ISSAS or rusiucialost. \ he BiltalltroaD iltitreur,.. is patiltablid . Inorsday inurolug by GOOD 4ICII 4 ateCISOCVL Ist One Dollar and Fifty Cents pet annum, In advance. oar Advertising. in all dimes exclusive of sub ecr ptiou to the psper. dt•ICIAL None Edinsertedst riff 40211Tsper lino for first ins. rtion. and Trrac Imre. per line for each su ssequent insertion; but no notice inserted for less than fiftycents. , • ~- Ytt ABLY Ae s' 6.tfI.SESIEN TS willbelnsel ed at reasonable rates. - Notices, ff ; --• A ins ulstracors eq.! E xecnior's il Al litor`sN dicas,sl.s?: Businesseards, fivelinee, (Per year) IS. additional lines It each. Yearly advertisers 3re entitled to quarterly li sages. rraciitent advertisements mo st be patd for in dvance. -- All revs Malan , of s ;lodations; communteatioL of Malted or individual interest, and no , ices of marriages or deaths ,exceeding five itnesare chant. sod FIN' S CSSTS per tine, hat simplenoticesof mar rieges and de tate orilitte published without charge. Tne RiPURTZ tit he !ivng a Larger cireulation than any other paper county, makes it the best advertising medium in Northern Pennsylvania. Jed eat NV Nii of every kind, in plain and fancy holors, done with neatness and dispa , tch. Ben Wills, Blanks, Cards, PamPhlets, Ulitheads Statements, ac., of every variety and style. printed at the shortest notice. The RILPOSTEIL o t ffice is well supplied with power presses.* good assor ment of new type. and ev erything in the printing le can be executed inile movt artistic manner ant at thelowest rates. TERIN INVARIABLY , C ASH. - T__-: i Vusittess farts. D AVIES, & HALL, ATI oliNsYs-AT!LAW, SOUTH SIPE OF WARD HOUSE Dec 23-76 SAM W. 81.7 A TTO.R.NRY-ATZAW, TOWANDA, PENN'A IN 0r.1319 Orrice—At:TM:l9llrerli Orrice, In Court.lionse • BEVERLY SMITH & - CO ., BOOKBISDERS, And dealer,' ln Fret Saws and Atnatenrs - Suppltets. Send for price-lists. REPOILTEtt Building. Box 1512, Towanda, Pa. Marehi, 1891. IkrADlLuk, •'Jih" A TTOIC Ny.VS-AT - LAW. Office—ROOMS ford icily occupied by Y. M. C. A. 'Leading Room IL. J. MADILL ME JOHN W. CODDING, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, TOWANDA, PA IM=I r[:IOMAS E. ;MYER ATTORNEV•AVLAW, WVALUSING, PEN N'A. rano:llW attebtbitt patil to business In the Or, yhmo,' Court and to the settlement of estates. September 25, f 5711. 13ECK & OVERTON ATTOkiNEYS-AT Law, TOWANDA, WA. OVEltioN, T7 I ODNEI MERCUR, ATTORN ET AT-LAW, TOWANDA, Solicitor of Patents. Particular attention paid to lursiness in the Orphans Court and to the settle- Men; or estates. Office iu Montanyes Block OVERTON t SANDERSON, - ATToRNLY-AT-LAW TOW AN D A, PA. E,„ t)c'lntos, J it. Jolt:: F. SANDERSON W. H. JESSITI ) , ATTou.sEy AND C01.7N ,, ELL01 1 . - AT - LAW, • ,MONTROSE, PA. .Tivlge..h.s.tip haring re.nutiitt the practfceof the aw In Northern Pennsylvania, will at [tin! to any Legal busine-s intruNted to hint in Bradford county. Penns. Wi.hing to consult him, an call $u 11, Strroter. ToW:lll , l3:Pa.,whenanapp i olnltnent can Ito ma s k. • HENRY STREETEI. ATTOCSEI - AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, . TO AND A, VA. Feb 27, `79 E. L. HILLIS, ATVMNEY-AT-LAW; TOWAND4,rA., HUZAM E. BULL, I:NAINEETtQUI., SURVEYING DRAFTING. Office , with G. F. Ma+ou, over Patch & Tracy Main street, Towanda. Pa.-. - 4.15.80. jELS'iIREE h S9\,,_ ATToRNETS-AT-LAW, TOWANDA, PA. X.C.'ELsBncE • olrr. W. .311 X, A rsoRNEY-AT-LAw AND 1.7. 5; COMMISSIONZII, - TOWANDA, PA. titricii,—North Side Public Square WILIf J • Arrottsrslr-AT-LAvi, I etiee—llleaus' Block, Ntaliest., over d. L. Kent's st,a,, Fowa t . . . May beieonsulted In lien:ll4u. Anrll 1:,':6.} IV J. 10 (1, &TIN{ 1:Y-AT.L. A VT, EMI TOWANDA, PA ~ ..10:-11, r cur Black. Park ;trOt. tip stairs LI R. S. M. WOODBURN, Physi 1,. 1 :tau sold Sorge.m. Office at fesidettee, on iii 1:'1 street. first 41,,, , r north of M. E. Church. , •• 04 41.. a, April 1. 1,04. __.. % 1T B v e . r Mrg KELLY, On f i D el DENTIST.—Office : iT.— Towanda, O p f n a . C e • o 7.-erh inserted ~u Gold, Silver, Rubber, and Al rual din base. Teeth extracted without pain. Or:. 31-72. , M. 4 F Il• P. PAY-D -' P., . J. PHYSICIAN AND SCIVILON. °tn.:, over Moutatlyes - store. Office hours from 10 - - tp 12. A. M . :, and from 2to4r. N. . ''.. Special attent ion given to DISEASE - 3 rISF A.SES and - • coi . Tl4l EYE - THE EAR _ . _. ... . ____ _ . _ • ri . L.' LAMB, ‘i • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 14.5 Kurth Franiclin-nt., Ilkes-Barre, I'a attention giv.!o to collections In Lozerne and I.l , l:awanna ~.tintfes. References: Bun. t. M.,rrow Fart N 3 tistual Bank, Towanda. - NT E. J. PE It 11 1 G.O , TEACIIER OF PIANO AND 011 GAN 1.1-,t1T,1 given in Thorough Ba,y and Harmony t'ea't teat Oat at tto. voice a specialty.. Located at P. t 0 , 1 , ct's, State Street. Reference :Hnet• ac Passage. Towanda, I'a., 'Matadi 41. Ittlo. Cl . S. RU SSELL'S GE.NERAL I N SURANCE' . AGENCY TOWA NDA. PA. 8 IN2S-Vitf FDWA D WILLIAMS, PR.4O7ICAL PLUMBER & GAS FITTER r:aro-orhuslnesp; a few doors north of Post-Ofllce I'lutnl it q , bas Fitting, nepairlng rump, of al and *II knots of Dearing promptly attemiet to. All wanting work In his line should give bin a all. Dee. 4. 1879. 1 N L 11:ST ATIONA BANK 4. - TOW A NDA, PA A PITM, PAID IN SURPLUS FEND.. Thl t Rank offers nominal facilities tor tho tran a• mr. of a general banking business. OS„ POWELL, President ITENIZY HOUSE, ()ANEW JEAN a WASRMGT4N STREET!. rIRIIT WARD, TOWANDA, PA Sttals at all hours. Terms to sult the tlmes. Larg. btable attached WM. HENRY, PEOriItZTOR Tnran4a. inly F. MEAT MARKET! C. M. M Y E I•tvatt , i In RI P .II)LEBAN'S BLOCK, BRUME BTBILET Keep on hand, -FRESH -AND - SALT MEATS DRIED BEEF, FI•zII, POULTRY i.ARDF.N VEGFTABLES mamma IN THEIR SEASON, &C 114.0 , 114 4... livered five of Cap MTAS Pg. mil 14.11,4, By virtue of .suocfry writs issued out of the Court of Common Pima of Bradford County and to me dmeeted, will ex rometo public Kale, at the Court House lu Towanua Borough, o. • THURSDAY, .FEBRUARY 2d, 1882, .11 o'clock, P. 14., the:followlng clescrlbcfLpioper. ty, to-wlt : TOWAIIDA,Ps. No. I. One lot, piece or parcel of land. sit uate In Towanda Borough. hounded and described as follows : Beginning at a cornet 80 feet east r$ Fourth street: thenee-ainng Bridge street anout 230 feet to Third atserer thence sontlo , oly along Third , a'reet 89 feet to corner of lot forimoly of John F. Means. how it. Penny parker: thence we,terly along said Pennypackers lot to for of Orrin Wickham: thence north along said Wickham's' lot 14 feet; thence west along same to a NOB 50 feet east of Fourth street thence north along Pat Fog..tly's lot (now C. E. Scott) 75 feet to the plaee of begin.* tang hong lot on whieb the defendants now fa - side, with t large two-story framed dwelling house, outbuildings. and fruit and ornamental trees there on. Seized and tat, n into execution at the suit of, Kin y phinney and C M. Mammy. i ASl.o,tine other lot of lan - A, situate in , Suittlitiold BAIL:410p, to north by lands of Orrin Scott, east by lands of (min and Wallace Si en, south by lands of -Christopher Chills, wand west by the !labile highway contain. IJ aeres, mote or less, with 'framed house. t framed barn, I horse-hare and a quantity of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suitor Jesse Sumner vs. John Bird.' No. 3. ALSO—One whet lot of land, situate in township, bounded north by lands of Geo. Ercaobeek. ex .t by of. :bell Campbell. ;oath by lands or N. c. Harris, and west by Lands of Horace ; contains 125 af'rea. more or less, about DO improved, with two framed , douses, 2 framed barns, I hog h. use. 1 corn house other outbuildings and orchard of -fruit trees therein. 0. D.KINNEY No. 4. ALSO—One other lot of land. situate in Athens township. bounded to•rth ty lauds H..r. ace W s e.ta to. east by lauds (if Jas. White. south by tands of (friffith and 11111111 C highway. and west by landr of Selini cohost:ls 55 acres. lonic or tic Itnre..veino nts. Seized and taken WO, execution a, the stilt of A. C. Elshree aild J. M. Pike vs. Abram liutOuket. • No. 5 AL_ fst)(111t! other lot of laud. sit•in't. In Sprlngnelil township. bounded and de..etibed ao (ohm.: Conluielletpg In ce..tre of road running from 5pr10 . g11,111.1., It digbuiy, In a northwe- t col. her of Mrs: ILE. I.Cllllllltl's land; thencto south 81 0 cast 8.9 rods to a post : them., north .414 0 ca-t. 5 6.10 tolls pst: ihehcc tbdt 14 i-ip r. ots to centre, of road ; thence so. 01 2044 0 west It rods to place of ts•glotolt.g; conialns 1'2.18-100 rods of land. mt.reol less with I framed lionse,l foamed barn 31111 a row a nit trees thereonj BENJI, M. PECK No. 6. ALSO—IIIIe- other lot or land. sittiate In Springfield township, bounded mid de Alined as folloms Commeneing iu the roaming from Big Pond to 41a dwell selloo, house - so exiled, at the east end of W m.. 1. W.gsten's la. ii; tlictic.- nmth 7ra 4 ° east 62 rods to a t/ost,', them South 29 0 . wept I 4-10 rolls n. a po s t : no-in a south 54 ~ j° west 99 s-10 rods to a post .:, thence 'swill3° ea-t 11 6-10 rod. to n post. It tieing the northeast cower of 11 t r3in potters laud; thence along the Into of Hiram laud t...ttth 42 , i° West 1207.10 rois to a p“sr ; thence north 22 0 west 4s 4-10 1'1.1,1 to a post ; thence north 73° east to rods to a post ; th lice north 93° east 16 rods to a 1.0 J; thence north 17% 0 east 20 rods to a post; I heticejibriblo o west 13 to s: thence north .7'2 0 ast 191011,; - thence north tit LiO ea's, 07 9-10 roils to the place of beginning; contains 3-10neres, more or less. Aelzed 111111 taken into exemitiOn at obe Stilt Or..(11 , 1111 (3311n0 use vs. Wit,. A. Bullock an-I James H. %Veld), administra tors of .1.-F. May 1, •:9 No 7. A LSO—Det onilant's niterezit In a lot of land sit , ate In the Borough and town-11111 of Tioy. h , nityleil and desert bed a< follows: It• glutting at Rhi to ph as e ' , twilit , corner of I'• us and-A. Long 's land: thence solo h ssu t ba‘t 140 rods to a black 0.8: thence north east 7 ri,tl. to a --.•• lilt • • al:: then• e s nth Ss° east 130 cogs to a blank oa!:: theta.: nor. It •,,Ct east 83 rods for a cornea t !het...! south Bi° sear it i - t etches to a n hitt, pine stamp; thence north east :5 perches to y !mint stake ; 111.-nee south BS . east 12 rids to a 11:ae8 oak; . !olive north 23 roils to a hickory tree; thehee north 8 ° ear-137 rod, to a coiner: thence !until 2S° east 17 7-10 roils; thence sett' II 88° eta 22 3 I ' th-tiee south 2S O e.oit 22%1 10 r.lls throre .n.: O '7 ti.mlst Unlace north 2° e,st 72 mt.; thence root It 8, 0 30 I...t1••:,„ thence northe ast at t the pia., or ic gin coitti.lns 273 a• les and ri pet?ltes of la-ell 'woe nr less, ah“ltt 2on arms hoproved. milt 1 tratnel house. 3: train .1 'tains alid 2 ore ha I s of fruit the eett. .Ext , tottig :hid 'reserving there( ,orn 2t :ter, along do. south the ['reek or Long's mill p •tol lijr to no? liron' ut 1110 1110lItItAirl. a' to inake It of e9 , ,a1 n',ll tt . at earl' end and to .contain '23 acres., tinder which It Is known and called the ••sh , oo riu v:" the -ante to he . owne , l and en) .yed I.v the pat ie. to. decd afotesald Lt 4."11111.1011 .sate.- tr'fore cation of said deed: the said larva a , oove tlesetilted being the farm and land of lonz, Long, dcr...!ased; said deed I- made 5u1d...1 to the claim and title ot Mary T. Long. it litior. of the said A. Long and mother to the rarile• to the.thool afori,utkl. 1 1 No. 8. .A ow other lot of land. situate In Troy Borough. luittioled north hy High !.treet, I tomb by loLand I nil of A. tong. woid Er. change street - . and east by ('titre street-; ~ontailts 4 (novll-75 L.EtsnmEs . an acre. more or I framed honse'ano a few fruit trees thereon.. Being the same lot *as deseilhed In deed froth admint , t rat° sof A 4...nes estate. recoole I In deed hook No. s 3, tze. No. 11, ALSO—one other lot.of laud, situate in Troy towo:4;lti, I, lil d and deieribed as- B e ginning at a p tat. below the 11111 on Ibe haidt of the cheek: thence !moll 2;'.? east Ir. 3 10 perches to a post: trenee north 7s o west tfi perches Ito the cen tre of the creek: thence south 4i o west 3_ perebes along throtgicilie null pond to wheit• a Modh stood twa, the Fouth edge of the said poodt thence you h c. 90 east 27. perches to a p the 'east end of tips point deuce twrti, 479 east down the creek mill rare 23 4-10 perehes h, the place of heglahltig: 'eon lains 4 acres and e reties of land. more of less, all Improved, I framed bons.. I framed hare. water power saw Mill and cider mid thereoo4 Be. Ing suld'eet to all the stipulations fo: lb In a tired ruin Pl. 11. Vase and,wile to Alone., bong, reeor.h,l to Itcotford conoty deed hook No. Si. page Th.. WEN.. ri art [bed phres of land snt.ject to the Halm of Nl..iy T. L. , n 014,11.0 widow ot llerea , e,l. 3h the 1.01 . 11,L1 1 , 410.1.p...1 from Martha .1. Long. I,eing one-nalf mf'otic•third. M oz,ol :kod laLeu-into at -the suit of 3tary T. Long vs. Fred. A. Long. Jan. 1,1875 AUDITOR'S Nt/Tlel.3.—ln re late of Jos. 11. M-11.anye, •dereased. In mph:m.o rd County. The at..letsigieil. an A iidltoi appointed by the saidt con• t to make .11.1 filen ion of the fund.. rained the sale of 5:...1 errdent - s t. al hrrrhy nreire that he will meet the parries intend_ ••d at hi. hniee In Towanda gh, on Mt/NI/AY the 13th day of VE1;1(1%11:1% ISS2, St 10 o'clork A, 31.. at %%Ntt e tio.e • and pla. , persona having rlalitin upon said fund most (hem, or be forever debarred I rhni routing lie upon the saute. .I.IMES T. HAILE, Auditor. li. 18,2.w4. APPLICATION IN DIVORCE —To Set noel , *tilos mit. In the Court 'of 1:"Ildnon Fleas of Bradford county. No. 129. Sept. T. me, Issl. You ar. het ehy Mtiltled .that tale, ur - alto. hss applied,' in the. Court of Corn. imm pleas l . r , Brad tont county for a divorce from trc ponds of matrimony. and the said Court has I iappoluted Monday, FebutsryGth. UM, In the,Court House at To•a:twia, for lwaring the said Ella lii the premises, at e. hitt time and place you - may anon.] If tmt (Wok propf”.. . - .0:Now). WI; II A Si 'l .- . norrrox. Sheriff: APPLICATION IN DIVORCE —Ti, A t lua, SIB. In the Court of Common of Brad Nu d county. No. ;ft. February Term. I.+l. You are hereby notified that William. your itu.d.atta. has appi led to the Court of Ipaamon Pleas of Bradford County for a divorce from the Ponds of mi trimony. and the i•ahl Court has ap pinteil Monday. February ath, ISSft, in the (Punt 'l 4. House at Owandm for hearing the &Aid William in the premises, at which time and place you may d ttend If you think proper.' 12,1an82. WILLIAM T. lIORTOX, Sheriff. 73,001. I E N. N. BETTS, Cashier GOODRICH & HITCHCOCK.,PubIIshers. VOLUME XLII. _ c.segnt. Sheriff's Sales. • WILLI AM T. lionT(.)!sr. Sheriff SiiierflN )(fie-. Towarvla..lan. ld. 18.2. ADMINISTNATOIt'S NOTICE. Letter . , of ,itiniitilst ration ha.lng been grant -4 n i the undet , lgnett utc.n the estate of Eltsha Fort est. late of Cincinnati.'deceased. no tice 15 hertil , y given that an personsl n d ebteit to estate ore rt , iaest tid to make -Immediate p•yntent. at,tl all persons haying rants against plaid est 4te intt , t present the sAtnt, cjitly to the undersigned for 51 - Itlentent. E !MAAS, Administrator. Towanda. Pa., Jan. :3. 1,2. APPLICATION IN DIVORCE. —Tonntli, Bowman. In tit , . Court 01 'outmon of Bradford Iminty. No. 41. sl t t, Yin are hereby that F. A. Bow your bostia• has applied to the C ort ei 'oninion Pleas of Biad ford County fur a 3I von, %roll, the bolos of Matt i 11331 y, and the said cum t laK appointed Monday, Fzurnary 6th..1a82. In t ti Cour' Home' at Tuwanda for hearing tha .old A. Bownianiti the premlties. at which time and place yin may attend If von think proper, ' irJania. WILLI kM T. ROAMS:, Sheriff. P N I I I A PLICATIO. Dll ORCE. Melvin Wells. In the Court of Com mon Pleas of Bradford County. No. 192. Sept.. tube! 1981. You an herenymotifled that Margar , your wilt...has apptkd to the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford Comtty . for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony.. and the said Court has appointed Monday, February eth. 1982, to the Court House at Towanda, for hearing the said Mar garett In tbu..premises, at which time and place you may attend - If you thing proper. 12Jan82. WILLIAM T. lIOItTOS, Sheriff. LIST OF LEGAL BLANKS Printed and kept on sale st the liar° ntsit Orr Ica - at wholesale or retell. • Deed. Mortgage. Bond. • Treasurersßond. Collectors Bond. Lease. Complaint. Commitments. • Warrant. Constabflositettirn. Art West)! greemeDL2f ems Bond on Aturclunent. Cobstable's Sales. Collector's Sales. Execution. - Subposua. Petition tor License. Rug WAN, " Ow, PLANTATIO PROVERBS. - . W'en a niggsb's slow an' phi (less den bls ebaneeti ... 1 tun to seed, 1 • 'Case you clobber pick de cotton from de 'noxious .4. ~ s . bottom weed. • kilns fix up ter de winter' wid pirvislons giant de house, Kase a Vat kin, nether trabbel fra a hole rot scraps a mouse! NV'en yo' double up In harness tie fi ber ptay de rlek. !eta foul, , • *ate an ex don't wok to 'vantage Wen he's piked - lonisde a nude. 'Nebber try to till a bar] non a scant tettgalkn keg, Nor to win a prlzn at danetn - vern'yo' own a Woed- GESI Nebber turn yie back on heaben cos yo' babent cash or lan's ; t►ar's a heap of pure rePglon In a pair ob - horny Nebber try to preach a Kamilla wen is hocio'coni, • , Nor to. passfur Starser Gab'rl cos yo' (lynx e s dinner lowa. . W'en cu' Wain' fur a dinner nebber bold ye' beads su.hign pat yo' miss de ioSted 'poosum arter pigeon pie. Rvesiel Fisher in Toledo AtAeriewn BIBBS. A LOVE STORY. There. was no doubt about it; John NVeare was perfectly wretched that night. He had qtrirteled with Jennie IRO, and he wasn't' going to make it up. .The fact was-she gave herself too many air's, and he (lEln't mean to stand it any longer. —He didn't care if, she was pretty, ; That was no—reaS4 why she should-let Ilan' EL dozen fellows . at a time:hang bo t. the shop, or stroll in one at a dine, and, leaning on' their elbows, i:hatter and smirk and smile over the . taunter; cadets -atd officers; too, wild young fellows, irk) ;only did 'so for their own idle amusement, and would no_ more dream marrying her than they would of - inviting her to .a ball .that was coming off -net, month, .TO he sure, be was only a common cavalry, soldier, hat thin he hail been in the service a good :many years .now,---had an excellent charac- ter, and:a good trade at his-bask, his Either had died not long : since, and there was a_cotCage already kir Jen nie to walk into, and they might set tle-down at once if she'd only[ be son ble. Jennie. acted as stiop woman for her sister, -,-Mrs - Evans. - A very poor little shops, very small a id badly stOcked,JOr Mrs. Evans riad only managed . to get a few hounds worth •of things with what had been suhscribz,d for her at the garrison afrer the fever had -carried ”ff her huSband. The speculation answered pretty .welt at first, for many of the Akers wives, knowing what an industrious woman -Mrs. Evans-was, made a point'Of. - buying their tapes and cotton and sticks of sealing-wax s _of her:. Then . Jennie's pretty face was - seen - behind the Conn- . ter, - anal the Shop - was filled prom morning until night with officers and frisky young cadets, and theoriginal customers took flight-:though 'Mrs. Evans did not-know R. - believing the. busiiiess was safe in the keeping of Jennie, worked hard at the dress making (she had three children to support. and - .the shop alone `would not do it). ' - .. . The officers were not profitable., customers; for they only went to-flirt with . Jennie tinder the excuse of buy ing, a balmy paper, _or prlial)s asidng. ~ for a tifne-table. - .i, ! • Jennie made the most trimiand pretty rod obliging- of shop-woinen, and the,place itself wits always a pat tern of neatness ; lint the officers' wives did not care to go and Illy thread .Where they were evidently in terrepting a flirtation, and so the business continJed, to fall off; and .Mrs. Evans began to get quite un- . happy about it. Jennie pretty, kind-hearted, thoughtless Jennie-- had no idea that she had anything to do' with it. or she ibuld have sent every one of her admirers off at a pace that would have -astonished them. She had been only too de lighted, after her brother in-law died, to come frolin ' Devonshire an live 1 with her sister at Rio -i; —not only because she was- ye : fond of her sister, but also because she had wished many times to see John Weare again. She had - made his acquaint-; ance when her brother and he—fog they had been in the _Same. regiment —were 'stationed at - Plymouth, and she had payed them a flying visit with her father. John had told her that he was tired of the - service and' wished to settle down, and inwardly .thought that he could do no better than to ask - her to settle with him. He had been leery attentive-when she came to WoZwieh, and .gradually established himself on the footing of alovei, - till he found the' shop Away& - filled with - the .officers and cadets. At first he - was shy of . appearing be fore his superiors, then he got, jealous and, at last angry, for he, -felt and . knew that they meant her -no good, and beside it was doing real injury to the business of the shop. At last he spok e his mind -- and - tord . the co.i quettish Jennie - what he -thought,, and was snubbed for his pains. • - 'lf yOu think I don't know. bow to take care of myself, Mr. Weare, you are very much mistaken, and I d(int %Vint any one to tell me what's right or wrong. I know for my-s It' 'Well. Miss .h-nnie, 1 didn't mean to giVeoffence. I only; told you what I trought.' .. , 'Then you might have kept your thoughts to yourself,' i she said, with a little toss of her pretty head-.-`un- . less they had been 'nice ones,' she added. -He heard the aside, and im ked up his courage. - . 'lt's awful!) , hqrd. too, when one that really cares can't getenear you,' he replied. Just then Jennie caught sight of Ctilitaitlie, a tall and handsome man, withlong whiskers and . a red nose, coming in the (fired- Win of the shop, with;a big bunch of flowers in his hand. She had heard John Weare's last; Words, but she, was secretly of the. opinion that 'he ought to have come up to the scratch before,' so she thought that a little jealousy might do hint good: fOb t here comes Captain McGee,' AO WOOS k 064110101 4 1 .0 ' .. =II TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 26, 1882. .L 'Well, he's just the biggest black. leg in the service, Jennie, and if you take my advice you'll send him off sharp.' _ • I believe you,,are jealous, . k r. Weare, and telling stories about the captain ; he is always very polite• to me,'. and she smoothed her pretty hair ,and arranged the trines on the counter. • , . 'Oh. he's polite enough, no doubt.' 'And he's bringing me some flow ers.' . 'Stow look here; Jennie , are you going to take them?' 'Of course I am.' 3 ,We11, then; good-by.' - she laugh d. Of course she knew be. wouldn't go. • - • ''Jennie, he'll be in directly, and .I shall be Off,. but you must choose•be tween him and me. ILyou are_going to keep on talking to him, I shall never come in the place again, so which is to be P 'The captain.' • 'But lam not joking ; 11l never see you again.' . :-'\o more am I joking, so good•by.' ‘Good-hy'—and he went . - • He kept resolutely away for a whole month—never once went near the . whOle place. If 'Jennie wanted him she : might send for him or get her sister to invite him to tes, as she iad done before. But John Weare was not'sent for, neither was he in- vited to tea, and his spirits began to wax low. . . 'lf she cared about me she'd have got in my waY sotnehow before, this —trust a woman,' he thought. . The idia-of not being cared for was - not cheerful. That night he strolled carelessly by the shop, but on the opposite .Side of the . way Nothing was to be - seen of Jennie. tie 'walked on in a brown study, then crossed over, and went deliberatel by-the_shoi}i; with only one eye," how. eVer, turned in its direction,' but not a sign -of Jennie.. 11's an awful pity—such a nice izirl; and there's the cottage all ready for her to'step into, and me ready, to retire from the service, and, a good traie . at my back ; it's too bad, "ail along of that Captain McGee, too. And the fruit in the garden (of .the cottage) all ripe, and no one to pick The very nest morning John Weare walked deliberately into thy shop and asked fora penny newspa, per,. and had 'the felicity of : being served by Mrs. Evans. • - ,'Quite matranger, Mr. Weave,' she said but that' was the only remark she made, and for the life of him he could not screw up his courage to islc for iler sister That night Joljn Weare was miser able. 'he can't care a rush for me,'. he thought, and marched all over • the town, and nearly to Greenwich and thick in his excitement. .. • • The - next day was a lucky one for John.• He came across Hibbs.. Hibbs was Mrs Evans' eldest boy. - \o-one knew What his real name' was,or'why he was called , BibbS; but he was never called anything else. • 'Bibbs,' said John,' Weare, • 'come and have some fruit;' and he him off in triumph - to the cottage and s'Anled him with gooseberries until he couldn't move; and with black cuirants till his mouth was,as black as a crow. Then he carried: him in side and good him on the table - and _ sat down before him. . glow old are you, Bibb;?' • He thought it better to begin the eor,!vereation with a question. 'Five and a half. Is Ibat your sword up there • 'Yes. :Who gave,yon those bronze stmee,'Bibbs?' Now .he knew Jennie ha 1 given them to . him,' but be eo wanted to hear. her name. 1 . 'Auntie. S le's - going away Foon,' he. added. 'Let me look at your sword now ?'- 'Where is she going - tn . ?' he asked in consternation. 'Devonshire. Do leG me try on your sword ?' • 'Why is she going?' he asked; with a sick feeling in'his heart. 'She's ill, L think, nnd she's always crying now -;lone day she was crying over her SilVer,Ahing von gave her, and kissing it like everything.' The ‘silv,er thing' was a little heart of aliout the size of a shilling. which he had bought at Charlton Fair last 'October, and timidly asked her to accept. • • • John Weare. jumped up and show— ed 13ibbs his sword, and carried . him on his hack all over- the -place and eptreated him to have Imore black currants in his delight. But Iliblis. declined. • 'Aunt Jennie's going to bring me some from .Eltliam to-night,' he said. So Jennie was going , to Eltham, was she. John Wiare took Bibbs• borne, and on.his way presented him with a - -White-woolly lamb that - moved on wheels and squeakid, and a mon key that went up• a . stick in being gently pushed. - • -Trying over her silver thing!' said John Weare. go and hang about the Eltham road till I see her and beg her pardon.' • . - And. he went, and Jennie met him, and pouted.and declared : she hadn't once thought of him, and then - broke down and erica-.. And - John begged her pardon,*and declared that he had be`en a heartless brute; and then Jennie contradicted him and said it was all her fault, and told him. how • Mrs. Dunlob,• the colonel's wife, had one day walked in and ,told her, in the kindest posSible manner, that bile was spoiling her sister's business, for the ladies who had been interested in, her . welfare kept away because of Jennie's flirting. propensities, which filled up the shop .with idle -.officers, -who were always -in the way ; and hoW she had been so ashamed and wretched and so cut up at the deser tion of John Weave, that she had intended to go Oack to Devonshire. `But you won't now ?' lie said, as they leaned over the stile leading to the Eltham fields. "You'll get ready at once, and we'll be married as soon as possible, before the in the - garden is spoilt?' ' 16 40 4 long tilll4 4 Slk- her Into ME 11 ( - ( j 1: 1 '''' '-.4 \-:. 0 1_ REGARDLESS - 01P DENUNCIATION FROM ANY QUARTER. t (about three quarters of an hour), but then she was very happy tit heart, and chattered like a young magpie, and told John how she had snubbed Captain McGee, and had thrown ull his flowers out of the window. 'And it really was all through that dear Bibb . that you to night ?' she asked. ' : . 'Certainly." - • . ~ 'Why, but for him I. might never have,seen you again -t' . . 'Perhaps not' _ • "PH give Bitobs a regular hug when I get home,' she thought. .And she -did ; and the day .before she ...was married she . bought him a -rocking horse,- which 'he delights in to this day. r .Cassel's Magazine. • No' Dogs Allowed on the Cars. It happened-the otter day on the Lehigh Valley Railroad. The. train lad- justleft Easton and the confine tin was making his first round, when lie observed a small white. dog with bushy tail and bright black eyes )qtir),, ,, cosily on the seat • beside a ung lady . so handsome that it iirle his heart roll over like a 'lop. sided pumpkin. But deity was duty. and lie remarked in his most depre. eatory 'Wanner : very sorry, madarne;'but it's against the rifles to have dogs in the passenger cars.' _ •Oh ! is that so ?' 'and Sly turned up twolovely brown eyes at him beseechingly. '‘ What in thi : world will I di)? I can't throw him away. He's a ChristmtLs present froni • . _ my aunt.' • •By no means, miss. We'll put him in a baggage-car, and he'll be just as happy as a robin in spring.' - ' What! put my nice white dogir, a nasty, stuffy,. dusty baggage-car?' 'l'm awfully sorry, miss, 1 4k) as sure you, but the rul4.s of tlisi-com pane are as inflexible as- the lays's of the Medes and them other fellows, you know. He shall have my over coat to lie on, - and the brakeman shall give him grub and water every time he open - A his mouth' I Just think it's . awful mean, BO I do; and l'lnow somebody will steal it., so'they will.' and ,sloe showed_ a half notion to cry that nearly broke the conductor's• heart; but he 'was firm, and sang out to the brakeman. who was playing a solo on the stove. -' Here, Andy, take this dom over into the baggage.ear, and telf.!em to tike just the best kind of care of him.' . • The yomig lady pouted, but the brakeman reached over and picked the canine up as tenderly as though it was a two -weeks'-old baby, but as he did so a strange . expression came over his face, like a. nave of cramp colic, and ho'said haStily to the con ductor! • Here, you just Lola him a minute till I put this poker sway,' and he trotte(l out at the car door and held on the brake-Wheel, Shaking like 'a man W;ith theague,, . The eonductOr no sooner had his hands: On the dog than he looked around for a bolo to fall through - . W11;01-Why, thiS• is a worsted dog.' I Yes, sir,-said the little .miSs,; de tnurely. Didn't you knOw that ?' NO, I'm most awful sorry to say that-I didn't know that;' and he laid the Christmas (100 , down in the-own er's lap. and walked out on' the plat& form, where he.,,stood, half an hour in the cold trying to think of a . hymn time to suit the worst sold man on the Lehigh Valley'. road... History of the Tomato. . . -A good many years ago a man who had reeentlforrived from the Bermuda Wands,_ was sent- to the Yorks County, this State, jail for some offense committed against the laws-of the Commonwealth:• !lad with 'him a few seeds which he plant in.the r d - rich en of the jail-yard . Before the plants which sprung from - the-seed reached maturity, he was discharged, - and, no one knew the name or. nature of them. They grew luxuriantly, bearing fruit of .W-large. sizeflend unusual appearance. As this Strange 'fruit ripened, its color .c.hang,ed from - green to a brilliant red, and be! object of2wonder and admiration to all, the inmates of the jtol. Mrs. Klinefelter, the _lady keeper, cautioned all the prisoners' agninSt eating any of the fruit, as she was sere-it was poisonous, and besides. planted .the seeds, as she would endeavor co_ preserve spec. mens of it for him should he return in time. - . Just whoa the fruit was Tully ma tured the Bermuda prisoner re-visited the jail and asked to see theptant. This request granted, he !nett called fot. pepper, salt, and, vinegar, and to the horror of the-good lady 'commenced to eat of the suppo , led- poisonous! fruit with a relish -that astonished' the behohers.• After enjoying the strange repast, hp informed Mrs Klinefelter. that the. haft or vegeta ; hie wns the tomato, or love apple; and it would be onnd wholesome and nutritious. -The seed of the re maining tomatoes were carefully pre served and distributed among' the friends and neighbors of •the lady; and this now popular esculent was, introduced into the ancient and good ly- borongh of - York. :For many years thereafter it was.cultivated as an ornament rather than for table use, - 'hut by degrees its merits began to be.moro fully understood and ap preciated, and there; as elsewhere, it grew into general public favor.: 'Gricrt.r.strac :—Your Hop Bitters have boon of great value to me. I was laid up with typhoid - fever tor over two months and could get no relief until I tried your Hop Bitters. To those snfferiug from de bility or any one in feeble health, I cordi ally recommend them. - • - .r. C. STOANZEL. • Og3 Fulton St., Chicago 111.- , • Austin clergyman, not long since, met a prominent-saloon-keeper, wit her hose family he was acquainted. " Hnw, is it 'bat I never see you in church ?" s asked the pastor. "Because I don't go there, If you reverends don't patmlise my as. lcmo. I am mot going to patronize your Olutyclien. 415 y_ou vaill r bnainazi to Pet the opre) 1( . 0' Om • - - 4 , AN AMUSING ADVENTURE OF A ST. LOUIS DRUMMER. An Arkansas psper tells a! etory on John "A. Meeks, traveling man for Well At Brother, of St. -Louis. He had just stepped off a train in a small town in the southern part of the State when be was accosted by a countryman who asked deferentially: "What is your name, please ?" "Meeks:" " Well, Brother Meeks, am here with a spring wagon, and Ain at your service. Are you ready to go now-? W belt . is your .haggage ?" Me(k (lid not question the, than .who had addressed him, supposing idm to he a merchant of the'village'not far dis tant. He bad been wondering if any means of transportation would be within reach, and considered . himself fortUnate in securing a 's'pring wa gon. -: The trip to. the village was characteezed by silence. The driver made One or two allusions to religions matters, which Meeks an. swered laconically When the spring wagon arrived at the village, Meets was driren to the residende of a prominent citizen, Mr. _George Young, where an - excellent sapper ,waswaiting. Mr.. Young an d tits family .were delighted to see tb young man: Young laughingly all bided to the large, trunks of his guest; reMarking that the old saddle bag days were over. _Meeks smiled -)ver a chicken bone, and affably agreed with interest: • After supper the party repaired to the parlor, where _miscellaneous' con versation. tempered by- a religiOns (one, was engaged in. Mr. Young, handing Meeks a Bible, quested him to read a Certain ehdp `er, which the young man did: Then Young, clearing hi: throat at one of I.he children,'Ll nodding at - anoth er, remarked : " Brother Meggs, lead us in Inlayer." 4 ` Mem, the deuqe !" exclaimed Meeks." name] is not Meggs. hat in thunder does all this mean, my way ? I am a. St. , Lor.fits drum, fner—r • "What!" exelnitneit Young. " are • von notthe4nan whO, was sent. here •, io preach for us to l inOrrow "I air, sent here to, sell you goods, but hanged if I preach for anybody." A rapiat the door interrupted the conversation. A-young man fatigued 'nil muddy, entered and introduced imself as Preacher Meggs. - The nistake, was then.explained. The 'river of the spring wagon had taken the wrong man. Poor Meatr+4 "hoof ell "it seven miles. ! . The south, wind, is' Sighin4 softly. among the stet v oaks. whoSe leafy .branches shield trOmithe pitiless rays of a July sun . the 'velvety-soft lawn a hat stretches wal. the . eastward in front of n lovely D, u Page County villa. On the vera?dial stands a girl, ovely beyond compare, to whom a man--one whose ;snotty locks and beard of tawny gold hue tell plainly. of the Saxon bload,.that flows in. hi: veins—is talking in an earnest/man ner. - There is a hiving. look in. his . soft,,blue eyes, and he speaks with a tenti4 earnestness that shows be is in sober earnest ;lib .girt, is tap ping lightly ',with a Croquet mallet the pretty foot that Peeps out halt' timidly from beneath the pretty morning dress of - soft, blue cloth, with two rows of ruffles up the back stretch, and a polon!aise that neve.; .cost less thai $22. ' " Well, Bertram, have' you con :eluded to" says' the man. The sunbeatins flicker erratically down between the leaves, making lit tle lights and - Shades on the veranda; the grasshappers sing:among the red clovers the little font, which has suspended its moveteents during the delivery of m -thi , interrogatory, re sues its occupation. Adelbert's gaze is still fastened upon the pretty face thatinoks slyly down, but the smile has fled. • No answer comes. • A. moment longer and the fciot-taps cease; one or two irresolute move tumnts of the body, and then . the white turms, gleaming out from the loose sleeves, .are .around his neck, and the brown locks and laden beard are mingled, while the little !ilea& goes down on his shoulder amid a storm of sob's. She taslit bier bunion.-'-Chiedgo Tribune. - The wasteful practice of f burning or otherwise- destroying_hist-letters has been brought into disrepute by a yoUng • lady in lowa, who _ has had hers bound in the form of an :abut's, which she turns out for the inspec • Lion and entertainment of her visitors when they have wearied of praising her tidies and finished , the family photographs.. • - Ithe device, economical as it is— 'and! in, that aspect Praiseworthy— has! its drawbacks. To visitors -wilt, have teests the phrase n disappoiritment,'-the sight of sue', collection would be harrowing in the extreme. 'Then there would be . the additional danger that some guest *oulti c i find among the missives one from . a:nimbi - Ay to whom sl . e believed tithe ba r d ti special claim. The sight, in BIIC case, of words of love ad 'tiresSed to another might be provo. cativei. of `unpleasantness-perhaps, .even, tof tears, or, worsts scratching and hair pulling. These possibilities are to be dread. ed. .Ftiortunately they can he avoided witbotit recurring to the old-fashioned and wasteful. method of burning los e fetters'. Such missives contain-L.or are pOpularly held to ..contain--a good deal _of sweetness:• Some of them Italie been., in the glowing imagery of girlhood, as-'just too sweet for anything,' but this is undoubtedly hyperbole. They ought, lowetier, to be sweet enough for glu cose if there is 'any semblance of sweetness'about them. Let the lowa plan be eikandoned•then and let the accumulattid love letters of the cowl. -try be sent to the glucose .factorie.. The residents in the neighborhood. of such factories might ob ed. But they dg 010 pont-, OM* . . prop Not a Minister: != Romatice as It Is. A Better Way. • .... ... 11 1 ) k - 1\ ~.t. r --- - r ~ \._ OFT ON THE SLIPPERY PAVE. Oft on the slippery pave, This iwinter time has found me, Ne te.yes strewn to save, And coal-dude lids around me!. The Joke; the jeers, -1 That reach my ears, That Jagged urchins mutter.', I :As standing there. 1* tack sad veer. • Ault then elide in the gutter. Thue on the slippery pave. D'hle mei nt4 time bas found 'rue, -No ashes strewn to Mee, ' And r0a...-Sole around me. . When I remember well Th times that 1 bare - tumbled, '3lld giggle, laugh and yell, - A% O'er the' s alk I stumbled, I feel aelhough lit like to ge . With shot-gun or with _Ad beat or shoot .• The mean galoot Who keeps his walks., iffy, Thus or the slippery Nve.l Thrs winter time has teudd,me, No ashes strain to save. -And coal-bole lids &mond rue. • —Boston Transcript A VERMONT COUBTSHIP. The icy brilliance Of the. freezing February sunshine was scintillat ing its Polar splendor over the - piny , thickets and crusted wildernesses of the 'Gray Gorge . --:a solitary amid the wooded heights of Vermon. The little brook was ' eased ,in steel blue armor of ice ; the frozen mourn min crests lifted their bold and rocky peaks against the deep, dazzling bit!, of the winter sky ; and the wind, Of it rteThed bowling down the glen. simol: - the very foundation of • the farm house in its mad glee, 'Ves, there they go.!' said Miss Pamela, lifting the corner of tin ,windoKiurtain to look down tli( long'aitilefireetiveof the winding road: 'Four of 'em. •in two cutters.. with:two w9lf-robes, and two sets of bells And it's the third time: lint Ruth and Bel r sie have been aRt ed out sleigh riding within the month and nobody ever thinks of me!' A - nd it *as a little strange,' too. N hen one came to think of it. Miss Pamela, Pipel-.was a plurr young, woman of tbree-and-thirty, with rosy cheeks; snapping black eyes, and a fig are as straight and trim as a sapl• mg pine. the had not Muth's, melting, al mow' shaped eyes, perhaps, nor. the peas iyi pink of Bessie's radiant eorn pksion, but'slie was universally acis . , aowledgvd to be the best hand ii pickling and preserving in all Ur country around. tihe - couldn't quote Swinburne or Jean rngelow, bat .she .managed b. r widowed brother's houst.hold with firm gentle hand, and hail a eliest. full of patchworks and. bedquilts and . ehr4)elieted tidies, in the big old gar. ret up stairs. In fact Miss Pamela Pipely would have made a. first class wife ' to an man - living—lf only the tlehelors aroiuri Gray gorge could hitve'been Lrought to perceive a fact which was so manifestly to their advantage. . So Miss Pipely sat before' the tire of blazing - logs, all mossed over with. silverigray fringes and: bubb ling out their resinous heart's before the Gary ordeal of the, flames and knitted away at _Situ:re Sam's , gray. mixed stovkings, as if she were on a wager agaitist old Time; and was re solved to ~conquer at all hazards. And • the dragons 'head 'that was carved 'on the old mahogany- chair opposite, and the clairdeas - and the" -queer . little brass knobs scattered all over it seemed to wink soberly at her in the pleasant light as she work ed: 'lt was an heir-loom in the fami ' ly, that old chair, and the Ilpelys were proud of it. 1 , • Just then there. came the merry jingle of , sleigh 'bells, up'- the road . a peal.of miniature laughter. , 'Some one, else out for a sleigh ride tho oht Miss Pame, a ' wite4,li . turning - ' r head, , .. , • But., t her intikite amazement, the.tiny peals ceased to chime ; the sleigh had stopped... 'Good gracious !, said Miss Pamela aking a hurried otiservation- from behind the netted fringe of the cur tains, 'its Mr. Hedger. And he's coming here to.' Me. Hedger came in —ti stout, mid dle aced man, with lighir• blue eyes shining behind his spectacles, brown hair just. sprinkled with gray, and a seal muffler buttoned Op to his very nose. - 'flood morning, Miss Pamela said he pleasantly. 'Good morning 1' said Miss Pamela. 'l've called on business,' said Mr Hedger, who was one of those unca nonized.. social 'martyrs, a • bashful old 3:ehelor. • MiSs Pamela. to be sure, was *an• old maid t but she wasn't in the least bashful, so' - that perhaps the two were not evenly matched. 'On business ?, repeated the-,,lady. call my brother at once ?' 'Oh, don't do that, Miss Pamela!' said Mr. Hedger, lifting his hand de preciatingly. 'No ?' Miss Pamela raised her jet black eyebrows in • 'urprise. r'Because my business 14 with you, especially,' he explained. 'Oh I' : .• — Miss Painela sat down nn e - hanically Crimping the border of tier:apron with the finger and thumb of her_ left hand, while a . very pretty binsh crept over h i er 'l've' been 'thinking it over for some time,' said Mr. Hedger, rather abrupt. ly. , • 'Have you P. said Miss Pamela. And the operations went on faster than ever 4, 'Of course `1• know it is taking a eientlihertv,' said the gentlema apologetically. .. 'Oh don't speo of it I' Said the lacy. - • . = . • `And then, ypti know, we are it most strangers,' he added. • `Oh. that makes no difference,' said . Miss Pamela, hurriedly. I 'can hardly inflater. courage to ask, said he.• ‘l l on't he afraid,' sweetly smiled the .blaek eyed damsel, wondering what Ruth and Beisie would say if . they were to come home .and find her engaged. 'You will forgive my Andieity ,a 9 4 ,114 his 040 14 Pill Wm. 81.80 per Annan' In Advance. EMI 'Of coOrse,' responded MisePilel:Y 'Well then,' said Mr. Hedger, plunging headlong into the subjecl 4 sell me the old Mahogany dragon's head chair of yours. for IP collection of antiquities ?I am told it has a record- for century and a half, and I have long, been anxiodi to possess it. Expense will be no object to. me. as my chief pleasure lies in accumulating those valuable ob eels of virtu.' Miss Pamela turned red_and white —the fo'ds of her apron fell from her hands. Figuratively speaking she froze over at once. . 'I - prefer. to drive Lno bargain% tot any family relic,' said bhe stiffly. 'But—' am sorry to disappint you, but it is really quite out of the , question,' said Pamela. • . 'Might I Continue to hope—' - 'You may hope ?loth% ing,' severely spoke the lady. • And Mr. Hedger, beginning Nague. ly suspect that something wa, wrong,, stumbled- awkwardly out o' the room, while Pamela put ter head