Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 14, 1881, Image 2

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Towanda, Pa., July 14, iBBif
- - • ---
The friends of STEPHEN STRICKLAI6,
of \1 }sox, will present his name to the
Republican County Convention as a can-.
didate for-the nomination .for the office of
County Commissioner. Jun9te*.
° The latest news we have from, the
President is up to 11: 1 :31) Tuesda)
evening. A t tliat timeflie was sleep
ing. quietly, and all of the symptoms
pointed to a slow but sure recovery
11 is puiSe
_at the hour named regis
tereti 102., his temperature 102
.atj 131.atNr: Thursday enter-
LAI - upon !iih duties as Third Assistant
S':•cretary of State.
nho oppose capital punishment
havu yEt tl.s. if anything. ,to say on
that ..,ziieet at, the present time.
ALL accounts now agree that Gnitean is
uu lt,:•as,in, by insinet a'thug, w - hci has
hen iyatching, dogging, the Pre.sident
for weeks.. This puts the wretch beyond
the . reface of in_sanity.
THE harvested wheat crop .is so enor
oons that speculators scarcely know how
to 'handle
: it. The of crops Indiana and
Illinois will suffice to feed all the people
in the country for a year.
Ti stru:!;_ le for the speA kership of the
next I rouse of IlepreSentatives hl ready
beguir: Ilis&vek of New York,
_of thin, Kasson of lowa, are
among the prominent candidates for the
1)1 !ZING the tirst six months of the
ple,ent ear the number 'of immigrants
Lmtied. at New Ybrk was 2-10;).12. At
the pre rate :the United States i.
},awing in population by inimigration at
the rate of 1, 7 )00 4 -very day of the year.
A r a theeting of the Governor and
Council of New Hampshire Friday, AL
t'Atti.Eymit, of Bath, tca; noini
thitcd for Asl;ociate thief Justice of the
:•-uprenie Court, t a i the vacancy caused
by the re , iLtnation of ,Judge 'WILLIAM L.
410dg C is IjiSC6lll4i'd in
k 3 nee by the c. un;ry. The only
cansideration is, What is the
s..orst that can lie done to the villiau in
t:ise the President mu rives his evil pur
i,,,,e-2 If it We tit be put to a vote the
iiiiesthqt he decided on the'spot in
in a vig.ineei NN
h, stigr4csted that if the President
iceovels, of which '.here hi now every ill
diem ion—that' shall be indicted
fulr two attempts upon the life of the
Yre•silleilt. If he is convicted on both in
/Ih:tineQs ma doublezkentence—
sixteens'ear. in:t t ead of eight in prison—
,. ight years for each shit. •
temferaiice Ine# - F ut' Ohio do not
"expect to get any yot . e . froni the Demo
ci mit, party, Init ever cote they secure
fioni Republicans of it gain to
,insure Denios,ratic 4i ; ‘,4cess. a party that
uvvt.q. gave .the jeful'!o:4liee. cause iu that
'ol.‘;.ny oula - ttl:State itli.V.encotiragetnent or
W e nti erst . aild this
h 'yf intiralprogm;s.'"':rf
far . .as tiie ,-.; , ,fote'• is concerned, there
has been but _affairs at
.111;aziy.. caucus NN•:lg.'.llel-(1 _last Friday
crenin -, at I;: tnemters'apireared,..
and Wmisr.ti 3111,1.1:h asi,4'.}: C - -;- .
tiornittate . q forS4riztXtr^i:.._ T.lte
• I.:Ii.N•Ki.I • melt dill- - atteittl ertttett - A- -
ui l lctitinac
to. '!r. :coN
fl , t• the short :tc:i 11,111.Eit
fur the lonl.,;tertir..-,
i ) N 4 ,Er.s..IAN•N'EAIt, of Georgia, who,
elected a-yan tti'deliendet4.l)einoerat, now
bay; he will act Nrhil the . ' Iteptiblieans in
tn . ,;:niizng the next llotiK, is lit . :lotiject
f inUehi inalevolentr;hate in his district.
w . ho did not , \ - -Me hint - -ii6w de
mand that he > hall act i.With the—Dernoe
, racy of the thivajening if
f ' he refuses to chance s" are
_ tha , t Set:an will i)elli:iiiiie4l- - iii'-mbfrdered,
if he persist; in liip:,..`6lti-se.
I - . w.: \t. of impag,ping reiaildieall-Insti l
tl:tions e laiii shakifig the political — lllatula i
~ _
Itt•ps - 14 . the Ilatiolr,"Ati Nolllo panic-StpClKI:ll
pLai•h : piedietcd, in the nrst hot tht*,-Of
.'nfr. toy' pistol has , beebilie such a dati r :
liwil.l"'n't''' and ilidi g n atiun; the a ttelll l 4- gerons weapon iu tlielhatitht of the small
c.l a-sa-,iant ion of the President liag',l4td
r inV::,•that the presi,.'eSpeeially of the lame
lhat no . • ~ :t 11 y t,!ppasite effect. It lib, , s
: ,,,L . . - -iti .7 •;; .. . is detnandin,C,that its manufactae
at tt•sted:t holoyalt - y of 'the AtherieanVnind sale hte -7 :''Prohibited by law. The
1 .1, t‘. their govialina9u, and 1at.: . ,,, - !7tr6
~re. ' Whole pistol tribe- might be included in
that ibe system under which t 4 4•••:i's :.
Lhe prohibition, with benefit to mankind.
st s :Liliishl:(l . 1110.11 a basis too solid TO' 1-)e 1 .. /11;' , n: in habitthdly ea/lies a loaded
.• ,- -
nd Winstead of his
ele son
• i - '2 - A411;,t Ivr r - 4ral'd
' -
i 4 .i,_.. ..-.
hitn, through dangers and
Tut. :supreme Court of Mtlaiati: , hlitt'7 77-s.: r‘ r k,' : l- . 1..
ust• tendered au iruportate . de l eisi - 4. in ! : a : ' -kl : iii''' '- "111/;'; is
i!i •
f 1 constant danger of either
.... , lanqing ItilllSClf or sonic one else. The
. 4•lgot . of self-defense is a sacred one, but
;41 ain g:11 . 11 ding case. c In - & - zpai) . y -- . l,ar . iftf
lent' another nioney, with agreemene4o -.
share the profits. in an attentpt to get up. .-9.' e l ''' ..tiii i ' .4 'lnt' its
. 1 .1
hest symbol, unless
I sh
a - t. ,, rla:r on wheat, the lendki all Le la k . ..en to represent the tight of
to defend hituself againsts,
.sued :..
c.., Cr the 111,;;:il. Ti:e c-ii,Zif.,4 the ~,.,.n , ..„
A. that
as-:aults in the
stick conthluation - s enterecilint*it areiti- i ha';::es of
„ally ;life( t tile ',lice of aqy” net:e ..sary of
... •
life was illegal, and any. N'l'iney:adranced
ill the purchnst• ertupot
A •1.1:4 agent :•1.11t:out whe
dent to ascertain the titlidt.:of the Mor
mons toward the titrreTkient reports
them as hostile anti ti . o - ,tl''9inetl to resist
every attempt to enrol is law against
p.tly.s:kty. The pretll;ftiot4is made th - at:
it will relptive an army2Of ItX!,(loo,Men to
hold them in subjectiom - iliis, hcs; • are
isitreading over.the territtricts;from ‘ l lyrtii-
ittg to New 31e.xico; and havi- beeiiirle
self-sustainingin the. rich valleys in which
they have settled. • '
SnouLD the President recover, as now
Dina probable, he will assuredly reap a
rich tewa'ril from the on a 1 through
which he is now passing.. lit will estab
lish him as nothing else would have done
in the affections of his fellow citizens.
Under any circumstances its tendency
would have been in that tlirection, but
the manner in 7vlrich Mr. GARFIELD has
borne himself thiough the terrible trial
has increased in a wonderful way •the 6s-'
teem in tßliich be is popularly held.
Wit,ti.r. ne rejoice r in the priTress 'of
the President through the first stages of
the dangt7r incident to hiS. wounds, we
niust not forget that his condition is still
involved in grave possibilities. - He_ has
much La euddre before his recovery can
be regarded a an accomplished fact. But
at the same tihic every hour that he n 4iass-'
es is a sta , on of recuperation for the
kerstA) come, aud-no man in a similar sit
aud under like circumstances was
ever such a help to his surgeons,.
THERE is something manlk its. sympa
thy. When a man is afflicia, all men
owe him sympathy—condolence, words of
cheer and deeds of assistance. The sym
pathy Of the American people for the
President, JAMES A. GARFSELI; his rife
and his children, has down like a river of
sweet water from all • directions. There.
has been no demonstration of like char
acter to, equal it in this or any other coun
try on a similar. occasion. It has, per
haps, done more to unite this people than
anything which has occurred since Presi
dent LINCOLN'S death. Brave Men, man
ly men, for alitne estranged or.divideti
into rivalries tinged with bitterness by
intensity of. political differences, take
each, other by the hand in the presence of
An attempt at assassination, - to say that
we are not in a cCindition to induce the
commission Of such deids, and that mur
der never become an auxiliary in
American politics. Every day, since the
wounding of the President,- has develop
ed a brotherhood in -feeling among the
American people, which we hope now to
ice perpetuated. .
WHEN the offseotirings of the world
gathered together in New York, Chicago
and other Oilers in this country, to ap
plaud :Aid endorse • the assassination of
the Ciar of Itusl.da, our officials had to
great regard for the "freedom of . Speech"
in permitting such proceedings. The
murdereil ALFAANDER . wastthe best friend
this Union - had in the old World (hiring
the rebellion,-and no man in all the histo
ry of the world had ever Stricken -the
shackles from so many of the enslaved of
earth, and yet we pefinitted it to go out
to ether continents that meetings were
held in our Repnblic to gloat over his
t , sassination and deify his assassins. It
was a . grievous , outyage,,and grievously
we may pay . for it. Let the world be
taught that way to get rid of a ruler who
may not suit the whims and caprices of
desperadoes, and where is there safety for
men in the future? Assassination is hor
rible'and hellish under all ,mrcumstat ces,
and should never have the attempt made
to justify it or applaud it.
THE Ilarrisburg Trlegruph expresses'
oar sentiments when it - says that
"There's a stern, firm call from ever - di
rection for a halt iu referencelo the free
use now made of the names of public men
by vn - spapeis. The people lave• had a
surfeit of the abuse- of public .loco.
Without rause, unwarranted and unpro
voko.d, tl:e Amtlican press, or - a large
p , ition of it, deems a duty and an Md
abf;ty, to malign (very public
malt-with,wloim it ThioZ abase
has heed carried to extremes oof vulgarity,
and largely made •iip /if fakehtupAs
which. aic ciiminal. It has. v.ithout
~ a t Of the public .-et.vice
manyMo L nof 12:e : tt :Ibilay a:al .1 di are
to en - tei-A . mblic 1 , 1:1 nho -.htnuk
eneoutit f i Eing the knaves chose mission it
is too poit , (loowli every man who has the
The practice has rim its
lem,t h. :Now let u; have a halt.!'
• Gt tTEAr, the ii . ,sassin, is one of a class
of nit n in our 0-41:117ry of whoin . xse hive
too many. Ile pri .' "dessional
hunter, an irdventurer,v,ho, ou small edit
cation d himself
on a .political patty,and only brenine
known pot liecanstolerated
beeause he thus attained small proud
tient, a a let ed min.( r iilto the eno
tistie.ii. Lehef that he was of imp,.o ;lnce
t.) it, tilovenrent. The Country is hill. of.
such ats,-nuting The}' are a nui
sauee'to towns and
townships, cities :hal boloughs, tie y
chili io anti )y committees, inter
fere with - real workers and disgust all
They inc peculiar
to all, patties.
: ri,nstituting, its torus,
otreusiYe iio.iiot . 4lei repulsive in :::ch.
Itot is it n•tt tune to ilro.c such men out,
of : p•itities,: at least.,to deny them a Vicar
„ f the icceips
ilrie and nilobi r. 1%; irnit Pitidnii.”
the first six months of ti,e year, indicates
b in exceptionally heavy volume of trade
tine iron business. The receipt; ague
gate 1?2,577i tons,. or about , a thousand
tThss than for the first half of last year,
which included the culmination of the
. .hootii. These figures, according tO the
'COl.r.:,rercial, indicate that the Pittsburg
iron industries' are .doing- about als much
iness-in six nionths as they did live .
376:s ago in an entire year, and Itftyperi
cent more than they did in . ante-panm
The showing in connectie34itti
thentnense volume of clearuwk
exchi'nges and the remarkableligh , Witals .
of ineicantil insolvency, is :fifttily en;;
eouraging. •
'ITALY has what is known as irredeete
ape paper curren4.' She is the beau
ideal of Greenbackism, standing before
the money markC4s 4' the world as a bor
rower who never pays the principal,
but wiqing , to .pay the interest.; Thii
is what would be the result of paS ing off
our greenbacks. !tally
never pa —s hd ticttionatdebt--*ver has
redeenieda dollar of it since tbe.victory.of
Victor Emanuel, so that now when she
'a. - ks for further loans she is unable to ne
gotiate them The credit of Italy is as
low as that of . Turkey,
, and both have
managed theirnances on the Greenback
k THE contract for publishing the Penn.
sylvania State reports for tea years was
awarded Friday to lIANKS'A: - Brothels, of
New York, at $1.1; a volume. 'This firm,
under the contract; is required to furnish
each volume to any -citizen of the State
desiring it at the price indicated for at
least live years after the expiration of tote
contract. Under thel.previous law the
Supreme Court reporter received $4.50
per volume. • Now he is paid a salary iaf
$B,OOO for preparing the reports for .ptib..
TIE _ Governor of New York
has signed , the bill providing
for the expenses of the burial of
veterans dying without friends able' to
meet the cost of decent interment. The
act provides that such burial shall cosh at
'feast tal, to be paid by the . county, city
or ton in which such veterans breathe
their laB'. Failure on the part — cif the au
thorities to Comply with the lawls made
a misdemeanor.
;4 4 - t• •
• - -• • a 4.
-N . - A: vz -, - , fi
si7 4l 6: nuilitior -- r 44 ) - w iii
.- "6"1 -`"--,,,,,.,' 4.-,:c-ivkil-
Incidents Connected- With
the Assas,Sination.--
Tim President, his • steadily
proved each day; t 4 :past week,' and
now bids: fair to completely recover.
Below. we give the report sent each
day of the President's condition . an
symptoms by the attending physi
cians to the consulting phystelans
Dr. Hamilton. of N'eW York. and Dr.
Agnew -of Philadelphia. These re-
ports are sent each•day, at oaeo'cloeli
p. m. and are sigPed by Drs. D. W.
K. Barns,' J. J. Woodward
and Robert , SeybUrn: - The reports
commence with that of - Friday last
and close with the one of Tuesday: •
P.11.,:-The President's condition has
not changed materially since our tel
egram to you yesterday; Puring the
afternoon afid - r - evening he was again
troubled with acid eructations, and
the administration of nutriments was
again` suspended for several - hours.
One quarter or a grain of morphia
was administered hypodermically at
8:30 P.-M.,. and followed, at, onde by
tranquil sleep. Toward midnight,
hoWeVer; he became restless and
Complained a good deal of muscular,
soreness in the feet and of pain in
the ankle joint; so that we were on
the point of administering an addit
ional anodyue,wheu he fell asleep',
and on awakening was so free from
pain that it was not given. After 1
A., M. he passed the night tranquilly,
'sleeping composedly much of the
time. l At intervals• since that hour
he has taken an ounce - of the albuini
nized chicken broth, alternating with
an ounce .of milk, to which . .a tea=
spoonful of very old and excellent
rum was added. All this has been
retained, •as - well as live grains of
sulphate of quinia, taken this morn
ing at 8 A. M.. The. yelloWish tinge
of the skin mentioned in our last tel-
Agram .has sensibly . diminished.
When the antiseptic dressing was
renewed this morning the wound
was, found `to be discharging a small
quantity ofbealthy-looking pus. The
reaction accompanying the establish
ment Of supperation is, at might be
expected, marked by a slight rise of
temperature and .pulse as copal - Jared
with the corresponding hours of ye
terday. This, however, we do not
regard unfavorable under the circum
stances, and should not be surprised'
if it continued through the afternoon
and. evening for several days.. The
record since our last telegram is as
follows : - Yesterday at 8:30 P. M 4
Pulse, 106'; temperature, 100.2 . ; tes
piration, 23. 1 his morning at 8:%0 :
Pulse, 96 ; temperature, t 9.2; respi
ration, 23. At is : Palse,
1198; temperature, J 01.4; respiration,
P. M.—The PreSident continues to
improve slowly. .The acid eructa
tions haye not recurred during the
last. twenty-four . hours., !./tri ounce
of milk, with ateaspoonful of rum,
.has been taken.6 , ery twiclours dur
ing the day and at longer intervals
during the night without producing,
any gastric embarrassment. At, 9
A M. he took ten grains of bisul
phate of quinia, whic% did not disturb
the, stomach. Yesterday towards
evening he became
,restrks; wearied
and anxious for the Iftltia. A
Inatter of kt grain Was,nifininistered
hypodermicallr_ftt 8 after which.
he passed a- tranquil night, sleeping
Most of the time.- Yesterday after
noon, he had a small sidid passage
from the bowels, in which a notable
dekejettcyfficliliat)seolering matter
yel owi tinge
:The skin continues about the iame
as at the last report. At P. Nit
his pulse was iOS temperature,lol.3;
respiration,. 24 This morning, at
•8 :31), pulse, 100; temperature, ti9:4;
uspiration; 24. At , .1 T. M.. pulse;
101 ; temperature, 101.2.; respiration;
•)•,. •
I'. M.—Such slight changes as have
taken place in' the President's.con :
dition since our telegram of yester
day.are of a fayorable character.
About 7 P. M. his bowels were freely
moved ;• shortly. afterward he receiv
ed a hypbdermic injection of 'one,
quarter of a grain.uf morphia. - 11 . e
slept more naturallkAittring the night
thandie has,done since be was hurt,
and this morning is , comfortable;
takes his - nourishment well and ap
pears on the. whole better that - , hith-
Crto. During the laSt, twenty-four
hours he has taken altogether four
teen onnees of milk and one ounce
of rum. • This morning at 10:30 he
again received •ten grains of bisul
phate of quinia. - Both yesterday and'
the day bei'ore the wound was chess
ed antiseptically
. twice - during the
twenty-four , hours. This, morning
it is discharging rather less pus than
yesterday, but its appearance is heal
thy. "ester day at 7:15 P.' M. his
pulse' Was I 0 ; temperature, 101 9 ;
resittion - 24. To-day 5 t 8A: M.,
Oise,. 106; temperature; 100; respi
ration, 23. At 1 - P. M , pulse, 102 ;
temperature 100.5 ; respiration, 22.
P. m.,--During the paSt twenty-four
hoots, the favorable progress of 1 the
PreSident's case has continued.' -He
has taken and ,retained twenty-two
ounces of milk and one ounce of rum.
'This morning at nine, he had besides,
a . sfice of toast, softened in milk, and
at 11: lie fook'.Aftcen grains of bi ,
sulpha of .quinia: 'There his been
no irrita ility of the stomach at any
time. Last. evening at 7:15 he
ceived a quarter of k . grain of mor
phia sulphate, lypermedically, _ and
:slept -well - during . the night. . i rti.
viound:was again dressed' 'anti•septV
cally yesterday evening { and this
morning, and continues to discharge
a small quantity Of healthy 'pus.
~ ,
• EXECUTIVE MANSION, el Oty • 12.'-i - -1
P. M.—:During the afternoon yester
day, the President's temperature tope
to the highest - point it has yet'attain
ed. It ben-an to fall, howev.ertinnne
diately after he received theeireningfs
morphia, a quarter of - a Oniii of sul
phate, hypodermically, and.this morn.
ing it corresponds with previous days.
A pont 6P. M. he had ' a' consistent
copious movement .of the- bowels.
His wound was dressed intiaeptical.;
ly.yesterday evening and morning.
he continues to retain all nourishment
prescribed him and had twenty-four
ounces of bilk and9peef rem during
the last twenty-felir' hours; besides a
small quantity of milk
VrAds.iiotrriOng at tie also re
. erfrd fan jiraine3of hiqiulpliate of
Aojter. riUY, gettejek condition this
2 ) ,4(lingAPPeargt* tAletxtther better
Vow thaeor 'yesteidaincr. '
STATEMENT litt - M."1%1 SS.
.WASIIt,NUTON, July 12.—The dress:'
ing of tire Piesident's WOUnd'tOltlitY
was attended by no unfavorable .
symptoms.' A . careful examination
*as made of the entire trunk to-ver
ify if possible. the indications spoken .
of by:Dr. Bliss yestt.rtlay ins to the
location'of the' ball. On the.whole
tit'attspieion - was:confirtned - that the
ball had passed entirely. through - the
litter anti is now in the anterior wall
of the tabdomen.
, Dr.. l ßeybern. agrees with Dr: Bliss
that , the suspicions ,hitherto enter
tained-of the course4f. the ball haVe
'been greatly strengthened. If it is
in the anterior wall of the abdOmen,
'it is 'not. 'likely to- give them any
trouble at present, and no effort will
be made to extract it until itbecomes
liecesSary, or the patient has recover.
ed sufficiently to undergo the opera
tion. without danger.. The President's
• body just now, is ..pietty sore from
-the-head to. Abe 'toes. His feet and
legs pain him' and his back feelti as
if. it, was.broke in two, while the ab
'domen is tender. lie would
bly:fail to sided 'just now the exact
Spot.of the sorenelzs•-due to the bul
let ; at least it, would not do tocle
pen() dpot.suCh feeling. 1 expect to
be able to say when. the week is gone
that the patient. is absolutely out of
danger. . •• • :
The yellow, tinge . has. almost dis
appeared from - -the 'P
-resident's face.
Quite 'a mysterlhangs - over the
whereabouts of the first'bullet fired
bythe assassin upon the President.
The first repoirt was . that'it lodged in
his arm; but this proved incorrect.
It., merely struck his Coat, sleeie, but
what. became of it afterward. is a mys
tery: It could not possibly , have
passed ,out of. the room, and yet both
walls have been citrefully examined ;
there is no Mark of the
.bullet upon
hem. The room was
earclied, yet , no trace of the ball,
and the clothing of the President was
carefully examined, still no trace
could be foUnd of it.
The President's bleeding •was
largely exaggerated. Newspapers
throughout the land were - replete
with accounts of how the elothinr , of
his excellency was soaked With blood
and the floor of the depOt slippery
with it. Oddly enough, the Presi
dent,shed no blood at all. .The only
appearance of any was.a single small
erimson'de o) the. inside of his vest;
the wounl did not bleed.
CoT.uMnus, Ohio, July
nor Fost - e - r-sent the foll Owing tele
(*rams to the GovernOrs'of the States
and Territories to-night :
To Harris M. Plaisted, .Governor
Of Maine : Present indicatiOni strong
ly ewurage the hope that the Pres
ident recover from the effects of
the. horrible attempt upOn "his life.
It must °mart° all that it would be
most fittitig for the Governors of the
scveraT States and Territories to
sue procla.Mations Setting apart a day
to :be - generally agreed upon for
thanksgiving and praise to AlMighty
God for the blessed deliverance-of
- our' President_:►nil - for this, great evi
dence of his goodmps to this Nation.
If •the suggestion Meets your appro.
bation, 'Permit Inc .to name the GoV
ernors of New York,
Ketitucky, Maryland and Ohio as a
Committee "to.fix upon a day to be so
observed. - Please reply.
. A. TpouanTruL OFFER.
A telegram.was received. from' S.
M.. Shberbaker, ,of Baltimore, on
Thursday afternoon — offering to - loan
a thoroughbred Alderney cow to the
President, fib that he might have pure
milk during his illness. The oiler
was accepted, and - the cow will arrive
to-day: She will be pastured in the
grounds of the Executive Mansion.
A somewhat interesting contest
is going on Among those whO claim
to have seen the .shoeting in the .de
pot. The District Attorney has taken
the statements of some twelve or fif
teen persons icho claim to have been
eye-witnesses.' These statements are
full of singular contradictions. There
j.s every probAility that it will appear
hereafter thit Secretary 'Blaine en.'
tered the depot in advance of the
President, and-mot arm:in-arm with
the latter, as has been quite generally
stated. -Much has been' said, and
.tottfully said,..warding the excel
lent physical health Of, the President
previous to the attempted assassinn - - .
tipn. • The physicians concur in their
pinisc of his strong vitality, power of
endurance and perfect bodily vigor,
,resulting from a!)steminotis and simple
habits. These -facts . are, well estate
liShed. and the further fact- that the.
President has for years been`a regn,
lar smoker of cigars—indeed, what
might be called an inveterate smoker
—is intereSting, in the light of his
remarkable - physical Struggle and the
triumph lie has made. •
, • - ,
NEW YORK. July 7.---The Cliamb6r
of Commerce met this :afternoon to
take action On the attempted assassi
nation of the PreSident. Speeches
Were made' and appropriate
tions *ere adopted. ' FOity - thousand
dollars toward a fund for the family
of the President was subscribed in
less than five minutes. It is intended
to raise -two hundred and lay ithoii
sand dollars, which will be inVested
in United States bonds, the ineome
to. be paid to Mrs. Gurfielii during
het life, and at her .death-the• princi
pal to be egnallf divided among her
children. All citizens of , New York
are invited to send
,subscriptionS to
Cyrus IV. Yield.
WASIIINGTON, P.. C., July 7. - Di.s.'
trictAttorney Corkhill says no action
will. be taken regarding Guitean's
case till the result' of the President's
wound is finally determined. Refer
ring to the papers taken from . Guiteau,
Colonel Corkhill is reported hi the
B(aruf this evening to have` said :
!‘ Thwe — papers are , not 'so very im
portant. The only important thing
I , have is - a full detailed histcry of
the crime, from' . its inception to its
culmination, which I believe is .ac
enrately -.correct, that in due' time
will be giVen to the public. .I Will
say imaddition -that lAlthink it -ex
ceedingly cruel, . considering the
fevered state of the public mind on
'this subject. and the luirrorl With
which everyman rept s the tuisis
sin, :that any man's na e shotied be
mentioned in connecti n. with hitiL
He is an egotistical, p esOming, die-
honest man, attempting to borrow
money of people, elaiming.acqiutint-.
.with persons Whom be
knew fact of his._gotag to
them and :speaking. tp them I speak!,
ing of lerghnkitijiii Minds who
he litid'oo aNtlaintirice; ; */itit - 7 at -#1 , ; ;
attemptitcto obtajn 1404: by -Vl-.
relenting ttitnieifo a .rnait')3f
politich - Fltalinne4)icith . zintV,in •
New York. - To Mention the Dairies
of these citizens in conneetioa , with
this man at this time is improper and
.unjust.. :While. _ everybody who
known anything about at
all has: been perfeetly, willing to de
tail to me his entire relations.with
Guiteau, still there is scarcely one of
. buthad requested that his name,
be :kept frOin the public.i The. 'state:
ment to which I refer, is a - detajled
Ole in en t'of theetime-4vhy it - was
done, when it was done, and just how
it was done--given to .me :by the
prisoner himself, after 1 had told Min
certain faets.that . l hail obtained. ; I
then got from him what I believe is,
a .correct statement. He was so
solicitous about its Using correct that.
he even sent a mesieq,erto me to
return to the jail, as he wanted to
say to me .something which' bad es,
eaped his memory,l He l was afraid
.1 would learn it somewhere else, and
then think he had Concealed some
- thing from me. 'There is necessarily,
and very properly, -great anxiety
on the part:of everybOdy to learn the
minutest detail in. connection' with
the commission of this crime: .1 , am
met on the street ;. people come to
my residence day and night; I have
not a minute's leistqe in my. office; I.
• have said but very little, butthink
it proper to say tt l iat there are no
startling revelation that be ile• 7
veloped trom preseq- indications that
the assassination was a cold-blooded;,
meditated - attempt Vat murder by
man that 'knew What he Was doing
and the consequenees-.o( his act ; . I
have - - no doubt that
.the man is ra
tional and sane."
The' LeadvilleChrOnicie of Friday
contains the report o 1 nn interview
,Mrs:..TheodOre Dinsmore, the
divorced wife of. Charle4 J. Guiteau,
,is now residing in Leadville.
she'obtanied a decree of divorce in
1874, and married. Mr.' Dunsmore in
1878; The decree prohibits Guiteau
fronk%narrying until her death:: He
never ;paid any alimony, land Wrote
to her last February_ a, king lierer
infsilon to-rem:wry. SI e repliellhat
permission would be ;panted - 4 his
paying $lOO. He waike again that
be had no 'money, but wa. about to
marry a wOdthy lady and would then
Pay the money. Of this she took no
notice. She thinks his attempt to
.assassinato the President was simply
prompted by hhi, morbid desire for
IC particularly annoys, the Presi
dent to have to remain quiet when
his wife is in the room. Indeed, he
has. never yet been t ; - Ible to overcome
his inclination to say.a few pleasant
words of enenurag,einent-to her.
Vice President. Arthur called on - .
Saturday—his third visit:_. He' was
seen by - Secretary Brown, who in=
formed Wm of the very faVorable
condition of the-President. I and
delighted to hear that," said General.
Arthur. " I called 'to conaratulate
firs. Garfield at the prospect oflie-r
-hasband's recovery." Mrs. Garfield
Was sent for, but she had not yet re-.
turned from her — drive, which ilk
physicians had insisted she should
take, as•the'y fear the effect upon her:
of the ,stpin underrWlich she has
lived fora past week. t •
Colonel- Rockwell was - asked if the
President was always l liopefulhen
he answered : -" If not, alwaYs'ealin
and resigned..: For a! little while,
think he.believed that he would
but when he said that he would try
And take the chance that
for-lrim, and Make such 'use e - f
it,. as
possible he began to brace
The physicians will not even allow
Mrs. Garfield to fan the President,
because she is not strong enough,
and also because he can 'scarcely re
sist talking to her.
" Rockwell," said the Presitlent on
Saturday, "I hear thitt_the . Catholic; :
have been saying masses for - free."
‘‘ lies, they have," said Rocktvell.-
`° Spontaneous or ordered-? " -"Beth."
The President seemed greatly touched
-by this , eN:ideacett regard, and after .
thinkincrit a few minutes he
said,: "Rockwell, I must- make some
recognition of that when I get
Nonwieir,uty --gen
tleman who rwa; 1 a member; of the
Oneida Community while Guiteau
was there, says that he caused a great
deaf of troubk, and irris finally ex
pelled. lie had a_Owardly disposi
tion and Moved . . around stcalt i inly,
- but nobody considered him insatne„
Shut at his pt)st: We never knetV,how strong
The lialid that,grasped the till eanie
the shock— -
When the tit,ger4 tightened helidessi
• lock
And the goal ship (Ellyerod all ,hey 'pants along
TetTe - was no clefil of mutineers that throng
In Clamorous revolt—no sunken rock—
Madnees at death's own !grandeur flared to
'pitiful tool has worked the state this wrong. '
Not with the waves alone Ggiln rebel's hate,
i With friend's illstrust; - betilitliil. Slowly
our confidence In blob who steered us
Danger that Wind hint faithful. crownit him
.The Ship of State sails nn ort or b.. 1: crew
Who well might take Um helm, he being gone?
one .of his col-:
loge pdems contributed to tho Williams
Quarterly, and 'entitled Memory," wrote
these lines : -
. .
"When the rough battle of thc' day is done,
And evenlnk's peace falls .ghtily on the heart, .
bout d away across tlie tiolsi years
Unto the utmost)rerge of Mcmo - ys hind, ,
And,wlnntering thence alone the rolling year,
1 We the shadow of my. former self
ctiding from childhood up to luau's estate.
The path - of ;youth winds down throtigh many a
; •
And On the brink of many a deep abyss,
Flom out wbolie Ilatitness coMes'no my of life,
Ore that a phitntorit &rare* o'er t 4 ga If
And beckune toward the very."
A Terrible Mistake.
TOLEDO, Ohio, July 9.- 7 At Lyons,
Ohio, some time ago the post-office
was robbed, and since that time Post
master C. E. Carmon has 'been very
watchful for the burglars. About
two- o'clock this morning his atten
tion was aroused by seeing a
on the roof of the house, and he fired
the contents of a breech-loading car
bine through the (bead of the sup
posed burglar. Examination revealed
the horrible fact that he had killed
hikturteeu-year-olti son Elmer, who
tad !gone out either : in a fit of- som
fiambulham or to seek, relief from the
terrible feat.
The above i 3 said to be a very fair pic
ture of the -person whO attempted tomer
der Pi esitleat .43,‘ n
—A. Catholic church; to cost $10;000 hi
to be erected at "Mi1t0 4 .0. -
-Oil has been pleasant Ufa=
ty.Westmoreland.go4ty.. '
; —Ten caks of eliniktroke were, Thurs
day reported at Pitisbiftg, three orthern
fatal. •
—Simon 'EichenTaeitk
was drowned accidentaify hear ?dung on
Friday. 1 . • •
-Captain John . Grady, a prominent
and highly respected' citizen of Scranton,
died Hi ddenly Sunday morning. •
—Gil-And Army Posts at; Erie wilt cane
brate•the iMproved condition of the Pres
ident today by a big dernoustrailon. '
—lt is estimated by.the Chief of Police
of Chester that there were ,boo drunken
men in.that , eity on the Fourth of-July.
—Rev, Ilvewu has r,Figned po :
Isition or 1 - refet , Or.of [Railaetic Theology
in the Llitheranbeininary at Gettysburg.
---Two hundred men Lave been thrown
out of- einployineiit by the recent burning
or , the stove works at `Spring C;ty,
granery county.
—lt is stated that four of the Hungari
ans, who were, recently poisoned, near Ha
zleton, from eating Bologna sausage,
have suce •
, .
—Peter •T. Phillipi, :a:Machinist of
Heading, claims , to - have a bullet in his
liver which he • received at tipottsylv.ania
Coda-House: in 1613:1.
'he,' speculative insurance men have
plac - eil $150,000 . 611 thii life of Mn. Eliza
iinhfer, of AUlity township, Ilerks county,
sylkor?'s ~ 48 years of age.
- • --A.n unknown matt was, found wander
, .
lug a'hOut Alviona ion Tlnirsday -.with a
dpubltbarrelled shot- gain. lIe• said be .
ivlsl i °king, for General Giant. : '
1--., corge Ilighberger was ' instantly
kille' and five other, people were:stunned
by . 1 ghtniug at Kodenbangh :SU:WO;
Westmoreland County, on Thursday. :
4-41 blacksmith in Titusville noticed oil
in his potato patch and dug several holes .
in Syldeli it. could qaceumulate. For - soy- .
ergdays. hechar; 'ibe'en dipping frout two
toi,hiee barrels ofi oil : out of the+hipletc.
-John. Brown has
' sentenced at
Stnethport. McKean 'emit ty, to seven
yea 4. in ,p,te penitutiary ioriplacing 0 . 13-
strictionsi-on the railroad track,
-The Milton +Churn and Novelty
NVoi.);'.i., of Milton, have deehied- ttir . -
crease their capital stock flout ::.'1.2,1.100 toi
•1.-1(i.I.100, ! for the 'purpose of increasing:
their business. . • -1:, .
.;:;A •Pittsimigh dispatch ' says that
small-poz is increasing in that -city.
tiiiire are lli cases on the health records,
Three deaths occurred on Satur&iy , - and
there wore_ eleven new 'cases - reported on,
that day. _ -. . •
-i-Thpinas -Mar,sball, - seventy years 01 l
age, an.. old, and highly respected citizen
of ;Upper Chichester { Delaware county,
-u* instantly killed on Wednesday after
noon of last week by falling from a load
of diay in one of his, fields. --- . . ,
s: is
;.:1. German visited Delaware Water
landa few days ago On a tour of plcastre,
land while wanderineOver the rocks miss
.idihis•footing and rolled to the bottom, a
lA , •
Okitance of about ten 'feet. Wilcu he
li4ined his feet he made a ridnute dxami
t.n.aft‘ ion of his various bruises, after which
11l took ,, up his linof - march Or The ho-..
t t
: ,
e -
' el,- with the, remark .:' (,'.l clinks dese
; fea t utles oinature vas blayed out,"'
z•,-+4 sad case of accidental droWniug,
gcelirred at Atglen, Chii;ter county, oti
ile*lay afternoon of last week.
1001 Dallas and-another Young lady went
11(a-dam in the Vicinity to bathe, a broth
crof :Miss Dallas being in the water nelr
them. Tife girls got - beyond
.their depth,
and - Mr. Dallasreached*thcm in titn- to
sive one, but his shiter.was drowned, and
her body , was not :Tecovered, until some
time after the accident occurred. j •
• -A few days ago as a passenger train
ou the and'Ohio Railroad was
Massing the station at Sewickley, the pas
sengers Were .alarriied at the shouts and
gestures of sonde one standing at the sta
tion. The train w as stopped, and six
boys about ten twelve years of • age
who had been stekling a TiTle; seated on
the "'car trucks, aritwled.4onirder -the
Gin . and Made their esati,e. 1 is stipz
posed that they had taken ,Passage at a
station some thirty-live miles distant.
—Tire erin au 'coat mines fta'63 corn
roomed conveyinl coal to the pit's Louth
Vv electric
. • •• •
Eyck.f•.- Laughlin's axc
'r'ea'r Cohoes, were on • Thursdtiy
*night.- • Loss, $11,000; ; " ;:
-=The death is announced of the
man tra yeller Hildebrandt at - las.lagaFe.tir
on the., '2.9t,11 of 3lay la t.
• -=Twelve ea:4es of sunstroke 'were re:
ported at Cin,:immati up to Saturday-Mid
night; three of hem fatal.
• —D. O. Mills,has given $1 . 5,000 to the
Guive:sity of California to etnlo . wa elf4ir
of intelleetual end moral philosophy rain'
civil policy.
—The large feeding barns of J. Fir
ninch, near the stock yards at Buffalo, N.
T., containing about •8(10 cattle;* were
burned, Friday. Nearly one-half of the
stock perished,
.S . —Advices received .by the' National
Board of Health from HaVana for the
week enclindJaly 1 r€port 15 drthS from
,fever and about
. 50 ca i ses: The
disease is increasing. A few merchant .
vessels• are reperted as having been in
vaded. • ,$)
terrific: 'Storm of wind and rain
pas4tel over Danville, Va., Prlday after
-noon, doing great damage. The roofs of
a number of buildings were blown off. In
North Danville a house was blown down
in which were'six.persons, noneuf whoni
-were seriously injured.
—Tlio wholesale fruit house of Walker
&Paramore. at Cedar • Rapids, lowa was
turned on Thursday;night. Loss $20,000.
sawmill, of Allison, White 4 - .; Co.,
it West Point, Va., was struck'by light
ning on Thursday night and totally de
stroyed: Loss,,slo,ooo. . I
---The reports made to the Mint Do
lman by the special, examinbrisent to the
• - 7
several mints arc very st4tsfactory, and
are said to indicate that tl#i work of coin-
fige bee been iiiCiti.d .akilfidltatfdiriart
,exceedingly judicious manner: .
..„ '
• .—The 3larine Hospital Service on Sat.
urday received inforMatiou fr,44 , l4ittn*
: cola, Florida,. tftat Pio or. mo ''''riseti')tir
ycl'ow fever bavtlintrAletc 3
.: :at .114 t
p l o int t!ti board 't46. Aiti § lu'' ,.. :l? l. Ent`
el tei
Payscaut, from Yeiralptitzo , i I, 1 t i lit'
—At,Rangelt e .,..*o,ol ..,. 6 111 0#7',.'
last week, during the - relit .;ottlie frame'
of a Meeting honse, - witile Alio 'roof was
being put tit, the big timbers and rafters
fell in;. precipitating fifu en men to the
ground floor,; 7 7en„were...more or .
.less injured. Tilt; IlUttjficiiiAlfiall, - Wih
tram Berry, of (.tr.ton7 bed-hiallualtkier.
blade broken ; Wesley Raymond bad one
leg tertibly broken and mangled; Lis ati:.
.irler,dit-1-teatetr and other leg bruised ; two
sons Of John L. Niles (Frank and Dennis)
were badit i njured,d and George 31.Etsey i •
of !the, Greenran . .:Ilouse, -receiiiedsligh
i i
. .
NAY the good work begun t,y St.Takobs
euritinuo until rheumatism and neu
ralgia have been banished flomll►e earth.
Y.)-I'rcl.l and Kriiili;rlociter.
. • •
Matters of General' Interest.
' . 3 ' ' . tisit tonal Brinks. . ..
WASH I NciroN, .1 my . , :.—National
banks have herctOforeTieren requested
to deposit United States notes tindei
he regtdations of the Tr c casury, 114;
the retirement of- their cireulatiOn
and for the five per cent. requested
to be deposited by them in the•Treaik
ury'for.the redywption 'of their cit.-
eulatiOn notes, under the act of .1.t474.
Several • banks: recently •raised the
question li7;. to Whetho they were not
entitled - to reduce their circulation
andiLwithdraw- their bOnds on deposit
at tie Treasury for :Security thereof
btu tlni deposit of • 4 eoin instead ,or
eni:tied.States notes. Tlq, Secretary .
-of the Treasury, at the-request of the
'Comptroller of the Curreney, stibrnii.-,
tedj-the question ,to the , Attorney!
Getieral,'Who• rendered'a decisions ' OW
the .21st ultimo,' in- which he. main=
110," llwful- money" might
be ; depositcd_ for-the purpose of ri0, ) ,,,
(hi ing circulation. Xs the dec - isiok
of' l the question. however, indirceLlY
affectied the redemption of the notefi
Of i
all "national banks which have
heretofore been redeemed in_, United
St:tiis '.notes, the Secretary', at- tflei
1 f
rerpiest of the Treasurer, also stilh
rml,ted to the Attorney. General ttiel
, Anestion as to whether national ba As
i shOtild -be permitted to depo.,,it• any
laWfnl, money other than greenbacks
to - tlfe credit of the five per cent,
funds which is required. to be kept at
-filt itenths in the Treasury for the ; re-.
.dern-Oon of the circulating notes of
"the Vianks„ tl.nd also the question
whether or not - holders of national
janki rmtes' have -a right. to demand
tlie'rpilcmption thereof iniegal-tender
nOte,i or - whetherxthey may bo re
deern.ed by the Treasurer in - gold or
t ._:
auveir coin. . _ . „
ii , .
7 .-The decision coring, - the two lat.:
~, ,
-ter' points has heel*, prepared, and is
,i4ititing the appro:ial of 'the Attor
,neA General. The- decision -1141ds
thM?gold and -silver may. be, deposited
fo4the redemption of circulating
notes, and- that it 'May also be paid
oul. .1.0 , the United States Treasurer
in?the redemption eif . • national - bank
- ! kites. I - : 7 - , z.:
The Mollie Mifromires Revived.
Information bits been
01' Pinkerton Petective Agency in
Philadelphia that the Mollie Mag
nin% have strong organilatiOns in the.
counties of Fayette, Westmbreland
and Allegheny. 7. They are operating
under the cliartc of-the Ancient Or
kr of Hibernials,.the same as they
did:in Sehtlylkit\ and other 'anthra-'
cite'coalcountieTS. The organization
is perfect,' each section having its
body master, and the signs, etc.
_(otherwise , knoWn as the goods), are
in full use. Their 'last act was in
Fayette county "On Thursday Alight
of last week, when Captain•Mayrice
diettley, stiperintendent of the . Du
nbar Furnace COMpany, was shot down
by two - as4assins ;while on . his way.
to4the railroad depot. People resid
ing neaii by lies‘rd •two shots,-and
mediat);!y after'tlfem's thevoice of a
man .4iging that his life Might be
spared:. •Befaelelp.could reach the
unfortunate man two 'more shots
were fired into his budy r sesultingln
his death. 1. The' , murderers were seen
retreatinarom laic body and efforts
have been made , ' to capture them.
This has : been stopped, however, by
notes . Or warning threatening death
to those whoicontinue the pursuit of
the murderers.' A feeling of terror
reigns. in Fayette county, owing, to:.
the orgy nizatiot: of the Mollie
guires there arid it is thought the-
Pinkerton . Agency may been aged
d e
to hunt m out. Captain I lealey
has disclorged men at different
.Qmes and it is thought that his mur
der is iu'retaliatiOn for some aet of
this kind. • •
CINCINNATW ht:y 7.--This after
noon's fire trokeg.out in Mantua k
Sons' child reit r tinge manufac
tory,, and WitihlttliVe-minntes the en
tire building, a a /fii.e.story brick, was
euveopeld. -It was in the
- midst of some of the largest Turn
thre factorie o:her. - inn:unable
buildings in the city. The lire quick
ly leaped across to the Union -hind
thee Factory anti to Clokerman's
large chair.factorv. Then it caught
in Meader':4 - large Inrnittre f l etory
adjoining Closterman's awl subse
quently extended to Ite , ,or'S foundry.
The lirSt four are a total loss, and is badly damaged.
There were- wild rumors of a great
loss of \ lire., iMt at pi,;ent only one
.person„Charles Peat is known, to be
dead. He was employed in Marqua's
factory, and with others had no time
to escape ,by jumping from hwindow.
As far as known .five. pergons were
injured, .three severely. The loss
will probably reach half 'it million
nuMber of
.small dwelling houseS
and two small saloons - were burned.
The whole fire departthent osSisted
by ,engines from- Covington, were on
the grohnd.- The fire is still raging
in the lumber piles-, but there is do
danger4o adjoining buildings.
SILVER eltgEK Y.,jit;oh. 6, 'O.•
Gie-Yrsr—j have been, very low, and have
tried everything, to no - advantage. I
heard -Ybitr Hop Ilitters recommended by
so many, I concluded to give thenia trial.
I slid, arti now am around,- and - constantly
iinprovitig, and am nearly as strong ~;j
ever. , • • W. IL WELIJI:n.
ft:/- Crops,
• -• ; ""VERJ" r
frl d i , or Farman to
post at Home,
; All from organics Immo dry, will
. "- ( -4, 1 drill, in ^ood Pack 1/ ,
log a • g". eac "
an eis, and 3, ET weight.
Tr*" Mark. , , • •
?or PrelOt Bates hence and Circulars, address
V e ly ciAnticco„' , .
°Ace,. Yeartlkreet t /1. Y.
:LT*O Abottlisentatts.
c.' & CO.
Ettio Juq, receiYi-ed
lAcK*PMisiof Print
ea Limns of Hie b-est
glumly ancl. rue-west
styles Which' they will
sell at 9 ets, pier yard.
Powell Co.
If aye just opened a
Dirge' stock of Lace
and Plain -Buntings,
!with a large assort
ment of new styleS o
WorSted Dress Goods
which they are
no• offer
i at o
,75Tt•ai Imronins
Call attentim to tlieir
new; stock of White
Goods, Dotted Swi4s,
Plaid NA i o o s,
French Mlislins, Indhi
Midls,Vict oria La wns,
Piques, &c., which - are
being sold at vciylow
prices. •
Powell & Co.
- •
Have just opened a .
very large and coni-
plete stock of Ladies
Gloves, Hosier, Lace
Ties, Fans,' littehings,
Spanish Laces, Freneh
'Aztecs, Se. 1-, Their No
tion amd Fancy Goods
Department is_ now
Am 1
usua ly Idi
comploite, AVi 11 all the
new fillings in the
market. The stock,
of Parasols and Suit
IT mbr ell a s is very
large and prices very
low. Silk Fringes,
Girdles, Passament er
ies, Dress Buttons, a
Iturgi_ assortment just
received. :
110 W ;in stock a
I ; arge quantity of La
dies Linen "Asters, all
sizes and' priees; also
a fitll. assortme - nt 'of
new: Shetland,Wool
and Thibet Shawls.
Powell & Co.
Have a large assort
ment of Canton and
Madras Dress-'Ging
hams, j ustl received;
alsolarg,e additions to
their stock of galicoes,
Cretonnes, Furniture:
Prints, &e.
Veto hibvertismnit
AACTIC .11013SE t ObtAzi, G RON' Y
Situated on Sart ave.; near Ite
A liy nleeplug rooms aw l large dining rem facing
the ("caw Mesh' famished. excursithibtr. YGr
further partleulars address
_ •
.ARM FOR SALE—Tiie 'farm
situated In Towanda townqdr, within or.ll
mile of tho Court flotiso, nelon4ing to the e5t, , ,,t,,,r
L. L. Moody, dceensmi. containing &Kiln II acr,. ,
will he sold August Ist, Lbitd. at 10 fetlock .t.'s.t., at.
Lim Court IfOILIO, It Is a desirable prop...rty a ,,, i
will tie sold on easy terms of payment: At, it..
f D rau t unn r , ordlng It way to ontaint.t fr ) . N .
N. HaTrs, C. L. TRACY, IN. C. ELStutiet: or ti , :
undersigned. P.. T. Vox,
TOWANYA, June aa, ISM. Adittinistrator.
I.ll'l2.lCT.—rltecelpt4 snl eaTendlturei for
year enalng Jena the Ist,
UV; ctlT
Vroln ItaLtul) on band laat year,
• Colliritora duplicate—
" linecated laud tax
state appropriation...
Borrowed money . ,
Sidillitg tax
For toll:MHz pr - poses
" 4 Repair. .•
" • Teachers salary..
4 Sllpplie/ratVi foci
" I nsurancn and Coialtl , :tecies
" Ertl:ling — • • Z.
collecto:',.por 6.!ntagn,±7llX.4lrra:
lace.; t 7.;
'• Legal fee's
Serret.try , A salary
lanc4; In trea,,txrers-INtial ' ••
1). I, And:tut
• .
\..". •
_ •
-• • .
*4llmuseu, , --"
Malleable Iron and Wood Be`am,ol:M‘(l
offerol to the Farmprg of the - country for trf
cotrtm4 r.i,ruoil with rnatty inipreVumet:!...
THE WIAED i. the istronges.t Ind mc-1, (Lira
bie ii, th e -
TELE NiTLEI.:RD it. the h,•:t for
ork, iit le,th %thl and itabble.
-TPEE7WLA.R.D, has Ow simplest t
plcte djurtuk(44l for two itr,
THE WI/MD lA the tart P:owe::tnnt for
tiny tuld eupjiyiground., - ' .
TER WIARD ri‘;aln nit other chilled I'icirra
for eitarnic4in took and Aditepco C it
TEE WLIIRD cannot be excelled for Lf4btneri
of Draf t. .
- Our 'Malleable Iron Beani . l4 .the ero
iiral ad , : 1,4:03.1 metal 11,-nrri nnvie; ig 7:!s4 , li
:Ii:lilleg iN'llding or tireaking;.ii , v•rfeitly= 3 , ,'..i
for 2 or 3 1i0r, , ,: oscil.V,oo9 in usc, gii4ok . giovor, l % ,
t, thoin , and faillvi. , -.
. Our Jointers, Wheels and Hunali;s arc nll
allia,tal)... '.
.. •
OUT MoldboarcLs .27 ,, ,, •.,..:, ot!..:r ;. r . 1' ,• . ,
and anififtrni!.y.
Our Plowp Ccwarrant. d bl :in:7
If you are r...n:n..• to buy
aiNe ina
travilig fair raid., ci.orn r.1:4 exp t .ri, t, ,
thht all that alHtve
PL(iWSin ti:tiks,'l challenge
tirc fe,t tlials with 'Ho 3.1.0.v51,1,,:!
ever. A s ‘ranttil iu
1 :t i\ liaVt• nt For •
attrl otl
. 11:r 1,:1 ft ic.ll:tr:.:; a„.pplY tic
',et Lb , r,
IL M. Welles.
a .1, larch
):El'OliT 01: Till:. CONDIT' UN
11;:lik at T
-1,1 tile -- -I.tte ~ I'vt::::11‘3111:‘, I.
I.t.nits t,1 , 1 tlit , , , itnl.•
o%.ttyttraft ,
1114! eir,11 . 1:1Ii0:1
Oft 11:01 , 1
I,) , ;rtg3gc . •
Drle (1 , 111 ::1,1 . ,r4,),-.1
1)11• ',HI .•ther N:tth•ttal
1)t1.• rt•att t -tat.- I;:ttth- and 14fi1t , • 1 , .....
turtlit urr. ttn.l .
• ~ 1 ,- C hN 01..1 lit•l' 1"'111%
”tht-r 111.]:::•4 •
iititt , tz
Legal-t , 11 , 1 , r
neditt f uhtl tth C Tr,irt pr ct.uf
r.t.d Ila
. .. ...
i;r.1 , 11:1
t:•liS ./—p.,
1 , 4 f 11. 1---1
1;, 1
I. N. -N. 1:1-;11.-. C,tclurr ~f 11310,1
;hot: ttit- st,titt-iLeitt
I'.l il, to toy
N. N. lIE rr,..
of July, t' 1. .
?4‘1:I I.V.
R..). NEI:v(IZ.
) • ,
T0W.111.14. Jl'y 1
- I) El'oNT 01."I'llE CONDIT P i t . N
To‘Nan , l 1. In tjlt-S1;11 , t !‘ ,
4 , r b , ..ineN, ;;0.. 1 ,, 1 :
E;tm•ltk b.-
•ecuri ,
Anil iporti?••l;;,....
Do, Non ai , proveit
Due 'from \ati mal Ranks._ ..
Real i,tate. frirmiturr mill fixtures -
t'urreitt t•xlietiiks'anit taxi.% palil.
;mil "diet' r,.rtt nin,
'' • • •
MIN f littler banks
curreury, Lickels,;so.
I..•;;:.:. 11.1.. r nOteN...
• :I f:I . . 'Kith Tr.. 5 p.v. or rif.
rajoltal -o]ooik
National ,gaol, uut , tarollfit:
Div Wen , l. unpaid •
I n,.1 ldu. 1 flop, sod.. to 7.
Dvioatol vet tit', or . 10,292 fii
Dln• to of tor Natinnal Banfc•....
Alot: tv tqate Thinks and I,tnkuth
Total 1:6
Shtv.t.r C ,, tility :
Plickt. '3.lliet 44 1 1 , 0::1!“ , %,•.:,„ilit •
lank, .I.4holeinttly sWt . ,lll' , tat , Itit.!•:
ii trut• ti),thei tof utr knOW1 , 11::.• :OA 51.:).•(.
l'c K. ,,,rt• L-k•• 11... , 701. tl• 4y,
01 July; 1-NI. •
11: %. C. 3.1 , 1 tr. r v. N..6r)
~r rrer: —.itt~ -t
V. T.
.\M F.' M .\I . F.\I:I.IN
M. l'EcH.,
•I:tly 7. I,•;
1 - 4 1 11.I:N(.'H'S.- HOTEL, ON I. 4 HE
Elfroq. , •atz +p1...,11e• ri
ii,Jtk-e, awl tww N t,
Mi. 'rid% I -lea,. It:t1.1‘.1;)
1...•‘3! , q 1:44, 1:,:nt,u.,•
.. , 1•13 - '11f.T. It 1 , 1,1,
V1•11,•IF 10 :VI withm three tnuun , ,
1, ,, " it' E:t-VAtt./ Enilr. , 3ll
t'ars Nut, the 1.711 V pass the dear. 1 , 14,141
112 , elits. Wit l 7 e7....iire. , 1;.ti parties.' Apr.:,-ill3.
M/ N / STIZ ATO iit ' S A.NcYri Cr,.
1 _ I...itt.rl,tr AlthlilliStlati.lillllll. if I twen gr:
O ett-
ea to the tilidert•lgoe , l; upon the et.thte of MA, t.i It.
i)1 toottottel. tate of %V ,ox Twp., sleet n . „l. ,
h lo.rehy given Iltal all persoivi liolettte , l to tin' ...tot
u ,..t0
ta• nal• :V.11:1,1, 11 (1111,M m
M ine,ll;tir pt)ttfrot.
A . 1 ail 14111011A+ . haN log claim, tegtkinnt Kild ...tate
nom pre:44a the ;,:tote duly -authent.traictl to t: c
tateler,iguett for nettOlettitt.
ra.,;ltiite 16, 15. , 1 rw
• A lilt I NIS'I'RA TO It'S NOTI('
withinlstnition lon gr.khi
eli to the, nuder..igned, upon tlw eAtalr r ter
• Tremw.enway, laD. Or Sliest...4lllln tap',
11.aitq:inli , :11C1I3 that an I.vNia , 111 , 1.•111r11_1 ,,
the'saidr,tat aye requested to
paytifent, and all penwhs having claims agaw-:
sald,,ostate wrist prosevit the.sanw dole ant brrti
catell to the nwlenigne.l!for ,wttlement.
AVM. SNYDER. Aitmliiistratnr. -
SheNtiegulth Pn., Jane '_,
te.rm testantentaryjtylnel” et graute•l t. , !1.-
ianderAlgni . d. under the last will and ; teNtament
Martha A. likkrlon,ll..t . i . a! , r
eil, lAte Terf,y: Ts.p .
all per Nuns indebted to the eNtnite
a r e harti'Y nutllied to wake tenni:4We l..odei
arid all haritig rhtirea against said iirtig
met the mine duly authent eared IN,
alghed for settlement.
F.I.I7.ARETII R. ItOlt:PiN •
Terrytown, .117 tie 14n1...w.,
ONE DOLLAR I'Ell !'l:'.11:
1,1 , ")
61r 1I
fI,-,, ..e
"...17: 4 , ..
lU •
1 . . 1 ,9 rro
I , It
11• •2 I
7.1_1 • r
11. _ vir
10 r,)
• 74 -
;.1 .q
i.•• I )
-~--- I'~ L 4.