Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 27, 1881, Image 3

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    f o od odet
cals. a. Amu, watto!".
Towanda, Pa., Oct. of,
The expiration of substription is print
ed on the colored label. By' noticing the
date Avg subscriber can tell when his
paper will be stepped unless the subscrip
ion is peseta.
The undersigned, publishers and Pr
prietors of the BRADFORD REPORTER,
Towanda Journal s Bradford Bepubiiaan
and Bradford Argus, published in Towan
da, Pa., having suffered:severe loss in the
publication of_ their 'respective papers
from the heretofore extremely low price
per annum, hereby mutually agree_Ao
make the subscription price-. of each
.of ,ohr papers respectively, on and after
the First of January; 1882, Oite Dollar
and Fifty Cents .per annum. And we
hereby agree and pledge ourselves to
each other, open our honor as business
Men, that we will, strictly and in--
variably adhere to the terms of this un
derstanding. To make this arrangement
legally binding, we have entered into
bonds, with penalty and forfeiture for vi
olation of the terms of this agreement.
All subscriptions paid prior to January
Ist next, will be taken at the former rate.
Bates of advertising in all cases to be in
dependent of subscription.
D. M. Tpnuxa, Journal.
Hot.costn S TRACT; Republican.
E. Ammo?: PARSONS, Argus.
WANTED—kindling siood, apply at this
LOCAL iterns . are scarce.
OUR harthisre merchants report a very
brisk trade.
READ the State Central Committee's
address printed on the first page.
FIBEIER I ,t3 Photograph Gallery has re
cently been' very much improved.
Tnx_ragroad offices and new depot at
Sayre, are `to be heated by steam.
NEW school building is to be erected
at East Waverly, that will'cost $5,000.
THE depot of the D.. ',L.& W. Railroad
at Waverly, has been lOcated at Pleasant
Cot,. ittaxs is adding an addition'to
his foundry and machine shops building
on Pine street.
TETE woodlands are gorgeons in their
gaudy autumnal robes- 7 ctimson, scarlet,
yellow and purple.
THE pay of the lab4rers on the Pa. &
N. T R. it., has been advanced from $l.-
10 to $1.20 per day.
THE equity case of Hanna—PACKER
will be resumed before Judge LnIN, at
the Court House; this Wednesday.
THE Atll6llB Gazette ought to be proud
of its Sayre correspondent. He—or she
-is one of the best in the country.
Up to Saturday 'ast Troy bad contrib
uted to the ten cent subscriptions to the
GARFIELD Memorial Fund, $11.50.
THE receipts of the, Universalist Socia
ble, held at the residence ED. Wetxzu,
on Tuesday evening, were aver $3O.
Twa instruments and uniforms for the
brass band at Sayre have beenitkurchased,
and are expected to arrive this week.
JO you want to make Towanda -a busi:
ness town, all classes of our peafile must
liatronize and sustain home industries.
Wis rumored that FRANK LOOMS is to
start a newspaper at Troy, with ALBERT
MORGAN, Esq., a. 4 editor, in a few days.
THOSE lengths of stove pipe that
shrunk so during the recent drought, are
now agitating the mind of the average
is baying a large addition added to his
dwelling house. D. 0. Bottom; and W.
L. MARTIN are doing the work.
AN accident to No. 8, the morning tmio,
whereby two or three cars were thrown
from the track, near Tankhannock, is re
ported,. thi4 Wednesday morning.
TIIE receip•s of the recent canton fair
Wel° about $1,400. Some 4,200 tickets
were Aold. The society contemplates im
provements to its track and grounds.
G. L. FULLER is evidently prospering
in Athens. He has recently purchased
the Jou COVENEY property in that
place, lately occupied by S. S. Locxwoon.
THE drug store in Osw'ego, N. Y., of
Hama Gong., formerly - of this place, was
damaged by fire on day last week to the
'amount of two or three hundred dollars.
OUR ministers shbuld devote one Sun
day in each month, at least, for the preach.-
is% of a temperance sermon for surely in
temperance is on the increase in this
Tna Knights of Honor of Sayre, had a
very enjoyable time at their recent anni
versary and oyster supper, besides adding
some fifty dollars to the funds in their
TUE brick work of the new passenger
(depot at Sayre is nearly completed. The
structure, it is thought, will be ready for
occupancy in the course of about live or
six weeks.
THE Waverly Review says that "It is
rumored that some important changes
may be looked for soon in some of the
smaller roads controlled by the Lehigh
Valley Company:"
WHEN you see two, women slowly me
andering up the`street talking attentively
to each other, you can make up your mind
that there's something mighty important
about to be diveloped.
JOHN B. MOW:IA:03 dog bit LEiran
BIPLEr, of Sylvania, says the Troy Ga.
tette, and a snit followed Which has just
been settled, .Monoax paying $5O, and
costs, amounting in all to $lBO.
Cnuncrt of the Messiah, Rev. Dr. TAT.
Lo! t, Pastor. At 10} A. " The Doings
of the Universalist General. Convention."
At 7 r. u., " Dr. THOMAS and His Expul
sion by the Metho _lit Church."
TUE proprietors of the, weekly papers
of Towanda have_ at 144 concluded to:
raise the price of subscription instead oft
furnishing papers at less than coat as they
hare been do!ng: This is right, and we
kuow their leaders will agree with us in
saying their papere are Werth the price
lised upon.-Dualtors Reclise.
Cirtior the Tenor, lout Ina& glad the
hearts onployee -by robing their
wages ten - per Oct, Evkhortly :rano
th 4 - establiehnient "rverythiegle lovely
end the goose hangs
as all iddea WO 1180 il i AMair improve'
meat in trade, and the proipeot of rk still
better improvement in-huidneea in our
tourn.thle fall is exceedingly encouraging
andbecomes more - flattering every day.
ONLY a part ; —two stores—of the Packer
brick bleak, at Sayre, will be put pp this
fall. A temporary roof will be put on
the part built, which can be sadly remov
ed when the remainder of the building is
THE Germania Ban& gave our 'citizens
another one of their enjoyable open air
concerts on Monday evening. The,music
was delightful and was appreciated fully
by the large assemblage of people in and
around' the Park.
Binhamton, has opened a dancing Made.
my at Waverly. Owing to the size' Of his
pupils feet, and the smallness of the hall,
each scholar comprises a class, and is
taught separately.
MRS. RICHAIID Janzunos, of Rummer
field, has a pullet that was batched either
the last of . April or the lat of May, com
menced laYintin July, and has a brood
of chickens that was hatched the last of
September. Beat this if youcan.
DONATION.-A Donation visit will be
givennt the residence of Mr. , L. Ferny Ens,
at Pennyville, Bradford County, 'on ti-e
aftirtoon and evening of Wednesday, No
vember 2, 1881: All are invited to attend.
By Order of Corn.
811AR1ERS are going through the coon
tly victimizing , the farmers. They offer
to sell mackerel in half-bar:rels at a very
low price. Upon purchasing the victlms
tlr.d their half-barrels filled with rubbish,
with a thin layer of fish on top. -
A MECILLIIIC by the name of yiraanrso-
ToN-MILLEn, of Wpm', while engaged in
"repairing the roof of DANIEL 3fwanew's
hbuse, at Wysanking, on Monday of last
week, fell from the roof to the , ground, a
distance of twenty-five feet, brpakiug his
thigh and left arm.
BALIAWIN, the baker, had from thirty
to thirtY-five dollen; worth of property
stolen on the night of the circus. The
property consisted of wearing apparel,
hams, butter, etc. The parties that done
the stealing were ~ .onnected with the
show.—Athens Gazette.
Tun disease known as "'pink eye,"
says the - lmira Advertiser, has made its
appearance between Sonthpcirt and the
State Line. Three horses have died of
the disease and several others are sick.
It causes considerable alarm . among the
farmers of that vicinity. '
• ROLL of Honor of the Panther _Lick
School, for the month ending October 10,
Tun hardware store of Moints.& Snsra,-
Dols,' in Biansfaeld, Tioga County, .was
burglarized on Wednesday night of last
week, •and got•ds consisting,' of Tiocke ,
knives, razors, revolvers, etc.:, to the val.
ue of about $2OO were carried away. No
clue to the robbers has let been discov
ered. •
SsEAN thieves are giving the-Farmers
about Canton considerable trouble. That
the lightLfingered gents are "expel" in
the buiiness is qidenced by the factthat
JEPTllArecently watched bib po
tato hill all night. with a s sbot gun in hand.
He saw no thief, but in the morning found
that ten bushels of his potatoes were gone,
A WALK around our town will convince
any one that there. are many sidewalks
badly out of repair. Let each property
owner see that the walks along his-premis
es are at'onceput in good condition. In
some places the walks are not only bad
but dangerous, and a little labor now may
save considerable _expense in
_the_ future.
A POWERFUL locomotive, the "A.
Steadman r " heti just been completed' at
the Lehigh Valley Shops in this city for
hauling freight trains .upon the Pennsyl
vania and New York division. It is built
according to the style of passenger en,
glues, is a fine piece -,of mcchan'sm and
weighs about forty tons.-=-IVilkea-Barre
KIND reader, !lid you ever saunter care
lessly around town, with eyes wide open
and ear alert ? If not, there is a vast
amount o"infortOation, as well as amuse
ment, in store for you that you know not
of. Try it some pleasant aternocin, and
you will be.convinced that thereare many
things going on in this busy world that
you dream not of. _
Tint publishers of the REPORTER, Re
publican, Journal and Argus, Towanda's
four excellent weeklies, have decided to
raise their subscription price after Janua
ry Ist. They havelmen publishing I.beir
papers at a lower i-at, than 'a country
newspaper can affot i rl, arid . We , trust (their
subscribers will not'grumble 1111 the taise.
— . Tunkhannock Republican.
WE have received the first number of
The Worker, a paper started ! in the inter
est of the GreenbaCkers at Tunkbannock,
last week. It contains a salutatory of
over two columns in length, and consider
able other matter no doubt intereresting
to persons of its faith politically. It is
about one-half the size Of the REPORTER,
and is published at $l.OO per year.
FARMERS inform us that the grain Bow
ed before the late' . rains has grown exceed
ingly well, - and idmany fields the growth
covers the ground entirely. The pasture
has also become good and we may look
for a decline in the price of butter, or at
least a yellow golaen article instead of
the white article that has prevailed
around this section for the last six
Now is a good time to remind people
that the way to preserve their health is
to light fires in stoves, grates' and. furna
ces on all cool and damp evenings, just
enough to take the chill off. At the same
time care should be taken not to make
too much heat. Damp walls and clothing
are fruitful sources of 'human ills and
aches. A little coil or wood is !finch
cheaper than doctors' bills. •
SATs the Troy Gazette of last Thum
day,: "JAMES BILE; who was seriously
injuied by the caving in of a sandbank in
Granville, was at work at the same- bank
on Monday last, with CHAULEB LAMEST,
when another cave-in took place and Mr.
LAMENT would have been...buried under
tons of sand, if Mr. Rtpcv with great
presence-4f mind had not jerked him out.
It was a desperatelrnsuillw escape.'
Ax ex-oonsnl of ' Great - Britain says the
Brooklyn Hagle,•related that Mr. Charles
.Tolinseed, Sedalia, Mo., was cured of
rheumatism of the worst kind by St
Jacobs OIL —/ndianspoUs (rad.) Sestinei.
A vomsn man maido3rwl on a
Montgomery counttibecame insanea few
days ago, miAatintournixi that he wasgo.
log to rani' for- cOngreis.—Es.
well. If sin* Ownmucing that he Is
Ont. to roOlOftotigrees denote. baud
t7 - 1 02 F4r1n 1 4 WekilOW Seven of
eight young felloas,la this vicinity, and
about seventy4lyti calk ones, that are rav
ing mazdius. • -
MEM& LICAC end EteirELT.,. of Tioga
County, Y.,Weiw inspecting our jail
last weel, Their 'inspection was an "of-
Solar one, they bad . been aPpointed
so to do by-the proptirnutborities of that
county, to the end that Tioga County
may erect- for Walt a maim ylacc in
which to confine its evil doers. It is ru
mored that several of the 'Waverly editors
will find it convenient tOenilgrate ere the
building is fully 'completed..
DONATIONL—We are requested to say,
that a donation will be luild on Friday ev
ening, October 28, 1: , :1, at the house :of
0. R. Cooswzit., in Pike, for the benefit
of Mr. MELvut Gannon; who has been
confined to his house for a long time - by
sickness. Anything ,will be acceptable
that can be used in afainily„ and will be
tbackfailq reobived. Let each one bring
a basket of provision, Oat a good supper
may be enjoyed. OystUrs will also -be
served.—LeFayseills Advertiser. -
POSTMASTERS. throughout the county
are adopting the recommendation of the
Postmaster General in the matter of uni
form. The clerks now `wear a suit• of
dark blue material with brass buttoes.
Those on the coat have a post barge and
rider and letters "P. 0. D.": The vest
buttons have only the letters "P. - O."
The cap is of a regulation navy pattern.
In front is a gold bullion wreath enclosing
the letters in white metal, "8. P. O."
The uniform is very neat. It has not
yet been adopted in. the Towanda post•
Ma. repalis on the • Methodist Church
are gradually being completed. Vaasa
Barcauter is doing the fresco work and
will have the church room finished in a
few days, There is but little• left to do
but finishing the basement and painting
the outside.and cleaning up. The work
has been well and cheat ly done and
. will
not foot up to more than half the amount
that some personi not familiar with • the
business have reported' on the streets.
We were quite agreeably surprised to
learn upon investigation that the society
could re dedicate their new and elegant
house of worship early neat month entire.
ly free from debt or so nearly so as to be
too trifling to mention.—Canton Sentinel.
THE following from the Hanover Spec
tator is equally applicable to this place
"The country 'is full of swindlers, and
the best rule is to give tin, cold shoulder
to all strangers who ciabik to represent a
new invention, for in - rnne cases out uf
ten you-are liable to be victimized. Deal
with the merchants and business men of
your own place ; they , are aliye to the
wants of their customeri, and are just as
sharp in procuring the' lateskinventions
of value 'as any traveling salesman. And
then there is another valuable piece of
advice in the selection 'of the place to
deal even at home. The merchant who
is notsfratd or ashamed it:, let the public
know what he has to sell through the
evispaper es a rule, 'dots the largest
trade, and consequently hat a newer stock
and better stock than lief sho does 'ot
.4 a
Tim winter is drawing near. The drea
ry days of storm and cold are coming,
and happy is he who i s prepared to meet
them. Thankful may be be to whom the
Winter brings no dread, the stories and
cold no suffering. To many they are days
of pleasure, anti by the sparkling tirelthe
laugh and jest go round, unmindful of
the storms that rage without . ; but to.oth
ens tile coming of winter is' viewed with
dread. It tells too well that suffering
and want are near. Lot not the poor be
'forgotten by. the more prosperous, as
they sit . iirkaind their blazing hearths.
Have we those in our midst who are _ suf
fering for the necessaries of life, see that
their wants are supplied. The deserving
poor should never be forgotten. Sickness
and misfortune may come upon any one,
and the helping band be • needed to keep
the gaunt 'figure of want fro i m the door.
The community is but one large family,
and the band of charity is but the strong
right arm of humanity extending to a suf
fering member of the same houiehold.
"He that giveth to the tifoor, lendeth to
the LOrd."
ReV. E. J. MORRIS, of Ncatb, will give
the first lecture the present year, in the
Instititt4 Chapel, on Monday evening,
Novembir 7.
The ill term closes this week. The
first witrer term commences October 31,
the net Monday. The enrollment of
studenti this term is 178, which is 12
mote - lim any previous term since the
school +3,4ened in 1834.
A now Appleton's EncyclopMdia has
just be added to the reference library
of the wheel;
We cup the following rather improba
ble story from the Litchfield correspond:
ence lithe Athena Gazette of Saturday
"And now, where is old BEN
LAN ? Be left his Son-in-law Tuolaits
R&Nrairam's house a little more than a
year ap, and since that time be has not
been. Sten; nor beard from. We under—
stand SELIM STRUISLE claims now
that hat spring, while searching: for his
cows b the woods - near the Sheshequin
'and Ltchfield line, he fon_ d the olu man
PnELiN lying on the ground, 'dead. - He
at thgt time, for some good reason,- no
doubt told only some members of his
own family, and so be 'has been allowed
to lio4nburied in the wood's ever :since.
One 0: two persons living in:the neighbor
homL have looked through the -woods
801i1 but cannot find any confirmation of
SELIX 8 story. Meanwhile SELIM has
been 'Ling away from home, se that his
aid hithe search wake not accessible. It
is intanded as soon as possible to get birn
and *ake a thorough search for the miss
ing 41 man. It is strange that such a
thing should occur ; but as the old gen
tierniti was' used to wandering around
long'cistanees at will, his absence was not
Much noted" until lately.":
TbeNorthern Bradford Musical. Asso
ciatit;ii will bold their next meeting atDr
well, commencing Tuesday evening, 'Nci.-
vembei Ist, and continuing until Friday,
and dos* Friday evening with a Grand
Concert by all.the memberi. - Board can
be obta*ed at very 'reasonable rates.
Ted Books, "The Prince. of Bong," by
C. C. 6ASE. and C. C. WILLIAMS. Profes
sor J. 8. ELLSWORTH, Director. Mr.
Etawoldu has been studying in New
Yirk for some years, and is every way
qudillea for teaching, and is without
dmbt bee of the best teachers in Brad
fird ,COunty. Eyery arrangentetit has
teat midi, for to.have a good time. Come
come W. Comm.=
~.. _ . . ...
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poilqa, .9( 8ay404 moiler'
9wAy •
—Ma W. - MI Doi•nr. iii tifiltilla friends
b V, J. - , - •
—Miss MAY MACPABLAii2 is tisith)g
friends inVittalmq.
MM. Bnstdolis or Candnn, J., is
visiting at
,E. T. juMea.
—B. C. Maass, of Philidelphia;' was
filends Imre last week.
—B. N. AterINWAI4 ard wife, of Mast.
lugs, Minn., are visiting friends hero. '
' =Mrs. Gro. S. &TELL, and daughter,
Malan, are visiting relatives ha Canton.
—llnratr !deacon, who has been BOA.
Otisly ill for some time past, is conyales;
13. EBTsii,, deputy Prothonota.-
q, is acting as Clerk to the Court. at Troy
this week. -
--Atmutos Team, one of the oldest
residents of Waverly, is dangerously ill
of parakysis.
7 -11iss Hemp. Au sins, of Syracuse, N.
Y., is visiting her uncle, W. G ALCIRR I
in this place.
—M. A. Susur and family AUIVO sailed
from Liverpool and are expected home in
a few days.
—Mrs. 3.14 Slum of East Stroud&
burg, is visiting her brother, .1. W. Emu-
Or, Esq., at Sayre.
--(Ixonon Goutson, one of the oldest
citizens of Asylum township, died on
Sunday evening last.
-M. S. PRENTICE, of Leßaysville, has
suffered severely for two weeks past from
a felon on ono of his thumbs.
—S. C. NAGLEE and wife have return
ed to their home in this county, after an
absencaiof a year spent in the West.
—Mrs. JAMES BALDWIN, who had been•
ill for several weeks past, died at her
home in Leßaysville, Mondarmorning.
--WILLIAM CHACE, of Springfield, Pa.,
who was shot by accident recently by a
young man .. by the name of RUBY, is dead.
Jonw 0. Want), of the Tioga
Hotel,. Waverly, who has been seriously
ill for several weeks, is slowly imptoving.
—Mr. C. B. SPENCER, of Wyalusing,
Pa., has been appointed to a position in
the Erie freight office at this plaee.--
yetis/ Moiety. • ,
Miss BOWENA Scorr, who has. been
Visiting relatives and friends here for the
past few months', returned to her home in
Baltimore st week. •
—Miss JENNIE SMITH has returned to
bar home in this place, after. a -pleasant
visit of several months' duration with
friends in Wisconsin. ,
—Mrs. STEVEN GORHAM, of Leßays
ville, is confined to her house by injuries
received in fall on the sidewalk in that
village a few days ago.
—Captain WOODBURN and wife, of
Cumberland County, were the guests of
the Captain's nephew, L. Et. M. Woos=
BURNT, of this place, last week.
•--SAISIJEL BUCK . , of Leßaysville, -`was
in town on Tuesday morning, on hiS way
to lowa and Illinois, where ho goes to
make a somewhat extended visit to frieudi.
.-Capt. SEARS, of West• Point, Was in
town last week. He is visiting his rola
_Commissioner M; P. Fisnsom, in
HisterA The Captain is collecting the
necessary material for a history of the
- RANSOM family.
—E. M. Hentocu, formerly of Litch
field, now a resident of /hoods County,
Michigan, is here visiting friends. He
was at one time largely- engaged in the
lumber business in this section, and mov
ed to Michigan abOut three years ago
He reports business good in that section
Athena Gazette
—Mr. JOHN:NOBLE, one of the found
ers of the Daily Journal and of late an
emplOyee of the Towanda 11EPORTER, has
been.compelled to quit the ',business for a
While owing to ill health. Mr. NOBLE re
turn-el last night to his home in this city,
and 'in a few days will go EMERY'S
lumber camp, near Benezette, to spend
-the winter.—Lork Haven Daily Journal,
—Says a -Waverly correspondent : Mr.
M. W. KEANE, Who has been in the em.
ploy of the N. Y., L. E. & W. Railway
for the. past ten years, leaves for New
Mexico about the first of November,
where be has accepted a pOsition on
M. K. &T. Road. ...Mr. FRANK . WiCKS
and wife„ formerly of South Waverly, re
turned from Utah on Sunday. Mrs.
Wiens is in very poor health, and goes to
her father's house in Litchfield for rest
and medical treatment.-
—WILLIAM KINOBLiY, a few years ago
a prominent citizen of Standing Stone, this
ceunty, died very suddenly at. Fremont,
Nebraska, on Sunday evening, the 10th
instant. At the time of retiring to rest
he was in his usual health to all appear
ances. In a few minutes . thereafter he
complained of numbness, and iu a few
minutes breathed , . his last. - Be was a
brother of MYROR Ninon's; -the Repub
lican candidate for County Commissioner.
Ho had a wide circle of friends and ac
quaintancen in this county who will regret
to hear of his death.
—Mrs. MARY Cox ALLENDORP, wife of
Mr. Lours N. —A*-LENOORF, _OW _place,
died on the 12th instant at her on
Main street, aged 47 years. Mrs. A. was
born in Wittenburg, Batches!' county, N.
Y., but for several years past had been a
resident of this place.= Brief but impres
sive services were held at the horse, after .
which the remains were taken to the birth;
place of the deceased for burial: kin. A.
had been an invalid for eix years, five of
which she suffered - with- - drips)! ; after
ward, appearing much better, a hope was
entertained that she would be restored to
health, when a heavy cold culminating in
pneumonia closed her eventful existence.
Throughout her long illness Mrs. A.
maintained a-heroic fortitude ; her eon.
versationwan,ever hopeful, and showed
an unusual intelligence and culture. She
was a consistent Christian, and had Tor a
long time been a member of the Presby.
terian church. She !calve a husband and
two children to mourn her loss.. °
—Fridarevening of last week, just in
the edge of the evening, a friend and wife
dropped in -at Dr. M. D. Gamines, in
East Troy, for a pleasant chat: In a short
time one or two others came in to call on
DE LACY Cora, of Batavia, who was
visiting his sister; Mrs. Giornr.x. Another
and ano her called, until at last it dawned
pon the astonished Doctor that a r eady
made surprise party bad descended upon
his domicile. By couples, by dozens, by
scores they came, until there were nearly
or, quite a hundred persons present. The
Leans Cornet Band never did finer,, and
played superbly. The baskets disclosed
their treasures, and an evening of mirth,
music, merriment and munching melliflu
ously meandered down tine's track. It,
was Surprisingly well carried out, and Mr.
Copt: greeted many friends whom he had
not seen for years before, and• the Dr. and
his excellent lady were overwhelmed by
the demonitratiOn:— Troy Gazette. -
Answer This.
Is there a person living whoever saw a
awe of 'ague, biliousnese v nerrolumess, or
any disease of the etcultaeb, liver, 9r kid.
Berl that Hop Bitters will not care
1t.A 1 94 - au &Wed" dm gbter
'A isintsvr mAincor Lea* : about
thirteen,. years; disappeared from' her
he* mehth itgm sstidair was
beard from her Anti! Tueiday night when
herhody was found by;Cc ant.tx Itma,
io apiece of , woods near C. C. l loossn's,
hanging by the neck to a tree, 'her , knees
touching the ground. From the Troy
gazette of Thursday last, we take the fol
lowing account of the girl's disappear.
ance, the finding of her body; and subs..
ti font proceedings_ in reference thereto.
We preface the account with the`-state
ment,'that after the finding of the 'Coro
ner's jug, the foster parents of the girl,
A. .7. MANN and wife, and Caututs
Stran and •wife, their and
diughter, were arrested for the crime
' and taken hafcire . B. B. linen:ma, Esq.,
for a hearing, and that MM. Ma= was
held as the person who caused the death
of the girl, and her husband and`-Mrs.
BURR, her daughter, as accessories. Mr.
Bunn was discharged. - MANN and his:
wife were brought here Saturday, but
Mrs. Bunn gave bail for her appearance
at Court. The Gazifles account of the
affair is as follows :
"Mysterious -disappearances are so
Comic - on now•a-days, that unless the case
has some remarkable fatures like the ab
duction of little CHABLEX Ross, it at
tracts slight attention. In a majority of
oases the disappearer puts-In an appear
ance and things go on as heretofore. But
occasionally the disappearance has the air
of a Teal mystery and demands an investi
gation. The people of Springfield, espe
cially of Leona and a portion of Troy,
have been Speculating much lately ;on a
reported disappearance which . happened
about as follows :.
"On Tuesday before - the Fair: at Troy,
a girl thirteen years old, an adopted
daughter of ANDREW MANN, of Leona,
was . sent after the cows about four o'clock
and has not been seen since.- - The MANN
family, which belongs emphatically to the
order orlow-downs, Eve in a little house
on the premises of I. C. Rae, close to the
road ,between Troy and Leon; and 'at
the edge of a piece of woods. The family
consists of ANDREW MANN and wife,
CUAULKS BURR and wife, a. daughter of
Mawr, and a couple .of twin babies be
longing to Bunn. The' girl DORA, who
did the drudgery of the family and whose
ill treatment was the subject of remark
among the neighbors, was a rather light
and poorly dressed girl. The story told
by the family is, that after being sent-for
the cows she Isom after returned .
_without them. She was barefoot and
bareheaded and dressed - very poorly, and
when urged to put-on her shoes said she
would so, as soon is she bad found the
caws. Going out again, she remained so
long that the people began to be idarmed
about her and thought they heard her
hallooing. Mrs. MANN Bits she went out
and searched for tfie-girl, going over to
the milking yard of Mr. REEL on the oth •
er road and asking VAUGHN, a ticket-of-
leave man at work there if he had seen
DORA. Failing to get any answer she re
turned and an alarm, was given. People
coming from Troy stopped and the
.neighbors were roused and the hillside
Om EATON'S to SALISBURY'S was search
ed, but no trace of the girl was found. In
her excitement Mrs.: MANN claimed she
walked over to the foot of Pisgah to GEo.
Such is the story 'told by the .M.fixas,
and yet they varied the story with so
many improbable' circumstances as to
warrant the suspicion of some foul play.
The girl evidently had disappeared; and
,no clue to her whereabouts has been dis
covered so far. It seems incredible that
she could be lost.
"On Tuesday afternoon, District At.
torney Femme and Constable Nr.t.soti
H. Fun; of this -place, upon the urgent
solicitation of a number of citizens who
consideied that the circumstances attend
log the disappearance of the girl
MANN, from her home on the road be
tween Troy and Leona, justified an in
vestigation, proceeded to the house. The
varying and conflicting stories told by the
MANI% had warranted the gmvest_suspi
"CHARLEY REED, a son of C. REED,
of Leona, 'a boy fourteen years old, who
is attending school at Troy, and who
walks might and morning to- and from
school, .on Tuesday morning, discovered
the body of the girl 'hanging to a small.
pine tree, in a small piece of woods, not
far from the MANN house.: He said noth
ing to any one about it uutik-his return
home, when he told his father and—he
aroused the neighborhood. Some of the
:neighbors gathered and verified the state
ment of the boy, and then went to the
MANN house and sent for Constable Fran
and had the family arrested. Bunn, how
ever, being absent in Armenia, was sent
"As soon as' the news reached Troy of
the finding of the body, a company of onr
citizens, a dozen or so in number, includ
ing Messrs. FANNINt and Poor, Dr. OBE.
cony and others drove over to the prem
iies, arriving there just before twelve
o'clock. Mr. Pisu was sent to East Troy,
where be arrested ANDREW MANN who
was at work at JOHN EATilnuN's. Mrs.
MANN showed great excitement and Hey-,
eral times attempted
. to escape, and at
one time feigned - death. •
Tie company proceeded to the place
where' the body of the girl was found,
which was about fifty rods from the road,
doyen the hillside. A cord was about the
neck end this bad been tied to a small
limb of a small pine tree, so that the head
was about thirty, inches from the ground,
the cord loosely tied about the neck and
the body resting ';upon the knees, the
dress trailing out over the feet as if the
body had been dragged them and hastily
tied to the litnb. People had passed with
in a few' ftet of it many times, and a few
days bereft - its discovery, the odor of de
caying flesh had been detected in the A.-
' einity. The face was black and the .hair
had partially come; out of the head. A
guard was set over the remains and an in
quest was ordered for the morning.
"On Wedneiday morning, P. H. HOFF
MAN, Esq., A. C. FANNING, IL. H. Flax,
and others, went over. to the—premises
and a coroner's jury was enipaneled con:
aisting of A. A. PAITINO, foreman ; J. S.
CA - stream, N. E. Rims; H. M. Gins'.
FITU, I. P. DOANE and E. C. `"Er4, Es
quire P. H. HOFFMAN, acting as coroner.
Dr.. G. W. Gni.oonv made a post mortem
examination of the body, and after a pro
per investigation, the July brought in tbo
following verdict : "That; the deceased
girl, - Doan MANN, calm tO her, death by a
blow or blows, given by person or persons
unknown, and that after the infliction of
such wound the body wan-dragged to the
place - where it Was found and then sus
pended to the limb of a tree by a hempen
cord or string."
• "The strange conduct of Mrs. litilors,
who.escaped and ran away several times,
ber, excited condition and her unreasona
ble stories, indicate that she knows more
than - she has told aboutwhat was evident
ly a horrible crime." , : •
rimier - Dix , eellion Ceinity
Alffielatalrai Imedetgr,-,
The following nailed plowi were ear.
ed with the Secnitary of the Agricultural
limilskty for the- trial. -of Plows, Oct. Mist,
toyed' by Wiard Plow Co, Batavia; N.
Y. Prioe $15.00 ; muds, $ perc e nt. off.
Wiard "F" surface chilled, manufaotur
cd by Wiard Plow Co., Batavia, N. Y.
Price $15.00 ; 9asb, 5 per cent. off. '
Wiard "Sr" composition white' Metal;
mannfacturCd by Wiard Plow Co., Batas,.
ia, N.Y. Price $lO.OO ; cash, 5 per car+
off. - ,
Wiard "A" surface chilled. Price
$16.00 ;. cash, 5 per cent. off.
These were entered by Ti. M.- Welles of
Towanda, Pa. -
Syracuse chilled iron plow, No. 1, man
ufactured at Syracuse, N. Y. Price
$14.00 ; cash, 5 per cent. off.
Syracuse chilled steel plow, No. 1, man
ufactured at Syracuse, N. Y. Price
$17.00 ; cash, 5 per cent. -
And were repiesented*by James W. Ir
vine, Liberty Corners. -
Oliver plow No. 40, manufactured at
Scutt. Bend, Indians: Price $15.00 ; cash;
5 per cent. of •
Oliver "II" manufactured at' South
Bend, Indiana. Price 1145.00 ; : cash, 5
per ant. off.
Represented •by C. W. HoleUmb,l3l
- Pa.
The Board of manager appointed - Geo.
H. Fol, Horace Horton-and J. Andrew
Wilt, as testers to draft
The trial . began • on' Friday, Oct. 21st,
on the Towanda Creek ifiats, on farm of
Geo. O. Fox, ground, heavy sod, lierfeet-
ly smooth and level. The draffgiven in
the report was taken in this kind of soil;
Trial was concluded on Saturday, Oct.
22d, on vacant lot near the old ax factory,
in East Tiiwanda, on level ground,..xery
stony, (cobble stone) but no sod. The
folliming is the report of the judges ;
TOWANDA, PA., Oct. 22d, 1881.
.. The undersigned judges of the.trial of
plows by the Bradford County Agricultu
ral Society, held Oct. 21st and 22d, 1881,
do award to the . Syracuse plow the best
work in sod, and to the Wiard the beat
work on stony ground.
he Oliver plow considered in points,'
wii think it did its work fully as well as
either of the other plows.
The draft, width - and depth of furrows
as taken by the trustees of the several
plows is as follows : •
Wiard "A," average draft 533} lbs,
average depth of furrow 7 11-12 inches,
average width of furrow 15 1-12 inches,
100 cubic inches requires a draft of 37
3.100 lbs.
Wiard "F," average draft, 4661 lbs,
average depth of furrow 74- inches,. aver
age width of farrow 13 11-12 inches, 100
cubic incheit reqn_ires a draft of 38 8-100
lbs. • •
Syracuse chilled_ iron plow, average
draft, 475 lbs, Average depth of furrow
7/ inches, average width of furrow 14/,
100 cubic inches requires a draft, of 37
22-100 lbs.- • .
Syracuse . chilled steel, average draft
4661 lbs, average depth of furrow 7 1-12
inches, average width of, furrow 143.
inches, 100 cubic inches requires draft of
37 43-100 lbs.
Oliver, No. 40, average draft, 450 lbs,
average depth of furrow :6 5-6 inches, av
erage width furrow 14 inches, 100 cubic
inches requires a draft of 41 56-100 lbs.
Mier "H," average draft 4601 lbs,
average depth of furro^ , 71 inches, aver
age width of furrow 13 11-12 inches, 100
cubic inches requires a draft Of 39 48-100
The draft of the Wiard "D" and "Sr"
were not tested;
The above is a correct statement of the"
entries of plows for the trial, and the re
port of the draft Sc., as taken by the
testers, under the .direction-of the Brad
ford County Agricultural Society.
Towanda, Pa., .Oat: 22d, 1881.
The first Oyiter Supper of the season
will be given by the Ladies Aid Society
in the New M. E. Church at Caniptown,
on the afternoon and evening of Saturday,
Nov. Sth. The Church will be beautiful
ly lighted in the evening by the "
Plated Light-Spreading Reflector."
ComeMiends, enjoy a good supper and
aid a 'worthy enterprise.
. By order of Society. '
Through the kindness of R. A.PACK-
En, the faij,4lies of J. N.
, WAVEAt;I4. W.
BISHOP and R. M. HOVEY had 'a
car, placed at their disposal on Tuesday
last, and left:Sayre at eight o'clock A. sr.,
over the G. I. &IS. Road to-Ithaca ; There
Mr. PACKER'S yacht " Emilie" :was in
waiting and carried the party to Union
Springs. The yacht is the finest on the
lake, and is .fitted up Magnificently. It
is named after his wife, and does-but hon
or the name. The paity were given the
freedom of the boat, Juid, as everything
necessary is always on hand; a very' pleas
ant time was spent. The children espe
cially enjoyed themselves. It is in this way
that Mr. PACKER-IS so popular with his
many friends. With an abundance of
means at his disposal, his thief delight
seems to be , in making it agreeable for
others, although at times it may interfere
with his own pleasures. The party re
turned on the yacht to Ithaca, at which
place the cars were in waiting, and arriv
ea at Sayre at eight o'clock P. M.—Ath
ens Gazette. -
The next meeting of the Bradford
County Teachers' Association *ill be
held at Monroeton, November 11th and
12th, commencing at 10. o'clock A. It.
The following. program of exercises will
be presented :
Address—Rev. Q. T. Hallowell.
School Etiquette—A. D. Albert.
School Examinations, etc.—W. R. Ben
Composition, Writing, ete.—C. W.
The Globe in the School.Room—B.: A.
Participles and Infinitives—A. F. Bron.
• Square and Cube Root—J. C. Ingham.
Oral Geography—Mias F. Dela°.
Class Drill—Miss L. Magill.
.17 1 18C108SION.
1. What can be douo to induce Direc.
Ors and Patrons to give more help to
teachers? -
2. What suggestions have teacheis to
offer in regard to the County Institute?
4. What can he done to make the - work
f our• common schools more, practical'
than it at present . seems to be ?
, 4. Is the practice of giving reward
Cards, and other prizes as, incentive to
wise and commendable one?
- 5. Is any change from the present mode
of OA ' Ming slut licensing teachers ad
The exercises will be interspersed with
music, and icy; declamations or recitations
by Frank Lycin, drilla S. Hawes, May Al.
denr.HattitOrariOorder, Mary Bowman,
LOttie'Payne; and Hanle Dodge:
The cominfttee,im entertainment, ar
raugements, etc., are Dr. O. H. Rock
well, L. L. Lyon, M. A. Cranzner, John
Marvell, Mrs. Daniel Huntley, Mrs.i Dr.
Htill,;ldisit Mary Satterlee, and Miss Stel
la 'cranGorder. •
This being the annual meeting the• A
ssociation will elect officers for the coming
year. It is hoped that there will be a
large tarp out of teachers and friends.
We consult the best good of our readers
in recommending them to now secure thtt
valuable and iniportant information and
most interesting reading matter, includes
ing a tlionsaudlor more of pleasing and
instructive Engravings and sketches, that
can be obtained at trifling expense in the
American Agriculturist. This is not
merely ra farm and garden Journal, but is
very useful to every, housekeeper and to
every household in village or country. It
has an ,entertnining and useful !depart
ment foi the little ones. It is a journal
that pays to take and read. Try it, and,
our word for it, you will not be disap
pointed. Its .constant, persistent exile
sures of humbugs and swindling schemes
are worth far more than the cost of- the
paper. The 41st annual volume begins
January Ist, but those subscribing now
for 1882 get .tho rest of this year: free.
Terms : $1.50 u year ; four copies $5
(English or German edition); single copy,
fifteen cents.
N. B.—Those desiring can get an extra
or double specimen number 'post-free for
ten cents, by addresiing the publishers,
ORANGE Juni; & Co., 751 Broadway, New
York. '
Local Correspondence.
Wo will strive to giveiyoue, few items
from our quiet little village, _although
there is but little excitement and a still
scarcer supply of news. .
That dread disease, Diphtheria, has
broken ont again in our midst. Several'
have been stricken with it within
time, but at present there are no , severe
cases. , .
C. G. Davidson's family were called
upon to part with their oldest child,
Edith, aged nearly ten - years, who depatt :
ed this life on _Thursday last after a shoit
illness from diphtheria. This makes,three
children that Mr. Davidson has lost-from
this disease in two years. The funeral
was held Saturday from the house.
Quarterly meeting services were held
at this place laSt Sunday. Rev. C. C.
Presiding Elder of this District,
preached in the morning.
Our new minister, Rev. G. W. Foster,
preached his first sermon to us last Sun
day evening. .
. Mr. Hiram Hop6n and wife,• of Law
renceville, pa., are visfting at Mr. S. C.
Hovey's. -
Huai! McCABE,
W. 11. %tau,
E 'T. Bunomq, President.
M GREEN', Secretary. .
Mr.'and Mrs. Joseph Dettra, of Milan,
were-at Louis Dettra's over Sunday.'
Misses_ Alice and Mary Hollenback, of
Owego, 'N. Y., made Mrs. C. Rockwell a
pleasant visit lait week.
Mrs. L. B. Bartholomew is visiting re
latives and friends in North
. Cohoeton,
Steuben County, and Naples, Ontario
Cooety, •N. Y.
Mrs. G. B—Bartholomels has been vis.
ing at Sayriand Athens over Sunday
Mr. John Bowman has recovered from
his recent illness, enough to be out . upon
our streets agkin.
I Yes "Moses" looks happy—we mean
M. W. Merrill, who was presented With a
fine girl one day last week.
Mr. Thomas O'Connell is very ill, with
but little expectation of recovery.
. Ref. C. E. Ferguson and wife re turned
from a visit in . Elmira yesterday. Mr.
Ferguson also attended the-M. E. Confer.
ence,held at Penn:Yan,,N. Y.
Thl genial agent of the Athens Gazette
was hrnting up items and seeh like yes.
terday and to-day.
More anon,
• October 26, 1881.
The many friends of Mrs. Rev. David
Craft, in this place, are sorry to learn
that She is on the sick list, ahope that
she may soon recover.
Albert Miller, Jr., is to teach on. Vial'
fill this winter. Mr.'-Miller is a fine, in
telligent young man, who had -been at
tending the Orphan's School at Harford,
Pa., for qUite a number of years.
Miss Frinces Strong is to teach school
on Norway Ridge this'winter, as reported.
On Friday evening, the 14th instant,
the boy Schulti r , who had been in the em
ploy of Nat Horton, was tried before Es
quire 11. L. Terry, for setting the barn on
tire of Mr. Horton, near Sugar Rua,
which was consumed a few- months ago
with all its contents, but as there could
not any proof be given of him burning
the barn he was released.
The Union Sabbath School in this place
is one of the best for many years and
more interest manifested. Thanks to Mr.
Orin Fish, Superintendent, and NO. C. P.
'Garrison, Secretary.
• 0
Our wagon-maker, N. T. Miller, has so
far recovered fr)m his bruises is to be
able again to attend to his work.
Quite a number attended the show from
this place at Wyaliising, on Friday last.
Esquire George Richard and Orlando
English have each completed their neat
dwelling bouses, and an3l as neat struc
tures as are in our township.
Rev. 11. 11. Ream has left appointments
to preach every two weeks on Norway
H. M. Miller will rent -his farm, all be
expects to move away Ito Stisiinehanna-
County in November next.
' J. A. Bienor,-Jr., and wife, have been
spending a few days at Dushore vises
iting acquaintances.
John Vial!, who lately returned from
North Caralini, - will return to White Ha
ven after election.
-John Williams and James . Mapes are
contemplating to enter into the butcher
ing business again.
Our county nominees are becoming
more popular and stronger everyday, and
if ;they will keep on so therewill not any.
tlipg be left for our Democratic friends
o*lection day. PRINCE BISMARCK.
iletober 24, 1881. - •
Beautiful weather..
New gmAl at Cobum'e.
Musical Alliance neat week.
Stoves'at wholesale at Case & Cowles.
Mrs. Cornell is visiting t i latives •in
School entertainment Saturdayevening,
October 29th. Sewing societies,., debating
societies, backwoods' schools, tableaux
illuminated with Greek fire, Sm. Comu
everybody. Admission lOtents.
Rev. Mr. Netherton and wire are tak
ing their annual vacation..
• .A Musical Convention is being held at
Warren Centre this week.. ' ***
Poxes*. Grange Na. 113, P. Of H., com
posed, of Bradford and Sullivan Counties,
will hold its nest regular quarterly meet.
Ing at the hall of Spring Bill Gramm, No.
118, on Thursday, - November 8, 1881, at
one o'clock r. x. Those going by rail
road will leave at Wyalusing where con
veyance* will be in waiting. A general
attendance is requested, as business of.
imPortanoe Is to be transacted, together
with the election of °Skiers for the ensu
ing year. Evening session will be open,
and all are invited to attend.
Towanda, Oct. 3, 1881.. Secretary.
wlu bo held as follows: Nov. 6, Canton ; :19, Troy;
96, Towanda; Dec. 3, Towanda.
I "Your /Hairnet's' Liver Regulator
/Las been In use in my la;ly for some time, and I
perstisAsd it Is a val 410 addition to the medl
tsl science.
"It bas preyed a good and efacactons remedy.
Och 44%4. . "C. A. NUTTING.,'
Z Dr. Baxter's Mandfake Bitters are
a superior combination of Barks, Roots, and Herbs
not attained by any other manufactUrersot Bitters.
$ Keep in the stable and always at
hand Henry* Johnson's Arnica and Oil Liniment,
as It is the best remedy for Hurts, Bruises,
Strains, ie.
t Mrs. E. J. Mingoa, Main. Street,
opposite the Park, has new Fall styles in all De
partments of her Millinery store. For choice
goods this is Headquarters in Towanda. Oct. 13.
t REMOVAL,--J. S. ALLYN has TB- -
nioved his Undertaking Establishment from
Bridge street to rooms on Main street, over TOR-
Nan k GonDON's Drag Storc,-and Wow:wow) k
VAN PORN'S Boot di Shoe Store. A full line of
Undertaker's Goods from the cheapest to thel beet.
jan27,*Bl. .1. S. ALLYN, Agent.
tgar For new Fall Styles of Ladies Flats
you wilt find an abundant assortment at Mrs. E.
J. Mingos, Main St., opposite the Park, from
which to select something that wilt Just become
you. Call and see. , Oct. 13, 1881.
ata.,. For Coughs, Colds Croat); Asth
ma, and all Lung Affections, use Downs , Elixir,
which has stood the test of Fifty years, and has
not been found wanting.
• I The ladies will find at Mrs. E. J.
Mingo' a beautiful assortment of Fancy Goods in
Ties', Gloves, Ribbons, Flowers, Rose, Yarns, Jew
elry, &c., embracing the very latest stylis and_ pat
terns. Please look over tier,lins stock and you
will surely find just what you have - wanted. octia
efo'REMEMBER, that W. C. & A. B.
BURROWS, of Stevennyßle, Bradford county, Ps.
sell goods at bottom prices and take in exchange
Butter, Egge, Pork, Poultry, Ravi, Dried Apples,
and Grain of all kinds. June =,
'rmr Women that have bee n
tat years have been entirely cured of fethale-weak
.oo.B by the use of Lydls E. Plnkham's Vegetal - le.
CoMpound. Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Plnkham, 233.
Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets.
• YOU RUN NO RISK when you
buy yOur Grocorles- at G. L. ROSS'S ueur store In
Siontauye Block. Ills PRICES aro WAY DOWN
to rock bottom.
beats the world by Low Prices and good Goods.
I - AUBURN FARM WAGONS.—The best and
ebeapeat in the market. I will sell these superior
wagons for a few months to come - at wholesale
prices, for IntroductiOn: Every wagon warranted
In every respect. tf 11. WEELLr.g.
Thousands of ladieti to-day cherish
grateful remembrances of the bell derived from
the use of LydlaiE. Plukhana's VegetaWe Com
pound. It posAlinly cores all female complaints.
Send to dire. Lydia E. rinkhant, 233 Western Ave
nue, Lynn, 'Rev., for pamphlets. Oct.s-w2.
'r The. Largest, Best and Cheapest
tine of Shoes for Ladles', 3ftsses" and Chtldrens'
wear Is found at Conani's new store, corner Main
and Plne-sts., Tracy &Noble's Block. apr.V.7B
lar Cousin has the best wearing Shoes
for Men, Boys and Youths' wear ever offered in
Towanda, and at prices within the reach of MI.
GE°. L t , Ross sells Groceries awful
CHEAP because , his expenses are very light, and
he Is bOubd his customers shalt have the benefit.
Mt. B. RODGERS challenges compe-
tition forquality of goods and low prices on
Doors, Blinds and Moldlni, s, and al. building ma.
. f ang24o.
lIURR4.II to 'GEO. L. RO33'S New
Grocery Store In the Montano Biock,anil get your
Groceries at rock:bottom. „ ' Jan. 20.
-Ur We find the following in the
"Sewing Machine Advance ".of Sept. 15th
Special Dispatch
The Davis Vertical Feed Sewing Machine has
been awarded the Silver Medal as the best double
thread Sewing Machine. First prize for best plain
work ; first prize for best fancy work ; first prize
for best silk embroldery—tating every prize offer
ed by the society. The Wheeler & Wilson, Singer,
Domestic, 'Howe, .New home, White. Wilson &
Mousehold, were all on exhibition and competing.
We take old Machines In trade for the New Davis.
Oct. 27, 1681. 0. A BLACK, Agent.
gar -FEARFUL' RUSH !=—. We presume,
many of our readers visited Towanda during the ,
Fair and the Soldier's Reunion, and witnessed the
fearful crowd at the GREAT BOSTON C LOTH'
ING; 4 BOOT mtg .- 8119E HOUSE, Just opened In
Ds,'• PA. For our part we can safely_ say
that no other house this (side of New York
is selling as much Clothing, Boots, Ladies'
and Children's . ShoeS as the Boston'elothing
House, and no other house In the world Is able to
compete with the low priceS•of Clothing, Boots
and Shoes, as that concern Is offering, tmd It won't
be long- before people for fifty miles around wit
find out that there is • no better place on earth to
. GOODS, than at the GREAT
PA. M. L. song y.EuEuu. Prop'.
' The Cheapest Clothier on Earth
Oct. 17, 1891, by Rev. J. R. Angel, Mr. Andrew
Macomber and ldlss S. Ellen Cleveland, both of
WIBLE—PIERCE.L—In Burlingame, Osage Co.,
Kansas, by the Rev. A. C. Easter, Mr. Thos.
11. Wlble, of Sterlbig; Rice Co., Rana" to Mrs.
Verona C. Pierce, of Wotona, Bradford CO„ Pa.
SISCLAIB—WILCO.X.—At the residence of the
. bride's parents in Burlington, Oct. 20th, by Rev.
Aim Lane, Mr.:Waiter. Sinclair, of Ulster, to
Miss Lura Wilcox, daughter of Morris Wilcox,
VERO USCiN—PBUYNE.—At the residence of
the bride's parents in Burlington, Oct. =Lb, by
-Rev. -Alex. Lane, Mr. Frank Ferguson, of Sayre,
, to MIsS May R. Prusue, daughter of IL M.
Freya°, Esq.
B4OWN—ALLEN.—In Burlington, Oct. '23, by
Bev,. Alexander Lane, Mr, Ferris' E. Drown, of
Burlington, to.MIHs Carrie F. Allen, danghter of
Charles Allen, Esq., West BurlAngton.
BBAINABD—OER - ICLD.—At :the Baptist Par
sonage' Wellsburg, October 16, 1881, by P. S.
Everett, Mr. Charles Bralaard, of Ulster, and
Miss Fannie Gerould, of Smithfield.
CURTIS-6EIIOIIT 1.D.--At the Baptlstyar_sonage,"
• Wellsburg. N. Y., October 16.
.11181; by T. S.
Everett, 31r. Charles Curtis and. 31Iss Addle
Gemuld, all of Smithfield:- 1 _
parsonage. Wellsburg. X: Y., October 19, 1881,
by P. 8. Everett, Mr. Win. H. Xe,nedy and. Miss
Ida Herrington, alt of Nshland, N. Y. •
BODINE—WELLI3.—At the Baptist parsonage;
Wellsburg, October 20,.1881, by P. S. Everett,
• Mr. B. Bodine. of Montrose, Ps.. Ps., and
Hiss Ids If. wows, of chookoot, K. Y.
FOWLER.—At the residence - of Joseph Malian,
In Elkland, Sullivan Co , Pa.. of cholera loran
tum Infaurson of P. P. and, Utile Fowler, of
.Monroeton,i Bradford Co., Pa.; aged eve months.
111DOWAT.—Mrs. Olive A. Ridgway was born
May 1., 1811, died In Wysos, Sept. 1881.
' We miss thee, dearest mother,
We miss thee every day ; .
Death might have claimed another,
. • And let our mother stay. '
Hest, mother, rest, thy work is don e —
Thy work tin earth Is o'er ;
Thy *labor bath %Heil the borne,
Andithon shalt weep no more.
'Taw sad to hear thy dying groan,
Without the power to save
•Twastard to see thy much loved form
Laid In the silent grave.
But Jesus wants thee, Teethes dear,
To dwell with him iibove;
And the' we fain would keep thee here,
We yield thee to . hla ore, -
No sorrow there inn cloud thy brow,
Or weigh thy spirit down ;
Thou an a shining angel, now,
1* A star in Jesus's crown.
DAVIDSON.—In Ulster, Oct. 20th, of diphtheria.
Edith M. daughter of Charley G. and Mary
Davidson, aged Y. years 7 months and 20 days.
, Dearest Edith, Mott hist left
Hero ttn loss we deeply feel;
- Bin "Us God that has bereft us
He cars all our sorrows heal.
Yet again we hope to meet thee,
When the day of life Is fled I
Then in beans with loy toaet Me*.
Arbors so taiewell Nit 11 s oda .
G. W. EWE,
County Superintendent.
l'lrrasunG, Sept. lath
11111.—Mrs. WM* UMW 4401 111 40 11114101111
oesalatOct. tta, seekapit romy
aa4 go.
• Ths decemeti was Oa paageat faaghtiat et Cd;
44ea Iltvreas,, of Ilteviasdlla, trio wan Oa lest .
collector of taus to Illflatalbar aewadep,
porting at Willteoltarra. Inds lady eras lasnt
Kara 4th, 1411, was toratt aadmiltba boa mint
and rallgketa ildheldialiL its — 444legott a riot
lovely character, ataalfeatlag 'pastas piety at a
tender age. Sao became tribasber of the Paseby.:
terlim church lirstowid bah ever dam hem as
honored member. TM latter yeses were of gram
by ftleisal. She bad nol Mee able
to _walk the ;est lee years. , lbe „,514 4- roirever,
cheerful and nneemplelalaig en this tliss, winalag
the respect, esteem and Wee of all Mr semielat
anees. She died in theconfident hope of a blessed
resurrection. "StM desired to depart and be with
the great Redeemer. which ls be bettor." 'Bleep
ed are the dead who die in the Lard flora Maw
forth : yea r -math the eptrlt, for they rest from
their attars, and their works do follow them.
AKirlL—ln Troy, PL. Oct. TO. UN, Clots) is
hint child of Mr. and Mr,. 11. Baker. -
GeneraMestere In Groceries and Produce, corner
Pain and Pine Streets. ..
PAYING. SlLLtns3..._
Flour per bbl 9 7 1 9 8 9 040
- Flour per sack . - ,1 . 90 $ •2 - 23
Corn Meat per MO— 44 g: 73
Chop Peed, -- 0 31 7$
Wheat, per bosh.— $1 33 0 I 43 8 '
Corn . 74 0 30 US
Uye 50 0 14 41
oats . - . 48 0 .
Buckwheat Ta 110
Buckwheat F10ur . .." p 60 60
Clover seed —
Timothy, western,.
Beans, 62 lbs,
Pork, mess
Butter, tubs
Eggs. fresh.
Potatoes. per bush
. 1200 AA AO -
'4O OA.
0 12 14111,'
260 25 0
24 46 '27 64.
i 6 77 ,
15 .
A - JO.
.. 20 22 •
Hldes - 06 0 07%
Veal Skins 710 11 2a
Deacon 5kin5........,.:.00 44 OE •
Sheep relts 7B 0 1 10
Val Alwatisesiesis.
FOR SALE.—The undersigned
offers his Planing Mill, flair Mill, and 99 acres
of land for sale. For further particulars enquire
of subscriber
Co., Pa.
Oct. 13, 1682-Scats
—The above well-known property on Sugar
Bun, in Wilmot township, Is offered - for sale in lots
to suit purchasers. Hap of subdivisions to be
seen'on the premises, at the house of A. L. Rose
crania Liberal terms and time given. Inquire of
D. H. WELLES. Wisin.lng, Pa.„
. or EDW. WELLES, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Why is it that people for 25 and 30
miles are seen daily at ..
The Boston Clothing House,
Just opened in Means' Block, Main
- Street, Towanda, Penna.,
Supplying themselves with Clothing, Boots, Ladles
and Children's Shoes, and everything in the lino
of Men's and Boy's wear. Why is le that as soon
as the Boston Clothing and Boot and Shoe House
have announced its opening to the people, that all
the small one-horse concerns or small country deal
ers, for fifty miles around. bare . predicted a very
hot Winter in this section. especially those in To
wanda. Some' of them bare commenced to fan
themselves alreadyr-with their tongues ? __To en
lighten the public on this question, we will saythat
the Boston Clothing, Boot and Shoe House just
-opened In Towanda, is only one of the many
Branches throughout the Union, and take it alto
gether, there is more Clothing sold In all the BOs
ton Branches In one hour than any country'Atore Is
able to sell id a month, and the fact that dullness
Is done on such a large scale. eintains the mystery'.
Why the Boston Clothing. hoof and Shoes House.
Just opened In Means' Block. Main-StreeigTowan
da. Pa.. Is able To undersell dealers In the line of
CAPS, and everything in the line of Men's and
Boy's wear.
Opt. 20, 1881
virtue of an order Issued out of
-the Orphans '
Court of Bradford Contity,.Penasylvanla, - the un
dersigned, administrators of the estate of Tho u
E. Quick, late of the township of Wilmot. In said
county, deceased, will sell at public sale on the .
premises In said township; on FRIDAY, 'NOTCH -
DER, 110681, at 2 o'clock, r. st.. the following
described real estate, to wit : Beginning at the
southeast corner on the Main road at' two mall
pine trees, thence north 6636 0 west 142' ' perches
to a corner, thence 30° east 9 perches to a Stake
and stone, thence north 26S° east 142!.; perches to
a stake and stone, thence south 6° west 96 perches'.
to place of beginning; containing 42 acres sod 144
perches be the same more or less.
ALSO.—One other lot of land, situate In said
Township of Wilmot, and bounded as follows:. Be
ginning at a stone corner on the bank:of the Sus
quehanna River on line of land belonging to J. W.
Ingham, thence south 14° west along the said" line - "'
to the•old Springfield township line, thence along
the said line south LS° west 23 perches to a corner
on line of E. Horton's land, thence by line of said
lands north 14° east to corner of John Verbrick's
lot, thence by line of said lot south. 5936° east lo
perches and 6 links thence by the same line 63
feet to a stake fora corner of M. Frntehers lot,
thence by said lot and line north Is° mist to the
Susquehanna river, thence. dawn the lime to place
of beginning; containing 31 acres of land more or
less, excepting and reserving from the last describ
ed let two lots sold J. M: Clark. one lot sold J. 1,.
• Briggs, one lot sold P. A. Quick, one lot sold Mary
C. Quick with the alley and si narrow strip east of
P. A. and Mary C. Quick's lot; also reserving two
lots sold D. B. Stowell, mid one lot sold the Odd
Fellows Hall Association.' with the appurtenances
for tiro payment of the debts of said Intestate.
TERMS OF SALE.—Ten .per cent. of the pur
chase money in each case upon the property being
struck down, one fourth of balance upon confirma
tion; and balance in one and two yeus with interest
from confirmation, and the Court grant penults
lion to Administrators to sell said last described
lot In small pieces 6f one-fourth acre or more, as In
their lodgment would be for the Interest of said
estate. - JOHN th QUICK, -
__ •
Sugar Run, Pa
Oct, 20,
Rheumatism and Neuralgia.
This medicine is an internal' remedy
and recommended for the above i com
plaints exclusively. By Its use, the acid
condition of the blood, which engenders
the disease, is corrected, the inflammation
speeqiily reduced and health restored. • In
cases of every degree of severity, from the
ordinary attack to thee, that renler the
sufferer utterly helpless and baffle the
skill of the ablest practitioners, this rein
edy produces the same magical results.
Through a long series of years, this gre
specific has been tested with entire an ,
cess and its virtue become known through •
out the length and breadth of the land.
scriber Offers for sale his farm of he acres.
located in Orwell township, between Roane Bor
ough and Orwell Bill. adjingfthe farm of 0. J.
Chubbuck. Good buildings and goal grafted fruit
orchard: Farm nearly all under cultivation. A
good farm for grain or dairying. Terms, will be
made easy to snit purchaser. her further partleo
tars enquire of Geo. W. Bock. aSatitens National
Sank, Towanda, Pa...or Of the stabserlber•
Leitaysville. Sept, 111-nal. fOHN BLACK.„
ITOTEL FOR SAL offer the
American Hotel property Tor sale at a great
bargain. The Hotel may be seen on the corner of
Bridge and Wates,streets. in Towanda Borough.
It is one of the beeTand most central locations In
the, place. There Is a good barn connected with
the property, The free bridge and new depot near
to It make this Hotel desiiable for anyone-edible(
to engsgeln the business. A good active man with
a small capital can pay for the property In a short
time from the profits: It was papered and painted
new last spring and Is now In excellent condition.
Towanda, Ps., Sept. IS, ISSI-4f.
AIrDITOtt'S NOTICE. — In the
matter of the estate of Wm. 11. Morgan,
late of Towandaorough, deceased. In the Or.
piens' Court of Bradford County.
The undersigned, an Auditor appotnted bathe
Court to distribute balance in the heads of H. B.
Morgan. Administribmr of said estate, as shown by
his second partial aieount, will attend to the duties
of hlsappoinunent st his ogee In Towarkla Borough,
Pa., on TUESDAY. 'NOVEMBER Ist, 081. at 111
o'clock A. at.,
when and where WI pinions havlng
claims upon said funds must present them, u bo
forever debarred from coming In upon the same.
.JOHN W. NIX, Auditor.
Towanda, Pa., Sept.
setters of admthistratke baring been gniii
rd to the undersigned. u p on the estate of Addison
3 1 ..Thighans, late of Leßoy .tointallp. deceased.
notices heron, glren that all persons indebted to
the said estate are requ g isted to mane Inunedtate
payment. and all penes, boning CIO= Scala*
said estate most present the same dart authenti
cated to the nutlersiened for settlement.
anW bialrilL IlintGit4llll. •
. •Aditabdialitne.
D. C.
6 00 A 660
61 25 60 Sel
?Amt. i..iautot,