0 Mr Christmas baits ale }shag swot; The Flaw Iles MAW at afar fast; A. 13. all araaad Is eat= aid tats ; - L any 'Maass tits the air Warbles tag Sepia ea the spay. The Italy spay; Wahl does he say today. today, Mat Aces be say ? He ship the eon of Peseo—Geoti4lll To all the catkins of the earth Re slap at Gratitude to film • Who tor oar saes Ms day bad bira; He sings of Perfect Itrceiserbood. Of rendeting tor Itvti—Good ; Be slap of laptrieitorpera; Of Love. that Make* of earth s heaven Take yr., In my thanksgiving. part:' -Be earoU frsawildsllttie beart "Kate with mine own. your voles' beard Let Wan be grateful as the Bird r• All We lbe Robin sings today, TWilsy. today. Percbed WO upon the holy spray! Journal. mainbaiged ♦sat.. I saw so much Paid abont the merits of Hop Bitters, and my wife who was al ways doct9rir:gi<*d never well, teased rice so nrgentljr.to get lbersome, I conelud eti to be- htuntingod again ; and I am gis,d I did, fijiin Itss than two months' '>us ofAtin Bitters my wife was , cured, and ii - oi,Sos retrained so for eighteen months , I like midi humbugging.—H. , T., Et. Tra.4, [Pioneer Prat.] 14)tal Correspondence. Tlit l / 4 URT AND LICENSES. - The, full:Uwing rebolution appears from the report of proceedings to have been iwauimonaly :oil:opted at tl.e Good Temp lars' Conventiou recently held in Canton : Resolved, 44, That inasmuch u the Supreme Court. of Pennsylvania rule■ ti at the granting of licenses is wholly at the discretion of the district judge, we shall continue to remonstrate against the granting of any reuses to sell intuzi es g, leaving the judge and petitioners :o take all the resoonsibility of forcing these pernicious houses into .our communities. The grave errors embodied in this reso lution prevail to a very wide extent among professed tetrperan. e °pit: in this state, and ought to be corrected. • They- cannot, . wash their hinds of blood-guiltness -in' this matter by — simply remonstrating against the granting of licenses hi obedience to the , law which has their authoritative sane- tion. The policy of titela'iv is fur license. It authorizes the 'Court to grant licenses. — lt stands as substantt. fly enacted by the Legislature that reptaled the "local op -°-tion law." This law submitted the ques. tiou of granting, licenses to the: direct vote of the people. Its repeal took that privilege from them, so , that they cannot reach the , question only through the Legislature and Executive. Once adm that a judge may set up his own .private opiniUn, as to the wisdom of the policy of a law, and administer it instead of the law, and your give him power to practi cally repeal law.' If be could thus prac tically repeal it in one case he might in others, and thus law-making and it uses would be practically nullified. The pri vate opinion of the. judge would become the law. The Supreme Court makes no Sue ruling as stated in the alo!ye resolution. What it does rule is t.hts " That to grant tit - refuse a license is entirely with in the discretion of the Court of Quarter Sessions and no appeal lies therefrom." See Tctole's Appeal th, Norris page 37f3, -The discretion which the law gives the Court to grant vi refit , :e license on a par ticular application dues not extend to the general question of - setting aside the p3licy.of the law under which that discre tion is given. Ifere is the language of the Supreme . Court on this point al,o, `" Whether li censes should be granted is a legislative not a judical qftestifin. Court sits to - administer the law fairly as it is given to tbem.and not to male or repeal it." - .The-Court may t ce!are the law inoper • alive when it conflicts with the Constitu tion,_, not because the Court his any authority over law, • but because the Con-. stitation is a higher law and must prevail. And what is t the Constitution . but a higher law adopted by the people, the source of authority. If the law does not represent the will of the people, it is so because the people do not represent their nan=will i^ . casting their votes. They choose their agents to• make their laws and instruct them in the ilatforms they endorse. It is cowardly, hies and unjust, to charge npOn the judge the evil conse queoces of a bad law .which )the Court faithfully administers. The real criminal is behind the . Court. Whin Governor Ilartranft, Nern-like throttled all .the anti-license voters in the state, the great mass of them were clinked into silence and said by,their votes, amen ! we sub mit to be slaves to the rum power, and . wear the party shackles. And ever since they-have tramped upon the treadwbeel of party tnachine.ry till the shacklegait hati become second nature. Temperancte republiCans, and temper • ante democrats, please remember, the responsibility is :won you. That the keep ; • ers. of. "these pernicious pest-houses,'!" keep them by your authority. " Sliff have yet to learn that an agent is more criminal than his principal." 0. J. C; meA °agar gamble mad Mimi Came of IL Some genius—we suspect him to belong to the!jovisl order of humanity—h. a said:, "The day to drone and dream, the night to learn and ramble." We do not pro pose to dispute this worthy's view of the :matter. but present hirewith the expert ' ence of a Philadelphia joumaliit„Mr. William H. Cunuington, 1712 - North ' Twentieth street, ono of whose nocturnal rambles be thus refers to, beginning his narration rather peculiarly, -however : "1 am not a rheumatic, and have been trou bled very little , with bodily pains.- Last Tuesday morning I experienced very an noying stiffness of the neck, which grew , worse as the day wore on. Toward even ing it became very severe, and I could scarcely turn my head in any direttion. - Arriving home at tea time, it was with difficulty that I could cat my meal. My wife wanted to rub my neck with St. Ja cobs Oil, but I refused, saying I thought - the affliction would soon pass away. Tea over, against the remonstrances of my family, I left hornet° ramble toward the new Chestnut Street Opera House, about two and a-ballmiles from ray residence. I started in the midst of a heavy sn.,w storm, and ref:liaised at the tit stre until the close Of the p •rforrnairce, :.ithough I could feel my uerk getting worse and be coming very painful. Leaving the play the trouble came to teach hone. The storm continued ; the car in which I was blocker* rrly every square, a cold current of,air_swept through the car, and I did not resell my - house until toward 2 a. it., ti wile: time my neck bad be come absolutely rigid. Tfren I consented to the rue of tit. Jacobs Oil, which my wife applied two or three timrs before I - arose. , I , x , ntitmed its time that day and by evening i f was free from poll, and the next muruitig I amused nip- l: by twist. - rug my peek in any direction that stilted Inn, and not. a vestige of stiffness rennin. ed. '—Boson Hera/4, CAROL. IMIL 11111 E. NUM if Ult Ong LYDIAPINKHAM IB VEGETA= MEM= reran thane Patent Conglalsol tma Weraummes eeemameat tune ham feneede gegal Itwtit cone sandy the word farm of fensahtCom. plants, all ovarian trochiseea andCleam thm, Telling and Instineements, 11214 tbir e 07111.410011 Waal Weelitem. and la partiesdatty adegatii S. O. Mango of We. TM 011101/111 =di nivel tampon frees the sterothi an auly stage of development: The tendency to eatij meows humor. tLere beheciped veryapeedDy by ita It ramose fahttnam, ghatuleaci, dentraysall craving far itimolanti, and relieve, weakness of the damsel. It atrea Bloating, neadaehes, Nervous rrotdratton, General NUM 113901100011!. Inpremlon and . lndir gertios, That feellng of bearing dawn, aradng refolded and badmebe. le always pernmnestly awed by Ile ma. It will at all thneaand under alleiremmtaintes act in harmony with theist"' that govern the female system. For the earner ninny Onotdataht of either= tile Cortlnmuldumetraamed. • Lrgl/I.L PINKELLIVII TEGETABLY. 4,0111• romp , is prepared at =1 and tat wrement Avenue, Lynn, gam pries E. 81: bottleefor OS. gent by mall in tbe farm of Mila also loth. form of lozenges, on remit* of pries, $1 per boa for either. Kra linkhant freely ammers all WM* of Imam Bend for paingh- Addrest as Adam /ration tAt. Amer. 2fo Way oboold b. oriamost LTDII. Z. MXMiI LIVE 2. paza. Thai care s eassUpolloo, bil/oososoo. ikod torptelty of tbo 25 acts pet box. gar Sold by all llregaism'Ci Is aPO the Cure Tk LI FETI M E SURPASSES, OTHERS §, 0111180gfark& a. 30 UNION SCLNEW YORK 1 6 ; eki I CA G 0 ILL k •••''''' C ) RANGE MASS. Ir• GALVANISM and ELECTRICITY The greet Curative Arista A GALVANIC BATTERY Is imbedded In this -Medicated Plaster, whle-h, *ben applied to the body prudueee a constant but nald current of Elect/Keay, which is most embilandiniy, affording immediate relief to the most pains of whatsoever maws. They ere ci =l Mlby Physicians to be the most scientific suet& application of those subtleand mrderionl elements of nature for the positive and speedy curs of the following complaints, TULA • - Rheumatism; Neuralgia; hick Head. 'ache; Weak and Inflamed Ryes; All petioles of the Wain; Spinal Com. plaints; X idney and Liver Complaints; ' , laxities, Paralysis and Lumbago; Dye. pepsin; Asthma and Lung Diseases; Dis• cam, of the Heart; 'Nervous Prostra• fleas; die. - ' PRICE ONLY $l.OO. THE BELL [ANN CO.. Pimp l es, • 042 !ham, Ca. 13th Ct.. Nov Tcrki,l AGENTS WANT7, I I:II. *MD STAMP rult OILISCULAIS. YOB SALE BY ALL DBUOCESTIL Itentkon this paw. Ba k tor wan. Heattli Beaus !teal :Intl you will mot regret.ll! The Tanen-rod beauty. Ninon ea rrnept. as ri to:fished the world by re:oaf/1g the wonder :tit ta , , clearness a•ol brdlloucy of itind aud conapl-z -thr afltooft Ler 11. e. At the *la of 9S ht r surf von a. it "t, bieouatig an I freh. ea a girl cf l& el he :a rot R. 1.4 the iiPc over. , of thetunotli a al tool :looni.t, l'Abbe art flint.) At ricrac miter ,a b • 1 , 1 -anal lid, rent voluAle teem[ to p'.; ysicizn, oho supplied it to the court &debrine:l /mfg. .5 • t to hacifoll f the empire ft mule lb pre c.,:sloo of a.vel. brated American physician, who hat b./need:tan ty sure/info! la the treat to exit cf./flood and Nan lii/IPaarlit and that the public renorolly la ay erj thelfee ,, fos or this tea reelopm prrpn ref lion, th/. P el.or Los placed the recipe 11 the Hell Mann C . .. of New York. rho are prpar..o to enoply the dernands of the thousands °tong, r r.apli•-anotc It speedily try:hetes all In:two r o• 111.00.1 PILSI4UN ING such es Peroful.., Salt tthcelna, Eczema. Pimples, 'loth Palettes. Freckles. Ilantle. /tough , •ltin Catarrh. Ltiee Complaint, In thasne:ll Eyeato.. to.' It is an absolute antidote tot. mALARIA and r" t a ren free circulation throughout the eystcht. It is called D'EFFIA'TAr $1 per package, Or G for 13. ocntt-7 caellinlottcrf .nn, postage pr.O. • 1:::17:1ftz.a 03.84.2 E'ray,/ , TeseZo:k. :tor E-..:eiyerzt ge , 7i. L FPe.l:t•Le..tr...,)rcirealar. F EMPLOYMENT - FOR ALL TO SELL A ROUSE- HOLD ARTICLE. The poor as well as the rich, the old as well as the young, the wife as well as the' husband, this 'young maiden as well as the young man, the gir as well as the boy, may Just as well earn $ few dot tars in honest employment, as to sit around the house and wait fur others to earn it 'for them. We can glee you employment all the time, or during your spare hours only traveling. Or in your own neighborhood, among your friends and acquaint ances. If you do not care for employment, we can impart valuable Information to you tree of cost. It will cost you only one cent for a Postal and to writs for our Prospectus, and It may be the means of making you a good many dollars. - Do not neglect this opportdnity. You do not have to Invest • large sum of money, and run a great risk of losing it. You will vadily see that It will be an easy matter to make from Ito WINO° a week, and establish a lucrative, and independent business, honorable. straightforward and profits. hie. Attend to this matter 1 4 10 W, for there Is NOSILY IN IT for all who eager* with us. N e will surprise you and you will wcind..r why lou never wrote to us before. We send Jill parties.. tars hes. Address NI leN NYE II 'r '0 Co.. (Name this paper.) octl.mil MARION, Onto. QTONE , Flaming, Cam S il ls and • . . Baser of twat excellent quality sod durabilitil building None. • bumph, of watch can tie Nee ATING• HO ME. -- Something at UA. rockers new banding at Sayre. Ordeal new. A ilmit-rites HUSTAIIft ANT and Ailed amid souttiNta tam Apgitto thia Gibes ef * 4 ' Ma HOW'S 00 .irate ShiefeePPoldlo ib* if. X 111111311 AX. Aimpratas nowt, Opre st ail boom sight MI Ilmmeil O v ielismismi lissio i itto .L __ SIMINTIVAmpoosw, • ilile Mall • wrr , 0//i VW* ~~~ JAMS DIoCMEBE i Ilse resumed comm ISIUDGE-8T& issikin It 16 inafit_"terS FOR CHOICE= GROCERIES CASH PAID FOR BUTTER, EGGS, &c. GOODS SOLD AT THE - LOWEST LIMING RATES JAMES MeCABE. Towanda. April 2s. ladayL. NEW FIRM SWARTS 6v GORDON Nave Sited the Old Stare CORNER OF MAIN AND BRIDGE STREETS, t • lately occupied by Owen Bros.) with azi entire NEW STOCK OF FINE • FAMILY Groceries & Provisions. We Mlle attention toms COMPLETE ASSORTMENT AND CHOICE STOCK NENKT GOODS I fir The higbest market prices paid to Farmers in 'Cash for desirable produce. An assOrtment of :" 'Wood and Willow Ware' kept constantly on hand. Buyers in !Judea to tail and examine our Goods and Prices. • M. D. SWART'S, A. S. GORDON. Towanda, January 24th. Int. STEVENS & LONG General Dealers in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, And COUNTRY PRODUCE,' HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR NEW STORE, CORNER OF MAIN k PINE-Sts alts 014 stand of Fos, Stevens St MeSew.) They invite attention to their complete • and very large stock of Choice New New _f.Ns which they have always on hand. ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO :THE PBODUCCTBADE, ♦nd Cash pad for deslroblo kWh. M. J. LONG Towanda. Aprt 1 Mt. GEORGE L. ROSS is the Proprietor of the NEW GROCERY STORE JUST STARTED IN THE MON TANYE. BLOCK. This store bitng on the corner near the Public Square, Is one of the finest Groceries In town, and Mr. Boss has spared no pains In selecting the best good■ that thci great cities afford. His experience . In the grocery business enables him to purchase A rst-class goods. and at bottom prices. Farmers and everybody can depend on It that when they get the price+ of Groceries at Ross's It Is of no use to try elsewhere, for his prices are down to rock bottom: - . senooNovEß has charge ::: Mr. Roars Firs Ward store In Kellum's Bl ock. and his prices are the lowest In town. Sir.; Ro ss. keeps a horse and delivery wagon standing at the store.. and will deliver In the Borough. tree of charge, all goods as soon as sold. All kinds of desirable produce taken In eseltungt, for Groceries or for Cash. • tt GEORGE L:17.0:39 Towanda. Pa.. January 27.:1631. MEAT MARKET. E. D. RUNDELL, Would respectfullyar nowise that he Is continuing the Market business at the old stand of Matlock /Lindell, and will at all nines keep a full supply of FRESH . . • OY ST Eit,B • Constantly on hand. Country dealer' supplied at city rates. • FRESH & SALT MEATS,. GARDEN VEGETABLES, - FRUITS, &c. Alltioods delivered Tree of Charge. E. D. EUNDELL. Towanda. Pa. N0v.27, 11111. "Anne "Garbs. THE OLD MARBLE YARD • : • STILL IN: OPERATION. - • The undenigned having purchased the EAR- BLS YARD of tiMilte GIZMOS. cCA de sires to Inform the public that having employed work experienced li men. he Is prepared to do kinds of In the ne of • MONUMENTS, HEAD STONES, - MANTLES and • SHELVES • in the very best manner and at lowest rapes. Persons desiring anything to the Wilde line are invited to call and examine works and nye agents assimisalcm. • JANIS XMAS'S. Towanda. Ps., Mow. IL WM left ' PENN. YORE' RAIL BOAPS rasusger Tails p tits I,3si NLT 114 I ry,,it 41 15191 !Arta ag!aai.'' 311.311 330111 V .3 31 11 1 444-1 11311 10 lb let 011 30011030 .... 910145 f 4112 lel 1010 f 2110110 1, 112 3410 XOl CU IOI3 3 coins: - 01 HI '.lll 10 2 11 loot . as its); 11 44;3 $41349; 40: 11l 661 6137,11kin';Eildy1 • le l 6121 WshoPPeu . • •" i° l l y i 1115.1i..a41,12 161 6 2 61 Ite onpaa lOti aolTuakban'clil • ..1 " Iv, 120 - I.LaGratsml ftsl i 05 4 .110 1 411 a o1!Lt_11_ .19na'al 1354 :S. t 26 3 MO 1.0( 450, 4 4411 lull 4931 5 0011 L.ll 11051 570100 6 40 6:1635 6251 $99 .. 916' PAR A.M' No. n. worn Wyalasing at aOti A.M.. ifiereh .town Rumnerlield Standing Stotti CAL Wysauk lug 1:40. Towanda 133. Ulster 7:011. Lilac 7:11. Athens 7:171. :gape 7:40. Waverly 7:47, arriving lo Elmira at BM A. Hi 310. 31 leaves Eindra at 1:45 P.M.. Waverly OM. Sayre 6:45. Athyns MlLan 6:69. Ulster 7Ma; Towanda 71.1. Wyszuklug 7a5. Sfauding Stone 7:44. Ruminertletd Frenehtown wising at Wyslusing 6:16 P. M. ' Trains II and 16 run daily. Sleepingears on trains and 15 between Ntsp.ra Falls $. d . Philadelphia and between Lyons and New York without champ.* Parlor ears on Trains 2 and I between ltliagars. Falls and Philadelphia without -change. and through comb to and from Thetiexter via Lyon& .. • - WM. STEVENSON. Supt. P. It N.Y. R.ll. Sayre, Pa.. Way 16, 1666. ,go RA it. W Is the OLDEST BEST CONSTRUCTED ! BEST - EQUIPPED! endhrneefbe LEAD LE RAILWAY WEST AND NORTHWEST! It Is the sheet and best note between Chicago and all taints In f Northern Illinois. lowa. Dakota. Wyoming, Nebraska. California, Oregon, Arizona, Utah. Colorado. Idaho. Montan'slN-vsda, and for COUNCIL BLUFFS. OMAHA DENVER. LEADVILLE. SALT LAKE; SAN FRANCISCO DEADWOOD, SIOUX CITY Cedar Rapids. Des 'Moines, Columbus. andieti Points lo toe Territories. and the West. Also.thr Milwaukee. Green Bay. Oshkosh, Sheboygan, Mar. queue. Fowl du Lae. Watertown.• Houghton. Neenah. Menasha. et. Paul, Minneapolis. Huron, Volga„ Fargo, 'Bismarck. Winona, Diemen. Owatonna. and all points in Minnesota, Dakota. Wiecoußin and the Northwest.' . At Coined Bluffs the Trains of the Chicago & North• Western and the U. - P. Itls depart from. arriveat and use the same Joint Union Depot. At Chicago. close connections are made with the Lake Shote, Michigan Central. Baltimore & Ohio. Ft. ,Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chirago - Grand Trunk It'ya. and the Kankakee and Pan Handle Routes.- Close connections made of Junction Points. It Is the OELY LINE rlssaing Pullman llotellkning Cars • DICTWICaN Chicago & Council Bluffs. Pullman Sleepers on all Night Traint• Insist-upon Ticket Agents selling von Tickets via this road, Examine your Tiekets, and refuse to buy if they do not read over ,the Chicago it North-Western Railway. If you wish the Rest Taiveling Accommodations you will hue yOur Tickets by this route, fEr AND WILL TAKE NI IN OTHER. All Ticket Agents set Tickets by this Line. MARVIN 2d V. P. t Gaol Mantr,Thicago. 20 OID ,STA.= OZO.STENZNIS Are now better prepared than eves to supply the public with first-class FURNITURE! We manufacture our own goods and warrant them to be as represented. PARLOR BUII In all the'leading styles. BEDROOKSIIITS in Walnut, Asb, Cberry DINING-ROOM, KITCHEN AND , OFFICE fURNITURE. - • IN UNDERTAKING- While we furnish the finest HEARSE and Fonipments. s larger and bettef stock -of eafiKETrt and TAIMMINGH, with Marge experi ence In oar business. we guarantee as low. If not lower, prices than Itm) who ; bare tot as good facilities as ourselves. &I - W e funifsh, Chairs, Pall, and Corpse Pre servers. free of ebarge. CALL EXAMINE! COMPARE And then purchase where you can do the bee J..! ; 10. I f ROST'S SONS Towanda, Sept.'s, pm. TREE TOZVERYBODY! A BEAUTIFUL BOOK' 1011 TR ASK By applying penionally st the nearest °Mee of THE nINGER MANUIPACTURI•G Cn. (or by pedal card If at *distance) any adtat• person will be presented with a beautifully Illustrated copy of a New Book entitled ;tecy'of Ow Onting 2441fte, containing s handsome sad costly steel engraving frontlipieee • also. IS dimly engraved wood ruts. and bound in an elaborate blue and gold lithograph ed cover. No charge' wha•ever Is made for this ha dame book. which eatrtie obtained only be ap- Me►tlon at the branch and subordinate ogles* of The Singer hlatiulaettuNig Co. TEE SINGER ItAETIiAOTURIIIG (pT YOUR! Omit 01/1/1011. IMPS 111611 W ieleiN MAIM IPSO VIUMTWAZD. OM 813012. 12, ral- I maa. at io 140 .-... I 40 1140 . 't OD sae i 5110._.4_ 1 . 1 11 00 .....: 741 5 Olri 1 .... 11101 2 114 . ... ASO ..... 11 . ...--. s ao 1 1141 - 104 1 11 4 3 46110242 E 3 I 711 44 Anti 1 IS .4 8130 S 1 11 .... 041. -.. .I OS . 1 . . , 11434 . 2.77 10T5i3 Xili V P V.- i • 110 ... 1134 r.:..i 9148.... 11:14 5404 , ....14217 ~. ... 5 IV-._ i MI ..1 542'4 aLlibi 3 - 01 V STU 01 In ....! II 1r....11133 I ....I, 4.041 S 1111111 1 ....i 71171.... 111 7 - 2 114 71.1,11 CR lOU ...I 7 =r,....11042 Tin?. . iseD 1 . 25 •435:ii5 : 1010 VIM 600 . ; 03 9 4i -1103 -- - ,llia 7 25 Lit 05. ...!10541 24 960 1 1 ...Amos 15 [ 1111 D; .... 101 S 5 50 i SOO' .... 1 01:14 IS 1 SSG. . . .7 401 40 'T.111..A.X. •11-P.lO 3,111:14111101". . Aitbarn ~ .Waverly Wysauklog Btsyr - Btoor.l Rnarerield; Prenebtowo I.liyaJusing 344 1 41. V 4101 4341 Wilk-Barre ;Web Cbunt .aljentogru Betblebeia. l.New York. 113. 1122 12 , 121/ 12.55 '3 -, 321 Jr. 11=13:1 YEARS " 20 AT THE J. 0. Frost's Sons L, Of every desmiption. COTTAGE SUITS In ail desirable Urea GENIUS REWARDED, SOB THZ•••• ertneiral OSee, $4 Mika_mare, JOB PRINTING x01v : ,:. : .,i,-_ - -!,11.‘E.' EDT, CHEAP OF THE , BEST- AND MOST- , RmiABLE CLOTHING STORE IN THE COUNTY OF BRADFORD. J. K. BUSH, BRIDGE 'STREETi TOWANDA, Ras received the LARGEST AND BEST &timed stock of CLOT INC! Hats and Caps, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS GLOVES, MITTENS, &o. Ever brought to Towanda or Bradford county, and is now, offering. the best I,made and finest snits at LOWER Than you will base to' pay for poor-made Clothing at otherplaces. All his Clothine is manufactured expressly for HOME TRADE, and WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. CALL & EXAMINE BUSH, BRIDGE-ST.,IOWA-NDA. Towanda, Sept. 28. IBS!. SPRING AND SUMMER 1881 = 1881 At the CLOTHING HOUSE of M. E. Rosenfield Mai? l • in-st., Towanda, you will find The Best goods The Latest Styles The Lowest Prices His IMMENSE STOCK embraces:al the latest styles, in great variety, of READY-MADE CLOTHING Vor !ten's. Youth's and Bova wear, from the !peat and heaviest cloths to" the. cheapest and lightest gradeefor the Bummer trade. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS This .department-is coniplete, having a full line of Hosiery, Critters and Cuffs; Neckwear. Handkerchiefs, iteadprnade Shirts, Summer Use derwear, Ike. • - A very large stock of the newest styles in every quality. Also. trmattELLAS, TRAVEL ING BAGS, Etc. • REMEMBER—That yon can save money by purchasing at the old-established Cloth ing. Rouse of Towanda, Nay 19, 1891. 1831'"'1882 Country Gentleman. THE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. ENLARGEMENT FOR W' THE. COUNTRY GIINTLEMAIS Is the LZADITIG Jocasta t. of American Agriculture. In amount and practical value of contents, In extent and abil ity of correspood-ace, In quality or paper and style of oblicatlon. It Accuples the FIRST. RANK. It Is believed to have no supeSior In either of the three chief divisions of ; mis Farm Crops and Promo , Horticulture I, Frult,Crovvinli. Live Stock and Dairying, while It also Includes ill minor departments of rural interest. such. as Poultry Yard. Entomology. Het...Keeping. l 3 reenhsmse and Grapery. Veterinary Replies, Farm Questions and Answers. Pireside Reading. . omes.le Economy. and a summary of She News of the Week. Its 31.snitsY Ititronis ate unusually complete, and much attention Is paid to the Prospects of the Crops. as throwing light upon one of the most Importatnt of all questions— When to . Buy and When to Sell. It is liberally Illustrated, and Is intended to supply. In a cocain. tally Increasing degree. and In the best sense of the term. a FW:rr7777 . lrUM!r7llll: The Volume of Tu COVNTItIe GIINTLX.x.ist for IS/Galli be LARGELY IN iIIEASED to Contents by the addition of a sumcient number of pages to meet the growleg demands upon Its space. but the terms will continue as follow-. when paid atk lefty In advance: Om: corr. one year. *SAO: FOUR Corms. $lO and an additionat copy for,' the year free to the sender of the Club ; Tax 4 art US, 11120 4 and an additional copy for the year free to the sender of the Club • • lid' All Nam Sublerib fefor 1811* paying to advance now. WILL,. gaunt 'pi' Pitras W KkK LY Awls reedpt of 'remittance to lasteatv let, 1881'i WtviouT CU 41t01.• firS • ipECUtgli CONZEI Fuss. Adduce LIMBS& TUCKS& & SON, Pub'. eis, INTERESTING TO STEAM MILL OWNERS. The undersigned has permanently kr cated In Towanda, for the purpose of doing • ALL BINDS OF BOILER WORK. Boller Tubes repaired. Job Work of all kinds done and warranted, Estimates given for new boilers, and Boller Inspections made. We have hat large experience and are thoroughly posted in all branch es. We trust those In want of Boilers and Sheet- Iron will study their own interests and patronize us. SHOP NEAR L RODGER'S MILL. Orders may be left at Hardware Store of u. - q. Meteor: THOS. DUNLEA. Towanda; Sept. 15. 11181-mB. GET YOUR ' JOB . PRINTING -DOU AT SHIM "REPORTER" OF Fie Wry York THE BRADFORD REPORTER ONE DOLLAR PER I.EA PRICES I=ll HATS AlsID CAPS M. E. ROSENFIELD. ALBANY, N. Ir.; SUBSCRIBE FOB IN AD re Nos INSURANCE! & RUSSWn Nisdp TOWAiNDA, PAL ME FIRE, LIFE, AND - ACCIDENT - POLICIES issued os the aospreamosatels terms. gons but rstiabis companies repruentol. Lassa *diluted and paid bare. Now. U. Hat Holiday Goods ! C. P. WELLES' [ 11 ) :-. 111 VEI AND 99 CENT STORE Are nw► showing en Elegant and Ext.nsive line Goods suitable for Presents. Dolls, Doll Heads and Bodies, . Albums, Autograph Albums, Toy Books, Vases, Toilet Sets, LUGS LINE OP IWOLICA At greatly reduced pikes. Motto & •Fancy Cups & Saucers, Mugs, Napkin Rings, Silverware, Solid Cold Rings, etc., TOYS OF ALL KINDS ! New Iron Toys—lndestructible. Crockery & Glassware, Decorated Tea Bets, and Chamber Bets.A HANGING LAMPS At redneed priees. Aim a great variety too no mesons to mention, all at lowest prices for quality, Towanda. Pa.. November 10, 1681. Agents wasted fliellmiliks a d Week et Glum:lm) The only complete story of his noble bre and try& death. Fresh, brilliant, reliable. Elevintly printed in and Germans; beautifully illustrated; i hszV illb nely bound Famed, sellinukook scat pub. lkhed. By Jabs G siapatia. - za.u. CAUTION Do aot buy the catchpenny, re. vamped_ campaign books with which' the country. is l'lmy are utterly -worthless; an outrage upon the memory of the great dead and base fraud as tbs public. Thla book is Send estine&ise ir. Mumps sear s The only work worthy tOwls.he theme. la Mr JOBBS BROTHERS dt L'O., Publishers, Philadelphia. WANTED! Hay, Straw and Crain For.which we will;pay the HIGEUEST - MARKET PRICE, delivered here or ittpoints on L. V. R. It Having four of .Dedrick's Perpetual Presses, with a capacity for baling . 30 tons p•r day, isa are : enabled to receive Largequautittesof hay and straw at many of the principal shipping points of this and adjoining counties., We are also agents for the Improved Bale Tics. ACKLEY & DEAN, MAIN STREET..TOWANDA. PA. Waco over. Pitch a! Trier! Store. lorom. A NEW ENTERPRISE! WHOLESALE NOTION HOUSE! LMAN, DAVIDOW , - & CO. Bridge Street.;, Towanda, Offer a direfully-selected:_stock of the above-mentioned goods, aid; respectfully invite all dealers to examine the same and be convinced that money can be saved by purchasing goods of us.. Respectfully. • RENDELMAN, DAVIDOW & CO., • • T3wanda, Pa. P. B.—We wish it distit ctly understood that we will positively not sell goods at retail. aug.lB. JOHNSON MAN U FACTUR COMPANY. MANUFACTURERS . OF STEAM ENGINES, Portable 1t Stationary Circular Mills, SHINGLE MACHINES,i CORN =ELVERS, Field - Rollers and Plow, Pointe, GRIST dc SAW MILL MACHINERY Of all kinds. or sepals, for the same. BOILER MAKING Or repairing of old Boilers, putting in new Heads or Flues, a specialty. :ar We hare facilities for ft/rain/I'OW FIRST-CLASS BOILERS on short no tice. Portable' and Stationary Engines Of any also made to order. Also, Brass and Iron Castings. We ose the boat Iron and one wort la dons by skilled merbMales. Ws g =ran tee all oar work. Quotatlons given on • Masten or IlleNudsre Saws. Bob. - ber or Leather Belting: - - ibundri and Shops on Pine•aL, back of Tosnanda. ,01..„NN s ThE C IME FOR Inn PUS Bfmptomsare osoistare,stinglay. Itcbinairorse at right; samosas If pin-worms were moiling about the rectum; theprisate parts are Mien airectad. Asa pleasaat. economical and positive me, amanita 011117IVST is superior to any article in the market. Sold by druggists,cy avid 5U cts. in Set. Stamps. $ HISMs.SI.2S. Addresi.Da.Swanta Sox, Pb/la..P* it‘wuukstn Neuralgia, Sprains, Pain in the Baek and Side. There Is nothing more painful than these titsoom; but the pain can be removed and the disease cued .by use of Perry Davie' Pain Killer. This remedy is not a 'cheap Bening or Petroleum product that must be kept away from Ore or heat to avoid danger meatpn, nor Is it an untried experi that may do more harm than good. Pain Killer has been in constant use for forty years, anal the universal testimony from all parts of the world Is, It never fails. it not only effects a permanent cure, but It relieves pain almost Instantaneously. = r er th Tbe : l a g n s:ire ale up toy GSM ill ifieri;atr7lrrefed yVar . Pam - Krum and it pave . a it : ezt UmaiLate relict have repined my and am now able to follow my mat oa fi.l e rloltil l izo t, e . ;elief irrltes fro l rein in the at by tbe , of your Hun =tuts . Z.York says: I . I have used yoke PAIN Haim forrhetutultaww, and bane remixed great benefit, Barton Seaman says_: Hare used Pare litmus for thirty years. - and have found It a Werariaitiag remedy for rbennatiwn and lainenea• BurtUit Trites _ . _ It aaerefatte to seethe!' to aim of rEeamatlm PI& Pa.. writes Tem actual pee, I s ous Pa= Est= is the best medicine I ate All drigittsts keep Pant Nitta. Its price Is so low that It is within the reach Or an, and it will save many times Its cost in doctors' tdlis. 25e., 50c. and $l.OO a boUle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, 7 . Providence, R.l. MfflffifMl VEOETABLE BALSAMIC WEIR Is s sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Wiwi:ping-Cough, and all Lung Diseues, when taken in season. . People die of consumption simp ly because of neglect, when the timely use of this remedy -would have cured them at once.- lUIIg•o»e years of con stant use proves the, fact that no cough remedy has stood the test like Downs' Elfitr. Pik* 35c. :Ake. atoi t. I per teals. Er.lr • where. Dr. Baxte.r#4 irlandrake iiiß 1 'A' TO MIOM Will cure Jaundice, Dyspepsia. Liver Complaints, Indigestion, and all diseases, arising from Bit lotions& Price as cts. per bottle. Per Sale Eve,reyers. UEMIY dt : JOHNSONS APIIICAPAND OIL LINIMENT 'or Man and ,ipeast. The most perfect liniment ever compounded. Price rsc. and sag. !or Sale Demi/Item TEE SYMPTOMS OF LIVER COMPLAINT are uneasiness and pain In the side, sometimes pain In the shoe der. and la mistaken for rheuma tism ;" the Stomach is affected with loss of appetite and al mesa; bowers; In general.; c mire. some times alternating with lax ; the head is troubled with pain, and dull, heavy sensation ; considerable lessor memory with painful sen-ation of ha, lug left undone something which ought to, have been done; often complaluing l of weakness. debility and low spirits. Sometimes many of the above sytup• tones attend the thseape. and at other times very few of them ; but the Liver Is generally the organ Most 'overfed. REGULATE THE LIVER, AND - PREVENT, Dyspepsia, Constipation, himndiee, Billions Attacks, (bills and Fewer, Headache, Coale, Depression of liptrita,Sourstotniteb,lieart- Heart barn, Piles, ete. . Tonic, Alterative and Cathartic! Simmons Liver Regulator, purely. vegetshle, Is th•• medicine generally used In the &loth to arouse the torpid LivOr to healthy action. - It nets with extraordinary power and, einem* on the User and kidneys! The action of the • lb.golator Is free front nausea or griping. It Is most effective In starting the Secretions of the Liver, causing the bile to act u a cathartic. When there lean excess of bile In the Stomach. th•• Itegutator Is an active purge; after the remova l of tue bile wilt r.guiate t e bowels and impart vigor oral hekth to the whole system. See that rou get tt a In White W rapper. with red 2. prepared only by .1. 11. Zelin & Co. Bold by ail•Droggists. MEAT . MARKET! C.. M. MY E Located In BEIDLEMA.SI3 BLOCK, BRIDGE BTBEKT,. Keep on hand, FRESH AND SALT MEATS, DRIED BEEF, FISH, POULTItt GARDEN VEGETABLES AND BERRIES IN THEIR SEASON, sr All goods deltiered free of charge. • C. If. MYER I....amis. Ps.. Wrim.l4. 101. L IST. OF. LkliGkAL BLANKS o Vilated and kept On sale at the Rrzosaan Oaf ldß at wholesale or'ratall. Bond, i Treasurer' Bond. Collectors Bond. • Lease. • • Compfalnt , Commitments. Warrant. - Constable's Return. • Artictesof Agreement.st rate Bond en Attsebutent. Constable.* Rates. - ' _Colbeetoro Sales. ltioeution. . . Subpoena. Petition for License.. ,.._ - Bona foriLleenoe. . • NoteSndertunent. , - " efmrkierapannest Seel. liiii*:,-.iii4 i . - ,.0.08 - 10holit. A Fertilizer From the Air. Nitrogen is the most costly ingre dient that enters into the 'composi tion of fertilizers. It is sold in , the shape of ammonia, which is Compos ed of nitrogen and hydrogen. The air is nitrogen (four parts) and - one part oxygen, uneonthined; that is, botli are ins free state, ready to, be extracted whenever desired. Oxy gen is much need, because it forms compounds readily with a great many substances, but nitrogen is a substance thathas beretofure bleed the most exPerienced chemists. It can be taken from the air, but does not combine with other substances like oxygen: It' forms ammonia in the minure heap only at the moment of liberation from some substance into which it previously 'located a part. and the hydrogen must be lib. erated at the same time with it. When .we buy ammonia we pay only for the nitrogen, as we can easily procure bydvogen from water (oxy gen and hydrogen). o. Many attempti hive been made to' form ammonia directly from the air, but the' , experimenta have not been satisfactory. Nitrogen, however, has been derived from the It by a round about process, but the compound was cyanogen (carbon and nitrogen), a' yelp dangerous poison, and the ac trve ,principle of prussic acid. It is reported, however, that certain New England pqrties have succeeded in artificially combining hydrogen and nitrogen, forming ammonia •gas, which, by being passed over muriat ic acid, is turned into chloride of am monia—a solid. It is a very valua ble discovery if true, and will com pletely revolutionize the manufacture of fertilizers; provided the process is not an expensive one. If the diffi culty of its manufacture is ofexpense we can expec . . the dulcovery having n made, the idea will be given - to improvements in that direction, and no doubt it will not be long before 'Cur most ardent wishes will be real , 42edy. it . Is sate Inexperienced. a use - of PAIN The following show 'what Allet101211.: IZZ': : z 11113. wbieb The discovery is the most import ant in the world's history to farmers. Just think of it. Moving in a sub stance, as we do. composed of four fifths of that which we have been so eager to procure; even at a high price, the wisest add most eminent agriculturists and chemists have been powerless to devise any method' by which we could utilize it in any form. We have paid as high as from $6O to sso per ton for guano, of which .but . a small fraction was nitrogen, sOme of it containing not over six per cent. Sulphate of ammonia (crude) sells for five cents a pound, and in order to get our nitrogen in that mauler we are compelled to7buy not only nitrogen, hot sulphur, hydrogen -.and a very large .quantity of oxygen. In the nitrates of potash and soda. which are costly, we . have but a small proportion of nitrogen, and still. we must take all or none. And yet all this time we,have had a superal und ance of nitrogen all over our farms in the atmosphere. The air is 80 per cent. nitrogen and only three per cent. carbon, yet this smqll propor tion of carb on produCes our forests and eaters largely into the composi tion of all plants. What a grhnd future' is , in store for us from such a discovery. Am monia being so cheap, every' farmer will have it, and the poorest farm will yield bountiful crops. Indeed, the expression "producing bread at will," will be almost literally fulfilled for there will be no end to the sup ply of fertiliier. Food will be pro duced at almost.trifling expense, and production will be doubled and quad. rupled oil every acre of arable land, And who knows what is in s=ore for, the farmers a quarter of a century from now. with fertlizers as cheap as ordinary lime, and labor-saying machinery in every department of the farm ? r Is young horses, sweeny or wan ing of the muscles of the shoulder is oten a conseq.:encejof unsteady pull ing with an ill-fitting collar. In such caserelieve the animal from work, and apply for some time, once or twice a-day, a 'portion of equal parts of tincture of cantharides and oil of turpentirie. The contents of the bottle should be shaken while applying the Sara. Liberty out doors,ou pasture,will be of additional benefit. Subsequently, give only light work in . breast harness or in soft-Phdded, well-fitting -dollar, until' the animal becomes used to pulling. —National Lice Mock Journal. TilE GREAT nfailing Specie FOE TER COMPLAINT. MOCK BUCKWHEAT CASES—Warm 1 quart of -skimed milk to the tem perature of new, milk; add one table. spoonful of dairy salt and 3' table spoonsfuls of, good lively yeast; thicket' to the consistency of real buckwheat' :cakes . with Graham meal in which three small handfuls of One corn - Meal have been mixed. Very coarse, Middlings," . such as one , gets from country' mills, answer quite as well, and none but an expert wAld - knOiv. the difference between the . imitation and the real. $l6OO per'37ear can be easily nude at home vki.a.kuut fur E G. hideout it Co., 10 Bsc clay Street,New Yol k. , Send fur their nutaloline and lull particulars. lyr IIEVMAIFIS • Nourcdgia,Seiatiea, Lumbago, Backache, iSorenessi of the Chest, Gout; Quinsy,Gore-Throat, Ingo and Sprains, Burn* and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Pteatkes on earth equals Nr. Juts at • so le, sure, alsieseie and champ Lutenist Iteruedy A 'trial entails bat the conipiustlyely triaing outlay at bill-leesta, and every one suffering 'with pain "a have cheap and podttra proof of Its chime. Directions In =grin languages. SOLD BY ILL DIZSTEI AND ;:IEALII23 IH A:VOGELMr& CO., _ _ WSW assmlllGi v T. I. At. aihiontists. A. DYE & CO. fall & Whiter, 1011. ATTENTION IS INVITED to oar first-class - Heating Stovei. They're too well known to require any c3mmendation— New Heels, Westzithuter, Crown -Jewell. We also have-a line of CHEAP BASE BURNERS, the beat of their class in the market, and well adapted for aupplitiog a demand for an efficient but inexpensiie heating stove. . . WWI) BELTING STOVES in great variety. IZMA.3:) 11/EMP 300 .4*za Happy Thonht Ranges Sold in Towanda and vicinity by D.H DYE & CO. A LARGE STOCK OF Wood Cook Stoves, CARRIAGEMAKERS' AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPI&S, And a general stock of R D Vi749.111Z.- MAIN STREET, TOWANRA Towanda, October_ tut SELLING OUT AT COST! ECARIDTPARE, IRON, NAILS---NAILS, STOVES, TINWARE, t--/ WAGONMAKERS' -- ~D-=_ BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES. _:~ ~~ Xft. The Entire Stock of the late firm of Mclntyre Brothers Must be closed - out at Cost within Thirty 'Days, by the purcha- ser. Goods recently bought at Sheriff's sale. JAS. S. KUHN. Mr 1 1111114•1 -