HAGAR AND ISHMAEL. A f:ERMOTS UT Ali -OLD. _Concubinage prevailed legally in an ant times. Children born of handmaids ere entitled to the name and fortune of fathers. Four of the twelve chil ,..en of lirael were of that classeph ",ah, a man of wealth and might was ,;ke, only more .t-0. Ibhmael would • ve been heir with Isaac, but - for edict of- Sarai.- Abram and Sarai were getting old and I] stricken in age, and, like many oth married couples: were tired of each :fees society, when the good-natured fri Faggeste:l to Abram to pay his lire , to Nagar, the young and charm- Egyptian Maid. The willing votary, er ready to worsbip at beauty's shrine; . essed himself in his best Sunday du:his, lacd his guitar, and coming softly un cr the ualcony, he sang - wt;::e the saox,tl 10-.lmlr.g, And the dares4:llArished - a .smite frcnn• _hind tLe lattice. Well. they had their walks by rnoanligh:, and their ices. They il.rated gaily upon the she sung T. ;Le heJat !we, civer the slay, EEO :ed i•hel`..f• frfim 11:0: sea—l/re I Ell Ayd 14 w.ked thitalies 4 •1;:f Bat jez.l9usSarai don't . like the pr9R e,lingn, although it wak...;by her . advio her enlist-TA. For vengeance •: brat the uutaending ll : agar,' who patiently. -Did nut hu;il the , :it her mistre r ss . head. Did not her iu the face with thii dish cloth. not jawi back f7'.en. But when she 1 cLdure it no longer, she:leff home IA v. aLdLr(tl away back down toward _ypt. But an ant:el met her by a fouu zA•ar 7;bur, and he said : Hagar, ,rui's maid, whenee comest thou, and •iti-e: art thrill going?" And she : —litee from the face of .my mss And the angel commanded her return and submit to Sarai, with th( 7 on:ise of a rieb ble,, , ,sing.. And she : "7 Lou Goal seest me." Wherefore we;l was called Beer-Lkhai-floi,'• .rout here: flu. narrative breaks and the is tidcut while Time • !.:- :ft ra.,—tez.t1,1,,,. the grrJwthuutri,,d, ea' promise,. Ras .born, ,mon. nutseil ti hwati- a: :1 that with care.: •On the : : tnat;lsaa4., as I::,1,1A - ae1 was 14-cl.tri NOW you ; hare that sneers :. L l.leiieni_ e oft(!, cane : from au: inferior . a sup•rior. David and .• a case in poiat. When David sent to mousy that was due, the eN-d ;he tr:.:s:iengf . .r. churlishly : Who Ilse don't get a cent !!_of u.i . I'll in Guinea." Dlti Co l i,Deer: , Did b e with ids nose turned Hicrn •:no-s I%t: sec, sortie Na. to thy MD Of Salesmen Chu , -1; Nabiti scecis at. Da- t...:••,:q mocking, Isnac btr ( , 1* 1t .4! 4, ttnarrity•:-st t 4) Hite. Ili- 1 , •! bnilleth and 1191 d !. I1i(I( ;,:e F(ari” I= arc: i,VC:OOly,' ar. , ' to 2. f,,ithou I.u; git!glitil.r„ danc f+,p! ~1 ;.;iee, lie little dreams s ; is coming ni swift tLe I,nig'atigeleo Let levinge. She: sternly commands ~u t thi. 1). ond ,woman and Stampitig bet- f , ..f,t with corru c}•e-hail l•uffur,,a her qui- T I!" ?Wit' was g: i.?vous to Abram, but I' bun to bearken ,Now Abram Was always dirt:' I.) Ow ine command. Not. I.iit fervent in still it he I,:uvi(rol fur llagar zts :ell hit ad and water as she could carry, lth Leavy hcalt bid them adieu. .ii v. iripvv; regret,, strug i.ii- like a vzeat lump iu hi, throat, he 1: to , i and never Fees them frl c rar want:eyed on over the teinn:! s;ort Iwneath a burning sky, 1'..• t! y tlv. ! lig 1...1 all ,lay toward :i!.a;tl till ti nun sunk . below t wilight deepened anti the dal kent,L hey wahrleti t , o go :a-t they lay - thealselve - s clown un • I the ,hi:lter of an overhanging. •roek. .:(1 the hock of watehed . over them, ,ie;tling them frotn the . heasts of prey ),1 pc - escl‘ing them from the pestilence tat W::ll,:t.ttli in 41 . 1 1h1: , Many times “ftU/ I!1.1011g/i night did flit! (11,ient, Jnorning Timaw a d:c . .• of r moo; p ati:l tt.:llot II nigh! grk`r IL.ty 1.10, I.‘ (111,• 4 . .t11, 1% Ith 111011111 Ir, nr:lt I ut not with the dawnidid joy come to agar. She mint 'Qs.; throtialt the fiery deal, atl4l the &pp waters of nfiiiction; •.1 then bappinet s and c•iusolation will mc. to tho l'astein countries animals and .ple often perish with thirst. 4 The rnin rays of the sun, and the fierce si tauses their death ;twin. suf . - lin:2,-. This happens to caravans and kerswhere no wati , r is. The fate came ry War to Hagar :Cid Ishmael. —Tht-:A: on till the sitti tlintLtti the Mel idia.ll, 'A hen the water was •ent in, the bnttle. She tent Nanael , wn unikr a shrub, awl away I t a im,w- , ,hut !-lie lifted up her voice 11 IN( rt atuictimis v,hich mortal!, e called t.r pass through are rrecasioned tl.e 1,, of children. Jacob of old said, If I are bereaved of my children' 1 am reaved." Ring David, although guilty the grossest ac`. of villiatiy. was !fa dhow rettural addictions. We find him arni lying all night upon the earth ~s ave the life or his child. Later in life, hen ice had I rpented of his wicked s, Nye bear him uttering that touching 41 pathetic. lamentation, "0, Absalom, y SW) ! my son l" In Ramah was heard voiee, Rachel weeping for her children. r %%cid Hagar, whi!... !kr prt , hill, Les only. Ifcy t1tO&I iug 1:1 fin )ften in the.darkest hour of human sor ,t‘y the dawn of happiness is near. When r i ekness and stOnnz pain consumes matf&- -sh away, so that hiNife abhors bread, I ;d his soul draws ne r to the grave, en a kind messenger is sent to keep his te back froni the destroyer. Providence • with the storm-tossed mariner upon mighty deep. lie stills the tempest . Thv brvakilig ware. da.h Ligh - Ile the prlNJuer He k with his servant in the den of the fiery furnace He is the _form the fourth. He marks the sparrows .11. Ile hears the-ravens cry. lie heard alzar when she wept: like as a father pities his children, so c Lord pities them that fear him. 45 )is lone' woman prays with clasped hands, and streaming eyes upraised to heaven, an angel called to her out - of heaven and said, " What aileth thee, Ha= gar?" When the Lord opened her eyes, she saw a well of water and- Ishmael was saved. dnd this suggests thoughts f that spir itual fountain, at which mortals may drink when their eyes are opened. The prophet ,invites and says, "Flo! every one that thirsts." The Saviour says, If any m an thirsts; let him corns and drink.""The spirit and the bride may come. And let him that heareth, say come. And let him that is athirst come and whoever will, let him t ke of the war. , ter of life freely." MRS. MIA E. REIM OF LYNN, MISS., g i A r LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VECirrAP22 COMPODITD. for all these Palarui Comp!alata awl Weakness*, so eol.llßilli toner beat tessalt peralatioft. It .1:1 cure tut:rtly tfio wortt f,rm'ot Female Com. 4 'ALI:4N al[ ortli.:LlM trout4o"lr.f.atorratiork 6=l . CP:era mr.Lt a:A Dir . . lszerCtTll", and tte•toaawzo, tut ii.ud 1n particubali idaytetd to th. CLl,ze of Lift. • It * , lll dare-tre wad mei trucion from tba 'an= • in. early stage a exec:op:7lPa. The tx:utle.4ry to Can Lumr.reth.erelecLvke4 ,ery Fy.W.lly Ly Its tue It removes fa:sty-era, flavtlerry, destroys&U eraxing for ttinitlants, ILUd relleTtaireakneaa of the stomach. It rtirel 131 , ,ating, Headaches, Verworts prostration. C. , :n.ral . • Eleeylessinals, bercesadoti ft-stion. l That feeling of bduing down, ebosts‘r pcln. Dl cod I..scic.sfrbs. Isils , sys permanently cured by Ui ass. It will at all ttmes iad wader all el reurnataarea art Ds harear,ay with the laws that ga*Prn the female system For thn care of Sidney Cotnsaniatio of eiLtror eeiILL C" , ..,:nnonnet in nzanrinmed: ' LYDIA E.-TINKAIAWS VEGETABLE GOB. I'OCNDIs prepared at 2C3 sad '2ll Western Ave',nn 1.7r.r., Mama Prioe $l. bottlelf or $5. Sent by form of pills, also 1 n the for= of lozenges'', on receipt of price, $1 per tr:z for eltlaer. 7.dra. Plnlclurn fre , ..17 smelters ail ktters of lull:dry. Send for pampb let. Ad-trees as a.bove. Purw.r. No family thcruld tr!thceat LYDIA E. PINKTIALL.pg LI VE.P. PILLS. 'Mel cure co tuttlpatta. bllitiusetss , tontitlty of the liver. eenis ZS' Sold by .all Druggists. 'VI • THE MOSTiPOPULAPt I -• '0 FT AL-L-.- To-day Isis 7:‘ LI FETI M E . Ili C SUFIFYASSES" OTHERS oips i ontiark&go. r. , 30 UNION SQ. NEW, YORK v d CHICAGO ILL t (MANGE MASS. ME ILVA,HISM and ELECTRIC The great Cars Vivo Agents. • i.. A GALVANIC BATTERY i ' , !•. ~. d•I•••I In ti.:; M. •iii•at•ol rLt.toit, which, wilt!, 1 t • 1 ••• •I I.• t lot.1••••:r i•reMiemt a cOnstant but mild f. • • :rent r. 4 '], •• • r., !I :. , 4:01 1,1 ment exhilarating. rz .e.eriiiin: :i.„oe•it-iTo si.:• f ti, the 11144 eiCrUCilltillir !'1 ! ... " : :1' ;; ; J 4 : : . ::;;:::.:; r„I, I ',I, I U I r i . :; MTlol7YliCirntiWckmnuerhr -1 , r .. 11 ,•-,1,•, , 41 tte •••• ei7Ltie and mysterious 1••`; • • • •••m•• • ,1 ••••• f• ,r r a _•• r • e •a f m e l r . tzrh.etr Ye vxro aul (peed)cureA H ill..ij I.lb It I 14111: N.iuralgla; Sick Head. t! i ..,1,..... ; :Weal: and Inflamed Eyes; AU .Ir,•,.thik,:, o f Hir 1.1.11 n; Spinal Cow.. plut , ilv; i; Irint•y -and Live's. Complaints; I tt Ic.a., Parc lysl4 null Lumbago; Dys rel. I a; A tattina and Lung Diseases; Di.- , a•-, of tho neart; Nervous Proof's 1i 0 AA111; .LC. . . 1.11. CE ONLY $l.OO. THE BELL MANN CO.. Prop'lli, 212 9ralra7, C:?. Etl:flt.; Itev 'I'S WANTED.. 11TAJW F()It ISY ALL GISTs.Q. Scot by Mail. t 1. , : :-.'''' l -e,, - -.r.. , ,r'......rad1k • ~ . • -9 r -,1 IMI ME • r ee ,•,,t )I,•st.t:. ••:-13:11: tr. ?:>•:•.., IV: L ri.,:cr • • . Is_ta. I..:ran, MEE BEM lEEE '.: . :11:_.• ~ , t i - 71 F: 1 -:. , '-.1 - - ri • , ,...... 1 . 7 . ,_ 1 :41 1 ...-; ;:',A : 2 7 .1:.0033 V! . :.--: ti _ l .- x-:::i - •:.-1 ri NO pi ZU . v.l. SP:IN j.:.- L -_t) ~::: 4, ii s iT'. u .: - .L'lril."l - fir. . ... . ,;- -, .. • ~. e ft, r ::€ 5.. V- . C' - r-.., , ',.. -1 " - STEAM MILL OWNERS The Undersigned has permanently lo sated In Tuwanda, fur the pure of doing ALL KINDS OF BOILER WORK. Boller Tubes repaired. Job Work of alrklads done and warranted, Estimates given for.new Wailers, and Boiler Inspections made. 'We hire hal large experieneeand are thoroughly pot,,ned in nil branch. es. We trust those In wan: t 1 11(diers And Sheet- Iron will st udy their own intm - e.taand patron Ise mi. SilOPt NEAR L. B. RoDnEwEi MILL. Order. Way les left at liattlwaro Store of M. C, M•rcnr. DtT.W.trk.. Towanda, Sept, IS, 1891•eatt, gliscetrastons Ie rt;tire Care 'ci•mr 11 d 17 a 1 , „fj, :• OE MEE • I . t . ay,l7c,Trcrlr.. 21% ".1 • .1r • • " .11 rtl ESTING TO r7V -T i7M - 7 1 1U:r3q CORNER MAIN & BRIDGE-STS. Zeadquarters FOR CHOICE GROCERIES CASH PAID FOR BUTTER, EGGS, '&c. GOODS SOLD AT THE . LOWEST -LIVING RATES Towanda, April 2, 1880-yl. NEW FIRM.! SWARTS Have elled the Old Store CORNER OF MAIN - AND BRIDGE STREETS, (lately occupied IT Owen 8r02.) with an entire NEW STOCK 'OF.FINE Groceries & Provisions. We invite attention to our COMPLETE ASSORTMENT , • AND CHOICE STOCK NEW CORDS T, tar s The highest market prices paid to Farmers in Cash for desirable produce. Wood and Willow NlVara , • . kept conitantly on hand. Buyer!' ar4 Invited to call and examine our Gdsoo and Prices: Towanda, Pa., January 24th, STEVENS &LONG General Dealers in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, COVNTRY PRODUCE -1 HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR NEW STORE, CORNER 'OF 3IAIN . & PINE-Sti '$ (The old Mind of Fox, Stevens h Mercur.) They Invite attention to thelirompleto assortment and very large stock of Choice New Goods which they have always on hand. ESPECIAL ATTENTION. GIVEN TO THE And Cash paid for desirable kinds. M. J. LONG Towandi, Aprl 1 1879. NEAT MARKET e . E. D. RUNDELL ) • Would respectfullyannouneethat he Is continuing the Marker business at the ohlidand of Mutiock !Lundell, and will at all times keep a full supply of. OYSTERS Constantlsl on hand., Country dealers supplied at a clty rates. . . FRESH: Ar, SALT MEATS, MEM GARDEN VEGETABLES, tl , t T .,. li. : I All Goods dellyereA Free of Charge. • - E. towandi, I's. licry. 27, 1879. D. lIIINDELL Waffle 'Daubs. THE -OLD MARBLE YARD STILL 'IN OPERATION. _ • The undersigned having purchased the MAR BLE YARD of the late GEURGF, MCCABE, de .slres to inform the public that having employed `experienced men; ho Is prepared to.do all kinds of work In the line of MONAJMENTS 7 • „HEAD STONES'_ - • MANTLEgiand • • • SHELVES In the very best manner and at-lowest rates. _PerseMs desiring anything In the Marble line are invited to call and examine work, and save agents' commisslon. • JAMES MCCABE. Towanda, I'a., Nov. la. 1878. 24tf QUSQUERANNA .COLLEGIATE IN sTITCTn. FALL TERM communed; MONDAY, AUGUST 22, lbsl. Eipensett for hoard, tuition and furntehetl room, from 1172 to itso per year. For cstalogue or further partleu. (are address the Principal. "WWI'S E. (2,111111. AN, A. It Toward* Jul fi MI. • Illiscdtastoss. Has removed to mating It his, JAMES McCABE., GORDON FAMILY 1111 An -assorttnen of M. D. 'SWARTS, A. S. GORDON. And PRODUCE TRADE, G EO. S'' •TEVENB. FRESH FRUITS, &c. ItsttmU. tEItIGH v.i.LL!ir PENN. - t NEW YORK Iid4ROADO • Artstigromt of Pawner Trans to take effect MAX 15; 101: - .3.662 4 6rAnD. I , - wXBTWAID. 15101. - 3 .7-71.-t 2 1 813012 1 7 P.M. AWA P.Y. rai. t .P.ll. All , 2 - 7 201 ... 71. Mart arallsi 1031 .... 105 40 25,0 8 25 ) '..7.. 9 . Buffalo... 11 401 .. IZ:r 00 61 10301 ...;.. .... . Rochester. 1 9 501 . 7 . 40 9 40.... 6 11301 ..-.. .... ...Ly005....1 4 401 ....11 SO .... I 654 11,,W ... .......Genera ..! 7 41; 500 814 .... 1 II 3 1 181 3 3., .... ...Itbacs.. 1 410 1 2106 40, .. 61 1 05 1 '.-:....-, ....1.. Auburn . - .1 8 30 1 ._.!g - 351... , .:, 9 1 _ _ .-.1.—0weg0...1 530 7425 —. 1. .. 910 1 45 '9 .. 3 45!:• JElculra ..! 52311 10;6 1 2 IS 94 210 94 , 4 I.s l ...Wairerly ..) 4 4510 20)1 30 1 30 0541 301 226 loy k , 4301 .Sayre...., 4 .1.101015 20 123 101 234 10 ' 4 34/..:Athena...! 4 30,10005100 - 15 .........110 15 .... ....Milan.. 1 ...•1 9 5 2 11.-11 06 .- .. -,10 2? ... —Water. i ....;. a 43;4 5511257 51 3 /2 - 11 &IP 13 - ea's' —TM/I=A .1 1 C 4,2 334 One •• • .1.... 1 105 513 Wysaultlngl ...., 919;.;..`1234 , • ... ....111 6 .....Sta'arSbane.l....l 9 Wi....i1=4 I ....„...111 10 526 Rum'etteld ...1 5 04...:1217 •• • .i.• • ..71 18 .... Frenchtown) .....! 8 54;....i1204 , —. 1 3 34 11 30 5 45 0 Wyalcustac 1 ..: 843 1 031153 11 4413 A 1149 5 031. L 9. ceyvllle.l 3 - 03; 823'3 4611136 ....).... 11 53 6 071SkIn'a Eddy; ....1 8 191....itin i ...:4 101219.;6 23 Ilesboppen i• ....: 8 0413 28)t119 ......—'l2 161 6 281 alehoepany.l..... 7 571....1i113 12 25 , 1 3.• 1041 7 101Tunkban'ekl 2 . 18 , 733 3 03)1052 s i .... .... 1 301 72 O lLa Orange. ...1 720 ....11042 .... .. . 125 . 735 ..1ra115.... • 7 02i....:1030 - 105 5 1 - 0, 144 8 1.15 ilt aune'n 1 351'6 3512 25 , 1010 115 6 251 220 835 Villk.Barre lot 6 0412 no 45 345 730, 4 54 1 1100 Si'eh Chunk 1165, .. 1155,7 25 1 44 8 241 55111200 -Allentown . 10051 . - ,....;1054 4 24 1 500 8 35. 605 1215 .Bethlehem. 0 50: ....J045 6 75 5309 oo 640 1 12531...Eagt0r1. : . 9 20. —.1014.5 50 6 55 1635 825 "' 2ZY PlllLsd'lplatal 8 00: .....9 00!,4 15 1 1 . , 605 9 151 3 35.. New TOO. 6 30, I .... . to 40.240 A.M. "P.M P.11. 1 P.M.1 . . 1 P.Y. A.3‘.4 Y.P. X No. 32 leavea Wyllattsing st COO A. 1d" French town 6:14, Ruuttnerfield 0:23, Standing Stone 6:31, Wysanktng 6:40. Towanda 6:53. Lister 7:06, Milan 7:16, Athens:dn., Sayre 7:40, Waverly 7:3s,arriving in Elmira at 8:50 A. M. No. al leaves Elmira at 5:45 P.M., Waverly 6:16, Sayre 6:45, Athens 6:7.0, Milan 6:59, Ulster 7:08: Towanda• 7:28. Wysanking 7:15, Standing Stone 7:44. itunsmerfleld 7:52. Freud:down 6:02, arriving .at WyaluSing 815 P. M. Trains 8 and 15 ruu daily. Sleeping cars on trains 8 and 15 between 'Niagara Falls azid Philadelphia and between Ly_onsand New York without changes Parlor cars on Trains 2 and 9 between Niagara Falls and Philadelphia" witheut change, and through coach to and from Rochester via Lyons. WM. STEVENSON, Supt. P„,it N. Y: )t. Sayre, Pa., May 16,1860. Is the WORST BEST CONSTRUCTED : BEST LE-EQUIPPEDLIH and hence the - - LENO RALLWA.IE ==:l WEST ANDIIORTHWEST! It Is the short and be route between Chicago alI points In Northern Illinois, lowa. Dakota, Wyoloamr, Nebraska, California, Oregon, Arizona. Utah, Colorado. Idaho, .Montana, Nevada, and for COUNCIL BLUFFS. OMAHA 'DENVER. LEADVILLE, SALT LAKE, SAN'F4ANCISCO DEADWOOD;. SIOUX CITY Cedar Rapids. Des Moines, - Columbus. and all Points in the Territories. and the West. Also, for Milwaukee, Green Buy, Oshkosh - ,Sheboygan, Mar qUette; •Fond' du • Lae,Watertown, Houghton, Neenah; Menasha, F.t..1"au1, - Mlnneapolis, Huron, Volga, Fargo, Bismarck, Winona, LaCrosse, Owatonna, and all points In Minuesota,t Dakota. Wisconsin and the 'Northwest. At Councitßluffs the Trains of the Chicago .5: North-Western and the V.lryg depart from,- arrive at and use the same JO - RICK:don tiepot. At Chicago, dos.• connections are made with the Lake Shore, Michigan Central, Baltimore At Ohio, }t. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago & 'Grand Trunk Irys. and the Kankakee and Pan Randle Routes. • C 1 ,4 0 nntintr-tinnft tnwle nt Junrtinn Pninta, - It is the ONLY LINE running* Pullman Hotel Dining Cars Chicago & Council Bluffs: Pullman Sleepers on all - Night Thins. Insist upon Ticket Agents soiling you Tickets via this road. Examine your .Tickets, and refuse to buy if tiny do not read over the Chicago & North-Western Railway. If you wish the Rest Traveling Accoinincolations you will buy your Tickets by this route, air AS E) WILL. TAKE NONE OTII ER. All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. . MARVIN If 1.711.; HITT, - 2d V. I'. & Geul MahErr, Chicago. • • - - \ i ' 0A •• . .•....4a4 • " 6 o B ls - . • \w` .) o - 0* Io \4.'ar—:•: ,CC s 0 a, z2 .. .... - k ‘. .. 4 '. k r...$ •-• 0 fn. " * l /4 . •,.... 1 . .a ... i 0 0 .. .. 2 ... 0 7( 0 0 ~. 4 .' C.) f; • ' 5.• .• \ ....---. 4 .,„ ..., t c.) 0 - 44 o 1,....• _ , 1. •,,.. _ p Tc - .... 3.4 .. rj: . .S Es .. cl ~... \ c --- . -4 ' —. z c... .:; . ....... ...,. r.: ? - 1.....1 0 ... . ~• \ ^-,.- ^a il L: - , , ' •. Wd .Z. :1: El ; r - - -' 7 ; : 5 - ti I' . - • - ::.--.'. .4.- .3 , : \ ~ .-, .0 el C) • :., ~.. .7%. - 4 = „Cy: L. . ...... - "" ... tt. ,-, "S a' ~. Z; - 1.. - - ,--, o .. 0 6-4 . 1 "-.; f. .p. ~,,, .o ...1. .....• -- ...... -. i- No k :74 ',:: ..,. 5 ~.1 1 i-. 3 et , - ..) -= = .. _• i Ike . o 1 ~ ..4 o S L tf 41 . - E . .7::: 4 r= * 4 wo P k\ - ' 6 , fi A ..... te Z ' ,-. C? "•• 7: Z', - r-,,..-• . ...-• g 2 .... 4 . 1 . . F... ,E . ..a . .0 4 - ..• F.—, GEORGE L. ROSS Is the Proprietor of tho - NEW - GROCERY STORE JUST STARTED IN THE MON . TAN,YE BLOCK. This store beltig on the corner near the Public Munn!, is one of the finest Groceries in town, and Mr. flow has spared no pains In selecting the best goods that the great cities aflord. Ills experience In the grocery buslifess enables him to purchase flrstclass goods, and at bottom prices. Farmers' and everybody can depend on it that - when they get the prices of Groceries at Mrs's it is Or no use to try elsewhere, for his prices are down to rock bottom, :kit:. .1. Lx.ROY CORBIN has charge of: Mr. Ross's FitSl Ward Store in Kellum Block. while Jessie Schoonover is clerk In the new store In Mon. tanye Block. Mr. Rods keeps a horse and delivery, wagon standing at the store in cflarge of Charley Washburn, who will ttx•liver In the Borough, free of charge, all goods as stsni as sold. • All kinds of desirable produce taken In exchange for arocerles or for Cash. - GEORGE' L. RGSS Towan;lik, Pa., Januiry 27:1881. LIST OF LEGAL BLANKS' Printed and kept on sale at the Baron Tan °mut at wholesale ouretall. . . . . . Deed. r . Mortgage. , • - Bond. Tre,asurer's Bond. . . - . Cotlector f 's Bond. - - . . Lease. ' L Complaint. 1 . Commitments. . - . Warrant. • : . . Constable's Return. • Articles otAgreement,2 forms . , Bond on Attachment 1 Constable's Sales. -I. Collector's Sales. . ..., Execution. Subpoena. , Petition. for License. - Bond for License. Note Judgement. . .. Note Judgement Beal. SUBICBIBE - FOR THE .111i.115FORD REPORTER ONE DOLLAR PER Y E.' :: IN ADVANCE GET YOUR •i JOB. PRINTING Done at the Itr.EOIITER 011.ICR, oposits the poet Hone', Tinned'', 00lare4 work a ambit, STRACUsECIIILLED.STEEL-'I' , PLOW.I It otenhines all the excel ,. es of any Maw In nee. It obviates all the ale°- , iztadetoarryotherPtow. It embraces several slew tares of the greatest as. Ita Ream. Jointer Stand ard, and %Vheel Standard are STEEL, and Its Ifold Board -4w, Is a co mposition of Steel and - Iron, eunder a proem' for which we have obtained an exclusive patent. Its weight Is eighteen pounds in A first-class Steel Plow, nawki in the ee dollars: Interior Steel Plows 'retail lrotr - The price. of Our new Plow is but . Agricultural Implement ever sold. It Is cheaper than any other Plow The Jointer can be shifted, so as to take more or less land, and It can . _Lys be kept on . The wheel win run under the beam or one side Of It as dared, and always keep in line. The beam 13 adjustable for Spring or Fall Plowing, and also for two or three horses. The handle, can be adjusted to accomodate a a'an or boy on the same Plow.. - It LS the Lightest Draft Plow ever made. ' ,•.- 1 wooden beams are going oat of use bwause they shrink. Swell, and warp . and never run two seasons alike. Iron beams are too 'Ravi. Nallf. , able beams become demoralized and bend, which Is worse than to bleak.' A- steel beam is the necesdty of the day. It Is three times as shuns, and very much lighter than any other blVe. • When .we sly a Mold Board Is chilled, the Farmers knoW It is so. ' We do not *palm off on them a composition of various metals and call It chilled metaL =-", •We want agents for this new Plow in every -town in this state. •- - • - . • 'We can give but a very small discount to them, but we will pay the Itarnad Fret ht, We proixxse to place this Plow in the Wind.; of the Farmers as neal" the vest of manufacture as pcssible. ' -. It Is the but Amicultrunl Implement ever sold. It 11 the cheap'''. Persons. therefore, who are not willing to act as agents on the principle that "a nimble sixpence Is better than a ‘low shilling," need not apply for an agency.. • - .. . • No Plows on eumndsulon. All sales absolute. . . - . . We make Right and Lett Hand Plows of all sizes. Also Side Hill Plows. Wilds the' - only Steel Chilled Plow la the World. Steel' cv,was several times more than Iron: But This Plow, full rl„,-grAl, by glvh small C.l.4 , .untF. (';171 b^ ry ld Int Seventeen Dollars. Oom_paru thls prim. with that of any Iron Plow ever made. • ' hat, there are no agents, we will, on lwelpt Seventeca DolLarT, ur.y1.;12:.• , ;.4! Lielght. ..I.ddrtw SYRACUSE, CHILLED.• PLOW poizpAily, EyracLiz:-.6, I\l, Y. J. W. Irvine, Liberty Corners, Pa., A.crent for Bradford Co - For sale by M. C. MERCUR & CO., Towanda ;J. W. BOSWORTH, Leßaysville ; JAMBS INHCHOLi, Burlington and DELOS DuBOIS; Granville Centre. _ ' gfeaut engines,• tows, Sr. JOHNSON MAN U FACTURrG COMPANY. MAN UTACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES, Portable & Stationary Circular Mills„ SHINGLE MACHINES, CORN SHELLERS, Field . Roll is and Plow Points, GRIST & SA V MILL MACHINERY Of all kind: , or.repair3 . for the S3Ellt. :a s Or repairing' of old, Boilefi::, putting in •new Heads or Flues, a specialty. g We have faelliteea far turning out FIRST-CLASS BOILERS on abort no tice. Portable and Statioilary Engines . . Of any sire made to order. AI. o. Brass' and Iron Castings. We use the best pu and our. work Is done by skilled mechanics. We guaran tee all our work. Quotations given on Dlsston or Richardson rMws, Rub ber or Leather-pelting. Foundry and Shops.on back "of Slevens' Long's, Towanda. SEASONABLE GOODS C• P. WELLES' Crockery and _99-Cent Store For the Sunimer trade Ice Cream PPCCIVT'S Good and very (imp: WATER COOLERS, FRUIT JARS (EXTIIA TOPS),- ; JELLY°BOWLS TUMBLERS FULL STOCK OF Crockery, China, Glassware, Decorated Dinner .and Tea Sots, Decorated Comber Sets at greatly re ' .? (Weed prices. LAMPS AND LAMP:WARE, TRUNKS TRAV'ELI'NG BAGS Chi/are/L I S C l a Pr illg BOY'S EXPRESS WAGONS AND VELOCI JAPANNED AND TINWARE. ni., Best quality Of mixed BIRD SEED in one-pou packages, only 1O ets. .Woodward 's, Mediehted Nest Eggs—sure death to ben lices cts., or 50e doz. Towanda, Pa., June 9, lishi. FREE TO EVERYBODY! A BEAUTIFUL BOOK FOR TILE ASKIX By applying personilly at the nearept office of THE SINGEIt M ANUFACTURING CO. (or by postal card If at a distance) auy adult person will be presented with. a beautifully Illustrated copy of a New Book °tattled CENIUS REWARDED, .-08 TIIE-- Story of the So wig containing a handsome and cosily steel engraving frontispiece; a150,'25 finely engraved wood cuts, and bound in an elaborate blue and gold lithograph ed cover. No charge whatever Is made for this ha•tdaome book, which can be obtained only by ap plication at the branch and subordinate offices of The Singer 'Manufacturing Co, THE BINGES MANITFAOTURING CO L rtuclpul (.)ricr, 34 lintbn Equire, OF SYRACUSE, NEW YORK. 3.• • AGENTS! AGENTS! AGENTS! 'JOHN B. GOUGH'S bran' new book, entitled SUNLIGHTAO SHADOW is the best chance offered to you. Its Scenes are drawn :from the bright and shady sides of /11 , :,portrayed.as only John B. Gough . can portray them. This grand work—nrmins /4 , ./irst One jimilished—is the" booming" hook Y agents, on ages, and is outselling all others ten to, one. • The thirty-Mini thousanaris now in press. Its immense sale has been' rngde enti r ely Ly active mnva,sers. No other book com pares with it . fer quick and profitable returns. We are starting more agents now than ever before , and we be lieve the sale of this book , will. reach One Hundred TlLmsanel Colts in Me ne.rt fru, moils. We want torso more agents at once, to supply this , grand book to the. thousands who are wainnc for it. Remember 'the sale is only nom commenciac. The bo6k is entirely new, and Most tithe territory is noai clear. Agents, nom is your lime to make seamy, nest at the same time circulate a Moremaily"tirst-class back. • Ex clusive Territory and very pecial Tenn's given. end for our large irciilars. containing full particulars. , Address A. Dr ly NGTON & Co., Publishers, Hartford, CV INSURANCE! FIRE,'. LIFE, 'AND ACCIDENT ~None but reliable companies represented. MEAT . MARKETI * C.. M. hi Y E R, BEIDLEMAN:S BLOCK, BRIDGE STREET, FRESH. AND SALT SEATS, DRIED BEEF, FISJ, POULTRY, GARDEN VEGETABLES AND BERRIES IN Tnwariils. Pa.. Wax 14. I$Sl. .C. 3f. MYER GET YOUR Ifroir York. psi[ State Mikan lailep Inn* llormaaaa at laSaimaa 1114 Waildasisa, 116.C,aail all litalardpurea, ether CamW3r sad Tawas rake& ~- Votfiing. SPRING AND SUMMER ! 1881 = 1881 At-tho CLOTHING HOUSE of M. E. Rosenfield Main st., Towanda, you will find Tice Best Goods ,The Latest Styles The Lowest Prices . - Ilia IMMENSE STOCK erubracei all the latest styles, iu great variety, of READY-MADEI - CLOTIIIG For Step's, Youth's and Boy's wear, from the niont :and heavbe,d cloths to the cheapest awl lightest grades cur the rutomer trade. GENTS FU,RNISIIING' GOODS This department is complete, having a frill flue of Ifostery, Collars and Cuffs, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Ready-if/ado Sulufner Uri; rterwear, kc. HATS AND CAPS A very large. stock of the newest, styles in every quali ty. Ai,u, UMBRELLAS, TRAVEL INU nmns, Ete. REMEMBER—TIiat you can save money by purchasing at the old-established Cloth ing louse of M. El ROSENFIELD. • Towanda, May iO, 1841 ttsuratice. • C. S. RUSSELL, : iAgent, • TOWANDA, I'A. POLICIES Itisuett ou the most reasonable terms Losses adjusted atut paid here. Towanda, Nov. 13, 1879 TAKated In Keep 'on hand, THEIR SEASON, &e W All goods delivered free of charge JOB PRINTING -DONE AT TEIZ,.. "RE ORTER" OFF/0 • IM=l PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER IS A PURELY VEGETABLE RESIEDY For INTERNAL and EXTERNAL Use. A sure and speedy cure for Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Diphtheria, Chills. Diarrhea,Dysentery,Cramps, Cholera, Summer Complaint, Sick Headache,Neuralgia, Rheumatism,- firstises, Cuts, Sprains. etc. Per/eddy- pole to u.e internally or rytervraiy,and certam to afford relief.. No family ran afford to be without lt. Sold by . all druggists at 23e., 50e, and 111 a bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors Provlefence, El -I ••• • • • - • 14 , 7 •-; - N • ...I v~ssrrr 'l3 , II ; L.,1 • h a sure cure ;,.r. .• •. Whooping•Cuiv.h. -.•!- •Lung Diseases, when : eat:on. PeOple die of . cor,;:iip,i• simp ly becau-ze uf wi;:u. the timely use of th:.4 would have cured t•i're. 11^ , -c•i•• ,- •• r ...c of con stant uac prt,, • that no cough rem.- r•il . the test like IP• ,r: • ~--.~ -- Dr, ~ __-. ; Wi it Cure Liver Con . , ! . and all clitk— iousttes, ARNiCA. AND OIL LINT2IRN-T For ..77ait a:zd Beast. The most rcrfcct liniment ever Compounded.. Price 25e. and son. For Salo Everywhere. _ PROTECTION ?pirate - roil; arc the 11:031 . ' " ly :mire r from this oXiOll4- 10015011 when MALARIA 1 they feast imagine it is I - lurking in their sus tem , Chills and FeVet., nterinittent Fever, Bilious Fever, Typhoid Fever, Ileadaeho, General Debili ty, Lassitude, N:111S113. :tie the PAINFUL. OFF SOF ' MALARIA and have their origin_ In a disordered Liver, whivh, It not regulated in Aline, 'great sußeringovreteheditess and' death Will ensue, Simmons Liver Regulator, (PCREI.T vuGETABLE) -is absolutely certain in Its remedial effects and acts more promptly in curing all ferias of .Malarial diseases that calomel or without any of the Injurious consequences which follow their use If taken oeeastonaltx by persons exposed 21 5S a !aria, ft tern expet the Fofßon and :7;rotfct Meta Peon atta , ..k ! t. As evidence ser extract froof:SC.B. Yates' letter, where the Regulator afforded protection (min the worst and most deadly type of Malaria, to wit : "Sins: I have stood the storm•of fourepldentics oLthe Yellow,Fever. I had it the first visitation, but during the other three I used your medicine. I was continually in the rooms of the siek anti dying, but I escaped. I have had several to ask me how I escaped I 'told them it was all owing to the virtue of your Slunnons Liver Jtegulafor. If the Fever was to break out again and I hail a bot tle of your Itegulator I would feel as safe as it I was IMO-miles away. "Memphis. Ten, April 17, 1879, Baying neutralized the poison of Malaria In inch extreme eases, It can be relied on as a sovereign SPECIFIC and ANTIDOTE In milder forms. - ---- 11 1 1EPARED ONLY BY J. U. ZEMIN & Co, NATHAN TIDD P,N PiTTSTON, WI.T_,KES-BARRE AND LOYAL SOCK COAL • Lowest prtto* for cash, omco and yard foot of Pine-at:eat, Towanda. July 18, 1!100. .1 the Mate, aad. Fay Xebicaf. li a i=3 'rake - r f. ~ j ,CS'?.Ofl~ from' c:,. per bottle. klov.C.opoo•nts of M ala etypfr: coutlnti Defiler. is Jan* and ,§Nts**L Suggestions of and for the Season. - • - - The Lame Veep*. . There is probably not mneh corn no*.statiding in the districts where early frosts prevail, and the October days are largely spent in husking ' this important - crop. •If there is a market for husks the - ears may be picked from the ; stalks and „husked in - the barn, otherwise, it is' more 'rapid and economical to husk in the' field. The corn, fodder, after husk ing, should be bound in bundles and stood up in' large shocks to. protect it - from the weather as much as pos-- sible. ° Fodder that, is carefully set up and tightly hound will- keep well until needed to feed out, often being better cured and brig Mer than that. which has .been packed in a large mow before it:Was fully. dried. The selection of the .seed corn, though usually . made this. 'month; - should have been .done early iii September, by going among the standing corn and marking 'the ears that posi:ess most largely the -desired qualities. There are sever.it things to be ob served in selecting seed corn; promi nent among which are, earliness of- Maturity, • size' of stalk, amount of leaf, size and number .of ears, and the filling . out: of the grains upon the cob. A farmer who practies a rigid' selectionjwith certain desired points in View, will in a few years have a. variety of. corn that is his own—quite different from twat of his neighbors —growing the same variety.• bat who may be 'selecting with, sonic other ends in viet,--or perhaps mak ing no selection at all. At husking time the selected- ears may be easily known • from: the others by leaving. some of the husks upon them, by which they can afterwards be braided together and hung in a dry loft, or the peak of the corn crib. out of the , way of rats and. mice. The manner of storing the husked. corn will de pend somewhat wen the locality in ' which it 'is grown . ; for small farms, 1 where corn•is most valuable,,a corn, 1 house should be provided, or eLie the loss from vermin will ,be .consid- I erable. A house or crib of moderate 1 size.can • he built at steal! cost ; it shoulil beset well up from the groUnd, -upon. posts firmly put in.the earth, and on the tops of which are placed' inverted ; tin: pans, to keep the mice from eattring - from below. Fred ventilation is essential to the thor, :ough - eurinr , of the corn, therefore , the sides of crib should be slat ted. .A common . type, of .the-corn house throughout the Ea- , tern States is. as follows : There "are two bin , , 'with movable boards upor: the inside, which are put in as the bins arefilled' ' —the space between the bin's bt_•iw: , ,, used. for sorting* the corn, si,llingi. etc., and when of 'sufficient size, fur _ E,toting machinery hi ' the rear: So far as curing corn is coneertie , Lthere is nothinr , better than the old r:iil ,pen,narrower at the. base than at. the top, with stalks or boards for 'a cover; but it is not secure from vermin. The Sooner -potatoes are *dug after they have finished growth the bett , :r. They may be kept in heaps for-a lit tle while:to throw off moist ure, :10 thus _.to secure-them from heating when tput in deep bins or large pits. Potatoes should not be exposed to sunlight as they " greets - and devel . -: op'a principle, which not hilly= oives them a disagreeable flavor, bti t w•iiicli_ is really unwholesornerV-A- cool and dark-cellar, that never freezes. is the moSt.stitable for keepirg potatoes.' The moderately warm days.* of this Month* are favorably t) the; gr : Arth lof the late roots. So soon as the heavy frosts are expected, the'mmi (*els and su.rar b,Aqs ti.tist be E..ceur:.ii. The tops should be. Tubbed. not cat. off, as they keep lowrer. Secure the carrots next' after the beets, and fal low with the beet‘.leavin! , the Si+-ed c until the la , st. In*pitting, roots they should be. put in when drY. pit may extend to any 4 ii.sirof len , '!il, a ventilator should - . !• ! e Ina iii at ia-, tervals Of six feet. i , Winter \Mat awl , Eye may -till be sown, thon!th- .o tri,:o I a cannot he expected as wh. n the ; , 'ell is put. in earlier. A pp-dn.-sir a quick-acting fertilizer may be ai plied to aid the voun.r plants to. make a growth ber,,re 'the cold of Winter sets in. A similar dres z in t. 1 , - ~.. ,-, 4 m a y ~ app,i e ., ,0 grass lands wi':2 profit: though. it, should be .. i only in small do e .., othe , :-Wis. , -.,, :u I will 'be loSt 1.0.• washiieri. ont - of the soil by Winter and early sp - rin;lraii:s. .• Plowing fir -spring crops, may be done now.'nfil the :oil lefrrowrh_ ta be . subjeted to the - fullest • possible action 'of .the, weather. Should weeds come up i any quantity after ' the plowing, the ground may be liar- rowed, or if very rough, plOWed • again. Stiff clay is greatly benetitted by ridge ploWing. This is'done by turning tagainst'wo furrowsrr ~ others. "\ Suchlands,must'be plowed' again in the spring, splitting these furroWs, which will bring the', soil into a much imitroved condition.. • ' • ! Noieslon Livi.. titocic: 'Little extra feeding will be neces sary now to bring the horses And ! cattle to the beginning of winter in good order. The season is too far. advanced for turning -horSes out'it j . Tim night. If horsey •are , caught- in a..! State r ,7onvention- wet heavy cold rain,.they should be rub- i day. bed dry and blanketed as. soon as -1 sport ' yester , - • - they reacle• home. The product of ) - -- -.-. - the dairy 'should be- increased in !* In .:q S F 7 ,1 it'''',i fp ,!,,, I vl every possible wav • • this requires the "*`••!. G- • Cr4 e' 4 I -- r, 4 •4 best feed and .plenty of p'-'y water,: rug-,,,, ,„,.... Ca. ' . .a and frequent carding'of the animals. . :sun:: __ !•:_ti:,..% .to keep them neat and clean; Youna I *'*. ,\ - t. - -4 stock should not suffer frore•,the cold '=, - P . :1:1; !.. •,- t.‘ , ,' : • _ and Wet. A rough shed in; the past-' • . \ • .."'i...? .'. rs. , ure is a useful protection !until it is • ' • -- • i - .' •- - : -Y-;-.. , ,_:"' N time to take the young_ flrlirnalS tO ' -- - -' , i.'', • '--; 1 11:.---7...-'- 1.44,: t ._ the barn or stable,. To:make aelwa pi . . ~ , , --7-- - ,.. , -.4i .: r- - - - 7;:.',•. temporary shelter take- two crotcht_d ,-7--...,,.. ! • ,• •:,,...4_l, t • - postg, eight feet long, set - them *firmly i ' ' 44 ,. ' i 1 - ~ . ;1-: 4 ._i - 7--t .!. _ in the ground, and connect at the I ::•i: ..: '*. '''•-=----"*---: '- 7.- -- - ',..--;- .... .-:,:. , ...k.;..-_-;.. ~ r . top by a cross pole--this bears the i ' ~14: ] ':,. f . ,-... ''...„7,. ends of the poles which make the , EF , :'''-;!*- -- i' -' A,;;;V:- -;; ; - .11' P 2: top and rear of the shelter. - The ! "l r- -4AVWkii' ee: -4. , -.; , ' ends are boarded up._ Loh ,, -wool 1 - : ‘• . 4 f,':' c ; .e'j , 'OV":. ''' sheep are easily chilled:4 cold rain, I : '''” . • '-'l , O. -,-",-* •"' •- . ....._,_.,,, -;.-* ...wk..- awl - should be ' kept from. nttitei; I • -1 1Plial.* '• -•-' * • wet through at this season. Slfeep ! Ii THEGREAT ga r should never be shut 4at night in 1 . , - cloSe sheds—they- require , abuinta nt, f ,„- p a AN - REML, 4 . :;4: ventilation. For Margh iambs the_! 4 ` , ewes should be coupledithis inonth—!! '' - 1. , -4.iit.. a Pure Southdown • rave' - is the best ' i 7 w RHEUNATIStv - :,, for this purpose. A plump fat lamb is the one that sells quickly and at , a good profit. Brood Sows should be in good ' - condition for coupling. f ' which conies next _ mOnth for March pigs. It 'does not pay to: keep pi -, rs over a year for fattening. ' Pig po t- rk is the kind that pays.* 111 eggs are expected during. the Winter - they must be provk.ed - for 'by disposing * of old hens and selectiktg, the best young pullets and .feeding them well. They should have clean rpiarters awl plenty of pure water, {line; in , the form of shells - or bones,•igravel, etc: Do . not crowd the fowls; and if well fed and kept warm, an abundance of .eggs may be expected from theni,.-.. Amen:at:tn. A9rictaturiat. Notes on, Orchard 'and Garden - - Work .This Month. usually closes th e Orchard and Garden Work .. ffir the year, and' we are- now able . t,C, of its successes and. Ifailul'es., The thoughtful man •can 'Low look. back and from the past draw:lessons that will be a guide.and inspiration for the future. "No failure has come withollt Cause, and the remedy sho'6l(l be applied ; it May have been due to an imperfect preparation of the lack of manure, or the neglect of the growing" crop and the triumph - cf weeds. Bad drainage or the lack; of water may have caused a poor and if sO,-means shoulil -be t;iken prevent- the recurrence of he In • short, after the . harvest, every one: should stiffly the 1 - 1- , ,u`.1 , , take all. - possible means to iMpro-ve upon them Li future. • Thk is a vorable .month . .for dOing L :/11 wiicre cult"' is removed, as f4Tadin ! , „ improving roads,--etc., much rn-)re than in the busy, cold; and ebetrie...,s . day's of early spring. - -*4lll. Household Recipes l'unDLNG.— Place on the stoYe a pan containing six teacupfuls of sweet milk; ITeat two ea 7.; well, and add one tca . cupful of milk: gix tablespoonfuis:. of_ flour and a •little salt ; beat we'l together—then stir. it in. the 'milk on the stole just. before, or as it begins - to Foil., „When as thick as mush put in greased cups to .Made In the morning and eaten with sweetcned cream for din ner. it ks excellerit. • riluitimouNii CANDY.— Prepare a Arong, decoction. by. , boiling two . ounces Of - the dried herb-in a piLt and a -half of -water - f.yr - about 1:::if an hour"; strain -this, 3ri , i : Act dud one-half.potinds cf brown sw , ar : boil over a hot Are it real:ht.h the requisite of when it may be poured out in hat tin trays, previously, well greae , l,- and marked into'stieks or squares with a knife, as it becomes cOul enough -tt , retain its Shape. CREAM PUFFii.—To one quart boil ing water add lliree-quarteig of a pound Of flour, arid - t'u.ree-quarters of a pound of butter ; nearly.eold add_ten- eggs, 'well beaten, and-one half teaspoonful soda ; drop on _but tered tin pans, p..-evtral inches apart, and bake in quie.k. oven.. Cust":_rd for the putts—O.he quart of - milk. four eggs, two cups stig:ir, one ei.p flour; . cook until v•ell dope: flavor taste' ; wh en told stiit. pulfs.atitl 1 with cream. Su2alit-r quanti be used in e:ther-rt, - ..eipt than here , ily n prep red by bon" , ei.lerdov - n , in tic ,tralloils to it Wl.ll2tiTii': aril Lia. care 110, - .3 not we,:( nr.,l anti v;11! ) t ). ;•-• tir:.l for taliKe '15.,:-tip:rioi to iv'or any liritior, • Hl frflit cai-:e !iv. It is a er‘r :ot in a familv r; r ,fruni tvvy • i., =atm, aryl sv;it. v. - ether, fur tlft_! i ruic, - Zhat v.HI - •-; ;;•„k L;sC.l- 11•11 11. • - ru;',;., ' O l 1 11.0, NEE 1:1;ti . " v =EMI OE 1)11. iu 4 -1 . ‘ , tr, ,IP i- • arutw.i 11. 1 , 2 t.t.. ;Le ...11111 BE '-, : 1 ft w 111 , ' 1 ..!1‘ prick. tl.c tlo: jay:- :‘ place t.. , ..;rrt 1. was; betweyn enin stop., •3 thv ThE mournirg of ..%.19i:tlay ~.,.. h.“l ailcl in the v. wa no virly rane,r. t-i wa•-• a n that lyokeq on • `with -anti beads- reverntly its Thetyramiti of r. c3nr.i,• compar e with ,t:;t2 Itlagnific:rxc' such a nuttisoivlun ruspc.ct I'enn4ylvania fleast'algia,Sciatica, Lutn&ago, Backache, Sorenass 'of tho Chy!, Gout, Quinsy, Serve Throat:, ings, and Sprains, Burns czhl Scalds, General Bodily • Pains, Tooth, Ear 'arl: Headache; Frei '= Feot and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. - - 'No rrPtAr , ti , n on rattli c.ontl4 •••••:. .1.• • - :ta. safe', Burr,'-simple •atntl• rhea/. 1 -away„, A i.it annuli 1•:t II: • • 7, 1 outl:!y 4 , f ::4) I'k.nl4. rt, ,•c• r'. •,' •'•• • a oh I.in Lise Chew,' pilkl . Diroct!on% in L'lo‘.l.l Ltri t yug; , :-. SOLD DY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DI:AI IN LIEDICIN E. A. VOGELER &;:eo=: nactin.c.r.:,..l;cf., U. • :r: MEM El . \., I= %r' I (s. FCl'k 1 ~l: HIM I.l<. t'Cit 4 EH =ll fink Denio.•r j .l.: ( 0., William