lusamorr VSLICATION. The SuADircian arOirtaa la pablielei nary Thursday morning by Cloonan :is i HtrtlissoCnit, 'Mr Advertising in all cases eschuive of nab. at One Dollar and Fifty cents per annum, la advance. so- ption to the per. SPECIAL Norio Ell inserted et TRH restre[Of prg line for Gnat Insertion. and FITS VINT!' patine such walsegsent Insertion, but no notice insertod for teas than Shy MOO. YE A.P.LT AO irEitttit3lENTSwillbeinsert ed at reasonable rates. -n , - Animnnlvtrator's and Eseentors Notices, ,I 2; Aulltor's Notices,l,LSO; BaamenCards,ayelines, (per year, Is. additional lineal,' each. Yearly advertisers are entitled to quarterly Transtentadvartisementsmust be pald for in adoaars. kllreseintlons of associations; communiCations of Malted or individual interest, and notices of wir e ag nee or destlis.eaceedlng Avelinesurecharg ad TITS CRISTO per line, but simple notieesof mar. Times and de oths will be published vrithoutcharge. he RIIPORTIM having a larger circulation than any other paper in the county. makes It the best advertising medium In Northern Pennsylvania. JOB PRINTING of every kind. In plain and fancy colors, done with neatness and dispatch. If anthills, Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets, Billheads, Statements, Stc.,of every variety and style, reined at the shortest' notice. The IMPORTS!' ounit s well supplied olth power presses.• good . men tof new type, and everything in the printing I ine can be executed in the most artistic manner and st thelowestrates. TERMS INVARIABLY CASH. - Vusiness . . garbs. DAVIES, It HALL, ATTOENZTS-/T - LAW , SOUTH SIDE OF WARD HOUSE Dec 22-78 SAM W. BUCK, ITORNSY-AT-LA Tr, - TOWANDA, PENN'A Ottre—Lt Trawl:inn; °Mee, In Court House A BEVERLY SMITE( & itOOKBINDERS, Mid dealers In Fret Basis and Amateurs' Supplier. Send tor price-11sta. RETOIVIER grading. Box 1511, Towanda, Pa ` : NpniLL & KINNEY, ATTORSZYS-AT - LAW. Mike—Rooms formerly occupied by Y. M. C. A. Reading Room, 11. J. IIADILL. 1,18,80 JOIIN W. CODDING, ATTOIINST-AT-LAW, TOWANDA, PA. (Mee over Kirby Drug Store. T:IOMASE. MYER ATTOiNE7-AT-LAW, WTALUSIICG, PENN`A. Particular attention paid to business to the Oh phans' Conn and to the settlement of estates. eteptetaber 25, 1879. ------ ECK 'it OVERTON P ATTORNEYS-AT LAW,. TOWAN DA, 1:A. TrA.OvEaTort. BzNa. M. PEcir RODNEY A. MERCUR, • • - ATTORNEY AT•LAW, TOWANDA. FA., • Solicitor or- _Patents. Particular attention paid to business In the Orphans Court and to the settle• ment of estates. Office In Montanyes Block May 1,'79. n VERTON & SANDERSON, ATTORNST-AT-LAS T9WANDA, PA. L. Ovvvro!r. Jtt. JOHN r. sANDansoN VETII.JFSSUP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSLLLOR•AT-LAR, MONTR9SE, PA. Judge Jessup having resumed the preetleeof the aw In Northern Pennsylvania, will attend to any legal business intrusted tohim in Bradford county. Persons wishing to consult him, can call on IL Streeter, Esq., Towanda, Pa., when an appointment can he ma_de.- ITENRIL STREETER, ATTORNEY AND EOUNSELLOR-AT.LAW, TOW AN OA, PA. .. . Feb 27,19 • L. ATToriNEY-AT-LAii, TOWANDA, PA, tnovil-T5. H IRA.M. E. BULL, StRVEVOR. LSOINLICRING, SCRVETING AND DRAFTING. office with G. F. Mason, over Patch k Tracy. Alain street, Towanda.. I'a. 4.15.50. . ELSBREE & SON, ATTORNEYS-AT - LAW, TOWANDA, PA. N.C.Ecsraim IMIX W. MIX, ArronNu...At-LAW ix]) U. B. • 12P*ANDA, PA.-- oplee—Noril'SidtPublie Square. Jan. 1.1875 1 - ANDREW WILT, Jt , • ALSTOTtICICY-AT-L ()lee—Beans' Block, Nain•st., over J. L. Kent'S store,'lowan.: t May be consulted In German. - (April 12, '76.3 - W J. YOUNG, ATTORN ST-AT•L TOWANDA, P.A ollica—Mereur Block, Park street, up M. D i c t i; u B a . o d i fin r li ge V o?. ° o D rut at residence, N Phi a . Main street. drat door north of M. E. Church. Towipau, April 1, 1881. WB. KELLY, DENTIST.—Office over 11.. E. Rosenfield's, Towanda, Pa. Teeth Inserted on 'acid, 'Silver, Rubber, and Al raninyn base. Teeth extracted without rain. Oct. 34-72. D. PAYNE 7M• D ., • PHYSICIAN AND 81;IIGEON. Olteu over Ifoutanyes' Store. Office hours from 10 to 12 A. 14 ' and from 2 to 4 P. M. Special attention given to • DISEASES t ' DISEASES os stid THE EYES THE EAR /1 L. LAMB, k_). _ ATTORNRY-4T-LAW, 305 Sorth Wllkes-Barre, Pa. attentloii given to collections in Luzeine and Lackawanna counties. References: Hon. P. liniorrow ; First I National Bank, Towanda. MRS. E....T. PERRIGO, TEACIIERSOV PIANO AND ORGAN. Lessons given iniTherough BUS and Harmony Cultivation of theolce a specialty. Located at a P. i suFleet a, State Street. Reticence : Holmes & Passage. ^ - .tt Towanda, Pa., March 4; 18t0. Cl S. RUSSELL'S 4NETtA INSURANCE AGENCY ti•y2.Tott. TOWANDA,PA. i3ENETtAL EDWARD WILLIAMS, PRACTICAL PLUMBER & OAS FITTER I ace of business, a few doors north of Post-Office Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Repairing Pumps of all kinds, and all kinds of Gearing promptly attended to. All wanting work In his line should give him • call. Dec. 4. 1879. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, TOWANDA, PA. APIT AL PAM IV 0125,000 SURPLUS FUND 75.000 This Bank otters unusual Willits" for the trans action of a general banking business. -- JOI. POWICLI:, President lIENRY HOUSE, OINKS. MAIN i WASHINGTON STSZZTS FIRST WARD, TOWARD•. Meals at all hours; Terms to salt Mistimes. Large stable attached. • WM. HENRY, PaOlllllTOl. Tows!) MEAT. MARKET! C. M. MYER, BEIDLEMANIV - BLOCR, BRIDGE STREET, litkep on hand, FRESH AND SALT MEATS, DRIED BEEF, FISH, POULTRY, GAT:DEN VEGETABLES AND Brawn IN TIIVIR SEASON, •C. Or. A 11 goods dollvefed free of charge 74. r.., [ay TowAili)A.PA. March 1, ISM. 0. D. lillOtET 1.. ELimizz. ME! N. N. BETTS, Cashier Located In C. U. MT'S GOODRICH & HITCHCOCK. Publishers. VOLUME x.w. !kw Allbsatisenteats. ENTISTRT I Drs. Angle k Hollister, LOver Dr. Pratt's once,) TOWANDA, PA. :Dr. Angle having returned from the last, has formedr a partner:hip with Dr. Hollister in order to meet the requirements of their growing practice. Slivela! atttentlon Is given to the Preservation and Treatment of the Teeth. Filling, Extracting, and the Coffee tion Of Irregularities Executed In a careful and gentle manner Cas._Ether, or Chloroform Admln- Istered. ARTIFICIAL TEETH I:lnsured on Gold, Sliver, Alumlumn, Rubber, bel qulold and Continuous Gum, and guranteed. ' All the latest Electrical and other Improved In struments, which facilitate operations and render them less tedious to the patients are employed. Especial pains Is taken with nervous and delicate patients. ALL rincEs. REASONABLE. E. H. ANGLE, D. D. S., • • F. L. HOLLISTER, D. D. S. Towanda, Pa., Dec"".., 1881. • . G. H. WOOD & CO., PllOl.O G.RAPHERS, Are now WELL ESTABLISHED In their NEW GALLERY, and are making all kinds of PHOTO GRAPHS' and TINTYPES.. They are Introducing a now style of Photographs, called MINETTS, which they mate for OEN PER DOZEN. They make 4 TINTYPES, Card Size, for 50 cents-.-4 at one sitting. They also make a specialty In copying, having a number of agents cairrassingJor. them. Give us a call, and see work and prices, at PATTON'S. I3LOCK, COR. MAIN AND BRIDGE. STREETS. Towanda, Pa., Dec. 8, 1881 A. D. DYE & CO. Fall £ Winter, 1881, ATTENTION _IS INVITED to our .Brat•class Heating Stoves. They are too - well known to require any commendation— New Hecla, Westminster, Crown Jewell. We also have a line of CHEAP BASE BURNtRS, the best of their, elan in the market, and well adapted for supplying a demand I'M. an eftinient but inexpensive heating stove. W 00 1 .3 HEATING STOVES in great variety.. IRMAT) 300 Happy ,Thought Rules Sold in Towanda and vicinity by A. D. DYE & CO. A LAIiOE STOCK OF Wood Cook Stoves,. CARRIAGEMAKERS' AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES,, And a general stock of EAR Es WARM MAIN STREET, TOWANDA. Towanda, October Int. LIST OF LEGAL BLANKS Printed and kept on sale at the RErolllllllowViCs at wholesale or retail. Deed. ' Mortgtge., • Bond. Treasurer's Bond. Collector's Bond. • Lease. • Complaint. Commitments. Warrant. Constable's Return. Artielesof Agreement.2f rms. Bond on Attachment. Constable's Balm Coßector's Sates. Execution. Subpoena. Petition for License. Zliteni for License. N4gratiAggestit. wilco reavmpent ,• • BROKEN DREAMS.' Cheer up, faint bear: though shadows de. p, Lay darkling at thy door, When darkness falls and shadows creep -The sunlight shines before. 'Though sin through midnight _blackness seem To strive and vainly grope, A sbadow passes, like a dream, If we bat lean en hope. , God nevetf yet has given a life • Whose ill Was dark and drear ; He mingles gladr eau with our strife. A mile with every tear. lie thrive the shadows on ors way That ire may look above, - Whore yre behold the light of day And learn His boundless luti. ..__Search welt thy heart and question there If MA - froth would be joy - Were every pleasure free tram care, If Ilfe hid no alloy, sweeter far the breed we eat Beneath the ebaatenhig rod, And brighter far the joy complete Before the throne of God. Could we but galn our lightest prayer And wash the past sway, *ha: panting, trembling soul would dare For endless sunlight pray. Each heart has shadows of Its own, Too dear_ for words to tell, That Ilse la memory alOne O'er splash ft loves to dwell. Then let each fervent prayer we say Be filled with thanks and praise, , That broken dreems pass not sway But sweeten all our days. —James Clarence Harvey in Home Journal. BUTTER. BY ROSE.TEBBY COOKE •1 ain't one o' that kind, now I tell ye ! - Ef a, thing's to - say, I say it square out; but Philandy Beers, she keepsa-butterin' and a-butterin' and smootbin' down an' strokin' over. Why, there she is!' Miss N.aneyl Tryon was tall and gaunt and Teak ; scant gray hair was pushed back from her angular fore head and twisted into a tight knot behind, .severely fastened with a yel- low born comb; her chin protruded a little, her, black eyes stared and snapped and generally expressed themselves in a pungent way—and her tongue, oh, her tongue I it was as untiring, as restless, as noisy, but by no . Means so useful, as a nail ma chine. She bad very little patience and very _little charity, but under her snappy way, her rapid judgments, her curt decision, lay a thoroughly honest .and kind, heart, which -she was ashamed to show. 'Well, novr, - Nancy P said , her com panion, Mrs. Bunnell, 'who _' had stepped in for a neighborly visit. 'You know you're. 'hinder arbitrary, you always was, and you do like to speak in meetin' whether there's a congregation or not, you always did; but I will say for't," your bark's worse'n your bite, Heie Mrs. Beers knocked at the. door. 'Come in shouted Miss Nancy, never stirring from' her Chair—a, flagrant violation of Strafford eti- quette. . 'Good day, good day! Why, Mis' Bunnell, hog i be you? -haven't seen you for quite a spell; and how do you get along; Nis' Nancy ?' 'So's to be crawlin,' snapped, the spinster, glaring straight at the round, placid, smiling little figure of the widow Beers - , who sat down in the nearest rocker, and put, a pretty little basket on theiloor by her side. "Well, you do look, real ' spry ; I'm glad to see you so well. And you're usually well, I see, Mis' Bunnell. I fetched around a . few apple's orn my astrykaa _tree to - sOphrook., Jones •,' :she's:real miseehle.' . - 'Serves her right broke. in Miss Nancy. 'What did she-,go'n' marry a shitlesp, loWlived feller like 'Lish Jones for ? She might ha' -known that theM that makes brier beds for themselves has to lie on thorns.' 'Well, she seems to think consid erable of him ; I gam he's pretty good to her s' us he knows how to be' 1 his goodness won't go no further'n a hen hop,' snuffed Miss Nancy. And seein',.l. was this way,' placidly went on Mrs. Beers, thought I'd fetch a few of 'em to you, I rek'lect , you set by • apples a goot deaf. ,'l'm obleeged to ye,' said Miss . Nancy, still curt and decisive, but not quite so fierce. •Iladn't you better set 'em into the buttery, Nancy ?' suggested Mrs. Burnell, looking unconscious of a pun, but Miss Nancy glared at her with honest rage. Mrs. Beers began again in her mild way, 'They do say, up to the center, that Parson Stvles - is laid up with a dreadful spell o' quinsy.' 'I guess' he caught cold over' to the Ma'sh's Weddin ; suggested Mrs. :Bunnell. 'lt did pour down; I came over to•day half to see how you ;'stood it, Nancy.' 'Stood what?' 'Why, getting home from Mis' Ma'sh's house Tuesday evening ; the weddin', ye know.' . 'lhain't been to no weddin' ; hes Desiah Ma'sh made a goose' o' her self to this time o' life?' 'Why, no, mercy sakes, no! Why, I expected you know'd it. 'Twat) Janey Janey Tryon and Sam Phelps. I s'posed of course seein' you was her aunt, you'd fetch around to see her married. Miss Nancy was crimson with rage.. 'Jane Tryon an' Sam Phelps! I guess not. I told her a year back of I. ever heard o' one o' them Phelps boys a-shining up to her, she needn't never look to me for no set tile out. Sam Phelps! of all created critters, I believe them Phelpses is the meanest.' 'You didn't always think so, did ye iriaareasticallyinquirea Mrs. Bun nell; who knew very well what hurt ' and wrong had set Miss Nancy against the Phelps Tamily ; how Sam • Phelps's uncle had 'courted' pretty Nancy Tryon, and then ran sway - with Jason _Swift's daughter, the richest girl in Strafford, and left Nancy,to make the best ot , it. The taunt made poor Nancy speechless; she looked at,Mrs. Bun ' nett, as that peace-breaking woman afterwards expressed it, lest like the TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PL, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 5, 1882. nn!Oorn on a needle paper a-starin' at the lion. I really look to her her rise up and paw round and run her tongue out at me.' . But good Mrs. Beers said in lier gentle way, before Miss Nancy could speak, 'Like enough she writ to ye, an' somehow the letter went astray; I've knowed it so to be.' -A-Talk ! do talk P shrieked *les Nancy. 'She haintl I know she haint I - She knowed - I wouldn't never go-AO no. Phelps's weddin'; she done it a-purpose, the minx!' 'Oh, 'I guess not,' I purred Mrs. Beers. ‘Janey'a te good 0-4; she's real feelin'. , I know .11Iis''Ma'sh has set by her like au Own! darter since she's hired out there' . - 'She hadn't no-need to go there, anyw•sy !' broke in the exasperated aunt. 'She could ha lived here till the day after never, ifshe'd - hev giVe that feller the' mitten, and had what I've got to leave when I- am dead an' gone.' i: • 'And you're good -for ninety-five, Nancy,' laughed -- provoking Mrs. Bunnell. 'Didn't happen tokome to ye. I suppose, that they'd ruther live 'long o' Sam Phelps in a house , of -her own, than be alangin' on to your skirts, so to speak, till she was an old maid herself? Well, what's done's done. I'm sorry to see ye so riled about it, but. I must be a goin',: I sot sponge this mornin% and I 'shouldn't wonder -if it was clean over the pan by this. - Folks has got to have bread's welt's butter,' and with a nod of fareiell, Mrs. Bunnell rustled out of thirrobm, her 'still calico seething to -kiss in echo to , her derisive words as shelswept thrOugh the narrow door.. 'Theie ain't no butter about her growled Miss Nancy. , Bun nell's prickly as a thistle, an' idlers was. ' 'Well, folks is made different,' said Mrs. Beers, gently. 'We ain't all jest alike, and it's , quite a mercy we ain't; all sugar or all salt would be as tasteless, I guess. Mis' Bunnell's real good to the sick, r - I've allers heerd tell, and , she's as smart as a whip besides." 'Yes, 'n a whip with a stinger, too,' Was the curt answer. • 'Well, now,' went on Mrs. Beers, 'I feel real hurt for ye. Miss Nancy, ii about Janey, but I'm certin um she she never meant nothin' less' ban to have ye to tier weddin' ; why, I know her real well ; she's as sweet as cream, naturally. Depend 00, 'twas all a mistake.' 'You no need to butter me up, Philandy Beers ! I guess I know when I'm throwed over 's well's the next one. Jane lies 'gone and done 'xactly what I said she shouldn't never do, and she i knows it.. I've got means to live on and more. I ain't no poor, despisable old - maid. I've got money in the bank, and a good ,farm, and I'll go into Raeford to•rnorrow,lf I'm - spared, and make my will to a lawyer's, and I'll will every cent to furrin 'missions. I'll do it sure's you're born.' 'Oh, now, don't ye do nothin' hasty, Miss .Nancy ! Let's see about it, now do; there's almost always two sides to things, and ye know the scriptue recommends for us to be slow to wrath ; it's real easy to talk, but you can't nntalk, you know.' 'Nor I don't want to!' wlis the irate answer,' , . ,_ 'Well, I must say good-dly l've got to see to. our folksea' dinner some. Sar' Ann can do the 'most on% but she ain't very mighty, 'nd mother's laid up with the rheumatiz.' And Mrs. Beers slid quietly away, leaving Miss Nancy alone. Words are words only, we say sometimes, but how they can hurt or heal ! Miss Nancy was grieved to the heart with Janey's conduct, and when Mrs: Bunnell exasperated her, with sharp comment and keen.taunt, , . she was ready in her rage to believe she would never speak to her niece again ; but the widow , Beers's sug gestion fell on her soul like dew, and against her will, or her conscious• ness, so9thed her excited temper and wounded spirit. She was by no means ready to forgii , e Janey.; but as she sat alone there and reviewed all the past; 'thought of the girl's bright, loving patience, her thoughtful care of het aunt and - her likeness to ,her dear dead bro4her, and then—being a just women, for all her temper and testy obstinacy—went back to the love of her own youth for an elder F -Sam Phelps, and the agony of 14ss and mortification - she endured then, she began to see what Jany bad escaped, and what she had found, and to look also upon the things of others.' She would have resented sharply any intimation that Philandy ' Beers bad mollified her with the butter of her kindly, loving=' nature and speech, but there was no one by to make such intimation, and when the sun set. that night and the lonely old woman watched it front her doorsteps sinking in all the splendor of red and gold behind the hills, ehe felt that it was going down on her wrath—and was. reluctantly, but -tionestly, dis turbed by the consciousness. Meantime, Mrs. Beers, having help ed' Sar' Ann '—a poor, old cousin to whom she gave a home—get the din ner and clear it away, and then made her mother comfortable for an after noon nap, tied on. herbonne'. and set out for .laney Phelps.7a, house; some two miles from her ord in the oppo site direction from 'Miss' _ Nancy's ; she found Janey looking like a wild rose as she sat on the east doorstep, enjoying the calm warmth of the late September day - ; everything about her exquisitely neat, her white apron and pink - calico dress setting out , with their clear tints her bright dark eyes and hair colorless but, healthy . complexion, through whose smooth surface emotion always sent the very blush of a rosy dawn: She flushed beautifully now when she - saw MrS. Beers come smiling down the road, and open the little - gate for this first guest of het neiv home. Friendly greeting followed, and at last Mrs. Beers slid into the purpose of her visit. 'You kinder took us all by Surprise 'bout you weddin', Janey. I was beat , to hear on't, I must say.' Well; Seers, we couldn't at= , _ . . , , .• , . „ ~•.„,., ~ i .- : ~-: i. t ~,- •:• -. .. 1 '. ...,, -- -, 16 1 1., : - 1 ..,:. I V , ' 11 -- - . l' . •( ' i ..:.- '‘. ( ... ..: ( i --: - ' 2' . : ~, - . • , - i .1 . RICGARDLES3 OF DENUNCIATION FROM ANY QUARTER. ME ford to have much of a wedding. Sam's folks live over to Hartland, most. of them, and Mia' Marsh really hadn't room to 'comniodate 'em, and I haven't got anybody but aunt Nan cy, and she didn't come; . she feels hard towards Sam,' and here _the bright eyes clouded. 'Didn't send no answer to ye?' queried• Mrs. Beers, diplomatically. 'No; told Tommy Marsh to wait for it so's to make sure; and he said she Raid there wasn't no answer.' 'My land P ejaculated Mrs. Beers. 'Now, Janey, Miss Nancy never got no note from ye at all, and didn't never have an idee,that you was a goin' to be married; she feels real ril ed about it; she feels hurt ; and you can't no way blame her. She done well by ye jest so far forth as she knowed, while you stayed ; you know she had season accordin' to the r.a tur' of Some women•folks not to like the rhelpses;'- of ehe had knowed your ,Sam she would have liked him, she couldn't help it; butr_she kept a miain' him up-svith her Sam, the un cle, who wasn't no more like him than chalk is like cheese; and ye know Miss Napey's 'real sot in her way, but she's good's gold when ye get down' • Janey's eyes filled. - ' My senses! if I could get hold of Tommy Marsh !--and there be is, as sure as you live.' ' Set still! set still!' purred Mrs. Beers : ' let me deal with the cretur; he's fetchin' suthin' to ye; hut 'he's slippriet 'a an eel ; if he gets an idee you know 'bout it, he'll cut an' run.' Janey took up her apron and went on with the button-hole, and Tommy, a freckled • , green•eyed, impudent ur chin, bobbed his head at her and held out a basket 'Ma sent ye over suthin to. put into the pantry,' be said, in the monoto nous tone of a repeated lesson. Janey uncovered the basket. 'Why, just look here, • Mis Beers! She' has sent me four jars or jell ; aint:-she good ?' 'Surely I' . ejaculated Mrs Beers 'Tom my,• dont • you want a'• pepper mint ?' The unwary boy snapped at .the offer. 'Guess there's one in my poeket.' 4tniled the old• lady. and began to pull- out one iby one the coLtents of that goodly repository. 4 1 guess, Tommy, .you aint got near so many things in your pocket as there be in mirie,' she said. . 'I bet I have,' answered Thomas, and quite forgetful of anything but emulation, he began to unload the stores, of his own pockets. As ha-did so, eagerly and carelessly, a dirty . note fell on the steps just at Mrs. Beers's side ; she reached out for. it. Tommy saw the manTuvre, grabbed ineffectually at the - document and fled ; it was - the lost note to Miss Nancy. 'Seems as though there was a Prov idence in it,' remarked Mrs. Beers, but Janey did not hear, for she was running after-Tommy witoi the empti ed basket she had just brought out suddenly she stepped 'on a stone, twisted her, ankle and fell. It was hard for Mrs. Beers to get her into the house and on. to her bed, but Janey was not of the fainting sort, and between her courage and her.visitor's patience, it was managed. Mrs. Beers stayed and got the sup per for Sam, and then trotted home, sending Mrs. Marsh back to take her place as, she passed the house. Early the next morning she went over to . Miss Nancy Tryon's. 'Good mornin,' she said, beaming on that stiff old lady with the sunny homely countenance of a pumpkin in a cornfield. 'Say, Miss Nancy, Ivo ketehed nice feller - a-meddlin betwixt you and Janey — Ive got the. note she writ lo ye out o' Tommy Ma'sh's pocket. I guess he went fishin or somethin an forgot it an lied about it ; anyway, here Us." Miss Nancy grimly opened it, and t it ran thus : DEAR AUNTY-I ' have finally made ap my mind to marry . Sam. I think a great deal of him and he does o me, I expect, and it seems as if there wasn't any real- good reason, why I shouldn't, save and except. that you dont like him, but I know you will after a while, and he thinks ever so much of you; he jnst hates uncle Sam._ Dear aunty, you're all the ,people Ive got since father died, and you know how he set by you, and looked for you to be a mother to his baby, and so you was, Im real sorry I vexed you about Sam, but I could not help it; please forgive me, and come over to Mrs. Marsh's tomorrow night and see me married. Do, do Sam says der, too. Your loving JAMEY. 'Dreadful sweet! most as good as honey,' growled Miss Nancy, in a voice half moved, half incredulous, but why did she wipe her spectacles? Mrs. Beers went on in her smooth voice— . . was down theTe last night and, she kinder turned her ankle a-runnin after that boy; I fixed her on the.bed and got supper, but she can't step ; she was a-comin right up here but for that, and she cried real bad about it.' - think twould set her up dread fully ef so -be you could feel to for give her fur enuff to step round there and help her a mite. I know its dreadful bard to get over sich things, and she know it, and is a-grievin over it a sight ; but I says, says I, "Dont ye take on, Janey; your aunt is as _good as gold when you get down to'ti shes one o' them thats bettern theyre willin to show ; any way 111-tell her tomorrer, and shell do jest as she ei a mind ter.", _ ghats so said Miss Nancy grim ly, and Mrs. Beers, wise in her harm lessness, went home. Whether it was thapote with its honest honey, or Mrl Beer's 'butter,' who can tell mixtur.i of both, no doubt, .but Miss Nancy, left to her owo heart rand conscience, softened at once, and locking "up her tiny home, set off to Janeys.with rt - satchel in her hand. Never had she received such a wel come; even Sam a hearty handshake and •frank smile were accepted es they were. meant; and till Janey s ankle was well the work and the nursing were -done, as Miss Nancy NEI did everything, as well as bawls, head and head could do them. The very next day - she went back to - her own house Mrs. Bunnell sailed 'Well said I' she exclaimed, loii - ve got your huff, .paint ye? Phi landy Beers hewbuttered ye , up good; well, you re, the last woman I ever expected would be smoothed over this way 1' 'Look a here,Sophi Bunnell snapped Miss ancy, with alacrity and fire,' 'it tells in scriptur about eatin,honey and butter so as to know how to choose betwixt evil and good; well, I ve•eet em, and Ive found out butters a sight better n briers be, anyhow !' Dear reader, don't we agree with her? • • The following curious theory; of life after death, which _influenced, the ancient Egyptians in the. construe. tion of their tombs; is taken from an illustrated paper on "Oriental . and Greek Sculpture," by, Mrs:_Luey M. Mitchell, in the January Century: In Egypt, from the • very earliest time, the tomb was of the greatest significance for sculpture. Of tem ple ruins on the Nile, from that hoar iest pastNbetween the First and Elev enth Dynasties, there is scarcely a trace, HOw vivid the witness borne to the sepulchral art on the plains of Memphis, the capital of oldest Egyptl Along the margin of the desert stretches the vast Necropolis, with a bidden population of statues, senti neled by those , stupendous royal tombs, the Pyramids. Where else have such preparations been made for the final rest of theAead as in this great campo santo of.the ancient empire? Though mingled with much that was naive and material, how vivid wire the conceptions of that ancient peo ple concerning the future wor1. 1 ? They believed this life but an episode in an eternal existence; Death to them was the real life, only evil spir its being spoken of as dead. The coffin was called the "chest of the living." But the ancient , Egyptian, the immoral part, even after death, was in some mysterious way &pen..., eat for its contented existence upon the preservation of the body ; hence the importance of embalming, the care taken to keep the body as life like as possible, and secure from harm during the long , pCriod of the soul's probation. The," eternal dwel lings," hewn in the solid rock, high above the floods, were in strong con trast to the abodes of'the living, but within reach of the swelling Nile, and of which scarcely a vestige re mains. - The massive chamber of this tole, where lies the mummy, is pictureless, and its.en'trance is closed by solid masonry. From it a shaft leads up, which was at many places thirty me ters deep, and was filled with a dense mass of earth and stone, making more inviolate the mummy's rest. Over the concealed entrance of this shaft there rises that other essential part of the tomb, the sacred chapel (mastaba), of equr.lly solid construc tion. In a• dark recess (sordab,) aside from this chapel, are found many statues walled up. These are usually twenty or more in number, and repre sent the &Ceased with great diversi ty. To what purpose are they here ? Singular beliefs, prevalent among the Egyptians, and read from the hiero glyphics in - Xaspero, furnish .us the key to this-problem. An immortal second self, ka, some what resembling the "eidolon" .f the Greeks and the Eihade of the Ro mans, was believed to spring into be ing with every mortal, grow-with his growth, and accompLiny him after death. So close was the relationship of this strange double ka to man's proper, being, that it was of the greatest importance to provide_it with a material and imperishable body which it shotild occupy after death, sharing with the mummy the security of the "eternal dwelling," It was believed_ that the shade ka could come out of this statue and perambulate among men in the true ghostly fashion, returning to it at will. This stony body fur the dead man's ka was naturally made in his exact likeness, and also bore an in scription, stating his name and qual ities. But a single statue might per ish, and future happiness be thug for feited. Hence that most unique fea ture of Egyptian statuary, the mufti, plication 'of the portraits of the de ceased in his tomb. HOW SLEIGH BELLS ARE . MADE... An exchange has discbvered - a curi ous piece of information that will, in all probability, be new to many of our readers. , 4 It has, no doubt, been a mystery to.lnany how the iron balls inside of sleigh bells are got there, and it is said to have taken consider able thought on the part of the dis coverer before the idea struck him. In msking sleigh bells the iron ball is put inside a sand core,_ just the shape of the inside of the bell. This sand cdre, with the jinglet inside, is placed in the mould of the outside, and the melted metal is poured in, which fills up the space between the core and the mould. The hot, metal burns the core 60 that it can all be shaken out, leaving the ball 'within the shell. Ball valves, swivel joints; and many other articles are cast in the same manner. VENICOR says that with a little study and careful observation anybody can be a weather prcipbet. We always knew that anybody could be a weather prophet, but didn't suppose that either a little study or careful observation was necessary. Vennor predicted a wet July and a cold August, and a wooden Indian couldn't have predicted wider of the mark.—Nor ristown Herald. , PitoviromutAr..—Mamma— g• Di d you enjoy your ride, Elise?" Ellse—"No, mamma, and reason enouph, for Connie James says the Van Smiths are going. to have 'a dance,and - we're not asked." Mamma—E'Wll; my dear, your poor aunt's death was providential—of course we can't go."—Columbig Bpeetatnr. " will grieve for me 1" cried a St. Louis man, as he jumped into the rt.* , ver to his death. And yet! the Coroner grieved and grieved because the body could not be fonnd.--Detioit Free Press.- CC:3 Immortality r t A DOUBTFUL TENURE. TOE UNCERTAINTY OF A POSITION AS GOVERNMENT CLERK. - The January part of Mrs. Burnett's new serial story, 'Through One Ad ministration,' now appearing in The . Century, contains the following sketch of the dubious tenure of a government clerk : Arbuthnot had come in later than usual, and, had appeared to be in an unusual mood. He was pale when he entered, and had no jesting speech to. make. He took his seat - by Ber tha, and replied to , her remarks with but little of his customary animation, now and then lasping into silence, as if he had forgotten his surroundings. Bertha seemed inclined to let his hu mor pass without notice, asf ,it was nod exactly a new experi ence; but Richard commented upon it. 'Something has gone wrong,' he said.. 'What is it, Larry _ 'Nothing has gone wrong,'. Arbuth not answered, with a short, cheerless laugh. • have seen a ghost, that is all. 'A .ahost, 1' said Bertha, in a logy voice, and then, sat silent, guarding her face from the 'fire with her favor ite peacock-feather screen. The professor began to stir his tea round and round, which exercise was his customary assistance to reflectio n or debate. He glanced at the pea cock-feather screen and then at Ar buthnot. 'A ghost is alwayi an interesting scientific conundrum,' he observed. 'What form did it take ?' Arbuthnot laughed his short, cheer lesslaugh again. _ • 'lt , took the form of a sanguine young man from the west,' he said, 'who has just come into. a twelve hundred dollar clerkship, and feels that unending - vistas of fortune lie beftire him. He was in such good spirits about it that I rather lost my hold on , myselfoand said things I might as well lett unsaid. 'What did you say?!. Richard asked. told him that if he had money enough left to buy a return ticket home he had better buy one, and that if he had not I would lend it to him. I told him that at his age it wasn't a bad idea for a man to devote his time to establishing himself in some career he could depend on, and that., in de fault of basing the energy to do- that, he might reflect on the alternative of blowing his brains out, as a prepara tion for a peaceful old age. And I told him' that I had seen young fel lows like himself before, and that the end had been for them what it would be for him.' P said Richard, as .he had stopped. 'lt wasn't- any use,' he answered. knew' it .would not be, when I be gan. I simply !bade a spectacle of myself in anuiet way to no purpose, and, as a reSult, I am uncomfortable. It was all nonsense, but he reminded me 9 I -L. 'Of -what?' said Richard, since he had paused again. A peculi4r expression crossed face. Tredennis saw him glance at the peacock-feather screen and as qUickly glance away. 'Of—a young fellow of his age l— used to know,' he answered. 'What Was his story?'.inquired Richard, with his usual'.desire for information. 'Where is he now ?' 'Dead,' said Arbuthnot, and, sin gularly enough, he half laughed again as he tossed his segar into the grate and went to the piano. * * * He produced a fresh segar—which luxury was one of .many accorded him in the household—lighteit it, and, rather to Tredennis's surprise, resumed conversation as if there had been no pause in it. 'The fellow will be an annoyance to me every day of his life,' he said, faint lines showing themselves upon his forehead_ in spite of the half smile which was meant to deprive them of their significance. know that, con found him 1 He is in my room, and I shall have the benefit - of every change in him, and it will be . a grind —there's no denying that it will be a ;rind' / 'I should like to know,' sail Tre dennis, 'what the changes will be.' 'The changes lOU depend upon the kind of fellow he chances to be,' said Arbuthnot. 'There are two varieties. If there is a good deal in biro; he will begin' by being hopeful and working hard.: He will think that he can make himself of value in his position and erkate a sort of careciltliir" himself. Ire will, do more than is, required of 'him, and neglett nothing. He will keep his eyes open and make friends of the men about him. He will do that for a few months, and then, sud denly, and for no fault whatever, one of these friends will be dropped out. Knowing the man to be as faithful as himself, it will _be a shock to him, and he will get anxious and worry over it. He will see him stranded without resources struggling to re gain his place or get another, treated with amiable tolerance when be is not buffeted, snubbed and put off. Ile will see him hanging about day' after day, growing shabbier, more Careworn, more desperate, until he, disappears and is heard of no more, and everybody is rather relieved than' not. j Ile may have, been -a family man; with a'-wife and. half a dozen children, ail living decently on his salary.' Somebody else wanted his place, and got it, not because of su perior fitness for it, but because the opposin influence was stronger than his. 'I he new man will go 'through the anme, experience when his turn comes—that is all. Well, my friend will see this and be anxious, and ask 'questions, and flifd out that his cban ces.are just the same—no more and no less. He will try not to believe, it, being young enough to be betray- . ed into the folly, and he will work harder than ever, and get: over his blow a little, until he sees the same thing happen again andAain. Then he will begin to lose, some of his good spirits ; he willbe trifle irri table at times, and lines` will show themselves on hislace, and he wont be so young.: When he writes to the girl he is in love with—l saw a letter addressed to some young woman out meat lying on his desk to-clay—she 8140 per Annum In Advance. will notice a change in him, and the change will reveal itself more in,each letter; but be will bang on and grind away, and each election will be a nightmare to him. But he will grind . away. And, then, at last—' He stopped and made a light,rath er graceful gesture with his fingers. 'What then?' demanded Tredennis, with manifest impatience. ( 'There will be a new idminiEitra tion, and if he struggles (through, it will be worse for him than if he were dropped; as is that case he Ithrows away another four years of his life and all the chances for a futeire they might hold if he were free to avail himself of them.' Tredennis -stood '4, looking very large under Vie influence of the feel ing which distUrbed him. Arbuthnot himself was not entirely unimpressed by his quick movement and the ener- . gy it expressed. 'You treat the matter coolly,' be exclaimed, as .he rose.. Arbuthnot turned his attention to his segar. 'Yes,' he replied, treat it coolly. If I' treated it warmly or hotly, the effect- produced would be about the same. My influence upon civil ser vice is just what it might be expected to be—and. Lo more. Its weight is easily carried. 'I beg your pardon,' said Treden nis, feeling the justice and adroitness of the speech. 'Not at all,' Arbuthnot answered. 'lt is not necessary. It makes . you , lose 'your hold on yourself- to be brought face yo face with the thing. It is quite natural. It has , had the same effect on me, and I am' a cold blooded fellow, and a frivolous fellow into the bargain.' have never thoright of ,the mat ter before,' said Tredennis, disturb edly. feel as if my indifferenais something to be a shamed of.' - 'lf you give your attention as a duty to such subjects,' was Arbuth not's response, 'you will be. keptrac tively employed. If _take my advice you will let them alone.' 'The trouble said Tredennls, 'that every one seems to let them . alone.' Richard regarded him from his )lacc on the sofa-cushions delightedly. 'Here's an example for you, Larry,' he said. 'Profit by him. Everytning is an object to ••him—everything is worth while.. lie is an example to us all. Let us all profit by him.' 'Oh, be -began right,' laughed Ar buthnot. 'He began where he began,' re turned Richard. 0 I?'- was the airy answer—'l never began at all. That is my little diffi culty. lam the other one. I told you there Was , another one. I repre sent him.' - Tredennis regarded him steadily. For the first time in the course of their acquaintance he began to sus pect him. His wanner was too light altogether, and the odd shade which had ihllen upon his eyes before dur ing the evening showed itself again. 'Let us hear about the other one,' he said. 'He is easily disposed of,' was the answer. 'There Was nothing of him at the outset. He came to his place wi: bout an Object. -He liked the idea of living in Washington and of spend ing'his salary. We will say he was rather a well-In - a king young fellow, and t•ould dance and sing a little, and talk decently well. He had no re sponsibilities, and never thought of the future. His salary clothed him and allowed him little luxuries and ordinary pleasures. He spent it when he had it and made debts when it was gone.—Being presentable, he was invited out, and made himself useful and entertaining in a !mall way. When he thought of the-possibilities of his career being brought suddenly to a' close he was uncomfortable,- so he preferred not‘to think of it: It is not a pleasant thing , to reflect that a man has but ten years in which to begin life, and that after that tie is ending it; but itis true. Wbathedoea from twenty to thirty he will be like ly to find he must abide by from , thir ty to aeventy, if he lives that long. This man, like the better one, has thrown away the years in whic h he might have been preparing himself to end decently. When they are gone he has nothing to show for them, and less than nothing. He is the feather upon the current, and when all is over for him he is whirled out of sight find forgotten with the rest. And, perhaps, - if be had felt that there was anything to be gained by his being a steady, respectabli fellow, he might have settled. down into one.' The eye is preserved in the con venierit form of "a sphere or ball by . the simple device'of having its int& rior cavity--tiled with liquid, which prevents the , limp and otherwise ftezi ible coats from puckering up into any irregularity of shape. It is like a bladder distended with water, which isfinn and tense on account of the 'contained liquid being so shut in by , the membraneous wall that it cannot possibly escape anywhere from the tight grasp in which it is held. There are, however, in the interior of the e” two quite distinct chambers in which this liquid is distributed, one in front of, and one behind, the crys talline lens. Theo-lens hangs, as it were, in the midst tf the liquid. The portiokwhich is in 'front Of the lens is a little more than a very weak aquebus solution of salt, and is on that account' termed the aqueous hu inor of the , eye; thnportion which is behind more nearly resembles a solu tion of white of egg. On account (if this somewhat thicker consistency it is, termed the vitreous or glass-like . h umor. Both humors, however, ex ert.., very nearly the same influence upon the vibrations 'of the light, and the optical part of the eye thus comes to be considered as composed simply of two refracting parts—the .denser lens and the thinner humors. - The iris is loosely suspended in the aque ous humor in fronti of the lens,_ so that it -has the water-like liquid bath ing both Surfaces, and thus enjoys the same ready freedom of movement that it would possess if it were siFt- -_--.y -, NUMBER 32 Ern ply Immersed in water. The humors of the eye are eupplemenbtry aids to the image-forming capacities of the lens. But they are only subordidate aids, as their influence in this partic ular is comparatively small.. For simplicity's sake the'crystal lens and the associated humors maybe looked upon as together constitating,one single lens, and the visual powei. of the oye in reality depends upon three . curved• surfaces which are found in the combination of humors and lens —the front surface of the globe, or cornea, upon which light in the first instance strikes as it - enters the trans parent media of the eye; and the front and the back protuberant sur faces of the crystalline mass itself. The position of the definite image within the eye, is determined by the form of these surfaces, taken in con nection with the , density of the crys talline substince and its associated humors.—Edinburgh Review. Shirts. , We lately saw an advertisement in a Boston paper ;offering for sale an assortment of fine - shirts,amOng which are mentioned the 6b-nsiness, opera, dress,. party and wedding shirts.' The.- suspicion that there might be - a distinction without a dif ference is rudely_dispelled by the fact - that they are - all listed and di- vide(' off into-such lots as would war- rant a distinti individuality to each separate shirt. But it is hard for us to realize ,that such things can be. It is impossible for us to. believe that a 'business' shirt' materially differs from a 'dress Shirt,' or that an 'opera shirt' would ,not be the most appro-. priate thing in the world to wear at a party. And then, what exquisite torture it must be to a financier to be caught out in-his dress shirt and obliged to transact business una dorned with the regular business shirt. Tears come-to our eyes unbid- den and our heart , is torn into kind ling-woo-d and tortured with first proof sympathy for the poor wretch arrayed in a dress shirt standing by the altar and promising to' love, bon- or and cherish -a fair and radiant bride for life. Married! And minus a 'wedding shirt!' Clothed, but in a paltry dress.shirt!' Surely that man should try from the wrath of outraged , society aid call ;on rocks to cover him, butfhe subject, is painful. To_ us, perhaps, it - presents manifold hor rors when we realise the absolute im- - possibility of having - our only shirt cut over into five distinct styles. N - 07 —no, it cannot—must not be. Let us rather fly this terrible nightmare of contemplation;and seek a lodge it some vast solitude where the cruel farms of a too—too fastidious socie ty will never intrude their .baneful obligations. 'Business, opera, dress, party !' Avaunt.. Thoughtful Thoughts. A WISE man living in a country in a state of reliolution should imitate the traveler, who, in passing through a foiest, infested with robbers, makes as little noise as possible. LaztNEss 'grows on people. - It• begins in cobwebs and ends in iron chains. The more business a man has to do the more he is able to accomplish,' for he learns to economize his time. ONE of the greatest luxuries of riches is that they enable you to escape so much good advice. The rich are always advis ing the poor, but tie poor seldom venture to return the compliment. IF we were wiser we should . be more discriminating in our criticism of the past, and, in shedding from n. 6 thertusks of old-time error, we should not recklessly 'throw-away the kernel which they have hidden. THE hills of lolly endeavor and high achievement, lie :ill around us, and, if we never catch a glunp,e of the views they afford, we need n , t complain that it is be cause of the icsuperable limitations of our surroundings, THERE ,may be a. furlough from our customary work ; there can never be any lawful vacation from doing good. There may be a'change of place, scene, — fellow ships.; there :Ansi be none iu the spirit of self-sacrificing beneficence. You ought not to ask for any favors from fortune ; aII that you have a right •to demand is that you shall, like a hortie that i&willinm to do his share but not willing to pull the whtileload, be put even on the whiflictrect. - . ALr.ettorts tv Witte our real characters are iujuriou , ... wh.ther' successful or un successful. M:0;t1• ts are not a veil to con ceal, but ao apt•ilnre to show, our real selves; and Ow c.H tter Fo put ourselves into harmony with tittilf, the - better for all of us. . • A MAN who of - his superflhity only, after spending ail he cares to lavish on himself—a-roan who drops his : dona tions as a tree in October drops-over-mel low fruit, of which it has more 'than it can hold, and for which it has no earthly. - use—has no right to be called a liberal giver. IF yiki think it right to differ from the times, and to make a stand for any valua ble point of morals, do it, however rustzc, however antiquated, however ,pedantic it may appear, do it, not for insolence, but seriously, as-a man.who worn a soul of his own in his bosom, and did not wait till it was breathed into him by the breath of fashion. - Its Equal Is Unknown A Lowell,(Mass.) paper, so we obserye, cites the case of Mr. P. H. Short, propri etor of the Belrront'llotel, that city, who suffered with rheumatism for seventeen years without finding relief from-any of the numerous remedies employed, -until he applied Sr. Jacobs Oil : " I never found any mediciue that produced such remark able and instantaneous effect as it Oki." —Lyons (Iowa) Mirror. j- Fun, Fact and Facetim. TstEnv. is a young lady in Keoknk,_. lowa, who is six feet four inches tall, and she is engaged to be married. -The: man who has wun her did it in these words : "Thy beauty sets my soul aglow—rd wed - the right or wrong ; _a man wants but little here below, but wants that little long.—Buffalo Elpress. A. COUNTRY papor, speaking of the re cent fox hunt at Newport, says : "At the end the fox was dug out of his hole and butchered, and one of the ladies wore home his triumph as if she had been the means of it." The conclusion, of this .extnw.t.„.pq;litgto a moral and' adorns a tale in a N,.s to make Lindley • Murray turn "in Li. izrave.--Bosion Cour ier. 4%. - DURING the ez.tem rceent railroadjorti ney to Moscow. solatots were placed at every hundred paces :0,41 1 .:. , tie line. It must have been mighty t iiite‘rta sing for the poor man to undergo , sue!) scrutiny. 'Tloweve , be probably was not. in light.. He was doubtless put iu nn iilot safe and" the safe loaded on a tlat ear: Mighty plealant way to rnake a summer tour.— Oa-City Derrick. ArrEn the world ..was created' it was pronounced very good. _ It is good yet ; it is the inhabitants that bring condemna tion upon it.. Were the people all to obey the injunction to do as they would be lone by, this would would not be very far. from a paradise, and we should' experi ence less cause for finding fault with our: first mother, who listened-to the tempter. A World of Good. One of the most popnlar medicines no* before the American public, is Hop 'flit tars. - You see it everywhere. People take it with good effect. It builds them up. not as pleasant to the taste as some other Bitters, as it is not a whiskey drink. It is more like the old fashioned buneset tea, that has done a world of oori. IC you don't feel just right, try Hap Litters.—Venda NOM