Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 15, 1881, Image 3

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Towanda, Pa., Dec. 15, atiz.
The undersigned; publishers and' pro
prietors of the BRADFORD BEPORTEH,
Towanda Journal, Bradford Republican
and Bradford Argus, published in Towan
da, Pa., having suffered severe loss in the
publication of their respective ,papers
from the heretofore extremely low price
per annum, hereby mutually agree to
make the subscription price of each
Of our papers respectively, on and after
the First of January, 1882, One Dollar
anti Fifty Cents per. annum. And we
hereby agree and pledge mu selves to
each other, upon onr honor as business„
men, that we will strictly •and in
variably adhere to the terms of this un
derstanding. To maki this arrangement
legally binding, we have entered into
bonds, with penalty and forfeiture for vi
olation of the terms of this agreement!
All subscriptions paid prior to January
Ist next, will be taken at the former irate.
Rates of advertising in all cases to be in
dependent of subscription.
D. M. TURNER, Journal.
llor.comn & TRACY, Republitan.
BY a favorable arrangement with the
publishers of the Pius we are enabled t
send the Philadelphia Weekly Press. , an
the REPORTER for one year for $2.00 al
postage paid. Offer good till January fi
'Atkpersons who desire to get the RE
PORTI;IR next year for One Dollar, must
subscribe or renew their subscriptions for
it prerious to the first of January next, as
after that date the price will be $1.50 per
A LITTLE more winterish
JOSH BILLINGS next Wedneiday even-
GET your tickets for the Josu BILLINGS
lecture. • •
ClinisTmAs Shopping has commenced
in earnest.
This is excellent weather in which to
take a co!d
MONIIOEToN is to have a course of lee
tures this winter.
A NUMBER of children in Smithfield are
Fuffering from scarlet fever.
TICKETS, for the JOSII BILLII4GS lecture
for sale at all the Book Stores.
this (Thursday) evening. Go.
'present cliampion shot of the Troy Rifle
Club. '
NORMAN Rocuwtr.r. has the frame up
for 4 lar&.ditellMg house on Troy street,.
Canton. _
('Ross, of the book store, has a number
of interesting Business Locals in another
THE Supreme Lodge of the Patrons of
Temperance will meet at Canton on the
10th. of January.
TIM increased membership of • Sunday
schools is noticeable. Christmas is rapid
ly drawin;: -
IT is rumored that. our spicy little
neighbor, - The
,Waverly Daily Review, is
soon,to be enlarged.
TROY is'to have a Bowling Alley. A
building to be used for such a purpose is
now being erected there.
ElotrOnindred names of persons who
will be drawn as jurors for 1882; 11a% e
been the wheel this week.
THE new . dept - it at Troy was occupied
last week. The old building is to be
used for freight purposes.
To eoi respondents. ,Do'not use abbre
i;'iations. They are an abomination to
the soul of the eompositor.
, Tun Royal Arch Masons, of Western
Bradt'2sf, have applied for's charter ftir a
chapter to be located at Troy.
A F. fVE Vent Store has been opened in
the 'Maynard block, Athens. The Athe
nians (ight to be happy nom•.
Rips SNOVER, of Camptown, - drives a
matched span of horses for which he has
been offered and refused, $450.
It wiltbe unfashionable this year not
to make 'Christmas presents: We shall
thi fore make ready to receive largely.
THE Geneva, Ithaca & Sayre Railroad
reports its earnings during the past year
at $482,930 and its exi eases at; $506,491.
THE pupils of the Troy Graded School
give an entertainment at the Opera House
in that village; to-mot rox (Friday)'even,
LENT commences February 2?d and
ends Apiil Bth. Vie lent an umbrella
alonglastJune and it has kept lent ever
Tn Waverly Alfrocate favors the an
nexing of Factoryville to that village,
and the division of the village into three
THE M. E. Church sociable hi 'tol be
held at the house of A. D. DYE, corner of
Main and 'State streets, this Wedtlesday
L. C. Vi HMIs a erecting a large,
and what will no doutt be whencomplet
ed, convenient dwelling house at West
. THE nett meeting a the Musical .Bo
ciety will be held at the rooms of Mrs. L.
OsnunsF, on Thursday morning, De
cember 22d:
~ AN excellent and tirst-class orchestra
still'render several line scleations at the
(.EntuunE KELLOGG entertainment this
Thursday evening.
TitELadies' Sawing Society, of Wygoz,
will give an oyster supper at Grange Hall
this Thursday evening, Dec. 15th. All
are .-ordially,invited.
DR. C. V. DARE now occupies the new
dwelling house in Troy, that he erected
on the site of the one destroyed by fire on
the 18th of July last.
_ _
TnE lIERDIC Coach Company of Phila
delphia, bawling "busted" several parties
in its employ have returned to their
hometi at Alba, this county.
G. IT. Gutswol.n, of Sayre, -will here
ufter dispense with the services of an
index finger on his right hand. Monday
of last week. Coupling cam
TnE Wyalusing Dramatic
will give an entertainment at 'Academy
Hall, Christmas eve, for the benitfit of the
hand of that 'pla,ce.
Cmlacti of _the Messiah, Rev. ' Virw.
TAYLOR, Pastor, at 101 a.m., subject,
" How Christ helps us." At 7 p.m.,
" Whither Igo ye cannot come.'
Cuas. Roarsausagri, of Sayre, , had his
hand badly crushed by getting it between
the "bumpers" while coupling, carat
that place on Wednesday of last week..
Tan Waverly Review is quite positive
that a shoe
_manufactory' will be started
in that place within a short time that will
give, employment to forty or fifty hands.
KEROSENE is being retailed' in Athena
at four And five con per , gallon. A quer- .
rel among the deals " is the cause.. The
Athenian should have plenty of light now.
TIIE Board of Health and physicians of
Athens, publish a card in which they
state that there is not now, nor has there
been, a case of small-pox in that village.
A SERIES of s9ciables and festivals are
being . held at State Lineto raise money
to provide a suitably decorated Christmas
"Tree: for the Sunday Schpol at that place.
W. B. Donau, of the . Central Express,
lora his pocket-book one day last' week.
There was no worry in it. A. gold ring
was the only thing ; value that it con
.the hackman, paid
three dollars for a large pane Of glass he
broke out of a Ward House window. Au
accidental fall caused - his elbow to shiver
WHILE engaged in sawing wood, 'one .
day recently, A. B. WIIITERRAD, of Pike;
had one of the fingers on his left hand
nearly cut off by its comine in contact
with the saw.
Tuts may -bo worth . trying—gratcd
horse-radish,; just as 'prepared for the . ta
ble if applied to the temple, it is said is a
remedy for neuralgia. It cannot do -any
harm to try it.
THE large engine in the riveting shop
of the Athens Bridge Works, broke down
one day last week, necessitating. the stop
page of work in that branch of the works
for a few days.
SIIERIFF-ELECT W. T. _Maws filed
his bond on Friday last. It is for $25,000.
His bOudsnen are ,Pr.. Q. F. HORTON,
SnUBEL . Bowai AN..
THE county officials are abusy-arrang
ing lu - fitters for .the day .designated for
their vacating office, as their successors
are busy preparing to assume official obli
gations and duties.
. THE Athens Gazette says that a new
road is being laid out (ram Litchfield• to
Nichols, N. Y., with prospect of speedy
opening. The distance i about the same
as to that borough.
BRADFORD County iS the third county
in area in the State. ,C,:ntre . is the larg
est, containing 1,230 square miles ; Lyco
ming is next, with 1,205, and then fol
lows Bradford, with 1,160.
THE- warehouse of tirrnEE, THONIAS
Co., at Canton, narrowcieSeaped destruc
tion by tire last week, -by the careless
throwing of hot ashes tinder, a platform
connected with the buibihig.
TIT E ladies orthe Presbyterian Chtitch,
Athens, are making arrangements to hold
a festival and sociable the latter 'part of
this month. Itlis needless t3' remark that
it will be enjoyable and sneee.ssfirl.
THE Tray Register says : "Last even
ing Philip Snowden found a peat' as large
as a pea while 'opening oysters at J. Jo•
ralemon's Oyster Bay, opposite the post
office. It is' said to be worth about $35."
THE Directors of Granville township,
have a sensible way of doing things. On
their days of meeting they divide up the
labor of visitinglhe schools and spend a
half day in ear..,11 of the schools of the
TILE election of a Chief Engineer of
the Fire Department takes place Monday
evening. next. A.
.D Cocommucitt, has
been placed in nominatiqd for Chief, and'
WILLCOCK, F. L. GroiVNEt.t.;.
for assistants.
TEACH ElIS' IllStit LectUre by Prof.
Wm. I. NIA I:SHALL : " Wonderland" or
"The National Park." Mercur
Weduesclay evening, l ))ecember "A ,
most delightful entertainment—PM/add
phies North American. .
I . IIERE will be an Oyster SuPRO at the
house of N. W. IIAnNEs . , at East-tlerrick,
Friday evening, December 1(i, 1881, tor
the benefit of the Rev. J. R. AicGEL;
Conic. Mid have a-social- time acid Ai good
supper. •By order of Committee. " '
. THE now school house in the Neeley Dis
trict, Litchfield township, together With
the books of the pupils, was destroyed, by
fire on Tuesday night of last week. The
old school building, standing a few, rods
from the new one, -was also burred.
PEtisONs in Towauda willing to receive
teachers as boarders.dtiring the Teachers'
Institute, December 26th to 31st, Will
Please leave name, residence, and terms
hi-the Superintendent's oftice with J. AN,
DREW WILT for teacher's reference. ;
THE Troy Gazette sayS that W. H:
HICKOK, of East Troy, has recently' in
vented an improvement on his ditcher
shovel. By an endless . band .the dirt is
carried up a slide, like that in a dredging
Machine and dE posited- at one side of the
THE Athens Gazette of last week had
the following rather - uncomplimentary
alltimitt to our Main' street cotempOrary :
"The Sayre correspondence will appear
in our second edition. It is omitted from
this edition to prevent the Argus from
steal - ng it bodily." ... • .
IT is stated on good authority, says One
of our exchanges,that the Erie will lay a
third track in another year; This is the
coy mencement of the ultimate idea of hay
ing four traCks befween New York and
Buffalo, two for, freight and two for pas-
Mits. J. B. BUTLER, says the Canton
Sentinel, when coming from the Presby
terian Church on Tuesday night of last
week, fell and struck her bead against 'a
tree. She was assist&litorne..ati4 has
been under the care of Dr. oLti:Et,Atin,
but is now able to be up again. •
A TOWANDA boy, while skating on the
river, broke through the lee, and was in
danger of drowning ; but a lady on shore
threw him her slipper and he was 'saved.
—Waverly Advocate. Yes; and that boy
will over bless his stars that that 'Waver
ly lady happened to be on the shore.
A IlimisslEto.correspondent of the El
mira Gazette, Writing under date of the
9th instant, says : ,"Amos, ; .W. JacKsoa,
arrested last SaturdaY at Towanda and
lodged in Wellsboro jail for obtaining
$2OO at Ross S . Wir,Liams' bank, Of this
place, on a forged note, was taken before
the court op a writ of habeas corpus on
Tuesday and' dmitted to bail in the sum
of 4500 for his appearance at the next
term of court in January." _
TEE Athens correspondent of the Elmi.
ra Advertiser says be has been informed
by good authority that Mr. RAYNBFORIN
who died at,lBayre one week ago, died of
erysipelas of the-,btid. a disease which he
bad been subjected to_ fr years, and not
small-p O z. as reported:
=Trig next meeting of the Episcopal
mite society is to be held Monday evening
at the . rooms of C. F. CROSS, Ward
House. A large variety of fancy articles,
suitable for Christmas presents will tie of
fered for. sab., . The new rector's wife is
also expected to be, present.
Flom: time between Fridpy afternoon
and Monday - morning last solve person or
persons entered the Homet'irerry school
house and nearly destroyed all tilt 4th
and sth-readers 10 tte school by tearing
from them 25 to -75 pages- and defticing
numerous otbers. ;!.CORREEPONDEBIT.
- 11sv:-."C.•• P. Kr.u.itr, pastor of SS.
Peter and Paul was recently presented
with a handsome imported Alderny cow,
from the famous herd of Mr. MOONEY,
near Philadelphia. Just before the ani•
mal was shipped here a New York lady
artist made - a picture of the beaUtifill_
AT a 'meeting of the o,thens .School'
Board, held on the 7th instant, the fol
lowing resolution was adopt Cd.: .
Pe . solved, That each -scholar attending
the Athens Borough graded school shall.
within ten days, present to the principil
a physician's certificate of vaccination, or
in the absence of huch certificate be sus
pended at the pleasure of directors. '
A SERTF.S of revival meetings have been
held at Spring Hill, Oder the direction of
Rev. J. H.. Weston. eprmi... sting on suw i
day, Deeembers.o.. i:Tlie meetings con
tinued for four weeks ; - during which time
there were thirty-go conversions. A
number joined the CLlOrcli on the sth in:
BURGLARS Friday . Morning blew. open
a safe in a grist mill at' Elmira, and got
only three dollars 'for their troubln and
labor.l Burglars who wonld.Pass by the
safes of the three daily papers in Elmira,
to blow open a safe in a grist mill, are
eiideutly lacking id knowledge as to
where the ready moneyff that .cityis
usually stored. •
• .
NEXT week our brethren Of the Press
will be kept busy receiving turkeys, gold
watches, diamond piire, saddle horses,
houses and lots, opera bluses, farms,.
whole bloks in large cities, etc., etc.,
from the loving and- appreciati - e readers
of their respectivet.'papers. *To, we -are
not particular, but rattier prefer a hunter
ca-e, stem-winder.
SToLi, wni;tr as at 'one time a
'resident of this place for two or. three.
:years, working in Humphrey-Brothers &
Traey's shoe .manufactory, and Who re
moved to Elmira about a : year and a half
ago, eloped with a fair dainsel ~ f that city
by the name of HP.RRINGTON oh tiaturday
last. Ho left behind him a wife and four
children totally unprovided for.
THE followin named gentlemen were
elected .ollice:s of Leßay Lodge, NO. 417;
A. Y. 111.;.:74 Leßaysville, on 3d in
stant, for the ensuing year : •
P. Boswoliti, • '
S. 11 7 .—ArsitAm WIIITAKER.
,seeretary—GEonot N. JoitssoN.
Treasurer. -SA 31 r. Donor. •
As exchange says that a newspapet ed
itor who grows restive seeing his little
squibs floating around loose without any
thing to signify where they came - from,
should submit gracefully, and 'hot spend
his.time in mourning over such an omis
sion, as parties guilty of - such acts seldom
apologize, but rather seek new treasures
and appropriate them to theirown use. •
LAST winter was a terribly hard one pa
bee keepers, and many apiaries were en
tirely destroyed while all suffered serious
ly., E. D. BENEDICT, of Austinville, who
succeeds his late father,:hail'" only •about
40 swarms left which haVe increased dur
ing the snixiMer to about 80. The BEXE
DICTS lost about 210 swarms last winter
by the severe weather.—Troy Gazette.
'Tun Philadelph!a Press says- that a
grain. elevatOr is to be - built at C..nton.
The Press says "it will have a capacity
of yne million bushels, and a- pier is to 100
with 100 by 42 feet in size." We sup
pose the pier will extend down Towanda
Creek. We judge the Press is a little
"off" as to location. But we' want Can
ton to have the elevalor and pier . , just the
AN alarm of fire was.sounded on Thur s t4-
day afternoon, Which called out the whole
Fire Department.. The alarm was . 00C11-
sioned by fire being discovered in the roof
of a BMA building helonging to Ccionel
MEANS, on- Washinzton street, and occu
pied by JOHN CANTIVELL. The flames
were extinguished.without the assistance
of the firemen and before much damage .
was done. -7 - 1
• A itami-belonp,lng to E. W. SwEErand
rented by J. A. Pr.r.eo., at Carpenter, was
burned with all its contents3londay night*.
In the barn were three loriesl forty tons
of hay, and a lot of corn, oats and buck
wheat, together with n lit of machinery,
making a loss of about stloo, which' will
be severely, felt by,. Mr. PEASE. !There
was no insurance en building or contents.
-:-Cantok Sentinel..
SAYS the Wellsboro Oagettc of last
week : • "Last • Sunday, Hon. HENRY
SHERWOOD gathered enough pansies in
flower g,ardeif to make a handsome
limpet. At that rate Christmas yoses will
hale a rival.". Mrs. EDWARD WALKER.
sent to this office on Tuesdai.a sprig= of
myrtle on which there was a-peifeetflow
er. It was kicked' in,her flower garden
on that morning. --
3ln. Eurron- of the Athens Gazette, that
kind of a lIINT-o` us don't - go down. We
'ain't that kind of a feller. Ask. CHAS.:
ALI.P.N. or Sheriff DEA.N.—Le
Atirertiaer. Lecik here, V. Gzi,unn,
Please do not refer persons to is for a (Tr=
tificate of what "kind of a feller" you
are.:- We do not know anything about
you, ex - Cept what has been told us, and
that does not flatter you a dod-gasttid
A s will be seen by reference to the
Cotut Proceeding, FRANK WARNER and
lIENnv W HEELER, :ho plead guilty to
assaniting and robbi ii young BRENNAN,
near hemlock Run, i . August last, have
been sentenced by th Court to pay a fine
of $250 eieb, cost of prosecution, and
undergo an, imprisonment in the Eastern
Penitentiary for a period of eight years
and eleven months. 1 ,
As Athens correspondent writes
follows : "A young man named EMER
SON' Clammnic; of Athens, had a narrow
escape from losing a band last Saturday::
He was walking beside a wagon loaded
With lumber, driving the team, .and slip-,
pinz, - -• fell in front of the rear Wheel,
which passed over li s fingers, crushing
them badly. -A buck skin mitten Saved
them froth immediat43-funputatjon.
Tim Adisrtiser. says -that while the
grand jury of Tioga County were being
sworn last week, at Ovrego, Judge Foie
Ltr presiding, one of the Jury caused a
smile by handing in the r. signation of a
neighbor, who could not attend. •We'll
bet a nickle that man lives in Waverly.
Ilutions prevail of , cases of small-pox
at ToWanda and Milan. NVe are not
aware of any truth in these rumors, and
do not believe in putting faith in such ru
mors without careful investigation. But
while•there is a wide-spread prevalence of
this terrible disease, it - wilily) well for all
persons Who have not been ,vaccinatcd to
attend ti) the matter.— Trop Gazette. So
far as Towanda is concerned, there has
not been a case of small-pox hem in eight
; -
or nine ytars. •
Mn. 8,1 T. RYLAND, superintedent of
bridge erection for KELLOGG & MatriucE,
of Athens, says the Waverly Bookie, of
Thursday, started from that place on
.quite a long trip last evening. takes
in Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago, COM
ha, Indianapolis, Terre dente, New Vr
leans, and manrother places, for the pur
pass of looking after the interests: of the
company, who have over one hundred
bridges to build thrmighout the West
within a year.
mous circulation attained by_ the New
York Tribune attests is remrable pop
idarity. 'lt stands to-'day in he very first
rank of American newspapers. This po
sition has been won, in the tooth of the
sharpest newspaper rivalry, by its enter
prise in itkpows lepartment, by
and brilliat4 : -character of • its editorials,
and by itiuciwavering devotion to Repub
lican principles. Its prospectus for 1882,
and its great premium offers, will b::
found in'anbther column.
P. T. 11Auxuit and his partners offer
$20,000 for the prettiest woman and $lO,-
000 for the handsomest man in the world,
to accompany their show next year.
Tioga county unquestionably can produce
the prettiest woman. If the offer was for
the ILirneliest man Tioga county would
be on hand and produce - him too. -Owego
Blade. Bradford county will furnish the
handsomest man. The judges will have
to decide between PARSONS of the Argue,
and VAN GELDER, of the Leßaysville
Sinuticer, how-ver.
A VERY level-headed -eirchange thitiks
that if the merchants and business men
generally, would spend the same amount
of money with the home newspapers and
local printing as they do with strange
publicatiCns, of which they know not1;-
me , ' the result would be more favorable
and t;ii(isfiwtory than ual. The yeo
manry:4 our county do not miss a week's
issue in the Whiilr year, but look for their
weekly news letter in the shape of
. their
favorite county paper, and anything
indorsed by . their paper as- being re
liable generally meets with the - favor it:
demands. Spend your, money id adver
tisiniin your own county paper.
O.* TEM . Towanda Rifle ..Range;
:day, Dec. 17, 1881, at - one O'clock, p.m.,
the Owill be a mid-range match, open to
all comprs ; distance, 500 yards;
ten *capon,. any- rifle ;' military rifle
used as such allowed 4 points ; entrance
fee, 50 cents ; re-entries allowed. Prize,
a 25 pound turkey.
I '
Nn sighting shots will he allowed, but
target will be assigned as bull's eye tar
get, at which competitors may practice at
any time, provided . such practice does not
interfere with thair presence at the'llring
. •
WE publish in this issue the Prospectus
of the New York i77ines for the year 1882.
The Times as a nCirspaper bas no super
ior in the State or in the Union. In ac
curacy is 'not excelled. At the late
election it was the only New York paper
which on the morning • after election
claimed the, electio9 of the' Republican
ticket, and stood to ir, every day, but
added to the majority it claimed:, The
Times is a clean paper. It -l ls just as
severe on a Republican caught 'in a dis
honorable .act as upon\ a Democrat.
AeMands integrity, and will not cover up
personal or political iniquity of any kind.
Wovecommend it most heartily: to our
readers, who May desire either a city
daily or a weekly.
IN 1819, a prize was offered by a New
York leather association for the hest suc
cess in tanning a given lumber of hides;
says the Troy Gazette. Seven firms com
peted for the prize, which was a gOld me=
dal. Results weie estimated by.the"gnal
ity and color of the • leather 'and the
"gain " in tanning.. This last being the
net amount of leather turned out from
160 pounds of hides. The Troy tannery
of BOWEN & INNES, now run by IT. Bow-'
EN, wa4 second in the race, showing the
largest amount of "gain" and only fail
ing to receive the prize through a .slight
defect in color. Thetlecis!on was only
rendered last summer.
. .
TUE Advertisers ts!.,ll:i correspondent
writes thus about, the Smallpox scare at
that place, under date of Friday last
The public school at this place did not
open last Monday, on account of the
smallpox scare, but it will open' next
week. Resolutions have been passed by
the school board compelling all children
to biing evidence of successful vaccination
before being allowed to •enter school.
The smallpox scare is getting played out
here ; the • business his been overdone.
during the past two weeks. Several of
our well known citizens have been sur
prised to learn that they were ill with
smallpox. Your reporter was more un
fortunate than. the majority, as rumor
had him dead and buried in the night.
For information of the public, generally
we can say that there is not a single-case
of smallpox or varioloid in Sayre or
vicinity, and the majority of -the people
are unwilling to believe. that Mr. UAYNS:
FORD had smallpox.-
• TUE Smithboro correspondent 'of the
Owego Gazette writes that, paper lat
week as follows : "THOMAS TAYLOR, • or
Tuscarora, Pa., "while walking on the
Southern Central Railroad track between
Smitbhoto and Barton on Wednesday e'v
ening last, was struck
.by the lociimotive
of express train No. 2, bound North, op
posite the residence of 8. , S. ScuooNovsn,
at a little past six o'clock, and throWn off
the track into the ditch., •lle received a
Severe blow.on the head:and his right hip
was dislocated. He was picked u'p by the
eraployes,of the company. and 'taken to
the ddpOt at Smithboro, where be receiv
ed treatment. The unfortunate man gave
his name as Thomas TAYLOR, and said
that ho reskled .at Wyoming] .Pa. He
also said.he ins formerly a merchant, at
Tuscarora, tend was subsequently; as Yan
kee 'notion peddler: lie expired at alx!ut
11 o'clock in the evening. , Coroner C. R.
Roams, of Owego, was summoned, and
arrived in the morning. As there was no
question 'as to the ,cause of TAYLOR'S
death, no post mortem examination was
held. His remains were interred in the
churchyard at Smithboro."
This widely-known weekly magazine has
been published for nearly forty years, and
during that long period has been , prized
by its numerous readers as a thorough,
compendium of the best thought and lite
rary work of the times. As, periodicals
Come More numerous, this ` . becomes- the
more valuable, as it continue si to be the
most thorough and 'satisfactory compila
tion sAlthe best . periodical literature of
the *orig. It fills the place of many
quar:erlies, monthlies and weeklies, and
its readers can through its pages easily
and economically keep pace with
work of the forettiest writers and think
ers in all departments of literature, sci
ence, polities and art. Its importance to•
American readers is evideut ; in fact it is
well-nigh indispensable to those who •
would keep informed in the best. liters
tare of the day ; and its success has there
fore teen uninterrupted. , Its •prospectus
is well worth attention in Selecting one's
- periodicals for the new yCar. New sub
scribers remitting now ror the year 1882,
will receive the intervening, numbers gra.
tea, and its clubbing rates with other pe
riodicals are worthy of notice. ' LtrrELL
& co., Boston, Massaehusetts, are the
publishers. •
AT thelinnual meeting of the 14286111n'
.Relief Association, held at' Elmira, on
Monday even:ug, .the following named
gentlemen were elected officers for the
ensuing year :' • •
President—C. N. SDID3IAN.
Pee-President-1 D. WIwAMS.
Treasurer— G. D.-I'..masoss.
Secretary—U.. B. BEIMY.
Direetor—T, S. Ur DE Gnsirr:
The usual number of Directors were
chosefi. Among the nnutbers were J. H.
Ciinnixo, of this place, and.R. C. KEN
DALL; of Troy. The time ,for holding
the annual meeting was changed from
the second Monday iu December to the
second Monday in January of each year.
Reports _ froM all of the :officers were
read. The Secretary'srepint showed
4,002 members in the firstclass; number
of death'S past year, 66 ; cost of insur
ance 'per member. $33.05 on $2,000 ;
amount paid beneficiaries, $132,000.00.
Coat. per member $1.06. The total 'am
ber oftdeatim since organizahon, 500; of
these 216-were paid from surplus- fund ;
average age deceased members, 52 ; death
rate per cent, .0125, at a yearly rate per
$l,OOO, of $12.66 ; total amount paid
beneficiaries, $981.960.00. In the second
class at the present time are 949 me.abers.
All of the reports submitted were ex
tremely full, and made a very gratifiifig
show Lg.
.—non, E. OVERTON is in Wasbington.
--Jout; ELLswoitTn, of Pike, is seri
—Miss Lit . Ltn . 3loottE_is visiting. friends
in Philadelphia.
- -Mr. H. Z. CARPENTER, of Athens, is
quito seriously ill.
I. McPnEnsoN. Esq. and MEANS
Mmiii.r, are happy. Babies.
.11. W. C(X;GSWELL, of Pike, is con
valescing (rum ti this i Peeks' illness. •
—Mrs. LIZZIE M r-. I:40N, of Pitts
burgh, is,visiting frauds in thiii plade.
—Mrs. 0. A. BALDWIN has gone to , St.
Louis to visit her brother, who , is danger
pusly ill. - - : •
-S. NV: POMEROY, of .Troy, celebrated
is iiiticth birthday, on Wednesday of
-EARL . KNAPP and . wife, .of Duluth,
Minn.; are visiting Mr. 11::'s sister, Mrs.
E. D. RUNDELL, iu this idace...
- 7 Captain B. B. Mrrcu has again
been elected Snikerintendent of the Pres
byterian Sunday Scht)olatTroy.
PIERCE and ll.' S. 14kKEAN; of Troy, have
gone on a prospecting tour to Texas. .
—ions.BEYNIFI,. of. the Ward House,
haS returned from Philedelphht, whore he
wept for medical treatment ; much bone
• •
-DANIEL CAMP liai; leased his farm-in
Pike-township, and he .and Mrs. ("A'stt.
have gone to reside with their son at Mo
—Colonel McKIT.AS -has been
elect - d a delegate to represent Watkins
Post,. G. A. R., .of this place, for the
coming yez.r.
—The -Court has appoiated JOUN N.
CALIFF, ' Esq., to audit the accounts of
the several county . oflieerti, for the year
now closing.
.—"The Rev. Mr. ,Esos has accepted the
cll to . the Reetorship of 'Christ !C4urch
Parish, this place, and will enter upon his
duties January Ist. -
—JAmlis A. Buti:Tot. has been appoint
ed one of the School Directors of Athens,
to fill the vacancy occasioned the res
ignation of CrFottOE PENDLETON.
—EDWARD T..Smitit, of East Stroudg
linrg, Pa., is visiting friendS at, Wyalus-,
iug and ToWanda. Ile is now the guest
of his uncIe,TAYLO, WyaillaiDg;
—Mt. GEORGE . ttICIIAIIDS, of Coldwa
ter, Minnesota, who bas been visiting
'friends in Bradford County, Pa., and in
Owego, started for : bOrne on Monday
night.—Owego Blade.
and CUAIII.F.B Bnowx, • of Sliesliequin,
and C. S. avvis, of Orwell, made up a
hunting party that started for the wilds
of Sullivan cothity . from this, place, Fri
day last. • .
—DrEnat his residence in Burlington,on r ,
the loth inst.', JUSTIN MONLEY, abed 70
years. , Mr. M. was born at Athens, Pa.,.
of, English lineage . Ho moved, to Bor-
lingten while a young man, and settled on
a farm where ho has since resided,' an up
right and influential citizen. He was the
youngest member of a fanitly of nine,'.all
of whO.n, but One, brother; have already
passed the • Mystic River. . He - leaves a
wife and one tiaughter,Mrs. C. H. PinucE,
besides a host of sincere friends . , who:will
mi ni the wise counsels - of this Christian
gentleinan whose close observations and
well stored mind made him alwayti
• •
come visitor.
• Oit Nov.: 19th, in the barn of
DAVIS, in Pike, Mr. 0. D. WOOD took
the occasion to reprove a couple; of the
•I3}raemnr bays for their misdoingS,:when
one of thrm struck him across the face
and neck with a. fork handle, knocking
him to the ground senseless, • and the
other also gavo.hiM a blow or taro in his
helpless condition. Mr. Wow - Was con.
fined to his .houso for some time, from
the severe injuries received, although we
are glad to state that - he is now out again.
It seems that: the boys have skedaddled
to parts unknown. It will perhaps' be
better for them to stay away, as we learn
that papers.haie already been issued for .
their arrest. Should they be caught, it
will no doubt go hard 'with them, as one
of the boys haB already served a term in
prison, and also in the county jail of late l
which-is a bad omen for the third offence.
- -Leltaysvilk Advertiser
Josh 111111higs lisord.From•
NEwronr, R. 1., Aug. 11, 1880.
DEAR DITTEHS-I am trying to breathe
in all the Salt itir of the ocean, and hav
ing been a sufferer for more than a year
with a refractory. liver, I was induced to
mix lop Bitters with the sea . gale, and
have found the tincture a glorious result.
* * I have been greatly helped, by
the Bitters, and an not afraid to say. so.
Yours'yrithout aldruggle,
We acknowledge the receipt of a beau
tifully engraved and printed invitation to
the Annual Reception of Tioga lose
Company; of Waverly, to be _given at the
Opera House, in thit village, :on Tiesday
evening, December 27th. As we have re-
Marked on several previous occasions,
the Receptions given by Tiaga Rose in
the past have been among the finest and
most enjoyable affairs of the kind given
in this part of our great and glorious Re
public. The one of this year it is 'confi
dently asserted, will eclipse all previous
efforts of the Company. If alive and well
wo propose to witness the " eclipse4 l and
take part in the. festivities.
LAST Thursday evening, December Bth,
Mr. and Mrs. S. W.7PostEttoi gave a
party in honor of . Mr.. romEnox's sixtieth
birthday. Over one hundred invitations
were giiert out and the .elegant parlors
were filled. with the neighbOrsand friends
of the family. There are few of the
pleasant events of life so full -of
mutt as was this occasion. The spacious
parlors afforded room for the full enjoy
ment of the company,and after the for
mal reception of the guests' by- the' host
'and, hostess the party resembled those
pleasant gatherings for 'svitich Troy has
been famous in years gone-by. A pleas
ant little programme bad been arranged
by We.: E. J. LEE,, consisting of recita
tions by .Misses ANNA LAURA_ I'AINE,
and BESSIE and Emma LEE, interspersed
with music by Misses llama KEHRICK
and LOTTIE PAINE, who presided at the
piano. After this part of the entertain
ment, Mr. POMEROY responded in a finely
worded speech to the many kind wishes
that had been expressedi- wishing
present the same full 'enjoyment of life
and health which had fallen to his lot;
Dr. E. G. TRACY then came forward and
on • behalf of friends presented Mr.
POMEROY with. a beautiful saddle, mak
ing one of his happiest speeches much to
the amusement of all. An elegant sup
- .per was then served . , - after which , the
evening was passed in a delightfully so:
sal manner. The _company dispersed
with the hope expressed by Mr. POMEHOY
of all meeting again on' a similar occa
sion. Mr. and Mrs.'PomEnor now enter
ing the 'morning Of their old.age are most
happily situated. The family of Captain
and Mrs. B. B. MITCHELL consisting of
feint. children, Jostr., NANNIE, -PomEnoir
and BENNIE are members of the house
hold, and their bright and beautiful faces
and loving hearts .seem to make the
grand parents live life over again as they
pass down the decline of life - . Thus rich
in goods, in family,- aMd the esteem of
his fellow citizens, our hotit passes - .his
three score -years full of blessings and
happiness. • H.
Tnov; Dec. 12, 1881. _
Our Smithfield correspondent writes us
that. the• small-pox in that township. , is
confined to families residing in the neigh
borhooil of the Africa School House. He
says that there have been
.two deaths,
and that six persons are reported as be
ing down with the disease. A correspond
ent of the Elmira Advertiser, under:a lat.
er date than the ilbove,• writes that paper
as follows:" "The family of PATRICK
WHITE, of Smithfield ,Township, . are all
down with the small-pox. Three have al-.
ready died, 'audl five more are down with.
the aread disease and iri the Midst of sur
roundings simply horrible. The authori
ties have been called upon and are mak
ing efforts to relievethe afflicted family.
and prevent - the spread of the disease."'
A Musizal Conitention will be held at
Litchfield Centre, commencing on Tues
day, December 20th, 1881, and closing on
Friday evening with a grand concerkby
all the members, under the direction. of
L. W. TOWNER, assisted by a good
pianist. There will be three sessions
,day ; "from 10 to 12 a. m.; •fi to 4... and
7to P o'clock: p. The "Tone Temple"
will be, furnished for the we of the Con
vention free of charge. Convention
tickets, 50 . cents. Concert tickets, 15
cents.' •
• The pleasantest social event of thissea
son uas the informal party at the honse
of - Dr. J. L. comas, Tuesday_ evening.
Theffe were nearly one hundred present
nen! Athens, Sayre and WaverlY,• em
bracing the gallant and gifted young men
and the fairest .of the gentler sex, and
from, the time of assembling to the end
they entered into the pleasures of the ev
ening with that earnestness that evinced
a most happy blending of 'sociality • and
recreation. • Miss DEI.T. CORBIN and her
acconaPlished cousinic.,Miss - Oniswotn, of
Elmira, and Miks - Ociniiasi, of Leßays-
Ville, did the honors of the reception.
The misic by Professois ITILOAR and
STULEN was just suited to give alnagnet,
ic impulse to those who: trip the "light
fantastic," and altogether the arrange
men- s wore-such as to.maice the evening's
entertainment a success in every particu
kir. --A them Gazette.
THE J3radford County Medical Society
met pursuant to adjournment at tho.olliee
,of Dr. D. N. N . 7.wTozr, in Towanda, and
Was called to-order at 2:30 p.m. The
president,' Dr. E." D. -PAYNE, in the chair.
The minutes of .the.last meeting were
read and approved.
were presented for 6amination as. stu.
dents of medicine" by Drs. -C. K. LAO
and E. D. PAYNE, and Were awarded cep.
-tilicates of Proficiency after examination
by the committee. 1 .
The president called on the correspond
ing secretary to rea4 any correspondence
lie might have received, which-was done,
after which Dr. GEO. H. Howrox read a
very instructive and entertaining paper
on' Puerperal Convulsions. Dr. P. A.
QUICK vas excused from reacling essay on
'the ground of not being fully prepartd.
On motion of !)r...0.: H. SCOTT the
thanks of the society were tendered-Dr.
HOUTCIN for his scholarly paper. The re
port of the committee on the fee bill was
then read•by Dr. WOODBUKK ; after some
discussion it was decided to .defer • the
further consideration of the'report till the
next meeting. 111
Mated, by Dr. T. B. JOHNSON, that the
cemetery bo instructed to gen - dye card to
etch member of the society, especially re
questing his presence at the next meeting
of the society, to participate in the dis
cussion upon the proposed changes in the
fee bill. It was also mowed that the sec
retary inform all delinquent members that
tinal•action would be taken in their cases
at the next meeting of the society.
The president then appointed the fol
lowing named gentlemen essayists for the
next meeting : Drs. P. A. QUICK and-E.
D. PAY/S. -
Adjournei:to meet at the same place
the Ist Wednesday in January.
C. H. fAADD, Secy.'
-24,4 , 44i:i1ia, Pa., pec. 7, 113131.
•I,lo;4lll;izteisi:A:4 oUtizt•lOZ io ZleJ :4 ►
The Grind Jury disposed of the follow
log additional muses :
Com. vs. James Fogarty—Larceny.
Coro. vs. Alonzo Fogarty—Adultery.
Coro. vs. Samuel Vanderpool, Alonzo
Vanderpool, and Walter Vanderpool—
Larceny. -
Com. vs. Alonzo Heeman—Bigamy.
-Coin. vs. John Doyle—Larceny.
Com. vs. John B. BallL and Benjamin
F. Ball—Felonious assault. •
Corn. vs. Richard M. .Abrams—Adul-'
tory and fornication and bastardy. °
• Corn. vs. Henry Wheeler and . Frank
Warner—Highway robbery.
OMB% vs.' Jacob itShaffer —Assault
The Gra: d Jury was discharged Thurs.'
day, December Bth.
tiom. vs. L. L. Vorry—Perjury. Jury
And defendant not guilty. and the prose
cutor, Miner 13rister, for costs.
Com. vs. Benjamin Ball, Benjamin F.
Ball and John B. Ball—Aggravated as
sault and battery. District Attorney Fan
ning and, Evans & Maynard for Common
wealth ; William . Foyle and I. McPherson,
Esqs., for defendants. Jury find• defend
ants guilty.
Corm, vs. John Doyle—Larceny.
trict Attorney Fanning for Common
wealth William Foyle, Egg., for defend
ant. Jury fit do endant guilty.
Corn. vs. .I4ln B. Ball and Benjamin F.
Ball—Fel.mip4 assault. District Attor
ney FanningtaUtl Evans & Maynard for
CommunWealtß ; William • Foyle - and I.
McPherson, Esqs., for defendants. Jury
find defendlinti guilty.
Com. vs. Bamuel Vanderpool, Alonzo
Vanderpool and Walter Vanderpool—Lar
ceny. District Attorney Fanning for
Commonwealth ;0. D. Kinney. and L.
Hillis, Esc's., for defendants. Jury find
defendants guilty.
Corn. vs. James Fogarty Larceny.
District Attorney Fanning for CoraTnon
wealth ; D. C. DeWitt, Esq., for defend
ant. Jury find defendant guilty. -
Corn. \ vs. Henry Wheeler. and Frank
Warner—Highway robbery. Defendants
plead guilty. 7
Corn. vs. Richard M. Abrams—Adul
tery and fornication, and bastardy. Dis
trict Atttirney Fanning, Peck & Overton,
and R. J. TbOmpson, for Commonwealth;
Williams & Angle and McPhetson &
Young, Esqs., for defendant. Jury find
defendant guilty of fornication and bas
In the matter of taking the bridge of
the Susquehanna Bridge Company at
Athens as a free bridge. The Graifd Jury
report that the bridge should not be tak
en as a free bridge.
In the matter of the petition for a coun
ty bridge on the North Branch of the
gar Run Creek. The Grand Jury report.
against adopting the same as a county
In the matter of the order of the Court
for filling jury box for the year 1882.
And now to wit, December )881," it
is ordered that the number of jurors; to
serve the several Courts during the :next.
year be 80Q, by virtue of the Act of As
semblypassed A.pril 10th, 1867;
Anna Wood vs. Edward L. Wood.—.
Courtaward an alias subvena in.divorce l
Claflin vs. Clttlin ; - Huntley ,xs. Hunt
ley ; F. A. Bowman vs. Hattie Bowman.
—Cases' referred to L. Elsbree, Esq.,.
Master and Examiner in Divorce.
Hiram W. Scott vs. Mary •L. Scott:—
Divorce granted: ,
In• the - matter of the petition of Thomas
Ryan to have viewers appointed to-assess
damages. 7 —Court appoint Joseph Kingi-:
'bury, L. H. Scptt, E. B. Corabiugh, S.
W. Alvord, Jaines T. Hale, William
Chamberlin and W. K. Hill viewers to
meet at the premises Thursday, the 12tli
day of January, 1882.
L. F: Gretchins vs. William Gardner.
—Rule to Set aside judgment' -of non pros.
William Sullivan vs. James •
Court grant defendant leave to pay mo
ney into Court to await the return of the.
Com. vs. Andrew J. Mann, Susan Mann,
Charles Burt. and Alice Burr—Murder.
Continued to February Term.. • • ,
Com...vs. Samuel Daiidow and Hyman
Dividow—Robbery. Nolte" proinqui en
tered upon payment of costs._
MONDAY, pEcEmnEit 12, 1881.:
. .
Corn. va. Daniel Lane—Rape. Nob
prosequientered upon payment of costs.
The following prisoners_ were sentenc
ed :
Coin. is. John Doyle—Larceny.. Sen
tenced to,pay a tine of $5, costs . Of prose
cution, and undergo an imprisonment of
10 days in the County Jail. •
•• Com. vs. John Ftwarty—Sentenced -to
the Houk- of•Refugei.
Com. vi. Walter Vanderpool, Alonzo
Vanderpool and Samuel Vanderpool—Lar
ceny. Sentenced each to pay a fine of
$5, costs of prosecution,- Walter and Al
onzo to undergo au imprisonment of two
years-and eleven months, and. Samuel of
one year and eleven months in the East
ern Penitentiary, - at Philadelphia.
Qinn. vs. Benjamin F. Ball - and - Jcilin
B. Ball —Aggravated assault and battery.
Sentenced to each to, pay a lino of $100;
costs of ptoseeution, laud undergo aw
,of two: years and eleven
months,at the Eastern Penitentiiary in
Philadelphia. •
Com. vs. Frank Warner and - Henry
Wheeler—Highway robbery. Sentenced
to each to pay a fine of itno, costs of
pro.,ecution, and underg6- an imprison
ment of eight years aad eleven months at
the Eastern Penitentiary. in Philailelphia.
E. T. Fox vs. Michael Kirwifi, T. T.,
et al.—Role to strike qffjudgment.
Margitret Wells vs. M. Wells—Sheriff
directed to make proclamation. •
Mary Rhebein vs. Henry Rhebein—Case
referred to L. Etsbree, Master and Exam
iner ir. divorce. •
Merrick Orandie vs. Daniel Leppert
Auditor's Report Mc& and confirmed Ili
In, the matter of the lunacy - of George'
Cornell—lnquisition confirmed finallk.
Isaac Hall, a witues:i not answering
when called, the Court order Oat be be
fined the amount of his fees for ono day.
First Na ional Bank of Towanda,. Pa.,
vs. T. H. Madill—Assuinpsit. , Rodney
A. Blercur, Esq., for plaintiff ; no appear
ance for ddendant. Verdict for plaintiff
W. P. Coburn vs. H. R.
Peck & Overton for plaintiff; Williams &
Anglo (or defendant. Verdict for plain
tiff $20.05.
John Swaekliammer vs. Charles and
Mary Sill—Ejectment. H. J. Madill and
John N..Calift; Ems., for plaintiff ;-
F. Sanderson, Esq., - an-I Williams S An,
glc for defendants. On trial.
A meeting of the Congressional Prohi.
bition- Alliance for the Fifteenth Congres-
Aerial District, composed of the counties
of Bradford, Susquehanna, Wayne and
Wyoming. will be. held in Carbondale,
Wednesday,- December -21st, at one
o'clock r. ar. Prohibitionieta in each elect
tion district and , a ll temperance organi
gationa endorsing Prohibition are request
ed to send one delegate.l
S. B. Missy : , President,
"C. Fa iffurrtizY, Secretary.
North Jackson, Pa., December 5, 1880.
The Twenty-fifth Annual Session of
the, Biddford County Teachers' Institute
will commence in the Graded, Schoo
Building, Towanda, Monday, December
26th, at 10 o'clock A. as., and close Saar._
day afternoon, December 310. .
The Act of the Legislature of 1881 re
quinis the closing of schools, the:attend
ance.of the Institute by teachers, the al
lowance of time and wages to - teachers,
and a report to each board of Directois,
by the Superintendent, of the number of
days each teacher attended and" partici . -
pated in the exercises of 'the Institute;
and it is, therefore, expeited that all now
teaching wilt-attend the entire session.
All others are cordially invited to be pres
ent. Please bring Rout ion's Higher
Arithmetic, and other reference boOks if
desired. Special attention will be' given
-to methods of recitation, teaching: and
school.manigement, and teachers are re
quested to be prepared to give the: Insti
tutei their methods. '.;
Directors' Day.—Saturday ; ' December'
31st; at 10 o'clock A.m., issUggestedas a fa
vorable time for a Convention of Diie4tors
at the' Graded School Building, for the con
sideration of questions of vital importance
to school .interests. Directam' days ob
served for years in 'many 4615 unties, have
proven, of great advantage to the school;
of those counties.
LECTURES. Monday, Tuesday, and
Thursday evenings, lion. E. L.
L. M. 4letr., Esq., and lion. •dpitGE
LANDON ; Wednesday evening, ProleSsor
Mensuara.. Teachers should se;
cure boarding places at.orice.
• • G. W. RYAN,
County Superintendent.
Cam" Beautiful Holiday Books at Caoss'
Book Store, Mercur Block.
• gar Mrs. E. J. Mingos, Main Street;
opposite the Park, has new Fall styles In all De
partments of her Millinery Store. For. choice
goods this is headquarters In Towanda. Oct. 15.
We have completed our purchases and have now
In stock the largest, best and most varied assort
ment we ever had of Owds adapted for HOLIDAY
I'RESENTS. - 'Dec. 1, 18.1.
or Beau WO Pictures at Qaoss's Book
Store, 3lercur Block.
Win Henry 'ec Johnson's Arnim. and
Oil Liniment we furnish you ti large bottle for 5
W The Largest; Best and Cheapest
line of Shoes for Ladles'ollsses' and Child:ens'.
wear Is found at Consan's new Itore, corner Main
and Plne-sts., Tracy &Noble's Block. apr4lB
. .
' Mir L. B. Itonomts challenges compe
tinot Cor quality of gposts and lour prices on Sash,
boors,ll)inds and ItblilltiLs,"and al building ma.
Lerlal.. • Cariga4f)
n''•-Wheu a cough sounds like Croup
—thatrifdry and hard—do not delay au Instant
Give DAwns` Elixir often enough hi' keep the
congh . ipi§se, and the danger will soon Le over.
VEMITURRAII to GEO. L..ltoss' New
Grocerlitpre In the 3lontanye Block;and get your
arocerl t s at, rock bottom. 7 Jan. 20.
or Beautiful' Holiday Goods at C r tioss'
Book Store, Mercur Work.
arThe Davis Sewing Machibe
its Vertical Feed does a large range of practical
work not pOssible on any tinder feed machine. tf
Cam' Beautiful Novelties in Holiday
Goo& at Cnoss'k Boik Store, kercUr Block.
, i l
. .
rr REMOrAI..—J,„ S. ,ALLYN 1i f 1..3 re
moved his Undertaking Establishment . from
Bridge street to rooms on Wain street, over. Tr m
NEIL .k.Gonno:rs Drug Store, and WOobrono &
VAN DORN'S Boot & Shoe Store.' A. Nil line of
Undertakers Goods from the cheapest tothe fx;'st.
jan27,'Bl. J. S. ALLYN, agent.
Ems' Call at CROSS'S Book Store, Mercur
Block, before mating your Holiday purchases. _-
CitoLERA.-No danger from Chol
era if the Liver Is In proper order and Ordinary
prudence In diet Is observed. The occasional tak
ing of Simmons Liver Regulator to keep the sp.
tem healthy,' will surely prevent attacks of Cholera.
Have you noticed this fact? When
ever the Davis Setting Xachines with its Vertical
Feed comes in. competition with other makes, it
carries Mr all the honors. teciitf
my- Save money and buy your HOLI
DAY GOODS at Whitcotol.,'s Book Store. Im
mense opening of NOVELTI,ES in GOODS, con
A L.fitlMS In-Plush, WRITING DESKS of Leath-'
WEIGHTS, etc. Smill profits and (Flick eale: , , at
Ur ED. MOUILLESSE3I7 keeps in
erming hiriatock and has ,now on hind a tine
assortment of Watches, Jes*elery and Silrerware.
His taste Is exquisite, and a call at his store, corner
Main and Bridge Sts— is a genuine treat to loters
of pretty things. Call and be con'xinced. let.
Vir Beautiful Christmas, Prespnts at
Cnoss's Book Store, Mercur Block.
sell Dr. Chase . s Recipes; or Information for Every
body, In every county in the United States or Can
adas. Enlarged by the ptiblisber to OlS'pages. It
contains over 2,000 household recipes and Is suit
ed to all classes and conditions of society. A
wonderful book and household necessity. It sells
at. sight.' Greatest Indimements ever offered tir
hook agent.S. sample copies sent by mall, Post
paid, for #2.00. Ex 'Ave %gents
more than double Dr
Chase's Steam : vi sor
* 'Gum - Bogt 00 at
thilatEAT BOSTO' ' Jost
opened In eans' .13 . 1
. new I Hats
you will find an al) re. E.
J. Mingos, 'Rain , from
which to . select something 'that will Just be , ome
you. Call and see. Oct. 13, lesl.
nrA list of: articles from which to
cheese a sensible Proeut for the Holidays: BED
BED. All of lltt:se artlek , ,;, will a great many
others too numerous too mention, can he found at
and any one of them will please your family, and
'at the same time in, useful as well Arnamental.
Don't forget the place, E.ll. PIERCE'S BRIDGE
be a Holldsy Party. at theptange Hall, Asylum, cn
Thursday evening, December :9th, MM. All are
cordtally Invited to attend. ? 3juslc, McDonald and
Stulen's Orchestra. 13111 11.50.
dec./.3w•. proprietor,
re- Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable
Compound Iva remarkable remedy for all those
painful complaints and weaknesses so common to
our best female population. Send - to Mrs. Lydia
E. Plnkbam. Western/Arenue,;"Lynn, Mass,
£ Remember that the Large Stock or
Men's and Boy's. Boots, -Ladles' 'and Children's,
Shoes, sold so cheap at the BOSTON CLOTHING
It 'USE. aro all Hand niatietuul every pair war.
ranted. decls.
Tho ladies will flu& at Mrs. E. J.
Bingos a beautiful assortnientot Fancy Goods In
Ties, Gloves, Itiblmns t Flowers, Hose, Yarns, Jew
elry, SM., embracing the rear latest styles anti pat
tetus. Please look over • her flneistock and you
will surely find Just what you have wanted.octia
We - REMEMBER, that W. C. & A. B.
BURROWS, of Stevensville, Bradford county, Pa.
sell goods at bottom prices and take In excitant°
Butter, Eggs, Pork. Pimliry. Bags, Dried. Apples,
and . Oraln of all kinds. 4 Jim 23, eltf.
tar YOU RUN NO RISK-wheri yon
buy year Groceries as G. L. NOSE'S new store in
Montsaye Block. ' His PRICEN-are WAY DOWN
W rock 'bottom. •
' Ills atom In : K6l.Ltlld BLOCK. 15? WARD,
bests the world by Use Prices and good Good..
I If the functions of the liver are is
any way disordered, the admit._ body, and not only
the body. but the mind sympathizes with the dis
turbed organ. Billions complaints are more eons-
MOn - thaa any other disease; and to remove the
bile, as well, as to regulate the Liver, you only have
e - hi
to taklminonsl Liver Regulator. which will im
part new lite and vigor to the whole system.
tar COMER has the best wearing Shoes
for Men, Hovland Yonths , wear ever offered la
Towanda, and at prices within the reach of alt.
Inr Thousands of women hive been
entirely cured of the most stubborn cases of female
weakness by the use of Lydia E. Pin kham's Yes.
stable Compound, - Send to Mn.. Lydia E. Pink
ham. all Weitern Avenue, Batton, Mass., for
pamphlets. • . dee IS,
ear Gro.. L. floss sells Gioceiies awful
cuEAP because his expeuses are very light, and
he is bodnd his customers shell hive the beriefit.'
VD' As a remedy to purify the blood,
nothing can be round equal to Dr. Baxter's Han•
drake Bitten,. Pfite 25 etc. per bottle.
WOOD—REET.J.—At the 31.. E. Parson
age, Rome,Pa., December 1, 1881, by
Rev. S. 13Keeney, Mr. John M. Wood,
'of Wysox, Pa., and Mho Filelia ,A.
Reed, of Standing Stone Pa.
HEATH— HEATH.--At the M. E. Par
sonage, Rome,
Pa., December *G, 1881,
by . Rev. S. B. Keeney, Mr. Defiers
Heath - and 'Mrs. Mary A. Heath, both
bf Wysoi, Pa. -
Parsonne, Rome, . December 7, 1881,
by Rev; S. B. Keeney, Mr. John L.
Sacket and Mist; Alice S. Morley, both
of Sheihequin, Bradford Co., Pa.
dence of the bride's Father, iu Colum
bia, Pa., December 8,.1881, by Rev. J.
Barton French, of Troy, assissted by
Rev. Wm. Entwistle, of Anstinville,
Mr. Frank Fraley, and Miss Alice' 51.
Watkins, both of Columbia:
. .
BRENNAN.—In Liberty Corners, IDc
- cember 4th, of inflammation of the
bowels, Tommie, son of Prtrick and
Mary B re nnan, aged 8 years, 7 months,
•.1 • -
and 23 days.
Oeneraldealers in Groceries and Produce, corner
' Main and Pine Streets.
rAytNo. siLtiNG
Flour per bbl #7 SO 0# 9 Oo
Flour per sack 11 SO 0o 22.5
Born Meal per 100... _ @#: 1
Chop Feed ks #4 73
Wheat, per bush... - . #1 25 4 0
Corn 7-; ft 80 &G
Rye - au ia 0
flats .. 4S ke -4e
Buckwheat BO 0 65, - 0
Buckwheat F10ur.... .3 SO #s ' p....
(lover seed , - - s o 0 so 6,50
Tltnoth7, western,.. . #3 1,3 Fl} alO
Beau, 62 Ms, ..... ... #2 00 40 250 -,, 0
Pork, mess. 00 bbl. ' 0
Lard , 414 12 - lea . _
Butter, tubs_2S 434, 313 a
• ' - Bolls zsla2; -' 0
Eggs, fresh 2 0 0 28
,Cheese tO, 1,
l'ot.stees. per bash..
.1 (4 . • 00 , --- g 4 ,
Beeswax 20 4 22 10
tildes- 06 60 - 07 S
Veal Dlclns ,- 73 64 ill 23
Deacon Skins ' 40 ere, ' 60
-Deep Pelts - ',., 734 1 50.
grew Abverlisetnnsts.
of best makes In market, fur sale at very low-prices.
Cutters supplied trimmed and furnished to order.
:r pedal Inducements Mall buying or giving early
orders. Cutters:turnished with either heavy steel'
or east - shoes. Will deliver Cutters crated at any
railroad station at same prices as sold at my ware
house. Send fordescripttoes and - prices.
R. M. ViT.J.T.PR, Towanda.
nnal l3le , ting of the Stockholders of the
First National Bank of Towanda. Pa., for the tier.
tion of Directors and - for the. transaction of any
other business that may be brought before it. will
l 0-held at the office of the Bank. to the Borough of
Tirwanda. on TUESDAY, JANUMIY 19th, 1512,
bctween the hours of 1 and 3 P. or.
- N. ISETT.i, Cashier
Towanda; Pa.. I).e. 5, VS!.
nual M-etlng of the Grange Mutual Fire
I:ls:trance <-1' Troy will he held at Troy
Grange. Hall c-1 the iti;(lOND THIMSDAT of
.I.INUARY next, at In .t sr., for the purpose of
electing thirteen Direttort and transaeting such
other business as may be necessary.
D. I,ILLItY. Pre.blent.
- B. F.'NEWBEHY. secretary.
Troy, Pa., Dec; S.
.1 1- ..x:KuTopsTicE. Let
_LA terittestau.entary having been granted to the
undersigned. wider the last will and testament of
Benjamin riUice, late of Leßaysville Borough.
deceased, all pet sobs Indebted to the estate of said
d , cedent a e hereby notified to make - immediate
paynient, and all haying claims Against salt! estate
'nits? present the same duly authenticated to the.
undersigned for. settlement.
1.. 1.. BOS'WnItTH, Executor. :
I.4ltaYsyllle, P 3.. Dee. C. 1:3S:•.
Rheumatism and Neuralgia.
. Thisl medicine is an internal remedy
and recommended ,for the above corn
plaints crelitsitely. By its use, the acid
condition- of the blood, which engenders
the disease, is corrected, the inflammation
speedily reduced and health restored. ' In
eases of every degree of severity, from the
ordinary attack to tliosa- that renter the
sufferer utterly helpless' and baffle the
skill of the ablest practitioners, this rem
edy produces' the same magical results.
Through a long series of years, this gre
specific has been tested with entire su
cess and its virt no become known throughi
out the letigth r and breadth of the land..
Letters of Administration haying grant- 111
undersigned, under the last trill and testantentor
James`(.. Parks, late of Sheshequin twp.. deceased
all persons. Indebted to the estate of said decedent hereby notified to make Immediate, pay
ment. and all hating claims against said estate
must present the saute duly authenticated to the
undersigned fdr settlement.
JAMES G. PARKS, Administrator.
Sheshequin, Pa.. DereMher 15, ItLil-W6.
/tern testamentary having been granted to
the undersigned. upbn the estate of Noble
Leavenworth, late of Herrick Twp., deed, notice
is hereby given that all Persons Indebted to the said
estate. aro requested to make Immediate payment.
and all.persons shaving claims against said estate
must present the same duty authenticated to the
undersigned for settlement.
. L. SQUIRES, Executor.
- 11.011 bay, Ps., December 13, WI -
as letters testamentary to the estate of .1.4n1
L. Sallard. late of the-,township of Wyaluslug,
deceased, have te.-t. granted to the subscribers, all'
persons indebted touhe 'gala - e -c .te are requested
to make linniv4V.oe payne.n:. and those having
claims or denutn , l,aga!l,2 the estate of the dece
dent wilt Loafe kno,,n the same without delay to
11,t1:11.1": W. STALFORD,
. • it Et itte.l.: I'. STALFORD. _
Browrtton rt.,. Load Cord Co., I'3. I.:tecutors.„
. -
• fIT iID VANCE . - -