Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 20, 1881, Image 3

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padford c ' t 10
CIAB. - , 11., ZDIT.OII. I
Towanda, Pa., Oct. 20, 213112.
The expiration of subscription t print
ed on the colored label. Bp not fay the
date every zubseraer can tell a his
paper will be stopped unless As eubserip
ion is renewed. :4
The undersigned, publishers and pro.
victors of the BRADFORD RiPORTER,
'Towanda Journal, Bradford Reptitlie 2n
and Bradford Argus, published in Towan
•da, Pa., having suffered severe loss in the
publication of their respective papers
from the heretofore extremely low price
per annum, hereby mutually agrO to
make the subscription price of each
of our papers respectively, on and after
the First of January, 1882; One Dollar
and Fifty Cents per annum. And we
hereby agree and pledge • ourselves to
each other, upon our honor as business
men, that we will strictly and in
variably adhere to the terms of this un
derstanding. To make this arrangement
legally binding, we have entered into
bonds, with penalty and forfeiture for vi
olation of the terms of this agreement.
All subscriptions paid prior to January
Ist next, will be taken at the former rate.
Rates of advertising in all cases to be in
dependent of subscription.
D. M. Tugxkly Journal.
Ilowomn & Tired, Rep , ub l i c a n .
F.. Asumuri PAzsciiis, Argus.
.Tositrit M. ELY now occupies his hand
borne new residence in Athens.
THOMAS HooAN, of Athens, opened a
clothing store in Leßaysville, on Satur
day last.
& WRIGHT, 'Of Canton, have
taken a contract to build a church at
Roaring Branch. • -
THE revenue accruing to the Govern
ment from the Post-O ffi ce in this place, is
over'il6,ooo per annum.
- A NUMBER of4he sidewalks about town
have been repaired during the past few
days. Let, the good work go on. "
WILLIAM Darts, of Pike, has exchang
_ed his farm with SAMUEL LTOIS, for a
house and lot in Leßaysville Borough.
THE new railroad' depot at Troy is en
ekiicd and will'fbe completed in a few
weeks. The building is in size 16z60
THE Wilkes-Barre Record says the
ver was lower at that place last week,
than at any 'previous- time in forty-one
EFFORTS are-being made to organize a
Brass Baud at Sayre. A portion of the
funds necessary. have already been, sub-
tic Tilled
Tim - house on Second street,- formerly
occupied by lIIRAM TAYLOR,. is tObe , sold
at auction: See advertisement in another
A VAIXABLE kirso belonging to Mr.
FELLows, of Canton, ruptured a blood
vessel and bled to death, on Tuesday of
last week.
TIIE house lately occupied by
J. M. ELY, in Athens, has been purchased
who now occupy it.
Cumuli of the Messiah, Rev. WILLIAM
TAYLOR, Pastor. On Sunday,. October
23d, Rev. S. C. flAvroria-will ,preach at
101 A.m. and I'.M
THE Phnom:ahem] Society will hold a
Sociable at their rooms in the Institute
building to-morrow, .Friday evening.
ltefreslinients will bo served.
T"tr•. pastor of the Baptist Church at
AllleLs,ll preach on each alternate
Sunday evening at Sayre, commencing at
Sayre next Sunday evening.
A SMALL piece of charcoal placed iii a
poevvith boiling cabbage, it is said, will .
prevent the unpleasant smell from that
wlielcsome vegetable when`nookfrig.
ON and after Monday, Octcber 24th, A.
D. DYE & Co., will close their store at 71
o'clock r. 31., except Saturday, when it
will be'kept open until nine o'clock P. 3!.
THE Knights of 'Honor of Sayre cele
brated the anniversary of the organiza
tion of their lodge by an entertainment
and oyster supper, on Tuesday evening
A PORTION of the barn in the rear of
Mrs. WILLIAM Mix's residence wa4 re
ru9vcd last week to prevent its falling
down. It was one of the oldest buildings
in our village
WE Are indebted to Secretary of the Rev
eSue Commission, G EORGE PEAUSON, fora
pamphlet containing a , statement of re
ceipts and expenditureS of Pennsylvania
for fiscal years 1874-80 inclusive. •
• TnF: first Methodist Sociable of the sea
son, will be hold• at Dr. PrtAres, on . Fri
day evening. Not only the members of
the church, but all who desire to spend a
pleasant evening fare invited to attend.
A Soctitrwill be bold by the ladies of ,
the Church of the Messiah,: (UniPersalist),
at•tho residence of Mrs. E. WALKER, on
Second Street, Tuesday ciiening, •October
All are cordially invited to attend.
A STEAM saw mill, at Oreutt Creek, to.
gether with a quautity of lumber and
tools, was destroyed by fire on Friday ev ,
ening. We did not learn the particulati.
- The loss is estimated at five thousand dol
ATHENS 18 to undergo the horrors of a
Circus and Menagerie to-day, Thursday.
Wyalusing will be p3rsecuted to•mo
We advise the people of both places to
look out for their chickens and other loose
GEORGE GOODIiG, of Sheshequin, a
brakeman on the Northern Central Rail
road, bad an arm broken in two places
while coupling =le in the yard at Elmira
on the 7th instant. The injury is reported
as pretty serious.;
JALL the Towanda
.papers haie signed
an agreement to advance the subscription
price to — per annum on and after
uext January. They are all excellent pa
. pers . and well worth the price agreed
AFTER Laving published their papers
for some years at a loss the proprietors of
the Towanda 'Republican,' REPORTER,
juurvai and Argue, have each mutually
agreed tti rehire their -subiciiption prices
to living sates,—Philiftilia Press.
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. Finn layman= ' ltiirnifii...4o3St•
term , Meeting Service will be beld in the
M. E: ChurchwextSundaimming.
Feast at 6:00 P. u. Preaching - Rev.
0. O. WILBER at 7:00 P.
aIARI.EB IL, W 1101 1 .4 paiitor.
Tttz Hook and Lalder boys say they
were most royally treated at Towanda
last week. They just keep talking about
it all the time, and say they cannot say
too many good things of the rowan&
people. Well, they Are pretty good folks,
we used to live there onrself.—Waverty
JUSTIN CLARK, of Canton, was , thrown
from a colt he was riding last Thursday,
striking On his head. The blood "san
from his mouth and ears: Dr. J. W.
PAWNS was called and made the patient
as comfortable as possible. It is impos
sible at this time to tell how seriousiy , Mr.
CLAIM is injured.—Canton Sentinel.
Tun Lehigh Valley directors are to have
an inspecting excursion over their roads
in this state next week. It will occupy
fonr days. They leave rbildelphia on
the morning of Tuesday, October 18, and
will return to that city on Friday, Octo
ber 21. A number of. Elmirians it is ex
pected will accompany the party..—Free
Mn. Wx. COVERDALE, on Monday last,
moved from Ws former home on Poplar
street to his beautiful residence on Second•
street, near Lombard. His wife, HELEN
COVERDALE, M. D., will find here •every
convenience for the further , prosecution
of her chosen calling. Mrs. C.'has
warm friends in this place' who wish her
the success she richly merits.
Jurnicrops advertising will increase
trade, and inst here we would remind
yon that the REPOMER is the best 4 ver-
Using medium lit Bradford County: It
goes into the hoines of the intelligent, re
fined, and well-ta do citizens of this and
the adjoining counties, and those who
avail themselves of its largo circulation
will reap good returns from their invest,
J. J. SCOVILLE, of South Towanda, met
with quite an accident on Thursday even..
ing last. Ho stepped on a board made
damp by the recent rain, and slipping f.ell
against a stone step. Being unable to
move himself he was carried to the house
and Dr. PRATT was called, who said AG
bones were broken, but the muscles•were
severely strained, and being so advanced
in.years the shock seems to prostrate him.
Fon several years a fee of ten cents has
been charged for admission to the- Coun
ty Encampinent at East Towanda, said
fund to go toward the erection oil a - sol
diers' monument. Who lids this fund,
how much does it amount to and What is
going to be dono about the monument?,—
Canton Sentinel. Bowater; is evidently
getting nervous over the ten cents he may
have contributed.. We trust the proper
officers will.enligitten him at once.
On Sunday morning last, the building
owned by W. B. DODGE, just north and
immediately , adjoining his property,
on. William street, .was discovered to
be on fire. The occupants of ,the dwel
ling wore absent, and Mr. DonnE broke in
the door and extinguished the !lanes by the
application of a few pails of water. The
fire caught froth ashes carelessly thrown
against the side of the building, and' its
timely.iliscovery was all that prevented
what'no noubt would have proved a very
disastious conflagration. The damage
was but slight.
Bin. J. R. KITTITEDGE, editor and_pro-`
prietor of the K. of H.' Advocate, has com
menced the publicati,n of a, paper in the
interests of the Knights and Ladies of
Honor. The first number made its ap
pearance last week: It has bed christen
ed "' The Record," and is one of the neat
est papers, typographically, ptiblished in
the interest of
,any secret society.. We
trust it May prove a financial success to
itsiounder, as it will no doubt prove a
great benefit to the Order whose doings it
will chron'ele;
As FnANic DALv's; team from Leona
was returning,frorn Fall Brook on Satur
day laSt, rays the Troy . Gazette of last
week, with a load of bituminous coal an
accident "of.,a serious nature occurred.
As they were descending the mountain
the , neckyoke broke and the wagon which
was heavily loaded run forward down the
steep descent . on the team. The driver;
MO:NROk, HIMINIWELL, attempted to save
the team but the wagon 'run over ono of
his feet and injured him severely. One
'of the horses was killed. ,
ATTENTION is directed to the advertise.
went of A. D. DYE & Co., in another colt
umn. ' This firm have the largest assort
ment of hardware, etc., of any beim do
ing business in this section of the' State..
In stoves they can supply the wants of all,
whether it be for a small bedroom stove
of the most diminutive size or the largest
and handsomest pattern in parlor heater.
As dealers they are courteous and oblig
ing, and Lave succeeded in building up a
large and Constantly increasing trade.
Any one desiring goods in their line,
should not fail to 'call at their establish
ment before making a purchase.
SAYS the Troy Gazette of Thursday . last:
"The water works under the direction of
E. B. PAnsoris, Esq., are being extended
through the town, the line running now
up Centei St. to supply the School House
with water. As we understate it, Mr.
PARSONS offers for one hundred dollars a
year to supply the town water for bole.
and -fire purposes. Hydrants would be
established at various points and proba
-bly in time.a public fountain, which would
e ornamental and useful. Every one is
interested in an abundant supply of -pure
and wholesome, water, and . some action
will be taken at once. .
TUE publishers of Towanda's four ex
cellent weekly newspapers, having need.
lessly suffered severe loss from the -low
price of $l.OO per annum charged for
their papers, have all advancd the sub
scription price to $1.50. This is as little
as any of our country journals can be
printed for, unless filled up at no expense
with stale matter frOm the padded news=
columns of a daily that three-fourths of
their subscribers have read elsewhere, or
pagsed over, not caring .to read. The pa
tron of a weekly home newspaper who
objects to paying $1.50 a year for it
doesn't want it very bad.—Pittston *Ga
PEOPLE who wish to obtain a good book
and ono which in the course of years they
will want to refer to very often should
take the "Lifeef Garfield," which C. B.
Essysnnoos is agent fur. Fully illustra
ted with fine portraits, views of his home,
his war record given, his repretentaiive
and presidential career fully sketched,
the assault of GUITEACr t the' sickness,
suffering and death graphically described.
It is a book to interest all. • A fall history
of his funeral and events that cluster
around his closing days are given. The
book contains 700 pates elegantly-printed.
Mr. EAtitAIMOOK is the agent . for this
place, Shishequia and Miter.
Tua Philadelplda .Thess'now ranks es
among the ablest; and best newspapers in
the United Statee: 4 :ltseeirs 0311:11111111 are ,
daily filled;with theleteek - intelligenue of
the world. Its editerietiarnalwayssonnd
and logical; and deal - with arthe leading
questions of the daY., new, and whet
will no doubt prove a very interesting ,
feature in the Pretikwill be a series of
short sketchei Of the leading Divines,
sawyers, and 'Journalists of the State.
We do know whether weirillke included
- in the &etches or .not--Probably' not.
The - man who wishes for a better paper
than the Free, will probably wait a-con
siderable lapse of time ore.hiswish id grat!.
Atm, of, Bbeshequin, while
at work in his flouring ingl at that - place .
on SAturday morning hat, had a lucky
escape from what might have . proved a
serious . accident. While.: suljusting the
feed to a nn:ir and iniproved buckwheat
attacker, his goatmleaTe was caught by
the shafting and wound in close to the
arm, when the belt, which unintention
ally had been left rather loose, ran off the
, pnlley and Le, was able to free himself
from his dangerous position. Later in
the day his live-year ofd son-FEED had
his dress caught in a shaft, and would
have been badly hurt had not an older
brother, attracted
, to the - spot , by the little
fellow's screams, atrivOdvjust is limo to
rescue It ia.needleni•to say that Mr.
A. will put boxes. around these places,
thus saving further trouble.
Tun Towanda papers, the Iluronrst,
Argus, Journal and Republican, have
. pledged themselves to increase their sub.
scription price to $1.50 after Jan. Ist.
The Argus says : "This action is posi t
tively necessary in order to protect ottr
selves from bankruptcy. With the in
creased price of paper and othet necessar
ies it has been practically demonstrated
that a-Country newspaper cannot be print
ed forjees than $1.50 yearly." The pa.
yseis entering upon this arrangement bind
;themselves to strictly and invariably ad
here to these terms. It has been a matter
of surprise that the publishers in that
village should have ilirosin away, on the
public in the last few years not less than
$20,000 in giving it papers better than it
paid for.-• Troy Galrefk.
AMOS PnArr, of Pike, is our authority
for the following story : He says, "he
has a cat, a very successful bunter, which
can be seen dfdly lugging game to her
young. 001 Y a few days since, : she
brought to the house a young red squirrel
alive, which she and her , kitten greatly
enjoy in play, said to all appearance seem
to mate with each other as if of one fami
ly. The squirrel appeitrs to be delighted
with his new home
, and associates, so
much so, that lie enjoys nursing from the
mother cat equally as well as the kitten,
and makes himself as friendly and play
fully about the house as though he had
haired his membership by birth.'" Per
sons doubting this story, are invited to
call and see foi themselves.—Legnille
Advertiser. . We do not .doubt the story
IA all. In fact we anticipate that , it will
not be long ere that cat goes out and
catches a Leßaysville editor. Should she
do so, Mr. PRATT will have a collection
of animals which will rival that of several
menageries now traveling, not forgetting
the Egyptian Bovalapus and the Horned
Horse of Tartary.
THE Conference of the M. E. Church,
which met at Penn Yan, last week, made
the following appointments for the
Rev. C. C. Vilt.non, Presiding Elder
Elmira First Church, J. M. McCarty,
Heddingfld. S. Hard, South Stain street,
C. T. Moss.
TowandaC.- H. Wright.
Troy--H. - C. Moye'r.
Burlington—H. B. Trozoll.
Canton-4). W. Smith. • • • ,
East Cauton—M. S. livmer,.
Monroetoa—J. Lloyd Jones. • • •
• Horseheads and Sullirauville—S. Bail.
Wellsburg—S. B. Sanford. ,
Cheakung—S. A. Chubbuck: ,• ,
Mansfield—J. T.. Brownell.:
Blossburg—R. N. Leaks'
North Chemung—J. Merriam,
BreeEeport—W. -Cochran. ,
Smithfield and Big Poild-;-,1. L. King.
Leona--0. N. Roberts.
Albany—G. W. Morey. • •
Wilmot—C; M. Adams. -
Forksville&—E. D. Raws On.
Liberty Corners and Asylum—George
Ulster-.-G. w: Foster.
East Troy and Columbia—P. 3L Jorale
Rutland-zR. A. Ballard.
. .
Mainsburg—E. E. Morris.
Mißerton and Jack Sou —P. Smith.
Wells•and - .Webb's
Big Fiats—J. A. Roberts.
Catonll. Meeker.
Corning"—E. a.' Humans:.
Beaver Dam,C.• D. Smith:—
Monterey—A.:King. •
Covinglon—FL Lamkin. •
Run—D.~ Williams.
Mn. FIENHY E. BABCOCK, the popular
and efficient' ticket agent on - the Fa. &N.
Y. Railroad, at HAS place, was untiring
in his efforts to make successful the Ger
mania Band Excursion to Watkins last
summer. For his trouble and labor he
refused to accept remuteration. The
Boys of the Band were not satisfied to al
low his efforts, that contributed so much
to their success, to go entirely unreward-:
ed, and they therefore some• tithe ago
gay,e CHARBERLIN orders . to procure for
them a suitable 'testimonial; which order
he succeeded in filling most admirably.
The testimonial fixt.d upon consisted of a .
I -
novel and latest designed large pitcher
tilting or swinging between two upright
standards, supported by a platter on
which are two geld lined goblets, one in
front and one in rear and a large gold
lined slop bowl, all of . heafily plated sil
ver. The pitcher is richly'ecorated with
delicate leaves and blossoms aid tiny
hanging vines. On its front is engraved
in exquisite, but Massive lettering=: "H.
E. BABCOCK, from the 1 Germania Band,
1881." On Monday evening, the Ba . nd
'wended their way to Mr. BABCOCK'S hos
pitable matision, in the Third Ward, and
after rendering two of their finest selec
tions were invited into the house to par
take of refreshments. Shortly after the
boys were seated, Mr. En. Wsiltli2-Id
er of the Band, arose, and in a t.C.of but
Appropriate speech presented tor. Mi. B.
the Band's !handsome testimonial. Mr.
BABCOCK, although taken entirely by sur
prise by the presentation, accepted , the
gift . in fitting words and with Many_
thanks. After partaking of refreshments
and playing another beautiful selection,
the boys bade Mr. "tend Mrs. &twat a
pleasant good . night. The occasion wasa
very enjoyable one, and one that will long
be remeinuered by each participant.
POMONA Grange No. 23. P. of H., com
posed of Bradford and Sullivan Counties,
will hold lie next regular quarterly meet
ing at the hall of Spring Hill Grange, No.
178, on Thursday,. November. 8, at
one o'clock P. M. Those going by rail
road will leave at Wyalusing where con
veyances will be in waiting. -A general
Attendance is requested; as business of
importance is to be transacted, together
with the election of officers for the °usu.
log year. Evening session will be open,
and all are invited to attend. .
, Pwrotrr KRIAMM•
Towanda, Oct. 8,-1881. Secretary.
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E1.t4,4 04 iisit*
‘ ffienda
ati Saruiton;,, ,
—* fitimumre. r, - myabequiti,himi
moiedt olds -
ciptitotoct Stizietzir,W emir - 6w
visited Metidelmmlast week. ,
dangerously kit of tyilitild to ;
Mrs. As Lona is visiting
tives and_friends Norway , 010., .
is visiting Mends in ifok*uy
—Miss Jams DODSON; of - -Emporium,
is the guest of Miss Lamm BuouirrT. •
—Mrs. L Limas : bee returned from
a visit to friends in Tompkins County,
—Miss NELLIE Limon= is -eoarike
clog atter an Mien 613111 malaria of sem
end weeks. •
--Judge Monnowj and Eon. E.' °vas
TQN are taking iti.tite Yorktown celebrit
tioa this week. ,
CLAttirsts Mimi;, of Litchfield, lute
been engaged as Principal of the New Al
batiy Graded School. .
' - -Mho Lizzie Scunnsrennons, of Eas
ton, is visiting her sister, Mrs. RoanuT
Ortonourn, at lithens.
—Mhuses KATE and Lamm. LAMONT. of
Sayre. have gone on an extended visit . to
friends in the Eastern States.,
—Mr. and Mrs. CLAPP, of Elmira,
spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs _
L. M. Osnonriz, in this place.
-.Mr. A. Cirtratsa Poamu, or this
place, has takeir a position , as er teacher
in a preparatory school at Wilkes-Barre.
—Professor HENRI STUL E N has engag.
ed iu business at Athens. The Professor
is one of the finest violinists. in the State.
—Prothontsiary litamtusti. has so far
recovered from his recent'Severe attack
of rheumatism as to be able to be out of
L.TP. of Waverly, N. Y., spent Sunday
with friends in Green's Landing, this
—Rev. Dr. TAYLOR, and P. WHIT
COMB are in attendance at the National
Convention of Universalist., Detroit,
The 'Rev, E. A. EANOS, of Ni3w
York, occupied the chane3l of Christ
Church, this place, morning and evening,
on Sunday last.
—Miss ANNA Purstuza, of Athens,
leaves this week for a protracted. visit in
Hartford, Connecticut; and other places
in the Eastern States. .
FARLANE, Esq., are in attendane at the
Synod of Philadelphia, at Wilkes-Harie,
as representatives from the First presby
terian Church of this place. . .
1 —OSAMU 8. Bnowsr, clerk for some
time past in the Waverly Post-Office, has
been "appointed route agent on the New
York Central, running from Albany to
Syracuse.- r • IVaverly
~, te. -
- .T.; AnTnun RID Ir, who left this
place last autumn fo •"" Joseph , Michi
gan, was in town last .week, having been
-ailed - East by - the ,death of his sister,
Mrs. J. H. HO'INTARD,I of Wyalusing.
—Mr. and .Mrs. GERMANE, and Miss
chusetts, and Mr. BEN.rAttor BARBER, of
Buffalo, N. Y., were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. B. E. Atunieu, last week. '
—Mr. and Mrs. G. W. GRAM M, of
Rushland, Minnesota, are visiting- D. J.
SWEET and lady, and other friends, at
Monroeton. Mrs.-Onauast is a grand
daughter Of LEMUEL STREETOR, deceas
ed, Bradford . County's second 'Sheriff. •
—Miss MYRA KINGSBURY of Sheshe
quin, Bradford County, has been set
apart to the gospel work, and is now re
cognized as a minister of the Universalist
creed: She is a lady of mere than ordi
nary talent, and belongs to a family. that
have been prominent in that section .of
the State since the early days of the Re
public.— Williamsport Bulletin.
—Rev. C. H. WnionT has been assign
ed to this place for another year by-Con
ference. This will be not'only good news
to our Methodist friends, but toougvhole
community. Our people have come to
know the Reverend gentleman , as an earn
est and eloquent worker in the Master's
cause, and an heartily welbome him ., to a
third year's residence among us.
—The many friends of Dr. J. M. BAR
RETT may be pleased to know that he has
moved from Orwell, Pa., where he has
been practicing medicine and surgery for
the last ten years, and has located in Owego,
for the purpose of practicing his profes
sion. His office is over - E. P. Hot..
MUDGE'S clothing store, Lake street.—
Owego Times. •
-LEVI YOUMANK has been promoted to
assistant baggage master at the depot.
HoLcomn has the place held during the'
past twenty.tive years by. S. -IL PITCH,
who has become a familiar , wsonage to
visitors at the depot. Mr. Youmans is
an eminently trustworthy, careful and con.
scientious man and will undoubtedly dis
charge the duties iti a careful manner.—
Troy Gazette. • •
—J. T. How; one of the managers of
the Scranton Republican, and Rev. H. G.
BLAIIL of Litchfield, %lied at this office
on Monday. Mr. HOWE and Mr. BLAIR
worked at the case, on the above named
paper, sixteen years ago, Mr., BLAIR re
tired from the business some years ago
and wentinto the ministry, but the two
have always remained as fast friends and
over now and 'thin have a good visit to
gether.—Athena Gazette.
—ions NOBLE, for several years past
foieman of the REPORTER job rooms, has
gone to Elk County to spend sevejal
Months in the pine woods, in hopes of im
proving his health, which. has become
somewhat impaired by steady contlii.
mut within doors. That JOHN may bq
speedily restored to health is the heartfelt
wish of ell connected with this establish 4
meet, as it is the wish of a host of other
friends in this community.
--BommE—Brukcimmt..—At the resi
dence of the bride's fattier, in West Bur
lington, Wednesday, October I_2, 1881, by
Rev. 31r, LAMBKIN, Mr. A. L. BODINE, of
Ulster, and Miss BADE BLACKWELL,
daughter of THOMAS BLACKWELL. About
fifty invited guests wore present, and a
pleasant time was enjoyed by all. Nu
merous very fine presents adorned a large
centre table in the - sitting room, but a
limited space will not allow us to make
mention of them.' Of course the•--wants
of the inner man were catered to, and. we
believe we know of no family who can do
so any better than that of Mr. Biatot-
WELL'S ; all the delicacies that labor and
money could procure were brought for
the , benefit of the guests. - The happy
pair started on the eleven o'clock, P. M.,
train from Troy, on a trip to Buffalo,
agara Falls, and Rochester, whore have
relatives whom they intend visiting.
On Tuesday evening, October 11th, a
%cry fine concert was given at the Church
iu Standing Stone, by the young ladies of
'the place, under the direction of their
music teacher, Miss Ina M. C. - PULTes
The programme consisted of piano solos
and duetts, songs; vocal dnetts, trios,
auartettes, and a very fine recitation for
the first part ; after that an operetta enti
tled "The Quarrel Among the Flowers."
The concert was exceedingly fine and held
the audiesce spell-bound during the
whole programme, which lasted for over
two hours, even then they-were not will
ing to go home, but called for another
song from Miss PllLifis MiSB has
for several years bad claws in vocal and
instrumental music in Standing Stone
during the warm part of the year.' The
entertainment was given at the segued of
the pa teAtf and pupils, , who thought it a
very votfelosing of the twin of lessons.
VALI. Or Isl.—At the New England Agricultural
&Weirs' Bleat Plowing Match .at 'Worcester,'
PRIZES in the "Landside Classes, and urcriv•
teisuite corps et Judges made:tbe awanl In each
Chum All the most' prominent Chilled Plows of
the - codittry were reptesented. At the great
butch of Chilled Plows at the Vitra Fair, fienera.
'September 22d, 1581, THE NVIABD • took
both tbri First ind Second Prises, and also, both
ttui " Maxwell Mat and Second Special Prises .+
of Fruit Trees, and the Bennett Fish and only
Special Prize of Bricks.-tt
Cato by.the Washington (Ind.) Ga,-
iette is , the fact that the colts in that la
entity have a sort oflatneness in the joints.
J. P. Mr.ra -eared_ bis by anointing
with St. Jacobs
. : , • ' - :
-4 'es
, ,-- . 1 6 0•130,4 - ri, — ; zectomprisain.
i*er,ii: - . - 14 1 1 61 m
, I* ll4 6:Thi.: o6l3 o7 l NP:t!ka 1i mr 164 :C 441). ' "
1.0 . 2 Plow: • I
;f 4 ( •
05.9.1 4 ,i0u1i - P,Petitair 14 trade 10 the: sale of
'tinted plawa. - Aria rePrie — wits the - f»
the" lards “: hien hien a ril tieti . taitec-!ar
jlterelays; - soit t ttttttt
Is to filtutoll "Sae 001 1 t darnel plow IP'4,ll:flogri:
ket.” and so.intifen It to be today. , If I am Wrong
In this! am ready to he convinced to the contrary.
The Syracuse Otiliktil Plow was first exhibited st
our Bradfard County BO&
FOIL' thus has it been airsrded the diploma over
the Ouricsinty ; but without e On
gle test trial; Theati‘,4lPionme were awarded. I
thlnitiliettause of nowt* 4 Wtplonstierron. the
part of thiexhlbitors. - Four times tmceeision
the whit Plow. has had to take a. back seat at our
lasifourennital fairs, yet / have had good resin
tebellen _Oita the 'Ottani; was vouch werlor
plow. At our tate fair I thought it. was ;Ugh thus
that the Syracuse and other chilled -Vows' sbould
demonstrate their- claims to superiority - by actual
anti fair. Working trials lathe thild In a varlet); of
soils, anti. tinder the various conditions that our.
farmers meet with cantittnally: Therefore 1 ap
peilledi from the decilitre(' of the judges, and de
manded a fair Said trial at the hands of the Brad
-ford County Agricultural Society. Ms was grant
ed and the trial set to take place alien the farm of
G. If. Pox, la Towanda township, on Irriday, Octo
ber 2lst, at t o'clock and, If , neoessary.-upon
other land In the vicinity ; so as to obtain . the de
sired variations In plowing land. . .-
Ton have clainied, I ate Informedetbst tie Spa
case Chilkd Plow as a Chilled shit plow, and so
entered It at'onr county fain, = L ark tf cif You that
you mate We claim good ext our trial by , actual
demonstration, or, acteionitedge that you hoes
been miitarin:' Telaini that Om Syracuse-I:Milted
Plow mold board, praCtically i ls not Ateerin day
sense; and. calling It a chilled steel plow by
the manufacturers Is Intended to deceive the far
Please come to the Arta' I prepared . to do your
best. Bring extra plows oti meld boards ; and 1
wilt give you 450, It yoti can slim by stetted work
ing, under the blacksmith's luutimer, that ihe 11y
raeuse plow mold bowl is steel, or; that it has any
steel in it. • - •
The Oliver f and otin ;billed plow.
.no 011ser`aud other cl plows *realm lurit.
e 4 to take part In the said trial. All- plows should
be entered for the trial at the Sicretarrs office, to
Totroada, on or before Thursday, October Stith.
Itespecttully . TOurs, A. M. Wat.LEB.
The rain last week seriously interfered
with; the Soldier!? Encampment at East
Towanda, on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday, so far as attendance was con
cerned. Bu t notwithstanding the inclem
atm of the weather, - the "boys" who
were present were a ll good spirits, and
passed the time in relating oil army , ex
periences, singing old' camp songs, and in
renewing old acquaintanceship& The at
tendance of spectators on Tuesday and
Wednesday; was very small indeed, but
the regular routine' of camp was carried
out, as advertised in the general orders
previous to the Encampment. Comman
der A3IIIE - 014AN, and his assistant, CHAS.
T. limroN, did eveiything in their power
to make it pleasant for the "Boys in
Blue," and. also - forall who visited the
Camp. On - Wednesday afternoon, Colo.
nel A. E. Boast; of Elmira, delivered
an : excellent address, which was , listened
•to with marked attention by all .present,
and frequently applauded. The "sham
battle" took place on Thursday, and de
spite the rain was witnessed by, a large
crowd' of ladies and gentlemen. The con
tending forces were formed in of bat
tle at 2:30 P. M. The Union forces were
commanded by . General Altataustax, ably
assisted by General Miami . . The "reb
els" were under the coinmand of Generals
WIL3gOT and WOODIN. The " conflict ".
raged for about an hour, and resulted in
a signal defeat of the "johunies." The
"dead" and .."..wounded " were all able
to take part in the dress parade which
cloSed the Encampment, shortly after the
At a meeting or the comrades, - held on
the grounds, on Thursday, the following
officers were elected for the ensuing year:
Commander—B. G. WILMOT.
0. D.—F. J.!BAILEY. •
8. M.-4. B..I3IITLER.
Q. .M. B.—W., E. Carlow. I ,
Hurgeon*—Dr. C. H. WARNER. Assist.
ant—Dr. L 13. SMITH.
Chapiain—Rev. C. A. RAYMOND.
Drum Major—W. IT. NUTT Y on the
non-commissioned officers' staff.
The Wysox Cornet Band furnished ex
cellent music throughout the gncamp
went. We understand tlfe gati receipts
for the three days were libout sufficient
to meet the expenses of thOEnpimpment.
The Fpnrth Annual Re-Union of the
survivors of the sth regiment,4 ) . V., was
held in this l lace on Wednesday after
noon and evening of last week. The busi
ness meeting was held at Illeicur lull in
the afternoon, and - Was called to order by
Col. Overton, President of the Associa
tion: Tao following namel confrades
were present : Simeon Russell, Philander .
W. Towner, J.' 8. Wood, Ira Tompkins,
C. W. Ballet, D. Schafer,
C. F. Terry,
W. H. Telford, J. W. Hurst, C. U. Heil
man, Jas. D. Anderson, G. V..lllyer, H.
Armstrong, Boreil, R. 8. Martin,
J. V. Kendall, Isaac Babcock, C.F.Cross,
G. Z. Dimmock, J.C.Dehart, F.F.Brown,
8. S. Ormsby, Humphrey Brown, Wm.
Gallagher, W. C. Rockwell, Chas. Forbes,
A. J. Iluntzieger, E. Overton, R. Arnold,
L. Crater, Benj. Ball, Geo. C. Farrar.
After prayer by Chaplain Armstrong,
Col. Overton, in an eloquent speech, wel
comed the comrades to our village.
At the conclusion of the Colonel's re
marks,- the report or the Secretary was
made. It was replete with valuable in
fonitation in reference to theeld regiment,
andt.elmwed that consider4ble progress
hadlibeady been made towa t rol the collec
tion of material for a comphate history of
the regiment ; After the reading of the
Secretary', report, an election was held
fo officers 'Of the Association which re
s i das follows:.
President—Col W. H. Telford.
, Vite-Preaident—Capt. G. V.-Myer. _
T recut —Private J. C. Deliart.
Monagers.—Lt. W. A. Blanchard, Co.
A; Lt..S. Losch,.o ; Capt. G. Z. Dim
mock, D ; Capt. Chas. Forbes, G ; ,Maj.
C. F. Cross, ; lA. J. V. • Kendall, 13 ;
Lt. Richard Rabin, I ; Capt. A. J. Hunt
zinger, K ; Dr. A. Jones ; Private Jona
than Hearths; Co. Ai • Sergts. H. A. Do
ver, Robt. Gerlaob , B; Private Theodore
F; Brown. D ;, Sergt. John R. Hendricks,
H ; Private S. D. Schafer,
B; Corp'i. C.
M. Heilman, ; Sergt. Wm. Weidner,
B ; Private, James D. Anderson, B.
The next meeting . was appointed at.
Montrose, and the time was left to the
discretion of the Board of Managers. In
the evening a grand banquet was -given,
at the Ward House, and was participated
in by the comrades and a number of in.!
vited guests; After partaking of the ele
gant bill of fare, short speeches were
made by Col. Telford, Comrade Kendall,
Col. Baxter, of Elmira, Revs. Sayre,.
French and' Armstrong, and. Comrades
Myer ' Hensinger , Crater and Dimock.
About 12 o'clock the pleasant, and what
will no doubt, ever be to the participants,
a memorable gathering, came - to an end
by Chaplain Armstrong pronouncing a
benediction,, after all present bad joined
in singing the National Anthem, "Amer--
TIIE following letter from R. C. SINSA
RAUGII, a wellknown citizen of Athens,
was received by the-editor of the Athens
gazette and published in that paper Thurs
day last : - •
PAT Jguvisj Oct. 12, 1881.
FRIEND CIIAIILES:1 lam bore in my
native county, visiting friends, and this
morning was handed the; Elmira Sunday
Telegram which alleged that I had'eloped
with a certain married lady from the city
of Elmira, which s false and a tissue of
lies from beginning to. ?,ad. I write you
this denial for fear, perhaps, that you
might possibly' believe , there was_truth in
the report. I-tn on my way back awl
6ball attend to it on my return. •
- Respectfully yours:
Intelligence received at the Warner Ob
servatory, Rochester, N.Y., from Bristol,
Eng Jana, states that Profeasor . W. V.
DENNING discovered a bright new comet
on the 4th instant. It is located in the
constellation of Leo, right ascension nine
blurs twenty4wo Winn* - declination
North sixteen ilegrees,,daily.motion thir
ty minutes East. Ibis is Me sixth comet
Wheh how been sien B 4o6 .1113 -IA Ave
being - eivw clisoos sit- hut *hot'
lebWi were tbstobserred , by Aineriesos,
liod it Iseertsiielj4 -blab etuitpliment., to
theiihtlreiti'hlustry 'Airiericiui - ss.
Venoms tbStViey, hue sacrilt* fine a
Thritotet-srstie4 *de!' Mr. 0 ;
U.Wsligis: fuer:given - °emelt prizes
derhas the ;pelt= yeerAs - 41,1100 which
Shesiwthit the hitereittskets in ilitrslollll.
kelliiithejer.thhioeutitry = is greatly ll-
, -
- Loc4ll Correspondence.
‘‘. - -- LERtoy.. • • ' -
The frabitriw , recerit'aocidents, &c.,
from Lettoy&W vicinity may be of inter
est to yam- readers - -
Mrs. Carpenter - Boaglarid,ivitilo assist
ing her.dmOterr carry& table, feU, break
ing her amend dislocating her wrist.
Joseph iihoMnalrer received a severe in
jury by being-kicked by a colt.-
Justus - Clark was thrown from a colt
and received - dangerous wound on his
Win: Talada lad. two Awls ant off
while sawing•in Barelajr.
Reed Bailey shot _a stilt-bird that meas
ured Aevetifeet fnun'tip to tip ; its bill
was fourteen Inches Luig.
The Mott Brothers have - commenced
work on their newlannery at Leßoy Cen
• kl.r. .I. Kelley is slowly recovering,
after being confined six weeks with rheu-
' A. O. getley hm Bought two fine Coto
wold obeep, 'which cost him alxkut forty
dollarb; -
,thieves have been around, steal
ing grapes, pumpkins end hickory nuts.
Lee Robert has his. new house nearly
completed. "
The recent rains have caused winter
wheat to grow finely. Q.
Answer Thi
's f l •
Is thero'a person living itho ever saw . a
case of agne,'biliQusuess, nirvousnessi or
any disease of the stomach;' liver, or kid
neys.thatirop Bitters will not cure?
tvr "Sour Simmons' Liver Regulator
has been In use In my family for some time. and I
am persusded It Is a valuable addition to the meth•
cal science. .' • -
"GOY. JNO. GILL SHORTER, of Alabama.' :
"It has proved a good and eMeaelona remedy.
Oct. C.A . . NUTTING."
• tar The fact is becoming so well known
hi this vicinity that competing agents are now
acknowledging that "you can do work on' the
Davies that wo cannot do.
rir Dr. Baxter's Mandkake Bitters are
-a superior combination of Barks, Roots, and Serbs
not attained by any ot her manufacturers of Bitters.
gar Remember, the New Davies With
a full set of attachments and full Instructions
eosta no more than the old foggy machines.
L Seep in the stable and always at
band Henry• Johnson , a Arnicarand Olt Liniment,
as It Is the best remedy fcii;:liurts, Bruises,
Strains, ke.
esir The most durable &wing Machine
e the New navies.
ear Mrs. E. J. Mingoe, -Mau' Street,
opposite the Park, has new Fall styles In all De
partments of her Millinery Store.. For choice
goods Bile Is Ileadiriarters In Towanda. Oct. 13.
rirlf you want to buy - the Best Sow
ing Machines send to O. A. Black, All, Towanda.
Qom' REmoveL.—J. S. ALLYN has re-.
moved his Undertaking -
,Establishment front'
Bridge street to rooms on Nato street, over Ttin .
NIX & GORDON'S Drug Store, and WOODFORD &
VAN Dorm's Boot & Shoe Store. A full line of
Undertaker), Goals from the cheapest to the best.
..jan27,°Bl. .1. S. ALLYN, Agent.
Or For new Fall Styles of Ladies Hats
you will find an abundant assortment at Mrs. E.
J. 31Ingos, Main St., opposite the Park, from
which to select something that will just become
you. Call and see. ' Oct. 13, 1861.
For - Coughs, Colds, Croup, Aisth
ma, and all Lung Affections, use Downs' Elixir,
which has stood the test- of Fifty_ years, and! has
not been found wanting. ..
Cam" The ladies 7ill dad at Mrs. E. J.
!tinges a beautiful aasOrtment of Fancy Goods In
Ties, Gloves, Ribbons, Flowers, 1-1.130, Yarns, 'few
elry, kc., embracing the very latest styles and pat
Urns. Please look over_ her flue stock and you
surely find Just what you have wanted octl3
gerItEMEMBER, that W. C.. 5:: A. B.
Brnuows,j Stevensville, Bradford county, Pa.
sell goods at bottom peep and tate In exchange
Butter, Eggs, Port, Poultry, flags, Dried Apples,
and Grain of all kinds. • June 23,81tf.
Vir Women that bave'been bedridden
for years have been entirely cured of female weak
nes& by the use of Lydia E. Plnkham•a Vegetal le
Compound. Bend to Mrs. Lydia E. Plnkham, 233
Wes t ern AVenue, Lynn, Mass., for ratnt)hlets.
VII" YOU " RUN . 10 RISK when you
buy your Groceries at G. L. ROSS'S uew store In
3tontanye Rock. His PRICE-Tare WAY DOWN
to rook bottom. .
815 store la lc gptuu BLOCK, IsT *AIM,
beats the world - by Low Prices and good Goods:
AUBlillN FA= Weaoss.—Tbe neat and
cheapest In-the market. I will sell these superior.
wagons for a few months to come at wholesale
prices, for Introduction; Every wagon warranted
ffrevery respect. tf , R. M. WEELLEs.
Or Thousands of ladiesto-day chirish
grateful remembrances - of the help derived from
the use of Lydia E—Elnkham's' Vegetalie Com
pound. It positively mires alt female complaints.
Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Pluitham, 233 Western Ave
nue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. Oet.S-w2.
tar If you want a good Elevated Oven
SNP. e you can buy one AT COEIT at Xrdlnyie Bros.`
old nand. julyl4-w4.
tir Wagotimakers' and Blacksmiths'
Supplies are being sold at Mclntyre Bros.' old
stand at LIMB THAN COST. Good florist° buy.
A large stock. of well-selected
Building Hardware at LESS THAN COST at Mc-
Wyse Bros.' old stand. Ju1y1444.
far The Largest, Best and Cheapest
line of Shoes for Ladles', Misses' and Chlldrene
wear Is found at Confine% new store, corner Main
'and Pine-sts., Tracy &Noble's 810ck,,---Tapr4ll
t! COMER has the best wearing Shops
for 'Jen, Boys and Youths , wear ever offered
Towanda.and at prices within thereat:ll of all.
gly-GEo. L. Ross sells Groceries awful
CHEAP because his expenses are very light, and
he boandhts,customers shall have the benefit.
Mr" L. B. RODGERS challenges compe
tition for quality of goolli and low.prices on Sash,
DoOrs, Blinds and Moldings, and al building sul.
tonal. - (aug3•tt)
far HURRAH 4) . 45131.4i. L. Ross's Now
Grocery Store tu4b Montanze Block,andget your
Groceries at rock bottom. Jan. 50.
rir FEARFUL Rusu I— We presume
many of onr readeris visited Towanda during the
Fair and the Soldier's Reunion, and Witnessed the
feartalerowd at the GREAT BOSTON CLOTH
ING, BOOT and SHOE HOUSE, lust opened In
DA, PA. . For our' part we cap safely say
that no other house - this side of New, York
is selling as 'much Clothing, Hoots, Ladies'
and Children's Shoev as the liodon Clothing
House, and no other house:in the world is able to
compete With the low prices of Clothing, Boots
and Sheep, as that coneern le offering, And It won't
be long before people for fifty miles srMind mil
find out that there is no better, place un earth to
PA. M . : L. SCHWEEBERG, Peer..
' The Cheapest Clothier on Earth.
. .
• ' .. - MARRIED. i
GORE—TUTTLE.--At. the Church of the lies.
Matt, by Rev. Wm. Tiplor, M. D.. on the 16th
Inst. Miss Augusta M. Tuttle, of Litchfield, awl
Mr; Charlie Y. Dore, of Sheshelieln. - -
The valuable houso and. let 'On Seem! street
-known as the " HIRAM TAYLOR. PROPERTY,"
Rill be Auld to the highest bidder on
Monday, October al, at 2 o'clock, •P. 31
In front of the Filet National Bank. -
Tie lot:has ,a frontage Of 7714 feet on gerund
Street and extends back to Third street, about 300
feet. divided by an alloy running from Maple street
to Lombard."flood barn on the alley.
TS/Mg.—Ten pet ann. at time of sate. Fifteen
per cent. an. delivery of deed. Balance in three
equal annual payments, with Interest on the whole
'For farther particulate eniptire at ibe beat. -
Oet, 12, 18$1. - Di. N. BETTS, calibler..
Are now receiving a large stock
FALL-00 . 41 DS.
Every Department Filled With.' Nev . , Goods , Suitable
for the Fall and 177 inter Season.
The attention of our customers is called to our unusually fine
display of. NEW GOODS. .
Dress Goods Black Silks Satin- de Lyons
Dress Goods Black Silks ; Satin de Lyons
Brocades Satins Cashmeres
Brocades Satins ' Cashmeres
Arrnures Flannel* &e
Armures Flannels
LaCes Embroideries Ties Fichus
Laces Embroideries Ties - Fichus
WhiteGoods,Table Linens,Napkins
Dress Ginghams Calicoes
Dress Ginghams Calicoes
Domestic'Cotton Goods Domestic Cotton Goods
Domestic Cotton Goods, Domestic Cotton Goods
Cloaks & Shawls
Cloaks & Shawls
A. D. DYE & CO.
s -
Pan & Wintery 11181,
Srst-clasa . •
Heating Stoves.
I •
Tkeiare too well known to require any
New Heeler
Crown Jewell.
We also have a line of UREA? BASE
BURNERS, the best of their class in the
market, and well 'adapted for supplying a
demand for_ an efficient but inexpensive
'heating hove.
READ '1111.1'S:
Ities. 300 -,►,
Happy Thought Ranges
Sold in Towanda and vicinity by
A. D. DYE 8z CO.
Wood Cook-- Stoves,
Aud a general stook of
Towanda, Octc•bet lul..
, ,
. r••••••• .....
Ho - siery
Cassimeres Suitmgs
Cassimeres- , 1 Suitings
. - ••• ■I • • - •
SUPP larE S.
must be closed out at
Cost within Thirty
Days, by the plinth*.
ser. Goods recently
bought at Sheriff's
T ands, anly 18, 1881-mll
Boots & ShOes
Boots & Shoes
Witt- The Entire
Stoek of the late firm
of Mclntyre Brothers
FOR EIALEThe modenidgindi
ogel" kb Modal gin, ifam MI. mat MI mem
bad for NM. For flu-partiailms aamatf.
of sabserpor
Ott. la, losa.g 18 " 3314 "Una Cm• Pb
....The above well-known povUllen
Run, In :Wilmot township. Is ode ter Isle :CI
to salt purchasers. Map of admllvlskes to be
seen on Ilse premises, at the horsed A. L. Mee
cants. Liberal terms sad Unto given. Inquire of
0. H. WELLZIP. Wjalwehq, Vs.,
oc ZDW. WELLES, Iflihlwarirro ? Pa.
signed, Administratittof no ens* Of Dr. .
. Porter, late of Towanda. Fag will arse to
sale at pablio vendee or eatery, at the Poets,
homestead, in Towanda. on SATURDAY, OCTO
BER 22d, lin, ootnmeneing at 10 o'clock, A. 11.,
thelollowing proper r trit : One team of bones,
lumber wars* - willgth bill Ns
harness, ropes. arming implants '
kinds, household furniture. ha
Any of tho. shore articles sin Is had at
sale prior to the public-sale, by - applying in r i ll!
C. Porter It Boers Drug Stan .
TERMS Or SALE.—AA arms under illa, nth.
A'.l over that sum, six months to a year time. as
agreed upon, with it:angst with 7= u n i m uiL uity.
- 141111. E. E. PO
Towanda, Pa., Oct. 11, 14111 A
Towanda, in the State of Pennsylvania, at the dose
of bustaese October I, int :
Loans and discounts 'IMMO V 7
Overdrafts • 4,11P1 St
U. S. Botch mid other securities 174,353 as
Due from Banks and Treas. U. 8 .. 51.41111 •I
Beal estate, furniture and lista:urea 22,50143
Premiums paid SAM SS
Current expenses and taxes paid -1.11113 SS
Cash on hand
! . ~.• • - 21.ikki Is
Capital stock . • ' 11104351 00
Surplus and undivided profits 144614 76
Dividends unpaid 321 00
Circulation 133,000 00
Deposita ' 175.112 53
Use Banks 7,311 40
Total *Mtn TO
State of Pennsylvanta. County of Bradford,
I, George.W. Buck, Cashier of =the above-named
bank, do solemnly swear that thiabore statement
is true to the best of my knowledge and
GEO. W. BUCK. Cashier.
Subsirlbed and sworn to befortme this 6th day
of October, 1681.
lAA B. BoatzT,'Notasy Public.
Correct—Attest :
E. T. VOX,
BENJ. IL PECK,' Blrectors.
Troiranda, October 20, 1861. •
irmnz.-FIRST WINTER. TERM vill ems
mum MONDAY, OCT. 31,18111. IL moues for
board, tuition sad famished room. from $173 to
1180 Per Year. For rottloiroll or farther wilco.
an Mid:maths Principal,
Towar.d a v id, 7, ISM.
Why is it, that people for 25 sad Ho
'miles are seen daily st
The Boston Cli - I lthing &use,
Just opened in Means' Block, Main
Street, Towanda, Penna.,
Supplying themselves with Clothing, Boots, Ladies
and Children's Shoes, and everything in the line
of Hen'. and Boy's wear.! Wby Is It that as soon
as the Boston Clothing and Boot-and Shoe House
have announced its opening troth. people, that all
the small one-horse concerns or emailcountry deal
ers, for fifty miles around, have predicted a very
hot Winter In this section, especially those In To
wanda. Some of them have commenced to fan
themselves already—with their tongues ? To en
lighten the public on this question, we will my that
the Boston Clothing, Boot and Shoe House Just
opened in ?wand's, is only one of the many
Branches throughout the Union, and take It Alto
gether, then is more Clothing sold in all the Bos
ton Branches in one hour than any country store la
able to sell in a month, and the fact that badness
is done on such a large acale..explains the mystery.
Why the Boston Clothing, Boot and Shoe House,
lust opened in Means' Block; Main• Street, TOwari.
da, Pa., Is able to undersell dealers in the - line of
CAPS,-and - everything .In the line of Men's and
Boy's wear.
Oct. V), 1081
RPHANS' COURT BALE.—By O,ilrtne of an order issued out of the Orphaes'
Court of Bradford County, Pennsylvania, the un
dersigned. administrators of the estate of Thomas
E. Quick, late of the townshipttf_Wilmot In said
county, deceased, will sell at public safe on the
premises In said township, on FRIDAY, NOVEM
BER, 11, 1881, at 2 o'clock, r. et.. the - following
described real estate, to wit: Beginning at the
southeast corner on. the Main road at two small
pine trees, thence north 66% 0 west 142%. perches
to a corner, thence 30° east 9 perches tee stake
and stone, thence north 76.1i 0 east lON-perches to -
a stake and stone, thence south So-west 96 perches '.
to place of beginning; containing 42 scree and 144
perches be the same more or less.
ALSO.—One other lot of land, situate in said
township of Wilmot, and bounded as lollows : Be
ginning at a stone corner on the - Sank of the Sas
onehanne River on line of land belonging to J. W.
Ingham, thence south 14° west along the mid line
to the old Springfield township line, thence along
the said line south 78°' west 23 perches to scorner
on line of E. Morton's land, thence by line of said
lands north 14° east to corner of John Verbrick's
lot, thence by line of said lot south 29S° east 10
perches and 8 links, thence by the same line 43
feet to a stake fora corner of M. ?slathers lot,
-thence by said lot and line north 14° east to the
Sksquelyanna river, thence down the same to place:
of beginning; containing 31 acres of land more or
less, excepting and reserving from the last describ
ed let two lots sold J. N. Clark, one lot sold J. L..
Briggs, one lot sold P. A. Quick, one lot sold Mary
C. Quick with the alley and a narrow strip east. of.
P. A. and Mary C. Quick's lot ; also reserving two
lots sold D. B. Stowell, and one • lot sold the Odd*
Fellows Hall Aasocistion, with trippurtenanees
for the payment of the debts of dv intestate. -
TERMS OF SALE.—Ten per cent. of the- Ma
chete money In each case upon the property being -
struck down, one fourth of Wane., upon CODZYMY
Um, and balance Inane and two years - wlth interest
from confirmation, and the Court grant permis
sion to Administrators niacin said last described
lot In small pieces of one4ourth sere or more, as in
their judgment would be for the interest of said
estate. JOHN b. QUICK,
• Sugar Run, Pa. PAUL A. QUICK, -
Oct. 20, 1681. Administrators.-
I' _ ~
scriber offers for rale his farm of an ems.
located In Omit township. between llama Bor
ough and Orwell 11111, adJaMing the farm of 0. J.
Chubbuek. Good-butMlngs and goodgrafted fruit
orchard. Farm nearly all under culthattoM" A
solid farm for grain or dairying." Terms wtebe
madewssy to suit purchaser, foritutherems
lan enquire of Geo, W. Bock ; at Citizens &dotal
Bank, Towanda, Ps. or of the subscriber. •
Leltaysville, Sept. 1;•rml. , JOHN BLACK.
OTEL FOR BALE.—I offer the
American Hotel property for sale ark great
bargain. The Hotel may be seen on the corner of
Bridge and Water streets, in Towanda Borough.
It is one of the best and most central locations in
the place. There is a good barn connected with
the property. The free'bridge and new depot near
twit make this Hotel desirable for anyone wishing
to engage in the ttitsinees. A good active man with
a small capital can pay for the property in • short
time from the profits. It was papered and painted
new last spring and is now in excellent condition.
Towanda, pa., Sept. 15,
_NOTICE—In the
matter of the eatato of Wm. H. Morgan,
late of Towanda Borough, deceased. In the Or.
plans' Court of Bradford County.
The undersigned, an Auditor a ppoi nted bT the
Court to distribute balance in *hobo& of H. B.
Morgan, Administrator'of said estate. as by
his second partial account, will attend to the datlea
of his appointment at his ofticelu Towanda Borough.
Pa., on 'TUESDAY: NOVEMBER Ist. lan, at to
o'clock A. M.. when and where all persoliv having
claims upon 'said fund* must present them. or be
forever debarred fn/sa coming in arm the Luna
3011 W W. MIX; Auditor.
Towanda, Pa., Sept. 22, 1821i.w4.
Letterset adentalst*mi Wing beenrlV
ed to the undersigned. Gestate of A hem
11. 'Brigham, Isto of Le township, deceseed,
name Is hereby given that all persons Indebted .to
the said estate are requested to make Immediate
payment, and all persons having equines against
wild estate most t the sante,duir anthenti.
cited toilet t e's& greed tor settlement.
• 6 Adis altinters'
Lelloyt Pa., OoL.O, tat t.thr.4
' 4412,1577 so