Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 01, 1881, Image 3

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    padford I -Ott
CEA& U. ALLEN, :arm&
Towanda, Pa., Sept. z, :881
:The expiration of subscription isprint
ea an the colored label. By noticing the
, date stai subserTher can tell when his
Taper will be stopped unless the aubserip.
111013 is renewed.
LIST of letters remaining in the Towan
da Post Office for . week ending August
;31st, 1881: :
Askew, Rosetta Healy rm?. P. F. Mary James, General
Peter Jason. Mary
Boland. Thos. i Larnen. D. .
Bile!, George Lotan. A. J.
Bing. Emma C. Miller, F. E.
Bennett, Lou Miller, M. IL. 2
Booth, Olive Manning. Capt.
Chapman, Olive j Mosier, L. P.
Cotter, Mrs. Phebe Mothers, James
Csrrol, Michael Moran. Mary
Curran, Mary F. - McNeal, Amanda
Clancy. Mary , McCormlek,:.W. E.
Childs & Grace Fogey, Mrs.:=P: H.
Decker, IL .1. • , - Bobolink, Gab. •
Drumm. John Roberts, Mrs. A. M.
Dowd, Mrs. T. - Scanlon. Ellen
Forbes, James E. - Saterly Fremont
Flint, AA". Schoonover, Austin
Fox, iJ. A. Van Onner, Etta A.
Fields, Jennie W. Washburn. C. F.
green, Darius - - 'Williams, D. R. !
ileylman, E. G. Whaling, Theo. -
11eacock, John W. Wheeler, Mart
!toward, Maggie • Young, Agnes S.
Motile, Noble Zero, Jerusba ~
Persons calling for any - of the above
letters please say "advertised," giving
t; ate of list. P. PoWELL, P. M.
fOrsTEns are ripe.
Tim river is very low.
agents are around.
DoN'T neglect to register.
DELEGATE elections Saturday next.
t• -. harvest moon will soon be shining.
to nniko the County Fair a sue
Tne buckwheat'crop will be almost a
total failure.
THERE are 4:12 pupils registered at the
Graded School.
COMPANY A einno home from Wilkes - -
Barre on Monday.
Timm will be fire changes of the moon
(hiring this Month.
RE3IEMIIEIC to attend the-Zejegate elec
Lions on Saturday next.
Tun Athens Graded iSchool bean its
011 term on Monday last.
l'n,s Hotel at Wyalusing is receiving
-.Nowt finite extensive repairs.
\Cur don't some of the churches of otit
willage have a lawn, festival? ,
Several article's intended for this-issue
re utiavoidedly crowded out. ,
1:1:0,•E to accept mutilated coin and
thus drive it out of circulation. ;:
Tut: County Fair promises to be a•suc
res. What do you intend to exbibit? -
' • A destructive fire raged in the woods
- uric tiacket's mill in Franklin last week.
Now, while vegetation is dying is said
to be
: the proper time to use disinfect
ants. - - •
• E x-r-L•NS 1V 1: repairs are being made to
the grist its o.arn and race, at Camp-
CAMP MEETING commences at Light's
Grove, Smithboro, On Tucgday, Septem-
Ix r Ith.
Is your name.on the registry list? You
bail better attend to it if you want to vote
this fall.
nu, old 'Keystone . State never suffered
as :t!verely from the clionth as she has
.his season.
11. N - F. natienee, there dill be cool days
rc Long. 'This hot, dry weather will not
tYTI bas purchased of
IVELLEs, Agent, an elegant, upright
Weber Piano.
D. CH - Ark - El: is putting a four hoi4c
p,,wer engine into his Furnitutv Factory
at (.tnitown.
Tire radpd, School or this village open
,m Monday morning with a very large
tuodance of pupils
M next Sunday, evening
ice at ist Clinrcb will begin at
hail-past S. an . o'cloelr.
31n..V.i . ..N Nun : Will you be kind enough
If. order a little rain? A large ogre will
fit) no particular harm.
'FIFE little label pasted on the paper
tclls the time to which your paper is"paid.
' 4 ce that it gaud cll.
THE Catholic liurch of, this place are
to hold a picnic at Ytrelles'Grove, Wyalu
sing on the 14th instant. r_
TIIERE is soon to he a Grand. Excursion
to Niagara Falls, under the auspices of
-T,i.jan and Canton lodges, fi:Sz A. M.
is quid for those who desire to vote
it Ow ntixt eleCtion. to be asking them
-1.1%-cs the question "Am I .registered?"
Tut dwelling house of Joi:. ALLEti,
was destroyed by fire on Sat-
In day night, together with all of ifs con-
;re)! kof plastering the chinch at
4 is progressing. It, will be a
vcry handsome building when fully com
-I.l.!ted. .
o THE ladies of the Presbyterian Church,
Athcus, are to give a Harvest Home en
- teltaionaent on or about the 13th. of this
nil mitt:
N: 11. MATTorgs, of Springfield Centre,
is Pli)euring ad apparatus for making
anther cane syrup and sugar- at that place
t Ili,: fall.
Tn . % members of the M. E. Churches
“I'Sayre and Athens have decided to bade
a courFe of lectures during the coming
fall and wirter.
CHURCH of the Messiah, Rev. WILLIAM
of Vermont; will prear r h at 14 A. M. No
evening„,seryice. .1
WE have received within the past few
lays another installment of that interest
. ing and exciting journal, The LegisNlive
• Rerord. And the end is not yet.
• 'Tim Athens Gazette says that some .
niers in that vicinity are cutting their
e.,: n ; in order to save it for fodder. The
thy weather has spoiled it for a grain
clop. . .
iluN. W. C. PLITItmEn; of 11fea0ville,
addressed a small audience in i the Park
_evening, ou the political quer,
of the day, as viewed from the
( 1;:u:l6 standpoint.
JAM= camater ot
Wellsburg, while s..lWg - a barn, about
twitmiles from that 'Ea" waa moan&
ed bi : ion- stroke afternoon. It
is thought be wii t recovm
y 0 ge 1a e of the hub**
girder will be pleased to know that St.
.for Eleittember will =tab' an
illustrated paper telling " How to Make
Dolls of :orsdkusks and Flows.
TEE A4ie Factory building; near the
Capita Car Wboel Foundry, near Sayre,
is nearly ready for occupancy. It is
said that the Company already heirli
dors for over one thosand silos.
A GAME o,base ball between the Ssyres,
of Sayre, and the Athleties, of Chwego,
played on the,grocuids Of the Sayre Club,
on Satinlay, resulted In favor of . the
Owego Clulp by a score of 14 to 13. •
A PITTSTON dispsteli ears : "No leap
than six cases of small-pox are reported
in this vicinity, two of which are In the
town limits 1 :1,1' East Ilittston. There have
been three fatal cases jn the suburbi from
the Omni-wk."
A thief stepped' into the Owego post
office Friday by the back door and took
from the money drawer about .150. He
didn't get very far with 'the pbmder, - and
when arrested be gave his name as JOHN
TII F. Board of. Managers of the Brad
ford County Agricultural Soblety will
meet on the Fair Grounds on Monday,
September sth, 1881, to let the privileges
for the Fair to be held September 28th,
20th and 30th. .
Tun longest drought, that ever occurred
in America was in the summer of 1702.
No rain fell from the let of May to the
Ist of September. Wo do not remember
that summer, but it is said the editor of
the Argus does. •
—R. L.:Hnows, ofl Athena, Michigan,
formerly of Sheshequin, this county, was
summoned to - Sayre . on account of the
sickness of his sister.. He left Sheshequin
nearly fifty years ago, and on Tuesday
morning he went down to visit his boy
hood home.—Athens Gazette.
Two persons out of every million of our
population is the average that are killed
by lightning strokes annually. This isn't
a very high 'rate, but the uncertainty as
to which two, :makes it verikticklish busV
ness to lean against a tree 42 a thunder
AVIi are in receipt of the first - numbet of
the Ulysies Sentinel .a new papet started
at Ulysses, 'Potter' County, A. 11.
On Ex. It is well filled with' local and
general news. - It is republican in politics
and flourishes eight six: , coluinn pagek
We wish it success.' '
Wu did not have the pleasure of.likten
fug -to the Germania's; concert iin the
Park, on Thursday evening, but who
did—and there waka large crowd Of peo
ple preientz-proriaanced it the best con
concert 'ever gtven by our splendid band
—which is praise . indeed.
DURING, this extremely dry weather
owners of mills and other manufacturing
establishinents, where fire is used, cannot
be too careful. Everything is "as dry as
a tinder box," and a single spark falling
among combustible 'material is liable to
start a conflagration.
A . dwellir4 - house in South. Waverly
owned by B. F. CLARK - eras i entirely con
sumed by lire on_ Thursday evening, hav
ing caught i about half a:oa.4t, 'nine o'CloCk.
It Was ceedpied by William Barlow,
whose . lossis,small. The house waa — worth
say $15,0 and there was,an insurance
on it.j2it $l3 0: ._ •
- -
AN excel ent breakfast dish 'is made of ,
eggs and potatoes. The potatoes are
boiled softy cut into slices and laid:in a
dish with gait and pepper. - The eggs are
boiled liard gut up and mixed with pota
toes, a lump of butter is added, and, milk
being pour i d over the dish, it must be set
in the oven to brown. . .
Wnitr.s an Athens - correspondent :
4ne-o, , finest two-year - old! colts in
cil i
:13M - dford County is owned by OLIVER
EVANS, residino• e' in the upper end of town. ; '
M. EVANS t rill exhibit hiM at the County
Fair at Toanda this fall, and .we will
g:la l
ce s e will be considered the finest
colt oilier ge in the .
comity." ,
- `•
CANNED f ruit will be' dear next season,
and the diffieill be to detect#e old
from the new, as in the failure 'of the
fruit crop! there will be a large amor of
the enormous overstock of this merchan
dise Worked in among the new crop. It
will require,all the care housekeepers-can
exercise to escape imposition in this line.
_ A MAN by the name ofHuvrEtt, a tni
ner from Balclay, while intoxicated, fell
out of a window in. the third story of the
Henry House, to the ground, a distance
of twenty feet, on Tuesday last, breaking
his ,jaw and ; receiving sever other severe
injuries. Drs. PRATT and MOMS at
tended him, l and he is doing, as well as
could be expected.
PERSONS fairing the New York Excur
sion over the Lehigh Valley Railroad
next Tuesday, can extend their trip up
the Hudson any time during the ten days,
by the splendid day boat line to Albany
and return! for $2.25 additional. Both
Albany and,Saratoga can be visited for
only $4 additional to New. ork excursion
rate.. Tickets for sale on the train.
A . LAIWE excursion party from the .L e.
highalley passed through this city yes-,
teriliay morning'on their way to Watkins
Glen.. They had a special train of eleven
coaches.-- - Elinira Advertiser, 27th. May
we- - be blessed if weever-imagined that
Towanda, and its immediate vicinity, was
situated in . the Lehigh Valley. Nothing
like going . ' away from borne to get the
news, hovroier.
TUE several Bands of the Icounty are
requested to send to the Secretary,-on or
before September sth, 1881, a bid for fur;
Malting music for two days , of the Brad
ford County Agricultural 'Society. The
bids should contain the number lof pieces
and the , amount asked for two
September 29th and 30th. -
.1. ANDREW WILT, SEaDtary.
Sil'd the Elmita Advertiser :.- "White
Lilley Lodge, 0. 0. F., of Wyalusing,
was recently the recipient of two orna
mental gavel blocks, made 4f marble,
about eight inches square and six inches
high, the name of the lodge on one-side
and the legend "Remember the Giver"
on the other. D. B. STOWELL, of 421
Railroad avenue, this city, was this doner."
THE fall term' of the Collegiate Insti
tute has commence 3 its second week., The
attendance exceeds that of the correspond-
ing .time of any previous term. -
.The Capa
bilities of the school, both in seating and
in boarding students, lure beed strained
to the utmost to accommodate the crowd
of young men and women. The teachers'
class is - already over half d hundred.
More students are in attendance glom a
distancx, than in years before.
Ott. Friday as s wag" lamtdch WWI
seated two gentienien, - nanaly, WThume
bra `rindTimm
croining the long bridal alias liestig
creek **Valle:um, the bridge, which has
long been pronounied nrwain, dal,Alown
precipitating the me* and Wain isito the
water. Weir; ;,distahie of - eight or tan
feet.' One of the bora was bating,
killed, • aid the other was mooed with
great difikedir. The man were =unhurt,
A ISMAI•L dwellit* home - OWN& .107
Mrcruar. Wsunr, idtuated oi the alley
between Main aid - Tl3econd *cots, and
just back of Mum &Co:salon, was near% •
ly destroyed byfire on Monday evening.
The alarm was given shortly' after ten
O'clbck, and the firemen promptly respond
ed. Water was taken from .one of the
Water Company'shydrants and the flames
quickly subdued, but not until the house
was badly damaged. The names caught
from the chimney. We understand the
building was insured. .
Tam is evidently not going to be so
gdod a year for comets as the astronomers
led the pnblic to anticipate. The visitor
that made its appearance in the _north
eni sky about two months ago, although
it was not altogether a failure as a celes
tial spectacled fell very far short of realis-
ing the expectations which its advent ex
cited, while that other, which 'a few days
back was suddenly developed in the
neighborhood of Ursa Major,
.has quickly
retired into the obscurity hom which it
came. Star-gazers will have to content
themselves with that l elusive shnwer of
meteors which is.`,due about this time.
• Tun following are the contributors to
Sesibner's Monthly for September: Allen;
C. Redwood, Ernest Ingersoll, Charles IL -
Farnham, Lina Redwood Fairfax, Rich
ard Whiteing, Nellie G. Cone, Fannie
Roper Feudge, J. Bran - der Matthews, W.
C. Brownell, John Muir, Albert Stickney,
Constance F. G. Cumming, Eugene
Schuyler, John Vance, C. Loney, Hjal
mer Hjorth Boyesen, and the author of
"An Earnest Trifler." "'Topics of
Time," 4.‘ Communications," " Home and
Society," "Culture and Progress," "The
World's Work," and " Bric-a-Brao " con
tain what will prove of interest to every
reader of this standard periodical. Pub-.
lished by the Century - Publishing Compa
ny. Conducted bye J. G. Holland, New
York: • -
,_=_TnE excursion to Watkiris Glen, on
Friday, under the auspices of the Germa,
nikr Band of this place, was a decided
success' in every particular. The train
wlmeh left, here at about 8:00 A. m. was
composed of eleven passenger coaches and,
a- baggage car. The additional . excur
sionists taken on at Ulster, Milan, •and
Sayre; ,made it necessary to add another
passenger coach at the. latter place. On
leaving' Waverly where the last stop
was made for passengers—it was estimat
ed that there were on the train - over 700
people. The train *arrived. at Watkins,
after a brief stop at Elmira—where - the
band played one or- two selections—it
about II:30, and some 600 of the excur
sionists took- a short' trip down. the
lake on the steamer Onandaga,' sluriag
which trip the contents of numberless
baskets and boxes were partaken of with
a relish that only huuger can 'lgive. Re
turning to the landing, the excursionists
one and all wended their way to ' the fa
moui Glen. We shall attempt no de
scription of this- wondrous piece of Na
ture's handiwork. Other and abler pens
than ours have attempted it, and !failed.
Watkins. Glen to be appreciated must be
seen. No pen picture, no painting, will
ever do it justice. All the afternoon the
tired but happy excursionists gazed upon
its wonders as tlier - wandered along its
winding paths. - The Germanias gave in
open air-concerton the lawn of the Glen
Park Hotel, during the afternoon, to - the
evident delight of a large assemblage of .
listeners,— who he_tirtily encored each
piece. It was the generally expressed
opinion of the guests of the House, and
of all present, that as a musical organiza
tion of the kind, none had visited Wat
kins this season, if ever, that could com
pare with the Germanias. At about - six
eelock r. is., the excursionists embarked
on the cars for home, all cheerful and
happy, notwithstanding the fatigue of
the day.: At Elmira the train was delay
ed about an hour in ,consequence of the
tracks.being blocked by -- freight, trains,
and the Gernianias again favored the peo
ple oCElnfira with some beautiful
At Sayre, in consequence of a . hot jour
nal, the train was again delayed about an
hour, and in consequence did_ not - arrive
here until after eleven o'clock. '; Trains
on the 'Barclay and Duihoro roads' were
in waiting here onithe arrival of the excur
sion train. and soot' the excursionists from
along those roads were speeding home
ward. It was a splendid success as an ex
cursion,.and we 'are pleased to learn that
it was also a decided fi nancial success to
the Germanias May the Band live -to
furnish the public , many anOtber such a
pleasant holiday, is the wish of Wall who
participated in this. -
A Grand Excursion to New York City,
Coney Island, Long Branch, Ocian Grove,
also West Point and Albahy;' by day j
boats, under the auspices of tbe"Presby
terian Church of Tunkhannock, Pa., will
run over the Lehigh Valley Railredd
from Sayre, Pa., and all stations, Tues
day morning, September 6, 1881. The
excursion train will leave Sayre at 4:45 A.
s m., stopping at all stations between that j
and South Wilkes-Barre; running fifteen
minutes behind theregular morning train i
No.ll, arriving in New York at4 1 ::10 M. I
The ticketswill be goncrto -- returo by
any regular train from September ;6th to
September 15th, inclusive, and will; be
sold at all railroad stations.on the line, as
follows, viz : From Sayre to New York
and return, $6 ; Athens, s6°; Ulster, $5.-
65 ; Towanda, $5.20 ; Wysauking, $5.20 . ;
Standing Stone.-$5 ; Rummertield, $4.160 ;
Frenchtown, $4.50 ; Wyalusing, $4.25 ;
Lacey ville, $4.15 ; Meshoppen, s4_; Me
hoopany, s4'; Tunkhannock t $4; Falls,
$4.. From Montrose and all points on
the Montrose railway the fare to New
York and return will be $4.50, by - special
train which will run to connect with the
excursion train at :!-Tunkhannocli. Re-
duced rate tickets_ will be sold on the ex
cursion train for Coney Island, Long
Branch, West Point, and to /Wieny and
return by the splendid day boats, thus af
fording an opportunity to see the magni
ficent scenery of the Hudion river and
visit both Albany and Saratoga if desir
ed. . For full particulars see posters and
small bills, or address Rev. S. L. CONDE,
manager; F. M. Purr, assistant, or B.
W. Law's, treasurer, Tunkhannock, Pa.
Tickets for sale in Towanda by S. P.
Wnircinan, at Book Store.
A - Good *spills'
clergyman of Bergen,. N. Y., a strong
temperance man, suffered with kidney
trouble, neuralgia, and dizziness almost
to blindness, over two yearkafter ho was
told that Bop Bitters would cure him,
becau - se he was afraid of and prejndio-ed
against "Bitters,!' Since his cure ho says
none need fear but trust in Hop Bitters.
~:: ,-
SMITH is visiting hr-C0n
14Bie* - ; Joni Mchrrrawir/- -1 . 11
Rochester, N. T. ; =
SANDICUSOiV - 21414 Is "'alias.
hiasiaterin Chicago.
;—clitonow Snones 'alio,' bead auk ft
"the European Rouse..
—Elder GALEN WOOO, of 014 is Visit
ing Mends in Leßoy.
Miss Madius Mum visited friends in
Tunkhannock last week.
--Mrs. D. J. fiwszr,- of Moon:vela), is
visiting Mauls in Williamsport.
District Attorney Pilgrim hi roes:
tared at the Ward House. •
Jamue Fonua hue returned
from his trip to Minnesota. .
—Gs°. Davisou, of Athens, la visiting
W. W. Durum, of this place.
-:-. FrammucK Roraima, of I.eßaysville,
died cm Tuesday, from cancer. -
—Miss McComoic, of Buffalo, is the
guest of Miss Callum &arrow. ‘2
. ,
.--3iELL. CARMAN and wife have Apcies
on a trip to the Delaware, Water Gap.
=Dire. EL. Hums and children, are
visiting Mrs. IL's parents at Merryall.
=Mrs. E. H. BLemosesT, of „Rochelle,
is visiting relatives in this county.
-..—Mr. - .and Mrs. W. B. Emus, of
Greenwood, are receivingeongratulati3ns.
—Ron. W. T. DAVIES took in the Sol
diers' Encampment at Wilkes-Barre last
—B. - M. PECX, Esq., and family, re
turned last week from the Thousand Is.
lauds. •
—Mrs. 0. P. A.Yipts, of Sheshequin, is
the guest of Mrs. IDA CAMPBELL, Second
street. ° . •
—MistrFLORENCE pm,Avo has accept
ed a teaehership in tlie' Athena Graded
—Mrs. 0. A. BAILDWIN and Mrs. J. F.
COMER returned from. Ocean Grove oil
—DANIEL R. BAILEY, one of this prom
inent citizens of Nireionab, is lying very
ill with dropsy.
&plum Yon s, .of Danville,
Pa., is visiting her mother, Mre. , Isaac
MYER; in this pituie. -
—Mrs. SARAH MOMLEY,.of Burlington,
is visiting her daughter,pMrs. IDA Optr
pELL,.ou Second street.
—Miss EMMA NOULEY, of Battle Creek,,
is tooling her friendsat 'ter . former home
in kiwi:is apleasant• .
.of Orwell, has ac
cepted a position with the BrushMectric
Light Company in Cleveland.
—Mrs. N. S. RIIINEVAULT, of Monroe . ,
ton, returned home last, week from a
pleasant visit in Tioga County.
• —Mrs. L. D. MONTANvE returned from
Waupacca ou Friday evening. She . has
been quite ill ever since her return. • •
"'vile, Kansas; is.viSitiog at her daughters,
Mrs. U. E, flonTox, in Shesbequin.
It ROCKWELL is able to be on the .
street again, after being ContinOd to his
house by illness for several weeks past.
—Mrs: JESSE MYER returned last week
to her home in this place, after a lengthy
but pleasant visit to - friends in Potter
County and New York.
—GEondk W. AmisnoNG, colored,
has beeri elected_ janitor (of the Graded,
School building and grounds, in place of
Mr. WAvERs, resigned.
-CHARLES LAMU, a young attorney of
Wilkes-Barre,..butformerly of this place,
has make arrangements to have a -title
dwelling .house erected on his . farin near
Leßoy village. ;
-W. C. BOGAIII ; land daughters ,have
retuned homeiafter an absence of nearly
two months, visiting friende-In Western
Pennsylvania. They went and returned
by private conveyance. -
WITTF.R. formerly of this
place; died very suddenly of rheumatism
of thetteart, while on a, visit to friends in
Berkshire, N. 1., on Sunday evening, the
21st .ult. 110 was about tvienty-three
years of age.
—Says an Athens correspondent, writ
ing under • date of August 2.ith: Mrs.
SAMUEL WOLCOTT, of :Litchfield, while
visiting her daughter, Mrs.. FRED GOBEL,
on Monday fast , was• aplicted with a
stroke of paralysis, completely disabling
one side of her body, ancl i leavii3g her in a
condition so that - she is unable to swallow
any food. f -
—Miss LOU PLUMMER, of Athens, re
turned to her school duties at Mt. Pleas
ant, on Tuesday. She bad purposed tak
ing a vacation during.the fall term, but
owing to the sickness of taro Principal
and a large increase in lir students the
faculty decided that they could hardly
spare her at present4s she is thoroughli
versed in her duties, having held the place
several years:
—D.. R,' LATHROP, Esq., w h o has been
engaged in - the-, mercantile bpsiness at
Bernice for of years, and also
in lumbering, Contemplates leaving Ber
nice about September Ist. Mr. LATHROP
has made many friends during his resi
dence in our county, who win regret_ ex
ceedingly that circumstances ire — such
that he leaves Bernice,Pitshore Review.
—HA'nnv E. titiPmEn, who has :been
in charge . of a corps of civil engineers on,
the Pa. 4; N. Y. R.R. for some time past,_
with headquarters at thief place, has ac
cepted a positLn as an airistant engineer
on the Pennsylvania Railroad, with head
quarters -at Pittsburg. He left for his
new home on Saturday, followed by, the
good wishes b a host of friends hero for
his happiness nd proeperity. •
—Mr. A. r BRONEON commences a
select school at, yalusing, sth inst.. Af
ter the select term.Mrl - 11. takes chargCef
the public scheol for the winter. ,_,*.
11 - RONSON is finely qualified; graduating at
.the Cellegiateriustitute last year and giv
ing:the valedicfo, ry at the commencement
exercises. Prior to . his graduation he had
had several terms of successful teaching.
Undoubtedly both - the select and public
school will be - of a high order.
-DANIEL 0. HottoN, of North To-'
vattda, celebrated his .62d birthday 'on
Tneilday last, on which occasion he enterll'
tertained his brothers and sisters with
theip•wiires and husbands, and his_ chil-.
dren and grandchildren. DAN does not
look to be over fifty, and is in the enjoy
ment of clear mental faculties and vigor
ons physical health, and is one Of the hap
piest men wo knoll , of. We hope he may
live to enjoy his c.entennial.—Reeiiito,
eoth. i
• —Colonel 11. F. SuAw, of the Dixon,
Illinois, Telegraph, is . now in this rdley
visiting ever so many friends and L 'rela-,
F tives. Being a native of the adjoining
county-,Bradford—lict find& scores who
remember him a d his family. In cddl-
Aion to managiu the Telegraph in the
most popular anti •euccesitful manter, he
is Canal Coiiimidro i- ifoi'iif the State of Il
linois, a very re4lonsible position. ' Ills
father, Awissms:B. SHAW, and-folsErn
G. WimutarsoN, , of Ellistewn, - built Off
I first house on what is :now the corpora
°l fon - of Waverly.— Waverly Advocate..
SUDDEN Diratis. -
son: tips*: ouis 3 -thli
**lit eit inii GeWell, died .04 Hour
day 0 0 nOnift eft*l- - awinimi of o **
; hours.-, And. - been ?- troubled acme of
hite`Why an it of the' heart, hut
ureuiu hafoilhhidextb::: -. the Review of
obituary of the deiSolo:4oge Faunal
wits in hiseightidist yeir, and was high
lyeritirinred riot only in his own imme
dbsta iseighbOrboolinit Wherever he' was
known.' In 1868 be4ras elected Juwochtte
Judge of this county and ably filled -the
office for a term'of five years. Although
a mild dispoejtioned, modest man, be had
a well balaeoed mind, and was Possessed
of greet firmness and clear diseriudnation.
He always enjoyed tie entire °evidence
and esteem of his neighborit, who fre
quently elected him to places of honor
and trnst.l' Mr: Fauna was annsWnest,
practical Chrietain man, exemplifying bin
profession in a consistent life. He was
a worthy, useful member of the Preaby
terian Chnich, and the congregation with
whom he had :so long worthipped will
sadly miss him. The deceased was the
father of A.. C. and 0. G. BRUME of this
place and . Doctorieurenrx Potterv.ille.
The evening services; at the church of
the Messiah, which were announced for
next sabbath, will be postponed on ac:
count of the extreme heat, until further
notice. Rev. MYRA Ktaosuonx Will
preach at 10i A. M. '
Clauscin Lodge, 1.0. of 0.F., will hold
a pie-nie in the grove at the mouth of Su
gar Run Creek, to which everybody is in.
vita, • Friday, September 9; 1881. • D
Brass Band, platform dance; with good
music, will be a feature of the day. Din
ner free to all. G. T. IsogAm,
-The Ordination of Miss MYRA Rums-
BURY into the Miniitry of the Universal
ist Church, will take place in the Univer;
salist'Church at ShrsheqUin, on Thdrs
day, September 8, 1881, at 2 P. M. Rev.
Rev. S. C. HAYFORD, Rey, Dr.. TAYLOR,
will take part in the ceremonies.
Strayed from heehomo in Forks town
ship,, Sullivan County, Pa., on Sunday
night, Aug. 14, 1881, a woman aboat
thirty years of age, about five • feet five
tnches tall, slight build, fair completion,
light blue eyes, light brown Bair, wore a
brown calico dress and a No. 5 calf shoe,
and was slightly deranged. Any infor
mation in regard to her whereabouts will
be thankfully receiveCand all , ch&ges
paid by 0. It BIRD, Millview, Pa.
.Exchanges will confer a favor by giving
a notice.
It has been deemed advisable, says the
Dushore Review, to change the tinie'of
holding the fair of the Sullivan County .
Agricultural Society.. The Fair will
therefore be held on Wednesday, Thurs
day and Friday,-Octoblit:. stil i Z6th and
7th, at Dushore.'
. •
We do pot, vOnelt for the. following.
Wd clipped it from the Renew of Satin
dar,—head and; all: JOSEIT STALFORD
living near Sugar Run has 'a . cat with
some unusual feline characteristics; as
she seems to prey. upon-snakes rather than
rats and • mice. Water • and streaked
snakes are common onto with hit., but
she recently caught and towed into' the
houSe by the nape of the neck a huge
rattle Snake 3. feet in length and stilt
Does the' fanier,,as a rule, appreciate
the "value of his own' . newspapei. 2 We
have thought sometimes that he did' not •
stop' to estimate its true worth to him.
Every enterprising newspaper stands as a
sentinel gaurdiug the interest of the far
mers. Not a • swindling scheme on its
travels but is scented afar off and expos
ed. Not a 'favorable indication for the
coming 'crop but what is noticed with re
joicing by the paper. We scarce pick up
an exchange but what we read some good
word for the farmer, or find an expose
and a warning to give a wide birth to
some:new scheme- of sharpers to exact
.of him. A farmer. without his
home paper is like a mariner' at sea with
out his compafs. - In :value io him the
city dailies are not to be compared to it.,
The farmer who reads his' home paper
most carefully is the man who appreciates
it the best. Wo like the, critical farmer.
Welton% expect him to
_agree with all
his paper says. The careful, reader will
lind plenty to indorse
. in every issue of
thi.fifty times its fresh visits cou'e to him.
The Association of the Directors of the
Poor of the state of Pennsylvania will
hold their Seventh Annual Convention in
Erie, beginning on Tuesday, September
20th, at 10 o'clock A. at., continuing two
days. All persons interested in any way
in the work of the Aessociation are invit.
ed to attend. .Excursiern tickets over all
roads running iilto Erie cao - , be had•.by
delegates on application to R. D. McGiar r
NICLE, Corresponding Secretaii, Alleghe- --
ny, Pa:
Says the Troy Gazette 'of Thursday last:
"Scorr Howy., a well known mechanic of
this place, met with quite ;II serious acci
dent on Friday last while working on J.
I.llSsrt.rtt's new house on centre street.
Ho was on the scaffold about 25 feet from
the ground, and stooping down to pick up
some tool lost his balance, gave a little
_.pring to insure his .lighting and fell to
I@e ground,_ striking upon his feet on a
pile of blocks, which sliding prevented his
receivi#g the full shock of the fall. Tie
was, however . , severely injured, his ankles
being badly sprained _ ."
A, young man named Jonw KELLY, liv
ing at Wells, Pa., and working in a tan
nery, had his foot badly smashed Satur
dny night. While attempting to cross
between two cars, near the ykshington
avenue bridge, hecaught his foot between,
thou bumpers, mangling kiery badly: 3
Dr. C. W. BROWN was calleiliend dressed
the injured member. Amputationtmay
yet ,be necessary. He was taken to his
home in a Carriage ycaterdiy noon.—El
mira Adoertisey.
JostArt,llut.t., more familiarly known
as "General" 1111.1 p. of Athens, about
eighty-ilvO years of age, droppe s d_del
Friday morning in his guushop on
street in that village. The death is sup
posed to have been occasioned by heart
disease. The deceased was the father of
C. T. Mu+, cashier of the Athens Nation
al Bank. '
Tug Wilmington (Del.) News says : J.
E. - She*. Esq.,. proprietor Grand Union
Hotel, New York, indorses St. Jacobi; Oil
for rheumatism and neuralgia.
Atter * good deed of Was* search and
aVrriat,dial ot
00014 ot 114,1004 the notes and AMU
stokm bylthe aurglara'Ami die : cEnter=.
Prise Co. amounting tO:betielD 0,00
. .n ,T4lday ; se ! '
meted Under the.: anima bridge 'tear
Mina. -One of the mitiAnies;g:
the %op* being tinder ,tbe bridge ea ugh t
eight of. a' airing : banging down from
brace above and an inveatigatinn found,
the bundle of Dotes, the pocketbook,
eta;':safe and protected from the
weather. _ -
&mit parties 'haveibeen arrested for
participating.- in. 'the burglary at the Ea.;
terpr . isie ahops, but the right'parties
not: been found. The othei day
three auspicious fellows were arrested at
Gillet* . but did not turn out, to be the
desired - burglars. It is believed that the
parties who did the robbery were three
tramps, who all the %natty before were
hiding._ about the ' bead of . Long's Pond,
and who were seen, by a number of our
citizens. Utensils were found were , they
camped, which they had , stolen from hous
es on Canton street. They ; were certainly
not professionalburglars, however . much
Miperiene6 they may have had in _creaking
safes. - Two nights after ' the burglary
here 'three men broke into the depot at
PinelValley, N. Y.,and stele a lot of am
but got but little money. They
also blow open the eafe of a large mill•at
Millport, N. Y., getting about' •30 in
money. Parties are on the lookout for
the scamps. , .
The .Lehigh Valley Railroad, always
among the foremost to adopt every inven
tion and improvement calculated to add
to the comfort and, security of its patrons,
have now nearly cOmple!ed twenty-five
elegant coaches, four of which are to run
between Easton and Buffalo. They are
designed and built under the supervision
of J. J. KLNECE,Y, master mechanic of the
toad at tbe drops at South Easton. -
laid with native woods, ash and maple,
tastefully decorated, luxuriously carpet
ed and , upholstered and ftirniched with
1 / 1 1111)13 of recent invention, which combine
highly ornamental patterns, unusual ra
diance and additional precautions against
fire.. They are said to be the finest day
coaches ever drawn over an American
road. .
love the playful little lamb,
' I lovvidut broiled or roast;
I love the - feathered songster. too, '
I think him best-on toast.
I love the Ash that swim the sea,
. . Fresh from the frying pan; •
I love,the retiring oyster, too,
VII eat hint when I can.
• I love to eee the.squlrrel brisk
• Through the top.sights of my gun ; .
I love the gentle. lowing .. kine •
• In tender steaks, rare dune.
I'love the bird, I love the fish,
I also love the beast . : -
.0h ! give me all I want to eat,
- I'll have a grand love•feasr.
. —43 , ,aton Transcript
Local CorrespQndence.
sotrrkt • LITCHFIELD
All people may not know there is such
a mighty state es Litchfield ; but in Brad
ford County such 'a stato does positively
exist, and.not heating (rein the same .it
any of you loCals for some mime, we pro
-pose to atieak for ourselves:: -
Many aro digging • for water. The
weather is making it pretty hot for us,
but we will try and stand it if the, est do.
Hay, wheat and Carly. potatoes, are a
good average crop; Jate'potatOes, earn
and buckwheat aro altnost tut entire fail
ure. As a general thing oats are poor,.
even when the straw is heavy iarmeis say
they are light.
Forest fires are, raging, and it 'would be
well for people to inquire into, the law
against setting out tires during the dry
season, as it is .a misdenieauor said the
penally is severe.
Sickness prevails 'Oita_ extensively :
Miller VdnDuzer, old Mrs. Itandolpli and \
old Mrs.- rington are lying very low.-
• Thelliv. Calvin Dodge,
.of this: place;
who has been seriously ill nil summer, is
reported better, and strong hopes of his
recovery are Entertained.
- One day last week, - Elanson 'Conrad,.
while getting out ties, met with a. shock
ing accident. his axe glanced, striking
his foot a full blow, cutting off one toe
-and leaving it in his.. boot ; also cutting'off
the tones and cords nf_tw_o_more up in
the foot and splitting the foot almost- to
the ankle. Emery Golf, on Friday last,
while getting out - ties, cut his foot almost
as bad and nearly in the same way', Both,
are laid up for repairs'for the balance of
the season, even with the best of care.
- The most enjoyable and pleatiant
I have had the pleasure of witnessing this
_season was at the birthday - party oflittle
:Tannic Heitington; ' i on the 23d ult., where
. were gathered together between twenty
'and thirty as well, dressed, healthy and
good looking little girls (whose ages were
. nine to thirteen yews), as - can be
found in any vicinity within the limits of
Bradford County. A number- were pres
ent from abroad,,among whim were Miss
Mystic Benson, from llarford, Susque
liannti-Countyl-Miss Libbie .Murphy, of
Buffalo, and several othors whose names
we did not- learn.. We should - judge by
what we saw and beard, by the several
swings. there playing, singing, - clapping
of hands,' pattering of feet, sparkling eyes.
and smiling faces,if they did not enjoy
themselves older ones need never try..
But when theyall.marched in to Supper,
and seeing theqable beautifully decorated
with flowers . and weaning under the good things, consisting- of toast
chicken, many kinds of. cake, jellies,.
sauce, ice cream, candies; oranges,, lem
onade, and almost everything - in the eat
ing line, that taste can wish, was a sight
that many of the little•oncs did not often
enjoy, anti their delight and surprise was
complete. We believe if all the parents
could 'have witnessed the scene, birthday
parties of that kind Would be more fre
quent than.
mar the
are. Not a thing 'hap
pened to ar the pleasure of the little
folks during the 'entire day. May they
all live to enjoy many such birthday par
ties . • • ROVER.
or If you want a goods Elevated Oven
Stove you can 614 one COST at Mclntyre liras.'
olitst d. • Julio-w 4.
ti • •
' • WagOiamakers' and Blacksmiths'
Supplies are being sold' at 3tclnlyre tiros..o)d
stand at Liss THAN COST. Hood Hume to tiny.
M.. Please remember that Dr. EAk
tw!Et Wilco will be at the Henry House, Towanda,
after the 27th Init. . 1w•.
will be held as tollowl: September 3, Towanda;
12, Granville Centre ; _ 13, Columbia X Roads;
Wells P. 04 . 15, Gilletts ; 16, Bentley Creek ; 17.
Athens; 10, .Wilmot P. 04 20, Wyalusing ; 21,
Spring Hill; :2. litinunc‘rtlebl;
Idontioeton. • October 3.; Sheshequlit ; 1, Litchfield
Centre; 5, North Orwell; 6, Warren Coolre;•7, Le-
Raystillo ; 8, Rome ; to, Now Albany; 11, over:tia;
•12, Riirlington; 13; Bast Smithfield ; 11, Alba; No.
ventlii% r 12, Canton ; 12, Troy ; 26, Towanda. Be.
tember 3, Tovanda. G. W. RYAN,
. County Superintendent._
$ I have used several bottles of Sim
mons' • Liver Regulate?, and you may record. the
fact, that my feelings are tai tar changed that I can
est hearty, and am 'More like a well man than I
have been for years pant.lirdre suffered four years
and am grateful for relief;? J. It&EPERTY.
- Periodical Stett,lllo6 Itarket Bt., Phila.
tr &on - Bub Wurwr—Early
comber tut, sty twat sowed five Waste of Ca
melia ileeettr,Witilepealtikapt *rem 'Wheat
obeitefiriaes:iti_ aeon gremma.-, reelect, $4
paidurts t ~1 esi4 span pate .of the erop ter seed.-
Pv*,44l# pet tiustoo, tt g likivertb th e' aye:alto
of *it fernieri. ' '144%
*blunt?: FAIT/Me:o)l6.—pm best, nd
Ohl pp,. skiikujes,za*L. 710 Set! hitt* stipetior
;liikeNti:Sitiltir WOOL* c° ,ll:,4*b*llle
prices, for Intrxinelton: Every 'wagon vrarrintitd
In every respect. fC R. M. Wzr.m.r.s.
'.To MY PATuravrs:—Owlng to int
;1004111,. health I pad at necessm to employ MI assbt.
tattanil Itatkirleolo liTethildea°Pt° t°ltY°tlml
'ttente and the iiahlle aenerally thrit I have meta
the earvlteaOt, of Itbsea, - 11.:Y., 'oaf
ot the mark skillful (teatime to thn ecoontrY; and he
will epead'theireatei portion of hie thee in my
This arrangement will Insure promptness
In attending to all with May favor ue with calls.
/laving . .. keen aSicietated whit Doctor
previous lathy coming to Towandh, I know him ► to
be an Accoinpilsked :gentleman and a first-class
dental opera or.
P. 6.—Dr. Fowtortt wlll be here on the 16th 'to
—This Is to certify tbat, having been erceS-erd
fee upwarda of tifteeti years, my eye was made per
feetlyetraight, through an operation of , hut a few
minutes, by Prof. E. EA:EAKINS, Io f
coo .
mend the Professor:l° thOse similarly disfigured.
Towanda, August 31, 1881.
. Tho Large - Mi. Beat' and .Cheapest
line of Shoes tor Laillcs% and Chlldnenc ,
wont Is found at Contra's DOW aim, cornerMalb
'and Tracy : o.olo's atullr7B
RUZCDELL Brothers, of Burlington,
have on hind a lot ot4tne, STEERS and 11:1FERS
now ready for market: `julyi4.
• 1W IiEgOVAL.4-3. S. ALLYN has
moved hls Undortn king Establishment from
Erldie street to rooms on Main street,- over Tun-
Nen kGonomi's Driig Store, and Woobronn &
VAN Etcdt-.N'ts-}loot.t : Shoe Store. A full limr of
Undertaker's Goods from the cheapest to the best.
Jan37,b3l. .1. s.. AL Agent.
rg — A large stock . of well-selected
Building Hardware at ,t,Ess THAN COST at Mc
lt.tyre Bros.' old stand.. - julyl4-w4.
113r-CQftsmt has the best irearingSlapes
for Men, Bois and Youths. wear ever offered in
.Towanda, and at prices within thts reach of all.
tar-GEo. L. Rosisells Groc'e:ries awful
CHEJU" because his expenses are very light, and
he Is bound his customers shall have the tenent„,
to inform the citizens of Towanda add the * public
generilly that the !mini mum of the great Bostku
Clothlng.llouse his after all decided to open one of
their branches at Towanda, all& 110 t. In the adjoin
ing counties, as supposed by our nerghboring
towns .We congratulate* ourselves for being-so:
lucky as to get one of these concerns ju our town.
Wo.are.iware that whereter one of these brandies
has been opened _the towns and villages becamq
lively,rand eyeryothdr branch of business increased
to a great 'extent, because a concern of this kind Is
able to draw trade front over fifty miles around, as
it his the facilities for offering Clothing, hoots
anti Shoes at great * deal lower prices thin country
dealers can buy them for. and that fetclos Cloth.
ing, Boots and Shoes away down at pretty near
h if the price we have twin used to pay in all other
houses. We do not mean to flatter anybri y very
mush,, bet we are sure that the.toautiful village of
Towanda isi lu great need of such a concern,. and
are titre it is safe to ray that after the O . Fe fl ng of
the; great Boston Clothing 1i(414a in our town,
which alit be en the. 10:11 f September next, every
body, even the other. dealer's, will rejoice at
having such ilvrly times hiLrovvanda. New let us
unite and Wait for that great day In the Means'
. IVarrantetl. Prouty d Johnson's
rtacu ni/d. on Ltunnult warranted to plewe all
who nte I t.
, '
W. C. & A. IL
nuntturcs, ofSte.retivllle,, Bradford county, Pa.,
:•ell goods at bottom prku and fake iderefuege
Butter, Eggs, Pork, Ponltiy, Mg.:, Dried A e% 1
and Crain of all kinds. • - June 'XL al U.
re" . 1.1.C1111.111 to .GrO. L. New
Groceri7Store lit the 3fontanye Block, and ket your
Groceries at rock .1:ot tont. ..1 an. O.
Brixter's Mantirake: }litters
are purely ye:v.:tame—the product or the hills hid
valleys. .
. NO RISK when yotr
buy your I.lrt.r.lies at !:. 1.. p.t):,-;:S
Montanye Block. Ills IItICE-; WAY IMWS
0 ruck botton,
Ills store In X" F:I.LISNI BLOCK, 12iT WAI2I),
teats tlio world by , Low 17rIce: , and gr.:(nl GUnds.
L. 13. Ront3En:J. Chalk nges Com pc
titlon for quality 0fg9e,41,= athl T.riees oia Sash,
Doors, Mt ods and 3101(1114 o s, and bultding
' caug:t-tr)
M'" An established remedy. Downs'
Elixir has been Widely known and used as a cough
remedy,for fifty yeirs. No other cough medicine
'has sin d the test half this length 01_11: •
people stand by that „which Is gond.
THOM CSON—IIITSTON.—At the residence of the
brtde's parents. Mountain Lake. '24th inst., by
the Bea. John S. Beers. Rector of Christ Churett,
Tusfanda, Eugene A. Thompson, Esq.:- of. To
ss antia, and Miss Mary J. 'fusion, of Mountain
ANDERPOOT..—In Towanda, 23 , 1 Henry
'Vanderpool, aged 41 yeara, It month, and days.
A NDEItPOOL.—In Towanda, 24th lust _Oscar
son'of Stewart and the late Flora Vander.
pool. aged I yearo mouths and seven days.
riti*ntii.—ln August 2S. ISSI, of IMat
dhease, Zebnlon Frit,;ilf. in his - sit year
WITTER.—Ai the rehlilenee or-Mr. I. A.. Witter
at lieuk.Llre, Thga county. N. V., Sunday eve
ning, August, PM, - Mr. Anson A. Witter
late or Tua - auila, aged '23 years.
Ito was concerted at -Ithaca two yeais dur.
ing the labors of Nis. VAN COTT In that place,
and has since lived a devoted Christian life.. He
came among relatives and friends in Berkshire a
few weaks ago after a severe sickness, hoping to
recruit, - -but It was ordered otherwise, and he diet
at his tint;le's last Sunday. •
" To him to live was Christ,
To die was gain.".
Generaldealers in Grocerks and Prodube, corner
Main and Pine Streets. .
Flour per bla
Flour per sack - •
Corn Meal Per 100. .
Chop Feed,
Wheat, per bush.... if 20 ® 124
Corn : (4
Rye - 64 75
Oats ." 40 42
Buckwheat 6,6 41
Buckwheat F10ur..... id 60 (g)
Clover , eed
Timothy, western,
Beans; 62
Pork, mess •
Rutter, tuba „.„
5 00 ftil•IPT•-•54
• 50 (53 I GO
(4 fir.ll2l 0 . 0
. 'I-2 It; 071 - •
. 2! (4`.. 25 •. (5
. rai 31 (.4
(it 18
(nl 15
_ Roils
Egg , , frpsh
ebevm, '
routoes. per bust
70 (74
7.0 (F!),
Veal Skins.:.
Deacon Skins
Sheep Pelts...
7cro 4bvertisementil.
Effect of the Great News.
We sbould not wonder that the news of
the,openiug of the gr-at Boston Clothing
House at Towanda will create an excite
mentall'through this and adjoining coun
ties. The cry 0f...a lmost everybody now
will be that they will wait with their Fall
purchases, andthey will convince them
selves', as soon as that concern . will be
opened bow much they will save on Cloth
ing, Boots and Shoes ; and we should not
_blame anybody and everybody for do
ing it; as times are hard and money not
very plenty: Not only the poor, even the
rich would like to save all they can in
purchasing -Clothing, Boot, Shoes, &c.;
and as the day of the Opening is Close by,
why should not everybody have a little
patience and not be in a hurrycwith their
Fall purchases of Clothitiois and
Shoes 1. The stock Tromises to be the
largest and most elegtknt ever ; brought in
to this market. Remember, the 10th Of
September is the Opening day, iu Means'
Block, Towanda. 25.
. .
CA UTION.— Whereas, my wife,
Cathertnc,Driscoll, has left my bed a4ol board
withunt just cause or.prirrocation, I berebY caution
and forbid all persons harboring ortrustiag her on
my account; as t shall pay no debts of her contract
ing atter this date. unless compelled by law.
Milibury, August 20, 1801-a3. -
Xis Shesikainds,
I 0 ,
:v f 0: 4 r.~:,
EtOt. The Entire
Stock of the_ ate firm
f Mclntyre Broth -017"s
must be closed out at
Cost within Thirty
Day•, by the pureha-
Aug. 2,
ser. Goods recently
btilight ' .tit Sheriff's
TowanAla, July is, It;z:
ft... 4
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(EL t.lma
ft; 00 (a) b
_ft 60
• (d
Hor SE !
• i
• & CO.
. Of 0 07
75 011 25
. XOO 60
• 75 (53 I 50
Bridge Street, Towanda,
Offer a carefully-selected stock of the
above-mentioned goods, and respectfully
invite all dealers to examine the same and
be convinced' that money can be saved by
purchasing goods of us. !
• Respetstinlly.
• - 7 - !Towanda, Pa.
P. S.—\l'e wish it digit etlymiderstood
that we,will positiyely not sell goods at
Fox, of Durell, has Issued cards for a Hat-
Teat ?say to be given, on FRIDAY
SEPTEMBER 241. ISSI. McDonald I Stulen's
orchestra will furnish tho music. An lee cream
supper will be served. All are.vordtally Invited to
attend; 1111) only et.. 50. Ang.lB-w=.
- .4 This College is thororfghly Ittrateh - iit - Ter
giving a supttrlor education in -Colloge mad. Erb,.
tic Courses of :goofy. and_ alllo to Jln..le and .trt.
Ileated by Meant anti fortiklie - ifultb au . elevator.
115 reason et its ettilowldent its eharges aro it p
ally moderate. send tor Catalegue to Rev.
COWLE9,,D. - 11.; Pres., flltnira, N A Y. july2l-10.
Ti TLNG HOUSE. -L Something
new. A tirs't•rlara ItE...'STAURANT and
?SATING itOUSE on Bridge atrret, oppcnite the
America* Hotel. Open at all hours. night and
day. - J. 9. BURT:ITT. Proprietor.
Towanda, July 744n5..
Situated on-Serf are., near ROW Par Won
Airy sleeping mom and large dining room ruing
the ocean. Ilrals Jun:dated' excursionists. For
nether particulars widen& M. A. Bvi.L. •we
\ k ,
'' s- )
, •
btaf~. r
1)1We/A 3/A.llO
lien. Pant. DAdowltOW.'Prilideet. • of
tue 13th Jet:fetal Distrtet. cesedating of the county
of. Bradford. has issued his precept bearing dive
the lith dal of nay.' LW. to aus flfructod. for
hoidigg a Court of Oyer and Tenidner. tieneral -
Jail Delivery. Quarter liesideo of fhe Paitoo. COM.
awn Pleas and Orphans* Court V, Touranstec.lor
the county of Bradford; coufnieneing en Mendel',
BEPTEMBEIt alb, Del, to email** lisfeewsw?o•
Notice la therefore hereby ghats to the Coroners
and - Jestices of the Peace of DoCannagot • Iliad
ford, that they be then and therria "ir poker _
persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of wad dsy,
with records. Ingtdall Sows and other remembrances
to do those things which to their offiee appertains
to be done ; and thud's) who are bound by rocogn/-
zances or otherslise, to prosecute against the prise •
hers who aro or may be in the jail of maid twiny,
are to be Ibex and there to prueecute against ihrot
as shall to Jost. Jurors are requested in be
fuel in their attendance, agreeably to their goitre.
Dated at Towanda, the Pith day of August, In the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and elibtpene. and of the Independence of the
United States one hundred and fifth. . •
- • - PETER. J. DEAN, Sheriff.
Is hereby given, that there him been filed In
tee oftice - of The Register for the Probate et Willi
and granting Letters of Administration fn and for
the County of Bradford. Sista of Pennsylvania.
'actouuta of administration neon this following •
The first and -final! account of Geo.' V. !fort,: e.
apar•llia of Debbie L. Vanderpool, onlaor cliPflof
IV I:I* Vanderpool, late of Abe loanable of Ttruc, -
deceast4.. . _
Final aPiotint of Tioxnas If aggorty, svfeatalatra
tor coos fastamento apnea - out tlxo ovate of ra •
llarzerty, late of the lownxblriotTerff, - dertav,i.
Float *recant :of Ahab' X. Cornell, administrator
of the estate of Lnrana C. Cornett. Lite of no
tOR shlp of Coflimbla, deceaee.l • •
,71,e. tns and partial aceeunt of Harrison W.
Creetiqand Jaie.z Case, admiundrators of the es.
into of lelna Case, late of the township of Tn•y,
d ere.urecl. .
Ulna! account of Benjamin .lones. executor a
the last will and testament of John Terry, Late of
the too w•illp of Terry, deceased. •
Final account oof H. L. Terry, administrator of
estate of Jatues Jones, late of the township of
Terry, deceased:
Final account of Beies Roetwell, one of *head.
nilitlstrators of the estate of A kora , / Lonir, Late of
the I.`orOugit of Troy, deceased. _
Tt.e first and final account of W. E.,Chilson. ad
mit cum fesfantenlo anaiese of tips estate
of Anna Itichruond, late of township of Troy. de
ce a.ed.
Final St`CCAuut 'of Nelson Vanderpoot;gur.rttlan of
Burr Joh mon, nit nor child of Longs Johnson, Into
~r , sf Ferry, deceased. - - .
final ac,- o u n r of tieorge Juttlea,- - gnarl:lbis of
Julia Van Allen (tkiw J tilts Coryelli, minor cblid of
liaruln VauAllrn, lite of - the town9iip of
Springtield, deceased.
tirat and partial aeconut of . 31.“ I in ffarkness,
administrator yr the estite of Jacel, Harkness,
Tate of the township of epringfield. de eased.
The first and part lal'acetamt of 3tartin Hark ue,r,
alluilitistratorof the estate of SIM:Ih N.. iilarkneat.
late of the township of Springfield, eeeased.
Filial account of Charles If. Moon arid Morgan 1..
Mow, administrators of the estate of Silas
tate of the towt.ship of Albany, &erased.
Partial account of .N. Y. Hefts, trustee of P.,
estate Of 11. Char'otte Ward, late of the 1.e.a. , t.t.v4 of
Towarida„,decessed. •
TiPf flat and float areotiot of George
emecutor of the last wit! and testament of Alm; ta
evelrty, late of the townshipof Ore non. deriased.
Final a,:rount of Ifltatn L. itockw,ll, gaziglino
of Thopupt Brownson, minor Mild pow of age)
of Wili:s rowitson, late of the - .towmtilp or hut-
It rgton, flereAsea. . .
Final account of John Roger' anil-rrntna It. At
kin?, administrator:lot tiro estittootJoieptfli. A :-
klns, late of the townmhip of 7 1 113C2X0114. deceae. , l
Fir,: and final account of - John W-Coduing, ii,i
tnittiNtrs'or cum f,chimento 'tuner , . of. the - etd3l.•
of Jeremiah McCarthy, late of the dfisamhip ..f
Bldglimy, deceased.
-Final account t , Benjamin S. Darlt nat4 John :-.
311 x, executors of the last will and testamrnt of
Jesse E. Bt!ilociri late Of tha Goryttxll of Canton,
deci*V wi
Fina aceot of Ilmjamln S Dartt and Jobe
311;:ttAt.n3t^fltarY g1311111.111S . of Chartrass E. Imi•
lock. niloordliild of Jesse E. Bullock, late of t
borough of Cnnton, deceane t t. • • . •
Final account of Edward S. Berton, eiectilor
the last will and teitantent of Caroline F. Wright,
late of the t4Wwdlip of Canton, tlcceas•id.
le I hal hf Mary Bloom. gnarnian of Fx:m
cm. E. Leonard (now Fiances E.. Winlaks), mite-r
child of Lewis M. Leonard, late of td.rn•_pAgnAdi, or
First and iyartial afconut Ma'r.tio limner.
Floyd L. fildper and S. C.Eislirre,
or the: estate of A, A. Kinner, of the buroug,h
of Athens,
Final 3...eGiu.t of- Geo. !TAO:snarl.
trathr of the :es'..?„tept Ger). Wayne lilnney,late nt
the t own:4llNpf :%I:e,hcaelft,,ti•
FILM ateebnt of 11. B. liolle:i
fefltrarigb. $11.401.1 , ft: attt 17 1
:I.i.•ktu:hi of thn [0.4. 11 ,Hp of
- FirAt and lira% arc••cnr of , DaI:I.LS tit u :oT
ininr,trator of tltr testate of Clia:c.o!iievrey,:a., •
rlo. tow wilifp. of Nt.. 11, cea..ed.
E:n..t and :fir,al.ut . 4 . l.tait. r E. W,441-
rufr, adra..l3otrs:or ca 0/, ft.tam•ill'i nu L.T. of Ibr
estate, GC. N2thati Laic of 111 C to - Nll‘ ,• , 0(
first and .flnal acroant :pr: !imago - P. 310;:14,
n,cnlnt nf. the I.v,t ,itt; and -ivstaturni Of T', PI
tVatklns. lan, of [lv! noroogn ‘I.,
!nal account of .1 , a..143 - re gnar.ll.ln "r
:tonwr C. ml.l ittql,;,.!.
cht:,letn .losep:m4 Caillpl4.l. •ate of tl , t,
tou;glllrroni•irlington. ,kr.a4.41.
Fins avd final ar,,utitof .11atcell. f.N!...,!•
znint."..tralqr dh Fri ix ;iron !n 'At afro•
P r , r !ate vt.
k it;; :1;:d ael OSifit of Ant,rlllfozir.etil: a.; -
min1.5:!:.1.4 of t.t.o el V. A in., t.c,
of A rint-n la. dee
Flt:al arreent or ian-0.3 We6o 3 , 1 r
admint• , ltator of the estate of Huhn'
::Ate of the t,l*.vosh 1p of it
Aoct the saute nIII be presented to the Ori.h.v.:
C.. 11 r, of r.rirt for.' eon nil, al" Int .trphau." o"tt
to he hell at for ,al , l Coetaty, on Th-ot•-
:I:Ly. thy ,tll-€l.Ly of. !September. A. It. 11.11,
o'cli elz P. centlrt%rel :fro! anoerrTo.v.
A. Iteci , l,r: •
415t.1'S T.,W:1:1•13. Aug. F., .•
fittliflANS' COUfl - 1N0T14. -. 1.:.
g.r,rk :141t. d a re
61. J: 111 *0 ()Mr' o thy e'rt:F of I hv. l)rplqn, ••
C , ,uct fur ii C, .utc or .gra.ittatl, &ta:.• , •C
arit,r3l,:TtllN,llL pinperty sr: t•lf ty
rs to She wl4lorel,
chadrw "r the f":!, tleeeder:7-. :
I:•ta , ,c• Pr Samuel I.):_tWoto.'llteiut the ttownshiir
or Tt , ..y. eas.t.4l.
E.tate of Jorelnl.l%flaraeg, Lau ofte town
~r Fnj h Mum). !atof the tow9,l::p if
Litcbff.t. ilereaNtA.
. .
fr..4t.ite of George J. t'arophcl!, late of the ta , 1%.1:..
ship of Litchfield, deetr.isc.d. - . • _ -
1'....t: - .te of James I..i?e, 13'.'.e. of the LovrerlijkL,L___
Albany, tlecea.i.e.d..
- F.', tat, of .I.7eliti.r. tf:i . le, late of t! , f.,tovrio , hip (4 .
South fleet:a...ed. . .
Fs' .t-
Tl,lna...cra'ql , , Late of the town-Lip of
Solo,ll CnoPk. deveakg.4;
EAt3te Uf ti,orge IL Ft , {, late of , rt.e borough of
znl,ell. •
_ .1..5.t.v0 of Well Ingtou ate of ILa of Tuwarera, 11,•vea:A-(1.
EN:ate of .T mo4.Burnham. late of the hown.l.ip
E„ , tA:i• f:alligan, late of life bot,
of South NVaverty. iletrast.4l. •
F.siati• Dat.iel W. Cutely, late of the tow
AL.( the ,auu• nil; 1K pr'eeeeteil to the Orphan-'
',mil of ftratttorof
_ccontly, at an Orphans (',lift
o he hekl at Tun an , l4, for Laid Coltnty. on Thu:—
v.- the e:it day ~f S.•pletnber. &„ teBl, of
f,'r final , 6,bBrmalon.
. A. ('. FRISHIE.
() B O P :I!! i •rd C er s l- s T u i c E , l l out S of the find a i Jl 29: s:
.• of Bradford County. Penwylv.inta. • , e •
dt•wdzne adellutst rater of the eblaze of WiNt.tio
A. CI - Washy. deceased. late of the - towtadlip of
Smithfield, will sell at public' sale. at the how, of
1). Ormsby. near the brerntscs. on s.ATrirz
I),,vr. SEPTEMBER I'D. at I ii'clock 31.; be
fol! ,, Wing :ot.Vt'ci! or 'Parcel of land. sltn•ited, ht
Stnitbrield town , blp 2191 I...meted as folti;wS: toil
111.• by lands lfettinging to the estate of said
A.,, decsased. en the east by_ a
bublle..highway. en the ;eutti by tarots o;
Phillips. and on the west by land. of L. I).4..trinsb:.l
containing .10 acres; being 44 acres out of the s”oth-,•
east corner of a tract of :and gupposed to contain
one hundred and twenty-Awl acres, belonging to
the estate of the said IN 1111 am A. Ormsby. deceased,
Ttr:Nii OF Sett: floo at time of !vie, fI co
ek,nflrmation. an t I,llanee In three equal ant.r...l
pay:tit:ate, With Interest on all wirml..l.
East iimlthtleld. rat, Aug. 11, tSit-u2.
. .
terg testamentary having been granted to th.'
lintlerAgnotl, under the last utll and testament or
Israel June,. deteiked, late of Smithfield - tow itslr p.
all persons Intlebtod to the estate of said deeedent
are hereby notified to make Immediate payment,
and all haring olalins - agattist paid est...te mtottsilte
sent - the sante, duly authent rated to the mtor
,llg,ned for settlement.
311I$. ISHAF.L JONEti, Executrix._
East Smithfield, Pa.. Aug. 11, , a 1.1,6•. •
Letters of aaininistratlan ruin testom , rito
having teen granted to the . underslgneit
the .sate of Mary E. Hanlon. late of
kliry town , hlp. Bradford county. Ea.. (1re.r.).,,,,t.
noire i• here! y- given that all I , ers , ns ludeoted
to saki eNiate are requested 14 - 5 make Initio.diaio
payuient,• and all 'persons 'lraviug legal claim.
against. the .ame . ulll present them without delay
in'iqoper order for settlement to William Haulm..
or Binghamton, New -York. -
WILLI Alf ii:A.NI - ;614:. Ail}ninlstrafor.
iiroliAtuton. N. Y.; august. Is, I/41.
- _
a. Letters of aduilnistratten hating been grant."
rd to the undersigned. upon the es:air:of Lawrew,
late' of Warren twp., defeated, notice It
hereby given that all persons indebted to the !aid
estate are requested to make - Immediate par:pont;
and all perseni having clainir against sard - 7 - te int
pr i litt_sailie, duly authenticated t o thy
undersigned for settlement:
. / Adradrilstratei.
Letters of admlnistrart-u having been grant
cir to the undercigneil urn - the _estato of Jane
lOaeirman. late of Nlotroc Ts% V.., deceased. notice
is hereby given that all per,-Yx4 Indebted :ul!sid
estate areseirestoil to make immediate pqment,
and all wrinis having claims cgainst fal.l
lutist prvserit. tho Amu duly authentrcat..d to the
iadec.izneit for 4. o ftletneut.
It, 11. ROLL ETT. Administrator...
Mottroeton, l'a., August 1141.391-wfl.
WANTED 11" 1. ADF,4 N
Agents for the NAki
D Or, Light on the
A \\TN
..Crest Future
In this !Hr. - through Om dark tralley.snd In tit ...II re
rternat., at seen in the b.s. , ,bt hough!. of lead's g au
thors and seholats, among whom are 111611 , it •
son. F0...!2r. Warren. Hurst and FOSS, Joseph
Itureit,r, Talttuvo. 13r. Carrie, Dr. Marrli.,
Merits!), Dr. Crosby..Dr.cuyter,Gro. D. Vrrottre,
Drati t i inh.y, Whlttite, Loner:low whit t•thor:..
T rAitt.joet. trisiled at' Drain. Inintortallt). M it
trultsiti 4101 the I:.onrtrrl bin,
tin of the IX 1. 1.,41, ,i,,",1
site 111:9vard of the Rightism, A rich teat' aAails
the reader or this tss,k; It entittsloi lb.: gt.t0,1 , . - t
thoughts of 'the %roar s't.7l.,ttest atm -
Hot. n,st ' , tortni:l interest to evrrybit...
Not o,oiny hut brilliant.. There a dull page
In tint ls ok. It Is Absolutely wit !tont a rival. Er. -
rybOdy read I!. Settpot .Teach•aq, Sitoleot - s,
Young 'sett anti Ladles. .i.cting as agents f.d. !he
loqk are nialtlrg over 41:!0 a nit nth. ;tales fa=t.
111,0•0 grit , sold fret_ 13 days, anothi is F , V . 5
r ti in.ur.layaweherl.',.ui 5 1;;1 , : r'S
in rt days, a lady sold 0 in 10 hours. Secure terrtiiity
ry'ulck. MN, agunts wanted for tits Ilitistrrt,lll:. -
vises* Nrw Testament. and for the iiqrst Faridsy
Ilibles Clef NCEI Ito agoute, for cl ien t al ".
r.W. 211. - .01.ER & t It, v
160 F.. A , ltibto :11,40, ill. *No