ULSTER. The past week has been replete with accidents And escapes ficirn serious inju ries, as regards our usually quiet village. Thursday-last, -about 11 o'clock A. Si'., a team attached to a heavy lumbe: wagon loaded with household goods,' came up Main street, on as swift a pace as their heavy load Would permit, with.tio. driver to guide - them. Several rushed out to stop them with no stweeks, until opposite C. P. Forrest's they ran against a hitch ing post which retarded them sufficiently to enable me: Forrest to grasp them by the heads and hold them until other help arrived. They were - i..etached from their load and takeia to the stables of M. A. Forrest, and search for the missing driver was instigated resulting in the finding of him near Mr. George B. Rockwell's, ,where he had been thrownput and se vuely injurtd in the left side and spine. II isT.anie wai wzcertained to be Reuben Bennett, of.'rowanda, who was taking a ke.d of g"ods tt. Waveily for a brakeman on the-L. V. It. It. When na: Mr.-yati ii:,ke's i:r Me. IVatkini:, the L. V. It. R. pay car met- a Weight train, and signalled to aeb ether by blowing . the whistles, •Whis.th frightened the horses causingthem to run. Mr. B. was taktit to the Van , ilyite House and caved for until his fami ly were informed, - who took him to his h...iae on-train 31 the same evening. A coat oar jumped the track last Friday little south of our station, amt r . tt, ;wally to Milan on the• ties before it dis Covered, and yet the remainder 01 the train kept to file track, and the only ii •inage lone w as. tbe,loss of the car, and bobs, etc., broken from the .raiL. Saturday evening, as Mr. John . Bow m•in was going over the bridge that spans tle creek, over G. B. Bartholomew's, ow .in,; to the darkness, he Stepped off and lel - int 0 the _ex eel:, dislocating his _right ai•in and b6i in; 11 - iin considerably. He ; taiii•n to the drug store and physi ci:tns Rho soon replaced his am it t - 01 iNaS so..aa_tnabled to be take BEE The Seloyl Dircctors of our town belt :-pecial meeting in the Town Hall, S.tt ilk,lay . evenitit, and- reconsidered the volt of laf,t June in regard to wages of ou teachers, and the-- wage. 4 . were increased to allow them to hire. filch • I.o,tiii icstend or being obli,ted to "board' -alound," Which in •Our opinion is just as it shoiild be. The Sunday Scl 00l Aid Society met al i he rtsitlt cicr of Henry Shaw hist Fridaj cycnin4. Thcre was a good attendance, e I , . Nitlei the state of the weather, xvideli was exceblingly damp. The pro f] :on that prerairLd was nearlj ail ciriled out. mid goo:d ond'xras p:elloied for the next meeting., which will 1, MI i at the residen:o! of A. Watkin •o.e %%e;k ficnniday, or bcc.mber 2d. The sidewail: soelable will be' held at lb% of James Mather, Thmsda) t n bing, November': Ith, (Thanksgiving). voe e rii lily invited to attend. Miss Ida Fairchild, of Waverly, is visit-- i•.g at Mrs. C. Rockwell's. , S. C. llovey is having the Mersereau i• :! use ! clo int ed. '•lr. E. J..:ekwood returned home from Lake Superior last Thursday evening. • P. McNerney; Jr., arrived home fr'orn Indiana, Monday evenin! , . T;\ d ember 1S!!41.• * * Sl3OO por year can be easily made a vurking .for E G. Hideout Co. 1111;a1cl.ly Street. New Yo'k. Send fo cataliii.mc• and full particulars, lyr TROUBLE OVER A WATCH lior,day morning, as is his custom, Mr. „ I :aiN N. I.Voirr., the genial proprietor of e Tab, r House, Canton, sent his porter to the depot . xkii - li his watch, to have the linc_corn [lca as to railroad time. As the train 'passed the hotel, the porter d on to ride to the depot, and while I.le ii . et of getting on, dropped _the Nva.' ch. Ile did not miss the time-piece, Low CVer, until he got. to the depot, but nit!). tohered holm-thing dropphig. from hin wt nhe got on' e train. -He hasti ly ii-tr;:e:-‘1 but the watch could 11 : 1 he fonnd. Parties who stood by_n hen It r gct on the Wain, saw two ft ;lows tit and by, and ono of them up the watch. They are keeping It - tpes of a ieward being offered,"but - nme will be as" Mr. Wut.rt - ,., kuov,s the s, and if the watch is not returned I*, , i m'arranti, will be issued and the itt!tic-:: brought to justice. Naines ale i:111u.1,1 to await cievelopments.—Elmira THE MYSTERY EXPLAINED of Tuesday re p!si •ed the-11nd tuz a! the • Northern C - 61- t , al I:e:2lJt •hoasc of a box of butuan /11.. T h ,.! rt•tntins of a word-n. The box n,i.; l . ; e s ., ; 'd to Carter. Elrni• 7 •,.• frehAt house for one knowing the con its. The to y-tery was cleared up yes !a}W..l. Carter, who is a liviez at Post Cret - read ate repa:t. in ,I , P2.ertiser, at.d inmeliately : came; to c;:y and the remains as those 44 who :lied - in Ka - nsa.4 sonic .i,t or 11Z%le ye.:rs ago. Mr. Carter told the ;Ol,wilig story.: About eleven years mother; :ma 'lwo sisters moved to K Two years afterward one sister, the mother died argil were buried, on the fat m bel ,, pging to the husband of the rema;niiig skter. The deceased sister te tiuested oefore bet (Ic itititliat her remains lwe :,cut East, to be buried in the family at llors'elie:ols. It was to COMpIY . 1 11 this request that the remains were t.,ken up some time last summer and shlp pe-I by freight to . Nlr. Carter. Ile stip they would come cner the Erie and - went several times to that (Ace this city, to inquire for the box: It c •ine instead by the Ventral to Canandai- L on. and thence here by the Northern Central.. 'Thus it was that the box. re-. niained t:.n long in the freight'house await ing a c!aitnant. Mr. Carter immediately t )44; charge of the remains, and will have thern're.iuterred in the family burying grour.d at Horseheads.- 4: may IT of se.rvice to know what the law is in Pennsylvania in regard to' lega holidays: It reads as follows "The4ol lowim, days, namely, the Ist of January, the 22nd day: of February, the 30th of I 3lay„ the 4th bf July, the 25th of-Decem ber, and any day , appointed or recom mended by the Governor of this State, or the President of the • United States as a (4.. 1 y of fasting or. for the general cessation i.f business, shall be regarded as a legal holiday, and Shall for all purposes wtiat h.q-er, as regards - the presenting for pay ment .or acceptance, and of *testing and ng notice of the dishonor of billS . of exchange, hank checks, drafts_and prom isso,y notes, made • after the passage- of - this act, be treated and considered as is the first day of the week, commonly call ed Sunday." By actual merit the famous substaree. Jacobs Oil, has at:caddy won its stay 1%.1•11 it is to-day the 'natitmul rrniedy.for, ',l:;;;frmt.i.m. La - iyers.ya t .ciani.. elf• -ft yymen—all rse (ONO, "gUiscettautous f, la ft Moil Ive Cure for 01 tliese ?manful floperilatat? aatl 11.7,rnituesoisi evmseames Inoue bed, female pm:militia.. It el.:1 cure entirely the worst form of Female Com plaints, all °varlet trent des,lndanimatlon and Merit lion, Falling snit Plq4acements, and the consequent Spinal tycalines; and L parUcularly adapted to the (Lange of Life. It will. dissolve erpel irlymois from the uterus In an early stageof deve!opmint. She tendency to tan error.. biuxioratheie la checkil eri Speedily by !MUSS. It ITMOTINI falntueaa, flatuleney, destroyaall craving for stimulant; and relieves weal:nem of the stomach. It cures Pleating, Ilesdsehea, Nervous Prostration, Gencral,Pehility, Eleeplessusas, Depossaloll and Ludt; g estioit. Ilint feeling of bearing down, canting path, weight and backache, la alwars permanently cored by He use. It rill at all times and under all circumstances act In • harmony vrith the laws that govern the female sisters. For the ture of ladney Wilda:tuts of either sax this Compound Is uusurpasr. et L'FDIA crxrrAinx coif- POUND is prepared at m 3 and r Western Avenue, Lynn, Mari Price $l. Six bottlei for as gent by mall in the form of pills, also In the form of lozenge; on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. ifn. Pinkliam freely answers &Inciters of Inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as above. Mention this Riper. No family should be sillumt LYDIA E. Pi= ritis. They ewe emertip•Uon„ b au.4 torpidity of the liver. 15 cents per box. ire Sold by 441 Druggists. -c* .e.R LI FET I M E .3. ~\ SURPASSES" OTHERS ; joflllsoiltlarkBsCo. r 30 UNION SO.NEW YORK 1 ., GHICAGO ILL.I?-.------- a e/9 - 'O RANGE'MAS S. i'? ..." . -:: ..PC K -i 4 44--i.. b -......-11 V. nALVANISM and ELECTRICITY tO The great Curative agetta. A GALVANIC BATTERY . • h Irn`w•dded In this Medicated Plaster, which, Shen applied to the body pr..duces a constant but mild current of Electricity, which is most exhilarating, - ad'ording Mimed:at. relief to the most excruciating ",‘ Fain. of whatsoever nature. They-are acimowi• • edged by I'll:. slchns to bottle meet scientific meth. ... od of application of those subtle and mysterious • clemoots Qf nature for the pusithe and speedy cure of the followits complaints, viz: Ithetimati.moCettralgia; Sick Head. arlie; Weak and Inflamed Eyes; All TiL•ction• of thi,ll. - ain; Spinal Cont.. plaints; Kidney and Liver Complaints; lea lea. Paralysis and Lumbago; Dys pepsia; Asthma and Lung Diseases; Dis.. ens.s of the Heart; Nervous Prostra. %Was; dc. PRiCE ONLY $1.00: - THE BELL MANN CO.. Proper.. Et: BrAlwan Ccs. 1111 Ct., rev Tak. A - GENTS WANTED. ALAI , ATAXY Yon TOIL SALE Br ALL DRUGGISTS.' ! paper. - Bent by 1.11. Heil lth Beauty] `.; .11....1.1 and) - cu 111111:ot egai.l. 1. 711 i -n - 2 , 1 1 early, .\ ere /Tric* , r, no. % t w rl•1 by rrtu..l..n.; the AV citarie-s s 1 Ls 13aLer of tu. a nal cent:•l • irsta the n.;,• of 1. 1 5 r • .12 s . .t. Lixr•ant: an 1 n . • (11:e ret thettit.r.A••=ro re r.7 , . 1 I'ATibei.dl- 'trio t At ter de th 'AO a t,h ) it to the court cell-brines *.: t a mia - o; , :the enipire it acme in pos• cr , „ brated who ha, • ••7 ETICC,I9.SP:thI. tLo tre.:l:ll.tat of /good Skin' di . graites; to 1 that CI. public! ::tay g t"...1 , 1.11ta tna errieus prep', rir - • has placel th^ recipe WO It the 'tell - I,a Cs. of New York, +A hn arc p• vr. o &ripply t.. 0 .I.siiinuils of th tbourar.ds cf ° r znpli•nr. It speea r i'y erviiratea all roenni rO . a 1 .00:a t.N Gi sucit ticiafulst. !gait thotaiti. kiezeturt. Ptcit h Patches, Freckles, Black Ural's, Rougla • L. , . in t t aerh, Liver - Coniplalrit, liztiatetl Eyes. ite....tc. It I. an absolute n ''" ae le fe r MALARIA ItnA reEt e res `-ee circulation throughout the cynic::. Lib:sailed L::'3 9 And slaw - d i FIAT 13 =Dy. SIL per parlut gT, or G for $5. letter 1..rm.r..y. , .. - .4g0 pat I: Cl,B ' - gay,1:10171 - crk. r F.1:0 by dolt:gists. r .......:a :..:a : _~ EMPLOYMENT. FOR ALL TO SELL A HOUSE HOLD ARTICLE.- The poor as well as the rich, the old as well as the young, the wife as well as-the intsband, the young tualdsti as well as the young man, the Or as well as the boy, may Just as well ecru a few dol lars In Alonest• employment. as to sir around the Muse and watt for others to earn It for them. We can give you etnployment all the time, or during Your spare bouts 4.uly ; traveling, or in your own ne gliborlossi, among your friends and acquaint. a nee.. It you do not cue fur employment. we can Impart valualile lumiluatiou be you •.ree of cost. It will cost you only one cent for's Postal - card to A rite for our Prospectus, and It maybe the mtans of ruling you a good many dollars. Do not neglect this opportunity. Ton do not have to invest a large sum or money, and run a groat risk of losing it„ Yon will r edit." sea that will be an easy :natter to make from $l9 to Cc* a week,,and estabtl.h a lucrative, and Independent lhonoranle„ straightforward and profit*. tae. Attend Itt this matter NOW, for there MONEY IN IT for allwhoengs¢ewithns, Ne wilt surprise you anl you will wonder why v o n never writ eto us before. We send full parfieu, last free. Address Tit ICKETK .II•F a CO.. (Nunn this paper.) oct4m.6 MARION. Onto. STONE.—Fla.rrning,,C:.ps, Sills and Hato. of most rieellent (ualltyaud darahllitY: ao.o. bell'd lug F•tone, a sample of which ran be seen A. P.oArt's tow building at Sayre. Omer' i'ilipa awl toottacte taken. Apply to this cake or J. Id. N. • MUM* 11111114" UM • Illbsciftaxessi. -JAMES MoCABE Has removed to CORNER MAIN & BRIDGE-BTB. tr*lng It tits Zeadquarters FOR CHOICE GROCERIES CASH PAID FOR BUTTER, EGGS, &c. GOODS SOLD AT THE • LOWEST_ LIVING RATES JAMES .McCABEI.. Towanda, Ain't] ZS, 1830.11. N EI FIRM! SWARTS GORDON Plave filled the Old Store OWNER OF MAIN AND BRIDGE STREET'S, ately amp:a by Owen Broi.) with an entire NEW STOCK OF FINE FAMILY Groceries & Provisions. We Invite attention t$ our COMPLETE ASSORTMENT AND CD.OICE STOOK. I • NEW', COOPS I ar The, highest market, prices paid to Farmers in Cash for desirable produce. An assortment of Wood and Willow Ware. ept conitautty on hand. Buyers arc Invited to 101 and exauthie out-Goods dud Prices. M. DI WARTS, A. S. GORDON. Towanda, Pa., 431E111[1 24th, 1861 3TEVENS & LONG General Dealers in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, And COUNTRY PRODUCE,j 4il (li v i 11 TO THEIR NEW STORE. CORNER OF MAIN 45: PINE,Sts (The old stand of Fox, Stevens it Sferenr.) • They invite attention to.thetr complei assortmen • and very large stock of Choice Nett Goods which they have always on Wald. • - ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVE.Sg, To. TUE PRODUCE TRADE, Cash paid for desirable kinds. M.. 1. LONG Tawarlida, Apsi 1 1879. GEORGE L. ROSS Is the Proprietor of the NEW GROCERY STORE JUST STARTED IN THE MON TANYE BLOCK. - This store being on the corner near the Public Square, is one - of tne tltiest•Grocerit.s In WWII, and. Mr. Rois has spared no pains In selecting the best good• that the great cities afford. experience in the grocery business enables him. to purchase first-etas, goods, and at bottom prices. Farmers and eretYbody can depend on it that when 'they get the price, o! Groceries at Ross's It is of nb use to try q.lsewbere, for his prices ate down 'to rock bottom. MR. J ,1.. SCHOONOVER has charge of Mr. ft,44,3"3 Firs Ward More In Kenai:Ws Block: and 1413 prices are the lowest:la town. Mr. Ross keeps a horse and delivery wagon standing at the More, and will deliver in the Borough,. tree of charge, all-goods as emu as sold. An kleds of desirable produce taken In exchange for fir,:xfrrles or for Cast , GEORGE L. ROSS , Towanda. Pa.. January :IL:Wt. lEAT MARKET E. D. 4 RUNDELL I s: Would respectfully's* nounee that he Is continuing tae Market business at the old stand of SinHoek at Mundell,- and will at all times keeps full supply of FRES . - Ik( HD OYSTERS Constantly on hand. Country dealer) supplied at city rates. FR SH . SALT MEATS, GARDEN VEGETABLES, FRUITS, &c. , sir All Goods delivered Free of" Charge. • .E. D. BIINfiELL. Towanda, Pa. Nov. 27. 1579. lar6te'a:bs. THE OLD MARBLE YARD. STILL IN OPERATION. The undersigned having purchased the MAR BLE YARD of the late G Enna E McCABE, de sires to inform the public that having employed experienced men, he is prepared to do all hinds of work In the line of MONUMENTS, • HEAD STONES, • •• MANTLES and • • SHELVES • . In the very best manner and # at low est rites. Personedesiring anything In the Marble line are Invited total' and examine work; and tire spate commission. JAMES MCCABE. Towanda, Pa.. Nov.lll. 11171. _ 241 t EATING HOUSE. Something new. A first-eta.' RESTAUB and It *TING HOUSE nn Bridge street. apposite the American Hotel. Open at all •honse.. eight and % now I.e. m% • err f` i..''a ~~~srti~' F t H_l 011 VALLEY PEWN:fr NEW - you ne.g. ROAD& Arraapment of Puieuger Trains to take elect ItASTWAND. 5 917 1 . 11. A X A.. 1 05 7 20 ..1 • I 82= .... 10 L 124 •;••• .V 1 ii51..0.1 : iis 1 II aao 10 8 05 .... 04 1050 .7.. • 10 1 45 9 4.1 45 2 1 0 94 4 1 2 . 20 10001 4 1. 2 aii 1005: ~~ .. 3 NI 44'3 64 Elll2l 105,5 10 1 3,15 2SI 8 1 7 101 4 41 9 24 5 00 8 35 5 89 9 00 6 55110 805 .. ..54. P.lO N'a. 84 team, Wyaltisll.g at C lawn Rammartteld Ce.M . $ Wysaulting 6:40. Towanda 6:53. 7:16. A theog•7:2s. nayre 7:404Wil in Elmirnat 8:50 A. M. No'. Si leaves Elmira at 5145 P.M., Waverly 6:25. Sayre 6:45. Athens 6: - 0. Milan 8:59 Ulster 7K16: Towanda 7:2 4 . Wysanking 7:55. £Panding Stone 7:44. Ruremergeld 7:32. Erenchtown 8:02, arriving. aP,Wyabodug 8:15 P. M. Trains 8 and 15 run daily. Sleeping cars on trains 8 and -1S bezween Niagara Falls aad Philadelphia and between Lyons and New Tort without chap" , s Parlor cars on Trains 2 and 9 - between Niagara trails and Philadelphia without change. and through coach to and from Encheater via Lyons. . • WM. STEVENSON. Supt. P. At N. Y. B. R. • Sayre. Pa., May 160.880. Chicago & i n aii-Western RAILWAY Is the OLDEST 'BEST CONSTRUCTED: BEST EQMPPED I and hence the . 'LEAD IN G ULILMAN WEST AND NORTHWEST! It Is the short and best route' between Chicago and all points In Northern Illinois, ; lowa. • Dakota. Wyoming. NebriNka, California, Oregon, Arizona, Utah. I*.,lnrodkvlilabo, Montan. Norada, and for COUNCIL BLUFFS. OMAHA SALT LAKE, SAN FRANCISCO DEADWOOD, SIOUX CITY' Cedar Rapids. Des Moines, Columbus, and all Points in the Territories, and the West: Also, for Milwaukee. Green Bay, Oshkosh, Sheboygan, Mar quette. Fond du Lac. Watertown, Houghton, Neenah, Menasha, Sr. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron, Volga, Fargo, Bismarck, Winona, LaCrosse. Owatonna, and all points In Minnesota, Dakota. Wl, , consin and the Northwest. . • - At Comic.; Bluffs the Trains' of the Chicago & North-Western and the U. P. R'ys depart from, arrive at and use the same joint Union Depot. At Chicago. close connections are made with the Lake Shore, Michigan Central. Baltimore & Ohio, Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania. and Chicago & Grand Trunk RIB, and the Kankakee and Pan Handle Routes. . Mae connerfiene inri4 nt Junction Poiuta It Is the OVI.V,LINE ettunlng Pullman Hotel Dining Cars Chicago & .Council Bluffs.. Pullmrui Bleepeia "oh all Night Trains Insist upon Ticket Agents sPitiug you Tickets via this road. Examine your Tirkets, and ranse to buy if they do not read over the Chicago at NortioWestern Railway. If you wish the Best Trayellng Accommodations von will buy your Tkketa by this route, Jar AND WILL TAKE NONE AU Ticket Agents sel Tickets by this Line. MARVIN HUGIIITT, - V. P. GeLri Mang. r, Chicago. 20 TEARS 20 OLD S'I'A.WD GEO. STEVENS Are now better }prepared than eve). to supply the firbt-class FURNITURE! We manufacture our own 'goods and warrautthetu to be as represented. PARLOR SUITS la all the leading etyles BEDROOM SUITS In Walnut.Aish. Cherry DINING-HOOM. KITCHEN AND 1 MRS 0 3 N /A 3 lad While tve.furnish the fittest HEARSE and rqulptnints. a larger and better stock of (ASKETM aid TRlkraliZ4o24, with a large experi ence in• our business. we guaranteit as•low, If not lower, prices than those who have not as good f ac ritipp g as ourselves. air We furnlsh• Chairs, Pall and corpse Pre servers, free of charge. . CALL !• EXAMINE! COMPARE And then Purchase where yon can do the bes e J. O. I:ROST'S SONS Towinde,.Sept. 22, 1881. FREE ,TO EVERYBODY! A BEAUTIFUL BOOK 101 TQB ASKI By applying personally at the nearest office of TliE niNG ER SI ANIIIPACTUVI% Or Co. (or by postal card if. at a distance) any adult versos will be presented with a beautifully illustrated copy-of *New Book entitled GENIUS REWARDED Story of tie Sowing Wino, containing a handsome and coati! steel engraving frontispiece also, Ts finely engraved wood cuts, and bound Inv elaborate blue and gold lithograph ed cover. No charge whirevcr Is made for this ha •daome book, which can be obtained only br ap. pdcat lon at the branch an 4 subordinate once, of The Stager klanufactmlug Co. iv:44:0:0)3111-1411/I•14k01;010 GET YOUR JOB PRINTING lardiagt=!tagP fuffww•ol4 Sian.. MAY 15, 15111. ASSYWAIID. lii STATIONS. p.m. 1 9 24:11 Nlarrafalla .Rochester. I . . Lyons... Geneva.. 1. , 1. 4.lthara... .. Wilburn .. ...Owego: .. ...Elmira '.. —Waverly . ..Sayre.... ...Athens... ..Bltlan.. .. .ulster... ..icwans. Wysauklng .Sta'g Stone. Runeereleld Prenebtown , . Wyatt:sing • . Laceyville. Skin't. Eddy Nle/dioppn Slehoopany. Ton t liau , ek . .La Grange. —Falls— , Lan dtinc'n W Ilk -Hari* Web Chunk • .Allentown . 5 . Bethlehem. I ..Eagton... Phllad'liiihla , s i New York. .i - - I 35 108 1103 il 05 9 50 9 20 8 001 0 30. .I'.9h. indteg Stone 116ter 7:06. )ilia' virly 7:3s,arrivng =M DENVER. LEADVILLE, AT THE 0. Frost's Sons Of,every description: C°TTAGE SUITS In all desirable styles OFFICE FURNITURE. =!IkLUM Principe the grass: If the pasture is short -it will pay to feed suppleinentary food in summer. • —A very admirable . imitation of stained= glass for windows can be pro duced by pasting over common win dotvs thin sheets of silk paper print ed in brilliant' oil colors, tasteful in design'. The efftet is said to be fully equal to the finest colored glass,.and the costa trifie:.. This will open new field to amateur lady artists even more fascinating than cl.inA painting FOR, RHUMBA Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, - Swans** of the chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat,Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and • Scald General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache; Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other- Pains and Aches. - No Preparation on earth equals Sr. Jscors (mt. al a , safe, sure, ample and cheap Extm . r. I lflemesty A trial entails but Jtho contranitir , ! trifling outlay of 50 Cents. end ever! one inr'.'7l'''t with . pain can bare cheap antt s positire viva a it. claims • • lvlrectlons lianmin Languages. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALtp . IN KEDIOINE. VOGEL= & . 11t a Si =I