Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 08, 1881, Image 3

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    ktadfota grportet
Towanda, Pa.; Dec. 8, zBbz.
The undersigned, publishers and pro;
prietors of the BRADFIinD REPORTER,
Towniida Journal, Bradford _ litpulgican
and Bradford Argus', published in Towan
da. Pa., having suffered_severe loss in the
publication of their respective papers
from the heretofore - c,xtremely low price
per annum, hereby mutually agree to
make the subscription price of 'each
of our papers respectively, on and after
the First of January, 1882, One Dollar
ant Fifty _Cents per annum. And we
hereby agree. and ple(Ve ou.selves to
each other, upon our lionor as business
men, that we will strict') - and in
satiably adhere to the terms of. this un
derstanding. To make this arrangement
legally binding, we hake entered into
bonds, with penalty and Mrfeiture for vi
olation of the terms of
. this agreement. All subscriptions paid prior to January
lst next, will be taken at the former rate.
Bates Of advertising in all cases to be
dependent of subscription.
(loom-nett & llrrcucoes, REPORTER.
D. 'AL FURNIM, Journal.
/101. COMB& TitACY, Republican.
E. A 54511 . --% P.OzstNs, Argus.
Bi a favorable arrangement with, the
pnblishers of the Press we are 'enabfed to
bend the Philadelphia Weekly Press,, and
the:REPORTER for one year for V.OO- all
p4 - )stage paid. Offer good till January 1,
persons,who desire to get the RE-
PORTER next year for One Dollar, must
sulv , eribe or renew theie, subscriptions for
it I.:evioustO the first of January next, as
,Clifttr'that date Ohl price will be $1.50 per
THE year k!:•:2 1 - ill have fifty-three Suu-
STILL the weather ' continues mild and
, was over at 3loutrose
Lis: week.
GERTRUDE KELL4itai, Decei 15[h,
Dl:cEmnEn. tera .61 Court began on
Monday last.
.Tosu BILLINGs, Weddesday evening,
De.,:ember 21
I'wENTY-:rtvE rnow• storms are predict-
cii i' ,, r this t• ear
fun church choirs are hunting tip
Christmas music
TROY has contributed $34.90 for the
Michigan sufferers
SEvEirm. - atterapts at burglary have re-
1):•eti at Tro
Itm - tv.q. meetings are bedg held-at
:he Church, Athens. .7.
ThE youtiv people of Orwell are about
to ordanize :t Literary Circle. -
. Fare anu hear GI-Amu - DE KELLOGG,
Thn:, evening, December'lst4.:
'if I:1;•TM-As cards grew larger, more ar
ti,lie %lid more exf,ensive eackyear.
thelnarketruan, is shipping
rit 1,11'K) pounds of pork daily now.
1111 , ..kmrAttys‘vo1 - rit - ts is taplv '„`mine
host ” of . the Anicricln
Guititti - DE Kr.u.ot.e. at ercur
next 1 harsday eveninv, Decemper Vith.
may be secured on.and af4.lMonday"
the 11th.
1'11.1,Y Kinwrc has how,zbt the 13r.g . g,a7,.e
Expre , ": bus;tl - 6ss of his brother, and-is
rutitiing it
'fun Ileserviip_T of seats for :tliO-Jilsri
I,ovittre will commence on
I , erfdav the 19th.
B. F. CAMP lost. a thn!er wttile at work
in the Ntivrlty Furniture Works Athens,
me tl4y last week.
Tut Athens Gdze.te xauts the:Waverly
Water Conip.thy to extend their water
ains to that
Tlll-: protracted meetings in the I[., E.
Church, Sayre, are to be continued dur-
in 4 he rpresenl weeli
GEORGE D. GOFF - is laying founda
ti,r.i walli for a lar (Nelling house on
I:11:ira street. Athens.
TuE St,f,j,trd of Tlinkhannock 'rather
insinuatt.,s that the Rericir of this place
tlvopriat es itg locals
Mc I,m; . n,glos arc here. Make the
invitin , and ellee:ful and keep the
I‘ ,, ys .md gills at home. .
Tid: people of Tunkliannoek are agitat
i;‘,.; the toestion of an enlarganient cf
. 1:,,r0u .01's borders.
. I) 'cTOR J. M. FURMAN, of Leroy, - has
b •en arrested for noneillipliarle with the
sieian Registry Law.
D. IL DouGE will cease to be " mine
ii.Nt 7 of the Summers House, Monroe
-Son, jai-the first of January next.
1% V. STEDGE has opened a barber shop
in the toorniz lately occupied h'y
''EY coal c llice , uudet the Argas office.
It is positively asserted that a large
boot anal shoe manufactory will be in
"opeiati,u at Athens'within a few months.
.11' . 1!4ytt was severer last year by this
tiine titan it is now, r , (l we hai rough
we idler on nut il the latter part of April.
As a result of the revival meetings,
lu•1+1 by Rev.. Mr. noon, in Sayre, somtt
--nftven or twenty conversion , have taken
place. - .
. THE JOSH. Efi.t.rios Infure comes off
on Wednesday evening; December 21.
The subjecti:will be the 4 `Probabilitie of
• A cAst: of small-pox is reported in
sinitlitield township. The - person afflicted
said to Lea son-in-law of PATRICK
THERE was more goorl tobacco raised in
13;adford County last year than ever be
-1.71:4,,T township is th! banner
WaVe.tly Free Press having 'aid
tint a mal in that village had set lire to
a house, it has received the exclusive title
to a Wel snit.
Wiclmlay, of Athens, jumped
(,:r a n.:)% ifig train near Morley's mill, one
day last week. lie is nursing several bad
ni . ses now.
In ill Le.tith J. H. KITTILEDGE
li'nighis of Honor .Actroeat
ip Ntivr Yo k, and ti;c paper
4qll hr , &ef4er Fte prlottfi shit City,
Trn good people of Tarrytown have
organized a Mite Society - for the purpose
of raising mo.ley to purchase a new car
pet for their church. •
A VERY fine blooded heifer belonging
to S. J. MORLEY, of Greens Landing, was
struck and killed by the cars near that
place one day last week.
was sick with small-pox at Sayre, died on
Monday night of last week,_ and his re
mains were taken to Owego for burial.
Canton - was broken into Monday nightdof
last week, s 4 • and and postage stamps
to the value of one hundred dollars stolen.
Tar choirs of the different chuithes at
Athens hold joint, meetings once in two
weeks for,practice. That's an excellent
idea, and should be eitensively followed.
IT is riimored that a new paperis to be
startid in this place. ' It is 'said the paper
will be Democratic in politics, and will be
the organ of theRANDALL faCtiOn ofthat
. AN Athens correspondent says that a
firm from this place aro to open trade in
the Maynard block, in that village when
it is completed, which will be in a few
WHEN completed, the "round house"
at. Sayre- will be among the largest in the
country. - The .foundation walls for the
extension of the building aro nearly com
pleted. j.
Ti; Directors of the Lehigh Valley
Railroad Company have forbid all assess
ments of employe:4 . of that road to raise
money to purchase presedis for any of its
officers. _
THE mau of massive brain and ponder
ou4sint4Teet, who guides the shears on
our cotempoi.ary, the Argus, gave .us a
kindly notice in his issue' of last week.
Thauks: •
THE Athens Gazette gays that: an effort
is being made to extend the limits of that
borough as far as the cemetery and east
to the south line of ..FRANK OVENSHIRE'S
WE never saw a mermaid, but we once
saw a man fish. —ll 7 hittliall Times. And
we ha -a cat tish.--Huniingdan
Journal. flundredl of people hereatimits
have seen the. Sun fish.
WHEN ale , ral it ,May falls on Sunday
the following day. is observed by the busiL
;less. comnionity. As Christmas comes
on Sunday this Year, Monday will be .oh-:
served as a legal holiday.
Cil 1711C11 of the Messiah, Rev..Wit.t.iAt
TAyLon, Pastor: At 1O • Stajrl24l
The - Parables of the - JUdFment." (See
Matthew, .Chap'er xxv.) At 7 "A
Crisis in' the Religious World." - • - z ,
S. :L . Moitttv & Co , of Green's Land
ing., laving manufacturett,. six hundred
!barrels of cider this season, the Athens
Ga.lette arises to remark thAt "This will
he comforting news for the, Argut.'
SEVERAL hundred copies,of the present
issue of the REPOItTER wette r printed with
the d.tte•ou the first page reading Decem
ber 1, instead or December 8 as it should
have read. Such mistakes will occur.
OYSTER-SUPPER !7-Tobe given
by th.•lb.s Sewing S.wlety In thi. , Giange hall
at wyt..,c.1111n3 , ,,1nv t!‘enlng, Dee. 1504 All ate
en: (I ially Invited
IT is announced July next, the
. nlll be twice full. sonic of
the ',young Inn ltereaway change .very
raditallyin their habits,- they beat
the moon at least ten: fulls during than
A 311{1' STARE, of Waverly, has become
,connected with the .Sayre-
Sayre. In tlle - future,•asln the past, the
proprietors of that Pleasant hostelrie will
Si,,lre no pains to make it4ileasant for
Greenbackei-A bell a conference
1.16143 on Friday, and decided to endorse
the - Worker, published at Tunkliannoek,'
as their party organ for this Congressional
District. Now:What will the Record of
Montrose say ?
ALFRED SA6;I. EitS and ;SON have re
cently completed one of the handsomest
and most convenient dwellings in Big.
Pond. It is situated on Main streei, and
commands :in excellent view of the sur-
[winding country
HP:via - Ai meetings are being held at the
Kederllovi School House; 'in. itch
field. The meetings are tetnducted by
the pastors of the Bilptist and Methodist
Churches, anal quite a number have a),
ready professedia change of heart: •
Is anwher column we print the pros
pectus of the Harrisburg Telegraph: It
is an excellent ,paper, and those - or our
readers who desircA paper from the State
Capital—either daily or weeklycan do no
better than to subscribe for the, Telegraph.
The - days will continue to decrease in
length until the twentieth of' this month.
they , will Manton eight minutes by a
week from now,—a week later, but. four
more, and the next week none at all. We
will then,b,e climbing back into daylight.
Ctias E. nutty, Esq., has again be
come one of the editors of the Tunkhan
nock Democrat. tie is ari r excellent writer,
anal the Democrat is sure - to remain an
excellent paper under the, new-. editorial
management, as it has been under the
old. •
A NEW plank walk has recently been
laid the whole distance that the Dr. Pow
TER farm froilts nn - York avenue. The
Man Who Leeps that "stretch" of walk
cl4tr of snow in a stormy winter, will
have considerable, if not more, businesg
on hand.
DRIVEIiF of vehicles should remember
that crosswalks are for the convenience
of the public; and the latter should not be
driven from them by careless and impu
dent drivers. Some drivers don't appear
to care s‘bet her they run down a pedes
trian or not.
Tim Reriew is our authority for the
statement that Principal ALBEttr has pro
vided a pencil-sharpener for the use of
the i drayring classes in the Graded School.
The machine i fastened to, a bench, like
a vise, and can turn out 50 well-sharpened
pencils iu five minutes.
A MEETING of the School Directors of
Athens township was held last Saturday
to'consider the feasibility of closing the
school at Sayre,_ on account of the excite
ment respecting the small-pox. Evident
ly the peoplu.up that way are disposed to
"head oil" the contagion..
WHILE some -young men were engaged
in ''seurtline_ in fron - of FITCH at KIN
NEY'S store, in Athens, one night last
week, they overturned WILLIAMS' barber
sign, which in its fall went through the
large plat, glass in the front of the store:
lt will cost about tlfry do:lars to repair tbie
&map so the Outette e4vi •• •
killed., in the mines at Bridgeport, , by a
fail of rock, on the 19th ult. He leaves a
:ore and little boy to mourn his sud4en
and uneimely. death. His remains, were
brought to Barclay and triternsd."
Ttt_tt Cold VAX GELDED, of tho teßairs-
Smutiter, treated: tho editor of this
paper to fifteen or twenty lines of abuse ,
in his last issue. iNe , have long under
stood that the old man delighted in viill
fle.ation, and now we are pretty certain
that he can lie.
.THE papers are very generally dissu
sing how to purity , The most
effective method would be to use more
water and less whisky, and more hard and
less soet soap.—Review.. Ahem ! Odr
neighbor never uses anything softer in
the soap line than the - kind known as
"Castile." No, never.
ON TuesdaY of last reek, as Mrs. 14 * Et.-
were: driving from Triy to thilir htime
near Wetunab, and while going down a
bill, the holdbacks gave away, starting
the horse into a run; and he suddenly
turned into another mad, throwing the
ladies out of the carriage and badly inf,
juring them.
SA3WEL VANDERPOOL 2d.;1 and his
brothers, ALONZO and WALTER, were air
rested on Saturday, by officers BURNS
and Diststocs, , on a charge of stealing
prOperty of the value of $l5, fromJoux
CARR AFTEn a healing before Tustice
CODDLE°, they were committed to await
the action of the Grand Jury, in default
of $2OO bail. •
--44 -• -
THERE: will be two eclipseipf the sun, -
both invisible to this country,. and none
of the moon next year. There will be a
transit of Venus, however, acts the
sun's disk which takes place DeCember
6th, and will not occur again in 122 years,
and which will be visiole throughout the
eastern portion of the United States.. So
the almanacs s6y.
.THE Gazelle, of Tiay, last week can;
tained two items in reference to accidents
in that village, but failed to mention the
names o 1 the parties meeting with them.
One was of a lady - who fell into a cistern
and narrowly escaped drowning, and tbel
other was of a lady Icho .aped 'death
from strangulation only through the skill
Of Drs. Paftik and TRACY. . -
• --4ows - H. OItCUTT, has hen appointed
by the County Commissioners as Aisessor
for this Borough, to fill the vac3ncy oc
casioned by the reshmation of J. It. KIT
TREDGE, whose health . forbids • his , per
forming the duiiP,s of the, office. -The a:p
pointment 'is au excellent one, ae 7Alr.
ern is well qualified to perfoim the du
ties to the satisfaction of all.
Tim editor• of the Argue takes up hi 4
local from what he steals from' the other
papers. This week's issue contains - near:
ly;half a column of items taken "from the
Gazette without credit. He is the most
unscrupulous thief we ever heard .Of: .Vet
lie - is a cousin of CHARLES A. DANA.—.
Athena Odiette. Now there will be
l-u-d ! Unscruptilous thief ! Oh 1 ok!
WE have received a copy of the Nation
al Record, a paper just started at Mont
rose. it is a very neatly printed sheet of
86 columns, and is well edited. It advo
cates the Greenback theory, and its edited
by S. J. Nottrutior, and published by ; T.
B. Wit:Lisms ct, Co. As a newspaper it
is in advance of anything printed nereto
for id this section in the interest of the
• 4 -
Mn. GEORGE H. DIREY, the' base ball
expert of Wellsboro f signed a ci?ntract
last week to .play with the Detroit' base
ball club next season. He is to receive
$1,600 for . six months' work. Had an
•cditor signed a contract- to *edit a
Paper in-J)etroit for the same amount of
tnoney, his, term of servicc instead of six
mouths Would have been four'years.
Tim man who invented !the - stove-pipe
has a great deal to answer for and no cor
responding celebrit y. EitesTnAws achiev
ed a
. questionable notoriety by miming
theTemple'of Diana, but the stove-pipe
man is namelessly anathematized. The
annual bursts of profanity at the _periods
when taliinddown or putting up the pes
ky - contrivance 's the order of the day are
no small items of the account, but the
up c of damage by defective stove
pipe is smnething• appalling. " • ..
A MAN attempted to_ steal last week
from the: editor of the Waverly Adrotate,
lione=o. 11. P. KISNEY, bis. best suit of
Clothes.. The thief was captured and sen
tenced to imprisonment in the Rochester
Penitentiary for six montlis, and to pay a .
fine of - I.l* No, the elitor was not in
bed at the time. It scat; in the day time.
Some editors do possess two suits of
elothps—but they are rare. We nevet
-Iniveltelieved t.t of a Waverly-editor.
$l.OO in making Republican - votes among
your German Democratic neighbors by
Stdscribing - for Der New York Rep - übli
konor for 1532, for one or more of them.
In this manner you can make permanent
Republicans among this available element
with the least trouble and expense. An
nual subscriptions $1.00; for (nub's of ten
or .more, 75 cents for each subscriber.
Addzess, Der New York Republikaner,
New- YOrk City.
PARENTS should not send ;their chil
dren to school during the ptalcnce of
contagious diseases in their faMilies. Not
thoughtless, paitnts alicw
their children to . attend schoel, oth
er members of the family are
. ilown with
diphtheria, scarlet fever and other malig
nant di.seiises, thus seriously eimosing the .
whole schbol. This is all wrolig. It has
a demoralizing effect on the schools, :and
causes the hcliciol board as welt as teach
ers, a great deal of trouble. Will parents
bear this in mind? .
LAST Wednesday evening aE about six
o'clock a man by the name of l'nos.
ron, while walking on the Soapertik'en
tral railroad track, one mile west of Smith.
hero, was struck by the locoinotive of
express, No. 3 bound north, and violently
thrdvvn off the track into the ditch, and
eausin,c . a severe wound on his head and
right lip. lie wis . picked up and taken
to Smithboth on the express, where ho
died at 11 o'clock. He was formerly 'a
merchant near Wyalusing, Pa., and suh
sequeMly a Yankee notion Tcddler.
11raverl/ Free Preen.
Ar.mlanv many hands are busy in pre
paring gifts
.to bestow upon loved ones
clu:ing holiday week. In our opinion the
pleasure of such - a task carries with it
more real happiness than the recipient can
possibly receive. Every parent shoald
teach his or her child to cultivate such a
spirit.; it will create a feeling that helps
to deve!op heart resources which govern,
other impulses . that otherwise might be
'come . sordid to such an caterer, as to
wreck it life capable of accomplishing
much good. A Wiser Being than man
ban said it is more, blessi4 to tfia'*o than
ly popular lady with the Towanda
has been accured by Mr. Ninny, to give
readings at ; Mereur. Dail, on Thursday
evening nett, December 15th. Miss gr.t,
Loon is too well knciwn here to require or
need u word of commendation from us-to I
'wear! for her a full house.' Ethe is' be
yond doubt ono of the fines - L i and best
readers and recitatiouists before the 'Alb
ite. Those who have heard her will be
only too glad to bear her again and those
who have not should embrace tbe present
opportunity to do iseo, lteniember th
date, Thursday evening;_. December 15th.
WRITING under a recentidate,,a Tunic
hannock correspondent of the; Elmira
Advertiser says: "It is rumored that an
effort is to be male to induce the 75. L.
& W.R. R. to build a, branch road from
some point a little below . Factoryville to
this place. The distance is only nine
miles, with an easy grade all the Was:
Such a branch Would be an important
feeder to the main line, as it would secure
nearly all the New York business of Wy
oming and portions of Sullivan and Brad
ford counties. It would aid wonderfully
in developing the manufacturing interests
of this section, which is so rich' in timber
and fine building stone."
, AT the 'regular meeting of 'Pranklin
StOam Engine Company, No. 1, held Fri
dui, Dec. 2, the following °Meet's were
ekcted "or the ensuing year
President—l. B. Humrnituf. -
Vice PreiidentE. WALKER, Sr..
.Foremaja—.TAs. A. : • '
'lst Ass' t—GEo. F AtucnltD.
2d • " —E. E. FIIUTCBET.
Engineer—J. C. LANG.
H. 'WATERS, W. H. NUTT.", ..
, - Secretary—p. C. PoNVG.tx. - . •
gnancial See' y—M.
Treasurer—J. V. GEIGER.
LER, J. C. TURNER, .1 S. 11AMAKER. ' .
Fire Board—J. C. LANd.:
Fire Police—N. Prrcunn, H. H. Bow-
SCIENTISTS are making_the Unpleasant
deblaration that the earth is drying up,
water is growing less, and in . the course
of time the earth will be as dry as a toper
who has bad nothing for a fortnight. A
writer in the New York Sun says" That
the water will actually disappear is-a fore-.
gone conclusion. That' eve 4 a single gen
eration can notice a 'diminution in. large
bodies of water is no longer to be contro
verted. That the earth -will feventualy
present . the appearance of the imoon, or
become what is known as'a dead planet,
withttrt in - habitants, vegetation, or any
life-like qualities whatever, is a fact fully
recognizedly our men of r3cf :This
'is very sad for_ us Towanda. people, whose
'drink is water but the people of Waverly
and other like sinful places, who drink
beer seven days of the Week, will proba
bly care nothing about it.
THE December nuMber, of The Century
Magaaine; successor to Seraner's Monthly .
opens with a fine picture of the late edi
tor, Dr. J. - G. Holland, and a sketch of
his life• by Edward Egt.tleston, both of
which will be•-eceived with much it terest
by. the readers of The Century. E. V.
Smalley, aontributeii "Characteristics of
President Garfield," with two pictures
of the late President - , the - age of
sixteen„ and the other tal;enjust after the
Chicago convention; also - relating to the
dea: President are "An Autograph of
President Garfield," and "The Story of
President Garfield:it Illness," the latter
by his stout-hearted physician, Dr. Bliss.
Of other pap . ers we give a few of the ti
tles: "A Cruise in a Pilot Boat," "-The
Early Life . of Robert Browning," " The
Lincoln Life Mask and How it wa.”nade,"
" A Modern InStance," a serial by
Rowels, No. 2 of "Through One Admin
istration," " Among the •Thoisaud Is
lands." There are several other
skethes; poems
.and short articles, and
full editorial departmenti. The Century
Co., New York. • -
St.. Nicholas as usual pr'eSents a very
attractive table of contents to itsjuveuille
readers. There are five serials. in the
number, all of which are almost as at
tractive to adults as to the younger read
ers. Mary Mapes Dodge contributes four
chapters of "Donald and Dorothy," and
Edward Eggleston gives coin chapters of
"The. Hoosier ,School Bay," both of
which promise to be very entertaining.
Theril are good shore stories and sketches:
" Herman the Brave," "An Angel in an
Ulster," "A Hundred- Years Ago,"
"Stories from the Northern Myths," &c.,
also-a, puzzle -for the best solutions of
which one, hundred prizes are offered.
The Century Co., New York.
• C. L. S. C.
The sea meeting of the Chautauqua
Liteilary and Scientific Circle will be held
at ti e residence of-Mr. G. S. Saturn, at.
tha foot of Chestnut . street, Friday even
ing,: Dccetnber 9:b, at seven o'clock. The
lesson 'for the evening will be "Man's
Andijuity and "Languagei"—Chautauqna
texf-book, No. '29—from the first to the!
fifty s:.cond page, inclitsive. The first
twenty-tie questions on "Man's Anti-,
quity," as contfined in the Chaulauquan
for December. will be used in Ale review.
Essayaon various subjects will be read by
different members of the Circle. - Ass the
next meeting is expected to be one
-of un
usual ibterest, a full attendance of mem
bers is requested. All who are interested
in the Circle Work are cordially invited to
be present. - '
" PETE".LARKIN is a boy ten years of
age, and for seyeral mon'hs past has been
helping his uncle grind bark at the 'Ath
ens tannery. Last Saturday afternoon,
being.weary from work and wishing a lit
tle recreation, he went into the tau room
over the ovens. At the side of (his'roon,
is - a large iron shat t, which makes about
seventy revelations per minute. PETE"
by some means got so near this shaft that
his clothes were caught, and he was at
once,drawn in and . set in motion. He
was d;scnvered in time to hay . e.:,the ma
and his life saved. When
found by Mr. lIIINTANGTON - his breath
was stopped find he was unconscious. His
right leg .was broken twice. and he Ras
otherwise bruised. He hi now. in a • fair
way to recover.—Athme Gazette.
Litchfield, like all other sections'of the
world, will occasionally have disappoint.
meuts of a more or less serious nature oc
cur within its borders. On Saturday of
last week WINFIELD LERCOCK Shot at a
rabbit with a pistol, and iu Some . limy or
otherget one of the fingers of his left
hand between the muzile of the weapon
and his rabbitship: The arrangemet was
much to the advantage of the rabbit, but
very demoralizing to the finger. Dr.
_MORst: removed some fragments of 'bone
from the wounded-member, and tried to
console him with the reflection that it
might.have been the rabbit instead of the
finger.—Athena :Gazette:
LoNWJAci, 310., Sept. 14 0 18:9.
'. I have been using Hop Bitters, and
have received great benefi from them for
liver epmplaint imrtmalailal fever. They
41e snplrior to all other Mrdieines..
MORLEY is clerking at VELCII &
P. M.Long,.of Tiny, in visiting
friends in brie;.
'1( rf
—Dire. - CAIIPENTEE, Of Aeneas,
is quite seriously ill.,
—Hon. JosErn POWELL and family ate
visiting in New York._
...Sties I,OIIISE PosiEnoir, of Troy, is
visiting friends in Boston,
ChAVT MeXEE, of this, placi t bas
taken a school in Asylum.
—Mrs. G. F% - ItostamOLLEtt, of Sayiei
is viriting Metals in Now York:
—Mrs: T. C. fit.d.wsr, of thiii plaiv, vis
ited friends in Waverly last week.
—W. IL DODGE hab moved into' his
handsome residence on York avenue.
• —Mrs. A. ,I.J. EASTAEROON, who has
been ill for some time past, is convalese
cing from a severe attack - of malarial fa• '
-z.-Psstitsr. ALLEN, of Elmdaley•Kan.,-
i's vjsiting his father, Dr. ALLEN, at
-511'8. DAVID Rainr, who has been se
riously ill for some time past, is reported
as impioving.
...;CHARLES T. Humlx, recently of Ath
ens,4iiis county, has opened a law. office
in Withal:import.
—J. R. KrrrnEnOE, editor of the K..of
H. Advaccite, is still confined to his resi
dence i by illness.
—Editor 'lThtiKEn, of the Troy Gatettt,
Was .atnong the pleasant callers at „.our
sanctlitit on Tuesday.. . .
--Ex-Superintendent Junto, of tile Bar
clay Railroad; has accepted a position
with the D. L. S W. It. It.
'—Miss IDA HILL, of Cromwell, Con.
necticut is the guest of her cousin, Mrs.
F. J. this place:
—R. F. GOODMAN will remove . his fam
ily from Sayre to Buffalo
_within a few
weeks; Mr. G. is Stipbrititendeut Of the
Lehigh Valley's line of steamers.-
-Miss BELLE, CARNOODAN was the re
cipient of
.a handsome and costly Chick:
eying piano last week. the gift of her
grandmother, Mrs. Di. PARSONS, of Troy..
—Dr. C. 11. ScoTT, of -Sayte, was sick
at his father's, in this ulace, for several
days of last weele, but has now recovered.
Them was no truth in the report'that his
ailment was smallpox, .
—Mr. 1. A. lltots, who' had ono of his
feet very badly injured by the
.ears some
weeks ago, is now night watchman at the
depot; having so far recovered as to be
able to perform the duties of the polition.
C. _C. SNELL, a. Athens township,
who has been *sick for a long time with
some disease that defied medical skill to
locate and analyze, is now able to be • out
of doors. Several weeks ago he was given
up to die r and his friends lost all hope.
His recovery will be a happy disappoint ,
went.—Athens Gazette. •
died at her .residence in this place, - this
(Thursday) morning. about two o'clock.
She had been an invalid for a - number of
years. While she has been freed forever
(tine bodily pains, a luige - circle of
friends will mourn that so good a woman
has been called to die. She was in hei
iOth year.
-DANIEr.--6' Bolls:, one (Coin old and
respeeteo edizens, died -at his residence
on - Lombard - s.reet, On Wednesday even
ing of last week, of pneumonia._ He was
ill but kfe* days. He was noted for his
honesty and induStry, and possessed the
confidence and esteem of a large circle of
acquaintances 11.0 will ,sineerelf regret
it - s death.
—Changes will soon be made in the
comity ollices„ some will. retire, and
others take their places. Two O ' fi the
and Prothouotary BI.ACKJM%N will re
main. Our al leliable_ fr rend, WM.
t.E.W114, will, without doubt, be* retained
as - Commissioners Clerk. Mr. Ls:wis is
thoroughly conversant with the business
of the:Lace, whlcb • be ';has
,so ab.y tilled
in the past. He iS always accommodat
ing and.obliging- to persons doing: busi•
ness there; and we should be glad - to see
him remain in his old place. l Lelloprille
Adrerthler. We rise to remark that we
fully endorse the.aboVe, and •further, an
noun le it as our unbiased opinkin that
WILLIAM will remain.
6.:—.T.A'SIES 11. WEBB; 'Esq., of Bradford
County, who for many years represented
that county in the Legislature, was elect
ed Register and Recorder of his county,
at.the recent election. Ile gained art:en
viable reputatiou• throughout the State
while serving ip the House, far the abili
ity, integrity and industry with which he
dischar g ed his duty as a R6presentative.
He wasCha'rinau of the Comtnittee of
Ways an&Means, Si.eaker of the House,
and til ed other important positions with
credit to himself and the -Commonwealth.
He was a -strictly honest man, and did
not, like many others, make money out
of. his position 'for which thelt.puhlicans
of his county ;lave rewarded him by elect
ing him to a paying office.—Bearer_Argus .
and Radical.
nuptials of Mr. E.-E. FRUTCHET
and Miss .lExmr. BENNETT Were cele
brated at the residence of the bride's
uncle, TROMAS MEREDITH, on Second
street., last- evening. Rev.
officiating in his customary felicitous
Manner. At 8:30 the bride and bride
groom presented theinselves in the parlors
unattended-by bridesmaids or groomsmen,
and were soon transformed from two of
our most respected young people into
"man and wife." The bride was the re
cipient of a number of costly presents - .
The ceremony was witnessed only by the
relatives and a few intimate friends of
the parties. We, believe the couple pro
pose to "settle down" to hinisekeeping at
once. The young-husband is employed
at FROST'S factory, and is an industrious,
sober gentleman, who will make a 'good
husband for an excellent wife.—Reviete,
Friday: -.
—A few. intimate friends and a number
of the relatives of the-bride and. groom
were present at the residence of Mrs. I).
W..bloonV, on William street, Wednes
day evening, to witness the marriage of
Mr. GEORGE V. ;doom., one of the most
upright and industrious .young men of
our village, to Miss Mans E. 'ME, mire
of Elmira's fairest and most comely:maid
ens. The words that linked the two
hearts for weal or woe, were pronounced ,
by thellev. C. 11. Wiaroirr in a peculiar-
ly impressive manuer. After thejrridal
ceremonies elegant refreshments 'were
. served and partaken of by the guests
present, and - a pleasant. and social time
passed nail the time arrived for the hap
py couple to take 't.he• night train South
on a short bridal tour. The wishes .of al
large circle of friends go with them for a l ,
safe return to their home in this place;
and a long and. happy wedded life, filled
with the greatest prosperity. • The bridal
presents were numerous and several of
them quite valuable.
—Yesterday, Wednesday, afternoon,
there was a •qiiiet wedding at the resi
dence of Wit. IDA CAMPBELL, On SeCtoid
street. Rev. C. IL %Varna; of the M. E.
Church, said the words that made the
twain one, and the high contracting par
F,remau of the composing room of the
LEY., A few intimate :friends only w.t.-
nessed the ceremonies, but a host of
(nerds and acquain.arices, wish the young
couple a long, happy and prosperous wen:
ed life. JOHN is a tine writ ktnau at Hs
chosen - profession, and one of ''the most
industrious and exemplary young men t f
our village.. That he is also a young man
of excellent judgment, is evidenced lieSt,
by his choice of a partner to „hare with
him the 'Sunshine and the shadows—tile
joys atal tue sorrows—of life. That eking
their :path of life may ever bloom the
flowers of prosperity and happineas, is
the earnest wish of allconneeted with the
REPORTER establishment,. The happy
duple left on .No. 2, and will visit Harris
-burg, Washington, and other cities, and
will be absent about a week on their
bridal tour. •
A young man named' A 3103 W. JACK
of Chatham," Tioga' county, repre
senting himself as a son of S. P. SPAULD-
.Ixa, of Hammonds, presented to Ross &
WILLIAms, of Mansfield, a note - for two
hundr.ti dollars, which they discounted.
Ascertaining the note a forgery, Mr.
*Ross ,tracked Cho chap tn this place, and
had him arrested
„on Friday last, as he
iv as rating his.dinner at tho Ward House.
Affer a brief conlineuient in the lock-up,
he was taken back to .Mansfli hi, and on
SatirrOtty plena guilty,. and wa taken ,tt?
;Wellshoro and li:nked up.itr,oll. _A tart
Of the tummy**, reasiveredi
The question debated by the Phnom*.
thean Society, last Friday evening, was,
Besotted, • That Gniteau ought to ha
kiting, even if he be proven insane. •
The qitestion was discussed with a good
deal of spirit, and tie decision. given to
ithe affirmative.. ,
I Miss &um Conti, the former preeep
trews of the Institute, is 'making a short
visit in Towanda. Her old students are
happy to meet her They elpreils high
apprelation of her labors among them,
Minty Conskti, Wrt.t. LANE, MARC - Ds
Ilowstar; and-KENT BULL, Are taking a
post graduate course. Mr. LANE and Mr.
BOWMAN ate parsqing the studies of
Freshman year in.eollege:
Professor QUINLAN's Manual on the
English tientence'will be o'4 of press dur
ing the holidays. We fee l sure that it
will meet with universal favor among the
teachets of the county. In the proof
sheets, which have been examined, the
subject is handled in a very simple and
interesting manner.
Bum. go in and out atriont: us once more.
Dhring the fail term ,Mr. I,OVINODON
taught the - graded school in- Mdficiopany,
and Mr. . BULL put into practice his know
ledge of Ott.t.Esm's surveying.- We give
them a hearty welcome.
Mr. CLARENCE MUNN, the' principal-of
the New Albany school, made his friends
at the Institute a visit last Saturday.
Come again.
Bev. DAVID CRAFT will -deliver the
next lecture before the students and
friends of the Institute,
The last meeting of the . Young . Men's
Christian Association of the • Institute,
was especially interesting. The. Associa
tion bas a great influence in the school.
Its meetings are largely attended, and
earnest zeal manifested for the truth 'of
AT the Districe' Stewards CoUvention
held in the First M. E. Church in this
city,, Wednesday, the following persons
were Trustees of the North The:
tor Camp Ground for the year : Rev. C.
Vrt.uott,. Rev. M. •S. lima), DAVID
DECKER, Rev, M 4 P. DEAVITT, of this
city ; also; Rev: S. BALL, Horseheads E.
E.• E. BAKER, Mansfield, Pa.,
.Towanda, Pa.; C. H. YOuNo, Car
nine ; GEORGE N. NEWBERRY, I Tioy, Pa.
—Elmira ..4drertiser.
The. following named persons were
worn iii as Grand Jurors, with H. Law
rence Seott of Towanda Township, as
Foreman ; ' Peter- 0. -Biles, Wy,ilusing ;
Philip Crans, Atli?us Township; Charles
A. Cummings, Monroe Township ; Perry
Dodge, Franklin ; GeOrge Einery, Bar
clay ; John Fletcher,
Troy Borough ; .R.
S. Halt: s, Albany ; David Higgins, -Uls
ter ; Floyd Kinney; Athens Township ;
.James Ketchum,
- Jr., Canton ; R. H. Oli
ver, Wilmot; Miles 'Osborne, • Albany
TOwnship ;Iteubeil R.. Palmer, Leßoy ;
.To tl Pitcher, Warieu ; Cyru: - i A. Plittr
mer, Albany Borough ; George Richards.
Terry ; Edwa d C. Strong, Springfield ;
Charles H. Turner, Towanda 'Borough ;
Charles L. Tracy, Towianda, !Borough ;
Eldridge G. Van Dyke, Leßoy.! •
Edwin S. 'La "(arias vs. LucOtia
rias ; Diana Venemon Lbrenzo D.
Venenion - ;• L. D..Granteer vs. inn .G ran .
feet; Cy rds' Taber vs. Sesan A. Taber;
Acidic Bailey v)i. John S. Bailey • Lydia
M. Munn Ivs. Theodore Munn.—Court di
rect a subpmna id . divorce' to issue in each
Frances A. Gates vs. Leonard .Gates.-:
Court direct . an alias subpaina in divorce
to issue.
William Fill. vs. Anna Sill. - --Court di
rect-81.eriff to make proclamation.
John N. Hayes vs. Isabel I. Hayes;
Maggie Angle vs. Henry kngle iJames
Blodgett vs. Lydia Blodgett ; George W.
Lenox vs. Eliza Len .x ; Alvin Buchanan
vs. Ella Iltiel.arian.—Th 3 above Ca,-,es_re
ferred to L..Elsbree, Master and Exami
ner in Divorce. -
E. Pomeroy's use vs. George Rogers ;
Hannah Snover 'vs. H. -J j ohnSon. - -
'talcs made absolute.
In the matter of he admission of Ben
jamin T. Hale as an attorney at law. On
motion of Rodney A. Mercur, Esq., Court
admit Benjamin T. Hale to. practice in
the several courts of Bradford .County,
• whereupon he was duly sWorn.
Overseers .of. the 'P.lor of Wyalusing
township vs, the Overseers of the Poor of
Wysox township,—,Rule on defendauti to
pay bill of costs.
C. W. and 11 . W. Middleton vs. 'John
son Manufaetnringi . o , mpany. \V. J.
Younz, Esq., appoilitA Auditor. . •
Elizabeth Covey ys. L. D. Fowler, 'et
al ; In the matter 911 the estate of Michael
Hannon.—Auditors' reports filed - and con-
firmed ni si in each case. •
In the matter of the admision of H. F.
Johnson as au attorney at law. On mo-'
tion of IL F._Maynard, Esq., Court admit
R. F. Johnson, Esq., to prAtice in' the
several Courts. :of Bradford 'Connty,
whereupon he was duly*worn. • -
IT. Streeter's use vs. E. E. BuffingtOti.
—Rule to enjoin Sherifi2nd open .judg
Cora E. Eicbelberger vs. Norman - M.
Eichelb ger,.et al.--Rule to open judg
me as to Charles Johnson. -" •
Thn 'Grand Jury disposed of the folloyv
ir% cases : . _
Con,. vs. Nelson,'obb4 Burning four
ricks or Stalks of grain.
. Com. vs. A. N. l'iltots-4lutting timber
trees.. -
Com. vs. Laura J. Ellis—Assault and
battery. .
Com..vs. L. L. `'el-Iy—Perjury.
Corn. "vs. Benjamin Ball—Pointing a
writ. .
Com. vg. Bepjaniin Ball, B. F: Ball and
John- B. Ball—Aggravated assault and
Com. vs. Polly Rosengrant—Assault
and battery. County for casts.
Corn. vs. A. Ladd and Marion Kinney
• Com. vs. H. B. Benson—Forgery. Dis:
trict Attorney Fanning, and Evans LV
Maynard for Commonwealth ; .W. J.
Young, Esq., foe:defendant. Jury find
defendant not guilty, awl Robert Richard,
prosecutor, for costs. • . .
Com. vs. Nelson Cobh—Burning four
stacks of grain. District: Attorney Fan
ning, W. N. Williams, lud S. W. Little,
Esqs., for Commonwealth';-McPherson
Young for defendants. Jury find defend
ant not guilty and county for costs. •
t'Opm. - vs. L. L. Ferry—Perjury.. Dis
triat Att•ti'ney Fanning, H. N. Williams
and William Little, Esqs., for Cominon
wealth ; IL MePlmrson and Davies & Hall,
Esqs., for defendant,. • On trial. •
The Northern- District Convention met
at Good 'Tetuplars'. Hell, Canton, :Tues
day, November 29th, at 11:30, A. at., NI
C. T. Chace in the Chair. • Lodge opened
with prayer by Chaplain. • All admitted
who had pusword or who were properly
vouched for. Committee appointed to
make arraifyernents for evening's enter
tainment. :After prayer by chaplain, ad
journed. . • ,
The Lodge was-opened in regular order
at two o'clock.. The folldwing commit
tees were appointed :
Good of the Cider—Brothers Daytt,
White, Sister Smith and Sister White.
Committee, on Resolotionsßrothers
D. W. smith, Thomas Manley and Butts.
The following delegates were repotted
present :*
Canton, No. 40S—B. S. Mutt ; D. W.
Smith, G. W. Griffin ; 50 member's in good
East Canton; No. 430—Norman Spaul
ding, E. 6. Manley, Sister Manley, 35
rdeittherwin goad standing.
North Towanda, No. 539—C. E. White
Sister Whitel23 members.
South Creek, No. 675—Sister Bertha
gila Smith, Brother Ira Parsons,
37 members. , -
Milan—J. E. Clough, J. M. Vincent,
D. M. Doane, 35 members. •
Cold Water, No. 1087—Brotbeis A. W.
Alger, E. Russel), and 11. A. Russell, 55
lacrtbara. - -
Merrick—Brothers Butts arid McLarny.
North Orwt4 was selected as the next
place of meeting on the first Tuesday iu
Discussion on "Good of Order" called
forth remarks fmm a number of Brothers
present " ComMittee on • Good of Order
made partial . report concerning arrange : -
merits for evening session.
.At 4:30 Con
vention adjourned.
In the evening t he. Presbyterian
vrai4 comfoitably filled. The exercises
niTried with singing by the choir ; prayer
by D. W. timith; nadress by Brother
Bitltsj .13ittilne 1 tentorbq by Bratbere
Smith, Guernsey, Dam, and Estell ; cl o se
ei by benediction by Bev. Gates.
Convention opened with W. C. T.
Chace in the Chair.
Reports of District Deputies. Verbal
report from Deputy Landon, of East Can-
Sayilig there were but two working.
Lodges in his district, - with four that were
not in working order. Remarks .by Cr,-
tiler Dartt in regard to Grover Lodge.
Also further remarks by Brother Landon
in regard to same.
Various remarks about Alba Lodge.
Remarks by Brother Alger in regard .to
Temperance affairs it:111mill Orw 11 and
vicinity, showing good work in that sec
tion. . -
ReMarks by Special 'Deplity,..l4rothef
Butts; alSo rtpoit from South Creek
Lodge by the W. C, Brother Chace. show
ing but one working Lodge Id that Dia
ReMarks by-Brother - White in regard
to organizing Lodges in impracticable lo
calities, and the mushroom variety; fur;
ther remarks . by W. C. T. on same.
Remarks by W. C. T. and Brothers
Dartt and Alger - on subject of collections.
question by Brother Alger—" Row many
times can a member visit a Lodges with.
out paying dues?" W. C. T. referred to
Remarks by Brother Parsons, 'Auti
ject : No member entitled to 'the pi.its
word Withotit payment of ddes, and not
entitled to a seat in Lodge without 'pass
word. ' •
Report - Of Committee on Resolutions
WltylEss, The foe against- whom we
.nre.cnntending is "powerful and aggres
sive, ruthl slily and relentlessly spreading
.desplation and ruin on every" hand, re
gardless alike of the appeals of Mercy or
the elainis of Justice ; and
Wm:We:as, The ',airiest and most
cient ineasnresleave thus far proven in
sufficient to break up the obnoxious li
quor tra Ilia and lid society of this terrible
scourge ; therefoie,
Ist. ,Ilesotred, That we urge all temper
ance workeisin every branch of the ser
vice to greater exertion.
2d. Resolved, That we earnestly- invite
all fr*ndiof humanity to join us in thiti
great qinfliet for the right.
M. Armoire, That we respectfully but
earnestly urge upon every friend of socie
ty the reasonableness and importance of
refusing umlirr any and all circumstances
fo sign petitions for license to
. sell'intoxi.
4th. I?esoleed,. That inasmuch as, the
Supreme- Court of Pennsylvania rulei
that the , granting of lieenes is wholly at
the iliscretion of the District Judge, we
shall c,mtinue to remonstrate against the
grinning of any licenses to. sell intoxi
,cants, leaving the Judge and petitioners
to take all the responsibility of foreirig
these pernicious pest-houses into our cern
sth. Resobied,•T.hat wa in unison with
all other temperance lodges, demand of
our State LegiSlature as a right that that
body-afford us au opportnnity to vote on
the • proposed constitutional amendment
to_prohibit the manufacture and sale of
ardent spirits to be used as.a beverage.
nth. Re.oteed, That. the wholegale ped:
dling of lager beer throughout the coun
try, with the persistent efforts of•the deal
ers to introduce the li•zverage into the
families of respectable citizens, is a new
feature in; the liquor traffic and one which
demands the earnest attention of temper
ance workers. We therefore call -upon
all good people to unite in devising means
for the suppression of this method of ex. ,
teut.iug and increasing, the sale of intoxi
cating beAcrages.
• 7th. RiAoired, That our thanks are l due
the trustees of the Presbyterian Church
for the use of their house, and the 'good
people for their hospitality in entertain
ing this convention,
Resolutions unanimously adopted:
-Ender head of the good of the • order,
remarks were made by - Brathers,Ruisell
and Butts. Brothers Butts and McLarny
were appojnted a comricitte to• secure the
Services of George Landon to Speak at the
next contention. Minutes of sission real ,
Brothers Bowman . and Perry appointed a
clmmiLtee to revise minutes-fur publica
•ixr. Adjourned.:. . ,
The. regular month y session of the
Borough Council was 'held Monday eve
ning; Decemtier 5, 1881. -The following
members were present : Burgess Alger,
ComiciluiVn Frost,. Gordon, Keeler. Par
sets arid 'Spalding.
The. minutes of the last regular meet
ing were read and .approved.
The Brirgetis appointed, Corincilman
Frost street Commit*. of the Second
ward, to succeed Mr:.‘.lcCabe:
Councilman Kt'4.der submitted the - fel:
lowing :, At a regular monthly meet
ing of the Botough Council held at tneir,
rooms May 2d, 1881, the following "reso
lution was passed : . •
. Re. , oleed, That the consideration of :'the
id last petitiin he posttmied until such
time as the said Towanda Water Works
shall notify the .'ouneil that their works
are fully 'completed, and ready for use ;
an& thatlho said Towanda Water Works
shall not demand or be entitled to tiny
reti;,ou hydrants, until their works "are
completed.. •
WHEItEAS, some doubt exists as to the
:exact meaning of said resolution,—there
lore :
Resolz4d, That the above resolution:be,
and the i:arne is hereby repealed.
Resolved, That the Catheil . refuse to
extend the time for competing the
wanda Water Works beyond the first es
tension October 25, 1880.
The resolution of repeal was adopted,
all the members present voting aye.
Bills approved by the financial commit
tee amounting to $.898.17, were ordered
Report of Police Justice Codding for
is ttio . ntli of NoN:enaber
M. R. Ball, arrested by Moffitt ; drunk
and disorderly. Fine, $1.00; costs; $1.70.
10th—William Smith, by Burni ; drink.
Fine, $1.00; costs,-$1.70. •
17th—William Burke, by Bimmock ;
drunk. Fine, $l.OO and costs.
18th—William Smith, by Burns ;drnak
Fine, 41.00 and costs. •
20th James Graham, by Britton ;
drunk. Fine; $2.50 and costs. -
2 Ist—James Graham, by Burns : drunk.
Fine,ss.oo and costs. J. E. Rockwell,
.by Britton; drunk.; Fine, *3.00 and costs.
'tF. Talatly, by Britton ; cirimic. Fine,
ti" 2.00 and costs. 1
24th Owen Coleman, by Britton ;
lruok. Costs. 1 : _
.'sth—John Bill; by Britton ; drunk.
Fine $l.OO and costs.
Report; filed and Council adjoUrned.
[it•VEItiISEME P T.]
LIBERTY' Conszits, Pa., ljecpnber 3, BSI
_ •
Mn.' It. 31: WELLES your letter of
November 15th, yon.assign me the place
of`an attorney , pleadimr " sam up and de
clare the verdict."' LA me remind you
.that the verdict has been deco red, .and;
in spite of )(tar }elfish clia7re of `! favor
itism" and- patti-an feelings," has been
confirmed by the higher '•court, of public
.Quack nostrums bring their lestimoni- ,
als from afar, and it is qui!e' plausible to
portray upon paper the achievements of
the Wiard Plow on foreign fields, but one
"fair ti ial " in the pri senee "of the intelli
gent farmers Of .11wIr o rd County . I F , o f
more practical value to them than a doien
awards of prizes of q,trees" or "bricks" '
in New England or. ; New York.
-Let us examineinur "emphatic denial
that the Syracuse beat the Wiard in aver
age ease of draft at the late trial." Tak
ing your figures. the average. draft of the
Wint•it' was 450.72, and the Syracuse was
447,95, pounds per -100 cubic :Unites mak
ing a.difference of - 2.77 pounds in favor of
the Syracuse. Ono Would suppose that
your familiarity with " Daboll" and
" AdamS,';_! together with your "consci
entiousness" would have forbiddeq : such
a stntcnient. • -
When you ale able to show that the ev
idence produced in my letter of October
28th, in regard to the . composition'Of_the
Syncuse Mold-board is not worthy of be
lief, it may he necessary to "demon
strate" its truthfulness. Until then, the
burden of proof rests-upon you.
In speaking of the late trial, you say
4 • so far as the work was. there dm°. in
plowing it settled nothing except the su
periority of our plowman and team in
striking a back furrow" and "the work
time by cry r:f 11 e . plows upon' Towanda
:sayttle the question of ituperi
bFitr;" ''sit the the dq
before it was the plowman and team that
won ;at the stony land trial, it was the
Wiard Ptoto that won a decided - victory."
Mr. Welles, does the reputation of the
Wiard Plow depend upon such sophistry I
or, are you "jolting again? ,
Very Rapectfully,'
J. W. lams.
Local CorreiOndence..
EDITOR ItelsonTEß :—Rev. G. J. Por
ter, - who was the first pastor of the
Church of the Memit.b, in this -place, is
now pastor of the , Firit Universalist
Church in Watertown, N. Y. We had
the pleasure of meeting him at his home
a few days ago, and found him and h's
excellent wife enj •ying good health, and
all the comforts which a loving congrega
tion cap bistow upon them.
Mr. Porter's church is One of the oldest
in the City. and Many of the most promi
nent citizens of Watertown art found
a song the regular - suppirrters of the
church. Of the most prominent ones, we.
might mention Congressman-elect Skin
ner, who takes Senator Lapham's place ;
Edithr Ingall's, of the Pon/ the Mayor,
two Aldermsn, two Supervisors, the Post
master, and the Superintendent of the
Poor. A handsome now • parsonage has
been erected by. the society.
Union Thanksgiving services were held
in the Universalist .Church this year, in
which the Baptist, Universalist, and First
Presbyterian Churches participated. The
church was handsomely trimmed for the
occasion ; the discourse was delivered by
the pastor of the Baptist Chuich.
T. (1. Angus, who was one of the pub
lishers of the Bradford I:e.publOan until
the spring of 1879, is also en aged in.bu.s
iness in. Watertown. lie has a profitable
news, stationery, and confectionery store
in the Arcade block, adjoining the post
office. Mr. W. B. Foreman, whd, learned
the "art preservative" in the R.epublican
office, is •with Mr. Angus as clerk. Mr.
Foreman ia!as muscular and athletic as
ever, and was at the bead of the flourish
ing gymnasium last winter.
These few lines have been written for
the benefit of many friends in Towanda
and vicinity, who will no doubt be pleased
to hear of these gentlemen's prosperity,
, since our, last letter death has ben at
work again in our community, and re
moved from our midst Perry Miller, who
was in the employ of Morgan Brown, at
Wyalusing, and a child of Edward Shep
perd, Jr-
C. R. Curtiss, who had been visiting in
Wayne County, has again returned Vome.
C. P. Garrison, who has been emploY
edin W. T. and J. B. Horton's store the
past, has again accepted to teach
the TerrytOwu School. Mr. Garrison is a
welt qualified teacher, and is well liked.
Mr. Orrin Fish has purchased the J.
r - lorton estate, and we are glad to have
him remain, wltir us.
The new steam saw mill 1 ut up in' onr
town by parties from Athens, is now in
running order and is a large mill.
lleirry Shultz, a resident of this town,
has rented his farm and moved to Su'B
rill Bounty.. •
William C. Shultz, at New Era,. rejoi
ces in the a.jvent of a young sou. .
Richard Horton has procured the ser
vices of Charles Benjamin from Monroe,
in his grist mill. • '-
William Millet has accepted a clerk
ship in W. T.; and J. B. Horton's store.
J. W. Gould, from this place, teaches
in Hibbard town.
David Gould, of this place; teaches in
Elkiand, Sullivan County.
Mrs.-Platt, who has been Seriously ill
for some time, is now convalescing, and.
js-stoPping with Rev. Rev.. C. L. Erie, in
Peter Layman and wife , were visiting
friends and acquaintances in • Wilmot
township recently.
Miss Agness Layman teaches the West
Terry School again.. .
. Miss Franc's-E. Strongiluid to close her
5ch001,..6n Norway Ridge,' on account of
the . diphtheria, which prevailed . in the
neighborhood quite bad, - , but is piing
down somewhat again. _
J. IS" ..13iehe r, Jr., Asse)sor, has com
pleted his .assessment.
Wfiite has nearly complete his
new. dwelliiowie.-
Henry .of this place, has
gone to White 'haven to work.
Myron Babcock, has been to Misgo - nri
to look after some land matter which 'he
was interested in.
"A surprise part• was held at the house'
of Allynt Miller a few weeks ago, and
was a success..
Barrett Brothers are putting up a neat
dwelling house near New Era.
- Miss Theresa Horton,,of our town,
'teached at Farr's School Ipuse, in Wil
mot, thi- winter.
Peeember 1; 1881.
Mr. G. A. Gilbert is anxiously, waiting
for the first snow to conic. expecting to
take a weeks hnt in Sullivan . county.
Mr. Sam. LaPorte has gone to Sayre to
work in the machine shops. - i
Are_ we going to have any Singing school
this winter?
Turkeys suffered,e.iiite severely around
these parts Thanksgiving:
.1. B. Kerrick, - who has been spending
a few weeks in Michigan, is= expected
hoine soon. •
- We hear that Mr. R. t. Gilbert
home' - a, fine buck from Sullivan. Query :
How much did he, pay for it? M.
December sth, 1881. •
'The_senall.pox mate has subsided,
gards our village, no cases have yet been
in , our .• midst, notwithstanding rumors
to the contrary ;so we wish to, state to
the readerS of your valuable 'paper, and
any others interested, that there
.has been
no casesp.of small-pox in our place, and
no one has been exposed since the. scare
first originated, which was five weeks ago,.
The disease hakneen confined strictly to
Milan village, which is four miles .north
of this place.
Pi ofassor 0. L. Kane, wife and avid,
of Hamilton, N. Y., are guests of our
town. The is conducting a" se
•ries orlessOns• in vocal ; music and voice
cul-ture at the Town Hall, and intends to
have a covert at the -Jose of the instruc-
Hon. Heas a tine voice, and is well re
"commend, and we can rest assured of a
treat in the way.of'music.
• Mr. John 11. Bowman; has returned
home from Port Byron, ) where he. has
been at work during. the past
He met - With a bad misfortune a couple of
weeks since in having his coital bone
broken, but is doingwell.
Old Mrs. Shoemaker, whom we report
ed as dead some time ago, Bur .ived until
last Sunday in.irning.
• Mr..:-Fred Holcomb, who has been la
boring,fit Arnot for some few weeks since,
has returned home - until after the holi
days, When he again,re umes his labor.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel - . Stevens and Master
Tommy, of Macedonia,• spent Saturday
and Sunday with Mrs. C.. HoCkwell and
other friends.. .„ . . , .
Mrs: . Charlotte Jackson and Master
Willie, of Macedonia, are visiting .at C.
W. Holcomb's and with other friends in
our village._ ~
' Mfrs. W. H. Rockwell - has-been quite ill
since oneweek ago, from neuralgia, but
is some better since last writing. _
- The Sunday School Aid Socie y met. at
the residence of A. Watkins last Friday
evening. Th re was a good .attendauce,
and as 'regards -till: entertainment by the
ho-t and hostess, no comment isnecessa- -
.ry, foltio-one is b Ater adapted tit enter
fain, _ ents than they: , - - .,,,,1
The "sidewalk sociable" will rWet, at
the residence of S. S. DeKay, on' Friday
evening. December 9th. All are invite d.
Pitcher Brothers, late .of Towanda,
have leaked the Shops of C. L. Thomas &
Co., and are doing a rushing business iu
the carriage making and blaeltsmithing
liner • They arc rood workmen, and we
sprak for them a good share .of the pat
ronage of the people.
Mr..lmes McCarty is in Mauch Chunk
with a car-load of bet f and pork. ; • • .
The new stoves for the M. E. 'Church
hive arrived, andthe . paper, etc. .for the
interior of the church is expected daily,-
and the prospect is good for hiving the
same re-dedicated Sunday, December 2.5,
(Christmas). - . oto
December 6,1881. . " . •
The people here Uri:aroused in regard
to small-pox peddlers, • , nd now treat
them to cobble-stones when' they enter
our precints , rule. The'people viz 'Jum
bo ' ,
John Splanu, the second victim -of the
Monroe ghoul, died Saturday night or
Sunday at P . White's; in Smithfield
town•ikap , • • • -
• Tito *litho ay repined ',hie litek 'it
. •••
,Milan, but neither from small-poz : V .
an J ag . : la &e a n n sti a re ch an li d ''
: of ' the.
,to 1p school board, deserve credit for.
promp ' measures of protection. The Barre
scbookbeing temporarily suspended, and
a resolution passed requiring all children
to be vaccinated tefore adniimdcm to the
public schools of the town. -
- That sponge joke of Hinton's is a NOV&
Bcotm deal. - Don't look for the point I
A crowded house at the Baptist Church
betokens interest in the ' meetings.
Rev. Mr. Jolinson and the pastor, Mr.
Watrous, conduct them. 1
F. S. Morley is guessing in the • town..
ship. His work will be well done wit/Mut
E. P. • Allen, Jr., is spending a little
time at home. He is engaged in farming
and stock-raising .at Efmdale, Kamm,
and reports everything prosperous there.
December 6; 1881. . H. 51, R.
t Mrs. E. ''J. *logos, Main Street,
opposite the Park, Uas new Pall styles In all De
partments of her Millinery Store. For cbotee
goods fhls is Headquarters la.Towantla.
We have eotnpletld our purchases and lave oow
In stock the largest, best and mest_varle4 assort
-mein we ever had of Goods adapted for HOLIDAY
t In Henry 417 Johnson's-Arnica and
011 Liniment w• furulatt you a wee bulUs for b.
rir The Largest, Best and Cheapest
tine of Shoes for Ladles',-![teen...and Cblldrens•
wear la found at . COn sirs new store, corner lean`
and Pine-sts., Tracy &Noble's Block. aprelf
L: B. itancizas challenges compe.„
cition for quality of goods and low price, era Saab,
Doors, Blinds and Koldini, a, all a) building sea.
ferial. • fangb•tfj.
• t Whou a cough aourida the Croup
—that is dry and hard—do not delay an Instant
Give Downs' Elixir often enough to keep the
cough 100110, and"the danger will eoon - be aver.
rir HURRAH to Gro - . L. Ross's New .
Grocery Store In the klontanye Block,and get your
Groceries at rock bottom. :Jan: tO.
yr. REMOVAL.—J.. S. 4.1..z.rS has ye
inured his Undertaking rstablishment treat
Bridge street to
. rooms on Main street. over Tra-
NZR & GounoN's Drug Store, and iTOODFORD
Vim Don's BootA Shoe Store. A full line of
Undertaker's Goods from t_he cheapest to the best.
Jan 27 , 481. • .l. S.-ALLYN, Agent...
• •
CHOLERA:—No- danger from Cbol.;
ern If the Liver Is In proper order and ordinary
prudence In diet Is observed. The occasional Lek
log of Slmmon's.Liver Regulator to keep the sys
tem healthy; will surely prevent attacksof Cholera.
Li' Save money and • buy your HOLI
DAY GOODS at Whitcomb:s 'Book Store. Im
mense opening of NOVELTIES in GOODS, con
sisting of JEWEL BOXES, WORK Boxas,
er, ramEn MAilliE and WOOD:: JAPANESE
WEIGHTS, etc. Stual! , ,prollts and quiet sales, at
Bus my Chriiitmas present early,
Get It early, mother dear,
For Christmas 'II be the merriest day
Of all the glad old year,
I have seen some gems of beauty,
A• I have looked them o'er and o'er,
Hut the things I like the best, mother,
Are In Towanda just opened at the Boston Cloth
ing Store.
If yon would pleaae your son,
And fill his heart with Joy,
Bur him a nice warm overcoat,
Ile wants no ailly toy.
To me, my mother dear,
You hare ever been most kind,
The beat,et clothing,
At the Boston Clothing House Jost ppesed In
Towanda yun'll end.
sell Dr. Chase's Recipes: or Information for Every
body, in every county In the United States or. Can
-ad?. Enlarged by the publisher to 641 pages. It
eonialmsorer 2,000 household"recipes and is suit
ed to, nil classes atm conditions of - society. A
wonderful Look and household necessity. It sell*.
at sight. Greatest inducements ever ;,offered to
Look agents. sample copies sent by mail, Post
paid, for f 2.00. Exclusive territory given. Agents
more than dimble their money. Address Dr
Chase's Steam
_Printing House; Ann Arbor
SlichiganAtu. • •
For new Fall Styles of Ladies Flats__
nu will find ax- abundant a%vkrtment at K.
.J. 31Ingos, oppMe the Park, Ityto
whtch to seket ~ontething that will j64ltecealiso
you. 'Van and Oct. 13, 1391..:
„ . ,
Or A list of articles trim which to
choose a sensible Present for the Re hisys: BED
tr t 1.,
BED. - All of these articles, and a treat many
otherstoonumerous ton mention, can be found at
and any one of them- will pease your family, and
at the same time - be useful as well as ornamental.
Don't forget the place, E. B. PIERCE'S BRIDGE
- rir HOLIDAY PARTY.—Theie will
be a Holiday Partyfat the Orange Hall. Asylum, an/
ThoradaY evening, December 9th, iaSt. All are
cordially Invited to attend. Music, McDonald and
Stulen's Orchestra. Bill 'LTA.
'The ladies will find at Mrs. E.- .1.
mlngos a beauttrtil assortment of Tancy .
Tles, Gloves, .1:1 bbons, Flowers, Hose, Yarns, Jew
elry; Ike„ embracing the very latest, styles and pat
terns. 'Lease look over her 'flee stock and you
sneelf,tind -Just what you have wanted. octll
WritE3it;3lßEß, that W. C. kt A. B.
BrIIROWS, of tifcrensrille, Bradford county, Pa.
sell goods at . bottoro prices and take In exchaage
Butter, Eggs, Pork, Poultry, Rags, Dried Apples,
and Graialfl all kinds. • June =,
' YOU RUN NO RISK when you
buy your Groceries at G. L. ROSSI 4. newitore In
Montaaye Block, His PRICES are WAY DOWN
to rock bottom.
beats the world by Low Prices and good Goods.
rir If the functions of the liver are in
any way dlsordere4 nee v hot • body, and not only
the body. but the mlnd sympathizes with the Mr
.turbed ortrin. complaluta we more com
mon than any other di , ease; and to remove the
hllo, as well 71.4 to reinlete the Liver, yen only have
to take Simmons' Liver Regulator. which will im
part new life and vigor to the whole sy,tem.
Cam' CORSER has the best wearing Shoes
for Men, Boys and Youths• wear ever offered ID
Towanda, and at priers within the reach of ill.
rir Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable
Compound Is a remarkable remedy. for all those
painful.complaints and weakneaseS so common to
ur best female population. Send to Mrs. Lydia
E. Plukbam. 23a Western Avenue, L7nn, Maw,
fur pamphlets.
GEo. L. Ross sells Groceries awful
cIIE AP bCesuie' hls expenses are very light, and
; he Is bound hls customers shall have the tenedt.
Ulf As a remedy to purify the bloOd,
nothing eau be found equal to Dr. Baztera Man.
drake Bitters. • Price 2& eta. per bottle.
Vito jOvertisnunib.
'Rheumatism - and Neuralgia.
This medicine is an internal remedy
and recommended for the above com
plaints exclusively. By its use, the acid
condition of the blood, which engenders
the disease, is corrected, the inflammation
speedily reduced and health restored. In
cases of every degree of severity, from the
ordinary attack to thos3 that' renier the
sufferer utterly helpless and baffle the
skill_of the ablest practitioners, this rem
edy produces the same magical results.
Through a long series of years, this gre -
specific has been' tested with entire an
cess and its virtue become known through
out the le ngth and brew:tit of the land,
. _