Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 07, 1881, Image 3

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fliif°4l gellottet
Towanda, Pa.; July 7, Aft
The expiration of subscriptionis print
ed-on the colored lobe/. •By noticing txo
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t :on is renewed.
COMPOSITOU wanted at ! Journal Office.
THE Packer brick block at Sayre, la to
bo pushed to a rapid 'complotiori. •
!TuE prospects - for a "run of sleighing"
aro not of the most positive character.
Goon gracious, but wasn't it warm
weather yesterday and the day before
There will be a total eclipse of the sun
in 18$4. (Jot your smoked glass ready.
TnE excavation for the basement of
BULLOCK ' S new brick block, Canton, has
been commenced.
. -
A VALUABLE horse,.belonging to H. X.
Got - F, of Cantde, died'in the pasture field
one might last week: ,
TILE equity Court, presided ovor by
Judge LINN, adjourned on Friday last to
meet again on the 19th.
Tor. anxiety,_ regarding the President
icinains unchanged, add : the' latest news
is eagerly rc•xd by all classes. •
Unovin village which was reported as
laiing 60 inhabitants in the Census. re
port, claims to have 209 instead.
_ A BASE ball club has been org;nized at
Sayfe, and they challette any, nine in the
comity to meet them oii.the "diamond"
field. • ,
... . . ..
.lONIC SAWYER had his band badly in
jured at the Furniture Works, Athens,
one day last week by getting it caught in
the machinery.
Church of the MeSsiah, Rev. Dr. TAT.
Lon,. Pastor. At 10:30 A. M., subject,
"The .Isxaesination and its leitson,l'- •No
evening service
and machinists of Canton, are making the
iron work for GLEASON & InvlN's new
tannery iu Clinton county.
S. M. Ilitowx caught .a black bass, one
flay last week, just below the dam, that
weighed three pounds and ten ounces. It
is the largest of the season, so far.
A. 1). Ales, has' very much improved,
the appearance of his premises - in Litch
ht;hl, by-placing a neat picket fence around
the grounds in front of his residence.,
THE Troy Ginittc says that llev. N.
STATIIA m, of Leona, has introdUced a new
fashion, Mrs. STATIIAM tilling the pulpit
during his obsenee Over two Sundays.
Tilt.; choir in the Baptist Church, at
Canton, arc assisted by an orchestra com
posed of an organ; 'lute and . bass viol,
and the .ct nand says the music rendered
is excellent.
N. MEnittt.t., of Litchfield, has re
cently improved .the appearance of his
premises there by the building of a hand
some picket fence in front of his dwelling
house grounds.
THE Good Templars of North Towanda
made enough out of their ice cream and
strawberry- festival Friday eveninfi to pay
for the organ they have recently placed
in their Lodge room. : •
ALFRED Witu:tur, an employe in the
Bridge Shops, Athens, we learn from the
(;,?:c tie, had a leg broken on Thursday
last, by a sledge hammer flying from the
handle.-and striking him.
Tut:: full -text of the law, requiring
practictioners of medicine and surgery to
take their diplomas to the prothonotaries
of their respective counties, for registry,
is printed on the lirst page.
AS. Butur, of Alba, was struck by the
locomotive of a train at' a crossing in El
mira, Tuesday of last week, and throivn
upon the engine and quite severely injur
ed. He was taken to the, hospital.
nit , . Canton Sentinel says that EDGAR
An.% mv, the engineer bkiwn up at HICK
ocK's mill, was not as seriously injured as
at - first thought. Excepting a. few bruises
anti scalds-he seems to be all right.
3 tiff next Sabbath morning, July 10th,
t Het•. IlAt.toCK—An:Cts'inoso expects to
pi each his farewell sertiton in the Presby
terian church at Monrooton, and at 2
o'clock r. m. at the McCard schoolhouse.
THE entertainment given at 3lercuf.
hall on Thursday evening by Crystal
Luige, K. of 11., called out a very large
audience of our best citizens. Everything
passed oft pleasantly and agreeably to all
Mn. JUDSON ?dcAFEE,' who is engaging
in market gardening in Athens, had some
very line black raspberries, ripened in the
open air, on exhibition the 9th inst. Our
correspondent secured a sample, that's
why we know.
TIIF. Canton Sentinel says that 3lrrcu-
WrAnnt.Nutt, foundiymen and ma
chinists, of 'that place, have sold more
dog powers than. in any previous season,
and are commiled'to make an extra stock
to supply the ileinind.
AT Keeueyville, twelve miles from
Wellsboro, Tioga county, a Fourth: of
July ball was held. During the night a
balcony containing forty people fell to
the ground, a distance of fifteen fcet ;
seriously injuring twenty people...
• Ilioti HEATH, an employee of the Athens
Novelty Furniture Works, bad oae of his
hands very badly lacerated by abuzz saw
tine day. last week. .The wound is a very
severe one and it will be some time before
Mi. lim.vrit will be able to resume work.
4)u Athens correspondent speaks of a
pew barber's sign in that village that he
thinks diseounts'anything Remind in that
line. It is the work of Mr. EDWARD
DRAKE, of that place, painted and
trimmed by F. A. ALLEN, Esq., in-a very
artistic manner. '
MRS. ROBERT JOLLY-, a lady of Atheruy
sustained quite painful injuries last Bun-
day by being tipped out of the carriage in
which she was riding. -In turning a corner
the - back seat,. whicll was not securely
fastened, tipped', throwing the lady back:'
wards to the ground.
JAy.ltouEtrrs, of 'Athens, fell from
the second - floor-of a barn, 'by a board
giving way, a distance of 10 feeti diido
cating,,his shoulder. It was a lucky es
vape after all, considering that be fell just
behin,l a horse that kicked furiously at
the midden Intrusion.
Ca &Imlay * tinkm semis@ was he*
in Troy and'very lugely arkaded, to im
press, sympathy for the President and his
family, and to am pram for the re.
covery of the injured 'magistrate.' .Re
marks were made by Rev. J. Barr
French and Bee. G. P. SewalL
Tns wealthy !Miranda. eilikwe spent
last week at Long Branch along with the
Pennsylvania editorial armoolatioa—Cart.
ton Maisel. Not all of them, neighbor,
not all of them. ,It was just interest time
with several of us, and we were unavoid
ably detained at home.
PEOPLE IN getting used; to the comet,
but not to the confusion of the 'stamp!'
mars. Some. my it is going sway from
the sun, others that , itis approaching, it,
and there are other antagonisms of opts
ion, and varying Wpeoulatkei as to
whether it has ever visited us before.
FOR Indecent exit:mare of his pencil, on
several occasions, GAYLORD DOHERTY, re
siding on Bridge street, was arrested on .
Wednesday of last week and taken before
Ake - Ham. He contested his guilt,
and was sentenced by the "%dice ton fine
of $5 and six months imprisonment in the
county jail.
Mu. M. C. Mancini, of Towanda, on
Saturday last, hired one of Joe. MALI'S
sorrel team to go to Glenwood. Upon
arriving, the borne was taken sick, and in
two hours and , ' a half thereafter, died.
The dead horse bas been a Imitable one
and Mr.'LvatAniuts refused two hundred
dollars for him—Tunkhannoek Standard.
CRAftLET HULL" of Athens, came near
having' a serious accident Tuesday eve
ning, while engaged in sending up paper
balloons. He was ...preparing the cotton
and fluid beneath one, when some one set
fire to one bunch of the material. The
flames enveloped hikright band and arm,
but he escaped with slight injuriee. -
I WILL Suow and J. R. FLANIGAN, young,
gentlOmen from Binghamton, arrived in
town Wednesday forenoon, having left
home the morning of the Fourth for a
trip by booth° Wilkes-13orre: They hays
a tent and appear to be enjoying their
trip and the scenery , along 'the .beautiful
• SATS the Trey Gazette of bust Week :
"The 1 31. C. A. have procured the old
Masonic Hall over Stuart's Drug Store
for a hall. • They have had it rpainted,
kaisomined and carpeted with a neat mat
ting and sup Plied 'with tables, chairs, etc.
The room is now a' pleasant one and we
trust this new move is an indication of " a
new lease of life for the Y. M. C. A."
Tnc Germania Band gave another de
lightful open air concert in the Pa r k, on
Friday evening. The following was the
program rendered : °
2- 7 Waltz—Paatoral Song*--Casquet.
a—Polka—Young America—Levy.
4—Manrh—Citeke,ty CllckStobbe.
s—Andante and Waltz—Spiry.
Taw. Waverly Review says r i - 10, Sayre
Land Company • will erect fifteen more
dwelling houses dating the son, in the
modern styles that has characterized all
of their tuildii i !g. And it says it is in
formed by Secretary J. B. VE*ABLE that
the companyl - monthly - receipbs from
rents pre now't4ioo, which will of Itself
fast accrue into a handsome building fund
if so
- ~-
S AYS. the WeUsboro Gatetpi : "It is
not genera ll y knoln that the horse chest
nut tree bears ,s peculiar mark upon its
.branches. By examining the last year's
growth of wood on that tree just adjoin
ing the fresh green sproutings, well delin
eated horse shoes will be found at intervals
of a few inches, the nails On the shoes dis
tinctly marked. MOst probably from
these curious, natural formations, the
name of the tree has its origin."
HENRY MANN, of AibanY, formerly of ,
Wyalusing, was killed neat. Dushore, on'
the 27th ult., while at wotk in the woods.
A falling limb struck him o o the bead and
crushed his skull. A double bitted axe
carried upon his shoulder wise thrust into
the back of his neckonaking a deep
wound. His remains were ~buried at
Laddaburg on Wednesday the 29th ult.
He was about thirty years of age, and
was known as a quiet, industrious man.
Vets Reziew says that the balance sheet
oUthe First National Bank for the fiscal
year ended June 50 shows a net profit of
22 per cent to the stockholders. The par
value of share's is $lOO, but the market
price is ,lovers2so and none offering at
those figures. Very few banks in the
country have been so well and honestly
managed.- The deposits have steadily in
creased until they now average over $550,-
J. H. JEROLOMAX now runs the mail
route between this place and Canton.
He has placed on the route new and easy
riding coaches andgood horses-to draw
them.. Mr. J. has been in the stnging
.bnsiness for the past twenty years and
has always given the best of satisfaction.
He is a courteons,obliging gentleman, and
will undoubtedly become very popular on
the Canton route.
WRITF.S the Litchfield correspondent of
the Athens Curette, under date of one day
last week : " One day last week a young
'man by tbe name of Luzcocc procured a
rope and started for the woods, declaring
his intention of hanging himself. His
suicidal attempt was born of a temporary
attack of hard elder; which was contracted
at a near neighbor's: Some good friends
after a bard fight pievented him from
carrying out the program, although' we
understand he selected and climbed rds,
tree, and Went through with all . the pre
liminary arrangements,"
THE Coroner's jury who have been in•
vestigating in regaid to the death - of Wx.
F. Tancron, who Was killed by a collision
on the railroad at Gillett&Station, finished
their labors on. Wednesday evening :of
last week, by returning the foUot'ng
I k
verdict :
Wm. F. TArneirbs camc to his'death at
Gillett's station, Pa., on: the - 23d daY of
June, 1::1, by a Collision between trains
64 and 53 of the Northern Central;;Sikil
road, caused by a misplaced switch ; said
switch was misplaced by party or, - rties
to the jury unknown. Said swits -
also unlocked.
SAYS an Athens correspondent : 61 .0 n
Monday the 27th. nit., Jetts* Vatric, who
lives just over the Susquehanna, Started
to gn to Nichols .to Wages pair of
horsesolrivfng a fine mare belonging to
him and MARTIN ROGER I 4 and stopped to
wait for a party near the site- of the
Smithboro bridge, uncliecking the mare,
when she became ftened and com
menced raring and amble, mat con
tinuing-eo to do until s tired Vault
out, when she made e despimitte spring
succeeded in getting away !WM hireould
jumped off the abutment of the bridge, a
distance of some. MU - Mit - feet, into the
river, breaking the carriage to pieces, and
drowning before any party could get to
her." • -
limbs tbe
eisegly in nemulabwitai
relesd balf-imit on - the bbertiy *dant
Illyereburg, opposito the ' noldeme .!- ' of
Hos. E. R.Bina. The moo flag' was
dressed he mourning shtteewilare ago
when thelamentedluniunatWasassellia;
ted. A bnwhful streamer with Ginno.n
and Arrrnon's names unit:idea just above
the nag, with GAILVIELD'S name deeply
shrouded in black. This is but ate
stance of tlionsaads4ll over this great
country that indicated' the sorrow that
hotrod an hearts *dodgy morning.
receipt of the atm that the President
was stilt alive, yesterday about 1 o'clock
the flag and streamer were taken don),
with the earnest, prayer that it might not'
be necessary to raise it agein.—Reviete,
Monday. v -
Tan following is amaldered by many as
a good hot weather drink.. Lemons are
not high priced; and a, syrup from the
juice is always acceptable Press your
hand on the kimon, and roll it back and
forth on the ,table to Make it squeeze
mare easily 4 then press the juice into a
bowl or tumbler—never 'into tin ; strain
oat ill the seeds,' as they givia bad taste.
Remove all the pulp from the peels, and
boil in water—a pint for a dozen pulps—
'to extract the acid. A few minutes boil
ing! is enough ; then strain the water with
the jukm of the lemons ; put a pound of
; white linger to a pint of the Jules ;
'ten minutes, bottle it, and . youi lemoiade
is ready. Put s :teaspoonful or two of
this lemon syrup ins glass of water ;(and
you have a cooling, healthful drink. i • 1:-
Them was ti large attendance ato the
Catholic Picnic on tbe 'Fair Grounds in
Bast;Towanda; on the Fourth and a very
enjoyable time was ha-% - Over one hun
dred dollars were taken in at the gate
for admlsilob, while the receitAi inside
were - quite large.
—En. MASON, of Kansas City, is Visit
ing in this place. ' •
,—lllvs.`Jessz Mvnu is visiting friends
in Coudersport, Potter county.
—J. W. MERCUR and wife, of Philadel
phia, are visiting friends here..
—Dr. J. D. Mancini, of, 'Philadelphia,
is visiting frii7nds in this phice.
—Mrs. CARNOCRAN and children have
gone to Troy to spend a few weeks.
.--Junsox= DA RR, of Cantoii, returned
home from•his Western trip, last week.
—Misses - Lou and Basis WARD, of
Syracuse spent tie Fourth with friends
in this place.
—C. P. Moons, of Bradford, City was
visting friends here during th • paist few
days. •
. —Mrs. J. M. COLLINS . and daughter
Bamat,, are visiting friends in Bingbant.
ten, N.-Y. •
has gone to the Eastirn States to spend
the summer. .
- Becalm, of tiavannah, Ga., is
visiting' her sister, Mrs. C. Maa - cutt,
in this place. .
—.l. B. STARR and family, of Philadel
phia, pliia, are visiting Mrs. STA x's father, B.
A. PARSONS, in this plaie. .
—W. S. Nsvms, former) of this place,
elected; Dictator of averly Lodiet,
K. of H. , a t : . its recent se i-annual elec
tion. 1
—Miss MARY MILLER, ,of • Elmira, is
eisiting her Mr. InA ELABREE, and
family,- at Green's Landing; for 'a few
—.Mr, B. L. McAims, who is engaged
in T eaching in—Washington, 1). C., is
spending his vac4tion with friends in this
,44411(1S MMUUI,. formerly of this place,
who was injured recently by the cars ,at
Kansas City, died from his injuries Wed
Witcher in the schools at Hanunoudsport,
N. Y., is spending the summer vacation
with relatives in this place. t
County Treasarer, J. TI GnenT had
.hands quite severely burned on the
evening of the,Fourth, whilst engaged in
•shooting off some fire works.
--GEORGE FRALICK, one of the oldiitt
citizens of Athens, has been In a critical
-condition of health for some days itast.
His recovery is considered doubtful.
—Miss LILLIE HUNTINGDON, is report
ed by the Athens paten% as having caught
from the Susquehanna river near Abet
place, one day recently, seven black bass.
TYMEWN, whose life has been
at time despaired of, seems to be rapidly
recovering, and his mind which has been
odiously affected; is recovering tone.
Tray Gazette.
..-Nlll l . BALLY A. OWEN; who has been
1 ill for some time, died at the residence of
her son-in-htw, A. J. PARER, on Tuesday
morning. The fune ral'services took Vale
on yesterday afternoon.
—CARTER LEE, a "COlowril 41)0, of this
phiCe;stirted south last Week, in lopes
to improve his health. CARTER is an ex
(Aleut compositor, and we liope be may
not only find health, but wealth, in the,
"sunny south."
. —The many friends of ei-Treagooi
Mums, of Granville, be paine& to
learn thathe wui stricken with paralysiS
last week. . The strhe has deprived him
entirely of speech and One side of his body
hicomplitely paralyzed. ,
=S. H. &eclair and D. B. HUNTLEY,
believing that their recent visit to Slater
vile, was of benefit to thr, have re
turned there. We earnestly . hope that
both gentlemen 'mar - return to their
homes entirely cured of the ilenmatism r
atouLcil of Baptist Churches in
Smkthileld on Friday, Rev. FRANKLIN
Nino: was ordained to the gOpel minis-
try. The ordination sermon was preach
ed by Rev. Doctor H. G. Wesv, of Caz
anovia Seminary. Mr. PIERCE will enter
the Home Missionary service in the west.
correspondent writing from Union,
14.1 Y.,. to the Binghamton Tribune Bass :
"Mr. FRED %town, formerly a drug
clerk-in-Union, now occupying the posi
tion-as head clerk in the house of C. B.
PORTER, of Towanda, ii in town spend
ing.a two weeks's vacation.. Mr. Bnows
is a young man Union .is. proud to own,
and he meets a warm: welcome from his
Mau friends here."
--Ma,jor Uar TERRY, .of Tarrytown,
Bradford cennty; Pa., and' H. B. Mon-
GAN, of Wises, were over Vie new line
of the Arnot and Pine. Creek railroad.
It is understood that they have made a
hid.for the contract to do the grading,
etc. They are old Contractors, and well
acquainted with the_ work.—Blessburg
H. LANDON, of Camptown,
was in town , the other
,day. He has so
cepted a position as traveling salesman
for Woornitirr, t!isoicsaitWrowr, one of
the most extensive grocery firms of New
York, and bars Noitlicirn Pennsylvania at;
his field. Mr Lamas is a Young man of
more thanordinary business quidUlt:ii*ii!e
is genial mid affable and will undoubtedly
do a heavy business for the firm.— Tank.
hassock lapublican. ,
--Mrs. CAAZITY Viamirr &id at the
residence of her daughter, Mrs. 8. M.
Csionstx, in Litchtiehl, on the morning
of the 4th, at the advanced age of 88 years.
ritiO - • pe gs*
ionthiPsateil: aall - 1 / s " l *
Bhil OW 04
'Pan; woman of Wong obaroory a l i t
*m i t airktiiit ow* commandedwho knew: vein' loorloci *ad - ester 4 at a ll
her• '
—Wp would- euggest'the_reprieltid
ii.eleethrg Commissioner Dszna. Hitattb• ,
scan for another term. No puldtoofficer
of the(omenty has more faithfully mined
coeitituents, and the Careful sod effi
cient initialer .wbkh the Interests of all
concerned were looked after in the con.
stnietion of the County-.;House, entitle)!
lihn to the confidence of the people. it
iwouldho but the mark of continued con- .
Meow end approval of his course to re
elect Ginn*.
-Fares Bersyss, of (Irani le, aged
about 88, son of ex-treasurer' IhrnYsx,
was taken sick while pouring on Friday
last 'and died on Sunday. In jumping
from a wagon a few weeks ago, ha_ oorn
pliined of internal injury, but in a few
hours concluded nothing an thei- matter
and no , more was thought of the occnii.
rime until hie last fitness. He r leans i
'wife and six Children. Mr. BitNYAN was
member of the Odd Fellows Order and
OntAntly, arui_many of his brethren
and rades were present to pay their
respeete to'the memory of the deceased.
Canton Sentinel, July let.
--By, reference to another column it
will be observed that Miss 'mew.; second
daughter of Mr. 13): W. Pismusen,ll re%i
tired farmer of Athens, has entered the , "
estate himenial. She is an accomplished
lady, having many friends :Rho wish her
and iluxgentleman of her , choice—Mr. J.
8. lticer.4*, junior member of a prosper
ous firm of contractors in Hartford, Con-'
necticurnany years ..of wedded felicity
and happiness., Thai - ridding was a quiet
affair, only the immediate friends Of the
pasties being invited. Rev. Mi.,Frunecn,
of Troy , in his usual happy manner pro
nounced the magic• words, after which
abundant refreshments were served and
the happy 'pair escorted to the station,
where they took No. 2 for a brief wedding
tour, taking in Watkins and points West.
Returning *via Athens to New - York,
theie up the Hudson, they will fi nally
spenda few weeks at—Martha's Vineyard
before occupying their pleasardlesidence
in Hartford. Miss ANNA, sister of the
bride, acted as-bridesmaid, and Mr. J. 0.
llitus, a young gentleman of Dartford,
as groomsman. Numerous unique and
valuable presents were. received, Among
them an elegant gold 'watch and Chain
from. the groom to his bride. The bride
wore a rich brown silk traveling suit, the
bridesmaid colors to match.
310NROETON, July 2, 1881.
At a meeting of the Presbyterian church
and congregation; held at the church July
2d, 1881, after duo notice on two sicces
-siVe Sabba'ths, J. M. Galatia was appoint
ed chairman and 0; L. STEVENS secretary.
The resignation of Rev. Rsi.t.ocit AIM
STRONG as Pastor of said church'was re
.ceived, and the following action was taken
thereon by unanimous vote:
To the Preebyteri of Lackawanna
?The Presbyterian chuir,h and congrega
tion of Monroeton, Pa., respectfully rep
resent that, whereas,- our beloved pastor,
Rev. Rebook Armstrong, has tendered
his resignation of the -pastoral charge of
„thischurch and congregation, accompa
nied-with the request that we unite with
- him' in his application to Presbytery ask
ing for the dissolation of the exist ing
pastoral relation therein stated, therefore,
. Resolved (1), That .while we sincerely
regret the inability of this- congregation
to raise for him the amount, of pecuniary
support to which as a minister of the
gospel he is entitled, we take this oppor
tunity to express to him and to the Pres
bytery. our unabated and unwavering con
fidence in him l as a faithful and devoted
pester, who during the entire term of his
os i
ministerial l' bet in this community, cov
ering a pert of nineteen years, has given
demonstrabl evidence of his fidelity to
his calling as a minister of the Gospel,
and as being an affectionate pastor and
true friend, on whose counsel and.sympa
thy we in our family and social relations
and as individuals could at all times rein ,
not only in scatlons of temporal and spa
itnal prosperity, but when -adversity has
come upon us, and sickness and death has
invaded our households and social circles.
Resolved (2), That we unite with him
in asking the Presbytery to dissolve -the
existing pastoral, - relation, because it is
his request that welshould do so L and also
because it is manifestly his settled convic
tion that it is better for all parties con
cerned, but not as' expressive of any de
sire on our part that his ministerial labors
among us should terminate. ,
Resolved (2), That,' in case his pastoral
relations with this church and congrega
_tion shall be dissolved, we cordially com
mend him'to the liberal support and sym
pathy of the churches and congregations
to which his attention is being called as
the field of his future labors. or to , the
sympathy and. support -of any other con
gregation to which in the providence of
(rod he may be called to labor in the min
istry.. • .
'Resolved (4), That a copy of the pro
ceedings of this meeting be placed in tie
bands of our -pastor, Rev. Hallock Arm
stating, and sent topur county papers for
M. Gluons, Chairman.
p. L. STEVENS, Secretary.
• •
At a regular meeting of thanyille Cen
tre Grange, No. :109, P. of IL, the follow
ing preamble and resolutions were
adopted : . -
• WHEREAS, In the dispensation of God's
F,providence our much esteemed Brother
RANKTUNTAzi, has been removed from
aniong,us, and that while our charter is
stilt draped in ,the emblem of mourning,
we are 'admonished that in the midst of
life we ani in death. Therefore,
Resolved, That in the death of Brother
FRANK BUNYAN the Grange has lost a
faithful - '
member ; the wife and fainily a
kind and affectionate husband and father ;
the parents a devoted son ; the brothers
and sisters a devoted brother ; the neigh
bors a kind and obliging neighbbr.
Resolved, That while we submit to the ,
will of our Heieenly Father, we bill
cherish -the memory ofd-our departed
brother and sympathize with all,who like
ourselves ,feel so much the tom of him
with the consolation that our loss is. his
eternal gain.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolu
tions be sent' to our county papers re
questing them to publish the same. Also
a copy be sent to the,Farmer's Friend,
and that a copy be presented to,the fami
ly ; also entered , upon the minutes ; and
that our chark,r bb draped in mourning
for 90 days. '
A. M. Mow,
A man named TliostaiJasatztos, aged
about 35 years,' employed -at the Cayuta
Wheel ' Fotmdry at Sayre, whilfrwalking
on the railroad track near the P. GS; N. Y.
R. U. shops Monday afternoon, heard the
G. I. le S.. express trail' coming and Step
ped off of the track to letit pass, and Was over by a switch engtne, which imps
sitated. the ;arisputation of ,oneleg below
the knee. 'He died from the effects f the
injury on afternoon at about
half past four o'clock. °
A Sayre correspondent writes that a
man named . i'spriNorm, residing at that
place, became overloaded with enthusiasm
and poor whisky on Monday evening. He
created a disturbance in his family and
was arrested. Tuesday morning he was
released, and immediately procured some
Paris green and loaded himself with it.
It proved too much for his weak stomach,
and he ejected it and still lives.
41cma r fAi gOod *de
kid bisti luck; I* the' awes
*me assisiniticra of cnitlonored
dent cateknear breilting theprorwm
liAistrdiy: The livoiablArepoits ooze.
- lig froth thAliticiative Mansion on . Sus
day .11aTii.' 1 ‘ 11 : 6 m.agii an d ', at mg
night the ringin g bells bnottened the
pproach of , the ever glorious day. At
dawn guns were fired and other expres
sions of joy , indulged in. The trains At
.10 o'clock - ;brought the
_Waverly, 'Nook
and Ladder 'Co. No. with officers as
follows: HAIOIMINS, Chief Engineer
of Department;.Wm. E. CAss, Foreman;
FRANZ Guam, -Assistant -Foreman.
Also Naiad, No. 3, of Towanda, with A.
D. COOLSAOOII, lit Asa% ;,Chief ; J. J.
KAVANAIIT4 i, 2d Ass't chief ; I. P.
SPAULDING. resident, of the company ;
O. E. Bittutten, Foreman ; F. F. BAR
azu, let ARA. Foreman; Gtonok Bur-
DANN, Secretary; Tnomss MEREDITH,
Treasurer. Protection Hose, of Athens;
sent an escort to meet' the visitors, with
officers as follows : D. C. GliAlr, Presi
dent ; J. M. ELY, Chief Engineer ; C. T.
Hum, let Ass't.; lE. SPAULDING, 2d
Ass't ! ; (Ino. Mos, Foreman.
1 1 The reception eutnmittee repairid to
Page's' Hall Where 'the companies made
their headquarters. Upon the arrival of
the guests, es-Sheriff SPAULDIXO; on be
belt of the citicens of ?Ahem ixtended a
warm welcome, referring• in friendly
terms to the past relations } of the respec
tive towns, and expressing gratification
at the present meetiug and the wish that
tbo future witness a closer union in their
rapidly increasing prosperity. C. T.
HALL for the firemen tende?ed the free
dom of the town to the visiting compa
nies, and desired them to make them
se es at home.
Cigars and lemonade were served in
abundance, :but strong drinks wore des
carded. -The Liberty Corners band ac
cmepanied the Naiads, and with Perkins
Post hand, of thin - Pace. furnished excel.
lent music throughout the day. : 2
The dust was effectually laid it`lo:3o,
and ;another shower later in the day
caused, some variation from , the adver
tised programme, ' '
Dinner, was served at one o'clock by
the ladies of Athens at the rooms of the
fire department. • There . were universal
expressions of satisfaction at the manner
in which the - oats were provided for,
and they, were very complimentary as they the culinary skill _and taste.of
the fair Athenians, as well as honorable
in their mention of the social reception
accorded,. them. ' -
Alter r all bad been well supplied, a line
was formed and the parade took place,
ending at the Academy grounds. Follow
ing is the list on parade : Liberty
Corners': Cornet band ; Naiad Hose Co.,
No. 3, of i Towanda, with hose carriage
drasin by/the Company ; Naiad. engine,
N0..,2, drawn .by a fine grey team ;1
Waverly Hook and Ladder Co., No. 2,
With: truck • drawn by horses ; ' Perkins
Post Band ; Protection Hose Co., No. 1,1
of Atties, with hoie carriage, and citi
zensL fol owing in carriages. They creat
ed favo ble impressions by their alacrity
on paraffe, although the streets were:
heavy if iii, the recent rains.
A smokers' stand was proiided and
seatif for quite a large audience, but they
soon overflowed. At 4:05 H. C. BEARD,:
- Esq., ceded ' the . assembly to order and.
Rev. Mr. Whernors made an impressive
Prayealasking for the life of our Presi
dent tol be spared; with fervency. Rev.
JOHN MCMASTER then stepped forward
and read the Declaration of Independence
in an easy and effective manner.. Rev..
Mr. HOOD delivered a stirring oration
treating the live issues of the present with
vigor. ; He traced in an eloquent way the
development and growth of free institu
tions,,and strongly condemned the schem
ing politicians of the present, who forget
'upon their election to office that they are
the rightful servants of the people instead
of the willing subjects : of 'monopolies.
He condemned the attempt to suppress
free schools, claiming the enemies of , then
as traitors to our governmental •systeni.
He closed with fitting words, expressive
of the sorrow pfthe people in their pren-,
edt affliction sod' uttered an earnest with
ter the '
restoration of our Chief Execti
tive ; to the' eternal . death 'of miserable
politicians.' Mr.. 11. is a ready speaker,
and a synopsis of his remarks does not
do him justice. After music by the Borst
Band, 'Rev. Mr. , HAYwAnD pronounCed:A ,
bonedietion; and the companies retnrned'
to headquartera. Soonlfter the Waverly
boys were escorted, td the, depot, where
they took No. 2 home - after the inter
change of farearells. -- A little later a
portion of the Naiads were' escorted to
the depot, and after kindly words took
train 31 for home. The balance of the ,
Naiads remained during the evening, and
were escorted to the depot when
brief addresses were made -by D.
C. Oita; C. T. HULL and J. M. ELY, of
Protection Hose. Co., thanking the visi
tors for their attendance, etc. . Responses
were made by J. J. Kavaninon =diet.'
D. Cool:ninon of the Naiads, niter - which
they,took No: 15 for home, with the best
wishes of the Athens purple.
The Colithumpian band appeared': to.
wards evening, headingia' motley proem
sion on Elmira street. It consisted of rag
muffins and burlesquers of great variety.
As a shot' , of -that sort they were a suc
cess. A large steamer, composed .of a
hogshead with boiler inside, and a great
smokestack attached, out of which smoke
poured in volumes, attracted much atten
tihn. It was a burlesque on the Athens
engine, and was at work vigorously. TWo
of Esmond & Manures's' men construct
ed it during, spare evening hours, and
they, made a real hit in so doing. WO
have tie time to describe the ridiculous
outfits accompanying this train), but they
would discount many burlesque shows
that travel. II - .
cis' centre of attraction all day was the
festival at the engine house ; refreshments
were served during . 1 the afternoon 'and '
evening by the ladies of Athens, who are
unsurpassed in their skill of raising mon
ey and entertaining their patrons.
We noticed Mr. Naos - assisting the fair
wat mistresses, and we believe as a re
rd of merit ho was appointed assistant.
Manrof the visitors 'received messages of
love, eteri, by paying five cents Postage
due. A. cake presented by R. -L. BALD
writ, of the Athens bakery, was Voted for,
the euccientftd person being Rev. Ilr.
Hdon. Amtim his competitors wezi all
the mlniaters of Athena and the "de l l,"
he hiving:received' one vote. The Cake
brought $l3 to the tntiamtry. • 1 '
The tinwor I,c
ks were very fi ne, and me
timwas' 1 •
e pleasantly spent in vie ing
them. - Two paper balloons of good size
were •also sent up.
Thal closeffa celebration that for ood
order and enjoyment is seldom duplicated ,
in villages of the size of Athens or larger.
The Aiiests from abroad.' Were .welcome
and expressed much satisfaction at their
reception. • -1, W. A. P.
Tnk Ithaca (N. Y.) Ithacan tbserves
Our drug&ts report that St. Jacobus 0
goes off liko hot cakes. . • -
pOn*tst aT (mints.
Tun Main ,Adestlisses i3ayre - come
,111* &bit theßikiwbqr
account of ttnw oplebration on the.dth in•
staid at the dVity of the Mgr ,;"
" Sone dais *lle. R. - A. Pasteipve a
general invitstkm to the people deem to
attend a_reeeption at hie mansks, to be
Oilmen fourth. - Riterisive preparations
were nude to entertain a bier comber of
persons, including all the Sunday school
children. Mr. Packs; bad 'procured a .
great quantity of fireworks, and bad his
growth; especially artinged for;4l sorts
of games andnmrorenumta.
"When the news came' that the Presi
dist had been assaashated, he dein:Jaded
not to have the celebration, and gave a
dens to have all his buildings, including
his residence, ofiloes, depot and posiAllice
draped in mourning; but ikurday swain
when more favorable news Wai received,
the Crape was removed and iis soon as be
was assured that the PJesident would
probably, roomer, be made arrangements
for a grand celebration.
"The heavy showers in the forenoon
purified the atmosphere, and a more love
trafternoon could not heve been wished
for. Socop after noon the guests began to
assemble at the ease and on the grounds.
A large tent waa raised on the lawn south
of the
. honse, iinder, which a croquet
ground was laid out,- and comfortable
seats provided. Among the games pro
vided for the amusement of both old and
young, were croquet, lawn tennis, base
ball end foot ball. At about three o'clock
the company were invited to Tisdale of
refrenhments. The tables were spread
in a building provided for the purpose on
the lawn. The refreshments were ;
I gent.
- "Mr. R. F. trzioodman proposed the fol
lowing toast: 'To Mr. R. A. -Tacker and
his beautiful • and accomptholied wife.
May they live long and prosper." •
"Mr. Packer responded, saying ho
hoped they all might•.4ive to celebrate the
next nationalholiday, and gave them all
a_cordial invitation At, meet with him
again on that occasion.
"Ron. R. Elmer, Second Assistant P.
M. General,, was called for, and made a
feW very appropriate remarks. He spoke
of the great advantages: which the people
of this section had derived by having Mr.
Packer for a citizen.
"Mr. Goodman then gave the folknring
tout, which was enthusisiticalli receiv=
ed : 'To the . President of the United
States; hoping that he may speedily re
cover filom hilt injuries, and that the
dark cloud now hanging over this coun
try may disappear as did the rain clouds
of this morning.'
The balance of the afternoiiri was spent
in social amnsementa. In the evening
there was a magnificent display of fire
works,- which, was. witnesse4 'by many
hundred people, many coming from Wav
erly and Athens. ' .
The sons and' . sons-in-law and wives,
met at the home of their father ex-Sheriff
Dommes of Troy, Pa., to celebrate the
old gents 75th birthday, among whom
were the following: A. J. Doimns and
wire, Frasier House, Elmira; W. C. Bun
ozu wife and lion, Kent, 0.; W. A. Don
nins conductor. on the Vandalia Road,
and wife, Effingham, Ill.; A. E. HEPBURN
and wife, Oneonta, N. Y.; /AVM .N.
Donuins conductor on the Atchison To
peka Jr, Santa Fe Reid, Kansas; Joni E.
DOBBINS, of the firm of DOuning6t.Jonii
son,,of Troy; Tnos. E. Minim; fanner
home And Kong :I Downs; Arthur Dn.-
LIN anitwife_Of Ttp .. y.-- t - Troy Gazette.'
r_, l
is on our table, ptiblished under the au
spicesp'ot "The Quden Publishing Compa
ny," of which Mr. W. R. Andrews, the
founder of The Bazar and Andrews'
American Queen, is manager. In 'teedi
torial cola ns are announcements of in
terest to °ladies. In the past Andrews'
Bazar - been in the front rank of fash-
ion publications, hence with its atigment
ed capital and largely increased facilities,
the life ambition of its founder, to give
the beat fashion paper in the world st'the
lowest 'price, only $l.OO per pisr, cannot
fail of realization.- The present number
is filled to repletion with fashion news,
and handsomely illustrated ' Our lady
readers will do well toners' 10c for a sail
tple copy, to the Queen Pnblishing Com
, pa y, Tribune Building, New York.
• 11 R. AND MRS. N. L. HATIOSS, of New Yosk, ,
aasi6ed by Mr. and Mrs. W. F. PITE8:4111 atop ,
.ping for a abort time at Mrs. P. J. CALKEVe,
Poplar street, near Third street, Towanda, Pa.,
where they cordially Invite the tidies to call and
I hvestigate the DRES§M A K ER'S MAGIC SCALE,
which I. not • model' or, chart. but a square of
inches. With It any lady (Aress•makiir or not) can
cut Cloaks circulars; 'segues, skirts, overskirts,
polonaise, princess dress or wrapper, all styles of
children's snits, and Item anylasidon plate, and
mile a perfect fit without &Rustles's, to any form,
and u our charges complete, ineluding system,
Instructions and instruction book! (which is 'Very
explicit, shoiring how to cut every garment atinie
named), is but $5.00, it thereby Miceli ltsslt within
the reach ofAil. Test lining cot tfree of chine
for anyone desirous of t Investigattnirsystem. We
also eut to measure all styles of bidles - ant
ren's g ar ments,ae seaming the same up and draping
It ready for flashing without flirt: castoinery nn
pleasant fature of bating to try the garment on,
even for the most diffteult forms, and while We are
aware we are:advoesting Ideas to advance of. what
dress-shakers are Mcompllshing M the prevent
time, any one doubting oar ablitiq to amomplish
the imam, we. beg, to refer them albs following
weiKknown tadieslof Waverly, B. Y., iii :Mrs. H.
J. Baldwin, Mrs. H. Watrons, Mrs. HT. Laine,
Mrs: . D. Bellows, Mrs. Emmett Moore, Miss W. E,
Van 'Etten,• Miss Nettie Rineboid;• Miss M.
- Fields, Miss Mamie Moore, Mrs. G. E. Foote, Mrs.
D. Cook, and many others. As persons will be
unable to obtain tirsysteut after'imudeparture
(as we leave no trots hire); ladies desirous of :
learning the Scale will consult their own Interest
'by calling on us It one, as oaf' eta' Is limited..
Agents wanted for adjacent comities.
Mr. and 'Mrs . . N..L. liaxnaN, General Agents. 4
No. Ml W. Nineteebth St.; New. Ircirk, N 0.2613
1 7 1ftbllt, Cincinnati, G. " ; June 3044::
. .
L9cl corre s pondence.
Since our last communication from this
vicinity the reaper "Death, has { again
claimed his ~own in the person oft Sarah
Jones, wiie.of D. R. Jonts, at New Era,
:bad 88 years. ' r :
Mrs. Samuel Haggerty, from this place,
is visiting friends in Carbou r , picks
The 'Hessian' fly is doing considerable
thunage in our vicinity to the wheat.
A. heavy storm passed *tough oar lo
cality on Tuesday - the .28th inst., SCOQUi•
panied by a severe gale of wind, tearing
down fence's and - trees, and' also tearing
down.the beautiful fag pole in Tarrytown.
Orlando English has moved hie ; house
on a new wall some distance fp*, where
tha'ald one stood, and is ranowaking ik in
such style as to make it an elegant dwell
E. H. CapweU and wife are •Otilting
friends at Meshoppen. • 11
J. A. Pox has returned home ;limn the I
World's- Dispensary. at Buffett . ), N. T.,
and claims to be relieved a great deal
from la - complaint.
When asked what made J. H. so.happy'
we were informed "that it is'a boy weigh=
ing 'shout ten ponnds."
Nelson-V. Pool, from this place, we are '
i nformed, was- called to New York City'
, •
to lookup -at; al4llol matte of old King
rool, !awaiting a fartnnoin which N. V
Pool la aaltalbatt
arment Mr, 11, 1 min nut being dot
'prosody bora _ abort • time agoii While
drleirgotmln stew pilieb in a bill the
bridle Ht his tome - broke and he ran
away, throwing tail out of tbe wagon and
bribing him a- We, and breaking his
*agog. • - ,
Chester Schamour bas purchased a
new top carriagai _
• The husbanalan has oommeeeed bay
ing in coup anninindiy, and the singing of
' machine may now again be
lean,. cros are all, promising an.
abumbi ' yi eld, , ' with the exception of
corn, w is poor; setae of the fawners
are p*og - up their corn fields and sow
ing to tmcltwheat.
July 4. H.
, or Having concluded to go out of the
emery ioilsois I °ter my stork sod ertures for
Elalo and the Store to Mot. •
Giplust RivalMAT.
Bridp inset, below Male, Towanda, Pa.
Jose 10,1831. at:
I'The.lAlrgast, Beat and Cheapest
lino of Skoog for Ladles'. Misses , and Children,.
wear la tonisd at COnsin'a new store, corner Main
and hack**, Tracy &Noble`, Block. aprelli
•ur REMOVAL.—J. 8. ALLYN has re
moved his Undertaking Establishment from
Bridge street to mans on Main street, over Ton
VAN Donit'a Boot t Shoe Store. A full line of
Undertaker's Goods from the cheapest to the best.
Jinni at. • J. S. Aitmar, Agent.
tirGooD ADVICE. —We advise every
tangly to keep Down's. Elixir always on band. It
le the beet remedy toreonghsandeoldserereffereil
to tee- public. , - •
lir COWER has tie best s weariag Shoes
for Men, Boss and Youths' wear ever offered to
Towanda, and at prices within the reach of
L. B. Rotx;Eas, challenges compe
num for.quality of goods and low prices on Sash,
Doors, Blinds and 3101din‘ a, and a/ building au.
terUl.. _ anga:tf J.
11:4'For cleansing the system of all mor
bid matter and warding of diseases. no medicine
nowises such emcac7 as Master's' Mandrake Bit
ters. '
HURRAIIIito pzo. L. Rosa's New
Groeerydtope In the Montanye Block, and get your
groceries at reek bottom. Jan. 20.
Ur YOU RUN NO RISK when you
buy year Groceries at O. L. 'ROSS'S new store in
Nentanye Block. His PRICES are WAY DOWN
to rock bottom.,
beats the world by Loa Prices and good Goods.
trAi a liniment for bones Henry &
Johnson's Andes and Oil Liniment Is unequaled.
It cures Sprain, Bruises, and Lameness at once.
tOrGEo. J.. Ross sells GroCeries awftil
CHEAP beeatise his expenses are very light, and
be Is bound his customers shall' have the benefit.
lbave ,- used several bottles of Simmons'
Liver Regulator, sod yoq may record the fact. that
my feelings are so far !changed that I can eat.
WWI]. and am more like a well man than I have
been for years put. I have suffered for fear years
and am grateful for relief.
J. RArrzwyr, Periodical Store, lice Market Bt.,
July 7-lw
JarREMEMBER, =thAt. W. C. & A. B.
BORROWS, of Stevenrrille,4radford county, Pa.,
sell goods at bottom pricetaiiii take In exchange
Butter, 14116, Ptak, Dried Apples,
and Duda of all kinds. . June 22, 81tf.
t It fa impoasifile for a woman after
a faithful course of- treatment with LYDIA E.
eontlnue to suffer with a weakness of the uterus.
Enclose-a stamp to Mrs. Lytota E. PINKBAII. 233
Western Avenue. Lynn. Maas., for pamphlets.
Sold by Dr. U. C. Porris, Druggist, Towanda,
Pa. Jutyl-yri.
REEETB—TifAYER.At the M. E. Patronage.
on July eth, by Rev. C. It. Wright, Mr. E. 11.
Heflin, of Bernice, Pa., and Miss Libble Thayer,
of Semite, Pa.
DAVIS—fiCHRADZIL—Ar-the Presbyterian Par
image, Monroeton, July Ist, by Bar, Hallock
Armstrong, Mr. Emmet M. Davis and Miss
Fatima J. itchrader. both of New Altisay.
DAILY--COOLBAUGH.—At the tome of the
brjde In Maiedoila.tJune 29th, by Rev. Hillock
Armstrong, Mr. Ja4 . li A. Daily and Miss Carrie
A. Coolbaugh, both of Macedonia.
McCLAY—PLUMMEIL —At the residence of the
bride's parents In Athens, Jane 29, by Rev. J.
Barton French. Mr. J. S. McClay. of= artford,
Conn., and Liule, lecond - danghter of Mr. G. W.
P.nmuier. •
CROTUT—MARRIS;—At the residence of the
bride's parents In - Leßoy, 4th Inst., by If. K.
Mott, Mr. Isaac E.Crofatiof Granville, and Miss
Margurette Harris. of Leßoy.
4th, 1431,5 y H. K. Mott, Esq., Mr. Amos li.
Crandall,ef Binghamton, N. Y., and Miss Ruby
H. Schrader, of Barclay,
Generaldealers in Groceiles' and Produce, cortier
Main and Pine Streets.
t• ~.....m. •
Flour per bbl 05 40 31 7 so
Flour per sack • -- 41 40 60 1 90
Corn Ideal , ft,p4loo —. 0 9: 40
Chop Feedi,..Z„.„..., k ,_..„.,_, • fal 61 40
Wheat, per bush.... 41 00 0 1.05 1 10.0
Corn . • 0 4 eld 60 ' 06
Oats7s 64 46
Oats . 40 41
Buckwheat . 0 • 45 . 0
Buckwheat F10ur.... $1 60 IW , , (4
OMIT 4600 5 00 54 6 50
Timothy, western,.. ea as 0 325
Beans, 62 lb,s, 01 50 0 1 60 131 -
Pork. mess. . 0 bbl. pl 00 0 p 22 00
Lard .. 10 0 11 0., 14
Butter, tubs 17 0 19 0
Rolls -160 ' 0,
Eigr, e
fresh 0 12S 30
Chees . 0
Potatoes. per bush.. Hi- 45. 50 /5
Beeswax ' 2O 00 22
• •
- COnnserso BY 11. DAVIDOW & BRO. .
- . .
Hides 06 ( 1 1 0 7
Veal Skins •
. 75 60 41 25
Deacon Skins • 40 0 . 60
Sheep Pelts ' 4 75 00 150
new. - A! arattlau .RESTAIIR 4.NT and
ATING,HOHBE on Bridge street, opposite the
Americas Hotel. Open at all hones, night and
11 5,i....
,i.... , . J. S. BHARITT, rroprtetor,
Tewanda, Jalyl.6ms. .
_ _ _
Towanda, In the State of Penneylranla, at the close
of buslnesi June 30, taBl :
Loans and discounts '
U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation...:
Other stor i ks.-goods and mortgages.
Due 'rem approved reserve agents..
Due from other National Banks....
Due from State Banks and Bankers.
Real es4tek, furniture and fixtures..
CullenOrzpernes and taseavairL:..
Premiums paid
Directs and ethereal!' Item
41111 s of other o boako 1,346 00
Fraetloll,ollo4lolooollll6oy, nlol[ol2l, etc.. 17 26
Specie ,OM 00
Lego Mender notes' ' Non 00
Bet/ I ' lll 'n fdo ll ifis V.B. Tr., 5 p.o. of dr. 6.750 00
. Totil .473:453 39
apttal stock....
Surplus fund
Undivided poets... _
Natkmal Bank notes outstanding
Dtvldends unpaid
Individual depww sub. to ch.k.4104,129 76 '
Demand eertlt's of deposit... 60,292 64
• -- 164.422 42
Dal to other National Banks 3,064 73
Dee to'State Banks and bankers 179 27
Total 9473.452 39
State of Pennsylvania. County of .Eradfordi ss
I. George W.'lluelt. Cashier of the gbove.named
bank; do solemnly swear that the above statement
Is true to the best of m knowledge anti belief. -
• OEO. W. RUCH, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this sth day
of duty, 18111.
/BA R. MOSLZT, Notary`Public.
Correct-Attest :
E. T. FOX,
Towanda, July 7,1851.
of A. It. Dorsey. deceased. la the Orphan's
out of Bradford Coun Court nedelliElled Id-.
ditor appointed by saido distribute the
money la the hands of the administrator of thews
tate of Alien B. Dorsey - . late of Athens Borough,
deceased, to the several creditors, will attend to
the duties of his appointment, at his ogled In
Atbens Borough, no TUESDAY. JULY, it. Isti.
at one o'clock P. 11, at width time and place all
persons having claims upoitsaid fond will pnltent
the same. er be debarred ' , from claiming any por
tion thereof. If. C. BAIRD, Auditor.
Athens. Pa., Jane 7; ittar
Ai. Letters of administration having been grant
ed to the undersigned, upon the estate°, Adolphus
Slater, late of Burlington Tom., deceased. notice Is
hereby gisnms that all persons indebted to the said
estate are requested to make immediate payment,
and ail persons haring claim° against said estate
must present' the same duly authenticated to the
undersigned for settlement. • ,
IL IL PACITNX. Administr,tor,
. tathee's Kills, PS., June la,
Woo jihnitzetsb.
Rave just received
10,000 yards of Piii.t
ed Lawns of the best
quality and newest
styles which they will
sell at 9 cts. 04 yard.
Powell & Co.
Have just opened a
large stock of Lace
and Plain Buntings,
with - a- large assort
ment of new styles of
Worsted Dress Goods
whieh they are offer
ing: at great bargains'.
Call attention to tlieir
new stock of White
Goods, Dotted Swiss,
Plaid Nainsooks,
French Muslim, India
.Piques, &c., which are
being sold at very low
Powell & Co.
Have just opened t
very: large and con!
,Aock of Ladies
Gloves, Hosiery, Lace
Ties, Fair, Ruehings,
Spanish Laces, Frehch
Lateg, &e. Their No
tion,and Fancy Goods
Depitrtment is now
unusually= full - and
eomi)lete; with 'A the
new things in the
marliet. - > The stoc:k.
of Parasols and v iSim
Umb3'ella-5..a,),1 very
large and prie,es very
luw. Sill:
° Fringes,
Girdles, Passamenter
ies, Dress Buttons, a
large assortment just
Have now in stock a
large quantity of La
dies Linen Ulsters, all
sizes and prices; also
a full assortment of
new Shetland Wool
and Thibet Shawls.
"48174,349 96
... 1,949 37
180,000 ob
... 24,353 39,
. 40.296 70
... 21,659 81:
... 2,671 20
... 26,505 46
... '4,013 42
... 4,728 49
... 1,089 22
9.000 00
11.770 97
.135,000 00
Powell & Co.
Have a large assort
ment of Canton and
Madras DresS Ging
hams, just received;
also large additions to
their stock of Calicoes,
Cretonnes, Furniture
Prints, &c.
Vt. jibperilsatesits.
TRlCT,—ftecelpts dui eipentllturer far the
year ending June the Id, MI.
. , usestrrS,
VrOnt balance on band last year... • .151 0
Collectors duplicate 1,40 04
Unseated land tax • 615 14
State appropriation
'" Borrowed money..',..
" Shilling tax....
For bungling profile ........ WI 64
" Repairs • ' *O4 46
Teachers salary 2,475 Go
liupplics and fuel 425 0
" Insurance' and COntingencles 54 02
Printing S 110
Collector's per centage 171 30, treas
urer's 177 73......
. Legal fees
Secretary's salary
Exonera lions. ...
Balance In treasurer's hand
D.' O•DO,,:EVAN, 1
- THOMAS Gantr. 5
June 23, 'Bl-3wk. •
And its Tontine savings Ruud Plau. •
9,228,294 00
Large profits in case of long life. Cer
tainty of prompt payment' in case of
death. $1,800,000 !midi.° Policy-
holders in P:,430. Not a •
claim contested.
For foil particulafg of fftSTlKE..atut all other
orm3 of pulley Issued by thillett, apply to
At FlItT NATIONAL B.%NK, Tuaramla:
L. C. Coe,-Manager,. 120, 11r9u45c4y,....1. Y. - Jun')
of John W. - Cowman.-tare of Monroe Town
ship. deceased.
The Auditor appointed by the Orpliatti 3. Court of
B•ailford County, to distribute the funds of above
named estate, as shown t, the nnal account of the
'xecatrbx and Executor, will attend to the *Mb,
„r appointment at hie btilce- In the Borough of
Towanda, on -MONDAY. .11:1.1( 11th. Is , l. at to
tt'Oeck:4:M All LICTSMIS having claims, will then
present: thew or they may be forever debased.
JAMES 11. CODDING,Auditor.
Towanda, June 16, Is., t•wl.
Letters tf administration having been grant
ed to the undersigned. npon the estate or °littlish
Ilenuentray, late of Sheshetplin lig) ' deceased,
notice Is hereby given that all persons Indebted to
the , said estate ate fettuestett to make Immediate
payment, and all persorrs having claims against
.said estate Must present the same - duly authenti
cated to the underdgited ter settlement.
W.M. SNYDER.. AdmlnlAtrator
Juip - r.•A 1/031-wo;:
fji X
ters testamentary haring been granted to Lim
undersigned. under the last will and .testameht of
Martha A. llorbm. &ceased, tat. of Terry Twit.,
all persons Indebted to the estate of cald decedent
are hereby . nidifleil tr. make Immediate payment,
and all having claims against mid estate Inset pre
sent the same duly authent.eated tw' the under•
signed for settlentent.
k:LIZAItETII It. HoliTus.
Terrytown, Pa.. done 16, Ptst-ria •
ters titstameillarr having been granted to the
undersigned.; under the last Wilt and testament •of
Nichidas B. 1: ,- iorbis. late of Springfield Township.
deceased'. WI person Indebted ttr-the estate of ...rid
decedent a e hereby notified to make Immediate
payment; and all having claims against said estate
mug' present the same duly authenticated to the
tuitPrsigned•fi,r settlement. •
11. 11
Springfield, Pa...f tine 9, ISM. •
European Plan. opito ,, ltu Merit) f:,11. Court.
House and new Post othre, NEw Pont:. pit ICE,
RKDI t ED. This hotel has all modern Improve
ments, Including Ele%atort;, it as. Running Water,
and iltirglarTronflocks on every door. IC I. COD.
Tenlent In all Theatres and within Mite 'minute , .
walk nt both Elevated Railroad Stations. noise
Cars for all parts of the city ,pasi the door. t•qmeiat
arrangements with excurslidi parties.
Letter.; of Ad ini,trat tun having been grant
ed to the . undersigned, upon the estate of 31.01.1
Drummond, late of Wysox Twp., &con:sell, man n
Ir hereby given '1 hat ail twr‘on.. indebted to the : wit
rotate are requested to make intmedfate payment,
piqson. having clatlno against said Ostalit
tott,t present the Naine duly ant hentteated to the
undersigned faraettlement.
:qminwton, P.i...lune 14, I'SI gar,
Crockery and 99-Cent Store
Ice, Cream Freezers.'
Crockery, China, Gla,ssware,
Decorated Charnber.4,..Sets at greatly re
duced prices.
& CO.
Children's Carriages
Best •quality of tidied BIRD SEED itt
- packages, only' 10 cts.
Wood . lard's - Medicated Nest Eggs—sure
Beat to lien lice —5 cl., or 50c doz.
To .1 title 9, 1 51
matter of the partition of the real estate of
Moses W. Cornell. late of the township of Litch
field. In the county of Bradford, State of Pennsyl
vania, deceased.' In the Orphans' Court of Brad
ford County,..No. 59, February Term. Dew):
Thu Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to George
Cornell, Pluebe Doty and Hannah Forks, all resid
ing In the township of Litchaeld. In said county-of
Bradford Julia Anu Merritt, of Belmont, In cl u e
county of Allegany. State of Now. York: Jelin
Cornell. of Barton,. In the county of Tioga, State of
New:Tork . : Phoebe Spear. Mary E. Lynch. Alan
son B. Carr. Peter G.-Carr and Gilbert Carr, all of
Ithaca, In the County o( Tompkins, State of Now
York . 1,- William Carr, of Lisle In the county of
itthoine,".State of New York; John W. Codding, of
the Borough of Towanda, In said county of Brad
ford. guardian , of /diem of Kate Carr. William
Vaultorn. Frederick Vanlforn. Jennie . Vanilurn,
Flora Vanthirn and Frank Vonliorn, hers at law
of the said Moses W. Cornell, deceased, and to all
other persons interested. greeting.
Bradford County as: -You are hereby cited to h
anal appear before the Judge of onr Orphans' Court,
at an Orphacs• Court tribe held at Towanda, to
sold county of Bradford, on MONDAY. the llth
day of JULY-. A. 3 -111. IMO. at 2 o'clock in the after
larrt, then and there to acfept or refuse to take .
thereat estate of said Metes t£ Cornell. deceased,
situate In the. townsbip of Litchfield. aforesaid. at
. the up - praised valuation piitopon It by an Inquest
July awarded by thu said Court, and returned by,
the Shedd <ea the Uth day of September, A.D. Iswv,"
to wit : Lot No. I, containing 107 acres and 75 per , .
clies,at:three thousand and nine dollars and twelve
and out;balf veils; and lot No. 2, containing 27
acres,,at four hundred and thirty-two &Bata And .
hereof fall not.
Withers the honorablo Paull/. Morrow. Pied: .
dent Judge of our said Court, at To A and*, the 6th
day of May, A. la lasi -
-- TALI. TERM commences
MON DAV, A Vtal.ST Z 2, 16f1. Exteuses for
hoard, tultlon and furnished room, from 1172 to
IWO per year. For catalogue or further puttee
lira address the ' • -
- Towanda, duly 7, 14-SI, --- •
310 OD
70 , 7 OD
• 374 74
... 142 OS
• 10 00
... 60 00
63 12
..--11,1 4 7 . 14 91
$41,108,602 00
Fourth' Summerintde
Go ..1 and very (.11wal•..
Deawated Dinner and Tea Sets,
Ipne 15.41. -IClerk or thePrOo us' Court
415 70