Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 14, 1881, Image 3

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    paabra vitilortet
Towanda, Pa., July 4, iBB*
The expiration of subieription is print
e(l on the colored label. By noticing the
date every subscriber eam tell tehsn • his
paper will be stopped unless the subscrip
tion is renewed.
HEW I . but isn't it hot!
prognosticates closely.
TuEst: moonlight niklits are splendid
Kiitur's Spruce Beer is promfunced im-
V EN Non predicted tbif . kind of weather
for July.
Tian interest in the
. Comet smug to be
ing out
3lonuow is holding Argument
Court this week
a mean man who will hitch his
horse to a shade tree.-
. - TOE, picnic crop appears to be very
backward this season.
re-building of the Methodist
Church at Catittm has been begun.
Goon thoughts, like the eaves, give
sweet smell if laid up in the j, • of mom.-
-r.: -
WE shall soon sec watermelons an l
green corn in the markets. The doctors
arc hopeful.
LAsT Sunday was the hottest day that
has been experienced in this section of
country-for years.
ti. M. Buows caught a black bass on
Thursday last that weighed three pounds
and fourteen ounces.
M lIS. HENItY MERCUR has recently pre
-ented the Towanda Library with "a nurih
her of valuable books.
flow Nt; the graves in churchyards and
cemeteries of dowers is mean business,
and the otlentlers. eau and should be pros
, .
Tn man who ,inquires if it, is hot
enough to suit you, is uncomfortably nu
mcrons just at present, but not, an atom
i~ , ~t prcrivur
I riiyawherrie; keep on increasing in
I,izq t ffey kill so,,n be as large as apples.
\\'e siim - 4knty .this year as large as un
walmit,. ,
. .
A brick - Imildiwz b: being erected on
street. We understand it is
be occtipied as a blacksmith shot) by
ca-Onu Agricultural Suciet,y has
decided to hold tits first Fair Thcstlay,
Wednesll4, and Thutsday, the 6th,
aril Atli ot'September next.
CA I` M EtTING time is rapidly approach
ing, and ;the shaded temples • Will soon
again resound with fervent songs of
pl-aiKe, sung by stentorian voice:3.
• 1'13.15-11. WIZICIIT, of East Canton,,is
building a large, barn, and also making
prepattitions to erect a: handsome aptl
conytlient s rcsidence this summer,
Tkif Pt;tw was the first
paperltlw,puhlish•a I)ortrait of the - wretch
that srii;trilniyresident. The picture ap
peared in the issue of the 6th instant:
' Tn►:l:r: seems to be, just at present, a
de.trth,in snake stories. The warm weath-
er seetiv to be io,) much for the li-- lo
•lnacil)us gentlemen of Tioga County.
.14x1 named as. Commt., thirteen
years of ay., was drowned iu the Susgne
liana river while bathing opposite Smith
-I.oro, Sitturday morning abciut nine
IT WAS hum reading newspapers that
SlNf:Eit the great sewing machine inven
tor, got his. first ideas of the machine.
Tally one for the papers. Subscription
lr`t gill open at this otlice.
l'Eort.r. who haplien to get hold of any
gfiticoins :illoall'remember that if any
of them are slightly worn; five cents for
f•%ory grain less than 'stanitard weight is
this losh they sustain on them.
11 . 11.1.1$ FmccuiLD has- purchased
t Waill ileac Tonsilrial Parlors. He
an excellent workman and will main
lain the. high reputation that the parlors
have enjoyed under Mr. 5TED4.:...-
AND now it is reported that the flesh of
thtrblack Lass contains worms. Those
mho have found the worms say that they
arc just under the skin t and are enclosed
in a small sac,and are of a yellowish hue.
t'nAt:t.t:s Mount caught, with "rod,
hook and lcne," as the law directs, one
dAy last week, seventy-six black bass.
toe or them weighed Oyer twopOttildfi
and a half. CtiAni.ts is the chamion so
fat season.
hnr l'auten Siind cattle to us last
e ,, nsiderably enlarged. BOWMAN is
leaving nuthiug , tuulvnc on his part, to
the paper 'worth the price asked fur
it • We hope his efforts will be appreciat
ed and his reward great. •
kYs the- Caton &n.thicl of Friday
•`.T. li. nom. was bitten- by an in
fuliated dug, riatnrday, and has since
been confined to tLe house, suffering ter
from lock -jaw. lie is now ino.
Mg, and no serious result is apprehend
•- -
Ti. Lehigh Valk): Railroad Company
ate:making sbme noticeable imitn•veinents
0 Sayre, Pa. The transfer platform,
/foight depot and weigh scales arc being
'Moved to the southern end of the yard
and a new commodious freight depot will
be erected on the old site. So says a cor
onderit. •
(.4:ottor. J , k('Oß HOLYOAKE the En
radical now visiting this country,
s;tys : "The beauty- of the women and
the — comeliness of the nren have astonished
ute. - -Ex.. That's just what GEOME told
u' he should say after visiting this place.
'Awl it is because he thus spake that we
alvised hint to skip Waverly in his mean
lir..mtv WATERS, and Miss ALICE
Nt \ I:Its were'' returning from visiting
frirtitls at Pond Hill, on 33unday evening,.
!toy niet with quite an accident, near the
church, Wysox. The horse ihich
Mr:W. was driving, tiecome frightened
at a barrel standing near the side of the
Dim], alai springing suddenly to one side,
lip , et the carriage, injuring Miss EitumErts
quite badly and killing the horse:
i: ; ) Ver COrrespondentof the Can
ton, asais that one day last week
WILLIAM Vr.numirit Sr. took some white
vitrol salts.- B 3 taking a- powerful
dose of mustard and other things too num.
crops to mention - be escaped mithOUt.
har_to, And the same correspondent eke
says that on Tuesday, the sth instant,
Jotrx Fin, with some of the other tan
nery hands were 'cleaning out from muter
the boilers. FRET was overcome .w ith
heat and was taken home unconscious;
but was restored to consciousness in a
few hours and at this writing is improv-.
Tux Towanda papers copy quite a
number Of our items from the Advertiser
and do not give the proper credit - .. All
right MIAMI& We'll accept your ark ,
ogy.--Sayre Correspondent Ettnir,q 'Ad
vertiser. Fonder if that is us, or CHAR
TIMNEIS of (he Joui:nat. It's awful ..
'unkind, anyway, and4ti: - oid not beliii - vo
Doctor SCOTT - would be guilty of making
such "}iisiuuatioiQ s:
WE acknowledge the reccipt of some
fine heads of cabbage of ' this • year's.
growth, from JOHN . MCQUEEN, Ulster.
Mr. McQuaxs liPs demonstrated the fact
that cabbage of the early varieties Can be
as successfully grown in this county as-in
New Jersey, and his ready sales have also,
demonstrated the fact that tho crop is a
paying one. Four heads of the cabbage
sent us weighed fourteen pounds and a
,TUROUGII thei kind courtesy of the lion.
EDIVA.ItD OVaRTON, says t h e Rerietoi, the
Towanda Library ,has recently rfceiVed a
number of valuable Govcrinnent, bboks,
(ten volumes, and an atlas of 'Chan Terri
.tory). Among them is particularly no
ticeable:a memorial of the late Professor
Josiutit lizinv of the Smithsonian Insti
tute. The Library Committee acknowl
edge the receipt of this gift of Mr. OVER
-Tarir with many thanks:
THE Philadelphia Riming Star asks
what has come over the. snakes this year
that the bite. of ttiOSe hitherto considered
harmless has so frefineHtlyprOved fatal
The fangs of the black and garter snake
have never teen considered poisonous,
but this year whereier they have been
used on human subjects, or at'leitst in - a
number of recorded cases they have been
as deadly in their effects as those of the
viper or rattlesnaW. •
I • If
A c 1 of the Luzerne County
officials was held in Wilkes-Barre a few
days ago, when it was proposed to organ
i:Le a State detective association, to be
composed of county detectives and 'then;
as';istantii. Circular§ asiiug the co•oper
ation of the (Akers in other Counties
haVii been sent out, and answers favora
ble to the propositi4n have been received
from fifty. A meeting to perfect the or
ganization has been fixed for the 19th in
Tun day has acme at last when the plea
of hard times is a poor excuse . tar not
taking your weekly !mine paper. Nobody.
that, is anybody .3,.t all need ' find it hard
work to . command tiM less than TWO cents
a week needed tOnake up the years, sub
scription for the fitEroitTEE, and nobody
can obtain the same amount of instructive
and interesting reading 'Matter in books
for four times the • amount. No time
should li r e lost in deciding that the paper
sliould make its weekly • visits to your
homes during the ensuing .year:
. -
THE people of Towanda .and vicinity
ate largely indebted - to .loitN E; 'Wmtn,
the gentlemanly manage t r ofOlie W. V.
Telegraph and . the operators'at the . rail
road station for the promptness with
which the news from Washington has
been furnished during the period of in
tense anxiety growing out of the injury
to. the -President. : •We tender special
thanks for favors shown the Review.—
Daily Rerith. = We second the motion,
and likewise tender our thanks to Mr.
Want) for favors shown the IttronTEn.
If there is anything you want in this es
tablishment, &MN, just: comedown and
take it.-
I{ EX. II A 1.1,0 e Alt sTi;oNO and wife
desire publicly to express their thanks to
their friends in Monroeton and vicinity,
Highland and Macedonia for the parting
offerings of confidence .and esteem .which
have flowed in upon them so unexpected
ly and so bountifully. • From Highland
they hare received as parting gifts $1.1.-
; from Macedonia, $15.06 ;from the -la
diet; Monroeton and vicinity, $60.56 ;
from others in Monrocton • f 56.78. Total
cash farewell offerings *KAM. We are
glad indeed to have our pleasant relations
of nineteen years end Mrs lovingly. - It
is hard to break away from such friends
as we have in all three' of the .places
named. But we shall not be pe
,nor long
separated. _ In the bright belind we hope
to meet again.
Tun :Pinnual Exhibition of the Agricul;•
tural Society. for 1881, to he held Septem
ber 28th, 29th and 80th, promises . :to be
one of the bust tihibitious of the Society.
The Managers of the Society met or the
ground tin Saturday last, and decided on
additional imprOy,e•nents on the grounds
and buildings. ' The _premium list just
published, by tke , ,,,Society offers liberal
premiums, and - Mae of them than hereto
fore, and if
,thecoming' Fair is not a:
-grand success, the people of the county
must blame themselves for negligence in
not exhibiting their products; etc, 'Far
mers and manufacturers shoUld begin
'making pi l 'eparati4 for exhibiting their
products, animay and artieles:' If all su
periOr.articles and products.of the county
arc exhibited at . the Fair in September,!.
the Bradford Uotinty Fair will be rivulet
one of the best exhibitions iu the State.
The Managers will meet `.on the Grounds
on Saturday, July :10th, Make further
arrangements for holdiw% of the Fair.
APP•ARLINT:IN by way of reviving public
interest in its proceedings, the comet has
it is said, divided itself into two parts. It
scums to us that Wasan improvident thing
of the comet to do.' If it hail been three
or four times the size- it is,: the coma
might have afforded 'that kind of diver
sion, but there really was not enough of
it to make a decent appearance of..,iiinte
unity, and if 'it ix going to waste its sub
stabco by su,bdivision and disintergmtion
it will very soon become imperceptible.
Besides, there is no . chance of its regain
ing its original popularity by any such
device. It and the astronomers between
them have disappointed a confiding and
imaginative public in a way which is not
to be forgiven. We were told
:when it
first put in an- -appearance that it was to
grow brighter and brighter until the-:mid
night sky was made resplendent by its
luminous glory. Instead of that, it has
steadily waned away, and now it has gone
to pieces. From a Spectacular point of
view its career has been an ignomious
The 4.thnuarterly meeting service will
be held in the M. E. Church nest Sabbath
as follows : _
Love Feast 9:30 A. M.
Sermon, at 10:39.
Communion after sermon.
Cuss. H. Willowy, Pastor.'-'
.. tfirpoulAsls,:tilliting in
ti:„? •:;;:... %,...- '- ;: - , --,
i ft, Atftit'llqnii, of : 63*wie . /4,
, isasiOigiii toirii-4,_ :
I—Miss JENNIE FITCII, of Canton, ii
isiting friends
z at Lock Haven.
- ;I,
--lira, ClioonaniP;;Crisu, of l'hiladel-
Oia, is.visiting friends in this place.
LANING has returned from-
:Saratoga very much improvel in health.
-MAMIE PORTER has returned. from 11 .
pleasant visit to friends atiinion,.
—Mrs J: C. 14nuit1 4 .x itaia*Oc a few
weeks with her 'sou tonttirs in Corning,
N. y• • -
7 - Mrs. &toms, VAN DviE, of Canton,
is visiting friends at Kalamazoo, Mie
-WIRT L.SIARTER, and wife, of Grand
Rapids, is visiting friends in this
_ c
tuasat Mix, who has been ill for
sevemlv.e l elks past, bass been quite_ low
during the past few
EUSTICE CASE; of 41.110; is re
covering from a severe attack of hom*-
hago of the lungs..
—E. L. DAvuNrcour Caine from Canton
to this place; 20miles, Saturday,-last, on
a'Columbia bicycle, in. 3. hours. - •
--JOHN STRYKER 18 acting cOrrosond
ones clerk at the :National Bank- during
tke-absence of Mr. W. M. Donut.
.-ABAAEL BLAIMMAN, of Canton, was
taken to the County Horse,' at Burling
ton, last week, to be treated for insanity.
—CLARK OLatsretri alf, old Towanda
typo, now engaged on aliew Yorh City
paper, was visiting friends here last week.
J4jrs...JESSE WARDut.n, Jr., and chil
dfen, have gone on a - , visit 'b) friends-in
the West, and will he . absent. several
weeks. . f
—J. I. BROWN of Ord a
ell, who ia trav
inn in the interests ortjuowN's iron Lip
tees, -was in . to - ii 4 Thmiday and gaVe tis
a pleasant. call.
Math and CLAIts. Gat),E, of
Belvidere, Illinnis t iare spending the sum
icor with their. gra'ndinether, Mrs.:Wm
lilA3ll,A*ll4cE, 4t, East Canton. „
z4A.routsoist'A. An3thinoNo tas return
ed hom - o - , from inn .Arbor,( Michigan,
where ho has been attending Medical lec
tures in the University of Michigan. -
111aoorN and MANIC il BLI4III',
daughters of . . 'general Saperintendent
BLIGHT, of the :`;:tate Line and Sullivan
R. R., salled'for ''Europe Wednesday, of
last week. -
AN exchange says that
,the hottest Sum
mer ever experienced in 'our .country was
that of 1749. Halycst hands died in the
fields, and multittides of birds fell to the
ground lifeless. t •
—yr. R. A. Net: 1-a!i fife
Lehigh Valley -14ailroad, js building a
tarp addition to his fine residence at
Sayre, which, when finishCd, will -be one
of the finest in Northern Pennsylvania.
—W. C. ItoctAtur and . daughters con
template pleasant overland journey to
Pittsbarg ; where they have relations liv
ing., They will make tint trip by private
conveyance and be gone several weeks
—Review. - .
—Hon. E. B. HAWLEY, formerly editor
of the Min trose Denioerat, and St;ite tlen
,:•• • •
ator . from yc r ayne!atiTSusqueha l nna, and.
who last s ring tecatne insane, rendering.
his confinement in 'aii asylum necessarY,
does not improve in health. -'••:-.
• Proressor A. D. Attimr, of Wilkes-
Barre, has been elected Principal .of the
Graded School of this place, for the cum
ingrSchool year.
_Professor litinoAx, we
understand; was not a . candidate : for re
election. Professor Athaiin bears the
,reputation of being one iif the list in
structors in the State. • -. ' "
—Mr. R. F. GoonmAN, formerly Assist
ant Superintendent of the Lehigh Valley.
Railroad, is at present General ' Manager
of the Lehigh Valley Nyigatiou Conipa
ny, with headquarters at Buffalo. Mr.
G. R. BROAriIIEAD is very accePtably•till.
big the Place made vacant by
, liir:•Goon.
HAN. Sr. Bno.ttini , ,,ty was formerly
agent and yard master at Buflido:—El
niira Adiertiser:
Gimasetu, aged 94 years, Was
taken from this the l'oor Mouse
Tuesday. Ile had been a res,ident here
for'inithy years.— lie is blind and -- nearly
helpless:, Poor old ,I 4 ulili! -WC remem
ber-Well when he Was a strong, athletic
maii,.loilinglionestly for his - daily bread,
and Willing to share it, when . earned,
with those who needed it. Poor old 1.1': - KE!
May tender hands gently minister to ,his
wants during his remaining years of life.
—;MrJ4Nr.t.s - oN it. Ki YS,. treasurer of
Lyconinig county, 'died hiS residence
in Williamsport Jidy l •2nd t 'after a cm2tine 7
ment of several months to the house; aged
47 yeaT.6,. month's and 10 days. The
county commissioners appointed, Mr.
WILLIANt Keyti his[brother to fill the un
expired tern, Fie receives the office un
der certain"conditions, as follows: . lie to
be paid a fair salary. or his services, with
the balance of the income to ho paid to
the widow of his brother. •
In the case of Superintendentuf Schqls
Cass, of Tioga County, charged with bri
bery to secure his election, tho trial began
Thursday at Wellsbo_ro.L'Fifteen orliyen
ty witnesses were tiviDaakfor the prosecu-.
tion andiiearly *Man? for the
The i SVe Superintendent, Dr. E. E. Ind-
Mk; and his deputy, W. A. LINDSAY, af
-ter hearing the.testimony, an arguments
of counsel, announced that his decision
Would not be, made known for a few days.
It is the general opinion that sufficient
cause was not.shown to warrant holding
the . Commission. The prosecution was
represented by Hen. llE:grur SnErtwooo,
of Wellsboriy; and. lion. 11. C. SEYmorfi,
of Tioga ; M. -F. CASs was represented by
lion. M. F. ELLTorr, F. E. WATILOUS,
,GEOROF: W. ME.REICK, of Welisboro, and .
Hon. lIENRY of Mansfield.
!i:DWARD WHEELER of Smithfield, Brad-.
font county, Pa., borrOwed a pistol of C.
D: SHAW a merchant of that village; and
had Mr. SHAW load it for . him for the pur
pose of killing a troublesome.member of
the feline-race. :Ibis was on Tuesday
morning last: In the afterkpon WHEELER
went in - "the rear of SiLkw's . store and
carefully examined • the weapon t 01 3" if
it was. all right. Squire Ponnutcr was
sitting in the film store
on the porch whe MittEEl;Ett,again ap
peared. WIIEELER approaehed him and
cried out.
"squire FORREttT, you are a dead man!"
' At the same time and being within two
feet-of Mr.,FonnEsT. he poinipl t the pis—
tol at him and pulled on theltigger.
Mr. &SAW who saw the 'action and
lieayd . tbe words sprang quickly forward
and grasped WnEELEn's ‘ baed before the
shot was tired. - •
A warrant was sworn oui by Mr. FOR
REST before Esquire NIHOLS for Wn EEL
ER'S arrest, bat,before he could be appre
hended WIIEKLEtt had disiippeared and
up to this writing had not been arrested.
Smithfield inhabitants say that , they
are unacquainted - with any, motive for
Wur f'n singular actin!! and can only
attribute it to a passing and uncontrolla
bin frenzy.—Elmira Free Press.
IGMT tif.2
The Thule thS,Ctinridtiirthe Messiah
Stout:44:llml; t nEparu ' e Tuts
dayoran's very delightful ana enjoyable_
affair'lndeed:-< Aside from isPh(gars
and their, teachers, -many?fricndsacceTe
paniedthei 'excursion.' - Atlibent
the eeliulars,"_ teacitio, .linckffrienctit;.
matched: from: the chnrcli, head* by the
Germania Band, to tlib depot atAhe foot
of Krk street, where" they embarked on
the oars. _Each class of the school was
heiuled by its teacher,'under whose'Super
vision and' care the- ,scholars remained
throughout the rlay..lhe' t. ll ok left-here
at about 1.0 niebelq-suel
,arrlFed at the
treat ponds about 2 tour_ later. The
elccursianists were met on the arrival of
train by Mr. .ErrartnattoEttfandconcluit
ed to a beafitiful grove, a few rats north
of the ponds, where splendid grounds for
picnicing purposes have , been fitted up.
There are- tables, seats, inusic _Stand,
swings, and bettor than all 'else, a mag
nificent spring of nearly ice cold water
bubbles tip almost in the centre of the
grolinde; Immediately on "arriving at
the,groutkis, Rroparatior k s were made for
a proper • discussion of • the contentsl of
numholess baskets andlioxes. With this
end iii view the - ladles . soon• placed the
contents aforesaid of lee baskets and'
boxes; aforesaid on . tb9 table mentioned
heret4fore. The array of " goodies " - ryas
all that a hungry rrson would care , to
have placed before-him, and ample; in
quantity. All present seemed to be bless
ed with excellent appetites and did Sus
tice to the delicious viands. In this con
nection we desire to say, ..that- the-sOny
extensively circulated on the ground's to
the effect that the representative - of the
itEI'ORTEI; and ),11.r. 4--ct, had been fast
ing for several days previous to the picnic,
was a canard. While we are free to ad
mit that both of us 'partook heartily—in I
truth, very heartily—of the viands pre.
pared with such superb culinary skill and
so eiquisitely arrayed on the festive
board ; yet, neither the gastronomic feats
on that occasion . of either ourself or Mr.
M,. are considered- extraordinary by our ,
selves or those who are intimately ac-
quainted with us. - And we - further re.
mark that We hold ourselves in readiness
to repeat thh feats
,at any time, when we
are given the same incentives to do so.
What with exquisite music by the Ger
mania taint with 'Singing and swinging,
walking and talking, . the hours passed
,until- the hour arrived for . the
,komeward trip, 4.y. at. The happy party
arrivea home at 5 o'clock,. all uniting in
pronouncing the •atl'air a perfect success
frOm commencement to ending. The
train was tinder the charge of 0)11(1M:tor
LULL• 7 whoM all praised for his kindness
and care of all and to all. To Mr. En.-
EN nimilmc, and family„the picnieers are
under obligations for many courtesies,-
and all unite in wishing them a long life
and plenty' of .happines.
U. H. -S., the. corrcapondent_of
the Adtertimr under date of
. July 11th,
furnishea that paper with the following,
account, of - the . ileath of. TnoatAs c.
SmEns, of- New York : : ,
Saturday evening at about 11i15,- Mr.
TUOMAS C. Siq;Ens left Waverly to go t to
Athens, driving 'a
_young home and o),p \
buggy belonging to - Mr.Tuom.ts C. SW via.,
proprietor of the Athens Tannery; The
horse became frightened at .the cars while
crawling the Erie track, and ran away.
Mr. lirEEns managed to keep him in the
road, but was unable to check his 'head-
mg career. When near Mr. Timpiny
lIIIIEEN'S he attempted to follow the road
whiCh takes a sisrt turn andliasses be
tween the abutments of the N. t., &
W. Ilfiiiroad. In making the turn the car
riage was upset
~--and Mr. SIT 1 EII"S Was
thrown out, striking bis head against the
abutment, freaking his neck and killing
him instantly.
.T. W. 13tsttoti Esq., Justice of the
Peace, was notified to hold an inquest.
jury, after viewing the' body and
hearing tb testimony of witumes, ren
dered attr&dict accordance with the
atiovc fa6ts
. •
Otailr - did Company deserve to be
centnqd for _placing their abutments in
the-Public highway: If tlini_road bad not
been changed, - this unfortunate accident
would pt'obably notihave-occurreit.
' .11. fr'As SrEEns was abbut forty
years; of resided and conducted busi-
Hess•in Ninv York City. He Was. former
oncof the tirmof titom&s..l4 &mum, &
(0., :Oft was also interested in a silver
miniiigconipanyln Colorado. Being in
poor health; he came to Athens last
Spring to ;spehd - the summer with Mr.
Smut:F., in hope:i - Ofimproving his health.
lie was la good • horseman and. fond of
horses, and spent a large Portion of- his
time in-driving for pleasure, and at the
time of the accident Was driving. a high
spirited.colt belonging •to Mr. Smut.i..
• lis health i had so far improved - that -he
had made arrangements to return to New
Yorithis week and take charge of his
His father and mother reside' at Owe
go, N. Y., where his remains vivre taken
Sunday. •He was unmarried ; has three
brothels, M- M. Semas, -of New York,
11. S. Si.e.rats, of Chicago, and •H. N.
S_PEERS, of San FranciSco. His sudden
death in the prime of life was la terrible
shock to his family and friends. Being
intimately acquainted with the'; deceased,
we always found bina an honorable, up
right gentleman, it all times, mil we ex.:
tend our heartfelt sympathy", .to his fami
ly in their..bereavement.
• The East Canton corrOsliondent of the
Canton Sentinel writes that paper as fol
lows: We believe what the correspondent
writes, as a. matter of dOurse, and take
occasion to remark that the: young man
who weds Miss will 'secure
helpmeet inCeed:
FA - Oi I e LtN MAW kith a horse and
sulltarake:gathered into WinroWs on Sat.
Ordair last nearly .twenty-five tons of hay
having to rake over about 12 acres of
ground. This • would be a largo day'S
wokk for" a mail,. and uotwithStanding it
being a young lady, the, feat was extra
ordinary. Miss tannic is not afraid of
work, and she can handle a horse with as
much skill as a professional.
While some Of the workmen at the
litidge,shops, Athens, Monday morning
were engaged moving a quatitity,of chan,
nel iron a piece weighing '42.0060,400
-pounds fell on the hand of LEox
ano, breaking the bones below the Wrist,
and otherwise bruising his hand; Dr:
CORBIN was called and- dressed the
Skill in the Workshop.
To do" good work the mechanic must
have good health. If long hours of con
finement in close rooms have enfeebled
his hand or dimmed - his sight, let him at
once, and before some of trouble
years, take plenty of Hop Bitters. His
system will bo rejuverfated,! his nerves
strengthened, his sight become clear, - and
the whole constitution be bUilt op to a
higher working condition.
4-444.4 1 _kitfkr! ,Bugs - •
A' pctrsoU signing " eibzen,"
' eettlitoo- 41 °! 1 (itePt4 - eatitAihiiile the
4ttelit#4:. tthOttCl
_tleinge- of
some hed;,vert tetd'beleirif:l lo , to:te be
bellevedieltri dwell la and '4out . ' Alba.
liviontd it not bo advisablo for the parentg
of thoseloung men to interview: the par.
ties .Who theta the__bard cider and
The old'adage gays, 4 ! an ounce
df pritiintioniS better than a pound of
a Citizen " writes :
; 16 1t has Iseen the custom of a few young
men (who would grace a trundle bed} to
meet here to drink bard cider and poor
whisky, and.hold their entertainments in .
the street until after. midnight. Last
Saturday night they met for one of their
grand times, stopping teams on their way
through the streets and insulting passers
by." About ten o'clock , two
their return from Canton were charged
upon by this lot. of ruffians who nearly
tore the top
,from their buggy. Several
others have also been stopped by this
same crew. After waiting till all busi
ness places are closed they then entertain
themselves by pulling pickets off the fen
ces and sounding the war whoop, etc.,
until the small hours of the night. We
sincerely hope this will be stopped, and if
the borough authorities do not take this
in hand all we have to say teg those who
will be obliged to pass through our
streets after. dark is, bring , your double
barreled shot-gun and have it loaded, and
don't fail to shoot, , we will bail your
dead free of charge. '
The question lof who discovered the
present comet has become a mot mo
mentous one. Over 500 'persons have
laid claim to the honor and the Warner
Prize a $2OO, and all of them are within
Prize of
the same time. It is de
sirable-that' a injustice be' done in.this
utter, and to , this end. all parties who
saw the comt during' the week ending
June 25th, o' previously, w;11 please for
ward their claims without delay to Prof.
gwIFT, Director Of. the WARNER Obser
vatory, Rochester, N. Y. It is certain
the discovery was made by a private in
dividual, but whit that individual is re
ut4ins to be seen.
- .
;,ITlster, Valley, saps correspondent of
the Elmira Adrertiser . , 4; leading off well
in the growing of tobacco this summery
tha ROCKWELL boys having changed their
seed during the bit whiter, .have now a
very - tine crop.. growing: W. •W Ro6K
wer,r, has plenty of leaves that will meas
ure 22 inches long, -and - 1.5 inches wide.
Ntlio can beat, that. 31KicDoex, MCKAY,
and VA NDYKE tC:. Peril. have very prow l ;
isiug crops.. . - •
The Universalist society of this place
arc now rejoicing over the fedenifition of
their church. : The pr - 44.1:rty. is now held
by the Pennsylvania Convention in *rust,
sotthat in ftiture the society - niay• feel as
sured of a place of worship . . - 4,k; ContitN,
to whom the debt was due, was Very lib=
era!, making a large discount from his
The ladies ',sewing society is 'de
serving of great credit fur contlibuting
so largely' toward the work. The pros
pects of, the society arc brightening, and
.it is hoped ere long; they the
services of 'a regular pastor. Services
will he, held regularly every Sunday, at
1.0. 1, by,;Rev, S. C. HAYPono.=
Athena Gizette. _
Towmii),‘, June 14, 1881.
A special meeting of the Courieil was.
held this evening, at which all • the mem
tiers were present ex - ix - pt Coimcilman
• A basis of a.conf.ract was agreed upon
for the siguaturp.Of parties 'interesled in
.the construction .of a sewer on Park
street... : ,
On motion,of Councilman Ilolcomb the
alipointment of Seneca,. 1.. Arnold • :IS
special policeman was revoked. •
On motion . ; adjourned to meet at the
call °Ulm BUrgess. - •
~ • June .27, 188 i.
. . .
Persuant to a call of the Burgess, .a.
special'ntecting of the Conned was held
-on Monday evening, Jitni 27th, for the
transaction of business relating to a sew
er to be constructed on the north_ side of
Park street., Membcrs present :• Burgess
Alger it the chair, andCounciln3en ?mit,
Gordon;; Keeler, Parsels, Spalding. ' The
following resolution was read : •
: Resii7oll, , - Mit NV: .0. - Alger,•
be; hereb authorized , and is zed, to" ezecdte
a contract with he Hon. Willkim Elwell,
or Blonmsburg, , and the Penn Mutual
Life ll:ntrance Company, of Philadelphia,
for the:pitrixtse . of laying' a sestepipe
firm low water mark on the Susquehan
na river 'at the foot of .Park street, to the
west line of the station house upon such.
terms or - Conditions ;as the Council
may direct. [ ' . ,
!Councilman Gordon moved the adoption
oe the resotuticm, and that the vote be
taken by yeas and nays. Adopted by the
following vote : Yeas—krost, Gordon;
Parsels,l:' Spalding, Keeler and ilurkess
. This 'agreement made the 28th day, of
June, A. D. 1881; between the Borough
of Towanda, in the County or Bradford,
and State of Petinsylvania,_in pursuance
of a resolution adopted by the Town
Connell of said Borough on the 27th day
of June past, and William Elwell and-the
Penn Mutual Life Insurance.CompinY of
Philadelphia, Pa., witnessetly That said
Borough ikputting dorin a sewer pipe on
Park Street in said Borough . from the
west line of their Canned building; east
wardly to kiw water mark iti the Susque
hanna river,.a distance of about two hun
dred' land- sixty ! two .feet. Note, it is
agreed between the parties , hereto, that
in contrideratiOn of
.said William. ; El
well and the Pe'nn Mutual -Life Insurance
Company, paying one-half tfi s ii chg. or ex
penSe of furnishing, putting down, and
keeping in repair the sewer pipe put
down by said Borough, from low water
mark in the river west to the ',west line of
'said Council building, they shall have the
right to attach a sewerpipe.of same size
as the one put down by said Borough to
the west end of same for sewerage per=
poses for the " Elwell House," and what
is known as " Mercur Block". now own
ed by the Penn Mutual Life jnsuranee
CoMpany, of Philadelphia - ,;! Pri.„ one of
the parties - to this agreement. It is far,-
titer agreed between the • parties to this
agreement their successors, heirs or at - -
sign that i-neither party *shall! have the
right to allow or permit any other person
to tap said sewer pipet, at any point at or be
tween either of its termini as laid doWn
for,the present use and cdnvenience :of
the' partici to this agreement without the
written consent of all 'the parties hereto
their successors heirs, tr assigns endorsed'
upon this contract,aud signed by the parties
or their authorized agents, and all bene- ,
tits accruing by reason of other peisons.
tapping said silver pipe, shall entire equal
ly to all the parties hereto.
In witness whereof, the Ilitrgesg of sai
:Borough has set his hand, and caused the"
seal of said Borough to be' affixed the day
and year aforesaid, - and also-the said 'Wil
ham Elwell and the Penn Mutual Life
Insurance Company, by Llevellyn Els
bree, xis q ., their agent and attorney have
set their bands and seals.
W. G. ALGEI4 Burgess.
, Wri.t.rAst:ELWEI.L.
• 1
by L. ELIMEE, Agent and Att orney.
Attest—J. KINGSUUItY, Secretary.,
The - - regular monthly sessicn of the
Council was !iota Tuctitlay evening, July
5 E 1881. Ali the members were Plieseil
except Councilman Parse -The:Min•
nt. o , they last 21
.9nthlY !T ( ' tl t 6 s P ecial
meetings were iippro'ved. -
Colonel Means petitioned . for , repeal
of all the °Wl:nieces in relation to .the
A petition eras pieSenteil from s oltrzen4
of the Third Ward for a side walk on-the
west side of - Centre street, tetween P lOl4
et and Locust avenues. Also on "south
side Of Lmist avenue /to Main, and' ott
the east side of Main street to connect
With sidewalk alreadtlaid.
Prayer g petitioners granted, and Sec
retary, directed to issue notices and _have
them served on Mrs. Desmond, James
Ward, D. M. Turner, and Mary : C. . /dy
ers, according . to law.
By Councilman Rehm :
- Reaolvid, That the Street Connnittee
of the several wards be authorized and
requested to 4orifer with Messrs. Mix and
O'Boyle in relation to the widening of
Fourth streot. ' . —
.The Secretary was directed to notify
Mr. Buf fi ngton to keep his carriages out
of. Bridge street, or to give good and suf
ficient bonds to keep the:Borough harm
less in case any -accident should occur
from suci obstructions of said street.
By Councilman Holcomb :
WHEREAS, The wooden building now
standing at the west end of the Towanda
bridge on Bridge street, erected by the
Towanda Bridge Company, by consent of
the Borough authorities white the bridge
was the of said corporation, and
used as a tool-house ; and -
WHEREAS, The said bridge has become
the property of the county, and being a
free bridge the said building is no longer
necessary as a toll-house, and is an ob
struction to the building of a sidewalk
leading directly to the foot-way of the
bridge; therefore,
Resolved, That the County Commission,
ers be notified to remove, said toll-house
building, in order that the Bordugh may
construct a prom sidewalk leading to the
foot-way of the bridge;
Tho resolutiCnrwas adopted and the
Secretary directed to deliver a certified
copy.of the same to the Coukity Commis
sioners. _ . -
Statemout of bills apprared and ordered
paid, to wit :
_ .
oak lorL•et Imam tor Jane 1111140
Care of sated - ' W.;
One new • ' -
Engine tuntSe.' say and June" - • 1,40"
Uwe engine ' house" ' •
Station house 3 90
bluely stand
Street labor .
Station house ftnproremints....
Care of town clock, 3 months....
Fire department
stone •
Secretary and Treasurer -
Labor, and lumber on sewer from crest line
of station house to river, half the amount_
to bwre mulled by partlerste the contract. 137 27
Ettendlug- sower -under station house Not -
Total tor 4one;so far as t llls me:letitetl.(n93 ag
The Burgess submitted the tone-1+64 -,
report of cases tried befote him
June 14th—James Eviins, Lp I3urNP, nir drunken
11C83 and Indecent exposure - of person; fined
costs 11.70; paid 111.70.
June 741—T;iinee O'Brien, toy Burits drunk and
disorderly; fined N. costs 11.70: committed.
.luxe Sdi—Thom. Flaraty. by !Wins ; drunk and
disorderly; lined el., costs e 1.70; conultted.,
June 14th—Gco. \V..\unnan, by Arnold
lag on bridge; fibrd (bad (half the ;0 Bor
June 26th — John ninimond, by Arnold, emoting'
on bridge; paid 4t.t (bait the tine to Borough),
June leth—llyron Benjamin, by Britton and
Barns; fighting in erreet; lined 114; costar .1.70;
June Pah—Richard Johnson, hr Britton and
Burns; lighting In street; coats f 1.70; discharg.d.
—June 24th—Richard Kinney, by Burns and I►im.
ock; drunk amt abusive; tined CI, costsll.7o,rcorn
June _4th—Wm. Monahan, by Iturna and Dim
oat drunk and abusive; lined fa, coats 1.:0; com
mitted. • ;
On motion the Council , ailjo . urned, ®_
- 1 - onnts.k*Cil. .
- fit a. special meeting of the Coundl
held July 11,-1881, at which all We mem.
bets were present except Councilmen Mc ,
Cabe and Rabin, the ordinance passed
1880, was amended:as follo - ws:
Beht ordainCil by the. Burgess l and
town COnucil of the Borough 'of -Towan
da, and it s ordained by the authority of
the same, that the ordinance passed July
12, 1880; in relation to dcigs running on
.the streets of the Borough, be amended
as follows :
bat from the first day of June to the
;hit i of SepteMber .of each year it
shall not , e lawful far dogs to be upon
streets-,Within the Borough limits,
Without a muzzle,' either' with or without
its owner ; and it shall be the duty of the
Pound Master to seize. - tr cause to be
seized, all dogs so running at large. and
impound thenhin a secure-pound,.and un
less the owuer, or owners of seiz-'
ed itnd impounded shall pay, or cause
be paid to the Pound Master the sum of
one dollar.for the redernption of his or
her dog within twenty-four hours-from
the time of such seizure it shall be the
duty ot,the Pound Master to kill all such
uureclaimed dogs. Any ordinance incon
sistent herewith is hereby repealed.
The vote on the adoption of the .above
ordinance was as folloWs ;
Yeak—Frost, Gqrdpn,e . e
Mn., ANII!.Mits. N. L. prynaN, 'of New York,
assisted h, Mr. and Mrs ` W. F; Prirrat, are stop
ping for a short time tat Mrs:• F. J. CALKIN'S,
Poplar street, near Third street, Towanda, Pa.,
where, they cordially invite the ladies to call and
investigate the DItESSMAK ElpB M AG IC SCA LE,
Which is not a "trotter or chsWt. put a equate of
inches. With It any lady (dress-maker or not).can
cut c141t4, circulars, mopes, skirts, overskirts,
polonaise, princess dress or wrapper, all styles of
children's suits, and from any fashion plate, and
. make a perfect fit without alterations, to any form,
and .as oul( . pierces complete, Including system,
lifiratetiens and Instruction book (which Is very
eaplfc,H, how to cut every garment above
nautiitl), is bu t .'.OO, It thereby places itself within
the rem h.of I. Test lining. cut free of charge
for anyonellesirouS of hireatigat Mg system. We
also cut to measure all styles of ladles and child
ren's garments, seaming the samti up and draping
It ready for :finishing without the .customary un
pleasant featitre of having to try the garment on.
even-for the 'trst difficult forms, and while we are
aware we are.advocatl ng Itleasirt advance of what
dress-makers are, 'accomplishing ,at ,the present
time, any one doubling our abiliti to accomplish
the 'same, we beg to'refer them totho following
welllknown ladles of Towanda, Pa., viz: Mrs.
Henry c. Porter,. 3lrs. Henry hingibury, Miss
Mary A. Eagan. Mrs. M; J: Mingos, Miss Jennie
Gallagher,'Mlss g. It. Black, Miss Carrie Wardell,
Mrs. C. IL' 411 en, Miss Mary Gordon. Miss fielen
Carter and Urs. F. J. Calklua. . As persona will be
unable to obtain the system after our departure
(as we leave: no agents here), ladies desirous of
learning the scale will consult their own interest
by calling eta us at once, as our stay is limited.
Agents wanted for adjacent-el:mates.
Mr.'-and Mrs. N. L. ilesi,J v, Gener4(.. , Agents,
No. ql W. Nelneteenth St., Now yotk, No. 288 W .
Fifth St, Cr s iwltinati, O. " • Juii64o-wL
Lopal Correspondencg.'
The people in this section were greatly
filiocked at hearing of the President's sad
fate, and the strongest sympathy is man
ifested , by All.
Mr. S. J. ensse's baby is very sick, oth
trvriserhea:lth and vigor prevails.
The fartners aro at their haying, and
the inutile, of tbe machines can be heard
on all . sid6. • '
North OrWell was at home on the 4th,,
and we had a film time. There
nothing tq mar tho occasion, except the
sad feelings 'caused by the rretiident tie
ing sbpt. . . -
Tbe,y,eople met at the Grange 'Hall at
10:30' A. 31., and bad such a social chat as
people who are at peace With God and
'nail can 'lave. At 12 wt. dinner watt
ready, and all partook of the , 6ouutiei
which wits provided so kindly t:!,7 our lady
friends. • At 2 r. u., veo assembled in . the
shade of the' trees in S. Sibilio's .yard
where we partook of an intellectual feast ,
The follow,ing prograinnte was then car
ried- end :Song by Glee Club ; Prayei bY
Chaplain ; song by Glee' Club ; Busy, on.
titled "The Fourth of .liily,"l by Mrs:
Julis - 134 . 1miti -file:t reading, oThe
i July 5, 1881
082 93
61 61
- 21 00
144 28
80 00
83 62
10 00
4 00
23 00
i-- •
Dukito Snake," by, Mrs. 0: V.; Prince:;
The iniiiietilenen - Bell,"
by ) I ‘.: *OP.; Am y%,' is
Worthy:of Better Men," by Mrs. J. B.
B P-1 7 4 4 41 1 “th• iterfiktP, poinard.
probif Iltilnaret ave r its - 11` 4- gITIMI
course, at the closo of which, J. 11. Mad
din 14%8c:910 for, who made some very
able reinirks..‘ bli. .T."' O. bC.
halt of the - poOpk),' then 'piesental Itlr.
Brainard withlllundsomo s purse, whiCh
made the preacher happy as well - as Ole
givers. The peopl6 they' went luiine feol
iv Ms, though .the day bad been well
spent.' '
Rev. John Elsworth r 'occupy tie
pulpit °Anil
_noxt Sunday.
J: Millll is bUilding a ;very fine
fence around his hous'eand yarl,
;July 8, 1881. His
The air is already perfumedwith the
breath of - now-mourn bay. JUdgini frOm
Present indications, .the above crop prom
ises to tic a large one..
• Corn tn,:***ctiaii t l ikfur*
Many are sowing their plantedlields to
buckwheat. :•
Our celebrationd off- very, pleas ,
antly.-- The address by Rey,' Ji_G.lneell
was particularly. good approwiate,
Thejttottasiia:par : ade
ahowti of thekind generally average, bUt
by-many it wan - consideredMorp degia(l 7
.ing than elevating. The tub•raCea in the
pond at 7 P. M. were a failure• as far at\ wao concerned,, but the boys
created sport"enongh to" make up for that
deficieney. The eliMax was capped when
our somewhat portly insurance agent,
who was watching operations from a lay , t,
was attieked;• overpowered, and plunged
headlong Mit) . the "briny deep." The
fireworks and halloert ascension were suc
cessful. Had • it' not, been for the gloom
Which hung over the country at the time,'
IndePendenee Day would halie long bden
remembered as a very enjoyable one.
Quite a little stir Jwas Madc here last
Tuesday by a drunken map, Wheeler by
flame, attempting 'to take the life•of. L.
U. Forrest,•justice of the peace.
_Early in
the evening Wheeler entered" the hard
ware store of C. 1). Shaw,. and pretending
that,he wished shoot some cats, boy
rowedta good revolver ; stepping outside
where Forrest and several otliFfs were
sitting, he faced his intended victim, and
with the words, "'Squire Forrest, you
are a dead Mg II," drew the revolver from'
his pocket and cocked it as lie raised it to
perpetrate the bloody deed. All this took
place so (plickly and tnielpected that
none but Mr: Shaw understood or notired
the movement. But Ile, knowing about
the revolver, sprang Upon the would-he
assassin and wrested the weapon from
. kwarrant was immediately•sWorn
out for .Wheeler, Litt before fce could ‘ be
apprehended had cleared Out, and iv wa s
not till Saturday last that he was capful : o:
and lodged in tbe'cocdty jail. Different
stories are clic Slated as to the motives
which caused tl e act. .
Our Graded chool iS to be opened the
last •Manday•of ni„ust,.witb Z. Wood
as.piincipal and Miss Laura pereuld inter,
mediate teache • ; primary teacher not yet.
hired. a
Smithfield, J 4.10, 1881.
The pie-nic eld at- McCarty's Grove
the 4th, - was ell attended and a pleasant
time wow enjoyed• by all. The literary
CUlttli3eB consisted of ilie - folloWing Pro;
gramme : Singing "America," by M.
Sunday School ;- Prayer, Bev. J. C. B.
Moyer; Declamation, " True: and False ,
Glou,"-Jantes Murdoch ; Heading, "Dec
laration of Independence," Professor 11.
E. : Ppther ; tiinging by Sebool;; Oration,
Rev. J: D. B. Moyer; Singing, "Scatter
Seeds of Niininess"' by Sunday School.
Ample refreshments were • kindly furnish
ed by the ladies of our Village, - for which
many thanks are tendered by thos:e who
participated in the ‘‘innerznatt." The
festival 'at the - Town Hall in the
ss evening swas a success in every particular, thus .
closing the drama of another day.
A yeaug . (laughter of Mr. isieNerney,..
while picking berries one day last week,
in some. manner fell and cut her leg very
badly. Shemanaged to get. Lome, bow :
over, and Dr. Mina-- being called 'the
wound was soon dressed. She is improv
lag rapidly; and Will tei walk
again. • -
3 -87
W. H. Weller and, wife have been visit
ing relatives and friends_ at this place.
They returue i d to 'their home in Athens
Monday morning. .
Miss "Minnie Shaw arrived home from
Rornellsville, N. Y.., Thursday, July 7th,
on a . acation of a few months.
We think thAt Mr. W. 11. Rockwell
can boast of the largest tobacco plants
for tho,season in this locality ; some of
the plarits:nieasure 20 by 227tnches.. Who
can beat tliera ?
Speaking of tobacCo plants reminds us
tbat we were permitted to cross the Rock
well Brothers' firinOn Friday last,- acid
sawlith9: fineSt;ten acres of tobacco that
welia - yla_seen•this year. Success to you
boys, ". thCie irtfiliney in it.":
Mr. U. Shaw is baying a new coat of
paitit put on his residence, and new win
dowc biindSwhich improve its appearance
Mr. J. R. Kittredge, of Towanda, made
u 4 a 4hori call 'on Friday evening. He is
10015ing after the interests of the. " Order
of the Iron Hall," there being some pros..
peas. of instituting a Lodge at this place.
Slr. James 'Mather has lately added
new steps and other repairs to his resi
dence and premises on: Smithfield street,.
-July 12, 1851:
* *
The FourtliotAtltcarrie here as usual.
The ,tw6 . ',Eruntlay' t seloale, St. Paul's and:
M. E.; joined. together and hiul , a - picnic
in, Eli Cenklin'S grove. The Sunday
schools formed in line and started for the
grove, leaded by the Overton, Cornet
Band.'-Arriving there the band gave, them
sonic music, followed by 'prayer 'by It.
RhitietPold,• and speaking by Mr.•Osborii
and 11..Musselman. They then Marched
to the table which was covrred with all'
sorts of good things, to which.they did
ample justice:. The baud played again in
the afternoon, and the general verdict was
that they done well. There was lei's noise .
than there generally ix on such occasions.
The peoPle, went horuo well ,satisiied with
the day's amusement..
The• Overton _school closed last Tlitirs ,
day: '. •
14,1 r. J. M. Mulynenz and family are
hpriie from. Granitille, where ho was . all
week. F
The band have their ,stand finished,
and, it looks quite . welL ' i Gro on, boys, is
you have begun, and soon you will be one
ilie-best bands in the county.
The news of the sbopting of President
Garfield was received with universal re
gret. -It is hoped ho will - soon be able to
attend to Theduties'of his office.
They' ray' Mr. E. Musselinau bag had
another buggy.
...Juy-t . VERNON.
Goxii ! Inflammatory rheumatiem,
cured by St. daoOb's Oil. Ira Brown.-
-Chicago Tribune. - •
ear If you want a good Elevated Oven
Stove -yon can buy one
~.IkT COST at Mclntyre DM,:
old Aland. • julyi
• Itgr Having concluded to go out of the
Grocery Boldness I otter my 'stock and Ilx titro3 for
Sale and' the s litore to Rent. .
- Gaonca Rinoaws
Bltdge•Street, below Slain, Towanda, Pa.
Tune 110, ism U.
Qom". Waconmakers' and Blacksmiths'
Supplies am being sold at Mclntyre• Bros. old
stand at LZBS TUAN,CUST. ,t 1 .004 time to buy.
The_Ltirgest, Best. and Cheapest
Hoe of Shoes tor ladlos','Siksies' sod Chlldrens*
wehi le t 011111144 COBS an's new store,-coriter Nails
sod Pine-sta., Tracy kNoblo's Block, apr4lB
• - •
I RoNaitx Brothers, of Burlington,
have on liand a lot of film STP:EIIB and If 711 , E1t.4
now ready for market.
g. - ALLYN . has re
v/Lived Ilia Undertaking Estalillshment from
Bridge street to rooms on Math ...street, over Trig;
sma & tiottoores Drug Store, and W000t•out,
VAN VOIC3*6 Boot ]Shoo Store: A' full line of
CntleitakeraGtxxls from the eheapeseto the best.
lan7,' Bl . • i J. S. ALLYN, Agent.
. „
tr*:-A- large stock of well-selected
Building Bardvrare at LY , •.!, TitAN co,T at Mc-
Ir.tyre Ifrotti aid Maud. - ' jillyll-14
LV.llliii, ; :iiTlNO.()ll,.—.l 4 ::tceilent
0113111 w devlrell quatillty at wholesale awl re•
tall. - if If. 31.1Vitt.t.E,..
rirGoon — , We ad vise ev - ery
ramify to keep Deviu's Ellsir always on lount. It
Is the Drat remedy for tough% and yoliti evert 1!..v.
to the Inthlte.. .
rir COMER has the heht wont ing Shoe:.
' fur Men, iloys and Youths* pool' ;:vcr or:red 11.
Towanda, and at prices within the rearh or all.
nuns Piatm WAcoNs:=—Tlic fist
\ •
cheapen fn the marker.
.t f-ell
wagfris fur a rev: m, falls 16 coup% at vkimics.oe
prier N A, forlntrtal net if.n. Every W:lCill . vSrrmit..fl
in every respett. tr It. 35: 1L f3-.1.1-f s.
ar FIVE 'JOU:AILS REWARI)..- - - Lm,
between I.':eltafolile and Towanda, a ~tp.II aced
(it , 141 Waillll;,yVialol.f.a lip: In IMI9II-, • ;if ea, , e.
24,821.;(N0. ‘touveini tit, 1.521,12'. 11w I) , D:if - -
Reward will be" raid If &livered: to 143 i) A.
elfAmr.kaiLi,r. ly I t-w 2.
.110 W INc; MAc II I N ENS \ F.C'T I (',)N —For all
tbeleading Marbiner
Mir L. B. RoncP:iis challchges coinpe,
tltion for quality of goode and low prieett nn Saab
Donra, Blinds and Mobin% a, ind al building ma
. .
. Vr'For.eleansing the system of all mer-
Mit matter and warding tilt diseases: 110 111i . .i kin..
pf)%ht•SheS such ettitey as Baxter', 'Mandrake -Bit
ters. . .
0s1101*;;F:, No. 8 IN DEVI:kWNT 111:ArElt
—Ykrst cla4sirt every thspect, with all The late:*
Irnprovement. A few die hand nit' sale very , Twitti.
.1 It. M. Wk.t.LE-,..
Zff"" N. RUNKLE, 31i , reltant Tailor.
Bth, 1•72.—/),rrio
itriqr 1 l'0.1,11"'il-1;ent!. I have ti.fug
the Singer Sewing' Maefline far [tint, yearA, and
nked to 'think then' waXtl ,, dimehine Ilk , It. : (Int
for file last fifteen months; r hair, lista ill, I):od-
Vorttral fend, and dlnd that it excel- a:iv:l9llg
that rhave evo:r ~,11 In the ;Ilarldlie lice
and wontd rceotritnttol It to any ri,al ne e d a na
thine fm• family tow or inerehant I:ll42th:ft.
• - • C.•_). ItuNr.t.t: .
Eiltsr CLAN's IT.tsr, Dumr The
ruippk in. coubty Man,' hump Raki., for
all , ' at tif2, and watTatit?il In ovii - ry respolit.
ered at any R. Rd. -tatinii in Read rorit r:ouniy. It
It. M. Wir.t.
Clif" LIU lIRA I I to. GEO. L. I:oSti'.:l NOW
tlroceryStore In tlu 3tooianyc Block, and get your
(irocerles at rock lwuont. .
Mr" you RUN NO RISK when 'you
buy your I:rocortes at Ul L. Rt.. , SS'!.. now •tore lu
Ntoutailye 11100 - k. lii= PI:I vf...3 arc WAY pi
to rock bottom.
iii stOre in kELL.I - m-lilock, Isr WARD.
beats the world by Low Prices awl good 13ood.•;;
OTA's a liniment for horses ITenry
Ai*idea awl 611 I.llllllittnt
It curers spraltg. Latilellet, at out.% •
• nr" ';o. L. Itoss sells roc,'
CAI' hi , A . xp..ll4. , sare v-ry sffil
he is hoard his tAist,inors shall Ila.'ve•th.t.,..
. • _
- I ! , aveii-4•41
rect.lll fl.• ta,..T. that
h•isl;lll,Ty. alt. :0 1.. r g•:;artiTT Li that I
:'lll 11,10 1i40 7 a 11.•:1 !awl v 4,111 I h,,‘•
I',Dr year, past. I, !:ire f•Tr fo:ir 24' Ir . •
:11111 Zil2rala:PrNl for T..,
.1. ItAi !st..
Phila.- • July 7- Iry
bairRENIEMBIM, tbai, W. A. B.
Ituttuow,,, of S!ev•to•villt, llnutfold ~ nutty.
4“llgoZwls 34 bott , .in prirjs and take
Butlers-Eggs, Potk, Poultry, Rag:,
tintiti of till kintl.4. .lune ntlf.
tg". It. is impossible for aAvoinan aft el
fatlhfnl cotirse of trratincia with 1., rt t E.
co3tru I - .0 t.
conttnne to stiffer with a weaknes4of the
dtallip to Strs.4.l - I , IA
western Avenue,. Lynn., Mac,.,
Sold Li. Dr. H. Cs PORTEIt, Druggi,t,' Towanda,
Pa, . July l•t'n.
the residence ,(
' Mr. Jesse R. Coolbaugh,,Junl 2911 i. br R, , v.
Wllilatu S. Steen, Mr. Frederie6.l. NV:hite. of
Affirms, antl - 51Iss I frtutmenel, of 11" y.
(11105g-11ED111.:N.--:At the 3r. Parsoua g e- Iti
July 4th, by !ter. Wth.ilhelp..3lf.
Nfurry.A. (tress and M Nettle c Men. all. id
Huntsville, Luzern.: rounty,
BBOWN—IATRICK.—At the Prestiyterlrin
„nonage. •31onrocton, nth int., by Re'. 1.121nn.k
Arna+tronz. Mr. Henry A. Brown, of WyAln3ing,
- and 3113 s Mry E. Detrlek,-01-Macedoula.
LIT?!,I.M A N. —At Highland, at h just., ,unklcitly
and unexpectedly. Mrs. torinle 11., wife II (;,.0.
Illtzelmau, aged .13 years-
Seldom has any event happened that cast retch a
gloom o v er a whole community. - Mrs. 1.117.1.:1:-
Was a most loving sister, wife, Mother and
criel//1. All who knew her loCell tier. she left
seVen children tb mourn for the best of mothers.
But hei hope was In. God, and he has taken her to
those mansions not made with hands. Blessed
aro the dead who tile in the Lord , ' " 'Their works
do follow them.' .Ifer funeral was attended bi a
large concourse of .011y - sorrowing' friends t but
the] mourn not as those without hope. For aMine,
farewell sister, wife, mother, friend Farewell,
but not forever
, .
Gertentdealers to Greeeties and Produce, corner
Muttt ;Ind .Ptue Streets.
. .
Flour per bbl , 40 (4 I 59
Flour per sack t/ 10 04 ,1 90
Com - Meal per 100... _ • . ' - •Oh f- lc .
Chop Feed Oa Q. 10
Wheat, per bush.,.. tl 00 Ail •1 09 1 1 -,, (.11
Corn .46 4-4, ao _ (4
Rye ' •7:1 04 • 641
(tor kwheat - . I• 4 45 ad
Roca e/114.01 Flenr. ... tl 9? a .
~,,,, •
tinter sect' , 5 0 (.a a in
Ttltiothy, western„. . . i.:t 15 Oa Z! 2.5
Ileaos, Fab.., 41 :-.04 a II el 04
Pork, rtes. - • (81 1,1,1. (.0 (10 0, ,;•;.?.. 00
-Lan! ' - 100 II - 04 1I
Mater, tub.. 17 ta4 19 Sal
. .
- Itolts IS 6s- ' 6 .
Eggs, fresh . . oil ' 13 . c
. -
ea:, 11
1:1,1.).t.,..t.. per iiSh.. '63 • II .1 4 I , i 1:
IVCe , ..,VC a x • - 211 'O.,
..•...2 r - id,
COMM( TED DT U. pArlitmw.4
lII.Ipm , • (I.; r.-4 ..
i - ,*., ;
• ,
Vea3 Sklim v - 75 I;i3 t I '..'.1
Deacon Skins .-,.. 40 (0 , 6.1
linot. Pelts . ,4 75.14. I a:,
FATING HOUSE. - Something,
tww. .A first•vlass
P•a Et St. in IITr.E. on lithlgo opp.sate
Ante [UM{ /10tvl.. Or 4 at tight MOO
lAY, a. S. unnturT, Proprtetor.
Towau da, .1 ais
The undersigned has le arrangtql his
dttl► tor m.tnutneturing the
New Process `,.lour
Ile has also-greatly impioved the Conn
mon 'Standard, Family and !raaupte Flours. Their
quality *ill not be second to any manufactunM at
anY turning establishment in the country.
'lie uses no drugs in making the 'New
Pirocess Flo Ur. Suitt at vatuief.ale au4 Irian at his
Floor Store lstut MIN. Fluorin: fur . cusluttiera utt
the New Process system.
H. F. LONG, Troy, Penna.
feat Abgatisenteato.
I-R, 0 N ,
xt • t k
The Entire
Shirk - of the late firm
of llelnt \Tv Brothurs
must be closed -outy
Cost within Thirty
Days, I')y the purcha
ser. Goods - recent ly
boil lit at Siwriirs
Towanda, July 13, I,
Crockery and 99-Cent Store
nit . the Sunnner itatle
Ter. Ci•ea tit Free.;:ers
:. ,l
MAN hOWLS Tit:mum-Is
Crockery, China, Glassware,
Decorated Diimer and - Tea Set,,,
Decorated Chamber Sets at :,;rciOly re
duced prices.
Tle,A quality of mixed BIRD SEED in
one-poml packages, only, 10 cts.
Woodw•ard's Medicated Nest Xggs—s,ote
death 14) hey nee —5 as., or .700 doz.
F 3: Pa.,..Jtui a, 1•,1.\
.1" 0 1:;J: Pa
CR 1".•G IN ANA - coMlqNy - on
And its Tuntinu ,tia . vings Fund Plan
L:u• g e:prnlits in casti-of long life. Ccr- -
tainty id prompt 'payment in e;tse of
de a th. paid to i'oll-ey
hiwiders in .1 Not a - -
claim contested.
It.r11.0: MariiCur.o ~ .1 T 4.;
N; r. Afi.l ();tier
form!. Of liadit'V bY :±"cloy,
At El N ATIOA AI, 1 .\\ti , Tov.;ind.i
t,. or. Bromar.ay, N. V.
I l)R . 'S. NO •
trr, t..l o ,:coontarr hay •1 the
lihtb•rsigitcd, la..t tvZll ;th:l ..f
\101:01a+ to:.. ”r Sprint:o • , .I
.freenretl. :in Ind.:Mud to' k ,f ; AA
tiree.ll.llt 3, 0 hereby tiorltie,l t,;
pnyibent: and all having claims a> aln>L s.Oll
MUM. Ft.:wilt UP' ' , Mlle duty ahtli,ntnatv4l to the
aistlerMpied for sett'eini-nt.
Ist'. " . ~•
ietters cif atimintst ration !lac log !welt grant
i•,l to the tutitersigncil, upon the ..1431 or Adcdpi.. 4
pis ter. tate (Jr Itortlngtoci Twp. , cliterasrit. nom,. 4 a
given that all persoils totiateil tit.,
cslate air it ,111VhIerti 19 Make fillitleitt«tel4l,lllellt,
and all pursuit. timing 'claims 3443116+t z.A1,1 y state
prevuoit the zatite duly autlieftticabcct to tho
undctalgnect for settlrctrunt.
_k. M. L'ItUVAI.;. - Administratur.
Luther's Mills. June id;ls3l-w.s.
'.541,108.602 00
9,228,294 00
SO). A 1:1i N Erc4,