Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 07, 1881, Image 2

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    tadfota Nqorta.
Towanda, Pa., July 7, :118x.
of iVysox, will present his name to the
Republican County Convention as. a can
-didate for:the nomination for the office of
- County Commissioner. J un9 tr.*.
- The latest dispatches from Washington
up to tile hour of -
mooing, press this
Thursday, at noon, say that the President
raked a restful and refreshing"night, and
that all of the good symptoms still con
tiuue. Isis attendihg physicians . ray that
while there is still danger, yet the cbances
for the President's recovery aro very
"A.ion reigns and, tile government at
Wallington still lives."—Janies 4. Gar-
For irrEEN habdred and eighty six - new
post offices hare been added the past year
'go the number already existing.
Tut: orphaias' scpools of the
State 'eel:lye ft. 720,040 the nest two years.
TLe bill appropriating the money provides
that they shall be closed finally in 18S5.
Tn 7: ticereac in the Natiomtldetit dur
hig the month of .roue ahmunted . to the
tsum - $.1',: 1 2::,1:39.53., The decrpase fcr
yearil endin! , Itme :',Uth, was 4101,173,-
Tnr.nE no change ip the deadlock at
Albany, except that tile parne'of PLATT
witlah l a‘‘li• on Tinlmlay: and the
niw.t . of his strength is now being polled
for Cn.lwLi-A.
:-'Tit: tecords and findings of Ur: WHIT
'I:1 yitilt tlilrtlal ca,e were received
fliutHay by the Judge Advocate
cral. 1t is ut,w understood that a major
ily_of the court find him not guilty. -
Tur: Elmira Adrerther is unkind wheii
it remarks :—"3 man who has plenty of
money, and a disposition to spend it free
ly, can-rind a nomination for Gove - rnor
aiplying, to the Democrats of Ohio."
MERE are now live vacancies in the
retired of the 'army. .Two, it is stht
ed, will be tilled shortly by the retirement
Of Col. I'I::KNLY S.A . GENnEr.r., Fifth In
fantry, alid Co). F. T. DENT, First Artil-
ON Wednesday of last week the Presi
dent signed the commis:tic - 41a JOHN B.
Masiachusetts, as
sioner of Agriculture, and the commission
of Judge lionEnTsoN as Collector of the
Port of .Vew York.
As the Judicial Apportionment bill was
passed by a Republican Legislature and
-vetoed by a Republican•Goveinor, Demo
(-:ratie-rommentators hardly' know what
tii - dis about it. They can't attack one
' braLeh of the State Government without
approving the other.
IT is reported that the Baptist Babllea
liOn Society is contemplating a new and
revised edition of the revised Bible. The
Greek particle "en" has, it seems, - been
translated "with," which represents the
disciples_ as " baptizing With the Jordan."
The reason fora new translation is en
thely obvious. _
CLAIMS for the honor of the discovery
- of the great comet and the WARNER
in ize of, continue to pour-M by" - the
hundreds to Professor SwiFT, of Roches
ter, from all parts of the nortbein hemis
phere. 'it is definitely settled that pri
vate individuals and not - astronomers
were the first to seerit.
Tim Republican State Convention of.
lowa, Was held at.De,s Moines,. on Wed
nesday of last week... ForJiovernor,
Snr.n MA N; *•asenominated (in the tvieffth
and for Lieutenant t;overnor,
.7%1 A NNIN(; ; was - nominated on the third
ballvt. The Convention was a very large
one, Ilver one thousand delegates being
1 r is much to be desired that every
American citizen should be fully persua
ded in his own mind that happen what
may, the stability , of the government
under which we live will not be shaken.
It-rests u}sut the firm and broad fotinda
iion of the enlightened public opinion
from which its existence sprung, andiby
which it will be steadfastly upheld. ,
yuLt.-mootwwliulian as a clerk in
the Indian Office of the Interior Depart
ment, is certainly a bold move atfil a step
in the right direction.. secretary KIRK
wool) ha.; probably . struck a key-note
which may have a very powerful_ effect
among the erratic wavil of the Nation.
one of their own race in close connection
with the administiation' of the :Great
Father may act as a strong -. incentive to
ward Indian civilization.-
' THE feeling of terror which has been
caused b 3; Stories - of depredations of West
ern road agents and mail robbers is such
that in niany instances passengers are
robbed without makipg any show of re
sistance, and meckl\ band over their
cables when ordered.. An. instance of
this kind was given a feW. days since,
when a robber, single-handed,. rifled the
Mail-bags on a coach at San Antonio,
Tuxio4, while four well-armed passengers
sat looking on. - •
To si.EAli of Saturday's tragedy, says
the Philadelphia North American, as the'
s3tuptout and outlneak of a deep-seated
disease in lice Way politic is to follow the
promptings of a frightened fancy rather
than the guidance of a_logical and enlight
ened judgment. Thaf the President has
been stricken down by a monomaniac is a
fact which has in the abstract no bearing
upon the success of principles or the sta
bility c'or Republican goverment. The
crime is sporadic, and cannot properly be
made the tasis of philosophical deduc
tion. -
th:i; fiscal• year of theiNa
,tional Trea•nry Department closes. With
the thirtieth of June, the aggregate trade
reports; of the'Department are not likely
to be issued for some weeks hence. • Nev..
citheless the official reports for the eleven
nioatlis ending Slay 31 show that the ex
eess-of exports'over imports will tio_much
greater this year than it was the preViou
fiscal year. The most substantial eyi.
dewy, of this is that the balances paiitin
eoio,hd: , ,tititlion show a large increase.
Thus - far, therefore, the business of the
current calendar year is eminently satis
AN exchange has looked up the record,- -
and shows that,two hundred and Avert
United States Senators have resigned
among _Thom are such Mustrious Charms
JOHN Fonsrrn. ANtatzw. JacssoN and
others. But their resignations were ten
dered in order to enable the Senators to
accept Cabinet, - diplomatic or judicial ap.
pointments. In 1859 and 1860 the resig
nations of the Southern Senators were
made to enable the men who tendered
them to take up arms against the Feder..
al Government. General CAMERON, we
believe, was the first United States Sena
tor who resigned to go into private life,
that tie might have repose from all public
duty. • .
THE only State officer to be elected this
year in Pennsylvania is a Treasurer, but
he will bear the banner and represent the
principles of tint Republican party in this
State. :Republicans should not estimate
t le importance of the contest by the num
ber or officers . to be elected, but by the.
importance of the principles to be suk
wined.. Even that the victory of the Re
publican party in this State is a foregone
conclusion should not render Republicans
Inactive. It is not only important that we
should triumph but than we roil up the ,
largest majority possible so that ita.impe
tits will be felt next year when a Gover
npr, Legislature and members of Congress
are to be elected. • _
THE work of settling the accounts,of
the Philadelphia mint was finished last
week. All the bullion, both gold and sit=
ver, was ti. st weighed, after which the
great bags-and boxes stored away in the
r 13esses of the vaults, were taken from
their seclusion and submitted to a critical
test. The mint nowcontains seven hund
red thousanct ounces, or twenty-five tons
of bullion silier, twenty-five million dol
lars iu gold, or a total of thirty-one mil
lion dollars in gold and• silver coin and
bullion. It is expected that the forth
coming anntial statement of the operations
of the - treasury will be the most gratifying
I over received.
It is difficult to write calmly in
the presence of --a—great calamity.
Twice since the advent of the Repub-
Ecah party have its Presidents been
strock down by assassins. The vic
tims in both instances have been men
of uncommon excellence • and high
deserving. And they have heel] men
to whom bittclr personal enmities
were' unknown. But - the circum
stances i [attending 'the assassination
of LiN4ots and those attending the
lad—dreadful calamity differ .widely.
The slaying of LINCOLN was a politi
cal murder and had a grave political
significance. We, are:glad to say
that no-political significance attaches.
to the sl.ooting of President GAR
FIELD. It is true that in the, midst
of the indignation and horror Which
previiiled as the news sped over the
land, complicity with the assassin
was freely' imputed to persons' with
whom the: President had been at va
riance: That was probably natural:
it Was linjust., howeVer',. and more all; it was dangerous.
appeato I the self-respecting
to Viit -awa.yrthe unworthy thought
if in the first! moments of their sor
row, it :was harbored lb; a moment.
So !:tans anybody can know there is
no - -irbund for suspecting the exis
tence of meonspiracy against the life
of the P'regident. In the absence of
all proof it is an outrage to direct
suspicion against men who, whatever
.else they may do, do not deal in
assassination. Let the thought be
put far away, and let us se'e if there
Is not a-solution.of the problem much .
nearer at hand and entirely equal to
the emergency. When, after years
of unstinted_ abuse of ABRAHAM LIN
coLN; the assassin appeared upon the
scare and did his dreadful deed, the
press rang out with anathema against
the - crime and the criminal. The
terror inspired by the deed itself was
a great leSSon. But for years certain
editors . had loaded LINCOLN .With
epithets, and even in.some instances
suiciegted that thelman who would
kill him would be remembered as a
public benefactor. A continual ring
ing of the changes upon the. wicked
pess of A BRAITAM LINCOLN at last
brought, the base Ininded to regard
him as unfit to live. If the press is
powerful for good; it is no less pow
er evil, and it is as much ttiore .
powerful for evil as the tendeneY to
do evil in the minds of:the readers
- of newspapers strangep.trinrn the
tendency to do good. The unprinci
pled press of the,' country made the
assassination of Anniimm LINCOLN,
possible; The existence of the
wretches who plotted his death made
- it probable.
Now we turn to thislater tragedy,
and' direct public attention to the
course of the unprincipled journals
of the day. They have denied the
possession of pure motives to every
person high in authority, and they
-have taught the unthinking and the
base that of all whom the people
have selected to represent them in
the places of power there is not one
honest -man—no, not one. In this
way the sensational press has edu
cated its readers to believe that pub
lic men are scoundrels, unfit to live,
and much more unfit to be the depos
itories of public trusts. When You
have taught a 'bad plan that some
man- is unfit to live you have armed
him and sent„ him out to purify gov
ernment by murder .. As . a journalist
we say this, and as a journalist we
shall abide by it. What is• called
sensational journalism is to-ilay re
sponsible for most of the crimes that
shock toullimities. We do not for
get the seller of rum; no, we remem
ber him and admit hirito a fair.share
of the responsibility. Ile _prepares
the ground, and the reckless scaven
ger or news and the dealer in calumny
sows theseed.
_Between them they
manage to serve the devil in a way
satisfactory to that potentate. -
You cannot overrate the evil influ
ences of a licentious press. The
country knows very little of that in
tluence except as it crops out in
crime. But the cities and populous
towns are often cursed with journals
which fairly counteract the good
intluences of schoOls aitehurchei.
The Washington correspondence at
metropolitan Joernals ..of a ' Certain .
loie type, teems with the bisestof
inuendo and open calumny. The men
who write suet - trashy wickedness
must' live. They say so. 80. were
the tiger able to speak he would
prbbably say the same thing. But
men who deal in the offal of new*
could 'not make it psy but' for the
innate baseness of a class of readers
who regard nothing toothsome unless
it be seasoned with crime or frosted
with scandals. It is to the self-re
specting people-that JP l' e - appeal. Arid
We say to 'them that the man - who
deals in Bewitch' and loose charges
against publm men is an outlaw, and
deserves the 'We of an. outlaw. Good
people, if you demand filtkyon will
get it. If you demand - truth and
decency you will get that. For the
press is swift to' note the demand for
its ; wares. Teach journalists that
you will,Atot pay for lies and calum
nies, and they will not be put on the
market.' All man would be virtuous
if only virtue could be made to pay.
Be taught, therefore, and see to it
that - you make it' for the interest of
'ourcillists to he decent. .
The 'presentation of the name of
Hon. W. T. Deviss, of this place, as
a candidate for the nomination for
the office of State Treasurer by the
County Committee, at its recent
meeting, meets the hearty approval
of the 'Republicans of this county
and of this section of, the State, so
far as we have been Jible to learn;
To the people of this county and dis
trict Mr. DAvizs is well known, and
needs no commendation at our hands.
The people reiognize in him one of
their ablest leaders,and reliable rep
resentatives. Should he be nomi
nated the party would have in him a
nominee. to "Shoal they.could justly
point with'pride, as one worthy the
honor and competent, in every way
to fill tLe position with honor to him
self and credit to the State. We are
pleased to, know that 'his candidacy
is well received throughout the State,
and that there is a strong. probability
of his nomination.
Tnn completion of the New York,
Lackawanna and Western road from Bing
hamton to Buffalo in November next, will
occasion a 'spirited rivalry bctween the
new route and the Erie road. The dis
tance from New York to Buffalo by the
New York,_ Lackawanna and Western
will be thirty miles len than by the Erie,
and according to the rules of the post
Office Department this will entitle) the
former to the carrying of the mails be
tween these points. In anticipation of
such a lively rival the Erie is shortening
its curves, and cutting across lots so. as to
bring its diStance to New York even less
than that of its competitor if possible.
THE first attempt to use a postage stamp
was made by lion. E. A. MITCHELL, post
maste.ilof New Haven. It was about the
size,Orthe present Gos ernment stamp, of
a brown. color, and printed on ordinary
paper, containing the inscription : "Paid,
New Haven Post Office, Five Cents, E.
A. MITCHELL, P. M." .He procured this
to eccommodate'cifizens who were unable
to prepay letters except hi office hours.
The stamps were:iold by the postmaster
and accepted as 'prepayment. Collectors
pay a very high price for specimens of
these stamps, .which cannot be had for
hive or money.
- Governor — Hoyt. Thursday vetoed Imv
oral more bills, among them being the
act to authorize the Commissioners of
certain counties to discharge from prison
all persons confined in, jail without pro
ceedings under the insolvent laws ; the
act relieving certain classes of auctioneers
"in cities of the fires class from the pay
ment of certain taxes on sales, and the
act granting a pension to Rufus' Hatch,
whose son died from exposure on a forced
march from Corry to , Franklin, while in
service during the Pittsburg riots. This
hitter is disapproved on the grounil_that
while pensions to widows and orphans are
permissible, the
does not
permit pensions to be 'given to fathers of
sons who died in the military service;
The pressure for . office at the Treas
ury Department is very great, and 'there
is reason to believe that a system of ex
aminations will have to be adopted to
meet the petitions of office-seekers...
system is now in vogue, but for the minqr,
offices it is not strenuously adhered to.
Secretary Windom is compelled to devote
the greater pertion of each day to receiv
ing the applicants, many of whom Are
accompanied by members of Congress and
other influential persons. There are
practically no vacancies, but the' usual
promotions made and new, offices estab
lished at the commencement of the flacal
year tend to increase the number of appli
cations at this time.
The platform adopted by the lowa
State Republican Convention endorses the
national platform oflBBo ; insists that the
territories should be freed from the de
basing presence of polygamy ; congratu
lates the country on President Garlield's
vigorons administration in ferreting out
fraud and suppressing extravagance in
public ixpenditures and on thetrocelw of
its Etna chd policy ; recognizes the justice
of the popular demand that the people
be protected by leglah.tion from abuses
and exiortioni by: ailread companies l and
declares in favor of the submission of the
question of - Prohibition to the voters of
lowa at a special election.
A trust and 'Safe deposit company,
with a capital of 1.%0X), is about to be
established in Haniiiirurg. Thebusinesa
of the corporation Will' be to receive de.
posits, make &mounts,' take charge of
such valuables as bonds, Mortgages, silver
and gold plate, and to act as administra:.
tors in settling' estates, and as guardians
in managing the estates of minors. Gen.
Simon. Cameron and W. W. Jennings,
president of the iist National. Bank, are
among the hes • subscribers to 'the
stock of the new insthutioa.
Francis Murphy, 'the temperance a&
vocate, ended a three weeks campaign at
to il City on &Nil* night.. He obtained
nearly 2000 aignitmnts to the pledge.
::1)0441414*Pt: on :40 .
-.-. - . Proicleiol Life t .--
The Coluitay Aroused' and
Intensely Excited.
; -
-'At 9.20 o'clock Saturday morning
a dastardly. attempt ; as made to as
sassinate James A. Garfield, Presi
dent cif the United States, in the
I altimore and , Pawnee , Railroad
Depot at Washington, where he had
gene •in company ' with Secretary
Blaine and other gentlemen to take ,
the 9.30 A. M. train north.
of ,the would-be assassin is Charles
Gitteau, ,an adventurer and disap
pointed office-seeker. Ile was imme
diately nested, - while the President
who Ss. 1 thought iii. be mortally
wounds ' was removed! to the White
House, Where be has lain , ever since.
It is impossible to exaggerate the
feeling of horror, grief and apprehen- 1
sign with which the sad /news has
been received by the peofile. Raised
by his native talents and industry
and by the votes of a free people
from the lowest poverty to the most
exalted station on earth, President
Garfield has been Universally recog
nized as a typical American. His
bumble origin, his brilliant career,
his valuable services to his 'country
in - war and peace and his purity of
personal character have rendered him
very dear to the hearts-of his coun
trymen. And the achievements of his
Administration have won for him
the confidence and good will of hon
est men of all parties. That such a
man as this should in a time of pro
found peace and abounding prosperi
ty : and plenty be murderously as
saulted is especially surprising and
horrifying. From the 'time of the
reception of the first! telegram at
about 11 A. M. Saturday, announcing
the shooting of the President. unttl
the dispatch at about 7:20, P. M. an-
flouncing his death, a large number
of people watched the bulletin board
at the Ward House where dispatches
were posted as Pastas received. From
the REPORTER office extras were is
sued on the receipt of each telegram,
and circulated about the village. At
about, 2 P. M. the dispatehes began
to say, that there was no hopes
for , the, President, and at' 7:29,-one
came •making the sad announcement
that the President had breathed his
last at 6:50. Immediately upon the
< .
receipt of this dispatch the bells of all
the churches were tolled, and nearly
all of those gathered about the Ward
House sorrowfully wended their way
to:their home S , believing that a , great
calamity `had :N
befallen the ation.
At about 1 o'clock Sunday morning
a dispatch , was received which said
the President was not dead, and that
his condition was.improved. This
was cheering neirs,and rapidly cir
culated until it seemed that alt bad
heard it. 1 Telegrains early in the
morning confirmed the good news.
Extras were issued at an early hour
from the REPORTER and 'fermi( of
fices, and an extra was issued on
the receipt of each telegram through
out_ the day from this office. - The
dispatches. during the_greater, part of
the day were all encouraging. At
about 5 o'clock'''. M., the first bad
news.of the day came. The dispatch
said the President's symiitoms were
not as favorable, and that he was in
a very critical condition. The tele
grams up to 10 P. M. were certainly
far from cheering to thos 'who anx
fously read them in the extras or
from the bulletin board, -and the
gladness otthe morning was followed
by a spirit or depression in' the
evening, and the genereal expression
of all was that there was no hope for
the President's recovery. The dis
patches Monday morning brought
the intelligence that the President
was no worse than' on the evening
• irevious, that if there was any change
.noticeable, it was for tne better, and
that while his' chances for recovery
was very slight his, attending physi
cians were hopeful that his rugged
constitution and splendid 'physique
would pull him through. Each dis
patch thrOughout the day brought
the giatifying intelligence that the
President was no worse,—in fact was
improving.' That he was suffering
less pain, and that every 'hour in
creased his chances for recovery.;
During Tuesday evening and Tees-
day night . there was no sign of a re
lapse, and no signs of perriteneal in
flamation, the thing most to be
dreaded. Wednesday morning the
I l i
dispatches brought the gratiryi g in-i .
telligence that the Presides was
still improving, and that his c aces
for recovery bad been wonde fully
increased withir. the past tweak-four
hours. That he ,had taken nourish
meat-during the night and , retained
it and that the, pain in his, feet and
legs had almost entirely disappeared.
This good news was continued thro'-
out the day, each bulletin showing
that the President's condition was
steadily improving. The following
dispatch was sent out from Washing
ton at 1 . o'cleck Wit,• Thursday,
morning :
WAMIINOTON, July 7, 1881. -
One o'clock, A. at.
The President passed a most com
fortable day,and his condition to-night
is-- in every way as,, satisfactory as
could be expected. • He has taken
more nourishment during the past
eighteen hours than it any time since
he was wounded, and the food has
all been-retained and per,tectly &saint
tided. To relieve him, as far as
possible, from the oppression caused
by the intense heat, his physicians
this evening put; into operation a
simple refrigerating apparatus,which
it is thought, will render the atnios-'
phere in his room to-morrow much
more comfortable than to-day. Al
though only a few hours have elapsed
since the apparatus was put in opera
tion, it has made a very. perceptible
change. '
The day has been comparatively a
quiet one at the Executive Mansion,
for the reason that the favorable bal.
letins, to a great extent, relieved he
public anxiety and decreased he
number of callers. At midnight he
President is resting quietly; and.all
the symptoms are favorable.: ..
From the Philadelphia Pivss of
Sunday last, we take'the
Vie 11136370211, July, 2.—lhe'Preal
dent bas. been wasainated, He ilk
now 13rinli st the bat of . death ri the
White BOUM abd his ishric:ari sly
be 'cannot , recover. That the deed
was well Planned' and lOog premedi
tated there cannot be a doubt The
assassin Charles Gittean of Chicago
was arrested and ie safely lodged in
jail. has been well known for sev
eral days past that the President, ac
companied by several members of
his Cabinet and their ladies, would
leave Washington this morning for
a two-weeks' trip in New England;
General Garfield has been looking
forward to the journey with g reat
pleasure. He bad mapped outhim
self the route the party was •to take
and the details of the trip were en
trusted to Mr. Jameson, Assistant
Superintendent of the Railway Mail
Service. Mts. Garfield was to be one
of the party. Her .aojourn at Long
Branch had completely, restored her
to health,' and General Swann, had
been sent to the Elbemn Hoterto es
cort her to New York where she was
to have joined the president this af
ternoon. Two sons and a daughter
of General Garfield were with - their.
mother, while the elder boys, . Janes
'and Henry were to have secomPardill
their father.
The day was a magnificent one for
traveling. The President arose at an
early hour, attended to thnsiderable
executive business,
left his instruct
ions with Private S'teretary- Brown.
and was preparing' to start when
Secretary -Blaine carne to the White
louse. -The otter members, of the
party, it appeal a bad lc one,to the de
pot some minutes before the time for
the train to start, 940 Secire
taries Windom, Runt, Lincoln snd
Postmaster General James, accom
panied by Mrs.' Windom, Mrs. Runt'
and Mrs. James, had taken seats in
the special car Attached to the train.
It was within five minutes of the time
of starting when the' 'Presidents car
riage drove up to . the. B street.en- -
trance to the depot. Mr. Blaine had
accompanied General Garfield to the
train, and both gentlemen slowly al
lighted from the carriagO., The scene
of the assassination of Pr#ident Gar
field was the ladies reception-rootn.
This room is situated 'on the north
side of the building, and has one main
entrance in the centre of the B street
front and two doors on the Opposite
side connect with the general recep
tion room. , The ladies room is pro
vided with wooden seats, arranged so
as to be perpendicular to the B street
front and.leave an ,[aisle from the B
street entrance andra passageway by
the ends of the seats through either
the right or left door;which are about
fifteen feet apart.
The President and Secretary Blaine,
arm in arm and walking slowly, had
taken big, two or three steps in this
aisle near the B street door when
Giteau entered by the left door from
the general reception-room and, pas
sing quickly around; the' back of the
benches came behind the President
and fired the shot that struck him on
the arm. The President walked about
ten feet to the other end of the aisle
and was in the act of turning' to face
his assailant when the second shot
struck him in the small of the back
and be 'fell .diagonally' across the
aisle. _ A scene of the most intense
excitement followed. There was a
larger erowd present at the depot
than usual, many persons having
been attract there to see the Presi
dent and the members of the Cabi
net. As soon as the reports of the
pistol were beard a rush was made
for the ladies' waiting room. Some
'body shouted: "Maine is murdered!"
but the Secretary of State rush 4
frantically into the main room shout
ing for Colonel Rockwell. Mrs White
the woman in cliai•ge of the waiting
room, was the first, to reach the Presi
dent. The crowd stood
. .9ghait, with
horror. - She fitted up his bead. He
was- deathly.pale but retained his
consciousness. His son bent over
his' father .and s - obbed frantically:
The Secretary of State could hardly
repress his emotion. Mr. Jameson
called upon the police to disperse
the crowd, that the President might
have ait. A small space was made,
but the.. policemen were. Absolutely
powerless to preserVe order, News
of the assassination flew along the
streets like wildfire, and within ten
minutes there were over a thousand
people at the station. The members
of the Cabinet and their wives were
notified Of_the event. 'A man burst
into the car exclaiming, " The Presi
dent has been murdered.! " The
gentlemen rushed fro& " the car into
the station, while the ladies were
I.dt, in a stste of speechless' supense.
As soon as those who surrounded
the president recovered their almost
paralyzed senses a mattress was
brought down from the Pullman of
fice and the President was laid upon
it. Blood was oozing from his
wounds and soaking through his
Clothes upon the floor. He vomited
profusely. He was tenderly carried
upon the mattress through the large
waiting-room and upstairs into one
of the , private aims.
.The officers
succeeded but. poorly 'in keeping the
crowd back, and the doors, f the de
pot were closed and fastened against
the people.. Physicians were imme
diately called. Those - summoned
were: Dr. A. M. Bliss, who was plac
ed in charge of the case ' • Dr. C. M.
Ford, Dr. Hartington, U.S. A. ; Dr.
J. J. Woodward, 'U. S. A.; Dr. Town
shend, N. S. Lincoln, Robert Rey
burn, Surgeon General Wales of the
Navy, Surgeon Basil Norris, and Dr.
. ,
The physicians made an unavailing
efFprt to discover the ball at the de
pot. It was evident that nothing
"could be done in the presence of such
a crowd, and thatthe slim chances of
saving the President's life depended
upon placing him where he could
have absolute quiet. .A , police am
bulance was sent for, and it was
backed up to the B street entrance
of the depot. The President was
brought down stairs upon a stretcher
.borne by Chief Cronin of the Fire
Department, Officer Connell and two
other gentlemen. The doors ,were
thrown open and the crowd parted
while the wnundel man was gently
laid upon mattresses in the bottoiii ,
of the vehicle. The President was
very pale and weak, but conscious.
He opened his eyes 'and silently wav
ed his hand toward the - :crowd
Strong, men sobbed or cried at the
pitiful sighti — A squad of , twelve
mounted policemen surrounded the
ambulance. Coloikel Corbin took a
seat by the side of the driver, Cut
Rockwell was. inside, and three or
four attendants clung to,,the'steps In
the. rear. The vehicle was driven
slowly ov i
-r the Be'shit' pavement to
Pennsylv nia Avenee: &s's.ins as
the emoOth - pavement w as; reached
the [tor* were put at's; gallop and
the caialcade ilashetruts toward the,
White Hone at full speed.. Precell-'
big thel embubutee . to' the White
'Rouse by a few moments ' were sev
eral phYsiehms in their carriages.
The avenue was crowded with ;people,
who stood upon the sidewalks Watch
ing with tearful l eyes the mournful
procession as it bore the ahnost life-,
less body of the President ` to. the
White Houser The east gates, south
of the Treasury building, were thrown
open. The ambulariCe passed within
and the gates were Closed against the
crowd. 011iettrs were ,immediately
placed' at all the entrances to the
grounds and the public was excluded.
As the ambulance was driven up to
the tioath entrznce to' the Executive
I Mansion the / President was lifted
out. lie looked up and saw Private
Secretaries Biown and Ccok looking
dOwn froin one of the window's. Be
smiled 'and saluted them with his
njured: arm. Arriving at the stair
way directly .back,of the Blue Room
1 4a
the is bulance was brought to a stop,
the reSidento carefully . removed and
plat upon a stretcher, and borne
up the , stairway through the Blue
and 'Red Rooms to his.private 4pnrt
meats on the second-floor and Carthe
south side of the Ma,nsion. .
Before the President was removed
froth the depOt' beAlirveted the 'fol
lowing message to lie'sent to his wife
at Long, Branch : ' •
. The President wishes me to say to
yon froth. trim that he has been seri
ouqhurt. Mow seriously he'eaanot
yet say. 'le i is himself, and hopes
you will come to him soon. lie
sends his lovelo you . .
• Mrs. Garfield , and h4r family IA
Long Branch in a special train and
reached WashingtorG , abou'47 : P. M.
On Mrs.. Qirfield!s arrivat2 l . - at the
White . House she was at once taken:.
to the bedside of her husband; Who
eeted her ‘itith affectionate cheert,
fulness. Rel. presence seemed
cheer the President, and a•favorabie
turn in his condition, within an hotir
after she reached home, was atiiih
ate by the physicians to her arrival.'
WASIIINGTON, July 2.—A prelimi
nary examination of the Presidents
wounds.was made at. the depot, and
meantime the assassin bad not' been .
allowed to escape. After firing the
fatal shot he started at.?a rapid
pace through:the main waiting-room,
apparently intending to escape by
the entrance on the Sixth-street side.
Ile held the .smoking revolver in his
hand, but was prevented - from .pass
ing by the crowd, which pushed to
ward the spot where the 'President
was lying. He turned.. sharp about;
passed within ten feet of his Victim,
and 'attempted to pass . out at the B=
street' entrance, through whicir the
President.bad just gone. A:police
man named Kearney was standing
on the corner of Sixth and B streets
when the shuts were fired, and he
-raw to the entrance of the last-named
street just in time to meet. Giteau as
he was coming. out of the door.
'Without knowing that he was the as
sa6sin, hut attracted by' the man's
'desire away, - the ()peer grab.
bed him an 4 held him- as:. in a vice.
Oiteau struggled o, little 4+ get' away,
his - shirt being torn in theencounter,
but' Special officer Scott came to
Kearney's assistance and the niurder
.er submitted quietly. "Yes," said
the assassin " I have killed'Ciarfleld
and Arthur is President of the Unit
ed, States. ram a Stal!iart. I have
a letter that will tell you all about
It. ' I want 'you to take it up to
Sectetary Sherinan.'' His pistol was
taken from him and he was removed.
without delay to Police. Headquar
ters, corner of Pennsylvania Avenue
and Four-and-a-half Street. Quite'a
crowd followed
,the cabers and the
prisoner to 'headquarters: But no
.violence toward him was attempted.
In fact, but few of the. people wbo
saw him rushed through the streets
were aware of the gravity of his of
fens. He was . entered on the police
books as follows.
Charles Guiteau, arrested .at 9:25
A. M., duly 2,. 1881, for shooting
President Garfield • aged 36, white,
born in United States and a lawyer
by profession . ; weight 130 pounds ;
has dark brown hair, thin whiskers
andssilow dreised ina
dark shirt with black slouch hat, i•
4 •
After answering 'the_ _questions
which.led t§the'entrY above quoted,
Guiteau wits searched, and placed in
one of the Cells,* headquarters. A
number oft papers Were. found upon
the assassin, all but one of Which th,e
authorities refused to make • public.
This one is as. follows. ,It shows
Clearly that the murder was premed
itated : "•; • '
JULY 2, 1881..
To the - White Hott.le
The-President's tragic death was a
sad necessity, but• unite the
Republican party and save the Re
public. Life is a flimsy dream, and
it matters little when 'one goes. A
; human life is , of small value. During
;the war • thousands of brave boys
'went doWn without a tear. I pre
sume the President was a Christian
and that he will be happier in Pam;
disci than here. Jlt will be no worse
for Mrs. Garfield, dear soul, to part
with her husband this way'thair by
natural death. He is liable to go at
any time, anyway. I had no itl-will
toward the President. His death
was a political necessity. I am a
kwyer,a theologian, and a politician.
I am a Stalwart of the Stalwarts.
I was with General, Grant and the
rest of our men in New York during
the canvas. I have some papers for
the, press which shall leave with
Byron Andrews and his co-journal
ists at No. 1420 New-York Avenue,
where all the reporters can sec them,
lam going to the_jail. .
C 11Altligt3 6 01.71TEAU:
The following letter, -found on the
street shortly after the arrest, en
closed in an envelope unsealed and
addressed : "Please deliver at once
to General Sherman, or his first as- ,
aistant in charge of the War Depart
me.nt,', also shows that he had' care
fully plhnned the crime : •
To General Shernian :
I have just shot the President. I
shot him several times, as I wished
him to go as easily as possible. His
death was a -political necessity; I
an) a laWyer, theologian , and politic
ian. lam a Stalwart of the. Stalwarts.
I was with General Grant and the
rest. of our men in: New York , during
the canvass.l. I am going to the jail.
Please order out your troops and
take possession of the jail at once.
- Very respectfully,
On receiving the 'above General
Sherman gave the tblioiving indorse
ment : '
jai' ARMY.
WAsinstaux4 July 2ilSBl-.4135 A. 7d. - •
..1 14 was handed
me this - minute mitjorViltiapa.J.,
Twining, United ,. littitesEtighidern,
Commissidner Or the DlstiletOrCei
umbia, and MaJor William :G. `Brock;
Chief of Polite.' Idon't knoW.the
writer, never heard of or saw him to
my knowledge', and: hereby return it
.to the •.keeping of the -above-named
parties as. testimony iii the crises
r_: T. S ['ERMAN, General.
• In -a short time after the news of
the attempted • assassination. spread
through a crowd numbering
'about two hundred persons gathered
about police headquarters. 4ntici-il
. A riossible attempt to,lynch
the prisoner, it,_ was deterthined to
take him
- 'at once to the Distriet*Jail,
which is. a milo 'cast of the Capitol.
The priaonei-was considerably excit
ed,.and' evidently feared rough treat
ment at-the ban& of the crowd. -In
this he ar;is mistaken. New that
the President's wounds had not re
sulted .fatally was c.:irculated among
the people. The prisoner was rushed
down stairs and placed in a carriage
With Lieutenant Austin and three
detectives, and, escorted by a squad
of mounted police, they were driven
to the Jail. - On the way thei prisoner
conversed 'freely. In co.nVersation
with Wetective MeE) fresh he .said.:
•` Mr. McElfresh, I contemplated this
-act six w - triti ago and intended to
Shoot` the President-at that time.
laid for ; the depot when the
party cent to Long Branch, but
Mri. loAn , l.s() sick an d
icate. didn't lave the heart to shoot
Na neeornplices Were'associat-
CA. with me: I did .it all myself."
Charles, Guiteatt, the assassin, is
thirtpsix 'years old, bliort in statue,
and of a well: knit' though not stout
figure. His fittnilY_ cane., from
sace, but it' knot known whether he
was born there -or in Canada, to
.which they mOviri. - ,2 lie says lie was
born in Chicago.Vf late years he
has Hied in . cliivago, where helms
pretended to . practice law. I 1 'was
some years ago a clerk- in the office
of the Internal Revenue Collector at
Chicago... Subs; quently he .was. ap
pointed by Grantlo a consular office,
from whieh - he was rccenly removed.
lie has: been in Washington much of
the time, however,sinco March, seek
ing appointMent to a forei
ship, Marseillek being his preference.
lie also filed an Application . the .
'Austrian mission. So persistentwas
he in his struggle for office that his
sallow face; on whkh grew a Strag
gling beard, had become familiar at
the ‘Vhite house and the' State De,
pitrtment. lie called at the. White
House no later than Friday arternoon.
the President .informed him that he
could give, his ease no. attention now,
as he was about •to leave the city.
Guiteau is understood to have replied
that . the President might 'not leave,
as soon as he intended. (.ituiteau's
present visit to. Washington began
six weeks ago. He`tookrodgifigs'in
a high. pricel boarding house, and
since,then has shitted about whenever
his board bill has been demanded.
Colonel J.. 0. P. Burnside, of the
Post-office Department, was called on.
on Saturday afternoon and asked if
he knew anything of Guiteau. He
answeAtl i - " Oh, yet.; knew him
when' he was a baby in his mother's
arms. His father, L. W. Guiteati,
was an old resident and respected
eitizeii of Freeport, ill., w here he , has
held mane (aces of trust. Sothe
years ago . I he became deranged on
the subject of perfection, and lectur
ed extensively through the north and
west on that Subject. He married a
very beautiful woniau f with whom
and. the younger chillrer• he joined
We Oneida Community: He after
ward returned • to Freeport, where,
from D6•t up to last September, the
tune of his death, he served as cash
ier of the Second National. Bank.
There were three children. A n "Older
brother, 'Wilkes Guiteau, for a long
time practiced la iv at Davenport,
lowa, but.iS-noiv practicing his pro
fession in Boston, where also he is
4t, the head of large insurance inter
ests. A younger sister, Flora, was a.
very promising gill, baying a decid
ed talent for musk. s
Guiteau, who today is in.jail for the
attempted murder of the President ;
was an odd boy. •
He appears to have been the only
one of the children • tainted with his
father's eceentrizAties: . When the
family left the - Oneida Comnitinity,
Char:es then-fifteen Or sixteen years
old, was =-left behind. Ike aftnrward
went to I.f;hicago where he studied
law, being cared for and supported
With money by :his fathec.
After completing . _ his studies,
Guiteau went to Europe, "where he
travelled for several . years, imbibirg
socialistic!' and other eccentric doe-.
lrines. A' few 3.ears l ago he returned .
to this country and'lectured on the
second advent of .ChriSt; He pub
lished a pamphlet on• the subject, in
which the, egotism of - the. man was
plainly shOwn. Ile spoke of himself
as a messenger of God to announce
his-eoming. . His lectures in Lincoln
Halt, in-Washington, on this subject
Were a failure.
In a letter written to JOhn W.
quitean, brother of Charles, and a
resident j of Boston, by their 'father,
dated March 3u, lsTz;,yeferring to
Charles, .he says -" I. have been
ready to believe him capable of al
most any lolly. stupidity or rascality.
The one possible exeuse . l can render
for him is that he is insane. *^ I
found' he :was deceitful,,and could not
be depended upon in anything
conceited,land •at times
outraged.usly •wictie . d, apparently pos
sessed of the'devil. l'saw him once
or twice when it seemed to me he
was willing to do• alrinist anythin g
wicked he should • happen to take
fancy to.. *i* -insanity is lof
such a charkter that he is as likely
to . become 4 sly, cunning desperdo
_as anythint * I am sometimes
afraid, he Would steal, rob or do any-
;thing/ befOre his -egotism andSof
:conceit shall be knocked out of/him,
and perhaps even all :that will not
. •
TAII U . Ills - TIFTURE. •
A photographer visited the jail
Monday. to take a picture of Guiteau.
Guiteau at first objected, saying that
be desired to have it taken in first
'class•atyle by the best photographer
in the Cuuntry. :13eitig informed that
this.photographer was 4,ne of the best,
he consented. and was brought down
from his cell by the Warden and his
aksistants.• . He immediately 'walked .
up to the shim, and said, ".1 atri the
Person who. wants his photograph.
Now I want you to me full jus
tice, • See that Sf i on get a correct ex:
pression of my eyes." He huttoned
up his coat, brushed j back. his hair.
.withjhis hands and sat ~d own 'before
the camera. •
IGuiteitu, when . having his photo
graph / taken, inquired if his position
was not an excellent one ?i Being told
that he was standing rather stiffly,
Guiteau told the photographer that
he supposed ha knew , his own busi
begs, and could arrange him to suit
.himself. Eight different styles of
pictures were taken, showing him
standing with his hat on and off,
sitting, with ,full and side face. After
sitting, G . uiteau would inquire how
he. looked, &e. He is unshaven. His
eyes are large, and , hill manner that
of an intelligent- man. His hair is
cut rather close.
Guiteau said on his way to Jail
that the President's assassination
was premeditated, and that he went
to Long Branch Tor the - purpose of
shooting him" there and was deterred
by the enfeeb!ed* and saddened con
dition of Mrs. Garfield, which ap
pealed so strongly to • his' sense of
humanity that he came back without
earrrying out his intention. Those
by 'whom Guiteau has been examined
since the shooting, say that he shows
no symptoms of insanity, and it is
understood that the titter addressed
"To the White House," is the only
document 'in- the collection which
supports the theory of insanity.
. The President has received the
most dexoted attention from the time
he was ~shot. ;Mrs. MacYeagh, Mrs.
Maine, Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. Lincoln,
Mrs'. Windom and Mrs. James have
been in constant attendance at the
President's bedside,and if, be recov
it will be in great part duesto
their tender ministrations., • Mrs.
Kirk*bod . "is not in - ' - --WashingtoiV.
One or more Of these ladies . is with
F the President at all times, fanning
him or administering medicines. Mrs.
Garfield hais'been almost'consttintly
with- her husband since her return
from Long Branch. She endures the
trying ordeal in a manner which
coinmabils the admiiation - of all who
see her. i She is perfectly self-pos-.
(.!sseci and does not - exhibit any ner
vousness- Or excitement. Hermeet-
ing ;with her husband for_ the first
time after the shooting is described
as'` an affecting scene. Attorney-
General MacVeagh and Mrs. James
went to' thedoor to meet her as the
cariage drove up to the south en
trance. Ho* is he ?" she said, as
she placied her haTds in those of Mrs.
James. • " We think he is greatly im
proved," said the Attorney-General.
Mrs. Garfield walked quickly up the
stairs _along which her husband had
been borne faint and bleeding. She
was dlrected to the room 'where he
was The door, was' thrown
_and she entered. The Presi
dent opened his eyes and saw who it
was. Mrs.Gat-fitid kndt by the side.
ofthe bed and, threw her ai•nrs around
" It Is ll right now,':' she ex
claimed: "I am here." The Presi;
dent murmured an 'almost inaudible
expression of love and returned ter
embrace as best he could.
In reply to the numerous telearams
of syMpathy received at the' White
House, Secretary BLAINE issued oa
Monday the • following by request of
WV President and. M r.S.:aIA4FIE ;
On behalf of the President and
GAnFtEbb, I s desire to make I public ac
,knowlagement of - the very numerous
messageS of condole nci; and affection
Which have betn..recelvcd since Saturday.
wonting, from alMost every State in the
from the South as bountifully an
fro 'n tllo North; and from tie countries'
beyOnd the sea hake come messages of
anxious inquiry, and tender words of sym
pathy in such. numbers that it has been
found impossible to-answer them in de
tail. 1 therdorc, ask the newspapers to
- express for the President and Mrs. IiAILL
FIELD the deep gratitude which they feel
for the devotion of their fellow country
men and friends ahroad in this hour of
Leavy 'affliction.
,3.‘3lEh 0. BLAINI.,*
• S i ecretaty of State.
—A pair• of scissors were recently found
in the stomach of an ox butchered at
—Judge Hall bag withdrit*ii from the
judicial contest iii the llcdford-Somerset
district, aid Hon. John Cessna has the
field to himself. - * . •
--All the •coal•dirt banks in Schuylkill
county have heen.sold tti Colonel John
Wyncoap, of PtAtsville, who is shipping
the dust to furnaces.
. —The stray logs lyitig between loyal
Sock Cretik and the• gliamokin
amounting to` 12,000,000 Sect, are to be
sawed up at Watsoutown.
small-pox Las appeared.ii Pitts
burg. .In the TWeilly-fourth w / rd, to
which the disease' seems to be cOntined,
there arc twenty known cases. -;
—Professor Edgar T. Smith, of the 'Un
iversity of Pennsylvania, *as y sterday
elected to till . the Packer chair in the
Muhleuberg College at Allentow .
—Judge Elwell has extended' Sept. 8
the time for Member's of the Cit 'Conned
of Williamsport' to appear .auji answer
why they have not paid interest on certain
—Eight prisoners ,contined in the coun
ty jail at Uniontowt escaped Thursi*
afternoon. ,Five o them . were strikers
arrested for riot W i th° coke regions ;one
has been recitliturd, but the others are
still at liberty. A, large nedy.has gone in
pUrsuit Of thent. This is the second time
that prisoners have escaped on account of
. -
the insecurity of the jail.
—A conductor and baggage-master wet-el
enind guilty of assault and battery. in the'
Criminal Court' Vfiittshit rg recently, Mi.
a charge preferred
,by a passenger . who
had been evicted froth the train some tiMe
since. • The passenger had purchased., a
ticket, but could not find it when the con
ductor went through the train, and he was
put off at the next station, the baggage
master being called pule . assist. 1 '
- —A bee tree was cut down ou the lands
of the Lackawanna Iron. and Coal Com- .
parry a few days ago, when a nest of large
black snakes was fou d . - the hollow of
the tree below the be combs.-- The bees
snakes entered through the same bole,
which was located abont thirtyfeet above
the - ground, and the fact that thecombs
of the bees contained „no honey, - the sup
position is that thgir:near neighbors had
devoured the fruitsiof their toil as fast as
it *as gathered.
. .
—The safe in .the hardware store of
Henry G. Taft, of Uxbridge; Mass., was
bloWn open .early Thursday morning, the
burglars securing 'shay dollars in money,
with the bank books and railroad certifi
cates of Mr: Taft and his brothers. The
papers are °Coo use to the thieves, but it
will be difficult to duplicate thong. --
-In - the Harvard-Columbia freshmen
,race, at ]baton, Mass.,
ThursdaY afternoon Harvard won eestly
by three lengths.' , Time, 9" minutes Zif:
scene-Is ; distance about one Mile and
—.Sanderson's stage, from Lake City to
Alamosa, Col., was robbed by two mask
ed. meu on Tuesday: uight about teii , miles
west of the latter plan e. lletwcer4:soo
mitt 000 was taken from the passeti;.;iiis,:
but the amount secured in tip mails alai is not known. 1:
maners of General Interest.
Aftidout to a ileall !arty.
CINCINNATI I 4.--Seven - pe r .
sons were kink and twelve wounded
by an accident on the Kentucky
Central Railroad at South Covington
this afternoon. All of them lived in
Covington. It was a collision of the
south bound Lexington express with
a picnic exeursion, which was -back
ing north for a florid. • TheArain dim
patcher ordered, the conductor to a
side at Culberton station to let the
picnic train pass. The Conductor
gave orderit to the engineer, who for
got them,: !and passed the station.
The collision was in a deep curved
cut. Both loconiotives .are a t o tal,
Largo Fire at Pilate - Litie, pa
BRADFOIID, Pa., July st ate
Line, an oil. town on the Olean, Brail.
ford and Warren Railway, was aim(„ 1 ,
entirely consumed by fire this fem.
ing, caused by boys playing. with
some fireworks. 'About thirty build.
ings were burned, including. the
Parker House, Exchange Hotel,
American - House, St—Charles Hotel,
Post;ofilee, Olean, Bradford and
Warren depot, several stores, mat:hi t ,,,
shops, billiard ialoons and ihtlliug
hoitses.' • Lorne of the Citizens 1.) , ,t, all
they had.. •
Another fire occurred at iiinn a
Junction this nirriing,c,ause . . un .
known, which destroyed Pic Corn.
naerinal Hotel, Bangs! Op(kra 1100
and one dwelling house.
Another Insane Man Vis
•ton. ' /
WAsursoros, July . 5.-4 Dani e l
Namara, supposed. to be insane, ap.
geared at police headq.uarters 14A m%
He said he, was from King , Williams
county ; Va., but has been living in
Philadelphia.. lie announced that li
had been inspired - by God to tom e
here and kill 'Secretary jl3laiiie.
asked where the Secretary lived %Int
exhibited a revolver. He was prompt
ly arrested. "
McNamara, • who is, not clear
Whether his mission is-to assassinate
Secretary Blaine or Viee-President,
Arthur, has been sent to the e.
Asylum. • He stated wlityi exaininol
that he had been itispi'rea. by the
spirits to kill Gen._Giant during the
latter's administration, but, was de
feated in that .object, any said"that it
opportunity were given hicale_wwil,l
explain the, manner in.which Unite:in
was prompted to assail the. I".'re'-itient.
The police surgeon - pro O onneed him
insane.- and.. appare.ntlls: haindess.
Previous to :entering the
tern he broke two Wi.ndowsLvith
brick S on the.avenue..
:fore ;itionitfity to Wieithitraton. ; "
N kw YORK, July 4;4-Tlw
Washington :'special says : Two
more. crazy persons appeared here
this morning,. One went to the of.
flee of - Gen. Dynn• dn4 exclaim( d.
"If Garfield dips and niei one will a,
sassinate A ithnr, will." Ire w: . e,
arrested: Another .luilatic walked
up to the doorkeeper. o 4 the
House and said : "I Rtn directed tr;
God LO apfily this salvetb the wound,
of .the President," who dill then le
instantly .curet}." He' was dritea
Serv‘d Mtn ittlit
11 TON, 0., Jtily —The• vett
at.,the - Soldiers' Horne; with one !-x
-ception, were overwhelived hr the
shooting of ,thq President. Jamis
!Mcßride ventured to express
,the shod : ling , and boasted that, he
served in the Rebel army "before
fishing in the Union army. Ile' was
sitirunon&l before the Governor of
the Home and -his discharge written
out at once. .A -squadron of the
guards were summoned, and -Me
-Bride was marched-out of the iasu ,
tution, with life and drum, to the
point of the bayonet beyond the
Amomminntion In Arkansa%
FAYETTIV iLLE, July 4.—City liar.
tat Patten and Deputy Sheriff
Mound were assassinated on the
street on :Saturday, night by unknuwa
parties. There is great. eieitcmcia.
IlcirF, July :—Sheriff Ibnielc of
Columbia county, was_as , ztissin3tol
night .by some drunke_u'negruo,
who called him out of hisloti,e.
ttgisnun6 / 1;.)V
-ernor to•day vetoed a number of hills, •
_the I . sllowing : The att.
to provide for, the piiyment of la
borers at regular intervals; to rehear
the act authorizing•elerks of ip t kcts
to weigh butter, etc.; to r4eal the
act relative to appointment - of seal
ers of weights and measures ;
the , protection. of dairymen and to
pretent - deception in sales of - butar
and' Cheese ;-'also an item In the hill
appropriating $209,000 to . the Wes
tern Pennitentiair• All the ;ippro
priation bills except the-enetal•A
propriation• bill were approveil.
Was also the bill relative - to increase
of capital stock by insurance com
THE KansaS City Ti,, reportA that-its
book-keeper mitiered very severel, and
for a lon g time, with rheumatism. lie
tried St. Jacobs Oil and was cured liv ut:®
.bottle of it. . -
'Any Abvertisements.
- ..itualed In Towanda tolvio.lllp,
mile of the Court Ilunbr, holongit:nr, to the e,!.0,.
L. L. Moody, tNee :Red, contalulog ahroit t
will he hold Iht, lAKI, 0t 10 o'clock
the Court Howie. It is a
_.1 , •31i4b1e propertt 31.1
will be sithl on easy teruzs of irsynteht.
fora atlint r gardlng It may Im ohtalhe.l to. N
N. BETTS. C. L. TRACY, N. f!„ 1 . :L.2 , 1111kt "r
ttrolerAlimed. E. T. Ft . N. •
• TOWANDA, Knue 30, 1,581.. Ailtultitstr.vrr.
of the FINt Natlotta/ Bank at T•
In the State of Pennsylvania, at the dose - ef
ncss.tune . lO, tBBt t
Loans and tilscounta
C. S. Bonds to secure circulation..
D. S. Bonds on hand
Oilicr . stocks, l,unds, and mortgages
Duo from approved reserve agent's.
Due from other NatiOnal lianas....
Due front Slats , hanks unit haitYrrs
Heal estate, furniture, and fixtures
Cheeks and other cash' items ..... ‘• .
Riffs of other batiks _
Fractional currency (inclu UfK nickciti
Legal-tentlet note., .
Itedpi rum( with (5t B , Tr. (3 pr rt. of plr.)
, •
CartgistocA paal In
Surplus tuna:— .. ......
1 7 i/divided proflti,
National, Batik notes outstanding
Dividends uniaitt
tudividuai deps:auti.lo ch'k 433; 4 5 3%C.
Demand eert's ot 208,01 .71
Due to other National 11Auks
Tidal . • ,
• .
. : L
State of Pennsylvania. Comity of ltrail f (dd., •,,
1, N. N. 111E'ETts, • l'asliter of Ine-ilisoe n.(sed
bank, (10 solemnly swear that the atsoe ..rt'''"" ; "
1 * true to the hest of my knowledge and Isliet. .
'- ' • ' . f 1.: .N. OF:11"rs, 1'.i..1 kr
- .
Subscribed and miorn to be roro afe MI,: nth day
of J fily,11(81
IttA Ir. 3102LEY, Notary l'UT.lii •
COUR r.c.T—At 1 , 4 i. :
• ..
C. L. TItA f . ..: V.
R. A. Mt:twit P. ilite.l..rS
. • two. sTENE:ss,
.- .
, .
TORati.lai •ittli l's Is-sl-wr . -
$177, ~ t .:
I sNI I/1
1 . rap k)
. 0)
I, .1 o 4
T 156
I.", 04
rt , 3
1., I o' , '
112‹:( N
7 .).t tv tm
' 4 ")
I:" •