Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 05, 1882, Image 2

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    xklawa gtporttt
Towanda, Pa., Jan. 5, 1882.
IlEanqumrr itircutzcax STATE
1881. —The membets,of the Republican
State oammittee are requested to meet at
the St. Clondliotel, in Philadelphia, on
Wednesday, ,Jatitary 11th, 1882, at a
o'clock r. t., for thepurpose of fixing a
time and place for holding the Republi
,can State Convention.
Tilos. V. COOPER, Clutinnan.
of Ws hington, is a candidate for Secre
tary Intenni-itffairs• •
Tan investigation into the-Au office
frauds at Philadelphia, thus far, shows
that $40,000 has been stolen.
i 7
TIIE Lebangtn Courier is , strongly , in
favor of State Treostirer BrrLER ;Lathe ,
Republiczn candidat4or Governor next
fall. - ,
THE first act of Congress to which
President A nruun attached his signature,
- 7- was one granting the widow of his prede
,cessor the frankling privilege. •
TUE Pennsylvania Republican delega
tion will wield more influence in.thiston
gress than any other similar delegation
did within the same - body for the last fir,
teen years.
Tag Freepost, Armstrong County,
Journal, is in lavor of Hon. Jolla M.
GREER, State Senator from that district;
as the Republican candidate for Secretary
of Internal Affairs.
31. u. E. LA;111118THAS, of the Wash
ington Reporter, is very favorably men 7t
tionca by quite a number of onr ex
changes as a suitable candidate for Secre
tary of Internal Affairs.
THE delegates to the Democratic State
Coni t ention, held l at 'Williamsport last
year, having found much fault with the
water of that city, the Convention will
this year be held at Harrisburg.
THE emigrants who landed at New York
the past year brought $11,000,000 with
tiem. It is estimated that Ahey paid
45,000,000 to railroad and transportation
co .panies after leaving Castle Garden:
• EIGI3T thousand dollars hall been re
Gently raised in Boston for the endow
- ment of a GARFIELD professorship in
Williams College. The total amount rais
ed now is 135,000. The total amount
, wanted is $50,000,.
. A DISPATC El from Geneva, Switzerlind,
states that the trip through the St. Go
thard railivay tunnel on Thursday was
highly successful. The time Gccupied by
the passage of ,the.train was fifteen min
utes or.e way, and thirty-three minizles
the other.
,_Tnz Standing Committee of the Epis
, c4al Church of Maryland have declined
recommend for ordination C. Btsitor,
cif Baltimore, the first colored graduate
rpf the Theological Seminary of
•Aew York. The reason has unt: been
made public. - • L '
TIM total sum that will . be expended
on GCITEACS trial will probably be over
_a quarter of a million. It
_is said in
Washington that there is a strong itrobri
bility thatthe jury will disagree. Some
of the members appear to have given
hints thir justify such an opinion.
IT is understood that the House Com
mittee on Banking and Currency has de- ,
termined to see what-can be done to pre
vent such frauds as those which w-re
recently discovered at Newark and Bos
ton. It is to be hoped that the Committee,
may be able to devise a successful plan.
• OVER half a million immigrants arrived
at the port of New York this year, and
the prospect is that fully that number will
pass to the Statcs and Territtories of the
country during next year. About nine
hundred thousand immigrants were addNi
_ to the population of the country this year.
Tnn census re oats shovi that there are
nearly a million more males than females
in the country. This does not speak well
for-the tact of womankind. She is said
to flirt; by instinct and marry for a pur. ,
pose but what defense can she make for
lack of interest in man, against a pros
pective million old maids? - -
- Philadelphia ?dint, has recommended to
Congress a new plan for the coinage of
n-minor pieces, by which the alloy will be
seventy-five per cent copper and twenty
five per ceut nickle—the five cent pieces
to weigh five grammes, the .three cent
pieces three grammes, and the cent one
and a half grammes, with uniformity of
THE erection of another monument to
the memory of President Garfield ha'
been projected, this time by the Society
of the Army of the Cumberland. This
idea has been developed with a delibera
tion which promises; well for its realization
and we expect that the Army of the Cum
berland will have its monument in place
before the citizens of Cleveland have theirs
well under way.
- -
ntE United States, according to a table
just published by the Department of . Ag
riculture, has one-fourth the horses, one
fifth the cattle, one-ninth the sheep and
almoit one-half the swine in the civilized.
world. Russia has more horses, and that
countryand the Argentine Republic more
sheep than the United States; but these are
the only countries whose number of Stock
is larger in any particular.
Taz best off' medical men who have
had to do with insane people for years,
and whose experience runs io the line of
their profession while dealing with cases
in great insane hospitala, say , that there
are no evidences in Guiteau's oiganiza,
t ion, construction of-bead or mental action
to show that be is now insane, 'i'r could
have been crazy before or at the time he
shot President Garfield.
TREES is an old adage that '• it is never
too late to learn " The one, believer,
which favors attendance upon a regular
school course late in life is nut generally
considered appropriate or wise. In one of
the public scheo!s of flhod' -Islancl there
are several Schillars whose ages rank from
thirty-five to forty-five, now learning the
preliminary studies, and expect to gradn
ats so as to start through the second half
century where the masses start at their
majority. Io that state any person delft
ids an education OA Outfit Van schools tn.
Otillasa sof lei
Tu stoneordend to be placed in the
Court house yard at Wilkesbarrie to mark
the latitude and longitude of 'the place
was prit in position Friday. The stone is ,
of Quincy granite, live feet and a-half in
length, twenty-eight inches swims at the
base and twenty-three at the top. It ex
tends three feet into the gtound. -The
latittile marked is 41 degrees, 14 'Minu
tes, 40.4 seconds, end the longitude 4
minutes and 40.8 seconds west from
Waglington as established by the second
geological survey of Pennsylvania..
Lass than oneyear ago only one through
route by raWwas open to the Pacific. In
less than that time there will be at least
five public highwals •ready to bring the
emi-:,mxits and the vast stores of goods re
quired to meet their wants and that of the
iousanda . seeking the states and tenito
ries of the Union west of the
It is one of the wonders of the age, this
flood tide of life am; growth in that, por
tion of this continent. -Never before was
the couplet, " Westward the star of em
pire takes its way," more literalry ex
_pressive of the true condition of things.
Btatktics show that at the same ratio of
increase the population from other shores,
by the commencement of the next cen
tury, will exceed in numbers the vast
multitudes that have come hither thepast
fifty years.
' Wivu the Harrisburg Telegraph that
whatever investigation is undertaken by
this Congress, we hope, as do all other
fair people, that it will be conducted open
xi-With every opportunity to parties ac
tinsed of any offense to defend themselves
and confront their accusers. The shame
of thp last Congress; and of the Demo
cratic party, when•it controlled 'that body,
consisted of the unfair and cowardly
warner in which investigation was con
ducted, by keeping their proceedings in
Sec re t, excluding accused parties and de
nying them a htaring. No majority in
Congress ever adopted similar high-hand
.ed measures, and no party can afford to
do what the Democratic party did in this
connection.. When the Republicans .of
this Congress begin their work of investi
gation, as they will Land ought to, let it be
done in open-light, giving all parties a
fair' hearing, that justice way be .done
impart ally. -
THE State Temperance Convention,
which will meet in this . city , i on the 19th
and '2oth of January - , says the Ramis
burg Telegraph - will not:be composed bf
'dot is known as the Prohibitionists, a
combination of mistaken men who : de
light to run tickets at elections, in
which lthey have not the ghost; of a chance
of success, brit only embarrass the ;sole
party Which has ever been of any. se: vice
to the tiYmpemece cause. The conven
tion to assemble here next month will be
composed of women as well as Men, who
have devoted themselves for years to
moral suasion in the effort to win men to
'obriety. The convection will take a de
parture from the old style Prohibitionists
-and seek for an amendment to the Con
stitution, whereby-the manufitcture and
sale of intoxicating liquor will be priki
bited. Such a movement will naturally
awake bitter opposition from the liquor
men of the State, and combine iu its
favor all the elements of the-temperance
cause ;..but. until the body which is
to deal with the subject meets and ' lays
down its plan of action discussion of it is
not in order.
The people will do well to take
into account a few evident faett4,
among which are—that'it i, hard, to
`please a man detprrnined nut :tobe
pleased, and; that a • man' seeking a
"R9uarrel need never . go tar to find it.
eference to these facts may he use
ful to'all who may - now or hereafter
be interests in the rditieal . situation
in Pennsylvania.: There is • a ,very
"decided disposition to force the fight
and if possible to forestall the action
of the people. But singular as it r may
seem' this disposition . is not displayed
by the managers who are denounced
by the leaders of ale Molt of •l 81.
The parties appear to.have changed
places, and the tactics so loudly con
demned last I'l4ll are _already being
employed by the men who condemn
ed them. •
It is probably a fair statement to
say that the Republicans of Pennsyl
fania'are not yet prepared to enter
upon the campaign of 1882. • They
are' not•yet ready to select candidates.
Of thenupber of men named in (!on
neetiOn with_to'highest office to be
filled the people have not decided
upon any, and were they to be left
to their own deviceslt is quite possi
tte-that they might select some per
son nit yet tamed. It will be noted
however, that the fastidious gentle
men who propose to:- nominate a full
ticket in a few days do not propose
to leave to the people anything what
ever to do except to take the nomi
nations as their own. This is simply
doing in the name of reform exactly
What is complained of in the "bosses."
The charge is that the "bosses" meet
, and set up a ticket withotit reference
to the wishes _'of the masses of the
party. :Well, that:is the Very ,thing
these." heralds of. reform " propose
to do in a few days, • •
- The man who is conscious of the
rectitude of his own motives rrever
condescends to resort td the tsel,ics
which he condemns as vicious in
others. The essence of " boisism,"
as.we understand it is, that it fixes
upon Certain things to — btddne with
out consulting the people, and then
attempts to force the pedple tb do
those certain things. Action of this
kind, if wrong and to be condemned
in one is - equally wrong and repre
hensible in others. Only the insin
cere and unscrupulous see- any
difference. There is no diffeifnce.
There may, of course, be a Choice
among men as respects whom they
will allow= to set up tickets to be-vot
ed for; but if that - is the argument
what becomes of all this loud talk
about "vindicating" a principle?
It would be altogether better for men
who favor such reform to say at once
that they desire to vindicate their
choke : of "bosses."
There is time enough for the masses
of the Repuclican party to study
these phates of political warfare.•
They will flud It profitable. -May
will than be required tollay
the men to - rbe voted. for shall be tak•
en np without consultation with .
or whether they propose to
organize a convention bi the right
way and nominate men of their own
selection. It is for the people- to
determine for themselves. If they
permit a few men in Philadelphia, or
a few men in any other corner of the
State, to set .up a ticket they 13/1131,
forever after hold their peace. ,
Seldom, if ever, has a set-of gen
tlemen, elected to fill places of res.
poniibility and trust, retired there-
from at the end of their terms, pos-
sec-sing to a, greater degree Iher‘con
fidenee and good will of a people,
than have the gentlemen wbo.retired
from the cakes ' of; th:s county on
11:oliday Last. Eaeh. one has proven.
during- his term of office, his fitness
for the position whibh he has
and the wisdom , of- the - people in
placing - him therein. As servants
of the public they haie,at all times
been careful in the - transaction of the
business appertaining to' the several
offices—courteous and obliging to
all who have had. business in the of
fices to transact.l While Bradford
County has ever been fortunate in
the selection ofipersons to fill her
public offices, we hazard nothing
in saying that'never, in her ' whole
history asra county, have .those pa
sitlons been , more ably and more sat
isfactorify filled than during the past
three years. And we - still hazard
nothing in further saying, that, had
there not been a Constitutional bar
to a second term in twq ' of the offices
and :a positive declination on the
part of some of the officers to wept
a se-election, every one of them
would have been re-nominated al -%
most, withoutopposition,and re-elect
ed by larger majorities than had been
giVen - in years. Speaking of the gen
tlemen individually, our spicy little
cotemporary, the Daily Review, said
Flo truthfully—and so nearly what we
should write—of them, were we to
speak of them separately, in its issue
of Saturday last, that we transfer
the article to our columns entire :
"SHERIFF DEAN, , though quite
piominent and very popular in the
west was but little known outside of
that section, when he came here three
years ago, but he now returns to his
home in outh Creek, not only 'one
of the most widely -known gentlemen
in the county; but the most popular
man who has' ever filled the sheriff's
office. He
_has so discharged the
onorous and responsible duties of
the office as riot to unnecessarily op
press or annoy the unfortunate debt
or, while acting with strict fidelity to
plaintiffs. "A little brief authority,"
did not "puff him up," and he re
mains the same affable, :unassuming.
courteous gentleman he was. born";
His friends are not confined to tb
Republican party, though he is aS
true as-steal to his principles. While;
Mr. DEAN, like - a sensible gentleman,,'
as he is, retires to his farm aaaft!, we_
shall be greatly mistaken if his fellow
citizens do not soon call him into
public life."
"Prothonotary BLACKMAN is his
own successor, and the choice could
not hav o c been bettered. It is a note=
worthy fact that Bradford County
bas been particularly fortunate in .
thO Selection of - prothonotaries,
never having had a poor one. But
Mr. BLACKMAN is the peer of any of
'his -predecessors as an officer, while
he excels in those traits which make
a man justly popular with his fellows.
His heart is large and beats in sym
pathy with his less fortunate brethern
who - are always received with the
same cordiality as those epon whom
Toitune smiles. The duties of the
office have,been properly, faithfully
and pleasantly performed, leaving
no ground for fauittfinding on the
part of any one having business to
transact, there." -
"A. C. FRISBIE, Register. and Re
c Order, gives place to Hon. .J.
WEBB, the unwritten law of tbe'Re
publican party having decreed that
re-nominations for this office must
not be made. He goes out of office
with the confidence and best wishes
of all who have made his !acquain
tance. Himseltand son, Mr. CLAY
TON FRISBIE, have done the work of
the office during his term and the
records have never been more neatly
kept, nor the dutieS of the office dis
charged more satisfactory than. dur
ing his administration."
"The : constitution bars the County .
Treasurer from serving, two consecu
tive terms, and Mr. Jontv H. GRANT
retires after three - years ireumbency,
during which a larger amount of
money has been received and paid
out than in any other similiar period
since the organiz-ttion of the county,
and we may truthfully say the inter
ests of the taxpayers - have never
been more carefully guarded nor the
finances: more prudently managed.
It became necessary to make a loan
to raise money to erect the poor
house and it was largely due to Mr.
GRANT'S efforts that the bonds were
negotiated at a Very low rate of in
terest, in the face of str'ng tempta
tion to allow friends to take
them fits higher rate In this trans
action the county saved more than
his, salary. He superintended the
payments for the work on the potv,
house in person and aided the Com
missioners very greatly in the prose
cution of the work. He deserves
great credit for the practice inter-
est displayed in the securing to the
County a house for the poor which
will grow in favor as its
becomes better known to the public:
Among those whom coming genera
tions will thank for this noble insti
-1 tution Mr. GRANT, will stand prom
inent and his name as an upright,
prudent and faithful custodian of
the county funds will long remain to
do honor to his.memory."
"The County Commissioners,
Messrs. BRADFORD, HLR.t•T and R.slv
-8031 have served during a period of
unusual interest to the taxpayers,
large sums of money having been ex
pended and mach extraordinary
work required. ' That the board
faithfully discharged its work is evi
dent in the re-election i of two of them
—the other, Mr. HURST, declining
the honor of n re-nomination. They
have done well for the coanty, and
deserve the endorsement they have
have received."
"What we have said in regard to
the Commissioners-will apply to the
County Auditors, ‘Mesini—Wm.r.e,
PAATT mu) Mom r,: . two of whom
I bowe km* tisgtord.tufsaotios tom"
ATTosiiiir:Gwalaar;Patiiita and his
assistant, Mr. Gilbert, ere entitled to the.
thanks of the peaple for the effeetivo
ner in which are crushing thaenecu- -
lative insolanCe coMpanies. . work
was confronted by` able lawyers for Me
dea* rattle concerns when the'law
em: of - , the - Coinmonwealth made their
first attack on them,' but the - Attorney
General - moved firmly and strongly on
the debauched concerns, and now has the
satisfaction of seeing them yield, one by
one, to the inevitable law. - It is to be
hoped that it will be a long time before
the corporation laws' of the . State give,
birth toeimiliar abortions by which' -the
ignorant and the innocent can be plubder—
I ed.
3111. C. SPTEEU Wm:Mims announced
that he will give an anxious' world his
distinguished opinion of the political situ
ation at Philadelphia on the 12th instant.
In the meantime anxiety will have un
ebt.llenged sway in this Sta e of.ours. •
Win Lit Dr. DICEIN£O; of Parkesburg,
Chester county, was ministering to the .
wminded at dm wreck on the Pennell-
vania Railroad near . Christiana Friday,
some heartless wretch 7 -stole - his team
which had been tied in the vicinity. •
A CALL his been issued : for a meeting
of the Republican State committee, on
January llth, to Consider the question of
the next State - courciltion.
,TIIE Williamsport Bulletin thinks that
when it comes to making i.ppoiotments,
the Pennsylvania; Senators appear to be
two, utterly two two.
Tun State of Wisconsin, which is 3S
years old, has had 14 separate governors,
and all but four are still
IT is unders?ood that Jonx C. tircy'rof
Indiana, will. be nominated for Minister
to Russia.
—Typhoid fever preiails to a Consider
able extent in Williartisport.
' —elm)les Lukens, of Norristown, has
lost fifty-six hogs within two weeks of
fire at Piqua,' Ohio, Friday mord- -
hg, destroyed G_;•+. Zugenfehler's gro
cery. The loss is'about $20,000..
—Two thousand five hundred buildings
were - coustrueted itiNew York cluririg the
past year, at a cost of $47,000,000.
—The judgments rand . mortgages,. en
tered against Frederick Lauer, the Read-.
ing brewer, aggregate about $240,000.
—A Los Angles dispatch saps that Mrs.-
Cruz, living at Florence, Los Angles
County, gave birth on Thuisday to six
perfectly foamed children.
—A Committo was formed at Pitts
burg last week to devise plans r.nd organ
ize an association 'for the improvement . of
the Allegheny river and the . construction
of a ship canal to Lake Erie. •
—George Atwood Pyle, of Franklyn
township, Chester county, has two ap;:le
trees from which he last week picked a
second crop of fruit. The second growth
apples were und4r size, but -of excellent
flavor. , • ,
—k Lock Haven firm have purchased
a tract orsisieen hundred• acres of white
pine timber land on Rattlesnake Run,
in Clinton county, containing about mOO
- feet, for $525,000: This is one of the
tartest sales ever made in that section.
—A charter has been taken out for a
new narrow gauge railroad, of " M.
P. Bush, of Buffalo, is president. . The
road will run from the line of the. Buffalo,
New York and Philadelphia road, at Au
rora, southeast to Williamsport, Pa.
Work will be commenced as soon as possi
—A suit for damages has been entered
at Buster' by General :Butler for $lO,OOO
against Lieutenant Commander. J. C.
Train and Themlorie Porter, ¶f the United
States steamer Powltattan. These officers
while practising at the navy yard with
rifles, shot John Shea and James Mul
-ealley, on 3lyatic wharf ; tienea the suit.
—Augu , t Bloom; of . the firm of Bloom
Brothers, erocers at Aurora, Ind., died
Friday bmorning (tont =the eiTects . of a
blow - received from his brother Albert
durifig an
s altercation Thursday night; ,
oichichgrew out of a family quarrel. Both
4;artie4 stand high iu bUsiness circles,dud
the affair causes much sensation. •
—The seiftolding of the cornice
: hf
the State icational Hank of Cinciunall fell
On Thursday crenhq; while four men
were on it. One of them fell into a win•-
dow, but the other three fell to the. side
walk,•ix distance of sixty feet. Henry
Weld and
,John Evans were insta: ti •
killed. John Wefel, contractor, suffered
injuries from which lie cannot recover. • ,
—The State Treasuiy of lowa reports
the receipts for two years ended Decem
ber 1 to have been $2,126,900 ,90, and
the disbursemeuttrs2,o3s,oso 39, leaving
a balance on baud of $91,850 51. The
general warrants aro at tar, none are
drawing interest, and funds are on band
to meet every legitimate demand against
the State—a condition not before attain
ed since 11316.
-Between thirty and forty of the stu
dents at the Medical Collegs in Keokuk,
lowa, have been taken with small-per,
having used in the diseciing-rooin a bddy
from Chicago, where the cause of death
had been from that disease. A dispatch
last evening states that 'one of them,
named • Ilubermans, who came • from
New - York, has died of the disease, and
*as buried at once in the Potter's Field.
•, The remaining cases present a more favor
able aspect at last reports.
—A. New York clock-maker, with an
ambition to secure a certain degree of
fame, has succeeded in completing what.
is supposed to be the smalleSt working
• engine in the world. The whole machine
weighs about fifteen grains, afid is entire
ly covered by a+ ordinary ' thimble. It
contains one hundred and forty distinct
pieces, 'fastened - together by fifty two
Screws. Three drops of water is all that
is req.i' , t'l fill the ' diminutive boiler
and se: she machine iu motion. •
An Vapreeelented Prosperous Year.
NEw Yon K, Dec. 30.—"8 rad street,'
says : Advices from thirty-five lead
ing trade centres recount the story
of trade find industrial prosperity in
the country for 1881. There is every
reason to believe that the conditions
are,so favorable as to insure 'a cOn.
tin nation of trade ind'industrial sell
vity throughout 4882 and beyond.
At the seaburd cities, notably New
York, the movement in general merA
chanlise has been fairly unpreeedent.
ed. No previous summer in New
York ever saw such activity in the
dry goods trade, and this, statement
will, in a great - degree, hold go , ' ;'or
the other trades. - Prosperity in Lamm
factoring • induitry everywhere, is
perhaps tbe most marked character
istic of the commercial situation, - and
at present there are no signs of less
ened activity in any direction. The
week'. failures Weft 1713 ts an increase
WAstmearos. D. C., Jas. s. 1552.
The " ledge,'' the " Kurnel " and
the "Majah" have once more resumed
buiiness at the old stands. The ?fr.
sembling of Congressand the canv 4s a
for tkie Speakership was
.the co Mm-
meneliment of their harvest. Iti,. e
eorriders of the various hotels these
Old polileal astrologers are now con
stantly on hand, and, in accordance
with their statements, are possessed
of. much knowledge, base seen much
of the world, and their advice, if
would dispense with all non
sense and party dissensions. ": -
They may le known by the roseate
hue of their complexions, their digni
fied politeness, and the solemn frock
coat : always • buttoned uniformly
across the breast: Their mode of
1 attack is generally in the confidential
role ; and having once secured the
attention of their victim, they have
always much valuable information
1 and advice to communielte. They
profess to know every move on the
politicsl chess•board, and the relative
strength of every prominent politi-
cian ; • and at any time, without very
much 'pressure, will consent ,to take
a Reina Vic,Coria and about three
fingeril of rye. Towards evening they
are usually happy, confidential : and-,
But the - Jedges and thcls
are not clofie - the only ones that are
made hatipy.. The assembling of
Congress is always the signal_for a
season of general rejoicing. The
butcher, the baker,- the barber 'and
the- bootblack are. correspondingly
happy. The stern matron of the
boarding-house relaxes a little of her
solemnity and severe deportment,
and _graciously consents to a ,slight
increase in the quantity and quality
of her bash ; while the government
hash constnuerAakes new courage in
knowing that, for little while, at
least,. the mastication of his daily
perbulum Will not be.quite so d-anger
ous to his stomach or damaging to
hi§ teeth.
While the face of the business
world. brightens gelierally,• . there is
also Much to betbabltful for in the
progress of politie.l *events., The
wheels of progress still revolve. Sam
Randall and his Bourbon followers
have been invited to step down. The .
mud-slingers lave beet' relegated to
private life, and "the mud-machines
are once • more at rest.- With the
multitude, - muy thankfully ex-
claim : Farewell, vain and tricky in
vestigators! Welcome relief from
the continual blunders of a Demo•
cratic House.--thrice welcome! And
again j fare_Well, oh ! mighty Ain
hurlers Thank God ! a long fare
well! j
. Yea, a long farewell to
sehemesthat blacken whatever the
touch, to utterances that make lo a 1 j
ty blush, to parsimonious mea ness, I
to rebel bills - for, paying rebel debts,
to the' array of Confederate: s idlers
camped 'in the left. wing of 'the Capi
tO billions Ben Hill and States
rights Tucker,:to salary-O;Th Randall
and the harlequin Cox—to these and
all. 'others of the Confederate mob
that made the last
of Con!
gress the' longest, the most expensive
and most disgraceful one that was
ever inflicted upon the American
people, we say again, farewell!
In arrhugina the committees of the
;louse, it will seen that Congress=
man Jadwin, of the Fifteenth Peenl
sYlvinia. District, has • been phteed
upon the committee on War Claims
and also upon the committee.on Re
-vision of laws. In ass'gning Mr.
Aad-w-in to these coMmittees,°be has
been given by.-the Speaker quite as
prominent a.reeognitionas his friends
had reason to expect.
_The selection
of, chairmen for the . various commit
teis-has always been from among the
'elder members,' by' reason 'of their
seniority and supposed legislative=
experiencefitness and adaptability
being regarded as of minor import 7
ence, or rather, that' these qualifica
tions only be acquired-by ekperi
epee Ind' a certain amount of train
fug.. While -new- members have this
disadvantage ti) • contend with, it is
evidelit that Mr. Jadwin does not in
tend th wait to have honors thrust
upon him. In the maintenance of, his
pnsition as a legislator, - he has already j
given evidence of ample ability; and
'in the discharge of the various duties'
incumbent upon him as a Represen
tative, it will be found by his con
stituents that their interests will' at
all times be' duly regarded, prompt-j
ness Of action being one of the char
acteristics which has already marked
the beginning of his legislative--or
perhaps, more properly speaking,
pol i t
- The old Fifteenth District, known
nationally as one of the strongholds
of -R . epublicanisrn, hits always, from
~..foundatidn • of the Republican
part Y-down to the present time, held
through its represeutives an honora
ble and .prominent -position in the
councils of the !nation. 'ln the choice
of Mr. Jadwin there is every reason
to believe that there has heen no
error in judgment arid no mistake
committed, and that :the prestigeof
the old District will be as filly main
tained in the future as it has been in,
the past. Courteous, attentive;: and
quick to net, we feel entirely justified
in making, the prediction- that Mr.,
J-Adwin will not only fill,- the . - "bill,"
that . his course of action will not
only Meet - the general approbation of
his..constituency, but-that he 'will be
pronounced by them as. being the
right man in-the rightplace. ,
Christmas, with its gifts and offer
ings of peace and good :ill, has come
and gone ; and the• eel' Year, with
its receptions' and open doors, has
Artickly followed. in its footsteps.
The_"Claw-hanimer" coat and the
regulation necktie have been brushed
end aired and again can be laid aw'ay
for the moths to hold revel
a new face stands at the door. Old
Father Time reverses his glass and
the sands of another year begin to.
trickle dowm
~ While there were many receptions,
notable for the beauty and brilliancy
jof the fair receivers, the flash Of dia
monds. and the Shiminer of costly
silks reflected in glittering mirrors
and glowing gas-light, the pntlic re
ception at the White House was the
objective point to which all eyes were
turned.- In accordance with custom
there was the usual turn-out of the
military, the Naval and the Diplo
matic Corpi in full dress and uni
form. The annual occurrence, how.
ever, of this certain class appearing'
Upon the threshold of the mansion
with their cocked hats, toad stickers,
gold lace and feathers hag: ceased to
attract the attention and„ wondering
gaze of 'the multitude. "The- pomp:
and circumstance of gloriOnsi war"'
has bad its day of glory. ,
.No President that has ever occu
pied' .the Executive Mansion, from
the days of Jefferson down,' could:
haeefreceived a: more , flattering dem
onaltatlon Oil - respect and kindly re
giii44On'tlritei.orrled to President rthotott.this•his first reception.
.US:: *ugh
,stal4tortocirspl. and
candid manner in which the Press=
dent Nuys* far, conducted himself,
his strength of character and noble
ness of heart hive evidently given
him the. confidence of the people.
Protnises made only to be disregard
ed, and double dealing with either
friends or enemies, d are evidently not
deemed by him constituent elements
in the management of public affairs.
'Appreciating these facts the masses
are beginning to feel that in Chester
A. Arthur they have a Chief Maui, :
trate whom they can respect; in wh ose I
wisdom and good judgment they can
;place an implicit faith.
. The manifest evidence of the grow
ing popularity of the President is
doubtless a gloomy picture for the
gaze of certain political acrobats who
with "- lean anti hungry look" have
their eyes " sot " on the Presidential
Chair, and would tumble themselves
into the warm precincts of the White
Rouse at any expense.
In the Treasury, among certain of
ficials, there is fear and trembling
and ti ibulation. The disbursement
of moneys voted by Congress to the
department for its contingent ex
penses is• being investigated. by a
Senate Committee, and many devel
opments are expee.ted which,inay not
he altogether flattering to the said
officials or to certain political aspics
ants who, unfortunately for them
selves, b;canie inflicted .with the .
Presidential itch.. With the excep
tion of the Chief "ilerk whose skirts
so far appear undefiled, the services
of some of these lords of that glori
ous humbug known as Civil Service
Reform will doubtless he dispensed
with. The barriers erected by that
beautiful /system will be no longer
sufficient to turn aside the axe of the
destroying angel in its work of de
capitation. M.
• In the Guiteau case Wednesday
the 28th ult., 'the cross-examination
of 'Dr A. I. Macdonald, of: Near-
York, was concluded. and Dr. Ran -
dolph Barksdale, of Virginia, and Dr.
John Callander, of Tennessee,.
were called to. the witness . stand.
Both of these - physicians expressed
the belief 'that Guiteau is sane, and
Was sane on July 2. After the usual
recess, Guiteau, • who had' been com
paratively (piiet 9 became insulting_to
.Judge'Porter, and preeipitatod a de
mand that. the criminal should be re
[minded to the dock. The' DiStrict-
Attorney stated that he wanted no
more special guards about the assass
in, and that he wanted the Marshal
to take him to the•dock.
vine accused the District Attorney
of giving notice that the prisoner_was
to be placed where he could be shot,
'and of virtually inviting assassins to
shoot Min. Judge Porter c.haracter
ized Mr. Scovill's words' as a vile -im
putation 'on' the District-4ttoruey.
Justice Cox finally ordered' the ass
assin to be placed in the dock, and
the order was obeyed. '
. .
• Guiteau atteinp;ed ineffectually
Friday "to laugh, the case out of
court." Dr. Kemster's examination
was concluded, and-Dr. John P. Gray,
of Utica', thelast expert witness
for the :proseCution; was exam
ined at length. His te'Stimony, par
ticularly the part in. wipe!' he•enve
- iv
the dethils of conversations - WI he
had with the assassin in jail,. is re
garded as important. The. mo •
for Guitean's crime, he explained at
length, was_-revenge at his 'failure to
et an office, and not "inspiration."-
When-the Assassin reached a deter-
Jnination to commit the crime he
received the "inspiration." Mr. Sco
gaVe• notice - of an application
for the introduction of new evidence.
Such part of the session of the,
Court in the Guitian trial as was.not
appropriated by the assassin himself
was devbted to the further examina
tion and to the cross-examination of
Dr. Gray, of Utica,. Dr. Gray gave
his reasons for thinking Guiteau sane,
considering - only his own statements
and appearance in jail. lie foUnd in
the statements of Guiteau reason,
judgment., reflection, self control, fear
for his personal satety and prepara-,
tion a legal defence before thel
commission 'Of his crime, such as
were inconsistent with an insane de
lusion. -, Not one circumstance of the
mullet' of President Garfield, the
witt;ess dechsred, indicated that it
was the act-of, ai insane man. The
'assassin was unrestrained and insult ,
ed 15r. Gray at will.
The Guiteau trial was resumed
Tuesday : with Dr Gray, of Utica, N.
Y.,f upon the witness stand. his
cross-examination was concluded.
lle . said- that he did riot believe in
any of the so-called moral insanities.
Kleptomania, he said, is theft, dypso.
mania is - clrunkenessoind 'pyromania.
is incend ia Ham. W hen _ Dr. Gray
left the stand the District-Attorney
announced that the testimony , for
the; Government was concluded. _A_
_physician from - Kansas City, Mo.,
was culled as, a witness, by the :de
fence to contradict gis. Dunmir:t, a
Government witness: '1 .Mr. Scoville
840,0 Oat he wished to . summon
additional witnesses, and will to-day
preSent his affidavit setting forth
the facts expected- to he proved
them. iThe prosecution- will object
to '"any rehash of old matter." It -is
stated that Gnitean's apparent „con
fidence of being saved is. on . the , . ex
pectation-. .that • the President will
somehow come to his aid.
MatterS of General 'lnterest.
3 4 Redueing"tbe National Debt.
The amount of interest on account
of the public debt for which the Treas
ury ;will be liaole on January 3d
is More than,/ $10,000,000, of which
amount $7,387.0 0 is on account of
the 4 per cent. bonds, and the remain
der on account of the extended 6 per
Cent. bonds, which now bear 31 per
cent. per annum . . On, the 4 per cent.
bonds one quarter's interest, and on
the extended sixes one-half year's in
terest will bq, payable on the above
date named : It has beeb the practice
of the dapakment for many years to
anticipate the January interest, and
the departure from this practice' by
Secretary Folger bas :caused consider
able Complaint from holders of small
amounts cif the two classes of bonds
mentioned; whose convenience !you'd
tiae been promoted at tfais particular
season had the Secretary peribitted
Treasurer Gilfillin to pay the ;him
ary interest before the Christmas
holidays On January 1, 'lBBO, the
liability of the semi-annual interest
on the 6 per cent. bonds then out-
standing was more than $6,40,000.
Since that date the aggregate princi
ple of these bonds have been reduc
ed from $202,000,003 to • $159,000,-
000, and the liability on account of
the aeull.annuid interest due January
1 has bon redo* rpm mgr.
than $6,000,000 to $,790,418, which
amounts to an annual saving on this
class of bonds alone of $5,555,156.1
The quarterly interest .on the ex
tended 5 per cent. 'bonds is payable
Feb. 1. The amount of these bonds
outstanding 12 months ago was, in
round figures, $5014000,0u0, and the
annual interest.charged thereon $25,-
590,000. The principle is now s4ul,-
000.000, and the , annual interest
charged $14,090,000. These figures
- show that in the last 11 months there
has been a reduction in the principsl
of the outstanding 5 and 6 per cent.
bowls 0f5148,1 , 00,000, and a reduc
tion in the annual_ interest chirged
of $17,827,0.t9.
How The !!mall-Paz Spreads.
sPalsanzLD, 111., December 30.=
The secretary of the State Board
of Health is informed that there is
smallpox at thirty-seven places in
although in about two birdis
of them the disease is under control.
The latest lodality attacked is Lan
ark, Carroll county.
KEOKUK, Dee 3,).—There is con
excitemeht - here over the
fact that between thirty and forty
medical students have been stricken
with adisease that ig pronounced by
ti,e president of the Board of Health
and several prominent physicians to
be small-pox: It appearl nat a body
received from Chicago sui d in
the dissecting room or the inolieal
college and that the sulject had
died of-smallpox.
A Gas Well at Honesdale, Penn.
• n
CARBONDA4E, I':-nn ," M ," Dec . I.— file
Wayne county Development Com-.
puny, struck heavy flow of gas 14-
5110 feet below the surface, at Hones
dale to-day. Gas isbubbling through
1,0 !O feet of Water in : the .well, and_
large ptiMps are kept at work • con
stantly lowring- the water. The.bor
ing was commenced two mouths ago,
'and no favOrable ttion:: were
noticed -until to-day. -- Ttie news has
!created much excitement, and large
crowds arc constuntly - assembling at
the well awaiting further develop
ments. Professor White, . of the State
Geological Survey, gave it as. his
opinion,a.year *ado that there v:ere
strong indications of oil in that
neighborhood. ' led •to the test.
I • Collapse of a Bridge.
ICEN. !q.BUNK. Maine, Jaduary 2.
tAs a train on the Boston awl Maine
crossed the iron Inidge at
Wells this morning, the bridge gave
away after the engin't, ktggag.e and
lor cars-had,eroskd and preeipa
be other -ears doWn an etn'uank-
neat and, they immediattiV caught
fire :anti were totslly .troyed.
nere were about 1 , ..0
. I.,assengers on
beard. One man whose name is un
known r,,as killed and some fifteen or
twenty passengers, more or less• in
jurtd. A special train Groin Port
land has arrived with- physicians . on
board. •
Ex-Secretary Blaine.
NEW'YORK, Jan. I.—The Timex'
Washington special says : When
ex-Secretary Blaine attended the
Garfield obsequies here, ho defined
to Gov. Foster his position concern
ing the Republican Presidential nom
ination in 1884 'He , had no inten
tion of .making l a, canvass- for the
position, but if the convention should
conclude That his name was the best
to fill all , the requirements of the
situation, he should not refuse it
but would accept He had no in
tention ,of going into such a fight
as he made in 1-76 or- 1880. The
rumor of an understanding between
ex. Senator Blaine and Gov. Foster,
touching a _possible' Presidential
Ticket composed of their_ names, has
no foundation.
Pushing the star Route Cases.
WASHINGTON, Dec.3l.—The Grand
Jury having .
_been completed, the
star Route cases will be presented
without delay. The first case to be
'presented will be that against . 'what
is known as the "Dorsey. Qombina
tion," composed of Ex-Senator Dor
sey and' his brother; - John M. Miner
and Peck. It will comprise all the,
routs upon which the parties are alt
leged to have fraudulently secured'
increased compensation. Subpoenas
will be issued to' witnesses to r.ppear
appear on the. 21st of Jannary, By
the the time' the Grand Jury' shall
have' disposed of this case others
will be ready for presentation and
and the wotk will he expedited with
all speed.= P . Press. -
BINGHAMTON, December 30th. On
Wednesday evening, one of the saddest
of suicides occurred - in Binghamton. A
few mouths ago CORA SMITH, a girl-of
eighteen; was married. to WILLIAM Fon t.
!WTI', a painter by trade, of Owego. ' The
young - couple were strongly
each other, but work Caging him, Von-
SYTH went to Scranten in search.. of em-'
ployment,leaving his . wife with her sister
in Binghamton. His search for work con
tinued tinsuc&ssftil and his wife still re
mained with her sister in Binghamton.
On Wednesday, ?tlrs. FORSYTH, her sister,
and her sister's liusband were seated in,
the latter's sitting room chatting, pleas
antlt. About eight o'clock Mrs. Fort
srrm arose, put on her hat and/shawl and
said she was going to take a -walk ! Soon
after she left the house ~COnA's sister
picked-tip a'letter which lay on the sofa,
and Found it was addressed to her ln the
figurer's hand writing. The letter' an
nounced Mrs. FORSYTH'S suicidal inten
tions. In company with lr_r he-baud the
sister proceeded at once to the river and
found Mr*. FORSYTH sitting, on the river .
banka short 'distance :from 'the, bridge.
But they were too late,. Tor before they
Foul : - reachher, she sprang into-the river
and was g‘e. The river was! rapidly
• ,
falling, and no hopes are -entertained of
ttie - recoirery-of the body. The; saddest
teafut £1 of the affair was that , soon , after
her death, there"carne - a loving letter :to
Mrs. FORSYTH froin her husbAnd; saying
ho had secured work and that thdy would
soon be'united.
BrnoEsii Ai.Onit received by _letter, on
Tuesday, tlii following :
'M2.1,011.4=014 . , January 3,18 g.
DEAR Sin :—Tf the body of a young
lady should be found in or along the Sus
quehanna river, at or pear, your village,
please iuforrni the Mayor of the city of
Binghamtona once. The body w,e, lost
here last Wed iesday evening.
Eno. A. Formrrn,
Binghamton,.' N. Y.
Local Correspondinc.
Asylum is deserving of pity. —.Not that
smallpox is raging in our tnidst,, no: any
other contagious - disease; not Ithat our
lands are less productive than farina in
adjacent townships ;' not that we hate
within our borders any hotels or grog
abopBl. not that we have a lack of good
publlolchoolai not that our people aro
Suang4 , o 3 4l l 49l l akdisila** or la*.
breaking—but becatise we have In ear
midst i crank of mature age who believes
Oniteau to be insane, and says if -it had
been any ; one else than the President of
the United States: that Guiteaullad re
moved, no one would.. have thOight of
trying him for murder.
Mr. P.., Moody - and wife. spent tin [Mil
days with friends in llorneilsville, N. Y.
Mr. N. J. Phinney 16 putting a slate
roof on the M. B. Church.
liar's New Year ' s piny
was not very largely attended, owing to
the inclemency or the weather.
Mr. A. J. Goff killed a large otter in
the river at this pima one day last week]
-Mr. J. A. liemet's ferry wire was torn
down by the flood in the river last week. .
Mr. Hornet has a new steal wire ready to
j put up as soon as the water Is loweriough
to admit of it. -
Prof. S. F. Ackley has been obliged to
-give ; up his singing school bere this win
ter, owing to his inability to attend. It is
unanimously regretted, as Mr. Ackley is
a gentleman, a good fellow, and as gtiod
an instructor in vocal music as Bradford
county affords. Ous Puo 308111.
'Asylum, Jan. 2, 1882.
This is regular winter weather.- and a
little snow, but not enough for sleighing.
New Year'svi.Nitctl this place as it has
done once a year :or a good while back—
sery quietly.
Mr. John SttOeVy died last, Saturday.
He was buried on Monday. .
Miss. Ellen Heverly, of ,Canton, is visit
ing her friends here.
Mr. J. 31. Molyneaux, o Granville, is
visiting - his parents in this place.
A surprise was given. to Mr-r.. and Mrs;
Orrin lleverly in their new house, on Fri
day afte noun last. A good tinkrowas re
ported and scnte presents.
There was a roast or two at °scrim on
New Year's day.
January 2, 1E0;12.
Mr. Charles F. Lake is very sick' with
inflammation of the bowels. Ills reeove
ry is anxiously Waked far by his mtr y
friends. He it attendtqi by Dr.. Janie?;
of Laceywille,.aud Dr. Lyman, of TORall
da. lie hap been tick "about ten clays.
Mr. Edwin Spencer, Constable )1 .
'3eyville, is able to ue around some. - lie .
has been sick for abont 'six months with
rheumatism We are glad to gieetaiim
on the.streets again.
Mr. 'B. W. Edwards says he.-does not_
expect,to sell out his iotereit in_his store
at prei:nit, as rumors have rei — pited for
some time from different sources-
Metitqs. A. Platt & Sad, hardware deal
ers, are doing a good business, 'and con
tinually increasing, making I .rge sales
from year to year. They.are as solid as
old cheese.
We understand that. Lacey street is
soon to be honored by'a new neighbor.
Martin V. Clui•tiaia; of Tuscarora, Brad
ford County, vho iri 'said to have purchas
ed the Regis Stephen:4'4CM owned by Mr.
Allen Jayne. -
The little potato suit, entitled William
EL Christian vs. Isaac N.,Lacey, is- to be.
tried before arbitrators : Messrs. -T. B.
Vosburg, Lafayette Platt and George
Johnson. on Saturday, January 14, 1883.
at the•Reuna - rd House in thiti pla e.
Mr. 1-1.• W. Lacey, of Centreville ; -I;.
general newsagent, taking subscriptiouS
for a great many pipers, Magazines, etc.',
etc. Also life of-Garfield - and some relt- •
pious works Be is a trostwortby gentle
man, and udilerstands his business. Plod
.-Try him. ' ,
Messrs - . C. H. Knapp 'and P. 11.'Knapp,
of the firm name of Knapp at: Brink, ate
two thorough honoratile gentlemen dmng
a successful business as dealers in al)
kinds of stone and farm products. Proof
of the pudding is chellitig the string.
Mr. T. B. Vosburg does not take a back
seat for anyone as a' first-class merchant ;
those who deal with him back him up as
an honest, upright gentleman, and I be
lieve it. _ .
I almost forgot to; nform you of our
celebrated or mucloloted brass band.
known as the B alarm Brass Band. I
will remember their worthiness in the fu
ture. .
Wyoming (.'ounty Couit sets in Tunk
liannock, on Monday, January 9, 13 3 82, at
two 'o'clock P.M.
Lyman big oysters "tip-es.'' I . We
speak from our own - personal kuowleiige;
Yery Resneetfully
January 2, 1882: : . CLAUDE.
- ?dn.- nITOR Post G. A. R.,
ha.l a bean soup supper last Friday even
ing. All were happy.
Open Hand Grange had an oyster siap
lier last Tnesday night . * at which the Pa- -
•rons and their "little ones" had IC joy
ous feast.
Leßoy Lodge, No. 893, I: O. 0. F., is,
in•a flourishing condition.
The supper for the Sunday School, giv.
en on New Year's,' eiening. was attended
by all the cbildren'who desired a-sumptu-,
ousfeast. The recitations, declamation
etc.: were well reiveji.,
The public schOolsl;have been closed .
during the past week for the teachers to
attend the County Institute. Of course
the children have haci , a merry time. and
we trust their yoling ideas - may be so_
trained in the line of progress that the
patrons of the schools may realize that
the ;Institute law is a good one. "So
mo•,e it be."
Elder C. E. Wells has finished his. la"--
bors'as pastor of the Disciple:Church at.
this place. May success attend his labors .
wherever he goes.
The Leßoy Literary Society is making
arrangements for a public entertainment.
C. C. Tilltittson had a finger smashed
a short time since while at work at Car
'bon . .
John.flickey is dangerously sick with
_brain fever.
One of our merchants-is to be married
to a Barclay lady to-morrow.
Christmas presents were never more nu
merous andictxuly,than this year. . •
-. Your editoral in the last issue of the
REPORTEL touching upon the. subject of
" bossism," . has"the right ring iu it and
speaks the plain truth. A. -
January 2, 1882.
nr Mrs. E. J. Mingos, Main Street ,
opposite the FAO. has new Fall , styles In all De'
partifients of hrr Millinery store.. For ch. Ice
goods this is Headquarters in Towanda. Oct. 13.
Or The Largest, Pest and Chespeit
Iltie of Shoes for Ladles'„ ai3d Chlldrens ,
wear Is found at Couski ; ir new store, corner Main
an i Plne-sts., Traci &Noble's Block. -
ar L. B. RODGiRS challenges compe
tition for quality of-go:ids and low prices..oti,Satib,
Doors, Blinds and ..110Minh, s, and al buildirie
costal. (aug3-tt)
. Consia has the best wearing Shoes
for Men, Boyaand Youths' wear ever offered in
Towanda, and at prices cathlu the reaeh . of all.
- t$ 'Thousand of women have been
entirely mired of he most stubborn ea,ss of female
weakness by the use of Lydia E. Plok hant's Veg.
etsble Compound. Send to Mrs. Lydia. E: Pink
ham 233 Western Avenue, itlifon, = lds:Ss.,, for
. ,
M - GEo. L. Ross sells GiocerieA awful
CHEAP because his expenses are very light. and
he is bound_hls custenierz shall havethe Lena t.
tar The Dairts Sewing 3fachiue with
its Vertical Feed dors a large range of practical
work not possible on any tinder teed machine. tf
tvr REMOVAL.—J. S. ALLYN has re.
moved his Undertaking Establishment from
Bridge street to rooms on Rain ,strtier, over Tvii-
Neu & GORDON'S Drug Store, and WOODFORD &
VAN Domes Beet & Shoe Store. 'A full ilde of
Undertaker's Goods from the cheapest to the best.
jan27,'lG. .1. S. ALLYN, Agent.
• M"'" WANTED !—A car lOad' of Sea
tinned Staves, firkin and barrel. State lowest cash
price leaded on car. Address GEO. W, „BYRNE.
Eltnna, R. Y. •
. .
far Lydia E. Pinkbam's . Vegetable
Coo pound has done, thousands or women more
good than the medlctn-a of many doctors. It to a
pcKitive . ore for all female complaints. Send to
'Mrs. Lydia E. Yinkham. , ,
rir At the Charleston Thices, the finest
thotoughbreds to the . country are to be teen. and
the eo.dltlon of the , 1 , 4 a wonder to all who
behold them, and It has only reeeotly been disco*.
ered that they east be kept In this condition .by
tolzlng to the 1 . .-41 of homed a tablespoonful of
illtitnwne Liver Regulator Powder.. It Is alaollv.
en to chickens.
cuoLE.l 4 .—No danger frnm rh.t.
era tr the lali.lll proles order sod 'Ordinary
rudra el la On ottsefet 0. The °creakiest tit.
tomsof Illmoson's Lieu Re Water k= the qe.
tio n wsu omon,
itir'Gnm Boots for Men only f 3.00 at
94011ZAT sostoi cit.crrn 1:101.1./
opened In o ldesnelAkiek. Tow:sada, Ps.
g For new Fall Styles of Ladies H a t s
you will Lad an abundant assortment at Mts.g.
J. Male at.; opposite the Park: fr, a ,
Which to select something that vitt 150t4,,,,,
you. Call and see. Oct.
t Lydia - E. PinkbatiVit Veget_ l l4
Courant; ts • retuariabLe remedy -for all UL:m.
pato at complaints and irrstuesitr
our best female population; (Send Co Mrs. Lydi a
V inkbaco, !33 Western AYtlint, Lytle , x i ,
tor pan:awns.
rir Remember that the Large Sto c k o f
Wawa =4 Saes Soong, La.iley and (101,1,„ ; ,.,
Shoes. sold acretursp at the BOTION CLQT film;
, t/SE. are all Heed made and eVeripai,.. ar.
ranted. ' • '
nr The ladies wick find at -M n .1 E. j.
Ilingos a
_beautiful assortment of Vanry r;co4,
Ties, Gloves, Ribbon , . Plawkrs,ifose,' Yam%
dry, te« embracing the yeti latest stylei and 1 4 ;
terns. Please look over her fins sting ar4
'riff surely And just what you b4ve itarae,l
rId'REMEMBER, tbat' W. C. 5,1: B.
Bussisossa, of yk•scnsviile, Bradford rcnnty. p y
Seil goods at bottom prices and take In ex.
Butter, Eggs, Pork, Putailey. 114 r, jqltd
and °tido of all kinds. June 71, mitt.
deveraidealen tn “T404.41ti1l aul Produce., to n ,
Main and Flhe Streets. .
Flour I;er 1, 4 .4
Flogr per sack- , Ii b 0 01 :a
Corn Meal per 100.... , 4I •;
Chtp Feed - - • - '- . I'7;
%,Irlveat, per bash—, 11 33 313 - 4
Corn - 7 4 ill 91 kt
nye • R 4 . _
C • 4
- - -
Outs . . 43 4 46
Burk Cheat ' 60 g$ 35 •
flitck.wltrat F10ur.... 13 50 a - , a .
Clover stud 5 64 .3 Ss,
TlitiOtl.y.: wPsiP.rn.,.. .• 13 2s Gs 10
flean+,62 110, • 12 00 8 a
Pot ii. mess,, ft) b1:1. - 0
Catter. robs
PlAiroes. per butt...
- v -
SO g, 2. p y -
conszeTzb blyznow & ago. -
ISeseon Skins...,
Sheep Pelts
cm libmtistunds.
Manufactrirer of all kinds-of Upholstered
Work, wholesale arid retail. -
Over Myers Meat; Market.-Man.s2.
NOTICE is beFeti;i'- - 0.,4 , en. that mr
irlfe Mary has lett my bed and tward
out just Can+.• or tiro;oestloa, t hereby ror:4l
one harbotlnc-or trust lug n.• toy ar,,u..t
7.111 pay ra, do is of her contract tog.
TerrYtown. P* Dee. 29. Is 8?
VOTI CT.—Wriereas. mt . wife A lire
basing let/ :ay bed and f.oard sr:ol , u:
cause or prow“cattiu, cover ts 14,re-by g,,n
14 ddInC an P" ... u1 trts.ding , nr harborlng 11-r
my ace: , :n..t. as 1 sttalt.pas co debt. or her c str ca
Jog u01e....s es;tnpeded to do so by tae.•.
Wlnfibam, Pa., Jan. 5, lee..wl•.
Letter, of administrathn having beer, fra:.
ed to the undersigned up , u the estate of ljoia
Forrest; late of einrinntsti. 'hto. d-rea•ri, t,
tiee Is hereby given that alt perms indebn-; to
. 11:2
estate aie requested td make immediate I-sin-Lt.
and.all persons haying c'aims against sa.4esis:,,
must present the same duly authenticat.4. to tta
underalgued for settlement.
E. L. HILLISi4 -Adialin4tratc.r. .
Towanda. Pa... Jan. 5. len. ' ''' , •
But we ember in the New Yea'r with
foy ang pride. And in► order to mate ev , ry
feel happy—at least for the present—M. I.
Proprietor 54 the Great 'D ot , a
Clothing Douse. just opened in Means's: B:01,
Main street, Towanda, Pa., b.av decided , to cifq
the entire sto,k of CLUTIIING. r.00T.! ANI)
SHOE:e'clliTS AND CAl`ii. awl Gents'
log GOods at slxughterir.g prices. to 'clear igit`tti.•
store _and to eke room for their heavy 6.!
Swing Simunivri.ioods. %filch Is atresdr iwn;
'manufactured fur the Towanda Branch. ti"s s a e.
sZds..htnra - d - your kind a•tentlor.„ that we ve EV' I
io change quarters on the flat of Aprd. 1••:. t.
- No. 2 Pattro.'s Lord:
of Bridge st and owing to Mt, TPTIIrMaI we RID:
to elMe 01,1! our Winer stock fn cad-, to p•o .Lta
our or4r Location-with New Goals. New saves.
and NeW Patterns—and b. rho wlil net Irad •
shall never have irother such an opportunt y.
ItEMEMBER—The tnu-t
closed out at any Vice without Aday. at 11:: Be
ten Clothing 11. use. just opened In' Mesus's
_Main str e et, Towanda. l's.
Towanda. sJanS7ewL
Of twat; Make. in nrirket. fnrt at very 'tt. "vireo.
tattetS I.uTiptltja trimmed and furnt.t., 1 t,
Site , l3l •Indueetnents to ail bny liil r gis raq
Grilers. Cutters ftirnixlied ea ‘y I
or east "thues. - Wlll delver Cuuer,
ralirtrA station At !tame price, as •011 at my %%int
tinuse.i -Send for dfterlittltd:s and prier, .`
R. JAL WELL - ES, Towanda;
. •
Waal 31e-tit.g of the_ Stok:kil.mer;:
Virst;Nationai Bulk of Tnwanus. Pa.. 1.,r :ho r:or-
Lion of Directors. and for t‘f ar7
othe hit-N0.5 That tnay hrougm-lief. , r. ..!;1
treltpld It the oftee . 'of
between the hours or 1 avd 1 P. u.
N. N. DETTs, 4 a‘hier.
Towanda. Pa., Dec. 8...Ds I.
nnal 31cctiog of i 2 Gratz , - Nton,Al
to.nrance Company of tr. y ! it h hr .!
Ortiriff , Han on-the Tilun,lpAr l`f
J N 1.7 kny text:'at In A M., Nr pf•••
electing shirt-en Director.; and trailF:;,•:11,.;;
oilier buNiz.essa3 roar be neeo—ary.
D. 1.11.1.EY. Pre•hlt•nt.
pa. Dec .
D s . E w LEICY
r l:
ters testarceataty han.thg , hero graz , :e. l
the underNigned, up•lt thee
1. oarimorth. late of Iterrtrk d • • e
It Hereby given that aq perm ogindeh• i: • •
e".lt.te ate tegli/e,ted to 11.4%.• ilaar,
and allpersAbts• having ,1•S et 5:
must present t,ht. $7111 . 1,! ea!, 1,.v.r
uuder.lgnetl,for Er:t;,tiwnr.
prrelillw: 15, 1-1,151.4 w.
FARM FOR SALE—l'he sub
ecriteer. •Ifera for Pale 111. farm of •6
,looated In Orwell ton riAlp. between It o < i;
(ngh and Orartill Hill, imp.initig the farm w ii. J.
Chutintick. Cited hultilit.g. and good gratret
orchard. Farm nearly 'di under A
Mond farm fur grain or dairying. Terns• e
dnatte ea.?: to t f4tt - eha.t.r. For rut ?bet - part' , I.:-
Isi-esquire of Geer W. it,:et, r ii,zen.
flank..Towcntla, Pa.. or of the Mll.•rnt r.
.I.e KAY Nvilte, Sept. ri.m.t. .II i 11,:
, .
HOTEL FOIL SA EF..,1 - otfer the
.. , .
- American ~,,,t,l propur!y.for sate at a great
nargAtn. The. Hotel, mat be swell on the ..• , t: er et
Bridge and Water *tr.. et,, In Toa . anl.4
li is one Of •the best, and rie...• . .r,
the place.: There •Is' a guts - I
kart, ctsin-cted olth
the property. The tren.t.rl.lge . cn , l ht . % ;frp. , n , ar
tO It make this HOW destralq for apypuc ttl-MIII
to engage In the businet.s. A g ,•ttive :p.m atth
a: small capital can pay f•Jille,iirupeity In a .41:41
Bute mo
On :m the profit.:lt am , . pap-rt;‘, and pal - . ,, e 4
new last spring and is !lc% In ..xcrven t . , , ,,,,,1 Ivo..
.10-;F.1.11 (1. 1^ ITT -
Towanda. Pa „Sept. 35. Mat tt: - ‘., _ .
& H. ..V. 31/Idlotot v.. Johiewm MaDutv•
tuttng Co. In the T..:(e.rt of 1'0p11111,41 1 . 1.-A. ot.
County of Itra , lforti, No. ;at Sfpf. Trim. -
The undersigned. an Auditor si,potreeo *de,
Court to distribute the fund in the Ste riff , ' liaLcit
INlged from the sale of the defendant's 1;1...01
property. kert by gives indlce teat be %%Et attend
.to the duties of his apie•lnttn..nt. at the orace st
Nernemen -Is Young. In Towanda . fl. gb...0
SATURDAY. the Lith day of NU:
'at 10 A. 31.. when and It b: re
havitig claim; ot..ra maid turd mdbt Pre , t l3 "
;mine for allowance or be ftdever barttl. flant
;coining 11 upon the stint.'.
W J. YOV! , ; Ault;• r
Tiiwanda, Dec 16:1881-u4. .
virtue of en order I..saed.rnit 01 :!.e OrpL...Ds'
Connor' Bradford County. IN 71,561 L 621.16.
derslgned, administrator of the estate ~ f Lao
Milan. late of Ife•Ock toss t: 1)p, dree:t.,l.
espnce•t.+ptttlk at on the prittruer. Frill)
.1 s NITA ItY 9711.. OlS!.. at
_9 r. tLe
I" , I. g descrilied - real e' fate I 4 ~aid. driel:ett. TO
wit: All that certain tot. piece p.iro;l.•f Last
!MUM/ in Standthr town.hip, ofd o ' ol
(known as the O'Herron tot). n.rth by
lands of Patna' Lynch and Plitllp Grlee...esst by
lands of George Jennings and Luk _Dolan. l .
by lands of Stephen Bt.hop. and wriat by lands 01
Widow y and J3UICR O'fiel !on n'ai" s ' )
Urea. MOM or less. with - ti' appurtet,nucs. •
TERMS OF SA LE.—Ou-S-third or the. parchasa
money to bo j.ald w to-n the poorrty-4. s'r ,ll
(1,)%n; olenthird on v.:satin:Clot' or 611 C, n:.• 1
arreekn Mite months from enbrun‘ l on w ith inter.
eat. W. A WETW'RE.
liertiek. 9. 114S1: - Admlntstratat.
VARII FOR SALE_Situsted in
I: Terry 'reannhip. I Li :utiles 4rom r‘er„ o'ber ,
are co emee.: chtirrli;gristrullt. kc:. 3 miles
from bt if lon on the L. V. R. It. ion a well tr seit6
Toad, C ;acre., 45
fence.'4t'ud "ch3"l. ` rape [, *C.. and exedler.t
Apr r w , ter. and olufurtable
Al.o to - aefrr, hour* sod lot lo Now AlDouy Pr'
Z6O. lo go Wg)t. will soli the 11 '''"
Ogg cub. If ld goo col on the raw,
IMP= easeckiw Ps,
25 al) ✓l
21 4 - 27
40 ( 7 1, e)
I 75 _fzi 130