lilted. Gov.
ST. JOHN, of kansas, addressed the meet
ingin the ev:'xiing.
' IT is proper in the t. S. Setiate to pass
a law inflicting a tine Of $l.OOO and im
prisonment at hari labor far a term of
five years, upon any claim ., azent or pen
sion attorney who may d - ernand or re
ceive greater compensation than' that al
lowed by law for file prosecution of pen
sion claims.
ROCITESTER Democrat : When a four
teen-year!old girl like KATE NEWTON
dies in Philadi:lphia in the herrinle agony
of delirium tremens, !q!ems to he
other fields than Asia: and Africa and
Polynesia where missionary work may ho
done. fi
Tim people of Elk edunty are,not only
happy but well to do' and in i)endent.
Bat one sheriff sale is ath:ertised , for this
term of court. -Is there anothr caunty in
the commonwealth that can beat that ?
TtiESDAY.—in the Senate bills were
introduced permitting Justice Hunt
to retire and g,ranting, a pension to
Lucretia R. Garfield . ; the "Aqears of
Pensions Act and the Sherman Re
funding bill was , further discussed.
attention of- the House was.
largely taken up with the report of
the committee on Rules' increasing
the membership of various commit
tees. -
WEDNESDAY' In the Senate bills
were introduced to encourage agri
culture and manufactures„"relative to
the compenSation of letter carriers,
anti in 'relation to the . Veniznela
award ; the permit Ward Hunt,
an Assoeiate Justice of the United
States Supreme Court, to retire, was
reported back favOrably ; the Sher
.refunding bill was further dis
cuSsed......ln the House a bill was
introduced for the sale Of the United
states Court-house at Moston ; a hill
was reported for the sale of the Mia
mi Indians in Kansas, and- a report
. was made on the subject of Metric
coinages; the report of the Commit
tee. on Rules; proposing an: increase
in. the membership of certain com
mittees, was further discussed.
• TUURSDAY.—There -mitt; a lively
debate in the Senate to-day over the
Sherman Funding bill, in which Sen-
ators Win lOW and Hill, among
others; tookpart.. bill retiring
ArsoCiate Judge
. Aunt was passed
in the Senate by a vote of 41 to 14:
..In the Rouse, the-clay was chief
ly occupied in the sliseusgion of the
report'of the Cchnmittee on Rules in
regard AD enlarging the committees
of the -House ; the repOrt was finally
recommitted by a Vote of 150 to po.
FRlDAY.—The.Senate Was not in
session to-day..... I n the HouSemuch
consideration was given by the Com.
inittee'of the Whole to various hills
on the calendar; • a bill was passed
for the relief of Theophiluw B. Chan
dler, formerly Assistant Treasurer of
the United States at Boston ; the
House adjourned until Monday.
MoNmy.—ln the Senate, resolu
tions of respect for the memory of
the late Senator - . Burnshie were pres
sented by Mr.. Anthony and adopt
ed ; remarks upon the character and
achievements of General Burnside
by Messrs Anthony, Aldrich, Ham! -
ton. Edmunds, NI:, xey,. Hawley, Har
rison. Jones (of Florida). and Hale.
.... In the Hous-e, bills were intro
duced for a publication of a list of
all persons receiving or claiming
pensions ;-te,. grant pensions to all
soldiers engaged in Indian wars prier
to 1840, or to their widows ; to re
gulate and limit Chinese immigra
tion ; for the relief of the Freedmen's
Saving and Trust Company ;to s ee,
tablish a United States Court; in 'the
Indian Territory ; to establish a
Bureau of Mine* and Mining ;. to
establish a uniform paper eurrenry ;
proposing a Constitutional amend
ment relative f r o appointments to
public office ; pensioning soldiers
who were confined in Confederate
prisons ;to reduce ttm salaries of
heads of Departments ; and for the
appointment of Reprp - gentativea
der the Tenil Oeusto, . •
WASlttlwaros.D. C., Jam 21; ten.
The current cif serious, thoughtful pub
lic opinion is still drifting, as it set out
that President Arthur Will wake one of
the hest Presidents the -White House has
seen. It is not expected that Mr. Fre
lingbulsou will dirept the State Depart-
ment,as a "Premier," or attempt to direct
it in the interesteitber of himself or Pres
ident Arthur for thei succession, 0, that
Judge Fo'ger will seek to tura tbeerreas
I, ry Drylament into a political machine
or- his own future benefit. The - lade-
pendent and even the opposition journals
cancede that the President has thus far
displayed tact, earnestness, and a compre
hensive grasp of -national questions.. In
his:aPpointments he has steered - Clear of
partisanship, while -at the - Tame time
evincing the courage of his convictions
and displaying a firm determination to be
it fact as well as in fnm the eeentive
head of rho nation. Ile has yet to en-
counter a session of Congress and the in
trignesi vshich are - always set on foot to
einbarrass an adm;nistration. A 'modest.
demeanor, a strong and able irfelsage,
discreet reserve with a kindly word for
everybody, even when compelled, to say
no, - are good indications that he will en• them soceessfully. No ono can
jusi ly assail the selections for the Cabinet.
-They are well adapted to exactly carry on
.the work cut out for
. them. No one who
knows Attorney General Brewster doubts
that be will do his utmost to mete out
exact-justice to the Star Routers, neither
allowing them _to be lynched .by-public
opinion not: protected by social or politi
cal relations, The President .•has long
been known and respected in New York
strength of will and remarkable
executive capacity, and .uuls ss he plows
luxurious and self-indulgent there will be
no clouting or:tolerance of great public
its theta was under the namby
pamby, .goody-goody, rice -water, - civil
service administration of Mr. Hayes, who,
as has been walk remarked, is gone but
not forgotten. , •
From . ► the number of bills and petitions
that are being tiled iu the House it would
appear that - Congress is preparing-for an
extended session, one that will prtiliably
carry them into the balmy days of July
before they :will be ready for an adjoin n
meut. Among the,' bills .introduced we
find the following presented by Hon. C.
C. Jadriin, of the Fifteenth District :
Bill No. 1540, IL R, authorizing the
President of the United States to reinstate
Charles W. Tracy on the active list in the
Army ; was read a first and second time,
referred to the CoMmittee on Naval Af
fairs, mid ordered to be printed.
" Bill No. 1541, 11. R., to restore Charles
N.. Warner to his former rank and posi,
lion in the United States Army; was'read
a first and second time, referred to the
Committee on Military Affairs, and oi:l;ler
ad to be printed.
Bill No: 1542, 11. R., for the relief - of
Mrs. Helena Hermans ; w e read a first
and second time, referred to the Commit
eeon Military Affairs, and ordered to be
printed. • •
B,li 1543, H. R.. granting a pension to
•George . Taylor ; w•as read a first andsee
ond.time, referred to, the -Committee on
luvand Pensions, and -• ordered to be
printed. , • '
Bill No. 1544, H. R., granting a pension
io Albert 0.. 3Biler ; Was read a first and
second time, referred to the Committee
on loraltd Pensions, and ordered to be
printed. _ •
Mil No. 1 , 1-1,5, 11. IL, granting' a pen
sion to James R. Gordon; was lead a Orst
and srcond time, referred to "the Commit
tee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be
Bill No. 046, granting . :19 in
crease of pension to, Cephas E. Andrus.
late of Company K, Ono hundred and
sixth Pennsylvania Volunteers ; was read
a first and second time, referred to the
Committee on - Invalid Pensions, and or
dered to be printed.
8i11n... - -1547, 11. R., granting a pension
to t.tidrew J.,. Horton ; was read a firs't
aud second time, referred•to the Commit
tee on Invalid Pensions, and order - ed to
be winced.
Petition of Henry McKinney and oth
era, for an appropriation of $50,000,000
for a school fund in the 1` to slave States;
for the improvement of the Mississipp,
river ; foi• the Aro y and Navy-; for the
Diarist of Columbia. and to crush Mor
monism, and that no - more principal be
paid on the national debt till these, object
be accomplished —to the Committee on
Education and Labor.
• Also. the petition of Symend Ellsworth
and 22 others, citizens of Bradford Coun
ty, Pennsylvania, .for equality of privi.
legrs in tailiOad i transportation—to the
Committee on Commerce.
,A1,0,.th0 petition of citizens of Susque , .
banns County, Pennsylvania, of
impoit—to the same committee.
Also, the . petition of T.A..Miller and S.
0. Corwin, for the passage Of the bill (H.
R. "No. 3 81) of the Forty-sixth Congress
relating to the pay of postmasters—to the
Committee •on the Post-Office and c - . 3
Also, the petition of Buckingham Stu.-
art,- ftir,a pension—to the Committee on
While the- above - will in some measure
serve to show 'that Mr. Jaciwin has not
ueeraltogether idle, it comprehends but
a 'small part of the work and duties in
eumberit upon his position. It is.a fact"
which is perhaps not very generally un
derstood, that the labor attending the
duties o: a legislator since the close of the;
war has been very . materially increased.
Aside froni . legislative work, the passage
of tbe' late PeosiOn Act, the Arrests of
Pay and Bounty Sets, has given rise to
innumerable claims from those"whoserved
in the late rebellion, all of which to a
very great extent have• lciolced.after
by Congressmen. In this reSpect Mr.
Jadwin does not allow the claims which
are being constantly made upon hint to
accumulate unattended to.' .With. a due
regard to the interests of "his constitimicy
his personal attention is promptly given
to all claims and requests., So far it is
evid.n t- that the - people of the Fifteenth
District will have no just reason for cm;
plaint in any respect. " • •
The daily life of a Congressman, with . '
his duties properly dischatged, has of late
years become anything but a bed of roses.'
The days of idleness and elegant ease with
"eight dollars per day and roast beet"
_have passed away, and are reineixibered
only as among the things of the past.
The. gilded saloons of vice, such as flour
ished in' the good old days of Southern
rule and slavery, have - fallen into delay, ,
and' bunting the "tiger"' is no longer a
favorite pastime with Senators andmem
bers. - The hidden "jungle" that flashed
in brilliant splendor with its roulette and
far taoles, ifs grand suppers and other
allurements that servo to malte,v;-.:
tractive is deserted. The fashionable
belle and the elegant sport that feasted,
fattened and flourished on the products
of the awe have disappeared from fash
iOn's,eirclea. The balls of legislation no
longer resound with the oaths of lionora-
Wes filled with, cornjuio' o. iv bile they
danrishetA pistebt . and canes ad
descanted aim* their honor and exploits
as gentleme.n, c.'he gait; tl.” _
- But with the rainy ehanges'brought
about by tbe whirligig of time, the bawl;
log house Cormorant or the Capital re-
Mains the same, exists as voracirms as
ever, and C.lngressmen are still considered
their legitimate'prey. Wbile all gOveri=
meat employes are considered as a matter
of course their victims, the Congressman
is regarded. as the goose that lays the
golden egg, and must consequently be en
snared. From Congressmen the boarding
house matron wins her seal•skin sacque,
ber diamonds and her daughters' trous
seau. While the government clerk who
eats at the table ivith the Washiagtonian
"to the manor born )1 pays twenty' per
cent. more for his meals, the Congress
man is Ina& to go twenty per cent. high
er, and,for appointments ordiearily ob.
tained at prices ranging from twenty to
fifty dollars per month, the Id. C. must
fork over from fifry to two I , ntuired dol
pars. From this scale of prices there is
l eo deviation ; the terms ate imperative.
Tho salaries of Congressmen, like the
garments of our Saviour,--are allotted, and
Then the boarding house, the room keep.
et., the tailor and the dressmaker are sat.
isfied, a bare existance only is the remain
der. However golden may he the dreatris
of life at the politic 11 Mecca of the nation,
b. few months' residence - in the capacity
of either Congressman or clerk is sutrr
cient to dispel 'the illusion and,convinee
the most obtuse 'of the fact "pat distance
leuds enchantment to the vi, ,W." 31.
—The output of auttnacite coal for 188
was iu excess of the previous year
—At steel has jnst been pat in
place at the Mabanoy plane 2,700 feet
long. - -
-Tho Carbon county, is the only coun
ty in the
_State whose jail is empty of
prisoners. .
—The dry goods nierchautS of
port close their stores at nix o'clock in
the evellinr,
—An isirestigatiou of the Greene Coun
ty Aluisbouse now in progress is develor
ing very bad management. • -
—Peter;lioo . old engineer on de
Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, has mt
missed a day's run in five years. •
—ln many parts of the rural regions
overwork has placed luau doctors onthe
sick-list, depriving the people of Medical
order te avoid the spread of small
pox now in Altoona, thejanuary term of
the Blair County Court has been adjourn
ed until April, by order of Judge Dean.
—Representatives of all the Agricul
tural societies of Northwestein Pennsyl
vania havo fr lined a code of rules. for the
government of exhiuitions in the- future.
The object is to got uniformity iu the class - -
—The spread_ bf small-poz in Bethle
hem is creating alarm. -A case having
been discovered in the Merchants' Hotel .
the liealtb committee has closed the house
and quarantined it, ;with its twelve board
erinside. .
Pittsburg woman jumped up : to
hair a dress on a hook,:and :in doing so
caugbtLer finger ring on the hook, hang
ing by it; her feet not touching the titior,
and was only released wen her cries, at
tracted attention. She-was hurt badly.
—TLe citizens of Altoona.are so alarm.
ed at the increase of small.lx* that the
physicians of that city are aiithorizid to
vaccinate.all persons free of charge whp
are unable to pay for it. This should be
the. case in all tcp - ns, eS: it is the best
way to prevent the disease. •
—A ge . neral 'strike is threatened by the,
bituminopS coal miners of Westmoreland'
County; They have been demanding in
crease of wages
:JIM eomplain against ex
isting rides in the management of the pits
for some time. Work is largely interfer
ed with and a general suipeusion is not
—The proposed scheme for conveying
coal gas from the coal region to the sea
board is said to . be taking a
shape, but it .has not yet_ been decided
whether the works will belocated in Ale
Connellsville region or in the Vest
einia coal fields.- It-is designed to hare
branches from trie•s - tit-foot mein to Balti
more, Philadelphia k Washington, • Wil
mington, New; York and other • 'cities:
The t stimated ;cost of the:Works and pipe
is $45,000,000,-nf which $25,000,000 will
be furnished in cash and .the balance in
bonds. •
—Tbe latest census giyes Pal is a-161m
-1 ttiou of 2,225,900.
' —There are prisoners ii: the
Tombs at New toil: awaiting trial on the.
charge of murder. ,
—Between twelve and fourteen hun
dred persons (Led of ,email-pox '-in
delphia.during 1881.:
—Rev. Enoch Pond, D. D., 1 resident
of 'he Bangor Theological Seminary, died
ou Saturday night, aged. 91 years.
-4 rumor was current at Washington,
Friday,'. that Er -Attorney General Taft,
if Ohio, will this week be ippointed Min
ister fo Germany. ' •
_ —Floodsare repcirted in various parts
Louisiana, Tennessee; Alabama an s il.
7 -Mississippi. Many miles of railroad are
übmerged, and traffic is seriously
--.-Postmastif McMillan, of New Or
leans, ha's deiranded a pro4pt investiga
tion of the published charges against him,
and his request will La granted by the
Postmaster General. -
Frost, Republican candidate
for Alderman, was Thursday raga on: a
recount . at_ &stall declared elected in
place of Charles V. Whittier, candidate
on.tbe Democratic ticket, by; l 36 majority.
This dives the Republicans nit - , majority
in the Board, and breaks the deadlock car
the election of chairinan.
—The report of the special committee
appointed by the Virginia Leeibl,iture to
examine the hooks and papers - of the Sec
ond Auditor's Office has been submitted.
It appears that the discovery has been
made that $91,680 face values of coupons
are missing , . The committee so far have
been unahle•totrade up the discrepancy.
—lt has been raining around Nashville,
Tennessee, fOr the past week, and, the
Cumberland river is rising rapidly, a rise
of five feet 14ving taken place within
twenty-four hiiurs. Back-water tas driv
en two hundred families from their hous
es. A hundred .acres of ground within
the city are under water, •arid m lls' snd
factories have ban compelled to close.
dispatch from Santa- Fee says:
'Last week, Lieutenant McDonald, who
has been scouting - along the southern bor
der with twenty szouts for the trail of
Nana and his Apaches, crossed the bottler
into Chihuahua, and was arrested by the-
Mexican authorities and taken to Chihua
hua City for trial for the invasion. The
facts have been reported tope War. De
partment. • • .
—The failure_ef the People's. Bank at.
Teounisob, Miolikpan, promises to tie II
bat WM: - The liabilities are now esti
mated at .8(1,000 ; assets, 00,000: The
list Of diPbsitors is very huge, - obtained
,by its psyment lama, on deposits,
and ;waists of clerks, women, farmers
and mechanics, who had small sums on
deposit. _ '
. Texas couple stood up to
_be mar
ried few days ago, and the of iatiog
clergyman, noticed the butt bf a pistol
protruding from the pocket of the groom.
suggested that out of respeet to the Bel- -
emn ceremony about to take place the
weipon be laid aside.The_ request being
complied with, the bride demurely drew
an.eight inch bo,yie from her bosom and
tossed it*side the other
—Hanover Court house station, on the
Chesapeake and Ohio It. It., iu
has probably the . youngest telegraph
operator in the country, in the person of
Beverly A. Ben - son, a nine-year old son
of the agent and the operator at , the
station. He is a skilled operator, and
reads messages by the sound as readily
as his father can. lie is said to have
picked up his knowledge witiout special
instruction while playing around the
—At Ironton, Ohio, on Thursday night,
a body of masked men took - out, of the
jail John Wagoner, the murderer of Dr..
[frig:is; treasurer of the- Alice futnac.i,
and hanged him in the con t-house yard.
I'lmylitad list taken, out Bill Zeck, the
other accused murderer, but he mule a
c•iufessiou when strutfg up implieiting
persons not yet x arrested, and . he was
therefore allowed to live for the present.
There' is no clue to the lynching party;
and public opinion appears to approve
their actions.
.Mr. Scoville did not complete Ids
addrCss to the Jury until Friday
evening. Permission was given ui
teau to read his speech to the • jury
Saturday,.the counsel for the govern•
ment withdrawing 'their objection.
Thus tlrs, possihi • lily ofd new trial on
this ground will be avoided. As the
assassin was being taken, out of the
court-moth at the recess he became
angry with the baliti, and attempted
to 'strike him.• Ile was hustled out of
the room:.
' :The assassin of Prpsident Garfield
enjoyed the satisf4etiOn Saturday of
reading to the jury the speech. which
he . had 'prepared for that, purpose,
and which Justice Cox at first decid,
(1 that he should not deliver. Tie•
yourt-Toone wa: packed with[ persons
eager to hear and watch the alsassib
Judge Porter began Monday the
closing address to the jury in the
Guiteau case. Hundreds of people
were disappointed in the attempt. to
osin an entlance to the Court room,
Ris &enunciation of the as-assin was
'very severe; He spoke of
as a man htutai in his 'instincts, in
ordinate. in , his love of notoerity,eat
en up by a hirst for money; a . beg
gar, a hypOcrite, a canter a swindler,
a{ lawyer who never won a ease, and
a man who4ul left his trail in many
States. He denounced the attempts
of Gnitean's associate counsel to per
vert the . -.testimony, • and said that
their efforts were evidently directed
with 'a view of inducing one or -two
jurors to•disagree with the others.
Judge_ Porter was frequently inter
,rupted by Gui:teau and Mr. Scoville,
the latter of whOrn was especially
determined in-his efforts to • prevent
thespeaker from correcting Guitcan'S
statement relative to TpUblic senti
Matters of General;lnterest.
Horrible a illair
ILA.tiCASTER, Ky., Jan. IS.—Joseph
a.' - firmer, living two miles
in the country, .early this morning
killed his wife and two danghters, , ,
the latter aged• nineteen and fifteen
and also his. inother, aged eighty
nine, and then hanaed himself. The
Victims were horribly gashed in their
necks and breasts with an axe.. '-
The servant girl, Ltearin(Y•the noise
nt down stairs, - met Wilmot corn
ing out of his mdther's room - with•an
axe in his hand, and asked Wilmot
what he was d . Oing ? He replied -
that he• had the whole family
and - was going to kill himself. , The
girl rushed through the room, =grid
seizing Wilmot's son,' aged seven;
took him to a colored , man's house.
'As she - was leaving his eldest son;
James, came 'down stairs, Met his :
father; who had a gun. James. ask
-ed what he was doing The •father
replied that he was going to kill, birn: .
self,. and would kill s him, too.
father grappled With the son and
threw him down, 'but 'being unable
-to hold him grabbed the run. •:: The
son knocked it, up and tbeball - went
into the ceiling, theyoung man then
ranfor his life, the old map, follow.
ing to the fence.
After daylight, Wilmot, dressed
in his. shirt and drawers, was found
.swinging under a shed. ge bad
en a plow, line, fastened it around
his neck, dirtied up the :side of the
crib, - fastened the other end to a
beam and jump 4 off., ~.
Wilmot has been brooding over a
small alit he had tp pay for a biOtli.
er-in law, and it is believed thug it
drove him crazy, A iew days ago
he said that all the stock was 'going to
ands he expressed fears of dying
from starvation,, although he ' was
worth $lO,OOO and owned' 25..) acres
of land. He was Sixty years old.
Rum the Cense of It.
. . . •
, NEW Yoalc, Jan. 19.--Tl e ,coron
ers jury to day inspected - file scene
of [the ' Spuyten .Duyvil . 'disaster.
Brakeman Melius proceeded ftiona the
point where the .last car of the Al,
bany express stood to the Spot where
he flagged the terrytown train.
The time he took Wti l s two minutes.
Afterward's conductor Hartford's
testimony' was taken. Ile testified
that he believed the train. vvas-astop
ped by a person not connected with
it applying the. air. brakes:. This
Could have been done - by pulling one
end of the cord which ran through
•the cars arid was connected with the
valve: l t -,.was. placed - there as a pre
caution 'against . accidents. There
was a patty 'on the train . • singing:
mashing hats and conducting • thetfi' i :
setives in a disgraceful way. They
were passing around bottles of whir.
key, and 'the foundation of the • awl
del t was rum. He', t. Lac : lent
.help on the train to stop such prii
eeedings. ( Among. the passengers
coup"! were ex -rOroners 4 Senators,
,Asse :-.
blymen and, Aldermen; and he eduf
not deprive them'[ of their bottl'..
This was -an every day occurrence,
but more especiallyiso on Fridays.
' Engineer Burr,- of the Terrythwn
train, testified that. - l!e . had passed
three hundred •and ft
i i
y feet -out of
The cut before he s w Manus, .11,A.
'he seen him as he emerged he could
ham utoppcd the train in dm.
SW. 001.011141.
Bath N.Y., was visited with a dis:
asterous Bre Monday morning,
caused by a kerosene lamp explosion.
The Carter bfoelt, amtai iing five
stores, and .numerousliving rooms,
was destroyed. The department
did splendid work, but the fire had
a good ' start before they arrived.
Many families living in the upper
rooms of the building barely escaped
savidg only their clothing.. The loss
is estimated at abollt $20,099, partly
covered by insurance.
A 811111311011, ;body Gnawed by Bata.
CHESTER, 21.-14larly yester
day-mornink an unknoWn man was
found hanging in Edger Blacks
barn, on Hog- Island, off Lazarettal,
by a carpenter who-went to - make re
flair& iThe upper part of the body
was in a good state of preservation
but the arms, limbs and tower part
of the body was eaten by rats. There
are no means of ilentification. lie
is five feet seven inches high, has
brown and gray hair, a full beard;
dark eassimere clothes
._ of -good
quality, nearly new. He was appar
ently- an American, about fifty years
uhi. The b‘icte Awaits identification
at Coroner Quinby's office, in Media.
Another noiror.
BUCIIAREST Turkey, Jan 19.—The
circus at Kreinsier wasi kmritetl to
night. ,The tif:b3es slow.' ripidly
that' it was With-the. utino.,t, difficulty
that the persons in theestablistireent :
escaped, when he fire was- under was discovered that many
men-and horses had.perisheti.
Intense excitement - prevailed du.r
lag the- ccmflagration, the horrors of
which were increased by the fearful
strul . igles'and-howling of the beasts
in the menagerie oppsite the circus.
Ma.ny of the beasts were terribly
scorched. The loss is very heavy.
'President Artgar's Iffarct Work
WASHINGTON, January 22.—The
President is said to he the - hardest
worked man just new in the . United
-4-ites. He dines' at half-past seven
anti-is a-hearty enter.. He generally .
has friends at dinner, ink - wine and
good stories are not . !titling,. At
dinner he is '!Chet" Arthur; again.
This meal ends with Fegats about
nine o'clock. After that time be
gives himself up to appointments
made during the day with various
itriividuals. 4 ft.t.r. 'these are. o ver
about twelve' O'cloek, he goes' tato
the library 'awl looks over the news,
- papers, arranged there for him, and
disptises of : such public bUsiness,as
must be transactivd without interrup
tion. This occupies him tilt •twOor
three o'clock in -the mornin7., is tour or live before be
creep.:3 into that .esthetic bed which
has been so elaborately described.
He breakfasts every day at ten.
Newel from the Crew' of the Jeannette.
WASIONGTON, Jan. 4 21.—The Sec
retary (tithe Navy has just received
it telegram,from enaitteer Melville, of
the lost Jeannette:dated at Irkutsk.
Jan. 18. He states that Danenhow- .
er and the eleven men are well.
When he returned to the Artie ocean.
he found the btioks, instruments
and four rccords left by De Long.
He_ had no tidingS of the second - cut
ter. - The search will be continued
during the winter by the Cossack
'ommandant of Belun and Jakusk.
He says he is acquainted with the
country where he Long and party
are. and rt quests orders to !remain
, with.tWia men to renew the wart& in
March. Danehower's sight is partial
ly restored.
Insurance Men Arrests t:
LEBANON, Pa., Jan .2.1 ,John W.
Feirstine, John- V. Light and Andrew
H. Light, insurance. agents ware yes
terday arrested for Conspirac% at the
instance of Phillip Arnold, of North
Lebanon township.
that he bought speculative insurance
poactes•trom thy• aecused, to the am-
Qunt elf $170,003 for which he
$2,Q,4'09._ The accused were givtn a
bearing this afternoon-. The ffair
creates' great excitement in insurance
eirtics throughout the county.
'Pew ittinertisemetos.
PR INTERS .74 Pgrora;
Is a new book. fell of ju'onsintl ,, n. by an 00l
to . It Is boau ai; LI-b, rpotr iiro,lll.o.trated
and gives gam plea of tine Joie
piloting% Tlo: colored Mite alio., tvatur• and
worth tt. price ..f thr hook. S-td for , t at
once. Nrbre., rub, Itoehe,4er; N.Y. 75c.
Swed:sh Dyspepsia Remedy,
The chief ingredient and life-giving
element of this great remedy Is an herb commonly
known as Ilitterment, although but rarely found
hi this countri. exceptiag lo the_ ekriem;., No th.
West. It Is gsthervd In profuse abundance by the
Lap ander* to the bleak anti sluw.clad tnlintitains
Of Norway and Sweden. and has. In cotineol. n
With 'other Ingredie ts„ been used among them
selves for YesrS as one of the 'greatest
remedies for Dyspepsia, Kidnerand Liver Com
plainaver known.
• it pheli g this preparation iof to the American
public are candidly believe that we have filled a
long-felt want, by givl; g a inethelue thai wit non
only temporarily relieve but WIN positively cure
Dyspepsia.. Kblue• and Liver Complaint. aid all
their vattous effects, such ns -sour stomach, sick
headache, pains In the back, painna.l n of .is:
hearlntllgeStion, yellow , kin, swim
inlng of the h.-ad, tidiness at pit -f stmjiacti. hew
spirits, &u. Three-dor.. swill relicve the worst case.
Ask your druggist fora bottle and be convinced.
Price, 75 cents. -
p nitn : ct
, Crockery
Us ■ IR U//0 1 0 Sto
Offers the Quaker City or
Improved Headlight Oil !
{ By the Quart, Gallon or Pouud,
- At the Lowest Market Prices.
. L
This OIL V -
on , Explosive 11 1 lirns " p '
Is absoMely JA cLeln with a
deal. light;
(litres not ,men , crust ale km or
'smoke. and Is guaranteed to he murk bet- - ..,
. ter than any other flemblght Olt
TuTlti In this market. ,
The numerousaceldents result mg from The use
of common kerosene shook, strit alt to
me outy saTc oil-,. particularly as
the cost is but a trifle more. '
Job lot of Decorated Porcelain
At 85 cents each—worth 75:g
Burners, Chimneys,- Wicks by klece or
yard. New my les of Han k in - and
. Student Lai►ips at very low pines,
Tewurda;Jan. 36v itie2.
Sheriff's Sales.
By virtue of sundry writs issued out of
the Court of Common PAWS of Brsalford County
sod tome Alreete.l. I srlll expose to public sale, st
the court Mayo In Tolusloost Borough, on
Friday. February 10, 1882,
it 1 o'clock, P. U., the following described proper.
Ty, to wit:
No. 1. One lot, piece or parcel or land, 'Moslem
Wssox township (Itua Noy. tt and Bor Woe/ No
of Memo? 91, man* Moody's sub-division of East
T da). bounded north by iota Nos. 4 and 9 o
B pelt No. 4. east by Pennsylvania a•.nue. Youth
by lots Nob. 8 and 7of Block 8.; boo west by Hr.&
lord street; an improved. no buildings. fiefs 4
and tar en into exerutlan at the snit of Morga i.
Moody's atiministratots vs. Jao S. Hetnseay and
Margaret Ke mdy.
N... 2 At.Sti—Onts other lot or land. situate in
t.eftoy town Alp, boondrd north by land.of Robert
IDiawn. east by lands of Mary Kellogg, south bs
Towanda crest, and west by lands of elarebesk
311,3 rd; cuotAns 75 acres. a,nre or less, 65 Imp. or
ed, with I framed barn and 1 orchard of fruit treo
thereon.. 8 . 12-d _and taken inmeyouniou at the
- -
Snit of Joh. Wheat ey vs. Th.'s. A. Mc' 3 -nee.
No. 3..Ar:60--One other lot of land. sltuats
Pi &slid Her. icr townablpx, boor,ded Lionb by
lauds or Jowl% Le H .nW. , Porter and AArblbald
• oleinan; 0a..4 by land of .ald Arebib4blCobqoan.
If••;ktt "NV, and others; south by la•.dd of UOIWtt
Titus. Guidon Sntotoir and Thomas F i rer.; west by
limas of PaiertglalaS l'eet, Eliza Thomson, Asher
Itul es and Jmeph Lee ;.contalns 6s awes. morn or
lea. about 25 Impnrved. 'With a framed dw,ligt,K
bolus , . !framed barn. a saw mlll wild machinery
and di urea, water prleargo and e r/Wet or way
theret lir Inuglbg to t,e sawn. eilzett and taken
Imo i•Xreui.tou at the suitor Zophir Platt vs. dawn
Nu. 4. ALSO—Ono other lot of land. situate In
Canton towasillp. bounded'north by la”ds or Hor
ace Webster, east by laud or S. H. Lindley. south
by Tow wiz creek, and west by hinds of the estate
ut Ituswill Rogers, deceased, and Warren Cook ;
containsitoo acres, Mire or Jess, all improved, with
1 framed house. 2 framed barns, 1 tobacro house
and orcliard of fruit trees. thereon. Seized and
taken foto execution at the DIAL of rometuy Bros.
vs. David Lindtey Dud Solomon Lindiev.
NE , . b. ALSO—One other lot of land,- situate in
l'uwantia Borough, hounded north by - bifida of Mr.
Cooper ReM.lllte, east by William street. eoutb hr
lands Of James .McCabe, , tnn Wee( by Dahl street.
with f fumed h u-e and other outbuildings there
on, Seized and taken Into execution at tit- suit of;xxly's a wirdArator atut Ww.ll.sltrgan
adteluistrator vs. J. M. Mitchell. ,
No. 6. A LlNO—Arne other or - or - 111rull.ISItt late In
South Warerly Borough bounded A 4 10110 Pro; he.
log lot No.-112, accordlty , to plot and made
tor D. L. F.: bnyder hy7trabtoo Smith . ; c'ont.altrt .13
4-10 perches, awl beiuk 06 feet oti a s.reet ou the
u. rtu iddr, 170 fee on,the west side. 170 7;14 feet
on the ea-t side, sud 6i feet Oa the south side; .all
improved. tie z-d and into-execution at the
Butt of The Bradfutd Loan and fluildtug Associa
tion of At beds Township vs. C. W. Fiiley.
No. 7, ACS.t;—One other lot of .land. situate In
Wysox township. being lots Nos. 4 and sof Kuck
No 14 of Mercur. 2,lttrdait .t 11..""dlrs sub-division
of *East T..wanda. boontle . north by Coiem , n's
'Block and lots Nos. 1;2 a nd 3of Block No. 14, esAt
by ltra•ik,att street. s tuth by -mite! street, and
west by 'Towanda avenuw and lots Nos, 1, 2 and 3 of
Bock N'ti. it;
st il improved. uo buildings. tewized
and token into execution at the -Mt of organ &
51,tody - s adminiStrstor vs, .1. I'. Cutumiskey. • .•
s. other lot of land. situats" In
Welts town -hip. bound- d norm ray ;ands of D.
11.tekwelt. east by lands of Barrie: no-i'lecr, soolb
and %est *by lands of lit rbertJultnson ; contains
all improved, With an orchard Of fruit trees
No. IL ALSO—One other lot of land. situate In
Wells township., bounded north by lauds of Wuf
; aodeld. Wade Beirdslee. J. Updyke a , .d
son ; east by lauds t.f EL John-on : south by lands
of LI. Johason. Mb:lntel ftenoeit and
the public hfitrssy. and . west bi Lands of li
Guff ; runisW.s 148 aCreB. 111,1'0 or lesis, atx.ut 126
la,pruved, with I framed hawse, I framed litni•e
Nam and an .4 - chard ..1 fruit !rens thereon. Seized
and taken Into ettctillion at the bettor Delotoi EAXll
well.•guardiaD. &c.. vs. ‘ltclusel Soil h.
No. 10.1 A LS. •ne other lot of rand. ottuate In
T,,evabda i ßoroogn, Wwntled as f 011 owe : Brgiunlng
at the reset tilde of Main street at a cattier feet
3poth of th- etraut planing will lor; thence returh.
erly along Maio .tn•ct 150. feet th-nee south 84 0
.46' east about 134 fret to flarciarCoal Company•.
Lind; th• nee north '.3° 36' east 160 feet to the Iwo. h-
coruer of G. F .51asou'.4 lot thence aloug
outh Ilt.e Mason lot about ills tort to the plate Of
beginuttig, I.l‘ll 1 double feallittl house, 1 flamed
b-tu.„ 1 coal otnee au. , coal sheds, trcasel•bg and
railroad track thereou. ' •
No. 11. ALSO—Otte other lot of land,lituate In
Towanda Borougo. bounded Korth by hand's of 0.
D. Bartlett„ east' by Charips street. south by a.
-alley, and e est ny the Henry Weston lot;, being 46
feet,ftotit ou Charles street and fitt feet "deep. with
I framed house and othecoutbuildloga thereon.
No. 12.. ALSO-t-tane other meet land. , s tuate in
Towanda Borough, bounded north by Bridge street.
east by third street. south by lands'ofPerrin Pea
u packer and 6.11.. WIC.. ham, .:zed west by Chas,
-eerie; about an feet fronton Third street and about
' 250 feet deep, with 1 framed house a d other our.
nuitilings thereon Seized and taken Into evecution
at the suit of Tne Citizens National Bank of To
-3311•1101 is. James if, printhey,
No. 13: ALSO— , tne other tat of land, situate ID
Itidgbury lowitship, bounded north and west by
mhos of D. 11. Burnham. east by the public Mgt::
'way. and south by-halms of Toomas Bum.; contains
4 an acre: More or less, all improved. whir I tram
-d house, 1 framed shop, and 1 !rimed shingle nail
thereon. Seized and taken Into execution at the
silt of SYlvanns Valli/it:4M's adadulstratora TS.
Milton E. C..Stp-r.
No. 14. A L.'SO.Orte other lot of .
land, situate In
New Albany Borough, bounded tomb by lands
kilown as the Mary •• cAdster lot; east by sulityst:
Si State Line Itabroad. south by tot this day (April
2t. 1a77) conveyed" by E.' Overton Jr., to James
axe. and west by a 16-feel alley; being lot No, 8 of
!Bock N.l. 7 on R. Over MI; Jr., plot or the villsg
!If New Albany. Nl , h a party finished framed
dwelling house' thereon. Seized I'M' taken into
exeeuttou at the suit of
,E. Overton, Jr., vs B. W.
CII.IpUIIIII. , . • .
No Is. ALSO—,Defendhlarlinterest in-a lot of
1 nut sittiale In A hrens B 'rough. bounded north by
ands MI It.'A. Smith and Ttosia. Grantham, east
.14.51a.n.street...autpit by lands of W. G. Stepbeits.
Ana west by tbe Susquehanna, rives. with a two.
story frainedidwelling house, outhouses • and a few
fruit trees t ereori.
No. 16. A L.O—Defentlant's interest In one other
Jot act - laud ;itnate-in Athens Borough, Ming the
ntolivideo I.4 . tart of that Certain lot bounded north
by lands of , nua v earon. east by latitis of C. W.
i•rapit, south tty lands of JObn M. Pike, and west
by Slain kneel: n , . Improvements.
No. 17: ALSO—AII - of d fendantts interest In the
lots numbered 94, 122. 152. 62. 182. =I. 262. 2.3.
2so. 290, 301,'311. 321, 331. 361. 371, 381 . , 391.401 and
404 In Om plot of lands sit-ale in the not tbern part
i g .l aon f .a a itorougn made for the listeal edge yd.
ward lierrick- by orsou Rickey; no Improvements.
seizeitand.Dikeit into execution at the suit of Ed
ward P. Herrick. trustee. vs. Edwaid Herrick.
No. 19. ALSO--One other lot of Vend. situate in
atatodia.s , stone ti.weisbati, bounded "north by lands'
to Lttk. Dolan. east by. the public highway, south
by lands of RI; hard Jennings . ant west oyaands
of William Grace'; contat Ds abo•rt 60 acr ts, about
40 tinikri)ved, with a framed house. a framed b.rti.
. end ad drehatil of fruit trees thereon. Se zed and
fatten' Ithii execution at the suit of N. C Elsbree
a nd E. T, Fox. adminls rata. of 1.. 1.. Moody,
dereakeil; vs. S. T. Bishop and Sarah.E. Bishop;
No. 19. ALSO—One otter lot of land, situate In
North Towanda •wwlislilth bolitided arid described
as fo.luos: Beginning al the northeast corner or a
lot lloW ..r lately to puss-s,lou or Fredrick Leaven
worth; then -e along line of same snutheasteny 21
0-10 perches to a corner on fine f. la, Os now or
late of J. F: Means; thmce - along line of same a
' northeasterly 01w:that 3 7-:0 perebes to a corner ;
thence -a northwestet ly direction 21 6-10 perches
to a corner; theneO south 61° west 37-111 ',merles to
the place of beg lining; reserving to alormer own
er hi met In width from, the Moth end of said lot
for nubile nee as a street; cold:ilea ti au acre, more
or less, all improved, with I framed house. out
buildings.. and a, few quit trees thereon. Seized
and taken into execution at the suit of Jain J.
Webb vs Michael Dertriody. '
No. 20—ALS , 1 . 4 11ne other lot of land. situate In-
I.e Roy township. lion oiled and destined a.. follows :
Beginnier at a post -he southwest cornerof lot N...
ll.formerly owned ,by Patrick Green : running
tlmince east a ong font ti line of said No- 111 120 s-lt
rods to a to at the not thwest corner 6 rot 'No. 9.
now owned by Adam lon-s,; thence south along
the west (Int of lot NU. 9 and lot No. 4 ma 9.10 rods
to a 111, , T: Of.,flee west 120 a-lt: rod. to a post on east
tine of tot No. 6 ; thence north along east line of
lot Nos. 6 and 7 rata 9.30 rods to•place or beginning;
•-ont Ins lt9 acres and 69 perches, more or le 1..
•1,1v.,1 and taken Into execution at the suit of Isaac
N. Illlsstuger Vs. F..liValtl Fo•lk. -
N 0.21. ALSO—One otlitriot of land, situate in
ToWanda ber..ugh, bounded non it by Poplar
street, • art by lot or Mrs. Mary E. Sledge, south
l :ands of .s. 1 , . Means, and west by lands of Jas.
Griswold, with 1 two-story frainedlatwelling house.
on:house. and fruit trees thereon Seized and
taken Into execialon at the suit of E. W. Hale vs.
It. V. Stedge. - ' -
No. 22. ALSO—One other lot of land. situate in
a nom; lioroetzh., bounded and described so follows:
B•clitniog at the nor heat corner of 31aln and
May tr., is; thence north' a° 30' evil' 50 fee. to a
coin ; thence Son It 84 0 30' east about MD feet to
ti-e Iteh an ....ul.lratt &• State Llue Itsl!roatl ;
thence along said railroad switch' 50 feet ton corner
• ti May street; thence along sa d Malin street west
about 170 feet to the pia ...of beginning; being - lot
No. 7 of Btoek No. 7 on E. Overton, jr., map of the
v 4lage of Ne - Albany, S (zed and taken Into
e-secu loft at the suit of E. Overton, Jr., vs. P. W.
McDowell. , ; .
. .
• ,
No. es. A—ftne other lot of burl. situate In
Not th Towand l TOW IlltdP. ' mauled and des tined
as (ol uws: beginning at the northwest corner of
Austin La , n , trd a I , d t thence alit g line of Nline
I , ollth 241i 0 rad 21 6 10 perches to the:moral line of
a :or lat e ly owned -by Win. H. Morgan ; Hence
along tine of same smith 61 0 west 6 1-10 perches;
thence northwest. rty 21 6 io perches to - a corner :
thence north 614 ea-t 6 640 pen hen to the place of
beginning; conmins 135 perches, more or less: 15
feet • along ft , nt of said tot reserved for a pub lc
road by a former owner, as now open upon the
grounds; alt Improved. with a few fruit
therein. SZ•I7.- , 1 anti taken into -execution at the
suit of john J. Webb vs. Patrick Ryan '..- '
No. 24. ALSO—Thu.Oefend•sitt`,lnterest in a lot,
of land situate In W.linot township. bounded and
described as follows: Beginning ata small white of Mrs. 1.,11en J. Welles Freely let); thence
south 11% 0 east 55 1-10 perches to a ;date sod
smiles of lot No. H.; thence south 75S° Weld 36
perches' to a stake and stones ; thence north 65 0
w. st 40 perches rust worm c flier; thence north ato
west 54 perches to 'au tronworat corner; thence
mirth- 75;5 0 east 141 ts.rehes to the plaCe of begin
ning : mulatto; 57 acres, mc,reor tens. abeitt-35 to,
proved. with I framed house, 1 old house, 1 framed
t-b• re, and a few fruit trees thereon Seised and
-taken Into execution at the stilt of Edvr.rd Prevost
vs. IL P. Prutchey.
No. 23. A LeO--41ne other lot of land, situate In
Athens township. hounded meth by lands of Row•
man arid Splint, east by lands of H. Williston'.
• mat- and Abram Ilunsieset. south by lands of
!finial and Grlrath an the party of the flrst parr.
and west by totals of James WA rdie e contains 250 -
acres, mere or .less, atmut 200 Itninoveil. -with I
I framed house. 2 barns and sheds attached. 1 bog
house. 1 milk house, and a few fruil trees therein,.
melted and taken into execution at the Stilt of Wm.
lin:lock vs. C. Housicker.- '
N. , . 20 A lASI •—.., 'no other lot of land, situate In
Wysor, township. bounded le-nth by :and of ..--
zilinyk, ntialt, east by the public highway leading
from J. It. Philters to /'one Hill south by land of
Char Pe J. R. Martin. and west by land of Charles
Wurtemburg and E G. Owen: contains 24 a.. ri , ..
more or 10.144001 b 20 Improved. with 1 large fram
ed house. 1 framed barn with 3 framed ibeds at
tached, I frame , ' elder mils indicting with Hui fix
tures. I frainethgratiary building, other ontbuild
logs. and au to chat d of fruit-trees thereon,
• 027. a LS4 , --bitie 'ot her lot of land, situate in
Wpm : a township. boonded north and east by I .nd
stow or late Of V. E: .k J. E. Millet. 'tenth by laud
•it w or late of Vratiebt J. Alien and V. E. & J. E.
Millet, and west by land of Francis J. Allen and
the public highway leadleg from J. E Pltelet's to
Pond 11111; colitaitur 30 etre% more or lei:lL all Ire.
proved, with I funned barn. I near or-bard, 1
gra;* orchard. 1 atAtle. orchard, 1 peach orchard,
aed other fruit trees ;hereon. Smzed and taken
into execution at the suit of A. K. Lem v5..1..1
Webb, administrator of 31. B. Owen (deceaaoo3)
and F. H. Owen,
No. 211 ArAir.)—(on• other lot of land, a wait. i n
ImadT .Wanda litirough, bounded and de erlhed as tot
lows: beginning at a post corner of Centre 11001114
POOker areekaam limn* WNW* 51510 wire
M° west tie feet to a Make ; thence by lot derdm
to Mrs. M. Moody north ?no esst.A6 feet to a state
thence by lot clastraeted_to Patrick Co cello south
v.* tam 140 feet to $ stake Ricker &wen,. ;
thence by Picker avenue tooth VA west 50 feet to
the place of beginning ; contains I.4nn situ.sre
and being lot No. I of Block Au. 4 of &sire & Com.
pony's additlon to Towanda, with I framed no.te.
Giber oottraildings. -sod stew fruit trees thereon, _
Seised and tetra Into 'est-cams at th e „ i;
Overton & Eisbree vs. C C. Wand.
Ilberiff's OMee, Towanda. Jan. t 4,1847.,
solos, of an order Issued out of the Orphans .
Court of Bradford County, the undersigned. 54.
,ministrater of the estate of John Lynch, late (4
Home _township, deceased. wits erpoise to puNic
sale nutria premi es,on TUESDAY, FEHHITARY
14th, A. D. tas2„ at- to reelOck A. w...tbe followler
described l 4 of laud situate in ttes town.blis of
111... me and Wy.tos„ bounded and described's, to;.
tows Beginning at $ stake, being the northwest
ember of Melo Whitney's let:thence by the .oath
line of the same south BK° east 83 percher to
stone comer ot Harry Parks; thence along his this
north via east a 7 7-10 p-rcheir to a warner sr 44.1
perks; t hence' nettle 2830 west SS perrhes: thence
north do west 2 perches to the ;Inc dividing tot
townships or Bumf! and WYssx: alpaca &hug the
same north quest I 1 640 perchm to a tOrber •.f
ProcXlburn•s lid; thence along the nee of the earn.,
north n° west 143 perches to toe south Ilue of the
McCarty lot; throne Wong the same south too
of MeMa'am'sm , rah WO west 73 .to perches to a
corner thence south 634 0 east 84 perches to tbe
town line; thence alstnif said Ilu..outh sr xo cut
:3 440 perch e s ; neon:, south east 82 lisrch•s
so the beginning; coutains 73 acres sod U perches
o r h in d more or nits. with the appurtehauces.
TERMS or sALz...-3-4 to i.e pill Of/ the proper.
ty Awing struck down, 0 upot t final eontlunsitoo,
and b.lance In one and two 'tarp with I , ertst trots
confirmation. MICHAEL LYNCH.
Runts Jan. 22, 1882, •. Authibliiinitor.
Term of Collft v lss2, so be held at Tuiss.da.
SZCON D - wegz
SHatill $ - Pike vs. A. Hunsiker ' - 1..11.
Amass Mi Prod's use vs. Win. F. Coburn.;..aki,.. a i -.
Fret N. Busk-of Athens vs. G. W. 11...5e....,1,L t
E. .. Packer's gee ye. Schraner M. 4M. i;o.trrep
Win. Ha Huston vs.. 4... F. Brant trespyti
Miami S. Pike's cute vs C. Hun 'key rep
E . b snarl !davit!" vs. Futneroy Gore - tae.... ..,i;., ; „ .
dAtall-i Ovenotare vs.- A. Spalding et at ........leet
8: Kirby vt. II; C, Carpenter - el.. c .
S. H. floirviir vs A. J. Layton ' anyst
Pa. 4 N. Y. e. k B.R. Cove. J.D.Montanye.. et,:
Mary Laileyors. Mlcha-IKirsrin ....... .... - ttevpas,
Lewis Zaner vs. J. M. W.rd ....:.avetop:
Pea-sou A Co- vs. Lott Futkins-u appest
pn.rson Jr Co. vs. Atsvtiod Jakway. ,
H. H. Norton's use ire. Chas. Bennett et a1.. - -,.rj,ct
H. 11. Vangilder vs. W. 11. Sherwood thy. 1 . 41.11
1),,114b/liP sioventak-rs use IS. L. B.Faulkner.eieet
M. W. Wheelock vs. John Ra 11...... ............... t*-_...
Gide , n L. Swisher vs. Cha. , Huviiand appext
4% W. . imam) vs. John W. Hotlenbeck d-, ..t
Ku us F. Lire's use vs. N. Rockafellow set La .
M. B. sten & Co. v.. H. Jae, Os ~..1it,4416p:
W. Ilarringil.4ll.”. 8. li. Towusend et al....eaplas
Etnilx„McTavish VP. E. Lockwood eject
May Irsitern vs. 91. Ilendiewan debt
ifacld Warner vs.' S. 11. Townsend et al
Batt Golden vs. L. S. Gates appeal
G•-n. W. Edui•nisfer vs. Emma E. Nelsen... s d fa
Wright Dnrillaw v 9. Ei-worth frsb me et I. tre•r,
M , chael oleruan va. Jidin J. ThTdnson • c , pias
Citizens N. lisok 4,1 Towind . vs. A Conl:lln.a.sp:
Fsrst N. Bank of Towanda vs. A. Conklin....asq4
P.4trick v C oyle I/avid-cm et al
B. W. Lane ve. John .1 Griffith et al fa
H: 11. 'Hickok vs. - Jatues F. Poi et al • eject
Geo. V. Gran , vs. 0.1.4, KLinfL deb!
W. Irving, vs. Pa- & . & IL.R.Co..tresp
Llrneil Kellogg vs. li. W.-Wider - apprai
fficlia , d Bu., in vs. Warren F. Squires set fa
-Plat N. B. TA& vs. 11.W.Patrica, Gar . - Va
C. P. Lawrence vs. Ursula V. Hawk appeal
lames Leonard v. H. 91'1140n f -
- I'raoris M. Drexel vs. John Carroll esecr
4:. E. Frost vs Thomas It. Jordan.... • appeal
S. 5 4 . Farnsworth vs. J. Cobb
Lewis & Br wn vs. DCTiI W bipplP appeal
Clatr John.oll vs. A sylnin Township appeal
3. P. Kirby vs.-D. R. ELackman— issue
Subpcenas for second week reinrnable Monday.
Felquary 13.-Iti . s2 at 2 o'clock I. r third
week 4 91-,nday. Pcbrusry 20. 1842. at 2 o'clock .m.
GE./. W. Hi. sCILMA'S,
- Towanda, Jan. 19, 18-2. " PrOttionotary.
10ENSES.—, Notice is hereby
j given that the (ollosslng applications for li-
Vvii,es for imtels ea , ltg-houaos and merchant deal
ers hare been flied In fhb, oflice:aml that the taftf•
I. befire.sentest to ttie COO rt Q .arf.r
of Bradford County, on )10NDAY. FEBRUARY
6th, 1882, far the consideratipmfpf satcYrourt:
Itjehael F. 'Sullivan. Towanda Boro•,-Ist Want
Samuel Walbridge. Towanda Borough, IstWard
Ira H. Smith. Alba Borhugh.
Chi'. H. MetionetraL Troy Borough.
H. F. Mts. Sylvania Boroug.n.• •
Jo-eph (Unser, Spri..glield Township,
11. S. Farnswotth, Soi !Meld Township.
David C. Seeney Flue Township.
lien. W ..WAtick. Monroe Borough. .
F. H. week. Canton B •rough
31. A. Forrest. Ulster Township. -
"Jnii. B , lgge, Savre. /Men- Township.
Orr.n L. 'Jordan, Athena Borough. let Ward. - .
L-onaril Morris Ituriltigt , n Borough.
C. E. Bartlett, Wyaiox Township. ,
S. B. Tkhl. Towanda B••r.•ogh 7.41 Ward.
James F. Fox, Canipn Borhuati.
zArixc-voci.E.l ,
James :Nestor. jr., Teweatola Boroagh, 'Wart
Gottlobh Es-row - he, To , saodA 13,10%
Thos. M. Kennedy. Towanda Bons'. Ist Ward
Wm. Bolan, T•matsla B..rough. lst Warl.
J. F. rai-rnan. Towanda Borough. 24 Ward. I
A. J. Beerx. mann Borongh.. . •
George G. Donuell. eanton 'rough.
C. 1) Holcomb. Leßoy Township.
.S. B. Tidd, Towanda B :1 Ward. •
.11EnELI st";r DEALERS.
C. W. ne.ard-h-e. Can'on. Dorough. •
John Sulllran..Tuwands 11,) , rbogh. 24-Wart.
•< GEo : IILA.CIOI AN, Clerk
Prothonotary's °taco, Jam. 1
Assignee's Sale.
.By virtue of an order issued out of the
oonrt of Cetnn)ta Pleas of Bradforn County. the
, 00detsigned„ Assignce'of the estate of kt, tn. A.
Rockwell. late of. Towanda Borough, deceased,
will esp”se to public sale, on - -
on the premises in_ Monroe sr 0 o'cloik A. sr., and
on the premises In Towanda Borough at :teekrlc
the folios; deicrlbed real estate, to wit
Lot No. 1. Situate in Monroe Borough. Irr said
county, at the Intersection of Main and itridge
streets. and bounded northerly b.. A lot deslgnvett
as Lot No. 2 In a map accompanying the record of
proeeedings in partition in the Orphans• Court of
said ctautty of the real estate of Abner C. It.,ck
well, dere/vied, among his helra by lands
formerly belonging 10 said Abner C. Rockwell's
estate and lot designated as ro.lot.glng to Cotailisugb
on -aid map ; 4.1111 tarty by Bridge street and west
erly by Stain street ; being d 6 leecon Main street
and 144.5 feet en • Bridge street and 14.4 feet
Lot N 0... Situate In Monroe itomugb aforesalil,
bdunded on the north by lot fleAgnatetl as lot No.
3 1.12 Said map easierly by !Ands lately belungiog
the estate of Abner C.; Rn-kwe)l. tleoseastit I
southerly by lot ilesienaved as No. I ell 'Said niap.
and westerly by Sfiln.street; being 88 feet wide on
Main street and 141 feet In depth.
Lot No. 3. Shoat- in Monroe Borough aforesaid.
by lot 11PAglISt.d No. 6
bounded norther/5 ,
on said map: easterly by lands formerly belonging
to the estate of Abner C Rockwell, deems d
motherly by lot d sigoated as lot No. 4 on said
map. and 'westerly by Milo street: is;lng 66 feet Iti
width on Main street and 149 feet on Briageatreet.
Lot No. 4. Situate in Monroe Borough aforesaid,
bounded - northerly by lot designated on read map
as lot No. 7: easterly by land- formers beic i bi g i ug
to the estate of Abner C. Rockwell. deceased,:
southerly by lot designated as lo• No. S on said
map. and westerly by Main .trtet; being 66 feet it
width on Malt, street and 148.54 Yet in d. pth
Lot No. h. •Siluato in Monroe B rough aforesaid.
bounded northerly by lands fortner.y belonging to
tbe estate of Abner C.VOCI. wrll, deceased; easterly
by lot designated a. lot No. 16 0 11 said map south
erly-11'y Bridge a , reel and westerly by lot dealg v at.
ed ou said map ail lot No. 54 ; feet ,th,t
inches in width on Malu and 148 feet and 5 Inches
to depth. Allot th- afore-aid lota being designated
on said map as lots No 1. 2, 5. 6 and Videapeetbre
tv, and being tots set og to mid Wm. A Rockwell
344 one of the heirs at law of Abner C. Rockirell,
de/Ceased. In proceedings in partition in the Or
phans' Court of Bradford County. dial.' recorded in
trphays• Court docket N 0.2. page In. as by
reference . thereunto being had will more fully and
at Barg- appear.
Lot No. 6 Situate In the Borough of Towanda.
In said county. and'bolinded as follows: Un the
north by lot now or lately owned by H. A. Bur-
Inynt. on .tie east by ch.. Stnque . hatina river. on the
youth by lot now or lately be ongl , g to the estate of
John Carman. deceatte6. and on the west by lot by
l,,oglng to Mrs George Fog ; being .30 feet (rent
and 100 feet deep, with a two--tory framed dwell-
In, house and a barn thereon. neing.rhe ramelot
conveyed by Stephen Powell to safe! Win. A. 11 , cli•
by decd dat-d lbw 13th day of July, A. D. pc%
and recorded In the Recorder';, tltYlee In said coun
ty In deed boot No. 51, p isce 444. it
Lot No. 7. The undivided one-half of a lot sltiste
to Bald Borough of 'rowan.' bounded as follows,
wt: : Beginning at tbeMortbea,t corner of si 1. t
of ta,,A formerly owned hy C. 1.. .lirand, nos "de.
ceased ; thence south 3 0 • Set 120 feet to an alley ;
thence along the same act AO feet to the line of Mrs.
04boree's lot thence along the line of the name
north 3 0 weal 120 1.44 to a corner; thence along
Lonsbani street writ 60 feet to the pace of begin
ning...lTh a framed dwelling houSe ano a few Irult
trees thereon.
Lot Nit. 8. Situate In said RonaßO of Towanda
aforesaid and hounded as follows: tt wit : Begin
ng at the southeast corner of Math and Bridge
streets: thence along the south side of Uridge
street 82 fe.t to within , ' Itletwe'or the face of the
wall of the building standing on the lot hereby
conveyed to the line of Linda of Join, Bettliinian.;
[hewn southerly. by a line parallel with the east
line of Mali. iktreCt and west of the east
. . .
line of the said wall ee feet to an alley leading from
Main street. to the flyer; thence westerly along the
north side of saki alley 20 feet ; thence northerly
by a line parallel-with the east lieu of Main sticet
along the• meat face of the trar wall of the 150
stores now or lately paned by John Efeldleman 42
feet to the centre of the wall ; thence westerly
slow: the cent re of said wall 42 feet to the es,: sub.
of Matti skeet; thence northerly along the
side of Maln street 24 feet to the placo of begin
ning contelnlnu 2.320 square feet. ultb a am'e
stm'y brick store bulttlutg thereon. Togeth r al i t
all the right. In comnuu with the owner of th e
.t.ulldlng ad)u•ntutt At/ use and occupy for air rd.
poses or logresi and egress the ett.y a ,,ce aoa ststf
way leading from Malts street, a4J,lntng the south
Bide of said nt.lldlng„ to a t upper rooms In sold
building so long as said bulttllng shall stand. but
no longer; with the further under antling that the
east Wall or the bulldlug. as welt as the'partition
wall referred to, shall remaln in and where they
now severally, stand for the joint u+e irttl benefit-0
each of• the adjoining ()leers, their heirs and a 5•
TERM* or SALF.—Ten per cent. open the
property being Iv ruck down, and forty per cent. en
confirmation ; the balance In one year thereafter
with interest. .
c. 6. IZUB9ELL, As.iguee
Tawanda, Jan. 12,..1a32..
-110 TEL FOR SA L E.—l offer the
American' Betel property for mile at a great
bargain. The filotei nun be seen on the corner 4
Itrldge sod Warne streets. In Towanda Borough.
If it 011ie Of the beat and nick central locations In
the place. There Is a good barn connected with
the property.
,The free bridge and new dep..t near
to it make this Hotel dealrable for anyone a Ishin-7
to engage In the I:tininess. A good active mall With
&await capital can pay tcr the property. In a ' , bort
time i rant the. pronto. It was plpered and painted
UR last spring and Is new in excellent condithm.
' --- - 110ALI'll 0. PATTON
'Towanda. Pa.. Illapt. 1114 MIN at