Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 11, 1881, Image 3

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    Vntifiti k oda
Towanda, Pa., August ii, tBBi
The expiration of subscription is print
ed on the colored label. 113 y noticing the
date every subscriber can tell when his
paper will be stopped unless the subscrip
tion is renewed.
LIST (if letters remaining in the Towan
da Post Office for week ending, August
10, 18811
Andrews, J. - 1 Morrison. Frank . E.
Allowey, Simeon ; Martin, iM-• IL
'Bowman, Mrs. E. ; Marean;llrs.Chiks. •
Bowman, Mrs. 11. • Mclntosh, )Ira. •
Bennett, Orrin Mclntosh, Geo. B. •
cote. Mrs. Wm. B. . ; -Myer, Sol.
Coolhaugh: Lewis ' Malory, P. U.
Crotty, Martin
Comilla, Clark Mitchell, Joseph
t 7ruddey..Mrs. Bate . McDonald,;Johattna
Decker. Mrs. Mary Norton. Ina
Decker. Henry. Ober, Thos. S.
Donne, Mrs. Ann peel, Nellie
Deboys, Mrs M ; itoctivell, Mrs. C.
Fox. Mrs. Ed. . nle,-L. C.
Friebeneek, Afloat_ . Rundle, Still •
Fox; J. V. ' Balks, Amelia
Fuller, N. C. , Stevens, 1. B.
Forster. J. C. , • Shiner, Mrs. 31. E.
,:ranger, leu.'s. Strait, E. M.
Huns, N. I'.. 2' Snyder, Lucretia -
lic•ss. Mrs. Anna Stephens. Adalluo
Horton. Carrie
._ Sullivan; M. F.
.lours, Thos. S. - . Tierney, Dennis., 1:
h lichen, Win. . Tewksbury, T. L.
N iihnien. Thos. . Tait, Jesse
LeNrIS - Mrs. 1,. - Thompson. Mrs. M. .1.
Mom, Mary • : Wallace; M. L.
Mitchell, Mr. M. Wood, Tiuncy
Mary Bowen; Williamsport. Pa. II •
Gillman Spriggs, Woodstock, Va. if . .
James 11. Wright. Pine Grove, Nev. f s') • -'
__ . .. _. .. .
.1 -
)lary A. W rlgbt, ItnUauS, ra.
Persons calling for any of the above
letters 2,/ease say "advertised," giving
date of list. P. POWELL, P. M.
Tin , . oyster season will soon be; hero.
llt:mEsinEtt the Excursion on the 16th
5.-'2.-00 to Watkins and " Return, on the
Tuts is t‘ tremendous summer for pie
WHAT ha's becom.c of the Crawford
Comity System ?
T11E16: are a 'number of-persons camp-
'lug out, at -Minnequa
Tut: School House at Grover is to„be
considerably enlarged.
BE sure_and "take iu the Excursion
iu W-atkius next, Tuesday.
Tin.: Third Brigade will be paid of
camp at Willses-B4rre.
Jon:: JAelisos, of- - Kthens, bas started
a !,oap manufactory = in that' place.
IN several portions of, this county the
small streams are nearly dried up.
Tin: Susquehanna County Mutual Fire
Insurance Company has quit business.
Tin; Reri,ic entered upon its third yea
on We,llie:,Elay: It improves with uge.
FRUIT gUttwr . rs aver that August is the
vzowr month in which to trim apple
Timm: aro,. sixty:six candidates for
County Commissioner iu Lycoming
" LAKE C;ARFIELD, " is the new name
Lake Carey, Wyoming Cqunty's sum-
mei' rchort
THE BMA Ist congregation and Sunday
School will picnic at • Weston .to-day
Tui; Elmira Sunday Tilevraut editors
have been arrested for libelitig a ,Bing-
hamttm man
' 2 -.0. 40.-
Imira Arlrerfixer is of the opinion
Olaf - C. - Ntorbus and Wat. B. - 3lelon tray-
el :u m•
JonN PEnnr, of Wells, has taken the
f ont ract,to carry the mail between Tiby
and Mansticla.
()NE hundred and two degrees w•as the
I:,,int indicated by thermometers in Troy
on Fritlar list
Tin: Equity Coi - trt, presided over by
h:th*.e LINN, has 'heel] adjourned until
leptetuber 2711)
tt Tot: ;n Ist h i:as been set as the day
I the brginning . of the Yorktown Cen
tennial celebration.
4 1 NLY eight 'United States dollars of
1": ire in existence. There is one in
Itiltii-11 Museum which cost $BOO. 5
•l'u the olitor Of the Athens Gaietle
:niter to llint-ou this occasion,.- that
is.the best time to . set out. celery
4)1•1•rn a numbera canvas boats have
recently been launched in the rivers at
Athens. They are light: at - easily pro
EwirnsioNs are booming. There is
IMO to Watkins on. Tuesday next. For
particulars, see-advertisement in another
THE ladies of the rniversalist Society,
of Athens, will give a lawl sociable, at
thc_Clinrch groundici to-morrow, Friday,
e,v, nit, g
has the whooping cough..
At !east attrgo number of the children
-that village are" troubled at present
with that complaint.
Tit F.: members of the AL E. Church". at
Williantsport are making arrangements
for an excursion to and pic-nic at 'Mune-
(pi, ;n the near future.
Sontfiern - Central Railroad Com
pany give an excursion to the Thousand
Islands, August 23d. 'the fare for the
round trip will be about VAL
IT is repotted that JOHN CARMODY, of
Cr'eenn•oodl, was injured so badly 13T. te
ing kicked by a vicious horse on Tuesday,
tint he dicdon the same evening.
nit.; restatolabti of G. E. Sratnrivo,
Troy, Was - iitrgiarized on Friday night.
The thieves carried off six boxes of
gars 'and about seventy cents in -money.
WHILE at work in the hay field, in
MO day last week, a team of
lif ul , cs and two men were knocked d - own
by lightning but neithei the men : or hot.-
'Sea were injured to any extent.
You the public offices to be filled in
Sii:•fitichanua County tbis fall, fifty per;
1 , 11115 have already announced themselves
cautlidatcs... And the end of tha. an
n•kuncenients is still not yet reached.'
TIIERE are ten individuals over in Sal-
V. 1.11 C 1114ty . who have announced them;
to accept the nomination
for Treasuref - of that county. Several
vpterr; have not as yet been heard from.
Use: of the heaviest thunder showers
that has vitited this section in years pass
ed over this place on ,Friday night._ last.
The .-lightning struck at several points
41thin a radius of five miles from our
San the Laminas Advertiser of bat
week: "On Thursday afternoon last,
Jowl; Hrrarcomc's team run away with a
load of hay in Wells Hollow, resulting; in
the death of one of his matched team of
THERE is a rumor of a project being on
innt to construct a lake and' a hotel on
the Marmon property, Athens. The
Gazette is afraid the -project will "walk
off as did the projected opera house Aid
BA'11:111N, Neptune, Jupiter, Mars, Ve
nus and Mercury are now all morning
stars, a glorioin concourse. They shine
specially for early risers.' No, we have
not viewed them. A friend of ours is , an
early riser.
Tnu second quarterly mooting of the
Owego district., will be held with the M.
E. Church at Prattville on Saturday and
Sunday, 'August 13th and 14th. The pre
siding elder, Y. C. &arra is expected to
bo pre;oni:
IT is rumored that Colonel Hoy, the
Temperance Evangelist, will visit this
county during the fall months - and hold
temperance meetings. The Colonel holds
his meetings in a tent capable of. seating
2,000 people.
Tnn committee having in charge the
Excursion to Watkins, on Tuesday, the
16th, are sparifig neither pains nor ex
pense to make it a perfect . _success. The
advertisement in another' column gives ,
full particulars.
GEORGE JORDAN, of Athens, droie his
team undor the railroad _bridge at Mill
town one day last week, just as Iv train
was passing over the bridge. It is thought
that the expenditure Qf forty or fifty dol..
lars will be required to put the wagon-in
good repair. •
THE now name for " suthin' to drink"
is changed to "temporary courage."—
Well, when you bear us ask
anybody for some "temporary courage,"
when we want a drink of water, why—
well—but perhaps our neighbor does not
refer to water as "sutbin' to drink."
Rom, of honor of the • Panther Lick
School for the mouth ending Aug. 2, 1881.
Fort two dollars you can visit Watkins
Glen, on the 16th instant. That is, if
you are a resident of ;this place, and - an
advertisement in another coluran will give
.ou the particulars of how you may go so
cheaply, and alsoivhat tlto fare.. on that
oceasiou will be - tor those - who aril not res
idents of this beautifulvillage.:
Tim Bridge Works, at Athens, were
"shut down" on Saturday :tast in order
that the employees might participate iu
the excursion of Perkins Post Band to
Lake Owasco. The Gazette says that
"was not the first time that the proprie
tors have stepped
,aside that their men
might have a days' enjoyment.
REUBEN STONE, of Leßoy, met with
quite a severe and painful accident on
Tuesday of last week. He was at Work
repairing a brush fence, and in clinibing
over the fence, a pole .on top of it gave
way, and he fell astride of a log, a. sharp
knot on which lacerated him quite severe
ly .in the groin, and othcrwiae injured
IT is reported that au - old and infirm
man, is charge of the 'overseers of the
poor of - is covered with
speculative insurance policies: to the
amount of two hundred thousand dollars:
It is also said that there are several other
parties in that city heavily_ inStrrcil,:. and .
the.agents,are said to bequietly driving a
profitable business. -
Mn. A. Iltrsit, an employee in Ff
Furniture Factory, was quite severely in
jured on Saturday last by being struck in
the face by a piece of board thrown from
a circular saw: ''Mr. 11. was injured in
the same factory a few years ago loosing
at that time several fingers.. This time
he loses Several teeth, and has his face
quite severely gashed.
THE excursion on- Tuesday next, the
16th, promises to be a grand. FUCCOSS
every particular: Certainly, the commit
tee who have it in charge are' leaving
nothing undone that can in anywise
to the pleasure of the
_occasion. No doubt
'many from this place, and vicinity, will
embrace the"opporittuity to visit the fa .
mous Glen at Watkins.
TIII: REPORTER - says that water melons
are getting elleaper„ , As a small -izitie still
costs forty cents, we don't consider them
alarmingly cheap.—Azonal. Great Seott!
If 'we ever keep a bOarding house, you
will be safe in wagering that any one who
considers aniat/ a water melon twenty-four
inches long and ten inches in diameter,
will not be received as a regular. boarder,
under any dircumstAnces., •
TnE high trestle on the State Line &
Sullivan Railroad; at Dushore, has been
rebuilt. The Retiempays the structure is
much more substantial than the old' one
ever "was. The foundation walls base
been burnt of good stone and laid in ce
ment, the wood work has also received
particular attention. Mr. .TileoDollE
AcEt.tiff, - who haS had charge of the work
has spared no labor -to - make the work
What it i. 4..
WE believe we. arc not. going astray in
stating that them aro 'more and a finei
quality of boats on the two • rivers at this
place than any other town or city in their
whole le ngth.•:LA thefts, Gazette : - When
'you haveia weeles,spare time, oinfe down
and count the craft that float on the calm
bosom of the Susquehanna at this point.
If we cannot beat Athens in the: number
of boats, we certainly can in the different
styla ind shapes:
TILE Congregation and Sunday School
of the Baptist Church, will - pie-nic . at
. Weston. Station, on the Barclay Road, to
daY (ThurSday). The train will leave the
Barclay station at 10:30 a. m. - The schol
ars of the. Sunday SchoOl .will go free,
tickets for all others ove - r 14 years of age,.
will be Sold at 30 Cents for - the round trip.
All are invited tojoin in the pic-nic. Tick
c:s can bei obtained of R. M. WEEMS, at
thell9-Cent Store.
. THE Deniocratic County Committee
met at the Grand Jury Room, in the
Court lloue, on Tuesdair afternoon.
Wit.tlAst llaxwm.t., Esq., was re-elected
Chairman and S. W. - Bum, Secretary.
GuonoE STEVIOB, W. S. DonmNs and
JonN BALDWIN were chosen delegates to
the. State Convention. T. Ii JoanAti and
S. W. BUCK were elected Senatorial-dele
gates. The committee decided to leave
time of holding the County Convention to
the discretion of the Chairman.
THE Albany. Y.) Argus observes :
Judge 31(4:Iowan, t4is city, was cured of
rheumatism by St. Jbobs Oil. •
Tas WellsborO Ossetia says that liov- -
emor Horn and staff, General inusanut,
of the Ninth Corps, Ez-Govermor . HART
'mum?, General Wannzw, of the Fifth
Corps, General Tnouss L. Kum of the
old &mittens, and a nartiVei of others
have airlifted their Intenti+ of behig pres
ent at the , soldiers' re-unioll in that hor•
ough on the 15th and 16th of Sepkimber.
Reduced rates of fare have already been
secured on the principal railroad lines.
A LADY writes to an exchange that the
following is an exoellent- way toleU
whether canned fruit isgoing_o.„keiii*
not : "The next day after canning stand
your jars on their beads for in hour or
two, then rightihem, and if no moisture
is found on the rim of the cover or the
rubber ri.n, they are air tight • and will
keep any length of time ; but if the least
drop'of vagrant-juice has found its way
out, they must •be smeared over with
sealing mixture or the fruit will surely
BILLIMIOATE begins to crop out:in ono
of our village_cotemporaries.. The Coun
ty Convention is but,a few weeps in the
future. Some perions connected with
the Press of this county evidently bays
schooled thetas elves to believe that calling
a cadidate for a nomination • everything.
but an honest man, is a sure way to com
pass his defeat. The people have on sev
eral occasions in the past, disagreed with
gentlemen who have sought to use abuse
whole they had not argument- to further
their personal ends.
THE real estate in this place of the late
J. D. MONTANYE was sold by the: execu
tors, on Monday last at public sale: •The
lot on the river bank, occupied by the
leurniture'Factory, was Istiught by JAMES
Wool), Esq., and brought $2OO. The
store corner of Main and Court streets'
was sold to 11. W. "Tnacv, for $7,000.
The dwelling on Main street to A. J.
LAYTON for $3495. The vacant lot On
Main street, south of dwellOg, to B. M.
PECK, Esq., for $2,207, The • house and
lot on Second Street to Judge MERCUR for
$2,025. And the vacant lot on Second
street to J. MACFARLANE, Esq., for $O5O.
onoWN folks audchildren i , there were
nearly 500, who crowded the cars of the
excursion train to EILENBEIZOER I S on
Wednesday of last, vrek, to participate
m the Pic-nic of the M. E. Church and
Sunday School of this plate. The weath;
er was-warm but PleaSant; and not an ac
cident of any kind occurred to mar the ,
pleasu'res of the day. ' The Germania,
Band accompanied the pleasure-seekers,
and furnished delightful music. :"The re
ceipts for fares more than covered all the
,eipeuses - cf the trip to the church. It
•was the largest pic-nie of the season, and
was pronounced as among the best by all
who had the pleasure of participating in
its enjoyments.
The large barn belonging to MILLER
Fox, situated on the "Flats," about mid
way between the Barclay Railroad and
the Towanda creek, about a mile , from
this place, was struck by lightning and
burned •on Friday night last, together
with its contents. The luirri was tilled
with hay, grain, etc. A horse belonging
to...Mr:Fox and one belonging JA.s.
Onturicos, the tenant on the farm, per
-Med 'in the flames. The loss _on the
huilding is estimated at about $1200, - on
contents $2OOO. There wa 'tin insurance
on the barn of $BOO, and ou its contents
$900.. There was also au insurance of
$lOO on the horse lost byllr.. CUI-1-31114:08.
- -The Greenbaekers held their County
Convention at the Court House on Tues
day afternood,„ The tbliorring,ticket was
placed iu the field :
Sheriff—D. R. WOODBURN, Rome.
Prothonotary—Jons H. Ortccrr, To-
Wanda Borough.
Register and Recorder—SAMum. llovs-
TON' Bitrlinfiton: • ••
Treasurer—J. S. .TUOMPSON', Camp-
to - in.
Conpilisßioners*ll. A. lioLcoin,. La-
Roy; .JoslluA TURK, Litchfield.
altiditurs—G. F. BALLARD, East Troy;
N. J. BAILEY, North Towand4..
Coroner—,Dr. •F.. TERRY,
Several speeches were made and resolu
tions were adopted endoriing: the Nation-
Al platform adopted at Chicago, and op
posing any fusion or Change of name. J.
ORCUTT was re-elected Chairman of
the County Committee and F. G. JOHN
SON, tiperptary.
The Stevensville. Sunday School, 'to
gether with other Sunday Schools, will
hold a Union - .Basket Picnic in Stevens'
Pak at Stevensville, Pa.. August 13,"
I,SSI. The following Sunday Schools are
invited : Campt own, Merryall, • IngAam- 1
town, Spring Hill, Clapper Hill, LeltAys
ville, East Merrick, llerrickville, Derrick,
South Hill, • Rushvillt, Episcopal, : . and all
others who wish to come and enjoy a
grand good time. - - Sunday Schools are
requested to bring .one or more Speakers
and, bands of music; a 1.59, bring Gospel
Hymns No. 1. Tll4itierision will form
at ten o'clock A. M., sharp, Beaded by
the Stevensville Brass Mad at the Pres
byterian church. Musical Director, F.
T: Eastabrook. .Marshals of the Day,
A. o.•Stevens. - and.C. A. Crandall.
F. E. EAKTAB11001:.
Secretary S. V. S. S.
Old Mrs. SA mrsox, of Milan, was strick
en with apoplexy. at about nine o'clock,
on Saturday pluming, an' died in a few
minutes: : She had been in usual health
up to the hour, of the attack, and ate a
hearty breakfast in the morning. She
was about eighty years of age, and ' for 7
inerly resided in Utica, N. Y., whom her
remains were taken for interment on Mon
Preparations are making for a Harvest
Home Festival Saturday afternoon and
evening, August 24)th, in the interest of
the Union Church, now building, on Lime
fill. • Exercises will begin at two o'clock
r. x., and , consist of vocal and band mu
sic, and a speoch_by lion. GEORGE LAN
nor. Tables will be furnished with ice
...;ream and - ,a variety of luxuries adapted to
the season. Everybody invited and a
good time anticipated.
A Litchfield correspondent writes as
follows : alhass' E.s Cot.; a lad sixteen
or eighteen years of age, met with quite
a serious accident last Saturday in the
following manner : One end of a long
chain had been fastened to.a :beam in the
loft of the barn, the other end hanging
loose and reaching to within two or three
feet of the ground. COLE was climbing
the chain hand over band and when reach
-!'ug the top would let go his hold and
drop to the ground. After repeating the
operation several times and while drop
ping beside the chain the hook caught
in'o and clung to his body and thus effect
ually holding him until some one . vanie to
his rescue. Dr. b 1011.81; was called and
rendered the necessary assistance.
M. IL.LeietwoisatitiohtlelllB~.,
—Geeenti IL J. MADILL. is on 'a' trip
—Rev. BliKllo ',kiting *Abe'
- l'iew England States.
—Hon. 'E. °venues and *rife are at -
Asbury Park, N .1 • •
—Senator W. T. Daimon s wife and tam
are at Asbury Park, N.
—it. M. Iffanurr, and 'family, otsayre,
are ,visiting near Philade!phla.
—Miss Aripin Oncuri is'enjoying
visit with friends in Burlington.:.
—Mrs. Lewis CRANE, of Troy, is vis
iting friends ifilancashire, Mich.
—Miss Nurrut SPRAR: of Athens, is
visiting friends in Manline, N. Y.
—Mrs. F. A. ALLEN, of Athens, is vis
iting friends in Johnstown, N. Y,
—Jsmss R. MACFARLANE, of Pittsburg,
was visiting friends here last.week.
—Mrs. E.-2 1 . Fox and Miss Futtorna
Fox, are visiting in Rochester, 'N. Y.
-Mra. MARPLE and daughtefrof
ra, are visiting at 11. T. Junes, on Chest-
nut street.
' —3lm. E. L. DAVENIVIIT will travel
with FRANK Mayo's Company the oom-
ng season.
—R. U. FINCH and wife, of Athens,
are visiting relatives and friends in Ham
ilton, Canada:
11IINTLEY, Of Kansas City,
has been visiting relatives and friends in
this place for a few days Past.
—B. S. RUSSEL, Esq., forMerly of, this
place,_ has embarked in Me l real estate
rosiness, at Jamestown, Dakota.
GEO. HETLER of Philadelphia is
visiting friends in Athens. • lie is an taw',
ployee in-the U. 8. • Custom House.
—Mr. and Mrs: G. W. PLustitsft of
Athetis are enjoying a few days visit with
friends iri New Albany and vicinity.
—Mrs It J. Lt.ovn, of Wyalusing, who ,
has been very ill of typhoid fever for
some time past is at present convales-
—Miss MYRA KINGSBURY will preach
at Athens every Sunday . during this
Services will commence each
day at MI A. X.
—Mr. and Mrs. SHERMAN of New-Ea
ven, Conn., arc visiting friends in Athens,
Mrs. S's former home. Their children
accompany them.
—Mr. and Mrs. W. A. CHAMBERLIN re
turned from Wisconsin on Tuesday. They
report their daughter, Mrs. MoNTANYE,
as much improved in health.
—Rev. D. C. Tomutocuv, a Universal
ist minister quite well known in this
county, died at Mendoti, Illinois, one day
recently, after a very brief illneis.
—Mrs. R. L. STILLWELL, wife of Rev.
R. L. STILLWELL, and-daughter of the
Iate.PLYNN PRELPS, of Burlington, died.
at Dresden, N. Y., one day recently.
—Mrs. Doctor EYE% (nee BELLE LA
moN) formerly of . this place, presented
her husband with a healthy daughter—
weight nine pounds—one day of week be
fore litst.
and Mrs. AIiCHIE BROWN, of
Hartford, Conn., are visiting their old
home in Litchfield. They have made an
extended tour west and are now wending
their way homeward.
—Mrs. Jour M. RAIDI and daughtit;
Miss MILLIE, and Mr. au4-.:Mrs. 0., D.
KINNEY, an&Mrs. C. SRussELL,.return
hoinin lOhtlUSr, ,- afa - Vity plia - asTui
isit to the sea-shore of several weeks du-
ration. •
—Mr. L. B. Comas and wifeVof Towan
da have been-. spending a couple of weeks
vacation with his brother at Apalachin.
COBURN ii one of the best and most obit;
ing hardware clerks in- the business;--
°keg° Record.
—Mr. J. F. OREENE of Greene's _Land
ing had the misfortune to have his resi.
denco struck-by lightning last Saturday.
The chimney was shattered and other
portions injured but the family escaped
without serious consequences.
J. S. BEERS, Rector of Christ
- Church, this place, has tenderqd his res
ignation of the rectorship to take , effect
in .September. The vestry of the church
have accepted the resignation. Mr. B:
has accepted a call to a largo church in
Massachusetts. - -
—Mrs. 1.:-VTTERSO1, mother of
Mrs. Jieas IL- CODDINO and Mrs.- 11.
STULEN, died On Thursday evening. The
funeral services were held at the residence
of Mr. COMING, Friday afternoon,, at
five o'clock. The remains wore taken to
Muncy, 'Lycoming County, for burial.
..—EDWARD L. OVERTON, a.graudato of
the Pennsylvania Instute for - the Blind,
and at present a teacher in that Institu
tion, is spending his summer vacation
with friends in this county. At present
ho is the guest of his uncle D. O. Honmix
in North 'Towanda. • Mr 0. is the son' of
NEnsox OvEirrox of Lime Hill. He has
been totally blind front infancy and is an
exceptionally bright young J,man.—Re
—PitoFEsson Own.Es W. SHELDON a .
Miss M. .AN.NA PETRIE have recently
been added to the faculty of the Susque
hanna Collegiate Institute. Both - are tine
scholars, having graduated at the bead of
their class in college.. Mr. SHELDON led
his class during the four years of his col
lege course as valedictorian, taking rev
eral prizes. Miss PETRIE had an equally
successful career at the Elmira Female
College, taking the scholarship prize.and
two others during the senior year. . •
—Dacron J unsox, one of natur
ed and jovial men, in all Bradford county,
has recently been making some extensive
repaiis and improvements - to his resi
dence in Litchfield. The Doctor's farm
is one of the best in that township. Those
who have enjoyed the hospitality .of the
Judsoritinnasion-and they eare hundreds
who have;need not be told that Mrs. A. is
mistress &the culiWy art. = And that
reminds us that we have not visited the
Doctor and his good wife in some little
Perkins Post. Band,, of Athens, with
about 850 citizens of Athens, Ulster, To
wanda, Shesbequin and Sayre, with some
from Smithboro and Owego, visited this
resort last Saturday* and our. correspond
ent furnishes us the following regarding
it :
The excursion was gotten, up by the
Band, their leader, Mr. Cum.v.s Ilosner4,
being manager, and 'it nas so conducted
as to - gir3 satisfaction and the result a
pleasant and profitable day.
Leaving Athens at 7:30, they ran to
Sayre where the trait was made up, con
sisting of four coachia and a baggage car.
The party carried their lunches, and upon
arriving at their destination availed them
selves of the excellent facilities there of
fered for pic-niciug. Owing to the track
being obstructed by- a wrecked freight
train they were detained a short time,
and forced to make a transfer,by walking
around the wreck ' and taking another
train which was in .4vaitiug. The walk:
was at Cascade, nearithe head of Owaseei -
Lake, and ,only two or three miles from
the Glen. No persons were injured by
the accident, which occurred to No. 11
freight, Friday evening, but the track
- was displaced and half a dozen bad cars
smashed. The accident was caused by
the kW:firing a brake rigging which
fan on thelrsek._ Superintendent KNAPP
sal a rope of neti cleated the track in
time for - their retrirn._ •
Ihe ateslOok"Diasnore belonging
bite. o 4tOnni.o4 l ,o4 inelieletor of
'senora, - was Neut*, to the. wreck and con
veyed about seventy-live of the party to
their destination, and Was at the service
thiree who wished to enjoy trips . =
that beautiful sheet of water dud* the
day. - -
Mr. CLARK - had a fine hotel that accom
modates seventy-five regular boarders,
situated at thb entrance of the Glen, with
a large dining ball for the use of pie -nit
parties situated near, ALIO bathing houses,
boats for fishing and rowing, and ph[as.
ant groves and elevated seats for loung
ing or observation. He purchased the
property of EimuLtat CULVER in 1875,
and has made the improvements since.
There is only a small stream of water,
but, the 'falls and cascades are interesting
spots to while away'summei hours.. , The
greatest is a descent in all of 487 feet,
thou h it is not a perpendiculir fall of
that istance. Passing through the . en
ngth a half mile or more one irrives
at an old saw mill built in an early day,
that affords i subject for reflection re
minding, one of the possible romances
chistering around . that thew lonely spot.'
Passing beyond that to the
r main road"
that leads to Auburn, one arrives at a
point from which the scenery is lovely,
views being had - of the lake three-fealtis
of a mile'distant, and for its entire length,
twelve miles. The landempe to the east
beyond the lake is one of peaceful beauty,
happy homes appearing intermingled with
forest groves and fruitful orchardi. The
country is rolling [sufficient for good
drainage,. and , very fertile and healthy,
therefore it is easyto imagine that com
fort and happiness dwells in the homes,
that betoken cultivated-tastes and thrift.
'Curiosity led us to call at a. farmer's,
and we `found the owner to be a—gentle
man born upon the spot seventy-ono years
before, viand IlinaiLDAmEt.s, his fath
er having settled there in 1804. Au in
teresting that was the result of the call,
and an opportunity to enjoy the old 7 fash.:
coned treat—apples and cider. May the
gentleman live to enjoy his pleasant home
to the ripe age that his father did-05
Returning to the hotel by a pleasant
wagon road, we found the boys entertain
ing their company with choice, selections
of music, bile a string band was furnish-.
ing excellent music for those that wished
to enjoy - dancitig in the large hall where
the tables had been sa t Thus the hours
passed pleasantly, many availing them
selves of ridei uPoti the lake until a show
er came on, which soon caused the wave
to rolkhigh upon the
- water so smooth and
calm a few moments before. It was a
welcome change, as the day had been hot
and be - sides the parched earth needed such
refreshing influences.
At 6:30 the train was again ready, and
the run was made on the return without
incident worthy,of special mention, ex
cept the careful management of the coif
ductor, ROBERT FLERING, and the steady
nand of Engineer BuartllmoWAY.
The trio was pleasant to all and a cred
it talhe boys composing the band, uo ac
ciderp; occurring except the burning of a
couple of boleti in-the roof of the baggage
car. A halt and a few pails of
,water ex
tinguished the fire withoOt serious clani.:
age. ,
Mr. 'CLAIN proprietor of Eusenore,
was very obliging, and did all possible for
the entertainment of the company, many
of them taking 'dinner. with him: Every
rocim in the house was occupied by regu
lar guests, they coming from Philadel
phia, New York, Boston, and other cities.
The, glen lacks the grandeur of large
sheets of falling water, but it is a pleas
ant spot with many attractions neverta-,
less. , We shall remember the trip with
The minutes of the, last meeting were
read and approved, .
Dr. ROCKWELL, wbo had been appoint
ql to read a p . aPer at this meeting, stated
OA on account of presure in profession
al business, ho bad not been able to pro
perly prelim.° the paper and fulfill the
duty ; but-if the Society would extend
thotimeallotted to him, lie would do so
At the next meeting. The time so asked
was granted.
. The Bradford County. Medical Society
met at the oilice of Dr. D. 'N. NEWTON,
in TOwanda. The President, Dr. 0. H.
ROCEWELL, in the chair. The following
named -memberswere present D. N.
NEWTON, G.. F. HouToti, 0. 11. ROthi-
WELIy P. A. quica, W. J.. Dimas, C. K.
VOLNEY 11031 ET, 13. 31. WOonnnns and
Dr. ROCKWELL then made a verbal re
port of cases of diphtheria, of a fatal
character, confined to ono family. He
also - made a verbal report of a case : of dis
ease of the blood vessels, resulting in gan
grene, epilepsy and cerebral softening.
Dr;. - LAUD presented Dr. Kirmouniv a
case of tumors occurring in various parts
of the body.
The presentation of these cases called
out a fttll and .free discussion on the part
of the Ittembers present, on each case.
Dr. JormsoN presented the • name of
membership in the Society, which being
I referred to the censors present,l sod fa
' vorably reported on, he was unanimously
elected a member.
It was also ordered that' the reports of
the Society be offered to the Bradford
Republican and Towanda Review for pub
lication, in addition to those specified at
the'last meeting.'
The Society then adjourned, to meet at
the ollice of Dr. D. N. NE%-rofi, in To
wanda, on Wednesday, September VI,
1881, at 21.. M.; at which time the elec
tion of officers for the ensuing year will
take place, and such other businefrs be
transacted as.may bo necessary in closing
the business of the past year. .
Ili D. PAYNE, Secretary. .
Towanda, August 3d, 1881: • •
Another elainiabflor the WANNER
prizo of 4%100, comes from Litchfield; Pa.,
in the Orson Of BERTHA MERRILL, a
young lady of eighteen, who with others
was attending a birthday party at her
grandparentN on the 23d. of June, and
saw the noted comet, and calledthegten
tion of the other guests to it. This was
somewhere about , midnight. Miss MEn
mt. has had some correspondence with
Prof. SWIFT in regard to her discovery,
but nothing is known in regard to its re
liana—Bimini Advertiser.
The Memorial Service- at the Otdj
Church, on the Burlington charge, will
occur August 19th, 1881, and continue
over the Sabbath. Service to begin on
Friday at 71 r. .v. Former pastors and
brethren of the district, are cordially in
itcd to attend.
(Other county papers please copy].
somproitio conrrir 110111,1311/0
• - O.IIADQUAIrrIMAI 4. A. 11 .1 t
- .lsibeaus; singusts, 1611. 5
Geneial Ordirs, •
The fifth innual enaunpnient of the
Grand Anny'of the Republic 'of Bradford
County and vicinity, and soldiers and tail•
ors„ will be held on the Frar 'Grounds, in
East ToWandai on the 12 th and 13th
of Odobel, 1881. '
It is earnestly requested h the differ;
ent Poste, and the soldiers and sailors,
will lend their aid irimsking thitencamp
ment-a grand success. • -
General orders will be issued in a. few
days,. giving fall details.
Ynsmit AMMERMAN, Commander.
CUAILLEiI Ula ros, Adjutant. .
I. 0. of 0. T.
The nest session of the Northern Dis
trict Co:invention of Good Teinplars will
be beld'sit Herrick, Tuesday and Wednes
day,. August 30th and 31st.
P. lifeNanNEY, District. Secretary.
The 3ayre correspondent of the Elmira
Advertsier, writing .under date of August
3d, says PresidentXsettEn's private car,
drawn by Engine 220,, DELL
engineer, left there Wi.dnesday Morning
at seven o'clock for Fair Haven. On
board of the truin were Mr. and Mrs. R.
A. PACKER, Mrs. R. F. Goonsik-st, Mrs.
SIMI ON, of -Williamsport,' Mrs. WAYNE
DEFORMS; of Towanda, and Mrs. Vic-
TOR P. WEIRMAN, of Harrisburg. They
were accompanied by several of Mr. PACK
ER'S servants. At Fair Haven they will be
met by Mr. PACKER'S 'steam yacht "Emi
ly," which will take them to his island,
" Idlewild," one of the Thousand filands
in the . St Lawrence river, where they
will arrive at nine o'clock the same even
ing. Mr. PACKER will endeavor to ban:
isle business from his mind and enjoy a
_quiet rest for the next ten • days, after
whichlhe expects to - return to Sayre. Mrs.
PAcsr,n, together with the balance of the
company, will spend the month of August
on the island. These islands are rapidly
becoming popular as a summer resort.
The water is ver' pure, the air is cool:`.
and exhilarating, and malaria is - an;
known. As regards healthfulness, they
are fir superior to the sea-shore. " Idle
wild " contains about five 'acres, nicely
zsaded. Mr. PACKER has erected a fi ne
sidence thereon, and his family and
friends make frequent visits there during
the summer.
The Green's Landing correspondent of
the :Advertiser tells how the lightning on
Saturday perambulated in and about the
large nett , residence of J. F. GREENE, at
that place. 'The current demolished the
chimney and reaching a heavy cross-sill in
the collar seemed to have tunt, parts go
ing upward through. the floor and Others
shivering a heivir[pao. A stove lid was
liftedoiif and some. wainscoating removed
in the sitting ram, from which
had, just retired, and the path or the fluid
was visible around a sewing machine, be
neath' which lay a cat. The cat did not
revive until Sunday. A little girl was
standing near the spot torn up in - the
floor, and 'Monday complained of being
very lame froni..the shock. Though the
rooms - seemed filled with fire nothing
ignited and the family escaped injury,
except the shock and- fright., and consider
themselves very fortunate.
Says a Greercs Lauding corresponden
"A man named ScitykLEn TOMPKINS, of
Otsego County, N.:Y., and a hey. called
SAM Conxir.f.t,,_of Bingham's Mills, aged
abont eighteen, stopped at -Greene's
Landing Tuesday afternoon and • asked
for ivork. A job of digging a well was
offered them and accepted. The boy went.
to seek pasture for a- horse they had with
them and did mit return until some time
in the night. Wednesday morning Tostr
x_ms'found himself with an old plug of.a
horse and no help, The boy bad traded,
and on the profits of the 'business is'
doubtless luxuriating in the shade;' while
the old man ialooking for the fellow that
got big . horse. 'The whole party have
been sleeping in barns and may yet prove
to -be just some fashionably inclined
knights of the Pick-pocket;'-
A young man'by the name of W. M.
Mumma, a resident cif Fadtoryville-,
who was'' employed as a carpenter in
building the bridge across the Chemung
liver about two miles from Waverly, fell
from the bridge into the river, on Wed
nesday afternoon of last' week, - and .was
seriously if net fatally injured. The ac- -
cident was caused 'by they breaking of a
chain which held a lever-fie was winking' .
• no you want a good paying position, or
a practical, useful education that will en
able you to do business .successfully ?
Thousands have received a course here
*who are now our most substantial and
thriving merchants and bankers; while
otheriare occupying positionS of profit as
book-keepers, salesmen, cashiers, and oth
er Vi. positions.of trust.. N ald all worthy
graduates to good sui able positions.
Write for our College Journal, containing
full particulars.. Address ELMIRA : Buss--
Local Coirespondence.
Farmers are through with haying and
wheat harvest, and aro in the 'midst of
their oats. Wheat crops are good. 'Corn,
potatoes and buckwheat are not promis
ing. •
A fine shower last night, accompanied
with heavy thunder, revives the:drooping
A few days_ ago Robert Irvine upset - a
load of baron which, he-was riding," and
ran tile tine of a fork into his leg nearly
four inches. Re is able to be about, and
doing well.
On Wednesday of this week Mr. L. A.
Pratt, an elderly man, was riding on a
load of hay
, on Which was a
, revolving
horse:rake, and iu passing a treo the rake
caught in one of ihe branches, causing.
Mr. Pratt to fall heavily to the ground,
breaking one of his Shoulders and other
wise severely injuring him. Dr. Pratt
Was called, who, with_ Ws usual prompt
ness, was soon in attendance, and admin
istered the proper remedies. Mr. Pratt
is doing as well as could be expected.
Liberty - Corners, Aug. 6. C. •
We were called - upon to administer•the
last sad t Tor one.of our oldest and
• /-
most respected citizens ou Saturday
last. On Thursday evening the soul, of
Mr. George Birney took its flight from
this world to eternity, the funeral being
held on Saturday. Mr. - 11. Was sixty.-three
years of ago and bad lived, in our town
thirty-two years; coming here with G. W.
liollenback and entering into business
with the firm of G. W. Hollenhack and
C. F. Welles. He has held many respon
sible positions in the town, has been elect
edln justice of the peace for several to is,
tbe last time on an independent ti ket,
thus showing his popularity. He le vas
one brother and two sisters, wife and five
children to mourn his departure from
theui. '
On Sunday eve n ing the usual evening
service of tbe Church was changed
to a mhssiorutty service or ecneert. The
exercises consisted or . Scripture_ recita
tions, singing and speaking. A poem en
titled "The Missionary," was well ien.
dared by Miss Ella Griffith, as was Ids°
ono entitled "The Saviorir," by May
Shaw. The - .class exercises were all ap
propriate and rendered by the scholars of
the SUnday School Tin a tine style. The
proceeds of the evining are to be devoted
to the missionary cause.
The contract for repairing the )L E.
clfrirch, we understand, is awarded to
Jamts Miller, of our village, who is to
commence operations at once.
Freddie Mather - has so far recovered
from an attack of diphtheria as to be out
of door again. Aug. 9. • ***
Rev. J. B. French is away for a vaca
tion,. visiting together with his family
some friends itt .Steabeu Co.; N. Y.
0. T. Saltmarsh and E. F. Johnson are
about-to make a trip to Albany, -thence
to New York and the sea shore.
Mrs. Pomeroy and Mrs. Hoffman are at
Chautauqua. •
Furman Baker, of Topeka, Kansas, has
returned to his old home for a short visit.
Be is one of Bradford County's successful
young men, having Made a-fine success in
business in the west. i
liressrs. Aretas and Willis Godard of
Clay Center and Holton; Kan., aro visiting
their, parents at Burlington. _ A
L. D. Bayles, of Moravia, is visiting Lis
brother, C. F. Bayles.
N. 'l. Elliott, Esq., of Welisboro, and
B. B. Strang, Esq.,.pf Elklaud, were in
town last Week. . • .
The Troy house is full of guests for the
summer, several coming from Baltimore
and Philadelphia.
'Workmen are rapidly rebuilding tho
house of Dr. Dare, on Canton street.
Prof. J. C. Doane, formerly of Mans-_
fleld and now Principal of Tioga Graded
School, is visiting friends in' Leona. .
Miss Kate Coney closes her schabl in
Springfield with a picnic next Saturday.
Miss Ida Hooker returns to Wilkesbarre
soon to resume her school duties.
Troy, Pa., August Bth 1881.
Ladies, you cannot make fair skin, rosy
cheeks, and sparkling eyes with_ alFtle
cosmetics of France or beautifiers of the
world while in poor health, and nothing
will give you such rich blood, good health,
strength and beauty a- 'Hop Bitters. A
trial is certain proof. _
Vr If 'you want a good Elevated Oven
Stove you can buy one AT COST at Mclntyre Bros:
old stand: julyl4-w4.
1,N7 llaviug concluded to go out of the
Grocery Business I offAr my stuck and fittures for
Sale and The Store to Rent:
Mktg," Street, below Main, Towanda, Pa.
done an, fSSI. ff.
Wagonnaakers' and Blacksmiths'
Supplies are being Mild at Mclntyre Bros.• old
stand at LZSS THAN COST. Good . tilne to buy.
rirThe Largest, Best and Cheapest
line of Shoos for Ladles', Chlldrens'
wear Is found at Cons En'S new store, corner Main
abd Plne-sts., Tracy &Noble's flock. • apr4lB
RUNDELL Brothers, of Burlington,
have on hand a lot of fine STEERS and,e7:IIFEMS
now ready for market. ' julyl4.
, .
Keep 7
nd n Hand . 1 .4 ------- . 7 .0-- -
v-r ::v-flirtnor or
teamster should I.e without Henry $t Johnson's
Arnica and Oil Liniment. It Is Invaluable In
cases of hurts either on man or beast. ant
VrREmoyAL.—J. S. ALLYN has re-
pved his Undertaking Establisluuent from
11fridge street,to rooms on .111aln street, over Tun
mint & 601:DOWN Drug Store, and WoObv.inn &
VAN Dons' Boot & Shoe Store.'; A full, line of
Undertaket's Goods front the cheapest to the best.
.1. S. A.LSTN, Agent.
Mr" A. large stock- of Isell-selected
Bulldlnß.llattlwaro at LESS THAN„ C:OST at Me.
lt.tyre Bros.,' old stand. _- Jutyl t-w4._
CfMiSER Jias the best wearing Shoes
for Men, Boys and Youths' wear ever offered in
ToWatida, and at prices within the reach of
GEO. L. Rogs sells G'•oceries awful
cIiEAP because his expenses are very light; and
he Is bound his customers shall have thZhenefit..
ral" Singers and public speakers should
use mules F:11x1r, as It removes hoarseness and
Increases the rower of the voice. ant
r.__ItEDIy,M.BER, that W. C. Sc, A. B
Itunitowti; Of Stevensville, Bradford county, I'a.;
sell goods at bottom. prices and take 1n exchange
Butter, Eggs, Pork, Poultry, Rags, Dried Apples,
and Grain of all kinds. - Jut4a, nitt.
"I have usod Dr. Simmons Liver
Regulator myself and In my family for years, and
pronounce It nue of the most satisfactcry medi
cines that can be used. Nothing would indute
me to be without 11,--and I recommend all my
friends, if they want to secure health, to always
keep It on band. It. L. MUTT,
aug4 • ' ' Columbus, Ga.
ar,IIITIIRMI to GEO. L. lioss's'New
arOceryStore In the Montanye Block, and get your.
Grocerles'at rock bottom. Jan. :O.
EDUdziTIONAL. L- The twenty
eighth year o(the Susquehanna Collegiate Institute
commences AI.TinTST 22. Enlarged faculty, effi
cient apparatus, and ample appliances for teaching
afford' greater Inducements than any preceding
year. Normal class for teachers during fall term.
Superior advantages In preparing for college, buil
ness, professional study, or teaching. Send at.
once for one,of the now catalogues. - w 1". •
rff — YOU RUN NO RISK when you
buy yourGrocerles at G. L. ROSS'S new store In
.31ontanyc Block; Ills PRICES are WAY DOWN
to rock bottom.
beats the world by Low Prices and good Goods.
cheapest In the market. I will sell these superior
wagons for a few months to come at wholesale
prices, -for Introduction. Every wagon warranted
In every respect. tf 'R. 31. WEt:LI.:£B.
t If you desiio rosy cheeks and a
aft complexion. rarity the Mood by the tow of
taster's Mandrake Bitters. augi ,
. .
gar - To 31X...P.ATIENTtl.—Owing to int
paired health I find it necessary ti employ au assist.
ant,and it affords me great pleasur to inform my pa
tients and the public generallyth t I have secured
the sery ices of Dr? FOWLV.r., of Ithaca, N. Y., one
of the most skillful dentists In th country, and he
will spend the . greater portion oets time in my
office. This arrangement will lit tiro promptness
in attending to all who may favor Us with calls.
'aving been asiociated with ipoctor
previous to my coming to Towanda, I know him to
be an accomplished_ gentleman i and a first-class
dental operator.i I
I'. IL—Dr. FowLEn.wlll-be he 6 on the 15th of
Generatilealers In Groceries 6nil Produce, corner
'Main and Pine Streets.
Flour per 144 e 5 40 (4 7 50
Flour per sack_ $1 50 (4 1 95
Corn Meal per 100... NI #: 51
Chop Feed, (4 4 , 4 0
Wheat. per bush—. ft 00 O 9 - 1 10 . 1 10 41
Corn CIS
Buckwheat Flour --
1 lover seed ..,
:i 00 0 660
Timothy. western,..t3 15 0 ;1 25
Beans, 621bs, ft SO 46 1 60 0
Pork, mess f bbl. #2O 00 0 fr.: 00
Lard - 0 12 16,0
Butter. tubs is 66 21 0
Bolls 16 66 15 '--,. 0 .
Eggs, fresh 0 ' 31 ''
Cheese : 66 15
Potatoes. per bush.. TO 0 75 0' '
Beeswax " 20 0 22 0
1111109 • 06 , (4 07%
Veal Skins ~ 76 $1
'Deacon Skins .10 ek 60
Sheep rens, 175 150
XlslllllollAM..—Athes home la Genera, Neil, Bing.
of cancer. Ms% ilonor, wife of .1. K. Bing.
bans, MPS 65 Par&
do nutneroas are the
iii_ s v developments of 391 -
Ks that people wagon-
WHOM .' ally suffer ;from this
noxious poison - when
Ithey least Imagine It is
larkingln their system.
Chills and Fever, Intermittent Fever, Bilious
Fever, Typhoid Fever, headache, General Debili
ty, Lassitude, Mitten, are the PAINFUL ;OFF
SPRINGS OF MALARIA and have their origin
In a disordered Liver, which, it not regulated in
time, great suffering, wretchedness and death will
Simmons Liver lkgditor,
is absolutely certain in its 'remedial effects and
acts more promptly in curing all forms of Malarial
diseases that calomel or quinine, without any of
the injurious consequences which follow their use.
If, taken occasionally by per.s . ons ewsed to Ma
lama, it wilt expel the plison and protect theta
front 'attack .
As evidence see 'estraet from'W.B. Yates' letter,
where the Regulator afforded protection front the
worst and mostdeadly-type of Malaria, to wit:
"Sins I have stood the storm of fourepidemics
of the Yellow Fever. I had It the first visitation,
but during the other three l.used your medicine.
I was continually In the rooms of the, sick and
dying. bet I escaped. I have had several to ask
me how I escaped ; I told them It was alt owing to
the virtue of your Simmons Liver Regulator. If
the Fever was to breast out again and I had a bot
tle of your Regulator I would feel as safe as if_ I
was 1.000 miles away. . .
" Memphis, Tenn., April I:, 1979." -
Raying neutralized the poison of Malaria lu such
extreme cases, it can be relied on es a sovereign
SPECIFIC and -ANTIDOTE In milder forms.
EN FOR warms GLEN!
The first and only Excursion - ever run from this
section to the fatuous Viratkins Glen will be run
over portions of the L. V., the N. Y. L. E. & W.,
and the N . c.Railroads, without change of cars,
By the • Presbyterian aiul Methodist Episcopal
Churches and the Cornet Baud of Wyviustug.
Presl4terian C Much—Bev. David Craft. Pastors
11. B. Gaylord.- C. A. Stowell. M. E. Church--
'Bey. J.• 11. Weston, Pastor: W. 11. Kintner, 11. S.
Hallock. Cornet Baud—S. Zjzier, Leader;
J. M. Allis, G. Keeler.
The Exclusion train will start froni •Mehoopauy
and stop for ezeursionlsts r at all the stations named
In the following table, In' which Is shown the
Angust 18. •- Stations. A. M. Leave Melloopany
8.23 " " Meshoppen
6..13 "
0.42 "
7, It "
..4a .•
7.54 "
8.24 "
. ,
Returning the Excursion train leatbs Watkins
6.00 P. M., and will stop at all the stations named
above to let cif excursionists; arriving at iayre
8.00 P.M., Towanda 8.10 P. M , NS - yak/sing 0.30
P. M., Meboopany 10.15 P. M. Tickets can be
par - chased at the alcove stations and are good going
and returning on our excursion train for that day
only. Thix excursion is.very cheap—There is "no
elsango - of cars"—it gives you over seven bouts to
gd through the most remarkable gieu Jr/ all this
region rund:about" and return home the sante
evening. You can take your own refreshments
and call it a picnic or you ran stop at the Glen
Park Hotel, one of the finest in the state—located
at the Toot of the glen, and get a first-class dinko4
at any hour and Free Bus for guests of the hotel
to and from Depot for 7:5 cents. We will• Sell you
a Garet on our train for 20 cents to go through the
gleh—less than half the regular rate. ,
There are many places of 'great Interest in the
vicinity some or all of which you can see, such as
Watkites Glen, Havana Glen. Glen Eldridge, Glen
Excelsior, Glenora, Hector Falls. Lodi Glen, Wit.;
Lard's Asylum. Lake Cayuta, Lake Lambka, Min
eral Springs, Devil's Punch Bowl. From Point
Lookout there Is one of the 'finest panoramic views
in the world. 3lagee. Monument, Iron Bridge
across Glen Gorge„l64.l feet high, etc. If you de
sire you can take a grand boat ride -of 20 or 25
miles on SENECA LAKE, on board one of the
magnificent steamers of the st.neca Lake steam
Navlgatir:n Company.- We will /all you a ticket
on our train for twenty cents. In 'short the Co
m, mittee of management and Railroad Officials Will
spare no pains for the comfort, pleasure and safety
of the excursionists. t 14- People null?,
By order of
W.V . :rinsing. Pa., A ughir: 1, ;!'6l. •
. 7.5 qt,
41) 41:
00 4i
. I Go 1 -
ice j4busiistairats.
Black Walnut
" Skinners Eddy
•• Frenchtc;ii
" Ittunnierlield
`• East Towautla
o "rolVanda
" Vkter
'• 3111 an
" Atheni
tars testamentary liming. been granted to the
tnelersitotc,l. ender the laft will and testament bf
Israel Jones, deceased, ht.. of Smithfield Mulishly%
all persons Ii tented to the e+tate of Fold decedent
are hereby notified to. make Immediate payment.
and all haring claims against said estate must pre
sent the same duly authembeated to the under
signed for settlement.
• MRS. ISRA EL -TONES. Executrix.
East s.indilifield, Pa., Aug. It. 'sl-vie*.
term In the Overton Graded School buipii l ig
.will begin Aut:usT 'rd and continue 12 weeks.
Al Teachers' Claint will be formed for those desiring
to teach. We propose to malo , this a term I d thor
ough, progressive work. Tuition—V. et and Irt.
• ' CLAYTON M. OSBORN, Teacher. ,
Towanda, July 28, 18043. '
VA2,-ING HOUSE. Something
II new. A first-class REiiTAUREST and
MATING ItOIUSE on Bridge street, oppiislto the
American Hotel. Open at all hours, night and
ijay., J. S. BUHRITT, Proprietor. •
towanda, July 7.4Uns.
_ This College Is thornzighly Inrssish.fl for
giving a superior education in and
tic Courses of study. and also In Music and Art.
Heated by steam and furnished with an elevator.
By reason of Its endowment its charges are u n nAn-
Ily mndetate. Send for Catalogue to.ltev. A. W.
COWLES. D. D., Tres.;-Elluira, N. Y. July2l-wS.
situated In Towanda township, within one
mite of the Court House, belonging to the estate of
L. L.. Moody, decessed, containing about 84 acres,
bo sold August Ist, 1881. at 10 o'clock .s. 3t.. at
the Court House. It le si desirable property and
Willis, sold on' easy terns Of payment. -- Any In.
formation regarding it may be obtained from N.
N. BETTS, C. L. Tn.tcr; N. C. Et stittak or the
• undersigned. E. T. FOX,
TOWANDA, June 30, ISM: Administrator.
.Li.-171 re the .estate of Angelo M. Paresce, late
of Loyola College, Baltimore county. State of
31:tryland, deceased.
Letters of administation cum testamento an
nero 'haring been granted by the Register of
Wills of the County of Bradford, in the State of
Pennsylvania, to the undersigned • upon the estate
of thc above named decedent, all pet sons Indebted
to said - estate are requested to make Immediate
payment, and all persons having claims against the
same will present them duly -authenticated fur
settlement to _ .
Loyola College; Baltimore, Md., duly ?A. IftBl.fivr
Rogers cs.-W. N. Hilton. In the Court of
Common Pleas of Bradford county, No. ,707; solv
tesuber Term. ISsO.,
The 'undersigned. an Auditor app•lnted the
said Court to distribute the fund arising fruiu the
Sheriff 'a sale of defendant'a real estate,will attend
to the duties of his appointment. at his once In the
Borough of Thwancia, on TUESDAY, TITE 2.lrd
DAY OF AUGUST, A. D. Hat. at 10 Meliwk A:
M., when and where all persons having claims
against said fund mils; present them ur h' forever
debarred from coming in on the same. .+
Tuvivani6, July 10th. 1851.-1 w •
Agents for theGOLDEN
In thislife, through the dark valley, and in the life
eternal, as seen to the best thoughts of leading au
thors and scholars r among whom are Bishops Simp
son. Foster . Warren,.llurst anti Foss,'Joseph Cook,
Beecher, Talmage, Dr. Curie. Dr. 'Mareh.
McC,osh, Dr. Crosby, Dr.Cuyler,Gen. D. Prentice,
Dean Stanley; Whittier. Longfellow and others.
.The subjects treated are Death, Inatnortality,
- and Second. Adent, the Resurrection.
Jodgment. the Phnishment of the Wicked, and
the Reward of the Righteous. A rich feast awaits
the reader of this book. It contains the grandest
thoughts of., the tvorlds greatest authors, on sub
jects of the most profotind. interest to everyone.-
Not gloomy but brilliant. There Is not a dull page
In the laCok. It is Absolutely without a rival. Lye
rytakly will read It. Schodi Teachers, Students,
young Men and Ladles. 'acting as agents for the
book, are making over ;tree a anninia. Sells fast.
One agent sold 71 first 15 days. another 16 in s
days, another 11 In one day, another Mandl liable*
In a diva', a lady sold 9 ha lo hours. Secur...territery
(wick. Also agents wanted for the Illustrated Re
vised New Te , dametat, and for the finest Family
Mies ever sold by agents. Send for Circulars.
P. W. ZIEGLER & CO., 915 Arch St.. Philadel
phia, Pa.;-180 E. Adams S., Chicago, 111. angli.wi
:The undersigned has re-arranged his
Mill far matiufacturiag die
New Process Flour
lie has also greatly haiirovetl the, Com
mon tt,tandarit, FatnlTy'aint — Sample Flours. Their
:quality will not be accoml to any manufactured at
any milling entablfshtheut In the country.
He usts no drugs in making the New
Process Flour. Sold at wholesale and retail at his
Flour Store and 3I Flouring for customers on
the New Process aystotn. •
H. F. LONG, Troy, Penna.
Xt. Alovertionitt
stPp LIE S.
Itound Tclp
' 2 GS
. 2 GO
_ 250
giaoP - The Entire
Stock of th 6 late firm
of Mclntyre Brothers
must be - elosed out at
Cost within- Thirts:r
s ky the pureha-
_qoods recently
3 'et
Towanda, July . 13, 1681-ml.
Commonwealth of Pennsylianta. County of
Bradford, SS. At an Orphans' Court held at To
.wanila for said County, on the Ilth day of July. A.
.11. VIM. before the Hon. I'. D. Morrow, President
Judge of the said CoUrt. ..
In the matte Of the estate of John Wheaton, de
ceased, In the prplians' Court of Bradford County,
No. ttl, Feb. T., Issl.. It Is ordered by the said
Court. that the Sheriff-of said-County, du expose
the following described real estate of John W heat
iiii, late of the Township of Warren hi .said CoulifY,
deceased, at pub,lbt sale, on the pm:dries In the
Township of 'Warren- aferesalil._ti.wlt : All' that
certain messuage lot, piece, or fireet of land situ
ate lying and- being In the Township of-Warren
aforesaid, and bounded - as ! fellows, viz: On the
north by lands' of George Pendleton and Benedict
Arnold, oil the east by lands of Benjamin BuMtig
ton, on - the south by lands of Samuel Wheaton, and
on the west by lands of i'lamnel Wheaton ; contain
ing about one hundred-and ,stx acres. With the
appurtenances, upon the following terms: e2OO to
be paid on the property being struck down. Coen
on cusiflnuat ion, and the balance In one year from
conflrmatlim with interest from conflcmatlon. Due
notice of said sale tote given accenting to the pro
visionS of 54111 section of the Act of Assembly re
lating to Orphans' Couits, passed the twenty-ninth
day of Marsh, A. D.18:12. By thei Court.
! .
, A. C. KfiIISIIIE, Clerk.
In confortulty_with ttie above order I hereby
give notice to the holm, and all other persons, that
the above described lands and tenements will Is,
sold at the house or the lat.! John Wheaton, de
ceased, in
_Warred Township, Bradford County,
Fa., on Friday, August ISSI, at 10 o'clock,a.m.
PF.TEIt WAN, Sheriff,
Towanda, I'A., July 19.
stat,,,.f Penosylvania, County of Bradford,
~..T"„, Edwin Ford and ii . B. Van Gilder, reSidittg •
iii Pike township, Bradford county. Pa.; Lyman •
%t. Sherwood & CJ., Lyman M. Sherwood and Julia
B. Bailey (now Julia It.. Sherwood), residing its
Binghamton, N..Y.; Dr. A. Dunham and-Cilye }:.
Dunham (his wlfe)'. A. I) -Butterfield and Mary T.
Benetleek' this wife), and G. W. Dorga, residing
in Ititsti, Susquehanna county, Pa.— please; take
notieel . .
Whereas, at an Orphans* Court-held at Towanda
in and for the said county of Bradford, the tick
'day of 'July; A. D.- Issi, before the lion. P. D.
Morrow, Presidect Judge of the said Court, In the
matter of the estate of Henry 'Pepper. deceased.
the petition of Edwin Ford was presented, setting
forth that the said Illetirre'epper died [nth° nionth
of November, A. NT Iti7eletestate, seized le his
demesne as of fee, of and in a certain lot or tract
of land situate In the township of Pike, In, said
county, bounded north by lands of N. 11. Rogers -
and i..„1). Goodwin., east by lands of Anson Platt
and WM. It. tihetWOoll. - south by lands of 11. B. '
Van( hoer. awl west by the-public highway leading
from Lellaysville to the Wyatt:mil:kg Creek and _
known as Ford street ; - containing i 7 acres, more
or less, with the appurtenances—leaving tu.survlve
Win a widow, Charlotte Pepper, and four children,
viz iWartzer Pepper (since deceased), Daniel Pep
per, Betsy Ann Pepper (Intermarried with George
lieertnansi„ and Mary Pepper (Intermarried wits
ElisA Dnrga. since ueceased), and that thy said
widow, Charlotte Pepper, is also deceased i that
under the intestate laws of this Commonwealth It
brtungs to cachet the said four children to have one
equal fourth part of raid real estate In fee ; that
upon the death of the said Wauzer Pepper his two .
children, vie: Alice Pepper and 1.3111'2 Pepper.
succeeded to the interest of their father. viz : an
' undivided one-fourth ; that your petitioner holds a
quit-Claim deed of the Interest of the said Alice
etiTer, now .intenuarrietrwith S. L. Pratt.- and
that MB. Vantilider owns the Interest of the said
Laura Pepper, now intermarried with Thos. Evans; •
that Lyman at Sherwood & Co., of Binghamton,
N. Y.. hold a deed of the undivided one-fourth In
terest &di the said Daniel Pepper, and that Lyman
M. Shopyowl and Julia it . Bailey (els wife) hold a
deed of-4the undivided one-fourth interest of the
said Beatty 'Ann Pepper, intermarried with George
lieermans; that your petitioner hohisa contract fur
the undiritled one-fourth interest of the said Mary -
Pepper, intermarried with the said Ellad Dams.
No partition of - s.sid.real estate having been had.
the petlliOner prays the Court to award an inquest'
to make partition of the SAW real estate to and
among the aforesaid parties according to their re
spective rights and interests and he will ever Pray.
And whereupon the said Court, on due proof and
considefation of the premises; awarded an Inquest
, for the' purposes aforesaid.
We therefore command you that, taking with
you six good and lawful men et your bailiwick,
you go to and upon the premises aforesaid, and
there, in the presence Of the parties aforesaid by
you - to be warned ( (if upon being warned they will
be present). - and having respect to the true valua
tion thereof, and• upon the eathaand affirmations
of the said six good and lawful men, you make par
tition to and among the heirs and legal representa
lives of the said intestate In such manner and in -
such proportions as by the laws of this Common
wealth is directed, If the same ran be so parted
and &Titled without prejudice to or spoiling the
whole ; and if such partition ca.nnoCtse made there- _
of without preludice to or spoiling the whole, that
then yo cause the said Inquest to Inquire and -
certain sitYlether the same will conveniently accotn
modate more than one oj the said heirs and legal
represeutatites of the wriatintettate without preju—
dice to or spoiling the whole ; and If so; how many
It will as aforesaid accointeodate, describing each
part by metes and bounds,. and returning a 'just ..
valitation of the same. But If the said inquest by
you to be summoned as aforesaid to make the said
partition or-valuation shall he of ..,,opinion that the
premises aforesaid, with the appurtenances cannot
be so patted and divided as-to accommodate more
than ono of the said heirs and legal representatives
of the said Intestate, that thou you cause the In
quest to value the whole of the old real estate,
with the appurtenantes, having respect to the true
valuatioh thereotagreeably to law ; and , that the
-partition or valuation so mast ii you distinctly and
openly have before our said Judge at Towanda, at
au Orphans' Court there to,be held on the regular
of sessions thereof, after such inquest shall be
Made under your hand arid' seal, and under the
ds awl seals of those by whose Oaths ors:Br:na
tions your shal l inakentuch_parlltion or valuation ;
and have You then and there this writ.
WitnesS Paul I). Morrow: President of our said -
Court, at Towanda aforesaid, the I Ith day of July,-
A..D. led. ~ -4 ' A. C. FLIISD IF,
. - '' ri Clerk of - Orphans' Court.
Its coufOrreify wills the above order, I hereby.
give notion to tits abort...named heirs and all other
persons lurprested, that an Impost will be held on
the attove,ri'state, ott the premises, on FRIDAY,
AUOUST46th,IB.3I, at JO coelock. A. lA' - , ,
July 21 . - _ - 1 . 1.3 ER J. DEAN, Shert/Is
at Sheiiff's