Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 19, 1882, Image 3

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fraifori foorte,i
Towanda, Pa., Jan•
The undersigned, publisbets and pro
rietorti of the_ BRADFORD REPORTER.
'Towanda Journal, Bradford Republioin
and Bradford Argus, published Towan
da, Pa., having suffered severe loss in the
publication of their respective papers
from the heretofore extremely low price
per annum, hereby mutually agree to
make the subscription price of each
of our papers respectively, on aud after
the First of January,, 1882, One Dal eh
and Fifty Centsl per annum. And we
'hereby agree and pledge ou. selves to
each other, upon our honor as business
men, that we will -strictly and in
variably adhere to the terms of this un
derstanding. To make this arrangement
legally binding, we have entered into
bonds, with penalty and forfeiture for vi
olation of the terms of this agreement.
All subscriptions paid :prior to Jaimary
let next, will be taken at the former rate.
Bates of advertising in ail cases to be in
dependent of subscription.
Goonnien Ilirencock REPORTER.
D. M. riniNER, erotirriat.
HOLCOMB & TRACY, Republican.
E. Asinws PausoNs, Argtzs.
AnnivpsAL Local 11 Second and
Fourth pag,ett.
TEE dealer in ice is not happy
THERZ are 7,000 Grangers in Penrisyl
, nia.
THE mump4 are prevalent in South
THE Graded School will open •on lion-
day next
WUEW, but wasn't that a snow storm
on Fridaj?
THE hotel property at Oreutt Creek, is
'for sale or rent.
'Mos''' . of the skating done this winter
has been on rollers.
PINK-EYE is prevalent amongst the
horses of Tioga County.
Tit r: icc dealers-Of Troy are filling their
houses with six inch ice.
THE woolen mills at Troy have been
sold to parties in Elmira.
THERE is talk 4 ' of boring for oil at
Mansfield, Tioga county. 7
DIPIITIIERIA is quite prevalent in
Wellbboro, Tioga County., ,
REVIVAL meetings are being held in the.
Methodist,eburch at Troy.
TnE disease known as " pink-eye " af
flicts the horses of Athens.
D. B. BoLLEs has been appointed Post
master at Birney, this county.
THE spring elections will take place an
the third Tuesday in Fenruary.
No new cases of email-pox, and the
previously reported 'cases doing well.
- A sEmis of revival meetings have been
begun at the Disciple Church, Smithfield.
THE County Autlitois will finish audit
ing the accounts of the County this week
THE evening meetings at the Baptist
Church vvill be continued throughout this
week. •
(IF course you are proving faitbful to
those good resolutions made a sbort timo
yrur anal fire is low throw on a tea
spoonful of salty and it will help it very
l;oTU the "Methodist and Baptist de
nominations Of Smithfield are holding re-
viral meetings
Tun Masons of Owego have in contem
plation the erection of a three-story Ton-
Ile in that villatte.
I.ANcAsTnicOolity is the only county
in the State that 1 ads Bradford in the
r.roduction, of oats
Ttutroceeds from the Tiogn county
Commissioners' 'Fa*. Sales, recently made
were about $l,OOO.
ItouEurSTAmANT, Esq., of Laporte,
leas tytt - appointed Commissioners' Clerk
f Sullivan County. - •
A.. 1. lIoUroN is a.l.out to erect a build
ing at East Troy to be used as.a grocer]
and provision store.
SOERAL of the tax
. collectors_of this
county hare: already settled up in full
theieduplicat'es of last year.
THE A rglLtas transferred the re
c‘;rrl Mgof-dfeds from the Recorders office
to 111 - PrOtlionotary'S office.
Tui boat and shoe stores of this vill
age are now closed at 7 o'clock p.
t;xeept on Saturday evenings.
ConsTmo on the sidewalks was .the
popular amusement among the little 1 olks
for!a couplt: of days last week.
THE Journe says the REPORTER is - au
"excellent paper.". - The same to you,
311.. Journal, the same to. you.
Tits Worker, the - Greenback paper
painted at Tunklminock, hae been en
!at ged to double its former size. -
Tnis is the season of the year when tho
Band of Plenty scatters the flowers of
Charity alonethe path of Want.
J. F. BLOCIIER has shipped from the
! , tati6n at Wyalusing, this year, over one
.in_tudred eons of buCkwheat flour.
Tun Rev. S. L. - CONDE, of Tunkban
nock, is conducting revival meetings at
e Presbyterian Church in Canton.
THE Commissioners of Sullivan County
base employed the Hon. E. M. DUNHAM
as their Counsel for thepresent year.
INV. C. H. WRIGHT Rill deliverbis
lecture on "CliAnt,s—SususEn,' , this
(Wednesday) evening, at Monroeton.
V. lkintAnn, of Wetona, was quite
a Serious looser by •he floods in, that
section some two or three weekkago.
Josn BILLINGS will lecture in Waverly
on the evening of February 17th, for the
benefit of thn Fire Police of that village. ,
Citir;en's Bank of Waverly recent
ly buught the Shipman Block, in that
village, paying therefor the sum of f22,-
ENEV inrof our En bscribers'fiil
14) receive the IleroniEit regularly they
Rill confer a rtior by informing nit of the
Ni. .1 ritl:s awl DUDLEY FOSTER, hare
formed a (..partnersltip in the grocery
.and will carry It on In 15ortb,
VIZ Se. Jacobs Oil Company send out
One of the neatest almanacs that has yet
come under our ohaervation. It- is brbn
full of fun. •
Soma Warants.bas a "ease of small
pox. Measures bay; been taken by the
authoritiesto - privent a spread of the dis
ease, impossible.
Taz•Wyoming Oil Company have their
well neairSilvara down to a depth of.over
1,000 feet.; 'lt is said the indications for
oil ore excellent.
THE Good Templan of North To
wanda contemplate giving an oyster
supper at an early day for the bene
fit of their lodge.
Tat Lehigh Valley Railroad Company
contemplate the building of an iron bridge
over their tracks_ at the Packer Avenue
crossing in Sayre.
THE Troy Garette thinks that for the
creamery to be established in that village,
the R. F. ligntronort building near the
depot, will be used. -
THE State Line and Sullivan Railroad
Company have organized an expree,a line
under their own management between
this place and Bernice.
A. M. THATCHER, - of Waverly has in
stituted a suit against the Rev. Mr. Hut.-
BURT, pastor of the Presbyterian church
of that place, for slander.
ME friends of the Rev. DAVID CRAFT
will make him a donation visie,_at the
parsonage. in Wyalusing, on. Thursday
evening, January 26, 1882.
THE Buprerre Lodge, Patrons of Tem
perance, held meetings at Canton Tues
day and Wednesday of last week. They
were quite largely attended.
-IfEisitr ROWLAND, Treasurer - of Tioga
county, from 1873 to 1875, died at his
res,Wence in Delm*r, on-Monday of last
week, at the age of 55 years, •
TuE county offfeinls are g etti ngeg acquain
ted with the_dnties of their several, posi
tions, and everything around the Court
House is moving along as usual. t
F. It. KEELER, of Davidson township,
has been appointed by the Commissioners
of Sullivan County, as Mercantile Appal
ser for that county for the . current year.
AT a special meeting of the Borough
Council held last Tuesday evening, ν
J. SPALDING was elected Asiistant Bur
gess in place of JUDSON Hor.cmtn, re
JESSE STUART, of. Troy, having pur
chased the CARSOCHAN la on Elmira
street, in that;•village, will proceed to
erect a handsome dwelling house thereon
at once. •
THE following named gentleman have
been elected officers of the Troy Far -
ers' Club :—Presiden!, 'A:- II: THOMAS,
Vice President. C. N. PIERCE, Secretgry,
. .
BY order of the Trustees, the Treasur
er of the M.E. Church at this pface, will
hereafter present monthly to the congre•
gation a statement of the Church's finan
cial stand ug.
Tins is esp4ci .11y the season when
parents should seek to make the home
circle so attractive to the children that
they will not hunger for the. association's
on the streets.
THE WELLER ,family had a very enjoy
able family re-union at the residence of
Mr. NATHAN V. WELLEn, in Sayre, on
Wednesday of last week. A large num
tter were present..
, PENNSYLVANIA is the only State in thri
tTnion that bears the name otits founder.
-=; Fr. Yes, and WILLIAM'S Penn record
e 1 the fact that in a, wild state she was
when he found her.
ITHE remains of several persons 'huve
been disinterred at Duibore and Barclay,.
during the past fel: days,.and brought to
this place and re-interred in the new
Catholic cemctery.':-
Ar.t. the! clotbini merchants hairing
signed an agrtem_ent to close their stores
at 7p. m. those who have pt rchases to
make will govern themselves accordingly.
The agreement went into effect- Monday
last. - •
Cnuncu of Messiah, Rev. Wm. TAYLOR
.pastor, at 10 :30 a.. m., the 2d lecture
of the course -upon Lessons of Creation
and the , garden of Ellen. At ip. m.
"Except/ye repent ye shall all likewise
perish." •
JCDO E Ross, of Montgomery county
has laid down the law that a teacher
who whips in violation of the rules adop
ted by the school authoritizs, renders
hiin liable to a prosecution for assault and
THE fl' rn of C. C. MATIIIIRS & CO., of
_tirellsbom, last year bought and shipped
over : 400,000 pounds of butter.. Il.crons
& HERRINGTON, another firm of the same
place, shipped about 75,000 potiudw of the
lacteal grease.
ONE of the employes of IlicriSts Furni
ture Factory, named Ilnocx,. had the toes
on' one of his .feet badly smashed on
Thursday, by a heavy plank falling on
them. The injury will prevent his labor
ing for some time.
3fic it AEL DORA Jr., an .employee of
the Athens Bridge Works, was quite bad
ly injured one day last week, by being
struck by a piece :pr iron cn his knee.
The injury will keep him from labor . for
several weeks at. least.
THE Towanda editors aro all giving
Van Gelder-of the Lellaysville Adrertiaer
tits: He should have rainained in this
county, where he -had the "deadwood"
on all the little sheets, and '.was quite 'a
fellow--in hiirnind.—Mansfield AdtcrOPlr.
THE new M. E. Church at Camptown
is to be dedicated this Wednesday. The
morning sermon will be preached by Rev.
A. GRIFFIN, Presiding Elder of Wyoming
District, at 11 o'clpck. The evening se - lc)
mon by Rev. S. F. BRONSN, at seven
Li •
Tim fifteenth session of the Mutual
Musical Alliance, will be bold at Leßays
ville, beginning January 31st and closing
Friday following. Professor L. 0. EM.:
tam, of Boston, conducting it, and
Mrs. BRUCE, of Penn Yan, N. Y., acting
as pianist.
. W itErnv.o is our extravagant* carry
ing usi?" anxiously inquires the Lebanon
'Fourier. Welt, if each of the young
women of Waverly insists on hiving
two pairs of shoes this year, 1883 will
open with leather commanding a very
high price.
THE= Commissioners of Tioga County
have re-appointed JEROUR ft. NLLEB,
Esq., as their Counsel, LEONARD BARRI.
SON as their Clerk, and 0. D. BLY, super
intendent of the l'obr House. They have
also levied a tax Of seven' mills for the
curierit yssr
A Tomo, woman, named Ittu7 Vaud*.
Gordec, attempted suicide at . Smithboto,
Tuaday.of la t week, by: springing from
the end of a boat intolhe river. Vie was
rescued by some men who teid (tory
there. No cause hvknown for _the reap
AND still another newspaper IS in con
templation in Towanda; to be an agricul
tural journal. _ Isn't that omnibus pretty
near full? Waverly Advocate. • Why,
higas you, ICtastax. there is always room
for one more in an omnibus, (even though
some do have to stand up. .
AT a meeting of the -stock holders of
the Citizens National Bank, lieldtnn
Thursday last, the foll Owing
. named
gentlemen were elected direct . T.
P. R. Acgt,air, B. M, ?stn.
Tut correspondent at this place of the
Elmira Gazette sent that paper on Satur
day last the foaming : "Senator DAVIS
entertained some of his friends on Mon
last. The refreshments were served
at Tum's fistaurant, and were the finest
ever gotten up in Towanda."
VAN GELDER, of the Leßayaville- Ad
-114 rtiser, has a big war on his baud's, tight
big all the other editors jor Bradford
County; but if they will only, give, the
min a fair chance . to blow hitc,own horn
through his own nose he will put them all
to flight.— Waverly Advocate.
WE endeavor to put the 11EPOUTEil to
press each week on Wednesday at noon,
and any articles or communications
should be iu on Tuesday evening.' We
are often very much annoyed by delays,
and make this statement- so that the-pub
lic may be apprised of the fact.
THE body of Mrs. CORA FORSYTH, who
committed. suicide three weeks ago by
jumping - from the bridge at Bingbathton,
into the Chenango river, was recovered
on the 7th instant, a week after th • stii
cide.- The body was near where she jump
ed from' the bridge, and frozen solid.
WitmEspaY'afternoon of last week, a
five-year old son oe, Wu. WINNINGS, -a
resident of Owego, got hold of a bOttle of
liquor accidently: left within his reach,
and drank its contents. The child im
mediately went
. into stupor, from which
he tever sallied, dying the next morning
at ten o'clock.
D. W. Burr ERWORTII, formerly its
publisher, has ' purchased the Potter
Journal from Mrs. M.kribt; and assumed
last week its entire editorial and businetu;
management. Mr. B. is a thoroughly
good newspaper man, and will make the
Journal even a better paper than it Las
been heretofore.
TrrE Tunkbannock Democrat has
abandoned its "patent , outeido" and is
now printed wholly at its borne i office
In point of typographical neatness and
excellence as a local paper, the Democrat
stands in the front rank. Barring its
politics. it is one of the best papers on
our exchange list..
Jon"; VALSEY, who was injured in the
mines at Barclay, nearly a year ago, died
from , the e ff ects of his injuries on Tues
day morning of last week, and the re
mains were brought to this plade and in
terred in the Catholic burying, ground in
Thursday. The young man was abolit
twenty years of age. -
THE pupils and friends of the late
FnEtnattcx W. GUNN, of WAshington,
Connectiete, and 'formerly Pr:ncipal of
the Towanda Academy, are requested tt.
meet at the Grand Jury loom, Friday
evening, the 20th instant, at half-past
seven o'clock, for the purpose of taking
suitable action in response to circulars re
cently received from
,pppils,atid 'friends
elsewhere. • .-
• •
ELMER have formed a company and have
obtained a charter for •a - corporation for
the purpose of supplying Sayre and Ath
ens with water. The company will com
mence laying the mains early in the com
ing spring.
THE awful thin of the Elmira Adverti
ser makes the folloWing .sugiestion :
"Iltireafter let it lie customary to place
the vaccination badge oh the right arm of
the young man and on' the left of the
lady.'. We like to see these things proper
ly ha. monized, and
_venture to suggest
that this is the correct plan for vaccinat
ing young folks to match."
INTuel.; editors stoop to such low slam:
as has been indulged in by the Argue,
Journal and ltsrotrrEtt against us, werei
then froth the field that they may have fill
scope in future ti listen to the echo of
their own ntterances.—Leilays , o Ail
Dertiger. Bye, by:,,* '.9y.1.D.5.• dear, Bye,
bye. Ere we part, just a word of advice :
Hereafter don't "bite off Too . re'n you can
chaw." .
PitorLE wild are mourning over the just
punishment of a few; murderers should
step into Senator RocKwEWs office and
contemplate a littlerecurd of the trawrit
ten hi - story of the Rebellion, a, portion of
the . 11Mb of a tree in Texas, on which 46
Unien i mkt were hung,. taken from their
homes and •without form of law or chance
for defence, murdered to gratify.the curs,
ed spirit of slavery and Rebellion.— Troy
Et.EVEN deaths in the Bra Hord County
Poor House, within a short tine, does not
indicate that that institution is a sanitary
establislimkt. Williatn*port
Just, what the , sanitary condition of a
building may hare to do with the death
of persolfs who die from cancer, scrofula
Or old age, is what getS us, and 'probably
would anyone else, sai:b . a Williamsport
editor. The sanitary lcondition of the
County House is said toy excellent.
. Tni following named gentlemen iarre
last week elected officers [fir the Pa. it N.
Y. C. ST; R. It: Company for the current
President—RontaT A. PACKKII.
Direllors—RottEnT H. SAYRE, CHARLES
THE truthful Elmira Adeerthier ris - th
up_to place on record the following facts
which should be Irriewn of all men-zjiiird,
especially of young men': "The cry , *bat
-young women now-a-days are extravagant
and young men "must have a . compe
tence" or a fortune before marrying, le
simply nonsense., Young man, if you
have reached tbamature age. of . twenty/
five or more, are strong and well, hate'
enough of this world's goods to stook ode,
room, and know and_ love some sensible
girl, marry, her if you,can before a week, -
ind you be more of a man that ever
before. A man begins to live - after. be
• perstoilea - soHnetrue woman to help him,
And not berm"
. .
Dr. L.-D. Mottnistia, executor of tlie
estate of.the late Cleo. Morrsuirx,
Esq., sold at PUbibil MO 00 T#U 71141. 1
the real estate belongpti to thug testate. "
CiAstinatus was the purchaser
at the folloying figures.. Property °mil
er of Main and Pine street, $4,380 1 two
lots near-public s i chool- building' $2OO ;
interest irriots on Main Street near the
cemetery, $450 ; lot on Main street south
of Beidlemass blooir, $4Bll.
AN attempt was made to burglarise the
bank of Ross dt WILLIAM At klansfleld
Tinge county, Tuesday night of last
week. A belated printer-man discover
ed UHL:Ira "burgh / ars," ere they hart
gained an entrance to- the building, and
scared them away. There were four or
the burglars and only one or the printer
man. :life is the britest printer Man in
the whole,, profession, acid we hope
that tifesaral R. it W. gave him a 811 4--
able reward.
As follows are the names of the Com.l
rades who have been installed officers -of
Spalding Post, G. A. R., of Leßaysvilki-:
Commander, S. B. CANFIELD ; Senior
Vice Commander, 54xxAtinza Mosatoi ;
Junior Vine Commander, EDWARD MDR
Office. of the Day, J. A. Boa-
WORTH ; Officer if the Guard, J. R. BAR.
DER; Quarter Master, M., E. WARNER
Surgeon, C. IL WARNER; Chaplain, 8.
IL Hunan; Adjutant, B. AV. Bucx ; As
sistant Quarter Mantes, JoaN S. TOOD.;
Sergeant 'Major, JOHN A. FOWLER.
MIL SCOUTEN, the gentleman who was
accidentally shot, while hunting In Col;
ley, some time ago, is improiing rapidly,'
and the prospec9a that ha' v.lll entirely
recover. tie was brought from Mr.
BousawEawr's to JOAN Flouts', in Cher..
ry, on Monday, from there to Dushore on
Tuesday, and on Wednesday he took the
train for Mourobton front which place he
will be Conveyed to his keine int urlington.
Much credit is given Dr. llEnumalm for
the skillful manner in which be has treat
this case.—Dushore Iteriew, 12th -in
stant. _
Oun readers will bear testimony to the
fact that_we have endeavored to make life
plei.sant editorially for the• Messrs.
Val; G ELDER, of the Leßaysville Adrer
tiller. during, the past few weeks. But
our efforts have nut been appreciated.
The geMlemen Announce in the last issue
of their paper that they have "cut our
a •quaintance." We feel bad. Metapho
rically speaking we are "bathed in tears."
If a vein of melancholy seems to run
through this issue of the REPORTER, the
reader will know to what cause it should
be ascribed. Oh I unkindness! unkind ! .
.ness! Thy name is V?.N GELDER.
Tun Lonny of 0. VEtar., of Knok;. -
Tioga Count 'y, consisting of his
wife and four children, on the evening of
January sth, after partaking of tbeir sup
per, were suddenly taken ill. A. physi
cian was summoned who came to the
conclusion that they bad been poisoned,
and medical 'treatment was given which
relieved thent t. When Mr. . VELIE, who
is employed ait engineer on the railroad,
returned in the morning, he with a physi
cian, examinedisotne pork, a part of what
the family had eaten the previous even
ing, and found that in was infected with
trychline. The pork wits raised by kr.
Tut?, annual -.meeting of thi r - ,,Tioia
County Y.;) AgriculturakSociety.
was held at Owego last
_,Feek -- and the
rollowing,officers elected for the current
year - President, F. C. LOWMAN, Ni6h
ols ; . FirrieVictkPresidlept, Jons .
Jr., Nichols ; Second -- Vice-President,
Gr.o. L. GOODRUM, Tioga ; Secretary,
LEROY \V. KINGMAN, Owego ; Treasurer,
JAMES M. HASTIROS ; Directors, one year;
W. RI.D;SE SHAW, Tioga ; three years, 0.
S. RANDAI.i.4 Blair oUD ; three years, G.
WoonFonn, West" Candor ; two years,
F. W. Itro:stubsos, Newark Valley.
' Tun Elmira Advertiser says : It is ru
mored that every man in the employ of
the Erie Railroad company who is addict-. the use of liquor, no matter wheth
er he gets drunk or n' at, is to be 'discharg
ed. Several have - already been removed
- by drunkenness, and more are under
surveillande. The new rule applies to
ticket agents, operators and _every class
of employes froin traOmen up. It is a
noble. rea . ilution, one which should lie
adopted by every railroad company, and
one4hich will undoubtedly be' the means
of savimig hundreds of lives.'
As has previously been announced, the
sixteenth annual encampment; depart
ment of Pennsylvania,. Grand Army of
the Republic, will be held in Williams
port, beginning on the 2.510 init. and
continuing through the„‘,26th i. These
meetings relate to an association that is
so popular and interesting with a large .
and Aleserving class, and they always
attract marked attention, *any men
prominent in public affairs throughout
the state attending. The comrades
of Reno - Post are preparing to give the
visitors a suitablit welcome and to make
their stay a pie:saki:it one in every respect.
Williamsport Bulletin. ; 1
A YOUNG , man by' Ule name of .Mr.
GOODWIN, of Jennittssyille this county,
was dloweed in the Susquehanna river,
opposite Scottsville on Monday, last. .
Mr. GoonWm, we are informed, in
company with another young man, took
possession of a boat at Laceyvillo on the
morning of that day with the intention
of going to Wilkesbarre, but they had
proceeded on their way but a short dis
tance when a personal encounter ensued
between them and they bilh tumbled out
of-the boat into the river with ' the fatal
result.abovo announced. One of the par-
ties was rescued by some quarrymen
who were working opposite the accident
just as lie was going down, for the last
time. At last accounts the . body of Mr.
Goonwts has no: been recovered.—
Tunithanneck Democrat; ,
Fr may be of interest to bill-posters,
and others, to know that the bill to pro
hibit the 'defacin7, of walls, fences and
trees by Painting, posting or otherwise,
was approved by Governor 'Torr. It pro
vides that if any person or persons shall,
without the consent of tl.e owner or own
ers thereof, wilfully daub or paint adver
tisements or post placards upon, or other
wise deface the walls of any building or
buildings, house or houses, or the fences
around the yard or ,yards, connected
therewith, or any fences surrounding or
knclosing any vacant kit or lots, farm or
farms, or shall cause the same to be done
/by others, or if any person or persona
iehall, without the consent of the owner or
,owners thereof daub -or paint advertise
ments or post placards upen,..or_otherwise
deface any tree
,or trees, or cause
the same to be done by others, snob offen
der or offenders shall be guilty of a mis
demeanor anit.npon conviction be sen
tenced to pay a fine not exceeding $25,
and undergo an -imprisonment not ex
ceeding thirty days, or both-or 'later ;at
thi diuretic* of the court.
J: 3fAisoir, - fienhdrrille, Brad.
fad County, Peg-While inttudcattal last
Vriday, started Ao, go to. Centre,
tiod sibeti he artitred at tbefbireiro tireek,
he walked off the to intJ deep water. Be
liras rescued by LOT H. Intoons f :who was
'working on the railroad bridge at the
time. MATSON, ha - waver, again walked
idto the water and was again 'rescued
from droWning. pacer CHARLES EVANS
was finally sent far and took Divisor; to
jail. He was arraigned before Justice C.
D. WAT6`INS on Saturday and pleaded
guilty to Intoxication and was fined $B.
He did not pay his One and was sent to
jail for three days. 31.yrson affirms that
be was intoxicated, andkad no thoughts
- of suicide, as sensation* reported.—
Owego Garotte, .
Hos. Jpszs Wm . 's - upon returning
to his hothe ha Smithfield, Bradford Coun
ty, last week was taken ill and is nowin
a critical condition. He was elected Re
gister said Recorder in November, and
"Wail qualified the day-before he was pros.
trated 4. illness. Mr. r WEBB has held
honordble positionti during the past thirty
years. He served lour times in the State
Legislature and was Speaker of that
body.' Although a warm partizan, his
record is a good one, no charges of a dia.
_character marring the pages.
It is hoped that he will be able -to fill the
same position that be held more than thir
.ty years ago. W(fliamsport Bulletin.
We are pleased to inform our cotempora.
ry that 11Ir. WEDIS is attending to the du
ties' of his office 'with that promptnetis
that has always characterised him, and his
health is better now than it has been in
several years past: ,
Wa clip the following bit of local histo
ry from the Waverly Advocate -of last
week : •
Theßhiladelphis Directory for the year
1850 e,blitains lists of the Attorneys of the
'several counties of Pennsylvania. The
-following is the list for Bradford County
of : that year. Hon. Horace Williston 's
name does not appear because he had just
bCen appointed to the bencb. and Ma
rian Smith bad removed to Tunkhannock,
bat ravages thirty-two peals has .made
iu the bar of Bradford County. Those fa*,-
rniliar with the names will see kow few of
the list remalna.• We are indebted to Sid
ney Hayden, Esq.. for this bit of interest
ing history.
John C. Adams, . (Ephraim' Baird,
Henry C. Baird, David W. Barstow,
Henry p. Booth, Darius Bullock,
David Cash, . J ohn E. Canfield,
Lyman E. DeWolf, William Elwell,
Edwaitd ,O. H. P. Kinney,
tlyssei Mercur, lEdward Overtop,
H. W. Patrick, ;Stephen Pierce,
George Sanderson, tWilliam Scott, .
Francis Smith, IN. M. Stephens,
C. L. Ward, ;.William Watkins,
Jsmes Webb, Illutebins T. Wilcox,
James B. Welles, 'David-Wilmot. •
7 -Mrs. NELSON RICE, of Wetonah, Is
recovering from a Tong illness, -
-U. C. Poniriand wife, and Mrs. C.
F. Cnoss, aro visiting in New York. '
--,TnEorootts ARNOUT has gone to Phil
adelphia to entera =diesl college as a
—Mhis Mor l tin TIDD, of Towanda, is
visiting Mrs. 11. P. Ross.—Tunkhannock
—Mrs. CYRUS BERK, of FAMOUS, who
has beer quite ill for some time past, is
—B. 8. RI744ELL, of JamehtOwn, Dako
tn, formerly a resident of this place, was
visiting friends here last week.
—Rev. Mr. Egon, of Christ Church,
visited New ',York last week for the pus
pose of receiving ordination to the priest
-31i5s FsmitE O'ITEUN, of this place,
has gone to Florida to reside with R. A.
PAcaEtt's family during the. winter
--Mrs. 8. 31. FasseTT, of Fassetts, who
has b:en quite ill for several weeks past,
has so far recovered her health as to be
able to ride out.
—Dr. E. A. EvEnErr has returned" to
Burlington with the intention of nuking
it his permanent home, and will resume
the practice of medicine.
-Mrs.•IIIAnaAUET LYON, and daugh
te NAgNIE, Of SpringhM, are about to
visit Florida, in hopes to improve the
health of the young
—Mr+ WILLIAM-11. WELLMAN, mother
of Mrs. I.i A. WILT, and formerly a resi
dent of :ibis place, died at Polo, Ogle
County, Illinois, on the 6th instant.
WILLIAM BUNYAN, Of Granville, who
_wait stricken down with paralysis last
June is - still an invalid, • and though not
sufferirfg much bodily pain at present is
.very weak-both in mind and body, and
not able to converse but little.—Troy
—A telegram announcing the death o
JOHN 11Itt, which took place in Phil
adelphia, of, typhoid fever, on Thurs.
day, the 12th instant, bas called Mr. (1.
C. HILL, of Burlington, father o:' the de
ceased, to that city.
LEONARD and others,_ contemplate a trip
to Pittsburg, Cincinnati, and possioly to
New Orleans starting about January 16.
—Troy Register.
—J. 0. NARD, of the Tioga,is rapidly
recovering from his- long prostration by
spinal• neuralgia, and his genial counte
nance is again seen in the ofilee. The Ti
oga is a well kept house, and. the urbani
ty of Air. WARD is proverbial aftiong the
traveling public.-- Waverly Review.
Mr WILL - rim-Lars has been retain
as' erk by the Commissioners, a place
which ihe has ably and faithfully filled for
some time, and which will give satisfac
tion all who have business to transact
in that office.—Leßaproille Advertiser.
—GuY M. McDowELL, son of isisnou
McriowELL, of Troy .township, went to
Washington on Wednesday to uecome a
page in the House of Representatives, he
having a similar posi ion irt the Senate at
Harrisburg, last winter. -He is fifteen
yeariold, and is a bright and attentive
young man, who made many friends at .
Harrisburg, and doubtless will also at
Washington.—Troy Gazette.
—Hoy. C. V. ELLIOTT, of Mansfield,
a picture of whom appeared in the El
mira Tidings, of Sunday last, is a native
of this county, hiving been born in She
ahequin in 1824. S. N. JHaven's, the edi
tor of the spicy Blossburg Register, is
ikewise a native of old Bradford, having
first seen!,the light of day in Athens
township. Just what has kept HAVENS
from becoming a politician is what gets
us. But he has recently lone into the
hotel business.
—CAPT. JAMES BRYANT, formerly a
residentof Owego, and now of Towanda,
made a handsome Christmas present to
realm rims; of Chewing. His friend
ship was formed by reason of kind treat
ment of CAPT. BRYANT upon his arrival
in the union lines, foilorn, almost starr
ed and broken in health, alter escaping
from si rebel-prison in 1864. Carr. Har
mer is not an extensive carriage
facturer, and has often held important ,
official positions in Towanda, and was
.one of the best volunteers in war times
who ever enlisted from Owego or any
where eise. Snob a 313111. never, forgets
Mrs. Wilms, teethes drills young woe
mon who tell he thst rkstint to thestimilr
pm bete; died" on Tuesdny night * end
was burled Wednesday awning. MIS
maim the tourtb death since the malady ,
broke crat. No new cases have . eppare d
since oar illBo6 of last week, and it is be-
Hewed ihatibe:diseasci will spread no far;
tber. - . Those !dip are nor► : sick-w4-
four in getting along nicely, and
*ill soon be eonfaleeeent.
la the matter of the lunacy of Nicholas
Wells B. W. tano — se. William Nor-
,cpnk ; A. 11. Slocum vs. flame" Clark ;An
the mattecuf the petition of the Trustees
of Athens Academy to have funds trans
(erred ti Athens School Distant ; George
C. Atwood vs. A.. 8. Viols.—Rbles made
absolute in each of the abcrre cases.
In the' matter of tbe lunacy .of George .
Cornell,—Court appoint J. H. McKinney
committee or the person and estate of
said lunatic. ." •
N. C. Harris vs. C. Hunsicker.—Rule
to open judgment.
' Carbon Run School District vs. Barclay
School District.—Eseeptions filed to An
ditor's Reirort dismissed and report con.
firmed finally. .
Charles Thatcher vs. N. N. Thatcher;
J. S. Reynolds vs. Ira Lindley ; B. W.
Lane vs. John Bennett ; N. C. Harris vs.
C. Huniieker ; R. B. Haston's use vs.= D.
Abrams; In the matter of the application
to set Asides the *taller of the M. R.
Citurv.h at Carbon Rum—Rules in-each of
the above cases discharged. • I
John Swackhammer vs. Charles : and
Mary Sill. Role for new trial.
Emma Carey. vs. Charles Ca y.—Di
vorce granted.
Luthere. Comstock is. Mary R. erim.
stock M. L. Roger& vs. Emily Rogers.—
Alias subpcona ditected to be. issued in
each case.
William Scott is. 13. S. Pieree.--Oeport
of Master corrected and Confirmed finally.
Towanda Wat. , ..r Works vs. John Bei
dleman.—Report of viewers. confirmed
-ONE of the most pleasant gatherings it
has ever been our privilege to participate
in, was convened at the home of Wm.
CRANDERLIN .On Lime Hill, Saturday
Jan. 14, the occasion being the 59th birth
day o 7 Mr. C. It was one of those
Aboroirgh surprises in which ;the master
of ceremonies really slept innocently
conscious of , the approaching storm, un
til the third sleigh ": load was announced
which aroused • him,— and, as f: lends
gathered from Elmira,Towanda and r ,the
different neighbors of Vyalusing, Mr. C.
decided that he saw as "through a glass
darkly," and now knew why his folks
were so interested in preparing for as he
Supposed, the church i dedication to be
-held the following week. A bountifid
dinner was partaken of with a gusto,
each forgetting to diet for small-pox,
judging from appearances.
After. dinnet the company. collected,
and Dr. D. C. SCOVILLB. of .Wyalusiug
Who had brought Mr. C. through a long
and severe illness, in 'which we' , : 'de
spared of life, and feeling that hislabors
of mercy were not finished,: - and" to fur- •
ther on his good works, made a few
appropriate remarks bringing forth an
elegant, easy chair, seating his . patient
in it, proceeded to give him (not quinine
as, usual), but the beautiful collection of
presents from- his in4gy friends, each ,
accompanied with +arks peculiar to
the Doctor, (whom to k n ow is to appre
lie was responded to by Mr. C. in a
very feeling and earnest manner, calling
forth tears from many eyes. With all
his sufferitigs he feat that the year just
closeJ been . of great profit to him ;
that When wo thought him nearing the
river of death, he had a vie N of the other
side, while a host Innmerable came to
greet him ; but he said they called him
bask before he reached the shore. The
scene still strengthens hi.n, in his daily
He highly appreciates the kiud re
membrance of his; friends; words being
inadequate to cxyress his feelings. Af.:'
ter music, both vocal and instrumental,
visiting, etc; came the separation, each
feeling Luis to be a day long to be re
membered by all present.
EDITOR REPOUTEtt ne article co
pied from the Binghamton &publican, in
your issue of the 12th instant, in so far as
it relates to the destra,i;n of the pines
in the cemetery here, leaves a wrong im
pression as to the responsibility for the
act. 7
The deed of the lot which contains one
acre and one hundred perches, was made
the 10th day of April, A. D. 1838, to
and others, School Directors of Wyalus
iug township, and their . successors in
trust, for the Use of sub-divisional School
District, No. 4, called Old Wyalusing v for
school purposes, burying ground and
placei of public worship.'kr. - •
The right of interment, therefore, was
and is vested in the population, _ ,within
the bound.riesof sub-district, No. 4, as it
was then constituted.
In 1869, the writer made a mo. ement
toward some kind of an incorporation; of
an association to cacti for the premises;
'but finding that there was room for but
about twenty five family lots left finless
- the trees were taken out, desisted. and
offered to- give five hundred .dollars to
y/aid the: yurchase of another place for a
cemetery, asking only as a condition that
interments in this little burying ground
should cease after a certain; time, to be
agreed upon. This offer was made for
the purposa of saving the trees which
were then, as they have been for a gener
ation, the central gun Of this beautiful
landscape, and whose presence constitut
ed the principal attraction to this mating
place of the dead.
The-matter rested hero until the late
movement, xesulting in the incorporation
of the Wyalusing Cemetery Association,
under al leave from the School Directors. '
This movement was inspired by a ha
tred of the grove, and a design to take up
the trees and parcel out the ground
among the few to the exclusion of others,
whose need of a bulls, place might come
later. At the ,eleckion of trustees care
was taken that only those who were com.
milted to taking on* the trees, "root and
branch,i 4 should be chosen. It would
be too much to expect that, after planing
the whole thing for a definite purpose,,
those wholiiispirsi the movement, should
be willing to have it fail. The modesty
of th 4 principal in this in Ist notable pub
lic work deserves recognition, but out of
deference to his feelings I will not draw
• the veil. iThere were twenty-nine trees '
within the enclosure, and they did not coo
, eupy one square rod each: I think my
offer to save them wealibetal enough.
Wray hasty 16;
rims, r.—on' train 81. between El:
asks and Lad Tairaada. Tamday ',venlig, Jen.
a small travelling tog, mmtelang meouni
books of TAWS Tali hiss, ealdently taboo by
restate by some passenger. A sellable t6ward
pald for the Mars of the property to any
Station Agent 'an the Pa. AS N. T. Ji.L, and no
questions asked. T. Z. ALLEN,
/ll' Agent Elmira Tree Tress.
tom" L. B. Rolxiine challenges comps.
ISlos tor guilty of gowis and low Wesson Sub,
Doors,Sliodi and Mobilo& a, mind al 'banding os►
fir Tboniands of women lave. been
entirely cured of the most stubborn eases of female
weaknesi,by the sue of Lydia E. Plokhanes Veg
etable Compound. Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Pink
ham. 233 Western Avenue, Boston, Mass., for
.11r GEO. V. Roes sells Groupies awful
CHEAP because bikespenses are very light, and
be is Nand his easterners shall have the benefit.
t. The Davis Sewing Machine with
Its Vertical Vend does a large range of practical
stork not possible on - any under teed machine. tt
ir RitioveL.—J. S. 41. LEN has re.'
mote! his Undertaking Establishment from
Bridge stresslto rooms oh Main street, over Tun
ics's lk GORDON'S Drug Store, and Woooronto &
VAN boares Boot & Shoe, Store. A full line of
Undertaker's Ouods from the cheapest bilthe best.
jan27,111. J. S. Ataxtr . .4 Agent.
t At the Charleston R.!ces, the finest
thoroughbreds In the country are to be seen, and
the conditicia of the hems Is a wonder to'all who
behold theta, and It has only recently beenirliscur
ered that they' eau he kept lu this condition by
mixing to the fond of horses a tablespoonful of
Blmmons• Liver - Regulator Powder. It Is also giv
en to chickens. .
CnoLE nA .6-No dOoger from Chol
era If the Liver Is In proper order and ordinary
prudence In diet is observed. ,Tbe occasional tak
ing of Bimmon•s Liver Regulator to keep the sys
tem heap hyl will sursily preventattaelts of Cholera.
411r 4 aum Boots for Men only 0.00 at
open6d In 3fesas•;Rlock, Towanda, Pa.
Ur Write to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkbam,
No. %AL Western Avenue, Lynn. Mass.. for pam.
phiets relative to the curative properties of her
Vegetable Compound In all female complaints._
Ems' Remember that the Large Stock a
Wen and licr , 's Boots, Lilies' and - Children's
Shoes, sold so cheap - at the BOSTON CLOTHING
U USE. are all Hand made and_ every pair war•
ranted. decls.
VirREMESIBEII, that W. C. A; A. B.
BURROWS, of Stevensville, Bradford county;r 7 Pa.
sell goods at bottom prices and Mite to eFc'hange
Batter, Eggs, Pork, Poultry, Bags, Dried Apples,
and Grain of all kinds. Jtitie 2111, Sltf.
gelical Parsonage, Grover, Ist inst., by
the Rev. J. M. King, Mr. Andrew L.
Campbell, of Grover, and Miss Eva J.
Wolin, of Fox Centre, Sullivan county.
BROCk.—In Terry township, 9tlfinst.,
Mr. Ebenezer Brock, aged al it 70
years. Mr. Brock was highly reSpected
by all who knew him. •
BARNLS.—In Rome, December 1981,
R. S. Barnes, aged 62 years. 1-
YOUNGS. 7 —In Smithfield, of scatlet fe
ver, after an illness of a few days only,
Charley,: only child of Mr. and Mrs.
Simon Youngs, in his 19th year.
The bereaved parents have the sympa
thy of their friends and,neighbors.
Generaldeslers In Grocerle6.andProduce, corner
' Main and PlnoStreets.
•rAnzio. steLLtio
67 f 4 (4 875
111 60 44 220
108 (4) :
Flour perpbl.l._.
Flour per sact:. - .. '..--. .
Corn Meal per 100...
Chop Feed
Wheat, per bush—. $1 33 @
Corn 73 a 80
Oa y ts . 45 4 46 .• , \
Buckwheat - 75 (4 . 44
Buckwheat P10ur.... 13 00 a go
Clover seed 6 00 a
Pea Vine clover - (d 630
Timothy, western,.. , i . . 13 23
Beans, 62 lbs, 12 00 a - 2 se • (i)
Pork, tuess ; " a bbl. a
I,ard • a 12 .15 a
Butter, tubs 2.5 a 30 a
• Rolls 25 4 2.8 - ' @
Eggs, fresh 204
Cheese - '
Potatoes. per bush
Bees ,
llldes ! 06 at ON
Veal Skins ....... .75 ig) 11l 25
Desoti Skins....
Sheep Pelts:.....
Item Abiertisogent.
The notes, contracts, and accounts of the eitste of
Q. F MASON, and O. F. MASON kpo,
will be sold to the highest bidders at publlC sale, at
the Court House, In Towanda Borough, on •
MONDAY, JAN , Y,•23, 18112,-at 2 pi, m.
Terms Cash.
11. L. SCOTT, Trustee.
Jan. 6,1882.
A Good Trade ! A Rare Opportunity
- _ •
Who wants to invest i Possession 1,41 of April
1582. Reason for selling: Going to Colorado
Goode at retail cheap up to that time.
W. - C. & A, B. BURROIStS.
Stesenssille, Pa.. Jan. is,
Manufacturer of all kinds of Upholstered
' Work, wholesale and retaily;
Over Myers Meat Market. an.B2.
surtrra.--SECOND WINTER TERN win
begin MONDAY. JAN,,23, 118.1. Espouses for
hoard, tuition and turntsbed room, from $172 to
WO per year. For catalogue or further particu
lars address the • -
7.qrsimas - t
•u. .
But we usher in the New Year with
joy and pride. And ju order to make every one
feel happy—at least for the presept—M. L.
5C1 4 .1F.E81.1116, Proprietor of the Great Boston
Clothing House. just opened in Means's Block.
Main street, Towanda, Pa., has decided to offer
the entire stock of CLOTHING, HOOTS AND
SIiOES, HATS AND CAPS, and Gents' Furnish
ing Goods at slaughtering prices, to clear out the
store and to make room for their heavy stock of
Spring and Summer Goods, which Is already tieing
manufactured fur the Towanda Branch: -We also
wish' to cal your kind attention, that we are golitg
to change quarters on the first of April,ntut2, to
No.: Pattotes Block, blahost., second door north
of Bridgo st.; and owing to this removal we want
to close out our Win' er stock In order to go Into
our new loCation with New Goods.• New Styles,
and Xew Patterns—and he who will not trade now
shalt never have another such an opportunity."
REMEMBER—The Goods must and shall be
closed out at any price without delay. it the Bois.
ton Clothing House, just opened in Means's Block,
Main street, Towanda, Pa.
Towanda. s.rana2-wIL
Drs. Angfe& Hollister, I"
(Over Dr. Pratt's office,)
Dr. Angle hiving returned from the West, has
formed • partnership with Dr. Hollister in order to
meet the requirements of their growing practice.
Special atttention Is given to the
Preservation and Treatment of the
. . Teeth.:
Filling,.Estracting, and the Correc
tion of Irregularities
Executed Ina careful and gentle manner.
Cam. Ether, or Chloroform Admin
Inserted , on Gold, Silver, Aluntinum,!Rubleer, Cel
luloid and Cunt Mums Gum, and guranteed.
All the latest Electrical and other improved in
strument", *flitch tseititate operations and render
them less tedious to the paticuts are employed. .
Especial paths is taken with nervous and dellcate
patients.. ALL. 'ULCE} REASONABLE.
HAI. ANGLE; P. D. 8 - •
• F. L. DOLLISTER, D. D. S..
Tamainia, Pa., Dee. 22, UV.
0 le
a 100 •
20 igo 22 igo
...... 40 60
- $ 75 i2O 1
P-OWEL-L - :''&-- . .-:....0.--0,
We have given much time and attention
to the puichase of our stock for the_ " inter
Sea Son, and have received A much larger
stock of Goods than is usual with
every department of our business wi now
be found full and complete.
As usual alsd at this season of year,
we have taken advantage of the large closing
utsales, and GREAT BARGAINS will be
offered imevery departthent.
Black Silks, Satin DeLyon, Plain and
Brocaded. Satin Surahs, Satin Mervelleaux,
Black and Colored Satins. Great bargains
in Black Velvets, - Etc. Great bargains in
Black All-WoOlA:rmures ' , Shoodah Cloths;
Etc. Black Cashmere - at every price. Col
ored Cashmereii in `all colors and
- -
Every Shade, of Color and all Qualities.
Great Bargains Offeied
in Table Linens, Bleached Double Damasks,
Cream Danrasks, Barnsley, bleached and half
bleached, Loom Dice in different qualities.
Also : A large lot of TURKEY -RED
TABLINGS, at much less than Ive have
ever sold them. - -
A large assortment of TQWEL► in_ all ,
sizes and qualities. Damask, Huck, Honey_
comb, Turkish Bath, etc.
bleached, in great variety and all sing.
All of which We have bought much
their value, and which we now offer at
greater bargains than ever before.
A large stock of LADIES' and OHL
_cotors and
different qualities for ULSTERS, CIRCU
Our - -, ,Flaiiiiel ''aid . .- - ;--,Doletife i,. Shock
lliglams, Calicoes, Cretonnes, Etc.
Will be found full of all the novelties of the
season,' which . 'have been carefullyse
lected expressly for.the wants
ofthis community.
Timm* J& 5,1889-we:
Is very full and complete.