BOEJT THE CHURCHEI3. M THE DIFFERENCE. Mr% sell their chips, the eager OHIO, 'To try their lurk at r4ss, 4 Rut none ran tell by note or toanr How mar 4 there may be. one turneth cast, another south— Tlo-y nevor cont again. - I.tia then ne know they must h3TC sunk, lint neither how nor when.: r:o,l.etls Ills happy birds abrund— " They're h•s> tl.•an Alm" ray WC. No tootnent rn•ses but Ire tn.ews Ilow many there shmtld be. ` • One high, alio:her low, With filed 3 blrd'b light rare 11eniy caic, iwrehance (loth Sag, (;,,d kuov,etti 191 nn and where =I —A call for a re- un io n. similar to that la t summer, of the Christian Commis .,ll, the Sanitary Commission and all the liaplaihs of the late war, at Chatanqua :all and 1414 has been is- -111 - e Standing Committee of the Dio ,e of the Protestant Episcopal Church Pennsylvania, have . elected George C. ortis S-eietary of the committee, iu of the late..loMi Clayton. • —.l Se.tteli niini.tcr ftt Ayr is .credited nu a late oez.isinn : ".I.llesF, Church, the Free Church pl the Ut.ited Pre , zbyterian Church and :1 the olher clonehe:, Thou knowest I.stoT-nieli-nanles by which they are 3 11;1: ble'ss them art.— —The NI v. “..Livii)4stott 11,ishop, rif :ctittanti , v..n. Philadelphia, has'heen call a to 11,e teeter:4)if; of the Church—of the Sheplu rd. Pini , ,lianit on, Y. Y. ions raNsell at * . the meet tht• tflts;'t.ts .4 the Cletieral Theolo 'teal St•tiTillaly 1.13:11 11. 1 s.thrlent of the in. itution hereafter 01(1,titled Deacon or N11:111 contintite couticction with Le iii:•tittiti,t; as a student after his omit : ,:f no little comer; terzte. - It the t,; understand that they itt it: the ill...tit:l,lkm for the purposes cu twly. anti thcy kill not be, expettteil t. thriv time I,etw(!on !-tudy an I , :eyiater Toe International ConKention of the Yount , : Men's Christian A ssc)cifktion wilt 1.:11 in Exeter UM], 11,.on.trui, from ;nth to ..ltegust:Mh inclusive. The inetiean (1e1(-;:mtes ate expe, - ited to sa ,ttiiy 14it h . . The assfleiationk; in the-L . :li v(1 St.ates number abet I,oo(rand have 109,0110 —.l..Tommittec_bas been appointed by the Wt:1 , 11 consi4er the e xp e . dimity of mvi,init . the Fr, nett translatiou the Nt s Testnnimit, tin as a bald. il : ( ;; G t eek t e7 .o nduptpd by the tivitker. The Webli vetsion now-An m, wa.strmilated. from the King ITarne , .. - Eng Ikh text.' —The Supreme C.otrt of New llamp- Khir.-t hds decided, ill the e::se (If the Franklin Street Co.tglegatiote,tl Church against the City'r , f Nlanchester, that the COnsAitutiot, (I,,es tilt exempt elm-reit pro.. pi:'•:r\y from iaxation. Simpson and Peek - have a' liti•c,l in Englami en their way to the Da li ie LC,cat : ollEvreliCi`. Ilis!np Peck Lei . male a ;lip lirotiali' Ireland and Scotian I,cf”re beginning his labors nu the tont neat. st. (if l o wa, takes a hope ful view of the future of the Methodist hutch iu fliat : Rate. In the course of his address at the convention in. Dos Moines, be said : " We have a member stt,Olto, as I gather one of the statistical reports. We are building a church ahnut once every two weeks. c dculate that in. ten ye:us moie,'or in lt-:91, we eight to have, if our trio of inorease in tho future is as it has IWVIIin the past. a membership of about 99, , t , 0. Ti,a i o s the exact figure as I cal culate, if our lid ease for the coming de (..ade he as it lias been for the last decade; anal 1 calculate th-t.t xvlien this eciintry lute: curt the twentieth begins, we have a population of 130,000. Slia!l it be so? The cAning decade is tt. ~nr hands and hearts are going to in,il;l , it, and the tdoaches art to he as numerous as. we Inive to say. J think_before the century conies to a clost. N\ o 0'.12.11t 14 - .1 lA, :0,10 to lniildone church a %NCO; We ouLtlit not to be satisfied with , uica•lturelt et.ery fortni . qht,lwe ought to li e al,leto'hitilti tole every week afid pay I‘ , l It to) • • —Tice Lutheran.Synoil, rucentlY in ties. s ion at 3lttsi4m, declared itself oliposeit I.Sunday i-sues of the secular press, and .01(.11 upon the members of the Church to.refuse to put chase or •r& al the same. Nob:4y doubts the right of these - people tolake . surli action ; but if they are 'well posted they I%ollla .sec the DeeeSSity of Illse action nsfio.ting :Monday issues, the larger tint of tlie lyt n 1;. on them being done on Sunday; —A Clo istian rilhige was founded ser pal years shire itt the heart of the slave . dist le:. near Like Nyai-sa, Southeastern Aft ica. , The experiment has prored sue andnromises to become a centre of Christianity and civilift - tt —The annual report 'Of the 'Presbyteri an Itoatd of Ilidief for disabled ministers and witlows and mnhans of deceased premAlted at the late General As sembly at Buffalo, New York, shows that during the financial year the sum of fi:74,- t;95 lta lLet n itceired fin cutreut . use. Ib audition to this the sum of $:,0,12 was reeeived for the ftethianent fund, mainly 'in kg.toies. besides boxes of clothing front lathes assoriutions. valued at tizrir,tlUo. M ote than •ritt f tnlilH S . of Presbyterian eltf.tgymen en.itty . eti• the benrfits- of this fuha during the year. the coast of Africa, west of the f tight of there is an extenhed la goon. Directly behind the principal opening, therr was built, years ago, on the untinlamtA city designed especially _as a hillingi-Oace and stronghold of the sia‘e tradeOt s pil for a generation or twti • the very nand'. of. ',twos was a synonym of ail the horrors. of that inKtinous traditt, • This is now calkd the "Liverpool of Af tica,— the great central - emporium of the coxst trait'. The landmark which now guides sea-going vessels into the opening • of the lagilon is the spire, of a Christian l'huitth' rising gracefully - raft - ore the city. Tim yeally exports of LagoS amounts to *.2,000,000. - —tiome curious questions were discuss ed at the annuaiconvention of the Dolt kards, in Ashtabula, Ohio. In the course (Title meeting a paper was read in which a n quest Avis made that . a rale be adopt ed h): the church " denouncing the wear= im.: of plain hats by the sisters," and even "making such , wearing.of hats a forfeit me of fellowship'," This propositionpro voked a gkneral discussion. One speaker ma(le the somewhat alarming prediction that "if a sister be allowed to wear a plain hat, before we kuow it there_wilUT a feather in it.Z' The prevailing senti ment among the member. of the conven tion, accordip* to the eorresptindent of the Clervelamf Lcodir, was "ifiat the more feathers a sister had in her hat in - this world the fewer would she have in her wings in the next." the troublesome question was fmalyksettlerl by the stand-- ing committee otTerim; -a resolution, which was adofited'by a small majority, that :2,11'1a - ryas, This committee has. de city.2Ll that it is wrc,ng for sisters in the etittrch to wear hats, we decide tha -el -4 . dem and other officials., who allow em bers of their churches to wear ha be coM.idered transgressors and their co trse condemned.'• eduld the sisters themselves lial•e viled or rven have III:en heard 011 Oil. cid,..tiou , the issue "Told prxmably ha% e -ea di*rent. ~ EMI ss, v,„ltH NO ii 7 6;, 4: • ITCHING PiLes 114:0'perspirat:svti. The rsmptP4m , 4 .4 by vet( tits. hitenzt itchtntf.l:l , l"4 . a s if r' -t onn y Irt"!` 1117 - . V r 'rtieut B f l7. at the rectum: thm pri vet*. et:m friTiti;l --;:i:fii rl; if I,lk , vect to ]terra art Nointitirties !,, n. 4 0. f 01 105 ,.. cotairme tcry Mk r i mtnnt. mint swcpree .411:16-almq Sqlt F uld cure. Al-) lot TOICr, Itt 4/. i s i,„6„, s. smay. Ilem.l, Erysipellc. lyn - here 1 tit. 4 iz. a ni for no renLA c ul ameou.• Ertligf,llo, 5125. me in recutthror tAr).O4 t Fttem. phibZ DR. ilwav su S.o,s . gorth , %ruggiszte„ delph' , Va. Sold by' 1,4 euticll4l.l--b. " -..;Sstretett, IFFEEL bitO YOU WS.Y , DE -I,l;lt.stiql, hate frequent ItcVlaelfeentoct, -h tastes hadiV. Poe - appetite and tong2t eetited, ) O E I are suffering front lot rad tive.r..or “ ',4licrunitri.s.': alid .10,thing; wilt core vun SO speedllyras 4 l u urrogrie. l tlY a, to taKe SIIIIIII , IIIS Liver Itegula ,l s)t ,4 l l '4etilci4' - ' The (.3n - an,, - ,t, fares! and Ite.t Fa Irl ily 3tedl rine in the World Au tEtTe,tnal ‘ , ....peCifh for .::41dkea , te.4 :of thi Liver, stoatast . ll au. - . Spleen. kk.gulate tint ',iver an, 'Chill, and Fevi•rs harlot— F..ver-: roma Complaint , . 1';',F1)1, .lauLtlleit aft, NaU,VI. BAD HEALTH Nottalq: 1c.4, Unpleasant, nek.hlng ao unehturatel as lot 1.te...;1t. awl, in nearly every.easenUeolue.k front the stothaelt. and 1 . 311 be so entity rertteted tf rot u ltl take Simmons I.lver Regulator, He not negloot so 'ea, a remedy for this repulsive (Mier er. • It u ot prove pjur Appotite; Complex- Itat,aNd i; .neral Health. PILES 11',w many_suffer torture (lay after day, makth Me a burden and rohltlng eilsieace of all pleasure. owing lo the secret suffering front riles.; Yet relief Is rea.l , > - ..t0 the hand of attovst ahy-one who will mu •ystentativally the remedy that has permatletalY curia tholuanda. -iltninons Liver ReZalator is no 41;:e.tle v!elent purge, but a - geutin assistance to natur,. " • CONSTIPATION not Lc regarded as a trilling ail r.--itt—in fact natore demands the utmost . nett idol Ilv t.f the . bowels. and any deviation tioni this detuarid paves the way often to tau, danger. it Is quite as necessary to 1-iuove Impure accumulations from the t, well it it to eat or 00.1 , , anti no health can he expected where a costive- habit of trnly SICK HEADACHE Tlifi dist ressing athiction occurs most frequently. The distal balice of the stomach, arising from the imp-rteetly digested contents., c a uses a severe pain in the boad.tteronipatiieti with disagreeable nausea, and till. , tam:dilutes what is rpubtrly known as Sit-k Headache. - kJ. A.ND ONLY GENUINE Inanufac• tor.-.I by .1. 11. ZEMIN St. Co., Pa. rsdd 1.% alt Druggist. . • May 10. Summer At this season, various , diseases of the bowel§ - are prevalent, and 7aany tires arc thiough Jack of knowledge of,a safe, ul sure remedy. PEttu r y...Dwg!...PAlN: LLER IS a sure cure for Diarrhoea, Dys entery, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Summer Complaint, etc., and is perfect!!! safe. • litad the folkiwing:` lIATNIIUIDOE, N. T.. March 2P., Trititv lisv is' PAIN KILLER wererfixiis to ajord i,;• f /di , / tor cramp and pain in the stomach. JOKEPII NICIMLVILLt& 2,1 e I. The ',iv feAt uloclivine I know of for tlyecntery. .!era nairlais,atid'eraintsi in the stomach. liavo ieed It for years: and it is rare cure every time. JULIES W. DEE. 711011 , 1(40N A, lOWA, March 12,11591. 1 have usedyour PAIN KILLER in severe awes of craml •. colienint cholera morbus,and ft gave almost instant relict, • L. E. Cm.nwris... . - - CAnxtgytt.i,E, 6A.. Feb. DS 18M. For twenty y = ears I have used your PAIN KILLER in my. family: - Have used it many times for bowel co:tit daints. and it always turfs, NS ould not feel safe witle.itt a bottle in the house. J. B. IYIE. r • SA co, Mr.., Jan. '4, Wit. llave used PEItItY DAYIm« PAIN KILLER for twelve It is ntf« ure, and reliable. NO mother elmuld allow it to 'be out of the famil y. li. I. NATER. -• Osizina, N. y., Feb. 19, We betran nFirur it over thirty years ago, and it always -el% CM immediate relief. Would hardly dare gt , to bed without a bottle in the housg. W. 0. SPERRY. CONAVASBORO. S. C., Feb. Neariy every iauniy Au this section kelps a bottle it, the-house: Dn. F. MORTON. _ _ tr. R. CONNVLATE, Cit! FEl.n. RHENISH Pro. - 10.1A. rep. 8. 1881. I lave. known PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER RIIROPt front the liar it was introdueed,and after yearB of ot,,ervation and. use I regard ltis pregame In w Loui,holil as an inthepen.b(e .etcps,ey. I. 8. PorrEn, L. 8. Conant • 1.11711T0N.0N-TRENT, EN O . I had been-Yeveral days suffering severe l y from diarelapa, aconopauted with Intense pain, when-1 your Pays Ey..u.En, and found itst instant 11. J. Noolcr... ill 3TM:rarity: ST., LONDON, ERG. a ref lilence of twenty-three years in India, haVe given it-in many (VACS of dlarrhaa, dYfen. t.ty. and cholera, and never knew it to fail to give CLAspoz. No family can safely be without this invaluable remedy. It price Wings it within the reach of all. 1:'or sale by all druggists at 25c., 50e. 11,(1 $l.OO per bottle. PERRY DAVIS 45:- SON, Proprietors, . Providence, IL I. N. - H. D 4 NS ' VEGETABLE BALSAMIC Is a Cure cure for Coughs;Sedds, Whooping-Cough, and d 1 strung Diseases, when taken in season. People die of consumptionlkimp ty because of negieLl , wh - e%. the timely use of this remedy Would have cured them at once. Fifty-one years of con-, atant use proves, the fact •that no Cough remedy has stood :the test like Dosonsl Elixir. price :tsc. rAc and SI A:0 pe: bottle. Fir $ tie Er. , where. Dr, Baxter's Mandrake in r Fain Will cure Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Indigestion, and all diseases arising From Bil iousness. Price 2.5 cts. per bottle. For Salo I;rorpr4aro. HENRY & JOHNSON'S ARNICA AND OIL LINIMENT For Alan ,4tand Beast. The most perfect liniment ever compounded. Price zsc. and scic. Tor'Sale Everywhere. FREE TO EVERYBODY! k DMITRI L BOOK FOE THE lAN; Ill* pg•r:nally at the nearest °dice of P.INGER MANUFACTURING CO. (or by postal card•if at a distaneo any adult person will' be presented with a beautifully Illustrated copy of a New Book eatitled CENIUS REWARDED, Story of the Suring Mao)* containing a handsome and costly steel engraving frontispiece; also, Ili finely engraved *a - dente, and bound in an elaborate bine and gold lithograph. ed cover. No charge whwerer Is made tortilla ha , dwmie hook, which can be obtained only by - an. nitration at the branch and aubprdinate olhc'es of The Singer liautifacturing Co. THE -ZINGER MANUFACTURING 00. THE 111,L1D . FOED REPORTER ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. glebicat. Complaints "TR E--• Principal Otikll, 34 Union Square" New York ____ 4 SUBSCRIBE FOR ADVAXCE ' 4rouries sigb vrovisions.'i GEORGE aL. ROSS Is the Proprietor 4:4 the. - NEW OROOERY 'STORE JUST STARTED IN THE Noy ) - - TANYE BLOCILf This store belogos the corner near The Public liquare, Is one of tap_ finest Groceries In town, and Mr. Ross has s t siaretrno pains In selecting the best goods that dm grea t cities alord. ills experience la Me - greedy besnese enables bins to purchase , drat-class goods,• sod -st bottom prices. - Farmers and everybody esu depefid on It that when they get the prig:leer Groceries at ROW. It her no use to try elsewhere, for his prices .re down to rock bottom. ..- Mn... 1. LatiOY CORBIN has charge of Mr. ROS:VA Firs Ward Store In' Menem Block. while, Jessie Schoonover is clerk in the utwiitore to Men tanye Work. Mr. floss keeps a horse and delivery wagon standing at thostoreln - tharge of Charley Wasl.barn, who will deliver in the Borough, free.' of charge, all goodk as soon as sold. All kinds of tlesirable produce taken in exutiange for (=swedes or for Cask. .• " " 7 GEORGE" T.. ROSS. Towanda, Pa.. January 27; HAL.: . JAMES McCABE -Has removed -to CORNEA MAIN & BRIDGE-STS. making It his Headquarters FOR CHOICE GROCERIES CASH PAID FOR 'BUTTER, EGGS, ac. GOODS SOLD AT THE :LOWEST LIVING RATES JAMES McCABE. irdA, April :19, 186011. NIENCT FIRM ! SW ARTS GORDON ,t • liavo lined the Old Storo CORNER OF 'MAW: AN 11. ; 11RIDO . E STREETS, (lately occupied by Olen Bros.) with au entire NEW STOCK OF FINE FAMILY • Groceries & Provisions. We Invite attentlop7 to our ''COMtLETE ASSORTMENT AND CHOICE STOCK NEW COO'DS tlr The highest market prices paid. to Farmers in Cash for desirable produce. An assoktment of WOod and Willow Ware kept tonatantly on hand. Buyers aro .invited to call armi; eiaiutne our Clouds and Prices. M. D. SWARTS, A. S. GORDON. Towanda, l'a., Jannary 241.11, 1881.. 1110 !3TEVENS & LONG General- Dealers in GROCERIES, VROVISIONS, And COUNTRY PRODtTCE,': 1: "lei DO z 0v OITA 011 TO THEIR NEW STORE, CORNER OF MAIN' & PINE:Sts. (Theold stand of Fox, :Steven's # Marcur.) They invite attention to their complete assortment and very large stock of Choke New Goods' which they have alwaya on hand. ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE PRODUCE TRADE, And Cash paid for desirable kinds., M. J. LONG Towanda, Apli 1 1879.„., . glarliets. • MEAT ''MARKET. • _ • E.. D. Rumogit, Would respertfutlyannounce that ho Is continuing the Market business at the old stand of Sinnott Sr Mundell, and will at all Unmakes)) a full supply of • FRESH • O • _ . . _ • Pf , .:. • Y,S,TE R S • Constantly on hand. Country dealers supplied at city rates. FRESH SALT MEAiS • 4... J • , . GARDEN VEGETABLES,- FIUJITS, &c.'_ kr All Goods delivered Free of Charge. E. D. RUNDELL. Towanda, Pa. Nov. 27.1679. MEAT MARKET! C. M. M R, Located In ' 1 • ' BEIDLEMA4*I3 BLOCK, BRIOGE STREET, • Keep on hand, - FRESH AND . SALT MEATS, DRIED-REEF, FISH; POULTRY, canyks.VEGETABLES AND BEMIS IN - THEIS SEASON, AC. • Sir All goals delivered tree of charge. C. M. MYER . Towanda. Ps.. May M. Dal. GET YOutt.... • • JOB• PRlif TIP° ...DORI' ♦T TIM*. " REKIRTE FIQ LE IpGH VA'L_LEY .111 W YORKlaitiladDB 'Ansolemento Pump? Titans to take 1 I EASTWARD. P. 14. A Iv. /X 7 R 0 1 ..., 31 240 8 71 ... 'Bl5lOBO, . 4 11401...:. 0 44 11331 ....i 8f 1 no a aol 410 $ 05 1 ... nirtro&ol : . nib 1 45i 9 . t.,. 9',45p2 in; 9 40 .101012 30110 00 1015+2 avio 03 ....1..-110 15 . 110 2.5. iiilli ao:/0 431 ....1....110541 .....11 031 ~ ..1....,1 1110! -. 11 181 OE `.3 36,11 30: 6 43. ,11 ii i 54041 491 6 031 • • ; • , •...1,1 531 6 07 ..:.:4 1 0,1210, ' 623 ••;• i ••..12 16, 6 28 1 1226 351 104 , 710' • •—• 110, 7 701 24t 7 at , cos:.% to' 1 451 6 0' 00,5 25 ::ovs aol 3;43 7 30',4 30J100, , 6448 24I't sar:ool 00i8 351 6 0462 15 430,9 001 640112 55 6 5611035' 82. 1 2 20' 051... 9 161 335,1t.:11.1r. If. O. 32 leaves Wyalusing -at , 41:00 A. BS.. French town 6:14, itutninerileld 6:23, Standing Stone 6:51. ,Wpaulting 6:4o,,Towanda 6:43. Ulster 7:08, 31 I lan 7:16, A thens 7:25, Bayro 7:40, Waverly 7:35, arriving in'timira at 8:50 A. M. No. 31 leaves Elmira at 5:43 P.M., Waverly 6:35, Sayre 8:45, Athens Ulster -Towanda 7:23, Wysaulting 7:21, Standing Stune Itutuntertield 7:52. Preuchtown 8:02, arriving . at Wyalusing 8:15 P. M. Trains S and 1,1 rud`daily,,t Sleeping cars on trains 8 and 15 between Niagara Falls and Philadhlphia and between Lyons and New York without changes Parlor cars on Trains 2 and 9 between Niagara balls . and 'Philadelphia without. change, an.l. through coach to and from Itqchester via Lyons. WM . „ST EV I.: N St ) N. • . !Supt. P. di N. Y. It. I. Sayre, Pa., May 16, 1880. E Is the OLbEST ,lIEST"C.,ciNST-12.1.7ett1r.-BEIST 17ETTJTFTP,N7MFTWI WEST - AND NORTHWEST! I.t. la by short' and best route 'between Chicago . awl all points In Northern Illinois, lowg. Dakota, 'Wyoming, Nebraska, t : alitornla, Oregon,. Arizona, Clan, Colorado, •Idaho, Montana. Nevada, and for COUNCIL BLUFFS. OMAHA • DENVER,,LEADVILLE, SA 4 LT LAKE, SAN FRANCISCO DEADWOOD, SIOUX CITY cedar Rapids. Des Moines, Columbus, and all Polufs fn tae Territories, .and the West. Also. tor Milwaukee, Green Bay, Oshkosh, Sheboygan, Mar quette, Fond du Lag,' Watertown, Stoughton, Neenah, Menasha. -st. Paul, Minneapolis, Boron. Volga, Vargo, Bismirck, Winona, LaCrosse. Owatonna, and- all points In Minnesota, Dakota; Wiseimsin and the. Northwest. - At Council Bluffs thu Trains of the Chicago& North-Western and the R'ys depatt front. arrive at and use the same Joint Union Depot. - At Chicago. close connections ars made with, the Lake Stune, Michigan Central,Malltmore & Ohio. Waytko and . Pennsylvania. and Chicago & Grand Trunk Wye. runt - the Kankakee - and Pan llandici Routes. Close connections Ingelt rd. Junction - It lathe ONLY LINE running -Pullman Hotel EN Milani , Cars BETW K .ChicagO & - Coundl Bluffs. Pullman Sleepers on all .Night .Trains. Insist upon Ticket Agents - selling you Tickets via this road. Examine your Tickets, and refuse" to buylf they do not Testi over tho Chicago North-Western Railway. It you wish the Pest Traveling Accommodations you will buy .your Tickets by this route, Aar AND TAKE NONE OTIL Elt. . AU Ticket Agents sel! TicketA by this Line. ' MAR VIN,-1 21 V. P. & tien'll3o', Cliicaito FROST'S ' SOIL'S' FURNITURE! MI We are now prepared for the SPRING TRADE. with a full lino of NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS Or THIT. LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES which we invite the public to call and examine PARLOR'SITITS IN RAW SILK, TERRIS, PIitTSII-AND HAIRCLOTH, s very large, and our price; as low as the lowest GEu.isTEVE24I3 'CHAMBER SUITS; 'IN ASH, WALNIIT AND SOFT WOOD, which we are selling at a very low price. A full lino of SPRING BEDS, MATTRASSES UNDERTAKING. this'lu deFtrttnent we alwayshave the best goods n the inarket, and are continually adding • NEW. STYLES LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, while our prices are the lowest J. O. FROST'S - SONS' To*suds; April 9, 1879. GET YOUR HAIR CUT AND BRAYING, AT THE retrcl I:lcousie SHAVING} PARLOR. INTWe stady to please. D. 7 7. EITEDIRE,Prore Towanda Pa, July 16,1879. LIST OP LEGAL BLANKS Printed and kept on sale at the ill:roars - a Ovyica -.-21 - . - ' Adortgsge. . • . . Bond. , . I Treasurers Bond. • .Collectoe'sDond. ' - Le-ase. t Complaint. • . Commitments'. t . Warrant. . . Constable's Return. Acticies of Agreement,2 fo7s. • • 1 Bond on Attachment. 1 Constaible's Bales., . Collectors Bales. Execution. , Botiptena. ',.. Petition for License. ! • •,, . Bond for License. , - 5. • 'Note Judgement. •, ' - Webs Xtuliceirtent. Raid. DEVISED NEW TESTAMENT. AIL L ...-Aftthortled Penton, with Gie, PULL HIS TORY added. Agents wanted. Gootipay. Read Sc. for outfit. 6 GORTON k Coi, Pmbltetten, SI B. rum stieet,..Plalsdelphis. 40.,r117-sal. IgitifoeloL ...M1D... , MAY 18, OM. WZSTW4ftD. kW 8;3U1±12 II .1 , A. mlr m I .. P.m. r.M.'5 734. M ..' . 7 151241arraralls 103 ...:i1 08 Pi 40 . .9 201...411117.00... 11 40 -....;1'03.8 00 ... i .. Rochester. P50 . 740'9 40.... ...:A• ..1.,y0n5... 1140;.....8 50,„„.. ...I. . ~.Geneva. ; . 7 41 1 5 0 0 :8 14%." '...i....1thica... 6 10! 2'10"640.... , 1 , 7,„,. .. Auburn .. 8 301 ....'9 38 .... ...1...0treg0. - .. 5110! 'a _ 2,i% ... 00 a 05 , .../41141ra .. 3 2331 100 13 2 15 4 151—Waverly . 4 45102.01 11,1 301 ) 4 301....5ayre.... 44"11010,h 2011 23 3 4 34...-Athens... 4 30:1000'5 10 ; f1 S 1 ‘5 ....1.'..Ai1an...: ....! 9 62'....'l 06 15. ...„.:.1.115t0r.... . 4 .. CI .; 943.4 533257 151 50: ..TO . 330 4 431:45 1 4.1113 Wysauklog ....I 910•....;1231 11....5ta1; Stone. ....; 9 10 ... ,1224 45 26 Iturn'erllol4 ...! 004 .....11217 ....irrenchtown ..... 855 . 1 ,1204 .Wyaluslng- ...! 843 4 0 '1155' 1 4 . Laceystllo. 303. 823 3et ,ilso Sklti'a Eddy ...., 8 19j.4,-. 113; 23, Steshoppen ....! 8 04 1 3 28 WO 3.8! 51ehoopany. ... , 7 57j.... 4113 101Tuuthan'tekl 2 18 7 333 03 1033 ~ 7201. La Orange. ....; 7 2/1... , .. ; 043 '. T 31., .. rails—..... 7 02..... 1035 13) 8 05t Lace June.n 13 51 6352 25 1010 201 - 5 35i Wilk-Barre 1 06 6 002 03 0 45 430.1100.31.c8 Chunk 1183 —.3153 7 41, 5 58 i 1 124:101. Allentown . t 005, ....1054 6 21 6WI 15 .13ethleheul. 950' ... .1045 6 15 I 6 t %Si...Easton. - - 920 ... " .'10;5;5 50 1 . N:11120'1phi:1 800 .... 900 4 15 , New York. 6 30 * .... 7402 40 ,r.m. A.ll. All P. y RAILWAY EQUIPPED: and hence the gftruitare. • • - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Ont assortmeot of We hive a fell line of AND. PILLOWS,. with' all the' at wholesale or ratan. SYRACisE MI STEEL pLOWI ? ' I i Albs CON& !Icor in use. .Ites all the aim ,A to anyothetPlow.. brazowveral new ' • of the yenta* 'Beam, Muter Stand• ' Wheel Standard are and its Mold Board Rion of Steel and •1 —vied under a plums Alticit we have obtained ntcluslve patent. Its weight is eighteen pounds less ,than our former styles A first.elass Steel Plow, made in the ordituuTWaY. lull rigged. retails for twenty-two dollars. Inferior Steel Plows retail from sixteen to nineteen dollars. " The price "of our new Plow is brit flavorist's's Dollars, and it is the cheapest Agricultural Implement ever sold. It is cheaper than any other PlOw now made would be at dire dollars and a halt . , The Jointer can be shifted so as to take-more or less land , be kept on a line with the Plow. • The wheel will run under the betenpr one side of It as des _ __ seep in line. The beam Is adjustable for Spring or - Fall Plowing, and also two or three horses. '. The handles can be adjusted to accomodate a manor boy on the Same Plow. . , . • It Is the Lightest Draft Pleiv ever made. - . . Wooden beams are going out of use because they shrink, swell, and warp; and . never run two seasons alike. - Iron begins an top heavy. Malleable beams become demoralized and bend which is worse than to break. • . . A Steel be Li the necessity of the day. It is three times as strong, and very much' lighter. than any other style. , ... When ire say a Mold Board is chilled, the Farmers know It is so.-• . , • •••4 - ( We: de not palm off on them a composition of various metals and call it chilled metal. • • , - We want. agents for this new Plow in every town In this state. • • • . We can give aft a very small discount to them, but we will pay the Railroad Freight. • • . .., . -We propose to place this Plow in the hands of the Farmers us-near the test of manufacture as poagble. - - , . It Is the bat Agricultural Implement ever sold: It is the,cheapoit. . . Persons, therefore, mho are not willing to act as agents on the principle that "a nimble sixpence 13 better than a Slow Shilllng;” need not apply for an agency. . . • , No Plows 011-,CAMMIrsIOn. All sales absolute. . . . , • We make Iternt and Left Rand Plows of all sizes Also Side Rill Plows. • Co" This is the only steel Chilled Plow in the World. . •.:, Steel costs several times more. than Iron.. But this Plow, full rigged, by giving small discounts, can be sold for Seventeen Dollars.' Compare thts price with that of any Iron Plow ever made. • r • there are no agents, wo - wikon remiptet Seventeen Dollars, send a Plow to'any Railroad Station inkhi State, and pay the freight. Address . 1,. SYRACUSE CHILLED. PLOW COMPANY, Syratuse, N. - Y. - • . . . . . . . . . ill. W.. Irvine," Lib erty Corners, ' Pt:l,, Acrent for BradfOrti Co • , For .sale by.?ll. MERCUR 4; CO., Towanda ; BOSWORTH; Lellaysville ; JAMES NICHOLS," Tonlington an I)ELOS DL:BOIS; Granville Cer.tre. • - - • . _ _ gleam engines, Wows, &c. JOHNSON MAN, LT FACTITRIG tiOM_PANY: . . MANISI4AC tUREB.S OF STEAM ENGINES, Portbip & Stationary Citcular Mills, SHINGLE ➢MACHINES, CORN SHELLERS, Field Rollers and Plow Points, GHIST4 'SAW MILL MACHINERY _ iir all kinds, or repairs forthe same. BOILER_MAKING Of repairing of old Boilers,. putting in new Heads or Flues, xspecialty. . for Treloq:efacititie4 for turning on( FIRST-C4LASS BOILERS on short - • . Portable and Stationary Engines Qt any 'size inafieqo enter. Aire, Brass and Iron, Castihgs. We roe the beat iron and our Work IS done by skilled nierhatifer. We guaran tee all our ;work. Quotations-given on Dissten Or nithardson Sane, Bun. • her or Leather Belting. . Foundry and Shops on Pine•s(.• ; bad of Steepens' d'7 Long 7 s,,,. Towanda. NICHOLS. SHEPAIT 8 t. 04 Blithe' Creek Traction and Plain Engines and Horse-Powers. llodeinnohdeThrjiarl4nreoril Entabllshed In the World. 3 1848 32 YEA ne ar, tin u owl and Nufe,striabusl. e without change 91 panic", _ eves seen in the American mus et. A earnitode of special features and improttinnents for UM tosetherwith evertor qualiffe* In construe. tsar and onoteriats not dreamed of by other makers. ~ Four 'sizes of Separators. from 11 to 12 home t o t cu ry,fosaCOSlL or Aorsa paver. • 'kyles of "Mounted" Iforso-Power. , ftel k Feet of Selected Lumber 7, 0,0,,,,. (from nirev?tix . , yrtsrs,slirlirted) - - " , nd, f , - a . ' - in. re sent tree. Aildreei NICHOLS. SHEPARD & CO. I Etattte ("reek. Miehiscans Vuoiness garbs., CHANGED EIS MIND ! •7 2 . OTTARSON, THE UPHOLSTERER, ; . Thotiabt.of 'advertlaing *lth us, but Imalneas has picked up so since the Holidays, that he changed his mind about advertising. All that, be wanted to say, was that it any ono should send for him to repair, or make new . • . EASY \;HAIRS, .SOFAS, DIVANS, RECEPTION CHAIRS, CHURCH CHAIRS OR CUSHIONS, LOUNGES, • MATTRESSES PLATFORM . ROCKERS, SLIP ' COVERS, SOFA - . :PILLOWS, ;FOOT RESTS, • , One or theleNICE, EAST, ' DIAMOND ELASTIC SPRING' BEDS, (That are made torflt any bdd) or anythlegln his line, they can depend upon getting just whit they want, and that tirst•elasT, and charges reasonable. Droplag to bear froni_yon soon ' t remain Tours Truly, . • J. OTTARSON, Upholsterer, South Shbi Bridge Street, Towanda, . • Pa.‘ over Myer k Devoe's Market, Towanda. Pa., January lath, INII-62n0. NATHAN TIDD, • Deiler In PITTSTON, - .WILKES-BARRE .AND LOYAL SOCK COAL. Lowest prices for cash.' Witte and yard foot of Pine-street, Towanda. July IS, 1880. GET YOUR JO.B.PBINTING Dope it Ow IMPORTER ornoz, °Melte the Coate Beam. Towline". colotoo work a specialty -- ' 2 I,F - SYRACUSE, NEW YORK; -' • '• VISO 'Pint Ibrtsitiliist Mit Prsastous st INolusaltnisla I *or Iltortg.,State fitstir, atembus stilettissinl -; Vats, WssilitTgct r lt -a4 itt litzerlraitt• Tuna Mau 1162=3 AGRICULTURAL .1111 CHI ERY ! R. M. WELLFS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAIIR,- TOWANDA. . .... . .:....._:. 5,.....r--7-....,_._, .2,..,..,„.. I, . .. A . .• ..: 171k,r - W...1 a, / e. f., , . _ •::......- . ~ / N ‘ i. ..,, --4 Y: V - .'",-...':!•,.., :-- . - . 1.- :-.: -- %•/ ':'''' - '. i'',‘i'f' ( ' I '0 \ - ii 6' -- .......„....L.L.,. ~..,„„/ • , , .;...._„..._,,,,...,-.:, 7 . : ,.. , 24... ,- 14...4.; 1 - 4 - ' '' ', 4 . , ' Ton!ip kins Conty Leader_ WHEEL RAKE Spring Tooth Harrows The •attention of the farmers of Brad ford,k especially railed to these new HARROWS, as :completely tilling a voltrin our implements for the thorough pulverizing :and preparation . of 811 soils for hued Mot 'all o th er crops. Their operation is so remarkable is to m4ke the SPRING TOOTH II ARROW the best selling farm implement now before the public. CYr~TOWN AGENTS wanted where none are now appointed. CRIIRri POWERS A full line of first-elaiS Powers. - Please • examine into the merits of the Patent Adjustable Track Tower. Michigan. Wiard Chi,lleaPlows Olney and West Oneonta sible and Side-dill Plows. Improved Tompkins Co. Cultivators 1). M. Osborne Co.'s Independent Mowers and Reapers , Farmers Favorite Grain Drills Thomas' Smoothing narrows Acme Pulveriiing Harrows• . .X.N: Hydraulic CeMent • Hand Corn:PlantOrs LiquidPrepa red Paints, The BEST and CHEAPEST brands in Farm-Building and Roofing Paints Building Paper. A large stock of Lulfrieating, Cylinder and 'meats-Foot 01 - 1-IS --- 01.1JS In any quantity at Wholesale and Retail. FISH BROS.' CELEBRATED •FARMTVAGONS, and.the Auburn Farm Wagons These aro the best and finest finished farm wagons ever seen in Bradford. Hair Skeietnn buggies with and without Sops,. to te.i. Vino fiat-class Open-top ftuggler,, t6O to 190. First-class Ton Buggies, 070 to 4100. Platform ird.gons of lkst Dfakes. CORN SRELLERS Feed Cutters, Wheel RakeS, Hay Forks, flay Cakriers, Blocks and RopC, • at very low prices.' U. - you want, to buy the V-ERY BEST and . C - HEA.PEST Farm Machinery of any description, - aiiply to the subscriber. For Circulars and Prices, call at • my store or • f • write.. M. Welles. Viwaillia, April 28, 16110. • - 1 • 4 General Agent for the . • • • ij qIIICP:RINq PIANOS,. STEINWAY PIANOS, And MASON & HAMLIN. ORGANS. Large Lkandaanse 'ORGANS for 060 and New Mantra a l ia l lpright Pianos 3130 alai upwards. • 4 largo etack of SILEET MUSIC and . 'MUSIC B .craFtoPs 92 4 1820. gaiscerfOteous. For one and'fivohorses It is just the thing to pip:i.e. ---- r -----_ this market. L. B. POWELL, SCRANTON PA., Alio instruments of other makers. BOOKS L. B. POWELL. Its Mold. rd .. will outwear three ßoa ot the very best kinds .ot the ordinary Mel mold boards. It will sooty. to solis - where a' steel plows and an other plows he hitherto proved a tenure. _ With Mingo! , will belated' n neW style of Flow Paint and 7 Point, on which we have , ' ' Patents, and which are a' improvement, both as r and strength.. SPRING AND SUMMER ! 1881 1881 At the CLOTHING II01. 7 ::4; oC M. E. Rosenfield Main st., Towanda, you will find The Best! Goods The Style.s. The Lbwest Prices His IMMENSE STOCK- enil)races the latest styles, in great . varietA, of IIItADY-SIADE CLOTHING For Men's, youtl7s and Bop's wear, from the fines and heaviest cloths to the cheapest and lighten grades for the Summer trade. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS ThiO, department is complete, haying a fall line of Hosiery. Collars and entre, Nenwear, Ilandkeretilefe, Iteady.lnade Shirts, Summer Un derwear, .' • HATS AND • .. A very large stock of the newest,styles every quality. Also, U5Slur,LLAsi . n:AvEL Ist; REMEMBER--That you can save money by. purchasing at the old-established Cloth ing. House of • • . •.M. E. ROSENFIELD. Towanda, May 19, tall • gaitrOfe ;;orbs. • TILE OLD MARBLE YA RD STILL IN-OPERATION. The undersigned having purchased the :MAR BLE YARD i.f the late GEORGE BE, de sires to inform the public that haying emplqed , experienced men, be is prepared to do all kinds of work in the line of _ MONUMENTS, • HEAD • STONES, MANTLES and. • SHELVES • fn the very best manner and at lowest rates. - - remits desiring anything-in the Mamie line are Invited to call anlexamine wart, ind slice agents' commission. • JAMES 13E. Towanda; PC:Nov. 18 . 1878 - 2ltf • • burehill Brothers MARBLE WOR,KS! . Manufacturers of • MARL LE AND GIIANITE • • . MONUMENTS • • ' .TOMBSTONES - • .TOMBSTONES Main Street, Towanda, Pa._ [Ono door south of tit. , lloute.7 ftelvg practical Marble Workers Ourselves, we can alferd to sell cheaper than those who employ their labor. All work warranted a,nd tio defective marble used. • ignsurance. .INS-UR ANCE! C. S. RUSSELL, Agent, • • TOWANDA, PA. FIRE, - LIFE, AND ACCIDENT POLICIES • Issued ell the most reasonable terms. None but reliable tomp l anies represented. Lassos adjnsted and paid here. Towan4a, Nov. 18. 1879. ' MMI IJSQT.TEHANNA COLLEGIATE 142121121 a. FALL TENS commences ONDAY, AUGUST- 22, 1891. Expenses for boar* tuition and furnished mom, front 1172 to tlBO per year. For cataloguo _ or further particu ars address the Principal. I • EDWIN. E. QUINLAN, A. M. )Toirwti. dnl7 7, 18131, EMI ME N El grot#ing, 4:*..2 - :10,1. '..'4f.in5.5t441. SAVING MOTHER. t • The farmer sat In his eAsy chair 111atiegrt the; driandlhe lampili ht ' s glare, HL fadwas ruddy anti lull and fair. • Ills IhretAntali boys hi the ehinlney nook Canned the hats of ii.pleture book ; Hla "lie 4 the prida ()Lids home awl heart, Baked the biscuit and ;wade, the tart, Lied the table and steeped the tea, • Deftly,•swittly, silently ; ' - Tired and weary;Weat and - faint, bas bore Itir trials Without conilitalut,l • Like many another housclioid saint— Cr;hteni, all selfish bliss rbeve , • In the patient ministry of love. • • ALleat between the clouds of smoke : That wreathed his lips thehushaekl f;poke ''Therehs taxes to'ralsei au' Betreist to pay— And if there should come a rainy day, 'Tweeld be-tnlghty handy; I'm houndht say, • T' have somethin' put by. ,Vor folks most die, An' there's funeral'bills, and grave Stones to buy Enough to swamp a man. puny nigh. •- . Besides there's F.dward and Dick and Joe - TO be presided fot when we go. . So was-you, tell ye what do; " • I'd btbavlu' of-wood as ever .I could— 'l4tra fires don't do a nyrxml— , . • I'd be savin' of &ipo, an of And run op some candle mice In a while ; 11 rather be iparitt' ofcoilee - an , tea, '* Yor sugar it high • A cdiall to buy. • " And cider is good enough drink for nun I'd be kiwi ol careful about my chi es • And look.Mit Shari, how the money goes— Gewgaws Is useless, water knows; % Extra n iln' , %.4 the bane of women. • - • . “.!'d sell cit . the best or the etrae and And 'eggs is a , : go , d; nlgh about, 's lbl! U 10111 ! .:: ; And its 6 tip, rirpet you wanted new— _ I guess we can make the odd one du. And As for the vosher, an' SitYfill• niaetdee, , Them sun,oth-tungued agetits so pesky tno You'd better gvt'rid et 'em sllek What do they k nor,' abilift IYOIIIC/C.i Do they ca:kilato women was horn to shirk. If— Dick and Edward and little Joe . Sat In a corner in a row. '3'lu•y say, the patient-mother fro On ceaseless errands to and fro, They saw thatTnir Nun was bent and thin. tier temples gray, her cheek sunk in, They saw the quiverof And then, with a wrath he could not smother, sintspoke the:plunge:lL freest hrother "You talk of SsaYlit* %vocal and tie An' tea an' sugar,hil the while, - But you never talk of savin' mother : ' • The' Law of Division Fences . The Fourth A nr.nal Report . of the l'enni;ylvania &mid of AgriCnlture will contain a valuable article on " Farm Fences and Ways Over- the l'arin t art advance copy of ,Which has been received through the coin.; teSy of Thomas - ,Edge, Secretary of the state Board. It goes into . the legal aspeet.of the 'ease very thOr oughly, and gives the 'former and ex isting legislation on this subject. There is a good deal of contusion in the minds of the average agrieultur-.. ist as to his individual rights and, his duties towards his:neighbors. l'aAition fences are expressly pro vided for by a statute passed,_ Match 11, 1842, which provides "that when any persons shall improve lands ad jacent to each other or -when any . person shall enclose any lands, ad joining another's -land already fens= ed . in, fo that any part of the first person's fence becomes the partition fence between their, both these cases the charge of such division so far as 'it enclosed on both sides, shall be equally borne and' Maintained by both parties." . • , The same fict makes the -atittorS Of the township, fence viewers, who, upon due notice shall examine such fencesyind state in Writing. whether, in their, opinion, the - fence of one .41- ready built is sufficient, and, if not, what portion of the expense of build ing a new one or repairing the old one shall be ,borne by the - -seyeral Orties. The opinion 'of - the viewers is to , be delivered in writing, and if ,after days either. of the parties re fuse-to comply with its provisions the aggrieved party has the 'fight to build or repair it, and . bring suit against the delinquent before any .Inti.tice of the P,eace.oralderman .for the labor and natcrial. If, there fore, one fartrie'r ''doCs not keep his part of the line fence in good order,. he cannot:-recover , damages if his neighbor's cattle trespass, as he suf fers.thirouoli his own neglect: When,. however, the cattle Of one farmer escape through the defective fence of his 'neighbor and -trespass upon the lands of a third party, the latter can reCoVer•against the s tirst,- even though - the -fences of the first are good, as at eotnruon law a man is bound - to keep his cattle on his own land. The only recourse in such a case is against the neighbor through whose negligence the dam age occurred. lf,'"stoa is.turted into the public highway,-Or if through the neglect of a passer-by bars are let clown and the cattle_escape into. the road and-.wander upon the lands of others, the owner is yesponsible for• the dainage.they may'chuse. :When, -however, cattle are 'driven 'along - a public road and they run upon the lands'of another without any fault of . the owner, and the latterdrives then off as soon as he: can, he is not liable for damages,-because every .one has a - right to transmit a legitimate busi-- ness on the highways. Under, the provisions of the act of I 1 . 00, still in force, it has been hehl -that unless.cultivated lands are pro perly •erielosed, the -owner cannot maintain trespass for-damages. - The- Owner of improved lands „must pro tect them against the. roving cattle of neighbors, otherwise he has no legal recourse. . In - this State fenceS are : required•to be not less than five fe'et high, of rails or logs, and suffi ciently Closed at the bottom,' To re ,eover damages it. is only 'necessary to have the testimony of -practical Men that the fence is sufficient. Wh'en i tiip owners of adjoining properties cannot agree. about erect-, jug division 'fences they are mutually liable for the trespass of their cattle. Where a division fence has stood for,years it can only be re moved by the consent of •the joint owners, and neither party strange to. say, has any ownership in the mate rial of the part erected by himself. One of . the owners of unimproved. land Canned, ask the other to contrib ute tO the cost of putting up a divi. sionlence.- The obligation to , erect division fenees . e.sist# only - where:The [ lands of both parties i's improved, as. [ it [would be unjust to the owner of imiruproved land to compel him to • • - I,aSSSt in protecting . that of his.neigh -1 bor.-While he derived no benefit frOm the transaction himself. .No man, hoiever, is compelled by laW to build a fence on the dividingline be tween himself and his neighbor. ~.}.le can, if bef prefers, build - a fence of his own, but, he must build it.mitirely on I his own land. must . ' retain and keep it iri,repair, and if the cattle' breaks through.and trespass on the land of another ho. is liable for dam , ges. Where division - lines pass .through wooded lands neither owner is oblig .etl -to put up a fence. [., Railroad Companies ; are re linked to fence their roads, • eeither i:re they liable to the owner for stray :icattle that may be - killed,. even thqugii Cattle escape froth a properly lot and are killed; the railroads are not liable. Even where a Batilrtiad Company in buying the right of way obligates itself to fence in its tracks through the seller's lands, bet n4lects to do so, wheO the stock of the, latter strays upon the track awl is killed, the owner cannot' recover for the injury in any action of tort. These are the important laws now in ,foree governing.this question of di vision fences which all farmers will 'do well to bear in mind. The Corn Cut-Worm. We - noticed brieily irra late num ber, the; discussion, .at the Elmira' Farmers! Club on, this insect, which is so- often destructive - to the corn crop. In .a lateiauniber of the Ibis haiuliiian. we. observe the, following directions.for destroying it, given Ly secretary Armstrong, _which may b.• useful to some of our rt.;ader.can , l . which ? we have successfully adoptol for Many yearS: , . There is reallybUtone way to save the crop after . the plants are once at. tacked by cut-worms—that is to-dig the worms out and kilt them.. It is not, a .difficult . task, nor is it very' costly. 1- preslime 'that a finial' part of - the loss sustained would be'tlie . full equivalent of all the labor it would cost to dig up-the cut worms and. 'kill them. „ The worm does the inischief at night, and before Morning huriows'in the _ground near the st,ot where its depredations have .been committed. A pracCeed eye - will readily discern the entrance to the hiding place, a small round hole into which-the worm has passed and. lies concealed.' The way to bring the pest up is to•thrust a_ pointedraknife down near the hole-and lift out the earth to the depth of two or three inches whcu the rualefautdr will lie exposed to view and can be instantly destroyed. I have k4wn of - large fields- being aeared by this process at a cost of labor so slight as to'bear no Comparison with the hiss that would otherwise have resulted. Premium Cheese Rotten U. Baker, of Oolosse, Os wego county, \.l:. whb received the premium at the International Dairy Fair in New York for the hest Lox of cheese in America, gives the fol lowing as his method of production : I was very careful to sec...: that my milk was . sweet and good flavor.— After receiving milk I warmed the same to then applied about" one ounce of Wells, Richardson & Co.'s golden- &tract of annatto to 11* pounds of milk ; after stirring this w(11 I added enough rennet to coagulate it ready to cut in,uhout .e hour : after cutting partially, I al looted it to stand'about fifteen min. otos,. then I cornmenced heatint . v‘-ry -slow ;. after *arming to about , finish cuttin7.—cutting quite line-- awl heat it to 10 , 1-i, taking altotit two and one-half 'v.:tuts to do this heating let it stand at this temper .ture - until It - would draw out on hot' iron ahout quarter of an inch ; -then - I started whey- ruunin! , cif when it would. string from hot !iron ft re-eight ti-;' an inch, and, well stirred - and cooled ; I added two poutti.4 (it — Onondaga P. F s a lt to !cot pounds of milk ; after laying,_ with s:tltl thorou7hly for one hour put it to press anti preAseti it in gang press fur the srtee, of three days ; then .1 put than in curing. room, where theY remained about thirty days. - =I Pit; Pohli PAY- farmingmar be rrotitable or a source of loss. A ' feW pigs of almost any breed can be grbwn on a dairY-farm with profit, lint when the number is increased the ' ge ry. ay_ become n c•xyi.#e. It is clearly determiued by a I,,ic,?.' e xpe. Hence that pig pork is the.pork that Pays. Young - holis markettd'whcn a year old are much inure profitable than older ones.. This being true— and -*it is especially so in the older States L-a breed . should be seleeted that matures early and fattens quick ly, The best pi;, hits the least amount of offal in drirssini*:- is compact in its parts; and its flesh is of the very best quality. Of such are the Essex and. Sullolk-amul some other allied "small breeds.' :_,One- can "- go further and fare worse " than to select the Essex. - for the pig.r•ery, that is to make pro fitable rethrits. There is some prfj-, udice tifminst black:pigs, but it should be remembered that the coror bless than skin dew, and the blackest pig makes as white dressed,any 'other. There is money in pigS good breed is chosen and properly Managed. - Theyalue of full-blooded pigs over the ‘• grade •' is :strikingly' shown' when a pair of the former is taken " into a. neighborhood where ()lily the • contruon hog " way I:;2foie. t, r=ffl JrsT befyie visiting t:-e _arienagei ie, Johnnie had a passage-at-arms -with the yiettig aunt Ni:110 :IS,isZed :it his tiiil,2t, and with whian he tlew into a trage. Arrived at t;:e menagerie, Jo:_nnie wasimmensely interested _by a stiange foreign - animal 'with- long lithe body.. '•' What animal is that, marnma?'.! : be Iris vaned -an ant-eater, my son." - After long si; !mice —" Mamm..t. can't we - bring! Aunt Mary l:er, soxii* day ?” Tim young man, who yet is not a cow ard, and who has ern:science and Ctncic- Lic.ns to . inspire his sic term Mat ion, is. the man-most tj be depended on for effective Conflict. CERMNIEMEOI FOR RHUMBA Neuralgia, - Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily a . Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet 'and lars, and all other Pains and Aches. ' No Preparation on earth (vials Se. SA Mr.' 0 1.; "re/ sure, simple and cheap Est..rr , l ).'nu' 4l 7. trial ..entails lint the cornraritisrl! t~iP ink malny f6O Ceuta, and curry one 5tif , r,, , , , ; eith can have cheap and positive proof of as Direction,' in F.leren LanglUgre. 1 SOLD DY ALL. DEUGGIBTB AND DEALEI IN REDIOINE. A. VOGELER & CO.. =ZifMMIM