Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 13, 1881, Image 1

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Tile BaaI:WORD it SPOUT XIX Is published every
Thursday morning by uoountCM i HITCHCOCK,
at One Dollar par annum. in advance.
e Advertising in all cases exclusive of Bab•
scr:pt ion to the paper.
SrECIAL Nom.; Es Inserted at TIN Ciaresper
line for first insertion, and pivec earrelperline for
each ,uosequent Insertion, but no notice Inserted
for less than fifty cents. 4 ,
ICE kitI,VADVER CtSEIIENTS will beinsert
ed at reasonable rate s.
• A,,liututstraior's an I Executor's - Notices, 112;
A u Mors Nottecs,3); aimless Cards, Ave nave,
(per year) SS, latillkOLAl lines /leach.
1. - early soirertisers areentitled tc • quarterly
sages. Transient adverilselnentSMust be paid
'for In advance.
Ali re solutions of a 430Ctsit lon's ; communications
of limited or individual interest, and notices of,
marriages or deat hs,e icee ding five lines are charg-
Fl vs c exts per line, but simple noticesof mar:
riAges and de sths will be published withoutcharge.
he It KrouTTM having a larger circulation than
any other paper in the county. akes It the best
a dv.rtising medium in Norther M n Pennsylvania.
Jou PRINTING of every kind, in plain and:
fancy colors, done with neatness and dispatch.
Handbills, Blanks. Cards, 'Pamphlets, 13111heads, - ,
/3 tateinents. Ikc..of every varietyand stylc,printed
at the shortest notice. The ItErOitvEtt once is
well supplied with power presses, - a good assort
ment of new type, and everything in the printing
I Die can be executed in the most artistic manner
and at thelowestratc 3 . TERMS INVARIABLY
Vusir►ess grubs.
.krfOILIC ES a-vr-Lsw,
Dec 23-78.
• A TTORNE Y-A d W:-
E0y.1319. TOWANDA, PEl:lrd.
'Office—At Treasurers Office, In Court Pollee
XV" 11. E. A: - ; THOMPSON, •
Other lu Mercer Block,. over C. T. Kirby's Drug
Store. All business t their care will be
attended to promptly. Kspecial attention given
to claims against the United States for PENSIONS,
BOUNTIES, VAT EN TS, etc; to collections and
to the settlement of decedent's estates:-
EDWARD A. IlicilersoN
.Apr.l - 8111
Aud dealers In Frei, Saws and' *matqurs • Supplies.
Send for prlee-lists. REVOnTEn,Bullding.
• -
1107: 1512., Towanda, Pa
V . - L. 110L1,181,i4f.t, D. D.. S.,
. .
Successor to E. II Anglo). OF FICE-Seronil
floor of Dr. Pratt's office.
Toßanda, i'a.,^ l lautiiry 6, 1681
41701INEYS-AT - LAW.
o:llce—Rims formerly occupied Dy Y. 31. C. A.
Reading -
11. J. MADILL. 3,14,50 O. D. KILINV.V.
°Dice over Kirby 's Drug Store:
Varticular attention paid to business In the Or•
Omit: Court and to the settlement of estates,
:ieptember Yi. 1879.
• . TOW&ICI)A, ?'A.
solieitnr:nc Patents: Particular 3DCllo3ll._pald
to bitNita•S in the Orphans Court anti fo tans settle
lotlit e,tates.
41:11co tai Mentanyes mock "May 1,'79..
-- -
• -t , • ,
TpWAtillA i , PA:
E. i•; EnTON. Jn. - aon N F. SANDERFSP.7
.. -
. •
....- .
Y • .
NIONYI:Or. 4 .E. P.V. . • z '
.111.1ge Jessup having resumed the pracHeeof the
1;1'X in Northern l'eunhylvanta,*lll attend to any
I, ;; ;.11 ;,,p,11, e :, in t ruNted tohltn In itrailfortl - county.
1',1 ,, .ns wl•Zhlnt.: to cant:l:lt hint, chn .call en H.
1 cgrreetL:r, E,11,, Towanda, Pa., when an appol ntmen t
e.,n h,t malt.
i i•
-... TOWANVA, PA: . .
- ! Feb 27,'7J
F:NGI trlS,Ertf;cG, ? , 1" aI:LYING A\D IDRATTING.
f 3. F. Mason, over Patch & Traer
313111 street, TuivaUda, ra. 4.15.80.
N. C. E!.SllltEti.
TriV; AN DA, PA.
tlic; , —Monti Side Putdic . Square.
Jan. 1,1875
,tirronNET:iv-LAW. I
ithe.k, over J. L. Henri
st,•7e, . May Le consulted In Orman.
(April 1:,'76.]
• „Tro„NEY-AT-LAW,
ililica—Merrur Block, Park street:, iap Rtafrr
c r clan and Surgeon. Office at residence, on
brain street, first doer north of M. E. Church.
Tuwatiaa, Aprll 1, Ibz.l
Teeth inserted on Cif;ld, Silver, Rubber, and Ar.
Tunlum base. Teeth extracted without pain.
rD. 'PAYNE,.III; D.,
lr:tck..lTer Mootanyes• Store. °thee hours from 10
_ • to 12 A. M., and - from,2 6)1 r. M.
Special attention given to
Or' - and i 432,
Lessens given In Vl:am:ugh Has and Harmony
ultiratlon of thr Varre a Fpeciaity. Located at J.
P. VanFleers, State Stree:. Reference: Holmes
Passage. Towanda, t'a., March 4, 1880.
olive day last Saturday of each mohth, over Turner
& tiurdon'S Drug Store, Towatida, Pa.
Towanda, June 20.
‘4•43•2-70tt. TOWANDA, PA-.
Plan of.bustness, a fee• doors north of Post-Office
Pionildng; Gas Fitting, Repairing Pumps of all
kinds, and all kinds of !clearing promptly attended
to. All wanting, work lu his line should glveJilm
a Dee. 4. 1879.
Wills Bank offers unusual facilities for Millman*
action of a general banking business.
• N. N. BETTS, Cashier
Jos. TOW ELL, President.
Ideals at all hours. Terms to stilt the times. Lugs
stable attached.
Temlittalt. jtilv.ll. '
LAWS omilio two st tbit'OXci.
The poor as well as the rich, the- old as Well as
the young, the wife all welter' the husband, the
young maiden as - well as the young man, the gir
al well as the boy, may Just as well earn a few dol
lars In honest employment, as to alt around the
house and waft for others to earn it for thein. We
can give you employment, all the' time, or during
your spare hours on t traveling, or in your own
neighborhood, -among your friends and acquaint
ances. If you do not care for employment. we can
impart valuable informationlo you free of coat.
It will cost you only one cent for A Postal card to
write for our Prospectus, and It May be the means
of making you a good many dollars. -
Po not neglect this opportunity. You do. not
have to invest a large sum of money, •suid - run a
great risk of ,losing it. You will readily see that
It will be an easy matter to make from .10 wpm a
week, and establish .a lucrative, and independent
business, honorable, straightforward end profits.
ble. Attend to 'this matter NOW, for - there is
MONEY IN IT for ail who engage with us.. Yee
will surprise you and you will - wonder why you
never wrote to us before. We - enuf pelt pericer
ldre free. Address BUCKEYE Will GO..
(Name this paper.) Manton, OHIO,
Mari!" 1, 1881.
E.A.R ErWAß'ik
[novll-75 ,
The Entire
Stock of the late firm
of Mclntyre 13rothers
Enlist be closed out at
Cost s within 'Thirty
Days, by the pureha-
ser Goods recently
bought at Sheriff's
TOranda, July 18, 1881-ml.
OLD S'T.A.I4-1)
Are now better prepared than over to
supply the p blic , with first-class
t . 1.
..- • .
Wo manufacture our own goods and
warrant them to bend . represented-. -
PARLOR SUITS In all the leading styles.
While we - furnish the finest HEARSE
and Equipments, a larger and better stock of
CASKETS and TRIACKIGS, with a large experi
ence. In our business, we' guarantee as low, If sot
lower, prices than those who have not as good
facilities as ourselves.
ST We furnish Chairs, Pall and Corpse 'Pm
servers, free of charge.
An 4 thee purchase where you can do the hest
Imia43 l Sept. 11 1 1111,
IWO Abvatisnunib.
J. O.
rost's Sons
Of every deso
BEDROOM SUITS In Walnut, Asb, Cherry,
CnTTAGE SUITS In all desirable styles
Drown children of the autumn wood,
You tell mo of the oldntrtima,
When o'er the hillside paths Onanied,
!it bright October's golden prime.
When Meath the maples all aflame,
. I dreamed the plerirant . hours away ;
While round me lite s'pletare r falr
The woodlands In thole beauty lay.
And the white, mist•like fairy veil,'
Came slowly creeping up the hill,
From where the river haate4i4 uul
To the broad pond beside the mill
There Mild the grass and fragrant ferns,
Just ratted from their burg home,
_ Amid the Maims all saffron died,
The chestnuts lay around me strewn.
Ab tib what Joyous twits was mine,
My `ti et with brown nuts to till;
Whl the boughs the light-winged Jay
Gives sue a welcome loud and shrill.
Bow well I love eat fi woodland voice.
The squirrel's chirp, the brook:a low Borg,
The merle of the alr•harps wild,
Borne by the.wonderlng winds alone.'
That mossy seat beneath the trees.
The wood with spicy perfume sweet,
The carpet golden, green and brown.
Ity Nature spread beneath my feet.
I ne•er shall see Inch woods again, _
Those autumn days can come no more ;
For life has drifted me away
From youth's enchanted, flowery shore.
Bow strong the tie that binds the heart
To all It loved when life Was new;
The atllstde path, the orehardalope,
The pastures where the berrievgrew„
Aodhere in commerce-crowded Mart,
Amid the restless, busy life,
-Where all the world seems met to see
Who shall be foremost In the strye.,
'Mid all the sounds that 1111 the street,
These small 'brown noting boxeapiled s..
tiring bacii to wormy vanished youth,
And I am'onee again a child.
—Forest and Stream.
The Spoiled Pie Dish.
Many'years ago, before these days
when everybody talks about decora
tive art, and in each large family is
to be found at least one young lady
who paints on silk and china, a young
artist was born in a country- house
many miles from any city:
How he came to be born an artist
was a mystery to his family.
From; the summer in which the
Barberrys took a young artist to
board with them, who, when be went
away, presented his paint-box to the
admiring boy who bad followed him
about from dawn until dark, peace
fled the Barberry mansion'. Fences,
barn-doors, halls -- heaven only
knows What—bore traces of figures,
flowers, trees, cue s , and buildings in
all the colors of the rainbow. —When
scolded, Barberry junior only replied :
'WO, then, give me canvases and
thingk I want to be 'a painter.' ;
But the Barberrys did not intend
to encourage madness.
'What kind of a business does thee
think painting would be for a •max P
asked Quaker Grandmother Barber
ry. 'To sit twiddling thy lingers all
day at an easel. It the.t want to be
a farmer we'll prenticePthee to thy
Uncle Charles, the hatter. _ That's
light and easy, and thee is delicate.'
So the Barberrys, taking counsel
together, decided that •grindmother
had, had a 'call to speak,' and placed
Dudley with the hatter.
Be worked patently enough, but
painted more than ever in the eve
ningsi for Uncle Charles was liberal,
ancl:.he had a little money of his own
in' those days. On Christmai he
came home, andiwas'received kindly,
and found his little cousin Clara in
th'e house—an orphan in a black
frock, whose parents had been lost at
sea: The child liked the boy very
much, and he painted her old doll's
face into new beauty for her, and
put a - red flower on. the back of the
doll's chair. .
She admired- his work very much
as he had admired that of the 'artist
who ha, given - him his !first colors.
Ile was a hero to heron!) a genius,
as- well as - the -kindest boy living.
'Wandering around the house one
day, hejound a great pottery pie
dish, one of a - dozen bOught 9f a ped
dler for Old Christmas pies, and for
getting. its_ purpose, spent a whole
bright morning painting upon it .a
splashing but spirited likeness of his
mother's - favorite Lady Washington
geranium, which stood' in a pot on a
It was a wonderful success in the
eyes of little Clara ; and, indeed; it
was not bad, for . a little prifctice goes
a -good ways-with a born artist, and
a winter Of - study without a master
had - greatly improved the young fel
low's work.
Adoration was - in Clara's eyes as
she looked at the dish and at Dud
ley. -
'You're a great, great artist, Dud
ley,' said-she. think you will .be
famous some day.. Pie . read the
"Lives of Famous Painters." The
big brown book in the case -in the.
parlor—and.kings and queens thought
kits of them and made them paint
their portraits. You remember what
I wry when you are grown up, Dud
She was thirteen, Dudley was six
teen. He lifted up his head from his
work and looked at her.
'lf ever I am, Clara,' he said, 'I
hope I. shan't have , to remember you.
I never knew anybody .before who
understood me. They think me so
queer to like to paint. You know all
about it, sissy.'
'Yes,' said Clara, understand,
and I hope we'll alw,ays be just like
brother and sister—Only you know
I might die like pa and ma.'
'Don't cry,' said Dudley, 'and don't
,abOut dying, my good little pet
cousin; ' Whatever comes-- 1
'But he said- no more. - A voice
sharp an] shrill with anger broke in
upon the pleasant talk—Aunt Mar
tha's voice :
'Land of liberty I Jerusha, come
here 1 Dudley has spoiled the big
gest pie dish l'
--iut afternoon Farmer Barberry
Whipped Dudley. That evening the
boy dig not come to supper. Later
on, when the moon had risen, little
Cbira, who had gone to her own room ,
to cry, beard a tapping at the win
dow. She opened it and looked out.
Dudley stood there. ,
'Clara,' ,he said, 'tell me, do you
think it was right that I shoiiid be
whipped at my age?'
I •
'Right?' robbed Clara. 'Oh, it was
wicked! wicked! wicked!'
'Z'o one shall ever do it again,'
said Dudley. - /Clar3, I am going to
. a great artist. It's in meyl know,
and:—and don't forget me, Clara.
I'll come back _ ; and oh„Clara, Ican
not bear leaving you. -
Leaning' over the sill the child
put her innocent arms about the
boy's .neck.
'Don% -go - away,' she said;, 'it
would break my heart.' ,
And then he kissed her and ran
There waj sorrow in the house on
Christmas *ming, and the pie went
uneaten, fqf Dudley was gone, and
he had left a little note in which he
declared his intention of returning
no more.'
He . never did comeback._ lilts
pother; ivho loved him more .thati - he
knew, shed bitter tears asXlitisElnas
i:lay_came around each year. The
'father, yho had flogged him, grew
old repenting jit. There was a gen
eral, Impression in . the family that
Dudley had not been a good boy,-blit
the doubt as . to his fate softened
their thoughts of him. Probably he
was ; dead - Poor old Grandmother
Barberry believed that he,had - starved
to death. Atid Aunt Martha hid the
• , spoiled.pie dish'-away up garret, as
though it .had been sonic relic of .a
funeral. 1-
When Clara married—yes, I mean .
it--when Clara married the . consump 7
tiv© young clergyman;; from Boston
, arid went ' , away, she went up to the,
garret to look for a winter cloak
found there the pie dish yet brilliant'
with its „geranium's. And she sat
down on the floor and cried over. it,
and remembered the innocent child.
love:she had given the painter, and
then wiping her 'eyes, carried the
dish,' down stairs and put it into her
trunk. - It was still the ; pie dish.L.
nothing more, except a souvenir of
the past.
'lf he is not dead, he must have
forgotten me,' she said to herself.
'He is twenty-six years old now if he
Andithough she highly respected
the Rev. Joel Bird, she sighed once
or twice even on her- weddifig eve.
Settled ' in Boston, she
_was very
happy. She 'liked the style or the
people she met; • their culture,_their,
bookishness. -She 'saw the: shining ,
lights of the literary world and she
wrote a . piece. of poetry which was
One day somebody saw 'the pie
dish—the spoiled pie dish of the.
Barberry family. It -was - an artistic
lady who had gone to_ take her bat
off in the spare room of .the parson- .
age. . - - •
. 'What aloVely plaque!' she cried:
'But why don't you have it glazed
It will be spoile4.'.
The pie dish, promoted to pltique.
hood, was glazed nest week. It ha
a brass hOok faitened to it, and' was
hung on the parlor wall,, and on its
back was painted the name 'Of the .
boy who, from the Barberry point of
view, bad spoiled it... • • .
The Rev, Joel Bird
~ died young.
He - was good to. his wife while he
lived, and she mourned him ; but
there had been no. romance in s their
courtship; and they had rever
• - The widois recovered .her placidity
soon, and lived contentedly on'• her
sm i all income, amidst-a circle of 'at- •
tached _friends. The last survivor of
the Barberry family—Dudley's moth
ervarae to live with 40, and . Mrs.
Bird had pulled two gray hairs out
of her Emily black hair, when 'the
great fair Of SL Susan's church took
place, and a committee called to beg
her -to contribute something. The,
pie-dish no longer hung on the wall;
a glimpse ofit< had thrown - Mrs. Bar
berry into gentle hysterics. It. was
therefore locked away, and a.thought
came into Mrs. I3arberry's head.
'I 'have a plaque, '
she Said. 'lt was
painted long-ago .by somebody; who
must . have become. a very. great artist
'if he- lived, I think. I'll give
plaque .as well as my.- little <bit of
'ooney. I do not want to do it. I
'would like to skeep .it, but it Is' a
shame to hide it away. The more
see of
the better I know it is
good, and there are associations with
it that make it painful to aunt to see
'lle committee expressed their
thanks and r the 'spoiled. pie dish'
Went to the fair, where it was greatly
Now Dudley Barberry had hot
starved, to death on the road, as" his
grandpiother always believed.- • He
had sold his watch, had lived until
be -found his old friend, the . - artist,
had become his pupil and had_ gone
to Europe with him.
While unknown-to the people ,of
his little town,. he had made a name
in - the great world of art. He had
made a moderate fortune also ' • and
one day he went back to his home,
'expecting to find-all the Barberrys
there—a -little older, of course—and .
to. become the pride of the filthily. -
Instead,- he found the - hoqse occu
pied by strangers - and was told that
his parents - were dead. His .inform
ant *as
. a stranger, who did not know
who he was, and who thought - - she
spoke the truth, and he did. not stop
to ask questions of those who 'could
have told bin] the truth.
The woman had also told him that
Clara was mirried, and be left the
town that night, feeling at ones
ty and ill-used. lie made' his way to'
Boston soon after, and'' was taken" ,
rather against his will to.the ladies'
fair' at St. 1 'Susan's church, where
pretty girls Besought him to buy pin
cushions at prices that-Would -have
horrified even- a Californian, and
where he had a Veri-unlucky hour's
fishing at a dollar a dip in a
pond, into which all the rubbish bad
been thrown; and where, amongst his
prizes, were a topsy doll with .one
arm, ow:ran-original-poem by an. un
known lady. -
At last, roaming about amongst
the stalls" in the bewildered manner
peculiar to single gentlemen at fairs;
he saw a pretty figure, and a pretty,
face framed in a widow's:cap, stand
ing at a table, - ;and Over her head,
suspended against a dark drapery,
oh .objeet which Startled
-0004 i —it lie Yei it was Ho
knew every stroke by heart. Re
stopped and gazed at it. The lady
turned toward him.
'Shull I have the plaque taken
down Would you like to look at
it closer?'
'Thank you,' be answered, looking
at her oddly. can see it very well,
and I sboul&like to buy it, though
it, interests me ratheelts an old ac
quaintance than ah a work of art. ,I
once spoiled a pie dish in something
like that style.. c It must be imagina
tion, I suppose, but I could swear
that that mas the dish itself.'
Then 'he paused,. for _the widow
clasped her hands, looked at him
with her byes full of tears'and an
swered :
'Oh, Dudley; it attic .dish I How
could you use your poor old mother,
and all of us, so badly? And what
4 great beard you have grown!'
The 'plaque! went home.under the
arm of its purchaser; on the other
rested Mrs. Bird's, little ,hand. Of
course you guess the . rest. The fa
mous artist .is no longer a bachelor.
Clara is his wife.. His _ happy mother
makes her borne : with them, and the
great treasure of their -housebkid_is
'the spoiled -pie - dish.
_• •
The - -Contract Note Dad!.
During* the last 'few years (thou
sands of farmers have been swindled
Icy - what is knoWn as the .Contract
Note Dodge. Thelrauds who tray . -
eree the country engaged in the swin
dling scheme deal mostly in patent
right_frauds- of various • kinds, &Om
pitchforks to machines more valuable
on the farm. :The . farmers have often
been warned against these gentry by
the press, but thepreadily change
their tactics and assume - all sorts of
protean forms for entrapping the un.
wary, and Scarcely a day . passes that
some . - conntryman•is'not made a vic
tim of the wicked wiles of the übiqui
tous scamps. The latest beard of is
a number who go about selling •an
alleged seeding-pavhine, and these
have victimized a number of people.
A . newspaper reporter has been shown
a copy of an exceedingly ingenious
document which these fellows use in
their operations in the. Weil', and by
means of- which. they.. have caught
more than one who thought hiinself
entirely too smart :tO be' dnpcd'by
any city sharp. The reader is hereby
presented with a : ; fac-simile of - "the
"contract" drawn by • these patent
seeding-Machine 'fellows, which, * Ittley
induce farmers to sign, -and Which
shortly-afterwards turns up as a plait
note of_ band in the
.posaession of
some paper-shaver in his neighbor.
hood who has purchased.the.same of
the swindlerg. It is'as follows:
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The swindlers go to a well-to!do
farmer and tell him he has'been rec.
ommended as a OA man to sell
their machines, and . ask him to be
come their agent. - Ile is persuaded
that they sell rapidly, and that .he
can make a large per cent. profit. He
is told that lie will not be. expected
to risk any money or pay anything
until he - has sold $325 worth of the
machines. Ile is induced to sign the
contract above — given, Which, it will
be seen, sets forth thiS agreement
when re: t d straight 'across. It' looks
Mr and innocent enough.. and soon
the farmer-puts his in the blank
space JuSt before the words " Sole
Agent ComPany." .Af
terwardli the - scamps easily change
the document from a contract to sell
into a promissory not e by tearing off
that part to the right of the line
drawn through the agreement as
printed. In the original presented to
the farmers of course no line appears;
-and it is given here simply to show
where the division takes place, and
the separation at whiCh Point so rad
ically changes the nature of the doc
nment. It will be seen at a :glance
that this is liable to deceive any ;one
without close inspection.
is worth iiiithing without
good wip.
Tar. abuse or privileges must be an ag
gravating sin.
Ns an expose your disappointments to
the world. -, -
SECRECY has been well - termed the soul
of all great designs. • 1
i .
WOULD yon retain the love of a friend,
do not be selfishly exacting. ,' . r , .
iAs fire is discover i d by its own light,
skis virtue by its own excellence::,
To be proud of learning is the greatest
ignorance. .
RtADING without purpme is sautiter
ing, not exercise.
IklEurr is always measured in this World
by its success.
CO*LiltEtiTS lAN= come from an
empty purse than from a flee heart.
THE coldest bodies,wartn with opposi
tion ; the hardest sparkle in . collision.
PAEPAItATION is half the battle, ilud
Pollag Is Ipst by being on opo!sg9ard,',.'
=-..~. -
The Managetherit- of Sick Chil-
The vicissitudes necessarily Wei
'dent to an out-door- and primitive
modeof life are never the first causes
of any disease, though it may some-.
times betrayits presence. Bronchitis,
nowadays perhaps the most frequent
of all infantile diseases, makes no ex
ception to this rule'; a draught of
cold air may reveal the latent pro
gress of the disorder, but its cause is
long confinement in a vitiated and
overheated atmosphere v and its pro
per remedy ventilation and a mild,
phlegm-loosening (saccharine) diet,
warm sweet milk, sweet oatmeal
porridge, or honey-water. Select an
airy bedroom and do not be afraid to
open the windows ; among the chit
dreti of the Indian tribes who brave
in open tents th-terrible winters of
the Hudson Bay territory, bronchitis,
croup and diphtheria are wholly un
known ; and what wet, call " taking
_cold " might often be more correctly
described as taking /pit: - glowing
stores, and even open Ares, in a
- night-nursery, greatly aggravate the
pernicious effects Of an impure at
mosphere. The first iparoxyem of
croup can be promptly relieved by
very simple remedies
,:fresh air and
a rapid forward-and-baokward move
ment of the arms, combined in urgent
cases with the applicatr of . a flesh
brush (or piece of, noel) to th,, ,
neck'and the upper part of the chest.
Paregoric and poppy-sirup stop the '
cough by lethargizing the irritability
and 'thus preventing the discharge of.
the phlegm' till its accumulation pro
duces a second and far more danger
ous paroxysm. These'second attacks
of croup - (after the administration of
pallititives) are eenerally the fatal'
ones; When the child is convalesc
ing, let- him beware of stimulating
food and 'Overheated rooms. Do net
give aperient medicines; costiveness,
as an after-effect of pleuriti - 6 - affec
tions, will soon yield to fresh air and
a vegetable , diet.—Popular Science
Him.--L-Major Sanger, who is known
in military slang as,a "bantam," was
returning one day recently from Bis
marck to Fort Lincoln, which la
across the rivet, and the ambulance
in which he was riding was delayed
by a team and wagon driven by otie
of the class known as,mule•whaclers
in this country.. The driver of the
ambulance and the mule-whacker got
into a wordy altercation, and Major
Sanger got very indignant at what
he believed to be impertinent lan
guage and unwarranted interference
in his journey. He jumped from the
ambulance, a Tom Thumb in size but
a Goliah in fury, and exclaimed :
"Get that wagon out of the Way."
The mule-whacker looked at him
quizzically and asked
"Who the devil are you ?" • .
"I am Major Sanger, of the army,
air, and I want you to get that wagon
out of the way." ..
The mule-whacker ejected a mouth - -
ful of tobacco • into the road and re
marked :
"Do you know, what I'll o with
you, Major Sanger of the army, sir,
if you don't make less noise with
your. mouth?"
"Chat' will-you do ?" inquired the
Major, looking as.large and fierce as
"I'll set a mouse-trap and catch
you, Major Sanger, of the army, sir,
and give you to my puppy to play
with."—Chicago Inier-6cean.
• : -An lEsth,etic Wif .
"Say, tell ysni sornethi . gif you
woill blow it," was the Waythat one.
man saluted another on Twelfth
street the other , day.
"All right—go ahead."
"You won't give it. tiviray until I
Say - so ?"
'Not a Word.''
"Well, my wife ba* got to be an
"No l"
',Sure's your born: have • sus
pected that she was working that
way for some time . Vast - but it's only
within a day or two that I became
positive."' •, •
"Weil; that's wonderful. Say, how
does she set?"
"Languid—verylanguid. She lops
around, drawls her noroks, writes sad
poetry, and, the sight or an old pie
tin or a banged-up chromo entrances
her. Congratulate me on my luck."
"I do-1 do. That is—"
"Don't build your hopes too fast..
Be sure. you are right and then .go
ahead. I labored for a whole year
under the delusiin that' my wife was
developing,as an aesthetic, and when
1 came to talk with her father he said
she was always more than half-idiot
by nature. Go slow—gq slow. The
difference between an liesthetie and
a fool is so mighty small that you
can't afford to make a-mistake."
is a great'portion of this planet .which
is not yet finished and fenced in. We
have 718,688,000 acres of .available
land not yet surveyed but open to
settlement, and 734,961,000 acres
suiveyed but not yet taken up. This
is exclusive of Alaska; where we have
a dominion vast in extent aril possi
bly possessing great value. But Eng
land has still more virgin land than
we. In the Austrian colonies she
has 2,000,000,600 acres of land never
yet touched; in Cape) Colony 52,0000 ,
000 acres are all ready for settlement,
but with ,110.seltlers ; in Natal, Cey
lon and the West Indies, 14,500,000
acres, and in Cyanide probably some
thing like 1,500,000 acres of uneceu
pled.and very fertile lands. Here is
a vast inheritage 'for the English-
speaking people of the world—a her
itage large enough to give a farm of
160 acres to 31;.25,000 perathis. The
titne maycome when the world will
be too crowded with people, but that
tinfe is evidently not near at band.—
New York Graphic.
• VARIETIES of mere nothings give more
pleasure than uniforaiity of sometLing
IT is the part of a wise man to - waive
the Front gm, for the -four* illOreaßet
Mr. R. J. Burdette thus writes td
the Burlington Hawkeye: Well, time
die 4, the saMmer is almost over, the
mackerel hive come up the bay and
are biting like poison, the ferns are
groling old, and the boy is learning
to talk so that other people can un
derstand him.
"If you would lei me have him
about one month," said the pleas
ant-voiced and pleasant faced social
mistress who came down here from
up-river last week, "I could break
him of that careless habit of speak
Just because the boy had asked
his stern dark-browed father :
" Poppula, whurs tne - mines. Minn
pole you peaking mama day ?"
Which by interpretationis, us the
pleasant-voiced school mistress would
have taught him to say it :
" Pappa, where is my _ fishing rod
of 'which yo.i were speaking to my
mother, with reference to purchasing
for me at some time in the indefinite
future?" •
And her little serve highness shook
her head and said no; he was losing
his baby talk, and learned to speak
English too rapidly as it was. The
pleasant face of the school mistress
wrinkled up into an interrogation
" School mistress," the Jester said,
"on all matters of education your
shapely head is not hilly; it is as le
vel as a new-mown lawn. But you
don't want to teach the baby gram
mar, and you don't want him to
speak good English. Youiwant him
to be a baby and you want to en
courage him to indulge in. baby talk.
In the years to come, when the , pud
gy little fists will dig great tears out
of the blue eyes, because the. boy
cant remember in just what points
there should and must be exact har
mony between the verb and the sub
ject ; when he is confident that he
die before he can remember how
tnan3t fellows beside 'ad, ante, eon,
in or inter,' are followed by the ac
cumulative; when he knows the
world,,' Will stand still for just two
hours after school if he can't . recall
that all terminations in Something
or other take the what you may call"
.it after some kind of things when he
is so trusting and has so much c.onfl
deuce in Mr. Davies that he is not
only willing but anxious to accept
his statement that the sum of three
angles of a triangle is equal to two
triangles, without going to the board
to prove this truthfulness by demon
stration ; along in thoie days the
memory of his baby talk will come
back to us like sweet music. He will
have trouble enough with the Eng
lish lancr t? uage and all the appurtenan
ces thereunto appertaining by-analy
by.". "No," herfespoaded in answer
to a silent inquiry of the pleasant-,
faced school mistress, "he .does not
know his alphabet, thank Heaven,
and heshall not be bothered with it:
Yes, he has alphabet blocks and
knows all the pictures on them and
many preposterouS stories about the
pictures. Oh, yes, he can count,
hear him now counting the pebbles
he has brought from the beach ; one,
free, seven, free, seven, ten, free, five,
seven, free ; certainly he can count
by a system or, his own, too, which
is more than. most people have. Don't
make a prig of the b a by, school mis
tress. From the day on which thei
are six years old, they must, under
the school system of the States, be
gin to study, and sit up straight, and
behave properly and speak correctly,
and from that time until the grave
hides them they live and speak and
act and act-verbally speaking, they
be, and do and suffer—under social
and educational surveillance. And
I claim that at least six years of the
life of man and woman should be
free • 'free as the - air ; free to talk as
the-brook -runs, with untrammeled
musical prattle and babble. Why
here, a few weeks ago came a melan
choly looking child, about four years
old, in my presence and hearing,
pointed to me and said to his moth
" Ma'am' of whom is that gentle
man speaking ?" •
"Poor little prig! My heart bled
for him. That aftTernoon I took that
boy down by the target, and taught
him to say : Ma'am, what is dat man
speakin' to you about ?" and recon
strubted his general . gram mar the same
eas3r-basis, and—look,me in the eye
—itthat boy didn't tan up like a
young Indian in two days and he
gained seven pounds in three weeks.
"Sou.see," the jester concluded, in
ark apologetic tone,-;for he hud done
an unusual amountl4 preaching that
day, "you see, we haven't, a very
broad experience in training chil
dren '
• we have only one chick to
cluck offer and scratch for, but we're
bound he shan't go to school until
3's through being a baby, and we
know, school mistress, that he's the
happiest baby that ever mangled
grammar." -
The feast of St. Augustien, which has
been celebrated in Tucson, Arizona,
annually for more than a century, is
just over for this year It begins on .
August 28 and lasts as long as the
revellers have the money to keep it
up—usually about three weeks. The
Mexican population find in the cele
bration,' a solace for all the woes of
the year, and indiViduals sometimes
travel laboriously la distance of sev
eral hundred miles to be present.
Formerly the observances were sim
ple and the diiersions innocent but
witlihe influx of ,a new population
and ew modes of life, gambling and
kindred dissipations almost monopo
lize the feast. More games of hazard
than any one person could tell the
name of allure the crowd, and all
classes join in the fascinating attempt
to get something for nothing. - One
of the most novel sights of the festi
vsl is a religions dance, in which ti
neatly. naked Mexican contorts -his
bOdy and face amid the glare of the
torches which illuminate the plaza,
while his countrymeb look on in si
kat. excitement when some extrao j
d Ina ry cony ulsiop ca! ont yopilbrous
cheers, •
Baby Talk.
*Lop per Annum In Advance.
Only a line In the paper,
That somebody read aloud,
'At a table of languid boarders,
To the doll, Indifferent crowd.
Markets and deaths, and , -a marriage,
And the reader read them all. -
How could he know a hope died then.
• And was wrapped in a funeral pall?
Only a line In a paper, -
Bead Ina casual way
Bat the goli went ouk of one young MC,
And left It cold and gray— •
Colder than bleak December.
Grayer Ulan walk of rock;
And the reader Fumed, and the rokui grew full
. Of laughter and Idle talk.t
If one clipped oil to her chaMber,
Why, who could dream or Itnow
That one brief line In the Mier
lied sent her away with her woe
Away into lonely sorrow...,
To bitter and blinding ttars
Only a line In the paper—
But ii meant such desolate years f
A Wild Ride.
Before I begin my story I must
tell you that T am a commercial trav
eler, born and bred, so to speak, to
the- business. '
I have my wits about, Me, - and, as'
I often happen to have a good many
valuable, articles also, I have need of
them. "
lam an Ynglishman—English to
the _back bone—and live on roast
beef, bottled ale and old port wine.
I lan one of the men who don't
dream and don't fancy.
When I see a thing I see it. When
I hear a thing I hear it. Arid what
I saw on one 'particular occasion I
mean to tell you.
You wilk not offend me if you
doubt it.
Nevertheless, I shall ,
as I said, tell
the story'. - -
It was in the year, 18—, and the'
month was May, and ,, the place was
England. I had left London five
days before, and now I was miles
and miles away from- it, in the very
heart of the country, traveling to
ward a little town where I bad tipsi
ness. It was an old-fashioned inn,
and the people were kind and oblig
Travelers did not often stop at
that inn, I suspect, fOr they were as
particular about my melds as though
I had been a prodigal : son come home
for the holidays.
- They killed -the 'fatted - chicken for
me and made much of me altogether;
and to crown all, as the train did not
'stop in time to take me on, as I
wanted to go,.and as it was only a
matter of five miles or so,. what - did
•the landlord _ do but hunt .up a rusty 'that was tucked away in the
coach-house, and . ordered - his man to
drive me over that evening. It Wasn't
an extra _mind you.. It was sheer .
good will. So' I shook . hands -all
around, and . reinembered
.the cham
bermaid and the waiter with half "a
crown each; and off I rode. It - was
getting dark fast, and the road
wound away among . . the hills in- a
.very romantic sort of a way; why, it
made you think of ghosts, if you
were a commercial traveler.
" Here's the place," says I to my
self, "Where the old gentleman -of
the road would liked to have met me
and my black -bag fifty-years Boo."
A hundred years ago, anyaw,. I
would not have felt so safe as 1 do
Just then the coach came to a sud
den pause. •
" Hallo," cried I-out of the win
dow ; "what's the matter ?"
"It's more than I can: tell, sir,"
said the man. " Black' Jane has
turned sulky; ..she won't 'move a'
With that he began to shout and
crack his whip, I, with my head out
of the window, watching him, when
suddenly the beast started off, like
mad, and I drew in'my face and saw
.I had company.
While the coach - was at a stand
still a lady and gentleman had slip
ped in.
The - sat on the seat opposite •me,
and though it was an intrusion I had
not the heart to: find fault, for a pret-
tier pair never an* in my life.
If he was' twenty-one years, it was
just as much as he could bp, and she
was not seventeen. • -
I have seen a pair oT china" lovers
an the mantel-piece the perfect im
age of what they were, as pretty, and
dressed much the'same.
. His hair was _powdered, and hers,
li.' She had on a yellow silk, Low
e n the neck than I would like a
ughter of mine to wear it, and her
arms would have been bare only for
her long kid gloves. She had pearls
in her ears and on her throat, and
she had just the most innocent little
face my two eyed ever 'rested upon.
As for the boy, he had a chocolate
velvet coat and white silk stockings,
1 and lace ruffles at hii wrists. And
they had one large cloak-:-:-his I fan
cy-east about the two of them,
though it drooped back a bit as they
sat down. •
1" Two young folks going . to a fa t
cy ball; perhaps," said I, and just
took a lit. on the way."
And I=touched my cap, to them,
and says I: " Pine evening, sir."
He did not answer me,
but she
looked - at me and stretched out a lit
tle white hand.
"Oh, sir," she said, "look out at
the•back.of the coaph, I pray you,
and tell me if he is gaining on us. "
-I looked out of the window. -
" There's a man on horseback rid
ing up the road," said I, for I saw
"Oh, heavens !" said she.
" Courage, Betty," said the young
fellow. " They shall never part ns.
Then I knew it was a - runaway
match. • -
"I see how it is," cried I. "Keep
up your heart, young man. If 'the
young lady likes you, she'll stick to
you through thick and thin. I'll do
my best to help feu."
"Oh, heaven!" she cried again.
" Oh, my (Jailing, I hear the horses
feet. There - are more of them. Oh,
sir, look; tell me."
I looked: and saw many armed
horsemen following swiftly.
Clotorkt my hurt, Dotty," cried
--- -
the young man "My beloved, they
lie drew his sword..
- Athong other things he wore a
sword. .
I pulled my pistol from my pocket.
We all stretched our heads for
forward, and at that moment the
coach - turned a rocky point of the- -
road, and . I saw we were on the mar-.
girrof a precipice.
-All this time Black Jane had kept
up her furious speed, and I saw we
were in danger.
Ila - ye a care," cried I. -
"Faster !" cried the young man.
Suddenly there came a jolt rind 4
scream from the young lady. I heard
him say, "At last we die together."
And the coach lay fhat on its side
—not over the precipiee, but on the
edge of it.
A man - is a little stunned by - a
thing litre that.
When I'd climbed out of the win
dow and helped old Anthony up
'with the coach, and coaxed Black
Jane to quietness, I remembered that
no one else got oat; of the vehicle,
and I looked about ;in vain for my
pretty lovers. They were not there,
nor were there any signs of the troop
Of horsemen I had seen dashing up
the hill. They could not have pass
ed us in the narrow path by any pos
'• We ran a .chance for our lives,
master," said Anthony. "Yet lam
called ri good driver, and Black Jane
is the kindesl, thing I ever saw in
harness. • Thank God for all His
mercies. It's a strange thing we did
not go over the cliff."
" But where did they go ?" I ask
" With?" said Anthony. -.
" The two lovers-'—the pretty 'crea
tures in 'fancy dress. The people
who wire after them—where are
they ?"
." Where " began Anthony.
Their he turned as . ; pale as death.
"All good angels over us r he cried.
"We have - ridden with Lady Betty.
It's the 10th of May. I. might have
known better than to try the road
to-night. Protect us all. Yes, we,
we've ridden witivLady Betty."
" Who is Lady Betty?". said I.
" As pretty a creature as ever I saw,
at all events. Who is she?"
Old Anthony stood looking at, me
and - shaking his head.
"It's an old story," he said.
" Book-learned folks tell it better
than I. But a hundred year* ago
and more, 013 thii blessed night, my
Lady Betty Hope, the prettiest lady,
ran off from a country ball with her
father's young secretary."
"They put one cloak over their
heads, and an old servant drove
them, kdowing•it was worth his life.
" But before they had gone far,
behind them came her kinifolk, armed
and ready for vengeance. And when
they reached this ioint they saw that
all was over. -
"'Better die together - that' to live
apart,' he said, holdiug her close.
Then he called out to; the servant,
'How goes it '
",' All is lost,.sir ' said the man.
The horses can't hold up five min
utes longer.'
"Then drive ,over," says he. -
The man obeyed orders.
"But ever since that night, sir, as
sure as the 10th of ' May comes
around; there's plenty here that will
tell you that whoever drives .a coach
past this road after nightfall won't
ride alone.
" There's nobody that remembered
the night would do it for a kingdom,
but I forgot. I'm getting okl, and
I f&rget things whiles; and so we're
ridden with Lady Betty."
That's the story old Anthony told
me, and what went before is what I
saw and heard, I'm a solid, sensible
man, but facts 'are_ facts, and here
you have.'em. •
GEORGE W.-CIIILDQ, the capitalist
publisher of the Philadelphia Ledger,.
and A. J."-Drexel f the wealthy banker
of that city, are engaged in an im
portant new enterprise. They have
purchased - 600 - acres of groimd, thin
teen miles out of the city, at Wayne
station, on the Pennsylvania railroad, ".
which they will divide into one-acre
lots, and erect on each lot a cottage
at a cost of $2,000 to $8,000.1 The
land cost them $lOO an acre. They
will expend $lOO,OOO on the tract in
landscape ornamentation, $50,000 in
water-works tr, supply tlfe village
with good water, and $1,500,000, on'
the general improvement, including
the building of the 'cottages. One
ornate hotel, called the Bellevue, has
already been erected, and another, to
be called the Audubon, will follow,
each capable of accommodating "150
guests. There will be 500 cottage
residences, which are to be disposed -
of to purchasers on easy terms, each
cottage situated 40 feet -from the
street, and each street to be 60 feet
wide-with sidewalks 12 to 15
wide. Arrangements hare been ef
fected with the railroad by which
monthly tickets permitting the resi-,,
dents to pass to and from their busk
ness -in the city will be'soltl at s7,'
It is the intention of Messrs. Childs
and Drexel to - make Wayne one ol
the most — beautiful and attractive
suburbantowns iii the country.
Fun, Fact and Facetite.
Tin rations on which a poet's brains
is fed—lnspirations.
• Tan best remedy, for a man wl'o is
"spell-bound "—A , dictionary. •
SOME children are like stair carpets ;
they can't be kept in oder without the
STRANGE but true—The tired man wbo
lies a-bed in the morning is not - attired -
man..' - t
YOUNG men ' • in.toinrneneing life, imi
tate the 'little fish. They always begin
on a small scale:
WHAT function does,a muzzle over a
dog's mouth perform ? It .acts as a sus:
pender to his pants.
THE marriage , tie should be a simple
beau kuot. It never works well when it r ie
a•double bean know. _
"I never have any trouble," said a see
dy vocalist,. "to get on the high• notes.
It is the loan notes that-trouble me." -
IT would lie well for talkative people to
take a lesson of the trees and profit by
their example, - to keep - 4;qme things
shady. - "
WonnY is_said to kill more people than
Work • but laziness kills more than worry.
and, besides, it is the meanest kind of
death to die..
WREN a bee ishumming about yOu on
a shat p key he means mischief, and y6ta
should just make a bee flat of him, with
anything handy. ,
It must not be supposed that the giraiii
and the boa constrictor are cheap crea
tures to board, because a little' food goes
such a long way with them.
- Mss. HomasPirN, on bearing somebody
remark upon the hunting in the English
preserves,-exclaimed : "That's just wha
our little Johnny does in my preserves.' -
" WILL you tell me," asked-an old gel:
tleman of a lady, "what Mr& ma:
den name was." Why, her maiden
aim was - to get married, of conrso," ex
claimed the - lady.
• A. PAPER published in Southern
bays : " We haven't had , an rain for for
ty days and forty nights. - The Ohio is wr
low that boats base to carry sprinklers ha
lay the dust,"