Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 04, 1881, Image 3

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    oadfora Tieportet
Towanda, Pa., .August 4, alir.
The'expiration of sutiteription ieprint
e,l on the colored .label. By noticing the
do:c eon,' subscriber can tell when his
piper Will be stopped unless the subscrip
-IL)n'is renewed.
Tats is nice summer weather
WATEn 31ELatis are getting cheaper.
CAMP-MIETINI•S will soon Loin bloom
Cpitllly !louse has uiuety inmates
THE' iipple_ dumpling season drawali
ONE-Tuntu• of the t4Ommei has dc-
SEE advertisement tiLExeursion in an-
other column
Tin: grape crop promises to bo a large
one this season.
Tim school boy grieves that vacation is
more than half over.
r• it merchant s wil I soon •be receiving
their fall supply of goods. •
l'Em'nEs are scarce. There is no rub
bing this fact out this year.
QUITE a number-of Philadelphians arc
spending the summer mouths at Troy.
.LE:wis's Lake, in Sullivan County, is
neally 2,500 feet above the level of the
Tun young men of Troy arc agitatink
the question of a bicycle club in that vil4
tint} weather-wise individuals say that
we are through with the severely Lot
weatht. r
Sow your turnip seedqiiis week,, and
the harvest therar.pawill be bountiild•
SoL..WoLnonN has sold his interest in
the Troy mail route to 11. F. CrEnouLD,
of Burlington.
GEORGE FAturnmn's Barber Shop has
undergone some needed repairs during
the past week.
SMALL-injuries, viewed through the mi
croscope of borrowed trouble, become
peat calamities
CANDIDATES Are already picking ' otit
their delegates. The next pull will be to
get them elected.
TH'Ent: aro too many., young girls on
the streets at night: It does not — speak
well for their training. •
iiitEti steam threshing machines are
making music for the farmers of Colum
bi.► at the present time.
IP the Lellaysville Advertiser is a
truthful paper, there arc some very mean
people living in, that vicinity.
ADVERTISERS will do well to call and
examine our subscription list. It is re
ceiving new acquisitions daily.
'Nil; I: persons have been killed in the
!•iciuity of Waverly since the first of July
by the railroads and otherwise.
A CREAMERY at Brooklyn, Suspiehatma
County, makes -100 pounds of butthr and
1*,:;p0 pounds of cheese per day. •
FRANK DALY is enldrging his carriage
nianufactory at Leona in order to aecomo
"date his constantly increasing business.
S. S. VEIZNIII.YEA is having his building
at Grover, formerly Used as a blacksmith
shop, remodelled into a dwelling house.
Tilt.: Good Templars of Sus'queltanna ,
County hold their Quarterly Convention:
at Savory Corners to-day and to morrow.
Tiiillooting of the gray, black or for
:,,loirrel will be allowed after the first day
of September, until the first day of Janu
Tit: exterior of the M. E. Parsonage,
at Troy, bas recently been much improv
ed in appearance by a handsome coat of
LEWIS Dullots,•of South Waverly, was
quite badly injured by coming in 'contact
With a truZz-saw, in the Sayre shops ? one
delay last Week:
!Jou.N Mr3l.kno::,. an employee of the
o(lgii shops, Athens, had one of his
ltuds quite badly cut on Friday while at
work in the shops. -
The old school .house at West-War
ren kr, being removed, and anew and bet
ter bliilding for school purposes will be
erected on its site.
Tilt: steam grist Mills at
.Lonna have
shut db.wri for repairs, and !for the pur
pose of putting in new bolts to, manufac
ture new process flour. _
• Tnk Leitaysville Post Office is being
happUed with lock and opeir boxes for the
better 'accommodation of those who got
their mail matter there.
1 rol.3ti;s a; l'Ass.toE . qtave rented `the
t;outli store in CARROLL'S block, in Atli
ens, and will move their music establish
inetrt. in that village therein.
Tii7F: shops of the Enterprise Manufac
turing Company, at Troy, are again in
full Operation after a _suspension of two
weeks to niake repairs and take an in,
• i
~ • . '
TitnYeteran Organization of Susque
liatinn42ounty- will hold its Encaminuent
this year on the Harford Fair Grounds,
commencing August 30th, and continuing
four days.
TrlE.railroad company have removed
the headquarters of the - car inspectors
frimi this place and .Tunkhannock to La
cey Ville. All trains are now inspected at
that point.
TILE Surviving officers and members of
the Fifth New York Cavalary are artang.
iug for a second re-union, to be held in
owego the latter part of August or the
first of September. • .
Tilt: citizens of Canton are making_ ex
tensivepreparations looking to a fineThAg
ietilttiral Fair there this fall. It is said
that the indications are that it will be a
very ••tiecessful exhibition.
Tit's: annual camp meeting of the Illya-
Ini , ing• Association will be held on their
Camp Crotinsls in Dimock, commencing
Wednesday, - l Augnst 31st, and closing
Thorsday, Beptember 8, 1881.
A NI oTocatArute view of the interior
of Christ Chili:ell, decorated for Easter or
ClKistinas, is said 4 have been taken
eight or ten years ago', Will uny- person
haying a copy plesss notify this OftiCe?
TnEGermania Band gave "Mine Hoe
SEELEY of the European' House, a sere
nade on Monday evening: A large and
delighted audience listened, to the bean
PEOF. GI.EpON, the borge trainer,
gave an exhibition with a kicking bor:e
owned by JAMES LOC. EEE, on Park
Street, Monday afternoon. Quite good
sized crowd took in the show.
A COIOtEaPONDENT says that when one
of Troyjs fruit and Vegetable dealers sells .
a dozeu4ears of green corn, or a water
melon, ,he presents the purchaser with a
printed list of the physicians in that vil
lage. •
THE History atid Catalogue of the Uni
versity at Lewisburg, has been placed an
our table through the courtesy of Profes
sor while an advertisement of the
institution Will be found in another
unni. - -
TILE Greenbaekers of the State of New
York, will hold their State convention at
Elmira on the :23d of this
_mouth. IC is
thought that ample accomodations will
be found within the city - limits fur the
.STANDINE now occupies his baud
some-f.f,new xvsidence in Troy. We are
hot generally covetous ; but a house some
thiug._like VAN'S : would suit us—only, we
should prefer to have it. located in this
WE cannot see why the revised edition
will riot suit,a large proportion of folks.
It has just as handsome .bindings, looks
equally well on a centre table, and Will
undoubtedly press leaves just as nicely as
the King JAmEs version.
THE advertisemedi of the fall term of
the Wyoming Seminary and Commercial
College at Kingston, I'a., appears in a'u
other: column. The institution" is ably
conducted, and is lu every way worthy of
the patronage of the public.
.THE Peg Factory at Grover is doing a
large and constantly increasing business.
To save the expense of hauling the 'pegs
to the railroad they' have recently _ had
built a wooden track to connect the fac
tory with the railroad track. _ , .
TIIE Presbyterian Society of Athens
will give lawn social or festivali for the
next fow weeks in place of their regular
" sociabla." The first occurs this (Wed
nesday) evening, in the grounds formerly
occupied by Judge HERRICK.
WYALUSING township ' furnishes the
largest' number of ;Inmates in- , the
County . House of any district : in the coun
ty. The- number at present from that
town is ten. • Standing Stone furnishes
the next highest number, eight.
FllO3l the report of the Fish Commis
sioners:we find that there s at least one
hundred and forty. stiebies of fishes in the
waters of the State;:and that• of these,
eighty species are important _for food and
may he cultivated to advantage.
AN Elmira papers that- 3. 11. llot.-
LENnAcK, aietit:for IIoLDEN, & Co., of
that city, killed a rattlesnake at New Al
bany, this County, on Thursday last,
which measured six feet and six inches iu
length, aid sported sixteen rattle. 4.
EOM decided improvements have been
made on State street by Street COmmis
smiler NORTHROP and . his men, within the
past two Weeks. ,We have abandoned - all
hope 'as to the shiewalks on South -Main
• reet ever being put in decent repair.
A YOUNG man residing in South Wa
verly fell through the new railroad liridge
across the Chemung river, near Waverly,
on •Fridai, a distance of about 30 feet,
striking upon his head. his skull was
fractured and one of his arms was broken.
Ox a charge of threatening to shoot
GEO. BILIiCE; SAM. BERRY, '.;(colored,)
i .
was ed Thursday afternoon, and in
default it v bail in the sum of $5OO, was
sent to jail to await the 'action of. the
Grand Jury at September term of Gouit.
MATEItIAL is being placed - on the
ground preparatory to the erection of a
new railroad depot building at Troy. It
has long been needed, and we hope the
structure will be in every way suitable to
- as important a shipping point as is our
sister village. ~ •
Now go for them—the big ones are
here. A black bass was caught -in the
.river down by the Myers' farm, during
the : early part - of the week, weighing over
five pounds.—...lthens. Gazette. Athens is
ahead of Wyalusing in li—vely bass, so
far this season.-
A .FOOT race is to take place - On the
track of the Fair Grounds, at Canton, on
the 27th of August, for a purse of *209.
The contestants are JAMES STEEL, of
lilorris Run, and JAMES Nicitur.s, of Mc-
Intyre. The distance to be run_ is one
and one-half mile.
IT is becoming a custom among some
of the families in town to have black bass
for -breakfast on Monday morning.-Ath
em Gazette. And why. shouldn't they?
You must have singular fish up there if
the hlack.bass . will not bite on a Satur
day afternoon, or early Monday morning.
TpF. school house struck by lightning
near Canton, on Monday of last week,
was-the Ceas6 school house, in Armenia,
about three miles north of Canton. The
little girl that was killed, we a daughter
of 1). O. .Smant, and was about six years
of ake_._-- - Nbne of the other children were
seriously, injured: .
JUSTIN CALIFF'S larget barn on the line
between Smithfield anct-Springfield towns
ships, was struck by lightning - apd
burhed, together with its contents, ,on
Monday evening of last week. The barn
-was well filled with hay and grain.. The
building was insured, but there was no
insurance ou its contents.
• Rom. of Honor of the Ackley School,
ending July 21, 1881: RUTNA TAYLOR,'
EVA ALLEN, Teacher.
• Tar. store of Css & Orwell,
was burglarized on. Wednesday' night of
last week: The thieves gained at en i
trance through the window in the rear of
the building. Quite an amount .of cut
tlery was taken. The• "light-fingered"
gents also attempted to gain. an - entrance
into COBURN'S store, but were unable to
do so.
THE Qinton Water Company, having
settled their difficulties with the Mitme:
qua Improvement Company, bCgan the
construction last week of a reservoir at
the bead of Mill Creek to take the place
of the one destroyed some years ago by
the giving away-of the darn. The Senti
nel thinks that the new reservoir will in
:lire the Cantonians an excellent and am
ple supply of pure water,
WE are under bbligationito the Com
missioners' Clerk; Mr; WILLIA.m LEWIS,
for the valuable table printed in this week's
REPORTER, showing the assessment and
fife State and county taxes of each town
ship and borough in the county. The flg- .
urea will be found of special interest to
every tax-payer. ,
MasT.En FRED ,. son of N. N. BETTS,
Esq., received quite a severe cut over one
of his eyes, on Tuesday afternoon, by a
fall from DuFFINGTON'S pony, "Polly,"
which he Was at gale time
.riding... The
accident happened n front of. his father's
residence oa Main street. Dr. WOODBUIIN
was called and dressed the wound.
THE pic-nic of Christ Church' Sunday
School, at .WestOn's, on Wednesday of
last week, Was a decided success, both as
to numbers present and the enjoyment of
all who participated. The weather was
favorable, and all returned in the evening
feeling that the day had been one of unal
loyed pleasure. •
A LAMA; number of • the members of
the 11.. E. Church, together with the
teachers and scholars of the Sunday
School; accompanied by numerous friends,
will pic-nic ~ at EILEMIERGER'S Fish
Ponds to-day (Wednesday). The Ger
maniafband . will accompany the= happy
, . -
A biritat son of Ilms ay IlAssErT, of
Waverly, formerly of this place, was bad
ly bitten by a large dog one day recently.
Fears are entertained that the dog was
suffering'from hydrophobia-at the time.
No symptoms of the.dread malady have
as yet made their appearance in the little
boy, and it is to be hoped
,that they-will
. Tin oflicers of the' 'Agricultural Society
lave already commenced the preliminary
;work of preparing for the annual exhibi
tion, and if they receive the proper sup
port from the people, the fair will be the
best yet held in the county. All interest
ed in•such ex: - ,ibitions.should aid the olli
cers 'all:they can. Bradford County can
not afford to lag behind.
IT is whispered iu Triton Hose Compa
ny.cireles as niit at all . improbable that
they will take advantage of the occasion
of the visit of Eagle llose' Company of
Pittston, August 25th, and then have
their aimual parade. It is talked of in
viting the Naiads of Towanda and a com
pany from Montrose. The plans are per
fecting,— Tunkhannock Democrat.
THE big bass stories, although
what late this season, arc now beginning
to Make their appearance. & gentleman
Whom we have heretofore considered
truthful, informed us Sund4 that Mrs.
enuncittia., of Harrisburg, who is i visit
ing at Wyafusing, caught ono day recent
ly a black bass near the latter. place that
weiglm,il four pounds, nine ounces and a
Tit t: health properties"of.onions have
never been fully understood. Lung and
liver complaints are certainly benctitted,
often cured, by a free Consumption'ot on
ions, eithei cooked or raw. 'ColdS yield
to theni like magic. Don't be afraid - of
them. 'Vl'aken atiiight all offense will be
gone in -the morning,' and the good effects
will amply.compensate for the trifling an
noyance. At least so says the Pittston
-Tun movement to secure the .introduc
tion into schools of books - showing the ua
tune - and etiectspf alcohol is a good one.
If our country could have a single genera
tion accurately aild fully informed of the
wastes and burdens of society from the
use of alcoholic beverages theLcousdience
of the Nation would - be so roused that
these beverages would be banished for
TnE largest pic-nic of the season, thus
far, was that of the Presbyterian Sunday
School, on Thursday. It required a train
of six car to carry the party to EILEIi
-11E1WEIt'S Trout Ponds, where they ar
rived about noon. The day was a splen
did one—save a slight shoWer at its close,
—and the -pic-nickers enjoyed it . to. its
fullest extent, if their happy faces gave a
true index Of their feelings on .their -arri
val home at about six P. .
Do our neighbors of Troy prefer - dark=
ness rather than light ?i Do they likewise
choose that the evil-ilo'or may go
seeking whoth ho may devour, and no one
to make him wary or afraid ? If the
Troy correspondent of a i n Elmira paper is
reliable, that v- liage has duty no po
liceman and the :lamps along its streets
have 'kin& the footsteps of the
pedestrian or the path
. of the way farer,
when. nightl-.." throws her sable mantle
o'er the world."
Tim Gettysburg Compiter• says that
some black' bass were submitted to Dr.,
IWBERT HOltliEn, of that place, for mi 7,
croscopic inspection and ho found the
flesh teeming with worms, and adds :
" There is certainly some disease among
the bass at this time, and they cannot be
toothsome, or safe, as food. We hear
also of worms being found in cat-fish.
Let's adjourn iishingr for a year." We
second the motion.
WItEN a hawk or other pestiferous bird.
swoops down and catches on to, and at
tempts to soar aloft with one of Mrs. C.
L. SqulnEs's young turkeys, ducks-or
chickens, that lady gC:s out with a rifle
and "wingS" the feathered would be dep-.
radator,.iu as skillful 'a manner as could
a professional "shootist." Mrs. S. resides
in . Pike township, and if she cannot shoot
hawks on the wing with a rifle, the •Le-
Itaysvillo Advertiser should be beldre
sponsible for printing- such yarns in its
columns. •
Professor . J. T. '3lcComma!, who Las
been, enjoying a short but happy vacation
among the hills and valleys of "Old Otse;
go," returns next week and prepares to
resume the educational campaign and
lead the shooti9g match of the young
ideas in the best style. The school is - in
capital shape, and at the commencement
of next term, any scholar can enter -pre
pared to make the best school year they
have ever undertaken. The Fall Term
,opens August 15th, and twill be thrOugh
before real cold weather, 'the most de
lightful time of the whole year to study:
Pupils from out of town will find it a
pleasant time to attend the school and
should prepare to-begin with the opening
of the term and the formation of clasies.
The teachers' of the Trtzy. Graded School
will be the same as last year, Professor
J. T. McCom.o3t will still be Principal,
and the_ uniform success of the classes
trained under hill during the eight years
of his management, are a guarantee that
tho greatest attention will be paid to the
training rof those under, his care. The
reputation of Troy Graded School is ex
tended.—Tr4 Gazette.
UNIIKALIIT or inactive kidneyi cause
gravel, Bright's disease, rheumatism, and
a horde of other serious and fatal diseas
es, which am be prevented with lig) Bit
ters, if taken in time,
—Mrs. N. C. ELSBREEIS ill. -
—E.. C. 01.1YER, of Troy, is quite ill. •
—T. N. WOODRUFF is visiting in Troy.
—Dr. RUFUS Curmos, of Ridgyury, is .
seriously - ill.
—Hon. U. 3lEneun and wife have re.
turned from the sea-shore. - . °
-3liss FANNIE Loco, of Troy ) is visit
-in Tripods at Lock Haven.
—EtuEn CowLEs, of Alba, recently re
ceived $9OO arrears of pension.'
Cnas. MKuctrn, of Port Jervis,
N. Y., is visiting in this place.
—Mrs. GE°. CLARK, of this place, is
friendi in DanSville, N. Y.
—Miss KATE WATTS has Crone to Erie
to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. 5: VINCENT.
—Mrs: 0. W. DELANO, Of,L. Detroit,
Mich., is visiting relatives in this place.
store, is visiting friends at Salem, Mass.
Wick:us: are visiting friends in *Laporte.
—WILL DECKER is taking , in the - beau
ties of Nature for a few days at Shashi).
Joitx E. WARD is enjoying a
quite extended visit to friends in the
—Mrs, E.J. MlNaos. has gone to Tol
edo to visit heir husband, Dr. G. W.
-MiBB LOTTIE PYATT,' Of Athens, i 8
spending a few weeks with her 'parents in
—Cot. G. F. MASON
, 1138 so Tecoy
ered from his recent, i llness as to be able
to rhielout. •i•
STRAIGHT andf wife, of
Grover, are visiting - friends pi. Monroe
County, this State. s
—Mr. and Mrs. J.. 0: FROST have gone
on a visit to their son, L. R. Fuoir, near
Richmond, Va: •
—O. D. KINNEY, Esq., is listening to
what. the "wild waves , are saying" at
Aibury Park, N. J.
—Joni MATHER, of the Treasure' De
partment, Washington, D. C., is visiting
friends in this county.
-Rev. J. J. Cowixs, of Huntingdon,
Pa., occupied the. Presbyterian pUlpit at
Athens Sunday evening.
—Dr. REESE DAVIES and - family, were
thd guests of his brother, Hon. W. T. DA
viis, of thisrplace, on Monday hist..
Mr. and Mrs. - E. T. NOBLE and JOHN
NOBLE, of this office ? have returned from
their visit to friends in Lock lllrtren.
—Mrs. H. W. PATRICK and son, Wi 4.
LIE WOODRUFF, have gone on a visit tO
relatives in Mt. Cleniebts, Michigan.
rs.. W ILLIAM .
Pom tOY and Mrs. D. F. Pommy); of
Troy, are sojourning at Chautauqua.
—Miss ALICE' DELANO has returned
home after a.pletisant visit. of over two
monthi'with friends in Detroit, Mich.
.=Miss MYRA limastunv will preach
in the Universalist Church, at Athens,
Sunday morning next, at ten o'clock.
—DELL CooLnAbou, he of the Post Of
fice, was visiting 'friends in r the western
.part of the county Monday and Tuesday.
- -Miss MAIMIA DnE.w, of Athens, has
returned home- front a visit" of several
months duration to friends in New York
—WlLLisst Imam; and wife, of Ulster,
visited their son, TtliMAB JIWING, at
Springville, Susquehanna County, last
—Rev. B. H. HAYDEN, Pastor of the
Church of Christ, Cuton, has closed his
'labors there, and left, for his now home.
last week.
—L. J. CuLvER, ,of Wysoi, Superin
tendent of the "Government Farm," at
WashingtonT is enjoying a brief vacation
at his home. •
—3lrs. NM. DITTII.IOII, is slowly 'recov
eriiig from the injuries received in 'the
runaway accident about a' week ago at
Horn Brook.
—Professor CHARLES W. SHELDON, of
Hamilton, N. Y;, has been added to the
faculty of the Susquehanna Collegiate In
stitute of this place. ef .
-The Canton- Sentinel says that Mr. E.
-DAvitivronT can travel seventy miles
day on his bicycle over. average country
roads without inucheikertion. '
—Miss DlisruE flowEsi a lady well
known and highly esteemed in'this place,
where she lived for several years, died on
the 11th instant, of consumption.
—Mr. DAVaI) WOODBURN and family,
of Rome, Bradford county, have been
rusticating at Centremoreland for some
time past.--i , Tuakhanacek Reptcblican.
—J. C. MCMAnoN, of Troy, has receiv
ed a notifiCatioa that his claim for a pen
sion has been allowed.! Ills arrearages
amount to the snug sum of about $1,700.
J.' M. : JACKSON, -of Athens, is
entertaining friends from Philadelphia;
among them Mrs. SKINNER and her son
—The reports from Mrs.. Dr. Mon- .
TANYR, who is ill in Michigan, aro favor.
able, and it is thought she will soon le
able to return to her home in this place.
—T. F. BunoE and J. C. McCos spent
Sunday last in Towanda.nd returned
home very favorably' impressed' with the
town and its hospitable residents.—Pitts
tun Gazette:
—R. C. SINSAHAHOII, of Athens, re
ceived a pension certificate from Wash
ington lait week, notifying him that be
had been allowed arrears of pension to
the amount of $1,700..
—D. B. STOWELL and family, of. 114
West First •street, are spending a few
days at W i yalusing; visiting Mrs. - STow-
ELL'S mother and looking oiler interests
in that setion.—Edmird Advertiser.
CORSER, accompanied'.,by his
son ARCHIE, has gone to New York.
While there Dr: HamtiToN will-make an
examination of ARCHIE'S arm and shoul
der, which were injured by a fall a few
weeks ago,
rg, Who was the chief engineer: of the
Barclay Railroad during its construction,
has been in town for the past day or two,
as a. witness in .the equity suit before
Judge LINE.
C. OLIVEU, an old and highly re.
spitted citizen of Troy, died Monday ev
cuing of erysipelas. He was taken sick
but,a few days ago. Mr. OmyEn • had
long been in business in Troy. His age
was sixty-ilve years.
- -Mrs: A. H. KINGSDURY has • tre'ttumed
from Wyalusing. It will be some tune
before she will be able to use her left
ankle, a bone of which was broken by
the upsetting of a wagon at Wyalusing
week before last. •
-FRANK LYONS, an old-time, citizen of
Factoryvillo, and well known in this sec
tion of•the country; is back from Lincoln,
Nebraska, visiting his numerous friends.
lie is looking well, and-says he Is feeling
lie will remain till falL—Warerly
-The death is annourced in •Paris,
Fiance, on-Wednesday of ilast week, of
Mrs. F. H. PUIIIPELLY, of! Owego. She
Las been abroad for abont r a year, having
gone thither for the benefit of her health.
The remains will be .brought to Owego
for interment.
—Mrs. Ws.rnotrs, Wife
,of the Baptist
minister at Athens, and Miss Dons, are
attendquos at - the Chqutguina meet:
lugs, N. Y. .These gatherings draw large
numbers * of 'Sunday School workers to
that pleasant retreat, wluire a week or
two may be spent with pleasure and pro
—Maj; C. F. Caoss, of this place, has
been tendered the general agency of the
Mutual Benefit Life Insurance ASSOCia
tione of Owego, N. Y. If .the Major con
cludes to accept the position, the Associa
tion will have secured the services of an
efficient, energetic officer. .
—Mrs. CORNELIA.. Bimini% mother of
Mrs.; E. ll..Barrit; died at the residence
of her daughter on Thursday last. The
funeral services were held on Friday af
ternoon at- 5 o'clock, and the remains
were taken to Olean, N. Y.; for inter
ment. '
—The funeral services of the late Wan..
Mix took place at 'the family residence,
Thursday afternoon, at 5 o'clock. A
large' number of people were present.
Rev. J. S. BEERS conducted the - service's.
The following named gentlemen acted as
pall-bearers Colonel E. SMiTII,
MCCABE, HOG. C. S. • Rus.43ELL, • C. P.
—The many friends of Mrs. LYDIA At,
EXANDER met at the home of Mrs. CHAS.
TRETE; of Austinville, one day tast
week, and gave her a . pleasant surprise in
the way of a birthday party. After sup
per Mrs. TEETHE, with that happy fac
ulty Which Is characteristic of her, made
a feremarks' suitable to the occasion
and resente&Mis. ALEXANDER with an
elegant silver butter dish. The occasion
will be remembered by those assenabled.
..-Troy Gazette.
Aka regular meeting of the Council
held August Ist, 1881, the following mem
bers were present, W. O. Alger Burgess,
Frost, Gordon, Holcomb, McCabe, Rahm
and Spalding.
* The minutes of. the last meeting, read
and approved. _
Petitions were presented for the further
improvement of State "street : For the
removal of filth from Main street. between
Pine and Bridge streets and a petition
from Martin Bennis for a small compen
sation (or , the time lost by an accident
which occurred to him while laboring for
the Borough. On this petition Council
man Holcomb submitted the following
resolution :
Resolved,. That Martin Bennis be allow.
ed ninetetn and eighty one hundredth
dollars in full for the claim specified in
his petition, to be applied upon a claim
against him by the Borough for support
of his daughter. Adopted.
The petition for the removal of filth
from Main street was then considered.
Councilman Gordon said that the man
agers of the Water Works were responsi
ble for the nuisance comp4ined of, that
at all points. where water was talon
across the gutters into buildings, the dirt
was thrown loosely back and a ridge left,
thus creating a dam, and preventing the
water from running off. This want of
care was manifest in every part of the
borough ; pipes were bursting in all direc-.
tions, and from the condition the streets
were left in, after the breaks were repair
ed, it seemed to him a waste of money to
make any further effort to improve the_
streets . of the borough.- ,
On motion, the Secretary was directed
to notify the Superintendent of the Water
Works to remedy the evil ; _ complained of
in the petition ; and to abate the nuisance
complained of in all parts of the borough;
• Bills amounting to $708.43 were pre
sented, approved and ordered paid.
Police Justice Codding reported nine
arrests during the month of July, all *for
drunkenness. Adlourned.
J. KINGBBURY, Secretary.
The Pennsylvania State College, locat
ed in Centre County, established fif
ty-three Scholarships, one for each Sena
torial district in the State. Candidates for
admission must pass a competitiliel exam
ination, and must pass an examination
for the agricultural and scientific course,
in English grammar and analysis, geogra
phy, both physical and descriptive, arith
metic complete, algebra to quadratics,
and plane geometry, (bur books. Candi
dates, for admission to the classical course
must pass an examination in the forego
ing branches, and in addition must pass
an examination in C.Esaa's Gallic war,
CICERO'S orations, XENORHON'S inabasis.
Candidates for admission must be at least
fifteen years of age; Scholars , admitted
under this arrangement me exempt, in
addition to free tuition, -from`- the pay-
Meet of all other college charges, for in
cidentals, room rent, fuel and use of fur
niture. The benefits of a scholarship are
a fall college course of four years. Any
further information 'can be had by apply
ing to WILLIAM BEIDELMAN at his Office
in the borough of Easton, Pa.'
WILLIAM Invine, engaged largely in
the tannery business in this place and
neighboring counties, met with a very
painful accident last week. In raising a
new tannery in Clinton County, be was
thrown from a. wall and fell with his face
across the ; sharp edge of a barrel, 'break
ing hie nose and cutting a deep gash
across the right eye, destroying the sight
and perhaps rendering the removal'Of the
eye necessary. The afflicted man has
been under treetment in Elmira,-but is at
his home in Canton -for the present.—
Canton Bentinel.•
THE West Warren correspondent of the
ISeltaysvillo iddrertiser, Writing under
date of July 25th, says: "Last Wednesday
wbill•Mr. Henry Wilson was in the act
of pi ching a forkful of hay, something
gave Way inwardly which caused him to
fallt i o the ground. Ho was immediately
assii s ted:to the house. Dr. KNAPP was
summoned, who
.pronounced' the dia
phragm injured. Mr. W. is a little better
now. -
THE Leßaysville Advertiser of last
week, says that a Mr. OLMSTEAD, em
ployed in GRANT'S mill, 'Stevensville had
all the fingers cut off his right hand
one day recently. _
roils hither, you mad-cap (Earllogl 4 '
tomy four-year-old
14 I say, whet shall b done,to the bad, bad girl
Who will not do aiiiihe's told ?
Too well you hi% your own wee way, •
While little you hive to mind ; — -
But mamma knows what is best for pe—
koe isn't he always kind'',
So I told her of Caslblanea. ; • •
And ',the fearful boraltig ship ;
Do you said such a child as that
His mother would Lure to whip?"
And my , heart went out with the story sad
Of this boy so noble and brave,
Who would not.dare to disobey,
Even ids Me to save.
View her eyes grew bright In the nsornin,
And they seemed to look me through ;
Ats t slid thought I. you understand
The lemon I have la 'view.
Now Whit deYou -think 'or Misled, my love P.
• Tell-toe all that In your heart.•
is I -fink t ii she said, 4, he was dreliul good,
But her risn't the least blt smut." . •
-=chtcafe Tribwlts.
The new comet may be seen by looking
in the northeastern sky just before day
break. The most noticeable star is Alpha
Auriga, below this is, Beta Auriga i and
below the-latter and almost in line with
the former star is the comet. The opera
glass is 'necessary -to see it 'well. • This
.Comet will soon pass into the Iconstella
tion of the Lynx and then into the Great
Bear when it will be brightest., It will
'then pass. through Virgo, and disappear
south of the Equator. When nearest the
sun it will also be nearest, and
fortunately at that time-the mown will-be
absent. •
'FRANK WALKER, of Athens, had a nar
row escape from• being struck by light
ning on ` Saturday last. .He had been out
on -the river with- his boat and was
driven in by a stuym. Ho hid but just
secured it, and Was ou. the a way to his
hoitse when the strtlek it, darn-!
aging the liw, so Ail tojeuderilio boat al
most u s eless.,
Perkins Post Band, of Athens, give an
excursion on Saturday next, to
Glen and Lake•Owasco. The' fare from
Athens.for the round trip is but C. 25.
Ticket:i from Towanda to Atheritrit a re
duced rate can be secured_ on : tho day
named. Tickets for the excursion can be
bought at_liiiinv's Drug Store. _ •
Z. PIC-NIC. r•
The Wyalusing M. E. Sunday -School
will ijic=iiic in WELLES' Grove, Saturday .
afternoon, August Utb, and giv'e . a Sun
day School exercise in their church the
same cvenipg at 8:15: Admission ten
--------- • /
Professor . .VENNon gives it as his opin
ion that the weather for the balance_ of
this month will be about! as folloWs :
3d and - sth—Generally pleasant weath
er, fairly warm day, and cool to cold ev
enings ;end nights:
6th—yair and pleasant. •
7 (Sunday)—Heat and storms. .
Bth ° and 10th Sultry weather with
heavy. showers; cooler - evenings and
nights. •
I lth and 12th—lleat again in the Unit
ed States with cloudy and sultry weather,
storms in• Canada.
18th (Sunday)—Cooler change.
14th—Cooler to cold and cloudy and
15th—Storms throughont portions of
16th and 17th—Hail storms /and frosts
probably in some portions. - -
18th and.l9th—fleat t and storms. -
21st,Sultry and slinwery.
• 22d—Sultry and winds. •
23d and 24th—lleat dad wind. .
25th and 2tlthlleavy storms on the
lakes, on the St. Lawrence, and around
New York. •
27th and 29th—Cool weather, with
rains and frosts in thy -Northern section.
30th and 31st Fair and pleasant
weather, with cool evening - and nights,
with indications of returning heat.
Local . Correspondence.
—This is, rather poor weather for hay
make's. There is quite a few people
that are done haying, but there are more
that aro not. Wheat is , nearly all cut
and oats soon will be., They are a. fait
crop, no more.
—Overton was the scene of another dis
graceful fight ou Friday evening. This
is not the first time such a disgraceful af
fair has happened Overton, and it is
getting tithe somethilig7Was done to
stop it.
—Mrs. James Molyncux, on Friday,
had thebad luck to - fall and hurt her
.and sheAs laid up iu - couseiluence.
—There is going to be a picnic in cover
ton for the benefitiof the 'band. 'A good
time is expected.
Ja)i. Heverly has commenced : a
house. It is thought he i!s going to quit
—Hucklebeiries 'am plenty this year
and the people seem to think so, too, by
the way they go.
—Thursday evening the band *serenad
ed Messrs. Ryan, ,Rosenfield and Fisher
and their.wives, who are camping 'out in'
Sullivan county. VERNON.
Overton, August Ist.
kfew.evenings since, while Professor
RYAN and party were quietly enjoying
themselves in "Happy Dreamland," the
quietness of the gloom was suddenly
broken; and Hic tooting of horns ansithe
beating of druMs causti a sudden panic
in camp. P+t 'the I rofessor
, whis
quick to act in any eMergency, aftiu a
transient exarninaton liffairs m fuund
that an unconditional suxrender Atga.'sticc
essary. And before the ieolors were haul
ed down and the eatables given up' ) the
Professor was compelled, right there; "in
the wildsof Sullivan County," mpunt
a stump and entertain the troopers by his
The speech was spicy and full of "Ir
ish•wit." It had the desired effect, and
did much to appease the ferocity of the
assailants. In. the meantime "Monitts"
exercised his ti z sual strategic skill in ':try
lag to capturo_ the "Chief. " He tried
one plan then another, and having failed
in them all; and knowing that the "Chief"
was a great admitier of hatiftkime Women ;
he told him of what the ter& contained;
but it was no use his consumate skill
could not decoy him. The fortress was
accordingly captured, and the ladies at
once surrendered their delicious eatables,
which were disposed of by. the "trooPpis"
in no moderate degree of rapidity. • - r‘ The
scenh was amusingly grand and A. J. be
ing present, took advantage of the occas
ion and photographed it. - He will un
doubtedly execute the pictures with his
usual artirtic skill and place them on ex:
hibition at the county fair. The "chief'
after a hasty consultation concluded, tha
they all had had a pleasant time, and
that the trophy should be left 'behind.
Ho ordered a march-to be played and re
tired. . i • -
—The dry weather we have experienced
for some time was wet up to a consider
able extent yesterday, "fot• it not only
rained, but it poured," and in the vicin
ity of M. F. Ransom's there was a heavy
shower of hail, -some of which were as
large as hickory nuts.
—We are pleased to see , that Mr. G. B,
Rockwell has nearly recovered the use of
his arm, which was severely injured by a
fall from a shed which he was repairing.
—G. B. Bartholomew in digging a new
well upon his lot on Main street.
—S. C. Hovey is building a new fence
along the front of his premises, which
will add greatly i to their appearance.
—Friday lasifwas a great day for fish
ing with our citizens, or part of them at
least. Mr. C. 'W., Holcomb and some
S'rtaii;ia and relatives from Leroy, together
with friends and relatives of this village
to the number of forty siz;joined togeth
er in a fishing excursion on that day and
had a " huge time of it, although we
understand some were not very success
ful in capturing the large base which
they were so eagerly seeking.
—There have beep two of oar citi;ens
-~~,-~ _ .
Wyoming Seminary and. Commercial College.
The Seminary offers to studi.fits tile folloWing
Preparatory Course, Course" In Music, and Course Ii
are prepared to cider. Prices Within the reach of
The Conimercial College gives histruction in
Telegraphy and Book-keeping, as applied to loiSirres
FALL TERM opens Auk; UST :hint. Coin Inc rcl
ton, Luzerne County, Peuria.l Reference : lion.
taken from our midst by death since our
lost letter, both dying the same day, July
24th—an infant son of Mr. James Kane
and Miss Ardelia Wilbur, aged nearly 27
years. Miss Wilbor has been a patient
sufferer from scrofula for civer eight
years, and throngh all her affliction has.
shown true- chriStiau fortitude and
bearance. !
—E. F. Mer4reau and wife were visit
ing relatives and friends at Sayre Satur
day, July 25, 1 reinaining until Mond y
—Mr. 11. Thomas, of Watkins, N. Y.,
formerly of this village, is visiting at C.
W. Ilolcomb's and Ancil Olmstead's. •
S. Schoonmaker and Ir. J.
Schoonmaker, of. Middlebury,'Tioga
Pa., are visiting at I. R. - Schoonmaker-s.
Tur ni9lllllolld Ora. Stale writes :
Ex-Mayor J. A. Gentry, Manchester, this
State, was cured of rheumatism by St.
Jacob's Oil. ,'
rgr If you want a good Elevated Oven
Stove you can buy one •T COST at Mclntyre Bros.'
old stand. julyl4-w4.
Having go out of the
Grocery Business I offer my stock and fixture., for
Sale and the Store to Rent,
C, sonny. It! DG 1W .I.l'
Bridge Street, below 'Matti, Towanda, I'a.
June 30. 1651. tl,-
far Wagonmakers' and Blacksmiths'
Suppllei arc being sold at Mclntyre Dims.' old
stand at LESS THAN C(kT: Good time to buy.
Dr The Largest, Best and Cheapest
line of Stußfs for Ladies', Misses' and Chlidrens*
wear is found at ConsEn'S new store, corner Main
and Pine-sis., Tracy &Noble's Block. apr4'7B
-far Itu:pELL Brothers, of Burlington,
have 'Oil hand a lot onitie ST 1;1:1:S and 7:IFERS
now ieady for marketi . : l ! . .. julyl4,
Beep it on I . md. No farmer or
teamster. Le Is it bout IT May a( Johnson's
Arnlea-aml Oil I.inlunmr. It Is Ins - alit:lMo in .
eases of tit rts either on limn or beast. ant
- liamoy.u..—.l. S. ALLYN has re
moved his ,Undertaking - Estaldishirient from
Bridge street to rooms on 31:11n street, over TV n-
Aim GonnoN's Drug , Stork, and WoonEoun
VAN DonN's Boot at Shoe Store. A full line of
Undertaker's Goods froni . the cheapest lo the best.
Jarl27,*Bl. .1. S. ALLYN, Agent.
rizr.A. large stock of well-selected
haudrag hardware at LE-S THAN t:0:.1' at Mc
-It.tyre Bros.' old stand. jaiill44.
CreollBElll has the best wearing Shoes
foi Men, Boys and Youths• wear ever - offered In
Towanda, and at prices within the rear h of ail.
Gto. L. Ross sells - Groceries awful
CIILf AP because his exiienses are very light, and
he is bound his customers ;hall have the benefit,
fa - Singers and public speakers should
use Down's Elixir; as It removes hoarseness and
increases the prover of the voice. aug4
terREMEMBER; that W. C. & A. B.
BURROWS, of Stecenbrillt;, Bradford county. Pa.,
sell goods at bottom prices and take in exchange
Butter, Eggs, Pork, Poultry, Rags; Dried Apples.
and.lirain of all kinds. ' . Jun4'23, Sitf.
Cr L. B. RODGERS challenges compe=
t Rion for quailty of good sand low prices onlSasb:
,Doors,filindszind 31oldlnL s, and al building ma
terial: Eaug34l3
rir "I have used Dr. Simmons' Liver
Regulator myself and In my family for years, and
pronounce it one of the most satlsfactGry medi
cines that can be used. Nothing would Induce
me to be without It, and I recommend all my
friends, If they want to secure health, to always
keep It on hand. It. L. morr.
aug4 Columbus, Ua.
Grocery Store In the Montanye Block and get yeur
Groceries at rock bottonW Jan. 20.
Vir YOU RUN NOIRISK when yo . n
buy your Groceries at G. L.iltOSS'S new store In
Moutanye Block. His ritlCl:;§ are WAY DOWN
~ •
to rock bottom.
Ills store in KELLUM BLOCK, Dm WARD,
beats the world by LoW Prices and good G00d,..
AtlßLltti FAIISI.WAGOti.S.—TIte "MA and
cheapest in the market. I will sell' these superior
wagons for- a few months to come at wholesale
prices, for Introduction. Every wagon warranted
In everyrespect. tf It. N. WEELLER.
a' If you desire lbsy cheeks and a
'fair complexion, purity the blood by tho use of
tiaxtor's !Mandrake Bitters. augt
MARTIN.—In Towanda. on the Vitt ult., Mrs.
Cornelia Martin, aged 77 years, 8 months and 6
Crockery and '99-Cent Store
For the Summer trade :
Ice Cream Pre,etvers:,
Good and very ('heap
Crockery, China, Glassware,
Decorated Dinner and Tea Sets,
Decorated Chamber Sets at greatly re
(laced prices.
Citildrens -Carriage*
Best quality of mixed BIRD SEED in
one-ponnd packages, only 10 cts. .
Woodward's Medicated Nest Eggs—sure
del' to Len lice-5 els, or 500 doz.
Towanda l J,llllO 9,1591.
E ..'... f 7,:, I . ' . F R ...) 11 T
Course.,_ Study: Coinlipli English, Normal Conr,e. Literature and `.,Clellee; Classical cwir,e, enll , ge
n Art. Studentl not desiring to take any one of the (;nurse, of .turfy may take any studin Wlll , ll tlwy
311. . .
I'entnair,l4, Commercial Law, Futltical F.emininy. commercial ,crlllinzelle, thtLlness curresp.mtleizee,
ss of all kinds.' Five Telegraph olllees, two Itank,,Sze., &r:. • •
elal students address ItEv. L. L. tiIg:AGUE, A.M.. and all uthics . l:k.r. D. (.111*ELA It.. Kin*,
'011;0 Landon, Herrick. ' July
'gen) itbocrtisentvnto.
The first,an4 only Excur.tou ever run Irma till,
_section to the famous Walklus Glen will br run
over portion, of the L. V.. the N. Y. L. E.& \V.,
and the N. C. Railroad's, without change of ears,
ON TUESDAY, AUGUST likru, .18tq,
sy the Presbyterian ..and Methodiqt Episcopal
Churches and the.C. , raet nand of NV3plusiug.
l'regbyt,nan C hurrh—ltev. 113v1111'rAt l'a,:r•r:
B. Ilaylonl, C. -.A. :•trofell. M. Charell,-
114-v. J. 11. Weston. Palaor : W. 11. Kintner, 11..1.
Ila G. 7.lgler, Leatl,,r :
J. M. Mils, J. 4;. Keeltr.
The J•l'v.iirs'ion train will start' from Nletihopeny
awl stop for exenrsiiinisfi , i at all the 'stations named
lit the hillowlng table, in v,hich t, shown the
AliguA 16. •Statloni:
6.'6; A: M. Leave 31elioopany
6.23 " • " Meshoppen
6.33 . " - Black Walnut
3.4 " " • Ski:niers Eddy
.42 " "-
" Standing Stone
• East 'Toit and..
" Ulster
" Milan •
' Sayre
8.31 ••
Returning the Excursion train leaves Watkins
6.01 P. M., and will stop at all the stations named
above to let olf excursionists: arriving at Sayre
8.00 P. M.. Towanda 8.10 P. M., Wyalusing 400
P. 31., Mehoopany 10.15 I'. M. qicketa
. can he
purchased at the above stations and are good going
and returning on our excursion-4040 for that day
only. This excursion Is very cheap—There is uo
change of cars"—it . gives you over seven butts: to
Tr - through themost remarkable glen ball this
region " Ivanitfiabout •• and return home the same
evening_ You ran take your own refreShments
and call It a picnic wr -vou can stop-at the Glen.
Park Hotel. one of the finest in
. the state, Ideated
at the foot 41 the glen. and get a first-class dinner
st any pour and Free Bus for guests of- the hotel
to and - froni.Depor for 75 ce nts, Wrc, wilt tell you
a ticket on ourtrain for 20 cents to go through the
glen—less than half the regular rate...' •
There are malty plTices of great Interest in the
vieinitrsonte or all of which you can see, such as
Watkin's Tfavana.C, len. Glen F.ltifidge, Glen
Excelsior, Olenoro, Hector Falls, Lodi Glen, Wll
lard's As3lnin. Lake ray'ula. Lake Lamoka.
oral-Springs, Punch Bowl. From-Point
Lookout there Is one of the finest panoramic view ,
in !the world. Magee Monument, iron eridge
across Glen Gorge, 103 feet high, etc. It you de can take a grand boat ride of .20 or
miles on rrENECA - LAKE, on board
magnificent steamers of tho Seneca Latie
Nmlgation:Coinpany. will sell you a ticket
on our traln for twenty cents. In short the Com
mittee of management anti Railroad (Metals will
spare no pains for the comfort. pleasure mot 'safer:.
of the excursionists. G.t fhe P.,,pie Maly!'
• By enier . of
-Wyalusing, Pa., August 1, 1051. -
Situated on Set t ave., near Res's' Pavilion
Airy sleeping rooms and large dining , . room facing ,
the ocean. Meals furnished excursionists. For
further particulars addreSs M. A. 14'1.1.. •trB
'ST ITI' T F.l I. 'TER -vonimence. -
MOND.I.Y, ::2. 1151. Expen , es rot
Ward, I airlou and furnished room, from f 172 Io
fl9O per year. For -eat; logne or flintier particu
lars address the
TOWtII.II3. July 7, is•l.
The Entire
Stock of the late firm
of Mclntyre Brothers
must be closed out at
, Cost within -Thirty
Days, by'the pureha-
ser. Goods 'recently
bought at Sheriff's
— Towanda; July 13, 1831=m1.
AT cos
I IR, ON ,
---A ND---,`~
1,7 7: ) Ti T;.
troceries itub Vrovisiono.
. 4 f his store being on the coiner near the Public
pt.tre, Is one of the finest 6mi:cries in town, and
Mr. It e-ha, ipared• no pains lis sel , ettng the best
goods that the great cities anon:, His exp.:Hones
in the grueery bodiless ~riables hits to purl:hams
first-class grxols, an;l at hottoin 'prices. Farmers
and evurybosly ran depend on it that when they
get the prices of lit rocerl. , s at I:ln.'s's it is or nriu,o
to try elsewhere, (or Ills price:, are down to rock
• - Mit --17--h-tittayL!'‘,lt BIN has chargo of 'Mr.
Ross's Firs' Ward Sin "itt -KeAuto Blck. whiles
Jessie Srhoonoversts clerk lu the neirstofe tiritno--
tanye 1:100c. Mr. Ross keeps_a horse and delivery
wagon. standing at the store in ebarge of Charley
Washburn, who will delher In the Borotigh, free
of charge,: all good; as stint-as seq.
All kinds of desirable produce t en Inexchange
for Groceiiies.ur for Cash. •
, • GEOR L. ItOSI.
Towanda, Pa., January i 7, 1141. • z.
Round Trip
S 2:3
r'2 10
2 110
. 2 i 0
1 VO
1 85
1 75
1 7(
Towanda, April
CORNF:I: OF 31.1.1 N AND .I.lltibt:E STREET:. -f
(lately occupied by Owen littkia with an euttfo-
Grkeries & Provisions.
NEW. C 003!
- The highest market prices paid to
Farmers in Cash (or desirable produce.
WOod and Willow Ware
kept efinstantly on liand. Buyers are invited to
call and exandue our Goods andPriees.
Towanda, Pa., Jann - ary Nth, 1891
(The old stand of Fox, Stevens s Menai%)
They invite atteutlon to their complete aysortment
-and very large: stock of Cholon New Gouda
which they have always on hand. .
It. J. LONG --
Ttilsranda, Ap . rl 1 -1379.
'Eurepeati Plan, opposite the City Rail. Court
!totem and new Post ettice., NzW Tonic. Plural'
itztst:qms. This hotel has all modern Immrove
nient4 including Elevators, Gas, Human: Water,
and Burglar-Proof 104. s on every door. It is con
venlentrto all Theatres and within three minntes
walk of , both Elevated Railroad :stations, Horse
Cars for all parts of the city pass the door. Spisclal
arrangements with excursion parties. Apr.2S-no.
. . : ..
, _..,.... - AMERICO SPECIALS 1 6 1,tert"
, ,A 4,, •
- :‘`VER O . .4 Par rumors to C o mpost at Home
Pik : , ~ ,: ijr. ,. - AU from organic! bases, dry, will .
: ',;.:: 1 1 " f- drill, in good Packages, each hear
t '
Trade Mark. leg =dye* and Net weight.
' • .
?or Freight Rates hence aid Cirarlaia, address
" Watiaiiin t Mar k of CO., •
Olike l iO9 Petal amy l Y. li,
,:, _:
I tcr a the
Has removed to
making it his
Have liiICS tlic Oil Store
Wu invite attention to our
Au assortment 04
General Dealers in t
And Cash paid for desirable lands.