trait lb* REPOITZR. 1 TREASON. BY A. T. WOODY When In our land, Toni trees:Ws hand. Our country strove to sever John Brown went down With angry frown, ♦nd gave his lit. tor treed= rest Lincoln's torn, To quellthe storm. In time maw nobly forward : our starry . flag, ith rebel rag, A deadly eostest:aeged. The loyal Forth.. • Went bravely forth, TM Grant mor'dpn:thels works ; • Most 1 4P7 glee. - Well never see, - When stubborn Lee surrendered:, With faction's rife. • - The Nation's life, Way yet again endanger ; Bet lore of right, Will win the tight, As Grant and StuTtnau won It With eotuage,true, 'hen keep to rtes; - Our glorious starry banner r, The-manly arm • ' , 4 froju burin, Onrtnlon freeforerer. Asrtum,listruarylrl, Locid Correspondence. OVERTON Indian summer for a few days. Overton Cornet Bind is in a flourishing condition. Fred is a good leader. Esquire 31cCaun has recovered from his illness, and .able to pound :the law I= Roasts were quite scarce here 'Sew Year's Day. Vernon,:dil you count them all? If so, you' must have .been marked absent in a few placea.. Our well knows -friend, Dickey, is in the far West; Success to him. - 0. K. H., Uncle Sam's mail carrier, ar rives here one hour later every morning, on account of new time table on the S. L. Overton atltirdi a telephone, and enjoy the society of faithful deliverer. Our schools have opened in full -blast after a few weeks of vacation. - Ed. McGovern has returned home again to enjoy fresh air, which is abundant on _these hills. James McCann is again in the glycer ine business. Ije has hopes of making it a - success. Mope he may, as some need lifting. J. January 14, 1:382. Rattier Enthusiastic. The Wilmington (Del.) Daily Repub oin lately contained the following item of popular interest : .Dr..T. F. Speck, who is connected with the Wilmington Every Ev ening, speaks rather enthusiastically of St. Jacobs Oil. Dr. Speck sates that he uses the Oil in his family as a .household •• remedy, a sort of universal panacea for allaelies and pains, and has always fount.; it to act most happily. His attention was called - to it by the many testimonials in its favor, and he - one day used it upon himself for sole throat. Two applications were sufficient to eflect a cure. He also used it on his little girl for sore throat with gratifying success. The same child had scarlet fever this winter which left the tendons of one leg much contracted. The little prattler couldn't walk without assis ance and suffer d much inconveai . 'ence aLd pain. Several applications of ' St. Jacobs Oil ie.toied her limb to its normal condition and she has not experi. enced any trouble since. Dr. Speck states that he has also seen the Oil act .charm ingly in ti•othache. • lie thinks St. Jacobs Oil is a sterling remedy, and does not lies • itate to recommend ,it for _rheumatism, etc. . ABOUT TH,g,gzBURCHES. [ ../2-- NOT long ago, tii"e ancient priory i-_-___church at Smititivlci, England, of St. Bar.: tholomew the Great—a church which .dates back to 1102—a special Advent ser vice was held, at which• the offertory was devoted-to the funds of the St. Bartholo mew Rahere Altuottry, a revival of ".Ye antiente fraternitie of ye Rahere Almon ers." According to the legend, "Rahere -of good remembrance, minstrel and jester to - King Henry I ,-after a somewhat mis spent, though not specially faulty, life, chveted to do the worthy fruits of pen ance." *He not only founded a church and hospital in honor of St. Bartholomew, who, according to the story, had appear ed to him when he was returning from a pilgriMage to Mime, but , ititituted priory. alms which, by* fraternity of al moners, were "distcil?uted - -- - to -the great comforting of all, sick and 'needy people who had elaim thereto," until the time of • Henry 111. The suffering caused by the great snowstortMand gale of the 18th of January last suggestEd to one of the church wardens the revival of this frater nity of Rahere Ahnonets. • MoNcor., Mich., SepL 25, 1875 Sins hare been taking Hop Bitter. for inflammation of kidneys and bladder- It has done for toe *hat four doctors fail d to do. The effect of Hop Bitty fl Inns ed likeimagic tome. Tux British Museum has recently pur chased a collection of Biblical and other Oriental manuscripts; which are consider ed of great importance to the criticism and exegesis of tie Old Testament. rito collection, whicli'was made in South Ara bia, consists of forty manuscripts. Fi tePti of these aux portions . of the Hebrew Scriptures, and two are probably the old est which have as yet eome to light of the Old Testatqleit Scriptures. A third, -which contains the %I!agiographs, exhib it, a recension of the Hebrew r text, the other two portions of which are already hi the Mtuieum, thus completing the whole Hebrew Bible. Several of these manuscripts have the Arabic translation of Suadiab, in alternative verses with the Hebrew, while others have the superfine- Tau, or Assyrian, vowel-points, which, till comparatively recent times, were un known. The remaining twenty-five man uscripts are Midrashim i or homiletic com mentaries and liturgies, which are more or fess unknow Mon men kilow everybody btft them- , - sehLert. The dy, or the eve of the day, is a . good time d ocultivate self-.cquaint ,ance, and pledge ' yourself as your own ° ally. We trusi f that Many will volunteer the:eelf-lnterviOw and co:ao forth all the stronger from the experiment: r_otue who _ try it will see how the so:emu:it is all against them. Happy if they e , ..usent to go into human hanktuptcy, hint over all they hate and are, and rebegin life in the ristrength-.of Omnipotence.—The North , atern Chrinian-Adroente. COMMUNION iottA ate counted by quan-1 tity rather than by quality. 'Missionary. visits are made avid reported too much on the principle of at ithmetic. There, is too much "numbering of the people," and• too little weighing of work an,i workinp in spontaneousness and spiritual power., When men and women have tArmake so many visits daily or fail in the scale of "t.straparisoo, there is not stwa,s room for God's silent working and sovereign lead.: ing.—The W:rd, The Work *ad -The Worki. us. imi E. rum, OF LIR ESL, LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETA33LE-COIrPOITIID. fie all times rainfol Complaint • and Vreolmesees eassusaa tows? best &stole population. It will care entirely the worst for of Fesuale Com. -plain% all ovarian tronbleo, Indantmallon and ricers. Uon, Falling and Pltplacernents, and the consevent 6: - lasi Weakness, and is peotmuierly adapted to the CLange of Life. It will dissolve and espeltotoora front th< cirrus its an early stage of development. Tho &t.doncy to care terous humors them itched:ea eery sperdlly 1y Its use. It removes faintness, fstrlenry, deal:olunit craric,l for stimulants, and relicree weakness of the stomach. Ii cures Bloating, lleadnehe.., „'terrons Prostration, , General Debility, Eleeple....reo , ,, iteyrion and Ina. gertion. That feellOg of bearing down, camdngel, , !du, weldb& and backache, is always penuancnGy cured by Its ore. will at anti:nes and under &Stein:tin:stances actin harnumy with the laws that romrn the fe ;o *atom . ; For the cure of Sidney Complande of either ass this Compound ts unsurpassed. , LIVIA E. VEGETABLE COM POL'N,'DIf prepared at =1 and Wt.... Lord Arr.:lie, Lynn, Masa Price Six bottks for IS. Seat hy lathe form of pile, also in the ferns of tbiinges, on receipt of price, la per box for either: Mrs: rinLhatn freely. ar.swen all letters of inquiry. Send - Tor pamph let. Address as above: Mention Mi. raper, No family should be without LYDIA E. TT`:"E FLAWS !LIVER PILLS. They cure Colt9ti;otltu, -No torpidity of the Liver. 25 eeati tax. Air Solid by all e THE MOST P 0 Pli.liftPt 4 OF RAS NO tALIARts, Vl, l4 ' Ol lOEl . 6 :ks - r 47‘ LI FETI.M E, SURFASStS,OTHERS do[pisontfark& e 0. 30 UNION SQ.NEW 'YORK CHICAQO ILL. -e-------- e%c 0 RANGE MASS. GALVANISM and ELECTRICITY The great Curative Agetall. ■ T A GALVANIC BATTERY Is-imbedded in this Medicated Plaster, which, when app:ied to the body produces a cousta.nt but mild current of Electricity. whlch-lig most exhilarating, affording immediate relief to the most excruciating T,lrvi of what,oever nature. They are ea-nowt. edged by Physicians to be the most scientific meth. od of application of those subtle and mysterlou • elements of nature for the positive and speedy cure of the following complaints, Rheumatism,: Neuralgia; Sick Head. ache; Weak and Inflamed Eyes; All. %Ire:lions of the Ilwain; Spinal plaints; Kidney and Liver Complaints; Sciatica, Paralysis and Lumbago; Dys pepsia; Asthma and Lung Diseases; Dis eases of the Heart; Nervous Prostra iioas;~ PRICE ONLY $l.OO. THE BELL MANN CO.. Prop'r., Bratiray, 13th Et.. :Tear Tes. AGENTS WANTED. SALE 11:1f7 ALL DRUGGISTS. paper. • Sent by Mal. fi a lin Banta=y You to 111 regret. ral r 2 : 1 v• - n. , 1,1.ca11'.7 7^. de /*Thie-g, ton; , 4)f 11.0 by t',o clearnis c ~1 brAlizne7,ot comp! W. L. CiErn: .IC4I thrEt z 1 . ,. •• ii 5141vrt_q . ....;:. .t. 14 t. 1 1: r- n c 1r 11.3 .L: L! s zr..l t ti'' :at t.) At, :.• aithc.l k:.(7.", y cupp:fil.t it i 4 a*l',...3caNit cot, irzi'Uer ton? y. Al :of t10111f:l1 I tlii..)eiN'.l,:r6 It enn:eiri per • I of a c--1 tratul .Istidtt" ha • y Itreoe end .5;!..;.1 tlisi , nsest tura eint !..1;:r C ni of 0.114 ir.."ar:-(o:e.pripitra ;flll.ll.l : D•zt-r has th; ~Sann C of Sew fosse, who Cr'. to Eupplv t"...e demand+, of 1,:1q thousauda of clg•r it spesility cra.ll,:lt , ti all uP'ntrr , o IitAN.)I) . POISUNIti (7, Cuchat Vcrofula, Ittleltra..rlezelam, Pimple-,:, PattiteA, Freckles, Black 3!pa