Paabra luta Citiß. 11. ALUM, IID;TOR. Towanda, a•; Dec. 29, :881. _ ENTERID IN TEE POSTOPPICE AT TOWANDA AS MAIL MATTER 01 TEE SECOND CLASS. LOCAL. AND GE.NERAI:. ADVANCE IN PRICE OF SUBCRIP- TION. The undersigned, publishers •and pro prietors Of the BRADFORD REPORTER, Towanda Journal, Bradford .Repubtlean - and Bradford Argus, - published in Towan da. Pa., having suffered severe loss in the publication of their respective ' papers from the heretofore extremely low price per annum, hereby mutually agree to make the subscription price of each of our papers respectively, on and after the First of January, 1882,' One Dollar and Fifty Cents per annum. And we hereby agree and pledge oniselvea to each other, upon our honor as business men,' that we will strictly and in variably adhere to the terms of this un derstanding. To make this arrangement legally binding, we have entered into bonds, with penalty and forfeiture for vi olation of the terms of _this agreement. All subscriptions paid prior. to January lsrnext, will be taken at the former rate. Rates of advertising in all cases to be in dependent of subscription.. Goonnicu & ircucocx, , REronvEn. D. M. 'funtiEt, Journal. floi.costs & TRACY, RepUbdieon. _ E. ASIOILTIC PARSONS, Argur.-' BY a favorable arrangement with the publishers of the Press we are enabled to send the Philadelphia Teehqy Press, and the REPORTER for one, -year - for $2.00 all postage paid.- Offer hoed till January 1, 1882. ALL persons who desire to get the RE :PORTER next year for One Dollar, must :subscribe or renew their subscriptions for it previous to the first of January next, as after that date the price will be $1.50 per annum HAPPY New Year.l • IT SMS a green Christmas IIow• do you like your present? Goon LYE Eighteen Eighty-One. SNEAK thieves are operOing at Sayre. TUE REPORTER is a day late this week. Holidays. - - NIORg b l unting deer, this season ktfur Saturdayl next. PAGE: is bdilding an addition to his ibrick store in Athens., . THE recent rains hhve made quite a Hold in the Susquehanna. TIIERE are said to be 1,500 hogs in the beech woods of this county._ • THE Owego Record .sras—Pritted last week on heavy, tinted took paper. • A FTILIC Saturday next, the . Reporter will be one dollar and fifty cents - per year. Wit° remembers a more beautiful Christmas-day than the one - just passed IT would seem that there was a Phrist-, mas present for everybody but the editor. The Post Office is to he moved .to -the north store in Mercur Block ou January THERE were more. Christmas presents prent.- d this year than there has been in 4veral years. TnE G. A::-11. Post at Leßoy, will *ice a Bean Bake and Coffee Drink Friday evening TIIE REPORTER has the. largest list of subscribers of any paper printed in Bradford county. A livery stable in Athens was destroyed by fire Tuesday evening. We have not learned particulars. INwiAm Post, of the G. A. R., Canton; are making efforti to purchase' Military Hall in that village. TWENTY thousand 611ars in gold was paid to the employee?! of the Barclay Coal Company this month. ARRANGEMENTS ate made with Messrs. Lt- - .sr ER & HEYWOOD, ; Of Myersdale, to start a‘ereamery at Troy. " • lim.t4H:o & 31Aunto.: are atiinit to. in troduce the electric light into their exten sive. Bridge Shops at Athens: THE Lodge of Odd Fellows it Leßoy , had their annual oyster supper on Friday evening, and a good time it proved. Gu.t.soN KINGSLAND is the name of a new firm who have recently started in the mercantile business at West Warren. " Docven "-IlorrEn, the colored man who was slat with small pox at Waverly, died o% Wednesday night of last . week. • ELMzI is raid to nianniacture three pairs of:boots every minute of the work ing d 4y, and °Jo annual product is over Goyim:ion CoriNELt. -- has refused to ' commute the sentence .of MMUS An: , ; )lorr, and he will be hung at Elmira on January 6th: - _ THE Lehigh Valley Raihoad Company are about to erect one of 'the` AndsOmest depcts on the line of their road at Wilkesbarie. Tif mines of one It!i4iired a nd fifty-one persons have been added to the list of subscribers to the REPORTEU . duting the present month. Cot.. Gw. W. DttNs, publisher of the Binghamton. Ilep r iiplican, has been ap pointed Postmas 4 ,er of Binghamton, to succeed E. B. Stevens. HAY BRINK, of Leßaysville, mourns the lot;s of a prtion of the index finger 'of his right hand. Leßaysville Mills. Cii•culf r saw. December tOth. The tirm of PATCH & TEAcv have dis- solved. Mr. TRACY Will continue- tLe business. Mr. PATCU will engage in the mercantile business at-Sayre. Mr. and Mrs. T. It. JORDAN, of the Ward Ilouse; gave the employees of that well-kept and popular tavern, an tlegant Christmas dinner on Sunday last. • THE ladies of the Presbyterian society of Canton gave their pastor, Mr. GATES, and - his estimable lady a flue parlor suit of seven pieces as a present for Christmas. THE Pardon Board at its recent session continued the hearing of the case of RANDOLPU BOUGHT, from this county, • cuufmed in the Eastern Penitentiitry for burglary, until its next meeting. THEM: is said to he one death ratt.e insurance company in the eastern part of Bradford county. Those who have been swindled by it_ ihoald take steps to land the ghouls in prison.—Ca .ton Sentinel. ONE day last' week W. J. BILL and' C. M. II) rrun, orPrwell, cults large tree containing five; fiery nice coon's which weighed sistptio ponnda. Good lick for the boys. 1 L. B. T. - ALFRED J. KNIGHT, The GREAT SHAKESPEARIAN IM PERSONATOR, together with the fol lowing Artists : Miss Ku% Psnor Dom- Less, Soprano ; Miss JErmr. Dtmuutspx, Contralto, and Sign& A. IdAnnonnFro, Tenor, will appear in MERCUR HALL, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 80, in a programme of choice selections. THE man who says that he remembers a more beautiful 28th day of DeieMber, than was yesterday, Wednesday, given to exaggeration, to say the least. IF this number of the Rzrownsa le less interesting than usual the reader will bear in mind that editors and printers are like other peoyle and are given ton slight relaxation from business at the holiday season. TaE Leßaysville - Advertiser man has been unfortunate in the selection of wit nesses so far. lILLF.N evidently didn't' give the desired answer.—Canton net. ALLEN'S answer was truthful, nev ertheless. Tuz firm of PATCH I& TRACY, dealers in produce, is to be dissolved- the first of January. We understand that Mr. TRA CY will continue the business, and Mr. PATCH will engage in the mercantile bus iness at Sayre. Tnn following named gentlemen have Wen elected officers of the 'Athena Fire Department : Chief Er.gineer—Josnpu M. ELY. Assietanta—C. T. HULL ,and E. C. SPAULDING. n Joriar PETERSON, of Athens, while en gaged in packing pork in a barrel, one day last week, accidentally slipped and nearly severed his little finger from bis hand, and at the same time cut an ugly gash in his leg. STEFUENS Pat, .No. 69., G. A. R. of tome, will publibly install its officers on he evening of January 6th. After the nstallment there will be a clanrand bean sake. The public is coidially invited. 3 y order Committee. As employee of the Railroad Company by the name of THOMAS CARMODY, had his hand .badly cru bed while coupling cars at Athens, on Tuesday of last week. The injury Will prevent him from work ing for several weeks. A SurrEn Consisting of oysters, hot coffee, and cake, will be served at the Church of the Messiah, (Universalist) on Tuesday evening, January 3d. ,The la dies invite all friends who are interested in the Church to be present. A LITTLE boy, aged about five lyears, a son of WM. 'Wass, of Clanton, while play ing with a clothes wringer one day last week, caught the fingers of ono hand in the cogs and crushed them so badly that one finger had to be amputated. 1 NEARLY every week we receil munication with no signatures al Some of these are death noti have repeatedly announced tha i not use any anonymous contr.' If the senders of them fail to productions iu tho paper, they tribute siFli'nen-appear ince to t neglect. Jos►c BILLINGS was listened to nesday . :evening by, ono of the - largest au diences over assembled in Moroni. Hall. Colonel ELHAIiAti SMITH introduced the lecturer in a few well chosen remarks. The lecture occupied about one hour and a-half, aid-wad replete with quaint say ings and - dry iminer, that challeiiged and received unstinted;applause. THE Sumpiehanna Collegiate Institute, at Towanda; closed the fall term of- its twenty-seventh' year Friday las . This institution ranks as one of the m st them , j ough preparatory, schools in 1 orthern Pennsylvania, and under the present ptin 7 cipal, Professor E. E. QUINLAN, - its effi ciency has been greatly increased as well as the number of pupils in Attendanae.— Waverly Review, ZOth. ABOUT 2 o'clodc this morningts lifAxsE ELsnnEE was unloading a carfoid of cat tle which he had just brough s t from the west, at the cattle yard, near' the. junc tion, a iinmber of them got outypf the yard by some means and went down the Erie track, and three of Ahem fell off the pridge, killing them, and one fell partly through the ties, but was rescued with out injury.— !Vat erly Review, 94th. THE Sunday School Times, of Yhiladell phia, pronounces the - klientiss Preserving Company of Cincinnati, which advertises to send packages of Gain° for $2 that will preserve almost any article for years, tip advertising for their preparation incire - thin it will perform.- The editor of tha Times thus advises hia readers : "The ad= vertisement has been. shtitout from our columns, and weadvise our readers to let the Prentiss . Preserving Company alone." D. LOTIIROP & CO., Publishers, Boston, Massachusetts, have sent us severaV gaut publications, exquisitely illustrak for the holidays. They . are chiefly fot the little ones. This house publishes the finest books of any in,tbe',United States, and any one wishing theif books for holi day presents, will do well to' .- Send for the catalogue. This firm also publishes ono of the 'best children's - magazines in the United States—The Wide -A tetike. • THE length of the evenings tin winter, which render it necessary to find some se dentary and domestic diversion, may also contribute to render reading a more fa vorite amusement than in,' summer. Books, newspapers and magazines enable the imagination to create a 'summer in the midst of frost Sand snow, and with the assistance of a cheerful lire, whose corn-: fortable warmth,supplieri the :absence of the sun, the winter may be mli,e as pleas ant as the season of vernal brecie or solar drulgence! LAST week a young man was in town, who gave his name as C. B. Lonnyo. Be was soliciting eiders for FRANK LESLIE'S magazine, also for a magazine which he claimed was published by Loan & TAY LOR, of New York, and be represented himself as agent for the patterns of LORD & TAYLOR and S. T. TAYLOR. Being sus picioned on account of the reduced rates offered, a lady of this place addressed a letter to Messrs. LORD & TAYLOR, and received the information that , the person named was a swindler. Look out for Min. -;—iroy Register. OF the. many Guides and Seed and Plant Catalogues sent out by our Beads men and Nurserymen, and that are doing BO much to inform the people and beauti fy and etnich 'our country, none are eo beautiful, none so instructive Pick's Floral Guide. Its paper is tue choicest, its illustrations handsome, and given by the thousand, while its ColOred Plates are gems. This work, although Costing but ten cents, iahandst me enough for a gift book, or a place on a parlor ta ble. Published by JAMES Ws, Roches ter, Now York, PRIUMIII/Utt exantinatkat of all desk big to moment"e the attidy_Of law at Towanda, Pa., on the tint Wednewhty in ,January tifter the Brut. Monday, and tint Wedneeday,after Brut Monday duly. • A. OVICRTO - N, Conunitthe - ' McPnaitiow, of L. M. HALL. Examiners. Dutuso a recent visit to Washington, we found our Repiesentetive, Hon, .C. C. JszwiN, at houie in the elegant rooms of . Willard'allotel and hard at work attend ing to the interests of his constituents. Besides being the best - looking man in the HoU t se, he is eminently business man, as t was evidenced by his answering 56 letterii the day we called on him. He has already prepared a .number of bills for the benefit of the people of his dis trict and will not fail, to look after any proper interests that are fairly entitled to consideration.-Troy Gaunt. AT this season of the yeiii when gift making is the order of the day, it is pecu liarly befitting that those who have.the ability should remember the pooy; and do what they can to bring Some measure of happiness to those who have been less favored by fortune than themselves. The offices of charity are alwayi in demand, but now above all times is appropriate to their exercise, and it would be a Happy New Year indeed if every man or woman w' , bb Las the means would gladden some deserving out distressed 4family by an act of beneficence. SAYS aulAthens' e,orrespOndent : "TIM MIDDATIOII was quite seriously hurt by being thrown from his wagon near the Bridge Works. Tuesday morning the 20th inst. The team became frightened while crossing the track, when . the wagon shuck an obstruction in the road, throw iz g , MIDDAuon from his seat and juju:- jug him as above. stated. The team ran down town and crossed the Susquehanna bridge, running up a - greater part of Orange Hill, where they were stop►ed by SAMOP.L lIIILIVYT and brought back here. The horses and wagon were uninjured." THE sidewalks in Canton near ly as bad as they are in some portions of this village. The Sentinel of that village, in its last issue, contained the following : "Iltia. C. Fsnotrsovi fell on the sidewalk near her. residence on Lycoming street, Wednesday evening, and fracturieck her wrist." "C. A. LEONARD, a -traveling salesman from Rochester; in coming from the station one• night about a weak ago, caught his foot on a locte plank in the walk and received a fall which severely bruised his head. He has been at PECK'S hotel since, and his; physician thinks he can resume b_ustnesa in a day or two." The Teachers' Institute now •in session at the Graded School building in this iS very largely attended, some. four Hundred teachers being present and a goodly nttraber,`of spectators at each ses sion. Those in attendance pronouncelhe proceedings very- interesting and enter taining. n.' L. Hillis. lectured .be fore the Instil,* on Monday . evening, on . ; 01low our "taws are Made." . L. M. Hill, ;Esq., was the lecturer Tuesday evectini, taking for his theme "The Pow er and Beauty of our Language." All had the pleasure Of-listening to the 'lecture, pronounce it an excellent 'one. /Prof. . WIM* L Marshall lectures 'before ,the Lastitt;to this Wednesday ;evening at Mercur Hall, on " Wonderlind." We shall endeavor to give an extended ac count of the Institute in our next issue. Ive min i ttached. .s. We t we do 'butions. Ind their I nuist at- eir own lon Wed- A CORRESPONDENT of the • Telegram, writing under date of the 24th, instant, says': "Canton escaped It:disastrous fire yesterilay. About 11 a. m . ;, FRANK LINDLEY, wbdi is employed by B. S. DARTT, in bis hardware `store;.bad-occa siou to go into the cellar to draw some oil, and in some unknown manner some straw that was .satuateci with oil took LINDLEY imMediately , rushed from the cellar, his entire person being envoi oited in flames. The Independent's were soon at work, and succeeded in extin guishing the oil. The whole husiness portion of the town on the north side of Towanda street, would have burned, if the fire had got under, headway. LIND LEY'S arm and band were badly burned. Dr. LEWIS has ale case." 1 GAmE must be scarce in the vicinity of Towanda., A celebrated landlord and a vigilant polLe- officer went out bunting one day last week. After traveling all day, Without success, so some of the knowing friends . of the parties say, they went into a- farmer's pigeon -roost and icnOcked down a half dozen of the birds with a club and departed for home. Go to the Elwell House, or ask Dimatocx, if you want to-get further information on the 'subject. Here the brave hunters have a way of going to one of the. moat mar kets and buying gaine tolake honie. with them when they fail to bag any. They don't propose to run any chances with in dignant farmers since the time - the blys ,shot that peacock- for a wild turkey.— Athena Gazette. Our columns'are at the service ofOn.NAr., and CITARLIni if they desire to reply to the above insinuation. TirE home of our esteemed Roman citi zen, Mr. 11.. L. SMITH, was the scene of a very pleasant mid most happy occasion, on Wednesday afternoon, 21st. =At about four o'clock the friends and relatives of the bride and groom began to assemble,. ' and by five it was ready, when the Rev. S. B. KEENEY entered the beautifully /decorated par or, followed by Miss STEL LA and Mr. GEORGE BROWN: 1 neatly dreSsed, arm n arm. Passing to the roar of the room,_ then facing, the ceremony was 'performed and Mr. and Mrs. BROWN introduced. After reedy leg the many and hearty congratulations of all, a sump tuous repast was enjoyed. At the conclu sion a shorn time was spent in viewing the costly presents. A short congratula tory visit was participated its, when the happy puir took their leave for New York. -.- C. B. CnntsymAs passed very quietly. in this place, although the presents given were more, numerous than at any previous Christinas, 'and many, of the gifts were very valuable. In the churches appropri ate services were held on Sunday morn ing, and large congregations wore in at tendance. The Sunday schools connected with the different churches had their an- . •nual "good time," notwithstanding the Christmas Tree was conspicuous by its absence. The M. E. Church Sunday School held a sociable and_ had la supper at the Church Saturday evening. The Sunday School of the Church of the Res siahhad some very interestink, • exereises in tint Church, whiCh was beautifully rimmed, on Saturday evening. l'he cola! Church's school held its aercisel!— inctiiding a tree and. `supper—Monday ev ening. The Baptist Schdol bad a sociable and entertainment-in the basement of the Church on Tuesday evening. All the places of basine:sa of our , village were cf.;sed vn Monday, and ever ybody seemed to - be devoting themselves to having a good time, although the weather - .'was wittier inclement. C • -L- : -". -'s :': - PIEFROCINAI.:.; - :'-': '.. :: • ..-::j' :-_ '—aire.. - Nig*l.4'-'lliiirOt - !).t .3101 11 , -. , 1 *, W Otiosliuiio remit::: .'- - I,' ''.--- - ...... - .: 1'..-:: -..::::: Gaullism is visiting her son, Dr. W. P. GRIFFITH/3 i in St..Louia.'-. —Miss &loams MACRABLANE is spend. log ibe holidays with filenda la Williams —Mr. and Mrs. CIA= WILSON held the M. E. Church, Sunday -ey ening last. • - —Miss Strugrim, of Detroit, Milligan, is the guest-of Miss NV mins Dsions, of this place. s • D. tlitiZif received •an elegant gold Knight Templar's badge as a Christ mas present. ! —Prof. D. C. THOMAS, of the State Nor mal 'School at Mansfield, Pa., has been in town this week. " _ -..—COagraaBMall JADWIN is a member of the Committeekon War - Claims - and Re, ion of. the Laws. a rro --Co. SRC . MARIAM VASS, o f Lino county, has been at the Institute part of the time this week. —Wis. Grimm, is home from Wash ington to spend the holidays with his family in this place. —Han. GOODENOUGH, one of the edi tors of the We'Moro Gazette, is visiting Old friends in this' place. —Mies.. lELLE KEIMEB, : a rgil, Las returned Lome from a pi t visit to friends in Deposit, N. Y. • —Mira ANNIE Bunt Err and Miss LUCY: PACKARD. are spending the holi days with friends in Canton. _ —Miss ANNIE WILLIAMS, of Waverly, is spending the Holidays with Miss MAUDE ALLEN, in this place. .—MIBB WINBIE DAVIES. is home from_ college, at Elmira, to spend the holidays with her parents in this place. _ —ROBERT M. PUUYNE, of Burlington, was last week appointed Mercantile Ap praiser by l . the County. Commissioners. —AeuoN CI4UBON, a former employee of this office, who hai been West for the past twelve years, is visiting friends here. —Dr. Joux . D. MERCUR, of Philadel phia, partook of a Christmas dinner with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Judge MERWI4, in this place. • , --Miss CLARA MIBIEII , Of Milan, bum returned from au extended visit to her brother . and friends in Michigan and cither,Western States. • . - —Mr. Jamns Ross has been. appointed "mine boss" at Bernice; ' , in place of Mr. Wonnwann, resigned. The appointment is said to be an excellent one. —We regret to learn that lion. Jrottts H. WEBB, Register and Reoorder elect, is - quite . ill. A Jorge circle of friends and acquaintances will wish him sreedy recovery. VANOVEII, of Litchfield, , who is now 78 years of age; submi ted to a severe susgical operation, for the removal of :a cancerous lip,, recently. 'We are happy to learn that lie is doing as well as could be expected. —CARTER TiEiC, a young colored man, and a printer, died- at bis father's resi dence in this place, on Thuriday last, of consumption. He was one of the most exemplary young men of our village, and commanded the respect of all who knew. him. - —Mr. JOSEPIT GAYLORD, OW of the oldest and best known citizens of Wyal using, died at his residence in that vii- lage on Saturday 'evening last, after an• illness of some thirteen weeks, his • ail ment being a sort of paralysis of the brain. The family to which ho belonged were the pioreer. settlers of that section. lle leaves a wife and several grown up children, besides a very large circle of friends to mourn his death. ' , —Died at Grand Island, Colusa county, California, November 30th, Mrs. CARRMI SA STANTON, aged 82 years. Mrs. STAN- TON when a child was. adopted by SAMUEL GRIFFIN and brought from Connecticut to Bradford county, he andlis brother being the first settlers in this vicinity on the GOFF place; now occupied in part by the fair ground. At the ago of eighteen CI.ARISSA mauled JOSEPH STANTON, machineat, who built the first woolen mill in this section, near where Mr. Foss now lives. For upwards of fifty years deceased has been a consistent member of the Christian church.—Canton Sentinai. —Mrs. SALLY M. GILLAM (nee -MAN LEY), widow of. MARCUS GILLAM, for many years engaged in business. in Can ton and Troy, is now visiting friends in this vicinity, says the Canton Sentinel. Mrs. GILLAM's eldest sou, M. M. GILLAM, has' for several years been the managing editor of that 'phenomenally 'successful daily, the Philadelphia Record. Her sce oud son, E. M. GILLAM, holds a responii ble position on the editorial staff of the Boston Daily . Advertiser, and another son, A. M. GILLAM, is a promising reporter on the Bostoa Post. .—A GOOD SEIACTION.7.We see by the Towandt Review of yesterday, that A. D. COOLDAVGII, First Assistant Engineer of Naiad Ro'se CoMpany, was unanimously elected Chief Engineer of , the Fire De partment for the coming year. Mr. Cool, Blum', who is now running as postal , clerk on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, has been connected with the Fire Department of Towanda since his boyhood, and on ac account of his good record as a fireman, and his many genial and social qualities has won the friendship of every one. The firemen of Towanda are to be congratu r fated upon the selection of a gentleman of the character and worth of Mr. Com. BAtall as their chief officer for, the cote ink year.-- Waverly Reel, % FAMILY GATHERING. Mr. Jxsan BROWN of Sheshequin Las. invited his live brothers and two sisters to visit him on Tuesday, January 3. We hope they may all be able to be there, as they are all.aged people and will probably never have another opportunity of meet ing together in this life. The arrange; ments are being made by Mr. CHARLES Bnows, and will include a sumptuous dinner. • The parties are expected to re main over the night 'and the • invitations include husbands and wives. Mr. BROWN is nearly ninety and, though somewhat infirm physically, enjoys vigorous mental faculties. ANOTHER • SWINDLING SCHEME A polite robber, giving his name as "C. F. JEWETT, Union Square, New York," has been-operating in L'tchfield and no doubt in other parts of the county. - He makes inquiries for long-suffering. sick people, and goes to their homes, and by a singular power of persuasion which he seems to havelndnces the afflicted per' sons and their friends to bny and pay enormous sums for what he (MI6 medi cine, telling them . he can cure them, and' will come again iu a specified time, or if in the meantime they Want more tnedi eine, they can send to his address. Of course he repicsenls that he is merely passing through the country with a hired cenveyanee to see some - case to whch be him been called all the way fron d New York, and his calling is only incidental to the trip. His victims are cautioned not to take the medicine until five or si..t days have elapsed, thee giviair, him time to get, well out of the country before the imixt,a., , tole fi dimmed.. ilk mamma Is mew swietened,end - Colored Water, some pills and red winds* to be taken one kindafter another until "it .11 all tikON when a .cure is guarantel3d. In one case he let ; enough of the " medicine " .to last four or five. months, he said, the time in which also a cure - was =warranted:.By actutestimation the stuff woidd last, if taken according to-directions, about three We learn that he vletimiced bard years. • Working farmers'in a single day in. the &Wye-named town to the tune of 461. We do not mention the names of the per. eons robbed, and would not make public the theta at wo not feel it a duty we owe to the public to put it on guard against this and similar scoundrels who are thus preying upon the misfortunes of the, people, tied tekibg advintage . of a natural hinging of the sick for_ health to rob them et! their haul earnings. c If "C. F. htwerr " did not have as many names As are contained in the Pentateuch we would say to our contemporaries, "Pub lish him from Maine to Califonda."—Ath: ens Casette. ' - TIOGA'S GRAND RECEPTION. , The Fourth Annual Reception.f Tioga Hose' Company, of our sister village of Waverly, took place on evening, and, as had been predicted in these col umns it would be, • proved to be the most successful and coinplete affair of the kind ever given in Waverly. 'tier Reception was given - In the Opera rionse, which was carpeted and decorated' expresslyfor the occasion. Opposite the entrance to • the large Hall, and just in front of the orches tra, was an unique designed chandelier composed of small gas jets and -forming, when lighted, the word "Tioga." Over the entrance was a large flag looped in graceful festoons, _while On thews Ils hung a number of choice oil*intings and handsome mirrors. Al • , (*d tine room were arranged large and elegant nphols terod !sofas and chairs, for th'e/ accommo dationf and comfort of both s ctators and dancers. There was" notin g elaborate in the trimmingi or decorat one, but all were irrexce ll ent taste. Tie supper was served Tat the TiOga Hon 4e, and did credit to the host of that house: The Tioga Orchestra tarnished thri Music for the ) us _dancers, and FRED VAI4O 'Eux, of Bing hamton, -" called " the fig yes. It was about a quarter past nine w en the grand march began—participated n by about sixty couples—and it wari for o'clock A. ra. when the last waltz was • lied. Ev erything passedoff ie the ost pleasant and enjoyable manner; an all who parti cipated in it unite in the one verdict- 7 "A 3, (e grand success. A. delightful ception. Long live the Tioga'sl of/ averly." Among th?sein attendanci4 f om neigh ! boring towns, we netici che following Miss., ; }mina / Campbe,l ' , 3 rs. Emma lit Wicks, Owego ; Ms:: Sel a Hoffman, Miss Kate Tucker, Elmi ; iss Gertrude Holbert, Chemung ; Mrs E. D. Buffing ton, Towanda ; Miss Evt Ho 'es, Elmira ; Miss 3lattie Elsbree, To atda ; I Mrs. Otis Lincoln, Owego; Miss Fa ie Stone, Owego ; Miss Mettle Holbertlr he.mung ; Miss• Nellie Clark, Elmira ; fiss Sadie Mercerea.u f . Owego ; Mi t e . C. H. Allen, 1 ::0 Towanda ; Max Maier, a Rite, Clay enco Wall, and James S ne, Elmira ; Otis Lincoln and Emmett I , 'irks, Owego.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mein y,re, of Buffa lo;1 ; Hon. P. R. Ackley ru wife, of Du-. shore, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Doody , of Skan eateles ; Peter Apgar, of tochester ; Jas. H. Owen and wife, of Ighemung ; • Mrs. Belle Hall, of Newark, N.I J.; J4lin Ward and wife, of Towanda ; 34. and Mrs. C. H. Keeler, •of the Owego', ipord; Gordon Tread well,. of the Binghamton -Republi- I are, and H. M. Allen, of: the BRADFORD BRPORTEIt ; Miss 'Helen Nevini,-Towan da ; Miss Hannah Matthews, J E mira ; Dr. Scott, correspondent Elmira dvertiser, Sayre ; Miss Jennie Lnen, °cheater ; D - Mr. and Mrs. • M. D. S idney, ' °cheater ; John Briggs, Sayre.. - [Our , representative fo arded us a complete list of the nam a i f all present, together with a descriptie 1 of the dresses worn by - the ladies ; but h late hour at which' the -manuscript • bed us, pre cludes our printing it, w i h we regret.— EDITOR. REPORTER.] 1 ; ACQUITT.3. Au Athens correspondent under date of the 24th, writes as foil aws : f "Cfficer SHEIMAN, on Tuesday ast, 'arrested, CHARLES RANDOLPH, of itChfield, Pa., charged with the deth 0 f CnantEs DUTTON, which took pace s a the 23d of July last, on the Paine road\ between Wyalnsing and Dush - ore about wo miles from Wyalusing,. He also arr.. :d FRED WATTLES and DAVID EVERSON of Litch field,,l, and GEinton DYER tO d FRANK GIDES, of Wyalusing, as a omplices. The particulars of Du TON'S death were as follows : The partie abo o mentioned were; in the lutober woods, about seven miles from Wyalusi g, for JAMES Durron (father of the a ppeased) who was jobbing for the fi ai of THOMAS Suou's Bons, and on tiat day they all went to Wyalusing, and hen on their way home some worda - .44 between Durrcan and Ilmainottatt, hen they were i won engaged in fighting. A ter a time RANDOLPH threw his arm a a nd DUT TON'S neck and struck I him. veral times in the face. Upon loosin " his -bold .Duz;ron fell and died alm t instantly. An inquest Was held and the jury decided that Durron's death svas e result of heart disease, and R ANDon was eion=` orated from all blame id the matter. Mr. DUTTON, since , that time, has been working the matter up, having found, as ho thought, evidence sufficient to convict RANDOLI'H of the crime charged upon him, and the other parties as accessories. The gearing took place before Esquire WILLISTON, the commonwealth being represented by. EVANS & 211AYNARD, end the defense. by O. D. KINNEY and . Bx 31. PECK, of Towanda, and 11. C. BAIRD and E. M. Mums, of Athens. The evi dence not being found sufficient to war rant holding them for court, they were acquitted. _ _ WEEK OF PRAYER. The World's Evangelical Alliance has appointed the first week in January as the week of prayer, thb following is the programme which is stUrt forth to all the Churches of the world : SUNDAY, January I.—,Stibject for di& cOurse, "Renkree Consecration." MONDAY, January 2.—Thanksgiving for the blessings, temporal• and spiritual, ; for the past year, and prayer for`• their/ ecintinpance. TUESDAY, January 3.—liumiliation'and confess - ion on account'of individual, social and national sins. _ WErnittsmor, January, 4.-Prayer for the blessings - of HOD on His Church and ills Word. THUMSDAY, January s.—Prayer for th young and all agencies for Christian train lug• FIIIDAY, January O.—Prayer for the universal prevalence of peace and right- eousnioas. SATUUDAY, January 7. Prayer for Christian missions, the outpouring of the liloiy-Spirit and the conversion of the world. A BAD OCCURRENCE. On Satirday eivningilsak 11111 LTILUT B. &mesas and family, tottalating of ids mother, wife, a son AMA fourteen years of age, ea child of five yews and a hired ,ware _ rOuriiing front the church *lore Christmas. eve serviceshad been held in connection with a .Christmas . tree, in main the loyal Sock enek, the boa: capsized from some cause and the entire party were thrown into tie creek, which at this point is quite deep sod the curd rent rapid. Owing to the exertions of the party Mrs. SARAH SPEAKER, Mr.. SPEASZR and the hired, girl were saved, but Mrs. Smarr= and the two children were drowned. The bodies of tbe chil dren were found soon after, near where the.aecident ocsurred, but the body of Mrs. SPEAKER was not found until Sun day afternoon, and was Some distance down the creek. Mrs. 13PrAxisa was a woman of rare ac complislunents, hospitable, entertaining and always interested in the welfare of those near her. Jons, the eldest child, we remember as a bright, intelligent stu .Hous school-boy, who carried with him an air of manliness seldoin met with in a boy of his age. This blow falls with great severity upon the kind husband and fath er who is thus-beret: in a single hour of an estimable wife and two dear children. The heartfelt sympathy of all is extended to him in his hour of affliction.—Dushore Review. IN MEMORIAM. Resolutions of Hillside Lodge,_ l No. 1817, I. 0 - . of G. T., on the death of R. W. Vona LIT. WIIEREAS, It has pleased the Divine Master in Ilis ~wisdom to remove "from earth o3r esteemed friend and brother, E. W. Vonght, we fully realize that 41 him we have lost an energetic and useful brother; his aged mother a dutiful son, and his brothers and sisters a loVing brother. Therefore he it Revolved, That we sympathize with the relatives and friends of the deceased in their our bereavement, and extend to them our heartfelt condolence. Resolved, That a copy of these resolu tions be. forwarded to the parents of the deceased, and the same sent to our coun ty papers for publication. Yours in F. H. and C.,. P. W. GILLETTE, / 8., F. Youwa, Coln. W. W. HORTON, FIVE PERSONS INJURED. Thursday night last, about &30 o'clock, Ave young - people started from Elmira to attend a party the ensuing evening at Ridgbury. this- county. They were - ED SMITH and LEROY HORTON, two young men of West Junction, near Elmira, and NORA DESMOND, NELLIE HOWARD and MARY DACY, who work at the Pattinson house in Elmira. The party occupied a covered democrat wagon; drawn by a span of horses. ' The night was dark and stormy, and while attempting to crisis a small bridge near' Wellsburg. the:horses were driven over the side and the entire party precipitated into the creek below, a distance .of perhaps 12 feet. • All were seriously hurt. Miss DES.irorin was in- jured in the lower part of her body and in her thigh, the latter beiug broken; Miss HOWARD, it• is feared, suffered a fracture of the skull back of and below the ear ; Miss Dim.' was injured in'the hip ; SMITH had his tongue bitten through, and HORTON suffered severe bruises on an:'. through . his chest.: Miss Elowmtp's injuries it is feared will prove fatal. The party, which •the young peo ple were on their way to • attend. was to be held at the house of a relative of Miss DEistoN6's. ARRESTED AT CANTON. .f n A despatch _to the Elmira Tele rant from Canton under date of Dece ber 24th, says : , "Jerry Ramsey forged the signature of W. H. Rumsey, to g a draft for .$109.10 at the bank at Canton,' on the 12th inst.! Thei draft was payable 6 Mrs. W. H. Ramsey, the widow of 'Rey . .. W. H. Ramsey, a cousin to Jerry and W. H. Rumicy.. After the 'forgery was dis covered, Horner - Drake and J. B. Butler, went - to MainSburg, where the prisoner was found, abeut two miles from town, and arrested by' Drake and retu'rned , to -Canton last evening. Ho was taken be fore Esq. Van Dyke for it. hearing. Ho asked to have the case continued until witnesses could be summoned. He vol untarily tocili::Rp a residence" in the bore' lock-np to await the arrival of W. H. Ramsey, his brother." . FIRE AT ATHENS. A fire broke out in the livery stable. of Jonx 111Enur,rT, in Athens, on Tuesday evening, andAbat building, a house occu pied by a 1111 1 ,. TOLES, and the barn of Dr. U. S. TpwsEn,. were destroyed. Nearly all of the contents-were removed'from the burned - buildings, but badly damaged. The loss is about $l,BOO. Therei was an insurance on the property of- $BOO. The tire is supposed to have been the work of . • an incendiary. Local Corresponden ce: —t-- : ULTER. Christnias passed bff quiCtl,it in our Nil lag,e. There were no Christnliatrees or other amusements, but suppcise th a t it will be made up New Year's, for there is tc be a "New , Year's lioat"pli f Monday evening, Jarittary 2, in th , M. E. Church, and we:. understand CorOderable preparation - is tieing made for _the same. Edward, l ßowman and wife; of Bu ffalo, N. Y., spent Christmas with friends in this place. ; Miss Jetiie Brown, of Frenchtown, and GeGrge Stevens,kof Midedonia, were the guests of Mrs. C. Rockwell during Chris., arias. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Chubbuck, of To wanda, were the guests of H.: E.. Pitcher during Christmas. There Was a good attendance at the sociable held at the residence of Mr. Laird last Saturday evening, and a pleas ani time was enjoyed by all. The next sidewalk soci able will be held at tho resi dence of Wm. Irving, Friday evening, January 6. The Sunday School Aid Society will meet at the house of Rev. C. E. Fergu son on Friday evening of this week. The heavy rains have caused the tobac co growers to rejoice, as they have been enabled to get all their tobacco down and stripped ready to be assorted. Mr. Henry Shaw and - Master Harpir have been in New York for several days, returnin_ home last Thursday evening. Mt. Chas, Hollenback, of Wilkes- Barre, is visiting Mrs. Hollenback and other friends. Mrs. Addle Corgi - enter, Nibri has been quite ill for some time, is not much bet ter yet, but hopes, are entertained of an early recovery. X. Dee. 21, 1881. TERRYTOW N. A new store has brew opened in the lower end of our village since our last letter. Mr. F. Diament is the proprietor. Mr. Wm. Fox has purchased the timber lot of Joseph HornetG,VCo-120-acres. Ray. Mr. H. I.l:.Reno bold past meetings on Norway Ridge tho past weeks Which mom krgelratteuded. - , Mn.s. Sazah PArks - icyisiting in New York State. - • " • - The mite society is progressing finely and proves a grand success. They meet every. Wednesday evening at different dwellings of our respected citizens. Elmer _Vaiiiersloot, of Philadelphia, is visiting acquaintancesin our vicinity, at present. Judson Tupper, from West Hanby, N. Y., is mentioned to be Mr. Wm. Hornet's ettnessor as clerk in Wm. & .J. B. Hor ton's store in 1888.. The school, at Tarrytown, under the supervision of Prof. C. P. Garrison, is irogressiog finely, and pupils:are said to make rapid advancement. Mrs. J. A. Riefler was on the sick list, but now is convalescing. A little girl of John V. Pool was sud denly taken down. with that dreaded dis eaise, diphtheria, aid is not expected to live at this writing. • Miss Francis E. Strong has again open ed luir school on Norway Ridge. ' Soon Sheriff Horton will leave for To wanda. The people of Tecry will miss the smiling and generous face of 'Wm. T. Horton. Burchell Bros.. from Towanda have been in our vicinity the past week setting tombstones. As this will be my last letter for the yea,: 1881, we wish all the readers of the REPORTER a very happy New Year. PRINCE BISMARCK. TEILBYTOWN, Dec. 24, 1881. LACEYVILLE AND SKINNER'S • EDDY ITEMS. Wish the .4eaders of the BRADFORD RE PORTER a Happy New Year. Mirages at the stone quarry at Skinner's Eddy have been cut down considerably, since the 15th of this month. William Flynn, of Windham township, Wyoming County, was hiund dead near Laceyville depot, about three o'clocl(kn Thursday morning, on the raiiroad trael. His body was nearly cut in two, head nearly cut off, and otherwise severely bruised. _ Ho was a man of intemperate habits. He was about fifty-three or fifty four years old, and leaves a large • family who can care for themselves. We understand that B. W. Edwards, Esq., goes out of the mercantile business next month s on account of poor health. 'Benjamin E. Wakeman, Esq., is doing good business as a merchant. It is hard to beat hint. He has _the only fivercent counter in Laceyville. He is also Post master. , Our educational departtneut at the Academy is conducted by a 'Mr. Keeler, of Keelerville, and Miss Ackley, from Springhill. Schools large. Mrs. J. En-Frisbrie, of Centreville, is skiwly recovering. ' Our 'shoemakers, Messrs. 11. D. and A. L. Williams, I,nd N. R. Lacey, have more work than they can do. Mr. Spencer Stevens;fa Laceyville, and family, went to Elmira for the purpose of educating the , children. They will re turn to their Winne here in the spring. Sid. Gregory isthe boss "grocery lord" of this place. He is doing a large busi ness. Call and see him. ReEpectfßlly,. December 26; 1881. OVERTON. Christmas passed quietly at this, place'. Plenty of and mud for a little while back, and rough roadanow. Uncle Sam's mail carrier, Mr... Clark, had a runaway a short time ago. No damage was done except Mr. Clark had to carry the. mail on foot for a couple of Squire McCann has - recovered from the effects of sticking himself with a pen- knife. Mr, Orrin Heverly bap- moved into his new house. :Good hick to . Henry Mosbaeher, from Dushore, is visiting his parentsat Overton. Mr. M. Keeffe, of Bradford, is visiting his friends at Overton. Miss Sherman, of lowa, is visiting rela . taxes - at this place. . Mr.- Wilson Streevy starts West to-nor • row. . Mrs. J. N. Molyneaux, of Granville, is visiting her friends at this place. Mr. Russel Heverly is doing an exten sivex business at baling hay. Dr. Parks has recently purchased a span of Texan horses. He is now, anx ionsly waiting for a patient. Decetiiber 26, 1881. BUSINESS - 'LOCAL. Vlrlleautiful Holiday Booka'at CROSS' Rook Store, Mercer Block. tir Mrs. E. J. 31hvos, Main . Street, opposite the Park, has new ; Fail. styles In all De partments of hea•_ 7 3lllllnery Store. For choice goods this is Headquarter's in Tirwanda. Oct. 13. • rirCHRISTMAS 'AT WHItCOMB'S. We have completed our purchases and havenow f In stock the lar eat, best and most varied assort ment weever h dof Goode adapted for HOLIDAY • PRESENTS. i - , Dec. 1, 1881,:.. rar Beautlfoll'ictures at Cuoss's Book Store, Meteor Block. far In Henry & Johnson's Arnica and OH Liniment we furnish you a large bottle for 5 cents. Cam" The Largest, Best and Cheapest line of Shoes for Ladles', MlsSirs' and Children,' wear IS found at'Consrat's new store, corner Mali and Plne-sts., Tracy &Noble's Block, _ apr4lB Mr L. B. IioDOBREI ohalleDgeß compe 'Won for quality of goods and low Prices on &alai, Doors, Blinds and hdoldin‘s, and al building ma. terlal.• • - • aug3-tf.l 4.1* Ititi RUN NO. ItISK when you buy your Groceries at G. L. ROSS'S new store In Montanye 'Hock. His PRICES are WAY DOWN to'recrbottom. ITlastore In KIIILLPSI BLOCK, isr WART!, beats the world by Low Prices and good Goods. fff" If the functions of the liver are in any way disordered, the whol3 body, and not only the body. but the mind sympathizes with the dis turbed organ. Billions complaints are more com mon than any other disease; and to remove the bile, as well as to regulate the Liver, you only have to take Simmons' Liver Regulator, which will Im part new Rue soot vigor to Elio whole system. t. CousEß has the best wearing Shoei for Men.. Boys awl Youths , wear over offered In Towanda, and at prices within the reach of all. C Thousands of women have been entirely cured of the moat stubborn cases of female weakness by the use el' Lydia E. Pinkhant's Veg etable Compound. Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Pink ham. 223 Wm.tern Avenue, Boston, Mass., for pamphlets.' dects. . . , Tar- GEO. L. Ross sells c XLlderiell awful CHEAP because his expenses are very Tight, and he Is bound his customers shall have the tenellt. Lair As a. remedy to . purify the blood, nothing can be totted equal to Dr. Baxter's ]tan. drake Bitters. erica n eta per bottle.' Efr When a cough sounds like Croup that is dry and hard—do not delay au instant Give: Downs• Elixir often enough to keep the cough loose, and the dagger will over. ItURRAII to Gso. L. Ross's New Grocery Store In the Montanyo Block,and get your Groceries at rock bottom. Jan. 20. or Beautiful Holiday Goods at CROSS' Book (Born, Mercur Block. • fir The Davin Sowing 3tachino with its Vortical Feed-dors a large.range . ofpraoilcal wort not pofiall?lo on any under fccd itachino. tt far REMOVAL.--J. 8. ALLYN \ 114 e re moved his Undertaking Establishment from Bridge street to rooms on !bin street s ;over Tun. Nita k GoaTtls DrugEtore. and'AVOoorotto N . VA DORN'S 11.4 pi s2loe Wee; A full line of Undertakerhktlv:.ldo from the cheapest to the best. 3ear7,41. , _ J. 19. Aumr, Agent. ar Beautiful Novelties- in Holiday Goods at Cam!! Boot Store, Meteor SIAM Lam' Call at CROWS Book Store, MaCtLT Block, before making:our Usilday pardons. VirVignase.. ! - - No iliinger from Chol era It the Liver Is- In proper order and ordinary prudence In diet Is observed. The occasional Pik. Inc of dimmon's Liver Ilevalator to'keep the•sys• tent healthy, will surely prevent attaelisof Cholera. Have you noticed this fact? When everthe Davis Bening Machines with ita Vertical Feed canes in competition with; Other makes, it carries off ail the honors. deciStr -1111 r Save money and buy your HOLI DAY GOODS at Whltemnlea Book Store. ImT manse opening of NOVELTIES In GOODS, con stating of JEWEL SIM WORK BOXES, HANDKERCHIEF and GLOVE CASES, COIN PURSES, PHOTOGRAPH , and AUTOGRAPH ALBUMIIIn PIum,WRITING DESKI‘of Leatll er, PAPIER, MAeHE and • WOOD, JAPANESE WARES, GLASS GOODS, FANCY INKS and WEIGHTS, ate. Small milts and gale* sales, at WHITCOMB'S. Dee. 1, 1881. I ED. MOUILLEBSEAUX ket44o - his . stoek and has now on hand a lint assottAnent of Watches, Jewelery and Silver-rare. Histaste is equislte, and a call at his stortceorner Slain and Bridge Ste., is genuine treat to lovers of prettxthings. Call and be convinced. Iw. or Beautiful Christmas Presents at Csoss's Book Store, Mord:or:Block. • .Vir'LIVE AGENTS - WANTED !—To tell Dr. Chaim'', Recipes; or InforMation for Every body, in every county la the United States or Can adas. Enlarged by the publisher to tif, pages. It contains over 2,000 household recipes and is suit, ea to all classes anti conditions of ' society. ik wonderful book Anil household necessity. It sell", at sight. Greatest inducements ever offered to book agents. sample copies sent by mall, Post paid, for $2.00. Exclusive territory given. Agents more than double their money. Address Di Chase's Steam Printing House, Ann Arbor Hichigin.-am. • • ••,•• • NM= Boots for Men only #.OO at thpREAT BOSTON CLOTHING HOU S E just opened In Means , Block, Towanda, Pa. rir. For new Fall Styles of Ladies Hata you will dad an abundant assortment at Mrs. E. J. Mingtts, Main St., opposite the Park, from which to select something that will Just become you. Cati.and sec. - Oct. 33, ISM. I A list of articles from which to choose a sensible Present for the Holidays: BED 11003i SUIT, PARLOR SUIT, PATENT REED CAMP, BOSTON,NURSE' OR CHILDS ROCK ER, OFFICE CHAIR, BED, SETT DINING CHAIRS,. CRIB, HALL )TAND, 'MARBLE TABLE, CARD TABLE, EXTENSION TABLE, WHAT-NOT, MUSIC RACK, FIRE SCREEN, BRACKETS, WALL POCKET - OR SPRING BED. All of these articles, and a great many otheri too numerous too meiitlon, can be fond at the BRIDGE . STREET FURNITURE STORE, and any one of them will please your family, and at the same time be useful. as well as ornamental. [limn forget the plaice, E. B. PIERCE'S BRIDGE STREET FURNITURE STORE. Dec. 1, sw. • _., or 1101ADAT , }'A.llTY.—There will be a Holiday Party,ai the Orange Hall, Asylum, on Thursday evening, „December :9th, 1881. MI are cordially Invited to 'attend,. • Music, McDonald and Stulen's Orchestra. Bill 0.50. dec.B. 3w.. Ur Lydia E. Pinkbam's - Vegetable Compound Is a remarkable remedy for all those painful complaints and weaknesses so common to our best female population. Send to lfrs. Lydia E. Pinkham. 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, ]fans., for pamphlets. .113 r Remember that the Large Stock of Mien's and Boy's Boots, Lanai' and Children's Shoes, sold so cheap at the BOSTON C LOTHING . 1131.75 E , are all Hand made and_ every patr war ranted. ' • • der 15. • rip,- The ladies will find at Nits. E. J.. Hlngos a Leantlful assortment of Fancy Goods In Tles,Glorea; Ribbons, Flowers, Hose, Yarns, Jew embraclng the very latest styles and pat terns.. Please look over her floe stock and you will surelyflud just whatyouhave wanted: octla CL A LTDE. • gErREMEMBER, that W.C. S A. 8.. Bunnows,pf 'Stevensville, Bradford county, Pa. 301 goods attotrom prlces and take In exibange Rutter, Eggs, Pork, Poultry. Rags, Dried Apples, and Graln of nil , June 23;S1ti. • , MARRIED. \ • At Barclay on De cember 22d, by ;Rev. C. T. Hallowell Mr. F. Richard ' :Fisher, of 'Olean, N. Y., and Miss Mary E. ' Asnot, - of 'Bar- Clay, Pa. . BROWN—SMITH.—At the hoMe of the bride, December 21st, 1881, by Rev. S. B. Keeney,- Mr. George Brown, of , Her rickville, Pa., and Miss Stella' Smith, of Rome, Pa. - ANTISDEL—BOWEN.—At Neath, De- Cember 11th, by Rev. E. J. Digs, 31r. W. D. ,Antisdel and Miss Florence Bowen, both of West Warren. BIRD—CORSON.—At M. E. Parsonage, Towanda, December 21,1881,31 r. James B. Bird; of 31eshoppen Pa., and Miss' Sina 31. Coison, of Lacey,ville. 31ORLEY—CROUCH.—In Troy, Penn'a at the residence of H. S. Leonard,.De r cemt er 21st. 1881, by-Rev. G. P. Sewall, Mr. Simon H. Morley, 'of Battle Creek, Michigan, to Miss Mary E. Crouch, of Troy. TOWANDA: MARKETS.' REPORTED BY STEVENS a LONG, Generaideslers to Groceries andProduce,coiner Main and Pine Streets. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DEC.' 2s, 1881. N r EENOI.i.. .2.10ur per bbl... Flour per sack.. Corn Meal per 100. A Chop Feed Wheat, per bush.... $1 85 0 Cora -7.; red 80 0 Rye 80 . 0 . 0 . Oats . 45 q 45 Buckwheat SO 0 - 85 . 0 Buckwheat F10ur.... 13 50 ; 0 " (off Clover seed 5 00 ea 6 60 Timothy, western,.. .. 13 25 0 640 . Beans, 62 lbs, ' ' 12 00 (al , 2 50 . a - Port, mess • • 0 bbl. ' 0 , Lard 0 12 15 0 Butter, tubs • 25 /6 - 30 ' - 03) Rolls - 25 0- 2 . 0 Eggs, fresh 28 0 25 Cheese Potatoes, per bush Beeswax leo 6 20 0 22 H -0 CORRECTED BY 11. DAYIDOW :k BRO. Hides Veal Skins Deacon Shins.'. sheep fIRPIIANS' , OURT SALE.-By N . I virtue of an ortr issued out of the Orphans' Court of Bradford C nnty, Pennsylvania, the un dersigned, administrator of the estate of Luke Dolan, late of :Herrick township, deceased, wilt expose to public sale on the premises, ojsCRID AY. JANUARY 27L1, 1312, at - o'clock P. 5t., the fol. lowitg described.real estate *of said decedent, to wit: All that cetain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in 'Standing Stone township, said county (knoten as the O'Herron lot), bounded north, by lands of Patrick Lynch and Philip Grace, east by lands of George Jennings and Luke Dolan, wrath by lands of Stephen Bishop, "and west by lands of Widow Hurley and James O'HerrOn ; contains 50 acres, more or -less, with the appurtenances. TE11313 OF-SALE.—Crne-third of. the purchase money to be paid-10On the property .is struck down, one-third on confirmation of, sale, and bal ance in nine months from confirmation with inter. est. f , W. A. WETIORE, Herrick, Pa., Dec. 9. 1881. 'Administrator. On or about the first of April, L. Schneeberg, - Proprietor of the Great Boston Clothing . House just °petted in Means' Block, Main Street, Towanda, Pa., will change quarters to NO. 2. Patton Block, corner of Bridge and Main Streets, with the Largest and Best Selected Spring and Summer Stock which will be made up expressly for the Towanda Branch, with the Latest Style Business and Dress Suits, .with an Elegant Line of Hata and Caps, Gent's Furnishing „Goods, Boots and Shoes, &c. _ Thanking the people of this community for their patronage in the past, we hope to see all our old customers and many others at our now place of business, with a con venient location and leas rent, - that we shall be able to sell'our Goods at still bet ter. Bargains, and shall aim to please every one, and to keep the Largest'and Best Stock as can be found anywhere, and at prices that will pay you to go fifty miles to the Great Boston Clothing House just opened in Means' Block, Main Street, Towanda, Pa. M. L.SCIINBEBERO. FARM FOR • SALE.—Situated in Terry Township, 14 miles from river, Where are store, post oMee, church, gristmill, se., 3 miles . -front station on Lb* L. V. R. It. on a well traveled_ wad, Containing 0334 acres, 45 well improved, good fences, good orchard, grapes, /to.. and excellent springwater, and comfortable buildings. Also for sale, house and lot in Now Albany Bor. rough. Wishing to go West, will sell the store cheap toe cash. If sold soon. Apply oil the farm, to MYRON BABCOCK, Terrytewn, ra. GEORGE Pox, • Proprietor ELLING CI 500 9CO I; 80 0 '2 25' (4(I: 75 04 1 ;5 = -: 06 (4 07S 25 (al 11 25 40(4 Co t 75 150 Vern Abvertisentents; NOTICE; Via Shattsataits; NOTICE is hereby given thit mp wire) ary kw lett iiry, bed and board wi th . out. not cause of proito' :Won, 1 busby forbid atis' ono boring or mean bet ore At *tenant as I our pay no debts of her ccouraciang. XLIIIIII.IT STRANG. Tarrytown, Pa Dee. 2P, net, ->w. - Jf_4_iliE Drs. Angle Hollister, (Oyer Dr. Pratt's edited TOWLNDA, _ • - Dr. 4nglei halog returned from the West. formed a partnership with Dr. Hollister Weeder to meet the requirements of their 4rOwing proxtlee. Special atttenUon U liven to the Preservation and Treatment of the Teeth. Filling, Extracting, and the Correc tion of Irregularities ' Executed In a careful and gentle winner Cas, Ether, or Chloroform Admin- tutiglaimr.losoiwg: Inserted on Gold, Sther, Aluminum, Rubbers-Cel luloid and Continuous Gum, and guranteed. MI the latest Electrical and other Improved iriz struments, which facilitate operations and render them less tedious to the patients are employed. Especial pains Is takes with nervous and delicat patients. ALL ruicEs REASONABLE. E. H. ANGLE, D. D. S., - F. L. HOLLISTER, D. D. S. Towalida, Pa., Dec. 22, OM. CUTTER SLEIGBS! FINE SWELLED BODY CUTTERS, of beet makes In market, for sale at very low prices. Cutters, supplied.trimmed and fUrnished to order. Special inducements to all buying br giving early orders,„Sutters furnished with either heavy steel Ot_ CUL- , shoes. Will deliver Cutters crated at any railroad station at same price' as sold at my ware house. ;Send for description' and prices. R. M. WELLES, Towanda. ANNUA L ~IEETING.-Thy An nual 3teetlap, of the Stockholders of. the Mat National Dank of Towanda, Pa., for the'elec- tion of Directors apd for the transaction of any other business that may be brought before it, will be held at the office of the Bank, to the Borough of Towanda, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 10th, 1402, between the hours of I and 3 Y. 31. N. N. BETTS, Casbler Towanda, Pa., Dec. 5,.18-91, • IVNLT : A.L MEETING.—the,An i anal-Mietlng of the Grafige Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Troy will be held at Troy Grange Hall on the SECOND TUUBSDAY of JANUARY next, at 10 A 8., for the purpose of electing thirteen Directors and transacting such other business as may be necessary. D. LILLVF. President. B. F. NEWBERY, Secretary. Troy, a., - Dec. S, 1681. G:.H.,WOOD,Sz CO., PIIOIOGRAPHERS Are now WELL ESTABLISHED In their NEW GALLERY, and are making ail, kinds of PHOTO GRAPHS and TINTYPES. They are Introducing a new style of Photographs, called MINETTS. which they make for OM PER DOZEN. They make I TINTYPES, Card Size, fur So cent 4-4 at one sitting. Tlity also make a specialty In copying, haring a number of agents cantrasllng for them. Give us a call, and see wcitit at.d prices, at PATTON'S BLOCK, CO_R.-MAIN AND BRIDGE STREETS. Towanda, Pa.; Dec. S, V 4 XECUTORS' NOTICE. Let; tern testamentary havir.g been granted tut - the Undersigned. upon the ..,:ato of Noble Leavenkorth, late of Herrick Tap.. deed, notice is hereby given that all per.ions indebted to thittald -- estate are requested to make immediate payment; and all persow having claim. against said estate must preseutthe same duly authenticated to the underslgnedfor settlement. L. SQL - TRES, Executor. . Baillbay,Ta., December IN 1&314w. V i .XICUTORS' NOTICE.—Where. as lett( rs testamentary to the estate of Levi . P. amlron]. late 4ir ae township of Wyalusleg, deceased,' have Leen 'granted to the subscribers. all persors Sndebr d t.. estate are requested to make Itnit, , d+ went, and those having claims or tletm.o.i.":,:;:t:u-t the estate of the dece dent will inane , o•o•li the same without delay:to 4.": W. STA LFORD, _... 4 4 k:in:Gr. ST ALFORD. Browatown, Draft ford Co., Psi. Execators. A, DMINI STRATOR':; NOTICE. ~,Lettersof AdminiNt I....lngbeen granted the undersign...di, und,: , r the last' %%ill and testament_ of John C.Park , ,lar..: of S:“..,l;tfititti twp.,deceased. allepersons Indelded,lo tl.e ez•tate of said decedent are hereby nmided , to tue., , , immediate pay ment, and all haribt.• claims against said 'estate must present the'Fatne duly authenticated to the undersigned f-)r settlement. JAMES U. PAM if El, A , Iministrator. Sheshequln, ra., December 15, lira-we. FARM FOR 'SALE —The sub scriber offers for rale his farm of Se acres, located in Orwell township, between. Rome Bor ough and Orwell Hill, adjoining the farm of 0. J. Chubbuck. Good buildfngs and good grafted fruit orchard. Farm nearly all under cultivation. A good farm for grain or- dairying. Terms will be made easy to suit purchaser. For further particu larsenqui re of Geo. W. Buck, at Citizens IS ;Moult Rank, Towanda, Pa, or of the subscriber. to Ray hville, Sept. 15-m3. JOHN BLACK. @1 36 1111 - OTEL FOR SALE.—=.I offer the `" . American *Hotel property for sale at a great bargain. The' Hotel may be seen on the corner of Bridge and Water streets, hi Towanda Borough. It is one of the be , t and most central locations in the place. There is a good barn connected with the property,. Tha frcy• bridge and new depot near to It makelbis.llet•Jl desirable for anyone wishing to In thelnsiness. A good active man with a small capital can pay fr.r the property In a short time from the profits. It iFss papers and painted new last spring and is now In excellent condition. JOSEPH G. PATTON. 'Towanda, Pa., Sept. IS, tf. • A UDITO.R'S NOTICE.-C. W. & H. IV. Middleton vs. Johnson Manufae. luring . Co. In the Court of Common Pleas of the County of Bradford, No. 733. wept. Term, BSI. - The undersigned. an Auditor appointed by the Court to distribute the fund In the Sheriff's hands raised from the sale - of the defendant's personal property, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of his appointment, at the office of McPherson ,k Young, In Towanda Borough, on SATURDAY, the ISth day of JANUARY. 18s2. at 10 o'clock. A. st.„ wheil and where all persons having claims upon said fund must present the same for allowance, or be f9reiret barred from coming In upon. the same. W. J. YOUNG, Auditor Towanda, Dec. 16, 1.681-wI: Rheumatism and Nemialgia. This medicine is an inkenal.remedy and recommended for the above corn plaints exclusively. By its use, the acid condition of the blood, which engenders the disease. is corrected, the inflaminatiou speedily reduced and health restored. In cases of every degree of severity, from the ordinary attack to thos, that reeler tho sufferer -utterly helpless and baffle the skill of the ablest practitioners, this rem edy produces the - same magical results. Through a long series of years. - this gre specific has been tested with entire sn cess and its virtue become known through out the length and breadth of the land. BOLT) BY TURNER GORTUIN.n3 APEW COPIES OF THE ROAD LA We elm ‘ei had st this OMeo. ME Istered. —i.•ot:— El